#I'm gonna go lay down now....
yo, do you think Netflix could make a better Moon knight show than Disney plus?
And other than Oscar Isaac, who would you cast as Moony?
I mean daredevil Netflix is better than most mcu movie so a Netflix moon knight show might be better than the Disney one
Alright, thank you for your time :D have a nice day!
Oh that's a tough question.
I absolutely adored the Netflix Daredevil. Specifically season 1. The hallway fight scene is my happy place. Netflix is known for blowing it out of the water When They Want To. Not to mention the casting was the single best casting job I've ever seen. And Frank Castle? They couldn't have done better.
Since Disney has not actually taken the reigns of Dare Devil yet, it's hard to say how they will choose to carry on the story or what different choices they will make.
But the real difference in the two? How much they are willing to invest. Because it really was all about the script, the direction, and the cast.
You see, Marvel (And Disney) tend to have very strong opinions about what happens in their movies. And these choices have affected many of the movies in very negative ways. Often leaving the directors, writers, and actors very frustrated.
They also tend to heavy hand things and put a lot of pressure on directors. Not to mention that Marvel has an ultimate goal to reach and when you start interconnecting things, it's going to get MESSY.
My biggest joy in Moon Knight was how it was a stand alone and not involved in a larger messy plot with an end goal of tying him into a larger franchise to make movies and more money.
It's a big worry. The more big characters you have involved, the less time you are going to have to establish and develop each individual character and their relationships. And since Moon Knight has his own inter-system relationships to deal with first, there is a HEAVY chance things are going to get overlooked or underutilized or cast aside in favor of a quick fix or sloppy story telling (Looking at you End Game).
I think that the Moon Knight we got in season 1 was absolutely amazing and that was in large because of the freedom that was given to the cast and crew and director of the show. The absolute freedom and research and care they put into it. I'm not sure they would have had that financial ability if Netflix had done it. Not to mention they would have put limits on the set design and location. Disney has that lovely ability to just go "You want the Wadi desert? Let's go."
And OSCAR. This man MADE Moon Knight. His own research, input, and creative suggestions. He was the one that gave Steven the accent. He cast his brother as his body double. He even chose to do the single shot mirror dialogue with Marc and Steven. That's a flex that a lot of actors can't do. There have been MANY that have tried to play multiple characters and complained about how hard it was the whole time. Oscar took it as a fun walk in the park. I honestly can't imagine anyone else doing a better job or even as good a job as he did. If they had used anyone else, it couldn't have been a well known name. It would have had to be a new person. (All though I did just try to imagine Ryan Gosling as Marc for the briefest of moments and it gave me some serious Smallwood vibes. That Smallwood scrunkle on that face? Yes.)
And trust me, when I heard they were making a Moon Knight show with Disney, I was skeptical as hell going in. I'm super protective of my boys. I feared the worst. I have never been happier to have been wrong. I hope I continue to be wrong with season 2. I WANT it to be just as amazing. I want it to blow me out of the water and destroy me like season 1 did. So I'm just sitting here holding my breath and trying not to think about all the ways they could seriously mess it up. (there are so many).
Uh... Did that answer your question?
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khaotunq · 6 months
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is it a character primer or a "tag yourself" meme? Yes. Twins (2023)
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 23 days
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a selection of dunmeshi discord emotes i made since the series started lol
feel free to use as icons too or edit or w/e idc let's just all have fun \o/
bonus: parasitic worm emotes under the cut bc i made them and we use them so why not lol
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they're made to go together; server has the connected ones as :pa: :ra: :si: :te: and the final tiny one, optimized for dark mode discord, is :ohworm:
action screenshot:
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mattodore · 2 months
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salt in our memories
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magicaldragons · 3 months
they're gonna start filming for shouryaanga parvum in a month.
a month.
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gothducky · 1 year
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My girlfriend's favorite butch <3
Linktree / Commissions / Ko-fi (full version + progress pics)
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mothpawbs · 9 months
Eeey, the dragon requests are back! Can we get a Kinkajou? That peppy, ball of energy of a Rainwing? PLEEEEASE?
