#I'm not tagging anyone because I don't want to be annoying with my wips. i already feel like I'm posting too much
jerrythebug · 1 month
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It's WIP Thursday on a Sunday babes!!
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uraichievents · 2 months
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UraIchi Week 2024
Monday, July 1st, 2024 - Sunday, July 7th, 2024
AO3 Collection
Full Prompts List Submitted This Year
(Click images to enlarge. Alt text under the cut.)
What is UraIchi Week?
It’s a week-long fanworks event to promote the Urahara Kisuke x Kurosaki Ichigo ship. There’s no sign-up, it’s just for fun, and everybody can participate. Completed works and wips are both acceptable, and any type of fanwork (fanfic, fanart, gifsets, etc.) is welcome. NSFW and/or potentially trigger-y content is allowed, although please remember to tag your works properly.
The ship itself can be written romantically or platonically, as lovers or friends or even enemies, so long as it stars these two characters together in some way. Poly ships are also fine so long as Ichigo and Kisuke are still the focus of the fanwork. And crossovers and fusions are also allowed even if it isn’t one of the given prompts for the event. Basically, anything goes, and the only criteria is that it has to be UraIchi-centric.
UraIchi Week is hosted here on Tumblr and on AO3. For posts on Tumblr, remember to ping @uraichievents and tag #UraIchi Week 2024. For AO3, you can add your work(s) to the collection linked up above. You are also welcome to join the UraIchi Discord server if you haven’t already and come and talk about what you’re working on!
July 1st, Day 1: i've met you before / i'll meet you again / this is the first time we've met.. right?
Time Travel / Dimension Travel
Identity Porn / Hidden Identities
“I've suffered from traumatic dreams of my past lives since I was a child, and I'm just now realizing that coming up to a beautiful stranger who looks like someone I've seen die a thousand times in a thousand different ways at a bar and asking if we've met before sounds a lot like a come-on haha no wait come back that doesn't mean I'm not desperately attracted to you please kiss me again” AU
July 2nd, Day 2: It's fact that killable problems are not real problems.
Murder Husbands
Ichigo is Deadpool / unbreakable / any other accidentally immortal being who is really kind of annoyed about it (because it’s boring, and he’s still young enough to be within his lifespan, but it sure takes the fun out of fighting).
All the times Ichigo died, he ACTUALLY died, he just came back. Every time he comes back, he comes back Wronger.
July 3rd, Day 3: Things I Should've Told You / Things I Don't Tell Anyone Else
The skeletons in your closet are about to overflow. Would you like me to tidy it up?
Ichigo is experimenting with self-expression, a hobby, etc., making up for lost time as a regular teenager. Urahara is always the first one (sometimes only one) to see or hear about a new idea.
“The person I trust most is you.”
July 4th, Day 4: Sword and Shield
I am yours to command, use me as you please.
Shiba!Ichigo and Second Division!Kisuke
Summoner/Mage AU: Paired summons who are good apart but unmatched together.
July 5th, Day 5: That One is Mine
Hollow Instincts / Feral Protective
Possessive!Kisuke: He stepped aside for Sui-Feng because Yoruichi was always master first and friend second and love interest never, and because Yoruichi wanted her in a way she's never wanted him. But Ichigo is different, and everyone soon realizes that when Kisuke truly wants something, he always gets it in the end.
“Death can’t have you. You’re mine.”
July 6th, Day 6: Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. Some are born, some are made, and some decide being a monster's pretty fucking cool.
Visored!Urahara Kisuke AU / Vasto Lorde!Kurosaki Ichigo AU
“Ichigo forges a friendship with his Hollow in the Shattered Shaft” AU
vs. Gotei 13 AU: Ichigo time travels back from a future where he was chained to the throne as the next Soul King by the Shinigami.
July 7th, Day 7: Creator’s Choice!
As always, the above prompts are all optional, and you’re free to come with your own ideas. You can also find an excel sheet with all the prompts submitted this year linked up above, so feel free to look through that if you want, and you can also make a copy for yourself.
And that’s it! We’re looking forward to what everyone comes up with!
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welcometololaland · 2 months
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almost uploaded a picture of my bank statement instead of this header! happy days!
thanks for the tags @hippolotamus @kiwiana-writes @happiness-of-the-pursuit @rmd-writes
@nancygillianmvp @terramous @tellmegoodbye @freneticfloetry @beautifulhigh
@orchidscript @myheartalivewrites and @strandnreyes (don't think that was a real tag but i'm taking it anyway to force you to love me).
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
49 (last time it was 46 but i feel like that isn't enough of a difference? disappointed in myself dfhskjh)
2. What's your Ao3 bodycount word count?
1,119,086 which does include some co-writes, but I also have around 200k of unposted WIP in my google docs so i'm counting it (including a fully written fic - someone put their hands around my neck and force me to edit it PLEASE).
3. Which fandoms do you write for?
red white and royal blue, 911 lone star, top gun maverick (flirting with winter's orbit always)
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
the order of these has changed but not the identity:
Speak for Yourself (RWRB) (you know when eminem said he'd never be able to top My Name Is? this is my version of that)
Fifty First Dates (RWRB) (oodie agenda reigns supreme)
The RIng-In (Lone Star) (otherwise, lone star is in danger of being eviscerated from this top 5 lmao)
(Not) A Cinderella Story (RWRB) (NDAs are hot, apparently)
Cursed is a State of Mind (RWRB) (cursed caffeine is the main drawcard let's not lie)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try my absolute best to. i am currently really behind and i apologise for that (the problem is, i reply to comments before i post anything and i haven't posted anything in ages).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
serious answer - Contaminated
my answer - oh baby i'm a fool for you because we never find out if they actually watch twilight and that's a damn shame
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
literally everything else - i don't really do open endings or sad endings! in the words of the great philosopher, skepta: "nah, that's not me."
