#I just got a flannel hoodie for like $20
scobbe · 8 months
If you’re not shopping eBay or elsewhere for vintage clothing I don’t know what to even say to you. I have complained for years now about shit quality clothing when LO! I can actually purchase the same clothing I had 30 years ago for a quarter of the price of something new.
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spookyysinsanity · 6 months
my dean winchester headcanons!
he’s such a cat person. like he obvi likes dogs but u put him with a cat? he’s napping with it and kissing it and feeding it treats
love love loves movies like twilight or like tvd. he’d say he hates them but sam would catch him at like 3 am watching some twilight breaking dawn part 2 in the dean cave idgaf
he has at least 6 of his fav flannels like same color same size just a million of them
bro can COOOOOK
he def loves to blast music while he’s cooking. dawg gets jiggy with it too
he’d be weirdly good at ballroom dancing. idk i feel like he would slay the house down u feel me
he’s a horrible speller. borderline dyslexic
he’s fantastic at party games
probably has adhd - def has a whole ass cvs type RECEIPT of mental illnesses.
he watched all 19(20?) seasons of greys anatomy. he cried when mcdreamy died. his fav character was probs alex
enjoys teen mystery novels. like he probably read those 150-250 long chapter books when he got hella bored
goat at uno
he’d get one of those HUGE ass blanket hoodie things. live in that shit for months too.
if he had a pet (literally any kind) he’d teach it some sick ass tricks
he likes pink drinks. change my mind.
okay that’s all for now !! pls reblog and lmk if u want some dating dean hcs!!!
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bogusboxed · 2 years
Boxtober -  Day 20: “Headcanons For Cuddling The Proxies.”
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Day 20:
-Proxies (+ Clockwork!) X GN!Reader
“There’s only us.” x “Falling Asleep Together”
-I do not own any of these characters and do not take credit for them.
-If we’re talking post-Brian after Marble Hornets, it isn’t a common thing that happens between the two of you, but when it does, it's very special to him.
-He may not show it, but he enjoys cuddling with you a lot. This is because he likes to ensure you're safe and also since he doesn’t get breaks from his missions often.
-If you're typically a sleepy person and you decide to sleep on his shoulder, he won’t wake you up. He’ll probably just let you snooze until he has something to go take care of. But if you're on a mission with him, expect to be woken up or expect something random to happen.
-He also likes to lend you his hoodie as a blanket because he finds it cute.
-His favorite part of cuddling would be when you fall asleep. It warms his heart to see you completely tranquil around him, even when he could snap you like a twig.
-One time you fell asleep on a mission with him, and he just left you there in the middle of the forest.
-This is extremely rare, even more, rare than Brian. This goes for pre and post, but mostly for post-marble hornets. 
-Tim isn’t the type to cuddle up to you, especially in the early stages of your relationship.
-But you'll find one day, maybe during a movie or show, you're cuddled up to him and he seems into it. And eventually, it leads to cuddling.
-Tim is the best at cuddling, which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense due to him not being into physical touch. But, he still manages to be the best at it.
-Expect to be scented like coffee and cigarettes by the end because it's Tim and there's no way he won't try to smoke. Unless you say otherwise, but, yet again, you can't stop him if you're asleep. But he won't do it if you can't handle it or if you're awake staring him down.
-If you were to fall asleep on him, he’d probably wake you up and put you to bed. Or he would try and slowly make his way out of the situation. Then, put a blanket on you and call it a day.
-Though if you fall asleep on him during a mission. He’ll wake you up, but it doesn't mean he’s not incredibly concerned about why you're so tired. And will insist you go to bed in his truck after the mission. Also, he’ll probably give you his flannel as a blanket.
-He’s got a lot of personal problems, so it just takes a lot out of him to try. He is, however, willing to try for you.
-He’ll never admit to it, but, after a while, he finds himself enjoying the physical touch, specifically after a long stressful mission.
-You had plans in the morning? Too bad, because you're stuck with him until he gets a random burst of energy to get up.
-This man is not going to let you go anywhere if he wants to hold you or you to hold him. And it's not him verbally telling you to stay, it's just him having an iron grip on you, making it impossible to escape. 
-He typically likes physical touch constantly and enjoys cuddling daily. However, sometimes he can get grouchy and push you away for a little while. But, try not to worry too much because he’ll be back soon.
-If you fall asleep on this man during a mission, he will be extremely fidgety and may wake you up by accident. But don’t worry, he’ll make up for your lack of sleep later with a good amount of cuddling.
-A bad side to this would be that if you were to deny him of his physical affection, he’d probably ignore you for an hour. Depending on your mood, this could be a good or bad thing.
-Also it would be extremely rare to be lent this man’s hoodie due to the fact he never takes it off other than when it has to be washed. So, if he gives it to you, make sure to thank him and use it.
-After a long, harsh mission, expect him to be even more clingy than he typically is. It’s mostly because he misses you and just wants your attention.
Kate The Chaser
-How did you manage to get her to cuddle with you?- 
-She’s constantly on the move and can’t stay in one place for very long. But, if you can manage to get her to cuddle with you, it’s very sweet and heartwarming. The cuddling normally involves her hands against your arms and whispering sweet nothings to you to try and coax you to sleep.
-Though physical affection may not be her favorite thing it doesn’t mean she will deny you of it. Because she loves you too much to not give in to your pleas for a cuddle.
-Her favorite thing about cuddling with you is the times she gets to fall asleep with her chin on the top of your head. It makes her feel safe and on top of everything.
-If she gets paranoia, expect her grip on you to increase. She’ll use you to ground herself if things start to go haywire for her.
-If you fall asleep on her during a mission, she won’t mind at all and will let you sleep, unlike the others. She’ll even leave you with her hoodie if it makes you sleep any better. She knows that the operator pushes all of you, so she doesn’t mind giving you a break. And by the time you wake up, the entire mission is already over with and she’s carrying you back in bridal style.
-She doesn’t mind doing any lovey-dovey stuff in front of any of the other creeps. And won’t mind if you start snuggling up to her randomly. But do expect her to return the favor.
-Oh boy. 
-She loves cuddling with you whenever you let her, and she’ll typically spoon you unless you want it the other way. And if you can manage to spoon her, she loves it when you play with her hair.
-She also tends to prefer physical contact over other things and loves to see you wear her jacket. It's one of the best things for her. She just loves seeing you rock her staple outfit and sees it as a necessary thing for your relationship.
-Unlike most of the people on this list, she will show you she loves you and her cuddling by straight-up telling you. She will praise you constantly for cuddling with her and, in all honesty, just wants to smother you in her love.
-And if you fall asleep on her during a mission, she’ll probably fall asleep with you. So if you want a mission to go smoothly, try your best not to fall asleep, or else you are going to have to deal with the operator. 
-She flexes the fact you and she are together to a plethora of other creeps to the point you’ve had people you’ve never met before come up to you. And if you want her to stop, just tell her. It wouldn’t stop it completely, but it'd stop a good portion of it.
-Though if someone makes fun of you, expect to stop a fight. To her, it's onsight to whoever dares mess with her partner. She will not hesitate to beat a bitch up.
[A/N -
Today had been absolutely horrendous and I am holding on by a string so, take some HC's in the mean time!!! <333
Sorry for the shorter post like I said today has not been my day and I feel like total crap. I wasn't even planning on posting today but, I gotta keep up that streak so, please forgive me!! <333
love you guys!!! ]
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“Metallica , are you fucking kidding me ?!”
Summary: your uncle , Kirk Hammett was apart of the band Metallica. The exact same band your boyfriend Eddie was obsessed with. Sol you had him meet the whole band
Warnings: None just fluff and a very exited Eddie
This is my first fanfic of Eddie Munson so I hope you enjoy it . Re blogs and any suggestions is appreciated. <3
You had just finished your shift at Family Video and drove to Eddie’s trailer . As you opened the door you saw your boyfriend laid across his couch with Enter Sandman : By Metallica on full blast . After a while his eyes met yours and a large smile appeared on his face . “Hello baby , how was your day ?” Eddie said while running towards you .
“ It was tiring , Steve kept on talking out some girl , Linda I think I don’t know he likes to many girls ,it’s confusing .” Eddie chuckled at your comment. He never really liked Steve in school but since you started dating he and Steve became good friends . “ Oh!” Your sudden outburst made Eddie jump for a slit second before he looked at you confused. “So you how my uncle is apart of the band you like …”
“You meen one of the best bands ever ! Do you realise how good their music is ? It’s-“ you cut him of “ yes I know , you love them” you said you with a chuckle . “Anyway I told him about you and he said … he wanted to meet you”
Eddie’s face lit up with excitement. He suddenly stated kissing your face “I _ love _ you _ so _ fucking _ much” he said in between kisses . After about 20 minutes of listening to him fan girl over your uncle’s band he finally stopped and asked “ so when did he want me to meet him ?”
“ he wanted to meet you at their recording studio… in 30 minutes” his expression was completely blank in pure shock from realising that he was going to meat the lead guitar player in a few minutes “but … and please don’t freak out but Kirk mentioned it to the james and Robert and the whole gang said they wanted to meet you since you was a fan “
It was about 20 seconds of silence . Eddie just stared at you in disbelief. There is no way that he was going to meet one of his most favourite bands ever right ? Suddenly excitement overcame him and he started freaking out “Y/n are you for real ?! Oh my god ! Oh my fucking good ! I’m going to meet Metallica! I have only ever seen them in concerts ! You are the BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER ! I love you so fucking much ! Wait im going to meet Metallica! IM GOING TO MEET METALLICA! …. Oh god what do I wear ?!” He yelled running to him room searching through his wardrobe . You laughed following him and then sitting on his bed watching him looking through his wardrobe searching for some clothes “Eddie you don’t have to wear anything special, they are just people”
Despite what you just said he continued to look through his wardrobe “ but most of my clothes are band shirts and I’m pretty sure they would be offended if I walked in there wearing a black sabbath shirt or a DIO hoodie but I can’t wear a Metallica shirt because I don’t won’t to look like a stalker” you couldn’t help but giggle at his frustration. You have met Metallica a lot because you and your uncle was extremely close . They was actually very chill and nicer than you thought they would be .
“why don’t you just wear your hellfire club t-shirt or one of your flannels … or” you stand up and look at him “ you could wear what your wearing right now . I don’t get why you are making a big deal out of this you look amazing whatever you wear “ you say helping him look through his wardrobe .
Eddie picks out his hellfire shirt and a leather jacket and places it on the bed “ I just want them to like me . Especially because Kirk is your uncle … It’s like when you met Wayne , you got all dressed up and nervous”
“Yes but that’s different Wayne is your godfather as well as your uncle and he’s been taking care of you since you was like 10”
After a while Eddie decided to wear his hellfire club shirt and his black leather jacket. After he got changed you both set of in his van. Halfway there he put Metallica on playing on blast to ‘get him more exited’. While all you wanted to do today was go to sleep after your exhausting shift you was still extremely happy you got him to see the band . You knew how much he loved them. The only problem was that you didn’t know how you could get him a better present for his birthday, which was coming around quicker than you thought
You finally arrived at the studio and Eddie jumped out of his van . This was probably the most exited you had ever seen him . When you both got to the studio door you looked at him “okay please don’t freak out when you see them . I know you love the band but Kirk is my uncle and I can garante that he is going to be telling my dad about you”
Eddie pulled himself together and you opened the door and you walked in. “Hey y/n” James said to you while taking a sip of his tea . Kirk looked up at you “I thought you said you was bringing your boyfriend with you”
“Yeah … I did” you turn round to see that Eddie never followed you inside . You sighed and walked out of the studio and saw Eddie leaning against the door “hey Ed’s is everything okay ?”
