#Kang Haerin x reader
jihyoruri · 2 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 BAD INFLUENCE kang haerin x reader
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↳ warnings yn is haerins “friend”, yn is apart of baby monster, minji and yn going at each other throats
"ugh, I hate them so much," minji groaned, her voice laced with frustration. hanni chuckled at her friend's dramatic reaction, amused by minji’s strong feelings.
"I will never understand what you have against YG artists, they're talented," hanni remarked, shaking her head in disbelief at minji’s disdain.
"and cool," danielle chimed in, coming to the defense of YG artists. "have you seen blackpink?" she added, trying to make her point.
"I don’t know, they just rub me the wrong way, like they’re so aggressive," minji explained, her expression tense as she tried to articulate her feelings.
hanni opens her mouth to argue but is cut off by a loud cackle.
the three girls exchanged puzzled glances as they observed their friend. she sat cross-legged, utterly engrossed in her phone, her laughter ringing out for the fifth time in as many minutes. each giggle seemed to pull her deeper into whatever held her attention, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the screen. the others leaned in, trying to catch a glimpse of what could be causing such amusement, they’ve never seen the girl like this before.
minji was the first to voice her concern, “why are you so giggly” haerin looked up from her phone with she opens her mouth to respond but is cut off by the youngest that enters the room.
“it’s her cool girlfriend.” hyein says teasingly as she sits beside the cat like girl who sends her a glare.
“she’s my friend.” she says as hyein laughs and minji’s face relaxes.
“you have a new friend?”danielle asks in the shock, haerin wasn’t much of a talker like the most of them so it shocked her to see that the girl got a friend and they don’t know them.
“and she’s cool?” hanni said with a scrunched face like that was the most craziest thing she’s ever heard which caused haerin to shoot her a offended look.
"hyein thinks everyone is cool," haerin interjected, glancing up briefly from her phone. "but I think she's pretty cool," she added, her voice barely above a whisper.
"she's sooo cool," hyein exaggerated to the rest of the group. "She's an idol too."
"If she's as cool as Hyein is saying, then I want to meet her," minji said, her curiosity piqued. 
hanni nodded in agreement, eager to meet haerin's new friend, while herin looked up from her phone in shock.
"What?" she asked, her voice barely audible.
"Yeah, let's meet her," danielle chimed in, with enthusiasm. "Invite her over tomorrow."
haerin would rather not invite her friend to meet her members especially minji, but looking at their faces made her reluctantly nod.
“okay, I’ll call her about it later, me and her are hanging out tomorrow anyways.”
danielle's excitement bubbled over as she tidied up every corner of the dorm, ensuring everything was in its proper place. she glanced over at haerin, who seemed lost in thought, her gaze fixed on some distant point. danielle paused, a smile tugging at her lips, as she gently nudged her friend's shoulder. "aren't you feeling the excitement too?"
haerin jumped slightly at the sudden sound of her friend's voice nodding.
 "of course she is," hanni chimed in, her voice carrying a hint of amusement as she joined danielle and haerin.
 "especially hyein. she's been going on and on about this mystery girl, driving us all a little crazy with curiosity."
“yeah, but let’s not jump on her.” minji adds when she enters the room, haerin shrunk into her seat at the leaders words, oh she does not know what’s gonna hit her.
“what time is she coming?”
“she should be coming right about-“ haerin starts but is cut off by a knock at the door.
danielle jumps up immediately and practically runs to the door hyein coming from the corner following her as well, while minji follows shortly behind them and hanni stays beside haerin flashing the girl a smile.
the door opens to reveal a girl with darker clothes her fingers adorned with an array of silver rings that glinted in the soft light of the room. among them, a particular ring caught the eye, with the word "mon" etched onto its surface, adding an intriguing touch to her attire.
her gaze, initially downcast towards her shoes, slowly lifted to meet the expectant stares of the three girls gathered at the door. despite the partial cover of her eyes beneath a bucket hat.
minji turned to look behind her and saw a curious hanni and a nervous looking haerin, she furrows her eyebrows before looking back at the door.
“hello.” her voice was intimidating but in a flash she gives them a cute smile, “it’s so exciting to meet you guys, is haerin here?”
“ah, yes she is, haerin!” danielle calls for the cat like girl, haerin gets up from her seat immediately and pushes through her 
“hey.” she says quietly.
“hi.” the girl smiles, before looking at the rest of the girls.
haerin grabs her arm and pulls her inside while the rest of the girls look at them, minji was glaring more than just looking.
“yn unnie!” as hyein's exclamation filled the room, her excitement full, she made her way towards the older girl with an eager smile, her eyes filled with admiration. yn, in turn, greeted her with a warm smile of acknowledgement, a subtle nod of recognition passing between them before her attention returned to the group.
there’s silence before danielle gasps.
“baby monster!” she exclaims walk closer to yn, “you’re apart of baby monster! you’re ring makes sense now.”
yn nods while minji buds in, “it’s pretty obvious, look at her.” yn definitely picked up on the leaders tone and tilted her head while the rest of the girls  looked at each other nervously, already knowing the older girls distaste for yg artists.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” yn says causing everyone to look at each other with raised brows while minji narrows her eyes at the younger girl. 
haerin linked her arm with yn and pulled the girl closer to her, “let’s go sit.” she says practically dragging the girl with her as the rest of the girls follow.
they all settle down, awkward silence filling the room.
“so, what’s your position in your group?” hanni asks trying her best to fuses the tension.
“I’m a rapper,” yn starts but is cut off by minji muttering “of course.”
yn scrunched her face before continuing, “but, I also sing and dance, I’m pretty good at everything.” she says with a cocky tone looking directly at minji while haerin leans closer into yn’s side trying her best to hide her giggle.
hyein laughs at the older girls words, “she’s right she’s really good at everything.” she adds expressing her admiration while minji rolls her eyes.
“so how did you meet haerin?” danielle asks eagerly.
yn sends haerin a smug look while the girl looks off to the side embarrassed, “she just followed me out of nowhere on instagram, right after my entertainment posted my introduction.”
haerin pinched yn’s side while hanni let out a loud laugh, “you’re such a stalker.” she says causing the other girls to laugh.
minji cuts the laughs off, “do all of you guys dress like this?”
“like what?” haerin answers for yn, already not liking where this is going.
“like that.” minji says towards yn, who laughed and stuck her tongue to the side of her cheek.
“we are known our good style.” yn says, playing with her rings, “you know, first brand ambassadors and everything.” she adds shadily, “kinda the reason why everyone else is as well, you would know right?… minji unnie.”
hanni snickers and danielle smacks her arm while hyein just looks between the two older girls.
minji just stares at yn while flashes her a smile.
haerin clears her throat immediately getting yn’s attention, “we should get going.” she says , wanting to get out of there immediately.
“so fast?” danielle asks looking up at the girls who stand up from the couch.
“yup.” haerin says making her way to the door, dragging yn with her who looks behind and gives everyone a smile, “it was nice meeting you guys, I’ll make sure to bring her home on time.” she adds flashing minji a wink who practically has steam coming from her ears.
when the door closes minji is the first to break the silence as they all look at the door.
“she’s going to be a bad influence.
“more like, she’s gonna drive you nuts.” hanni adds laughing.
“I need to go lie down.”
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kopilot-pop · 2 months
[New Jeans x Oldest Member! Reader] - #3
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Summary: Silly little fics of you and the gorls. You’re basically the tired father figure in their lives.
Warning(s): Cursing, car accident?, bribing a worker?,!crack humor, Hanni has a stalker, you get violent, etc.
A/N: This is like really unserious lmao. I wrote it really lighthearted. Also, this was written over the course of the whole Ador vs Hybe situation. So please understand I’m slowly becoming more unhinged as the story goes.
You’re strong. I mean physically strong. All of New Jeans, hell, ADOR knows that.
Oh where’s Y/n unnie?; She’s out for a jog.
Unnie is your hand okay?; Yeah, I just had a sparring match today.
That’s just a part of your life.
Fans adore this about you, the girls adore this about you, and today, you’ve come to appreciate this fact too.
Especially when a stalker decided to show his face again at the airport.
It’s been about 2 months since you’ve last seen the man. He went viral on the news (by news I mean Dispatch) for being Hanni’s stalker.
The last time you met him - oh, it was ugly.
He snuck into a performance venue disguised as a staff member. You were the one that caught him lurking near the MC waiting room.
‘Hanni’s supposed to be in there.’
Five. seconds.
That’s all it took for Hanni’s scream to pierce your ear.
The stalker barged into the room, grabbed the girl, and attempted to drag her towards the exit.
You don’t remember much after that scene.
Actually you might remember punching his face something and throwing something him across the wall, but that doesn’t really matter does it?
It mattered alot to Dispatch, who got a hold of the security footage, and decided to share it for the world to see.
The whole situation cause alot of debates of “Oh he’s a stalker. He deserved it. Good job Y/n!” versus “Wow, you didn’t have to get that violent Y/n.”, and in the end, the company decided to put you on a short hiatus and a long scolding from the producer.
Currently, you guys are standing across a crosswalk in front of the airport. The six of you are scheduled to perform in Paris in a few days and decided to get there early to settle in. You all planned a short vacation before having a whole week of dancing after dancing.
So imagine your surprise to see the dirty little freak right between the paparazzis - with a broken camera, might I add - staring at your group.
After acknowledging his presence, you quickly turned to Hanni - hoping that she didn’t notice him yet.
Unfortunately, you were too late.
Hanni’s body was slightly shaking and you could see the fear in her eyes as she stares directly towards the area where the stalker is.
Instinctively, you rushed to her side, and held her waist with your arm.
“I’m not letting him get to you, bub.”
“I.. oh you saw him too?”
“Mm-hm, and I’ll sucker-punch him if he tries to touch you again, alright?”
Hanni giggles, “Nooo, I don’t want you to be stuck in our dorms again!”
“I think it’ll be worth it if I get to break his nose this time, no?”
Minji - overhearing your conversation - butts in.
“Please don’t break anybody’s nose today unnie.”
“I’ll try my best.”
Minji gives you a skeptical look and you give her an innocent smile.
When the crosswalk light turns green, the whole group starts to walk through the group of people, as security tries to make enough room for you guys to pass.
The six of you were just about to manage through the gates when Hanni’s pained scream cuts through the air. You snap your head towards your right to see the same stalker gripping a fist-full of her hair.
And in just a millisecond, a loud crack replaces the girl’s scream.
The paparazzis’ cameras went wild with flashes - all trying to capture how you grabbed the man by his collar and slammed your fist right into his nose. Your pupils were blown wide, piercing right through the stalker writhing on the floor.
Minji was the only one quick enough to snap out of her shock and grab onto you before you could attempt to break anymore of his bones..
Yeah, guess you’re not making it to Paris.
“UNNIE!! Look at this!!”
Danielle happily skips over to the rack filled to the brim with different bunny plushies. You, her and Haerin all decided to go to a state fair that was happening only an hour away from the hotel.
Technically, you were dragged here by the two of them, but that doesn’t matter.
You watched as the girls looked through the pile of plushies while sipping in your smoothie.
‘Is this what parenthood feels like..’
When the two of them finally chose a bunny they liked, they simultaneously looked over to you… expectingly..
“What. Wait. I already bought us food?”
They nod.
“And hats, I bought us three hats.”
They nod, again.
They’re now directly under your nose, giving you those big puppy eyes. Sweat drips down your back, and it’s definitely not because of the Texas heat.
With a exasperated sigh, you reach into your back pocket and take out your card.
“Excuse me, how much for two of those plushies?”
“Oh, so sorry, but those aren’t for sale. You have to win 50 tickets to win two of them!”
The worker gives you a smile and continues helping out a family near the shooting range. When you turn around, Danielle has a clear pout on her face.
“Aww.. I thought I could buy them..”
“Not you, I could buy them.”
“Potato po-tah-to.”
For a moment you think of the choices you have. It’s either waste cash on a rigged shooting range, give up on the plushes, and.. oh.
“Can the two of you get wait in line for the bucket of cookies over there? Here-”
You hand over a 20$ bill. Danielle squeals happily and Haerin finally has a tiny smile on her face. The older girl grabs her hand and runs towards the stand.
As soon as they turn their backs on you, you slither over to the worker again.
“I need the plushies.”
“Wha- oh it’s you again. Look man, we have a policy that we can’t sell the prizes for c-cash.. wha..what is that..”
You quickly tuck a 100 dollar bill into his front pocket and give him an innocent smile.
“Dude, this isn’t a drug deal, I- ugh, fine, I’ll grab you the fucking plushies”
“Thank you :D”
You carry the two bunny plushies in your arms and a giant teddy bear the man gave you in return for a signature to give to his sister.
You awkwardly walk towards your groupmates while balancing the giant furball on your back.
“Y/n unnie!!! Oh my god! What is that?!”
Danielle looks clearly surprised, but you can tell she’s having a hard time containing her smile. Haerin’s trying her best to help you with the teddy bear.
“I.. uh…-holyshitthisisheavy- I hit the jack pot! Yeah, jackpot….”
You give them a toothy grin, not noticing the group of people taking photos of the three of you, and definitely not realizing the absolute fever Twitter is having over the pictures.
“I’m telling you guys, nothing’s gonna happen-”
A loud scream cuts off Minji as a ghost jumps out from the wardrobe.
Hanni and Danielle screams louder than the ghost, and runs into your arms in fear. You turn around to see Minji in the same situation as you - just with Hyein.
“Nevermind…” Minji rolls her eyes as the actor scurries off to a different room.
But her nonchalant behavior doesn’t last long when something under the bed grabs her ankle. She screams and - quite literally - jumps into your arms.
The moment you let down a wide-eyed Minji, Hanni grabs your collar and shakes you; Pretty sure she’s trying to get revenge, but having absolutely no impact.
“Ack- I thought it would be fun..”
While Hanni growls at you with tears in her eyes, Haerin bravely opens the next door, only to be met with a doll dropped right in front of her face.
The shock causes her to let out a scream-
‘My ears are ringing.’
which you never expected from her - and run towards you to use your body as a shield.
“ALRIGHT, you guys stand behind me, and I’ll open all the doors, okay? That way I’m the one being threatened by the next ghoul or whatever…”
The girls nod their heads in unison. Hanni finally lets go of your collar to grip onto your left arm.
You cautiously kick open several doors, trying to find the exit, and on the third try you finally find another long corridor with a glowing exit sign at the end. The 6 of you slowly walk towards it but freezes when the buzzing sound of a chainsaw starting echoes from behind.
You’re the only one brave enough to turn around and see the clown standing in the middle of the room you guys just left.
