#I'd like to think Hinata spends most of her time with her family
hyugahell · 3 months
Question for Hinata, do you hang out with any other hyugas besides your family?
Hinata: Oh, uhm... s-sometimes I hang out with Ko when father's busy! I also have spoken to a handful of others a few times, like Tokuma. But.... *slumps over* that's really it-. I spend most of my time with my family or my teammates..
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sasusakucoded · 7 months
The 7th Hokage visited Sasuke and invited him to an izakaya [pub] for some drinks to congratulate him for his latest mission.
Sasuke: You're just making up excuses to leave work and drink.
Naruto: *laughs* Well, you may be or you may not be wrong.
Waiter: Sasuke-san! Long time! *looks at Naruto* Oh, your best friend visited you?
Sasuke: No, my wife is at home.. I'll take the usual. Just double it for his order.
Waiter: Got it! *leaves*
Naruto: Teme, what's with wrong with you?? Am I not your best friend??
Sasuke: No. Sakura is obviously my best friend. Your best friend is Hinata.
Naruto: No— I mean— It doesn't work that way! You can be married but not necessarily—
Sasuke: *sighs* I consider you as my brother.
Naruto: Oh. Of course! *smiles widely* I'll take that! That's better than a best friend!
Sasuke: Whatever pleases you..
Naruto: *laughs* Before I left the village, one old man died..
Sasuke: What does that have to do with me?
Naruto: Listen first, dattebayo! *sips water* The guy's wife died a month earlier. He died because of sadness..
Sasuke: *nods*
Naruto: That's it? That's your reaction?
Waiter: *walks back* Here's your order! *places the snacks and drinks on their table*
Sasuke: Thanks. *nods at the waiter as it leaves*
Naruto: Hey, no reaction to my story? *takes a bite from the karaage*
Sasuke: *takes a tempura* What's so surprising about it?
Naruto: What do you mean what's so surprising?
Sasuke: If my parents didn't die together and my mother dies before my dad, I'm sure he'd die after a month.
Naruto: What makes you say that?
Sasuke: *chugs his beer* My mom was perfect. My people.. The Uchiha.. Are greatly devoted to love.
Naruto: *chugs his beer too*
Sasuke: *wipes his mouth* Sakura is the same as my mom. She's perfect just like her.
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Naruto: *nods; gets tempura*
Sasuke: I really think that the most harrowing idea is that I'd spend any part of my life without her. *chugs his beer again*
Naruto: You mean when you're away from her?
Sasuke: No.. Usuratonkachi, I thought we're talking about death?
Naruto: S-Sorry! Well..
Sasuke: Being far from her— I can take that.. *gets gyoza* Because I know she's always there waiting for me..
Naruto: But being dead is way different, you're saying?
Sasuke: If she's gone forever, that would be a level of loneliness and irreplaceable— Iredeemable emotional desolation that I couldn't possibly contemplate. *finishes his beer mug*
Naruto: Whoa! That's— That's deep.. But I totally understand..
Sasuke: So yeah.. If she will die first, I'm sure I won't last a week. I'll follow her..
Naruto: Don't say that! You still have Sarada if that happens. *calls the waiter to fill their mugs again*
Sasuke: Sarada is my 2nd best friend. She'll understand me. She won't let me be miserable. By then, most likely she has her own family..
Naruto: *nods*
Sasuke: If my daughter will allow me to go, I will. If she will ask me to live, I will. Because I know Sakura will also follow Sarada's decision if she's in that situation..
Naruto: ...
Sasuke: ...
Naruto: Sasuke.. Why are you so sure that Sakura will die first?
Sasuke: I made a promise that I will live past her..
Naruto: To take care of her?
Sasuke: Yes, but more importantly, I won't let her suffer because of me again.. I know the pain of losing your loved one..
Naruto: Yeah..
Sasuke: I will not let her experience that pain.
Naruto: *smiles*
Sasuke: Are you drunk? We only had one glass? You're red and smiling like an idiot.
Naruto: I'm not!! *laughs* I'm just.. I'm just happy that you think that way.
Sasuke: Hm?
Naruto: You're my best friend, my brother.. And so is Sakura. She's a sister to me.. So, hearing you talking about her like that makes me happy.
Sasuke: You're too emotional over a glass of beer. *shakes his head*
Naruto: Hey, you were the one being really deep about love moments ago!!
Sasuke: *laughs*
Naruto: We should.. We should have more meetings like this, you know. Let's invite our wives next time. Or maybe a team reunion.. Something like that.
Sasuke: I see, you're really making a list of excuses to get away from work, huh..
Naruto: I told you, I'm not!!
Sasuke: *smirks* Yeah.. Breaks like this is good too.
Naruto: See? You also enjoyed my company!
Sasuke: I didn't say that. Don't be assuming.
Naruto: Sasuke!!!
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whitelilynh · 1 year
I don’t personally ship NejiHina, but I can see the appeal and I understand why it was the preferred pairing in Japan. I was wondering what you think of NejiTen? I personally hate it and don’t know why it’s so popular. People act like they were supposed to be canon, but I just don’t see it.
