#I’m so fucking normal
juno-platoono · 2 months
I thought fellow Dimension 20/ Fantasy High Junior Year enjoyers would get a kick out of my unironic conspiracy board. This has legit led to some connections I wouldn’t have made otherwise. (Also pls ignore the shitty drawings I did on my wall when I was 12 I did my best to cover the more distracting ones up)(edit this is pre today’s episode btw)
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cenri-monpi · 9 months
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Holy fuck this is a cry for help
[ Edit: guys I make other posts- ]
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Told you~~
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i’m so normal about this
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unusual-raccoon · 6 months
New Vermax Concept Art
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I’m going to scream, they got his smile - I REPEAT THEY GOT HIS SMILE.
The full Reddit link is here
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Manatee Encounter
X and Marty have lovely time in their date :)
For X and Marty, an underwater date is the ideal kind of date. Privacy is just needed, as they aren't ready to make their relationship public yet. A high-ranking Maverick Hunter dating the Pirate Queen? Asmov would be a mess to deal with, which they eventually have to deal with in the future. But for now, it's just to spend time in each other's company.
Another reason for the date being underwater is not only to admire the sea's beauty but also for X to brush up on his swimming lessons. X’s swimming ability is often questionable at best; he can’t even doggy paddle to save his blue tush. He splashes around helplessly in the water; it’s embarrassing to witness. Combined with how he moves around underwater, it’s a miracle that he survived his battles against marine-based mavericks. So Marty took it upon herself to teach her blue dummy how to properly maneuver around the water. But since then, X’s swimming ability has improved, but he has a long way to go.
But it was break time, and X was hanging onto Marty. Traversing the ocean floor with ease, it became a fun dating activity for the two of them. Especially that he clings to her shoulder while she swims in mermaid mode.
His face was closer to hers. Tenderly rubbing his face with hers, he added a sweet peck to her cheek. His arm wrapped around her shoulder in an affectionate manner. Marty lets out a satisfied hum, enjoying the blue hunter’s affection.
“Ay, Bluey is already getting so lovey-dovey? So cute, I could have just easily chewed that adorable face of yours right now~” purred, returning the affections by nibbling his face in a playful manner. Holding his hands with her own and facing him with that gentle smile.
“Can’t you blame me? I love you with my entire soul, and being with you helps my heart feel at ease. Your heart is the bright light of my soul, taking me away from all my doubts. Reminding me that life isn’t just surrounded by endless battles, finding adventure, and finding joy in things I didn’t think about before! Learning how to properly swim, viewing the world from a different perspective, and learning how to do proper CPR without accidentally shattering a human's chest,” said that last part sheepishly
It did help X understand how ridiculously fragile humans truly are.
Marty increasingly flustered the kind words that were spoken. Unlike others, X’s words have such tenderness that they overwhelm a soul.
Everyone always saw her from the surface as a crass, fearsome pirate queen, showing her real heart to anyone not to be seen as helpless and weak. Only very few are allowed to see her; among her most vulnerable are individuals who are extremely important to her. That includes the Neo Blue Bomber himself, who’s basically the most precious treasure of her life.
She turned around, showing off her signature fanged smile.
“Gosh…you…fucking blueberry, always on that mushy shit. I can’t really say much with words alone, but you're also extremely important to me. My sweetest Azure, what am I going to do without you?” she chucked
Pulling the blue hunter into her arms, tenderly embracing him, as for X to return the hug full-heartedly. Enjoying the warmth that their hearts can provide.
Was it dumb to hug on the seafloor? Pretty much, but are they enjoying it? Fuck yeah, it was.
X raised his head before catching a glimpse of an unusual sight that caught the hunter’s attention; behind Marty was a particular sight of sea creatures that he had never seen before. These tuskless walruses have a strange shape, resembling blimps. However, they seem to be focusing on eating the seagrass like cows on a field.
"Marty? What is that? Never seen this animal eating plant life underwater before," he asked, staring at the creature before him.
While X's knowledge of sea creatures is just the basics,. Most of the time, he just spends his duties and daily life on the surface, only going underwater on specific missions. It's unfortunate he never got the proper time to admire the seas, only in brief moments of peace.
