#I’ll post em soon🥳
I hold myself to the highest of expectations.
If someone tells me I’ve done well, my immediate response is ‘but not as well as I could’ve done.’
I’ll never be satisfied with my art, my writing, my athletic ability.
But most of all, in my relationships with others.
I always could’ve been more polite, more accepting, a better listener, a better example, a better friend. And it gets to the point where I end up distancing myself from people because I feel like, eventually, they’re going to see me in the same way I see myself.
I have no sense of humor because what if they don’t find things like that funny? My go-to route for sharing things that I enjoy is ‘I know this is cringey but…’ or I’ll give them a short and sweet breakdown of it all, no details or anything, because what if they get bored of me? I don’t want to be boring. I can’t be boring.
And the worst thing is I justify everything. ‘Oh, she hurt me, but she’s got a mental illness. She didn’t mean it.’ ‘Oh, he insulted my religion, but my friend likes him. I’m not gonna do anything about it.’ And I hate that I do that. I hate that I rationalize everything.
At this point, I don’t know how I still have friends. I want so desperately to connect, and yet I don’t know how. And I don’t know anyone irl who’s patient enough to wait through my ‘you probably hate me’ stage to get to my ‘wow you’ve been hanging out with me for a while now, maybe you actually enjoy my company??’ stage.
Tl;dr: basically nobody I know irl follows ‘if you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best’ when it comes to others.
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imashoe69420 · 1 year
Could you do the rise turtles with an s/o who is chill most of the time, but when they get angry they go absolutely FERAL. I’m talking “i’ll break you fucking spine and snap your neck with my two bare hands” feral, Thank you!
I love this sm 😭
Also, sorry for being so inactive. I’m graduating 🥳 so I’ve been preparing for that and haven’t been on my phone. I will try to get more of these out soon!
彡 ★ Rise!Bros X GN!Reader Headcannons★彡
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Relationships: Ambiguous
Genre: Fluff
Timeline: Post-Movie
Warnings ⚠️: Mild Language, Absent Parents, Mentions of Blood
Leo and you had become friends because of your chill attitude.
Leo liked how nothing seemed to phase you and you were always down for anything and everything. Even some stuff he didn’t feel confident/comfortable doing.
But god forbid you ever became hangry.
One night, you and Leo were carrying back a pizza for dinner. You’d urged Leo not to drop it as you were basically starving and could feel your mood shift.
“Relax,” Leo drags out the “a”, “I’ve got this. You worry too much.”
Not even two seconds later, Leo drops the pizza box. Face down.
“Oh boy…” Leo grimaced, slowly turning his gaze toward you, offering a weak smile. “Don’t worry, you can run and get another …right?”
You stared at him, took a deep breath, turned around, and punched the ever-loving shit out of the brick sewer wall.
You accomplished two things:
You got all your anger out and persuaded Leo to be more careful with your food next time.
You broke your hand. Specifically two fingers and a dislocated wrist.
Leo helped wrap your injury as you cursed at yourself for being so stupid.
“What was I thinking? That was so dumb. Now I can’t even lift anything to my lips.” You said half-jokingly.
Leo smiled. “At least I know to keep you well fed.”
“Don’t say it like I’m some animal.”
You were almost the complete opposite of Raph.
Most of the time you spent with him you spent training or skateboarding or something of the sort. You were naturally hot-headed and not very friendly others.
Although, you always had a soft spot for Raph.
You never raised your voice to him or were ever mean to him.
When you were with Raph, you were extremely chill… until someone teased or threatened him.
While fighting a villain, the red clad turtle was struck in the face.
It didn’t hurt him, just disoriented him. But that didn’t matter to you.
“You motherfucker!” You yelled as you charged at the villain.
Needless to say, you did a number on them and ultimately ended the fight. Your knuckles were a little bloody, though.
You were still angry and attempted to continue pummeling the villain, but Raph scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder.
“Woah there, firecracker.” The turtle chuckled as you struggled. “They’re down. Let’s get outta here.”