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i used to, but i haven't in ages! thank god for that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, although i have to say i've been moving away from pwp lately. i feel my best smut is written into longer fics where the sex serves a plot or characterisation purpose within the frame of the overarching narrative.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
yes, a RWRB/LS but i never finished it. ALTA is a veronica mars inspired tarlos fic which kind of feels like a crossover at times.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge :)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! Phonography (Lone Star) has been translated, as has Baby, Make Your Move (Lone Star) and Warm Whispers (Lone Star). I'm very grateful to the incredible people who have made these translations happen - you are so talented.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
yes, many with @dustratcentral. I also wrote a chapter of a co-written fic with a whole bunch of incredible RWRB authors called never the same twice.
@rmd-writes and I have created (Un)Professional Services and (upcoming) Call Me (By Your Name).
The Rainbow Fish was co-written with @strandnreyes.
I love co-writing so much and I am always open to anyone who wants to give it a go!
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
me + my unposted wips.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
probably the aforementioned crossover which was apparently also my answer last time.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'm allergic to giving myself compliments but i would say maybe dialogue/banter and worldbuilding.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
keeping things short. also, exposition.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
kinda scared to because i don't speak any other languages and i'm so hesitant to annoy my very talented multi-lingual friends with my annoying questions.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
we don't talk about that.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
probably still Love Game because the experience was just so amazing and i never wanted to stop writing it.
heaps of people have already done this so leaving an open tag and also a couple of suggestions under the cut but apologies if you've already participated or been tagged 7 million times:
@bonheur-cafe @theghostofashton @thebumblecee @indomitable-love @eclectic-sassycoweyes
@tailoredshirt @vineofroses @liminalmemories21 @mikibwrites @birdclowns
@ladytessa74 @basilsunrise @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @rosedavid @sanjuwrites
@alrightbuckaroo @three-drink-amy @marjansmarwani @dumbpeachjuice @doublel27
@lemonlyman-dotcom @blueink3 @ambiguouspenny @clottedcreamfudge @emmalostinwonderland
@sail-not-drift @inexplicablymine @celeritas2997 @cricketnationrise @reyesstrand
@goodways @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @sunshinestrand @sherryvalli
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hoodie-buck · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thanks for the tags beloveds @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @bi-buckrights @hippolotamus 🩵
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
— 911, teen wolf, animal kingdom (not actively but still counting it)
Top five fics by kudos:
if i lay here, would you lie with me (forget the world)
nobody can do everything
i want to love you (but i don't know how)
five + 1 (idk who allowed me to name a fic this 💀)
someone to stay
Do you respond to comments?
—always! even if it takes me a few weeks, i always respond to them. i'm so so appreciative of anyone who takes the time to leave them 🥹
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
—come back home (version 2) i just had to get it out of my system, sorry 🥲
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mmm, idk besides the one listed above and one other, they're all really sappy and fluffy endings 😅 it'll probably end up being whatever sappy ass ending i write for the chris doesn't come back au after everything i've put them through 😂
Do you get hate on fics?
—not really, more like just annoying people nitpicking stupid things
Do you write smut?
—i do indeed 😏 can't say if it's good, but i've got lots of it posted 😂
Craziest crossover:
—umm i write tons of au's but idk if this refers to that or doing an actual crossover with another fandom?? i wish not to talk about the one that still haunts me, but i did use characters from the step up movie for my au: let me lose myself
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
—not that i know of...
Have you ever had a fic translated?
—somebody asked once but idk what ever happened with that
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
i have! 3 different times with my wife @loserdiaz 🫶🏻
—no body, no crime
—this is my idea of fun (playing video games)
—i don't want to keep secrets just to keep you
All time favourite ship?
—buddie! the brainrot for them has been unmatched jsiodj
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
—uhhh probably my divergent au...i've had the placeholder for insurgent with like 3 sentences sitting in my wip folder for forever 😬
What are your writing strengths?
—i'll just list the things people have told me because i have no idea sjwioe. i always get compliments on my characterization, descriptions, and metaphors <3
What are your writing weaknesses?
—shutting the fuck up and writing anything short 🫠
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
—i've done it in the past but not really anymore
First fandom you wrote in?
—teen wolf
Favorite fic you've written?
—that's like asking me to pick between my nonexistent children 😭
i'm picking 3 idc
if i lay here, would you lie with me (forget the world)
the ducking of evan buckley
tagging: @redlightsandicedtea @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @onward--upward @daffi-990 @wildlife4life @underwaterninja13 @bigfootsmom @thewolvesof1998 @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @zainclaw @watchyourbuck @ronordmann @queerbuckleys @spaceprincessem @jacksadventuresinwriting
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phoebe-delia · 1 year
When This Is Over
YALL I FOUND THIS WIP IN THE DRAFTS OF MY SIDEBLOG FROM *LITERALLY* A YEAR AGO!!! Honest to god, NO idea if I've posted this already; I looked at my blog and at my tagged fics at @drarrymicrofic (wrote this for the now-old prompt: wedding btw) and I didn't see it so I'm going with it. I added an ending after "pretty damn impressive," and I made minor edits to the stuff I wrote before lol. Also this is an AU.
