#It is my baby
windshieldwiper · 1 year
blue lock pirate au aka rin itoshi trying to conquer the seven seas
thank u to @earthtooz @sixosix @limitlesshq @mitsies for the amazing idea
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livingthedragonlife · 2 years
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if you know ANYTHING about the prohibition this ad is so fucking stupid. why yes, i’d love to experience
watered down, over-charged alcohol smuggled from europe
homebrewed moonshine that’s so potent you go permanently blind
alcohol that’s been deliberately poisoned in an effort to get people to stop drinking
alcohol that’s not fit for human consumption but drinking it anyway because it’s the only alcohol left
who wouldn’t want a taste of that. sounds awesome.
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arcielee · 1 year
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This is a Canva creation I did for my HotD fanfic I have been working on since the show ended. It is my AU for Dance of Dragons baby. ♥  It follows Adelayde Stark OC, who is Cregan Stark's fraternal twin sister. She is sent to King's Landing and is sucked into the endless politicking of Westeros and is curious about a certain one-eyed prince.
You can read it on AO3 here: The Sapphire Prince  Artwork: IG @alexineskiba  
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Revamped Plot of Out of This World
This is a version of the musical that I think would fit the qualifications for an original Broadway style musical. There are 17 original songs.
Here's the base plot of the revamped version of Out of This World in my fic (might change a bit but the main ideas should stay the same). It's focused on duality in the stories and the planets themselves (war=love, joy=war, love=despair, despair=joy):
In order to stop the new idealist Captain Lucia from sniffing around their organization, higher ups at Central Union Space Exploration and Research Center send her and her second in command Sten on a suicide mission: to recover a long thought dead explorer from a solar system that is being pulled into a black hole. Since the exact coordinates were scrambled, the two set out to search every planet for the Surveyor. However, they stumble across people who need their help escaping certain death. 
On the planet of Ager, two kingdoms are locked in a fierce struggle to insure that only their people survive after centuries of civil war. The two princes of the kingdoms have other plans however, as they have started to fall in love with the other from afar after all these years of fighting. When they are promoted to king with the deaths of the current rulers, Fallon and Achlys declare the war over and promise to unite their kingdoms in peace, finally allowing Lucia and Sten to help their people to safety. Fallon and Achlys join Lucia and Sten on their mission for the good of their people and to repay the duo for their kindness.
On the planet of Hyapp, the only surviving member of a single species remains behind, terrified and depressed at being the last one standing after the deaths of their people. The survivor, Nova, blames herself for her peoples death and has set to living in misery, running from their enemies for the rest of their life. It takes Lucia and Sten talking with her as Fallon and Achlys protect them to convince her to live her life for herself and that it’s okay to be happy again. Nova decides to go with the group on their mission.
On the planet Levo, the people have all escaped already except for one. The young lover Thana mourns the death of her partner Duane and refuses to leave the planet in fear of leaving them. The spirit of Duane however is begging their love to leave so that one of them can live to see the next day. Eventually, Duane manages to get through to Thana enough for the group to convince her to leave, with the lovers sharing one final goodbye. Thana decides to stick close to the group out of missing her partner.
The final planet Ispedar is a cold and desolate wasteland when the group arrives. However, finally the sprite Lux (who’s been appearing in the background for quite a while, almost seeming to lead Lucia and Sten to the others) makes herself known to the group and leads them to where the Surveyor Akuji is hiding out. To the group’s surprise however, Akuji doesn’t want to be saved and says he’ll be killed if he goes back to the center. When Lucia potests this however, Akuji askes her why she was sent on a obvious suicide mission if she was right about the center caring about them. He then casts them out into the wasteland, stopping Lux from helping them. 
The group fights about whether or not they should try to rescue Akuji and Lux if they seemed to not want to and whether or not the center was actually evil, leading to internal conflict between the survivors. It’s only when the group faces essentially certain death does Akuji turn up to save them, having been convinced by Lux to help them and to be the kind of mentor he wished he had. Finally, the group, now accompanied by Akuji and Lux, leave, headed towards somewhere where the refugees will be safe.
List of Characters + Actors
Captain Lucia - Rosita Perez-Harrison
Second-In-Command Sten - Gunter Hoffman
Prince Fallon of Cahir - Ryan Willis
Prince Achlys of Deianira - Johnny Taylor
Nova of Sol 2 - Porsha Crystal
Ghost of Duane - Finnley Marks (OC)
Thana the Mourner - Meena Amari
Surveyor Akuji - Clay Calloway
Lux the Spirit - Ash Batalla
Narrator - Buster Moon
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OMG PTSD-ridden steampunk Red Rising??? As in, the good sequels to Red Rising but that was the point all along??? I am so sold. Even if I have the pitch kinda off I'm sold. That sounds awesome, I'm so glad there's a person making this thing!
AAAA thank you!!! YES, i was super inspired by red rising and i continue to be with the sequel series!! ive been psyching myself up to read dark age for the last couple months :D
the pitch in the pinned post is more accurate to the first book than the subsequent ones - but the series as a whole is like... Red Rising, Stormlight Archive, and A:tLA got together on a funky world and co-parented a queer fantasy epic!! i was particularly inspired by pierce brown's writing style for a lot of it :D
im in the middle of drafting book 3 of 8 right now, and the latter half of the series is also going to have airship pirates, magical anthropology, and a vampire dragon rider >:)
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kiebs-creative-corner · 11 months
Six of Powers
SOP is my current original that I've been working on this past year.
