#I'm thinking about how Tampere would have hosted
Coming from a rest-of-the-world voter who's been a Eurovision fan since the late 2000's: Loreen is actually my number 1, but I honestly think that Finland winning would be more interesting and much more deserving. I didn't vote for Loreen because I know she'll already be getting more points from the Jury already (predictable). My votes are better off spent for the others in my top 3 like Finland and Serbia. I'm sad that Serbia didn't even get in the top 10 while Israel got in there. I'm happy that my favorite won, but I'm also sad that Finland couldn't get the chance to showcase their country, language, and music. I'm in a weird duality right now if that makes any sense. I wish they'll change the percentage of the Jury vote next year if they can't fully remove it.
Thank you. I agree with what you said and I'm sorry that Serbia didn't get more points. I think that both Slovenia and Serbia lost a decent amount of points because Montenegro and North Macedonia didn't participate, but at the same we saw all of the ex-Yugo countries in the final together which was amazing and worth celebrating.
I also see where you're coming from, as in 2018 my favourite was Israel but later I've been thinking that Cyprus should have won after all as it would have been their first time winning. Same with 2021, I was happy that Italy won after being screwed over by the juries so many times, but at the same time I liked France's entry more and they had been waiting for their win way longer. The fact that we don't get to host and showcase our country, culture, language, a new host city, to the world that makes me really sad, especially when the public vote made clear that there is acceptance and interest for Finland, Finnishness and everything it represents.
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johaerys-writes · 2 months
Can I ask you about the scene with Priam?
Before this Achilles is not “sleeping,” bathing, eating, or drinking as part of his mourning process. We see him holding Patroclus’ body, a no-no as the body is “unclean.” (Also, he shaves his head, rolls in dirt, passes out in dirt, etc.) I have seen some takes about how this is part of Achilles’ mourning process for both Pat and himself and how this is him sort of losing the rest of his humanity. Then just-just prior to the Priam scene, Thetis goes to Achilles to tell him to give Priam Hector’s body. Achilles just gives in without any resistance. This is around line 130. She’s like, ‘baby you got to move on from this. Go have something to eat and fuck a woman’ (some of the phrasing here is curious, but it’s not exactly the focus of my question). I always thought this quick acceptance to see Priam was a sign of his deep depression and resignation to his fate.
But then in the scene with Priam he plays proper host. He’s eating and drinking. Then he (debatable imo) goes off to fuck Briseis. It’s like he is literally doing what his mother told him to do. So why the switch from rejecting human customs and needs to engaging in “normal” behavior? As you mentioned, these old stories function differently and don’t exactly have characters arcs with lessons learned. So like wtf is going on? What are we supposed to do with this information?
No disrespect here, but sometimes I think these reversal scenes (which happen multiple times) are just one of Homer’s co-authors/editors going off and doing their own thing and there’s really no hidden meaning at all.
Okay so first of all, I think the notion of Homer's "editors" tampering with the text is a fairly popular one in some circles, I have heard a few different versions of it and I'm not sure I agree or disagree. Most classicists whose work I've read so far, and who work predominantly with Homer, tend to take the Iliad and Odyssey at face value and to automatically assume that the works are the way Homer/whoever wrote them intended them to be. And this is the way I myself engage with the Homeric works, because I think once you go "oh that part here is nonsense, it has probably been changed by those nebulous editors" then you're so much more likely to pick and choose what you like and draw your own conclusions and I don’t think that's fair to the work and the extensive body of work dealing with that work. Ykwim? So let's just say that the Iliad as a whole, and the part you highlighted in particular, are in the fact the way the original epic is meant to be.
The last few books of the Iliad, in my opinion, are the breakdown of Achilles' character. In the beginning, despite his anger and resentment towards Agamemnon, we still see him put together and civil with everyone during the embassy scene, and then again when he speaks with Patroclus, arms him and sends him forth to fight. Then, after Patroclus dies, he loses the plot and goes on his rampage, where his grace, respect and courtesy even towards his enemies fly right out the window. Even after he kills Hector and drags him around, he finds no peace. He refuses to eat, drink or bathe and still yearns and cries for Patroclus. But then, after he sees Patroclus' shade at the beach, is where the second most important change comes about if you ask me; this is when Achilles seems to wholeheartedly accept his death. We have Patroclus' funeral, then the funeral games, where Achilles seems to once again find his nobility and grace, as well as showcase how adept he is at diplomacy and handling the other warchiefs' pettiness and arrogance. Even with Agamemnon he is generous and polite, not exhibiting any resentment towards him.
But there's something different about that scene compared to all the others imo: there is not much of the energy, fire and determination we would see earlier, even when he was grieving. He gives away so much of his treasure too; my friend Baejax and I have often talked about this scene and how it feels like Achilles is giving away his wealth because he has no need for it, since he'll be dying soon anyway. This is a man that has fully accepted that hard behind glory rides death, and that it will be coming swiftly for him.
And this is how I've always seen the meeting with Priam, tbh. For me personally, that scene has always been about grief, mortality and the cost of glory (which is the most important commodity in the Iliad universe) and a meditation on the suffering which unites mankind. Achilles talks about his homeland and the father he has left behind whom he will never again see, about the pain he has caused Priam and his people, about the gods and the ultimate lack of choice that humans have. Men must suffer, he says, and must make others suffer in a world without justice.