“Yeah, I’m fine in just a tiny bit nervous” you smiled at him “thats fine I’m going to be there with you . And they’re really nice”
“Okay” Eddie whispered while holding your hands .As you both walked in and he saw the band he looked at you with a exited facial expression “it’s fucking Metallica!” He whispered to you making you giggle “Everyone this is Eddie , my boyfriend”
“Hi Eddie it’s a pleasure to meet you” Kirk said holding out his hand . Eddie gladly shook his hand “ thank you for having me I’m really happy to be here”
“Eddie’s a big fan of you guys”you smiled siting down on the couch next to Robert . Eddie next you and grabs hold of your hand squeezing it slightly.
“ So Eddie Hellfire Club what is that ?” Lars asks looking at Eddie’s shirt confused since he has never heard of it before “Oh um it’s a dnd club at school me and me friends are in”
“Yeah and Eddie’s in a band” you chimed in. “Really what’s the name ?” james said adjusting his seat so he could see Eddie properly. “Corroded Coffin ”
“So what do you play Eddie ?” James continued to ask “I play the guitar” . James looked at Eddie with a grin and then at the rest of the band “so Eddie do you know how to play any of our songs ?”
“Yeah I can play most of them , I just learned how to play master of puppets”
“Do you want to play with us?” James asked standing up “Yeah!” Eddie said quickly “I have my guitar in the van I will be back in a minute” Eddie said then running out to get his guitar from the van . James and Robert started to set things up while Lars brought out the drum set . While they was getting reading Kirk turned to look at you
“So y/n , Eddie seems nice” he said smiling at you “ oh he’s amazing to me Kirk . He’s a really nice guy”. “I’m glad your happy y/n” you moved closer and gave your uncle a hug . You loved your uncle and seeing him approve of Eddie was amazing.
Eddie then came back into the studio holding his guitar . You then pulled out of the hug so Kirk could stand up and play . “If you want we could sign that for you” James said turning on his amp “would you mind ?” Eddie asked holding out his guitar “Yeah sure” James took Eddie’s guitar and then picked up a white permanent marker and signed his name on the guitar . Then Kirk signed it , then Lars and then Robert did then they handed it back to Eddie
“Honestly thank you guys so muchI love your music” James smiled at Eddie’s comment and grabbed his guitar “Are you ready to play master of puppets ?” Eddie nodded and grabbed his guitar pick . You took out your camera to record Gareth and Jeff are gonna freak out when they see this !
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I hope you enjoyed this . There will be a part 2 where Eddie plays the guitar and Eddie bragging about his signed guitar and showing everyone in corroded coffin the video of him playing with Metallica. If you have any feedback I would love to hear it .
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ashes-to-anew · 4 months
17, 20, and 24 for the ask game
Oh hi Ray thanks for checking in I'm ✨ still a piece of garbage ✨
But beyond that--
17. Name 3 things that make you happy.
The initial three things I was going to mention are way too obvious to anyone who's known me for any length of time (Pokémon, horror movies, chocolate), so I'll go with something else. First up-- stories. In any medium. Movies, books, comics, TV, even just short YouTube video-- I am always enamored by stories. I have multiple swimming around in my head at any point in time, and I love working on them. Even if I'm not creating the story, it's so fun to theorize about where it could go and how it might turn out. It's a bit broad, yes, I know, but they do make me happy.
Secondly, there's this very particular wind chime that my neighbors across the street had while I was growing up. On any sort of mildly windy day, I'd hear the chimes from my room-- granted I wasn't listening to any number of other things. Even now I can hear it quite clearly in my head. They were just something that always stuck out to me, that always reminded me of home. It would keep me company on windy days, and soothe me on stormy nights-- not that I was ever particularly afraid of the rain, but still. I'd love to get one of my own one day, but unfortunately my people skills are not so advanced that I can just go and ask where they got it. Maybe I'll take a picture of it in the middle of the night and ask Reddit.
Thirdly, I really like flannels. Not as much as I like hoodies, but flannels are so nice even if they are tedious to wear.
20. Favorite things about the night?
I can do whatever I want and no one bothers me as long as I'm not being too loud. Night drives and barely crowded roads free for me to roam. Eating fast food at 1:00 in the morning. Listening to the same song on loop for hours. Making hot chocolate or tea before I go to bed. Writing whatever comes into my head because there's no one around to stop me. Feeling completely alone and at peace. Plus, now that I have contacts, I can finally see the stars again. I never knew that I missed them until I could see them again.
24. What’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
I've said it before and I'll say it again-- writing is not only my greatest passion, but also my most honed skill. I won't even pretend to be humble about it or try to downplay my expertise as I might with other things I may or may not excel at, because I'm just that proud of it. I love to write, I love to share what I've written, and I love to bust my ass on an essay and get a good grade back despite having procrastinated for far too long. I love to connect all the stories in my head into one tangible web, I love to make things for others to explore, and I love to create something that only I can understand. I love to use the words I've written in my daily lexicon, I love the sound of the keys as I type, and I love to look back at my charming little stories from third grade and see just how far I've come. See how everything that I put into them back then-- my love, my inspiration, the pieces of myself-- remains in them all the same.
I have, and will always be, proud of every single thing I have written.
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flames-thebitch · 1 year
Anthony Lockwood x Fem!Oc
Oc's name- Alyssa Carlyle
Our mother had turned up at the agency 20 minutes ago. She had told Luce and I to go ‘Pack up all of our shit because we were going home.’ Lucy started to argue back but I grabbed her arm and dragged her up to the attic so she could pack her stuff up. She was crying not wanting to leave Lockwood and Co because it had become our home. I told her to wait up there. I was the oldest twin so I had to stand up to my mother more. ‘Mother where the fuck are you? You bitch. Making Luce and I leave the only real home we have ever known.’ I screamed through the house. My mother rounded the counter faster than light and slapped my face. ‘Say that again, I fucking dare you!’ she screamed as she spat in my face. ‘I fucking said mother where the fuck are you? You bitch. Making Luce and I leave the only real fucking home we have ever known.’ I screamed back louder. She slapped me again. Harder this time. ‘You useless piece of shit! You know that right? You’re a piece of shit and a fucking murderer both you and that piece of shit twin you call your sister!’ Lockwood had rounded the corner almost instantly after she said this and drew his rapier to her throat. ‘Stay away from my fucking girlfriend! Get out now!’ Lockwood shouted. My mum visibly flinched. ‘Lyssa, I see you’re a slag now too!’ I flinched at her words. I looked over to Lockwood. He had visibly gotten angrier. ‘Alyssa, Baby. Why don’t you go upstairs into our room and throw on some pj’s today is a chill day. No missions. I’ll be up in a sec just gotta deal with some filth.’ He glared at my mother and kissed my forehead. I took one last glance at my mother and waltzed upstairs.
‘RIGHT YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT! YOU WILL LET MY DAUGHTER’S COME HOME RIGHT NOW OR I WILL CALL THE POLICE FOR A KIDNAPPING!’ I felt my blood boil at this. How dare she hit my girlfriend twice and call her a slag in front of me. ‘NO! YOU WILL LISTEN HERE MISS CARLYLE! YOU EVER FUCKING DARE TO EITHER COME TO MY AGENCY OR TALK TO EITHER OF YOUR DAUGHTER’S EVER AGAIN AND I WILL HAVE YOU ARRESTED FOR CHILD ABUSE AND MORE. SO GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE NOW!’ I shouted back how dare she fucking insult her daughter like that she has been through so much shit. ‘I SAID GET OUT!’ She still didn’t budge. ‘YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE! 5, 4, 3…’ Their mother was out of the house by then. I apologised to George then walked upstairs towards my room. To my surprise there was sniffling and sobbing coming from inside. I opened the door and again to my surprise Lyssa was there sobbing her heart out. 
I walked down from the attic to see my sister run into her and Lockwood’s shared bedroom and start to whimper. I ran in there ignoring the screaming match drifting up the stairs from the front hallway. I grabbed a cold flannel from the bathroom and placed it on my sister's face to soothe the pain. ‘Thanks Luce’ she whimpered as I dabbed the flannel onto her face. I moved towards Lockwood’s closet and pulled out one of Lockwood's hoodies and a pair of his grey joggers. I let my sister get changed before coming back into the room and giving her a book to read. 'There you go Lyssa. I got you your favourite.'
Luce was being really kind in distracting me from the chaos from outside. She had me curled up underneath Lockwood's duvet. I heard the front door open and slam shut. I flinched at that. Luce placed her hand on my shoulder as the tears began to build. The screaming had stopped. That's when I let it all out. All the sobs. All the tears. I let them all out. The tears flooded my eyes as Lockwood walked into the room. He saw that I was crying and ran up to me. He threw himself on top of me. His arms wrapped around my torso. I wrapped mine around his head. Lucy walked out of the room to give us space. He kissed my torso. He then lifted himself up on his elbows to kiss all over my face. 'It's going to be okay darling. We will get through this. You won't ever see your mother again.'  I started crying even more. Lockwood picked me up bridal style and took me down to the Kitchen. 'Take as many biscuits as you want.' He mumbled to me as he made the biscuits. 'What about the….?' ' Fuck the one biscuit at a time rule!' Lockwood seems really agitated. 'Your mum's a bitch isn't she!?' Lockwood muttered as he sat beside me. I just nodded to him and he kissed my cheek.
I hate that Alyssa and Luce had to go through all this bs with their mother. I made Lyssa my Lockwood's hot choc special. It always makes her smile. That's what she needs. She takes the hot choc with a smile and a nod. She finishes the drink in like 20 seconds. She seems happy though. 'Hey love, why don't we bake a cake for everyone?' Either one  would be fine baby girl. But do you want to make cake tomorrow?' I nod eagerly like a child just asked if they want to go and get McDonald's. She just giggles. 'Thank you Anthony, you make me feel safe when I'm with you. Especially after today and the mansion incident. That wasn't your fault. I hope you know that.' Lyssa was speaking softly. Just like she did before she fell asleep. I picked her  around my neck and legs around my waist. I walked upstairs and laid her down on my bed whilst I got changed into pj's. I looked at the time 00:00 am.  I looked down to see Lyssa passed out on the bed. 'Happy birthday my love' I whispered to her as I pulled her close and fell asleep almost instantly as my head hit my pillow.
Flames'  note- so this is so fucking cute. I'm feeling like shit mentally and physically. But I wrote this to try and finish up the series. I want to do like a couple of more chapters just focusing on Alyssa’s and Lockwood’s mental health. So hope y'all enjoyed and will blow this up <3
Flames 🔥🔥 
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blueempty · 5 months
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I wore flannel out today under my hoodie and i felt wiser and cooler
Work was pretty normal today but the florida traffic situation is so dire that i'm reading entire chapters of Inuyasha at red lights while no cross traffic is happening, but they just never change. Had some more good ass food for dinner and earlier today some stuff came in the mail including new headphones. For context i have been bullied and slandered and beaten like a dog because of my terrible awful 20 year old sony headphones Ive been duct taping for many years. My raid group used to call me poor and throw lit matches at me. But I got some new ones and I fired up the ol Signalis machine to test them and I had the best experience I've had with that game since beating it the first time. I could hear things I aint never heard before. The sound in that game is unbelievable, and there was a recent patch that added PS5 controller support on PC so the lights turn red now and it has the adaptive trigger thing where it simulates a real trigger pull, and as something of a gun guy that shit is soooo cool. It obviously doesnt feel exactly the same but the way its loose and then you have to use a little more force to actually fire is like, fuck man, I'm gonna get the bad ending this time from shooting too many enemies
I'm posting late because I finally finished the big drawing I've been doing for a few weeks now. Its not even super amazing it just had a lot of little parts. I basically drew 4 things on one page and Sai did not like it. I probably shouldnt do that again
I'm starting to draw some of the characters ive been bumping together like dolls in my brain and I'm liking what I've been laying down, good job me. This is a nsfw thing though so you folx may never see them below the neck hehe
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Live Long and Prosper
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polk-a-dop · 5 years
Constantly confused by sizing in womens clothing.
