#Irmo Aesthetic
kudriaken · 11 months
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Irmo Lorien - Master of Dreams and Illusions. Brother of Namo Mandos and Nienna. I chose more whimsical and ethereal aesthetics for him, since it`s something I personally associate with dreams and spirits.
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foedhrass · 9 months
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Irmo the younger [Feantur] is the master of visions and dreams. In Lórien are his gardens in the land of the Valar, and they are the fairest of all places in the world, filled with many spirits.
I chose to cosplay Irmo when Silverlynxcosplay decided to take on Mandos. I never really connected to the first part of the Silmarillion, the Ainulindale and Valaquenta, and still don’t really care for the Valar, but I really like this cosplay for aesthetic reasons. It was one of the hardest one to pin down though: without a connection to the character I struggled to find a design (for the body) that I liked. I scrapped the first version immediately after making it, wore the second for about an hour at an Elfia a couple of years and disliked every photo I got back. So now, with our shooting week planned for nature and also the Elfia around the corner I made a third version which felt right very early on, even though I switched colors when I had already applied them (it was golden and silver at first but that didn’t fit to the rest of the cosplay and my vision for Irmo, so I brought back the crème tone from the second version). And I’m super happy about how this cosplay turned out.
Cosplay & edit: me
Photo: goldiepond
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outofangband · 2 years
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The rest of the Valar offer their advice to Melkor (BoLT verse) during his imprisonment in Mandos!
Like my Angband paperwork, the handwriting choices were vital :)
@tolkien-feels this is in part for you 
Image description/transcript:
Dear Melko, I hope this aids in thy self reflection. Please consider too the advice our brethren have so kindly left for thee! Best wishes, your brother :)
Remain in the outskirts of Arda. Stay away from the Children. Bask under the light of the stars. Love, Varda 
 meditate, take walks, I don’t know what’s in fashion to relax these days but please try. I can’t keep getting called to council meetings about you. Kills my loner aesthetic-Ulmo
Learn woodworking, knitting, or another productive craft. Ideally one that doesn’t involve mutilation or imprisonment of living creatures. Improve your skills and enjoy your (safe, harmless) accomplishments.-Aulë
Quarantine your mutants and stay away from my creations. I helped Tulkas with his garden. That’s just a fun life update. Not in any way a threat. Obviously. Enjoy Mandos. Sincerely, Yavanna 
Contemplative strolls, swims, letting yourself become lost in your thoughts. Keep a dream diary. Visit my gardens. We get bored, you know.-Irmo 
Oh, do visit. There is healing to be found here for all. But be warned, it is so easy to become lost in my husband’s mazes…-Estë
Stop and smell the flowers. Literally. Enjoy little moments of joy and peace. There is beauty in so much. Peace, Vána
Come monster hunting with me! I won’t let Tulkas Punch you more than once!! Promise! -Oromë
Run. Run hard and fast until your breath is gone and you can no longer distinguish between hot and cold upon your face.-Nessa 
No one ever taught me to lie convincingly, sorry no advice for you. But not actually sorry. Written by: tulkas 
(Vairë does not communicate verbally) 
As I currently am overseeing your stay in Mandos, it would be a breach of ethics to offer advice of this nature. But I do hope you receive advice on how to remain out of my halls. From, Námo 
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@ainurweek Headcanons Days 5-6
Mandos, Vairë, Death, Fate, Travel,
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Námo gets killer migraines
Vaire taught Nienna how to sew
Vaire sometimes makes the feanturi cloaks and veils embroidered with fun patterns like animals, plants, clouds, and constellations.
In Arda Marred, or whatver they call the first time around, Namo rarely left his halls and almost never left valinor.
Namo and Vaire go on roadtrips once everything in Arda Remade is set up, there is no more need for a doomsman nor weaver of fate.
They still have jobs to do but thats what they say whenever Manwë tries to end their vacation early.
━━━━━━━━ ✧◈✧━━━━━━━━
Lórien, Esté, Dreams, Healing, Friendship
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Irmo has fluffy moth antenna with all his fana, but you don’t really notice it unless your looking directly at him, which most don’t (Feanor and his kin are the exception to this).
