#Juan Gómez Jurado
ars-solitudine · 2 years
“Quanto più sola è una persona, più solitaria diventa. La solitudine le cresce man mano intorno, come la muffa. Uno scudo che inibisce ciò che potrebbe distruggerla, e che tanto desidera. La solitudine è cumulativa, si estende e si perpetua autonomamente. Una volta che quella muffa si incrosta, rimuoverla costa una vita.”
Juan Gómez Jurado
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dergarabedian · 2 years
Amazon lanza su premio literario Storyteller en español
Amazon lanza su premio literario Storyteller en español
La empresa informática estadounidense Amazon abrió las postulaciones para participar de la novena edición de su premio literario Storyteller para autores en español. (more…)
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princessofmistake · 2 years
L’odore dopo la pioggia. Si chiama petricore.
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enalfersa · 10 days
Rey blanco (Antonia Scott 3) (Universo Reina Roja)
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eduurun · 1 year
23 books for 2023
I saw this trend at @tothewoods page and here's my list. One of my new year's resolutions is to read more, so I'll try to read all of them before this year ends. So here goes my list.
1984, by George Orwell.
The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde.
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
The Disappearance Of Stephanie Mailer, by Joël Dicker.
The enigma of room 622, by Joël Dicker.
The Alaska Sanders affair, by Joël Dicker.
The fourth protocol, by Frederick Forsyth.
Por si las voces vuelven, by Ángel Martín.
Rey Blanco, by Juan Gómez Jurado.
Todo arde, by Juan Gómez Jurado.
A time for mercy, by John Grisham.
Finders keepers, by Stephen King.
End of watch, by Stephen King.
Born a crime, by Trevor Noah.
Patria, by Fernando Aramburu.
The llittle prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
El juego del alma, by Javier Castillo.
El cuco de cristal, by Javier Castillo.
Las madres, by Carmen Mola.
Extraordinary tales, by Edgar Allan Poe.
East of Eden, by John Steinbeck.
The fourth monkey, by J. D. Monkey.
Any that you recommend me.
Although I'm sure I'm not going to make it, I think I'll be happy with being able to read half of it.
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Creo q os molará este hilo de tuiter que va justo sobre el tema / librosprestados / status / 1093120811035254784 (no me deja poner link pero si lo pegáis sin espacios al final de tuiterpuntocom it should work)
Ayyyy, mileskeeeeer anon!!!
We just translated that thread because that's EXACTLY EXACTLY what we've been thinking about the damn book and its relationship with Basque:
Reading "Reina roja" by Juan Gómez-Jurado, it's nice to have Basque characters use some Basque words, but it would be better if someone Basque or living in the Basque Country checked the text before publishing it.
The possibility that a Basque thinking and speaking in Spanish lets out an expletive in Basque in a moment of tension is… infinitesimal. Especially the one that Jon utters.
The other way around, yes. Thinking and speaking in Basque you switch to Spanish to insult. Basque is not particularly good in this area. In Basque you have: a) stronger insults translated or derived from Spanish, and b) the others that…. have a limited range. You basically call people variants of "dumb", which isn't very satisfying. Yes, there is "sasikume" (bastard), but I don't see it used much. My cousins, who are 100% Basque use "kabroia" like all good people.
So. Normal: "Euskeraeuskeraeuskeraeuskera…. puta loca! (in Spanish)"
Abnormal: "Spanishspanishspanish…. zoroputoa! (in Basque)"
"Zoroputoa" I have never used it in my life, nor do I know anyone who has, but it is an expression that exists/can be used. It has the typical appeal of adding "putoa" to a word in Basque to make it insulting. In fact, "txotxoloputa" I HAVE heard. The thing about using a typical Basque word to call someone dumb in an internal monologue is not uncommon (especially if you're quiet), but…. "memelo"? Technically not bad (it's correct), but it's strange that he doesn't use the better known "txotxolo", or the Rosalia of Basque insults: aluba.
And it's curious that Jon uses some insult in Basque or says "amatxo", but more normal expressions like txoko, gutxigorabehera, antzeko-parecido, poliki-poliki, pixkat, gero arte or, since it's about eating, hamaiketako don't come out. By the way, I would swear that one from Bilbao does not say "amatxo", but "amatxu" or even "amotxu"(Biscayans tend to "u" in diminutives). And it is curious that Jon thinks of "amatxo", but "cocochas" are written with the Spanish spelling, when here [in Euskadi] in any menu it appears written "kokotxas".
