#I’ve gone through this entire website and just CANNOT find the right info
duskspring · 4 months
Ghost teasing a mystery gift to purchases from their merch store while simultaneously being as unclear as humanly possible about the conditions is making me want to throw stuff
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marinsawakening · 5 years
So ive been questioning whether or not im aro. I used to ID as panro but ive been soul searching lately as well as entering the dating world a bit and i just dont know. I think i might be quiroromantic? Any advice for trying to figure this out? Thanks
Aaalright, so it’s been a while since I was questioning, so I’m a bit out of the loop on this front, but I’ll do my best to direct you to some resources.
@aromantic-official is pretty much aro central, and they have a resource page that includes resources for questioning aros and a glossary of aro terms, which should be a decent start. Their questioning tag also contains a variety of posts that are aimed at questioning aros; I haven’t gone through all of them, but it’s hard to imagine that there won’t be at least one that’s a little helpful.
@anagnori also has a very extensive resource page (although some may be out of date; I haven’t checked all of them), and also wrote this post aimed at questioning aros. 
AUREA is a fairly new website/organization dedicated to aromantics, and it has a resource page (again, haven’t checked all the links, but since the site is new, they should at least be up to date)
For quoiromanticism specifically, this post is a good 101 introduction (idk how relevant that is to you, but I feel contractually obligated to include it). The coiner of the term is @epochryphal, who has a quoi tag that is likely to include relevant info. @shades-of-grayro is a good blog for everyone on with a grayro identity (’grayromantic’ is both a specific identity and an umbrella term), and while they don’t seem to have a consistent quoi tag, the quoiromantic search on their blog yields good results. I don’t follow any quoiro blogs, but a quick search turns up @quoisitively-queer, who I’ve seen around (idk how active they are though), and although it’s not especially relevant, I remember @official-quoisexual from when I was questioning whether I was quoisexual, and although the blog is dedicated towards quoisexuality rather than quoiromanticism, and since the quoi community is small, ze might still be able to help you find more specific resources.
Some other aro blogs I recommend (note: I don’t follow everyone on this list, but they’re all good blogs as far as I know):
@aro-neir-o (lots of research)
@aroworlds​ and the creator’s other blog @alloaroworlds; the first is a blog centering around aro creativity, and the second is an allo aro community blog. 
@fandomshateaspecs (community blog, run by a variety of mods)
@biaroace (coiner of the ‘oriented aroace’ term)
@black-aros and the creator’s other aro blog @official-angledaroace; coined the term ‘angled aroace’, which the second is a community blog for, and the first is a blog centering around black aros.
@aro-soulmate-project (originally a blog for deconstructing the soulmate trope, still pretty vocal about this, but has turned into more of a general aro blog with good posts)
and uuhh definitely a whole lot more but my brain is blanking at the moment, if you’re an aro blog feel free to like or reblog or reply to this post to make yourself known! I strongly recommend speaking to arospecs directly about your doubts/questions; often, personal conversation can help clear things up in a way that resource posts just can’t. Getting involved in the community can also help; while there’s no guarantee of this, personally, that’s what made me feel secure in my identity.
On a personal questioning note: I can only speak from personal experience as an aromantic with no romantic attraction whatsoever, as well as someone who was lucky enough to have a fairly stereotypical aro experience and get through questioning relatively easily (and with no internalized issues around the aromanticism), but the biggest issue that I found in my aro questioning journey was that the aro label felt so final and definitive, when the aro identity, by nature, is hard to figure out/’prove’ because you can’t prove a negative. I can’t prove that I will never experience romantic attraction; it’s entirely possible that I will, in the future. Hell, I can’t even really prove that I haven’t in the past; there were several instances where I very well might’ve gotten genuine crushes. 
But ultimately? Being aro made me happy. The idea of being aro was appealing in a way that being romantically attracted to people/dating never was. For me, at least, being aro is honestly more about making the choice to reject society’s planned romantic path than about the certainty that I will never experience romantic attraction; I feel no desire to ever experience it, the instances in the past that might’ve been romantic attraction annoyed me immensely, and the aro community and the aro label make me happy in a way that I never was when I didn’t have those. I might experience romantic attraction in the future. I might have experienced it in the past. But, ultimately, I cannot relate to the alloromantic experience at all, so either way, I’m somewhere on the aro spectrum, and the ‘aromantic’ identity makes me feel happy, so I’m using it and you physically cannot stop me.
(Obviously, this isn’t a universal experience: many aro people still have the desire to date/marry/have a romantic relationship, many aro people still experience some form of romantic attraction, many aro people may struggle with internalized self hate due to being aromantic or mourn the loss of their pre-planned romantic lifepath, or experience being aromantic in a completely different way. This is just my personal experience, and I wish I’d heard it when I was questioning, so I try to tell it to questioning aros now that I have the chance to do so.)
So, to close, I’ll repeat the same thing I always say to questioning people: ultimately, it’s more important that you’re happy with a label than that it fits. If identifying as aromantic, quoiromantic, or any other arospec identity makes you feel right, happy, or gives you the language to talk about your experiences in a way that you currently can’t, then you shouldn’t worry too much about whether or not the label technically fits, honestly. If IDing as panromantic makes you happy and accurately gives you language to talk about your experiences/describe your feelings, then there may be no need to ID as arospec, even if you fit the definitions. But if IDing as arospec makes you happy or helps you in any way, you can always start IDing as such, even if you’re not sure, don’t entirely fit the definitions, or if you later change your label. 
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briwhosaysni · 5 years
Ok, after over a year of explaining to adults, often age 40+, some very basic things about insurance at my job, I've decided to give you all a crash course in health insurance from someone who works in a clinic, because no one teaches you this stuff even though it's Really Important. Under a cut, because this is gonna be long. (Also, I apologize, this is specifically for insurance in the US. I have no clue how it works anywhere else.)
10 Things to Know About Health Insurance and Medical Bills:
1. Plans
Your plan is all of the details of what your insurance covers, and how, and where, and when. Do they cover a certain treatment? If they do, will they only cover it a certain number of times? Is there a specific place you have to get that treatment? These are all part of your coverage (aka your benefits), and will vary depending on your plan. Every insurance company has many different plans which will cost different amounts and have different coverage. This means that you can never assume something is covered for you just because it's covered for someone else who gets insurance through the same company. It also means that if you call a clinic (especially one you haven't gone to yet) and say "I'm with [insurance company]. Will they cover [service]?" 90% of the time they won't be able to tell you. They won't have access to all the specifics of your plan. To find out, they would need your insurance information, and time to call your insurance company. It's honestly much better to call your insurance company directly and say "Hello, I want to go to [clinic/provider] for [treatment]. What would my coverage be?"
2. In-Network vs. Out-of-Network
Every healthcare provider that takes insurance (doctor, nurse, PA-C, therapist, etc.) has a list of insurance companies that they're in-network with, and ones they aren't. Whether or not a provider is in-network determines how much your insurance will pay for you to see them, if at all. If your plan has out-of-network benefits, then your insurance will pay for you to see a provider who isn't in-network, but they probably won't cover as much as they would for someone who was. If you don't have out-of-network benefits, then your insurance will ONLY pay for appointments with providers who are in-network. How do you know if you have out-of-network benefits? Call your insurance. A clinic can usually tell you if if they, or a certain provider in their clinic, are in-network, but they can't generally tell you what your benefits are.
3. Deductibles
Your deductible is the amount of money that you have to pay in a year before your insurance will start paying a decent amount for things. They'll usually still cover small portions of your bill, but you'll be paying the most of it until you pay all of (aka "meet") your deductible. This amount varies wildly between plans. It could be as low as $100 or less, it could be as high as $5000 or more, or you might not have one at all. And, it resets at the start of each year. If your deductible is $1000 and you spend $500 on healthcare in 2019? You'll still need to pay the whole $1000 in 2020 to meet it for that year.
4. Out-of-Pocket Limit/Maximum
Some insurance plans have a certain amount of money you can spend on healthcare in a year, after which point they'll cover the costs 100%. This is your out-of-pocket limit/maximum. Generally your copay, deductible, coinsurance, and all that stuff will go towards your out-of-pocket limit. So if your plan has an out-of-pocket limit of $8000, for example, then if you spend $8000 on healthcare in that year, your insurance company will cover the full cost of any more treatments. No copay, no dedectible, no coinsurance. Not every plan has one, and the amounts differ, so check with your insurance what you have.
5. Copay
Your copay is the amount of money that you have to pay when you go in for an appointment. Often it will be lower for a regular doctor's visit than a visit to a specialist. The vast majority of clinics require you to pay this when you check in for your appointment, and if you don't there will often be an additional fee. Some plans don't have a copay, and some do. Some plans don't require you to pay a copay after you meet your deductible, some do. If you're not sure what your plan has, call your insurance and ask.
6. Coinsurance
Coinsurance is the portion of your bill that your insurance will pay AFTER you meet your deductible. For instance, most plans will cover one annual check-up with your regular doctor (aka your primary care provider) at 100%, which means after you meet your deductible, they'll cover the entire cost of that visit (minus any copay). An extra visit might be covered at 70%, which means that for a $100 appointment, your insurance would pay $70 and you would pay $30. Again, if your insurance still requires you to pay a copay after your deductible is met, then you'll be paying both the copay (at the time of the appointment) AND the coinsurance (after the appointment).
7. Referrals and Authorization
Many insurance plans will require a referral and/or pre-authorization in order for you to see a specialist, or get certain tests or procedures done, or to see out-of-network providers. This is basically just your doctor's office contacting your insurance in advance to say "Hello, [patient] needs to get this procedure/see this provider, because of this specific problem/condition. Would you please pay for it?" Then your insurance company will review the request and either say "Yes, this seems reasonable and is covered by their plan. We will pay for it," (aka "approval") or "No, this treatment doesn't seem medically necessary and/or isn't covered by their plan," (aka "denial"). Sometimes if authorization is denied, your doctor can call your insurance and talk to them to try and convince them that the procedure is medically necessary. Or, sometimes they can get authorization for a different but similar procedure instead. (I work in a sleep clinic and often see insurance companies deny in-lab sleep studies, so patients will get take-home sleep studies instead, for example.) Please note that authorization is NOT a guarantee that your insurance will cover your visits/procedures 100%. It just means they’re agreeing to pay whatever portion is dictated by your plan, rather than making you pay for the whole thing on your own.
If your primary care provider refers you to a specialist, their office is the one that will need to request authorization, if necessary. A specialist clinic cannot generally refer a patient to itself.
8. Getting Information
I know I've said several times that if you're not sure about part of your plan, you should call your insurance. This is true, but I also know that phone calls suck. HOWEVER, there's often another way. Most major insurance companies have websites where you can make an account, and look at an overview of your plan, see how much of your deductible you've met, and even find in-network providers near you. And if you're on your parents' insurance, you can still make your own user account, so don't worry that you might have to have them make one and give you the login info. You may still have to call your insurance company if you have specific questions you can't find answers to online, but for basic information, this can be a great resource.
9. Updating Insurance
I know it can be hard to remember, but if your insurance plan changes or you switch to a different company, please please please call your doctor's office(s) to update it as soon as possible. You really don't want to show up to an appointment only to find out that you're not actually covered, or you needed pre-authorization or something. Let clinics know in advance so they can prepare as needed. Also, check with your new insurance beforehand to see how similar/different the plan is to your previous one, and whether you might need a new referral, or to find a new provider or something.
10. Billing Coordinators
And finally, if you're confused or worried about a bill from a clinic, the Vast majority of them will have a person you can talk to in their billing department about it. You may have to call ahead to schedule a time, you may not (though it's still nice to give advanced notice), but many times you can ask to talk to them in-person or over the phone, and they'll be able to go over your bill with you, explain what the charges are for and how much was covered, and spot any errors if there are any and fix them. They can also often give you cost estimates for procedures before you schedule, which can be helpful for budgeting and scheduling. (Though bear in mind that an estimate is just that: an estimate. They can't know for sure what the final bill will be until after your insurance pays them.) And if you have to pay a bill but don't have enough money right then, many clinics (though not all) will allow you to set up a payment plan, or to only pay a portion at a time. This is also something a billing coordinator/billing specialist would help with. In general just don’t be afraid to talk to the billing department if something seems off about your bill. If your insurance isn’t paying for something they should or something like that, the clinic is going to want to know about it and get it sorted out.