I don't care which china patterns we use; I'm sure you'll choose something delicate and ridiculously expensive and you'll insist on keeping it forever despite the fact that you'll also never let us use it again, let alone allow anyone else to touch it except for you. But it'll make you smile, and that's enough of a reason for me.
I'm going to wear dress robes, which you'll no doubt pick out for me. I don't know or have much of a preference as to what you'll wear, but I know you'll look gorgeous because when I see you wearing that outfit for the first time it'll be when you're walking down the aisle to meet me, and it'll be the best thing I've ever seen.
All I really care about for the planning, other than inviting all our friends and family, is serving good food and dancing to good music. I want us both to know every single song that the DJ plays, and can we please for the love of Merlin ask whoever we hire not to adlib or make commentary during the songs? It's so annoying when they do that. I want to listen to the song, not some stranger stopping the music to scream "WHAT" and "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR" intermittently into the microphone. And if I hear one—and I mean ONE—strangely upbeat or techno remix of a gorgeous ballad, I'm firing the DJ and plugging in my phone and playing music myself. I was scarred from the guy at Dean and Seamus's wedding who played a remix of "My Heart Will Go On." Scarred, I tell you, which is saying a lot for someone who is literally scarred in several places, and would probably be a prime test subject for a team of psychologists.
Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes, the wedding. As for rings, we're going to pick them out together. There's a jewelry shop in Diagon—well, there was before; I hope it'll still be there when this is all over. But if it's gone we can go somewhere else.
It's weird; everyone's talking about how we need to "make sacrifices" if we're going to defeat Him. But I don't think anyone understands that more than you and me. You sacrificed everything to show up to the Order headquarters, alone and asking for help, for forgiveness. And me—well. I haven't had much of a choice in what I've sacrificed. You did, though, and that's pretty damn impressive.
When this is over, I don't want to make a single compromise that impacts the grand scheme of my life. I want to be greedy; I want to be selfish. I want to grab happiness by the balls and never let it slip through my fingers.
I want to travel the world together. To lie on a beach until my skin grows flushed; hike up a mountain and feel my lungs burn. I want to feel my shirt stick to my skin from how much I'm sweating while we dance in a packed club, in a city where we don't speak the language; you'll move in close and grind your arse against me, throwing your head back against my shoulder to demand, through hot panted breaths, to take you home. I will, immediately, because of all the things I want for the rest of my life, you're at the top of the list.
I don't care where we are, or what we're doing, when this is all over. As long as I'm with you.
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rebelrayne · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you for tagging me @actuallyitsellie 🤍
How many works do you have on ao3?
available: 16. I have more but they're hidden because I might be using bits and pieces of my AUs for my original work.
What's your total ao3 word count?
444,278 (but that's all of them, even hidden)
What fandoms do you write for?
Love Island the Game
Top five fics by kudos:
off the market | Hamish/MC
rewind | Bobby/MC
Mon Amour | Youcef/MC
We Do But Friends Don't | Bobby/MC (fuck this one fr)
jealous. | Ryan/MC
Do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to all of them, unless I got a ton at one time from the same person on multiple chapters. I don't want to be annoying and reply to all of them, so I'll reply to one.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the checklist, I guess? I mean it's ambiguous, but I don't any end angsty.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
off the market because it has a happy ending in the last chapter, you feel me?
Do you get hate on fics?
Not as of lately.
Do you write smut?
Yes, but it's not my favorite thing to write.
Craziest crossover:
I wrote a Jurassic Park and The Office crossover as well as Once Upon A Time. Well, fuck I didn't realize I had that many.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, but idk why anyone would steal mine LMAO
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes and I had a terrible fucking time. Sup I am stupid.
All time favourite ship?
...but not Tom with anyone else. Fuck off with that.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Tom Beresford-King finally gets a Villa fic.
What are your writing strengths?
I never know how to answer this. I guess my narrator. They kind of help perceive my main character's personality and characterization.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not very good with details.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm fine with it as long as there's something that tells you what it meant (because I'm stupid and only know one language).
First fandom you wrote in?
Favourite fic you've written?
'and the day after that, too' which is not available because it's part of the world where my original exists so how about off the market instead?
tagging @countessklair @longbobmckenzie @mrsbsmooth @operationnope @queen-of-boops @thatwheelchairchick @willkimurashat @0shewrites0
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onekisstotakewithme · 4 months
Tell People About Your WIPs
make a list of all your WIPs with a brief description of each and then people can ask you questions about them and then tag other people.
tagged by the creator of this game, @mihrsuri, and will in turn say 'anyone who wants to, feel free' but specifically of the westie besties Lil didn't tag, I'm yelling at @claudiajcregg 💜 I've been agonizing over having nothing to publish for ages now 😭
Currently Active:
Close to the Heart, aka MASH noir AU where Hawkeye is still a doctor, and Peg comes to him wanting him to kill her husband.
the west wing post-canon wedding: CJ and Danny try and make it work after CJ decides to stay in the WH, can't make it work, break up... all of which is backstory to the two of them reuniting at Charlie and Zoey's wedding a few months later... and going from there
the "BJ accidentally follows Hawkeye to a gay meet up, learns some things" WIP that I have been agonizing over.
the valentine's day tww discord prompt fulfillment (I know I'm not in the discord but humour me, i did the christmas exchange) that starts during "Manchester".
