#I need you all to get a grip
islawonders · 1 month
“Oh but buddie shippers are -”
“Bucktommy shippers tho-”
Have you considered that this isn’t a one ship specific problem but actually a symptom of a wider issue within fandom spaces as a whole?
Or am I the crazy one?
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avocadotoast0 · 5 months
I’m not going to lie but it’s really weird how book readers will find out someone is a tv show only and then flood their mentions with spoilers.
Somebody might be praising Luke for being nice and then you find book readers in the comments being like, “you’ll see” “sure he is” “he is very nice 😉”. People are not stupid, they’ll obviously pick up on the fact that he is not to be trusted later on since y’all are literally making it obvious that he’s not as innocent as he seems. It’s weird how some of y’all are ruining it for other people.
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u3pxx · 11 months
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listen to me , PLAY POTIONOMICS
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naturecalls111 · 8 months
Me, consuming any other media ever: how can I make this about zosan
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emry-stars-art · 8 months
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I promised some Abram comfort this month 🤲 there’s a stretch of time in Abram’s recovery that Day is his primary caretaker and Andrew isn’t allowed to do much, but that doesn’t change the fact that Abram sleeps better with a grounding weighted blanket; Kevin, in this case, is a very convenient brother figure.
Find the royal au masterpost here 💕
Sketches/lines under the cut
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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I saw @qourmet's young madam lan art, and knew what I had to do.
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philosophiums · 5 days
jjk atla au fic in the works!!!!
title: Like the Moon Haunts the Sun
@hinamie and i have been feverishly working hand in unsleeping hand on this, and, after extensive plotting and scene ideas volleyed between us, i have finally started writing. i am being consumed by this au firstly, if you haven't seen hina's concept art for the AU yet, find them here: main trio, gojo/choso/nanami, mahito/geto/yuta, yuji/sukuna/karucchi
i don't have a nice clean summary right now, BUT the non-spoiler-y gist is that it's going to follow yuji on his journey around the atla map, mastering the elements and taking on his role as the avatar. megumi, nobara, and yuji's owltiger, karucchi, will be with him every step of the way. and if he has to stop the nefarious plans of a certain corpse-possessing spirit, well... he'll do that, too.
we're pulling from both jjk and atla/lok canon and making something that's a pretty solid balance of both instead of strictly being jjk characters shoved into designated roles a la atla/lok. there will be some bends and some breaks in the way the atla world works, but canon is, after all, just a sandbox, and we came equipped with a shovel >:)
my goal is to write the fic in four parts (i'm aiming for like 50k words but who knows!), and i will start posting to ao3 once part one is done, just to give myself breathing room for chapter updates !!!
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
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buckleydiazmp4 · 1 month
i should probably try to sleep but before i leave: kenneth choi emmy when. buddietommy weird intricate dynamics continue to compel me. jlh slayed. henrietta and karen wilson absolute fucking legends. eddie centric episode when. buddie bachelor party extended cut when. also we have not talked about the glorious five minutes of ravi panikkar screentime this ep and ALSO now that he knows buck is bi i wanna know what he's thinking soooo bad. also MADDIE AND CHIM ARE MARRIED THEY ARE HUSBAND AND WIFE. alright that's it live laugh love weewoo show <3
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bongosinferno · 2 months
Interesting thing with the Bethesda fallouts (I've been playing a bit of Fallout 4 recently) is that they, at least in my opinion, misunderstand the fun parts of the first 2 games. I don't think think the setting is a very important part in those games, it's a part of it but it's just set-dressing for the gameplay and fun quest stories and how the players interact with them. I think there's some potential in say Fallout 4 for interesting quests or stories (I've done a couple of quests but a lot of my knowledge is from the Joseph Andersson video), but the solutions to any story just leads back into the shooting gameplay loop. This is, I think, antithetical to the format of the originals, which were based a lot more in having the format of a TTRPG. If your TTRPG sessions all boiled down to shooting people with basically no alternative solutions to quests I think your players would get bored. Since it's got shooter mechanics this kind of salvages it, it becomes it's very different own thing. But the wonderful gameplay loop of those first two games is lost, and I kind of miss it. Man, I need to replay Fallout 2.
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Seven Fic(s) Sunday
@mellaithwen had a moment of sheer insanity and decided that instead of doing seven sentences from one fic she'd do a sentence (or two) from seven different fics!?
(Amy, blink twice if this is a hostage situation.)
But I'm also unhinged so I thought hey why not, surely I have seven WIPs lying around. And sure enough I do! So here we are:
1) F&F AU:
“How’d you get up here so quickly?” an officer asks him when taking Buck’s statement. “How’d it take you so long to get here?” Buck fires back.
2) The Xedgin Fic That's Giving Me Fits:
“You probably won’t be able to save him,” Holga points out. “You’ll just be killing yourself, too.”
3) The Gang Plays D&D
When Chim shows up with a whole notebook of backstory relevant to the actual world Bobby’s constructed, they all get the very disconcerting sight of Bobby trying not to cry with joy. Athena mutters he hadn’t even looked so happy at their wedding.
4) Platonic Sugar Baby AU:
“Let me get this straight,” Maddie says. “This guy doesn’t treat you like a piece of meat and you’re… unhappy about it?”
5) Star Trek AU:
“Your girlfriend took a job on an archeological dig halfway across the known galaxy,” Hen points out. “Women flee you?” Ensign Panikkar looks both dismayed and weirdly impressed, which is depressing. “Routinely?”