This isn't everything you'll ever need to know about health insurance ever, obviously, but hopefully it'll help you understand the basics. And as a bonus, stuff like deductibles and coinsurance work very similarly across all types of insurance: health, dental, car, etc., so understanding one better will help you with all of them.
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Is what my car insurance company doing legal?
"Is what my car insurance company doing legal?
I am in the process of purchasing a house. I received a quote from the insurance company I picked. And they said they could lower it even more if we add our 2 cars on. So they checked, and their offer for insurance on our cars was lower then what we are paying now. So saving us even more money. I went in, signed the papers for both auto's and the homeowners and was happy. They cancelled my previous auto insurance policies, and charged me my first month. Now, a week later, they are saying due to my previous car being stolen two years ago they can no longer offer me my 100 comprehensive deductible. They can only offer me a 1000 dollar deductible and if I choose not to accept they will cancel my auto insurance. This if frustrating considering my other insurance which wasn't bad to begin with has already been cancelled and I have already been charged my first month so if I don't accept I will have no insurance and my homeowners policy will go up in price. Sorry for the long explanation. I just don't think they should be able to get you in then change things up on you. Is there any law against that? Thanks for your help!!!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Getting private insurance?
my husband had blue cross blue shield insurance at his job and im halfway through a pregnancy but now we've lost it anyone know of any cheap but good insurance companies for a family ....growing
Does anyone know a cheap liability insurance company for an 18 year old?
Please let me know asap. Thank you!
How much will car insurance cost?
Hello, I am looking to buy a car in UK. There are many options for an affordable price, but what I am most concerned about is how much will insurance cost for me? I am 19 and own a license for one year. How insurance is calculated? Thank you""
Car loans and insurance?
Okay, I recently took out a loan for a car, and I got liability only on the car. The bank just contacted me saying they need proof of insurance. When I take it in, and they realize that it is liability insurance only, what will they do? Because, I heard you need premium insurance when you buy a car with a loan. So am I gonna have to go premium or what will happen? I have a 1990 Nisasn 240sx. My bank is Great Plains Federal Credit Union. My insurance is American Family Insurance.""
How much would insurance be on a 1997 dodge ram 2500?
97 ram 2500 ext cab short bed. Just wondering, also how much would insurance be on a 95 mustang gt?""
Can we get a tax break because our insurance is so costly?
My husband only takes home about $2400 per month (after health insurance is deducted from his check) and $300 in savings from a shared family income property. Our health insurance is almost $800 per month for us and our 2 children- a toddler and an infant. We are barely getting by. We pay $1700 in rent and utilities plus our other regular bills such as food, fuel and phone bills. I just started an evening job 3 nights per week making minimum wage to help, but is there any way we can get some of the health insurance cos ts back? I know Obama Care is available, but is there any other program or tax credit we could apply for while still keeping our health plan? I have a preexisting condition FTR.""
Car accident/Insurance options?
a friend was trying to pull around a city bus that was idling for several minutes to catch a left turn on a green light ...when the bus went in closer to the curb, its backside jut out and her car swiped it she is a new driver and new to the country and she continued where she was going without stopping. pretty shook up. She claims she didn't think it was too bad, a swipe, the mirror was gone and she just took it as a loss. But when she got out, she realized there is damage all along the side, from front to back, including the mirror missing and a serious dent on the front passenger (the front is peeled back, exposing the hinge mechanism. Rain now gets in through the top as the seal is broken as well. She is insured and believes she has coverage but she's scared cause she left the scene. This was 3 weeks ago - there has been no follow up. She hasn't called the police but kept an eye out for whether or not it was reported and she needed to come forward. It was in a pretty run down part of town. Anyway - I don't know what to tell her so i'm coming here - can she report this to insurance and admit that she swiped a bus and didn't stop? Will they fix it, up her insurance, and move on or will they investigate into the bus - making her pay for the bus and having the legal issue of leaving the scene. - not sure what to tell her??? She's also considering just putting a new skin/shell on the door was affected - not seeing if this is possible though - replacing the entire door is expensive and seems unnecessary. Any insight is greatly appreciated.""
Car insurance? first car?
i have a '96 fiesta 1.1.its my first car. i cannot get insurance cheaper than 2000. it is garaged, minimal miles per year. any one know where i can get cheap insurance??""
Insurance on 06 sti I need to know?
What is the averge insurance coat for an 06 sti
What affordable insurance can i apply for if im 20 working and not sickly?
What affordable insurance can i apply for if im 20 working and not sickly?
Young male car insurance uk. HELP!?!?!?
im 16 and turning 17 in the next couple of months I'm a boy. and I've had a few quotes from people but there way to expensive! granted its always going to be higher for me being a young driver i just want to know what the cheapest place to get insurance from is? the car is a 1.3 diesel or can be petrol haven't bought the car yet. please help UK ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!
NCAP rating effect on car insurance.?
I'm looking to buy a car and noticed that some of the models I favour, such as Ford Puma; Vauxhall Tigra, have not been crash tested by NCAP. Does a car which has not been crash tested by NCAP necessarily attract higher insurance premiums?""
Im 19 need health insurance?
Im 19 and I really need affordable health insurance. Neither for my parents can afford to put me on their insurance. Also i have a few preexisting medical conditions that makes it harder for me to find insurance.
Is there a good site to compare the insurance rates of different cars?
I'm looking at cars for my son (who just turned 16) and would like to see which cars are best in terms of insurance rates without going through the process of getting a quote for each car.
Car insurance for a 17 year old boy?
Hello Yesterday, I passed my driving test and am, of course, really looking forward to driving. I spotted a Renault Clio I liked with a 1.1 litre engine. It's nothing special, just a first car (which would mean the world to me) I was always aware insurance was going to be a struggle. I insured myself with Provisional Marmalade while I was still learning, so I could drive my mum and dad's car as additional practice. Prov. Marm. have another part to their company, Young Marmalade for newly passed drivers, apparently giving you the best quotes, however I couldn't find anything under 3000! I am a 17 year old boy living in the Northeast of Scotland, one of the most common places for a collision in the whole of the UK. However, I am not in anyway a dangerous driver. My dad has been driving for 50 years and told me he feels very safe while driving with me as a learner, and I always stay within the speed limit, with the exception of if I don't realise I'm doing over the limit. My mum and dad have been saving some money for me for about 10 years, but it's only about 1300, and I don't have any more money apart from that. It's not going to be enough and I have really been let down by the insurance, because that Clio I saw was 600. The lowest quote I managed to find was 1634.70 a year from the Co-Operative Young Driver insurance, and with that you get a device fitted in your car to monitor how you drive, and if you drive within speed limits, and safely, I guess your monthly cost comes down a little bit. Anyway, I'm waffling on here. My question was, does anybody know of a REALLY good insurer for 17 year old boys who would: -take their price down for one of thse devices being fitted -offer decent discounts for Pass Plus or an Advanced Driving course? A car and amazingly cheap insurance would mean the world to me at the moment, because there's nothing worse than the feeling of only getting 1 minor fault on your test then realising you can't drive due to the greedy bastard insurance companies. Thanks for all the help.""
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old male in Alabama?
Please only educated, backed-up answers.""
Why would a good car end up at an insurance auto auction?
Looking to buy a used 2009 vehicle right now with 9,000 miles. Seller states it was purchased at an insurance auction with a clear title. Autocheck confirms this info - single owner, no accidents, no thefts, no repossessions, clear title, etc. What might be the reason this car was at the auction in the first place?""
Can I get life insurance on a family member without their consent?
I'm interested in getting a life insurance policy on my mother because unfortunately she will not be around forever and I want to make sure my sister and I are able to take care of financial obligations that would have to be resolved including funeral expenses. Obviously this is a very difficult situation, no one wants to have to plan for a loved one's passing. Anyone know if this is possible? thanks.""
Can anyone recommend a motorcycle insurance company in the UK?
My son is 20 and trying to get reasonable quotes which don't cost more than the value of the bike is driving me nuts. I've tried all the comparison sites but what I want to know is which companies are worth bothering with. I've been on some review websites and looked up the companies which come up with the cheapest quotes and a lot of the reviews call them rip off merchants and say not to touch them. I want to hear from someone who's actually had to make a claim and been satisfied with the service.
Best health insurance for young married parents?
Me and my boyfriend are wanting to get married next year because he'll be graduating high school and it'll be the best time for us I'll still be a junior and we have a young daughter. We will be going to the same college once I graduate plus it has a daycare for our daughter which is great. Once we get married though I know I won't be a single mother anymore so I probably won't qualify for Wic or medicade. So I want to get an idea now for what the best health insurance is for our situation that would be the most affordable since we will be in college and we won't be making a whole lot of money. What is the best and most affordable health insurance for young married parents in college. Also has anyone else been in a similar situation and how did you make it work.
How do I find health insurance for myself as an individual?
I am currently a sophomore in college, and I really hate student insurance, as it covers and pays for almost nothing, and doesn't include dental. Where do I go if i need to get a different provider?""
Car insurance companies accept no claims bonus from Lebanon?
Does anyone know an car insurance company that accepts no claims from international countries? My mother wants to use hers from Lebanon (Asia) to help reduce her quote.
Car insurance?
suppose someone is paying $700 a year for liability car insurance and gets a speeding ticket. how much higher can this persons insurance go up?
How much will my car insurance go up and who should pay?
My ex-husband just bought my 17 year old son a car. He will not pay for the insurance and my son does not have a job to pay for it or for gas money. How much will the insurance cost and who should pay for it? My ex or me?
If you accidentally hit someone with your car how much does your insurance premium increase?
By hit someone, I mean a pedestrian.""
Is what my car insurance company doing legal?
I am in the process of purchasing a house. I received a quote from the insurance company I picked. And they said they could lower it even more if we add our 2 cars on. So they checked, and their offer for insurance on our cars was lower then what we are paying now. So saving us even more money. I went in, signed the papers for both auto's and the homeowners and was happy. They cancelled my previous auto insurance policies, and charged me my first month. Now, a week later, they are saying due to my previous car being stolen two years ago they can no longer offer me my 100 comprehensive deductible. They can only offer me a 1000 dollar deductible and if I choose not to accept they will cancel my auto insurance. This if frustrating considering my other insurance which wasn't bad to begin with has already been cancelled and I have already been charged my first month so if I don't accept I will have no insurance and my homeowners policy will go up in price. Sorry for the long explanation. I just don't think they should be able to get you in then change things up on you. Is there any law against that? Thanks for your help!!!
Health Insurance?
Can someone reccomend some good affordable health insurance policies for people who's work place does not have health insurance yet. I'm looking for something with good coverage that wont cost me an arm and a leg. Here is a list of things i want on this coverage in order of priority: 1.Mental Health Coverage (dont refer state and government run things because i fall through the cracks on their rules) 2.Dental (i love and want to keep me teeth) 3.Doctor visits (i dont go to the doc much even when i am sick)
What is the cheapest but best car insurance for NYC. thank you.?
1967 dodge dart need insurance fast if you can please help.
Pregnancy Insurance California?
Ok I know my son is responsible and wants to me about this matter but would like some help if someone knows since most places are closed on the weekends that would help with this. My son (21) and fiance just found out she is pregnant, my son works and has great insurance for himself. and just purchased his first home. Income about 30,000. Girlfriend just got laid off from a part time job and no insurance. Just moved in with him recently. If not married will his income disqualify her from Medi cal or will he be charged for the service. They were planning on getting married before this and adding her on to his insurance 100.00 a month. for family benefits. but now that she is already pregnant some have told us the insurance may not pay because of preexisting. and if they marry most likely will disqualify from getting medi cal. Also have seem something about AIM. If anyone has used that or have knowledge of that insurance. I know this is long someone also mentioned that my sons first time buyers credit (loan) may also be taken from him if she gets medical. Any help will be appreciated.""
Car Insurance Questions?
How Much Would Car Insurance Cost Approximatly For A 27 Yr Old Male With An Owned Vehicle? Do You Pay Every Month Or How Does It Work?