I first want to start this answer by saying I respect every ship and everyone's right to ship whatever they like regardless of my personal taste. Nevertheless, I have my own opinion and if it's not positive towards some specific ship, please do understand that's MY view and opinion, and no one is forced to think or see the things the way I do.
Having say that, I personally dislike NejiTen. I would say I'm indifferent towards it, and I am most of the time, I mean, it doesn't upset me if I find occasionally some NejiTen art by accident while watching something else, and I don't find it a hideous ship. Furthermore, I personally have never had bad experiences with NejiTen shippers either, though I've known and/or seen some of them harassing my friends from NejiHina and other ships, and there is exactly where the "dislike" part starts. Because, indeed, the persons that I've seen doing such comments act as if NejiTen was canon, when it isn't, furthermore, there is, at least at my eyes, no evidence of any kind that even hints Neji's romantic interest on Tenten and viceversa.
Going to the content, Neji is only seen worrying and caring profoundly for Hinata (when it comes to women), no one else. If we add RLSD, his crush on her is totally accepted and obvious on that, but it's just a Spin-off.
When about Tenten, I'd say we see almost equal care and worry from her to both Neji and Lee, except, maybe for Lee's energetic (and problematic) nature, she tends to spend more time closer to him. And maybe because of Lee's life story, she also seems to be more observant of Lee's feelings than Neji's. Even when Neji died, her reaction was to console Lee, her thoughts went to Lee, she was worried because of Lee. I'm not saying she didn't care for Neji or that she wasn't hurt, but her feelings for Lee on that moment (worry, sad, caring) were bigger than her mourning for Neji.
I think it is so popular because the fact that Neji and Hinata are cousins is taboo in many places around the world, although actually it is perfectly legal in more countries than those were it isn't, it was common practice amongst noble families both on West and East until not that long ago, still are many cousin marriages and the genetic/biological risk for the possible future children of such a couple isn't as big as we might believe. Is about double than non-related couples, but that equals 3-4%. That's about the same risk an "older" (35+) woman's baby would have. Anyway, the thing is since Hinata is by this Taboo "forbidden" for Neji, most people would try to pair him with the other woman he interacts with: Tenten. That is, the way I see it, the only reason to pair them. I don't even think they'd had an interesting dynamic and on the few content of them I've paid attention to, usually Neji's or Tenten's or both's personalities are changed so they fit and the ship becomes more interesting.
I think it takes from both of them to pair them together, it is nice to see Tenten as an independent woman who's life, for once, doesn't revolve around her crush on a boy.
And Neji seems a traditional tranquil man, if he wasn't so focused on and devoted to Hinata I don't think he would care about marrying or being on a couple. That's why I can't see him with anyone else but Hinata.
Sorry for the long answer, in the end as I say, everyone is free to ship what they like 🩷
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asena-graywolf · 1 year
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Don’t Judge Him
Hinata and you have known each other for a long time. When you started high school, you and your family moved to Hinata's neighborhood and your houses were very close to each other. You used to go to school together every morning and come back together in the evening. Sometimes Hinata would get you on her bike and take you around the neighborhood and then drive you home
He was a kind and sweet boy. You enjoyed spending time with him. But when you realized his love for volleyball, you realized for the first time that you felt something other than friendship for him. Yet you ignored and ignored
Why would you fall in love with someone shorter than you, childish?
Of course that was your initial thought.
Yes, Hinata was ambitious. He was stubborn. He was pushing his limits. Most importantly, he did not see his short stature as an obstacle. At lunch one day, she shared her story with you until she joined Karasuno High's volleyball team.
How he overwhelmed his friends to constantly pass him in middle school, how he got into the girls' team as a one-man team even though there was no boys' team, he picked up a team at the last moment in his first match, and most importantly, when he lost to Kageyama's team, he made a big vow to beat him.
The fact that he loved volleyball so passionately affected you deeply. An after school invited you to training and you watched the training match that day. It was your first time seeing Hinata play, but you involuntarily felt as if she was performing artistic moves to impress you.
His quick reflexes and blindfolded ball were really impressive. If he had any intention of impressing you, he had already done so.
You did a lot of activities together at school and outside of school. So much so that the people at school began to suspect that there was something between you.
The girls in the class always kept asking questions whenever they saw you alone.
“Hey Y/N. Don't get me wrong, but what's wrong with you and Shoyo?”
“Are you dating with Shoyo?”
“You two seem too close. Are you really just friends?"
Usually, you answered questions that you were just friends and neighbors. But your answers didn't seem to convince them very much. Others were convinced and then used sarcastic remarks for Hinata.
“You are doing well. I don't think it suits him. He's not even handsome. If you ask me, I'd say try your luck at Kageyama"
The nasty comments about Hinata bothered you. You knew him best and you spent the most time with him. So no one knew better than you how loving and sincere Hinata was. Also, while he wasn't handsome to them, he was both cute and handsome to you. What mattered to you was the beauty of her heart and only you could see it.
