#I don't even know how old she's supposed to be here lmao 😭
rainofthetwilight · 6 months
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expression test with jenna! baby version <33
I don't know how to draw tears but I tried ok (also yes she's holding mr cuddlywomp)
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etherealstar-writes · 5 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: one
warnings: none, it's just going to be very chaotic
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
elton added stairway, the karate kid, willybum and 15 others
what the hell is this groupchat name 😭😭
i did not consent to this
as if yours is any better stairway
rusty metal
i don't think i even wanna know why i'm here
excuse me?
no hey or how i'm doing?
i could be dead you know
you seem pretty alive
well jokes on you
i'm dead inside
elton added lauren 1 and lauren 2
lauren squared added!
lauren 2 left
her finger probably just slipped
come on man
elton added lauren 2
lauren 2 left
damn she completely violated you
that is so embarrassing
what did i ever do to her :((
door knob
do i need to remind you about the prank you pulled yesterday?
you know what
you guys are all mean
where's lessi when i need her
@ the karate kid
the karate kid
what the hell is this?
who even are you all?
and what are these names??!
who the hell names their kid elton
that's actually so sad
this is probably a groupchat with a bunch of teenage boys
of course lessi is here
pretending that she doesn't
know us as usual
someone needs to slam her ego
with a truck just because
she's trending as fan favourite
damn sound a bit jelly there williamson
well you can't lie, lessi is a pretty hot person
the karate kid
the hell??
am i supposed to be lessi?
i don't even know a lessi
i didn't know you changed names lessi
who ate her food and put her in a sour mood?
it definitely wasn't me this time.
i'm putting on a movie
you all joining?
rusty metal
what are we watching?
harry potter
less! where the hell are you?
we'll start the movie with you!
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
The majority of the squad were seated squished together in georgia's hotel room for their movie night. They waited for Alessia to join them, but the blonde striker was nowhere to be found or heard from.
And now they were starting to lose their patience with her.
"Did she fall asleep again?" Mary sighed. 
"I wouldn't be surprised. I'm gonna give her a call," Ella stated.
She scrolled through her phone to find her contact and pressed call, putting on speaker mode so everyone could hear.
They waited a few moments before the call was finally accepted, but there was only silence from the other end.
"Yo, Lessi, where the hell are you?!"
"What? Who is this?" An unfamiliar voice, that definitely didn't belong to Alessia, spoke.
They all shared a confused glance.
"What the hell happened to your voice, Alessia?" Ella chuckled. "Are you sick or something?"
You, on the other side, groaned. "Oh my god, how many times do I have to tell you I'm not Alessia! I don't even know a Alessia or Lessi!"
Ella was still suspicious that this might be a joke Alessia would be playing. "Well, are you at home with a girl called Alessia? Or well, bed ...."
"WHAT? Why the hell would I be at home with a Alessia?! I told you already, I don't even know her!"
Now they all were a hundred percent sure that you were definitely not Alessia.
Georgia was scrolling through her phone before her eyes widened. "Guys, that is not Alessia's number. Ella added a random number."
"Oh, well this is awkward ..." Ella chuckled awkwardly.
"Of course it is!" You stated. "Your group chat and usernames are weird. How old are you all?"
They all shared a glance seeing that it was fair to tell you that for blowing up your phone the whole evening. They answered that it varied from twenties to thirties.
"Oh, alright ... well I need to go so I'm gonna hang up. Goodbye."
Before Ella could reply, you ended the call, leaving the group in silence for a moment.
"Well that was something ...." Niamh broke the silence.
"Yeah no kidding. Of course Toone would do something like this," Leah said.
"Hey!" Ella complained. "It's not my fault Alessia got a new number!"
"Why don't I add the real Alessia to the group chat now?" Georgia suggested while everyone nodded in agreement.
part two here
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mulletmitsuya · 5 months
Toman groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of poop, mentions of homophobia (joke), mentions of men getting pregnant
Desc: here the boys discuss whether men can get pregnant or not and other shenanigans. this also very fucking stupid
Mikey: i just took the biggest shit
Mikey: you guys will not believe the sheer size of this thing like it's as big as my forearm
Mikey: makes me wonder how women give birth
Kazutora: ?
Draken: keep this shit to yourself what the hell is wrong with you
Mikey: how can i keep this shit to myself when i've already flushed it down the toilet🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mitsuya: what does you shitting have to do with women giving birth?
Mitsuya: never mind shouldn't have asked
Mikey: well the poop tore my butt up so imagine what babies do to vaginas
Baji: this is why i'm never giving birth. looks too hard
Draken: ...you're not a candidate to do so? you're male?
Baji: what does my gender have to do with giving birth
Draken: it has everything to do with it??? what are you talking about
Baji: wow didn't know you guys were so sexist
Chifuyu: Baji-san, gender and sex are two different things...
Baji: ?
Chifuyu: sex is your chromosomes and basically what you were born with and gender is what you identify as. so since you're male, you don't have the reproductive organs to get pregnant and have a child. only female bodied people can.
Smiley: bro you're 17 how the fuck do you not know this
Baji: never been good at biology
Smiley: you don't have to be good at it to know you can't get pregnant💀
Baji: so men can't get pregnant?
Chifuyu: well if someone born as a female transitions into a man, then gets pregnant, we can pretty much say that men can get pregnant
Baji: so men can get pregnant but not males?
Chifuyu: yeah i guess
Baji: interesting
Baji: i don't think anyone's tried hard enough
Baji: i'll get a male pregnant one day, watch
Mitsuya: wtf
Draken: is the biology lesson over?
Mikey: my ass still hurts i think i'll need ointment
Kazutora: why r u reporting this to us
Mikey: you guys are my friends
Mitsuya: no ones wants to know about your bowel movements
Baji: why do you always wanna sound smart Mitsuya. just say shit or shitting
Smiley: watch, next time he'll say defecation
Chifuyu: excretion
Mikey: excrement
Kazutora: fecal matter
Draken: guys what the fuck can we not talk about this? it's fucking gross
Baji: oho here comes the fucking poop police
Kazutora: instead of his siren going "wee woo wee woo" it probably goes "pee poo pee poo" lmao
Mikey: LMAO😭
Draken: what are you a bunch of 5 year olds??