He stared at the creatures with fascination, admiring their particular plumpness.
Marty glances at X before looking at him with a puzzled expression. Looking in the direction that he was looking, her expression changed from confusion to delight. She is smiling wildly at the sight that is in front of her.
"Oh! Well, look at that! It's a group of manatees! Or, well, an aggregation is what is called! I haven't seen them in a while! Perfectly harmless herbivores, I still can’t believe these adorable bastards are still in the wild. Oh, this is great!!" she exclaimed
"Oh, so that’s a manatee interesting; you say they are herbivores? But also, is a group of them all an aggregation? For a second, they resemble walruses; I assume they are related in some capacity. Because of how they look'' glancing again at the aggregation.
Marty smirked at that comment on how naive her sweet, dear blue can be.
"Mmm, nope, it's quite common for some folks to mistake that manatees are related to walruses, but the funny thing is that they aren't related, but rather related to elephants!"
"Of course, ya silly blueberry! Elephants and manatees, along with other hoofed animals from that ancient animal line called...fuck whatcha called again, shit-gotcha! Ungulate, yeah, that!” Her tail twitched from excitement upon seeing the group of sea blimp
“If you pay attention to their faces, they share a similar prehensile upper lip to get food. Behind those adorable lips are horn-like ridged pads that help break down their food into smaller pieces. They don't exactly have necks, so they mostly look front and back most of the time. So they have to put a shitload of effort into moving their whole body so it can just turn around. They also have these pectoral flippers that are actually pretty flexible despite being joined; they mostly help them to crawl, steer around, and put food in their mouth. Also, did you know?" She babbled on
Marty continued to explain more about the creature itself, surprisingly having such deep knowledge of it, leaving the azure hunter stunned. He never knew Marty had so much knowledge about sea life, and yet he can't stop being amazed by it. Absorbing the information intently and hearing her gush about sea life in such depth, it never ceases to amaze him. It’s hard to forget that she's a pirate.
“Gosh, you know so much about these guys, don’t you? It’s incredible to have this knowledge of marine life itself; I'm almost jealous, you know.”
She froze, letting out a surprised squeak, then turning crimson from the compliment.
“H-hey! I told you a while back that I used to be a rescue type, specifically from a marine preserve in the Pacific sector. My job is to help out at the preserve and do rescue work. It’s kind of mandatory for the reploid folk that work there to have knowledge of marine life and the ocean’s ecosystems. Not like 100%, but more like the important parts that are required to be learned. I was so curious about marine life that I spent more hours gathering information than I was supposed to. It made me admire the sea even more, and it motivates me even more to protect it! Ya know—fuck said to much, didn’t I?” Turning away from him, she covered her face with embarrassment.
X chuckled, smiling in his beloved’s flustered state.
“Oh Marty, what am I going to do with you? My sweet mer-“.
“Ah! What in the world?” X turned around, feeling the light bump before his back. Before he could react, he froze in sight and was responsible for that.
He’s now facing a manatee, who’s just very curious about the blue hunter, still investigating this strange metal thing before it.
Then the group of manatees followed the curious one’s lead. Departing from the sea grass that they were originally consuming, then surrounding X, staring at him with their beady eyes.
Marty couldn’t believe what she was witnessing before her eyes. But at the same time lovingly grins the sight.
"Well, I’ll be damned! It looks like you caught their attention there; it looks like they thought that you were one of them, knowing how sweet you are.” She teases.
Understandably, in an era where wildlife habitats have been destroyed by the hands of humanity and the wars,. That’s why the preserves were created in the first place: to help the wildlife either be reintroduced to their remaining habitats or preserve their species to prevent their extinction. These creatures don’t really approach humans and reploids that often.
X being able to attract these animals makes sense to her. After all, his pure heart is what draws them to him in the first place.
It just felt right.
Meanwhile, the poor hunter stood still, not knowing how or exactly what to do. Being caught off guard by the animal that is still inspecting him. Turning towards Marty, hoping that she can aid him in this predicament.