It follows Mari, an amnesiac woman who has returned to her childhood city to find answers. The only thing she really knows about her past before the age of ten is that she was an experiment. She doesn't know what for exactly; maybe to push the limits of humanity, maybe for a bio-weapon, maybe for a new drug. She just knows that whatever that experiment was, it gave her powers. And she wants to know why and who.
Hopefully returning to the city where it happened will give the answers to those questions and more. It helps that Mari can tell when others have powers, as rare as that is.
...or not as rare as she thinks, when she runs into Jun, a fellow experiment and someone who used to know her. Maybe he has just the answers Mari is looking for.
Now if only Mari could stop stumbling onto murder scenes, that would be perfect.
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etoilesombre · 2 years
Another Troy to Burn
Series Begun:2021-06-22  Series Updated: 2022-08-07
Why, what could she have done, being what she is? Was there another Troy for her to burn? -WB Yeates No Second Troy
Way back in the day, before I had even finished watching Black Sails, I became totally convinced that Silver and Flint could have been fucking for the whole show and the dynamic would still work, and it wouldn’t necessarily change the outcome at all. That is basically the premise of this series. It is canon compliant perhaps to a fault, and evolves in many of the same ways as canon in terms of tone. As such - do not expect it to hurt any less. This is a love story. That does not mean it's happy.
The first part tracks canon and cuts off just pre-Charles Town. The second part is the story of Silver's decision to stay, give up his claim on the gold and become Quartermaster, as well as how the situation in Nassau is resolved. Third part follows Silver adapting to his role as quartermaster, his evolving relationship with Flint, and their time during the raids.
There is now a playlist for this series!
Stats: Words: 98,362  Works: 3   Complete: No  
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villanelleskiss · 10 months
playing wind waker on the gamecube for the first time ever just as it was intended
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deermook · 1 year
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Friends romans countrymen please meet my beloved sona Little Thingy, or Thing for short
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Episode written: 18/37
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arc-777 · 1 year
Rate the hook to my story:
“This warehouse was identical to the one Sam died in.”
Opinions? Writers pls interact :)
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being-luminous · 2 years
just wanna say that I'm obsessed with your fics, your writing style, dialogues especially (always so expressive and lively, yet so prose!!), your unique inspirations, your characterisations, with how you nail complicated romances, how all your works have such a special indescribable feel to them and. and. and just aaaa!!!!! anyway yo what's the 7 Potters about
Thank you so much!! 🥰💖
The 7 Potters is an AU sparked by into the spiderverse & wynne's hell is your son series
The basic premise is that canon Harry Potter, age ten, makes a wish that leads to six other Harry Potters from different universes/points in time being summoned to his world. I don't have any snippets since I'm still plotting out the second half of the story, but here's a list of the Harrys involved
Also I'm still deciding whether this fic will have ships at all, so if anyone has any thoughts I'd love to hear them
Anyway! The 7 Potters are:
Little Harry (10, canon, starts the story in his cupboard, not alone at the time but didn't know it, full baby)
Harriet Potter (14, was mid-portkey out of the graveyard when she appears on the quidditch pitch, the cool older sister)
Edgelord H. Potter (18, Ha----- Potter-Black, betrayed^tm, his universe's Voldemort was a terrible pseudo-mentor, appears in Diagon, the annoying middle child)
Future "Canon" Harry (24, "coping" by being an Auror, appears in the MoM building, the coolest older brother)
DADA Prof Harry Potter (34, "coping" by isolating himself in Hogwarts, tired^tm, appears in the stands of the quidditch pitch, the dad)
Dark Lord Harry Potter (55, in charge and mad about it, may or may not be immortal and also mad about it, appears in the MoM building, the scary uncle)
Master of Death (???, no one knows how old they are or where they came from)
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liquidstar · 7 months
If my mom sees a significant amount of blood she gets lightheaded, and has fainted on some occasions. Once it happened when we were kids, I wasn't there to witness it but I heard the story from my dad. Basically my brothers, around 7 or 8 at the time, were playing outside while my mom was making their lunch, and she accidentally cut her finger. It wasn't anything serious, but it drew a fair bit of blood and she passed out. My dad saw this and rushed over, but he didn't really know what to do so he just sort of started slapping her to wake her up (not recommended, but he had no idea and panicked)
At that exact moment my brothers both came in from playing, and all they saw was our mom unconscious on the floor and our dad slapping her. So, like, without even saying a word to each other they both just INSTANTLY start whaling on him, like, full blown attack mode to defend our mom. Which obviously didn't help the situation, but she did wake up and everything was fine.
Now our dad says that he's actually really glad they attacked him over what they thought was going on, because it means he raised good boys. And I still think that's true, they're very good boys.
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emaarusovaa · 2 months
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GM ❤️
SOURCE: 🔴 www.ema-rusova.com🔞
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captainsaltypear · 4 months
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sultedsults-blog · 4 months
Drop for you <3
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