Baji: we're 17
Draken: 😐
Mitsuya: can we change the subject? christ
Smiley: i did crack for the first time yesterday. shit was crazy
Baji: yo Nahoya what the fuck
Draken: we're not supposed to do drugs
Smiley: who's we?? i'm doing them not you🤨??
Draken: and what's Angry gonna think?
Smiley: he doesn't need to know. and i did it to impress a girl so chill it's not a regular thing
Mikey: why would you try and impress a girl with doing crack?
Smiley: she's a drug addict
Smiley: but the sex was fire tho even though she tried to kill me halfway through
Kazutora: that's not fair☹️
Kazutora: where are you meeting women?
Smiley: outside
Kazutora: oh
Draken: why did she try to kill you?
Smiley: halfway through she started choking the shit outta me while she was on top and i almost died but also it was the best nut i've ever experienced so it's a win win
Mikey: that doesn't sound appealing at all😭
Draken: that sounds like assault actually
Smiley: idgaf a beautiful woman can do whatever she wants with me and if she wants to kill me then so be it (i'm a feminist)
Mitsuya: yeah but like, she should have asked
Smiley: we were both high off our rockers
Draken: yeah i feel like she should have asked you so you could have developed a healthy sex dynamic where you both share each other kinks before hand
Baji: oho here comes the fucking sex police
Kazutora: this time the siren would be men whimpering
Chifuyu: why men?
Kazutora: i don't think Draken would use women moaning cause of how the brothel might have traumatized him i think and he respects women too much
Kazutora: also he's gay
Draken: fuck off i'm not
Draken: and Baji say something else i dare you
Baji: what are you gonna do? have sex with me?
Smiley: you're all taking this way too seriously😁
Baji: with what Kazutora said, i'ma start blasting whimpering audios when i get a car
Mitsuya: i'm pretty sure that's illegal or something
Smiley: dawg no one wants to hear that
Baji: who wouldn't want to hear men whimpering?
Baji: especially the high pitched ones
Baji: cause you can associate them with twinks
Baji: with dual coloured hair, jingly earnings and large unsettling eyes
Baji: and maybe even a blonde with an undercut and big blue cow eyes
Kazutora: Baji what are you on about
Chifuyu: wait are you being serious or is this a joke Baji-san 😂😂😂😂
Draken: uhh
Smiley: i keep hoping you being gay is a joke but then you say shit like this
Baji: why
Smiley: i'm not fond of gay people
Baji: homophobia's got you missing out on some good head
Draken: we support and respect all identies, Smiley. don't make this a problem
Smiley: i'll ask again, WHO'S WE?
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Okay so ive got this idea its like a lot older jake and younger reader (like 20+) and she goes thru her first heat but she is very innocent and she doesnt know why does it hurt THERE and jake sees her going thru pain and asks whats wrong and she tells him it hurts there and she asks if he knows a way to heal her and when he takes off her lioncloth shes shy and closes her tights but the second he starts fingering she starts to moan and beg for more and he fucks her dumb ykyk🫣🤭I’ve tought of this while in the bus going to a dance competition lmao😭😭
I hope it went well in your competition baby!!
Dilf Jake to the rescue again 😩😩😩
Didn't proofread sooo if you see any mistakes, no you didn't
You're supposed to be on your way to train, but it hurts. It feels like something warm is spreading over your body, making your womb coil with a burning ache, a wetness smear over your thighs. You've already missed over three training session with the oloeyktan, and you don't think he'll be particularly thrilled.
Yet, today, you decide that if anyone can help you, it's him. He's gotta be extremely wise if he's the oloeyktan, right? Jake Sully is no dummy, you're sure he'll know what's wrong with you.
As you approach the clearing where you always train, you catch a wiff of Jake's scent and it sends a sharp yearning through you, straight between your legs. You mewl, pressing your thighs together as the pain increases.
Jake smells you a mile off. You've missed your last training sessions, but he still waits at your designated place in hopes that you'll show. And, from the smell of it, you indeed will. The moment you step into the clearing, Jake realizes why you've been skipping your lessons.
You're in heat.
When you come into view, Jake can already tell you're suffering deeply. Your ears are folded back, your pupils blown wide, and the scent of your slick is sweet and alluring.
“Hey, kid,” he greets, trying to keep his cock from hardening at your scent. “What happened to ya?”
“It hurts,” you whine, making a face as you approach him.
“What hurts?”
You blush softly, shy, before moving a hand to your pussy and cupping it. “Here,” you say quietly, lowly.
Jake can almost feel his heart jump out of his chest. He's got two options: he can be the mature man he is and tell you, a 22 year old, exactly what's happening, and send you to Mo'at for some herbs to help ease the pain; or, he can be the horny ass he is and help you through your heat his way.
Either way, he figures, he's helping you. What's the difference between both if the outcome benefits you?
And, he decides, it wouldn't hurt if it benefitted him at the same time.
“Lemme see,” he says, nodding at the ground. “Lie down for me, yeah?”
You look scandalized and unsure, a little afraid.
“Come on, kid. Trust me,” he insists, and after a few more seconds of hesitance, you comply.
You lie on the floor, the soft grass tickling your back and your ass as you plant your feet on the ground. Jake kneels in front of you, undoing your loincloth and tossing it aside.
Your knees are pressed together, stopping him from getting a good look, and he says, “I need you to spread your legs, girl. Don't you want me to help you?”
You nod slowly and open your thighs, revealing your swollen, soaked pussy. Jake's cock twitches under his loincloth at the sight of your cunt, and he just aches to fuck you.
Jake's eyes grow predatory, his pupils dilating, and the way he's studying you makes you squirm, shy. You press your thighs together, murmuring something unintelligible, and Jake tsks quietly.
He grabs your thighs and pushes them apart, revealing your pussy once again. The scent of your heat is even thicker now, and it makes a soft growl leave his lips.
“How long has it been hurting for, girl?” he asks, one of his hands wandering higher up your thigh, inching towards your cunt.
You struggle to reply, “Days.”
“How many days?” he questions as his fingers brush over your warm cunt, rubbing against your clit.
You gasp, surprised, and then mewl quietly as the ache in your womb finds a drop of relief. “I don't-don't know,” you manage, nails digging into the ground below.