“Okay, don’t panic but there’s a clown-”
The girls scream in unison as they sprint towards the exit like their life depends on it. You follow suit, and use your body to bust down the last door.
The whole group falls toward the ground together, and the younger girls naturally grab onto you, tightly closing their eyes in fear.
“Um… Congrats…?”
When you see the employee standing behind the counter, you sigh in relief that the haunted house is over.
“Guys, we escaped the house.”
They finally detach from you to take a look around their surroundings.
“Oh! Well that was nothing.” Hanni scoffs confidently, causing everyone around her to let out a deep sigh.
“We got into a car accident.”
You jump up from the bed - almost dropping your phone - and check the contact name again.
“Yeah, I think Haerin unnie has a concussion.”
You quickly put the phone on speaker and fumble around to find your jacket.
“Yeah.. so since Haerin unnie got her license we decided to take your car out for a drive..”
“Wait, wait- MY CAR?!”
“Yeah, you said we can take it out whenever we want? Anyways, we decided to go to the beach… but the road was really messy, I think my phone is glitched, unnie.”
“We kinda went down this hill… blah blah blah… we hit a telephone poll- blah blah….”
“Oh my god.”
You rush out the door to the location Hyein has told you. When you arrive, you spot the girls and your BMW M3 that you recently acquired after begging your uncle for 3 months to sell it to you.
With a quick glance you can tell that - thankfully - the car is only a little scratched up, so you immediately turn your attention to the girl curled up in the driver’s seat.
Haerin’s head is against the handle with both of her arms covering her face. Her knuckles are almost white.
“Hey, hey, you okay?”
The only response you receive is a tiny groan from the younger girl.
“Hyein said you might have a concussion? Can you look at me sweetheart?”
“She’s been like this the whole time.” Hyein chimes in.
“The car can be fixed, it’s fine, just a scratch. But it’s more important to me if you’re fine, bub.”
With that a few seconds of silence passes and you finally get a tiny ‘I’m okay’ from Haerin.
“Alright then, let’s move you to the backseat so I can drive us to the hospital, okay? Hyein, get in the passenger seat.”
“Hell yeah! Shotgun!!”
You carry Haerin to the backseat, but as you try to get her seatbelt on, you finally notice the frown on her face.
“Haerin, I’m not disappointed you guys took my car out. I told you guys you’re free to do that. However, I am upset that you guys weren’t careful and got hurt. Okay? We can talk about that after we check if the two of you are fine.”
“What- me too?”
Hyein pouts at your disbelief. You sigh and give Haerin a peck on her forehead, and hurry to your seat to get to the hospital.
“Put your seatbelt on bub, I’m speeding to the ER.”
“W-wait, you just told us to be caref-AHHH!!”
A/N: This was fun to write lol.
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httpsryu · 2 months
muse? pt. 4
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pairing: kang haerin x fem newjeans!reader
summary: getting a new member way long after debut and before a comeback isn't really the best idea to haerin
category: enemies-to-lovers (?), kpop idol au
genre: slow burn, angst, and fluff
warnings: a bit frustrating and A LOT of jealousy
a/n: i appreciate all the love muse has gotten so far! tysm everyone :)
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With a small sigh, you proceed to walk into the dressing room, following your hair and makeup stylists. Seeing the fellow '06 liner, you can't help but to already roll your eyes knowing she's probably going to say some remark to you. 
"I would think you've gotten lost or something." Haerin immediately starts upon seeing you at the doorway. 
Huddling the already soaked towel around your frame, you can't help but chatter your teeth. "I think I'm knowing my way around this building since we were here pretty early." 
"Hmm. Good for you." Haerin shuts her eyes for the makeup artist to do her eye makeup. 
You can't help but to let out another very obvious eye roll at the other. 
"Y/N-shi, inside the changing room, there's a new outfit for you to change into." Your makeup stylist says, handing you another warm towel to which you immediately reach out for.
You bow at the older lady, thanking her with a smile before disappearing off into the changing room.
Haerin watches through the mirror, the door closing. She's still thinking about how there was a glowing energy around you, you're a different vibe when it comes to work.
However, Haerin will never admit that. Never in her life.
"Y/N-shi did amazing today." Haerin's stylist starts to talk to the other stylist. "I was so amazed at how well she grasped the cameras!"
"She used to be in a pre-debut show with other SM trainees." The other said, getting your seat ready and making it comfortable for you. "I heard that Min Hee-Jin wanted to bring Y/N with her after leaving SM but the other upper people didn't let her."
Haerin goes on her phone, pretending to not "care" about whatever the two pretty unnies are gossiping about.
"Yes! She practically grew up in Min Hee-Jin's arms." The other explains, looking over and making sure each makeup product is sitting on the makeup table. "Apparently, not only did she grew up in Min Hee-Jin's arms but also in Yoo Young Jin's arms, he only trains the special trainees."
The cat-like female controls herself from rolling her eyes; yet again. Everyone is praising you for being this special star but why has Haerin not seen it yet? This supposed star that Min Hee-Jin went through lengths of bringing over here messes up the easiest part of the choreography?
Haerin doesn't get it; she really doesn't.
It pisses her off even more.
And because it pisses her off, something in her is intrigued by you.
"Unnie?" You call out from the changing room.
Haerin's stylist cannot help but to let out a small 'awe' at the tone of your voice.
"Yes, Y/N-shi?" Your stylist responds, coming over to stand in front of the changing room. "Is everything okay?"
You immediately panic at that statement, looking over in the mirror at the small rip in your dress. Only the second day of being in the group and you've already ruined a dress.
"Something happened to the dress."
"What's wrong?"
You opened the door slowly, peeking your head out with a derpy smile. "There's a rip in the dress."
"Let me see?"
With some shyness in the steps of your feet, you walk out the changing room.
Haerin almost feels her breath hitch at the sight of you in the mirror, her eyes looked at you, trailing from head to toe. Somehow, just somehow you manage to look stunning with wet hair and the "ripped" dress.
This doesn't get past the pretty unnie who just finished up the last final touches of both Haerin's hair and makeup. She lets out a silent giggle at how cute the two groupmates are.
"Hmm, we don't have any backup dresses but..I think we can work with this somehow." Your stylist thinks, rushing out the room.
"Haerin-shi, take care of Y/N-shi. We'll be right back shortly." Haerin's stylist says before shortly following the other out in need of aid.
The feline-like female sighs once again. "You cause trouble everywhere you go."
"Here we go again.." You shake your head in astonishment, genuinely surprised at how someone could ruin the mood SO FAST. "Let me give you a word of advice. you should change your personality. no one would ever like someone who’s fussy and sensitive.”
Haerin snaps her head to turn at you. “I won’t ever ask you to like me, so don’t worry.” 
“Who says I'm worried? Stick close to your words, Haerin."
Haerin could only stare back at you, blinking blankly. She opens her mouth to say something but nothing ends up coming out of her mouth. She lets out a huff silently before turning back around and paying attention to her phone.
"Always trying to start something." You grumble under your tone, which does NOT go pass the cat-eyed female.
Haerin is starting to feel ticked off.
First, she had to wake up early in the morning to do a reshoot for the album (keep in mind that these photos were taken a couple months ago). Second, as if the company wanted to torture her enough, she got assigned with you for the duo shoots (which wasn't even a thing til now because of six members). Lastly, you just LOVE to mumble stuff knowing that she can hear.
Before Haerin could say anything, the two stylists enter the dressing room with various of ribbons and different fabrics to layer over the slight tear.
"Y/N-shi, you can help in the decision of which one looks well with the dress."
The cat-eyed female is a bit curious, so she constantly darts her pupils back and fourth with the screen of her phone and the reflection of you and the two pretty older ladies through the mirror. And somehow, Haerin's eyes focuses on you more than her phone.
Your stylist holds up a pretty piece of pale pink lace and Haerin feels her throat dry up in the back at how pretty the pink looks against you.
"Haerin-shi, what do you think?" Haerin's stylist questions, smiling a bit too wide.
You look up at your group mate in anticipation on what she'll say.
"It's pretty."
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The oldest member watches the couple shoot between Haerin and you with her arms crossed in dissatisfaction. Anyone could tell that Haerin and you don't get along like the others.
"Haerin-shi, could we have you whispering something in Y/N-shi's ears? Like you're telling her a secret only for the two of you." The director suggests, hoping the shot will turn out beautiful like the how the others did.
You can't help but to feel a sense of electricity at how close the two of you are.
Haerin fights her eye roll back, scooting a bit more closer towards you and she holds up her hand besides your ear. She slowly moves her face to your ear, she's a bit nervous and uncomfortable with how close this is.
"Y/N-shi, could you tilt your head towards Haerin-shi a bit more?"
Listening to the directions given to you, you move a bit too close but a butterfly leads you to move a bit too far to where Haerin accidentally kisses your cheek. Both girls turn pink at the sudden contact, looking shy afterwards.
What just happened?
However, this shot comes out perfect.
Minji smiles in satisfaction, pushing down the bitter taste in the back of her mouth.
"No fair!" Hanni protests, sitting down on the picnic blanket in a tantrum-like manner as she watches with envy at Haerin and you.
Danielle could only pat the back of her group mate while she too holds back the bitter taste in the back of her throat with a pout.
Hyein can only shake her head at the way the others are acting. "They are so down bad."
Both Haerin and you pull apart immediately after the accidental kiss.
"S-sorry." You apologize, playing with the grass in your hands while looking down to avoid looking at her.
She clears her throat, rubbing the back of her nape in embarrassment. "It's whatever."
Another shot came out perfect.
"They're naturals at this." Your manager views the photos, impressed with how they're looking so far.
The director and staff all nod in agreement at how the two of you look so perfectly paired up.
"There's something in your hair." Haerin points out, prompting you to look up as you brush your hand through your hair. "No, it's there. Careful, you might take off your headpiece."
The feline-like female lets out a small silent laugh, bringing her hand up to fix the falling elf-ears. Fixing your hair afterwards.
She hums in response.
"Oh! Haerin is so going to get it for trying to get to MY woman!" Hanni fists the blanket in her hand in frustration.
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Being in the van close to midnight is a nightmare for the girls. All they want to do is eat and go to bed. Yet, here they are. Stuck in traffic on the busiest road in Seoul.
"Unnie, I'm so hungry." Hyein whines to Danielle, laying her head down on the older's shoulders.
Danielle could only pat the youngest's head to console her. "We'll be home soon."
Haerin looks from the rear view's mirror of the van from her seat, noticing you asleep. Minji, being the oldest she is, besides you as she keeps trying to protect your head from falling into the windows.
Wait; did she just put your head on her shoulders?
"OMG NO!" Hanni whisper-shouts, looking at her ex-roommate in frustration. "Minji is making moves on MY Y/N."
There goes the Vietnamese's delusions again. Haerin wants to just roll her eyes at the way Hanni keeps claiming you as hers. Since when were you a property?
"She sleeps so peacefully." Danielle softly speaks, looking over at you with pureness in her eyes. Oh, how she wishes you were the one laying on her shoulder.
Hyein fights back a giggle at the way everyone is acting.
"She's my roommate at the end of the day." Haerin flatly says, inserting her headphones in to not get bothered and bombarded questions about why she just said that.
Haerin doesn't know either.
Why does she feel the need to tell everyone that you're her roommate? Like why did she even bring it up?
Resting her head against the window, the cat-eyed girl couldn't help but to let her mind flashback to the accidental kiss. Her lips softly grazing against the plumpness of your cheeks. Haerin brings her fingers to her lips again and she can't help but to smile a little over the moment from earlier.
Realization seeps in and her smile drops, eyes blank as she returns back to her usual expression and shuts her eyes. Drowning herself in the music coming from her headphones and traveling into her ears. (in the back of her mind; she doesn't know why her stomach is feeling funny).
"I think Haerin thinks Y/N is cute." Hyein smiles at the others, gulping nervously at the three girls' expressions.
The bang-haired girl waves her hand, brushing it off. "Yeah right."
"No. I'm being serious." The youngest defends her case. "She just doesn't know it yet herself."
The oldest of the bunch shrugs carefully, not wanting to wake you up. "It's only been the 2nd day, who knows?"
"Come on~ everyone knows Y/N is quite cute." Danielle says, understanding Haerin. "And Haerin does like pretty girls."
Hanni rolls her eyes, covering her ears with her hands. "Stop. Stop. Stop. She's my pretty girl, though."
Hyein sarcastically shakes her head while sighing. "Y/N unnie is actually mines, so..."
The other three could only look at her, assuming that it may be a part of puberty.
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Pacing back in and out of the shared bathroom in the room, Haerin wonders if she should wake you up to freshen up. Each time she walks out the bathroom, she's met with you peacefully sleeping and she doesn't dare wake you up with how content you look in your bed.
BUT, there's practice tomorrow! If anything, Haerin would not want you messing up tomorrow. AT ALL.
With full decision in her mind, she strides towards your sleeping figure.
"Hey. Wake up." She taps on your shoulder repeatedly. "We have practice tomorrow."
Opening your eyes tiredly, you're met with your member peering over you. And somehow in the dim light of the bedroom, she looks somehow angelic and not annoying like the past day. If only she looked like this all the time, perhaps you would be able to tolerate the introverted member.
Haerin's eyes widen at the sudden eye contact you and her both made, backing away.
"It's 2 in the morning, I figure you'd want to wash up before going back to bed." She rubs the back of her nape, looking at the ground. "We have practice tomorrow."
Letting out a small incoherent noise, ultimately, you listen to your roommate and sit up from the bed. "Thanks."
"You need to get better at knowing the schedules." The other states, walking back to her side of the room. "I may be your member but it's up to you whether you want this spot on the team or not."
Too out of energy to defend yourself, you let out a nod before vanishing into the bathroom. Leaving Haerin wondering why you didn't argue back with her.
Could everything be okay with you? Perhaps, was Haerin a bit mean to you? Not that she cared or anything.
She was only just warning her; she has no idea why you would be upset by her words. The cat-eyed girl shakes her head to forget all about it and keep her mind CLEAR from you. She DOES NOT want you to be the last thought in her head before going to bed.
That sounds like a definite nightmare.
Charging her phone, she places it on the bedside table before drowning herself into her covers. Shutting her eyes to get some rest for tomorrow's day, your face suddenly pops up.
The raven-haired female immediately opens her eyes in a frantic state. What the hell? She sits up, trying to process what just happened. Alarmed and frightened, she gets out of bed to walk out to the kitchen for some air.
