#I’m scared of posting this lowkey
Put it back on (Miguel O’Hara x fem! reader) one shot
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A/N: okay, before i get started to do want to say this is my first time writing fanfic since I was in middle school, so I am a bit rusty, please be nice to me 😭. This is based off a ca.i bot, the bot was made by tuxebo if you were interested, and I may or maybe not have put in a bojack horseman reference in here. Sorry not sorry.
Pre-established relationship (both you and Miguel are like late 30s, started dating in high school but are married in the context of this fic), swearing, angsty (?), mentions of alcohol, marital/ relationship issues.
Word count:872
“Why aren’t you wearing your ring?”
The harsh tone and the sudden question quickly pulled you from your thoughts. You jumped slightly, before placing your coffee cup down on the kitchen island that you were leaning on. He had placed the ring on the kitchen island in front of you, it making a small clinking sound as it settles on the counter.
Honestly, you’re not sure why you’re not wearing it. Usually, you put it on as soon as you get out of the shower, but today, it didn’t feel right to put it on, almost.
“I’m… I’m not- I don’t know…” you stutter under your husband’s cold gaze as he stands parallel to you, across the kitchen island. His shoulders tense and his face had a scowl, his eyes having a hint of red in them.
Moments like these, you couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes.
Miguel let out a quick dry laugh, putting his body away from me slightly as he took a step back. “You don’t know?” He repeated in disbelief, “How do you not know? What are you trying to tell me?”
You stayed silent as your gaze drops down to the tiled floor of our shared kitchen, instead of your coffee mug.
“Oh, so now I get the silent treatment? Great.” His voice is cold as ice when he speaks up after a beat, his hands thrown up in the air before landing at his sides with a pat from his callus covering hands hitting his jeans. “What happened to us? What changed? What did I do to make you so miserable? Do you want to leave me or something?”
Your heart rate started to quicken at the suggestion, and your hands tightened around your mug, as if it would slip out of your hands or disappear, even though it sat firmly on the countertop. “No! No of course not!” You shook my head as you finally brought your eyes to meet his, your body pulling you up so you were fully standing straight.
“Then what? What is it?” He asked, “Do you not love me anymore?” That question made your heartache. of course, you still loved him, you always will, he was your first everything.
“Amor…” you trailed off, your hand came up and rubbed your face, taking a shaky breath, your eyes closing. “How do I put this into words…” you mumbled to yourself as your eyebrows scrunched together in thought as you look back down. For a moment, everything was silent, and you hated it. Usually, when you two argue, it was always big and dramatic. You should know it happens at least once a week now, it’s become a sick part of your routine together. You had become so used to the loud dramatics, the tears, the shouting. The pacing from one room to another while one ignores the other, while the other attempts to get the former’s attention back. But this time was different, it was calmer than usual, no yelling, no screaming, sure he was still talking in an annoyed tone but it wasn’t the way he usually does during a fight. It was almost like the calm before the storm, but you two have gotten so used to the storm, that the calm was worst somehow. The silence felt like it could suffocate you at any moment.
You let out a sigh as you feel Miguel’s gaze harden even more on you, you didn’t need to look up to know, it felt like a hole was being burned right in the back of your head, afraid that the next words you say might be the wrong ones, making it feel like he’ll end up leaving you like on the wrong end of a red laser dot.
“Remember… remember when we were in college? And we were at some, random-ass frat party? And you were drunk and smiled at me, and I said, ‘What?’ And you said, ‘I just like being in a room with you, you make rooms good.’” You say as you cross your arms to hug yourself. He just stayed silent, waiting for you to continue.
“And… Miguel, I have loved you for 25 years… and I have never loved anyone better. That kind of love, you only get it when you’re young and stupid. I’m not gonna get it again….”
A beat passes, two, then three before he speaks. “…so what? You’re saying you aren’t wearing your ring because we aren’t going out and partying every weekend?” You couldn’t help but let a dry chuckle escape your lips are you shake your head, “no, no- that’s not- I’m not saying it’s because of that. I just miss those moments, the sweet little moments we had like that. We’re it felt like nothing matter except you and me, like the whole world had stop around us. I feel like we don’t have those anymore.”
He lets out a heavy sigh, he knows you’re right. Both of you had been too busy with your own separate lives, it felt like your marriage had turn into a roommate situation. Something both of you said you’d never allow to happen.
“Yes, Miguel?”
