#I hate the abbot
love4krystals · 8 months
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Castlevania Nocturne pt. 3
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the-casbah-way · 9 days
it’s time to break my silence. i ship glenn cullen and hugh abbot. i think they’re both weird miserable morally bankrupt old men who are seconds away from a catastrophic mental breakdown at any given moment and they deserve each other in every possible way. and maybe they could also have a little smooch or something. there i said it
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pinkmirth · 7 months
i don’t care how evil this man becomes, or how badly he corrupts the church— that voice of his is just so perfect
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I just finished. I… no. JOHNNY DESERVED BETTER!!!!!!!!!! GUS DESERVED BETTER!!!! GUS GOT SHOT TWICE AND JOHNNY LITERALLY DIED!!!!! Like I kinda liked Douglas Abbot just because it was fun to make fun of him and his stupid glasses BUT WHYYYYYYY!?!???? AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH AND THE MOMMA BEAR NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I was already uncomfy with the brothers relationship before we even knew they were brothers, but in a way ITS SO MUCH WORSE THAT THEIR RELATED AND HAVE HISTORY!!!!!!!!! He literally told Johnny it wasn’t ok to shoot someone with their back turned but he was so much of a coward that he couldn’t even look his own brother in the eye as he shot him. Like, just why. OBVIOUSLY SOMEONE DIDNT HUG YOU ENOUGH AS A CHILD!!!!!!!! AND HE KILLED HIS FATHER?!!?!? I’m… shooketh. ALL THE SOLDIERS THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED WERE SHOOKETH!!!!!!! AND THE WAY DOUGLAS GRABBED JOHNNY’S HEAD WHEN HE HUGGED HIM!!!!!!! NOOOO! LEAVE THE CINNAMON ROLL ALONE!!!!!!!!
“Make it nice. We’re not animals.” After literally killing his brother. Right before hunting children just because he wants to win. Everything he has done, everyone he killed was for nothing, was to boost his ego and give him a scapegoat to commit atrocities. Holy crap.
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nonbinary-vents · 6 months
Read Jews Don’t Count by David Baddiel. I’d already watched the documentary so I sort of knew what I was getting into. At some point I started hyperventilating a little, so that’s nice
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Why is my type in men fucking blonde religious figures that are more than twice my age qofnwogjsl
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semercury · 2 years
thank you<333
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memecatwings · 2 years
when you hear about how trump and his republicans are likening migrant workers from central and south america to an invading army its like. wow. no wonder the die hard trump supporters are nut jobs. no wonder hatred of non white immigrants has been on the rise for years. this is what you believe? that people risking their lives to feed their families are a threat to you personally in your indiana suburb? xenophobia turns your brain into swiss cheese. people are people
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moldwood · 2 years
im looking around at shit has no one else seen the web strahd weaved in vallaki. nobody talks about it they all just want to talk about his tits. what about his machinations
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belashyrra · 17 days
"Consider your gods, and pray to the one that might forgive you."
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love4krystals · 7 months
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Happy Halloween. 🎃👻🧡🖤🤍
Castlevania Nocturne pt. 4
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halcyoncyrus · 1 month
thinking about when Abbot asks who's in charge while he's away and Johnny excitedly runs up and says "I am, sir." and Abbot asks him to do it again with more gumption and he's like "I am, sir!" and Abbot compliments him and Johnny is briefly proud of himself!!! There's just a flicker of a smile!! Like yes I got a compliment from the General I did that! but he hides it because he knows that showing emotions makes him weak. ough
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spiritofjustice · 11 months
thinking abt the friendship rarepair post again. there’s so many good potential friendships in Tazmily, it’s so nice. Paul and Abbot.  Abbey and Linda.  Linda and Nan.  Donna and Hinawa.  Hinawa and Leder.......
i could go on forever honestly.  there’s a lot of friendships i really like, and the ones i listed are generally just the ones that are super likely to exist (Hinawa + Leder is wholly speculation on my part but it’s canon in my heart). but the great thing about Tazmily is you could say literally any of those people would be friends and it’s super plausible because they all know each other.  gives me a lot of room to play around and it’s nice :]
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vanished-viral-hit · 1 year
okay so like I know murder is bad and stuff but like some of the United States governors need to die by firing squad, or lose all their worldly possessions, then again most of them only have like a good two years left to live
Trans people will prevail though, but we shouldn’t kill people because that is a very bad thing to do
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alpaca-clouds · 8 months
Let me talk Church and the Revolution
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Okay, let me post this preemptively. Because I already know that soon enough those people looking for reasons to hate on Castlevania Nocturne because it is not like the games will also come to cry a river about "they depict the church as evil!!!!"