So for me it isn’t so much Achilles embracing again the human customs he had rejected, but instead fully acknowledging the reality of his position and resigning himself to it. I don't think that Achilles "plays" the host, so much as he extends his hospitality to Priam (which, again, very important ideal in the Iliad, it's where the Trojan war started in a way. With Paris violating the Achaean's hospitality and stealing Helen), acknowledges Priam's suffering, and acknowledges how instrumental he has been in said suffering. In that scene, killer and victim become one, and with the insight into each other’s condition comes compassion. And I think that's a powerful statement, and perhaps the most enduring in the Iliad. Soon after that, the Trojans bury Hector, which foreshadows and mirrors' Achilles' funeral as well. This "double funeral" completes the Iliad, and its overarching tragedy.
Now. The thing is that Achilles is a really divisive personality to begin with, and the scene with Priam even more so. He isn’t easy to categorise or analyse, and depending on the lens through which one sees his actions and behaviours, the interpretation could change greatly. Rachel Bespaloff in her commentary On the Iliad (which I absolutely loathe and want to tear in little pieces and burn LOL) says that "to rid himself of troublesome responsibility Achilles ducks behind fatality" during the Priam scene, and that his words to the old king are "scandalous behaviour". If you ask me, this take completely ignores Achilles' own suffering and rejects his role in the Iliad as the idealistic, honourable and rigid in his honour and beliefs young hero who almost completely loses his humanity BECAUSE of the ugliness and pettiness of war, because of that suffering, because of his own grief, because of injustice, because of bad leadership, because violence simply begets violence. And it also completely ignores the larger and overarching idea in the Iliad that death and glory, suffering and good fortune go hand in hand. And that this doesn't only apply to good and noble Priam and Hector, but also (you guessed it) to Achilles, in this final scene which is a moment of shared humanity between "enemies" and one of the most poignant in the epic.
Anyway. To conclude this tangent, no, I do not believe that Achilles simply does what his momma tells him to do, nor does he wine and dine Priam for the hell of it. I believe that this is the most depressed, resigned and desolate we see Achilles in the entire poem, a man simply awaiting his death with nothing really to look forward to in life, but who still retains his humanity and treats the people around him with the dignity and respect they deserve.
I hope this answered your question!
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mariana-oconnor · 10 months
The Three Students pt 2
We are in (probably) Oxbridge and have a potential cheating scandal (quelle horreur!), three suspects and a "forgetful" servant who left the room to the papers unlocked.
Our suspects are: the hardworking 'manly' scholarship student (who needs the money), the Indian student (who knew the papers were there and may need the grade, but didn't get a lot of description so I think we're mostly supposed to suspect him because racism and opportunity??) and the rich lazy kid (who needs the grade because he hasn't done the work).
Place your bets, please.
“I should like to have a peep at each of them,” said Holmes. “Is it possible?” “No difficulty in the world,” Soames answered. “This set of rooms is quite the oldest in the college, and it is not unusual for visitors to go over them. Come along, and I will personally conduct you.”
You just let random strangers into your students' rooms?
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There were some really curious pieces of mediaeval domestic architecture within. Holmes was so charmed with one of them that he insisted on drawing it on his note-book, broke his pencil, had to borrow one from our host, and finally borrowed a knife to sharpen his own.
I love how even in his later accounts, Watson pretends not to know that Holmes is putting on an act. Yes, he was taken with the architecture, this had no ulterior motive and absolutely wasn't to scope out the pencils and knife of the student. It was purely architecture-based enthusiasm that led to this.
The same curious accident happened to him in the rooms of the Indian...
Really? The same thing happened in that room!?
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Also, I'm not going to bother comparing the descriptions of the two students because that way lies racism and I think we can all see it.
Only at the third did our visit prove abortive. The outer door would not open to our knock, and nothing more substantial than a torrent of bad language came from behind it. “I don't care who you are. You can go to blazes!” roared the angry voice. “To-morrow's the exam, and I won't be drawn by anyone.”
Honestly, good for you. They've got no business coming into your room anyway. And also, good for you for studying (if you're telling the truth) I don't remember your name random rich student, but so far as actually meeting you goes, I fully support you. Keep that door closed. Fuck the lot of them.
“A rude fellow,” said our guide, flushing with anger as we withdrew down the stair. “Of course, he did not realize that it was I who was knocking, but none the less his conduct was very uncourteous, and, indeed, under the circumstances rather suspicious.”
Or... not suspicious because he's the only one actually studying when there's an exam tomorrow that seems to be vitally important. (Sure, he might not be studying, maybe he has someone in there with him... in which case, also good for him, I guess).
“Can you tell me his exact height?” he asked. “Really, Mr. Holmes, I cannot undertake to say. He is taller than the Indian, not so tall as Gilchrist. I suppose five foot six would be about it.”
You what now?
He has a name! I don't remember it right now because you haven't mentioned it yet this section (I also don't remember the rich kid's name), but he has a name. You literally teach him. You know his name! Seriously? Seriously?
(His name is Daulat Ras, I checked the first part of the story. If it turns out to be him (which it won't because it's Gilchrist who doesn't appear to be studying even though he clearly has the most riding on this exam) then I am hereby pre-emptively pardoning him on grounds of his teacher being shit because he cannot be bothered to remember his name.)
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Our guide cried aloud in his astonishment and dismay. “Good gracious, Mr. Holmes, you are surely not going to leave me in this abrupt fashion! You don't seem to realize the position. To-morrow is the examination. I must take some definite action to-night. I cannot allow the examination to be held if one of the papers has been tampered with. The situation must be faced.”
Calm down, my dude. It's really not the end of the world. Have a sit down, get a glass of brandy. Keep the brain fever at bay.