Grabbing some water from the fridge, Haerin could only chug it down in hopes of being able to sleep and it was all just a fragment of imagination because she was EXTREMELY drained and over-worked.
"Rin?" Jihye comes walking down the halls to a rare sight of Haerin. "Everything alright?"
Haerin shuts the fridge, smiling at her best friend to not worry her. "Of course."
"How's Y/N? Is she sleeping well?" The Australian asks, walking over to grab a cup of milk. "I hope she's not too exhausted, she just got here and she's getting into all these schedules all of a sudden."
The other could only roll her eyes, agitated at how other other girls are worrying about you. After all, you're her roommate not THEIRS. So why does it matter that you end up being on her best friend's mind at the end of the night.
"After the concept photos, I think I saw her in a new light." Jihye shyly confesses, looking down at the cup of milk with a soft smile. "She's just so fresh, I don't know how to describe it."
"Do you have a crush on her or something?"
The curly-haired couldn't help but to giggle lightly. "Of course not."
That was the biggest lie Jihye could've ever said.
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prev. part
finally finally pt. 4 is up!!
taglist: @xszn , @airice , @nnewjeansstuff , @xeiinpain , @jiwoneric , @brocoliisscared , @ilamara , @linnnsworld , @gayforall , @lorsstar1st , @haechansbbg , @dhdhdjjf , @hyejin67 , @mushroom-main , @ilovekimminji , @justme-idle , @kyuusberry , @masuowo , @iraa567 , @shycreationdreamland , @idunnofr , @imahybridicannotbekilled , @twicesserafim, @awkwardtoafault 
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d4yd4iry · 1 month
Totally NOT a crush
Pairings: Kang Haerin x Reader
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Sypnosis: Haerin thinks you’re a total weirdo but her eyes could never stray away.
Genre: fluff
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Haerin of all people knows she shouldn’t be the one to say this but, from the moment her eyes met yours, she thought that you were…weird.
There was something about you that made her eyes immediately stick onto you whenever you’re in the same place. In those moments she would observe your every move, like how you would fiddle with the hem of your hoodie whenever you’re around way too many people, or how you would rather play with your phone than look at her.
The first one she finds cute, the latter not so much. It irritated her, which made her confused. Why does she care so much if you looked at her or not. So inclusion, Haerin thinks that she finds you annoying.
“Want to stay over for dinner? My parents won’t be home until next week, so we can just hangout and eat whatever.” Hanni suggests as she plays Mario kart with Danielle, Minji, and Hyein. Haerin sits by their side, she would rather watch them play than play it herself.
“Sure! I mean, I told my mom that I won’t eat dinner at home anyways.” Minji replies, her brows furrows as she tries her hardest to win. Danielle and Hyein look at each other to communicate before turning to face Hanni, “We’ll stay too.” they say in sync, giggling and bumping their shoulders after doing so.
Hanni nods at their response before averting her gaze to Haerin who is playing with a white kitten, yours to be exact. “What about you Haerin?”
Haerin hums in response, it was enough of an answer for Hanni. “Alright, let’s order food after I win this round!” Hanni leans forward in anticipation, chewing on her lips as her fingers controls the switch.
“As if!” Hyein scoffs as she shakes her head in disbelief. “You mean after I win!” she exclaims in determination, punching her fist up before putting them back in her controller once her character lost control. “shit!” she mutters, yet Minji who was on the other side of the room still heard it.
“No swearing Lee Hyein!” she scolds like how an older sibling would scold their younger siblings. (Having been put in charge of Hyein by her mom, Minji was told to report and control the younger girl incase she does anything mischievous.)
The younger girl who looks like a deer caught in red light, quickly mutters an apology before she freezes her gaze on the TV.
Haerin feels a smile creep up her cheeks as she shakes her head slightly. Luckily Hyein’s mom gave one of them permission to have power of the youngest, or else all hell would break loose. Speaking from experience.
Then she hears a ruffling sound, Haerin averts her gaze to the source to find you taking your shoes off. You are wearing a leather jacket that perfectly fits your body, your wavy hair flows perfectly down your shoulders, glasses perfectly fits your face shape.
Haerin notices your electric guitar that hung over your shoulders, you must’ve been back from band practice.
A burning scent of redness flushes over her face after you looked right back at her. You caught her looking. Haerin pretends that nothing happened and puts her gaze back on the TV, wanting to save herself from embarrassment.
She hears your footsteps behind her, probably making your way to your room.
After a few minutes of her friends one upping each other video games, she hears your footsteps again, heading to the front door.
Then, the voice of an unfamiliar person, a girl. Haerin immediately looks back at your direction, now you’re not alone, accompanied by a girl whom she assumes is your friend.
This time, she does not take your eyes away from you. Her eyes furrows as she fired her gaze at the pretty girl before looking back at you, her eyes softening.
You must’ve caught her staring again since you smile awkwardly at her before holding your friend’s hands, taking her to your room.
“Wait. Who was that?” Hyein saw her too. The girl squinted her eyes, pretending to touch her imaginary goatee.
Hanni snaps her head facing Hyein, “Oh her! She’s Yn’s new friend, I think she’s in the same grade as Minji and I. I forgot her name…Wonji? Or Wony? I don’t know, but she’s been coming over to help her study a lot lately…” her voice trails off before she wince after her character crashed.
Haerin feels her heart beat faster, maybe from the overwhelming emotion she was splashed with after she saw the two. Wonji, Wony, or Wannabe, whatever her name is, she was far too touchy with you. Haerin glares at your bedroom door.
“Ooh! I think that she’s Jang Wonyoung, I heard that she has like a big crush on Yn!” Danielle from her right sight squeals, almost making Haerin’s eardrum ring.
Minji looks at her in amusement, “Really!? Do you think she likes her too? They would look kinda cute together now that I think about it…”
No Minji, they would not. Haerin says in her head. Her mind is all fussy and annoyed by their conversation, it was leading her to nowhere except misery.
Hanni chokes on her bread, coughing for a few seconds before clearing her throat after she drank the water Danielle handed to her. “Nah.” Finally someone with sense. “No way, she likes someone else.” Nevermind.
“What?” Haerin was shocked, she didn’t mean to ask out loud, but she did unconsciously. You like someone. A small part of her wants it to be her that’s the one you like, a bigger part knows that it’s just her delusions.
“Oh em gee! Who?!” Danielle lets out a squeal once again. If Haerin were to continue sitting next the older girl, she would be deaf before old age.
Hanni grins in amusement at the reactions of her friends, shaking her head she replies. “Can’t tell ya, I had to swear on my life to her that I wouldn’t tell anyone.” but her eyes lands on Haerin, giving the younger girl a wink.
Haerin feels herself grow impatient but she can only sit and wait until you come out of your room again.
3 hours, it have been 3 hours and she have yet to see you come out of your room. The girls are gathering around Minji who’s cutting the beef for the bbq.
“My mouth is already watery just by looking at this.” Hanni mumbles, her eyes glossing at the sight of beef. “Me too…” Hyein nods.
Haerin sits still, hands stabbing the meat that is on her plate as she glares at you and Wonyoung.
“Unnie, would you like some more meat? I’ll get it for you.” Haerin rolls her eyes as you smile at Wonyoung who in return, nods with a soft smile.
“What’s wrong? You’re stabbing the beef as if it murdered someone.” Danielle who sits to her right whispers, she looks at the younger girl with a concerned face.
“Nothing.” She mumbles before removing her gaze from you. Now she is starring at the food on her plate instead, suddenly Haerin doesn’t feel like eating anymore.
Danielle notices her friend’s weirder than usual behavior, her eyes follows where Haerin’s were. A smile creeps on her face when she sees you cutting meat into smaller pieces for Wonyoung.
“I didn’t know you have a thing for Ynnie.” The Australian whispers to her sulking friend. Haerin immediately whips her head to face her, a shocked look laid on your face. “I don’t.” she whispers back but the pout on her face says otherwise.
“We’ll talk about this later.” Danielle mutters just loud enough for only Haerin to hear, then smiles when she see you looking between her and Haerin. “I am so going to be Cupid.”
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sserajeans · 7 months
bff premium?
kang haerin x fem! reader
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synopsis: after distancing yourself from a friend you've unfortunately fallen for, the rest of the group catches onto her sour mood, and all fingers point to you
genre + others: fluff, mutual pining, friends to lovers, non-idol au, high school setting, friend group is rly just nwjns + yn
notes: i swear yail update will come i just had this in my drafts and felt bad for not posting for a while!!, requested, IM SO SORRY IT TOOK THIS LONG I REALLY WANTED TO BE IN TBE MOOD WHEN I WROTE THIS 😭😭😭😭 luckily haerin posted some pics that ive gotten completely insane over.. so!
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you and haerin always had something special between the both of you.
you two met in middle school, when your homeroom teacher was assigning seats. she was a quiet kid, and so were you, but one of you had to get over it. so when the class was given a paired activity to "get-to-know each other", you were forced to come out of your shell, and haerin welcomed you (surprisingly) warmly.
it started off as a strictly-seatmate type of friendship, where you two would only interact whenever it was needed. but as you spent more and more time working on assigned activities together, you were beginning to realize that maybe you enjoyed her company more than you thought, and so did she.
eventually, you two began spending time together outside of class; during recess, lunchtime, sometimes after class in the library. it didn't take long until the both of you became really close, a known tandem. you were her closest friend, she was yours, and everyone knew that.
over time, your friends became hers as well, and so whenever everyone was free, your little friend group composed of minji, hanni, danielle, haerin, hyein, and you, would hang out together. at a clubroom, the courtyard, the gymnasium, a cafe, the cafeteria, anywhere.
but no matter how many close friends surrounded you two, it seemed clear to anyone that you were closer to each other than anyone else. the same way hanni was to hyein, and minji was to danielle.
now your feelings for haerin grew a couple years later, and you only admitted them to yourself in your sophomore year of high school. that's about four years or so since you two met, and about a year ago from today.
from the beginning, you had always found haerin pretty. it wasn't hard to admit. she was nice to look at, and the way her cat-like eyes turned into crescent moons whenever she smiled ear to ear... yeah, you knew you were enjoying it a little too much.
and it only worsened the more you got to know each other, because you found out there were so many things to adore.
the way she wouldn't stop talking about frogs, her love for tomatoes, her eyes and the way she blinks slowly when she looks at something she loves (a cat-like habit you picked up when she was watching a recipe video for an avocado dish).
the list could go on and on if no one stopped you, and after talking about it to your mom (who was very supportive of everything, by the way), you came to the conclusion that you liked haerin, in a "more-than-a-friend way".
but you had no idea, not a single clue, on what to do with that realization. what would happen if you told her? if you didn't? would she feel the same? would she be disgusted if she didn't?
crushes and romance was one of the most untouched conversation topics between the two of you, so you had no idea if she was even open to such ideas.
but the one thing you knew for sure, was that she was your best friend, and you were hers. you loved your best friend, and so did she. in a different way, or not, you felt like she still deserved to know. you hated hiding things from her, and history proves it only made things worse whenever you did.
so you decided to confess. great!
and suddenly you see her acting all lovey dovey with danielle.
well, in retrospect, they weren’t exactly being lovey dovey, and you kind of knew that.
danielle was just big on affection, as she was to everyone, and is one of the few people whose pda was complied with (or tolerated) by haerin.
and despite not being much of a pda fan, in that moment, you badly wanted to be in danielle’s place, comfortably smothering your best friend with all the love in the world.
oh, and it didn’t help that people started a couple rumors about them being a couple.
sure, everyone knew you were each other’s number one, each other’s best of best friend, but the way you two showed affection with each other was very different from the way danielle does, to again, everyone, but you didn’t care about that.
the bitter sting in your stomach seeing the two of them made you realize that it was probably a much better idea to just get rid of your feelings (you’re an idiot, you’ve had them for years. they won’t just go away). after all you didn’t want to ruin what you had with two of your closest friends.
and with that goal in mind, so began your plan to avoid kang haerin at all costs!
you’re really stupid.
in the process of avoiding haerin, you indirectly were avoiding the rest of the girls too. you mostly hung out with your other classmates from different subjects like woonhak and eunchae. and whenever you were asked about it by hanni (mostly), you shrugged it off and said it was just “school things you needed help with”.
it was a dumb excuse. everyone knew you were at least top 5 of the class. and what kind of help were you getting if you were going out to places like arcades and karaoke spots anyways?
the girls were bothered, but not as much as haerin was. she was often visibly in a sour mood, ate half of her usual cafeteria servings, and would talk a lot less than she already did.
they were worried for the both of you simultaneously, but hyein and minji put two and two together, which only doubled their worry.
initially, it was just you and haerin's separate well-being they were concerned about, but now that they realized the time frame in which you began distancing yourself matched up with when haerin's mood went down, they were now also worried about what could've happened between you two.
so they took it amongst themselves to at least know what was going on.
"kang haerin!"
haerin looked up from her untouched tray of food, her chopsticks poking around slices of beef in sauce.
minji sat across her as the first two to arrive in their usual lunch table.
"i was asking if anything happened between you and y/n or something..."
haerin looked back down and continued playing around with her food before sighing and looking back up, muttering a couple words.
"wish i knew."
"y/n-unnie! is something up between you and haerin-unnie?"
"huh? what?" you were sat in the sound proofed booth of the music room, guitar plugged in an amplifier. you squinted at hyein's figure from outside the room, putting your guitar on its stand and motioning her to come inside.
"can you repeat that? i can't really hear anything from in there..." scratching the back of your neck, you gave hyein a seat from behind the booth's drum sets.
"i was asking!" hyein took a deep breath, you raised your eyebrows signaling her to continue. "if you and haerin-unnie have something going on."
"h-huh? what? what something?"
"no not like that! i meant you know, did you fight or... 'cause she's been so sour lately! she wouldn't even give me her leftover tomatoes... she wasn't even gonna eat them! like at all!"
the expression on your face shifted to what most would identify as worry and concern.
"...she hasn't been eating the tomatoes? she loves those..."
"yeah! and so much more! anyways, minji-unnie and i deduced it was about you, so here i am." hyein gleamed with pride while you chuckled in amusement.
you leaned over to mess with the top of her head and sighed, "i'll talk to her. you don't worry about a thing, okay?"
and you kept your word to the younger girl. how could you not?
you spotted haerin alone in one of the clubrooms, cleaning up some of the materials they used for the day. knocking on the room's door startled her a bit, given by the minor flinch, but she relaxed seeing it was you.
still, you could tell her facial expression was slightly guarded, and it hurt you, but you definitely deserved it.
she turned back around to continue organizing the materials into three separate boxes, not saying a word.