“I see,” he hums, running his middle and index fingers between your folds, spreading them open before teasing your entrance. “Luckily, this has an easy fix.”
“It does?” you question, voice breathy.
“Want me to show you?”
Your big doe eyes are wide, innocent and curious. You nod eagerly. “Please, Jake. Help me.”
He chuckles quietly. “Alright, kid. I need you to relax, okay? Take a deep breath and just talk with me, hm?”
“Okay,” you say slowly as his middle finger traces the edge of your entrance.
“I trust you know where babies come from?” he jokes, and you blush, big doe eyes avoiding his dark gaze.
“Yes,” you say shyly, and Jake slides his finger into you, making you gasp softly.
“Well, what's going on with you has a lot to do with the birds and the bees,” he says, curling his finger upward and touching a swollen spot within you that makes your legs jerk. “Your body is asking for a baby,” he explains.
Through the pleasure, you look confused. “Why?”
“You're physically ready to start having kids, and you're extremely fertile right now, which is why you feel that ache inside of you that needs to be relieved.”
You fold your ears back as he slides a second finger into you. “And will it go away—ah, mphf—after what you-you're doing to me?”
He chuckles softly. “No, you need to get withchild for it to stop,” he informs you.
You groan, somewhere between frustrated and overcome by pleasure. Jake's fingers are good, they stretch you open, his thumb pressing against a soft nub that has your hips trembling. But they're not enough. You need something else, something longer, thicker, something that can take the ache away.
“Need more,” you whine, baring your teeth. “Need more, Jake. Please!”
“My fingers ain't cutting it, sweetheart?” he tsks.
“Please,” you mewl, desperately trying to buck your hips against his hand. “More.”
Jake knows he shouldn't. He knows how wrong this is. But fuck, the way you're begging, pussy al wet and ready, and Goddamn, he really should reflect upon the consequences of his moral decisions. But after. After he fucks you.
He removes his loincloth, showing you his thick, hardened cock, the tip a dark blue and oozing precum. Your eyes gleam as you study his girth, mouth almost watering at the sight.
Jake asks, “You sure you want this, kid?”
You nod, your voice a breathy whine. “Yes, please.”
He runs the head of his cock between your folds, gauging your reaction, and when you shudder, he groans. He slowly slides into you, his cock stretching your soft gummy walls, and you gasp.
“Fuck,” Jake grunts as your cunt flutters around him. “So fuckin' tight. And soaked, too.” Your slick is dripping down his cock, coating his balls and smearing onto his hips when he starts thrusting into you.
You're whining beneath him, unable to even talk. Jake glances down at you, his eyes scanning your pretty face, the way your eyelids flutter shut, the way your ears are folded back. He can't even care how wrong this is anymore: he's just thanking that you're too innocent to prevent him from using you.
“Does it feel good, sweet?” he questions, your pussy squelching as your arousal dribbles out of you.
“Mhmm!” you gasp. You grind your hips against Jake's, pussy sucking him in, your womb feeling like it's on fire with each brush of his cock to your cervix.
And Jake smirks. “You poor thing,” he mocks. “Look at you, suffering so much.” He cages your body under his, dragging his tongue across your jaw. “Almost makes me want to give you a permanent solution to this issue of yours.”
You moan softly. “What—wh' d'you mean?”
He laughs, biting your jaw and making you gasp. “What if I were to give you a baby, hm? Put my child in you.”
Your eyes snap open, looking terrified. “N-no, we can't.”
“It's a solution for both of us,” Jake continues, adoring the look of fear on your face. “You get rid of your heat, and I get to keep you all to myself, huh?”
“But—the others,” you gasp. What will they say?
“I don't care about the others,” he says sharply. “I'm asking you what you want.”
Your eyes meet his. Beneath the predatory amber of his eyes, you see something soft and warm, something caring.
“What do you want, sweetheart?” he asks. “You want me t'fill you up?”
“Please,” you say softly, nodding. “Give me a baby, Jake. Please!”
Jake groans, his cock twitching inside of you at the sound of your plead. Your cunt is so tight, almost begging him for his cum, and he's more than willing to give it to you.
Your womb is ablaze with the need to be full, your body thrumming with desire.
You mewl and gasp unintelligibly, your hands grabbing onto Jake's arms and digging your nails into his muscles.
He lowers his mouth to yours, his heart racing because, without taking everything that you're already doing, this feels more intimate than anything else.
His kiss is soft and gentle, slow, and it makes your heart flutter in your chest. It's probably the way it all suddenly feels so passionate and soft that has your orgasm right on the surface.
You clench around his cock, body shaking, and Jake groans. “You gonna come for me, girl? You gonna come on my cock?”
“Mhmm!” you mewl. “Yes, yes!”
And then you can feel the pressure within you coil tight, so tight, and suddenly your orgasm bursts within you, your slick gushing out of you.
“That's it,” Jake groans, his own release so close. “Fuck, 'm gonna fill you up now, girl. Fuck,” he hisses.
And then he's coming, spilling into you, and you gasp, shuddering as his cum fills your womb. You're breathing heavily, chest heaving up and down, and finally the ache deep within you dissipates.
Jake kisses your forehead, chucking softly. “You feelin' better, honey?”
You nod, out of breath, and Jake moves to pull out of you.
You squeeze his arm, keeping him inside of you. “Stay,” you manage, breathing heavily.
Jake nods. “Okay.” He rolls you two over so he's on his back and you're on top of him, and he holds you tight to his chest.
You fall asleep to the soft sound of his beating heart.
@kamcrazy123 @yagirlheree @sweetllamaparadise @neytirishottie @crazy4books1
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walrus150915 · 10 days
Happy pride, Nimona fandom :3
I gotcha some sketches! Gotta place them in different parts of the post so that you read everything
It's not just drawings I got HEADCANONS for you too!
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Off topic but I love Nimona's design SO MUCH it's so AMAZING TO DRAW AGHHH
⚧Nimona LGBTQ+ specific headcanons of mine🏳‍🌈
• I've made a conclusion that if queer flags exist in Nimona universe, as well as gay drag bars (so was confirmed in the artbook), then labels DO exist. As well as good old homophobia??? I suppose????
