#Involving this and the sheer amount of stuff that can be done involving this
astrxlfinale · 2 months
Roasting marshmallows over your head Jace because your brain is SMOKING with these headcanons man! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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I remember this ask came around the type of the TB HC involving Acheron, and can I say I felt particularly proud of that one too? I've really been taking my time to throw myself back into the starting mark of Penacony after getting such an advanced grasp of the Dreamscape mechanics a touch more. This in particular just shot a high amount of intrigue for me due to how particular it was, and on top of that the way it went beyond the typical boundary of Memoria.
The place they've met had such a pivotal difference between the moments Black Swan skillfully recreated, it was as if the process in itself on that plane was fully Mastered/Realized.
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From this example here, doing this in real time Penacony in terms of Dreamscape takes no shortage of skill. If this ability were to take a toll on her to imprint on reality, viewable for all.
Which only elevated the questions about the prior spoken about 'Realm' that The Trailblazer found themselves upon with Acheron's Heart actively exploring, disconnected entirely from Penacony scope affairs in terms of convention, despite making entirely accurate recreations of events, past, present and future.
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Saying something as casual as this despite-
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Being able to 1 for 1 depict so many of the THINGS going down there all the same.
Naturally this made my lore brain become entirely determined in exploring this aspect. From the possibilities of Memoria and I imagine in this case, being a latent ability of Acheron's ability of IX's Emanator if we were to take the earlier accounts into question. If I'm at least perceiving the material right, so much history devoured by IX is never 'lost' as much as it is recorded in unconventional means. So I pictured some odd end reaction happening between Nihility and the Remembrance in this vein.
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simpjaes · 6 months
mlt to be into messy sex like they get turned on the messier it gets eg. squirting, cumming on your face/other body parts
MTL: hyung line + messy sex/cum play
warning: messy stuff involving spit, cum, sweat, squirt (+implied piss), period sex
under the cut so people aren't forced to see details.
heeseung: you said messy and i'm writing this with purpose specifically but, squirting is his fave thing ever. every girl he gets on top if will squirt for him or he ain't calling them back. this does happen to involve a lot of water drinking before hand, and a very locked bathroom door lmao. that aside, i think heeseung would be really into cum play as well. coming in you, on your ass, thighs, legs, feet, tits, hands, and/or back. would also probably come all over himself if it comes down to it. Same for you, he's obsessed with your wet, and would probably try to drown in it if he could.
jay: (im insane for him rn pls look the other way) i imagine jay would be pretty into the messy blowjobs. i'm talking like, cum and saliva bubbling out of the corners of your mouth, tears running down your cheeks, etc. for him, there's something about being pussy drunk when his girl is cock drunk in turn, and it always leads to the messiest and best sex. The head you give is is loud, wet, lots of slurping sounds, lots of gagging. the head he gives is equally as loud, though he's probably moaning a lot through it too. i think he's the type that wants you to collect his cum on your tongue and let him watch you swallow it. also the type to fill your mouth full of his cum, tell you to hold it in without swallowing just to see it dribble out of the sides of your mouth. he thinks it's gross and disgusting, but entirely too hot that you do it for him.
sunghoon: hoon is probably super into coming on your face if it's not inside of you. not only bc he thinks you look hot like that, but because it genuinely just feels so fucking good to him for everything to be wet and messy, especially in the way you indulge him and thumb the mess into your mouth, proving that you like it just as messy. same goes for when he's fucking you too. i think he'd be into body fluids, and want them all over the place. squirting? man, he would be in heaven, especially if you let him open his own mouth at it. also probably really into spitting in your mouth but thats just me.
jake: messy with it without intention because he's always been that way. I mean, bro probably half-drained of cum before he even puts it in you due to the sheer amount of fucking pre-cum he gives. the type to be a huge fan of squirting as well, almost always abusing the fuckkkk out of your g-spot just so he can get you as messy as he always is. also the type to want to be fucking drenched in you and himself by the time it's all done. one hundred percent would probably be into period sex too. not necessarily anything involving his mouth but man, being covered in anything you offer is something that would drive him insane. anything sticky, anything thick, anything that helps the slide, really.
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p3ski · 19 days
Tag games-Ask a fic writer
Thank you @sunwarmed-ash for the tag! 💖
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
13 on my current account, so not a massive amount 🫣 I'll level with you fine people, I have been guilty of committing the sin of deleting fics (or entire accounts) when I decide I'm no longer proud of them... I've never done it with any of my DBH stuff, but I have done it for basically all other fandoms I've been involved in. I have since learned the error of my ways and to orphan rather than delete after losing some of my all time faves to other writers doing the same 💔
2. What fandoms do you write for?
Active - Detroit: Become Human (also toying with the idea of writing some BG3 fics... 👀 I blame my Neil Newbon fixation)
Former (may return to) - Ace Attorney (AA)
Former (will not be returning to) - MHA, Death Note, Hetalia, Teen Titans.
3. Top five fics by kudos:
With Love, Signal Red - AA
More Than Our Parts - DBH
With Love, Miles Edgeworth - AA
With Love, Phoenix Wright - AA
Part Of You - DBH
4. What's your total ao3 word count?
234,659 (almost half of that consists of a single story 🙈)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try my very best! Someone it takes me a while though 🙏
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's probably a toss up between stay with me. (DBH) or With Love, Phoenix Wright (AA) - although I'd argue that the latter doesn't count because it's a prologue to a longer story, so not really an 'ending'
I also wrote a DBH flavoured retelling of Carrie once—a fic request called GAVIN. For anyone familiar with the story of Carrie...yeah, you already know that doesn't end well. 😬
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
You see I love me some 'angst with a happy ending', so a lot of fics I commit to follow that formula. I'll say that More Than Our Parts has the happiest ending, just because of the sheer scale of Hell everyone went through in order to get there 🥲
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have received criticism on my works before, but nothing I'd say was intentionally hateful.
(Unless you're counting some of the reviews on my ancient FF.net account—but I was 14-15 when I wrote most of those stories, and I'm going to put up my hands and say the hate is 100% valid 🙃)
9. Do you write smut?
Is it even one of my fics if I don't shoehorn some smut into it? 🤷
10. Craziest crossover?
That would be the only (technical?) crossover of Detroit Become Human x Carrie
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not 😭
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not—if that ever happened I would probably be so flattered that I'd just keel over and die 💖 (affectionately)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, although I imagine that would be fun! I'm open to offers if any fellow authors are interested 🫣
14. All time favourite ship?
Ughhh, do not make me choose just one...I'm going to bend the rules and give three different answers according to slightly different criteria 🤏
First Ship I Ever Wrote For/Got Invested In-
Beast Boy / Raven (DC/Teen Titans)
Ship That Got Me Through A Difficult Time/Ultimate Comfort Ship-
Phoenix Wright / Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Current Favourite-
Gavin Reed / RK900 (DBH)
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
That knowledge stays between me and the unhinged notes app I keep on my phone
16. What are your writing strengths?
(Self promotion makes me uncomfortable one sec—) I would say my characterisation/dialogue and vocabulary? I have also been informed that I am good at 'setting the scene', creating for immersive backdrops.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Awkward sentence structure, spelling and grammar (I use a checker for that) and both over describing with lots of fluff and under describing with flat descriptions. I can never get the balance right 😭😭😭
I also have a nasty habit of reworking things constantly, as well as being overly ambitious with my ideas and then worrying the pay off is disappointing 🥲 meaning it takes several decades to publish anything.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
When I tell you I was balls deep in the Hetalia fandom during the latter half of my teens— I am extremely familiar with language switches in dialogue, does not bother me in the slightest.