Things that Should be Active (but Aren't)
the prompt fulfillment for the Josh/Donna Rom-Com exchange in which I Romcomify "Inauguration: Over There" (I have words written for it, but not many. that was a busy week lol.)
President!CJ - you know the drill. I keep calling it president!CJ but the actual name should be "CJ runs for President and Ally rambles her ass off trying to make it happen". Anyone looking for a full time volunteer job as my research assistant to make this story happy, apply within.
The Requiem First Time Smut - it's six thousand words long and contains only one orgasm so far. aka the wednesday night where CJ shows up and they 'don't reallly talk' (except nobody is naked yet because they can't stop fucking talking!)
Random WIPs that can't even be considered in the same realm as active, yes i'm as annoyed about it as everyone else.
tww plane crash au - on the way back from a summit in Japan, AF1 crashes on a small island in the South Pacific. This project is my baby but alas. Featuring bioluminescence, sex cabanas and copious amounts of Repentance.
sperm donor AU - canon divergent in s5 of tww, after slow news day et al, where CJ starts seriously thinking about her life post-administration... and having a kid. Coincidentally, Danny comes back into her life around the same time.
mash triad ski au - BJ and Peg go on vacation over Christmas of 1998, and meet another skiier when they all get trapped on a chair lift together 😉
triad wedding - I include this on every list (sigh) just because a whole draft exists, it just needs to be burned to the ground, chopped up with a machete and started from scratch and I burned out hard wriitng draft one. Anyway, final part of the first "arc" of Home verse. BJ, Peg and Hawkeye get 'married'.
Ambassador Spock - genuinely don't think I've touched this since 2021 but. Kirk is still captain of the Enterprise, charged with bringing the Vulcan ambassadors (Sarek and his son Spock) to a summit, "Journey to Babel" style only with more Spirk.
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aidaronan · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @wynnyfryd and @stevethehairington. Thank!!! 1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 131 (Jesus Christ)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently I write primarily Stranger Things with the occasion OFMD but I have written for Marvel (Stucky, Sambucky, Danbeau, gen), The Old Guard, and The Walking Dead. I tend to hyperfixate on a ship/fandom for a few years and then mostly move on when for whatever reason I no longer have interest.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Steddie completely overtook all my top fics, which is pretty wild. The top five are: The Prettiest Boy in Hawkins, Indiana Anywhere, Anytime Critical Hit It's Not a Big Deal I'd Burn the Castle for You
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Sometimes. I very much like to interact with fandom and fandom people. That's kind of the whole point. But I'm ultimately a person with a lot going on and treating comments like they're transactional (aka always owed a response) makes responding to comments feel like a job which is exhausting for me personally.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I mean, as much as I generally like a hopeful ending, there's a fair few. I mean, I was in The Walking Dead fandom where anyone can die so... lol But a recentish one I can remember is one I don't talk about much or promote really bc I don't like to think about it all that often. It's just Steve sneaking back into the Upside Down to bury Eddie. Nothing else, just closure. I wrote it when I was processing some feelings about losing my grandma's cat in a pretty traumatic way. I bottle fed him as a baby and always considered him kind of my cat too. Because of how and when it all happened, I had to take charge and bury him all alone, so I sort of used Steve to get some of it out.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Lol I tend to do Happy Endings so... God, hard to pick. I like the way I'd Burn the Castle for You ends because it's happy but it feels really grounded at the same time which I think makes it happier because it feels like they could actually have it. But when I think of the happiest, I might have to go back to Stucky and We didn't need this to love each other, but I'm glad we get to do it anyway which is a fic where Steve and Bucky never went to war, find a way to live a whole life together despite how hard it was to do so, and then get married when it's finally legal in NY. (Yes, I will keep using the characters getting married when it's finally legal trope because 1. I'm actually a sap, and 2. It's a good reminder that it's recent and hard-won.)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Sometimes, not in a while
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Well. Hahahhahaha It can be anything from tender lovemaking to hardcore to hardcore with monsters and any mix or combo of those.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Crossovers in the sense of characters from different fandoms interacting? Not in a very long time, I don't think?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Stolen where they attempt to pass it off as theirs, I don't think so. I have, however, had quite a few rude little fuckers repost it on Wattpad lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A few of my Stucky fics were translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No because I'm terrible at asking for people to work on stuff with me lol I am trying to get better at not thinking I'm annoying everyone all the time and actually talk about collabs and things. @sparklyslug and I are maybe going to do something if we can stop signing up for bangs lmao
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I can't answer this because the answer is always going to change based on whatever I'm into at the time lol
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I can't point to any specific one because I genuinely don't know which ones I will and won't finish. BUT I do know there's never any conceivable way I'll finish all of my WIPs because just for Stranger Things, I have like 59. Maybe I'll say the Paramedic fic because I sort of lost the will to work on it after I took it down. It didn't really feel like there was any interest.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. And fucknasty porn if we're being honest.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I sometimes feel like I really struggle writing any interpersonal relationships because I'm pretty bad at them irl. I know ADHD bleeds into my work and in every single character I write even if they don't intentionally have ADHD traits because I'll never ever actually understand the world from any other perspective. I also have to resist overexplaining shit even in my writing. I'm also bad at actually, you know, starting the task of writing sometimes lmaooo Plus just, like, me and my insecurities. Which is more of a personal weakness but it def affects how I interact with some of my own work/responses to it sometimes. Also see above and hate asking for "help" and being a "bother" and the fact that only like a few of my stories are beta'd lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't do it very often, esp in Steddie. But I've done it in the past (I mean, Bucky Barnes, so...) It's like anything else in writing. You do it when you have a reason to do it and you consider the why of it and how different readers might interact with it and how you WANT them to interact with it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
MCR and The Used bandfic back on motherfucking Quizilla
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Not to flex with the fact that I have 131 works on ao3 and that I've been writing on there for over 10 years, but there are so many things I love and love still--or even things I don't love still and would do a completely different way but love the memory of, or even just the accomplishment represented by that thing--that it'd be impossible to pick just one. But I'll talk about a few that come to mind - Fave Steddie is still Cut and Changed and Rearranged and my baby bisexual Steve learning he is loved
I love the work and historical research I put into The Second Labor, my alt version of the first Captain America movie where Steve joins the war effort in a different way.