"hyein said you haven't been eating the tomatoes in your lunch." you slowly took your steps towards her and stopped when you were a couole steps away on the other side of the desk she used to arrange the items. "or your lunch at all..."
she paused to look up at you and give you a short glare, before walking to move a box to the teacher's desk in the room. you followed a few steps behind her, arms behind your back as your fingers fiddled with each other.
"you shouldn't... skip your meals, you know..." you muttered, clearly intimidated by haerin’s cold facade. "health... you need to eat..."
seeing as how you still had no reply, you decided it was probably best to just go straight to the point.
"hey... i'm sorry..."
you were used to haerin not saying that much, especially when you got to know her more and she explained that it was simply just too tiring. but you were also always the exception to that.
whenever it was just the two of you, one would be surprised to see haerin as the louder one. talkative, always rambling about something, while you smiled, nodded, and gave comments whenever necessary.
"yangi, please say something"
haerin loved that nickname more than anything. it was pretty foul to pull that card, actually. you came up with it when you two were having a friendly debate over what animal she resembled.
"i don't know where you're getting cat, y/n."
"are you crazy? how are you getting frog!"
"literally everything!"
"no. you're simply incorrect. you're literally a cat in human form!"
"absolutely not!"
"whatever you say, goyangi."
"what did you just call me?"
"go-yang-i. goyangi. go. yangi."
"you're so... annoying."
"okay, yangi."
she let out a frustrated sigh, looking up at you with what felt like her eyes piercing through your soul.
"so you get to disappear on me without a word, but i have to reply when you speak to me for the first time in 8 days?"
yes, she's been counting the days.
but wouldn't you be too if she did the same?
well, you probably would've confronted her a little sooner. but it's not that haerin didn't care enough to do something about it, she just genuinely didn't want to overstep space you might've been needing.
"thats what i thought." she let go of the box, turned her back, and walked back to the desks to grab the 2nd box.
"look... i'm sorry, i really am." you immediately caught up to her with a few steps, eyes pleading with nothing but guilt.
"if you are then can you at least tell me why you were avoiding me?"
she stared at you, observing how your thumbs rubbed over your fingers, or how your breathing got a little heavy, both nervous habits she picked up.
noting how you probably weren't going to say much anytime soon, she let go of the 2nd box to face you.
"you're my best friend, y/n"
that hurt didn't it?
a reminder that that was probably all you were going to be to her.
"do you know how..." haerin took a deep inhale, it was beginning to get shaky. her mind was a mess, thinking of the best words to express the hurt you made her feel over the past few days. but she couldn't.
knowing the way haerin acted added on to your internal conflict. haerin usually wasn't afraid to speak her mind when it was just the two of you, but now she is. she couldn't. and you knew it was your fault.
but were you really ready to tell her you liked her? now? you wanted to show her you were sorry, but it really wasn't that easy.
if things go wrong, she could continue the game and avoid you forever. and just like that you'd lose your best friend, ruining the group's dynamics as well.
but you figured your brain was just making up excuses for you to not tell her out of fear. what mattered the most now was letting her know you were sorry, and that hurting her was never part of the plan.
"look, i'll tell you, because i really truly am sorry for hurting you," you start off, hands in the air motioning whatever. "but i-... i need you to promise me..."
"what?" her voice was much softer now. still cold, but not sharp enough to make it feel like you were stabbed every time she spoke.
"that you won't be... weirded out, or disgusted, or leave the room. you'll talk about it with me."
"you're the one whos been avoiding the talking y/n, i hope you know that."
you often forget how quick she was with her words. it was like a whip. painful, fast, happens before you even noticed it did. you were just so used to her nicer side. she's never been frustrated with you.
you took a deep breath, mentally composing a script of how you felt and how you were going to say it. just like the million times you've practiced to the mirror at home.
"i've been avoiding you 'cause i think i like you. or, well, i know i like you. in a more than a friend way. and i have been for a while, and i was going to tell you because i didn't like hiding things from you, but i saw you with dani one day and i just- i don't know. okay? it's stupid. i know she's like that with everyone, but i didn't like it when she was with you, so i decided that i'd rather just get rid of how i felt to make it easier and to not ruin any of our friendships. so i figured the only way to do that was if i didn't talk to you. clearly that affected us both in a way i didn't want or intend. i'm sorry i ignored you. it was selfish of me to not think about how you could've felt throughout everything."
haerin took a minute just standing there, trying to process the hell of a bomb of information you just dropped on her. her cheeks were gradually growing red the more she realized what you were trying to tell her.
"hey... hello... did you hear what i was saying... or do i have to repeat it... because i'd really rather not..." you waved your palm in front of the girl who seemed to be frozen in place. "but if that's what it takes then i guess tha—"
you stopped talking as haerin slowly approached you, wrapping her arms around your waist and burying her face on your shoulder. she was careful to do so slowly, giving you a chance to move away if you needed to. she knows you're not into physical touch, and it just wasn't exactly the norm for the two of you.
"i was worried."
"hey, i've been eating fine. it's you tha-"
"no, not that. i was worried you might've overheard dani and i talk about you when i told her i like you, and that you were disgusted by it and didn't want to be... associated with me because of it. and maybe you just didn't know how to tell me so you went with the silent treatment.... i was going nuts, y/n. that's why hyein was talking about skipping lunch and whatever. all i could think about was why."
you could feel the guilt eating you up bit by bit on the inside. it quite literally broke your heart to hear haerin, the girl with not a lot of words, express the effect of what you did. it was like acid, burning up your stomach, your chest, your head. except that acid was guilt.
"oh god... i'm so sorry, yangi... the whole thing was a really selfish move and— and i should've thought about you first. i really am so so sorry..."
you held her closer and softly shifted your body weight from one foot to the other, swaying the two of you softly, somewhat like a cradle calming a baby down to sleep.
"hey... it's okay... i know you didn't mean it. i'm just glad we're fine now."
you two stay in that position for a couple of minutes, feeling each other relax over time as a result of finally resolving the conflict you had caused.
that was until haerin broke the silence.
"so... hate to be the person to ask but..."
"what are we?"
the two of you laughed for a while at how the question was so cliche and cringe yet necessary.
"bff premium?"
"i'm kidding! i'm kidding! but... i say we take things slow? get a little used to this, whatever it is, whatever it could be?"
"yeah, i like that."
the two of you smiled at each other with nothing but warmth and care, before ultimately pulling in for another hug.
"minji-unnie you owe me 2,000 won."
"hyein you're being too loud."
"huh do you hea-?..." haerin pulled away with a surprised face, interrupted by y/n quickly stomping towards the door, slamming it open to reveal minji and hyein falling forward to the floor. a result of relying on the door for support.
"seriously? i expected hyein, but minji-unnie?" you sighed in disappointment, haerin walking over to see what the fuss was all about.
"listen, it's for hanni she placed bets too."
"...lame excuse."
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l0tt1emy · 1 month
hi sweetheart
May I request a Minji smut 😿 like anything you want but with a sassy rude Minji and bottom reader 😓😓
this is my first non anon request 😭🤭
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Kim Minji x F!Reader
A/n: HI SWEETHEART!! Tysm for the request and It was fun making it! sorry bcstakes so long to do bcs I wrote it in full but I saw that you hadn't asked for g!p:(and I was so behind with my studies that I couldn't finish it sooner...This is fucking long AND I'M NOT GOING TO REVIEW THIS poor wonyoung..
Warnings: smut, fanservice, Possessive jealousy, swearing, fingering, cum eating, oral(r and m) sucking breast, pet names, face sitting (m receiving) scissor and idols being mentioned in the middle of sex
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If you were to be completely honest, it wasn't your fault about the lack of attention towards Minji, you were one of the most famous people in your group and you needed to do your mc paper, promoting ships and rehearsing the songs
But Minji couldn't think, your relationship was private, but it never went this long without sex, not that she's needy obviously
And it seemed like every day that passed seemed like everything was against her, literally everything
when you arrived at her dorm wearing only her sweatshirt she could feel herself blushing, and taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the dorm what she thought she grabbed you fiercely, your body seeming tiny against hers, her lips tasted you desperately, her red lips tasting everything of yours, going down to your neck and giving open kisses, not even minding your hand on her arm trying to push her away, but not making any effort
That is until she hears the dorm floor creaking with hurried footsteps, while the voices of what could be considered Hanni's and Hyein's voices resound in the dorms, coming from Haerin's dorm to Danielle's and coming straight to Minji's.
you hurriedly move away from minji, wiping the remaining saliva from your lips that belonged to minji, and move away from her when you see bulging eyes looking at you, it was hanni and she could already feel the tension "did I disturb somethi-" she asks reluctant "no" you and minji interrupt her in unison
"The director said we're going to do a collaboration with some groups for this year's mama" Hanni says, a smile on her face and her eyes shining.
If you knew what would happen, you would have refused, they again made you join the famous idol from each group, making 3 group formations, the first group having you, wonyoung, yunjin and Miyeon, the second group being, Hyein, Leeseo, Eunchae and shuhua, and the third group was Minji, gaeul, Sakura and yuqi, they always left you far from their members to put you with the most popular ones, last year you were with Karina from aespa and it was the most viral news of the week
now you are on the other side of the room, while the director tells you to stay in the center while wonyoung and yunjin kiss your cheek and you do aegyo, all the groups have different directors and you can see Minji never looking away from your director as if that magically makes her change his mind and she can perform with you
" did you understand Kim minji?" the director speaks while minji continues paying attention to her director until gaeul softly calls out to her "Kim minji?" then she blinks softly and her cheeks flush "I'm sorry, what were you saying?.." she mutters and bites her own lower lip in embarrassment "you're going to wear an outfit matching one of the girls" how ridiculous, that was the height of it, she never had talked to any of the girls before and was going to have to do this? "Are all groups going to do this?" she asks, coming out thicker than she thought "they're going to do worse" the director murmurs and looks at your group "they're going to do worse, believe me" the director says once again and looks back at the girls in front of him, without noticing how Minji frowns and one of her eyebrows is raised, great thinks Minji
Minji could feel herself blushing when she saw your performance outfit, she felt like a dirty girl for being horny in a particularly normal outfit, she doesn't know if it was because her lips looked so tempting and she could only imagine what they would look in her strap as your eyes sparkled and you choked on its length, she swallowed and looked away from you, her lips forming a straight line as she waited for the makeup artists to finish putting on her makeup and tying her skirt, everything seemed perfect until she heard a two producers talking about you and yunjin "they would make a perfect ship" "I think she suits wonyoung better" and then she realized that you were going to get involved in yet another dating rumor with another bitch, not her.
The way to Mama was more tense than you thought, you always tried to talk to Minji, like saying her hair was cool, but she purposely pretended not to hear you and went straight to Haerin's side, holding her hand and whispering things in her ear. You can feel yourself tensing up and you narrowed your eyes, moving closer to hanni and grabbing the upper part of her arm "Do you know what happened to minji?" you whisper in her ear, as you continue walking towards the stage, hanni jumps a little and her eyes widen "you scared me..." she sighs and looks ahead "no...is she normal?" She raises an eyebrow "ok" you murmur as you drag your hand out of her arm's reach and resume walking following the members of your group
the performance was even more tense, minji didn't take her eyes off you and didn't even hide it, it was shameful, while you hugged wonyoung and she kissed your cheek the audience went crazy and from the side you could see minji burning your side straight from the head , almost as if he wanted to read your mind, when the presentation ended, You were on your way to the van and stopped at a place for people to take photos, something traditional, your place was on the left next to Minji but surprisingly now danielle stole her place..
When you arrived at the big van, you were going to sit in the front so as not to disturb Minji, but she nervously pulled your wrist and made you sit on her lap at the back of the van, the other members were too tired to see this, you could feel yourself blushing as you Minji's nails dug into your inner thigh and her warm breath blew on your neck
"W-what are you doing minji?" you mumble softly, as you try to adjust yourself but every time you move, Minji's nails dig deeper into your thigh "nothing" she says bluntly, while looking at the window
You remain silent, not knowing what else to say "Did you have fun with wonyoung?" she says, the question hanging in the air, while Hyein's snoring and low music coming from danielle's headphones is heard" i said" She keeps talking "Did you have fun with wonyoung?" the question now comes out more like a growl
you bite your lower lip, hesitant to speak, you know that anything and she would get more stressed "I don't know" you say hesitantly, a laugh sounds softly, making your body shake slightly "You little bitch.." she says, your hand coming down your skirt, you blush and instantly close your legs "h-hey...minji" "shut the fuck up" she says rudely "if you wake the girls up, it won't be good right?" she says ironically in your ear
she opens your legs without your will, you can feel her mischievous smile without even seeing it, she puts her hand inside your panties, feeling your wetness "you're wet" she says moaning "how come you didn't want that?" She says, running her hand all over your folds, rubbing your wetness until you reach your clit, she rubs it, you can feel it throb with sensitivity, Minji circles it firmly in her fingers
" Don't make any noise okay" she says softly and inserts two fingers at once, easily entering your hot walls, you feel something hard in your ass and you already know that Minji is hard
your legs shake slightly, as minji moves in and out quickly, your body quickly becoming aroused and wetter, minji towers over you and kisses your neck, leaving wet kisses on the corner of your neck "you're so tight, i always fuck you and You always look like a virgin" she says bluntly, the comment bringing a strange feeling in your belly of excitement.
with every second that passed you felt that sensation coming, and minji could feel you squeezing her fingers, her other free hand went down to your clit and squeezed it and then rubbed it "come for me" she says, her voice hoarse, with more After a few thrusts you cum, you let out a slight scream, which makes Haerin move in front of the van, your legs shake uncontrollably, while you let out small whimpers while Minji continued rubbing your clit, after a while she pulled away, removing her fingers from you. inside your pussy, and before you can process it she shoves them inside her mouth, closing her eyes and savoring it like it's a delicious food, you blush and hit her arm "idiot" you mutter as you adjust yourself on her lap, Minji gives a mischievous smile and moves away, putting your panties in place, making you feel dirty with cum, making you uncomfortable, and she knew it.