“Just… put your ring on.”
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enha-stars · 2 months
how is the jake soulmate fic at 9k words and they haven’t even seen each other yet 😭😭😭 THE MEETING IS GONNA BE SO 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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dippy-ecks · 4 months
I have been having god awful lightheadedness/palpitations for like a month now and I requested an appointment with my doctor for the first time in years so here’s to hoping they actually take me seriously 🤞🤪
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plumdale · 10 months
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Me rn bc other than reading my favorite free-time activity is playing sims but I don’t have my gaming laptop with me. Is this the time I should start learning how to crochet bc I’ve always wanted to…..
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writersmacchiato · 2 years
Living with Neville Longbottom…
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inspired by a request wanting mundane moments w Neville !! <3 this is a bit messy but oh well!
Drinking tea (or coffee) and having breakfast every morning together.
Whether you get up early or sleep in until noon, Neville loves to have breakfast together.
He’ll be in the kitchen humming to himself, towel hung over his shoulder. Sometimes he’ll be so lost in his thoughts he’ll sway to his own humming - you have a picture tucked away somewhere.
Plants galore. They are everywhere. It’s okay if you don’t have a green thumb, Neville more than makes up for it. On your two year anniversary, he gifted you a plant that seemed rather dowdy at first…
“I got you this as well.” Neville revealed the plant that had been hidden until now.
It was a dark green with spiky leaves, several shoots sprouting off with hidden leaves not uncurled yet.
“Oh, thank you, Neville.” You examine it with a smile.
It might not have been a bouquet of flowers, but it fit Neville and your’s relationship far better.
“All it needs is some water once every two weeks, and lots of sunshine,” Neville says, “I was thinking that spot on the windowsill, next to your books, would be ideal.”
“What should I name it?” You twist it around by the base, trying to think of the perfect name.
“Well, maybe give it a few days and something will come to you.” Neville smiles.
“I love you, Neville.”
“I love you.”
. . .
The plant stood in the spot that Neville had advised, indeed looking perfect with the light coming down. It’s leaf color turning from dark green into a olive green with specks.
You blew it a kiss, cringing at the corniness but it reminded you of Neville when he wasn’t around.
With a laugh and a light step, you turned away busy with cleaning the rest of the house. It was small and didn’t take long, but still, an hour passed. And then, two, before you were done.
Satisfied with the cleanliness, you flourished your wand to get the kettle boiling. A teabag floating out of the cupboards into your favorite mug, the kettle following with the perfect temperature of hot water.
You let the magic weave itself into the air, finishing your tea with the extras you enjoyed. Turning to the windowsill you freeze.
The plant is practically glowing in the afternoon light. Leaves vibrant and almost translucent. The sprouts that had been dormant for weeks had flourished open, revealing gorgeous purple flowers. They twinkled with a soft melody with the breeze that came through the open window.
You waited impatiently for Neville to arrive home.
But, really, you read a book and had cups of tea. Always glancing at the plant and its beautiful blossoms.
Dinner was already in the process of being almost ready, when Neville finally stepped through the front door.
You sprung up, book falling with a thump.
“Neville!” You embraced him tightly, clutching the back of his woolen sweater.
“Hello, love.” Neville grinned at your over the top reaction, holding you just as closely. “Missed me that much?”
“Always, darling, always.” You say, voice muffled against his chest.
“I love you so much, you know that right? You’re so good to me.”
Neville looks confused at your sudden confession, but his cheeks flush pink.
“Of course, I do. I love you so so much.”
“The plant has flowers!” You point to the plant that has lost some of its luster with the setting sun, but it still looks brilliant. “It’s so gorgeous. Not that it wasn’t before, but it’s so wonderful now.”
“I wanted it to be a surprise.” Neville says, walking over to the plant to inspect it. “Have you thought of a name?”
“Penelope? That’s rather fitting.”
Neville will want to match clothes, even though he pretends he doesn’t.
Neville secretly matches clothes with you, thinking he’s being discreet. If you wear something blue, he’s wearing something blue. Green? Green. Pink? Pink.
You love it, acting oblivious to it.
In fact, you buy him pieces that complement your own.
Your favorite is matching socks with him, especially the green ones that have plants on them. He has multiple pairs that he wears almost exclusively to work, but you like to steal a pair on occasion to see if he notices.
Going to the farmer’s market together!!