(please add translations at the end though 🙏🙏)
19. First fandom you wrote in?
The OG Teen Titans cartoon from the 2000's 🫡 I embrace my heritage, but also will not be directing anyone to my ancient FF.net account as it makes me want to peel off my skin and jump out the nearest window.
(I have long since forgotten the log in details, so it will exist as an enduring time capsule to the time I was a moody teenager blasting MCR on the playground and complaining that no one understood me.)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Perhaps it's recency bias, but I am going to say More Than Our Parts. I poured my heart and soul into that story and I'm (mostly) very proud of it.
Tagging my beloved @wedonthaveawhile as I imagine most of my DBH friends have probably already been tagged 💖
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traitorsinsalem · 6 months
no it's ok!!! he's still doing minecraft stuff, just on twitch and his 2nd channel rather than his main channel. right now he's doing an all advancements 1.21 snapshot series as the "finale" of his main channel mc content. i've also been kind of expecting this given the vlogs/"talking in front of a green screen videos" he's been putting out, esp the ones in the past year and a half.
unfortunately, while his dedicated audience is still committed to him, the new generation of minecraft youtube fans is nowhere near as keen on episodic series and are more for short-form content (e.g. "i survived 1000 days in hardcore this is my world" "this MOD lets you KISS the WARDEN in MINECRAFT?!"). jordan tried to appease the algorithm with this for a while and then did a whole series of videos talking about how he was done with that because it wasn't making him happy. he also did a big poll on his channel and found that a majority of his viewers have been watching him since around the mianite days or earlier, and we also weren't especially happy with his clipped main channel mc videos.
he's been making minecraft videos for 13 years now, and even as someone who's been watching since his original survival series, there are plenty of series and videos from him that i haven't touched yet because of the sheer amount of videos he dedicated his career to making. i can still go back and watch his older series i never caught, plus some videos i watched back in the day and don't remember very well/didn't understand the humor of (*cough cough* buildinggame *cough*).
given the way stampy ended his minecraft career, i'm glad to see jordan taking a similar route. they're definitely some of the few popular minecraft youtubers who were never involved in any sort of intense drama or horrible scandals. i would honestly argue that this is a small shift for jordan, but a large shift for his audience. his major shift definitely occurred around the time mcc started and when dream and his cohort got popular. that's when the youtube algorithm and new mcyt audience started to value him less than other mc youtubers and the whole thing where jordan tried to appeal to the algorithm and hated it. the only difference between what he's been doing for the past 2 years and what he'll be doing going forth seems to be that his minecraft content will, as a lot of it already has been, be focused on captainsparklez2.
i do think "retirement" as he put it, as opposed to "quitting" or "leaving," is definitely the best way to describe what he has planned. he'll still do mc, just not as his primary career. he also said he may be willing to do mc videos on the main channel if a huge update appeals to him in some way at some point. he's definitely not suddenly quitting minecraft forever, and if he does, i have no doubt he'd still enjoy hearing from people who like his minecraft content and wouldn't be too bothered by being known as the minecraft guy.
tl;dr i'm not sad cuz not only is he putting his own needs and goals first, but he also...isn't even quitting minecraft altogether. i mostly watch his twitch vods on cs2 anyways, so it's no big deal to me in the end. long live captainsparklez, team ianite forever, etc.
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
1, 8, 19, 22?
Thanks! I'm just worried about this because I'm so rusty when it comes to the OUAT fandom but let's see.
1. the character everyone gets wrong
You know what? I'm gonna come out and say it - Facilier. The sheer amount of people I saw hemming and hawing about whether or not he was good for Regina because "he's a villain" and "has some hidden agenda" is absolutely appalling. Like, wtf do you mean is he good for her? He's literally the best! He is the only person on the show that's consistently put Regina over himself and his own wants. Like, I know he didn't have a lot of time to mess up but honestly, I don't think that even the writers understood him. He was giving off such strong Rumplestiltskin 2.0 vibes, which is the reason why I think the fandom had this reaction to him, and the writers really kind of went that way when he was even killed by Wish Rumple for wanting the dagger. It was a total waste of a perfectly good, intriguing character, not to mention husband material. Facilier deserved better treatment by everyone. Shadow Queen also deserved better!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Oh, god, I have no idea what's common.
Oh... Oh, fuck, now I wish I hadn't thought about this but...
People hating on season 7, usually without even having seen it. I think season 7 is my favorite season. There were plot lines that were unnecessary or got derailed or just didn't go anywhere but there was so much fresh stuff in there as well.
Usually, people don't even want to give it a chance because most of the og cast isn't even in there and I understand that because I hate big changes in my shows as well but the truth is that the writers had no idea what to do with the og cast since around the end of season 3 and they were clearly unwilling to spin a different angle to these characters and they were bringing in a new set of characters every half season. It only made sense to get more new characters and let them stay for a longer time.
Really, Henry, Ella and Lucy are precious, Wish Killian and Alice are one of the best parent-child relationships on the show, Alice and Robin are perfect and I think that Lady Tremaine and Gothel are some of the most ruthless villains of the show. There's a lot of raw emotion and fun twists and even if it doesn't end up being people's favorite, I think they should at least give it a chance.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I'm kinda mad that I was into the Cruella x Isaac clusterfuck of a relationship (if it can even be called that). On the one hand, they are not compatible at all. But on the other hand, he is so much of a slimy worm that he somehow manages to match her in horribleness and villainy; he's just on the other side of the spectrum, the pathetic wet cat side. There were clearly feelings. Extremely fucked up feelings. It really is like you're preparing to watch a car crash in slow motion but then you end up being ran over by the car instead, which is a perfect description for them. And that leads me to the fact, that her signature car was actually his first? Oh... oh, I hate the writers for this. Now I'm sold and there's no getting out.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I guess the tension between Regina x Rumple. Now this is kind of the opposite of question #8 in that the majority of the fandom is correct that s6 Golden Queen was a mistake and, frankly, kind of disgusting and I am saying this as someone whose first ship from the show was Golden Queen. Season 6 absolutely ruined everything that I enjoyed about the ship in favor of what? Them having sex? With zero of the actual appeal of their relationship being involved? And they still could have done something good with that! The fact is that Rumple was treating the queen like a puppet for his plans and that's exactly what she was! That's why he created her. But they should have added more about her being more of a mirror reflection of his. I don't want to write a whole analysis of their dynamic here because I was actually saving that for a meta post (as soon as I find the time to work on it) but the truth is that Regina learned all of her weapons, all of her villainy from him. Even her mannerisms. And now that the little remaining good inside her is gone and there's no conscience to hold her back, she could be even more like Rumple. But at the same time, she's a broken reflection of the situation with Baelfire, who was trying to help Rumple only to be abandoned. And Regina discarded the Evil Queen like trash. Also, another good angle here because Regina practically decided that everything she learned from Rumple was useless. They could have shown him be at least a little attached to the queen on merit of that.