I have size 18 clothes but i also have size 14 clothes, both comfortable both fit me fine.
How does this work??? Fucked if i know.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Drunk Words (Frankie Catfish Morales x f!Reader)
Drunk Words / Sober Thoughts part one of two
Summary: Frankie’s drunk off his ass and needs a ride home. PART ONE of a two part Frankie fic
W/C: 2.7k+
Warnings: language, copious amounts of alcohol, Frankie is absolutely shitfaced
A/N: THANK U TO MY BABE @sanchosammy for this idea!!! I love it so much I fuckin LOVE my baby frankie
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As you roll over in bed, you groan. You’ve been up for about 20 minutes now, unable to return to the blissful sleep that had been enveloping you before. The time on your watch now reads 3:07. You frown and grab your phone, lying on your side. The light is bright enough to make you squint, and you smile at the text thread you’ve received from Frankie tonight.
The man brings nothing but happiness to your life. You really do love Frankie, not just platonically. You want to hold his big and strong hands, want to lift up his ball cap and kiss him on the forehead, want to fluff the hat hair he always gets from that Standard Oil cap. More than anything, you want to softly kiss that little patch in his beard. It’s just existing there, perfectly clean even when he’s almost at a full beard. His tough fingers scratch it and you giggle, looking away when he asks what’s so funny. Nothing, Fish, you immediately reply. Fishie, if you’re feeling a little more flirtatious.
Frankie might be feeling the same, you’ve noticed lately. He’s a little more touchy with you. He hugs you longer than the other men, makes you dance with him when a good song comes on. He lets it happen when you steal his ball cap and wear it, where he’d scold and smack any of the other men for it. He lends you his flannel when you’re cold, wrapping it gingerly around your shoulders.
It’s been a long time that you’ve been friends now. Just recently, you’ve come to appreciate him differently. The way he hugs you warms your heart still, but it makes your heart race and your hands sweat. It makes you want to lift your face from where it rests in his neck and kiss him softly, your fingers working into that little bald patch on his jaw.
Even now, as he’s clearly drunk, you adore him. How can you not?
Frankie 🚁: attachment: one image
You open the photo and laugh. It’s a blurry selfie of Frankie, an arm draped over Santiago’s shoulders. The two men make faces like they’re going to bite the other, and it makes you chuckle aloud. You can see his fluffy curls peeking out from beneath the cap, and you desperately want to play with them. The image is blurry, showing that it must’ve been moving while he took it.
Frankie 🚁: missing u tonight, Santiago says he doesn’t like me when you’re not around
Frankie 🚁: holy fuck their new beer is really good, you gotta try it soon
Frankie 🚁: lol I fuckin love the nachos here
Frankie 🚁: snati is so annoying, pls get him away from me
Frankie 🚁: u r probably sleep sorry :((((
Frankie 🚁: can we got o a zoo soon?? I wanna see animals 🦫🐈🐕‍🦺🦡
You laugh out loud at the words, at Frankie’s terrible typing. He must be shitfaced. He’s hilarious when he’s drunk.
The last text was only four minutes ago.
Me: Alright, Fishie. Stop drinking and eat something. No more beer.
Frankie 🚁: ha I’m drinking that Coffey shit… Kalua?? isk but it’s so gooood
Your phone rings, filling the screen with your profile picture of Frankie. It’s a photo of him smiling, his dimple evident. Your cheek is pressed to his, grinning just as wide. God, he’s so fucking cute. You love him so much.
You take a second and stare at the photo before pressing the answer button and putting it on speaker. “Hey, Fish.”
“Hey,” he laughs, dragging the word out long and slow. “S’a shame you weren’t here, Will’s been buying all night.” His words are slurred and woozy. You can hear the roar of the bar behind him.
“Ah, so that’s why you’re shitfaced,” you laugh into the phone.
“Precisely,” he slurs, a smile clear in his voice. “I can’t drive.”
“I’m glad you realize that. What do you want me to do about that? I can have an Uber coming your way in ten minutes.”
“Will you pick me up?” He asks, his voice like a child’s. “Fuckin’ Ubers cost money, ‘n I just wanna see your pretty face.”
“Frankie,” you warn but feel your body warm at the notion.
“You got a cute little nose,” he laughs. “Just wanna boop it. Can I boop it? Just go… boop, boop boop. Right on the nose.”
You sigh. “Fine. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. You’re so fucking lucky I think you’re cute.”
“Thank you,” he practically sings. “See you then. Mwah.”
You throw on a hoodie and walk to your car, not caring to cover up your patterned flannel shorts that you sleep in. Your hair is messy, you don’t have makeup on, you don’t really give a shit. It’s Frankie.
Once you reach the bar, you shoot him a text, and the four men stumble outside. “Yo!” Benny calls and rushes over to you. It’s clear his normal balance has left his body for the night, his body a little wobbly. He’s an excited drunk. He slams on your window until you lower it. “Hey, you missed out on a good time,” he grins. His words blur together too.
Frankie follows behind him, an arm thrown across him. He’s still got a little balance. “Missed you so much, cariño. Santi’s being an ass.”
You look up at Will. “These fuckers need a ride too?” He’s the responsible one of the men, even when intoxicated.
He shakes his head. “Got an Uber coming. They’re staying at my place tonight.”
Frankie puts a hand on the car to steady himself. “Knew you’d come. Pretty girl always comes through for me, even at 3 A.M., thank you,” he slurs happily, his eyes half open.
Santiago leans against your car. “Hey gorgeous. We missed you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you roll your eyes. “Get the grizzly bear in the car.”
Frankie laughs at the words. “Ooh, I like that. Big and fluffy but murderous.”
“I’m about to get murderous if you don’t get in the car right now, Francisco Morales.”
“Oh, snap!”
“Shit, man.”
Benny gives a whistle. The men all make noises in commentary and laugh, Will opening the door. Frankie flops down inside. Benny ensures that all of his limbs have made it in and shuts the door. “Don’t party too hard with him tonight,” Santiago calls and you roll your eyes.
The two of you drive off and out of the bar parking lot.
“Hey, Fish,” you say, snapping your fingers in front of his face. “Buckle up. I’m not getting in trouble for your dumb ass.”
“You always do, though,” he mumbles and tilts his head to look at you. “You’re so good to me.”
“I’m a fucking saint,” you sigh sarcastically. “Seriously, buckle up. If you can’t do it yourself, we’re going to the ER for alcohol poisoning.”
“No,” he whines and pouts at you. “Just wanna be close to you. Wanna just…” he trails off and rests his head against your shoulder. “Mm. There. Your skin is so soft.”
“That’s my hoodie, Frankie.”
He takes a deep breath in through his nose, the scent clicking in his addled brain. “No, that’s my hoodie.”
He’s right, you realize. You grabbed a random sweatshirt and pulled it on before leaving. You’re the one who’s always cold at gatherings, leaving Frankie to share one of his many layers with you. You smile a bit. “It’s comfy.”
“I like it better on you. I really like you in my clothes, you know that? Wear them way better than I can. You just look so cute and so little.”
“Frankie, I’m 5’9,” you refute and glare down at him, where he looks up at you with puppy-dog mocha-colored eyes.
“Just look so small in ‘em. I’m like 6’0, you know that.”
“I do know that, Francisco. You remind us all the time,” you laugh, removing his ball cap and tossing it into his lap. “Still shorter than Benny. Get that hat off and I think you’re shorter than Santi.”
“I’m taller than him,” Frankie whines at the reminder. “How come Benny’s the baby and he’s so tall? He’s like a fuckin’ giraffe up there, can never see his stupid face,” he pouts.
“He’s too tall for comfortable hugs,” you nod in agreement. “And Santi is too short. And Will is too fucking awkward,” you laugh. You purposely leave out the bit about how perfect hugs from Frankie are, how much you dream about them and crave them.
His dark brows furrow as he looks up at you with glazed eyes. “Wha’bout me?”
The car stops for a moment as a light in front of you turns red. You smile down at him and push his messy curls from his forehead. “I like hugging you. You’re comfy.”
“Ha, grizzly bear hugs,” he slurs. “Y’should call me that more often. I like it when you call me things the boys don’t. Makes me feel tingly,” he laughs, lovestruck as he looks up at you.
“Yeah, like when they put the meds in before they steal your teeth.”
“Steal your teeth?” You laugh loudly, toying with one of the curls. “Do you mean get a tooth removed?”
“Same thing. I don’t like it when they do it then. I like it when you call me stuff though. Fishie makes me laugh and feel happy.”
“Oh yeah?” God, he’s so fucking precious. He looks at you like a puppy stares at their owner, pure and unadulterated love radiating from them. “I’ll need to call you Fishie more often then.”
It’s quiet for a while. Frankie’s head still rests against your shoulder. He can feel all of the tiny muscles move as you steer and navigate the car. He likes the way they move, making his drunken head even more floaty. After a few moments, he shifts to lean against the car door, just watching you.
The music drifting from the radio is soft and quiet. You almost think Frankie’s fallen asleep, since he’s so quiet, but you look over and see him gazing over at you. “Penny for your thoughts, Fish.”
You’re expecting something stupid. Frankie is quite the philosopher when he’s drunk, always asking odd rhetorical questions. ‘Is a muffin an unfrosted cupcake?’ has always been a favorite of his. He’s never quite made up his mind about it, waxing poetic about the difference in the two baked goods.
He always says something stupid, but this time, his sober thoughts become his drunken words. “You’re the most absolute prettiest woman I’ve ever seen,” he smiles at you, those pink lips curled into a soft smile. It shows off his dimple, and you want to scream from how cute he looks. One of his big hands reaches over and cups your face.
“You’re drunk,” you shake your head, looking back at the road. “Don’t be stupid.”
“No, I mean yeah. Kinda drunk and really stupid, ha, but I mean it. You’re so fuckin’ pretty, cariño.” The backs of his fingers trace across the side of your face, resting on the side of your neck now.
You look down at yourself, still skeptical. “No, I know what you’re gonna say,” he pouts, beating you to the punch. “You’re in your pajamas and your hair is all messy ‘n whatever, but you’re so pretty. Your face is so cute. I love your nose. Just wanna…” he leans over and makes good on his promise for earlier. “Boop,” he coos as he pokes the tip of your nose, smiling wide. “You’re so cute. The guys make fun’a me because I never shut up about it.”
“Oh really?” you ask, raising an eyebrow and laughing.
“Yeah. Santi says I’m in love with you,” he murmurs, sitting back against the car window.
You gulp as you force yourself to grip the steering wheel harder, staring at the white dashes separating the two-lane road. “Yeah? What do you have to say on the matter?”
“I’m kinda thinkin’ he might be right.” His voice is small and quiet.
You shake your head again, eyes watering from the honesty. There’s no way he can think that. He’s shitfaced. He doesn’t mean it, there’s no way. He’s never been more than a friend, done anything to indicate romance.
Or… maybe he has, you reflect. He pays for your drinks most nights. He’ll order something you want and share it with you. He’s always a little touchier than he is with the boys. “You don’t mean that,” you say quietly, swallowing hard.
Whatever common sense he has left tells him to be quiet, so he does. He sits there silently for the rest of the drive, the tension palpable between the two of you. When you finally reach his house and park, you hold your breath. You don’t know what to do, what to say, but you can’t just let him go inside without saying anything. He sits up a little straighter as he realizes he’s come to a stop.
You bite your lip and look over at him. “I should help you inside.”
He nods and you turn off the car, putting the key in the pocket of your hoodie. You get out and walk to Frankie’s side, opening his door. He reaches his arms out to you and you chuckle a little. He looks like a helpless little child.
“Alright, grizzly bear,” you grunt as he swings his feet out and you help lift him to his feet. His arms cling to you tight until he’s standing up.