“The foul-mouthed fellow at the top. He is the one with the worst record. And yet that Indian was a sly fellow also. Why should he be pacing his room all the time?”
Thank you, Watson, for validating my suspicions by disagreeing with them. I always feel better about my ideas when they don't match yours. No thanks for the racism, but at least you didn't just choose Ras, and you're also giving a secondary reason for suspecting him.
“He looked at us in a queer way.”
... ahem.
“So would you if a flock of strangers came in on you when you were preparing for an examination next day, and every moment was of value."
Also that.
“Why, Bannister, the servant. What's his game in the matter?”
IKR, Holmes, you get me. You understand. Clearly the guy is overly worried and who walks all the way across the room to sit down when they're feeling faint.
But Bannister would have to be working with someone. Either one of the three, or a hypothetical fourth student he is related to. He could be related to Gilchrist, I guess. (What is rich boy's name? I still can't remember, luckily I am not his tutor, so I don't have to feel bad about it.)
“He impressed me as being a perfectly honest man.”
Watson, my sweet summer child. Apart from all your many faults, biases and prejudices, you are so naive and trusting.
All were agreed that one could be ordered, but that it was not a usual size of pencil and that it was seldom kept in stock.
Does Bannister have, like, some illness that means he can't hold standard-sized pencils? Arthritis of some kind? But everyone seems pretty sure that he's not directly lying about anything. Unless he is cunning and running a whole business of copying translations then selling them to students.
"By Jove! my dear fellow, it is nearly nine, and the landlady babbled of green peas at seven-thirty. What with your eternal tobacco, Watson, and your irregularity at meals, I expect that you will get notice to quit and that I shall share your downfall"
Yeah, Watson. This is clearly your fault. How dare you! The poor landlady making you peas when you're dragging Holmes out to stationers at all hours. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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At eight in the morning he came into my room just as I finished my toilet.
Yet again, I know toilet had a different meaning, but picturing Holmes walking into the bathroom while Watson's literally sitting on the toilet and the two of them carrying out a perfectly normal conversation is hilarious to me.
"I have put in two hours' hard work and covered at least five miles, with something to show for it. Look at that!” He held out his hand. On the palm were three little pyramids of black, doughy clay.
Ah yes, the random clay, which all I can think of is putty eraser or some sort of carbon copy thing.
“You will kindly close the door,” said Holmes. “Now, Bannister, will you please tell us the truth about yesterday's incident?”
Yeah, Bannister. Are you secretly the head of a cheating ring?
“Well, then, I must make some suggestions to you. When you sat down on that chair yesterday, did you do so in order to conceal some object which would have shown who had been in the room?”
Ah, yeah, that makes sense. Whoever did do it was kind of rubbish at covering their tracks clearly this is not something they do often.
“There was no man, sir.”
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So it's either a girl, or Odysseus...?
He was a fine figure of a man, tall, lithe, and agile, with a springy step and a pleasant, open face.
Seriously, Watson, we get it, you think he's hot. You've been very lonely since your wife died. You don't need to describe how hot he is every time we see him.
Wait, it was the tutor who had that weird use of 'manly' the first time around, wasn't it?
If Gilchrist turns out to be a girl in disguise that line is going to be so funny.
"We want to know, Mr. Gilchrist, how you, an honourable man, ever came to commit such an action as that of yesterday?” The unfortunate young man staggered back and cast a look full of horror and reproach at Bannister. “No, no, Mr. Gilchrist, sir; I never said a word—never one word!” cried the servant.
Well now you have. People really need to get better at committing crimes. After it's happened, you know nothing about anything. No matter how much people ask or how much they claim to know, you know nothing. You are blissfully ignorant of the whole affair. What affair? Oh, someone's cheating? How terrible!
“No, but you have now,” said Holmes.
Is this the first documented use of this trope? Because it can't have happened much before now.
The Indian I also thought nothing of.
His name.
"Such an idea was absurd. I was measuring how tall a man would need to be in order to see as he passed what papers were on the central table. I am six feet high, and I could do it with an effort."
So all Watson's descriptions were just to point out how tall Gilchrist is? That's all?
"He put his shoes on the table. What was it you put on that chair near the window?” “Gloves,” said the young man.
Dude. My dude. You wear the gloves. I know this story was published a year before the first use of fingerprints in a criminal case in England, but my dude. You do not leave your gloves on a chair.
“Yes, sir, I have, but the shock of this disgraceful exposure has bewildered me. I have a letter here, Mr. Soames, which I wrote to you early this morning in the middle of a restless night. It was before I knew that my sin had found me out. Here it is, sir. You will see that I have said, ‘I have determined not to go in for the examination. I have been offered a commission in the Rhodesian Police, and I am going out to South Africa at once.’”
...well that's a twist.
You're seriously going to leave the country and go be a colonialist police officer in Africa. Because... you cheated on a test. Leaving the country seems a bit extreme.
"Time was, sir, when I was butler to old Sir Jabez Gilchrist, this young gentleman's father. When he was ruined I came to the college as servant, but I never forgot my old employer because he was down in the world. I watched his son all I could for the sake of the old days."
So not related to him, but associated with him. Yeah, that tracks. Servants are so loyal in these stories (apart from when they aren't, I suppose).
Another person called Jabez.
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"As to you, sir, I trust that a bright future awaits you in Rhodesia. For once you have fallen low. Let us see in the future how high you can rise.”