But the thing is that the tension between Rumple and Regina comes from her good parts, the ones that remained with Regina after the split. And that tension has been there all along. He had to take every last thing from her in order to force her to cast the Curse, no matter how bitter and evil he'd managed to make her over the years. He had to crush her hope completely until the only thing that could rekindle it was casting the Curse. Which is the exact same situation that he's in - the Curse is his only hope to find his son. And even after that, Regina is still doing better than he is! And he knows that! The best example of that is his line in 2x09 when he says "One day maybe they'll even invite you to dinner". Because she did what he couldn't - put her own feelings aside to do what is best for her child. There is a tiny bit of goodness inside her persisting no matter what he's doing and that is driving him insane because it is a constant source of problems for him. It took him years - decades - to make her cast the Curse, her trust in Henry really slapped him in the face with his failures where his own son was concerned, her interference in getting revenge on Zelena for killing his son, her sacrifice for Henry undoing his happy ending in 4x22, her splitting herself eventually leading to even more issues between him and Belle. And on the other hand, Regina's attachment to him has gotten her in so many problems but, ultimately, his mistakes and schemes are what got her Henry - the biggest happiness in her life (and he almost killed Henry several times but that's the point exactly). Still, after all of that, they both gravitate towards each other and there's this kind of understanding between them because in certain ways they're similar, but there's also resentment because of the ways in which they're different. It makes for an extremely compelling dynamic and people are so quick to brush it off.
make me choose violence with these asks
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amomswrites · 6 months
((For the last thing i will be contributing to the WH fandom before i fuck off to do other things and do more original content, have probably one of the highest-ranked stories i've ever had done in a while. Like holy GOD, where did y'all come from??
At the height of my hyperfixation and hype, this was actually pretty damn fun to do! But now that i feel its hold finally waning on me and i can think clearly now without ol' Mr. Staring-Deeply-Into-Your-Soul here being the center of my universe. I still like Reboot Wally, don't misunderstand, but i don't feel myself being as passionately involved with the fandom as much anymore. Sorry if this saddens anyone who may actually be reading my stuff, but i have other things coming out that are gonna probably be better or of equal value, i hope!
For those trying to put two and two together...hi!! I'm the dimwit that wrote The Medusa Effect, a one-shot book on Wattpad that is basically Reboot Wally (AU belongs to @/bloodrediscream, seriously PLEASE go follow them; their art is SO good!!) and Y/N, aka us as the reader!
Seriously, y'all have like...no idea how fun this was to do while i was still heavily into this fandom, but too bashful to post much of anything because i didn't know how it would get received. And, for the sheer amount of people who read on Wattpad...thank you so much.
It's been great, and until the next one, I'll be seeing y'all!
I'll also try to keep an updated schedule here, but I make zero promises!))
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fitzrove · 10 days
(if you're still doing these!) 3, 8, 34 for the ask meme?
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Oaghh this is actually a tricky question!! But maybe I do know how to answer...
The Cat Returns (Studio Ghibli / Hiroyuki Morita)
It's my #1 comfort movie haha. I used to watch it with my sister when we were little, more so than any other Ghibli film (I did grow up with them and liked a lot of them - but I have to admit: I've never understood the appeal of Totoro specifically, I still think it's overrated hfhfjfj). Apparently it's widely considered to be a less good movie than the others, partly because Miyazaki wasn't that involved in it, but I think it's amazing. Also, I saw Whisper of the Heart (the one it's a spin off of) as an adult and didn't like it at all ajdjfkfk. The music, the worldbuilding/aesthetic, the (sometimes very eccentric) Finnish dub and the inherent whimsicalness of the story are very nostalgic and fun for me, and I've always loved cats, so :D
2. LOTR trilogy
It's cheating haha but putting all three under one heading. I've gone to a cinematic back-to-back marathon event of the extended edition... It took 12 hours and was one of the best moviegoing experiences of my life xD I feel like once you've done that, you're at a point where you can definitely say you're not going to get bored of it. I mean, I've been known to dip to get more snacks during some sequences (particular non-favourite is Shelob - not for any lack of fondness for spiders btw, I just find it a bit tedious as an action scene and it's at a point in the story where I'd rather be Moving On), but overall I really love these films - the story, the world, the characters, the music, the sheer amount of effort and care that went into making them and how it really shows >:]
3. POTO 2004
<333 Favourite musical film hahahahahah. I know this is controversial, but for me personally it's in some aspects even more fulfilling than seeing the show in the theatre. My favourite part/character of the show and book is and has always been the opera house!!!! I looooove theatres and theatre backstage stuff, especially big fancy old opera houses, and the movie is very immersively costumed and staged (set?). I don't watch it often (in full anyway - I rewatch the Carlotta scenes semi-often though), but I feel like if I was strapped to a chair and made to, I would just be vibing.
8. any reoccurring dreams?
I've only had one (1) actually repeated dream in my life, where it played out the same beat-for-beat as if watching the same VHS tape again, first when I was about 5 and again when I was maybe 7 years old - a weird Disney pastiche of Aladdin and The Little Mermaid haha. Repeating themes are more common. My least favourite of those was when my mental health was at its absolute lowest in my life during high school, and for around too months I kept dying in different kinds of highly specific ww2-related circumstances 😭😭 (I don't know if I started reading survivor stories too young - around the age of 10 or so...) ANYWAY yeah haha, not many specific reoccurring dreams. I wish I could repeat the one or two times in my life when I've dreamed about flying, it was a lot of fun >:]
34. any pet peeves?
Too many - I feel like half my tumblr posts are about these xD
One big one rn is that many German theatres don't let you book your tickets in just one step. They make you put in all your info and pick a seat and everything, and only then (after a 5-10 minute delay) do they send an email asking to transfer the money to secure your booking. Well, I was meant to go somewhere tomorrow, but turns out I never remembered to send the money in time and have lost my seat :----) It's okay haha it's going to thunder and rain tomorrow anyway, I'll just stay in my hometown and go see something here later lol...