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• Nimona doesn't have a specific label because she thinks they are sorta restrictive. Also she just doesn't need one lol, if somebody asked her about her gender she'd say "Nimona"
• She'd wear the heck out of a "protect trans kids" shirt she bought no she ain't feeding into the capitalist machine she stole it
• There was something between Nimona and Gloreth but Nimona can't exactly say what for sure. Not exactly romantic but not strictly platonic. Homegirl had that toxic doomed kindergarten yuri going on😭
• Nimona doesn't look for romantic relationships. She explains it as "romance is for sappy dumb-dumbs" but in reality she just doesn't want to date and romantically love somebody who'll. Eventually die and leave her all by herself again yk (oh this got angsty real fast)
• Maybe one day Ballister tried to help her find her label (because he still tries to put things in boxes) and she just waved it off
Speaking of Ballister
• My man is transgender. Do I even have to explain. Read one of those posts that explain his transness better LMAO
• He started his medical transition as a teenager and had to fit right in not to disrupt the Institute's function. If he's a man then he has to transition QUICKLY so that others don't notice
• Because of that he's a transmedicalist and probably an enbyphobe at the start of the movie, thinking only one type of valid transness exists, and it's the one that is very binary and restrictive
• At the end he realizes the wrong of his ways and works on the internalized transphobia
• He came to terms with his homosexuality a bit easier. "It's always been boys" yk the drill
A couple of words about his boy lol
• Ambrosius is a painfully cisgender gay man. I genuinely apologize to all Transbrosius believers but he gives off STRONG cis vibes can't have a character with this surname dickless
• He's a trans ally but his opinions on trans issues were like. Very closed-minded. He supported but didn't entirely understand. Of course it changed as he went through ✨character development✨
• He was fully supportive of Ballister on his trans journey. Reassured him when Ballister felt like he wasn't enough, tried to make his boyfriend as secure as possible, loving every part of him
There should be a bunch of rather suggestive headcanons but this isn't that type of post LOL
No but think about Ambrosius kissing down Ballister's body and across his chest scars. This is my ultimate dream as a trans man
• Ambrosius also rocks a "protect trans kids" shirt that's for SURE
• He came to terms with his queerness as a teenager and had a whole crisis about it. As a Goldenloin he had the expectations of ✨continuing Gloreth's bloodline✨ thrown at him back in childhood so he sorta internalized that. Then boom, my boy is g a y and oh how gay he is!
• Click here to read about my headcanons on goldenheart when they had only started falling in love :D
• Ambrosius made inoffensive jokes about Ballister's transness. Like yk those goofy puns like "baby you put men in MENstruation", "omg does this make your parents transparent". Ballister smiled at them and rolled his eyes but also silently appreciated his bf's support, although expressed so stupidly
• He also made sure Ballister took proper care of his body because you know Ballister would not bind safely, being a dumb teen
Anyway yeah gay people
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Unpopular opinion but we as a fandom should start drawing Bal with a disability queer pride flag
Side characters headcanons, anyone? XD
• Diego came out as nonbinary after the events of the movie. He got that he/they swag going on
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• Also Ballister was his queer awakening FIGHT ME ABOUT IT. He had the stupidest, most childish celebrity crush on Bal. Maybe Bal formed Diego's type in men fjfhhx I like to think Diego got a boyfriend whose attitude is similar to Bal's
• Remember those news anchors? (they are so underrated omg) Well Nate Knight has a husband and Alanzapam Davis is a bi queen🙏
• Speaking of queens. Valerin is a straight ally💪💪 I imagine her being quite iconic on the Kingdom's queer side of the internet. They call her "mother" and stuff aajjaj
• the Director is homophobic, need I say more? So is Todd but I actually imagine him being a type of guy to reject his queerness
Haha mailman *winks at yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt*
• Todd had NO idea Ballister was trans. NONE
• The Kingdom has pride events!! Ambrosius and Ballister were very happy and excited to attend those as an official couple once they were out :}
• Nimona attended them every year, ofc she had to hide her true nature but it was fun for her to march along! And it was even more fun when everyone accepted her!!
Anyway yeah this was very fun to make!! Happy pride y'all, lmk what you think ;D
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kaymarie-bell · 6 months
TWST Book 7 Chapter 6 spoilers and reactions ahead
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You know, through all the updates people have been wondering "where is OB Malleus? is he seeing the dream too? why is he not interfering despite our group being 'awake'? does he even know about all of this?" it might seem crazy what I'm about to say-
This update started with a banger giving us Baul knighting Sebek and giving him an armor that's just like his after fighting off the Silver Owls together
Btw I'm currently on a mission of stealing all the gel in NRC to keep Sebek from putting his hair up again. If you care.
Silver carrying an injured Lilia on his back while Yuu and Grim look after the egg instead of leaving him behind like he asked. I'm ok I'm ok.
Sebek got to show off his UM training. I'm so proud of him 🥹
They killed my hot wife.
Fighting as Meleanor vs The Knight of Dawn felt so sick and twisted knowing what the outcome was.
FUCK THE SENATE. TF YOU MEAN "Filthy bat" "Don't touch Malleus" "get out of the capital and don't show up here again" I'm genuinely upset, what the fuck leave Lilia alone 😭
Maleficia's magic was not helping with hatching the egg, and touch and love is more effective so of course the responsibility falls on Lilia. Huh, who would've thought-
Lilia and the egg communicating. Did y'all see that. Is anyone else being totally normal about it.
Meleanor knew what she was doing when she left her child to Lilia.
Also what do you mean his own grandmother couldn't provide him the love he needed to hatch? 👀
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Lilia's numerous travels around the world were all to find something to help hatch the egg. And he got discriminated against by both humans and fae everywhere oh I'm so sick-
Egg!Malleus feeling lonely even before hatching. Lilia being the only one who hears him crying. Lilia running to him despite it being dangerous. 😭
Oh so the egg seems to gain strength only whenever Lilia shows up around it? What a coincidence I wonder what could this mean
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Lilia's VA did a phenomenal job. I started ugly crying too. The 200 years were worth it to Lilia 😭😭😭
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*Silver voice* I'm sure we were all wondering, "if these dreams are supposed to be happy then why have we seen nothing but pain and suffering so far?" well, it turns out Malleus being born is his happiest moment in life.
not a single thought behind that baby's eyes (he's 1 minute old)
Leona was right he sure *is* a lizard
not the senate suddenly praising Lilia as a hero 😒 I haven't forgotten what y'all said earlier.