What can I do about car insurance from another state? Please help!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
If my car insurance finds out that i scratched my rental car will my rates go up? (it's my second incident)?
i am renting a car, i scratched it, my credit card will cover the damage but i have to first report it to my car insurance. will this make my rates go up?""
How much is health insurance?
I don't get health insurance through my job, so how much would it be to buy health insurance? What company should I get insurance from? (I live in CO, US btw)""
2012 mustang gt vs 2009 bmw 335i coupe for insurance and reliability?
im am wondering what would be cheaper on insurance but most off all what would be the most reliable please no bias, although i am a ford fan boy you cant argue with a bmw but i hear they arnt to reliable being twin turbo v6, and also because if they arnt reliable i dont want to be stuck with expensive a## parts to buy... im 19 with a clean driving record""
""Does car insurance cover break ins and stolen goods? If not, what does?""
I had laptop, camera, and gps stolen from my car in broad daylight over the weekend. I was just wondering what insurance covered these items..if any? thanks in advance.""
Does insurance cover u if someone drives your car with no license?
This is for the state of Oklahoma, if u give permision for someone to drive your car and they get in a wreak but dont have a license will the insurance still pay for the damages?""
Not sure how much condo insurance to get?
I'm in the process of buying a condo, and I need to have condo insurance set up. However, I'm not really sure how much insurance I need on a condo. The homeowners association covers everything on the outside, so I would only need to cover walls-in. This is what I've come up with after doing a quote: Contents Amount: $50,000 Building Property Coverage: $15,000 Condominium Loss Assessments: $1,000 Deductible: $500 Earthquake Deductible: 2% Personal Liability: $300,000 Medical Payments to Others: $1,000 The condo is selling for $125,900. I really don't have a lot of furniture, and what I do have is all hand-me-downs. I have a four year old, so all the furniture and stuff that comes along with having a kid. I don't have really nice jewelry. I have a 32inch hd tv, computer (i paid 150 for it, so nothing fancy lol), and a kindle fire, wii....that's about it for electronics. I want to make sure I have enough coverage if something happens with counters/floor/walls/etc, but I don't want to be unnecessarily paying a high insurance bill. Any suggestions? Also, is earthquake or identity theft something that would be good to add in? I live in Iowa so earthquakes aren't really an issue...but is that one of those you never know, so at least you're covered things?""
What kind of health insurance do i apply for?
I have a one year old son and he has had medi-cal off on and they give me so many problems and i'm tired of him having medi-cal. I recently reapplied because they stopped it again, but this time i added his father on there since he has no type of medical insurance either.4 weeks went by and i haven't recieved anything in the mail so i call and ask what is going on. The lady was extremely rude to me and tells me they denied my application because they never recieved a packet that requested birth certificates,social securities, proof of income etc. And i tried to explain to her i never recieved the packet that requested any of that and that's why i was calling to let them know and she said well they already denied you so you need to apply again i'm tired of medi-cal my poor son deserves better.so i was wondering if anyone knew of something else i could apply for? it's just for my son and his father i'm still under my moms insurance so i don't need it but i have to apply for them since i'm the mother of my child obviously. We live off of $400 every 2 weeks and have other things to pay for.so please someone help!""
Nissan skyline insurance and price?
ok im 16 and wondering how much a 1990's nissan skyline cost and how much the insurance cost. im 16 a male and has never been in trouble with the police actually my dad was an officer. this is my first car...
Which is the best medical insurance ?
Can any one suggest a good medical insurance company and plan
Why do people keep comparing health insurance mandates to car insurance mandates?
Car insurance mandates are done at the STATE level, in accordance with the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. constitution. Yet people (the president included) continue to claim that a FEDERAL mandate to buy insurance is no different than being required to cover your car. (Completely ignoring that you have to BUY a car before you must get insurance...the govt's basically saying they own your body...insure it or be taxed) So isn't a FEDERAL mandate unconstitutional unless you plan on writing an amendment to the Constitution so that such a mandate is in accordance with the Tenth Amendment?? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/27384.html The questions from ABCs George Stephanopoulos highlighted a politically dangerous new aspect of the health reform debate for Obama  as critics from Republican leaders to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce say his reform proposals amount to a middle-class tax increase. Obama promised during the campaign that Americans earning less than $250,000 a year would not see any tax increases from an Obama administration. Obama strongly denied that the mandate amounts to a tax increase  saying it was no different than requiring people to have auto insurance and charging a penalty if they dont. He also said it was important for everyone to have insurance so that people who do carry insurance dont have to shoulder the load for people who dont. The excise tax is designed as an enforcement mechanism to ensure people will carry insurance.""
How much should it cost to replace and paint a totaled bumper for a 98 honda accord?
My husband and I just returned home from the store in his car, when he noticed my car that was parked across the street had been crashed into on the drivers side bumper. Plz give me advice should i call insurance even though I dont know who did it, or should I just fix it myself. and how much will it cost.""
Is burial life insurance different from final expense life insurance?
My mom has been wanting to buy burial life insurance but is confused about the terms she sees online. She says she keeps seeing the term final expense life insurance on some of the websites. Can someone explain what the difference in these two terms is?
Need help with car insurance!!?
i am new with the whole car insurance thing so i need help. how much is car insurance for an 18 year old just got my licenses and with a 1996 pontiac sunfire SE..how do you pay for car insurance please help thanks
Life insurance?
My husband's mom decided she will pay for life insurance for my husband and I to help out my husbands brother, starting to sell life insurance. The problem is when it came out to filling out all the paper work my husband put his brother down as the person to receive the money, I came in second? His answer to why he did that he said I know my brother will take care of you I ofcourse got mad because I can take care of myself, I will be the one making arrangements for his funeral and all if something where to happen(knock on wood it doesnt happen). I will be the one stuck with all the bills, and how about if the brother doesnt care. He is a low life now what makes my husband think he will take care of me? When I talk to him he says no, im leaving it that way, theres nothing to talk about.""
Does anyone know the cheapest auto insurance?
In florida that is? i'm 18 and trying to buy my first car. I'm almost to my car cost mark and I know that i'm going to have to be ready to buy auto insurance....and I'm not 'bankin'' lol.
""Speeding ticket, have State Farm, will my premium increase or not?""
The reason I am questioning the premium increase is because a friend of mine, who also has State Farm, never saw an increase in premium two years ago when he received a speeding ticket. what's the deal? anybody know?""
What does insurance cover for a car accident?
one of my friends recently had an accident in his Honda city. The body was damaged. But the insurance company pointed to a line which says only 50% of cost of damage to 'rubber, nylon, plastic, tyres, tubes, batteries, airbags' and 30% of fibre glass..what else can get damaged in an accident? If the car is made of plastic and the glass with fibre glass, its basically saying we will pay only a max 50%? Does this exist everywhere or only in India? Can we take the insurance company to court?""
Is there anyway to lower insurance rates after a traffic violation is on file?
Is there anyway to lower insurance rates after a traffic violation is on file?
Why is my car insurance so high?
I can't seem to find decent coverage that doesn't break my bank. Here's my current policy that I'm paying 861/month for: Bodily injury/property liability: 12,500/person, 25,000/accident, 7,500/accident Comprehensive: 1,000 deductible Collision: 2,000 deductible NO other coverage. I drive a 2010 Jetta that I OWN, I'm a 23 year old male, I've never filed a claim/been in an accident, and I haven't gotten a ticket of any kind in 5 years. Does this make sense? Am I missing some secret to affordable insurance? I have a feeling it's because I didn't finish college and I have no credit, but still... Sigh. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
Can someone give me an auto insurance cost?
Does anyone know what the cost per month of Ohio car insurance would be for a 19 year old male. Just an idea would be good, thanks.""
Is what my car insurance company doing legal?
I am in the process of purchasing a house. I received a quote from the insurance company I picked. And they said they could lower it even more if we add our 2 cars on. So they checked, and their offer for insurance on our cars was lower then what we are paying now. So saving us even more money. I went in, signed the papers for both auto's and the homeowners and was happy. They cancelled my previous auto insurance policies, and charged me my first month. Now, a week later, they are saying due to my previous car being stolen two years ago they can no longer offer me my 100 comprehensive deductible. They can only offer me a 1000 dollar deductible and if I choose not to accept they will cancel my auto insurance. This if frustrating considering my other insurance which wasn't bad to begin with has already been cancelled and I have already been charged my first month so if I don't accept I will have no insurance and my homeowners policy will go up in price. Sorry for the long explanation. I just don't think they should be able to get you in then change things up on you. Is there any law against that? Thanks for your help!!!
Insurance on Ford Focus ST - Young Driver?
I'm just looking for guideline figures on what insurance is likely to cost for a 20yr old male on a new Ford Focus ST in the UK. This is with 2 years no claims bonus and no speeding convictions. Any help greatly appreciated!
Question About Car Insurance
I know that if you cancel your Car Insurance, or it lapses, the NC DMV will take your tag. BUT, Here is my situation. In order to get your license you have to have proof of insurance, And being i would be covered under my moms insurance, and Her car, What would happen if MY insurance lapsed... Basically, I cannot afford insurance, But i have to get some before i can drive, and i do not know how long i will be able to keep it, Would i loose my license if my insurance was canceled? or what would happen? What are the Penalties to driving Without Insurance?""
08 lancer gts or 08 altima coupe what would be best for 17 year old and cheaper on insurance?
I want one that's fun to drive it has to be reliable I don't want to race but I do want a little speed I want whatever is cheaper on insurance and I'm stuck between these two cars what do you guys think?
What car and insurance?
hi can anyone help my daughter wants a car she likes the fiat punto td sx i think it is and the vauxhall corsa merit and the citroen saxo and the ford ka and fiesta what is the best car for a first time car and what has the most cheap insurance as it would be a provisional licsence ? and what website has the most cheap insurance? if anybody has any idears for any other cars like these please help also is auto trader any good? thanks any Question plz ask
Whats the average pay for Car or Auto Insurance ??
What is the average amount that people pay for Car Insurance a month for one car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Insurance cost?
i'm 17 years old, my car is toyota celica v4, 2 doors. can anybody tell me how much my car insurance cost, no need exactly but close to""
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
What is the average cost of insurance for a teenage driver per year?
I'm 17, and I'm going to get my provisional license in about a month. Mg r y parents are going to have me pay for my own insurance. I just wanted to get a look at roughly how much my insurance will cost before I get a quote. Thanks!""
I just got into a car accident Please HELP insurance rate?
It's my fault. I rear ended him. My car is old and probably not worth repairing, smashed radiator, bumper, lights. The damage to my car is awful but his was very light, just his rear bumper yet an onlooker said bumpers cost a lot, maybe $800. Should I get my insurance company involved or pay this huge (for me) amount via a check to him directly? I've been a driver for two years only and I'm 30yrs old. If I reported it to my insurance company how much would my insurance go up? Let's pretend my insurance is a nice round number of $100 a month.How much would it affect my rate? Also what are deductables??? Please write an answer instead of sending me to some advertisement type link. Please help!""
Classic Mini Insurance? Help?
Hi, I have a classic austin mini mayfair 998cc and 1989 year. I got quotes before on classic insurance at around 900 from footman james but now they have a new policy where they wont give insurance to anyone under 21. Ive tried all compare the market and other places but the cheapest i can find it for is 1600 fully comp. Can anyone help? ive tried other mini insurers like adrian flux but there around 2500! please help!""
Why are my car insurance quotes so high for male 17 (UK)?
i have looked on a couple of comparison websites (compare the market, go compare, confused) and have found that the cheapest for provisional licence is 900 from collingwood, but then when i change to full licence the cheapest is 3000 from ecar. none of my friends have to pay this much for a full licence and some of them even hae better cars than me. i am trying to insure a clio campus 2002 1.2""
If I got a car video-recorder is my car insurance going down?
I bought a video-recorder for my car as project.Keeping in mind cyclists and other motorist are driving mental sometimes in London can I get my insurance down if I got a recording device in my car.Did anyone managed to do that?
SR-22 Insurance help?
Got pulled over in the state of Iowa for not having a license, but I did have insurance should I deserve to get SR-22 insurance?""