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literaticat · 1 year
Graphic novel question! If a series is released in graphic novel form on a platform like Webtoon, would that make it more or less attractive to an agent to pitch to a bigger publisher? I’ve seen the insane success of those that are in Webtoon Originals that then are put into print, but it seems like some of the print runs are published under the Webtoon umbrella, so who knows if/when agents become part of those conversations.
I guess I’m just curious about whether an agent would be interested to see a series “beta tested” prior to accepting it, or if it’s better to create the series without posting online and pitch it that way. Thanks!
OK so I have literally no knowledge about this, so I did a little digging. However -- I didn't dig THAT much, so other people probably know more about it (and if you do, feel free to comment on this post and add things or correct me!)
My cursory understanding is, when you upload your work to Webtoon, you keep your IP rights (that's good) -- BUT, you do give them some sort of exclusivity with regards to posting that series - you can't just post it in multiple places. And if it is popular, they might elect to buy some of the IP from you and license it to another publisher (as happened with Lore Olympus, for example), or publish it as a book through their own publishing arm (which is fairly new.)
Now -- I have NO IDEA what their contracts look like, or what the terms are of uploading, or what they "own" or have "first dibs" on or whatever , how much they might pay you, or anything else. What it SEEMS like, is, if you are publishing on WebToons first, you are potentially going to have WebToons be a part of the conversation forever should the series really take off, OR, have to wait a certain number of years before you can do something else with it. According to this Reddit Thread, they have the exclusive rights to distribute digitally for three years, and they have the option to acquire a percentage of the IP for a pre-determined amount of money, which would likely mean that they are always going to "get their beak wet" when any deals are made for print books or whatever else. Maybe that's a great deal! I have no clue.
I don't THINK an agent would be involved though? (THOUGH I COULD BE WRONG????) -- because it feels like those deals are done THROUGH WebToon, whether or not WT publishes it through their own arm. (See the Reddit thread link above that includes the copyright page for Lore Olympus).
So, basically what I'm saying is, maybe publishing on WebToon first is a good bet -- if you are publishing the kind of thing the fans there love, and you are genuinely just INTO the idea of posting and getting immediate feedback and seeing fan reactions in real time etc -- and hey, if it really takes off, maybe your book will get published and you'll get some money, but really you are doing it because you love the community and all that stuff. (After all - compared to the sheer volume that is up on that site, while there ARE huge hits that become books - it's not like MOST things do. There's no guarantee of that.)
If, however, you want to do an original GN but aren't interested in all that stuff -- you'd probably have more freedom about the rights and such by NOT publishing it on WT first.
(One potential option - TRY doing a series on WT "for the people" -- why not?! -- But then create a totally separate GN that is just for you, and try to get an agent / sell THAT one to publishers. Because WT only has any rights to the series you are posting on there - not totally separate work you create. So maybe that's potentially best of both worlds - you're building your fan base on WT, and maybe that ends up being a book and maybe not -- but meanwhile, you are also getting another book out there in the world that WT has nothing to do with, but your WT fans might also buy!)
(Also that might be a dumb idea lol, IDK!!!)
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You and @guardianofyesod (upcoming pun completely intended and correct btw) are literal shining stars in the tcol community on the whole and for your amazing writing. And while you might not believe this coming from an anon but I've read all of your stuff (your Kariom is phenomenal and that's just the beginning of what I could say) and you deserve all of the recognition from the fandom and that absolutely includes @lingrimmart. Both of you do. The fandom is made better by your love and content.
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((That....that truly truly truly means the world to me to hear you say that and I mean it. Honestly, I don't think I'm capable of properly expressing how deeply grateful I am but I'll try. You made me legitimately cry at work you absolute villain lol.
The sheer amount of effort that @guardianofyesod and I have put into into tcol---from understanding and theorizing about the lore, talking about the characters (and I mean literally everyone, not just our chosen muses, but we do talk about them the most), working on how we want to write them both separately and together, the intricate details that could easily be missed that we want others to notice and appreciate (honestly I could give you a veritable essay on JUST the character work we've done---especially in regards to my partner's work and sheer, undeniable love put towards Roui), etc, etc, is something that I legitimately cannot do with anyone else. They match my efforts and enthusiasm in a way that I'm incapable of doubting for even a second and that's something that's always on full display whether we're having an hours long ooc discussion or writing ic content on our blogs.
And I know---I'm really do know---that such dedication is a lot for people. It's a lot to keep up and a lot for the people just reading or interacting with our stuff to deal with but that's where the love comes in. If we didn't feel so strongly about this game; literally everything about it but especially the characters, it'd be hard but it's honestly the easiest thing in the world? The devs made it easy and so did my wonderful writing partner. The dedication and love is incredibly clear on both sides (but from us as fandom creators and from the actual creators themselves) and it's impossible not to react to that. I, personally, haven't been this excited or inspired by a game in the longest time and if I didn't act on that passion I knew I'd regret it. The drive that we have towards bringing these characters and the tcol world to life on our blogs and with our writing is legit a fraction of what it deserves on the whole and I can only fuckin hope that I succeed at it on my end of things. I can tell you that, even with my own personal doubts, I'm always trying to showcase 110% of how this has all effected me, especially in regards to portraying Kariom. I know @guardianofyesod succeeds at it because I've gotten to witness it firsthand and even be involved which feels like an honor at this point, that's how much it all means to me if that puts it into further perspective.
I know that I'm rambling on (and to an excess too, lol) but I didn't want to just thank you, you know? I'm not kidding when I say that you made me emotional (in a good way, don't worry!) and I just.....had to match your heartfelt enthusiasm with my own. The tcol fandom in particular, no matter how small it is, no matter if @guardianofyesod and I are the only people on the rp side of things, is incredibly special to me. As I said I haven't been this happy or inspired in an incredibly long time and that's thanks to the kindness of people like you, the devs (especially Lins, the opportunity of talking to them alone much less them following me + engaging with my content and talking to me about it and stuff in general still....floors me tbh and that's putting it incredibly lightly! Thank you so much!!!) and @guardianofyesod and I know merely saying thanks doesn't cover it, I know I need a better, stronger word for such a feeling, so I'll thank you all by continuing with...this. All of this. I'll always try to emulate and showcase that love and dedication because I wouldn't be able to write any of this stuff, no matter the character (but we all know who my two faves are lol) without you guys.))
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champion-of-thedas · 1 year
WoT Reread New Spring Chapter 4
I forgot how long this chapter is. It is so long.
Leaving the Tower
Siuan and Moiraine leave the Tower and travel to the camp where they are going to begin taking down names.
·Description of a room for no narrative reason. Look, if he was trying to set a tone, it would be one thing. If the characters were going to be in a room, it would be one thing, if it was an important way to characterize a location, it would be one thing! But Moiraine’s room is none of those things. In all honestly, I find this charming, but I am amused that this room is getting so much description when it meets none of the previous criteria. My dude.