It went on like this for a long time. Your heart aches every time your friends hate Hinata. You even defended Hinata against them a few times. What would they know about the special bond between the two of you?
Every time you experience this, you think long and hard about it when you go home and lie on your bed. Later, Hinata began to occupy every corner of his mind. You couldn't get it out of your mind and you were both afraid and weak to describe this feeling inside you.
One evening, when you were thinking of Hinata lying on the bed and your day again, the clouds of dreams in your mind were dissipated by the vibrating of your phone. The phone screen said the message was from Hinata.
“Hey… are you asleep?”
“I didn't sleep either. I can't sleep…”
"Why is that?"
“How can I say… I've been wanting to talk to you about this for a while anyway”
As if an electrical current were suddenly sent through you, your body started and your heart rate quickened. Was he going to tell you he loved you? Even though you didn't think it was likely, did you have the slightest chance?
“Sure, let's talk”
He seemed to be writing on Whatsapp for minutes, but he could not send it. Five minutes later, the long message he wrote landed on your phone.
“Now I have liked someone for a long time. But she is not aware of it. Because I never showed it to her, I always treated her like a friend. It was impossible for her to understand that I had feelings for her. Now I'm sure of my feelings. I don't want to spoil our friendship either, but I can't resist my feelings. I love her so much. What do you think I should do?"
Even though she didn't say who she was, you thought it was possible that the person she loved might be someone else. You felt like crying, but you couldn't cry. You felt your chest tighten slightly. You didn't want to write anything. Even though your fingers went to the keyboard to type, it didn't feel like it. Hinata seemed insistent. Then he sent another message
“Please Y/N…I need your help.”
You reluctantly replied to your message
“How long have you been in love?”
“It is a long time. It wasn't love at first sight, but then I realized that I think about it every second when I go home every night, lying in bed, studying, reading, taking a shower. It was nothing but love. Would she get mad at me if I wanted to spoil our friendship?"
Hinata's feelings were not alien at all. It was as if the heart was against the heart. You felt the same emotions. But was it really you that he loved?
“Do you mind if I know who your crush is?”
“I trust you, but I still can't say your name. It's better for me to keep it hidden. What are you saying? Should I tell him? I don't have the courage either but…I wanted to ask you in case you know maybe"
You tried to suppress a bit of bitterness you felt, albeit vaguely.
“I don't know either, Hinata. I've never told anyone I love you before"
"Are you serious? You're beautiful girl. I thought it must have been someone you loved. Or your lover"
"It didn't happen"
"So is it now?"
That question gave you good reason to rely on the little hope in it.
"Yes there is. What a coincidence isn't it?"
"Wow! Who is this lucky person?”
You gave the same answer as Hinata
"I can not say. Secret. His name is hidden in me. Whenever I close my eyes, his face comes to life in my eyes. His beautiful smile warms me like the sun. Whenever I'm happy or sad, I always call his name. He is my everything."
“So you love it that much. OK, don't tell me. Eventually I will find out who your secret crush is"
“Of course you can learn”
“You see. If you say it, I'll say it too. Maybe one day, if not now. Is it possible?"
"Ok it's possible. I have to sleep now. See you later. Goodnight"
If the person he loved was with someone else, why was he a little insistent about telling you? Still, you didn't want to get too hopeful. But at the same time, you gave ear to his hope.
You really loved him. This love sprouted inside of you when you least expected it.
Hinata suddenly became your whole world. So much so that you couldn't even imagine anyone else but him. If even Japan's most handsome actor wanted to date you, you would refuse without batting an eye and run to your Hinata.
No one else cared about him. He was the first and only for you
It never mattered to you that he was shorter than you, acted boyish, wasn't muscular and sexy like most girls liked.
A few days later, after school, your middle school friends invited you to the cafe. You haven't seen them in a long time and you wanted to meet them to restore the past.
But you also made a contract with Hinata. After meeting your friends, you were to meet him at the park. You would hang out and have some fun. However, Hinata had something else planned. That's why he invited you to the park. You would learn that later
You met your friends from middle school at the cafe. You mentioned your favorite drinks. You chatted, laughed, had fun. You mentioned funny middle school memories.
Then it came to handsome boys. Everyone was talking about the boy they liked at school or talking about a celebrity they admired. Last time they asked you
“Well Y/N. Is there anyone you like? I heard there are some very handsome guys on Karasuno's volleyball team."
Your lips curled slightly.
"Actually… the person I like is exactly one of Karasuno's volleyball team"
All of them paid close attention to what they were going to say. Your statement shocked them when they were waiting for your crush to be Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei or Asahi Azumane
“Hinata Shoyo. Volleyball is his greatest love. He's a little shy but extremely lively. I love your endless energy and stubborn heart. He never sees his short stature as an obstacle. He's always pushing the limits and he's proud of it. I'm proud of him too. I wish he loved me too"
With each sentence of yours, the excited facial expressions of your friends changed with the speed of light.