“Thanks,” he murmurs and wraps an arm around your shoulder when he’s upright.
“Don’t thank me yet,” you chuckle.
Using you as a crutch, he walks alongside you and into his house. He fumbles with the key until you open it for him, then lock it behind you. He leads the way to his room, opening the door and sighing as he sees his bed.
“Not yet,” you say as he tries to get to the bed. “Come on.” You pull his flannel off, leaving him in the t-shirt underneath. “Okay, go on.” He flops down onto his bed with a happy noise. Once he’s down, you unlace his boots and pull them off, then his socks.
Standing at his side, you undo his belt. “Woah,” he laughs. “‘M way too drunk for that, pretty girl. Kinda wanna though.”
“Shut the fuck up, Fish,” you laugh and thread it through the loops, tossing it aside. “I’m getting your clothes off so you can sleep.”
“Oh,” he sighs, giggling drunkenly as you pull his pants off. “Kinda feels like we’re gonna fuck.”
“Maybe another time,” you tease and pull the covers over him. Pushing his curls from his face, you softly kiss his cheek. “Call me when you’re sober, okay?”
He frowns and grabs the hand on his face with both of his rough palms. “Don’t leave me,” he pouts.
“Frankie,” you sigh and look at your watch. “It’s 3:35 in the goddamn morning.”
“Then stay the night,” he begs. “You said you like hugging me. I want you to hug me all night long,” he sighs, kissing your fingertips. You smile softly. It’s a good offer, you have to admit. He makes it even harder to say no. “I won’t be able to sleep if you’re not here when I wake up.”
“Lots of things can happen while you’re asleep, Fishie. I can-”
“Mm, Fishie,” he says with a smile, his eyes fluttering closed. “Come snuggle with me, pretty girl.”
You sigh as you look at the man. It’s not like you haven’t spent time pressed into his side, watching a sports game or a movie. You and Frankie are affectionate friends. He looks so warm and inviting, his body radiating heat. “Fine,” you give in. “Only because I’m cold.”
“Not ‘cause you like me too?” he asks and rolls over, leaving room for you.
“We can discuss that when you’re sober.” The spot he laid is warm and cozy, his body heat making it perfect for you. You slide under the covers next to him and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
Frankie presses a sloppy kiss to your head, smiling. You can hear his slow and steady heartbeat. “G’night cariño,” he mumbles, lips still buried in your hair.
“Goodnight, Frankie,” you whisper.
He falls asleep almost instantly, and you’re close behind him. You’ve never been more at peace than when you fall asleep in Frankie Morales’s arms.
read part two: SOBER THOUGHTS
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867
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hoodharlow · 3 years
Holiday Surprise
El Novio Quarantine Edition: Part 7
AN: Quick reminded in Song of the Year I previously said that Claudia was 20 weeks pregnant, but bc I want them to have a Taurus baby I moved pushed everything by 4 weeks. So in this part she's now 20 weeks pregnant and in SoG she's 16 weeks pregnant. Also tyy to @wastelandcth for letting me run ideas with her ilysm Gemma
Requested? No
Warnings: overall fluff with an angsty ending, briefly jealous!Cal, pre-sex (no smut!), Mitchy, mentions of violence, an argument bc someone can't follow basic CDC guidelines and went out to party, and talks about deathtolls/covid cases
Word Count: 5.9k words
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Claudia waited for the nurse to print her a few copies of her ultrasound. Christmas was in three days. Since her and Calum were staying at his house for Christmas, they decided on sending out care packages to their families. In the boxes they planned on having envelopes with their Christmas card and a picture of the newest member of the Hood-Santos family. But that they should wait to open them together via Zoom because Calum and Claudia were going to find out the sex of their baby. 
They had made a compromise. If baby's sex is female then Calum is naming them because the Hoods' firstborns are always female. Whereas in Claudia's family the Santos always have male firstborns so if the baby is male, she is naming them.
They were nervous. This was the biggest secret both of them have ever kept from their parents. Claudia felt queasy just thinking about how her parents were going to react, especially her parents. She doesn't want to disappoint them.
Sure Diego and Soni, and her brothers started their families at a young age, but there was an underlying pressure for Claudia. She was the only girl and the first in her family to graduate from a four year college, her mom had gone to community college and studied fashion merchandising. Her parents hadn't said it outloud, but she knew that it was expected of her to have a career before even thinking about settling down to start a family. She was supposed to get her master's then teach for a few years before moving her way up to school administration. Getting pregnant just during her first year of grad school was not the plan she and her parents had.
"All set." the nurse said, handing Claudia the envelopes.
"Thank you. Hope you enjoy the cookies and happy holidays." Claudia said, stuffing them in her bag. 
She pumped some hand sanitizer before she exited the doctor's office. She pulled Calum's flannel tighter and made her way to the car where he was waiting. He got out and helped her up. 
Claudia clicked her seatbelt and turned to Calum. "Can't you drop me off at your house and you go down to see my parents?" she asked.
"No you're going with me. I'm out of excuses." He said. He squeezed her hand, reassuringly before he backed out of the parking spot. "We're just going to drop off their box and say hi. After that we'll get hotdogs under the bridge at that place you like." 
"Fine." she sighed, giving in. The things she did for some hotdogs from Barrio Dogs down in Chicano Park. 
On their way to the post office, Claudia finished up packing the boxes. Once they arrived, Calum helped her seal them with packing tape before he took them inside to get mailed out. While she waited for him, Claudia texted her mom that she and Calum were going down to leave them a box for them to open on Christmas Eve.
She rubbed her stomach. She was almost twenty weeks pregnant and still couldn't believe it. It feels like just last week Danny had come over to fight the cat and accidentally found her pregnancy tests on the bathroom sink. Which was why she was nervous to go over to her parents. One look at her and they would know Calum got her pregnant. Luckily for her with Calum's big t-shirt and his zip up jacket that she packed, she was able to mask her growing belly. 
She shifted in her seat, trying to get somewhat comfortable when Calum unlocked the car to get in. He squeezed her hand and rubbed her belly. He passed her his phone so she could play some music as he pulled out of the parking lot. She played EL ÚLTIMO TOUR DEL MUNDO, and quietly gushed to her belly that Calum helped Bad Bunny produce the album and that he played all of the instruments in Yo Visto Asi. 
She reached for the pillows she had in the backseat; as best she could she curled up. Claudia spent the whole night baking. She needed something to keep out of her mind while she waited for final grades to be posted. She knew she did good, but the waiting is what got to her. 
When she first started grad school, she made a vow to be a fast grader and to have a good grading system. That way her students would know what their grades were in real time. She even managed to get everything graded for her classes the day her students turned in their finals. Unlike half of her professors who haven't updated grades since Thanksgiving. 
Her eyes fluttered closed and began dozing off, with help from Calum who played with her hair. He gently shook her shoulder, waking Claudia from a nap that felt like only five. 
"We're here." he whispered, kissing her cheek. 
"No, I just fell asleep." Claudia whined. 
"C'mon," he said, kissing her. 
He got out and grabbed the last box left. He stopped by Junior's house first. Though while he was there Damian overheard him and Junior talk about Claudia and her pregnancy. Calum just hoped that Damian kept his pinky promise and wouldn't tell anyone.
Claudia waited for Calum to make his way up the steps before changing into his t-shirt and zip up hoodie. She kept the thin long sleeve top and layered his shirt over it. She got out and grabbed the hoodie, putting it on as she went up the steps. 
Calum slammed the front door, looking pale as if he saw a ghost. 
"I just saw your dad's ass." He shuddered. "Didn't know he was the type to get an ass tattoo."
"How long did you look at his ass?— you know what, I don't wanna know." Claudia said, lifting her hands up in surrender. 
A minute or so later, Diego opened the door, buckling his belt. "Do you know how to knock?" He scolded Calum. 
"You didn't knock?" Claudia asked him, awkwardly hugging her dad. 
"I did, but I used your key to get in since they didn't open." Calum explained. He held up his  UCLA lanyard out to them. Claudia's San Diego Chargers key stood out against all the other silver ones.
"Now that that's sorted, can we go in? Tengo frío." Claudia said. 
Diego took a step back and let them in. He motioned them to the kitchen where Soni made a pitcher of agua de nanche. She set down the ladle and went to greet Calum and Claudia. 
"Can I have some?" Claudia asked her mom. 
"Agua de nanche?" Soni gave Claudia a confused look. In the twenty-two years she's known her daughter, she never willingly asked for agua de nanche. She placed her hand on Claudia's forehead. "Are you okay?"
She giggled nervously, hugging herself. "Ay ama. It's just a little craving I have." 
"A craving?"
"Yeah… craving."
Calum still couldn't wrap it around his head that Claudia's pregnancy made her eat pickles. She absolutely dreaded them before. One time, before the pandemic, they went out to a burger place and she sent back her burger because she tasted the pickles in the bottom bun. She could tell that they took them out before bringing it to her. Now seeing her pregnant and scarfing them down was something that left him both surprised and confused. 
"Claudia?" a voice called behind Calum.
"Oh my god, Luis!" Claudia squealed excitedly. 
When the guy approached their table, Calum felt like he had seen the guy before. He just couldn't remember where he saw him. 
"Cal, this Felix' brother, Luis. He's the one who's mine and Danny's age." Claudia explained. 
Calum smiled politely and introduced himself. He sat back and watched them talk. Luis leaned closer to Claudia, laughing at whatever bad joke she said. He noticed her voice slightly went higher. 
It was her 'I'm not really flirting, but oh shit you're hot as fuck' voice. She used to use that voice before they became an official iten. The last time she used it was when they were at lunch with the guys, their old producer friend named Jon and Tyler Posey. On the drive home, she went on and on about how Tyler Posey was the sweetest and funniest guy ever. It drove Calum mad.
"It was nice seeing you, Claudia, but my friends are waiting." Luis said, making Calum smile. 
"Same, and congrats on getting into med school. I saw Profe's post the other week." Claudia smiled.  
"I find it weird you call my mom Profe." He teased. 
"It was an old habit." She laughed. She turned to Calum. "We should go right? With traffic and all."
He nodded. "I'm going to pay and bring the car over." Calum got up and nodded to Luis. "It was nice meeting you."
"Back at you." Luis said leaving to his table without telling Claudia goodbye. 
Calum helped her up and hand in hand they went to the booth to pay. He signed the receipt and dripped a very generous tip in the tip jar. 
After thorough convincing, Claudia waited for Calum as he jaywalked and went to get his car from the public parking lot. She replied to a series of messages from Danny asking why she drank agua de nanche and that Luis texted him telling him he just ran into her and that she looked pregnant. She gave him a vague response and put her phone on silent. After eating three hotdogs and a side mac and cheese, the last thing she wanted was to answer more messages from Danny. 
Calum pulled up in front of her and got out of his side to help her in. It was more of him standing back and being there in case she fell, so she'd fall into him, breaking her fall. Once she was in he circled back and got in. 
He missed the street that took them to the I5 and now had to drive a bit further to get on the I15. Just before he got off the ramp, Claudia's soft snores filled the car. He pressed a few buttons and made her seat lean back. With one hand Calum moved her so she was laying on her side. As best he could, he placed the pillows around her back and stomach.
The drive went by quickly. Calum got off the freeway and started driving through the streets. His phone began to ring. Ashton's face lit up his phone screen. It must be about their management. Calum had asked him to call him once everything was sorted with their lawyers and teams. He connected it to the car and answered. 
"Hey, mate, I'm driving right now. Claudia and I are almost home. Call you in a bit." Calum said before Ashton got a word in. 
He hung up as Claudia stirred awake. She groaned and shifted in her seat. 
"I have to pee." she said. 
"We'll be home in about five minutes. Can you hold it?" He asked her, intertwining his fingers with hers. 