·I have misophonia and it hates KR’s ‘sl-p’ words above all else. The sheer amount of ‘sleep’, ‘slip’, and ‘slippers’ I’ve been hearing is driving my nerves insane.
·Despite the fact that this is supposed to be an out of the ordinary event and the inciting incident of the series, it is giving us a lot more of what regular life for Accepted in the Tower is like.
·Strangely, knowing all of the stuff that Moiraine packed that will not be mentioned in this chapter is helpful to me. It is also a good way for us to get to know Moiraine by learning what she thinks is important.
·Siuan is not a horse girl, and I love that.
·There is a lot of description of the city, but not in the same way that made me so frustrated with it earlier. Here, it feels like it is contrasting the city of Tar Valon with the tragedy going on outside as well as showing off how so many people from all over the continent mix together here. Also it feels in character for Moiraine to notice what she does.
·There’s a brief non-scuffle with the white cloaks that I had forgotten about that ultimately just let’s us know that they are here and they are definitely taking the opportunity to heckle Tar Valon while so close.
·Moiraine and Siuan taking every opportunity that they can to use the power so they have excuses if anyone catches them.
·So here, Siuan tries to convince a guardsman to see her way and it doesn’t work, but she does seem to be considering him afterwards. I wonder if this is just us seeing how Siuan eventually becomes the Amyrlin that she does. Small little moments of her attempting persuasion, deception, and other forms of manipulation are done so she can see how different people interact with them and adjust her approach accordingly. Moiraine talks about how Siuan sees puzzles and patterns, so this would make sense. In essence, while this looks like Siuan utterly failing at browbeating a guard, it actually is Siuan making a mistake, realizing it, analyzing what happened and what went wrong, and filing it away for the future while observing her mark to guess what alternate approaches would work. I’m pretty sure I’m not just making this up either. Moiraine comments on Siuan liking puzzles once more and says she’s looking at the guard as if he was one of her puzzles, and then Moiraine makes a statement about how Siuan sees patterns. I just wish we got more of this in her POVs.
·I also think this could be a good comparison with Egwene. This book came out between Crossroads of Twilight and Knife of Dreams, so it was there after Egwene got captured by the White Tower, but before we got to see her begin manipulating people and events in the Tower. A lot of the next few books involve Egwene using the skills she learned (many of which were with the help of Siuan) to beat the White Tower from the inside. We get to see the origin of those skills here.
·There’s just some more back and forth with Moiraine being a disaster bisexual and thinking about pretty guards and pretty Accepted. Good for Moiraine. The chapter ends with them getting set up at the new spot.
One thing my Siuan rant reminded me about is when I first read this book, I was just thinking of it as a Moiraine and Siuan story, but on this readthrough, I’m also thinking of it as a Moiraine and Siuan and Rand and Egwene story. In the rest of the series, I kind of think of Moiraine as Rand’s mentor and Siuan as Egwene’s mentor and the two of them are reflected a lot in their students. I joked with a friend once that sometimes you can really tell that Rand’s leadership style came from a spy and it shows up in some not great ways. I love Moiraine, but she is a spy, not a leader. And no, I’m not saying she messed up Rand’s leadership, he did that on his own bless him. I’m just saying that sometimes he’ll do something, like make sure he is surrounded by people that he knows want to hurt him because he knows their intentions for sure and having people mess each other up so they don’t think about rebelling against him, and my brain says, “that’s a spy move”. I also know that Siuan was also a spymaster and then became a leader (and Moiraine received training as a leader before becoming a spy), but I’m pretty sure that she pushes back against some of those tendencies with Egwene and she had experience as a leader by then. Plus, she comments on how her spy tendencies screwed her. Egwene still has plenty of sneaky spy in her, but I think there is a subtle difference in their motives and actions that is hard to explain. I’ll probably get more into it when the two actually come up as characters.  
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enbycrip · 1 year
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Trying to do more creative stuff in the coming year, so here’s a ten minute pencil sketch of one of my NPCs from my Vampire: the Requiem forum game. It’s been a good couple of years since I’ve done any art of humans, so I’m actually pretty pleased with it, though I’m not quite sure I’ve caught him quite right - a bit too suspicious for a rather sweet man!
It’s not good, but…that’s okay? I’ve not done it for a long time?
The whole thing about AI art has made me think about this a bit more. I feel part of the reason these things become so popular is because we take “art” as something you should only do if you are “good” at it. Like too many other creative pursuits - writing, art, singing, playing music. We treat them as though they are something one can either do or not.
But they’re not gifts from the gods. They’re skills with actual techniques we can learn, and practice - and practice almost invariably improves our output, whether we make an effort to learn formal techniques or not. And whatever the “objective” quality of our output - they’re ways of being *human*. Of communicating our perspectives, ideas, emotions. Of processing our experiences. Of discovering things about ourselves.
I’m not remotely denigrating artists who use digital techniques - I played around with some basic ones at the beginning of the year, and it was tough and enjoyable, very much like other kinds of art! All media of art are valid. I think I personally get a bit more therapeutically from working in more tactile traditional kinds of art, but that’s very much a personal thing for me. I can even absolutely see how AI output could be used creatively as part of a process of making art.
What honestly really pisses me off is how AI is being used. In a world with a decent UBI, so many more people would have time and energy to pursue creativity for what it’s actually for - communication, therapeutic benefits, perspective, personal expression, and even *sheer enjoyment*. Instead everyone is getting constantly pushed to turn hobbies into a “side hustle” because wages are insufficient to live on,
Producing art or craft work in a consumerist world is the opposite of relaxing or therapeutic; it’s incredibly stressful, and mostly involves massively underpaying yourself for the amount of work it takes to create something because people are used to paying for mass-produced items. Lots of disabled folks like myself come under the same stresses, with the additional ones of disableist ideas of “well if you can do embroidery/macrame/sketching/running RPGs why aren’t you doing that for a living instead of scrounging on benefits”? For the exact reason why we can’t do other jobs full-time, habitually; the ability to do something occasionally for people who are not going to sanction us hugely for variations in quality does not mean the ability to do it 40+ hours per week to high professional standards.
Capitalism is such a toxic ideology. It’s killing us. And the biosphere we depend on.
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go-go-devil · 2 years
For the animation - 7, 13, 23?
7) What is the darkest piece of animation you’ve ever seen?
That's actually a good question! I tend to prefer watching animation with darker themes in them, so I've got a long list to go by when it comes to rating which one I found the darkest of them all
One example that always comes to mind for me, though, is the film Felidae, mostly because I was only 13 when I first saw it for free on youtube. It's a murder mystery film involving cats, so of course there's some pretty gruesome murdered cat bodies throughout, but there was this one scene in particular that REALLY fucked me up when I first saw it. It involved cats being used in lab testing and involved... acid, that's all I'll say
While I don't think it's as violant as Felidae, I will say that both The Plague Dogs and Waltz with Bashir are always pretty rough to watch, but I keep doing so anyway since both are some of my favorite films T_T
13) Name some of your favorite animators and why you fell in love with their style
I had answered this on another ask, but I have plenty more animators that I love!