Help with insurance prices?
I was wondering what the cost of these cars would be for a 16 year old male or just a list of most expensive to insure to cheapest to insure. 2006 Chrysler 300 touring 50000 miles 2007 dodge charger sxt 40000 miles 2006 chevy cobalt ss not sc or tc 60000 miles
Is homeowners responsible or car insurance?
The brakes on my aunt's car went out and when she turned into her driveway she hit the house. SHe is fine both airbags came out, but now the home owners says they will not pay and the car insurance say they will not pay. They said if someone else had hit the house they would. Can anyone give me some insight to the iNSURANCE industry.""
Should it be illegal for Insurance companies to....?
Should home insurance companies be banned from offering flood insurance seperatly? Shouldn't the insurance company pay for any natural disaster no matter what? How can these crooks get away with not paying for a house being destroyed in flood if the house is not in a flood plain. People were left with nothing in the floods that hit Nashville last May, because the insurance companies wouldn't pay. Obviously those houses WERE in flood plains.""
What is the cheapest insurance for a teen?
what insurance company will be more affordable for a teen
Got a Speeding Ticket in NJ. Will my Insurance Rate go Up?
Got a speeding ticket in NJ, and the cop said I was going 66 in a 45 zone (which is untrue, but that's besides the point). 1. Does this put points on my license? If yes, how many? 2. Willl my Geico Insurance go up? If yes, by how much? 3. Will a defensive driving course help at all? I'm 20 years old, this is my first offense ever, and and I own the car and insurance.""
Policy loan from life insurance interest pay to insurance company! why?
Any one can tell me, loan money from life insurance policy cash value intrest collect from the lisurance company, the cash value is my own money, should I paid intrest back to myself? not to insurance company""
Health Insurance for Children?
Does anyone know of a good health insurance program for children in the state of NJ? My husb currently has family coverage with his local union and they pay for NOTHING !!!! We keep getting bill after bill even for doctors that are part of the network and no one seems to want to help us. We want to cancel the coverage but we need something for our children.
Has Tort reform had a beneficial impact on Health Insurance rates in California.?
California has had Tort reform in medical malpractice for 30 years. Has this kept Health Insurance affordable in California? Ask the parents ofNataline Sarkisyan how they feel about tort reform. Rather than pay for an expensive transplant and a lifetime of expensive care, her insurer simply denied the claim knowing they most her parents could get in punitive damages was $250,000. Seems to me that tort reform is another name for death panels!!!""
Business Insurance Quote?
Can anyone give me an idea of what insurance I may have? Im doing a b-plan, and insurance companies wont give me a quote yet. heres my info: Beverage Company, we buy our beverage from 3rd party manufacture. First year revenue: 1,000,000 Employees: 4 (1 owner) Annual Wages w/owner: $150k w/o owner: $120k 1 company owned van for local distribution and marketing driven by employee and owner Renting a 2500 sq. ft office space, we will have about $30k of product and $10k office equipment Southern California, I need the general liability, commercial, workers comp, umbrella, and anything else i may need? A good enough number for me to throw down in my general number-running in trying to figure how much money I need to assmble would be so helpful! Thank you!""
Insurance premiums?
How much is a family coverage for insurance premiums? Just an average, not sure what insurance we will have yet but it should be a ppo. Trying to figure it out because my husband got offered a higher paying job, but the job he has now they pay his insurance so we have no clue what to expect to pay""
""I am disabled,my wife is 63 and cant get affordable insurance. anyone know where to look?
she only gets 700 a month ss and shes told if she got insurance it would be about 600 a month.what do we do?
Child support/car insurance?
Ok so I just got my liscense and I bought half my trck and my mom bought the other half. So is it right for my dad not to pay for my insurance? And does child support cover car insurance. . .plz just give me your opinion/facts on the whole ordeal.... Have not found job just turned 15..btw Thank you all
Is what my car insurance company doing legal?
I am in the process of purchasing a house. I received a quote from the insurance company I picked. And they said they could lower it even more if we add our 2 cars on. So they checked, and their offer for insurance on our cars was lower then what we are paying now. So saving us even more money. I went in, signed the papers for both auto's and the homeowners and was happy. They cancelled my previous auto insurance policies, and charged me my first month. Now, a week later, they are saying due to my previous car being stolen two years ago they can no longer offer me my 100 comprehensive deductible. They can only offer me a 1000 dollar deductible and if I choose not to accept they will cancel my auto insurance. This if frustrating considering my other insurance which wasn't bad to begin with has already been cancelled and I have already been charged my first month so if I don't accept I will have no insurance and my homeowners policy will go up in price. Sorry for the long explanation. I just don't think they should be able to get you in then change things up on you. Is there any law against that? Thanks for your help!!!
How to make health insurance more affordable/cheaper?
can someone give me some sites to provide me with information? i have to do a problem-solution speech on economic change. sites with statistics are definitely desired.
How much would insurance on a 1990 dodge neon ?
I think it might be my first car , && I have to pay for insurance .""
A question about my homeowners insurance check please. This doesn't make any sense.?
I don't understand why my homeowners insurance wants my bank to sign off on a check to cover my insurance claim. They plan to mail my check to me of which I then have to take to the bank to have them sign off before I can then cash it in. They never made me do this before when my tree fell into my barn. Why the change?
Is it a requirement to let home insurance company before installing Trampoline in the backyard?
my neighbor told me that it is very necessary to tell your home insurance company before installing trampoline in the backyard and after that they will raise your insurance rate. I wanna know if this is true or not??
What car insurance company should I go with?
I am looking for the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old who has a clean driving record
Rough estimate of Health/Dental Insurance Cost of family of four?
I am considering taking a position with a firm that currently does not offer health insurance. I will ofcoarse seek professional help to get a better number, I just wanted to see what sort of range I will be looking at. I live in Texas and both my wife and I are in our late 20s and have two one year olds. Thanks""
Did you know that Geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Did you know that Geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance?
How can i get cheaper car insurance?
How can i get cheaper car insurance?
National insurance Number?
is it possible to get a job without requiring National insurance Number?
Can you get a Drivers License and not have car insurance?
I dont plan to drive, but i do intend to get my license. Is it possible to not have to get car insurance with your license? Idont own any cars as well""
Does Geico Car insurance cover Rental Cars?
Does Geico car insurance cover rental cars? Or does it JUST cover your car that you have insured w. them?
Can I get car insurance in my cousins name and my name?
My cousin lives in Luton and I live in London so can I get car insurance with his name as first driver and me as second driver? Also how will it work because we're going to have different addresses? How will road tax and permit work? My cousin is 21 years old and I'm 18. I will tell the insurance the truth about everything where I live and where my cousin lives.
I just bought a Lamborghini does any 1 now how much insurance costs??/?
I just bought a Lamborghini does any 1 now how much insurance costs??/?
How long are car insurance companys supposed to provide a rental car for?
i have a 2004 chevy caviler that is completely paid for and some guy ran into the back of my car yesterday. It's completely crushed in. i have liability and he has full coverage ...show more
California Casualty Auto Insurance?
I'm a 3rd grade teacher in NJ who currently has Century 21 Auto Insurance . I representative from California Casualty Auto Insurance came in to demonstrate their insurance. I am now contemplating on switching. Does anyone has any luck with this insurance, or any other one? I will be paying about $130 per month for 2 cars.""
Is it legal for the car insurance to be in a name other than person paying the monthly car payment?
My sister's husband passed in November. Their car is in both my sister's and her husband's name; however, my sister can not drive and does not have a driver's license. She wants to keep the car insurance on the vehicle, but to do that she would need to have a valid driver's license. Soooo, she has asked me to get the vehicle insurance in my name using my driver's license. My question is this: Am I in ANY way responsible for anything that happens to/in/with the car if I am not the driver? I use my car and driver's license for work and I can not have blemishes on my driving record or my criminal background""
If my 17 year old son moves to another state will my medical insurance still cover him?
my son is planning on moving to california and he is a type one diabetic. so im wondering if he's in another state than i am if my insurance will cover him.
""What is the penalty for driving without insurance on a motorbike, as i feel it was a genuine oversight?""
I was stopped because of a broken rear light and as it happens my insurance had expired about 4 days before. I wasn't aware that the insurance expired , i thought it was at the end of the month. I didn't receive any reminder because i had forgotten to change address with the insurance company, which was completely my fault. This is a genuine oversight on my part, but I'm not sure if they'll look at previous incident i had with my cousins car when i was a teenager about 7 years ago, i got caught driving without insurance. Probably one of the stupidest things i have done but i learned from it, but the court may not look at it like that. Should i get a solicitor and does anyone know how much they cost? Will i be suspended from driving?""
""Car accident: Person at fault has no car insurance, what can I do?""
Hello! Recently, I was involved in a car accident where the other driver was at fault (carelessly ran a red light) and didn't have insurance; my question is what do I do now. My car got totaled, but my insurance is going to pay me the whole value it's worth, but minus a deductible. Also, my sister and I are going to a back doctor because of some minor pains we started getting... People are telling me that I should do a small claims against the guy, but what exactly do I sue him for? And how? More info: He had no insurance, and the car wasn't his. My insurance doesn't cover health or rentals I believe. I'm located in California. Any help will be truly appreciated! Thank you!""
Auto insurance settlement offer too low?
We were in an accident in September, my 4 y/o son and i went to see a chiropractor and i also seen a physical therapist a few times, (i actually still have pain from time to time in ...show more""
""Someone hit my car, but does not have car insurance.?""
I went outside to get in my car, and found that someone hit my drivers side door. A lady came out and told me she saw it happen, but couldn't get any info on the vehicle other than that it belonged to a neighbor's friend. Well I got the girls name and phone # from the neighbor, but they didn't think she has car insurance. Should I even bother calling the girl or should I call the cops and file a hit and run police report? I should note that this girl hit my car about a month ago. I wanted to wait till I had her information. Is it too late to call the cops?""
(Australia) What is the normal procedure for a car accident without insurance?
I hit a car(Honda) 1 month ago, I was at fault. I don't have third party damage insurance on my car. For the other car, they have comprehensive. Recently, Honda's insurance company contacted me and told me to pay for the damages(the quote is $10,000). They haven't sent me the invoice yet. At the same time, Smash repair also contacted me regarding the damages(same quote, but can be cheaper if i pay cash to them immediately). Car owner also contact me saying that I have to pay Smash repair directly. My question is: If Honda's insurance company is invloved in this incident, should I deal with the insurance company direclty and ignore both of the car owner and smash repair? I will pay for the damages, just want to make sure it goes to the right person, and no more trouble(no double claim) in the future.""
How much does medical marijuana cost? Does insurance cover it?
How much does medical marijuana cost? Does insurance cover it?
Could a car insurance agent please answer my question?
I live in CA. I have Mercury insurance. I had 3 old cars on my policy which was too expensive so I sold 2 of them. I was paying $273 monthly automatically deducted from my bank on the 21st of every month. I sold the first car Jan. 29th. On Jan. 30th I took release of liability to AAA DMV and then to my insurance agent asking for the car to be removed from the policy. On February 10th I sold the second car. I took the release form to AAA DMV then straight to the agent asking for release. When I look at my policy deducting the 2 cars my insurance should be about $180 per month. They tell me it will be about $210 per month. Today rolls around, I check my bank account and they have deducted $273 from my checking. I call the 800 number for Mercury. They tell me it needed to be in by February 5th in order to make the billing deadline. Then they said they will NOT refund the money they removed from my account or prorate because under writing takes time. Is this legal??????""
How can I get my car insurance cheaper?
Hi am 31 and got 8 years no clams I drive a corsa vxr and am finding it hard to get it cheap
Is what my car insurance company doing legal?
I am in the process of purchasing a house. I received a quote from the insurance company I picked. And they said they could lower it even more if we add our 2 cars on. So they checked, and their offer for insurance on our cars was lower then what we are paying now. So saving us even more money. I went in, signed the papers for both auto's and the homeowners and was happy. They cancelled my previous auto insurance policies, and charged me my first month. Now, a week later, they are saying due to my previous car being stolen two years ago they can no longer offer me my 100 comprehensive deductible. They can only offer me a 1000 dollar deductible and if I choose not to accept they will cancel my auto insurance. This if frustrating considering my other insurance which wasn't bad to begin with has already been cancelled and I have already been charged my first month so if I don't accept I will have no insurance and my homeowners policy will go up in price. Sorry for the long explanation. I just don't think they should be able to get you in then change things up on you. Is there any law against that? Thanks for your help!!!
