#castlevania abbot
demigoddessqueens · 8 months
Just spitballin here about themes…
Thinking of Dracula being alone all that time and then he met Lisa, who encouraged him to travel and see the best of people, the same Dracula who tore down the Church for her, and Alucard being a manifestation of the love they had for each other
Meanwhile, Tera lost all who she knew and probably saw the lowest of low for humanity, met Emmanuel who was part of the Church who believed his own hypocrisy, and kept his love for Tera and Maria secret
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pansexualnoodle5 · 8 months
I would just like to say...
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I blame him.
I don't blame him for all of it, but I do blame him for most of it.
Because seriously dude, what the fuck were you thinking?
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visualvexation · 8 months
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pinkmirth · 7 months
i don’t care how evil this man becomes, or how badly he corrupts the church— that voice of his is just so perfect
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creativeusermeme · 8 months
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i have but one wish for castlevania nocturne s2
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love4krystals · 8 months
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Castlevania Nocturne pt. 3
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chorus-the-mutate · 8 months
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violet-moonstone · 8 months
characters who are absolutely depraved are fun, but you know what's more fun? characters who start off having deeply held moral beliefs but who become so obsessed with a goal that they compromise some of the most important parts of their beliefs in order to achieve those goals
and they cant turn back because they've gone so far now - if they admit that the ends didn't justify the means, they will have lost their soul for nothing
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bobokitty · 7 months
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Love that Kat also did a young Abbot as well~ (one of our lovely artists on Nocturne)
ehehe he can join my drawing of him now
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littlerosette · 8 months
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writing this for all of the five people who care about this ship
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demigoddessqueens · 8 months
BRING IT ON S2!! 🌕🌗🌔
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weirdlotiel · 8 months
Another… two things about the new Castlevania series.
One i like second… not so much.
I’m going to begin with the second one.
Am I the only one who’s constantly irritated by Maria? It may be partly because I’m Christian and it kida pains me when I hear people talking bad about the church. And I’m aware it’s not without its faults and that the girl was right this time… but that’s not what actually irritates me. What is annoying here, is the fact she doesn’t even try to stop and think otherwise… she’s just stuck with that one thought that nobles and abbot etc are evil and that’s all. She believes only in revolution and doesn’t see it also hurts innocents. It’s… sad.
The first thing, which I said I like, is the concept of Sekhmet. I remember researching both Vampires and gods of ancient Egypt some time ago for a fanfic and to help a friend with their book. And how Sekhmet, goddess of war, was in some way the first vampire. It’s nice to see that somewhere else than wikipedia or wherever I read about it (I don’t remember it was long time ago). Although it would be nice if it wasn’t Batory again… this one is actually clishe.
Oh, and I do like seeing grandfather-grandson relationship. I don’t see much of them in tv series or films, at least not good relationships. Or maybe I just don’t know where to look. 😂
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autumnmobile12 · 7 months
Forge Masters: Okay, what now?
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The basic principle is that they are magic users who can call up a soul from Hell and plant it into a body to create a night creature. That's fact; multiple characters confirm this.
Isaac calls it an education, so that implies it's a learned skill and not an ability one is born with. The shopkeeper in Tunis, however, calls it a curse, which could potentially be interpreted as an innate ability? A combination of the two? Innate ability one has to learn how to use? In Hector's brief flashback, his father(?) says they only use alchemy for money, power, and security. Does this make forge mastery an offshoot of alchemy or is this a separate thing Hector picked up in addition to his family's practices?
Another quick thing I want to address is I found it a little odd that Richter and company didn't recognize the night creatures for what they were and it fell to Annette and Edouard to explain them. All right, so night creatures are extinct in Nocturne because there were no forge masters to create them. "Nobody has made a night creature for centuries." This explanation works fine except for the fact that Hector does say back in Season 2 that night creatures were a 'species in hiding' and breed naturally or they were 'created by acts of wild magic.' So a forge master is common but not required. (This might be a tiny plot hole since the writers seem to have forgotten about this line. Season 2, Episode 3.)
Still, even if Trevor, Sypha and their immediate descendants with the help of Alucard did succeed in completely eradicating night creatures from the world, it's a little difficult to imagine the Belmont line and the Speakers just forgot about them. This also applies to Richter's belief that Alucard was just a myth, so this may indicate that somewhere in the three hundred years between him and Trevor, something big happened to cause a major loss in the knowledge that was handed down through the generations.