The van didn't take long to arrive, when it arrived at the dorm, Minji was the last to get up, as you arrived at the elevator, it was silent, Minji had her hand on your waist firmly while Danielle was almost asleep standing, haerin looking at the ceiling and hyein and hanni talking about watching a movie today
" I was so scared, the van was making noises and moving strangely" Hanni in the middle of the conversation "Did you notice that too?" Hyein says with wide eyes "I think it was from Danielle's headphones, she just sleeps like that" Minji enters in the conversation, justifying, the two girls seem to think and nod their heads in agreement
when the elevator arrives the girls get out first, minji forcing you to wait for the girls to get out
She wraps her fingers around your wrist and pulls you towards her room at the end of the hall, it seems like something has finally worked out in your life
She throws you into the room, closing the door quickly and pinning you to the wall, moving her hands not so subtly to your breasts, squeezing them like balls, feeling everything you want in her hands "M-minji, not here" you try to say but her lips get in your way, your tongues meeting aggressively
"Shut up" she says her fingers going down to the hem of her blouse, playing with her until pulling her up, throwing her anywhere in the room and grabbing her waist while pressing her hips with yours, making your head to spin
her hands go up and she goes to the clasp of her bra, her fingers fumbling with the clasp until it releases with a click, falling to the floor and her breasts are exposed to minji, her eyes shining
She quickly puts her right breast in her mouth, the sensation making it harden, Minji runs her tongue in circles over it while she raises her hand to the left and holds it between her fingers, rubbing it, then let go of the right breast and move on to the other, sucking them eagerly, you put your fingers on the back of her neck and pull her impossibly closer, minji moaning and immediately stopping "I bet you're very wet" minji says her lips letting go your breast with a pop and going straight to your mouth
minji's hands go down to your shorts, fumbling with the buttons because she's kissing you, on a shelf your shorts are on the floor
"let me see this princess" minji murmurs, squatting in front of you and seeing your transparent panties in excitement, she licks her lips and gives a smile, without even bothering to look into your eyes, she had a priority
She kisses your clit through your panties, making you shudder, she slides the panties aside and immediately sinks into your wet folds.
She licks your clit and lowers it to your entrance, her hands holding your thighs that were shaking, She circles your entrance with her tongue and sinks in, you instantly moaning loudly, she looks at you "if you moan loudly I'll stop, hyein can't hear that" she growls and sinks in again the sensation of nothingness making you shudder
She takes one hand off your thigh and circles two fingers at your entrance, immediately sinkings "I can't wait to fuck you" she murmurs, her fingers opening forming scissors inside you as you hold on to her shoulders for dear life, your legs going wobbly and almost falling to the ground, the combination of Minji's tongue and her nose hitting your clit and your fingers in your pussy, hitting that spongy spot made you scream, she was hungry, and she sucked your pussy like she was starving, she was desperate for this sensation
You could feel yourself getting close to the edge with every second that passed and when minji moved her fingers inside you and doubled them that was when a sudden explosion happened, your whole body shook with pleasure and you put your hand over your mouth to try and push the fingers away. inevitable moans to come out
when the pleasure was diminishing minji got up, taking off her clothes and revealing that she was wetter than she thought, she was soaked, when she took off her own panties she pulled you to the bed, opening your leg and getting on top of you, for a second staring at you until she sits up, the feeling of your clit against hers making you and her roll your eyes at the same time
you are sensitive from the past orgasm, and the sensation of your entrance rubbing against minji's made you squirm, minji's juices were making you more wet, your pussy and minji's were in sync, your clit hitting her entrance and then rubbing her pulsating clit
“Tell me no one makes you come like me, not even wonyoung” minji growls, demanding as she puts her hand on the back of your neck and pulls your hair, forcing your head back"f-fuck minji.. n-nobady" you babble, too focused on pleasure to know how to pronounce a word, minji bites her bottom lip, her mouth opening in a silent moan as she desperately rubs against you, their pussies making a wet noise that echoes throughout the room. "Ahn..ah... I'm going to cum" minji moans, bringing her face closer to your neck and sucking, leaving a mark" please...i-i...fuckk" minji moans loudly rolling her eyes and gripping the sheet, when she cums her legs tremble against you, but you are getting close to your own climax so you continue rubbing against minji's swollen clit, seeking your own pleasure
minji was getting overstimulated because of the pleasure and tried to push you away but you didn't care, your clits collided 3 times in a row then your turn finally came, you fought not to scream, your head spinning with pleasure
after you and minji cum you look at each other for a few seconds until minji separates from you, a string of cum connecting your pussy to hers, her pussy was swollen and red "clean me" minji says bluntly, She doesn't even give you time to respond, her head fogged from the old pleasure, she just goes in front of you and opens her legs in your face, you just accept it, eyes closed and just open your mouth, leaving your tongue for Minji to use
minji immediately sits on your tongue, rubbing her clitoris on your tongue, the taste of her left you addicted, the taste of your juices mixed with hers made you drunk, despite being tired you closed your lips on her clit, sucking and shaking her language in it
minji seemed closer and closer to the edge, then with a thrust she pulls your hair closer to her, suffocating you in her pussy, you do as you are told, minji seems to be very focused on the pleasure and with a thrust she cums, closing her legs on her head, her ears ringing from how tightly she closed her legs
After a few minutes she gets off of you, laying down on your side, panting and pulling you "Sorry" she murmurs "f-for what?" you say breathlessly "I wanted to fuck you in the middle of the people in your group..but I couldn't" she says normally and closes her eyes, her body relaxing "uh..why?" you say
no response.
You groan in pain and look up, seeing Minji already sleeping "good night" you kiss her forehead and close your eyes
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kyujism · 6 months
Airport trip . . 해린 x reader
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synopsis › going to the airport with your girlfriend kang haerin.
a/n › i have not been feeling well.. lm trying a new style idk if its weird?? this is rlly short errmm hope u enjoy
pairing › idol!haerin x newjeans 6th member idol!reader
warnings › none this is fluff
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The airport was alive with the electric buzz of anticipation, and the air seemed to shimmer with the shared excitement of the people.
Haerin and you, both accomplished idols in your own right. The prospect of a quiet getaway had both of you grinning, although you guys were just going to do promotions. Cameras flashed taking pictures of both of you.
As you emerged from the car, Haerin gracefully took your hand, her touch gentle yet firm, a silent promise of solidarity in the whirlwind of the bustling terminal.
She insisted on carrying your bag, her aura radiating a sense of protection that went beyond the confines of the stage.
"Let me take care of this for you." Haerin murmured with a soft smile, effortlessly hoisting the bag onto her shoulder. Her eyes held a warmth that transcended the ordinary, a genuine desire to make your journey as comfortable as possible.
Her arm found its way around your waist as you strolled through the airport, a subtle yet reassuring gesture that spoke volumes. Haerin's shy demeanor flourished. She leaned in, her head resting on your shoulder as if seeking refuge in your presence.
"You know, airports can be overwhelming. I just wanted you to feel better :(" Haerin confessed, her cheeks tinted with a delicate blush.
As you approached security, Haerin's hold on you only tightened, her clinginess turning into a comforting anchor amidst the flashes. The world might know her as a dazzling performer, but here, she was just Haerin – shy, affectionate, and utterly devoted.
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ze-ppe-li · 2 months
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𝗞𝗶𝗺 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗷𝗶
kisses 24/7
you spend your time flirting between the two of you
she cooks your favorite meals
when you go out together she likes to hold your hand or hug you around the waist
loves when you cuddle her before going to sleep
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every time you give her a kiss or a hug she blushes
at the beginning of the relationship she was somewhat shy, but as time went by she gained confidence
a little jealous, but she doesn't show it to you
she's always very attentive to you, since you are her princess <3
loves to see you smile
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𝗗𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗵
surprise hugs from behind
sometimes she likes to tease you for your height
pampering and affection 24/7
into PDA
jealousy? never heard of her
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𝗞𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗛𝗮𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻
will never admit that she's jealous
the one who's least willing to do PDA, she doesn't like to act affectionate in front of the other members, but when you are alone, prepare for a love session
likes to kiss you on the cheek
to cheer you up, she would do funny things
although she won't admit it, she likes when you give her kisses when she's distracted
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𝗟𝗲𝗲 𝗛𝘆𝗲𝗶𝗻
clings to you 24/7
likes to rub your tummy
she lends you her hoodies
even though she teases you for your height, she loves it
hugs at every moment
she would give you any type of affection that exists
aegyo? yeah!
when she separates from a kiss she blushes
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Nᴇᴡᴊᴇᴀɴs ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ɢɪʀʟғʀɪᴇɴᴅs
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ᴬᵘᵗʰᵒʳ'ˢ ᶰᵒᵗᵉ: ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ɴᴇᴡᴊᴇᴀɴs﹐ ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ ɪᴛ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ I ᴅᴀʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ﹙ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ғɪᴄ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ɪɴ ₁ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ🤡﹚
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sharksupermacy · 1 month
The Feels
The Feels- haerin x lee! trainee! reader
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synopsis: i just wanted to make a follow up about on your mind
genre: fluff, timeskip, haerin being a cat, reader being a ghibli fan but specifically just a my neighbor Totoro fan, haerin being low key tired of trader flirting and yet still likes it, boo schedules y’all let haey/n be together, reader actually having short term memory 0.6k words ish?
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a day couldn’t get better than this.
it was a weekend. you had spent a solid three hours asleep now cuddling your sister group member or more commonly now known as your girlfriend behind many locked doors of the entertainment industry. you could feel the warmth of her hug around your waist when waking up. the window has let in the warm sunlight making your girlfriend cuddle closer to inhale your scent. you turned to face your sleeping girlfriend.
she couldn’t be this beautiful the pink hue of the sunset tinting entirety of the room. you couldn’t help admire your girlfriend… haerin. you felt yourself naturally so entranced with the girl who was the same age as you. how could she just be this pretty and yet so different from you. your hand naturally weaving into her hair running through the intrinsically soft fibers as you continued to admire her beauty from upclose.
“what are you doing?” was the question that fell from your girlfriend who you thought was sleeping.
“just admiring you hae. you should fall back asleep.” you suggested to the black hair girl as you slowly stop moving your hand in her hair. as if being a cat caught in an act of doing something wrong. (ikr ironic since hae’s a cat-)
“a little hard when someone is petting my hair and is staring at my face from 6 inches away.” she quipped back as she got up from her sleeping position to take a peak at the sunset.
“right. sorry.” a quick apology fell upon your lips to apologize to the kang as you wrapped your body around hers with the blanket. gently cuddling her as you let your chin settled onto the shorter girl to look at the sunset. “if it makes you feel better there’s a sunset.”
“yet it still reminds me of how yet your going to leave soon.” she jested.
“time is fleeting but your beauty isn’t-“ and that was the phrase that had landed a smack in the face with a pillow.
“stop saying cheesy lines. flirt.” your girlfriend said seriously but you could see the soft smile on her face and a faint pink tinge across her cheek. maybe it could be the sunset, who knows. you lingered on her face for a second before looking at the sunset with her again.
“do you want to watch a movie after we have dinner with your members and my sister?” you said intertwining your hands over her hands which seemed to fit ever too perfectly in your opinion.
“depends. what are we watching” the shorter girl responds.
“what about my neighbor to-“ you suggested.
“respectfully honey… we’ve watch that two times alone… today…” she cuts you off.
“then what you like to watch. we have the entirety of the rest of the day after dinner… and my netflix or should i say my parents netflix account.” you nonchalantly stated as you played with her hands in yours.
“maybe… La La Land…?” the catlike girl recommended.
“maybe…” you muttered off.
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after dinner
you had sat comfortably on the bed booting up your computer in haerin bed once again. scrolling through the account and the light clacking of the keyboard filling the silence of the dorm room.
“did you find the movie?” a gentle voice asked at the door.
“what movie are we watching again?” you asked as you looked away from the laptop to meet with eyes with your girlfriend who was wearing your hoodie.
“la la land,” she reminded you having a sip of her tea before carefully placing it on the table beside the bed. you had type the movie into the search bar and it came up a purple background alongside two characters who seemed like they were dancing.
“i can’t believe you love cheesy stuff like this,” you mumbled underneath your breath as a small frown forms on haerin lips. she gently pinches your exposed arms as a warning. “sorry… you fell for my corny flirting.” you apologized.
“you better be…” she said hugging you from behind as you passed her the other headphones.
both of you had settled in laying against her soft pillows up against the head rest of her bed as the laptop was between you both on your laps. your arm laid on her shoulder as she used your arm as her personal pillow to lean her head against. it was nice… a perfect way to end the day.
when would this type of day would occur again? hopefully soon.
a small smiled had found its way to your lips as the ends of your lips curl up ever so slightly. you scoot closer to your girlfriend who was entranced in the romance musical as the orange hue of her room lights surrounded both her and you.
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author notes: sorry y’all for being dead for so long… not me ghosting you guys for a good 5 months… I’m good. Just school and stuff got too much… should be coming back soon with more stuff. also yall with 300?! while im away- thanks so much like fr tho-
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newjeansgirlfriend · 2 months
for the best
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kang haerin x reader
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yn and haerin had broken up.
“it’s for the best.” haerin had said.
it’s the best for you, yn had thought. she nodded, avoiding haerin’s eyes. she could feel her gaze boring into her, but she didn’t look up, too afraid that if she blinked, the tears would all fall at once.
“yeah.” yn’s voice came out crackly and hoarse, “i agree.”
“i’m sorry.” haerin reached for yn’s hand, but she snatched it away.
“don’t be. it’s for the best right?”
“yn, thank you for all the good times we shared. i wish you all the best. i loved you so much.”
and there is was.
haerin had loved yn. but, yn still loved haerin.
yn’s heart felt like it was constricting, and she couldn’t breathe.
yn had stood there, motionless, as haerin walked away, the only sound being the wheels of the suitcase haerin was using to carry her things. 
it was funny how all of the things haerin had had, all of the things that made this place a home, were able to be packed up into one suitcase.
now, yn was living in a shell of a home.
it felt hollow, incomplete. haerin had still left some things, like her toothbrush. yn had stared at it for a while, before deciding to throw it away. she cried while doing it.
mundane tasks seemed a little sadder, like eating breakfast alone, sraring at the empty chair opposite. the first few days, yn had set the table for two, before realising what she had done. it was painful putting the extra cutlery away again.
the worst was at work. yn kept checking her phone, waiting for her “eat well!! ^^” text from haerin which she expected every day around lunchtime. the phone was always slammed on the table after she realised that what she was waiting for would never come.
sure, you could say it’s for the best.
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vex91 · 9 months
Just Friends
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Pairing: Kang Haerin x Female Reader
Summary: Y/N and Minji were a couple even before their debut but they broke up not long after it. Despite that Y/N still had some feelings left for the older girl. Haerin who was in love with Y/N couldn't stand the fact that for the girl she was just a friend. Will she be able to change Y/N's mind?