0 notes
How much is Homeowners Insurance in FL on a $150,000 home?
"How much is Homeowners Insurance in FL on a $150,000 home?
I'm a first time home buyer and very curious how much cash I'm going to need before closing a house.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""I don't have the car yet, but what am I looking at for insurance?""
I'm in a bad living situation and I'm slowly trying to get out....I make minimum wage and I'm trying to finance a vehicle...I have no money to put down, and the little credit I did have was gone a long time ago due to unpaid medical bills.... I'm also trying to put money towards my rent and other bills, so I can't afford much..... I have no credit cards or expired loans, and don't want any...so please don't recommend any..... I figure with taking $80 out of every pay check I can afford a payment of $320 a month....Also taking 30 out of the same pay check to make payments of up to $120 towards insurance..... Is this too much? This is the first time I'm paying insurance on a vehicle, I'm also living on my own for the first time as well..... My last ticket was almost 7 years ago...I'm a safe driver...what kind of prices am I looking at? I know I can go to specific sites and plug in my information....but I don't have the vehicle yet and I'm trying to budget for the purchase....I'm planning on getting a small reliable car, nothing flashy..... Can anyone guesstimate a price for me? Am i figuring too high?""
""On Average, how many dollars per month would a 2 pt ticket add to my monthly insurance?""
If you have gotten one please tell me, I just want to see around how much they add :D""
What are some quicker cars that are lower in insurance?
I'm looking to get a quicker car, I've been looking at WRX, Speed3, and GTI, but they are all really expensive on insurance for a 19 year old, are there any comparable cars that might be a little less on insurance rates?""
Cheapest place to get insured on a friends car?
I was insured for a week on a friends car, a 1.4 peugeot 206. on her policy and it was 22, i thought this was a little steep, as my car insurance only cost me 18 a month for my own car (when i had 1) and that was a 1.6 escort. whats the best option as i won't drive uninsured, and need to borrow her car again and her insurance company says they can't add me as a named driver as she has changed her policy 4 times already this year!""
Is it possible to put my dad under my insurance?
I just started a new job and in a few months ill be eligible for health insurance. I'm 19 my dad is 47 hes unemployed and not eligible for medicaid.
Renters insurance?
What is a good company to have renters insurance through, that is still pretty cheap?""
Insurance for buying a car?
I want to buy a used car. I was advised to get insurance before I test drive any cars. I went to a couple of insurance websites and they ask me to enter my vehicle info. How do I enter vehicle info if I don't own a vehicle yet?
What car insurance can i get with no down payment?
What car insurance can i get with no down payment?
How much did you pay for your motorhome tires?
i am curious about the cost of tires on the different types of motorhomes? i am also curious about the cost of insurance? routine maintenance? and whatever else may be important in the cost of ownership between a class A and a class C motorhome?
I've been taken off my parent's car insurance policy. What do I do now?
I am 17 and I recently got into a serious car accident where my car was totaled. I got kicked out of my parent's car insurance policy because of this. My parents said that no insurance company is going to sell to me because I was in a serious accident while I was a minor. What should I do if I want to drive again? I can't drive a car without insurance.
Will my insurance go up?
I was in a car accident. I was stopped at a red light lady slammed into the back of me. THe cops came and filled out info. I did not go to the hospital, because I was not in pain. But the next day my back and neck were killing me. It has been 5 days since accident. I want to go to the doctors but i am worried that my car insurrence will go up. If it was the other persons fault will my insurance go up? And is it to late to go to the doctors? Will her insurance have to pay for doctors bill?""
How much does car insurance really cost?
Some companies like Dashers offer insurance for 18 dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ is that good enough?
Insurance For a 2006 Bmw M5 For a New Driver?
Im !7 and im thinking about getting a 2006 Bmw M5 What will the insurance rate be? Right now im driving a 2011 BMW 535XI Station Wagon will the M5's insurance be more or alot more?
Can i get insurance on my name...but my boyfriends car?
Registration is coming up, for my boyfriends car. He has a DUI on his record, so he's unable to drive as it is, I'm the one who drives his car. I was wondering if I could get my insurance to cover his car since I'm the one who drives it even though I'm not the registered owner. And would DMV (in california) acknowledge it?""
I need a way to better word this topic sentence for my essay.?
im trying to give reasons on what insurance companies can do to make birth control affordable. here's the topic sentence i have: A way birth control can be affordable is if insurance companies help cover a portion or the entire bill.
Car insurance question?
how much is insurance for a 17 year old with say a used 90s honda?
If requiring people to have car insurance is the same as requiring them to have health insurance then why?
Wont the US government help you pay your car insurance if you cant afford it? Isn't car insurance a basic human right?
Is insurance on jeeps more expensive?
im thinking of buying a jeep 1995 or older most likly (YJ, TJ) do they tend to be more or less expensive on insurance then the average car?""
How long will it take to get a auto insurance check?
I was in a car accident june 3rd, I filed the claim the same day.. talked to the guy doing my claim the next day he said state farm would accept 100% fault so I had to send state farm the police report and some other things they needed and they are suppose to send me check. I faxed all the paper work last Tuesday so how long do you think it will take for them to send me a check? I'm just impatient because I have had no car and had to take all this time off work since I can not get a ride to work and a ride to take my childern to daycare and now my work says if I'm not back by next weekend they will fire me. I called the guy doing my claim just to see how long it normally takes but he never called me back. Any ideas? Thanks!""
Question about general car insurance?
I'm doing a Statistics Lab based off car insurance and i'm a little confused. I'm supposed to make a statement to my boss about charging higher or lower car insurance based on the rating the cars get. So, for the larger, and safer the car is, should I tell my boss to RAISE the insurance prices, or lower the insurance prices? I'm a little confused on the correct way to do it? Safer = Higher insurance or lower insurace? and WHY?!?!?""
How can I get cheap car insurance as an 18 year old in the SE UK?
I can't seem to get anything less than 3000
How long is a insurance company required to give before they cancel your insurance?
My insurance called me yesterday and informed me that they would be cancelling my insurance because I have rented my house to a group of students. They gave me two weeks to find new insurance before they cut me off. I'm having trouble finding someone who will insure us. If they cut my insurance, my bank will cancel my mortgage, and I guess that means I'd lose the house. Is this insurance company allowed to drop me in this manner. When we got the insurance two months ago there was nobody living in the house, but it was rental insurance. We never lied or anything, we were completely honest through the whole process.""
What is the positive & negetive aspect of Term insurance?
Why insurance agent do not show interest towards term insurance. Why they insist on ULIP only.
Can i switch car insurance from one car to another?
i have a car with car insurance on it, but i am going to buy another car, and i want to take the car insurance off my old car and put it on my new one. is it possible and if so how do i go about doing it?""
Where can I find inexpensive health Insurance for an individual?
Where can I find inexpensive health Insurance for an individual?
How much is Homeowners Insurance in FL on a $150,000 home?
I'm a first time home buyer and very curious how much cash I'm going to need before closing a house.
Insurance for antique muscle cars?
Im 16 and i want an old 72 chevelle or a 71 nova but i dont know how much insurance would cost?
How much is full coverage insurance for 21yr old?
i have 2005 black chevy cavalier ... i'm 21 yrs old ... i own the car, but i'm under my parents' insurance right now. i hear that when you own your own car & get your own insurance you have to get full coverage insurance....so if i get full coverage, about how much a month would it be? i have had no accidents, no tickets..my record is completely clean. i've had my car since nov.2004 , i'm the 1st/only owner.no co-signers, i bought the car brand new.(if thats even important) also, what insurance companies do you recommend?""
Car Insurance decrease or increase?
I'm purchasing a 2012 Toyota Aygo within the coming weeks but I cannot be quoted on the insurance as the 2012 registration plates have not yet come up on the database of the insurance company I would like to go with. I have had a quote for 'nearly' the exact car but a 2011 version. Does anybody have a rough idea if the insurance is likely to increase or decrease with it being a 2012 model? Thanks :)
Car insurance for 2004 Mustang?
I'm looking at a silver 2004 Mustang with a manual transmission. I'm a 17 year old boy and my insurance is State Farm. About how much will my insurance be? Also, how much will registration and licensing cost?""
Teenage insurance discounts help!?
Is there a difference between the discounts for insurance for someone who has an a average compared to someone who has a b average?
""For insurance, will a total loss raise my future insurance rates more than a repair? Any idea by how much?""
I filed a claim on my motorcycle, I have read you can do some negotiation in terms of if your bike is considered a total loss versus just needing repair -- EG telling them that certain damage is inconsequential towards the vehicle's safety and it's something you don't care about -- like maybe one small scratch on an otherwise fine fairing, or by getting your own estimates from shops to contest their estimates. I was just wondering what the longer term consequences on my insurance rates might be for it being repaired or considered a total loss.""
How much of your pay check would you take out for Health insurance?
this is my first job that offers health benefits. I am new to this and having problems deciding if i need to get it or not. My company is offering both HMO and PPO for about the same price. Both cost around 70 per check, but i only make around 850. That is almost 10%. Should i shop around or should i just go ahead and get it or not have insurance at all. I dont even like going to the doctors but i would like to have health insurance just in case. My deductible for ppo is 500. I dont even know what that means. any advice would be helpful. thank you""
Anyone know the best company to go to for life insurance?
Anyone know the best company to go to for life insurance?
The general car insurance ? is there a catch ?
I feel like there's a catch . No personal info required and its 39 bucks . Is there a catch ? Or just a bad car insurance
Can i drive my parent's car without insurance having my name on the policy?
Can i drive a parent's car without insurance? like they have their car insured and in 17 and i just got my license so can i used their car with their permission? my dad says that i would have to be added to the policy and they would have to pay extra for it..... but i remember my dad letting my uncle and a few other ppl drive the car like not all the time but a few times ? so if they could why cant i?! I LIVE IN CA
Can I get temporary car insurance for 3 to 5 days?
I'm not currenty insured because i go to San Francisco state and dont need a car, im going to florida for thanksgiving and ive got my old car out there, but my parents wont let me drive it unless im insured..""
If you pay your car insurance for the whole year but sell that car with in the year?
ok so if you brought car insurance for a whole year and then sold the car 5 months later can you get the rest of the money back from the insurance for the other 5 months you don't need the insurance.
Why is health care so expensive?
All this talk about health care lately and no one seems to be asking the obvious question - *why* does it cost a ridiculous amount? People blame the insurance carriers, who I think ...show more""
How much does it cost for a 28 year old man for car insurance?
How much does it cost for a 28 year old man for car insurance?
Cheapest car insurance in uk?
Cheapest car insurance in uk?
Vehicle hit while parked will insurance rate go up????
I get a call from my girlfriend that on the way to the train she saw my car was smashed -Bumper , fender , Headlight need to be replaced The car was parked at the time. Gessing this would be considered a hit and run?Wll insurance rates go up if i put in a claim?????""
How much would it honestly cost me for a Kawasaki Ninja 250 '08?
Im 16 getting a permit very soon, working at a summer job and when the summer is over, going to work at a local pet store or grocery store (part time because of school, so ill be getting minimum wage..) By the end of the summer, i will have about 1,300. As you can see, im looking at a ninja '08 but of course thats not set in stone because i am only 16. But I am really dedicated to have the time for it and I am trying to get the money now. My dad said he will probably put me on his insurance, but since it is a motorcycle and I am young, I'm not sure how much the insurance is... Also, I have read 10,000 people say the Ninja 250 is a really good beginner bike, so if anything i would buy a used one. How much would the used bike, insurance, equitment (helmet, etc), and locks for the bike cost in total? Thxx a lot""
Is the acura rsx a cheap car to insure for 16yr old?
Is the acura rsx a cheap car to insure?
Ridiculously high car insurance quotes?