6) Jingle Bells I'm in Hell and Nobody Cares (AKA the Mystery Pairing Fic You All Will Be Subjected To):
Here’s the thing, because—as previously stated—Jamie Winter is not jealous, or envious, or concerned, or anything else in regards to DI Ben Jones. It’s just that while he knows Barnaby might’ve forgotten, Sarah Barnaby is the reigning Midsomer Quiz Night Champion and one hundred percent did not forget, which means this can only be one thing: This is an ambush.
7) It's Only Six Months Until Halloween:
“What do you mean?” Buck asks, picking up the crumpled receipt and handing it back to Eddie. Eddie stares at Buck. In fact, everyone’s kinda staring at Buck.
And yes, Chim is the only one of the D&D group who shows up prepared with a plot-relevant character backstory. Which, as any DM will tell you, is plenty of good reason to burst into tears. XD
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dayurno · 3 months
the amazing showstopping life-changing beautiful lovely and talented @alcego tagged me in the writing game where you post all your first sentences from already posted fics (and also the just as amazing showstopping life changing beautiful lovely AND talented roisin, thank you!) but i don't really care much for those lately so here's the first lines of several WIPs at the moment as a compromise :)
Kevin knows he’s being watched. (with @knickknacksandallthat <3)
“Riko? Are you awake?”
In the morning when Jean is supposed to be sent to his death, he takes five minutes out of his schedule to braid Kevin’s hair. (with @jaywalkers :)<3)
Not for the first time, they are in the infirmary. 
“Coach says you don’t talk anymore,” Aaron mumbles, looking out the window awkwardly. 
Christmas dinner with the Gordons is perfect.
Some people ride the crazy train. Jeremy drives it. 
Neil knows the gray does something to people.
what this tells me is that i am bad at writing first lines HAHA :3 i am tagging um everyone who wants to do this. thank you!
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apotelesmaa · 4 months
> looking for a tenma siblings relationship study
> ask the op if the study is actually about the tenmas or just treating saki like an accessory to tsukasa
> they don’t understand
> pull out an illustrated diagram explaining the difference
> they laugh and say “it’s a good relationship study sir”
> click the post
> it’s treating saki like an accessory to tsukasa
#project sekai#listen I love tsukasa as I love all the wxs members but i also love saki and cannot stand u people#don’t even get me started on when people fridge saki for contrived tsukasa angst. I’ll kill you.#i could also go on a rant abt how saki is so disrespected in general by pjsk fans#& as sm1 with a (less severe) chronic illness I do not appreciate how her illness is only explored in relation to how tsukasa feels abt it#but I think I would get too frustrated#gripping ur shoulders. read the doll story again.#also if ur talking abt tsukasa’s character & don’t mention saki u have automatically failed#before any of his relationships saki is the most important like it’s not subtext it’s literally just text#did we forget the dazzling event where he finally has a breakthrough in his role bc he talked to saki.#or the main story where he’s like yea saki is literally the reason I pursued acting#or the doll event where he’s despondent bc he thinks saki is mad at him & then when honami comes to his school#his first reaction is to sprint over like WHAT HAPPENED 2 SAKI IS SHE OK (sprints home)#or saki canonically being his no.1 fan. smh. u cannot separate them. and why would u want to. they’re so funny.#+ saki saying he made her hospitalizations more bearable. picking up on his mannerisms. crying during the doll festival bc they had a fight.#the dolls being her favorite things bc of how it symbolized their bond.#the complex tenma sibling mental illness web in general makes me crazy.#saki is like I love u but I wish u wouldn’t worry abt me so much and rely on me more & then tries to hide issues to make him not worry#tsukasa is like I’m always worried abt u and I don’t want to burden u because I feel like I need to always be a rock for u#ough. love them.
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I know I roast Augustin for this moment all the time but also the more I look at it the more I want to bang my head against the wall because like. my immediate reaction to this is "my man how touch starved do you have to be to enjoy yourself in this situation" but we KNOW he's not touch starved. we see him be very physically comfortable with his friends. which brings me to my other question which is HOW REPRESSED do you have to be to enjoy yourself in this situation
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
These sketches are dedicated to everyone in the tags of my original post agreeing with my vision 🙏 but especially to @tinyweltmeister for the little snippet you wrote!!
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+ silly sketches
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year2000electronics · 7 months
since we're talking about it, here's the stupidest hill i'm willing to die on: there hasn't been an actual new tumblr sexyman since like 2017, it was a specific phenomenon in time that's over and now people just pick any popular character and try and say that's onceler 2. tumblr sexymen are guys who are shipped en masse with themselves, get wildly mischaracterized to the point of being unrecognizable, are oddly isolated from the narrative, completely inescapably eclipse other stuff in the tag, and have thirst posts etc that wildly break containment. until we get swarms of unironic final boss benrey/chill benrey before he got caught in the door that one time on ao3, i'm putting the term up on a shelf. thank u very much for ur time and i hope you have a pleasant day
every day i talk about sexology i only descend more into the insanity. this phrase is literally undefinable. it has a definition in the same way religion has a definition. because every time you try to define a religion, you turn your back and realize "oh shit! the way ive defined it has left out this crucial big religion!" and so you fix your definition until its a rambling of nothing thats vague enough to encompass anything and yet means precious little. there is no hope for any of this anymore. nobody even knows what we're trying to say anymore.
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