Jan Svankmajer is a filmmaker who's made some of my favorite stop-motion animation. His style is fucking nuts. They're usually done either through claymation or with stop-motion employed with everyday objects like utensils, clothing, food, and even sometimes humans shot frame-by-frame! You can find most of his short films on youtube pretty easily as well as his feature length works Alice and Faust (his own adaptations of Alice in Wonderland and Doctor Faustus respectively).
Fair warning that his films can be pretty creepy, especially for those who have a fear of stop-motion or the uncanny valley!
23) What are your thoughts on independent animators on the internet? How much has it changed since the 2000′s (or 90′s if you were around for that era)?
Holy shit have things changed since I was a kid!
Back in the early/mid-2000's the only internet animation I ever saw where simplistic flash animations, usually based on video game characters, with the occasional beautifully animated stick figure fights you'd find on Deviantart or Newgrounds. Newgrounds was basically the only well-known hosting site for animators, hence the surplus of pop-culture based edgelord stuff, which was then replaced by Youtube around the early 2010's
I'll admit I'm no professional animator and can't really name any of the best programs animators now use to make their art, but the sheer amount of style, variety, and skill from those earlier years to now is night and day. I'll always have a soft spot for flash animation though. Even if a lot of those classic shorts haven't aged too well, it was still such a unique experience compared to mainstream animation
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vvelegrin · 6 months
kind of thinking... my main project i've worked on for a long time now has been a 'practice novel' with characters and etc that have been knocking around in here for a very long time. practice novel in that i am giving myself no expectations outside of finishing the damned thing, no obligation to do anything with it, just a proof of concept and a chance to practice the process.
unfortunately, i am terminally worldbuilding-brained. but what that has more practically come out to is that i get stuck in rabbit holes and get overwhelmed by the sheer amount that there is. endless complexity. it's fun! hours are spent on things that will probably not show up anywhere but i like the ideas, and then i don't get any writing done ever lmao.
but i've ended up getting sucked into several fanfiction projects recently and, while i do have to streamline my general workflow (which involves too much of being an overwhelmed freak about everything, but i digress), the compulsion to engage in worldbuilding and the subsequent crippling and ultimately-unproductive obsession is completely eliminated and i can actually write?
I don't know what this Means exactly, apart from the fact that i obviously need to adjust my approach to my original stuff. one piece, but not the whole thing, is that i think i need to do smaller projects. my tentative rule for myself is to make a checklist of worldbuilding concepts that i'd like to flesh out meaningfully, and instead of endless research and notes, i have to write a small piece that incorporates it. or whatever.
anyway that's how i ended up in the throes of a pathologic/ai: the somnium files crossover. what's fun about that is that i'm not the first person to do that crossover!
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masschase · 1 year
20 and 22 for asks 🐈
This was going to get done tomorrow but I can't sleep.
I've checked with the asker and these are for Matt.
Character ask meme.
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
I feel like the possibilities are limitless to be honest. I've only explored a handful with my writing and those ones are only really if he ends up in 'my' hc universe in the first place so let's stick with *some* of those.
Spoiler warning for this pic:
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The whole Matt taking over the Syndicate AU is more complicated than I had to write it but is basically: A world where Casey and Pierce actually listen to Kinzie and don't steal the tank. The Deckers keep the learning computer. One-upping the Saints goes straight to Matt's ego (which we already know is overinflated) and he uses the sheer amount of Deckers at his disposal to capture Killbane and put him in the simulation. With Killbane's brain fried (and possibly subsequently being beat to death with a keyboard by an angry teenager) Matt is pretty much the only one left to take over the Syndicate, so they begrudgingly accept his leadership.
He then pulls a similar trick on Casey, managing to kidnap her and force her into the simulation without Kinzie's help. He was still essentially feeling threatened by the Saints though so he still made a deal with her, but he had much greater leverage as the one in control of the situation. They each agreed to take half of Steelport.
She still becomes President but they remain fierce rivals. But when he's a little older and learned a few things about her he finds his ways of attracting her attention.
“Oh please, messing with Stilwater? I might as well shine a giant fleur-de-lis into the sky.”
They meet in private on multiple occasions. He insists she get rid of her backup. She insists he cuts his surveillance. I can't be held responsible for what happens after that. Because while I technically wrote this AU... I also wrote that they wrote this AU.
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly
Everyone involved in the making of Tron: Legacy, all the members of Simple Plan (O maintain everyone has a gateway pop punk band, mine was Bowling For Soup btw) everyone involved in the making of Nyte Blayde. 🤣
For real people though, it would be: His mum. Seems a given but like... the whole fact he grows up to be sweet and sensitive underneath it all comes from her, the fact that he can cook and clean and all that shit comes from her. Equally she spoiled him more than his dad did. I feel like he has this huge but ultimately very fragile ego because his parents were so overly supportive, whereas his secretly very insecure side comes more from his reactions from his peers.
Speaking of which, he was incredibly unpopular throughout primary and secondary school but the first time he really found friends was when he hit sixth form college (usually started at 16 but he was 14 having skipped two years). There was this area of college where all the alt people hang out and he just sort of wandered in there one day and all these 16/17/18 year old goths thought he was kind of adorable especially since he was probably already wearing a Nyte Blayde t-shirt by then so they became his friends. They took him to Camden and when he saw the neon lights of Cyber Dog (bearing in mind he had already been through his Tron obsession and spent his preteens in Trocadero) his whole cyber goth aesthetic was basically formed. This probably branched him out into using the internet more and learning leet speak and stuff which I always maintain he's a little young for, as well as being able to gain followers to build the Deckers a year later.
All the other Syndicate leaders heavily influenced him too as he was so young when he came across them. Philipe recruited him and brought him to the US in the first place, Viola and Kiki were the first people who took that older sibling role for him, and Killbane basically terrified him but in a way that really brought him down to size and reminded him he was essentially just a child.
Out of the Saints the two that most influenced him are Casey and Johnny. The bond between Johnny and Matt is everything to me. I mean I've written about it before but the essence is that Johnny is a pretty good big brother figure for Matt but honestly he's practically old enough to be Matt's dad so there are shades of that as well. Matt's own dad was a lot older than him so Johnny fills some of those gaps, is too confident in his masculinity and his own un-nerdiness to really make fun of Matt, and perhaps influences him to be a little braver and a little more sociable. Trains him at the gym, with a gun, with that sword Matt didn't *really* know how to use despite his whole gang having them. And the fact that when Matt gets his fleur-de-lis tattoo Johnny's the one who's with him, holding his hand when he cries is the perfect symbolism for how Johnny helps shape him into a true Saint.