Warning(s): Language, cringe stuff, Drama
Tags: Idol x Idol, crack, fluff, angst, idol au, smau
Featuring: NewJeans, Yunjin and Eunchae (Le Sserafim, Kyujin (NMIXX), Leeseo (IVE)
Start: 01/04/2024
Updates: Thursdays
Profiles: OldJeans, SOS Squad
1. Huh sisters are the same...
2. Pizza
3. Jealous
4. Sleepover
5. EX is an EX for a REASON
7. G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D
8. New victim
9. Friends
10. Hang out
More to come...
Taglist (Closed): @pandafuriosa60 @1luvkarina @b000mbayah @idkwhatim-doinghere101 @haerinkisser @awkwardtoafault @huhyunjinwifey @bdscsjhb @thefckghost @bzeus28 @keervah @gayforalll @pupyuj
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jihyoruri · 2 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢BUBBLE GUM kang haerin x reader
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↳ warnings yn is a member of new jeans, fluff, haerin being confused with her emotions, soon to be girlfriends, black cat and golden retriever
with all the windows open in the house letting the natural light shine, the air hung heavy with humidity, wrapping around every surface like a blanket, yn reclined upside down on the worn out couch, her body glistening with sweat, the sticky warmth clinging to her skin like a second layer.
she wore a delicate tank top adorned with whimsical flowers and trimmed with intricate lace, it was paired with loose cloth shorts draped comfortably over her legs, offering minimal spare from the relentless heat.
with each exhale, she blew a bubble of pink bubblegum, you’d think she’d grow tired of blowing bubble gum since the group has got here to film the music video but boredom got to her this was the only thing she could think of doing as a distraction from the fact that they had no service.
she gazed upwards, she basked in the gentle caress of the fan's oscillating breeze, making eye contact with the cat like girl who sat across from her with a fan in her hand.
haerin immediately broke eye contact and shifted uncomfortably fanning herself faster,she reluctantly acknowledged to herself that she had been fixating on yn for longer than she cared to admit. despite her best efforts to ignore it, she couldn't deny yn’s undeniable beauty,even when they’re tired from filming over these past couple of days in an unexpected heat wave.
it wasn’t that she hated yn, she just wasn’t a big fan of the girl like everyone else is, yn was a late addition, she was added to lineup for the group only a month before they had to start recording and filming, so haerin never got the chance to get close to the girl.
well, she just didn’t allow herself, all the other girls immediately made it their job to get to know yn, so they can all feel like a family, there was something about yn that always threw her off, she could never pin point what emotion she was feeling so she just declared it being dislike for the annoyingly pretty girl.
and unfortunately to haerin’s luck, the rest of the girls went to go see the water and left the two alone for the day and to be honest it was pretty awkward, yn and haerin are barely left alone and when they are most of the time both girls just stay in their rooms, so this was new.
“it’s so hot.” yn whined as she fixed her self from her upside down position and got up from couch making her way to kitchen, the same kitchen that they filmed in yesterday, she grabbed two bottles of juice and made her way back to where her and haerin were lofting.
“here” she said softly passing the cold drink to haerin who looked up at her from her seat and gently took the bottle from her hand their hands touching for a split second, “thank you.”
“no problem.” they sat in silence they drank their drinks, desperately trying to cool down, haerin was waiting for yn to say something since the girl was always to talkative
“I’m bored.” yn said out loud, haerin only gave the talkative girl a nod in agreement, taking another sip from her drink.
haerin flinches when she hears a loud gasp from yn who darted over to the nearby table, her movements quick and purposeful as she retrieved a box and settled herself on the floor. a sense of confusion filled haerin as she observed yn patting the empty space in front of her, a silent invitation that hung heavy in the air.
reluctantly, haerin rose from her seat, her footsteps hesitant as she approached yn. sitting opposite of yn on the floor, she regarded the box with curiosity, unsure of what to expect. yn’s infectious enthusiasm filled the rooms, her eyes sparkling with childlike excitement as she eagerly explained her idea.
“let’s make bracelets!” yn exclaims flashing a cute smile to haerin who gives the girl a puzzled look, her smile was radiant, a stark contrast to haerin’s lingering skepticism. "I forgot Hyein packed this," she continued, gesturing towards the box with a flick of her wrist. "since there's nothing to do, let's make some."
haerin’s initial puzzlement melted away, replaced by a flicker of reluctant amusement as she observed yn’s unwavering enthusiasm. with a sigh, she opened the box, her fingers sifting through the assortment of strings, beads and cute charms yn’s grin widened at haerin’s reluctant participation, a silent victory in her quest to break through the barriers of their strained acquaintance.
“so, filming has been fun right?” yn says as they make their bracelets, if there was one thing about the girl it’s the she could never not not start a conversation, she loved to talk, she loved to break shells of other people and ever since she met kang haerin that has been her ultimate mission to win the girls heart over.
haerin nodded as she focused on the bracelet, “yeah.” she says quietly, as time went on she listens to yn’s rambles about the filming for the music video over the past couple of days, transition to the girl raving about her favourite character in a new show that she started watching and the girl can’t help but feel at ease at yn’s presence and talkative ways.
it was sweet.
haerin laughed quietly at yn who started a rant about the character that was mean to her favourite character, “I don’t mean to be mean, but I wouldn’t be sad if they kill him off.” yn says guilty causing haerin to shake her head in amusement as she adds the finishing clip to her bracelet.
“oh my gosh.” yn gasps looking at the bracelet, “that’s so pretty.” she says reaching over to admire the bracelet that had a flower charm hanging from it.
“I like yours as well.” haerin responds her cheeks heating up slightly as she admires the bracelet yn made with a star charm hanging from it.
a sense of confidence powers over her and she grabs yn’s wrist and clips the bracelet she made on the girls wrist resulting in yn gasping and giving haerin the biggest smile known to man.
yn then grabbed haerin’s wrist and does the same clipping on the bracelet she made to the girls wrist, “now we’re matching.” she says happily.
as haerin’s hesitant fingers grazed over the vibrant array of strings and beads, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, mirroring the infectious enthusiasm radiating from yn. caught off guard by the unexpected warmth of the moment, she couldn't suppress the soft giggle that bubbled up from within her, caused yn to giggle as well.
their gazes lingered, curiosity and vulnerability meeting in a silent exchange of understanding. for a moment, the walls that had stood between them crumbled, replaced by an unspoken connection of their shared laughter.
the sound of the door opening cuts off their soft moment the sounds of the other girl’s voices filling the house.
“we’re back!”
yn gets up from the floor and stretches her hand out to haerin who looks at it before softly placing her hand in yn’s, they smile at each other when yn pulls her up but watch shocks her is that yn doesn’t let go of her hand.
instead the girl interlocks their fingers and drags the girl along with her towards the door way.
“did you guys bring food?!”
“yn we’re in the middle nowhere, what food are we going to bring?”
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kopilot-pop · 8 months
[New Jeans x Oldest Member! Reader] - #1
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Summary: You’re the oldest member in NJ. With that title comes alot of responsibilities, from being the support beam for your (not so official) leader to protecting your maknae from rude interviewers. (This is just a bunch of moments of a very protective/warm Y/n.)
Warnings: sickness, fighting(?), protectiveness, cursing, rude people, etc.
A/N: Hey, it’s been a while. So sorry for disappearing for like… 20 days..? I’m back with another NJ fic because alot of people liked the bodyguard one haha. It’s mostly platonic love from Y/n btw. Oh, and lil background info; Y/n's is a 03(a year older than Hanni/Minji) and used to be a dancer before being casted by Hybe.
“What do you mean she has to come?!”
‘Oh god..’
Minji is furious to say the least.
You’re currently holding a sick Haerin in your arms, rocking her back and forth. The poor girl has been feeling off for a few days at this point and on the day of an important performance, her fever had become unbearable.
Last night, Minji woke up to Haerin crying in pain and woke you up in a panic. Since then, 3 hours has passed and the girl’s fever doesn’t seem to want to go down. Minji quickly went to call the manager to adjust the schedule while you decided to keep watch on Haerin.
“She can’t even stand straight oppa! You seriously can’t expect her to-”
“Listen Minji. This is an important schedule and the producers aren’t gonna be happy if the whole team doesn’t show up. As much as I want to help, it’s just not possible!”
Due to all the yelling, the younger girl stirred awake. She stayed quiet, but it was clear to you that she was listening to the conversation.
“No. You’re not going to the festival.” You cut her off before she could say anything.
“I.. I can go..! It’s fi-” Haerin fell back into your arms in a coughing fit. After a stern look from you, she finally sighed and snuggled into your chest. Soon after Minji came in - grumbling in frustration.
“I can’t believe him! He-“
“Hey, sweetie, calm down first.” You put Haerin back down on her bed, tucking her in.
“How do you expect me to be calm?! They’re forcing Haerin to perform in this condition! To make things worse, the performance is in the morning, the weather forecast even says it could rain, and, and-” Haerin sat up in the bed, covering herself in the thick blankets. Her wide eyes looked back and forward you and Minji worriedly.
“WOAH, woah, Min, you need to calm down. You’re stressing out Haerin here.”
“Speaking of Haerin- you! Why would you hide the fact that you were sick?! If you told us sooner we could’ve-”
“Kim Minji.”
The moment you saw Haerin’s eyes become watery you decided to shut everything down. Minji, realising her mistake, immediately stopped talking and looked away. You decided to grab her arm and pull her out of the room to talk.
After a few moments of silence, she decided to talk.
“Unnie… I’m sorry…”
“You don’t need to be sorry to me. Minji. I know you’re stressed out from all the schedules and practices, and I understand you’re just worried for Haerin. However, that doesn’t mean you can let your frustrations out onto your members.”
“I know you’re just trying your best and I really appreciate it, but you need to calm down.”
“I just… I’m just worried….” The shorter girl slowly came up to you. You hold her in a tight hug as she sobs quietly into your shoulder.
“Hey, I know, it’s gonna be okay. I’ll give the producers a call, okay? Go get some sleep with Haerin.”
“Mmph..” You wipe away her tears with your sleeve and give her a smile. Minji decides to give you a final hug and go back to her shared room with Haerin.
You’re currently in a tiny meeting with the producer of a well known music show. Since you’ve been in the entertainment business for a while, you recognized alot of their faces - including the fuming man you’ve been arguing with for about 20 minutes now.
“Hyein’s 15. I’m not letting you put her in that and that’s final.”
“It’s just a damn skirt-”
“The fans would want-”
“We’ve had other idols-“
“For gods sake! This isn’t about you! The stylists already prepared everything and we aren’t going to change things just because YOU think ‘the skirt’s too short’.”
This whole debacle started with a slight comment from Hyein. She’s preparing for a solo special stage on Music Bank, and you decided to tag along for support..
(1 Hour Ago)
“Hey! You really came!!”
Hyein - in her tall glory - came running towards you, capturing you in a tight hug.
“Oof- Hey bub, good to see you too.”
You give her a slight pat on her head, holding her tightly to your body.
“Hehe, oh-! Have you seen my makeup for today?! It’s really pretty, with jewels, and…”
You watched as the younger girl went on and on about her excitement. It was her first ever stage alone, and you knew the amount of practice and effort she put on just for this moment.
“- and, and the jacket! It’s pink and so cute! Everything’s amazing - well, there is the skirt - but the dancers are just amazing!!”
“Whoah- what? What about the skirt?”
(1 Hour Later)
So you’re now in the waiting room, arguing, while Hyein is practicing in a different room with dancers.
You are extremely protective over your members, and everybody in the building probably knew that. A video of you almost physically fighting with a rude staff (that decided it was okay to threaten Hanni) went viral in the past, so the staffs were looking between you and the producer nervously.
It didn’t help that your face was gradually becoming more sour as the man went on about ‘pleasing the crowd’.
“What do you mean this isn’t about me? That’s your excuse? Hyein’s my teammate, she’s our maknae, and you’re trying to put her in and outfit she’s clearly uncomfortable in - for what? To appeal to disgusting perverts sitting in the crowd just waiting for a wardrobe malfunction?!”
“Of course n-”
“Listen. I’m not telling you to completely change everything in the crowd, all I’m telling you, is to let our stylist change the skirt to the pants she already prepared just in case. I genuinely don't see a single problem with that."
"Unless you're one of the 'perverts in the crowd'."
"How dare y-!"
"I'll take that as a no."
You quickly pushed past the fumbling man - bowing to the stressed staff members - and let out a deep sigh to calm yourself.
You promised to help Hyein rehearse after all.
There is no doubt in your mind that Danielle is one of the sweetest human beings in the world - and you hate it.
Not that you hate Danielle, god no, it's just that you absolutely hate the people around her that try to take advantage of her sweet personality.
Thankfully, she has scary dog privileges (you).
"Um...haha.. really...?"
You were getting drinks for the group at the vending machine when you faintly heard the younger girls voice from the hallway. In your mind she was supposed to be with the makeup artist, so why was she here?
"Yes! I really, really like you Danielle!"
You dropped the drinks in your hands and sped to where the conversation was.
Near the bathroom you could see Dani gripping onto your jacket(she was cold), nervously smiling at another idol practically cornering her and... confessing his love..?
"I took a long time trying to build up the courage to ask you.. and I was hoping that maybe we could go on a date some time?"
"I'm really flattered... but.. um.."
You could tell she was uncomfortable. She was stuttering, trying her best to form a refusal, but you knew your Dani hated saying no - especially when she knew the other person would be heartbroken by it.
You hesitated choosing between stepping in and just watching until either Dani says something or the boy leaves, but that was all thrown out the window when he decided to grab her before she could back away.
The young boy visibly froze up at your deep voice.
He was tall for his age, but still alot shorter than you. He nervously turned around and the moment he saw your face he could tell you were not happy.
"Oh! Um hello su-"
"We need to prepare for the stage Dani. Come on."
You lightly slapped his arm way and pulled her into yours, quickly making your way to your group's waiting room.
As soon as the door shut, you were finally able to check on her.
"You okay? He didn't do anything did he?"
"I'm fine unnie! Thank you so much.. I just didn't know how to tell him I wasn't looking to date anyone... He's one of my new friends, and I didn't really want to lose him, and I didn't want him to feel bad - oh no! I just left him there! Oh, maybe I should go back-" The younger girl started to ramble her worries, making you slightly panic.
"Hey! It's okay! He's gonna be fine.. And Dani! You can't always say y-........ nevermind.." You sighed.
You definitely hate how her puppy eyes make you weak, too.
It's a casual day off at the New Jeans house.
Just like any other break day, you decided to take a long nap on the couch. Quiet, peaceful, and not a single soul wanting to bother y-
"Nevermind..." You sighed.
That thought was shattered into pieces when you woke up on the couch with Hanni on top of you.