"Yeah," she said, stifling her yawn. Claudia rushed out and went to the guest bathroom when they arrived. Calum took advantage and returned Ashton's call. 
"Claudia, I'm going to be in my office if you need me," he called. 
"I might be in here a while, those hotdogs didn't agree with me." she murmured. 
"There's an air freshener in the sink." Calumteased. 
He greeted Duke and Cherry as he made his way to his office. Ashton answered and went off in a tangent about a melody that was stuck in his head. He paced around, agreeing and humming in response as Ashton went on and on. Calum didn't want to cut him off and ask about their contract, so he listened. 
"...so I talked to Renee Hastings, that lawyer that does a lot of work on this and she said that she can get us out of our contract. She even has—” 
“Are you serious?” Calum asked, cutting him off. 
He desperately wanted and needed to get out of their contract with their management. Especially with what they’re asking him to do. There’s no way he’s going to do what they want. 
"Yeah, everything is going to be finalized in the next few weeks." Ashton went on. "I'm glad we're out. Even more so that you won't have to… you know."
"It's a relief honestly. I can just focus on music and raising my baby with Claudia." He sighed. He reached for a small picture frame of him and Claudia from when they went hiking at some waterfall they accidentally found while out hiking. 
"Speaking of baby, do you know their sex? I have compiled a list of names. Of course, my top five are Ashley, Asher, Ashton, Ashe, and Ashlyn on said list, but I found some other names." Ashton said, earning a snort from Calum. 
He set the picture frame down and chuckled as Ashton listed more names. He spotted the new contract their old team had made for him. He grabbed it and stored it in a drawer under a package of printer paper.  Calum caught Claudia's shadow as she waddled past his office, making her way to the kitchen. 
"Hey, I gotta go. Claudia just scurried past my office so I have to hide her hot chips or she's going to complain all night that she has heartburn. 
Ashton  chuckled at his comment. They bid each other goodbye and agreed that he was taking Calum to the studio in a few days after spending the holidays in the snow with KayKay and Penny. 
Calum went out to the kitchen and found it empty. But there was a stool in front of the cabinet where Calum hid Claudia's Turbo Flamas and Takis. The two large chip bags were missing. 
He cursed and searched around the house for her. He found her once more in the kitchen sipping on a Hi-C pink lemonade juice box while she watched her frozen Italian style meatballs heat up in the microwave. 
"How many times do I have to ask you to not climb on stool to reach for things? You're already clumsy as is, Claudia." He scolded. 
"I didn't use the stool. I was going to, but I didn't see my chips." Claudia explained. She got up and grabbed her plate. "So now I'm gonna shove some balls in my mouth."
"I have some you might like more." 
Claudia gave him a glance over. She didn't get it. She was almost twenty weeks pregnant and somehow Calum's cock was as hard as the kitchen's marble counters. Did it have to do with the fact that she only wore his flannel and some panties? Yes, it still surprised her that she had that effect on him. 
She bit into one of her meatballs and watched him. Once she swallowed, she walked up to him and gently patted his hard on. "And they say pregnant women are the super horny ones."
Christmas Eve rolled around a few days later. Calum spent the better part of the morning at the studio with Luke and Michael then he spent the afternoon driving around dropping off and picking up things for their little Christmas celebration. Claudia baked and made sure their house was ready. Danny, Medelyn and Sebastian were coming over to their house since Claudia and her brothers divided which holidays they spent with their parents. Danny got thanksgiving, Junior got Christmas and Claudia got left with New Year's. 
Calum entered the house and his nose was filled with the smell of warm gingerbread cookies and the tamales Soni had given them when they visited. He quickly rushed to the guest room and changed into some clean clothes. With Claudia being pregnant they knew that she was more at risk of exposure, so they took extra precautions for her to be safe. He took his clothes to the laundry room for a quick wash.
He went to the kitchen and was surprised it was empty. Calum was sure he was going to find Claudia decorating some cookies or baking some elaborate pastry she couldn't pronounce. He found their dogs in the living room intently watching 102 Dalmatians. They didn't even notice him when he arrived.
Calum jogged upstairs and heard a faint buzzing sound in their bedroom. He knocked a few times so she could let him in. Other times he would have sneaked in and playfully scold her that she knew better than to get started without him. That usually led to him telling to keep going until she was very sensitive then he'd go down on her and do other things to her that they both enjoy. But with a human growing inside of her, Claudia has gotten a bit self conscious about her body. 
He knocked a few more times and there still wasn't a response. He opened the door and found her naked in a sitting position. She was fast asleep with her vibrator in her hand.
Calum took the vibrator, turning it off, he cleaned it and stored it in her drawer with her other toys. He fixed her pillows and slowly moved her into a more comfortable position. He covered her with her Snoopy blanket and smoothed her hair out. He kissed her forehead and let her sleep. 
He went back down and worked in his office. Now that the band was without any management and team, they had a lot of paperwork to prove that they were management-less. Once he was done with the paperwork he decided to do some in depth investigation[long cash]lurking— on the lawyer that helped them get out of their contract. All he knew about her was that one of Michael's best men gave him her number because she was well known in the NFL among the wives of the NFL players. He looked her up on Google and it showed that she is married to a retired NFL player who she had three children with, one son and two daughters. Her husband played for the San Diego Chargers until the team moved to Los Angeles where he went and played for the 49ers. He had retired just last year. In his rabbit hole investigation he ended up on Renee's Instagram page. He was about four years deep when he saw a familiar face. Claudia. 
She was posing with, who Calum assumed was, that Isaiah guy. He had his arm around Claudia's shoulders while one of her hands was on his chest. They both had big smiles. 
Calum scrolled down and read the caption. Noting that Isaiah's @ was in the caption, he clicked it. He cursed when he saw that his account was private. He went back to Renee's and kept scrolling. He saw more and more of Claudia. From school fundraisers to family barbecues, Claudia and her family were there. 
It hurt him, not in 'she looked so happy with him' but more of how he knew their families can't have that relationship. Mostly because Calum's family lived on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. They couldn't just arrange to meet up for a barbecue or a dinner. There was so much to plan just for them to be in the same place. And with the ongoing pandemic, it made things rough for them. 
Calum and Claudia's parents briefly met via Zoom when Joy and David thanked Soni and Diego for taking Calum in. After that there were quick Zoom calls or just Calum or Claudia passing along their parents' regards to the other. The more Calum thought about it, his parents had better relationships with Diego and Soni than Marlene and Medelyn's parents. From what Claudia told him, Marlene's parents kicked her out when she was sixteen after finding out she was a few months pregnant with Guito. Diego and Soni stepped in and took her in. Her parents eventually came around, but according to Claudia, the tension is very present whenever there's a family party and Marlene's parents attend. But it's much better than Medelyn's parents. He witnessed first-hand how her parents want nothing to do with her or the Santos family. 
"Hey, you okay?" Claudia asked him, bringing him back from his thoughts. "I knocked a few times and you didn't answer."
"Ye-yeah, I'm good." He said. He motioned her to come in. She took a seat in front of Calum. 
In other circumstances, he would have dropped to his knees, but those circumstances are probably why Claudia was pregnant. 
Calum pushed her t-shirt and gently kissed her belly. "How are my babies?" he asked before blowing raspberries into her belly.
"We are good." Claudia gently patted her belly. "This one was in the mood for tamales."
"What time are they showing up?" He asked. 
"In like two hours. I'm so hungry." She fake cried. 
"The lighting is good right here." Calum noted, ignoring her hunger comment. He unlocked his phone, accidentally revealing to her that he was lurking. He exited the app and looked for the camera icon. He quickly took a few pictures of him with Claudia's belly. He passed his phone to her and let her see the pictures.
"You think showing me cute pictures of my belly is gonna distract me from the fact that I saw my ex's mom on your phone?" She asked as a matter of factly.
"Kinda?" He laughed nervously. He sat back and ran his hand over her thighs. "Now that I got you here. I have something to talk to you about that involves her." 
"You know how we dropped our album and that our management fucked up the release, making us debut a week early and all that?" He asked her. She nodded in response. She remembered clearly tweeting Billboard and cursing them out. Calum took her hands and intertwined her fingers with his. "Well we decided to part ways with them. Thanks to Renee, we got out of our contract drama free. So now we have more freedom with our music and lives." 
"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you and the guys!" Claudia smiled. She carefully hopped off the desk and sat on Calum's lap. "Mrs. Hastings is such a badass. I'm glad she was able to help y'all."
"It's a relief. It's nice to break apart from a group that never had your back." He said. 
Claudia smiled to herself. It's been a while since she saw Calum look so relaxed and content. She was happy to see that he found peace of mind. She knew how exhausting their management was. Especially when their relationship was exposed. The band's team was quick to tell him to break up with her. They were desperate to keep his image of the one single band member. But Calum was very adamant and refused. 
"My question is why were you on her Instagram?" 
"I was bored. I have a question too." 
"What is it?" 
"The dress you wore to your prom, is that the one you had planned on wearing with me?"
"No." she giggled. "I had convinced my mom to take me to Saks up in HillCrest because I wanted to impress you and maybe you know with you."
"Weren't you seventeen?" 
"Yeah? Wh— oh yeah nevermind." 
Calum paced around his office, waiting for his dad to answer. Earlier Damian had accidentally spoiled Calum and Claudia's surprise by asking if his tía Claudia already had her baby. They came clean and told their parents they were having a baby. 
After an unexciting baby and sex reveal, their moms tearfully congratulated them on their baby girl. Diego came around after a few jokes from Junior and Danny. He even shed a few tears after it finally hit him that his baby was having a baby. Which only brought more jokes about how he doesn't hide the fact that Claudia is favorite. The only parent that didn't have much of a reaction was David. 
Calum quickly noticed the change in his demeanor as Joy and Soni gushed about the thought of being grandmothers to a baby girl that had both his and Claudia's dark brown curls. He texted him, letting him know that he was calling him. He stepped out and was now waiting for his dad to answer. 
"Llo?" David answered. 
"Hey, dad." Calum said back. He didn't know where to start. The last thing he wanted was to argue and ruin Christmas for them. But he wanted answers.
"You're really going to be a dad, huh." David spoke up, breaking the silence. 
Calum laughed nervously and leaned against his desk. "Yeah, we were a bit surprised at first but we're excited now." 
"Isn't it soon? You've been dating Claudia for what? A little over a year and now you're having a child? I never thought you'd settle." 
"If you're implying that she purposefully got preg—"
"I'm not… children are a huge responsibility, Calum."
"I'm aware." He scratched his arm. "This is something we've already discussed. We had agreed on waiting a few more years, once Claudia was done with school and working, but it kinda sprung on us. We know the timing isn’t ideal, but we want this. We want her.”
“Alright,” David sighed. 
Calum braced himself for what was going to come. 
“I want to be called pops though, I’m too young to be called grandpa.” he said, earning a chuckle from his son.
Both of them ended up talking for what seemed like hours. They caught up on how things were going for them. They even joked about having a serious talk with Felix, Mali's boyfriend and a family friend of the Santos family. Calum didn't even notice Claudia walk in and leave him a plate of tamales de rajas con queso and a mug of ponche Navideño on his desk. After another half hour, Calum and David hung up, agreeing to talk later in the week. 
Calum made his way back to the living room where Claudia, Danny, Sebastian and Medelyn were while he scarfed down his tamales and ponche. After he finished, he took his dishes and placed them in the sink, letting them soak. He joined Claudia on the floor, letting her lean against him. An hour later, Danny, Medelyn and Sebastian left since in Los Angeles there was a strict curfew. Calum and Claudia offered them one of the guest rooms, but they declined. It was now just the two of them. 
By the time they finished cleaning, it was well into midnight. Claudia had changed into a simple yet sexy, panty and bra set, covering it with a silky robe and settled in bed. She scrolled through one of her favorite stories on Wattpad while she waited for him. She was at the part where the main characters established that they are enemies when Calum entered the room with a small plastic box.