“Is it Hinata? Do you have his picture?"
You showed me a few pictures on your phone. This included a selfie you took together.
They started laughing as soon as they saw the photos.
"Oh is that really?"
“This is the child”
“Not sexy”
“Not even handsome”
“It is no different than a stunted tree.”
“Officially a ground dwarf”
"He can't even protect you"
“How distasteful you are. Couldn't you find a hotter and more handsome man?"
You were at the end of your patience and stood up with your last fist banging on the table.
“THAT’S ENOUGH! WHAT DO YOU KNOW FROM LOVE!! YOU LIKE PEOPLE WITH BEAUTIFUL LOOK BUT HELLOW! JUDGING IT WITHOUT KNOWING IT… It's not nice! You don't know him! You don't even know he has a heart of gold! He is my world! You just fall in love with the looks! I bet you've never been in love with a person's heart!”
“Calm down Y/N. We're sorry if we knew you'd be this pissed off..."
You took your money out of your wallet and left it on the table.
“It is the fault that you do not know! Take it! You pay my bill! You are shallow people! What do you understand from the heart, what a thing! Never judge him again! Don't laugh at him! NEVER!"
You left the cafe as you said your last word. You couldn't digest the condescending words said to Hinata and started to walk away crying
It wasn't the first time that the man you loved was talked about like this, and it was getting harder now. Finally, your patience ran out.
You loved him with all your heart.
You remembered that you had promised to meet at the park that you had decided to tell her, even if the person she loved was someone else. No one could turn you away from your decision now. You couldn't hold it inside any longer
You came to the park he said and you sat on the bench and waited. It was slowly getting dark. Half an hour later, a bicycle approached him.
"HEY! Hello Y/N! I hope I didn't make you wait too long"
Despite Hinata happily welcoming you, you weren't there at all. Because the insulting and condescending words said to Hinata were still floating in his mind.
He knew right away that he was in a bad mood.
He got off his bike and sat next to her. put his hand on her shoulder
“Y/N…Are you okay?”
Even though you tried to hide your tears, you couldn't do it
"What happened?"
"Ignorant people! They don't know what love is! Fools!” you jumped up
Hinata still couldn't understand what happened to you
“My stupid middle school friends! They mocked the boy who I love! They laughed at him! I'm incredibly annoyed that they're unknowingly judging him! To hell with them!”
You kicked the crushed Coke can on the floor
"You're right. They don't understand by heart… they said I didn't stand a chance against you either."
You were shocked as soon as you heard. You turned your head towards Hinata and stiffened where you were.
Hinata got up from her bench and approached you. She wiped her tears with her fingers
“You heard it. You're the girl I love Y/N."
"How so? The person you mentioned…”
You still couldn't believe what you were hearing. It was like you were in a dream. You were afraid of waking up at any moment
“Of course it was you Y/N. Tell me, who could it be but you?"
“I thing…”
He put his hands on his face and made his eyes look into hers
“Say something y/n. Do you love me?"
You grabbed her hands on her face and hugged her tightly, showing that the answer was yes.
"What does that mean now?"
His face was buried in his neck. You've hugged before, but you've never been this close. You heard the smell of coconut and vanilla mixture for the first time.
“Shut up Hinata! Just hug me"
He did what you said. He held you tight in his arms
“I love you Hinata. You were the one I loved all this time. If you said that you love someone else here today, I would say that I love you again"
"Do not talk like that! There was no way it was anyone else. I would never look at anyone else in your presence."
He caressed the back of your head and hugged you tight
“I love you y/n.”
“I love you Hinata”
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happyocelot · 2 years
Hiiii, I have a team 8 prompt to suggest!! I'd really love to see the three of them go to a festival in their chunin days!! get plushies from games, see fireworks and eat snacks! Their dynamic would be so cute <33 I'd really adore seeing it, I've already imagined it so much lol, thank youuuu💖
Thanks for the prompt, @waddles-88 :). Sorry this took longer than usual. I was super busy, plus this proved surprisingly difficult to write. Yes, Team 8 at a festival is a super fun idea. Actually, I’ve only read one other scene of Team 8 at a festival with the exact scenario you described...from “Consolation Prize: Through Her Distorted Mirror” by mysterious intentions, my favorite NH fic ever.
Anyway, hope you like this! I’ll be closing prompts now.
"It is incredibly unwise to eat ten chocolate bananas in one sitting, Hinata. Why? Because the human body cannot easily digest such an amount of food in such a short period of time. You will get aches and cramps and perhaps have to spend a day at the hospital. Therefore? I advise you to only eat no more than..."
He looked up. Only a warm gust of summer heat answered. His stomach lurched, although it certainly wasn't he who had eaten ten chocolate bananas in one sitting.
They went skipping off without him. Again. Shino glowered under his sunglasses. No one noticed, because he was wearing sunglasses. No one noticed, in general.
He sighed, scanning the perimeter for the telltale sign of white fur and the swish of long black hair.