“Ummmm Mar-Mar!? What should I do? Should I step away? I don’t want to hurt them.”
Marty snorted, then turned into laughter, the legendary X being nervous, not wanting to harm the innocent creature by accident.
“Don’t worry, Bluebell, just stay calm as long as you don’t harm them. Just stay calm As long as you don't spook them, you're fine.” Marty said reassuringly
X nodded as he then looked at the manatee that was still inspecting him, poking him with their muzzle. Nervousness soon was replaced with wonder; he had never been close to an animal like this. Closing his eyes, he gently petted the animal’s head, gently rubbing it.
“Amazing…They have this leathery feeling, and yet it's rough; it feels like I'm touching an old rug from an antique store.” mumbled, still in awe of the texture of their skin
The manatee is leaning toward more of the hunter’s hand, enjoying the rubs that he's giving. Moving around allows the hunter to feel its whole back. Now seeing their kin allowing the blue bomber to rub and scratch its back, they soon began to get close to him, wanting the attention and rubs.
“H-hey! One at a time, please! hahahahahah! Wait no, that tickles!”
Being ambushed by their adorable mobbing of him, there is no escape from them. Yet despite being mobbed by them, he's enjoying it very much, unable to escape from their attack. He tried to give the aggregation as much attention as he could, but it's not enough.
Their cuteness was too much help!
“It looks like they're surrounded there; you're not going to have all of this love for yourself. Here, let me show you how it’s done there, Bluey.”
In his relief, Marty finally stepped in or well swam in, relieving some of the load of sea blubbers that were overwhelming him. Her hands started to lovingly scratch the backs of two of the manatees; the blimps were rolling, loving her scratches.
“Ay, such cuties look like you guys want nothing more than getting some love!” She giggled, gently patting the manatees.
X beamed with love at the sight of his dearly beloved rescuing him from this predicament, but also showed the same amount of gentleness toward the creatures. He’s now sitting on a rock, rubbing the manatee that is on his lap.
“Thanks, Mar. For a moment, I thought I was going to be a goner.”
“You're welcome, ya big sap. Once again, saving your blue tush as always. I can't have you nearly got defeated by manatees. You're my precious treasure; you can’t have anything bad happen to you!”
“I know; i'm pretty sure that if something were happen to me, Zero would of turned you into sushi,” he joked
She lets out an overly dramatic gasp “How rude! Tell such a comment to your savior!”
Both of them stared at each other for a second before letting out a heartfelt laugh echoing through the seafloor, with the manatees not caring much about being focused on the pets that they were receiving.
An hour passed, and aggregation parted ways with the couple satisfied with the pets and the attention that was received, swimming and seeking to go somewhere else to rest. Leaving the couple alone, laying on the sand, cuddling together, and smiling together.
Marty sighed dreamily, looking at her Sweet Blue
"Well, that was fun, eh, Bluey? You got the chance to interact with sea life this closely in the wild like that.” She chucked, booping his nose “I still can't believe you were almost piled on by them.”
“Yeah, it was almost embarrassing. But I had a good time; interacting with such majestic sea creatures and learning from them was an experience that I'll never forget.” He murmured, lightly drawing small circles on her back
“You say that to every date, we went, but this one was pretty fun. I have to admit it, but being with you is the best part.” She embraced him even closer
They wanted this moment to last an eternity, enjoying this quiet yet soft moment together. Especially for X, this peace is too precious to be lost—a precious peace that he swore to protect. Soon gentle emeralds meet fearsome amethysts, their faces closer then…
“My Azure Light...”
“My Beautiful Que-”
"Oh, what now?! I'm on a day off!” exasperated
He picks up the transmission call from Zero. This better be important.
“Zero, What’s wrong? Are you serious?! I told you, yes! I'm with Marty. I told you last week where I'm going... Alright, I’ll head out and see you there.” X hanging up
“Judging from that, we gotta cut this short then; shame the crimson bastard sure knows how to ruin a good moment.”