You have a warm body in general and all the girls usually used you like a heater whenever they were cold, huddling into you like baby penguins surrounding their mother.
That included cuddling into your arms whenever they caught you taking a nap on the couch.
So when you stirred awake, you weren't surprised to find Hanni (Y/n Heater's #1 fan) lying on top of you, spread like a flying squirrel.
'Ah, who cares.'
You decided to just go back to sleep, right hand holding the younger steady just in case she falls like last time.
You woke back up abut 30 minutes later to find that your chest has gotten heavier.
You tiredly opened one eye to see that another body - Hyein - has been added to your napping form. You were honestly used to this by now, and decided go back to sleep - already expecting at least one more addition to the pile when you wake back up.
'There it is.'
20 minutes later, you woke back up to the sound of a soft voice calling for you.
You lazily opened your eyes to see Danielle standing next to you awkwardly.
"Hmm? Need somethin' sunshine?"
"...Can I join..?"
You stared at her in disbelief before letting out a soft chuckle.
"Yeah sure, might be a tight squeeze though- oof!"
The moment you approved she rammed into your side, squeezing next to Hanni. She was slightly hanging off the edge, so in a second you held on tight to her arms - just in case.
You let out content sigh while falling back asleep.
It was 4 hours after you started you nap when you awoke for the 4th time.
You opened your eyes to see two lumps on the floor next to the couch. Minji was awake, watching the TV on a low volume, while Haerin was lying on the floor with her head in Minji's lap - lightly snoring.
"She's practically purring, huh?"
Minji - slightly jumped by your voice - let out a quiet laugh.
"Yeah, she seemed tired."
"Hmm... aren't you?"
"I just enjoy seeing you guys like this."
"This? This is basically going to the gym. Have you ever carried 3 bodies on your chest?"
She let out a giggle.
"No, but what I meant is that I enjoy seeing you guys happy like this."
"Don't laugh! I mean it."
She lightly leaned back for her head to rest on your shoulder.
"It's peaceful. And I love it."
A/N: Thanks for reading. Love y'all <3
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httpsryu · 5 months
muse? pt. 3
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pairing: kang haerin x fem newjeans!reader
summary: getting a new member way long after debut and before a comeback isn't really the best idea to haerin
category: enemies-to-lovers (?), kpop idol au
genre: slow burn, angst, and fluff
warnings: a bit frustrating and A LOT of jealousy
a/n: i appreciate all the love muse has gotten so far! tysm everyone :) pt.1 and pt.2 of muse
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The second the leader entered the dorm with the rest of the girls behind her, she feels a sense of energy being off at the sight of seeing you sitting on the couch in the living room.
"Is Haerin not keeping you company?" Minji asks, setting down the food and cake on the countertop.
You look up from your phone, startled while wondering what time the others have gotten back. You let out a half smile, shaking your head.
"She did keep me company." You lie.
Great; the first day and you're already lying for the sake of someone who probably and surely doesn't even like you.
"I'll go call her to help set up." Danielle announces with a gentle smile, rushing towards the end of the hall where Haerin's and your room sat.
Minji hums with a nod, looking over at you with concern. She's worried that you're regretting the decision to come over here from SM.
"Y/N! Which hat do you like on me?" Hanni breaks the weird atmosphere, holding up a princess crown and a bear headband with a bright smile, scrunching her nose.
You let out a small giggle at how adorable your member is. Getting up from the couch, you walk to where Hanni is and tilts your head while thinking. Eyes constantly darting back and fourth between the two options before catching the other choices in the bag next to Hanni.
"You're so cute, Y/N!" Hanni scrunches her nose at how cute you look trying to concentrate.
"I think this one seems to match you well." You reach for the bunny ears in the bag, holding it up next to the Vietnamese with a content smile at how well it resembled her.
Hanni smiles, showing her gums as she grabbed it. "If Y/N says it matches me, I'll wear it."
"Minji unnie matches this bear headband." You speak with a small smile, handing it to the oldest who is checking off a few things to make the best welcome party.
The leader feels her ears flushed from you calling her 'unnie', grabbing the headband from you and clearing her throat afterwards. "Thank you, Y/N."
"Oh get up woman!" Hyein exclaims, making Minji choke back on her saliva before turning over to you. "Unnie, pick one out for me too!"
You turn to the youngest, letting out a hum as you take a look at the remaining options. Before you could make a choice, Danielle emerges out from the hallway while dragging a lifeless Haerin along with her.
"Did we miss anything?" Danielle asks, noticing how Minji and Hanni have headbands on and seeing you look so cute focusing on what to pick for Hyein.
Hanni can only giggle in response. "My Y/N picked out my headband for me."
Haerin snaps her head at the 'my'.
The youngest excitedly nods. "And you should've seen how red Mi-"
"-Hyein-ah?" Minji glares, having the youngest exert a low pout on her lips.
The other Australian releases her grip from Haerin before prancing over to you too. "Omg!!! Could you pick one out for me too?"
The cat-eyed female could once again scoff and roll her eyes at how her members are acting right now.
What a joke, really.
The feline-like female can only watch with a bitter taste in her mouth as the other girls are fighting for your attention on helping them choose out a stupid accessory (besides minji who's still a bit flustered and taken aback from you calling her 'unnie').
"Let's start making the desserts and prepare the food!" Danielle suggests, having the others nod in agreement after all of them got assigned a headband from you. "That way, when we're finished eating, we can all have a sweet treat!"
Hanni gently held both of your shoulders from behind, motioning you to sit comfortably at the couch while promising that she'll make something delicious for you.
"Haerin, will you keep Y/N company?" Minji sternly commends.
The introvert could only hum with a small nod. What other option does she have?
Apparently, the cat-eyed female who thought others having you pick out a stupid accessory all of a sudden had a change of heart because she's already making her way to where the bag of party favors all sit in. She quickly turns around to take a peek at you, noticing that you, the person that they're throwing the party for doesn't have an accessory.
Looking down at a few options, the cat-eyed female grabs one.
"It matches you."
You blink a few times at the sight in front of you. Blankly looking at the hand, which is handing you a princess tiara.
Are you hearing her correctly? What happened to the Haerin earlier?
"Are you going to take it or just sit and stare at it?" The female who is barely older than you monotonously asks.
Fighting the urge to roll your eyes all the way to the back of your head, you grab it from her. Getting startled at the touch both yours and hers fingers had. Coughing to get rid of the weird air, you put on the tiara.
"Oh-you have some hair-"
"-Where? Here?"
"-No, a little more to your left-no, it's-I got it." The other leans down to fix the piece of hair standing out from you and putting it behind your ear. She stares at you afterwards, you and her make eye contact prompting her to back away.
Rubbing the back of her neck, she motions over to the bag of party favors. "You're not going to pick one out for me?"
"Huh? Oh, I can if you want me to."
From afar, Hyein is trying her best to hold back Hanni from barging over. "Do something! She's trying to make moves on my Y/N!"
"Haerin does like pretty girls." Danielle could only say, laughing at how Hanni is overreacting.
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Haerin awkwardly sits away from you on the other side of the couch, a space evident between you two.
Her hands are laying on her lap as she attempts to concentrate on the screen in front of the both of you. She still can't believe you're 100% on board with debuting as a member of NewJeans.
What could this mean for her though? Could there be possibly a concept change last minute for the comeback all because of a newcomer? How will this affect NewJeans positively? When will ADOR announce to Bunnies that they're debuting a new sixth member after releasing countless of hits.
Haerin can admit you're pretty, yes. She's certainly not blind. However, everything just feels like an irrational choice. She's not happy with Min Hee Jin's decisions this time.
She wants to ask you why you chose to be apart of a rash choice.
"Y/N unnie!" Hyein runs out from the kitchen, scurrying over to sit right next to you, leading you to sit a bit closer to Haerin. "I think you're really cool."
The feline-like female furrows her eyebrows, wondering why the other girls are perfectly fine with this. She furrows her brows even more when seeing your eyes crinkle brightly, a perfect smile that could make anyone caught in your charms.
"Oh, Hyeinnie, I think you're more cooler than me." You gently say back to her.
The big baby shakes her head. "Min Hee Jin told us earlier that you've been a trainee since you were 6, is that true?"
6? Haerin can feel how tense you've gotten at the subject.
"Haha. I was casted at 5 and was wary about the idea. But they kept casting me til I finally gave in." You managed to say without sounding too exhausted about your now previous company, the place you grew up to as home.
Hyein nods, interested in your early life. "I see. I can understand why they kept casting you, you look like a star, Y/N unnie."
Oh please. Haerin wants to snort at the nonsense. A star can dance to a whole choreography without messing up every damn 5 seconds.
"Say that for today." Haerin mumbles under her breath lowly, enough for only her to hear.
"Hyein-ah! Quit bothering Y/N and help us set up the table for dinner!" Hanni yells from the kitchen, resulting in the giant baby to groan loudly in agony before getting up from where she sat.
Haerin laughs at Hyein's antics, shaking her head at the oldest's scolding.
You smile a bit at the feline-like female's laughter. Ever since you've gotten here this morning, it seems like Haerin has been in a weird mood and just doesn't like to smile. At least around you, that is.
"She's cute when she smiles." You "think" to yourself, returning back at the screen.
The female besides you quickly turns to look at you, meeting with your side profile instead.
Did you mean to say that out loud?
Haerin feels the back of her neck burning up at those words, she gulps not wanting to take any meaning into it before slightly shaking her head and going back to look at the same screen you were looking at.
Haerin isn't like the other girls; she won't let a pretty girl get to her like that. She's standing her ground on why you being apart of this team is such a bad idea.
Right? RIGHT!
Just in time, the other members finally got done preparing the food.
"Alright! Time to eat!" Danielle loudly exclaims, walking in carefully with a big pot of wonton soup (the other girls totally didn't search up your favorite foods) for this party.
You immediately stand up from your spot, wanting to rush over to help the Australian.
"Oh no! Sit down Y/N, you're our special princess." Danielle brightly smiles, setting down the pot on a thick coaster. "Rin, could you help Hanni out back in the kitchen?"
Haerin tenses, looking at her best friend with a bothered expression at the idea of having to do stuff FOR you. Prompting the Australian to mouth the word 'please' with her adorable puppy eyes, leaving Haerin to sigh and get off from her seat.
"Y/N-ah! You look so pretty with this crown." Danielle turns her eyes back to you, looking at you with immediate affection.
You smile back at the other, eye-smile crinkling. "Thanks, Jihye unnie."
The older can't help but to gasp again at you calling her 'unnie' with that cute eye-smile. Oh, how she understands what Hanni is talking about now. (you're very real).
"Hey! Bro! Bro! Back off my Y/N!" Hanni glares at her fellow Australian mate, with Haerin clenching her hands tightly around the soda bottles at the word 'my'. "I wont hesitate to throw these cups at you!"
The 05' just purses her lips while shaking her head, grabbing the cups from Hanni.
"Bro, I can hear your voice from the kitchen." Minji tiredly says, emerging out from the kitchen with another big pot of spicy rice cakes and Hyein accompanying her with bowls and plates. "Tone it down a notch before you scare our new member away."
New member. That word makes you happy.
On the other hand, the irritation that Haerin always keeps feeling is creeping at her head.
New member. Oh, how she wishes it wasn't true.
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Seeing your new team all enjoy their food, you can't help but to smile gently at them all (not haerin though, she made you mad by not handing you a pair of chopsticks even though you asked).
"You know how we planned to eat desserts after?" Hanni yawns, stretching out her arms. "I'm too full and tired to."
The others nod in agreement.
"Okay. Let's pack them and take them with us to our schedule tomorrow." Minji suggests, darting her eyes between Haerin and you.
The Vietnamese knows the tricks up her friend's sleeves. "Last one to touch their nose has to clean up these dishes and pack the cookies away!"
Everyone INSTANTLY touch their noses, you and Hanni both being the last ones.
"Ahh~ I get to be with my Y/N!" Hanni jumps up in excitement, knowing she lost on purpose (she couldn't help herself)
There it goes again; the way Haerin's jaw clenches at 'my Y/N'.
And for some strange reason, she hates to be around you, yet alone stand near you. And yet, she likes to be near you. Like now, while the others fought over who got to sit next to you during dinner, the cat eyed female silently walks over to you, taking the spot everyone seems to only care about.
But it doesn't make any sense for Haerin and what she's about to do.
"I'll help Y/N clean and put away the cookies." She monotonously says. "After all, she is my roommate."
Minji pleasantly smiles at the feline-resmebling female, nodding. "Great, that works out then."
"Wait! No!" Hanni argues, standing up from the ground with her hands in fists. "I lost though?"
Hyein yawns, stretching out her arms. "Just let Haerin do it, it makes sense anyways. Aren't you tired anyways?"
"Yeah. Bro." Minji teases, sticking out her tongue at the younger.
Hanni dramatically "fumes", her nostrils flaring in anger. "Dani, hold me back before I do something regretful."
"Let's start cleaning up before something breaks like last time." Haerin gets up, collecting the pile of plates.
You blink, processing what your member just said. Break? Last time?
"We don't have all night." The other said from where she's standing, peering behind her shoulder to look back at you with an annoyed expression.
You can't help but to silently sigh, grabbing the rest of the plates and cups and shortly following the cat eyed girl into the kitchen.
"Just leave them on the counter." Haerin shortly says, turning the sink on.
You shake your head. "We're supposed to be working together?"
"Y/N! Haerin! We're going to get ready for bed now." Hanni yells from the other room.
"Don't forget! We have to wake up at 5 today for the reshoot!" Minji also yells.
Getting up at 5AM to do a reshoot on the concept photos rubbed Haerin in the wrong way. Why does she have to suffer her precious sleep for a stranger?
You notice how loud Haerin has gotten when it comes to the dishes all floating in the sink, causing all sorts of clatters and ruckus.
"Everything okay over there?" You ask, coming over to help her with drying the dishes.
Haerin tenses up, feeling anger creep up her neck. "Just back off, okay? I got this."
"I just wanted to help you?"
The feline-like female scoffs, inhaling and exhaling deeply. "I don't need your help."
"What's your problem?" You fume, looking at the plate in the other's hand.
Haerin shrugs, rinsing off the plate and placing it aside for her to dry later with a wipe cloth.
"Oh. I get it. You're still mad that I messed up during today's practice."
Haerin rolls her eyes, knowing you at least got one thing right today and it was the fact that yes, you did mess up and yes, Haerin did get upset about it. She is not going to sit here and watch you jeopardize her career that she's worked so HARD for. No, Haerin was not going to let that happen.