I mean... I'm not entirely comfortable with this turn of events. I feel like 'police officer in the colonial British Empire' is pretty low, in the grand scheme of things.
And I never was reminded what the rich kid's name was, and I think I'm going to leave it that way. ACD needs to stop forgetting character's names, it makes it far too easy to guess who the culprit is. Also, it makes all your characters more racist.
Is it that guy, that guy, or Mr Diddit?
Next time, The Solitary Cyclist, which is one of my favourites, so I probably won't be speculating as I've read it a lot.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 4 months
I'm back into OHSHC and I was trying to think of which host would baby trap Haruhi and the answer is they ALL would.
Kyouya and Hani would be the best at it. Kyouya goes straight for birth control tampering but Hani is just too sweet and sincere for Haruhi to ever suspect him being the cause of an "accident"
Tamaki and the twins are just. Awful at it. Tamaki is VERY OBVIOUS about how desperate he is to keep Haruhi with him and how much he wants to start a family with her so "accidents" with condoms or birth control are immediately suspicious. The twins are too eager and go straight for stealthing and broken condoms but it gets very suspicious when they both have a broken condom every time.
Mori wouldn't do it but only because if they're already having sex, then he is 100% confident that he doesn't need to force her to stay with him.
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savior-of-humanity · 1 year
Thinking about details for a Las Plagas infected verse for Leon/Ashley..
(putting this under the cut because This Is Going To Get Fucking Long)
So, the verse itself ('glorias las plagas; infected verse') wouldn't be just for the Las Plagas parasite, as it'd also cover AUs involving the other viruses in the RE verse like the Golgotha/G-Virus, but for the sake of this post we're gonna be focusing solely on Las Plagas itself. But first I'm going to ramble about the parasite.
In the events of Resident Evil 4, both Leon and Ashley become infected at the hands of Los Illuminados. And their symptoms actually get pretty severe into the later part of the game, signalling the significant progression of their parasites.
Right up to when they finally manage to remove the parasites, I think they (or at least Leon, considering that he was infected first before Ashley) were literally on the verge of losing their humanity and succumbing to the parasite - mainly due to the severe hallucinations Leon's getting at this point as he quite literally shambles into the lab with Ashley in his arms. Relevant scene for context/visual example.
I don't really know how the Las Plagas parasite mutates its hosts, but I would imagine the mutations it creates aren't just physical extensions of the parasite's body but actual mutations to the host's body, with prominent examples being El Gigante, Del Lago, Colmillos, Jack Krauser, and Osmund Saddler. There's also the fact that human-animal hybrid monsters like Novistadors and Verdugo exist, which interestingly enough are human-insect hybrids controlled by Las Plagas. I'm not exactly sure what sort of DNA went into the creation of these two in particular but I would imagine there would've been some tampering with the DNA of the parasite.
Something to also note is that there are actually different strains of Las Plagas canonically; the "submissive" strain, which is the original/natural strain that most enemies in the game (such as the Ganados/villagers) are infected with, and the "dominant" strain, which seems to be an altered version of the parasite that allows the host to control those infected with the submissive strain. To my knowledge, Krauser, Saddler, and Salazar were infected with the dominant strain.
So, anyways, back to the actual verse itself.
Since we know that the parasite induces mutations into its host, the "default" version of the verse would mainly consist of the idea that, while Ashley + Leon are free from the parasite's influence, it still left something behind in their bodies due to the infection having progressed so far. Specifically, DNA 'packages' - full of genetic material that the parasite would have used to twist their bodies as it deemed fit.
Whether from outside influence or on their own, these DNA payloads would activate, releasing a huge surge of genetic material that would, of course, result in significant mutations. There's actually a lot of takes on what a Las Plagas-infected Leon would look like (which you can find pretty easily if you search for it on tumblr) so I want to try and be unique-ish in my own take on him (and Ashley).
Since there's no parasite trying to control them, they'd actually have control over how their mutations present themselves - but they aren't going to get the hang of it from day one. I imagine it's a gradual thing; the first few times they mutate, they're basically going to be manifesting the full potential of their genetic potential. Obviously, since it's not only extremely painful but also turning them into walking killing machines, it'd only really occur in a high-stress life-or-death situation. After that though, they get the hang of it over a long but gradual process, until eventually they can reach a point where they can just spontaneously mutate whatever they want (granted that they are able to mutate it in the first place), whenever they want.
As for what these mutations would actually look like; I don't feel like drawing full-body references right now so I'll try and give a brief summary of the most significant features in a "full-manifestation" state of mutation. Maybe with some sketches thrown in too.
For Leon;
He'd have two sets of large insectoid mandibles within his mouth (normally folded against the actual jawbone/teeth), which are capable of protruding quite far out for serious chomping action. Think of it as a weird cross between the mandibles of Elites/Sangheili (Halo) and the mandibles of tarantulas. When they're folded up, the tips of the fangs stick out from his lips a little bit.
There's a lot of thick, chitinous plating on his body. While it doesn't cover his entire body, it's mainly present along his spine, the ribs, his outer thighs, and along his arms. Everything below the knees and elbows, however, become almost completely chitinous. He gets toe/finger beans however.
He gets a tail. It's basically a cross between the tail of a Verdugo and the tail of scorpions like the thick-tailed scorpion. In its 'default' state it's about 6 feet in length, but it can actually stretch to as far as 13 feet long - the chitin does not stretch along with it, though, so there's a lot of sections of exposed muscle that can leave it vulnerable to damage.