Irmo and Este has made friendship bracelets for each other for the fun of it before.
Bandages with colors and images on them was a result of Irmo rambling about what the hobbits dream about these days. Flowery bandages was such a great hit with Este, she started a project with Aule to create something like that.
Feanor and Irmo used to actually get along in his younger days. Feanor would feel better knowing the Vala he actually had conversations with sometimes was the one watching over his mother.
Feanor and Irmo tentatively rehash this friendship in arda remade (the younger finwean generations are both scared and baffled).
Irmo has moth wings! He usually uses them as a cloak, so most think the wings are just an aesthetically themed cloak. They are fuzzy.
One of the reasons Irmo wears a veil like his siblings is that his pupils are always an dilated and he doesn’t want to creep out any of the elves (or get scolded by the other Valar for creeping out the elves).
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edensrose · 2 years
More progress on the pretty boy <3 irmo is so aesthetically pleasing to draw istg
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ruiniel · 1 year
4,5,11,22 for the artist asks
Oh hi, thanks very much for sending!
4. Favourite things to draw?
Portraits and full body character illustrations (both human and non-human persons)
Emotion (in as much as the skill allows...)
5. Anything you haven't drawn yet but want to?
Hard Yes! Some character doodles I was thinking of trying at one point(long list, still not an exhaustive one 🥴):
Wednesday Addams from the new series (per @edensrose and @the-shellter heh)
Námo (Mandos), Oromë
Celegorm, Curufin
Maedhros in the fiery chasm
Struggling through the Helcaraxë
Finrod vs Sauron song of power
Ancalagon, Carcharoth (humanization)
Haradrim warrior
Avari Elf
Richter Belmont (Castlevania)
Maria Renard (Castlevania)
Sonia Belmont (Castlevania)
Sara Trantoul (Castlevania)
11. Favorite comment you've ever received on your work?
Oh dear! I don't recall exactly but anything along the lines of 'I love your stuff', or just any positive comment really, hits so hard. 😓 Because imposter syndrome. Can add two most recent ones:
You captured that aesthetic perfectly, and I especially love the delicate and detailed lines in combination with the bold watercolour brush strokes. ♥
Le gasp That… is insanely beautiful!!! 😍😍😍😍 Those eyes… Melts I can't for the life of me!! Applause 💖💖
I cry
22. When is your prime time to work on your art?
Sometimes the doodle urge hits like a truck when I least expect it, but I noticed mornings (rested eyes) and afternoons work well for me... sometimes well into the night (and somehow still keeping a dayjob dkfjdfk). When I need a break from a piece, I turn to writing and viceversa.
TY again, I really enjoyed these.
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apihtawtoussaint · 1 month
The History of Arda (Very serious)
Part 2 (nisô)
So, where we left off, a bunch of the Ainur went off with their sheet music and blueprints to create Arda.
Being whispy divine things, they didn't inherently have physical forms. But they'd make some for the looks, for the drama. They would also vibe out a gender, and I've decided to interpret that far more progressively than I imagine Tolkien meant it.
Now we have to take a second to do the Deuteronomy thing and list everyone.
Of the Ainur, the big guys were called the Valar and the teeny ones were the Maiar. The 8 government workers of the Valar were called the Aratar. They were the Named Characters. Also, angels, spirits, Abrahamic theology, whatever. If it looks like a pantheon and sounds like a pantheon, it might just be a pantheon.
The Aratar were: Manwë, Varda, Ulmo, Yavanna, Aulë, Mandos, Nienna, and Oromë. But there were a few others that were also important enough for names.
Manwë Sulimo was the Zeus guy, sky god. The Eagles were his servants; they may or may not have been Maiar depending on when you asked Tolkien. Eru Ilùvatar just gave him the job of main bitch. Melkor was his brother, but they weren't close. He was married to Varda. Because sky. That'll make sense soon.
Aulë, man, he was the best of them, he had a hand in the worst of them.
Pros: created the Dwarves!!
God of earth and smithing and such.
Has an odd amount of influence over beards.
Cons: Both Sauron and Saruman started as his Maiar.
He was the patron of the Noldor Elves. Which sort of led to Feänor creating the silmarils.
He married Yavanna, because dirt.