You grunted. “Lemme at ‘em! No one touches my American Snapper!”
Raph blushed as he laughed bashfully. “Aww, you tell ‘em, short stuff.”
There was virtually nothing that could upset you.
That’s what drew Mikey to you.
You were a person who walked away from conflict rather than engaging with it. In fact, you were almost a doormat.
But there was something that you were very prideful and protective of: mugs.
When you were younger, your parents traveled a lot. Every time they would come back, they would bring a mug with the name of the place they visited and a unique design on it.
Since you didn’t see your parents that often, you held these mugs near and dear to your heart.
When Mikey came over, he accidentally knocked over a mug off the display rack, breaking off the handle.
“Shit! Motherfucker! God—dammit, Mike!” You quickly grabbed the mug and handle off the floor.
You took a tube of super glue out of the drawer and instantly started working to reattach the broken piece.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N).” Mikey spoke lowly, partially hiding his face in his shell.
You took a deep breath and gazed up at him. “It’s okay… it’s just… these are my parents’. I overreacted.” You held your arms out to him. “C’mere, you klutz.”
Mikey smiled as he approached you, enveloping you in a hug.
You and Donnie were extremely alike in the since of science.
You both loved inventing and making like simpler through technology.
You were extremely passionate when it came to this, so when an experiment or invention failed, you became extremely angry.
One time, your invention basically exploded right in front of your face. This meant that you would have to start all over because all the electronics were fried.
“Shit! Motherfucking bitch!” You swore as you threw the failed invention to the side and banged your fist against the desk.
Donnie, who was sat next to you, jumped slightly. “That doesn’t sound good.”
“No, it’s not fucking good! I have to redo all of this and find new materials and… ugh!” You seethed as you rested your head in your hands.
Donnie stared at you for a few seconds before going back into his supply closet and pulling out the materials you needed.
“New materials like this?” He handed you the supplies.
“That’s sweet, Don, but I’ll buy my own.”
“No, no,” Donnie urged, “I insist. I don’t like seeing you frustrated.”
You sat up and took the materials from the turtle. “Thank you…” you smiled up at him.
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badassxbirdy · 7 months
November Activity Update: Mini Edition (Pinned Post)
Hello, lovely people! It’s time once again for an activity update. If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. However, this month we’re doing an abbreviated version as October was a slooooow month for me. Otherwise I would primarily be tagging people to say “hey, it’s in my drafts!” which we already did last update. So! This one only includes OOC houskeeping.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens and memes, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on her (newly fixed) Wire for IC texting. Bold text = links.
Alrighty, now onto the housekeeping!
Ty’s Wire is now working again! If you didn’t get a reply, please resend your message. Or just send her a new one/start a new convo if you’d prefer.
Edited to add: I now have her discord back too! 🥳
I’ll be heading off to visit my mum in about two weeks time, and should be there until mid January. I’ll have my tablet with me to trim threads, but if you notice any formatting or image quality issues, shhhhh no you don’t.
Tumblr is being a little hit or miss with when it shows me notifications that I’ve been tagged, ditto with new posts showing in my actual tracked tag. If you tag me in something, a quick DM to let me know would be much appreciated. I don’t want to miss stuff!
I’m poking around with the pages, so expect the new relationships page to go up by the end of the month! The old one is approximately a century old, so it’s well overdue.
Updating rpthreadtracker as we speak. As soon as that’s done, I’ll edit this post with a link to it.
I intend to make more use of my ooc sideblog, @birdy-ooc, for mini updates and ooc things. Sorry not sorry for the amount of memes that will be posted there.
Currently still in the process of changing up my medication. We’re taking it slowly as I’m coming off one that is notoriously a pain in the neck for withdrawal symptoms. It’s been absolutely kicking my arse, so if I’m slow to respond to ooc messages, please do not feel ignored. I will answer when my brain is not making dialup noises. There are several appointments coming up as part of the new treatment plan for my medical mischief, so wish me luck!