He gets an extra pair of mantis-like pincer-limbs that normally lie at rest folded up on his back, but can spring out into action for gripping onto surfaces or stabbing enemies.
The hands and feet remain human-like in structure but the digits become a lot stronger and somewhat elongated. Combined with him getting straight-up claws and he can climb walls with no issue most of the time.
For Ashley;
She'd basically get a lot of the same features as Leon; chitin plating, a tail (though hers is much smaller, can't elongate, and lacks a bladed stinger), extra limbs (which are, again, smaller and not so deadly), and claws. She lacks the mouth-mandibles however, and gets a pair of wings that resemble that of a moth's but are much more durable in comparison.
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lang-rangler-enjoyer · 11 months
(esp Canada Goose he looks so FUNKY)
OK HERE WE GO :0 I don’t have too many
Canada Goose (yeah, that’s his name. legally)
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•Somewhere in his late twenties. Six foot two. Chunky boi with fat tiddies. Has a large black back tattoo of the letters “BNL” in block font
•He’s a mid-to-high level ranking gangster in Sports Maxx’s gang who’s serving a reduced sentence (like Maxx, due to mafia destruction of evidence and legal tampering) for trafficking and selling hard drugs.
•He’s a natural stand user wielding Barenaked Ladies (often abbreviated to BNL). BNL is a soft, squishy parasitic stand that enters the body through open wounds and travels up the bloodstream to your brain. Once it’s in your head, BNL attaches itself to your brain and can read and transmit weak electric signals. Basically, this allows Goose to hear all your thoughts and allows him to send you telepathic messages. BNL can’t do any physical damage to its host, but it’s a psychological weapon that also gives Goose a huge boost in combat, kind of like Dragon’s Dream.
•Not too smart, but then again he doesn’t need to be. He’s good at what he does, he’ll leave the thinking up to people like Maxx. He’s a good listener, he loves just hanging out and shootin’ the shit with people, maybe with a drink and a smoke too.
Viktor Rolf (like the fashion house Viktor & Rolf)
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•Mid twenties. No significant tattoos, marks, or piercings.
•Dropped out of university (majoring in English) in his second year due to burn out and personal issues. Got a “temporary” job at the prison and promised his family and friends he’d be back at university as soon as he was feeling better. It’s been at least four years and yeah, he’s starting to feel like that’s never gonna happen. Not that he likes his job at GD st., he fucking HATES it here, but he just can’t bring himself to change everything again.
•He’s cold and standoffish with most people. He doesn’t want to get close with any of his coworkers because it feels like settling in, admitting defeat, admitting he’s never going to leave. Not rude per say, just curt and withdrawn.
•Oh yeah, and he’s secretly dating Goose. He appreciates that Goose doesn’t judge or ask questions.
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Dege Goose-Rolf and Skinner Goose-Rolf (like the fashion company Dege & Skinner)
Don’t ask how it happened. Goose would probably tell you, just don’t ask.
•I’m away right now and haven’t had the time to draw them more :( so these are just preliminary sketches
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•The twins are weird. like those kids who show up at family gatherings and you’re not quite sure who they’re related to but your mom says you have to sit next to them even if they chew crayons and smell funny.
•They’re very close. Goose is trying his best but he is a first time single dad with no idea what he’s doing, so they sometimes have to rely on each other.
•They share the stand Beastie Boys. I haven’t figured out what it does yet 🤔
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pleasestopthat · 2 years
Twin Island(?) Part 0/?
So kind of a love island setup but with twins but they're not related so they can also -- it's not as weird as it sounds let me explain.
Thinking about that marvel show Loki (spoilers btw I guess) was making me think about how often that would really happen -- someone being into the sex-reversed version of their own self. It's something people talk about, and I think it's funny, and the sims 4 is a funny game so I wasted the better part of my evening setting this whole thing up instead of pursuing anything remotely productive.
Let's meet the cast. Most of the names are randomly generated, I think I might have just typed in one or two last names that I had in my head for whatever reason, but none of the first names. Likes and dislikes were also randomly generated, because they shouldn't be the exact same people -- and no way I was gonna go manually copy likes and dislikes when I'm just returning to a game I haven't touched in years.
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I know shows like love island usually have more contestants. At least I think they do, but that was too much for my brain. (This is a running theme.)
With the gang out of the way, I tried building a house. Keyword: Tried. I'm rubbish at building in this game -- in most games, actually.
So after about forty minutes in build mode yielded me only this much
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I decided to bin it and just download a love island map from the gallery made by kerplunk107. (Made the map, not the entire gallery, that was electronic arts.) Initially, I tried placing it on the same lot, but the yard with all the stuff out front was half submerged, and my attempts to rotate it the other way rendered it the front door on the water and thus inaccessible, which I thought was cool. (not really)
I then had my sims move to another lot where I tried to place it down -- but that lot was also on the water and I experienced the same problem. I forgot to screenshot both times, but it looked pretty funny when it was submerged, so just trust me on that one.
Anyway, I finally found a lot and put the house down, everything was in order and we seemed good to go
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Until I realized. I'd neglected the most important part of it all -- the one element needed to keep the entire production moving.
Now, usually these shows have hosts, right? Love Island has Laura Whitmore, Bachelor in Paradise has (for some fucking reason) David Spade. (But he seems like he's having fun.) Uh, I'm sure The Bachelor/ette also has a host. Anyway, that wasn't the case here, nor do we have a production crew.
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So I needed someone
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To make sure the boat kept swimming (or whatever)
In lieu of any real staff, I'd decided to contact my top man and send him into the field
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This is Peppidge Stanfield. He doesn't fuck around.