His annoying teammate did not look up from the mesmerizing cascade of red and yellow.
An aquamarine flower exploded in the night sky with a thunderous boom. Smoky, pungent gunpowder brought a fit of sneezing from Akamaru. Kiba still didn't look up, gaping at the display rather like an unattractive goldfish. Shino's eyebrows knotted as sticky matcha cream dripped from the ice cream cone onto his extended fingers.
"Hanabi will miss seeing the fireworks," his other teammate said, smiling quietly, her pale eyes reflecting a newly fired barrage of blazing orange. "She always tells me that she'll be more flashy than any of these."
"Yeah, why is your family obsessed with word games anyway?" Kiba asked. Apparently Hinata's voice was loud enough. "Your first name and last name mean the exact same – oh Shino, is that ice cream? Thanks!"
The scatterbrain snatched not only the matcha flavor from Shino's grasp, but the chocolate-vanilla layer cone too.
It wasn't like he was new to this. Maybe it was because he dressed in the most faded shades of white, light blue, and grey, or maybe it was the sunglasses hiding a good part of his face. Or perhaps it was because he spoke in a low, quiet voice that could be lost in the wind if you didn't pay attention.
But for heaven's sake, he would have appreciated a frog plushie. Or donuts on a stick.
They had been teammates for...three years now? They had just become chuunin together. You couldn't ignore your best friend like this. Why? Because it would hurt Shino's feelings very, very much, and when Shino's feelings got hurt, very, very bad things tended to happen.
Akamaru glanced at him suspiciously.
"Kiba-kun?" Hinata said cautiously, watching Shino's abnormally quiet form. "I...I think...maybe...maybe...this prank wasn't a...good idea."
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storytimewithnova · 10 months
You are the reason
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In this Au semi and sho were dating then out if nowhere Semi was forced to break his relationship with sho he didn’t want to his dad made him and when he found out sho had left to go to the USA he was in bits the girl he was meant to marry saw how much sho meant to him she told him to go to them semi didn’t think twice he ran on the way he rang Tendou and said if he could get in touch with his sister now he has nothing but regret and alot of what ifs going though his head
🎶 There goes my heart beating 'Cause you are the reason🎶
Shona: Ei lets go i want to kick my brothers ass
Eita:Slow down love
Shona: haha
End of flashback
Semi’s thoughts💭i miss that mischivous giggle that smile i miss you
Eita:🎶 I'm losing my sleep Please come back now🎶
Semi’s pov
Please come back to me it feels so dark so empty so bleak i miss you my light my sunshine my everything
Eita:🎶 And there goes my mind racing And you are the reason That I'm still breathing I'm hopeless now🎶
Semi’s thoughts 💭how many times have i thought about ending it god i am hopeless
He decided to contact Tendou
In call📱
Tendou:📱 you now want to contact sho
Eita:📲 please Ten i want to explain
Tendou:📱 fine i guess you owe sho that much i will add you to the GC
After telling tendou what he was going to do tendou added him to a gc
In the family gc
Tendou added semi
Shona:Onii chan why did you add him
Eita:please sho let me say something
Tendou;let him
Eita:🎶 I'd climb every mountain And swim every ocean Just to be with you And fix what I've broken🎶
Tendou:When you said you were going to talk this is not what i had in mind
Eita:🎶 Oh, 'cause I need you to see That you are the reason🎶
Shona:Have i missed something
Eita:🎶 There goes my hands shaking And you are the reason My heart keeps bleeding I need you now🎶
Shona:Are… are you okay Eita
Semi’s thoughts 💭she still cares
Eita:🎶 And if I could turn back the clock I'd make sure the light defeated the dark I'd spend every hour, of every day Keeping you safe🎶
Shona:What are you trying to say
Eita:🎶 And I'd climb every mountain And swim every ocean Just to be with you And fix what I've broken Oh, 'cause I need you to see That you are the reason🎶
Sho’s thoughts💭he wants to fix us does he still want us but he can’t we can’t
Eita:🎶 don't wanna fight no more I don't wanna hide no more I don't wanna cry no more Come back I need you to hold me (you are the reason) Be a little closer now Just a little closer now Come a little closer I need you to hold me tonight🎶
Sho was stunned and confused
Eita:🎶 I'd climb every mountain And swim every ocean Just to be with you And fix what I've broken 'Cause I need you to see That you are the reason🎶
Shona:Semi I-
Eita:Sho please listen the reason i broke us off was cause i was made to by my dad he wanted me to marry someone he had picked out someone from a rival company she like I could see I was still in love with you and told me to come find you we told our dads the wedding is not happening because both parties cannot agree and we both have ex lovers we were forced away from
Eita;Long story short as i was saying in the song i want to fix what i had broken and that is us so if i am allowed Tendou hinata shona please can i have a second chance
Shona:Yes. I have missed you
Eita:Missed you too sunshine you really are the reason
Shona:What reason
Eita:Reason why i didn’t fully commit to ending it all
Shona; Huh?