Oh shit OB!Malleus is back. I got so caught up in the euphoria of seeing Malleus' birth that for a moment I forgot about overblots.
Malleus has his mom's looks and his dad's voice according to general Lilia
OB!Malleus is absolutely pissed at his grandma and the senate. Good for him.
Malleus offering Lilia a dream where Meleanor and Levan are alive...
If anyone is wondering "how are we supposed to win a battle against OB!Malleus?" the answer is: you don't. We only survive 😔 (for now ig)
Silver is able to secure the entire group in his arms. So normal about it haha.
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we have reached 100 chapters. I can't wait to see what Idia's victory strategy is going to be
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robjuan · 6 months
Gonna start by sayin, I have trust issues bad and it has and will fuk up relationships, And it's sad I can't stop tha defense mechanism dat got installed. & every time I get hurt or betrayed it upgrades automatically. And I can't uninstall it bitches an niggas think I'm crazy but...HELL I MIGHT BE, I HEARD IT ENOUGH! IK IK NOT NORMAL. BUT DIS PROBLEM GON BE THA END OF ME...BUT IM SCARED IF I DI OPEN UP IM IN A. "WHAT IF" STAGE.
LIKE what if or if 8 could open up,And it happens again. _Betrayal_
-I couldn't .......🙇🏾‍♀️
Mentally I couldn't.
Mama said*Da streets ain't 4 Mii "AAND I FOUND OUT THE HARD WAY, IT AIN'T. ON MY MAMA!
I Neva eush shit, Dat ain't me. But I feel I'm running out of time!
I lm rdy 2 find her n settle down fr my nigga. But I can't keep no1.And I got 1 I been tryna contain 4 SUM yes, she finally gives Mii a chance N poww!! A nigga blowin it 💣
But I need sum1 2 politic wit TBH.miat folks don't even b on my Time frame with ahit,as far as real shit go,they ont one what dat is fr....Im 2 whole hearted 💜 ❤️ (THEY ARE NOT)
Im so fukin PURE!
Without a flaw simple excellence my dawg. And I'm not boastin at all.
I'm JS..
I'm going to run off some1 I love 2 death.And I can't even stop my repetitive behaviors.Ion got no1 2 talk 2 cuz of course wit betrayal you don't associate or be round alot of ppl.
I hate ppl! (With a passion) Because they'll cross you no matter how good you are 2 em,Sad honestly.
Ion Kno...
Back against da wall 🎵what do you hold on to?🎵
_It hurt my 💜 to see you hurt,In desperate need of affection.....GAVE UP MY WINGZ , SUPPOSED 2 BE YO PROTECTOR...Fell in Love with someone else you,Broke my ❤️ & it ain't getting better._ THA ANGELS SAY I CANT BACK INTO HEAVEN 👿
I gave niggas da LEAN, WEED, ap'Z.
did dat shit off da muscle 💪🏻.FA NUFFIN.
/All these niggaZ,Be havin dem niggas, they Claim they love em./
⛈️I look up ion Kno who 2 trust.. It's all scary..😭🙅🏻‍♀️☔🌧️
An I am not a scary person, BUT... I AM
-I gave yu drugs, YOU AIN'T bring MII NUN OF da profit. "YOU AAY I'M CRAZY" 🤣
Is these niggaZ out 2 get Mii?
ION kno. 😖
I be so lonely my dawg but iG I chose dat,not rlly. It chose me.. unfortunately 🕴🏻
"I'ma Gangsta, my heart cold as Chicago. I got so much 💕 2 give.
Make Mii sick knowing I can't be healed..🤮
I miss da old day's...
Never get dat time back lol there's dat. " T" WORD AGAIN! TIME ❗ shit runnin out tbh,8 feel like lm, at least 50.. Imagine whenever I do get dat qge...( Boyyy). Like my Uncle Joe say
Needa Go c him frfr He havin OG stain 2 Mii. Wise man I must say
I'm off track prolly da recreational stuff....Anyway my thug.
8tw cold AF out here 'literally '🥶
Thats just 1 of my rants.
🔐 🔒 In til next mf'n time.
#_it'll b soon {I'm sure}
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purpleowl666 · 9 months
I saw all the discussion of Jolyne and Bruno about how fandom demonize fans who see them as the mother figures of their respective parts, I wanted to see your thoughts on it:)
Sorry anon for being late, lmao I didn't see it😭
Ok here we go.
Warning: Long text, also probably can touch a nerve lol.
In Bruno's case I can see why the fandom has him on this motherly pedestal, wich is understable I suppose(don't fully agree tho). Specially since most of the Vento Aureo cast were neglected in some way as children, Being that Bruno was a comfort and protection that they didn't have. The reason why many perceive him fulfilling the maternal role more than a paternal one, comes more in my opinion from a collective frustration of the spectator, where the case of Giorno stands out more with his mother's absence, then Trish's and Narancia's mothers dying and Fugo's parents giving 0 fucks about him.
As much as people despites Giorno as a protagonist, in my opinion it is undeniable that we empathize at least a little with his lack of mother figure, a resource in Jojo's that reflects the honor of the protagonists; For example, in Jonathan's case, even though he never met his mother we know this woman was brave and strong to die protecting his baby, she cared.
Culturally the idealization of the mother has always been present, the media isn't an exception, if I remember correctly Araki himself makes references to the Virgin Mary with many of his characters that fit into this archetype of something sacred, wich in all the cases, except for Giorno, Yasuho and Josefumi, all the mother's from Jojo are just like Mary. The mother who encourages the protagonist in some way to be good and a hero. So, returning to my Bruno's point, to see a protagonist with this lack of principle of humanity, must of the fandom seek it in Bruno as the figure who encourages him to become a hero and a good person (wich personally sucks and clearly ppl didn't understood Giorno's character).
In my case, I don't entirely dislike this perception because in part I empathize and I would have liked Giorno to find relief and shelter in Bucciarati, also some fanarts, I see and I find funny. However it is up to there, really Bucciarati only fulfills his role as a capo; yes, he cares about people, but if his position had been switched with Giorno, we wouldn't associate this power dynamic legitimately as of the mother figure.