The trouble is, as remarkably detailed as the map I downloaded was, it didn't have a place for Mr. Stanfield to work and oversee things. While it's okay for him to be among the contestants during the day because, unlike real-life show producers, he kind of blends in, he still needed an office. He didn't say this to me, but I could tell he was already disappointed at his treatment thus far, so I got to work right away.
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We gave him the best tech
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A room with a view of the entire island
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And maximum comfort
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His control tower was ready, and accessibly only through a pet door, which means none of the humans can get up there and tamper with any behind-the-scenes equipment. The most they'll ever see from down where they are, if anything, is Peppidge. Watching.
He was already on the ball, well on his way into the house before my other sims even began walking
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There isn't too much that happened here, I'll get to events in my next post if I somehow find the will to continue this/assuming my ADHD allows me to remember it at all. Just some intro stuff to be hashed out.
Immediately upon entering the villa, my sims set a couch on fire.
It was actually Corey, one of the supposedly Genius sims, who set it off. So either that's a hoax, or he's up to something. I'm convinced it's the latter. Peppidge came around to see what was going on soon after, and gave everyone a stern lecture after requesting that the cameras be shut off.
While he was taking a nap to de-stress after the whole incident, Aubrey set the couch on fire for a third time.
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The pit has since been moved a space away from the couch, and no incidents have occurred. I've spent the past six hours completely neglecting my actual real life, but I will soon maybe possibly return to see which building this trainwreck drives through next.
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themadauthorshatter · 2 years
What are your gem au hairstyles like (you don't have to answer this)
Imma answer it, though I will tell you now I'm not very good at describing hairstyles and will be referencing other anime characters, so bear with me🙏
Tiger's Eye has very wild hair, like Sora from Kingdom Hearts or Cloud from Final Fantasy. Like, think bed head, but they literally shook their head, rubbed a balloon all over their head, and then went about their day. They also kick and scream whenever someone tries to fix their hair.
Labradorite has very long hair, like waist length, and has that one strand/bang that falls in their face and they never fix it. Out of everyone, their hair is the neatest, as they take a considerable amount of time brushing it out and don't want to risk cutting it in case they forget something.
I already talked about this in the character profiles, but Snowflake Obsidian has a very similar hairstyle to the OG Obsidian in the series, except their hair is longer and to the point where it covers their eyes, kind of like 'blindfold bangs' or something.
Lepidolite's hair is around shoulder length and full of braids, kind of like Daenerys from Game of Thrones, but full of flowers that weren't strong enough to be vased. I should mention that they never take out this braid. It's just always there, watching... waiting...(and I'm being a jerk, sorry. Couldn't help myself😅)
Red Jasper’s hair is what I'd call the most trendy because half of their head has no hair while the rest swoops to the other side. It's about jaw length and very poofy, surprisingly, but there's evidence that Doli tampered with it because there's a single braid that falls on the side of RJ's head that has no hair.
Ironically, Selenite has the most aestheticly pleasing hairstyle, as their hair stops at the middle of their neck, center parted, and brushed out of their face. The other gems call this one of two things: it's either very impressive that they keep it so neat or a joke because of the fact that they're a schemer and will get them, given the chance.
I personally have wondered what hairstyle to give Phosphosiderite because as much as I like the idea that they look like Phos, I honestly hate the idea that they're just baby Phos with a splash of purple paint. For Sid, I'm giving them a sort of baby-post-winter look that Phos used to have. They're hair is short in the back, like Post-Winter Phos, but the hair grows longer in the front to give them the look reminiscent of baby Phos, but instead of their bangs being out of their face, they have a small, leafy-esque bang that cuvers their forehead, kind of like what Jade had, but on Phos's head, if that makes sense.
Another moment of irony: Pearl also has spkiy hair, but it's tied back so it stays out of their face while they help Snow work. They have a like poof on the top of their head, like Adora from SPOP, but they have a few feathers in it they refuse to get rid of because they find the feathers very neat, and because they miss their bird friends. They also have two stray bits of hiar that fall from this hair poof to give them something like Devil Fangs.
Sodalite has pure bed head. They don't brush it. They don't take care of it. They just let it get messy and tangled. You know how Haruhi looks in the first episode of Highschool Host Club, with the glasses and messy hair? Soda looks a lot like that, but we would NEVER see their eyes once
Moissanite... doesn't really have hair. Think buzzcut, and that's Mo's hair. Like I said in their profile, they were put together from collected pieces and didn't really have enough to have hair, so they look like a freshly cut Anne With an E. They also look more like a baby with this hair, so bonus cute points.
This is just me thinking a little too hard, but don't be afraid to ask me things like this. Really just getting asks makes my day, thank you so much🙏🙏🙏
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earthnashes · 7 years
Was Twi turned into an Alpha the moment she was abducted or was there a transition period where Celly noticed her talents and potential, and took her in as a student to groom her as a potential successor? Yet Twi was like her show counterpart - intelligent yet naive. "Mother look! I charted a potential cooperation plan with the surface population. I'm sure that by limiting the use of alicorn among the elites we could [goes on for 2h]". "Those are wonderful ideas child... DISCORD! GRAFT HER!"