So, let me quickly talk about the role of the church in the French Revolution. Because there is something you gotta understand about the Church during the French revolution: That there was not THE Church.
Basically within the Catholic church in France there was a fracture over the entire revolution happening. A lot of the higher ranked clergy men stood on the side of the nobles and royals, while a lot of the lower ranked clergymen stood with the revolutionaries. The reason behind that mostly was money.
See, before the revolution the church was allowed to collect taxes themselves, while also being tax exempt. So they did not have to pay taxes on all the stuff they sold and made to the nobility. Which was why the bishops and general higher ups within the church could have the lavish lifestyle of nobility themselves, often of course ignoring their vows.
Meanwhile a lot of lower clergy (and especially certain groups of monks - especially the franciscans) were like: "We are all equal in the eyes of god. Rich folks do not get into heaven. Equality is what god wanted from us" and supported the revolution because of it.
But of course there was also the thing that the show mentioned: Given the show is set in summer it seems (probably just before the Reign of Terror) it would have been not even a year before that a lot of clergy got slaughtered. Why did they get slaughtered?
Well, short explanation: Royalists and also some of the bishops provoked the war with Prussia in an attempt to overthrow the revolutionary forces with the help of the Prussian military. This of course failed and the revolutionaries were out for blood. So nobles fled into the churches for sanctuary. And in retaliation a lot of clergy died for haboring the nobles in question.
And, yeah. There is of course the other aspect: The church at the time for a lot of historcal and religious reasons very much supported slavery. Meanwhile this is already a point where the revolution at large had decided that slavery should be done away with. And that leads to what we see in the show here: Clergy going on about the revolution being against "the natural order".
(Being frank: I LOVE that they brought this into the show. Which is almost like a whole other thing I could write about. The entire idea of the revolution and the "natural order" and how it is all linked to colonialism.)
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Another interesting part here is the order the abbot and Mizrak are from. On the Castlevania discord server I already went into a whole thing trying to figure that out, but my last idea was right: They are from the Knights Hospitaller. The order of St. John.
This order arose during the crusades and as the name Knights Hospitaller suggests: Yeah, they mostly created hospitals (though historically those were not only to cure the sick, but also to be a home - "hospitality" - for those on the road). They were based in Jerusalem for a while, but ended up moving to Malta, which was of course for a long while ruled by France. They referenced here that the Abbot came to France from Malta, which is the reason.
But yeah, they actually were about helping people for the most part. But they also made money from it. And when the revolution came, they seized all the assets from the order, which made the order join into the ranks of clergy who stood against the revolution by 1792.
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edenfenixblogs · 4 months
Escapist Media Recs?
Going to bed soon but would love some recommendations of “safe” TV shows/movies/youtube channels and/or confirmation that they are “safe.” The hardest part of dealing with everything is constantly feeling like I’m in defense mode or don’t know who’s about to gut punch me.
My criteria for a “safe” escapist media are:
Has not said anything about the conflict and (if YouTubers) has not indicated anything about the conflict through their platforms
If they HAVE spoken, they acknowledged pain of ALL civilians in the levant.
Has not attacked/demonized/fomented hatred against Jews or Muslims or Arabs or Palestinians
Has not allowed hateful rhetoric against anyone on their platforms
Has expressed sorrow or sympathy for Jews or Israelis without adding a qualifier of BUT afterwards
So far, KoreanEnglishman/Jolly have seemed safe. I know Rev Chris posted something nice about Israelis and Palestinians and wanting peace.
Drawfee is pending until I can see how the livestream goes.
Are the Try Guys still ok?
Grace Helbig has been safe so far but she’s not purely escapism as she is very much Going Thru Stuff this year. But I’ve been watching her for ages and she’s wonderful.
Is it safe to watch Abbot Elementary?
Any other Recs???
I really just need to watch or engage with something where I don’t have anxiety about whether or not I’m gonna find out the people who write/act/produce the content are gonna turn around and start spouting dogwhistles and tropes.
What’s been calming for y’all? What have you found that gives you a moment of fucking peace?
I’ve read 13 books so far this year already. But i really just want to sit and watch something and turn my brain off.
Anti-Zionists, DNI. I know your feelings on this and about me. You’ve made your position clear. Not looking for a debate right now.
Just looking for something that takes my mind of all *gestures broadly* this.
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