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here she is, sunshine incarnate!
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llondonfog · 8 months
twst (horror) tober — day 3 (sharp)
➤ Day 3: Sharp | “Careful, you could hurt someone with that.”
His father warns him of such as Silver hefts the practice sword with wide-eyed wonder, the weight of a budding world lying in the palm of his hand as his fingers wrap around the grip and pommel.
It is a plain thing— blade made of tapered, sanded wood held in place by a thick cross guard and rustic, brown leather-wrapped handle. The hilt has worn down over the years, faded where many a trainee wielded it with all the might of their deepest wish: to become a knight in the royal guard, to wear the emblem of their kingdom over their chest with untold pride and undying honor.
To Silver, it's the most beautiful sword in the world.
Despite his father's cautious reminder, Silver can see him smile faintly from where he stands, arms crossed in an attempt to hide his biased pleasure as his son takes his first step along the arduous path to share his mantle. His father may not be the most expressive man, but Silver knows where to look for his kindness, his love. They even match today— his mother had laughed so fondly at the sight of them at breakfast with their golden locks held back in place, dressed in similar training outfits that his father had commissioned the royal tailor to create, as Silver diligently reached for second helpings of every plate his father had selected.
"My most handsome knights," she had murmured, kissing his father on a pinking cheek and her giggling son on the top of his head. "How well our people will sleep tonight knowing that they have the two of you to protect us all."
His father gestures to a training dummy with a breastplate and pauldrons of armor already assembled, the dull sheen of metal beckoning in the mid-morning sun. A buckler of hammered steel is held protectively before it, and Silver's heart leaps into his throat at the sight.
"We've sparred with batons enough," his father continues in that same patient tone, all the time and peace in the world to train his only beloved son. "I think that it is time for you to test your hand against what a true opponent would use to block an attack. Your swing needs to be able to withstand a shield rising in front of you, it would not do you any good as a swordsman or a knight to lose your blade in battle because you could not keep a grip on it."
Silver nods solemnly in agreement; it is not mere prattle that his father speaks, he did not become the foremost knight of their kingdom, their realm, by negligence and sheer luck alone. Chest brimming with the joy of knowing his father deems him ready for advancement, has seen the diligence and dedication of Silver's daily practices, he turns to face the dummy, readying his wooden blade.
The faceless straw head stares impassively back at him as he judges the distance between them, the weight of the sword in his hands, the force of the impact he ought to carry through in order to dislodge the shield without injury. Silver can feel his father's gaze, warm with silent pride, resting like laurels over him, invisible in its comfort and steadfast in its praise. He can do this.
He readies his stance, the lightest touch of a summer's breeze lifting his fringe as he all but feels the rushing power of young muscles tensing together to propel his swing—
And drops the sword in shock, hands stinging from the impact as it clatters painfully off his shin.
Within an instant, his father has rushed to his side, those auroral eyes so identical to his own flush with concern. Calloused hands gently take his own, flipping them over with care and searching his body for bruising, but Silver all but brushes them off, babbling incoherently with a fright so innate, he cannot remember where it emerged from.
"I—I saw someone! Father, I— I know I did, they were standing just behind you!"
For his credit, his father does take a bemused glance behind himself to the empty practice field, but it is simply just that: a desolate training ground that he had ensured would be free of guards and servants for the quality time of training his son.
"Silver, I . . . I do not doubt that you were concentrating, but perhaps it was merely a shadow of a bird? You know how they often enjoy gathering here to watch you spar, are you certain it was a figure that you saw?"
He cannot stop the trembling of his fingers, the bone-deep curdling of his blood. His father soothes a hand through his hair, tucks him into the warm safety of his side, and wipes away the shaken tears that have begun to spill from his eyes, murmuring sweet nothings that have no effect on his reeling nerves.