"Pack the cookies up." She unemotionally says, continuing to rinse the remaining plates trying to not let her anger take the best of her.
Not wanting to pick a fight, you obliged and went over to where the tray of cookies sat on the kitchen's island. Opening the container sitting besides them, you placed the heart-shaped cookies into it with a soft smile at how thankful you are for the members.
"Try not to screw it up for the rest of us during the reshoot, yeah?" Haerin dries the last plate up and places them in the cabinet. "I'm getting ready for bed, close the lights out after."
What the hell was that about?
Most importantly, what the fuck is up Haerin's ass for her to be so mean and rude all the time.
"I should've never left SM..." You couldn't help but to quietly mumble under your breath, regrets are finally sinking in to you.
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"I wonder how Y/N unnie is going to look in the outfits." Hyein jumps up in excitement upon arriving to yours, Minji's and Danielle's dressing room.
Hanni nods in agreement. "I still can't believe they put me with you two and not them."
"Excuse me?" The youngest whips her head in instant speed, looking offended. "It's bad enough I have to share a room with you, you think I want to paired up with you, Hanni unnie?"
Haerin sighs, knocking on the door of the dressing room.
"Coming!" Danielle says from the other side, opening the door slightly and letting out a cute noise before widening the door to let her members in. "You guys look so good!"
Haerin smiles softly in response, linking her arm with Australian.
"Where's my Y/Nnnie?" Hanni walks in, scanning the room before taking a seat down on the couch.
Not that word again.
"She left real quick to get a drink with Minji unnie." Danielle replies, dragging Haerin with her to sit down on the couch in the dressing room. "But omg guys! She looks super pretty. Like she was already pretty when she first arrived, right? But after her hair got done, her makeup and her fit of clothing, AHH she looks amazing!"
The Vietnamese smirks, looking at the other Aussie. "Sounds like Jihye has a crush?"
"What? No." Danielle flat out denies.
However, Haerin stares at her best friend, confused as to why her face is suddenly all flushed bright pink.
"You sure?" Hyein asks, wondering about the actual truth. "Because if you do, you have two other girls fighting for her attention."
Danielle gasps, covering her mouth. "Omg, whoo?"
"Me!" Hanni retorts, rolling her eyes.
"And Minji unnie."
Haerin cannot believe it. She really absolutely can't.
'What are they on about?' Haerin cannot help but to think to herself.
"Whether you guys have a crush or not, we're a team so nothing is going to happen anyways." Haerin breaks the slight argue, unlocking her phone to interact with 'Bunnies'.
"Okay, whatever." Hanni replies, rolling her eyes again at the younger's 'nerd' talk.
A knock on the door leads the other four girls startled, wondering who it is.
"Hey Dani, we're back." Minji announces from outside.
Danielle quickly fixes her hair, releasing her arm from her best friend's, she gets up with a slight prance. Clearing her throat before opening the door.
"You guys took so long, I was starting to miss you." She frowns with a pout, earning a small giggle from you.
Haerin turns her head at the sound from you, she feels like she suddenly can't breathe at your appearance.
Dani was right.
"Y/N unnie! You look so pretty!" Hyein jumps up, darting towards you, Minji and Danielle.
Seeing Hyein, you smile and wave at her. Darting your eyes to the other two members sitting on the couch, Hanni waves back with a wink while Haerin stares at you before looking back down at her phone.
You conclude that the member is an iPad baby.
"Y/N, this bow matches you so well!" Danielle said, for what seems like the 6th time today.
She tries to look occupied with her phone but her eyes are constantly staring down at the way Minji's arms is linked with yours and how Danielle is fixing the cute bow in your hair.
"Are you excited for the concept photos, unnie?" Hyein asks, leaving you wide-eyes at the sudden question.
You start to walk, to take a seat and everyone follows you, wanting to know your answer. Most importantly, they want to know how you feel about being apart of the team, on the second day.
Something naturally must be pulling you close to Haerin, because somehow, sitting besides her just feels right, even if the both of you haven't come to terms yet with one another.
Haerin feels her body tense at the scent coming from you; she was always weak for pretty girls who smell good. God, the universe is starting to curse her, this has to be karma, right?
The cat-eyed female doesn't know if it's because of the way your hair is beautifully styled in waves; kind of similar to Minji's hair, or if it's because your eye makeup seems to accentuate your already natural features or if it could be the cute elf ears added to you for the concept. Something about you makes Haerin have a weird burning and itchy sensation in the back of her throat and it pisses her off.
"I am excited." You can't help but to feel grateful for how welcoming everyone, well mostly, are to you. "You all have been so welcoming, it feels like I've been here since day one, thank you all."
The Wasian female giggles, screaming as she squeezes your cheeks. "AHH, Y/N, you are SOO CUTE!"
"After we do solo shoots and group shots, we'll be in pairs." Minji announces, taking the piece of paper she was handed earlier in the morning from her coat pocket.
Her eyes read the pairs, a small little smirk is tugging on her lips. "Hanni and Jihye are paired up, Y/N and Haerin are paired up, and Hyeinnie and I are paired up."
The Aussie line sighs, relieved that they're partners but upset at how Haerin manages to be SO lucky to get paired up with you.
Haerin cannot help but to feel sort of smug and nervous irritated knowing that she's yet paired up with you again.
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Everyone watches you as you pose in the water, holding a white rose in your mouth as you look over at the camera with a specific look in your eyes.
"She's a natural.." Minji couldn't take her eyes off of you and at how you being in front of the camera looks like such an every day thing to you.
Haerin understands now. She understands why SM kept casting you; you do have that star quality in you, you were born to be an idol. She gets it.
Just how much did Min Hee Jin went through lengths to snatch you from the basements of SM.
"You two are definitely going to kill this couple shoot." Danielle encourages her best friend, with a small 'fighting' symbol made with her fist. "I'm positive you two will lead one another well during the shoots."
Couple shoot?
"Good! Y/N-shi, each photo is coming out very well!" The photographer praises you, making you feel red about it which earns an orchestra of 'awes' from your members.
Even Haerin couldn't help but to let out a small smile at it.
Wait, what? Did Haerin just smile at you?
Why does the smile from her face makes you feel even more shy?
"She's all red from the water but somehow it makes the shots look even better." The director says to his assistant, who agrees with a fast nod. "Fans will love her, for sure."
Is he right? Would 'Bunnies' love you?
"Okay Y/N-shi, you're all set!" The upperman in the industry says with a proud smile, looking at you like you're his own daughter. "After Danielle-shi and Hanni-shi, we'll get your shoots with Haerin-shi."
Haerin feels her breath hitch at the thought of doing a couple shoot with you.
"Haerin-ah, go over to the dressing room with the stylists to get prepared." Minji places her hand on the feline female, indicating her to follow the two hair and makeup stylists. "Y/N will be with you shortly."
The younger nods with a half-smile, peering over to where the stylists wait for you and her. She gives another smile to the oldest member before walking off to the pretty unnies, hehe.
"Thank you! You've all worked hard." You bow to the staff and director, getting out of the water as you quickly scurry over to where your members were standing.
"Y/N! You did so good out there, oh my god!" Hanni wraps a towel around you to stop you from shivering.
Minji agrees, nodding continuously with a pretty smile. "You were really pretty, Y/N."
"You really know how to set a mood for the pictures." Danielle can't help but to compliment you, making sure her eyes meet yours.
Hyein jumps up and tackles you. "Unnie, you did amazing!"
"Hyeinnie, you're going to get wet!" You warn the girl with concern, but ultimately, you still hugged her back.
"Haerin already went over with her stylists to the dressing room to start getting ready for the pairing shoot." Minji informs you. "Just follow with your stylists and you'll meet with Haerin."
You hold the towel around your shoulders, nodding at the oldest's words. "Thank you, Minji unnie."
The leader widens her eyes again at 'unnie', but she manages to calm herself down, ignoring the way her ears are burning up. "Of course, Y/N."
The youngest snorts at the oldest, earning a small smack on the back from Minji. "OW!"
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january 27, 2024; publishing date
Pt. 3 IS UP! thank you all for the love and support on muse, it's making me happy and excited to keep writing the mini series :) i'm SOOO SORRY for how late it is; been kind of going through it 😭😭
taglist: @ilovekimminji , @justme-idle , @kyuusberry , @masuowo , @iraa567 , @shycreationdreamland , @idunnofr , @imahybridicannotbekilled , @twicesserafim, @awkwardtoafault
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nwjenz · 11 months
LOVESICK kang haerin x reader
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warnings: 6th member reader, fluff, haerin is down bad
“so,get up I don’t wanna fight your shadow.” yn’s soft voice fills haerin’s ears.
she keeps her gaze on her member, watching her sing and dance so gracefully to their choreography, you’re so pretty and talented, is the only thing that goes through her mind as she watches you, the way you dance the way you sing is amazing to her, which reminds her that she’s supposed-
“haerin!” minji’s voice snaps haerin out of her haze, she looks at minji alramed with doe eyes, “why did you stop dancing?”
she’s now very aware of her surroundings. all her members looking at her in concern, standing in very awkward positions, which was caused by the dance.
“are you okay?” danielle is the next member to voice her concerns.
“are you sick?” that was hanni.
“I was just about to ask that.” is the voice that fully had her attention, you “are you sick?”
yeah, lovesick
haerin shakes her head profusely, “sorry guys, I guess I just zoned out.” she says making sure to put some base in her voice to show that she’s okay, but it didn’t seem convincing.
“maybe you should go home.” minji starts,haerin opens her mouth to protest but minji cuts her off, “we’ve been practicing all day, I think you’re tired.”
“I’ll go call someone to pick her up.” hyein says, walking out the practice room.
“I’m really fine guys.” haerin says again, trying as hard as she can to convince the five girls in the room, this is what she gets for being so distracted by your beauty and it definitely won’t be the last time.
“It’s okay to be tired.” is it bad that your voice puts her in a haze?
you walk closer to her, putting your hand on her shoulder, “we’ve been working really hard on this comeback, it’s expected.” you say reassuringly.
is it bad that she feels really weak by your touch?
maybe I should go home.
all she does is look at you, which makes you even more concerned, you furrow your eye brows at her, “are you okay?”
before she can answer hyein walks back in the room, “manager unnie has car out for you.”
haerin is already walking out the room, haering minji’s faint “w’ll see you later.”
when haerin gets back to the dorms, she spends the rest of her day in her bed, watching shows on her laptop, only stopping to answer her members “check up” texts.
she’s been so into the show that she’s watching that she lost track of time, she looks her window and sees the blue sky dimming, she looks at her clock, 6:30pm.
where are they?
like on timing, she hears the front door click and multiple voices
she jumps slightly when her door opens, only to reveal you.
“hey..” you trail off smiling at her, god, she doesn’t know how you are the way you are so effortlessly.
you walk over to her bed and sit at the edge, “we brought food, did you take anything or how you’re feeling?”
she just looks at you dazed and you look at her concerned, “haerin?”
“did you hear me?”
“yeah, sorry, no I didn’t take anything.” she shakes her head.
“well, what kind of sickness are you feeling?” you ask leaning closer to her.
“what?” you laugh shaking your head and getting up from her bed. “minji’s right you are weird.”
you bring out your hand towards her for her to take, “come on,let’s get you some food.”
she takes your hand and you pull her with you to the kitchen, where the rest of the girls are.
as everyone greets her and asks her how she feels the only thing on her mind is your hand in hers
she really is lovesick.
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yerimbrit · 3 months
cat parents : k. haerin
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synopsis: you and your girlfriend are on your nightly walk, away from the media, when you find an abandoned kitten in a box next to a park lamppost. the two of you decide to do the obvious and take it home. spoiler: minji is not pleased.
# : pairing ! kang haerin x 6th member!reader
# : tags ! reader's gender isn't specified, fluff, this was made in like an hour
# : warnings ! none really but minji swears once
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"i can explain," you said, voice shaking as you failed to look minji in the eye. instead, you watched the small kitten you and haerin took home roll around in the blanket on the couch. danielle and hyein were cooing at it, squealing when it purred at their pets and scratches.
minji snapped her fingers. "look at me," she grumbled disapprovingly.
you bit your lip, trying to think of a way to word the situation in a way that wouldn't set your older member off even more.
thankfully, haerin came to your rescue, briskly striding over to where you were sitting on the couch and picking the kitty up, presenting it to the older girl. she was unamused.
"it's a cat," she declared, her face twisting in pride. as if on cue, the unnamed kitten meowed, almost like it was greeting minji.
"it's a cat," minji affirmed, "yes, haerin, i can see that."
you gingerly took the kitten from your girlfriend, a small smile on her face before she looked back to minji with a pout. you looked down at the fragile kitten in your lap, giving it a few scratches behind the ear. you were rewarded with some purrs and a headbutt, the sound rumbling against your arm.
you joined haerin in staring at minji, nobody daring to make a sound. danielle and hyein had settled at the foot of the couch, choosing to watch the stowaway kitten lick its paws and bury its head into your legs. hanni stood at a further distance, observing the entire interaction.
the oldest member sighed, rubbing her temple. the kitten seemed to sense her disappointment, and hopped off your lap to rub its head against her leg. if you looked closely enough, you could see minji's fist shaking in restraint.
she sighed again, this time relenting and bending down and giving the (intruder? new group member?) cat a long pet from the top of its head down to its back. it meowed approvingly.
"fine. i'll try to convince our manager. but you two have to give it a bath later, and we're going to take it to the vet tomorrow."
you rushed forward and brought haerin and minji into a big hug.
"thank you thank you thank you, minji-unnie!" you exclaimed, jumping up and down in place.
"whatever," she replied, but ultimately giving in and wrapping her arms around the both of you as well, the others joining the group hug.
danielle spoke up cheerfully. "can we name it jerr-"
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"you know, i think we'll be great cat parents," you mumbled into the crook of haerin's neck. you'd just finished giving a (very bubbly) bath to your new furry companion, and were now cuddling with haerin in your shared room. the kitty laid on top of your girlfriend's stomach, occasionally receiving pets.
"i agree," haerin said, leaning her head against yours. she locked your pinky finger with hers, smiling widely at you.
you yawned. "i hope we can keep it."
"me too."
haerin's eyes met yours, and you both burst into a fit of giggles. you brought the kitten closer to you, setting it in between you and your girlfriend. it curled up into a ball as soon as you put it down.
"let's name it tomorrow after the appointment," haerin mumbled, already drifting off into sleep.
you nodded and kissed her cheek. you were also starting to fall asleep. "yeah, let's."
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a/n : hey guys.... LOL
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