#Jason Voorhees x OC
annasmafroo · 8 months
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miss--river · 3 months
for jori's friday the 13th AU its going to of course take place in the 2009 reboot timeline. she works with donnie on mr. garikes' property and even though he's kinda weird they're still friends. when it comes to jori and jason finally meeting i know i want it to take place in the attic area where they keep the kerosene. i just dont know how i want it to go down. do i want her to be sassy? do i want her to be scared? being scared would be more sensible but she can also be kinda feisty. either way she ends up helping him with taking the kerosene eventually and it just becomes an agreement between the two.
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general-nerdy · 8 months
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apraxvalith · 8 months
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...Getting chased through the woods counts as foreplay, right? 🔪🥵
[Jason Voorhees x Female OC, NSFW/18+ only, full image on Twitter/X (ugh), Bluesky, and my Patreon]
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captain-melloartblog · 4 months
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I realize I never posted this because I was scared but you know what I’m cringe and free and yes I made slasher oc be in poly relationship with slashers and my friend oc what of it now you excuse me, I’m going cry myself to sleep
Art and oc belongs to me aka @captain-melloartblog
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sentientpaperbag · 2 months
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i was thinking about my favorite slasher boy.
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manbehindthemask · 1 year
What habits did Pamela have that passed down to Jason (besides the big glaring obvious one 🤣)
Big obvious one aside, here are some habits I think he has from his momma <3
Cooking is a big one! Pamela was literally the cook at Camp Crystal Lake, so he got to watch her make all kinds of things! I'd imagine she loved to show her baby boy how to cook and she adored giving him things he could help with (even if that was just the very important task of licking batter off of the spatula!) Jason doesn't need to eat, but once Jules comes into his life he likes getting to cook for him and also takes on another habit from his mom- fretting over others meals. He always makes sure Jules has snacks before he goes out to paint and that he's eaten something!
Pamela also took manners and tidiness very seriously. Making your bed every day was not an optional task- it was necessary. Jason doesn't have a need to sleep, but when he does, he always makes his bed afterwards.
I think Pamela would like music a lot- it was a nice escape from her shithead husband and just generally could brighten a gloomy day. I imagine she sun a lot, especially around Jason when he grew up! Obviously he can't speak or sing to reflect that, but when she realized how desperately her perfect boy wanted to join in her song, she taught him to tap along with the music- fingers, feet, whatever! That's absolutely something he does still, even with Jules's very different taste in music.
Since Pamela was the only person in Jason's life to care for him so wholly, I think most of his personality and habits came from her anyway, but those are just some specific ones.
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didihorrorblog · 2 years
Some Voorhees kinks
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Minors do not interact, 18+
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dootys · 2 years
Drawing on request for @justafairytailofinnocence 😊
Jason with her OC and Freddy with her friend's OC
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angxlslasher · 2 years
Road Trip!
Jason Voorhees x Meredith Ross (OC)
Summary: Merry and Jason make the long trip to Ambrose to meet their friends!
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: None that I can think of
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The warm glow of a bedside lamp illuminated the photos spread out on the bed in front of Merry as she tried to pick a favorite, but all of them were dear to her. The subject of each polaroid varied from locations, of Jason experiencing new things, of her driving, and there were even a few of them standing together in front of different landmarks from the states they’d been in.
Okay, those were her favorites, hands down.
Looking at each one made it easy to forget that the man in the photos who held her close to his side with pride was the machete-wielding legend of Crystal Lake. She picked up one in particular where Jason held her bridal style and her head was thrown back with an open mouthed smile and her eyes squeezed shut, appearing to be in the midst of a laughing fit.
This is the one, Merry thought as her eyes roamed over Jason’s stance. She had always known he was strong, but it still took her breath away when he carried her as if she weighed nothing, and seeing herself from an outsider’s perspective had butterflies fluttering in her chest. He was big, but seeing how he cradled her in those arms of his against the broadness of his chest… She felt heat flood into her cheeks as her mind wandered to places it shouldn’t, places that left her skin prickling and her heart racing.
The sound of the bathroom door opening pulled her from her reverie. Welcoming the distraction, she turned her head to see Jason with his signature hockey mask and wearing a pair of dark sweatpants and a white tee. It was nice to see he was somewhat comfortable, at least. She would’ve asked him to take his mask off, but she knew that in an unfamiliar environment like the small motel room they were in, that it was his security blanket… Much like her old teddy bear who sat on the nightstand to keep watch over them while they slept.