A repeat of the original series' message of how the vampires remember but the humans forget.
But the main thing I really want to talk about is that I love the concept of the night creatures rebelling against their master in their own revolution since there's a contradiction here that I find interesting:
The Styria sisters say in Season 3 the night creatures are bound to obey only their creator. The Abbot too holds this belief and is genuinely confused when Edouard rebelled against his orders. At first, this inherent obedience seemed to be another concrete rule I originally interpreted as pretty much a 'mystical mind control' thing (kinda like how in the manga D. Gray Man, the Noah Clan has absolute control of the akuma demons,) but now I don't think that's the case.
The shorter and less intriguing explanation for this is the Abbot uses a machine, is not a true forge master, and so his grip on his creations is not the same.
Or (and I think this explanation is the most likely) the Styria sisters and the Abbot were both wrong/misinformed/or misunderstood the concept. Isaac and Hector do not mistreat their night creatures. Hector cares for his pets and he comforts the demons we see him raise in Seasons 2 and 4. He's even quietly disgusted when Godbrand refers to the night creatures as dead or mindless. While we don't see Isaac extend the same kind of tenderness quite as often as Hector, he does still treat them with respect, and we do see him low-key grieving for and praising the loyalty of dead night creature who escaped the main trio's attack back in Season 2.
There's a reverence and kindness here as opposed to how the Abbot regards his night creatures. We even see it echoed in Maria's treatment of her magical creatures.
Furthermore, there's another way in which Hector and Isaac's practices differentiate compared to the Abbot. Fly Eyes has the soul of an ancient Athenian philosopher. Unlike Jacques and Edouard, he wasn't recently murdered. He's not scared or confused. He's grateful to Isaac for raising him from Hell, where he had been for centuries, and it's implied that all the night creatures of the original series are grateful, and in that gratitude, they are more than willing to serve not their 'masters' but their saviors.
Meanwhile, the only night creature of the original series implied to have his original soul is the Bishop that Hector brought back for Carmilla's plan. If this is true, then Isaac and Hector do have some control over who they can pull out of Hell. Except Hector didn't create a new body for the Bishop. He left him as a decaying corpse and he disposed of him in the blessed river as soon as his purpose was complete. Since neither he nor Isaac repeat this action, this could indicate they don't view this as ethical or because there is the danger of betrayal.
So why is the Abbot different? I think two reasons:
The underlying entitlement and decadence that spawned the French revolution. He heard that night creatures are slaves and weapons, so he treats them accordingly.
It may also be because of the machine he uses. Compared to the more involved process of Isaac and Hector's magic, the machine seemed so automatic. So instead of choosing a soul that died a long time ago as a thinking, feeling person would, the machine simply snatches the one that's most convenient: the original soul that paired with the original body.
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Of course, this is all speculation and it doesn't quite account for why more of the Abbot's night creatures didn't turn traitor outside of the small group that rebelled, but I like the idea of it so far. It aligns greatly with Isaac's message of how they all can be more than what they were intended to be and are not bound by their chains or their so-called inherent natures.
Hector and Isaac's wisdom is shining through in Nocturne.
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ive seen a lot of people complaining that they dont like the voice actor for richter and its like... i didnt at first? it was odd hearing him initially considering how richter sounds in his other voiced appearances in games and other media, but as the VA got the chance to cry and scream and i listened to him more the voice just grew on me so i began to appreciate it more.
and i think that his voice sounding very boyish and nowhere near as rugged as trevors did is a very intentional decision. richter at this point is only 19 and very much still a boy in the eyes of most of the people hes going to be dealing with. and unlike trevor, richter didnt have to grow up really fast, thanks to tera adopting and looking after him. he had the chance to have a family, even if they weren't his direct relatives. trevor was on his own since he was about 12 or 13.
all this is to say: richter is not trevor. hes not witty, snarky and disillusioned. hes comparatively a lot more innocent than trevor was. hes softer. hes strong and stubborn too, but theres a gentleness there.
and honestly considering what happens to him between rondo and symphony?
hes going to lose that innocence. and its going to hurt. im excited to see what kind of shit hes going to be put through.
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raylios · 8 months
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Why did they make the Abbot so charismatic, why tf does he sound like that???? Did they want the audience to develop a weird religious kink or something I'm seriously wondering
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love4krystals · 7 months
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Happy Halloween. 🎃👻🧡🖤🤍
Castlevania Nocturne pt. 4
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