#Join Hands Day
rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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Join Hands Day
Help organize or join an event to benefit your community on Join Hands Day, a day dedicated to coming together with others to make things better.
Join Hands Day lights up the first Saturday of May each year, making it a day dedicated to volunteering and bridging the gap between different generations.
In 2024, this celebration falls on May 4th. It’s a special day, initiated in the year 2000 by the American Fraternal Alliance in partnership with the Points of Light Foundation.
This day isn’t just about offering your time for a good cause; it’s about bringing together the energy and wisdom of both younger and older generations to foster understanding and cooperation across age divides.
Why celebrate? It’s simple yet profound: volunteering strengthens communities by providing essential services and support and enriches the lives of volunteers.
Engaging in volunteer work can enhance mental health, boost social skills, and even improve job prospects, especially for young people. Moreover, Join Hands Day emphasizes the power of collective effort across generations, encouraging a blend of experiences and perspectives to achieve common goals.
The spirit of Join Hands Day is all about unity and collaboration. Whether you’re sharing knowledge through a skills exchange, participating in a local clean-up, or simply spreading awareness about the importance of volunteering, every action counts.
It’s a celebration of our shared humanity, highlighting how much stronger we are when we join hands and work together. Join Hands Day reminds us that every day is an opportunity to make a positive impact in the world, one good deed at a time​​​​​​​​.
History of Join Hands Day
Once upon a time, in the year 2000, a bunch of big-hearted people from the American Fraternal Alliance teamed up with the Points of Light Foundation.
Their mission? To spark a day on the first Saturday of May each year when folks of all ages could join forces and spread some kindness. And so, Join Hands Day was born.
This wasn’t just any volunteering day; it had a twist. The idea was to mix things up, get young guns and wise wizards to work together and break down those pesky age barriers.
The first year kicked off with a bang, and the excitement was just getting started. They wanted to make sure everyone got in on the action, so they threw in some cash and shiny awards for some lucky groups, celebrating their awesome projects at a fancy conference. Talk about a party with a purpose!
But wait, there’s more! Imagine fixing bikes for kiddos who needed them or sprucing up graveyards to honor the past. That’s the kind of magic Join Hands Day aimed for, turning simple acts into treasures of togetherness.
Even though it’s all about that first Saturday in May, there was this one time in 2001 when the celebration took a little detour to June. Guess they couldn’t wait to spread more joy!
Today, Join Hands Day keeps the spirit alive, making every first Saturday in May a day to remember. From book readings in nursing homes to planting new life in parks, it’s all about sharing skills, laughter, and a whole lot of love​​​​​​​​.
How to Celebrate Join Hands Day
Treasure Hunt for Good
Team up for Adventure: Gather friends from different generations for a community treasure hunt. Together, seek out hidden volunteer opportunities. It’s fun with a splash of kindness!
Skill Swap Extravaganza
Learning Across Ages: Host a day where everyone shares their skills. Young teach old, old teach young. It’s a learning party for all ages!
Community Garden Gathering
Green Thumbs Unite: Join hands to plant a community garden. It’s a celebration of growth, not just for plants but also for friendships.
The Great Cook-off
Culinary Time Travel: Challenge each other to a cook-off. Create dishes from various eras. Share food, stories, and a hearty laugh over the dinner table.
Time Capsule Creations
Preserve Today for Tomorrow: Craft a time capsule together. Fill it with memories, gadgets, and guesses about the future. Seal it with a promise to revisit it together.
Each paragraph brings to life a unique way to celebrate Join Hands Day, emphasizing fun, learning, and community engagement across generations.
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murderousink23 · 1 month
05/04/2024 is Free Comic Book Day 🌎, National Star Wars Day 🌎, International Firefighters Day 👩‍🚒👨‍🚒🚒🌎, World Naked Gardening Day 🌎, National Remembrance Day 🇳🇱, Join Hands Day 🇺🇸, Bird Day 🐦🇺🇸, National Candied Orange Peel Day 🇺🇸, National Orange Juice Day 🇺🇸, National Renewal Day 🇺🇸, National Weather Observers Day 🇺🇸, National Auctioneers Day 🇺🇸, National Homebrew Day 🇺🇸, National Scrapbook Day 🇺🇸
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egophiliac · 29 days
I have been informed that you guys are getting part 4 of episode 7 tomorrow, which means we are FINALLY going to get the official romanization of Revaan's name, somebody please tell me because I need to know what it is.
like, yes, it's probably just Revan/Levan, but look, I'm sitting here with my finger over the button of all these Laverne and Shirley jokes and just waiting for the opportunity to deploy them --
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mblue-art · 8 months
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sans au sexyman polls doooodle
congrats to the kings<3 🫶🫶🫶
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cal4hysteria · 20 days
calvin adhd and andre autism
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nectar-cellar · 8 months
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pov: you're 2 hours late to count vlad's dinner party.
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mispatchedgreens · 4 months
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wrist? limp. canine? crooked. boy? acquired
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mattodore · 4 months
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if i can get these hair ties to work first try i'll be unstoppable
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y-rhywbeth2 · 2 months
Considering the cast has grand ideas like "all of us are down to become immortal, tbh Jaheira", "I am at risk of dying from being burned alive from the inside", and "I'd like to be a god", you don't necessarily need to fuck around with ancient unstable magics for that (although in the later case, it does take a lot more time and work and risk of death).