Jason walked over to the bed and sat down next to Merry carefully so as not to disturb the photos she’d spread out. He propped up against the headboard and watched as she scooped up the polaroids, welcoming her into his side as she leaned back against him to show off their memories from the day. He would tap her arm when he saw one he particularly liked, which revealed a pattern to Merry.
Each of the ones he had taken of her driving, of her smiling, of her doing the most mundane tasks such as filling up the gas tank earned a tap on her arm. When she finally caught on, she dropped her hands to her lap and glanced up at him with a brow raised in playful accusation. “You just like them because I’m in them.”
He released her long enough to sign, “Exactly. Got a problem with that?”
“You are unbelievable…” She shook her head as she raised the small stack of pictures again. “And completely unfair.”
A soft laugh rumbled against her from the gentle giant as his arm returned to its rightful place around her shoulders.
They looked through the rest with the occasional tap here and there, however as they got to her favorite, he tapped once before reaching for it with his other hand. He brought it up closer to see it better. Merry had a fleeting, wondering thought if the photo had the same effect on him as it had on her…
Once Jason was satisfied with memorizing the contents of the photo, he handed it back to Merry and she stored it with the rest. As she slid the stack back in the manilla envelope she’d brought, Jason tapped her arm again.
“Yes, honey?” She asked sweetly as she paused long enough to look at him.
“You need to get some rest. It was a long drive today, and it’ll be a long one tomorrow, too.”
She rolled her eyes playfully as she said, “I know, I know.” Once the envelope was back in her purse, safe and sound, she laid back against the squeaky mattress. Jason was right. It had been a long, demanding day but that didn’t necessarily mean she didn’t have fun. Getting to explore new things with Jason and show the world their relationship unabashedly was exhilarating, but now that she was finally in bed, she felt exhaustion seeping into her muscles and her eyes growing heavy.
She tilted her head to look up at Jason, only to find he was staring at the door. She knew he’d feel uneasy being in a new place, but she hoped it wouldn’t stop him from resting, too. Maybe she could coax him into relaxing?
She rolled onto her side and placed her hand on his arm. He didn’t move.
“Jason, honey?” She whispered. Hearing his name pulled his attention away from the door, directing it down to her. “Will you hold me? I’d feel… a lot safer if you did.” It went without saying that she couldn’t sleep without Jason’s arms around her, without them being tangled up in each other like the masses of green overgrowth in the forest back at home.
Jason glanced back to the door as he thought about her offer. He loved holding her any chance he could, that much was evident in their photos together. He always looked for reasons to touch her throughout the day. Which was why they’d crafted their own form of morse code with each other. Three taps said ‘I love you’ and four was the response of ‘I love you, too’.
True, he felt uneasy not being in territory he was familiar with, but how could he deny her? Especially when she looked up at him with those amber eyes he loved? Whether she was aware of it or not, she had him wrapped around her little finger…
Jason slid down into bed next to Merry and pulled her into his side, feeling himself relax as she rested her head on his chest. While his intention was to keep watch on the door as she slept, he couldn’t fight his own drowsiness.
It had been a long day, after all.
The couple was up bright and early the next morning, and after sharing a quick breakfast together, they were back on the road to get to Ambrose. With another long ten hour drive ahead, Merry almost dreaded the idea of it. That is, until she remembered she had the best boyfriend and the best road-trip partner.
While Merry drove, Jason took care of the important necessities, such as switching the CDs when they got to the end of the track list, or even pointing out the cows or horses that they passed along the way. His excitement to see the animals and his willingness to make the trip as easy on her as he could reminded her of why she loved him. Even though he’d been dealt a cruel hand in life, it still didn’t extinguish the childlike spark of excitement for life in him. And he was more attentive than most had been in her life.
When he noticed her enjoying a particular song, he’d replay it for her once it ended. If traffic got heavy and made her groan, he’d reach over and give her shoulder a supportive squeeze. And when she had to spread the map out across their laps to find the route Ellie had sent, he didn’t complain or roll his eyes. Instead, he was patient and even helped her find the path.
The last road-trip she’d been on was with Jackson when she moved back to Crystal Lake. He had not been as… nice as Jason was now. Her ex-boyfriend refused any music since he wanted to snooze, he would get angry at traffic, and he didn’t care for what landmarks they saw or how many cows were in the fields that they passed.
Merry had accepted that Jackson was, in fact, an asshole. Especially now that she was with Jason, who surpassed her ex’s ‘efforts’ by a long shot.