Eita:Dealing with my dads bs and being away from you lets just say it made me depressed and slightly su!c!del
Shona:Oh eita lets go home
Eita:Yeah be nice to see the place again
Semi came to learn some second chances are worth having if there Are legitimate reasons to have them and he always kept in mind that sho was his reason to stick around to carry on to live because one day he will make it back to her and he did
Hey Hey Hey author chan you will notice most of my stories will feture Semi eita sorry I am A SIMP FOR HIM
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sylphid187 · 3 years
Coming Home, Taking Flight ‐ Chapter 2: Road to Osaka
This Chapter 2 of my fic focusing on Hinata's journey home. A look into Hinata's return to Japan, his interactions with his friends, and how he makes it into the MSBY Black Jackals.
Hinata Shoyou wakes up religiously the next morning. He gets up, goes for a morning jog, gets some yoga in his routine, then makes time for morning meditation. He makes sure to do all this, before heading to the kitchen to make some breakfast for his family. 
He spent most of yesterday and last night catching up with his family and friends, who had to leave late in the night, after they realized that the sun was down and Tsukishima still had to drive Yachi and Yamaguchi home. During dinner, Shouyou had spent blissful time with his family, his mother seemingly very happy about having the returning presence of her eldest, back in their household. He is reminded again how being back in the company of his family in their own home, was so comforting. 
He walks around their kitchen and, as he waits for the rice to finish cooking, he goes into the fridge to find some salmon slices and some tofu. Shouyou smiles and figures that he probably has enough ingredients to make a healthy japanese breakfast with the salmon, and he's sure his mom has enough ingredients to make some miso soup to go with the meal. He smiles as he is reminded of how he fiddled around in hisbshared space with Pedro, and how Shouyou would usually make breakfast for his roommate, before going to wake him so they could enjoy a meal together. 
As much as Shouyou wanted to treat his family to some brazillian recipes he'd learned from Nice, he didn't have enough ingredients for it right now. So he promises himself he'd do that another day. He'd be more than happy to share the other culture that he's grown to love, with the one that he grew up with. 
Later, when Shouyou is just about finished with setting up the table and their morning meal, he hears padded footsteps make their way through their dining area, and is sure that it's Natsu that's making her way to the kitchen. He hears a gasp and looks up to find that he's guessed right, and Natsu is there staring at their table. 
"Wow Nii-chan, this looks great!" she claps her hands together in glee and continues to scan over what Shouyou has made. 
"Thanks Natsu! Hope you like it! I packed one for mom so she can take it with her to work." Shouyou smiled. His mother still worked on the weekends, and she was used to laboring hard as a single mother. She had worked hard her whole life to sustain Shouyou and Natsu. Shouyou hopes that his dreams of going pro wouldn't just be a benefit to him, but would help lighten the load on his family too. 
"It really does look good! I can't wait to dig in!" Natsu clasps her hands together again, before heading to the sink to wash them, and sitting down at her usual spot on the table. 
Shouyou then sits across from her, and they both give thanks before beginning to dig in. Natsu immediately gives out a happy squeal after a few bites, and Shouyou can't help but chuckle at his sister's antics. He's extremely pleased though that she seems to genuinely like his food. "Nii-chan! This is so good! It looked great, but it tastes even better." 
Shouyou grins. "Flattery will get you nowhere Natsu, but thank you. I'm really happy you like it." 
"It's a real shame you won't be staying longer Nii-chan. I wouldn't mind eating more of your cooking. You're leaving this afternoon right?" she asks him with a smile. 
"That's right. I'll leave by noon, sorry I won't be able to spend more time with you and mom. And I just got home too." Shouyou states, a little gloomy at the thought. 
It saddens him a bit that he can't spend more time with his family, just after he's gotten back. But Shouyou cut it really close when he chose to fly back yesterday. He couldn't book earlier flights because he also wanted to maximize spending time with Pedro, Heitor, Nice and Coach. That, and he did promise to wait after Heitor and Nice's wedding.  But, he needed to be home in time to make it to tryouts. Granted, his chosen flight really didn't give him much time for any detours. Tryouts were on Monday, and today was Saturday. The plan was to head out Saturday afternoon to Osaka via train. 
The train ride from Miyagi to Higashiosaka in Osaka was about nine hours. He had planned to leave around noon to get to Osaka by 10pm. He still had to find a place to stay, but he figured he would work it out when he got there. He could, of course, leave on a Sunday. But Shouyou wanted to have enough time to familiarize himself with the area before tryouts, and have at least a little bit of time to get in shape while waiting for the day to arrive. He didn't want to show up to Osaka not knowing where he was headed and end up missing tryouts because he got lost. With this, he'd at least have a full day to go around the area. 
"Don't apologize to us for following your dreams, Shouyou." The two look to the sound of the voice, to find their mother there with a smile on her face. "We support you, always remember that. And whenever you're having a hard day and need to come home, we'll be here to welcome you back." 
"Mama..." Shouyou smiles. He really was very lucky, and he will never tell himself otherwise. 