There are generally easier ways to gain these things (except for apotheosis), but in 5e you can still solve these problems with insane amounts of XP: you need to reach level 20, when the ability score caps are raised from the mortal limits of 20 to 30, and instead of levelling up "epic boons" are put on the table (which is basically the equivalent of epic levels).
"[Boons are] extraordinary and represent the gradual transformation of a character into something resembling a demigod."
(This is the point where you're warming up towards getting ready to pick fights with the gods*; find yourself a chunk of divine essence and welcome to the start of the divine ladder, mx new quasi-deity... also it may start to alter your physical appearance as you become something more than human[oid])
Depending on DM fiat, you can get these due to plot events whenever the DM feels like awarding you one, or you gain one every 30,000xp acquired (the equivalent of levelling up). I believe beating a Solar to death will net you one, slaying an ancient red or gold dragon will net you two...
The growth in power allows various things ranging from mundane stuff like increasing your ability scores (so stuff like an almost perfect memory, the ability to process information at superhuman speed, being literally the most interesting person in the world, superhuman reflexes, or bench pressing an elephant would be within your reach) or becoming eternally healthy (immune to poison and disease of any kind)...
...over to more esoteric stuff like having permanent truesight, and hopping between the planes of reality at will, or ageless and irrevocable immortality, or turning invisible at will whenever you stand in darkness, or hacking magic. Also full immunity to specific forms of damage: Karlach's engine can't kill her if she's immune to fire. There is no boon on paper for immunity to radiant damage such as may be inflicted by the sun, but it's easy to imagine one existing.
The level cap in-game is 12, but I know the actual XP total is higher. I think I've seen people have it at least up to 15 with mods to remove the cap, but I'm not sure. Either way, I think the party is one decent campaign away from level 20. (And if we need epic level threats, Mephistopheles is clearly up to something, and it's bugging me; I think we should have a party reunion. In Mephistar. With silver weapons.)
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0vergrowngraveyard · 12 days
the anxiety that joining a new discord server gives me is unbelievable 😭
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nooooo don't think about kuwabara picking up smoking when yusuke leaves for makai as something to remember him by you're so sexy hahah
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helloliriels · 11 months
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MERETRICIOUS | The Liriels Collection
Grab a criterion coffee and join us for this film noir thriller! Three people's lives become intimately entangled in this espionage drama:
Sherlock recruits Watson to seduce a blonde bombshell with state secrets, who's more than what she seems ... but soon, Sherlock begins to question if he's sent John on a suicide mission? It's hard to know when you've gone too far, when you're already in too deep ... MERETRICIOUS! (and a happy new year!)
12 Days of Johnlock | Notorious (Hitchcock) AU concept poster (ideas living rent-free in my head only) (and I'm making it everyone else's problem)
tagging peeps! @johnlocky (my partner in crime i never get to be online the same time as @fluffbyday-smutbynight ) @ohlooktheresabee @simplyclockwork @discordantwords @kettykika78 @chinike @john-smiths-jawline @rhasima @myriath @whatnext2020 @calaisreno @safedistancefrombeingsmart @jobooksncoffee @totallysilvergirl @amyreadsandstresses @tiverrr @meetinginsamarra @holmesianlove @arwamachine @chriscalledmesweetie @sarahthecoat @inevitably-johnlocked @bluebellofbakerstreet @raina-at @peanitbear @peageetibbs @anyway-kindness @missdeliadili @masterofhounds @daltongraham @iamjustreading @colourfulwatson @kabubsmagga @pocketwatchofmycroft @topsyturvy-turtely @mutedsilence @7-percent @janetm74 @loki-lock @copperplatebeech @iwlyanmw @hasenkind687 @dragonnan @glows-n-the-dark @gaylilsherlock @gregorovitchworld @lisbeth-kk @peepingcreek @thegirlfromthesouth 💕
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murderousink23 · 1 year
05/06/2023 is Sauvignon Blanc Day 🥂🌎, Free Comic Book Day 🌎, World Naked Gardening Day 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌎, Join Hands Day 🇺🇲, National Beverage Day 🍹🇺🇲, National Crepe Suzette Day 🇺🇲, National Laughter Day 🤣🇺🇲, National Nurses Day 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️🇺🇲, National Auctioneers Day 🇺🇲, National Homebrew Day 🍻🇺🇲, National Scrapbook Day 🇺🇲, International No Diet Day 🇬🇧
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fishsandwichwithfries · 2 months
Gay hedgehogs
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chevvy-yates · 6 months
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[NC_RES]_00312717 mercs_scharfenberg_steyr_night_portraits_001_BS_DT_PFCA.file ///core:_team.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Arki belongs to @nervouswizardcycle. Ryder and Vijay belong to me.
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goosemagician · 1 year
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This is what happens when you’re raised by two theatre nerds (Magnus to a lesser extent music-wise than RGB but he’s still a huge nerd so it counts)
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They get super competitive in their duets and constantly try to one-up each other. They make playing the piano an olympic sport.
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