"Merry Christmas." He offered her the box.
"We agreed to open presents in the morning." Claudia said.
"I know but I couldn't wait. Remember a while back I found out it was you that I was supposed to take to prom?" He asked. 
Claudia nodded. She vaguely remembered the talk, but she did remember that afternoon he posted a screenshot of that Tweet and picture of them in the pool. There were mixed reactions. Some fans were confused why the pool was green, not knowing Ashton was in the midst of working on his album. Some gave them positive responses while others continued with their negativity. 
"Anyways," He said, bringing her back from her thoughts. "I found the corsage and I wanted to give it to you. There's also something else in there."
Claudia carefully opened the box. It was beautiful. The flowers were dry, but she always liked dry flowers. To her they represent memories and experiences. She gently ran her finger over the ribbon that matched the dress she had originally bought. She still remembered their team asking her to link the website of her dress so they could get an exact color. She lifted the corsage only to reveal a BVLGARI ring box. Her eyes widened. 
"No." Claudia shook her head. She passed him back the box. "Just because I'm having your baby, it doesn't mean you should propose." 
"Umm, well good thing I'm not proposing." Calum awkwardly chuckled. He opened the small box, inside was a rose gold serpent ring. It was similar to the necklace he first gave her and the bracelets. "I wanted you to have the complete set. It fits your pointer finger, not the ring finger."
"Oh, thank god." She exhaled, relieved.
"Why that reaction though?" He asked her. 
"I've seen too many couples get engaged for the wrong reason and end up miserable. Not that that would be us, but I don't want you to feel obligated because I’m having your kid."
"What do you think about marriage?" He shifted so she could be more comfortable.
"The overall thought of spending your life with someone and stuff sounds great. It's the fact that the government and/or church have to get involved to verify that gets me. Legally speaking it makes sense why they get involved. You?"
"I agree for the most part. I don't need some piece of paper to tell me that my feelings for you are valid." He said. 
"Well thanks for the ring." Claudia said, showing him how it looked on her pointer finger. "I love it. Also I have something for you to unwrap."
"Yeah." She giggled as she stood on her knees in front of him. 
Calum slowly opened her robe, revealing her bra and panties. 
"You're my favorite present." Calum said, before gently pulling her down to kiss her. "The best thing that has ever happened to me."
"Check his left pocket." Ashton told Luke while he held Calum up.
Luke nodded and slipped his hand into Calum's pants. But in his drunken state, Calum pushed him away. He shook his hand and tried yo
"I'm flattered, but I have a girlfriend." he went on. "She's amazing. She also has a great ass and even more phenomenal brain. She's having my baby whilst getting her master's at UCLA."
"C'mon you cunt, just cooperate with us. Claudia is going to kill us." Luke grumbled. "Where are you are your fucking keys?"
"I have a spare under the potted cactus." Calum said. He yawned and rested his head on Ashton's shoulder. 
Luke gave him a look and crouched under the potted plant. He lifted the pot and retrieved the keyes. He opened the door, holding it for Ashton to carry Calum in. They guided him to the couch. 
Duke and Cherry jumped on Calum wanting to get cuddles from him, but he wasn’t in the mood. He grumbled and rolled on his stomach.
“We need to get ice on his hand.” Luke whispered to Ashton.
“Why does he need ice on his hand?” Claudia asked, startling them. 
She stood on the doorway with a plate of sliced green apples drizzled with honey and warm peanut butter. She was pissed. 
Calum had told her he was going to go to the studio with the guys. Only he didn’t. She was mindlessly scrolling through the explore tab on Instagram and saw a picture of Mitchy with Calum in the background. Claudia wasn’t mad that he was out with Mitchy. She could care less about him. What pissed her off was that he thought it was okay for him to be out partying in the middle of a global pandemic. 
“He punched Mitchy.” Ashton said as if it was something Calum normally did.
“He WHAT!” Claudia yelled. 
“That’s what Luke said. I don’t know. I was home sleeping when he called.” 
“I was in the other room when it happened and when Jordan came to get me, he didn’t tell me what provoked him. They were just held back by a few other guys.” Luke explained.
“Did anyone else see?” Claudia asked. She was worried about the video getting out and that their old team could use it against it.
“No, there were like three other guys in the room when I got there. Everyone else was out in the yard. There guys were smoking and Cal was helping Mitchy get more drinks.” 
Ashton patted Luke’s arm. “We should get going.” 
“Bye Claudia and congrats on having a girl.” Luke said before he left with Ashton.
Claudia sighed when she heard the door close. She went over to Calum and got him out of his clothes. She grabbed a blanket and covered him, leaving to go upstairs to sleep. 
Calum woke up hours later. His whole body was in pain. He couldn't lift his head up from the pillow at how heavy it felt. Though when he caught a peek of himself in boxers he jumped up. 
It took him a minute to realize he was at his house. He didn't even know how he got home. The last thing he remembered was punching Mitchy for calling Claudia a bitch. He glanced down at his hand, even against his brown skin, his knuckles were still red. He opened and closed his fist, cursing at how it hurt. 
He heard hushed voices coming from the kitchen. He recognized the voices instantly. Danny and Claudia were arguing in Spanish. On the opposite end of the couch were a t-shirt and sweatpants neatly folded. He put them on and went to the kitchen. 
He barely made two steps in the kitchen when two hands shoved him hard. 
Danny, what the fuck!" Claudia yelled. She pulled her brother back, letting Calum regain his composure. 
"You don't come to my house and fucking start shit." Calum snapped at Danny.
"No, but I do come over and take my sister home with me because her baby daddy is an irresponsible headass." Danny sneered. 
"What did you just say?" Calum asked.
"Are you fucking stupid?" Danny began. "Claudia is fucking pregnant and you think it's cool to go out and party. You're putting her life and your baby's in danger. Hell, even yours. You're fucking selfish."
Calum didn't know what to say. He felt like shit.
Danny gently reached for his sister's arm. "Claudia te vienes conmigo."
She shrugged him off and crossed her arms. "I'm not leaving." 
"Me vale verga."
"She said she's not going." Calum spoke up.
"Cal, don't say anything right now." Claudia said defeatedly. "Danny, go home. We're going to resolve this."
Danny looked at Calum then to Claudia. "Fine." he said, knowing she wouldn't budge. He reached for his keys on the counter. "Me hablas al rato. Y más si este pendejo anda con sus pendejadas."
He hugged Claudia and went through the back to avoid getting close to Calum. Seconds later the front door slammed shut. 
She lifted her hand up, stopping him. "I don't wanna hear Calum. I'm exhausted. I stayed up all night because I didn't know where the fuck you were. Then you come home late, so drunk that Luke and Ashton have to hold you up. Don't get me started on the fact that you got in a fight. I don't want to know what caused it, but it better not repeat. 
What am I going to tell my parents this time? 'Yeah we can't make it because Calum decided that it was okay for him to party in the middle of a global pandemic where there were thousands of people dying and being hospitalized in just the city we live in. Feliz año.'"
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sure you."
Taglist: @suchalonelysunflower @f-mu @another-lonely-heart @sunshinebabycal-deactivated2021   @calumscalm @karajaynetoday @cherryxwildflower @ashtonsunflower  @idontneedanyone @findingliam-o @5-secondsofcolor​ @mulletcal @polycashton @fckingpernico @2fangirl4u @calpops
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amporalicious · 3 years
im posting my mh headcanons here finally ❤️‍🔥
- crush on jay and brian
- likes flannel almost as much as a stereotypical lesbian
- still smokes, hates it, trying to drop it by running his hand through his hair everytime he feels the need to smoke
- mid 20s
- epilepsy god (not photosensitive- mostly absent seizures- please be patient with him)
- is ticklish, but will beat your ass if you try to tickle him
- yes he owns pink rollerblades. yes he knows how to use them. yes you should be afraid
- gay lord
- literally the worst memory
- loves strawberry smoothies and milk
- bitter > sugary things
- doesnt drink caffeine very often
- anxious 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
- "minecraft <3"
- limps because his fucked up leg never healed properly thanks to someone whose name starts with 'mask' and ends in 'y'
- "if you dont love yourself, ill love you myself"
- changes his minecraft skin every 2 seconds
- king of amnesia
- horrible horrible memory
- if he was a pokemon, the only move hed know would be headbutt
- is also ticklish, but will probably kill you if you try
- hates everyone (including himself) except for brian and hoodie
- would probably adore cat memes
- loves to be recorded/photographed
- drama queen
- likes rough rocks over smooth rocks
- crush on tim
- a bit younger than tim (earlier 20s)
- college dropout
- questioning his sexuality every time tim enters the room
- is tims emotional support animal
- laptop is decked in stickers
- loves geology and paleontology
- "i lack toes in toddler ants" he says before finishing up his chocolate ice cream
- extrovert
- still uses emoticons instead of of emojis
- "dont fucking cuss on my minecraft server, TIM"
- is maskys emotional support animal
- "where are you :("
- loves sweets
- loves bugs and nature
- *someone calls his furby scary* "do not talk to me or my son ever again"
- "is it hot in here or is it just me/you haha anyways"
- key lime pie is his life
- himbo but we still love him
- major crush on tim
- interested in so many things!!! has zero idea what he wants to do!!!
- graduated college a bit later than most
- oldest of the four (late 20𝕤)
- bisexual demon
- possibly an undiagnosed neurodivergent??
- enamel pins on a corkboard
- "haha why am i coughing blood?"
- *looks up symptoms* *cries because it says he has liver cancer* *has a cold*
- lives and breathes coffee/caffeine
- animal crossing: new horizons is his comfort game
- fuck you alex
- couldnt make a good film if he tried
- what is medication??? doctor??? huh??? therapy who???
- "im still alive, i dont have to go to a doctor" *throws up a kidney* "its fine. i got two for a reason"
- mid 20𝕤
- wanted to be an actor but became more interested in directing, so he switched his major
- definitely undiagnosed neurodivergent
- actually likes to draw? minored in graphic design for a bit
- will beat your ass in a dance competition
- very competetive even before the operator shit
- *downs a slurpee* *screams at his brain freeze* *never goes to 7/11 again*
- pissbaby
- actually used to like dogs???
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amoderndreamletdown · 3 years
Random Jatp Headcannons I Have
1. Reggie used to sleep with a teddy bear before he died. It had been given to him by his parents and was a reminder of happier times. He used it to comfort him over the sound of his parents fighting.
2. The boys are Green Day stans. No I will not explain.
3. Alex designed the Sunset Curve logo and uses art to help with his anxiety and to escape reality a bit. 
4. The boys in Sunset Curve used to borrow each other’s clothes all the time. This was mostly a result of them always staying over at each others houses and not packing enough clothes. It got to the point where they couldn’t remember what clothes where theirs and what weren’t. They eventually stopped and developed their own styles, but they would still steal hoodies and flannels from one another on occasion.
5. The boys started Sunset Curve after Luke got his first guitar. Bobby and Alex already knew how to play their instruments, Reggie knew how to play guitar, but picked up bass quickly, and Luke was learning for their first time.
6. The phantoms discovered more alternative music like Paramore, Fall Out Boy, MCR, etc after opening for Panic! and googling them.They became obsessed and Luke now insist on covering Paramore at every jatp concert and claims “Julie has the perfect voice for it.” 
7. Alex was a Queen stan and secretly hopes he’ll run into Freddie Mercury some day. 
8. Carrie stopped being friends with Julie after her mom died because she thought of Rose as her own mom. She hated that Julie was the only one getting any sympathy. The only she could think to fuel her hurt was to take it out on Julie. She regrets it, but won’t admit it.