My renewal quote from Admiral was 1,300 and shopping around most were higher. Best I got was just over 700 with Allianz. I own a 2,500 10-year-old Rover 75. Everyone I ask pays about 200 - 300 whether old or newer cars, powerful and sporty or economical family cars. My brother, 2 years younger who has points on his licence and owns a 3L BMW pays about 250. I tried my details with his postcode out of interest on the Allianz site and my quote was 300 more (over 1,000) than with my own postcode. Why is this and how can I get my quotes down?""
I just passed my driving test but the insurance quotes i am getting for 1.0-1.2 engines are around 7000?
Where ever i look on the internet, whatever car i choose which is say around 4-6 years old with 1.0-1.2 engines the insurance quotes are around 7000 - 8000 i entered all my details correctly, i've held my license for a month. I do not understand why this is happening. Help Thanks""
Can I move to nevada and keep California auto insurance for 6 months?
I am considering moving to las vegas area and would like to know how long I can live there and keep my CA drivers license, CA registration, and CA auto insurance.""
How much does your motorcycle's insurance rise when your bike has been stolen?
I'm asking this question for a friend who had some filthy chavs take his bike last weekend. It was a Yamaha XVS125 dragstar, so his insurance would have been quite cheap anyway but I was wondering how much more he will have to pay when he gets a new bike. Ideally if this has happened to you can you tell me ... how much your insurance was before (and if your license had points etc) and how much it was when you got a new bike. Thx""
""Insurance question, 20pts for the best answer?""
Think about your life, home, automobiles and possessions. What type of risks/accidents can happen to each of these? What type of insurance would you recommend to protect against each of these risks.""
What is the likely cost for the car insurance for this individual?
Kept getting different numbers... 19 years male. own an Acura cl 3.0 1999 single drive to school about 4 miles(one way) three days a week clean record.
""If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
How much is Homeowners Insurance in FL on a $150,000 home?
I'm a first time home buyer and very curious how much cash I'm going to need before closing a house.
Answers to life insurance test?
answers to life insurance & applications test
Insurance - length of driving discounts?
So I have been driving for 3 years now (starting a couple days ago). I have allstate car insurance. I am listed as a 4 principal driver licensed 2 years and 6 months, but less than 3 years and I just called to be updated to a 0 principal driver licensed over 3 years . Will I be saving a hefty more on my car insurance? I am currently paying a premium of $776.50 every 6 months. That includes a good student discount. I am still only 19, but I will have been licensed for 3 years. Will this give me a good discount? And how much do you think it will decrease?""
Does a veterinarian get life insuranced?
does a veterinarian get health insurance?
What is the average insurance cost for a 04 lexus rx 330?
What is the average insurance cost for a 04 lexus rx 330?
Car insurance claim but no MOT?
my partner had a crash today and it was totally the other persons fault as my parter was indicating to turn right and some idiot tried to overtake him on the right , hitting his side. the police said not probs its totally the other persons fault and we claim off his insurance not ours but when the police checked the car they discoved the mot ran out a month ago, my partner explained we though we had updated it and they were fine about , prob believed us as we had tax and insurance, they dont worry just tell your insurance about the crash. i know car insurance is not vaild but surely its okay if its only the other person paying out? car in the garage and does not seem to be any probs so far......do you think we will be ok, it really was a genuine over sight""
Is it worth taking a risk of driving without Insurance..?
I'm looking for insurance but it's too expensive.. so i don't drive much. but sometimes i want to make quick local runs like going to the supermarket, picking up a friend etc. is it worth taking this risk without an insurance ??""
Need help with insurance quotes?
Can anyone give me an estimate on insurance for these particular cars. I work during the day so its a little difficult to call around to insurance companies for quotes. I am over 25, clean driving record, will be buying one these cars with cash, lives in florida. Thanks""
Car insurance? Can i move my points?
How long after i cancel my current insurance can i use my no claims bonus on another insurance policy?? Im with gladiator with van insurance but getting rid of the van and getting a car on friday so am wanting to cancel my van insurance tonight and get car insurance friday so will want to be shifting my no claims over... Can i do this?
Dented vehicle? How much more is no deductible auto insurance?
some time ago I dented my car as a result of backing into a pole and I have never gotten it fixed because I cant afford the deductible and I have been with the same insurance company since that time so is it ok to just change to a no deductible insurance policy and than maybe report it and have it fixed-I'm not trying to be dishonest-Im sure I would be just paying the difference for having no deductable monthly. Also, is there even a time limit to report an accident? I dont even know the exact date, but I was with the same insurance company""
Car insurance question?
My fiances insurance is OUTRAGEOUS on a truck he has liability only on ..due to his driving history. He's paying $300 a month (for liability ONLY now) ..my insurance on my car, for full coverage is not even a fraction of that a month, even though my cars value is at least $10,000 more than his. My question is can we put his truck in my name and I'll go to an insurance company and get liability only on and list myself as the only driver. We are expecting a baby and I'm sick of us throwing away that much money a month for CAR INSURANCE! Is this illegal? I mean if I'M the owner and I'VE insured it what can happen if he wrecks or something while driving it and is not listed on my policy? We live in Georgia if that's relevant!""
I need advice on car insurance?
what would be a really really cheap car to insure? i just need liability insurance. i need a car or truck but im worried about how much it will cost to insure. any advice on really cheap insurance on any certain car would be greatly appreciated. if you also know any car insurance providers that offer low rates i would like to know that as well. thank you
How can someone get health care if insurance denies them?
My mom was seeing a psychiatrist and on lots of meds a few years ago. She since lost her job and kaiser and all the insurance companies won't cover her. She's been sick for two weeks and had to go to the emergency room yesterday. She can't afford to get care without insurance and I'm really worried about her, she's throwing up and passing out with a fever and all the emergency room gave her were antibiotics and said it might be a kidney infection. I told her to go to Mexico to find an affordable doctor but she can't even get out of bed. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of taking next semester off and giving her my student loan as a last resort.""
Would my car be an insurance write off?
my automatic gearbox has gone on my car and cost of repair is 4000 supplied and fitted this is more than the cost of the car please help
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
Insurance change? Nissan 350z to Pontiac GTO?
Alright, Well I have a 2005 Nissan 350z 35TH Anniversary edition, And I am going to trade it in on an 05 Pontiac GTO. What would the changes in my insurance be you think?""
""Ok Insurance battle, old and new insurances?""
I had High Mark blue cross blue shield with my mom and i got married to my husband and got tricare. Tricare is saying they wont pay anything when i had another Insurance. If my old insurance wont pay does tricare have too? My old insurance is now gone, also""
Where to buy affordable health insurance?
I was forced to retire at the age of 64. I am not eligible for medicare until Sep of 2011. Looking for health insurane I can buy now
Do all motorcycles have to have insurance? Can it have a legit title/registed but no insurance?
Also, How much do u think it would cost for a 18 year old, with Riders safer course certificate, 600cc sportsbike(kawasaki zzr600), in new york state? would it be cheaper to just get a car?""
Whats the insurance price for an accord?
Whats the insurance price for an accord?
What is the best company for Maternity Health insurance?
I'm not looking to go on medicaid, I don't want to use taxpayers money if I can afford a reasonable individual health insurance plan. I am very early on in pregnancy and would like to know if anyone knows of a good plan with reasonable rates. I would appreciate it if you had details (plan names). We can afford a deductible of around $4000 or less.""
How much will my insurance go up in Georgia?
ok so i recently got a ticket for going 45 in a 25 in georgia i am 19 years old and i am living with my parents and i am on my parents insurance. i am insured on 4 cars full coverage 2005 dodge ram 2010 lexus hs250 a 2005 ford expedition and a 2011 ford mustang v6 this is my first ticket i have ever gotten that has given me points any help would be great thanks
""I have a NJ DUI, How much will my insurance go up?""
I got a dui in NJ, no accident involved, how much will my insurance go up per month, if i pay 168 per month now? I would like some personal examples, etc.""
Did you know 62 percent of American bankruptcies are linked to medical bills. 78% of which had insurance?
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/opinion/30kristof.html?em Found the stat in this article and was shocked. Let me know what your opinion on the stat and article. And as always, please be respectful whether you agree or disagree. Thanks!""
Insurance question?
What is better on insurance if you have a spotless record: 2007 PT Cruiser Touring Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla LE Thanks in advance!
How much do you pay for your car + car insurance?
I pay around $300 for both the car (2001 Hyundai sonata) and the insurance, but me and my husband are having our second child and we know that we need something bigger but cannot find an suv for less than $300, then we still have to pay for insurance. Is anyone out there that pays less than that for a good suv? Thanks for the help""
How much is Homeowners Insurance in FL on a $150,000 home?
I'm a first time home buyer and very curious how much cash I'm going to need before closing a house.
Can you have insurance in two state?
I am a resident of California but moved to Washington for school. I need a car to get around and being the typical college, I'm trying to cut down on expenses. I was wondering if I got a car here in WA could I just add the car into my mom's car insurance policy in CA or would I have to pay for my own car insurance here in WA? Also would it be cheaper and better if I bought a car in CA then just have it shipped to WA? That way it'll have a CA license plate. Please help and let me know. Thank you.""
How much has disability insurance rates increased in the last 5 years? 10 years?
I am 30 years old female trying to decide whether I can afford disability insurance with the noncancelable.
What is an insurance recovery vehicle?
I am looking at buying a car and one dealership offers insurance recovery vehicles for pretty cheap. I think that they they have been recovered after theft but I'm not really sure. Are they like salvaged vehicles and what problems could be found with buying an insurace recovery car? Have you had any experience with buying one? any knowledge would be appreciated.
Car Insurance Payments?
Is the car insurance still in act even if I don't pay for it on the day the payment is due, or does the insurance stop and resume until I pay for it? And, if I don't pay the car insurance on time, will they charge me until I pay them?""
Insurance on a 2004 Infiniti G35 Coupe?
I am 17 and thinking of buying a G35 coupe in September (will be 18) for school. I was wondering how much the insurance would be, this will be my first car and I've never got a speeding ticket before or been in a crash.""
Can you still get bundle insurance with a DWI?
I just like to know if it is possible to get a bundle insurance and the discount with a DWI? My family has a bundle policy for both car and house. Recently, my auto insurance was ...show more""
I need to health insurance but i got laid off work...?
I understand that i need health insurance. Cuz face it, you never know when it's necessary. I've been looking for a job since I got laid off in March. Cobra turned out to be too expensive. What are some low cost health insurances that are good? Since i'm low on cash i dont wanna throw money into a bad insurance company. Are there any programs in California that can assist me? At least until i can find a job.""
How much do you think it would cost for a 20yr old to insure a toyota yaris?
Ok so I have my heart set on owning a Toyota yaris. I want a new ish car, I'm thinking of a 59 plate which would probably cost me around 6700, which I'm willing to spend. However I'm really confused by the insurance. In my head I anticipate that the insurance would cost me anywhere upto 2000 with me only being 20. But I went on a price comparison website and entered my details as accurately as possibly and it quoted me the lowest comprehensive cover price of about 500. I only want a 1.0 litre engine Toyota and I know that its in insurance group 2 or 3, but surely the insurance would be far more than that?! How much do you think it would cost to insure. I passed my test 3years ago and have been on my parents insurance since!""
""Can I buy a car under my name, and put it under my parents insurance policy?""
Ive been looking into purchasing a new vehicle, Im 18 and fresh out of high school and my car is okay, but its just a money pit. I want to put the car under my name to get a better intrest rate, but i cant afford paying expensive insurance policy. So can i purchase the car in my name and put it under my parents insurance policy?""
Do you need insurance for permit in ca?
I am going to get my provisional driver license in california. Do i need to get it before i take the drive test? aM i covered under parents policy? How long do i have to have my insurance before im eligible to get my driver license?
Will I be able to find car insurance for a '68 Ford Mustang?
I am planning on going through AAA. But I'm wondering if they will insure a car that is more than 40 years old? Will it be more or less expensive than it would be to insure a regular car? Has anyone had experience with insurance for a car more than 20-30 years old before??
Should i have to pay for my moms car insurance?