Ulmo was unbothered by the nonsense the others had going on. In his lane, moisturized. He was god of water, oceans, rains, puddles, etc. He likes to just chill in the ocean, mostly. He doesn't even put on a physical form mostly. Comfy guy.
Elven sea longing does come from the sound of his horn, though. So just, like, let him be.
Oromë was the Athena coded one. Big hunter man, super into horses. He had this sick ass horse called Nahar, who was Shadowfax's grandpapa.
Nessa was his sister, and Vána his wife. I don't have a good quip about that; it's just true.
Mandos, which is actually his nickname his government name is Námo, was god of the dead and the doomsman. Not so much in that he doomed men, but he just had prophecies (fate=doom) and was ride or die for his aesthetic.
Technically, Mandos is the name of his halls, where the dead people live.
He is in a fun little goth sibling trifecta with Lórien and Nienna, and married to Vairë. Because fiber arts.
Lórien, similar to his brother was name of his lands but people called him that. But his legal name was Irmo, so I understand not going with that. Dream! He's the dream guy. His gardens double as a wellness retreat and longterm care center that he runs with his wife, Estë.
Tulkas, late to the party, was not among the OGs. He didn't show up until 1,500 Valian years (~14,373 solar years) after the creation of Arda. He heard that there was some fighting going down and he just had to get in on that shit. And then he married Nessa.
Varda Elentári, the most revered by the Elves. She's into stars, and more broadly light and light sources. She would have made an excellent lighting designer for theatre.
What's she done? Well, only all the stars, the Lamps, and the Sun and Moon! (Not in that order) She was super hot and had mad beef with Melkor even before they started the whole universe creation project.
Yavanna Kementári, the queen of the earth! Gardener, botanist, plants rights activist. She also led to the creation of the Ents when she complained to Eru Ilùvatar that all the other sentient things liked to chop down trees. And if Aulë gets his fucking Dwarves, she should get at least something.
She also did the Two Trees, of course.
Nienna, grief, despair, crying all the time. She also does therapy work at her brother's halls for the dead elves waiting to get reimbodied. Very important work, a lot of them were killed in not fun ways. Or too fun ways.
Estë, the lady of rest, potentially nocturnal as she apparently spent most days napping in her husband's gardens. But when she's up, she's a doctor, she's a psychiatrist, she was really the main source of healthcare in Aman.
Vairë, the weaver, fiber artist extraordinaire. She liked to make these cool tapestries of pretty much everything that ever had happened. Which is a lot of things. She would decorate the Halls of Mandos with them, so I imagine they were very cozy.
Vána! Vána was sure there... look, in earlier drafts she was way more important but that didn't survive until publishing. So, she liked flowers and was youthful. That's Vána.
Nessa, damn, it's even worse that Vána. What do we know about Nessa? She could run fast and was a good dancer. I like to imagine that she and Vána had lots of intense adventures we just don't know about.
Of course, Melkor also travelled with the squad to Arda but he was very unhelpful. In the early days be would be like a big volcano mountain guy and destroy everything the others tried to build. And he'd seduce their Maiar away and make them into Balrogs!
Early Arda was a series of wars between him and the other Valar until Tulkas came down to throw hands, to make some shapes.
Here's a summary:
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And those are the Valar! Yay!
Next, we go into a few Maiar, and getting into the Spring of Arda. Get ready for some big ass lamps!!
Part 1
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Irmo Carpet Cleaners
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If your Oc's had to pick a weapon (they can dual wield two) but what would that go for and which one would they main if they have two
Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings The anon ask this the same time i told you about it or just after | @aetherofthepen
Okay I only did this for my oc's with the more intresting weapons and the more used and known about ones on my blog I hope you don't mind:
Thalion wields a claymore, sure with what he wears he looks rather weak and like a taller Lindir but that is in fact not the case he is quite strong, he takes after his father in that fact who is also one of my oc's and his fathers name is Thanion so both Thanion and Thalion wields a Claymore the same one two as Thalion inherited Thanion's sword
Ranya wields a polearm, he is the horseman of conquest and given my character references for his looks and how I imagine his fighting style to be it fits perfectly with a polearm spear
Arno main weapons is a scythe but his back up one is a sword, Arno is known represents as the horseman of death and is mistaken for Lucifer/Satan/Asmodeus/Beelzebub a lot by the race of men he is the horseman of death not the personification of death, but given all the tales in men that the grim reaper carries a Scythe means Arno gets mistaken as it even if the grim reaper is his brother Varya's nickname
Faeron dual wields twin swords well actually one is made by the Valar and the other is made by his father yes he may hate his father but his sword is good and he won't turn something he had before he hated his father because of a grudge, but most of the time he only wields one even if he carries both on his back (Faeron thinks he's Geralt)
Voron has a glaive, I think it suits his personality many find him an asshole at first but if you take the time to get to know him he has a personality like Gil-galad which is why I gave him the same type as weapon as the king.