I think the latter; I’m starting to think that maybe Twilight’s parents were Mistral citizens but among the rare few that aren’t addicted to alicorn nor do they particularly seek it out. But when Twilight is born she exhibits a strange mutation that allows her to have access to her magic without the use of the drugs? And Celestia is very interested in that, so she keeps tabs on Twily as she grows and eventually, she takes Twi in as a student to groom her into her successor. And at first her parents don’t protest; I’d imagine they don’t have much trust in the “beloved Mother” of Mistral because they suspect she’s responsible for the disappearance of Shining Armor, but it’s a very bad idea to vocalize your suspicions and distrust toward the mother, so… they’re reluctantly compliant. But the older Twi gets, the more fearful they become of her fate, so maybe they attempt to get her back, but they fail.
So Celly gets rid of Twi’s parents by dumping them to “The Underworld” (unaware that Shining lives and he manages to save them one way or another, I dunno) and she continues to mold Twi into her successor, but for all of Twi’s intelligence she remains so steadfast on this… cooperation with the Underworld (I’d imagine she would know enough about it to figure it isn’t that bad of a place) and the lessening of alicorn use. And that threatens to tear down everything Celestia has built.
And what a shame too, Celly had honestly cared for Twilight. So she decided to do to Twilight what she did to Luna. It’s a good use for her magic potential, after all. Besides, they’ve found themselves a new “Princess”, and she’ll need a “Dragon” to keep guard over her. Luckily for Twilight though, Celestia doesn’t want her intelligence tampered with, thinks it and some of her free will would make her a perfect Guardian for Rarity instead of some mindless drone, so she makes Twi into a Guardian that’s similar to the earlier versions; Imprinted onto one sole Host (in this case, Rarity). And she thinks that her earlier interactions and molding of Twi might prevent her from ever becoming at all remotely interested in leaving. She figures it worked with Discord, why not Twi?
Too bad she’s wrong, and she underestimates just how loyal Twilight grows toward Rarity, loyalty that stems not from the Imprinting but from honest trust and care for one another.
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I know I am being dramatic, but I am actually so devastated I don’t even have any room for anger
At first I was mad, so so so fucking mad of the unfairness of it all. Now I'm just sad and crushed.
I keep thinking what could have been. This was only the second time ever out of 56 participations we had a chance of winning. I'm thinking about how Tampere would have hosted, the celebrations, the parties, the banners and flags on the streets, Finns welcoming people all around the world to our country, how we could have followed Yle's preparations all year long and how amazing the end result would have looked if the recent UMKs are anything to go by.
We would have had a chance to show our music and language and culture and habits and weird sense of humour to the world just like Käärijä showed during his performance and during all of the season really. Winning with a Finnish-language song and then hosting would have boosted our national identity and confidence more than any ice hockey championship could. But no, our dream went down the drain.
I've only cried once before because of Eurovision, and that was when Conchita won. This time my tears are not happy.
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Transformer Skyfall: Chapter 6. With or Without You.
We stood in what seem to be an eternity. The city moved around us. Cars drove. Planes flew. Metroplex breathed softly underneath us. Cybertron spun on axis around our star. Erion stood before me and I couldn’t tell who was more scared of the other. We both just kinda, stared at other.
I was trying to decide on what emotion to settle on. I was horrified at first. The terror quickly washed over and left a white hot fury. Yet, I knew that the disgust I was feeling wasn't going to help the bridge the void Erion created between us.
From the corner of my optic, a hulking Seeker was cautiously making his way over to join us. The khaki painted carrier was Erion’s second. Though, Herculex often acted more like the emotional center of the three; grounding the unusual trine. With the two of them here, Jetstream had to have been around. I was literally trapped between a rock and a hard place.
With a controlled breath, I raised my wings and looked up at the two mechs.
“Erion, Herculex. I'm glad to see you survived the War.”
I'm not sure if I was. Though, I don't think it was a lie either. I honestly didn't know what to think. Only time would tell.
Erion’s wings hung low to the floor. He’s posture was stiff and uncomfortable; like he was going to bolt at any moment. Herculex set a servo on his commander’s shoulder armor. Maybe it was actually Erion was the one that trapped. Herculex took point on this one; seeing as Erion was refusing to give me any kind of contact.
“We are too, Skyfall.” Herculex said softly, “We mean it.”
“What can I do for you?” I asked.
I decided to keep this professional. Didn’t want to get too personal and reopen wounds that were still trying to heal.
Herculex looked uncomfortable with my rather cool responses. You could almost hear his processor trying to calculate on how to proceed with all of this. They seemed to be desperate about something. The two of them. Yet, either of them seemed to want to be where they were standing at the moment. I flicked my wings as I waited for someone to give me anything to work with.
“Uh, well, we need help.” The large carrier started.
“It’s Jetstream.” Erion finally spoke, “She’s missing.”
After my spark nearly stopping; I invited both mechs back to my office, so they could better explain what the scrap was going on. There was so many other things that I wanted to happen today. This was honestly the last thing I ever wanted to deal with. Ghosts from my past coming back to haunt me. I had video records for that if I wanted to torture myself. Yet, I technically had to help them. I found out later they had booked an appointment with me.
“So, let me get this straight…” I started as I flipped through my files, “Jetstream has been missing since the begin of the War and you are just now filing for that?”
“We been looking for her throughout the War.” Herculex explained, “But we thought with everyone coming back that she would be in-”
“We thought that you would have seen her. Or at least had contact with her.”
My optics flickered up to Erion. To the long scar across his face. Supposedly a parting gift from his third. Jetstream was always a bot of high strung emotion. I sighed and looked back at my screens; going through mountains of information at a blistering pace.