9. Nick is a Panic! stan and already had tickets to the Orpheum before Julie announced she was opening (Panic! shows sell out fast, and ik it’s a TV show, but idc)
10. Flynn’s also a Panic! stan and was extremely enthusiastic when she found out Julie was opening for them. 
11. Luke, Julie, and Alex are extremely competitive whenever they have a game night. Alex less so than the others, but Julie the most. However, Reggie always somehow wins. 
12. Reggie’s extremely good at math. One day Julie asked Reggie to help her with her math homework and Reggie does the whole worksheet in ten minutes getting all the answers right. Reggie has no idea how he does it or why it’s so impressive.
13. Alex and Luke suck at math. Alex just can’t do it to save his life, but Luke just never understood the point of learning it and never paid attention in school. Both barely passed with Ds.
14. Alex has a little sister.
15. Julie’s favorite subject, besides music, is history. 
16. One day Alex asks Julie to paint his nails. He’s nervous at first as he’s afraid of what she’ll say. Of course she’s supportive and asks what color he wants. Alex, of course, chooses a light pink. However, once Luke and Reggie sees his nails they go to Julie as well. Luke paints his black at first, but after a while changes to blue. Reggie mainly paints his red. This becomes a weekly thing.
17. The boys have Sunset Curve stick and pokes they gave themselves after they booked the Orpheum. Trevor’s is faded now and basically gone, but, since Luke, Reggie, and Alex are dead, they still have theirs.
18. Julie and Reggie are bi, Luke is pan, Carrie is a lesbian, and Flynn is omni.
19. Alex and Luke dated in the ‘90s, but decided they were better off as friends. Julie and Willie often joke about it. Alex and Luke join in most of the time, but sometimes they just roll their eyes.
20. Reggie had a crush on Han Solo.
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smelted-applejuice · 2 years
Hello there, I heard that your matchups were open, so I was thinking of applying if that’s alright ^^
I’m currently 20 years. I’m a 5’ 2” American-Latin girl with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. She/Her pronouns and cis female. Still trying to find out my sexuality but at the moment I don’t use labels.
I’m currently in college studying for my BA in Mechanical Engineering. I’m the oldest sibling of 3 (and the only girl lol). I’m a INTJ, Scorpio, and Slytherin.
I’m quite sarcastic, blunt, and sometimes short-tempered but I’m also quiet, honest, and loyal to a fault. Even though I’m not looking for a relationship, I’m a heartless romantic at heart deep down.
Some of my pastimes include reading, listening to music, playing video games, and drawing. The videos I tend to play are the chill ones like Minecraft and Animal Crossing. I also enjoy reading History and all kinds of mythology stories from all sorts of cultures!!
Even though I’m 20, I sometimes don’t put too much effort in my outfits. I prefer comfort over style. That would include pants, large hoodies and sweaters, flannels, and I really like wearing boots during the fall and winter!
I hope this is enough ^^
Hello, darling!! I hope you enjoy! I ship you with...
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(MODERN DAY! C!) Wilbur Soot!
❥ You and Wilbur were the best of friends before you guys started dating.  ❥ He doesn’t mind that you don’t put effort into trying to look good, in fact, he finds it attractive.  ❥ He enjoys watching you bond with his brothers, you and Techno often bonding over the history and mythological side of your personality and Tommy with the video game side.  ❥ His favorite times are when you’re playing animal crossing and he can sit there and hold you. Pretty sweet in his opinion.  ❥ He also bounces off your sarcasm, it makes great midnight conversations when you both can’t sleep. 
“[YourName]?” Wilbur questioned softly, “Whatcha want, giant?” [YourName] said looking up from their switch currently in a game with Wilbur’s youngest brother. “I love you.” He spoke randomly, it took [YourName] back for a moment but she smiled, “I love you too, Wilbur” she said. “Now let’s cuddle! Screw the game with Tommy, I bet he sucks compared to you anyway!” Wilbur huffed out, “But! I just got our farm done!” [YourName] complained “I don’t care, farm shmarm!” Wilbur said picking up his girlfriend. 
Your song: Enchanted - Taylor Swift
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Seventeen and strung out on confusion; chapter 1/4
Summary: Just some snippets of backstory for the one and only Alex Mercer; aka my comfort character. Each moment will have a date attached so you can understand the timeline. Angst with fluffy found family moments :)
Warnings: Homophobia, swearing
As I’m sure you could guess, there are numerous problems that come with being the only out gay kid at your school in 1994. It’s not so bad if you keep your head down and persuade your friends not to get into a fight with everyone who throws a slur your way, but regardless. That pink hoodie that you’ve been wearing since you were 14 and is honestly too small at this point but your parents refuse to buy you another one? Well it’s a target on your back and apparently everyone at the school is now a professional archer. Or at least, they’re all very proficient in the art of unoriginal insults that cut deeper than they should. All of this is to say, don’t come out to your religious parents in 1994. Ever.
Alex Mercer was born into a perfect nuclear family, in a two story house with a white picket fence, brick columns, and a clean cut yard that was unsettlingly green. His parents were as religious as anyone could get; straight-laced, good Catholic parents who kept their hands tight around Alex’s shoulders. He went to church every Sunday and tried to ignore the way his neck itched from the too-tight collar and his mother swatting at his hands until he had to sit on them to refrain from drumming on the nearest surface. He was good at hiding the way he payed undivided attention to his little sister’s ballet classes, good at pretending to stare at the girls in the hallways that all his friends drooled after, and especially good at convincing everyone that he drummed and sang to… impress said girls. Right. But unfortunately, Alex was even better at accidentally outing himself a day into the New Year, consequentially losing all of his parents’ affection.
He didn’t even exist to them anymore. Maybe it would’ve been better if they’d given him a million restrictions and curfews and basically chained his hands together, because this was unsettling. And lonely. Family dinners were a thing of the past, and he’d really begun to sympathize with Reggie and his microwaved, half-cold meals every morning and night. But it could always be worse. They hadn’t kicked him out… yet.
January 25, 1994
“Alex, dude!”
Alex flinched upon realizing Reggie’s hand waving in front of his face. He looked up and smiled guiltily, realizing the way he’d frozen, spaced out staring at the wall and absentmindedly hitting his sticks against his legs with a beat that didn’t at all match the song they were supposed to be rehearsing.
Luke sighed, wiping the pout off his face. “Alex, come on man! We aren’t gonna get any gigs if you keep…” He waved his hands vaguely and slapped Alex’s shoulder. “Just, pay attention dude.”
“Right,” Alex replied, his voice strained. He was staring down at his shoes and he could feel his bandmates having a silent conversation above his head which he could only deduce Luke was not happy with, probably meaning they were stopping rehearsal. He didn’t want them to stop for him; it made him feel like a burden, and Luke was right, if they were gonna make it anywhere, they had to be all in.
“Alex, you okay?” Reggie asked, his eyebrows knit together in concern.
Alex nodded briefly and kept his gaze trained on his feet. His sneakers were too small and he had to curl his toes in for them to fit but he was afraid of the reaction he’d get from telling his parents he needed something.
“It’s not one of those homophobic jackasses again, right?” Bobby asked, moving closer, his eyes narrowing. “I swear, this time I will cave Josh’s fucking face in-”
“It’s not!” Alex clarified, finally lifting his head. “It isn’t…” he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Look it’s just my parents alright? They…”
Reggie’s eyes widened and he began fiddling with his flannel sleeves. “They didn’t… they didn’t hurt you did they?” He asked, his voice small.
“No, no they didn’t hurt me… not physically at least.” He laughed ruefully. “They’re just being stupid, alright? Ignoring me like they have for the past 3 weeks.” Alex stood up, well aware that at this point band practice was a thing of the past. He walked to the couch, the other three boys in tow.
“Hey!” Luke elbowed Alex’s side before throwing an arm over his shoulders. “That new Green Day album is coming out in like, a week.” He grinned, eyes lighting up. “I’ve been saving up to buy it, and we can use that new cassette player I got for Christmas to listen to it.”
Alex nodded, smiling softly and letting his head relax on the back of the couch. “Yea that sounds great. Promise you won’t listen to it without us?”
“Of course ‘Lex; we all gotta be there to find which songs we’re gonna cover.”
Reggie wrinkled his nose in confusion. “I thought you said we’d moved past being a cover band?”
“It’s Luke, he’ll make an exception for anything if it involves Green Day,” Bobby chuckled.
Several beats of silence passed in which the sun seemed to get increasingly lower in the sky, before Bobby sighed in resignation. “You’re all staying here tonight, aren’t you?”
Luke beamed, clapping Bobby’s shoulders. “You know us so well.”
“Sleepover!” Reggie laughed, pumping a fist in the air. “Does it count as a sleepover if we all basically live here at this point?”
“Shhh ‘Lex, don’t ruin our fun,” Luke responded.
Alex smiled hesitantly. Yea, he was okay.
May, 1994
Michael Williams had dark hair brushing the tips of his shoulders, eyes that were almost golden in certain lights and a smile that gave Alex butterflies. Not to mention he was in theater and had a reputation for flipping off the homophobic jocks that were constantly on Alex’s tail. Not that he did it specifically for Alex, but still. The only problem was that talking to cute boys that he hadn’t known since 3rd grade was far from Alex’s strong point.
“Come on Alex!” Luke groaned, sliding into the last open seat at their lunch table. “Just talk to him before I literally combust.” He punctuated his sentence by waving at Alex with a cold french fry.
Alex grumbled something, his face in his arms in a futile attempt to hide the red dusting his cheeks.
“Hey Luke, if you explode because Alex refuses to talk to his crush, can I have your CD’s?” Reggie quipped, a lopsided grin on his face.
Luke gasped in mock offense. “Reginald-!”
“Still not my name.”
“I will be buried with my music,” Luke said. “Both of my guitars too-”
“Even your amp?” Bobby questioned.
“Seems like a waste of space. Can you even fit all that in a coffin?”
Luke shrugged. “You guys can figure it out. Don’t betray my dying wish.”
Something that would’ve been silence had Luke ever been taught how to chew like a normal person passed over the table, in which Alex’s attention drifted lazily back to Michael Williams, who was chatting enthusiastically with one of the girls in his theater class. Alex didn’t know her name but they had biology together and she never gave him dirty looks, so he liked her.
“10 bucks if you go talk to him,” Bobby said, nudging Alex and waggling his eyebrows.
“No. No,” Alex said. “Not happening.”
“Where is this money coming from?” Alex squeaked, although the prospect of $15 was all too tempting. He could get some decent shoes for that.
“20,” Bobby continued, grinning maniacally.
“Dude!” Luke laughed. “How are your parents gonna like you asking for money to fulfill a bet?”
Bobby slapped a hand over Luke’s mouth.
“I’m gonna regret this,” Alex sighed, already moving to stand up.
Reggie giggled like a child and offered a shit-eating grin to Alex, who promptly flipped him off before heading across the cafeteria.
December 17, 1994
Alex was screwed. No. Alex was completely fucked. Alex Mercer was likely seconds away from living in a ditch. Because of course it had to be his sister who caught him making out with a guy after school. And of course she was too young to understand why she couldn’t tell Mom and Dad. Because she would’ve done the same if he’d been kissing a girl because kissing is gross and it’s funny to tell your parents that your big brother was kissing someone.
“Hey Mom, guess what Alex did today?” Angie asked, giggling. She was perched on the counter, licking frosting from her fingers while their mother brushed cookie crumbs from her dress. And Alex was frozen at the top of the stairs, crouched down, his heart pounding so loud he was sure it could be heard downstairs. He dug his nails into his palms and prayed that his mother would pretend he didn’t exist when he wanted her to. It was one thing, them knowing. But this? This was something else. Alex’s parents lived on the philosophy that homosexual thoughts got you an eternity in hell, but homosexual actions got you shunned and thrown out. So yea, he was screwed.