Leaving aside the romantic aspects of his and Casey's relationship here, just as a leader and a friend she's influenced him heavily. The way she let him walk away with his life in exchange for keeping his promise was his drip feed into becoming incredibly loyal to her, and indeed, observing the way she rules with loyalty and friendship rather than fear like Killbane is what allows him to become a viable lieutenant. After she first calls him Matty he admits no-one's called him that since Killbane. She says she won't use it again but he says he likes it. "It’s... kind of curative. You’re like the anti-Killbane.”.
In terms of their friendship, having someone to enjoy what he's passionate about with is a major thing that he's not really had in years. She's a very mirror-type person too. When he snaps at her (in the early weeks on the ship) she snaps back. When he teases her, she teases back, much like more or less all of the Saints with each other. But he's the only one who quickly picks up that if he's sweet to her, she can be sweet back.
That unlocks a side of her I doubt even she knew she had, but with how sincere it makes her with him, it stops him being scared and weak and useless anymore. Because she's scared and weak and useless when it comes to tech and cooking and being affectionate.
Matt's good at those things. It makes him realise that maybe, in a way... he's strong too.
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earaercircular · 1 year
Can Fashion Be Profitable Without Growth?
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Wisdom Kaye on TikTok
Industry leaders said the goal of sustainability wouldn’t happen without changes to the business model and more efforts to educate consumers.
Producing too many clothes is no longer a good look. That was the conclusion of a task force of fashion industry forces who gathered last week at the DealBook Summit[1] in New York City.
The group was asked by Vanessa Friedman, the New York Times fashion director and chief fashion critic, who moderated the discussion, to take on the oxymoron of sustainable fashion.
“At this point, it’s not about the chemicals,” Ms. Friedman said. “It’s about the sheer amount of stuff that we produce, that we buy and that we waste.”
The experts, whose work touches upon several aspects of the industry, agreed: things must change, and it is no longer possible to wait to see who will step up to lead the transformation. Every part of the chain needs to participate, from investors to designers to consumers, said Ms. Friedman. And education, legislation and an evolution of the business model away from double-digit growth are essential.
According to the World Bank, if the fashion industry continues on its growth trajectory, world clothing sales could increase 65 percent by 2030. Contrast that, Ms. Friedman said, with the finding by the Hot or Cool Institute[2], a Berlin-based sustainability research group, that meeting fashion industry environmental goals would require consumers to buy only five new pieces a year.
Efforts now to promote sustainability include using less-impactful fabrics, such as recycled cashmere and lab-grown leather, and promoting what’s known as circularity by doing things like buying designer resale, a segment estimated to be a $100 billion to $120 billion business worldwide in 2022, according to the Boston Consulting Group. But the industry is producing clothes at record volume. The Chinese fast-fashion company Shein[3], which sells clothing items, like tank tops, for as little as $5, recently surpassed Amazon as the most-downloaded app.
Gabriela Hearst, a designer who is the creative director of her namesake label and the large French brand Chloé[4], said unlimited growth is no longer an option. She said she told her chief executive that she didn’t want to make Chloé the next billion-dollar brand.
“I don’t find that sexy. I think it’s not about building new kingdoms, it’s about understanding how they can be restructured from within,” she said.
On that front, she said, when she began working for Chloé in 2020, she learned about the importance of volume drivers — the lower-priced items such as sneakers and denim that pay the bills. She has been focusing on using lower-impact materials and methods that generate fewer emissions for best-selling items, such as making sneakers from recycled debris using low-waste production practices.
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Slow Factory: the Pyramid of Change
Céline Semaan, the chief executive of Slow Factory,[5] a nonprofit that addresses climate justice and social inequity, said such rethinking of fabrics and waste is essential.
“We are encouraging designers to use waste as a material,” she said. But she said she saw opportunity in other models, like design for disassembly, which involves breaking down unsold clothing to make new garments rather than burning them. Forcing the industry to use what it has, said Ms. Semaan, would give farming and fossil fuels a break.
Ms. Semaan said she takes designers to landfills to show them where many of their clothes end up. (Ms. Hearst said that she has always dreamed of taking grade schoolers to landfills to help shape the next generation.) While these visits often trigger design solutions, she said, it’s harder to spark ideas for new economic models that move away from overproduction.
Some new business models, said Ms. Semaan, incorporate virtual products and “experiences that brands are designing that are not necessarily done to the link of a specific product.” But it has not yet been proven that selling accessories for avatars can support a company.
Tracy Reese, the founder and creative director of the responsibly designed label Hope for Flowers,[6] said that change is difficult for businesses focused on profits.
“I think the bottom line is the bottom line. How do you make the business case for working more responsibly and for producing less?” she asked.
“For an industry that is incredibly creative and is built on creativity, it’s interesting how stuck we are in old ways of doing business,” she said. For her, the answer is to “slow it all down and definitely do less and get back to process and be a part of crafting the product again.”
Growth is not a bad word, countered Laurent Claquin, Americas president of the luxury group Kering[7], which owns such fashion houses as Saint Laurent, Gucci and Bottega Veneta — especially for a company that employs 45,000 people. “You can have responsible and sustainable growth. Growth doesn’t mean more products always. It could be product that is better quality with better material, better design, which also means better prices.”
He said Bottega Veneta[8] recently announced a certificate of craft, a lifetime warranty program allowing purchasers to bring their handbags in to be refreshed and repaired.
Giving consumers the same dopamine hit from repairing their items as from buying new ones could help change patterns of overconsumption. But how to make repair desirable? “Once you repair something, you customize it; you make it unique,” said Ms. Semaan. Torn jeans, sent back to the designer to be patched, are suddenly couture.
“For an industry that is incredibly creative and is built on creativity, it’s interesting how stuck we are in old ways of doing business,” she said. For her, the answer is to “slow it all down and definitely do less and get back to process and be a part of crafting the product again.”
Growth is not a bad word, countered Laurent Claquin, Americas president of the luxury group Kering, which owns such fashion houses as Saint Laurent, Gucci and Bottega Veneta — especially for a company that employs 45,000 people. “You can have responsible and sustainable growth. Growth doesn’t mean more products always. It could be product that is better quality with better material, better design, which also means better prices.”
He said Bottega Veneta recently announced a certificate of craft, a lifetime warranty program allowing purchasers to bring their handbags in to be refreshed and repaired.
Giving consumers the same dopamine hit from repairing their items as from buying new ones could help change patterns of overconsumption. But how to make repair desirable? “Once you repair something, you customize it; you make it unique,” said Ms. Semaan. Torn jeans, sent back to the designer to be patched, are suddenly couture.
Ms. Reese said she teaches people in her hometown, Detroit, to mend clothes as a way of reconnecting them to the process of making garments. “We need to elevate craft. We need to make things for ourselves so that we can value them” and the people who make them.
