stoatunquote · 11 months
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Whatever: The Emo Kids Are All Sitting In Each Other’s Laps And Snickering About Pinball
[Image ID: A animated gif of Cleo and Joe Hills from Hermitcraft. They are sitting down, with Joe sitting in Cleo's lap, talking animatedly. Cleo is looking at her phone and resting her other hand on Joe's head. There are two bouncing speech bubbles coming from Joe showing different parts of a pinball machine. The background is a distorted black and rainbow checkerboard]
Non-animated version under the cut
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[Image ID: The same drawing as before, but now the speech bubbles are still]
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cannibclheart · 27 days
Light Yagami NSFW headcanons
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Here are some NSFW headcanons I have for these this dumbass. I’m back in business baby, please feel free to send an ask! Do not read/interact with this post unless you are over the age of 18.
cw: afab!reader, dubcon, oral, fingering, imbalanced power dynamics, edging, physical marks/restraint, rlly bad @ tagging but lmk if there is anything else i should include
— Light is manipulative and charming in that order. This is a fact. He is attentive when he presses your back to the wall, unyielding when he forces your hips closer to his, and seemingly desperate when he grabs your jaw and traces the line your neck with his gaze. More than the taking, it’s the withholding that hurts.
— He takes great care in memorizing every touch that elicits a breathlessness from you. His thumb in the hollow junction of your neck and shoulders, his lips against the butterfly-thin shell of your ear, his face between the soft curves of your thighs.
 — And when he has you at the edge of his bed with your legs thrown over his shoulders, and he genuflects to perhaps the only person worth worshiping, Light is methodical.
— His hands would move slowly up your leg, grabbing and massaging where he can before pulling your legs apart to reveal a dark spot clinging to the contour of your cunt. Devastatingly slow, he would run his fingers across your twitching form, making sure to rub slow circles along your slit until you’re shaking.
— And when you can’t bear it for one more second, one whimper away from anger, his mouth would be on you. Underwear pulled clinically to the side, he’d press his tongue into your folds and start his slow ministrations. He’d force you to watch as he circles the tip of his pink tongue around your clit, never quite giving you the satisfaction you deserve.
— Light likes to edge you, to see how long you can withstand him. He relishes in taking his time and forcing your hands above your head, made up in knots sometimes by his own weight, other times by his crimson tie..
— But after the kindness wares off and he immerses himself deeper into the game, his God-complex would start to get the better of him.
— One of his favorite ways of owning you is to take your jaw in his hands and face fuck you. Your whole body would be immobilized, forced to kneel in front of him as he shoves his thick cock into your mouth. He’d call you filthy for drooling and grab your hair by the roots to take him from the base. Of course you’d cry, tears converging with your spit, but the sound wouldn’t register as you gagged to the beat of his unrelenting pace.
— He’d take what he wants when he wants it. No God should have to wait after all and you hardly have the power to resist him. He threatened your loved ones after all.
— Despite his inherit need to hurt, Light doesn’t truly harm you. At least, not where anyone can see. Yes, his fingertips are a tattooed bruise on the inner parts of your thighs, and his teeth have left permanent scars on your ass, but he never gave you anything you couldn’t handle.
— Still, he’d tend to your wounds. He’d be distant and objective but at least he still cares. At least, until he returns to his desk and begins the work anew.
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xejune · 6 months
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"You are, and will always be... my judge."
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tanyakennedy1899 · 1 month
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
So Sai.. you know, the whole "for every insult to his poor ass, this man grows an inch.", so.. how far did we get? How big is Ren Jr Jr now..?
✦゜ANSWERED: Let's just say his height isn't the only thing that's imposing anymore 💖
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nyaskitten · 1 year
New official Oni Falling poster leak!
I can't name my sources as they wish to remain anonymous, but we now have confirmation of a new show starring the other three ninja, Cole, Zane, and Jay, as they take on The Overlord! Here's a first look!
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As you can see, Jay is sporting a new gi with blue and piss green, and his lightning is oddly multicolored. Zane is cuntenserven with his frosty mist, and he has a cool new bandana!. Cole is being grabbed by an Oni tentacle and is dead. The Overlord is cuntenserven with his gayass lightning
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bettyweir · 1 year
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Scene Sarah & Rory Stimboard
O 3 O | X D | L O L
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sanndrabullock · 10 months
My son is fresh into the teen years - he just turned thirteen this year - and somebody just asked me how I'm going to feel when he gets to that age where he's ready to try smoking up with his buddies. He always tells me he's never, ever going to do it and he can't stand smoking in general, so I'm half-inclined to believe him. I know my daughter, and she's going to be lighting up behind the bleachers for sure. I can see it already. But here's the thing - I was a teenager once, so all I ask is that it's brought to me first so I can get together with the other parents, we make sure that it's safe, and then I can provide the munchies. Which leads me to my question - what is the most insane thing you did as a teenager? I'll even go first. Hi, I'm Sandy and I got absolutely hammered at a marathon dance and ended up in the hospital getting my stomach pumped. @hillsfmsstarter
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ganonfan1995 · 1 year
Waaaahhh, okay!! I finished the first chapter of the zelgan fic...I could have kept pecking at it but I think calling it good enough is the best call. I gotta move on to the rest of it~
anyways you can read it on my AO3 !!!! ^^
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bigshotspambot · 2 years
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Horrible Treacherous Thing (i love you)
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cryptocorvid · 1 year
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i like them a normal amount
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chickn-slingin · 2 years
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next stop? waffle house. after that? maybe they'll poison a child murderer :)
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autisminfinite · 1 year
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its cut throat when i come thru
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marchworm · 2 years
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try one time, a hundred times, all i remember is your face
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otrtbs · 11 months
what photo??
i’m sure you’ve seen the photos by now but yachtrry below the cut:
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sherkathyy · 2 years
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