He knows what he saw— the figure standing behind his father, clad all in shadow with emerald eyes gleaming like the jewels in his mother's crown, pitch-black horns spiraling to the sky.
And clasped in their long, thin fingers, dangling like a noose from blackened talons— his father's necklace, the ring glinting like a warning in the suddenly cold summer sun.
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effen-draws · 1 year
Been busy lately so here's just a bunch of doodles from the last few weeks:-]
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(Character belongs to my cool friend @jaszczurr)
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steinbit · 11 days
i can't believe it.. . . i actually officially just handed in my thesis... .
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a-problematic-writer · 6 months
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[Image Description: A bust drawing of Aiden from Minecraft Story Mode. His outfit is altered slightly, his usual Magnus shirt is replaced with a plain blue T-shirt. He has freckles, piercings, scars, and eyeliner. The piece is signed Ky. /End ID]
My Christmas present to the mcsm fandom: A pretty transmasc who's trying his best to right his wrongs 🫶
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b4kuch1n · 5 months
okay assets finished post drafted my e-sim for gaza commission will go live in uhhhh ~7 hours. it works the same as other e-sim comms, just that it'll be for a limited time (until the end of the week). e-sims donated from now (like the moment this post shows up on ur dash) will still be valid for a sketch comm trade-in, just please wait until the actual commission info post is published before you send the screenshots in (this is for admin reason)
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willowser · 1 year
i miss bakugou
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moe-broey · 12 days
What if I gave up. What if I ran off into the woods and you never saw or heard from me ever again. What if I faked my death. What if I scrubbed my entire existence every single trace of me into nothing and then resurfaced as a stranger. What if I hit my head against the wall really really REALLY hard. What if I forget me, too. Forget all that I was meant to do here. All that I promised you, all that I promised myself. What if I failed. BADLY
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bunnie-bits · 9 months
i wanna kis (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) it's almost midnight ladies u know what that means .. (yearning hours)
#me n my friend got crossfaded n rly cozy and i wanted 2 cuddle but that wouldn't b appropriate btwn us (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) i wouldn't#dare ask omg. but now i rly want someone 2 lay on my chest n hold them n give each other eepy kisses ₍ ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ ₎#i also wasn't expecting company 2 day bc i didn't have the energy 4 stuff this wk and it's like (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)#i don't wanna kick u out given ur night but i should be laying down rn (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) either that or doin fuck all in the back lol#and so i brought us 2 the back n we smoked n talked in the dark‚ and got to trade ghost stories bc she also dealt w ghosts as a kid 0:#that was fun (❁´◡`❁) I'd been wanting to do that w her since i found out#it's nice having a friend who's been into horror since they were young too ╰( ̄ω ̄o) that talk was after watching 2 movies hehe#we saw evil dead rise n malignant 😈 and then talking abt spiritually in a non-religious sense then ghosts#and originally i was gonna get food but nah we used a coupon for 2 pizzas n got delivery it's been an extremely chill night and i needed it!#things have been so crazy this week with work omg. my weekend is probs gonna b uneventful (hopefully!) and i wanna b at home!!#just veg out n play bibyo gaym (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) and buy more bags of food for the squirrels n birds#these squirrels omg 😂 i work in the back and they know i give them food so they've been getting up on my lap sometimes like hello??#or i look over my laptop and fr see a squirrel just sitting in the chair across from me poking their head up over the table staring#i knoooow babies i know I'll get u ur food as soon as possible. omg and i have monday off?? i forgor ;u; !! n e ways I'm feeling good 2night#started out Yearning but (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) what a great way to start my weekend. she called me just as i was wrapping things up w work :3#i can actually Breathe this weekend and I'm not exhausted (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠) nice.#im gonna go listen 2 my silly little music n go back 2 yearning hehe. but hiii a girl is Up now and im v stoned n in sleepover mode
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astramachina · 2 months
area man spends 45 minutes getting geometry nodes to finally work
program proceeds to crash before i could save
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