Varya wields knives coated in poison and a longsword, he is the horseman of war, but he only uses the longsword when collecting souls which his where he is a lot more brute force and strength compared to how he actually fights which is swift and quick and from the shadows.
Valkor is a wizard so he uses his magic but he pairs it with a sceptar he has which is like marvel Loki's as it has a blade on it and I totally based Valkor's powers on Loki so his back up weapons are knives.
Aerdis has a short sword and a broken spear he duals, he uses both as defence and offense at the same time given he is ambidextrous he doesn't have easier between one and the other but given his weapon choices he gets them down with the sword before stabbing them with the broken spear head.
Luthion duals a bearded axe and a dagger, Luthion however isn't ambidextrous, he uses the bearded axe as his main weapon both to the dislike and like of the dwarves, many believe he should pair the axe with a shield but he doesn't much like shields so he uses the dagger as defence and the axe as offense and it works well for him.
Thilion just has a katana and shares Irmo's japanese aesthetic, as much as I want to joke about it Thilion truly is like a wandering samurai who just doesn't wear armour he owns and carries two but he only uses one to fight.
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ainurmoodboards · 4 years
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Lorien, Uinen, and the Silver Tree
Telperion was the White Tree of Valinor and was also known by the name of Silpion, particularly in the early stages of Tolkien’s works. Tolkien’s earlier writings provide connections between the White Tree and some of the Ainur. 
Irmo, more commonly known as Lorien after his dwelling place, was the master of dreams and visions and the brother of Namo/Mandos and Nienna. Their isn’t a lot of detail about Lorien in The Silmarilion, but in earlier works he has a strong connection to Telperion/Silpion. A youthful Ainu named Silmo was a servant of Lorien (the concept of the Maiar wasn’t quite developed yet). Silmo was in charge of keeping the tree Silpion (Telperion) watered, just like how Arien watered Laurelin. The dews of Silpion were collected into a cauldron called Silindrin which was located in the gardens of Lorien. Here, Irmo/Lorien would gaze into the cauldron and see many mysterious visions. Silpion, Silmo, and Silindrin all come from a root word associated with shining, silver light. 
Since the last flower of Telperion later became the Moon, Lorien’s connection to the tree as the Master of Dreams and Visions may be due to the Moon’s association with the occult, the supernatural, and of course sleep. 
Uinen has an interesting connection to Telperion as well. After the deaths of the two trees, Vana cut her golden hair short to weave for the sails of the ship of the Sun. Meanwhile, Uinen is described as weaving the sails of the ship of the Moon out of foam and mists, with some glittering like fish scales and others shining with tiny points of star-like lights. 
Since Uinen and her husband were the Lord and Lady of the Seas and friends of the seashore-dwelling elves, Uinen’s association with the Moon may symbolize the Moon’s connection to the tides. 
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thegirlwhohid · 4 years
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@oneringnet valar event: modern valars
Irmo as a game developer
Modern Irmo moodboard
The Silmarillion characters: (93/?)
Characters’ moodboards: (371/?)
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gianfare · 3 years
Irmo Lorien
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My first digital work😃
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outofangband · 3 years
Ooo yay!! I really enjoyed the headcanons about Aule, Namo and Tulkas (that he just LETS elves break into his house absolutely SENT me omg 😂)
For the next batch could you do Ulmo, Irmo, and Nienna please?? Personally I headcanon Ulmo to live in the deep deep ocean and has a pet leviathan (like the guardian leviathan thing in the Disney movie Atlantis!) I'm super interested in what you think of Ulmo especially!!