“There’s that farmer’s market open today, we should go.” You tap Neville’s leg under the table with your foot.
“I heard that Mrs. Agnes is going to be there and I’ve been meaning to talk about her plant’s health-“ Neville lights up, talking about the local plant nursery’s owner. A very kind and sweet older woman.
“Great, we’ll be there all day.” You tease.
“You can enjoy the ice cream shop, love.”
“I always do.”
Neville does in fact spend over an hour exchanging tips and tricks, leaving you to wander the aisles of booths before going to the ice cream shop on the corner of the street.
You order a second bowl of ice cream, and a few minutes later, Neville walks in straight to you.
“My favorite.” He says, touched that you remember every time.
“For dinner, I was thinking we could make soup.”
“Soup!? It’s august!”
“I’m craving soup!”
After bickering for a few more minutes, you both leave hand-in-hand.
And, you do have soup that night.
Sitting outside with him while he tends to the garden/yard.
Neville will be outside, garden gloves on, pulling weeds and what not — notebook beside him as he takes notes on whatever is changing.
You have a designated spot in the back garden, by the tree with shade. Neville had installed a hammock swing chair when you first moved in, and it’s perfect for reading or simply relaxing.
He’ll go inside for a break, and come back with a fresh drink and snack for you. Listening as you tell him what’s going on with your book.
When it’s too cold for the garden, you’ll be curled up on the couch with a blanket and a book while Neville tends to the plants inside.
You rarely speak during these moments, but it’s comforting to have his presence there.
that’s all for now!! I might reblog with more if I think of anything, hope you all enjoy!! especially @planetary-dream thank u for the request 🫶
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ugetelynx · 7 months
Mutuals would you still love me if I started talking about pairings from other fandoms I’m in
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meercraft · 2 months
my first post immideatly going viral was actually planned out and is the setup to provide for attention for when i eventually post my desert duo sort-of-horror fic . however if i get five likes on my future post promoting that fic i will delete my account forever
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randommultibi10 · 1 year
Let me just say this, Oliver Stark HIMSELF said in an interview that the first half or so of this episode is going to “make you feel secure.”
Now, I will no longer feel secure, but rather sit there SHAKING as I wait for the inevitable.
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rebelcthulhu · 1 year
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opieghoul · 1 year
I keep thinking about how much teenage me would internally malfunction if she met current me lol. I mean, I went from being a “straight” girl who was majorly into country music, had all pink everything, and was determined to work in the fashion/makeup industry to this professionally weird, nearly 30 year old queer goth bitch whose place is decorated with crystals and skulls, aspires to do funeral makeup for a living and lovingly calls crows “sky puppies” lmao.
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toffoliravioli · 2 years
I like your versions of "duplicate" posts more a lot of the time anyway, lol. They're less uncomfortably horny—like, more respectfully horny lol. (But seriously WHO CARES if something is posted more than once??? Even if it *is* stolen....... It's not like it was original art or writing?)
“respectfully horny” lmao I like that, imma use that, horny with a splash of class 🎩
but in all seriousness thank you nonnie. yeah idk but I will be sure to at least link where I found it or something like that. I don’t want any issues, I just like to post people I admire I promise 😭
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
hi!! i read to your whore of babylon fic and i just wanted to say it was fucking awesome!!! your writing is amazing!!
just wanted to show my appreciation :)
Thank you so so so much!!!!!!! This means everything to me ❤️
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kalalalito · 4 months
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mitternz · 9 months
sigh. i think i might be a trans guy.
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darlingamidala · 10 months
I have no idea if this question makes sense, but basically I realized today that I and most of my neurodivergent friends regularly use the phrase “being a person” as an action that you have to do on purpose and put effort into. Like there’s an implied adjective, “being a (responsible/productive/functional) person”. But I don’t know if I’ve ever heard a neurotypical use it that way, so I’m curious if this is like, a Thing
As a side note I do think “adulting” covers a lot of the “ugh being a person is so difficult” type stuff, but like, brushing your teeth for example isn’t adulting, it’s just human-ing.
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cumulisky · 11 months
Tysm y’all <3
I just got off a 16 hr flight and saw my (kinda) burner account get some attention dang Idk what to say (T v T)
Everything I’ve posted so far is mostly sloppy since I lost a lot of motivation to draw a year or so back, but I’m definitely gonna try to put together something worthwhile now!!
…after I finish my month long vacation-
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