"That's right Nii-chan! And I can't wait to tell my friends and teammates all about you when you make the team!" Natsu says as she shoves another piece of fish in her mouth. 
"Natsu! I told you I have to make the team first. There's definitely tons of competition for a spot on the team." He contemplates on this. He's both nervous and excited for tryouts, but he will definitely be doing his best, no matter who his competition is. 
Their mother goes to the countertop and picks up the lunch Shouyou made and smiles at her son. "Oh believe me, you'll make it." 
"Mama! Not you too! I don't wanna be overconfident about it." 
"Shouyou, I'm not saying it because of any other reason, but because I truly believe that you'll make it." She goes over to him and pats his head. "It doesn't matter to me how old you and Natsu ever grow up to be. I will always be your number one fan. And you always remember one thing, I am so very proud of you." 
" Thank you." Shouyou feels like crying, but he stops himself and opts for a wide smile instead. "I'll definitely ace tryouts, you'll see. I'll make sure they notice me."
"Yes you will!" Natsu chimes in. 
"I know you will." She thanks him for the meal he's made for her before kissing both kids on the cheek and making her way to the door. "By the way Shouyou, are your things packed for later?" 
"Yep! I made sure I had everything before going to sleep last night." He says with a proud smile. "I might end up leaving a little earlier though. I want to make sure I catch the train on time." 
This makes their mother stop in her tracks, and Natsu snicker. "Shouyou, did you think you were taking the train?" 
Shouyou is confused. "Yes? I mean, how else am I supposed to get to Osaka?" he asks as he tilts his head to the side. 
Natsu grins "Don't worry about it mama. Nii-chan will find out later anyway. So everyone agreed to keep quiet about it." 
"Keep quiet about what?" Shouyou asks again as he looks between them both. "Am I missing something?"
"It's a surprise." And what a surprise it was. 
Shouyou was just grabbing his things and about to head out the door, Natsu following behind him. "Nii-chan I really think you should wait a bit." 
"Sorry Natsu, if I wait any longer I might miss my train!" He ruffled her hair affectionately and continued "Take good care of mama while I'm away, okay?" 
"Nii-chan wait!" Natsu tries to grab Shouyou as he opens the door, but misses. He slides their door open and comes face to face with none other than Kozume Kenma and Kuroo Tetsurou. 
Shouyou blinks. And then again. And again. "Kenma-nii! Kuroo-nii! You made it just in time." he hears Natsu speak from behind him. 
"Yo, chibi-chan! What's up?" Kuroo's personality hasn't changed at least, Shouyou thinks. 
"Wha...what are you guys doing here?!" Shouyou gasps, as he looks over at the newcomers. 
"Shouyou." He looks over to Kenma who is smiling at him. "I'd like to think you owe me a better greeting than that." 
"Yeah, that's kinda hurtful chibi-chan. After we came all the way here to take you to Osaka." Kuroo says with a grin as he slings his arm around Kenma's shoulder. 
" You're taking me to Osaka?!" Shouyou exclaims again in shock. 
Kenma sighs, a small smile still on his face. He dislodges himself from Kuro’s hold and goes to envelope Shouyou in a hug. It takes a moment, but Shouyou relaxes and immediately hugs back. "Welcome home Shouyou." 
Shouyou feels someone ruffling his hair and he opens his eyes to see Kuroo there with a smile. "Glad to have you back Chibi-chan" 
He feels Kenma let go, and the gamer finally stands back to take a good look at Shouyou after all this time. "You look good." 
"Thanks Kenma! You too!" He grins. 
"Should I be jealous?" Kuroo asks with a smirk as he watches them, but one look from Kenma shuts him up as he raises his hand in resignation. He chuckles and shakes his head, allowing the two to continue talking.  
"You've changed too." Kenma continues as he grins. "I can't wait to see what else you're gonna do Shouyou." 
"If you get boring, I'll drop you."  
Shouyou ends up giving out a nervous laugh as he remembers Kenma's words from back then, just when Kenma offered to become his sponsor. But deep down, he knows that Kenma has only ever done everything he could to help Shouyou, and that was said in jest...probably. The former Nekoma setter was just really fascinated with him, for some reason. 
"As much as I love the touching reunion, we have to move folks. It's a 10 hour drive to Osaka!" Kuro exclaims as he pats their backs. 
Kuro and Kenma both begin to help Shouyou and Natsu bring the former's things to the car. While they're loading up, Shouyou continues to say thanks to his friends for taking the time to bring him to  their destination. "I really appreciate it you guys, thank you. I was fine with taking the train though!" 
Kenma scrunches his face in disapproval and replies "There's no way we'd let you take the train, not when we had the time to pick you up ourselves." 
"I hope you guys didn't put off anything important." he tells them. He knows how busy Kenma has been, as he's regularly kept in touch in Brazil. 
"I can manage Shouyou, don't worry too much about it." Kenma says with a wave of his hand. 