That’s all for all now! Stay safe, be kind to yourself, and don’t forget to hydrate your flesh prison.
— Em ❤️
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taesiccc · 2 years
I’ve been inactive for a long time now and I’ve had SOO many people enquire about my well being, which is very sweet of you guys!!😭🥹 I’ve got a very sweet following!! *sob*
✨I’m doing really fine✨ but I had to move out of country and all that stuff had me loaded and very busy throughout the entire month 😵‍💫🥲
I’m literally in another continent now, wish me luck you guys!😭😭🧍🏾‍♀️Hopefully things would settle a lot sooner than it takes and I’ll soon be able to post em content of the previous series as well as new spicy series that I’ve been having in mind for a while now! I’ve missed on a lot of social media but I’ll catch on sooner💪🏽😗
Don’t worry about me, and thanks a lot for all the concerns!!😇
Please do take care of yourselves and do stay safe!!🤗
Last but not the least,
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Our baby candy star bunny 🍭 🌟 😭✨🥳
And I’m very aware a missed a lot on 🍷Vampire Jungkook but I’ll definitely catch on to that as well 😭🤡 why do I suck
Anyways, keep on look for the series and I’ll see you guys sooner! <3 (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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badassxbirdy · 1 year
June Activity Update (Pinned Post)
Happy Pride Month to all fellow members of the alphabet mafia! 🥳 🏳️‍🌈
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Before we get into it: there was apparently a following glitch recently. If I unfollowed, refollowed, or you softblocked, my apologies and please see this post.
With that out of the way, it’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This update includes things posted or in drafts for the month of May. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag. There’s also the thread tracker here.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens, memes, and the wishlist, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Housekeeping:
For folks waiting on AU replies: please see the note beside your tag! ❤️
I’ll be at my parents house for another month, but have the Firefox workaround for trimming threads on mobile. The extensions sometimes play up a bit when using that, so please let me know if there are any issues with my replies, and I shall sort it out.
I want to start doing more story arc development on Ty’s blog again, so expect a few posts about that to come soon.
Threads, replies, memes, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username. Not including memes still in the inbox!)
At the motel (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Ty is both offended and a scared by Azzy. (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Random encounters meme: drunk Ty! (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Taking Lance on a hunt! (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Car trouble (drafted! So sorry for the wait, Ty is refusing to cooperate with her other verses rn.) - @demcnsinmymind
GDI Kage. 😂 (link) - @demonstigma
Birthday mischief: crossbow excitement! (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon meets dark!Ty (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Finding Vampire!Damon (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Traumatised for life. 😂 (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Making their getaway. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon shields Ty, Ty is ANGY. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Werewolf problems. (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Roasting 50 shades (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Universe differences (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Tyler learns about Darklighters and it all gets very sad. (end of thread) - @derschwarzeengel
Starter from @first-born-to-his-name! Thank you, I’ve got it in my drafts. ❤️
Birthday cuteness! (drafted) - @heavenguided
Meeting Hook (link) - @hvbris
Tyler being massively confused by Wednesday (drafted! Sorry for the wait!) - @hvbris
Birthday mischief: extremely normal headwear. (link) - @imprvdente
Human!Ty and FBI!Fish (drafted! So sorry for the wait, Ty is refusing to cooperate with her other verses rn.) - @imprvdente
At the fair (drafted) - @indyflanery
Attempting to babysit the doctor. (link) - @innerwar
Bad jokes with Charm. (drafted) - @innerwar
Demon problems (link) - @magaprima
Leaving the compound (drafted! So sorry for the wait, Ty is refusing to cooperate with her other verses rn.) - @razorfst
“Are you sayin’ I look like a blogger?” (link) - @tobeblamed
No 👏 dead 👏 Sarah’s 👏 allowed!👏 (link) - @unbearablyindifferent
Drafts: 14
Memes/Asks: 9
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
No new headcanons or dash games this month! However I am boosting this post from my dear Rookito, so please take a look.
I think that’s everything! As always: please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, stay safe, and happy pride! ❤️ — Em
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