#I'm not disabled myself but I am trans
terresdebrume · 1 year
Going off that one poll, I'd like to test a theory.
More reblogs = bigger sample size.
Also, I think follow up polls would be a good idea but tbh i might need input from actual disabled people for those ^^"
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inniave · 2 days
so fucking sick of the constant misgendering. it's exhausting. even from fellow queer people??????? who know me?????????? HELLO?????????????
#sorry i don't fit ur idea of queer but can u still show some basic respect & decency#pre-covering my hair i was constantly seen as non-binary or as a man or as intersex#and now??????? no matter what#i get referred to as a woman#by the same fucking people!!!!!! preaching “clothing has no gender”#ARE U SURE?????? CAUSE UR SURE AS HELL NOT TREATING ME LIKE I EXIST OUTSIDE MY CLOTHING CJOICES#most days i try to make myself not care but lately i've been realizing just how much i want to die because of how people perceive me#i don't want to change myself#but it's suffocating me#nobody sees me for who i really am except for spouse#and i am so so grateful for them#but when every single other interaction is just#so fucking transphobic and intersexist#i just want to curl up and die#changing the way i dress makes me want to die#getting misgendered for the way i dress makes me want to die#not having a place in the queer community makes me want to die#do u know how hard it is to be disabled intersex queer with DID which means constantly shifting identity#i'm lesbian im gay im trans both ways im ace im hypersexual im aromatic im poly it's EVRRUTHING#and so i fit nowhere#because i don't fit the mold :/#when i say queer in every way i mean it#and there's no real solution outside of finding community that accepts me and i cant even manage to get far enough into one#to even consider bringing up DID & the complexities it adds#cause y'all see someone in a modest dress & head scarf and go WOMAN#or see wheelchair and look the other way or continue booking in inaccessible places or not wearing a fucking mask#or don't want to be seen with someone visibly mentally ill#like..... i cant win. the only way i can get respect from my OWN FUXKJNG COMMUNITY is to change everything about myself#i'm so fucking over it#happy pride month ig
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giantkillerjack · 27 days
Did you know that every time a trans person or a fat person wears a crop top, an angel gets gender reaffirming surgery and rebels against the heavenly hegemony? And also when a fat trans person wears a crop top, God loses another tooth?? It's true.
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chicago-geniza · 1 month
Got a $50 refund for pants that got lost in the mail and used it to buy a 3XL full-body rain jacket for the coming storm season since I will be commuting during 24/7 Flood Watch. Now just need boots and pants that fit
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nanowired-lover · 7 months
I know it's common but I sometimes feels very guilty about not being able to do certains things, and then I look at some graphics and notice that I'm in a demographic of people who most of the time dies/off themselves quite young and I'm like. Yeah. I'm surviving.
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naamahdarling · 9 months
Send me asks, my brain is garbage tonight.
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Dysphoria tips for trans men be like:
1. Be an asshole
2. Dress like shit
3. Don't be disbaled!!
I'm tired of these things being the reasons people give me that I don't pass -_-
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artamos · 15 days
transandrophobia only exists as a concept because of trans exclusive feminism ideals, It's a way to promise to others you're not a bad man. It doesn't break down how the concept of men being evil oppressors inherently will always include trans women and occasionally trans men if you're not a terf. These are ideas we need to let go of completely I think. We're just repackaging terf ideas and weaponising them against different people. You will always be a lesser woman or man if you a trans/intersex/gnc/sam sex attracted but we are infighting for approval to be the most correct and hurt ones.
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sherlock-is-ace · 29 days
#not having a great time today after my mom commented on my interests#i'm a person that is interested in shit i don't know this is why i'm very likely to follow disabled youtubers#in my time i have watched molly burke. multiplicityandme and a collection of autistic youtubers (guess why lol)#and my mom made a quite patronizing comment about how i ''take on causes'' by learning about stuff#and/or supporting fun and interesting youtube channels#but anyways it sucks even more because on her comment she made it clear (once again) that she doesn't believe me when i say#i might be autistic. and it fucking sucks!#because when i first talked to her about it even I didn't know much about it. i was just starting to do my research#and i was trying to make sense of things still but she dismissed it#but now that i do know more and things do make more sense#i can't even bring it up because the fact that i have been watching a lot of youtubers talk about autism will make her think#i'm just trying to be like them... which is stupid#but it's also the reason i didn't tell her that my best friend in my teens was trans. because i was trying to figure shit out myself#and telling her he was trans and then a bit later that i am as well was going to make her go ''everyone's trans now blah blah''#and dismiss that as well... but now i'm trapped in the same thing about autism lol#and her stupid loophole of a dismissal isn't just by saying ''no you're not autistic'' it's saying this like ''well MAAAAYBE you COULD be#but that doesn't mean anything and it doesn't matter and why would you want a diagnosis if it's not gonna change anything''#same thing as her whole ''sure you're a man but why do you have to look and act differently? YOU know who YOU are#who cares what others think?'' in a don't transition way#like that's so stupid!#dkfjhkdfhkdfg#i'm angry and i feel trapped#i have figured out a little bit ago that i don't stim near as enough as i need to BECAUSE i live in the same house as her#and the idea of ear defenders and other stuff like that is very appealing but i can't do that while she's around to judge#and IN PUBLIC?! that's unthinkable!!#i still remember the time she threatened with not going out with me (to the supermarket) because I commited the huge crime of#buttoning the top button of my button up shirt....#that's it. that was the whole reason.. she thought i looked ridiculous and she didn't want to be seen with me...#imagine if i wear ear defenders out...#not gonna risk it lol
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jamesunderwater · 8 months
seeing a fellow nd trans person for therapy is just 🤌🏼
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lettersiarrange · 9 months
hey are you a terf ? you've been reblogging stuff from radfems ...