“No. I haven’t see her...” I was surprised how sad I sounded. This did hurt a lot more than I was letting on. “But you’re in luck, boys. According to my database; she’s still registered as functional. She's also a registered Autobot.”
Beside me, a datapad started filling up with information as I quickly began typing out emails. I didn't know where my former carrier was, but my collages would. Unfortunately, a lot of the Autobot books were still closed to us Decepticons in case if there was any sympathizers working within the government. Made my job harder. Good think I know people in high places.
“I'm going to give you some contacts that might be better help then I am.” I said, rather matter-of-factually, “Decepticons can't access some of this stuff in the database.”
Both Seekers shifted uncomfortably in their chairs. Of course they would. A couple of NAILs like them would probably hear nothing, but the war crimes the ‘Cons committed during the War. If they hadn't seen it for themselves.
The air in the room suddenly felt stale. A good indication that I had outstretched a little too much. A little too far. I handed Erion the data.
“Jet seemed to be working with the Wreckers. Or at least, with one of their medics; Zephyr. Here's her contact information. I've already sent her a message about all of this. You guys well have to pick it up from there. Hopefully, Zephyr can help point you in the right direction. I'm sorry that I can't do more.”
I have expected for Erion’s optics to drop to the data pad, but they didn't. He just kept those sad eyes on me. I didn't know want more I could do. What else I could give him just to have this all blow over and go away. I just wanted him to stop.
Herculex nodded. He smiled weakly, “No. This is great, Skyfall. Better than we expected. Thank you.”
The big bot stood. Then patted his leader’s shoulder to do the same. With some hesitation; Erion rose from his chair. His servo trailed across the desk. He was trying to think of something to add to the conversation. You could see it in his optics. Yet, Erion didn’t speak apart from a mumbled ‘thank you’. I could only reply with ‘welcome’. I didn’t have any words to say.
Both mechs disappeared out of the room. I suddenly felt like the weight of Cybertron was now on me. Slowly crushing my chestplates. Not enough to kill me quickly, but just in a slowed dragged out affair. One that will eventually end me a million years from now.
With a long groan, my helm rested on my desk. The soft thunk bounced off the walls of the office. Rung was going to have a field day with this. Slowly, jitters rattled up my plating as the emotions of all of this finally made its way to the surface.
Stars above, Jetstream was missing. What was I going to do? What can I do? Why was I thinking that? She was alive. Alive and with the Wreckers. Oh sweet Solas Prime, she’s a Autobot. Jetstream would have killed me during the War. She could have kill me when-
She didn't own me anymore. Why was I so concerned with her safety? I hadn't even seen her since before the War. They sold me off for Primus sake!
I was crying into my arms when the piston on my office door hissed open.
“Skyfall,” Fireworks playfully mewed, “Did you see the two sets of wings that were in the lobby? They're not as lovely as Sweet Wings- Wheels on the ground, Skyfall what happened!?”
His servos gently settled on my shoulder plates. The racer lowered himself to my side. I sniffled. I wiped the tears from my cheeks.
“It's okay, Fireworks…”
The mech huffed, “It's not okay if you're crying over it.”
“It's…” I struggled to find words to describe how I felt, “I'm…”
“Sir…?” Pitch squeaked. The young assistant pointed out the door. “You're next appointment?”
Fireworks huffed once again. The mech plucked me from my workstation. He nonchalantly started for the door.
“Cancel the rest of my appointments; would you, Pitch?”
Fireworks stopped abruptly. He presented me out to his assistant as if I was a lost lazerkitten. Both Pitch and I blinked at each other in confusion. Oh here we go. Fireworks was going to pull some amazing excuse out of his aft. I was kind of excited to hear what that diabolical mind of him came up. It would definitely would make me feel better just hearing it.
“Our gracious host to this planet is under emotional distress, Pitch. To keep Velocitcon happy is to keep Cybertron happy. Skyfall needs some good Velocitcon-style R&R and I will not rest until she is given it. So, by canceling the rest of the arrangements I have for today and letting me take Skyfall to the spa; you are insuring the future of our planet! Oh, and make sure that Skyfall’s bosses now that I’m taking her out for the afternoon as well, wouldn’t you Pitch? We don’t want her to get in trouble, do we?”
Poor little Pitch snapped at attention. He saluted the delegate and stammered, “Of course! Right away, sir!”
Pitch bolted down the hallway as Fireworks chuckle in amusement. He shifted me in his hold, so I was perched on his forearm. He strolled down the opposite hallway. A please smirk on his faceplates.
“Now, that we have some peace and quiet to ourselves,” Fireworks purred, “Would you like to talk about what happened? I might not be a shrink like Dr. Eyebrows, but I’m a good listener.”
I sniffled; giggling softly.
“Thank you, Fireworks. You didn’t need to-”
“Oh, sweetspark, I do.”
At home, I found myself watching old recordings. Back when the trine was still a trine and when I belonged to Jetstream. A lot of that old footage was corrupted now. Data I collected and stored over the War damaged most of my personal videos; from Autobot viruses, improper or rushed data rips or straight up tampering with cortical psychic patchwork. The poor scrub from Swindle didn’t help things much either.
Jetstream was a unique bot in every sense of the word. The femme’s haft Insceticon sparking always turned helms wherever she went. She was a literal Queen Bee and acted like one. She was protective of her hivemates (Erion and Herculex), high strung emotionally and never backed down from a fight.
I can see why she became a Wrecker. The Autobot special task unit lived and died by their motto; Wreck and Rule. Jetstream lived like that everyday of her function.
I hoped, deep down in my spark, that she was ok.
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