Now i am 18 and just graduated high school and i still live with my mom. She says since i have a drivers license and i live in her house her car insurance goes up and because of it she wants me to pay her like $150 every few weeks or something. Now its her car and i dont see why im having to pay anything i never hear from other people or my friends about their parents car insurance going up and them having to pay anything. So do you guys think i should have to pay for my moms car insurance or is she just making that up to bum money off me cause shes cheap like that and always wants money from me.
I got car insurance and it allows me to drive other peoples cars on my insurance?
if i were to buy another car, 2nd car will i be able to drive that without registering to any insruance company? i wont be selling my 1st car, it will still have the insruance, and the insruance it has allows me to drive other cars, but im not sure if the other cars also need insurance from a company""
Unemployment insurance in california?
Last year I was unemployed. To make a long story short, i took a job and was there for less than 2 weeks. I was forced to pray, and listen to scripture that was muslim. I am very understanding in all religions, but do not practice myself. I was very uncomfortable and left. EDD decided that i left without cause and that i did not deserve insurance. they made me pay back what they paid me and 30% more. I did so even though I didn't agree. Now that I am laid off again, I filled out a claim and got a response saying that I was eligible, and they gave me the forms to fill out for the first two weeks, the standard claim forn. I filled it out, and now got back letters saying that i am not eligible for benefits until i have filed a claim for each of the 5 weeks in which i am otherwise eligible for benefits. I haven't received new claim forms. I am assuming that I will get these, and I will fill them out for 5 weeks, and then they will pay me? So I am looking for clarification, after claiming 5 weeks they will give me my benefits? Thanks for your help, to anyone that has gone through this. It is so unfair! I paid them so much, for something I felt I was justified doing, and now I am still being punished! I would rather be working and not have to worry about this, but it is so hard to find a job :( not a great holiday.""
Motorbike Insurance 600cc ~ 1000cc?
Iam 24 years old ( will do the bike test later this year ) I would just like a rough figure on what would it cost the insurance for these bikes. CB 600 hornet HONDA CBR 1000 KAWASAKI Z1000 KAWASAKI ER 650 YAMAHA R1 YAMAHA R6 Iam asking because iam abroad and i cant do the quotes else i would not loose time asking If someone could be kind enough to help out just with a near figure iwould gladly apreciate the help.
""How much does American spend on average on car monthy payments, insurance, gas, and maintenance each year?""
How much does American spend on average on car monthy payments, insurance, gas, and maintenance each year?""
Would it be the cheapest sports car?
I saw the 4 cheapes sports cars for insurance a mazda mx 5 and a pontiac solstice would they be the cheapest sports car for insurance for a 16 year old or what sports car would be the cheapest to insure for a teen I know for a teen with a sports car would not be cheap we have the money but what sports car would be the cheapes for a teen
Insurance costs for new driver in canada?
I just got my g2 and im wondering how much will insurance be for a new male driver on their own vehicle, with no collision coverage? I know it varies!!! So just give me like a general answer... BY THE WAY I UNDERSTAND THERES WEBSITES THAT WILL GIVE YOU A QUOTE! I TRIED THESE AND THEY DONT WORK! SO DONT BOTHER TELLING ME TO LOOK AT A WEBSITE LIKE THAT!! theres still going to be a wise guy who does thou...""
What good is affordable health care when more...?
people are out of work then there are people without health insurance?
Good/Cheap Secondary Health Insurance in Texas?
My grandmother is 65 but my grandfather is only 63 so he's not considered a S.C. yet ... what is good affordable secondary health insurance for them? They currently only have Medicare
How much does your health insurance cost per month?
I'm not trying to be nosy. Ax on another question stated his is $60 a month. Mine is a little over $100 a week. Does that seem high?
Uninsured Motorcycle Driver Question?
Recently a friend of mine wanted to purchase a motorcycle that he found a super great deal on. Because his credit is very average he asked me to purchase the cycle and he would make me payments plus interest. I agreed and took out a loan for the bike. However a few weeks later he decided it would be ok to take the bike out for a spin UNINSURED. He had a run in with several trick or treaters and their parents. Since it was an unlit road, they were in the middle, and he was going under the speed limit. The cops ruled it not his fault. However now two insurance companies are coming after me to subrogate the liabilities. Since he was the driver but I am the owner. What are my rights? Can they still blame him? Am I liable?""
What are some cheap health insurance plans for a college student?
Hello, I live in Texas and I am in my first semester in community college. They do not offer insurance at my school. I do work part time, but I do not plan on staying at this job for long. I don't want to get on my parents insurance, because I simply don't want them to know any of my personal business. Any advice? I am 22 by the way. Any answers are appreciated. Thank you!""
""How cheap can car insurance go, and how long does it take to reach it's cheapest, how much do you pay?""
How cheap can car insurance go, and how long does it take to reach it's cheapest, how much do you pay?""
What do I need to add to my auto insurance policy to be considered full coverage.?
I have a car with Calif min. pl and pd. If I were to add a new car what additional coverage and how much would be considered full coverage and satisfy the finance company?
How much is Homeowners Insurance in FL on a $150,000 home?
I'm a first time home buyer and very curious how much cash I'm going to need before closing a house.
0 notes
kingmindint · 6 years
Azteco: The easiest way to buy Bitcoin
Azteco: The easiest way to buy Bitcoin
The image featured above is a mural from the beginning of the film Idiocracy.
The image sums up the difference between the Azteco/Ethical Bitcoin world and the computer illiterate world of KYC/AML: the “Idiocracy World”. Our world on the other hand is a future of monorails, prosperity and fantastic technology. The KYC/AML future is Brawndo.
Akin Fernandez AKA “Beautyon”
Crypto Insider once again welcomes Akin Fernandez (also known as Beautyon). This time we discuss his current project that is aiming to feed hyperbitcoinization – Azteco and all things related to it, including the concept of “Ethical Bitcoin” and the relationship between State and Bitcoin. Our previous conversation with Akin was on net neutrality and can be read here.
* * *
For the readers, can you sum up how Azteco works?
You go to your local supermarket phone or corner store, and buy an Azteco Voucher, in the same way that you buy a “Top Up” voucher for your “Pay as You Go” mobile phone. You put the 16 digit voucher number on the voucher into the Azteco website, along with the address you want the Bitcoin sent to, and then seconds later, the Bitcoin arrives. Everyone who tries Azteco gasps when they realise how simple it is, and they ask, “Why can’t everything be as simple as this?”. Every time we hear this, we know we’re on the right path.
This delivery model is correct, and Azteco services a billion dollar addressable market. Around 70% of phone customers in Western Europe and China use prepaid SIMs with the figure rising to over 90% for customers in India and Africa. 23% of cellphone users in the United States were using prepaid service as of 2011, a share that’s expected to rise to 29% by 2016. Each one of these 350 million users is a natural Azteco user;  they do not have bank accounts or credit cards, are used to mobile top ups by voucher or refill card, and all of them use remittance services to send and receive money. They will have no problem understanding Azteco, and we will serve them all, opening the world of Bitcoin powered e-commerce to them. All they need is Samourai Wallet to send the Bitcoin to and they are instantly onboarded.
How would you sell someone on the voucher concept over, say, an ATM/p2p transfer approach?
We know this model is superior to the ATM model for several reasons. First, from the vendor perspective, we don’t have to manufacture ATMs and deliver them. We can set up new vendors in minutes, anywhere on Earth, and the vendors can use existing POS systems to issue our vouchers. Furthermore, if our vendors have multiple outlets, they can use our Sub Vendor system to turn each of their stores into outlets at zero extra cost.
If a vendor with ten stores wants to sell Bitcoin with ATMs he has to buy 10 ATMS. With Azteco, he doesn’t even have to buy one, and can sell Bitcoin through all of them. Azteco vouchers can redeem to any Bitcoin address, and you don’t have to physically appear in front of a machine to buy a voucher. All of the advantages and ease of use with Pay As You Go Top Ups transfer 1:1 with Azteco.
We are the easiest, most frictionless of all Bitcoin services. Compared to LocalBitcoins, that has very large volumes, Azteco is very easy, and has a consistent UX. We will easily be able to match Local Bitcoin’s volume, and create a high level of brand loyalty. Very soon, micropayments are going to be  widespread with Lightning, The vast majority of Bitcoin users will be buying small amounts of “Disposable Bitcoin” for day to day use in services on line, in the same way that they top up phones as and when needed.
I understand you’re London-based. Have you faced any challenges from UK financial authorities regarding the transmission of Bitcoin?
Britain has many Bitcoin companies operating in it, including Blockchain.info. It is a country full of expertise and great connectivity. We don’t treat Bitcoin as money, but instead, correctly treat it like a phone top-up. We don’t have custodial accounts and so we are not subject to the rules required for custodial businesses. It is very important to characterise Bitcoin correctly. When you make a Bitcoin transaction, you don’t transmit anything; you make a digital signature on the Bitcoin database, that is verified by others who check that the signature is valid. This is in no way similar to transmission of anything, and Bitcoin is not money, it is a database. Thankfully the understanding of this is spreading, and we’re finding we don’t have to do as much explaining as we used to.
Everyone should try to use the correct terms when attempting to describe how Bitcoin works, and avoid analogies, because it’s poor analogies that spread confusion. There is no such thing as “transmission of Bitcoin”, and companies that use Bitcoin are not “Money Transmitters”. Most importantly, Bitcoin is not money (even two judges in the USA have determined this in separate jurisdictions), and it isn’t ever transmitted. As I’ve said several times, the country that accepts the reality of Bitcoin will be set to make a fortune and secure the prize of being the centre of global Bitcoin development and entrepreneurialism  —  the alternative is to signal that Britain doesn’t want anything to do with the most significant innovation since the internet headquartered in London.
Complaining that all tech companies are in Silicon Valley is meaningless. Britain has the chance to capture Bitcoin and secure it’s global leadership position for decades, or they can cede this to another country. It is entirely up to them. Either way, Bitcoin is going to happen and totally dominate, and somewhere is going to be the centre where all the brains and money — and revenues — are concentrated.
Are you able to comment on a roadmap?
I can say that once we start rolling out, our spread will be solid and constant. Our outlets will spread quickly, as each vendor can open sub vendors. We’re very excited because we will not only sell a lot of Bitcoin, but in doing so, we will help change and correct the perception of Bitcoin. This is very important, because a correct perception will accelerate Bitcoin’s spread.
You’re well-known on Twitter for somewhat anti-statist views. Can you see Azteco rolling out without too much interference from governmental bodies?
I am anti-illogic. It is not logical to claim that Bitcoin is money and should be subject to new laws or the existing laws to do with money, but the in game monies used for decades are not. Bitcoin is identical to the FarmBucks in FarmVille, and all the arguments people mount to claim that it is different are all prosaic, in the form of run on sentences, and avoid any mention of the actual truth, which is Bitcoin is a database containing text.
You can’t claim to be running a free country where you have guaranteed rights, but then say that publishing random numbers on databases requires special permission. This is part of what makes Bitcoin so fascinating; it manages to insert its utility into the protected space reserved for speech, where it cannot be touched without completely invalidating the rights guaranteed in all properly run countries.
Now, if you are unfortunate enough to live in an improperly run country where you have no legal protection of your inalienable rights, then the State can literally “ban” anything; there is no pretence of rights or the rule of law. However in countries where there is a pretence of the rule of law, they can’t make an exception for Bitcoin where your rights are suspended. Certainly in the USA (and the process that leads inexorably to this conclusion has already started) the Supreme Court will rule on this matter, and there is no way the Court can find that Bitcoin is money and maintain that the Constitution is in force as intended; the two are mutually exclusive.
Early in Bitcoin’s history, a small group of misguided people insisted that Bitcoin needed “legitimacy” (one of several things they claimed it needed; adoption, legitimacy, liquidity and other things). In order to confer this illusory “legitimacy” to Bitcoin, some very foolish people in the USA mistakenly believed that registering with FinCEN would confer legitimacy to their start-up, which no longer exists, despite having 11,000 outlets (another example of why outlet counts are meaningless).