As for character Bruno Lejarreta, I don't know where he learned Basque, but to say "txakurra faxista" instead of "txakur faxista" he must have fallen asleep the day they taught the declensions.
And I don't know what "salatori" is. I do know "salatari": whistleblower, informer. But I swear that anyone would have called you (and written) "txibato", just like that.
Truly, it is appreciated that in a novel in Spanish other co-official languages in the state are used, but speaking or knowing a language is more than just using any one word at any given time. And at least make it well written, kontxo!
Also, being from Bilbo, it just shows that the writer doesn't know the city, that he has just searched / asked for info. For example:
With such bad luck -or good luck, depending on who you ask- that when he turned around he ate a yield sign with his nose. The clonk sounded all the way to the other riverside.
We translated riverside because the original word is orilla. The action happens in Otxarkoaga, where there is no river. Also the places he chooses to show are like the highest bridge in Bilbo, the most populated neighborhood in Bilbo, etc, info easily found on Google, but not necessarily popular in the city.
The Bingo Arizona Jon mentions non-stop closed down in 2006. And no, the novel isn't set in 2006 because they talk about Netflix, GPS, and apps.
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herederosdelkaos · 8 months
Antología de poesía contemporánea. Compilación - 105 autores (2006-2023)
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Apps requeridas para acceder: Telegram o Google Drive, y "Lithium: lector ePub". Todos los archivos disponibles en formato (EPUB) en Herederos del Kaos (canal telegram).
©Autores: Daniel Frini, Alberto Jiménez Ure, Nieves Jurado, Milton Ordóñez, Shabely Botello, Wafi Salih, Pablo López, Roberto Garcés Marrero, Leopoldo Reinhard Resch, José Alberto Capaverde, Francisco J. Barata Bausach, Susana Medina, Adrián "fino" Sosa, David Crauley, Jordi Tauler Vaillet, José Luis Regojo, Federico Ambesi, Juan Benítez, Alex Armega, Sebastián Trujillo,, Gabriel Valdovinos Vázquez, Juan Luis Henares, Miguel Ángel Acquesta, Juan Carlos Vásquez, Ludim Cervantes, Rita Morrigan, Carlos Almira Picazo, J.R. Spinoza, Moisés Cárdenas, Jacqueline Campos, Mario Flores, Eduardo Omar Honey, Claude Nogueras, Alberto Quero, Pilar Rezzano, Mirza Patricia Mendoza, Caroline Cruz, Alberto Juárez Vivas, Rodrigo Miguel Quintero, Montserrat López Alsina, Luna del Castillo, Guillermo Martínez, Víctor C. Drax, Lucía Scosceria de Cañellas, Everardo Gómez, Edinson Martínez, Mario Andrés Arcos, Rolando Revagliatti, Sebastián Abdala, Alina Kummerfeldt, Magdalena Páez Amador.
©Antología de narrativa contemporánea es una publicación sin fines de lucro. Su distribución a través de terceros es completamente libre, siempre y cuando no se haga un uso comercial del libro y se citen correctamente sus fuentes."
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gleekals · 11 months
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lobra negra, juan gómez-jurado
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a-moth-to-the-light · 11 months
so earlier i mentioned the pure joy of staying up late reading, and i have a little story about it that i wanted to tell y'all :) the end is positive and lighthearted, but just know i'll talking about my disabilities quite a bit on the way there !
so in middle school, when i started dealing with my mental illnesses, i had really bad sleep problems where i would wake up at like 2 or 3 am almost every night and be SUPER freaked out by the dark and not be able to fall asleep again for at least a couple of hours
it was miserable, but reading helped me make it through--i remember reading the entire Eragon Cycle primarily between the hours of 2 and 6 am (i don't particularly enjoy the series anymore, but i also don't care because i'm just happy that kid-me liked it!)