“What did Alex do today?” His mother asked, plastering a false smile onto her face, her voice sounding like she was already packing his bags. Alex wanted to get up and run. He wanted to go to his room and jump out the window and fly away. But it was like the sweat on his palms was superglue keeping him stuck to the carpet, and his brain had short-circuited.
Angie laughed again, trying to get it out through her snickering. “Alex was kissing someone today.” She sang, her small feet swinging back and forth, the noise of her heels against the counter like knives in Alex’s ears. “That boy Michael that used to go to our church.” The innocence in her voice made Alex ache.
“Angie.” His mother’s voice was cold now. “Leave please.”
Angie’s brow furrowed in confusion, but she scurried up the stairs anyway, giving Alex a tearful hug on the way because even at ten, she knew that that voice meant trouble. “Sorry ‘Lex. I shouldn’t ‘a told your secret,” She whispered, before sprinting to her room and leaving Alex wondering if he’d get to see her after tonight.
“Alex Mercer, please come downstairs.” Her voice chilled him to the bone, like shards of ice penetrating his skin and seeping into his blood. But he walked down anyway.
Alex tightened the muscles in his hands and feet, willing himself to stay still and planted to the wooden floor, facing his mother head-on, as if the look in her eyes wasn’t terrifying him to the point of tears. But he wouldn’t let her see that she was getting to him, he wouldn’t. So he bit his tongue and counted down from ten inwardly.
“What is this nonsense?” She hissed, reaching out and gripping his forearm, her nails a millimeter away from digging into his skin.
Alex swallowed roughly. “I- I don’t know. Angie’s just… she’s-”
“Don’t lie to me!” His mother snapped. She brought her hand back, curling her fingers in with a look of disgust, as if she’d been touching fire. And then she was speaking again, but Alex couldn’t hear her over the pounding in his ears. He tightened his jaw and shut his eyes momentarily. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.
“Get out.”
His eyes snapped open. Alex stood still in front of her, searching her eyes for the slightest bit of remorse. But there was nothing but ice. So he left. He left with tears running down his face and he couldn’t even bring himself to say goodbye to Angie. It wasn’t until he was halfway down the block when he realized that he had nothing but the clothes on his back and a backpack full of everything he could fit, and no where to go. He collapsed on the ground, the cold night air finally hitting him, seeping into his bones. He looked up and wiped his eyes, sniffling. It was odd, the way that the Christmas lights were able to look so beautiful when he felt so broken inside. It felt almost unfair that everything outside of him was moving at a normal pace like nothing had changed. But Alex knew better than that. Everything had changed.
These are the people who expressed interest in reading this when I posted about it a few days ago :)
@edgeofgillespie @herequeerandcantdrinkbeer @lookingthroughmirrors
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
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yourkimjaejin · 3 years
Aurora in 맛 Hot Sauce
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I’m gonna cover the Dreamverse videos in this section :)
Dreamverse Part 1
In this video, Aurora got a jean jacket, a black hoodie, yellow jeans and black vans. Her hair is parted with the top part in a high ponytail
As the music starts, we see Aurora not even sitting in a seat but on top of the car, Her legs between Jeno and Jaemin
2:06 - Aurora thowing her hand up while singing ‘I will dive into you’. Jeno and Jaemin both wrapping an arm around leg to make sure she doesn’t fall
2:16 -  the overhead camera getting a shot of Aurora, leaned back on her hands the air flowing thru her hair
2:24 - a shot of Aurora mid jump
At the end of the video you can see Aurora waving Jisung and Mark over 
Dreamverse Part 2
In this part, Aurora was wearing high waist jean shorts, a mint green cropped polo shirt, yellow platform converse and a white knitted cardigan
0:24 - Aurora’s helping Renjun clean up but her bumping into him causes him to drop the cup and the plate. The start whining at the both of them while Aurora says, “Mianhae oppa.”. Renjun waves her off. 
1:08 - Aurora sitting on the ground next to Jisung. She keeps taking glances at him. When the other boys try to blow out the candle she tries to swat them away. 
1:34 - Aurora gets up to leave with the others but she takes a glance back a Jisung, concerned.
This whole video Rosung shippers were FED I tell you. At the 1:57 mark, Jisung and Aurora walk in hand in hand to the swingset
2:12 - Aurora standing on the swing, like Chenle, but shes facing forward reaching for Renjun
Around 2:21 - between the shots of Mark and Jeno, is Aurora turning to face the camera with a soft smile on her face
Around 2:34 - Aurora singing her adlib with the boys standing around her 
2:41 - Aurora underneath Jisung’s arm laughs at Haechan and Renjun 
Around 2:44 - Aurora sliding down the slide before Jaemin
A shot of the members walking, Aurora and Mark walking ahead while she sings her second adlib
Dreamverse Part 3
Aurora doesn’t show up until the music starts. She’s wearing the blue pants with the white lines, a distressed white shirt, her jacket is long sleeved and cropped with the same boots the guys are wearing.
Her hair is tied back with a white headband
The crew gave her a sledgehammer and she had way too much fun smashing stuff. During her solo shots all you could hear was her gleeful giggles and she clanged the hammer against the random scrap piece surrounding her
0:44 - Aurora leaning forward on her sledgehammer on Renjun’s other side
Around 1:07 - Aurora slamming her hammer into a wood panel, breaking it. Pieces of wood flying in all directions, dust in the air.
Around 1:18 - Aurora hanging from a railing, a wicked smile on her face
When the guys are talking about their favorite members, Jeno mentions that he loved the girls with the big hammer. A picture of Aurora smirking with the name Roro appears on the screen
Aurora at the playground from Part 2 with Haechan, Chenle and Jisung. Shes laying in the sand in front of Haechan. 
2:50 - Aurora props herself up on her elbows to say Chenle’s line 
When Jisung looks up a 3:04, the camera cuts to Aurora’s flicking from the candle to Jisungs face before cutting back to Jisung. 
Hot Sauce Teaser
Before we even reach a second into the video, Jeno is spinning Aurora around in a circle while carrying her on his back
0:09 - Aurora thowing paper in the back next to Haechan
0:11 - Between Chenle and Haechan is a shot of Aurora blowing the camera a kiss
0:18 - Aurora saying golla ma dish stand next to Mark
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Crazy Jalapeno: Pictured above
Boring Jalapeno: a black henley shirt, a blue plaid flannel, ripped jeans, purple checkered vans, and a black beanie
Chilling Jalapeno: A snake print bodysuit, black jeans with fringe down the sides, snake print heeled boots and a black cardigan
Racecar Inspired Costumes: Jeans, an oversized red t-shirt with a cut down the middle that revealed the black halter crop top, red platform converse and a checkered scarf tucked into the side of her pants
Music Video & Behind The Scenes
The video starts with Jaemin and Aurora at the center of the formations. Aurora’s shoes making her the same height as Jaemin
0:31 - Shot of Aurora flicking her hands at the camera while saying her ad-lib ‘Spicy’ at the end of Jisungs line
0:43 - Aurora’s first line in the song and her vocals are smashing it. Fans can tell Aurora enjoys this dance. She gets so groovy during this part
0:49 - Aurora looking at Jaemin and Haechan, disgusted
1:43 - Aurora watching the TV’s with mark
1:55 - Aurora mock punching the camera while rapping ‘golla ma dish’
2:20 - Aurora and Haechan walking while harmonizing on their line. Haechan’s arm around her shoulders and Aurora’s arm around his waist
Around 2:40 - A shot of Aurora smirking at the camera
At the end of the video, Aurora is reaching for the back of Mark’s shirt to stop him from trying the hot sauce.
Aurora has really grown up. Before Aurora always seemed awkward while dancing. Never wholly confident in her movement but that was thrown out of the window for Hot Sauce
Fans we’re obsessed with Aurora’s red hair for this come back. It was still cut short but instead of lavender it was fire engine red. 
In the Dive Into You performance, after Aurora finishes her first line, Jeno, Jaemin and Aurora do a three way hand shake
Everyone could tell Mark missed being around the dreamies but being around Aurora now after missing two comebacks was culture shock for him. 
The Aurora he knew was quiet, extremely so. To the point where he would talk for her in interviews. So talked to the other members but barely. He constantly had to remind her that she belonged in Dream. But now, NONE of that is the case
Aurora wasn’t loud but her quips were deadly. She could say one line and all the boys would be down for the count. She wasn’t afraid of talking with host anymore. She even butted in on certain answers. She teased and played with the other member like it was nothing
“I think you graduating from dream made me grow up. I always relied on you because you were always there to guide me. I didn’t have to do anything. You did everything. But when you left we all had to step up. That included me.” 
Sometime in interviews Mark would just sit with the most proud dad smile on his face while Aurora confidently answered a question
A new ship arose from this comeback. That ship is called RoChan. In the early days of dream, Haechan treated her like a scared puppy. But now, Aurora all grown up and primed for teasing
Haechan loves to mess with Aurora because she’ll explode just like Renjun. But at the same time they find comfort in each other. All the members missed Mark but not like Haechan and Aurora. They really bonded in the time between We Go Up and Hot Sauce. 
Video of Haechan cuddling Aurora during one of the recent 8Dream vlives went viral. Fans everywhere cooing at the two members
In fact, Jeno, Mark, and Haechan were all particularly attached to Aurora person this entire comeback. Using their body to shield her in crowds of people
Slowly, Aurora has gained more fans as the years went by and this comeback is no exception. She got an explosion of new fans. Most in disbelief of how grown up she is now
But all fans of Dream could see how much more confident Aurora is now. Her presence on stage no longer timid. It was bold just like it used to be when she did her videos of Youtube
Her Lines
Hot Sauce
Total Time - 13 seconds
(0:43 - 0:47)neowa nae sai seonmyeonghi boin, keojyeoman ganeun yeolgi
(1:50, 1:55, 2:00)golla ma dish
(2:20 - 2:24)[AR/HC]  weonhae weonhae weonhaebwa deo babe, eolmadeunji deo barae barae babe
Dive Into You
Total Time - 18 seconds
(1:10 - 1:15)magmakhae gakkeum i maeume kkeuteun eodilji, neoinji
(2:13 - 2:20)maeil weroun natgwa gin bameul, na chaja hemaetteon geon neoyeosseumeul
(2:54 - 2:57)I will dive into you
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mi-corazon · 3 years
Tagged by two lovelies @eckspress 💕 and@deeeeeluvsu 💛
1. Name: Gerardo
2. Gender: fool (male)
3. Star sign: Pisces
4. Height: 5′8″
5. Time: 08:14am
6. Birthday: March 16th
7. Favorite band: it's so hard to choose just one, so I'm gonna say Queen 😅(one of my favorites)
8. Favorite Artist: Aretha Franklin
9. Song stuck in my head currently: I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
10. Last movie you watched: Saving Private Ryan
11. Last Series: Always Sunny In Philadelphia
12: Blog age: about 6 months. Previous one got terminated.
13. Content: love and chaos
14: Last google: lyrics to Look At Me Now - Chris Brown, Busta Rhymes and Lil Wayne
15. Side blogs: none, but I have one that's inactive
16. Do you get asks: rarely
17. URL Meaning: translates to "my heart"
18. Following: 272
19. Followers: 346
20. Average sleep hours: around 5
21: Lucky number: 71
22: Instruments: haven't taken lessons for anything but I enjoy singing so I'll my voice (I'm not good tho 🤣 i just like singing 😂)
23. Clothes: t shirts, flannels, hoodies, jeans, usually my black converse.
24. Dream job: own a bakery
25. Dream Trip: Paris, café dinner museum visit with my best friend
26. Favorite food: pizza
27. Nationality: Mexicano 💯
28. Favorite song: You Are My Sunshine -Johnny Cash
29. Last Book: Stephen King's IT
Tagging @ovsilenceandblack @pretty-wings22 @ilyzuh @motivate-my-lazy-self @islandry @escape-reality-95 @orchid-tea & @a-pyre-of-doom
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