X sighed
“It looks like they need backup for a mission coming up. They gotta get ready. Im sorry, Mar” remorseful for the interruption of their date
“Hey! Don't apologize, Bluey! I need to get back to the ship anyway; I don't want Gale Albatross and Vice Captain on my ass again after the last time.” Grimacing the time that she was chewed out by her closest friends from that one time she took a long time to return without letting them know about the complication.
But at the same time giving X a mischievous look
“But also, ya might want to get cleaned up after all; you don't want to repeat the ‘Throwing up a starfish on my best friend incident’ after that extreme swimming lesson.”
“Ah! How did you-“
“Of course, but before we go, there's something I want to finish.”
“That is..?”
Pulling her in, he kisses her under the beauty of the sea. Marty was at first caught off guard, then went deep into it, closing her eyes and enjoying this moment. Their helms gently touch under the tender kiss.
“I love you.”
“I know…”
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fagtainsparklez · 5 months
boy who is being so so normal right now
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lunadreamscaper · 29 days
Pointless ramble post:
Why do I hate calling my interpretation and series of events of P.I.E./VenturianTale an “au.”
Jk I know why it’s because I want it to be canon but like everyone wants their version to be canon so can you blame me BAHSHDK/lh/silly
I’m glad there are different interpretations of VenturianTale and it’s characters though or else it’d be boring. Talking about headcanons and theories are fun.
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kolibrispacestation · 1 month
i’m tempted to change my pfp to Anime Ronald Reagan again
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airshipvalentine · 10 months
she’s charming. she’s oblivious. she has an average throughput of 1 per two hops. she’s a canary. she dives into coal mines for fun. she’s so fucking dumb. she lies about her past for kicks. she ditched her research job. she changed her name to fit with her friends. i didn’t say her name, but she popped into your mind, right?
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snail-shell2335 · 1 year
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i’m thinking. .. ,,,,,
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schrodingers-fag · 9 months
I can regulate my emotions. I do not go from extremely depressed to essentially hypomanic. I understand why I am angry and sad!!! I am the most normal guy to ever exist.
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13thsinnr · 1 year
toothpaste with this kind of hairstyle or this kind of hairstyle or this kind of hairstyle or th
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nervouswaltz · 7 months
apologies for who i’m going to become on november 3rd when spiritbox drops the fear of fear
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You guys wouldn’t BELIEVE how normal I am about this man, I definitely DON’T lay awake at night thinking about him…
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sugarcoated-lame · 3 months
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much to think about…
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stuckinapril · 22 days
I genuinely love not having a crush like I’m not over here feeling physically sick over some mid guy being dry to me I’m literally chilling
#Spring semester of last year was so bad bc I was unironically into 3 guys at once and they were all#Being dry and cryptic to me#And then before that in 2022 I had my horrid situationship#I had a mini obsession arc in dec 2023 over someone but now there hasn’t been anyone since#And my palette is so cleansed#When a girl is like I miss having a crush I’m like you’re literally a masochist#There was very briefly a girl I thought I had a crush on when I realized I’m bicurious but#I haven’t put effort into talking to her bc the idea of pursuing anyone makes me wanna claw my eyes out#I’m pretty sure I ghosted her by like just not responding to her last messsge actually#Not on purpose but more so bc I realized I was feeling the same anxiety I felt whenever I had a crush so I was like#Yeah I’m dropping this for now#I’m also always the most present for my friends when I don’t have a crush so idk#Like I don’t wanna be consumed by anyone I just wanna chill#The solution to not having normal attraction to people is just to not be attracted to anyone at all#I fr cracked it#I always just crave the butterflies out of it and never an actual relationship anyway#But they’re so not worth it#Which is why I always get bored of guys who’re forthright like oh ok you actually WANT something…. U don’t wanna just have fun#Not for me#I think the guys I’m into and I typically diverge in the sense that neither of us wants a relationship but they just wanna fuck me#And I more so just want the butterflies experience / to playact couple for like a couple months but nothing too serious#Which is why it never works#Like it’s not that it doesn’t work bc either of us wants a relationship it’s more that what we want out of the situationship is different#So lame#Ok this was a lot but I literally came to this epiphany while writing these tags
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