The task force members embraced a suggestion that brands sponsor home economics classes and be more transparent with consumers about how things are made. Ms. Reese said she believed people would be “deeply appalled to understand what their choices mean when you buy this $20 item and this person made six cents.”
Educating consumers and the industry about the impact of their choices was a common theme, with an emphasis on starting with schoolchildren rather than Gen Z.
Wisdom Kaye[9], a model with over 10 million social media followers, said influencers like himself can do a better job of encouraging teenage consumers to buy less and to embrace vintage, because the cyclical nature of fashion means that a lot of what brands make today has already been made.
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Maxine Bédat, the author of “Unraveled: The Life and Death of a Garment”[10] and the director of the New Standards Institute[11], said that education and culture can ultimately drive a shift in policy. While innovation and new business models are central to the industry, she said, only legislation will fundamentally change the system.
“So much of this is like, ‘Who starts?’” she said. “And we are all interconnected. But there is a way that you can educate to empower people to say that we can change the system by changing the laws.”
The fashion industry must shift its business model to focus on profitability rather than just exponential growth.
The conversation around the second life of clothes must be reframed to incorporate the idea that customizing an older garment through repair makes it couture.
Younger consumers need to be part of the education process, while older customers can be enlisted to lobby for legislation to regulate the environmental impact of fashion companies.
Christine Muhlke, Can Fashion Be Profitable Without Growth?, in: New York Times, 7-12-2022, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/07/business/dealbook/fashion-profitable-growth.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
[1] https://www.nytimes.com/events/dealbook-summit#sponsors
[2] Hot or Cool Institute is a public interest think tank that explores the intersection between society and sustainability. It brings together researchers and practitioners to facilitate solutions to global problems. https://hotorcool.org/about-us/
[3] SHEIN is a global fashion and lifestyle e-tailer committed to making the beauty of fashion accessible to everyone. We use on-demand manufacturing technology to connect suppliers with our flexible supply chain, reducing wasted inventory and delivering a variety of affordable products to customers around the world. From our global offices, we reach customers in more than 150 countries. Visit www.SHEIN.com for more information about eur.shein.com.
[4] Chloé is a French luxury fashion house founded in 1952 by Gaby Aghion. During the next year of 1953 Aghion joined forces with Jacques Lenoir, formally managing the business side of the brand, allowing Aghion to purely pursue the creative growth of Chloé. Its headquarters are located in Paris, France. The house is owned by luxury brands holding company Richemont Group. Chloé has been worn by many celebrities, including Marion Cotillard, Sienna Miller, Madonna, January Jones, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Cameron Diaz, Emma Stone, Clémence Poésy and Katie Holmes. The brand is characterized by a youthful and bohemian aesthetic, and has produced several successful fragrances. https://www.chloe.com/be/?gclid=CjwKCAiAwc-dBhA7EiwAxPRylPB43nl2w3V08X7FUSBxgivWD7Eh3CoK-zCNrY1ZAyojjk1MufgZeBoC3W0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
[5] Since 2012, Slow Factory has worked at the intersections of climate and culture to build partnerships and community to advance climate-positive global movements through the lens of human rights, science, technology, and fashion. https://slowfactory.earth/about
[6] Hope for Flowers is sustainable clothing brand, created by fashion designer Tracy Reese. This slow fashion clothing company uses organic cotton and organic  fabrics. Through hard work, perseverance and creative vision, Tracy Reese has built a reputation in the fashion industry as not only a leading talent, but a champion for diversity and inclusion. Hope for Flowers is designed for women who are inspired by beauty and also desire to use their power as consumers to be agents for positive change in the world. https://hopeforflowers.com/pages/about
[7] Kering is a French-based multinational corporation specializing in luxury goods. It owns the brands Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta, Gucci, Alexander McQueen and Yves Saint Laurent. The timber-trading company Pinault S.A. was founded in 1963, by François Pinault. After the company was quoted on Euronext Paris in 1988, it became the retail conglomerate Pinault-Printemps-Redoute (PPR) in 1994, and the luxury group Kering in 2013. The group has been a constituent of the CAC 40 since 1995. François-Henri Pinault has been president and CEO of Kering since 2005. In 2020, the group's revenue reached €13.1 billion.
[8] https://www.bottegaveneta.com/en-us
[9] Wisdom Kaye is an American model and TikTok personality known for his fashion-related videos. As such, Vogue considers him "TikTok's best-dressed guy"
[10] https://www.newstandardinstitute.org/unraveled-book
[11] New Standard Institute: A think and do tank using data and the power of citizens to turn the fashion industry into a force for good. https://www.newstandardinstitute.org/
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rhube · 2 years
When people hear about spoon theory, I don't think they appreciate the sheer amount of chaos being chronically ill can introduce into your life.
I think people hear 'doing less' and 'measuring out your energy' and picture people lying in bed all day, struggling to find the energy to brush their teeth, AND THAT IS PART OF IT, but it's very much a sanitised view.
Especially when you live alone. 'Cause some stuff just has to get done, so you just HAVE to drop a bunch of shit to make that life admin happen, because no one is going to do it for you.
And then if you want to do anything big, as you may have to to improve your situation, it's basically a commitment to letting a bunch of stuff drop for a WHILE.
For example, I recently bought a new wardrobe to help me better organise my clothes and make them easier to put away. In the long run, this will be a big help. In the short term, this is committing myself to well over a month of chaos, as I have to arrange the removal of the old wardrobe, dumping the clothes on the floor, making space to build the new wardrobe. Building it (over weeks, because any kind of physical activity destroys me for pretty much anything else). Moving it into place. Putting clothes into the new wardrobe. And while I'm doing all that, I'm dropping countless other things to manage the exertion involved, and still overtaxing myself.
Now, I've not just been building a wardrobe. Over the past six months I have built a large book case, two chests of drawers, a bathroom cabinet, a TV unit, and a wardrobe. I also purchased a double bed to go in the guest bedroom. That's currently in boxes in the hall, making it very difficult to get into and out of both my kitchen and the house in general. But I can't build the bed until I finish dealing with the destruction that was caused in my guest bedroom when I built the wardrobe.
Healthy people cannot imagine the state in which I exist. There's basically only one person I let enter my house when it's like this, because normal people could not deal. I have let so many things drop to make this happen.
But the thing is, every single one of these new items of furniture has improved my life immeasurably. That's why, after I bought and built the first I went on a bit of a spree to get decent furniture.
It will make it much, much easier for me to maintain a normal level of cleanliness in the long run. It just means living in absolute chaos for months while it happens. Because I have to let a LOT of things drop to make it happen.
P.S. I know I'm lucky to be able to buy so much furniture at once (even though it's all pretty cheap). I'm basically replacing all the things I made do with when I was very, very poor.
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