And now, unlike Jolyne(wich I'll make my point soon) even though he is 20, he is far from having that youthful mentality, he simply lives in a context where he had to mature too much, for me it was a shock to know that he was 20 years old, because I bet that at least he would be 30. That said, if there are people who argue that Bucciarati couldn't be the adoptive mother of 5 teenagers because he is 20 years old, I think it is not feasible because this man is not 20 years old mentally. I couldn't even say he was a 12-year-old mentally boy when his father's situation happened. Bruno was a very wounded person who had to mature immediately because of the circumstances.
Now with Jolyne... Please don't hate me 😩 but no, I don't see her as a mom. And don't get me wrong, I appreciate the Jojo moms already, it would be great if some day we have for a Shonen a female protagonist that is a mom. Just look at the potential :3
But with Jolyne, is just not the case, I just don't see her like that.
Let's start because the reason they only associate it with the maternal side is because of Emporio, because he is an infant.
Since the first time she gets a stand we see her protecting others, caring for them, even for a stranger like Ermes.
When, elsewhere we see the protagonists caring and interacting with children to highlight their kindness and people never point them out and say "Oh yes, they're definitely going to adopt them and be their parents." Is like???
Whoever doesn't want to see sexism in that is blind or should question themselves a bit more. And yes, people demonize maternity and motherhood, except that is more of a problem in Western than in Asian countries, most of the complains about the supposed demonization that some of us see with Jolyne being associated as a mother, are people who believe that everything revolves around the United States femenism standards.
Japanese society is incredibly sexist and the reflection of this is also seen in their media, being that the only archetypes that the authors of Shonen and seinen use for female characters is divided between: the love interest that drives the male character, the mother of the protagonist who dies tragically mind to also boost the male protagonist or a female character who is good but only as a background character. The idealization of motherhood is extremely sexist, which although in Western society has already been very sullied and demonized,people have to understand that in Japan they are still stuck in the first problem, where women are not recognized as a being with a voice or vote, but as the idealized woman who must be sanctified based on her ability to bring children into the world.
Again, we already have mothers in Jojos, who are incredible in that role and lovely characters. That said, the fact that Jolyne is one of the first female characters of Shonen as well as a protagonist, without depending on a man or whose story ends in a happy weddign or pregnancy, makes her extremely important and human. Even in some western media we have seen this resource where the female who kick asses by herself, ends up being a mother and housewive as a form of redemption (see Penny from the big bang theory or Katara from Avatar).
Edit: I was educated about the book of Hunger Games and how Katniss actually expresses her wishes about having a family before becoming the hero, so she doesn't fit into this archetype
Jolyne doesn't and it's so magical to me that aspect.
Now let's talk about why for me, Jolyne doesn't fit into this archetype, starting with the fact that here her age is relevant. Even though we see Jolyne's growth and maturity, she's still a 19-year-old girl who does stupid things despite the circumstances and makes crucial mistakes that do jeopardize Emporio's integrity, like letting him drive a car and a helicopter, even entrusted him with many crucial tasks. and okay, Emporio is capable of realizing them, but he is a child, and it's a principle that anyone with a minimum sense of responsibility would'nt allow him to or would take him to a safe place after escaping from prison because he is a kid!
Jolyne grow up semi normally we could say, if we don't take into account Jotaro's absence but compared to Bruno's situation, she has a 19 years old mentality.
Bruno Bucciarati knows this, and did protect Narancia and Trish, even though they're stand users. Also Jotaro did with Koichi.
For the record, of course teen moms exist, I myself work with some, since I do social service in kindergarten, let me tell you that it is a very difficult and complex task, I admire very much the mothers who strive to raise them and their children and don't neglect them or mistreat them (bc also teen and neglectful mothers exist, wich I'm not to judge their cases, I'm just concerned about the children, it brokes my heart to see them grow up without affection💔)
But again, it has nothing to do with Jolyne's character, lol. Like seriously the story of her is about developing, forgiveness and healing generational trauma, about justice and letting go of these burdens of fate to pursue our own and others happiness. Emporio already had a mom and Jolyne is not replacing that place.
This is genuinely as annoying as the one trait ppl give to Jolyne as a horny teenager.
But if you see their dynamic as this and you find solece like Giorno's and Bruno's case, it's okay and it's acceptable, as long, yeah you don't get mad when ppl says otherwise, bc it's annoying in Bruno's case when ppl don't accept the perspective about Bruno not being the mother of the gang, I don't want the same for Jolyne😩.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 8 months
No one even knows her and here pjms in your asks thinking she's giving hints lmao. Like imagine thinking jm would ever date such an immature person who goes around giving some"hints" of their relationship like damn how old are those anons? Don't they feel embarrassed. If jm ever dates someone the person would never do this that's just immature and childish bro and ain't no way jm is gonna date someone who's this immature. Like even if me a nobody would have been dating jm then even i wouldn't be this immature and insecure who wants to go around giving some hints these anons were talking about. Honestly embarassing to think y'all think he would date someone such childish.
When you know how much jm respects his own privacy and doesn't reveal anything he don't want to why would you ever think his supposed partner would do anything like this? 😭😭 Giving hints to whom and for what? If you're dating jm one would know how to be private lol
Yes to everything. That's the main reason it didn't make sense to me.
The other thing is how they jumped to living together lmao. It's not like they took their "evidence" and said wait they might be dating. No, they literally skipped all that and said it was confirmed they are living together. It was so over the top for no reason.
Just in general, the way this whole rumour was framed like "they're living together and she's been sending hints" is so.. fictional. I don't care about debunking or whatever, because I really don't mind if he's dating or not. But as I've said a lot of times, I'm going to need more than this weird rumour that doesn't even make sense with the type of person Jimin has proved to be all these years. I don't think anyone who loves and respects you would purposefully do something that goes against what's important to you. In any case make, they could've said it seems like she's been posting without realizing what it could mean or whatever, not that she's "giving hints".
All of Jimin's "dating" rumours have always been started by taekookers or tae/kook akgaes, that's why nobody ever knows about them and they aren't even credible. Also notice how they were going around Jimin blogs sending the same copypasted ask about how it's been "confirmed" the days leading up to Jimin's birthday and then it literally died? They stopped trying after his birthday, they wanted it to stick because they thought people would be talking about that and not his birthday.