And I also love my Cyberpunk Stucky, Empires Fall, but Not Us and think of it fondly.
Anyway thanks again for the tags Wynn and Mack 🥰! This was a nice little reflection moment lol Tagging @sparklyslug @greatunironic @banannabethchase @vecnuthy @starryeyedjanai
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vixstarria · 3 months
Writer interview
Tagged by @bardic-inspo - aww thank you! ❤
Tagging @spacebarbarianweird (although I know you have heaps outside of AO3 / original works, so may be a bit tricky), @tragedybunny and @ineadhyn (no pressure!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
17, but some are multi-chapter. All BG3.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
38,869 - I'm just a baby
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A remedy for sleeplessness - Smut. My very first smut, which I also think is my worst, written purely for shits and giggles. 🤷‍♀️
A night at the inn - Smut. Halsin threesome trilogy. This one I actually appreciate having a lot of kudos on.
Missionary with the lights off - Smut, also written for shits and giggles.
Intimacy - Not smut! But does have smut elements.
Seeing stars - You guessed it. Smut.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Oh absolutely. I appreciate every single one of them (and they are so hard to come by!). Also all this, whether tumblr or AO3, is a community - I don't think any of us what to feel like we're just shouting into the void.
(psst, if you are a reader and you think you don't have anything worthwhile to say, or that you're annoying the writer or whatnot - rest assured that is NEVER the case - every single little thing even if it's just a string of emojis is appreciated, and absolutely makes my day)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do angst, and especially not angsty endings. I stick to fluff, humour and smut (or a combination of the three). I do add angsty elements sometimes, and so far the ones that touched the most on it are Down by the river and Intimacy - both dealing with Astarion's trauma.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
They all have happy or hopeful endings. The absolute happiest mushiest one is Confession
7. Do you write crossovers?
Nope, at least I haven't yet.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nah, I haven't done anything controversial enough to warrant anger, I think.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Boy do I! All I've been able to write lately seems to be smut, tbh.
I've done a lot of Astarion x f!Tav, sometimes with a third character thrown in. Nothing too crazy.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Probably not.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, I don't know that I would be a great writing partner tbh - sometimes trying to get words out of my brain is like squeezing water out of a rock - I'd hate to let anyone down.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Astarion x my OC has been consuming my mind lately, I suppose I'm going to have to count that.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I don't know whether I should count it as a WIP, but I've been playing with the idea of having my OC and Astarion have threesomes with all the other companions (we're skipping Karlach because I HC that they're besties of the variety you do not have sex with).
I've recently done one with Wyll, as well as Halsin (twice, actually, and I'll do it again!). Maybe it's time to go for a M/F/F, I haven't done that yet... Hmm...
15. What are your writing strengths?
Going by what I personally find the easiest / am most confident with - dialogue. It's also the funnest part of writing for me, and I've had a fair share of compliments specifically for the banter, or for getting the characters' voices right.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I can write banter all day, and I'm okay at getting inside a character's head and getting their emotions out, but ask me to describe a sunset (room / dress / whatever) and I'll probably just cry and jump out a window.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'm not a fan of this as a reader (occasional words or phrases are okay, if there's a footnote with a translation), and I don't add it as a writer. I tend to just generalise with "he swore in elvish" and similar.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Final Fantasy 8. I wrote little comedic tidbits. (well, 12 year old me thought they were funny, anyway) I don't think any of it has survived to this day.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I don't have any fandoms on my mind besides BG3, but as I've said in no. 14 above, I want to write something M/F/F.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmm, this changes constantly... Ultimately this will hopefully be my longfic that I'm working on.
I think it's a tie between the pure debauched horniness of A night at the inn and the more mellow Seeing stars which also showcases my OC's relationship with Astarion and all the things I think I do best.
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johaerys-writes · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Another Wednesday, another WIP! After breaking my own damn heart with the last disasters chapter, I thought I'd have some lighthearted fun with the omegaverse AU and torture Achilles some more. So have a snippet from the next chapter of As Fate Would Have It, which is finished and should be up tomorrow (when I have more brainpower to finish editing 🫠):
"You never answered my question last night." 
"What question?"
"Have I sworn an oath of celibacy to you after all? Or was last night's scene just a one time thing?"
Achilles' jaw clenches. Alcmena has drifted closer to their table to refill Phoenix's cup; when she notices Achilles' eyes on her, she blanches and hurries away, tending to the tables far down the hall. 