No, I'm not a terf, I support trans people 100%. Also terfs are uncomfortably cozy with the alt-right and that's uhhh... a whole other layer of awful.
But I think I may be following a secret terf? Tumblr keeps showing me these posts that are like "liked by someone you're following!" And I follow 4k people so I'm not like. Keeping track of anyone but my mutuals. And some of the posts tumblr shows me are obviously terfy which makes me go HMMMM but then some of them seem fine? So it's hard for me to tell the difference between "posts tumblr reccomends me that are normal and in line with the regular leftist and feminist things I'm into" vs like "posts tumblr reccomends me because they're liked by whatever secret terf I'm following and have suspicious undertones that aren't immediately obvious to me". I'm certainly not intentionally following any terfs or following anyone who publicly identifies as a terf* or puts terf shit on my dash but I'm apparently following someone who doesn't blog about terf shit but LIKES terf shit (and I think it might be a fandom blog so that makes it harder to identify) and then those likes show up on my dash and it's not always obvious that it's terf shit or from a radfem blog-- it's just a random posts from a url I don't know. And sometimes the posts themselves are fine on the initial read.
So pls let me know what the radfem blogs in question are so I can identify and remember them if they pop up on my dash again
*caveat that I've been on this website for 10+ years and follow 4,000+ people and it's theoretically possible that a blog I followed multiple years ago that I never see on my dash now publicly identifies as a terf, but I'm not gonna go through all 4k of my following to try and find out if any of them have become publicly shitty in a way that doesn't affect my dash in the years since I've followed them. People get unfollowed as they bring shitty views to my attention. Hence the conundrum with the undercover terf bc they don't post terf shit, they just like it.
#*but how do you not immediately recognize terf dogwhistles!* you may ask#well. I've found when it comes to any toxic community like terfs or antivaxxers or incels or qanon or antisemitic leftists or WHATEVER#familiarizing myself with the discourse to the point that I'm An Expert In All The Secret Signals is uhhh...#pretty corrosive for my mental health#I'd much rather know Enough to recognize more obvious and popular talking points but otherwise stay a billion feet away#knowing all the Secret Signals involves an engagement with the nuance of their arguments that i am simply not mentally capable of#like it is Too Distressing#and I've found that as long as i can still recognize the more well-known signs of toxicity and steer clear...#i usually successfully avoid coming into contact with the toxicity#and like. I don't think my disabled friend's lives would be better by me becoming an expert in horrific eugenicist arguments and their lingo#nor do I think my trans friends lives would be improved by me becoming an expert on terf language and arguments#total respect for people who do for the purposes of fighting the good fight and warning everyone else#but couldn't be me. I'm sensitive and any amt of cruelty virtriol and toxicity just really Affects me#and my parents are qanon conspiracists so I'm already over the limit from being forced to hear abt whatever new#horrible conspiracy is going thru qanon every week. last week it was that i should Stockpile Food for Sept and Oct bc#Something Might Happen and i should be prepared#and don't i know masks are poisoning the american people? 🙄#anyway props to people who know how to spot a terf from 100 ft based on how they walk#but it doesn't click for me until they open their mouths and start saying gender essentialist shit#(like. when i joined reddit in college I didn't know *gender critical* meant *terf* and was horrified to find out)#so no I don't have every radfem blog memorized so would appreciate warnings abt them#I've mostly been fairly happy in my non-hate-group tumblr bubble#asks
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mars-ipan · 10 months
i just exhibited SO much self-control you have no fucking idea
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rockettransman · 1 year
next year it will be A DECADE since Leelah Alcorn took her own life because the world was too hostile to her very existance. And now, it's probably MORE dangerous for her if she were alive now. Politicians are going to fucking kill us.
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bunn-iiii · 1 month
my unkillable drum head shirt means so much to me
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bumblebeepixie · 4 months
Tumblr media
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lycanr0t · 5 months
life is really like. testing me the past 4-5 years and boy it's. getting to me. like what do you do when every time a small good thing that you fought tooth and nail for happens a bigger, worse, MORE time sensitive and MORE invasive and WORSE thing happens that directly voids the good thing??? what do you do?
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