By the time they reached Louisiana, they had several more pictures and were ready to set up camp and hit the hay. The southern humidity and heat was a new, unfamiliar thing to the couple who had been in near freezing temperatures only two days ago.
Thankfully when they finally found the campsite Ellie had suggested, the sun was beginning to set beyond the horizon, filling the sky with warm hues of oranges and pinks. She helped Jason put up the tent that they brought, and while he took it upon himself to set up a fire pit, Merry made the inside of their tent cozy. She pumped up their air mattress, covered it with the sheets they’d brought, and she arranged their luggage on either side of the bed. Then, just to make their first night magical, she pulled out a secret item she’d hidden from Jason.
Glow sticks.
She cracked a few of them and hung them from the ceiling of the tent, filling it with their fluorescence. It reminded her of the times when they were kids during the summer, spending their nights in the backyard with glow sticks and their eyes on the starry skies. Pamela would help them set up a tent and brought them marshmallows while she babbled to Jason about constellations.
The nostalgia made her heart ache, but in a good way. Those were memories she’d hold near and dear to her heart, and the same would go for this vacation. She glanced over her shoulder to look at Jason, who was arranging rocks around the pile of wood he’d gathered.
She would be forever grateful for this opportunity. Because for the first time in years, she had Jason— Not the ‘Camp Blood Killer’, not the malicious stalker in a hockey mask… No, she had Jason Voorhees. The boy who she’d befriended in their youth and the man who she’d fallen head over heels for.
‘I’ll take good care of him, Pam,’ Merry silently vowed.
With their camp set up and the night winding down, Merry grabbed her phone and sent a quick text to the group chat she had with the others.
‘Hey, guys! We made it! Jason and I are beat, so I think we’re gonna crash for tonight. But we’ll be dropping by first thing in the morning! I can’t wait to see you guys!’
Tomorrow morning would be eventful, but for now, Merry intended on enjoying the peace and quiet of the outdoors with Jason. Tonight would be theirs, and theirs alone.
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A/N:Ahhh, this took forever to finally get done thanks to writer’s block! But it’s here, Jason and Merry are officially in Louisiana and they look forward to getting to meet everyone! I have a fun piece planned for the group at the lake, so be ready for some fun (and a lil angst >:) )
Ellie belongs to @rottent33th
Tag List: @cries-in-latino, @allthingsblood, @rottent33th
Comment if you want to be added to my tag list!
Borders by firefly-graphics
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the-gory-gardner · 2 years
Blog Intro and Info
Slasher’s I Write:
Asa Emory/The Collector
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
Michael Myers/The Shape
Jason Voorhees
Danny Johnson/Ghostface
Evan MacMillan/The Trapper
Slasher OC’s:
Persephone Duncan /The Caretaker (Spouse and Killing PartnerOf Jesse Cromeans)
Ivy & Ian Cromeans- Duncan (Twin Children of Jesse Cromeans & Persephone Duncan)  (Age Varies Between Baby-Child & Teenager)
Honey Reynolds (Spouse of Asa Emory)
Agnes Emory (Daughter of Asa Emory & Honey Reynolds) (Age Varies Between Baby-Child & Teenager)
Rosemary Douglas/The Northeast Reaper (Adopted Daughter of Owen Douglas)
Owen Douglas/The Northeast Butcher
Artemis Russell/The Beast
Malachi Grey/The Dollmaker
Lunette Scott (Girlfriend of Malachi Grey)
Jonathan West/The Huntsman
Katrina Evans (Girlfriend of Jonathan West)
Samuel Baker Jr/ The Manic
Olive Ryder (Is a Child OC So only platonic Request)
Cassidy Brooks
What I Do Writer:
- Headcanons
- Drabbles
- Slasher x Reade
- Slasher x OC
- Male x Female
- Gender Neutral Reader
- Non-Descriptive Reader Unless Requested Otherwise
What I don’t Write:
- Non/Con
- Underage
- Watersports
- Age Play (Non Sexual Or Otherwise)
- Incest (May allude to such abuse in a characters past but will not write characters doing similar acts)
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annasmafroo · 8 months
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I love Jason a normal amount
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miss--river · 1 month
since being with jason, jori doesnt wake up to her phone alarm for work anymore. jason wakes her up himself because he hates the sound of it lmao
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general-nerdy · 1 year
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apraxvalith · 10 months
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Posted some Jason smut to my Patreon, head on over for the full set! [18+ only, very NSFW, 4 Images]
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prettyputrified · 1 year
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Jason Voorhees x OC for @manbehindthemask
I love doing slasher next gen customs please dm me if you're interested!!!
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