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dorizardthewizard · 2 months
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 5
5: Audition time!
The ad cuts are taking me out hahaha
We see Sharpay give Darbus some sort of gift, we can guess she’s one of those students where the teachers think she’s the most loveliest thing on the planet but to other students she’s a nightmare
Ah, the first of the classic silly Chad shirts – “I come with my own background music”. How much time does he spend picking these out? And the watches from earlier?? If you think about it the only other guy with an outfit quirk is Ryan- /shot
Chad you’re a terrible spy
Obsessed with this kid who can’t speak because otherwise they’d have to pay the extra more. They actually try to dub over with a voice but it’s so faint it's not even subbed, looks like this kid just randomly grabs Chad’s hand to greet him it’s so funny, but Chad is just like “Oh, hi! :D”. Actually I am now proclaiming this guy is mute.
There’s an auto shop in this school???? So apparently some schools with a focus on trades do have these, huh pretty cool
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I love Kelsi’s fit. It’s just so her <3
The first girl is me when I try to sing
Girl with the pink flower's singing skills are about right for the plays I did tbh, it was a small thing in a church hall and not a single one of us kids were actually good at it. But it was fun!
Hey what was with the 2000s and thinking bad opera singing was the height of comedy? We’re only missing their glasses breaking
Darbus: What... courage! To pursue a note that has... not been accessed in the natural world! Bravo, uh, brava! Darbus: Perhaps the spring musicale?
SAVAGE. Also, spring musicale? SO THERE IS A SPRING ONE. WHEN?? If you’re doing AUDITIONS for the winter one in JANUARY, when is the spring one supposed to be??
Mad respect to this ballet guy. Maybe they let him join the ensemble? This reminds me, I caught Billy Elliott on TV the other day and I'm planning on watching Jump In soon, I'm just watching the same old themes this month huh
Darbus: Well that was just... very disturbing. Go see a counsellor
HELLO??? 😭😭😭 I mean I see they were going for the originality points and tried to do some interpretative dance, honestly it’s not too far from GCSE drama productions that always seem to have something to do with peer pressure, drugs or a car crash lmao
Reaction montage because same:
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OK now that Gabriella’s here I want to point out that Troy did actually come here of his own accord, of course he’d hoped Gabriella would be there as he was checking the audition sheet earlier, but I see this as being an “it’s less scary if it’s the two of us” thing, rather than him only being interested in the musical because of Gabriella. Sure, she sparked his curiosity as he realised how much he enjoyed the karaoke singing, but once he got to the theatre he wasn’t looking around searching for her - I think due to the sequels where Gabriella has to convince Troy to do the performance and he’s all reluctant at first, we kind of forget that initially, he was the one to take the first step, even if he’s too scared to actually audition here. I kind of wish they’d kept this and progressed it into the sequels so he’s more confident with his love of theatre going forward, but instead they keep repeating the whole “ahhhh I don’t sing” thing.
Gabriella: So you decided to sign up for something? Troy: Uh... no. You? Gabriella: No...
Hahaha Troy and Gabriella are basically like “No I won’t do it uh, unless you wanted to”
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Haha, little callback to when she asked him why he's whispering and he said his friends don't know about the singing thing.
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Okay Sharpay and Ryan’s version of What I’ve Been Looking For is more fun than Kelsi’s original for sure, but look Kelsi wrote the song that way for a reason – it probably fits the vibe of the scene and the emotions of the characters at that point in the story. So to see your vision ignored, and your song reworked without consulting you, that’s a pretty big insult for an artist. Like, that’s her song! Her creation! Also Sharpay and Ryan don't have the chemistry for the roles for obvious reasons, and their choreography can be a bit… idk... literal? At the line “that you were always there beside me” they often look at each other like “Oh! Haha there you are!” which is a bit of a shallow interpretation of the song imo. Like I get their limitation because they’re siblings, but that’s just showbiz you can’t expect to fit every single main role you audition for? Anyway it’s B tier for me, catchy enough but nothing show-stopping.
I like how there’s little hints at conflicts between the two though, like Sharpay stopping Ryan so she can walk out first, bumping into him during the number and her telling him not to do the jazz squares but Ryan doing it anyway. He’s not completely subservient to her.
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Sharpay is so mean to Kelsi and y’all wanna say she was the victim here? She’s an elitist that doesn’t encourage new talent or cooperation, she just likes to be on top.
Gabriella: I'd like to audition, Ms Darbus!
I feel like they could have portrayed Gabriella’s motivations a bit better because they’re a tad unclear for me – with Troy we had scenes about his conflict and we can see he’s genuinely curious about singing on stage, but Gabriella seemed pretty certain she didn’t want to do anything like that right at the start of the year, plus she’s got major stage fright. So what exactly got her to go to the audition? Did she guess Troy would be there? If anyone's got any thoughts or meta on that I'd love to hear it
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Troy is so kind to Kelsi aw, taking the time to boost her confidence. It’s not like he knew she’d play them the music, he genuinely just saw someone being mistreated and wanted to boost them up. In the novelisation, Kelsi is freaking out because THE Troy Bolton is talking to her and turns out he's just a nice sweet guy who doesn't think he's above everyone else, it's sweet.
OK I know people laugh at them being able to sightread here, but they already heard how the tune goes as they saw Sharpay and Ryan’s audition, and this is essentially just the same thing slowed down, with some prompts from Kelsi. It’s not thaaaaat farfetched.
So for Troy and Gabriella’s version of the song? I’m sure this version suits that part of the musical more, they have great chemistry when singing it and they can sing well, so I can see why Darbus would consider them. It’s just that in my personal rankings I wouldn’t really listen to this so it’s C tier, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. The song does exactly what it needs to do at this point in the story.