"Are you that eager to bed that serving girl, beloved?" Achilles asks acidly. His scent has turned sharp once again, prickling Patroclus’s nostrils. "Had I known you were so desperate for her, I would have made her part of our arrangement." 
Patroclus flushes, embarrassed yet still annoyed at the snide and derisive remark. "This isn't about her— it isn’t about that at all. I just need you to tell me exactly what I've agreed to here. And I'll have you know," he adds, perhaps a little more petulantly than is required, "I'm not desperate for anyone. I could have anyone I wanted in this palace, and there's nothing you could do to stop me." 
It is an empty threat; Patroclus' half-hearted attempts at courting have been disappointing at best, but Achilles doesn’t need to know that. 
Achilles glares at him, affront writ clear and sharp across his features. The sound of his chair being pushed back is startlingly loud in the half-empty hall; Achilles springs to his feet and stomps away, his breakfast largely untouched. 
Patroclus gets up after him with an exasperated huff, cursing under his breath. The second time in less than a day that he’s had to abandon a meal early because of the prince's whims. He follows him out of the mess hall and across the yard, towards the palace's main building.
But Achilles doesn’t. He walks straight past the training yard, the gym and the baths, and into the small secluded yard of the inner palace where he usually has his lessons. 
"Hey," Patroclus says once they're finally alone— he's too proud to admit that the brisk walk across the palace grounds tired him out, but he’s sounding more winded than he would have wanted. "I'm talking to you." 
"I am not," Achilles hisses. He makes his way to the carved bench beneath the shade of the olive tree without sparing Patroclus a look. 
"You don't really have a choice in the matter." Patroclus sits decisively beside him. "I have a right to know. You can’t avoid this conversation forever."
Tagging forth to @baejax-the-great @vimlos @cata-liinaa @annalyia @juliafied @figsandphiltatos @darlingpoppet @aristi-achaion and anyone else who would like to share a snippet of their work!
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 months
tagged by @goldheartedchaoticdisaster thank you bestie ❤❤❤
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The short answer is basically "whichever one I'm feeling".
the longer answer is: Arata the Legend, the MCU (specifically my own OC content and Eternals), Good Omens, The Old Guard, The Wicked + The Divine, A Discovery of Witches/All Souls Trilogy, Doctor Who, Ted Lasso (in theory, so far) and like... other stuff I can't think of right now that I haven't published but still write for, and other stuff I have written fics for but wouldnt say I "write" for the fandom.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Rotten Work
First Word
everybody wants someone (i want to be somebody)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Or I try to - I try to respond to every comment people leave, even if it's only a heart emoji or a 'thank you'. Because I want to show them I see them and appreciate them!!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Toss up between "no home sweet and no sweet home" with Joan having to run away from an abusive household in the middle of the night to a life of just constant running and loneliness she's not emotionally prepared for after having a relatively normal life and "my heart is a stone, my body is not my own" with Yataka dealing with years of blackmail, sexual assault and noncon suddenly being exposed to everyone by one of his abusers and just refusing to talk about it at all and rejecting the (admittedly flawed) attempt at comfort shown to him (points for being a fic I wanted to end with comfort and instead became my first hurt/no comfort).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's hard to choose but I'm gonna say probably First Word (link above) because. I mean how does it get better than Human!Ten, Donna and Jenny being a little family together and Jenny's first word being Donna's name and Ten being absolutely in love with his girls-
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh I did like, back when I was 13. My ATLA OC fic got cyberbullied by some dude on tumblr, who copy&pasted whole chapters of my fic and then would go through the chapter and add shitty comments.
The only good thing about that situation was that he even added a whole post to express his confusion that all the comments on my fic were positive. everyone else was loving it. and then he apparently needed to ruin me and left his own comment telling me he was reviewing my fic. which of course led to a shock and some hurt feelings but uh, seeing him annoyed at everyone else liking the fic helped lmao now I can look back on it with amusement like what was going on with that guy that he felt the need to harass a 13 year old.
I also got another comment on the same fic accusing me of plagiarizing their fic and OC because both my oc and hers could bend 2 elements and had sort of similar names and when I went to read her fic it was so completely different from my own I had to LAUGH.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've attempted it a few times but I really don't know what I'm doing with it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've never written a whole crossover - I admit I did start an au fic where all different studio ghibli characters were in the story of Anastasia the movie, but it did not get super far before I stopped.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
luckily no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but if anyone ever asked I wouldn't say no!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Oh my god.... I mean as hard as it is to choose it's gotta be TenDonna. like platonically, romantically, a secret third thing, they are amazing together and I love them so much.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I try to never say I'll never finish a fic, but there's one for certain I don't think I'll ever finish, Prince Mononoke - a role swap au of Princess Mononoke. I was writing it for years and had my grandma proofread every chapter before publishing. I put it on hiatus for years, but then she died, and it didn't feel right to keep going.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel I write dialogue really well. I try my best to hit the right voice for every character and I think I do a good job at it. And honestly it's hard for me to not write dialogue like half the time I'm like can you guys shut up already and progress the plot with actions instead-
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not as poetic as I'd like to be, I guess. Like. some writers are just fucking masters with words and I feel like I'm stammering. I'm also not super confident in writing romance - like, pining, or friendly relationship with a splash of romance for fun? I've got that. Actual romantic relationships? Not so much.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If I do, I use google translate and hope for the best, but usually I don't. Ethereal has a lot of Canadian French in it because Marianne is from Quebec, but I use my sister (a French Immersion student) as my translator.