I argued then that this was a huge mistake, and that Bitcoin was not money at all, and that they should concentrate on offering a good service, rather than trying to signal to people that they were virtuous. Had these naïve people acted properly, Bitcoin (in New York) would not have suffered the BitLicense or the catastrophic misdirection of perception that has caused many people problems. We now know that this position is 100% correct; look at how the Token industry has gone out of its way to characterise what it sells as nothing to do with money or securities. They are very careful not to conflate what they do with financial services, and not a single Token has registered with the SEC. They now understand that registration does not confer legitimacy, and is the kiss of death.
It is the experience of BitLicense that educated everyone not to run to the State for legitimacy, but instead provide a service people want. This is not to say that services (especially Etherium Tokens) will all succeed  —  what is important is the principle. The SEC will never guarantee or reimburse any token holder if the project fails to deliver, and so their involvement is literally worthless. They don’t have the technical expertise to validate any software project and so they can’t even verify claims that are directly provable in the source code (where it even exists). The state slows down the rate of iteration; we now know that  The Token Frenzy was just that; a frenzy where most of the offerings were and are junk.
These experiments will not be run again, because the market has been immunized against them. The cost of discovering all of this is far less than it would have been had the SEC slowed down the process of launching and experimenting, and charging millions per token project in registration “TokenLicenses” and other worthless nonsense.
Azteco and other correctly designed businesses on the other hand, are very simple and do only one thing. We don’t promise returns, hold anyone’s Bitcoins, or do anything related to investment or banking. We simply write to the public database in return for a fee. It is exactly the same as mobile phone companies selling access to the GSM phone network, where you can push voice or text data to any other number on the network. The Pay As You Go GSM vouchers you buy from mobile operators are not usable outside of the mobile operators network GSM network; exactly as Azteco vouchers are not usable outside of our service, and Bitcoin is not usable anywhere but inside Bitcoin. Once you start thinking about Bitcoin in the correct way, and with precision, everything becomes clear, and the business models, obvious. Now with Lightning on the way, our model will become even more obvious.
Finally, everyone is going berserk about how much information Facebook and Google stores on it’s users; it is pure Doublethink for anyone to ask (quite wrongly and irrationally) for KYC/AML in Bitcoin, but rail against Facebook and Google for storing personal information. Anyone who is for KYC/AML whilst simultaneously complaining that Facebook and Google “know too much” is very irrational; they are asking for information to be stored and for information to not be stored in services that serve only data.
Think about it. Bitcoin micropayments are now here. People will be paying for every conceivable small purchase from single articles in newspapers to cans of CocaCola to bus tickets. There is no way that the anti Facebook/Google brigade would want that intimate shopping and reading information to be known and stored by anyone, therefore, they should be for Ethical Bitcoin, that prevents exactly that correlation and data mining of individuals through analysis of the block chain and who controls what addresses. The illogic of the hysterical anti-Bitcoin misdefiners, is easy to tear down, and in the long run we will win this argument because they have no rational, logical answers.
What are your favourite projects in Bitcoin?
Samourai Wallet
Bitcoin Core
Lightning (and associated projects)
Blockstream Satellite
The Elements Project
BitID ← (super interesting)
and others…
All of these projects (and some I did not mention) are all classifiable as “Ethical Bitcoin”. They all approach Bitcoin correctly, make the correct assumptions, don’t abuse their users and are beneficial. A voluntary association modelled on Underwriter’s Laboratory will be very useful going forward as a standard bearer and resource for people working in Bitcoin or using it, encouraging best practices and other good things that benefit everyone.
As successful companies coalesce on best practices, the market will be seen to be orderly, protective of consumers and non threatening; Bitcoin is not a threat; it is an unprecedented opportunity to help billions of people and solve many problems, simplifying processes, eliminating payer fraud, facilitating the inclusion of billions of people, all of which will have cumulative effects that we can scarcely imagine. Thanks to one publicly shared database that can fit on a desk. Astonishing!
La entrada Azteco: The easiest way to buy Bitcoin aparece primero en Crypto Insider.
The post Azteco: The easiest way to buy Bitcoin appeared first on Bitcoin Geek.
via Kingmind Azteco: The easiest way to buy Bitcoin
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proudsmartass-blog1 · 7 years
I’m a Fraud, Trust Me!
I receive pretty regular messages from people on all platforms of social media that I can be found on (and some that I’ve either forgotten about or swear I signed up for in an Ambien Walrus-stupor), asking me how I can still find humor in everything with losing both parents, how do I cope with the grief, how do I cope with body dysmorphic disorder, have I beaten it? Etc. 
I’ve nothing to hide, and I don’t mind answering and sharing. I reach out randomly to others as well if I respect and admire the stuff that they’re saying. Sometimes they answer, sometimes they don’t and I’m convinced they think I’m a psychopath and I want to curl up in a corner and hide from the embarrassment that is Sam (when in reality they probably just didn’t know how to answer, didn’t have the time, perhaps just felt a bit put off by speaking with someone they don’t know personally...virtually anything but what’s running through my head most likely!).
So, first off...when I receive these messages, I feel the need to stress that I’ve not figured anything out! I feel like a fraud, giving out advice, because I don’t know whether I’m coming or going half of the time.  I know enough to know that I know NOTHING.
On Having Lost Both Parents
I’m still not healed from this, and I don’t know if there is such a thing as ��healing” from it.  I walk around feeling quite lost and displaced, and feel like my life has lost its place for me.  I often feel this sense of homesickness that I can’t describe; that I want to go home, but I’ve no home to go to anymore.  I have no idea what direction I’m supposed to take in my life.  I still go to call my mother, at times, and she’s been gone for a year now.  I lost my father when I was a teenager, and never really had the chance to know him. I feel that parts of my personality now may have come from him, so that might be a way of knowing him in a sense.
I question everything that I do, every decision I make, and it absolutely sucks to not have anyone to check in with when I really need to talk about something. I have amazing friends that I’m thankful for and do not take for granted, but it’s just not the same.  I miss talking about my day. I miss being someone’s daughter.   
I haven’t been able to sleep since my mother’s death, and have horribly vivid nightmares when I do sleep.  I’ve started randomly flashing back to small snippets of memories in the hospital via smells, items, sounds that I’d forgotten...really bizarre things that have no significance.  A few friends have suggested that I may have PTSD.  They’re probably right. 
Something that no one prepared me for...when people offered to be there for me when I needed them, they didn’t know that they didn’t really mean it. They didn’t know that they were not capable of holding up to that promise.  This is not to say that their offer did not come from the heart, but I now understand how completely frightening my reality can be for someone who hasn’t gone through this yet.  Seeing my pain and what I’m experiencing is a horrifying reminder that it can happen to them, and they’d start to cry at the thought of losing their loved ones.  They hadn’t even lost their loved ones, but I, who HAD lost my parents, ended up comforting THEM, who were able to go home and hug their loved ones and have dinner with them, etc.  So I learned to just say “I’m fine,” whenever asked if I need to talk.  I could be having THE worst day ever...”Sure, I’m fine.”
On Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Where do I even begin? Sigh....
I don’t know how this even came to be.  I just remember always having it.  There was always something not right about what I saw in the mirror and in photos. I looked deformed.  My body was a strange shape. I was overweight (I wasn’t at that time).  My eyes and nose looked like they were not formed correctly. My reflection looked like I was gazing into a fun house mirror.  I often self-harmed to try and cut the ugliness out of myself, or to achieve the feeling of having a good cry when I was too numb to actually produce tears. 
Then I started gaining weight, and it didn’t make sense. I exercised, dieted, took diet pills, starved myself, made myself throw up after eating. I look back at photos of myself now and see there was absolutely nothing wrong with me! But the weight gain was due to a dysfunctional thyroid (hypothyroidism, which I call hippo-thyroidism because :/ ), which I still deal with. The medication I take for it, which brings my TSH levels down to where they’re supposed to be, ironically contributes to the weight gain, so I don’t take it regularly as I’m supposed to.  It’s kind of a cruel joke, actually.  If you look at me, you’d never think that I haven’t eaten in two days :/ I still struggle with my weight, and will always look like I could stand to lose 10-15lbs, no matter how I work out or how unforgivably mean I can be to myself when it comes to food/eating/restriction/purging. 
I was diagnosed with BDD in my very early teens, but gave up on psychology after three therapists didn’t make a dent. I toy with the idea of trying again, but I’m skeptical.  Plus, my copayments per session are not cheap.  And I’m not down with psyche meds for myself, personally.  I saw them destroy my mother’s body and I just feel they’re not worth it (again, for myself...I’ve seen them change lives for others, and I think that’s amazing!)
Here’s where it gets weird, though.  I spent my entire life up to last year battling the grotesque monster I saw in my reflection, trying to get a handle on myself and my anxiety over eating and gaining weight.  I actually was doing really well. I was going to the gym regularly, eating pretty healthy, not drinking, doing well with not eating junk food, and I could actually stand looking at myself in the mirror and having my photo taken.  I lost my mother, and with her unexpected death I felt like I’d unexpectedly died as well.  Nothing was recognizable anymore. I couldn’t process thoughts or emotions and just binged on booze for a month. I couldn’t eat food. I felt like I had lost all fight for my life. The only thing that was familiar was the monster in the mirror. Suddenly, it wasn’t the enemy anymore. I sort of felt like I just let it become me, like the two became one, and let it live for me until I was ready to slip back into my life once more...and I’ve been living that way since (which I realise is by no means healthy). 
As of right now, I cannot look in the mirror.  The reflection frightens me. I don’t recognise her. I hate her sometimes because I feel like she is a lie. And this isn’t even focusing on the flaws!  I REFUSE to be in photos.  I see myself as 50+lbs heavier than I actually am.  I have anxiety attacks when it comes to eating and go up to three days without food sometimes.  I’ll eat when I feel shooting pains in my gut (but then I’ll have ‘fuck it!’ days and enjoy two healthy meals, which is huge for me).  I make a point of not looking into full-length mirrors. They’re not worth the anxiety attacks. 
The best part? Next to no one knows that I suffer from this. I only bring it up if someone repeatedly offers me food and it becomes obvious that I keep declining. I’d rather be someone with food baggage than a dick to someone I care about!
On Dealing with This Clusterfuckerry
1. I do make a point of trying to laugh at myself/my circumstances as often as I can manage.  If I can find the humour in my circumstances and myself, I feel like I’m taking the power back. That perhaps it’s not so big and bad and  horrific, after all (bullsh!t...yes it is, but this little mind game that I play with myself works from time to time).  Also, I make jokes at myself before anyone else gets the chance to.  I’m taking that opportunity away from others, and showing that they have nothing on me/no power over me (a self-deprecating defense mechanism, of sorts).  As Carrie Fisher said, “If my life wasn’t funny, then it would just be true. And that is unacceptable!”
2. Friends (the people, not the TV show...although the TV show is pretty cool, too!)  With the exception of making them cry and having to comfort them when I talk about coping with being lost and not having parents, I have some pretty bomb-@ss people in my life. They’ve kept me rooted in reality, let me be an annoying emo wreck when I need to and love me anyway, indulged me in beautifully soulful conversations (sometimes at ungodly hours, without murdering me...thanks guys! :),  and reciprocate my snark in impressive fashion. I was dreading my birthday this week, but they went above and beyond to make sure I smiled and even nailed it with gifts that I said I didn’t want (a Sad Ghost Club ‘Still Sad’ hat (excellent website with cute stuff, by the way!), cologne and perfume for each of my moods/sides, and enough drinking chocolate for the year).   If I didn’t have them checking in on me regularly, I might not be here typing this right now. Seriously, they help me more than they’ll ever know!
3. I think it’s natural to compare ourselves to others, but I’m making an active effort to do this less. I’ll never be a ‘typical’ woman (see Gender post, if you haven’t reached “STFU, Sam!” level yet), I’ll never be the tall skinny-minnie type that I wish I could be.  And I think I’d be bored, quite honestly, if I were.  Deep down, I think(?) I like myself. 
I also make an active effort to compliment at least three random strangers daily.  People can be skeptical or sleazy, unfortunately (New York, what a town!), but for the most part the compliments are received well.  If I can make someone feel good about themselves, even for just a moment, I feel happy.  They feel happy.  We all win. 
So there it is...way too much info about me, how I deal with this nonsense, etc.  Whenever I get a “how do you deal...” message, I’ll direct people to this post!
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