in high school, though, my relationship with reading really changed when i developed chronic pain. even when i was mentally able to focus on a book, the physical work of holding it up & trying to sit in the same position for a long period of time caused me so much pain that i wasn't able to get really immersed in reading like i used to--often, i would be too distracted by pain to focus at all. all my energy would go to reading for school, which was enough physical and mental work on its own, so there really was just nothing left over to devote to reading for fun
as you might have guessed, then, not only did i read a lot less in those years, but i also lost those nice moments from my childhood--being able to read for hours and hours, to stay up late binging a book
it's kind of sad how long it took me to consider audiobooks as a valid option for myself, but last december, i finally started reading via audiobooks and it's been AWESOME (!!!), to the point where i've started using text-to-speech software to read for school, too (best idea EVER for me)
earlier this month, i read Red Queen by Juan Gómez-Jurado, and i quite literally stayed up all night to finish it because i loved the story that much (i think i went to bed at like 8 am that day?) and i just cannot describe how happy it makes me feel that audiobooks allow me to do that again!! staying up that late to read isn't something i'd like to do frequently, per se, but it is something i appreciate being able to do every once in a while--with audiobooks, i am physically capable of turning to books for comfort, of losing myself in them in the quiet night hours, made safe and sound in my own mind through the company of words!!
even better, my sleep problems are much more mild now, and i'm no longer all that scared of the dark, so i can get my late-night reading in while being confident that i'm safe and will fall asleep when i'm ready :)
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thechosendreamer · 1 year
Was tagged by @nopast-nopresent-nofuture and @somewherebehindthemusgo Thank you!!
Relationship status:  Single
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(Useless fact: Zoe is dating with one of the twins of 'Property Brothers')
Favorite color: Red
Last song I listened to: She's on my mind - JP Cooper (Guitar Acoustic)
Last movie I watched: Avatar. Not bad actually. I expected something much worse.
Top 3 tv shows: This is Us, Brooklyn 99 and Dark.
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Top 3 characters: Penélope García, Paquita Salas and Annalise Keating (It's impossible only 3 characters but I have to choose)
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What I’m currently reading: The patient by Juan Gómez-Jurado
And I tag....@duckland @mangryel @besosconsal @belladone7
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etarragof · 1 year
Nos echaron del Paraíso
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Fotografía de Ildefonso Robledo
09 noviembre 2022
Cuando quieres darte cuenta, te han echado del paraíso.
Juan Gómez-Jurado – Todo arde
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dergarabedian · 1 year
Raquel Ortega ganó el premio literario Amazon Storyteller
Raquel Ortega ganó el premio literario Amazon Storyteller
La escritora española Raquel Ortega ganó la edición 2022 del premio literario Amazon Storyteller con su obra “No despiertes al diablo”, que fue seleccionada entre más de 4.000 títulos, más de la mitad de ellos de escritores de América latina. (more…)
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maneskings · 1 year
1, 14, 22 :)
Hola, amor ❤️
1. Song of the year?
Following what my Spotify Wrapped says, for me it's been Brividi by Mahmood and BLANCO. And I do agree. It's not only a great song but also has discovered me a whole new world of artists.
14. Favorite book you read this year?
I've only read 14 books 😭 Gonna say Todo arde by Juan Gómez-Jurado because it was a long awaited book and SO worth it.
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
Just been back from a little tour around the north of Italy and Milano has my heart right now (no it's not a boring city). Also Rome! It was nice visiting it without rain and cold.
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princessofmistake · 2 years
Aspettare una telefonata, un SMS, un WhatsApp o un messaggio di Grindr è un supplizio ai giorni nostri. Abituati all’imediatezza, alla doppia spunta, alla risposta istantanea, siamo diventati capricciosi. Infantili.
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enalfersa · 17 days
Loba negra (Antonia Scott 2)
Universo Reina Roja “Loba Negra” es una novela de suspense y misterio escrita por Juan Gómez-Jurado que ha cautivado a lectores de todo el mundo. En esta obra, el autor nos sumerge en una trama trepidante llena de giros inesperados, personajes complejos y un ritmo frenético que mantiene al lector en vilo desde la primera página hasta la última. La historia comienza con la aparición de un…
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crisrf1986 · 1 month
Reina roja (Temporada 1) - serie Prime Video
¡Hola, holaaaaa! Un viernes más os traigo una reseña al blog, pero en esta ocasión no será de un libro, si no de la serie de moda: Reina roja, la adaptación de la novela REINA ROJA de Juan Gómez Jurado. Os dejo información de la serie y sus personaje, después mi opinión; aunque no me he leído el libro, por lo que no puedo poner en entredicho la adaptación, será sincera como siempre. Temporada…
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