I mean I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Like, use the best translator website you can find and hope for the best.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If we want to get really technical it was for The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, before I even knew fanfic was a thing. If we want to be specific to published fic, it was Avatar the Last Airbender.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
honestly I have no way to choose. So I'm simply not going to lol
tagging: @dani-luminae @sighonaraa @altschmerzes @jamietarttsnorthernattitude @fallenangelontheceiling @vinatintasupernovita @strangelock221b @mousedetective @linguini17 and like, anyone who wants to do this!!!! it's fun :)
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welcometololaland · 3 months
summarise your wips badly game! thanks for the tags @kiwiana-writes @inexplicablymine @indestructibleheart @orchidscript and @cha-melodius
i don't know if there's a point to this for me, aside from making fun of myself, but here are my active wips summarised very poorly:
neighbourhood disputes and speeding fines result in deep self introspection and also hot sex (tarlos).
two abandoned men in a foreign country decide to unabandon themselves by hitching their metaphorical wagons to each other (firstprince).
workplace enemies accidentally orchestrate their own redundancies and fall in love (hangster).
college students are made to angst over each other by third college student's incredibly misguided method of meeting the parents (tarlos).
man finds himself the beneficiary of copious amounts of tiktok products (tarlos).
husbands find themselves on a boujee ski trip in aspen with everyone they hate (tarlos).
a case of mistaken identity leads to an HR nightmare (tarlos, co-write with @rmd-writes)* can't talk about this one because it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to give spoilers without giving away the plot.
EDIT FOR CEE: american man desperately wants to believe his mysterious crush has a red room and will stop at nothing to manifest it (firstprince).
you can send me an ask if you want (i think that's the point of this game??) or you can just laugh at my really bad attempts at describing things. also, i'm free all day today so maybe if you wanna bully me i can attempt to write some snippets if anyone is interested :)
please consider this an OPEN TAG because i'm not sure if this has breached rwrb containment and i'd love to see some lone star people do this.
will tag a couple of people who might be interested but not too many bc i've already annoyed all of you so much this past week @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @liminalmemories21 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @nancygillianmvp @alrightbuckaroo @sznofthesticks @theghostofashton @hippolotamus @bonheur-cafe @never-blooms and @celeritas2997 BECAUSE!!!!! I KNOW!!!!
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daisymae-12 · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
Ok so sometimes I don't make anything for months/years and sometimes I draw/write a lot of shit in the span of 2 days (hello I haven't properly made art for almost 2 damn years so I am baring my soul here 💀)
I normally do these on paper with graphite pencils but I'm feeling adventurous and trying it out digitally for the first time (hence the ipad app screenshot) ❤️ lol I angled the drawing to hide the super unfinished other side of his face - though this side is not done yet either. Don't know if the final will be b&w like this but we'll see 😌
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Also low key annoyed because I've been wanting to draw some colourful/cute/stylized firstprince but my brain said "yeah good joke, we only draw people realistically" and on top of that I only became inspired after seeing a picture of Henry sad so what does that say about me? 😂
(was also contemplating sharing wip fic stuff but that is officially too much soul baring for one day so just wip art it is 😅)
open tagging for anyone who wants to share wip stuff too (this is a first for me and I'm shy so I'll tag people next time 😬)
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lyntergalactic · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
i was tagged by the ever lovely @oakashandwillow
1. How many works do you have on AO3? uh... are we counting works i've orphaned over the years? if not, 16 over two accounts.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 41,118
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently, it's all star wars all the time, though there's probably going to be a one piece fic out of me soon. other fandoms i've written for include dragon age, naruto, and stranger things.
the rest of the ?s are under a cut to save space!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(i promise you that) we're marching on | naruto fic, sakura-centric gen
the long and short of it | witcher fic, geralt/eskel, bonus fiberarts
the unexpected series | stranger things fic, steddie, rule 63!steve with surprise baby
quid pro quo | star wars: the clone wars fic, rex/echo, smut
the will to carry on | stranger things fic, abandoned wip, rule 63!steve
5. Do you respond to comments? i try to! i don't always have the spoons for it tho
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? surprisingly, it's not the fic that's all about grief and recovery. it's a star wars drabble, changing of the guard.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? the joke answer is quid pro quo. (because it's smut.) but most of my endings tend to be content or hopeful if not happy, so this is hard to quantify for me.
8. Do you get hate on fics? not as of yet, but given i write cloneshipping i'm honestly just bracing for it to happen at some point
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? indeed i do. i currently only have one smut thing uploaded, so idk if i can say anything for certain about trends, but given my wips... emotional sex and smut as character studies seem to be my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? nope. not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? nope! thankfully, i've heard horror stories
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? i think one that no longer exists was once translated. (i had a sad habit of deleting or orphaning things i was less than pleased with when i was younger. i know better now.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? ahaha yes but none of it i'm going to mention by name. all my co-written fic happened in middle school with IRL friends.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? i'm a filthy multishipper this question is like asking me which of my hairs i like best
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? oh man. definitely the will to carry on and the couple of stranger things wips in my wip file. not that i don't love the stories anymore, but certain parts of the fandom annoyed me right out of any inspiration or desire to touch anything related to said fandom with a twelve foot pole.