"What Kenma means to say, is that if he had it his way, he would have been the one to pick you up from the airport too. Unfortunately, he lost at a game of rock-paper-scissors to Tsukki and had to give the airport pickup to them. And he also wants you to know that he finished all his workload early to make sure we were free when you got here. So don't you worry about it." Kuroo says as he shuts the trunk and dusts his hands. He looks over at the two with a large grin before he feels someone lightly punch his side. 
Kenma gives Kuroo a glare and then another playful shove. "Just get in the car before I decide to leave you here Kuro." 
"Awww you'd never do that kitten." Kenma stares at Kuro with a piercing gaze, and Shouyou thinks if looks could kill, that was it. "Annndd I'll be quiet now. Come on chibi-chan! let's get you to Osaka!" 
Natsu waves at them animatedly as they all get in the car. She lets out a loud "Keep safe!" as they drive away from the Hinata household and begin their 10 hour car ride. 
The ride begins similarly to that of yesterday, filled with catching up and updates on how everyone else has been doing. Shouyou has had little contact with the former Nekoma team, with the exception of Kenma and Kuroo. This wasn't for the lack of trying either, but he’s only ever occasionally spoken to Inouka and Lev, and that's during one or two video calls during a day off. It isn't a surprise to him that team Nekoma have all worked their way up the ladder as they grew up, and even through their success, continued to stay connected within their own circle. Kenma and Kuroo themselves regularly spoke to all their former teammates and told Shouyou much of how they were all doing. 
"Waaah! I've heard from Lev about his modeling career! I didn't know he'd become such a big name in Russia." he exclaims excitedly. 
"Lev is still Lev. He might look pristine and proper in the photos, but he's just as loud as ever." Kenma says with a sigh, as if just talking about Lev was tiring him out. 
Kuroo guffaws. "At least he's mellowed down some because of Yaku." 
Shouyou tits his head "Are they?" 
Kuroo looks at him from the rearview mirror and smiles. "We can neither confirm nor deny, I'm afraid. Neither of them have said anything, but Yaku's sent us photos of them together. It's pretty common at this point, ever since Yakkun's been playing for the Russian V-League." 
"We hear he plans to come back though. There's some talk that they've begun to scout for players fit for the Japanese volleyball olympic team, and Yaku wants to be here and play for Japan." Kenma states, as he begins to fiddle with what seems like a new game console. 
"Ah yeah! Bokuto's been excited about that too. But he wants the Jackals to win this season first and finally kill the Alder's winning streak." Kuro tells them with a smirk. "And you know, they might actually be able to if you make it on the team chibi-chan." 
"Ahaha...well I'll definitely make sure to make an impression during tryouts." Shouyou says. "I can't wait to see Bokuto-san on Monday! I wonder if he'll be watching tryouts?" 
"From what Bo tells me, Coach Foster is requiring them to watch this year. He wants the whole team's opinion on getting a new player." Kuro replies. 
"Shouyou, what do you mean by seeing Bokuto on Monday?" Kenma immediately asks, putting his game down and turns to look at Shouyou. 
"Eh? I mean, I won't be seeing him till tryouts." Shouyou reiterates with a tilt of his head, when else would he find the time to see Bokuto-san? 
"Wait chibi-chan, aren't you going to..." Kuro doesn't get to finish. 
"Shouyou, where in Osaka are you staying? Sorry, we forgot to ask earlier." Kenma asks him. 
"Oh! Sorry, my bad. I was wondering if you guys knew of any affordable budget hotels that you can drop me off in that's near the tryouts gym?" Shouyou asks with a smile. He sees Kenma freeze and Kuroo's eyebrows shoot up. 
"..." Kenma stays silent for a little too long, and Shouyou wonders if he's said something he shouldn't have. 
"I can look one up though! So you guys can drop me off somewhere in the area and I should be able to find one that'll let me stay two nights!" 
"Kuro." That's all he hears Kenma say, before the rooster haired man is nodding and passing his phone to Kenma. 
"Got it. Just send the text out and let them know it's you. Shouldn't be a problem." Kuroo replies. Shouyou doesn't understand what's happening.
Kuroo looks over at him again. "Don't worry about it chibi-chan, we know exactly where to take you." 
"Really? Where?" He asks, confused. 
"You'll see." 
He can see Kenma vigorously typing a message using Kuroo's phone, and once he's done, looks over to Shouyou again with a smile. "You're not sleeping in a random hotel, Shouyou. I'm not letting you." 
"Don't worry though, we've already found a solution." Kenma continues with a smile. 
"Better to just go with it, there's no stopping Kenma when he's like this." Kuroo grins again. 
"But..." Shouyou begins to protest. He really hopes his friends aren't spending money on him. "K-Kenma..." 
"But you know," Kenma stares at him then, with catlike eyes that seem to be boring into his soul. "If you ever do something like this again and not let me know, I'll be really upset Shouyou." 
"Eeehhhh?" Shouyou binks. He looks between the two and can't help his confusion from growing. 
What in the world is Kenma talking about? And where in the world were they taking him?! 
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