Thanks so much for your thoughts before I absolutely adored that post!
Previous post! Next
Tulkas doesn’t lock his doors and is very open about letting anyone who’s not Morgoth use his house
Actual sign on Tulkas’s Door (translated from Valarin): 
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Tulkas consults the legally knowledgeable Maiar of Mandos to write up a contract stating that if Morgoth enters his house, Morgoth volunteers himself for servitude to Manwë for three thousand years 
joking aside, anon I’m so glad you liked my headcanons on their houses! I’ll do a similar thing for these where I’ll combine your prompt with some more general headcanons. 
I love your ideas for Ulmo! I haven’t seen Atlantis but I love the idea of him having a Leviathan 
I took some inspiration in my mention of Námo’s walking paths that he follows from Destiny in the Sandman Chronicles! 
under the cut again just for length! 
Nienna has her own halls originally looking out over Ekkaia and the doors of night before the Undying Lands vanished from the circles of the world.  That being said we don’t know much about her halls! I imagine there are similarities to the gardens of Lórien though I think that her halls are much quieter, more minimalist and meditative.  Rock gardens perhaps with small, trickling fountains appearing themselves almost like tears, weeping willows providing places to sit and reflect. Here’s a picture that kind of shows what I’m thinking. 
Nienna is a teacher like Vairë. She is perpetually in grief for the marring of Morgoth but she is a figure too of compassion, of the soothing of grief and pain. She teaches Maiar and elves alike and to be in her presence is cathartic. She will occasionally visit the halls of Mandos to visit and console the elves there, sometimes by her brother’s leave, sometimes not. 
I am reminded by the figure Kuan Yin in Buddhist iconography. Her name means “she who listens to the sounds/suffering” of the world and she too is a figure of compassion, of pity, and mercy. 
Now as for Irmo, we do have a fairly vivid and beautiful description of the gardens! We know that there are glowworms and that Varda made stars especially for the Gardens. Yavanna too gifted cedars and yew trees and pines and a huge cypress tree. There are also fields of poppies and other flowers that promote sleep. There are lakes, fountains, forests, and groves. There were also said to be labyrinths and mazes within the gardens which personally I just love. The songs of nightingales are heard and the Maiar of Lórien sing too. 
Irmo like his brother is a wanderer rather than having an actual house or even a throne though unlike Námo who follows certain paths, those which have previously been written and those that he writes himself, Irmo’s wanderings are more random and he will change course if something catches his fancy, a Maia calls to speak with him, a rare flower blooming, etc. 
And finally Ulmo! Ulmo doesn’t have a home in Valinor, he wanders the shores and the waters of the world upon Beleriand, Middle Earth and Valinor. I do love your idea of him living deep in the waters too. We know that he is more at home in the depths of the ocean than say, Ossë who loves the shores and coastlines.  He will take the forms of sea creatures to travel and to learn of information, perhaps staying with a pod of whales or a flock of sea birds (though when he does this Manwë always Knows as sea birds are at a crossings in their domains) 
Occasionally he will take a form closer to an elf or even a human especially if this will allow him to impart or learn information. We know that the Song is felt most deeply in the waters of Arda and I always associate Ulmo with communication, with the spreading of news and information albeit in more subtle ways. 
I hope this is OK, anon! Please feel free to let me know which ones you want next! 
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edensrose · 2 years
I was out yesterday so I just saw it now.... *breathes*
Also, I love the aesthetic of your blog! The patience you might have to do all those pretty things!!! I tried to use the gradient colors on the text and I almost freaked out lmao
Irmo's masterlist is up and ready to start receiving requests ✨
Also, thank you very much!! 💕 It honestly takes a lot of effort and time and my sanity but in the end it's all worth it! Especial when I hear others like it too 💞
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Nightmare!Irmo aesthetic
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nikandrros · 3 years
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“Among the tales of sorrow and of ruin that came down to us from the darkness of those days there are yet some in which amid weeping there is joy and under the shadow of death light that endures.” - J.R.R. Tolkien
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