16. What are your writing strengths? i like to think i'm good with characterization and dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? writing anything longer than 3k words max lmao though that has been improving lately and i have high hopes for the sev fic getting finished
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? there... there is a whole can of worms here that this question opens for me and i don't think anyone wants my ramble about dialogue, other languages, conlangs, dialects, and the effects of having been in anime fandom for so long so. this is not getting answered other than with a shrug
(unless someone wants the ramble in which case i will happily oblige)
19. First fandom you wrote for? teen titans cartoon when i was a wee thing. it was a self-insert fic that was less than a page in ms word, single spaced :')
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? this is such a cop-out answer but i genuinely don't think i can pick a favorite. maybe ordinal, just because i'm still super proud of having finished it and what i did with the characterization at missing scenes? but augh i want to put more here too
i'm tagging @bisexualdinahlance, @bilbosmom-belladonna, @cacodaemonia, aaaaand @cabezadeperro but no pressure if you're not game :> and if anyone wants to do it but isn't tagged /points to eyes /points to u
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elmhat · 5 months
20 Questions For Writers
Thanks @bleue-flora & @midnight-fangirl01 for the tags!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
16 published so far! Although 2 of those are incomplete and it annoys me endlessly. I'm working on it.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
105k… That's definitely not a lot compared to some people, but for me that's insane. The most I've ever written in my life and it's all for fucking minecraft rp.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
DSMP! And nothing else! I'm a one-trick pony.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
hallow the foul - Yeah, this is one of the unfinished ones… It hurts me so much that I haven't given it an ending yet, but I really do plan to! It's just not a quick task. c!Loudduo my beloveds. <3
candlelight - Probably one of my best (finished) works honestly: the mandatory Syndicate c!Dream fic. There's a lot I'd change now but I'm glad that I wrote it and that people resonated with it so much!
the new plan - It's cool that this one blew up so much! It's a little random. My fic for an event about c!Dream and c!Punz about a year ago.
in porcelain and steel - Just a little collection of my c!Dream drabbles.
good authority - I didn't expect this one to be on here! My first ever fic, just a short c!Dream and c!Slime oneshot. I really want to write more of their duo at some point.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I think it's something I told myself I'd do early on. If someone takes the time to read and appreciate my writing, I want them to know that I appreciate them too.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh, that's a hard one, because I haven't finished writing (or even started posting—) most of my angstiest fics. Am I allowed to say hallow the foul? I have the ending planned and it's not happy.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
If we're talking about longer fics, probably phantom pains? "Happy" might not be the right word, since the plan is literally to continue down the road that's destroying c!Dream's life, but uh. He's pretty excited about it!
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
I don't think I ever have! Y'all are the sweetest.
9. Do you write smut?
Nope, not my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers?
DSMP is definitely my main interest, so I haven't really felt the need to.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of? (Please let me know if you see this happening lmao.)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but it sounds cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not yet… I've kind of taken on a hundred fandom projects at once, so it's not my priority right now, but it sounds like something really fun I could do in the future, if anyone's willing. There are so many amazing writers in this community.
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't really do romantic ships, sorry. But for platonic duos, c!loudduo forever.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hallow the foul 😭
No, I WILL. I might have to drag my face through several miles of mud to do it, but it will all be worth it. (Just please don't hold your breath.)
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Probably dialogue? That's what I get compliments for lol. I've watched so many hours of streams that I think their voices are baked into my skull.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Am I allowed to say not finishing projects ajskhdhkj. Otherwise, I guess maybe my internal monologue? I think some of my writing is a little boring, a little clunky in places, but I often just don't have the willpower to fix it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't really understand the question but uh, sure!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
DSMP. Lol.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
It depends. I love hallow the foul for sentimental value but I also slightly hate it. I'm proud of candlelight but I kind of keep forgetting I wrote it akjshdk. Genuinely, I think it's probably triquetra! It's really important to me. (That's not counting any of the hundreds of wips y'all don't know about yet.)
I won't tag anyone specific—if you want to answer these questions then you can say I tagged you!
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phoebe-delia · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks so much to the lovely @xanthippe74 and @basicallyahedgehog for the tags!! Loved reading both of your answers. Tagging anyone who sees this and wants to, plus no-pressure @kittycargo @squintclover and @oflights
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince You Are In Love this is me trying Call It What You Want Tongue-Tied
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes!! Well. I try to. I'm behind lol. I LOVE them and I want to say thank you because I know it takes effort to leave a comment.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Travelin' Soldier. I made myself sad for like 2 days after I wrote it lol. Read at your own risk lol.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings. But I think one of the softest, happiest endings is this "sweet dreams of holly and ribbon"
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I think I've gotten a couple weird comments, but no hate, luckily!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, I don't. As the lovely @xanthippe74 put it, "M-rated, blink-and-you'll-miss-it lovin' is all I can manage." (But I definitely read it lol).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I think once someone asked me to do a West Wing crossover but it was a drabble and soooo long ago. I wish I knew who it was bc I'd wanna re-write it for them but they were anon.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, I don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! Just Between Us was translated into Russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but as @basicallyahedgehog said in their post, we keep talking about it!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Drarry for sure
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My Royal AU. I was gonna do it for spin the wheel but I never really made progress. Sigh.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think dialogue. I have the most fun writing dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description. I can do it but it takes a LOT of mental energy and I get impatient and annoyed lol; writing longer fic is hard for the same reason. I've never managed to get longer than 13k.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I would likely only do French, because I took it for several years in school. but I'm very rusty and my grammar was never that good. And even with some kind of checker, I would feel nervous about butchering it lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
this is me trying. Absolutely.
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