Aw Kelsi’s so excited! Even inviting them to her house for breakfast practice ^^
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cristull · 5 months
Long post
No one asked but I've been gone because I am re-designing alyah and what not right now I've decided her true height is 12 feet and her age is still 36 ! But I've changed a little bit about her personality
So basically her personality is like a moody 12 year old that thinks everything is a game and is hostile to everyone but her two favorite people ( 049 and doctor kaitie)
Alyah is a little shit , she will attack, bite , scratch and even hit people for no reason for example , while DR. Molly is conducting tests with Alyah , Alyah would randomly scratch or bite Molly then run like it's some sort of game. On many occasions site staff would have to bring 049 in to make sure Alyah is on her best behavior lol
Sometimes when Alyah ( uh- Lee _ uh ) (if you didn't know how to pronounce her name lol) breaches containment they would have 049 track her ass down and bring her back because if he dose not Alyah would not listen to no one 💀 ( I'm not surprised since she ate her parents)
No one asked but if you were wondering about the " incident " I mentioned a couple posts before. The " incident " basically when alyah was very very very little she got hungry due to a staff not feeding her like he was supposed to and she kinda... ate her parents 😭
Anyway about her "look" I wanted her to look kinda grotesque kinda like when you look at her you think 1) she weak asf 2) she hasn't ate in like 10000000 years lmao.
Alyah is very strong but it stems from her anger. Basically anyone could potentially fight her but I don't know if you could without making her BIG mad lol
Also funny thing about her is , when she gets the most SMALLEST cut she would run to 049 to have him fix her "boo boo" 💀
Like girl- you 36 and you acting like a 5 year old lmao
Anyway hope you like the post that no one asked for ! 🗣
Here some drawings I did
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Thank you so much for invading my ask box again, Babs!! I appreciate you so much 🥹❣️
All right, The Cobra is my Marvel WIP (technically WIP even though it's published, because it's unfinished and I haven't been able to find the time to continue it for quite a while). But it's a fic I want to finish someday, eventually, though I don't know when. It's a fic that's very dear to me. It was my first big writing project that I actually published for the world to see, so I love it a lot for that. Okay, buckle up for some lore. I told @koko-raccoon all about my OC, so here's everything I told them:
Her full given name is Lucille Dorothy Barnes, but she goes by Lucy for short, or Luce (She/Her pronouns!! She's a Cisgender Lady :3 Tbh, I like to headcanon her as the type to put Pronouns in her Bio once she gets to the present and has an actual phone and learns how to use Social Media). Anyway, she's Bucky's younger sister, and he's her oldest brother (yes, she has two older brothers and one younger brother. I gave her two additional brothers because according to canon lore, Bucky's supposed to be the oldest of four, even though nothing about his siblings is known in canon).
She and Bucky are 1000% the closest to each other in their family, they were each other's first best friends!! That's the power of sibling love. The two of them eventually meet Steve, and she becomes Steve's bestie as well at the same time that Bucky becomes Steve's bestie. The three of them kind of become a friendship trio, like The Three Musketeers. Oh yeah, and she's also Aro/Ace, but doesn't figure it out until later, because of how taboo being LGBTQ+ was back in the forties. Her being Cis and Aro/Ace is based off my best friend, who is also Cis and Aro/Ace, pffffft (and despite being Aro/Ace, she's one of the most loving people I know).
Anyway, Lucy never gets powers, but does support Steve while he gets the serum, and actually does manage to join the army with him. Even though she's a woman, she still gets in because let's just say that's how desperate they were, lmao. And they also tour together selling War Bonds as Captain America and The Cobra (which eventually becomes her actual superhero name). Then they both get trapped in the ice. I don't know how she survived, because she never got the serum. Let's just say she's built different--and somehow the ice protected her all of those years, I don't know. I don't think I thought about that enough when I wrote it.
Anyway, they wake up in 2012, join the Avengers, and craziness ensues. But the craziest part is reuniting with Bucky, who she thought died all the way back in the forties. She definitely took his presumed death the hardest, she grieved so much. She never really fully recovered from when she thought she lost him. She actually turned to drinking to make herself feel better, it was that bad (she previously never even touched alcohol). And she even cut her long, brown hair and dyed it; it eventually grows back and regains its old, natural color, but it was still a huge, rebellious move for her. She gets even more upset when she learns that Bucky was brainwashed, and he's barely even her brother anymore. But part of her that she thought would never heal heals when Bucky is eventually freed of his mind control and becomes a part of her life again. They definitely become each other's support system when Steve goes back to live out his life in the forties and dies, leaving the two of them (and Sam).
And she's reminded just how fun it is to spend time with her big brother again. She just missed him so much 😭 I like to think that she's also trapped in the town Wanda creates in WandaVision, and actually forgets everything, and Wanda tries to justify it by saying that now she gets to live the life she lost. Very sad stuff. I actually kind of used this fic as an excuse to write a character going through the grieving process, sort of?? It was definitely interesting.
Here's an excerpt of Lucy dealing with grief and turning to drinking as an unhealthy coping mechanism:
When they got back, she turned to drinking. Being drunk erased the pain. It numbed everything. It wasn’t a permanent solution, but it helped. She was old enough anyway. She and Steve sat in the remains of a building, listening to a broadcast.
“Blackout is still in effect throughout the London area. Please wait for the all-clear. Your attention, please. All citizens should remain indoors until further notice. Blackout is still in effect throughout the London Area.”
Peggy suddenly appeared in a trenchcoat. Steve cleared his throat and spoke, his voice sounding rather raspy, “Dr. Erskine said that the serum wouldn’t just affect my muscles, it would affect my cells. Create a protective system of regeneration and healing. Which means I can’t get drunk. Did you know that?”
“I can.” Lucy hiccuped, pouring herself another shot. “It helps with the pain. Physical and mental. Also, Steve, m’pretty sure your metabolism burns four times faster than the average person.”
She heard that her words sounded slightly slurred, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
“I was just about to say that.” Peggy grabbed a chair and sat beside them. “He thought it could be one of the side effects. It wasn’t either of your faults.”
“Did you read the report?” Steve questioned, probably sounding harsher than intended.
“Then you know that’s not true.”
She slammed her shot glass on the table, startling Peggy, “I was a coward.”
“You did everything you could,” Peggy assured them. “Did you believe in your friend and brother? Did you respect him? Then stop blaming yourselves. Allow Barnes the dignity of his choice. He damn well must’ve thought you were worth it. Both of you.”
“That’sss Bucky for you.” Lucy’s “s” was slightly drawn out. She laughed drunkenly and then hiccuped again.
“I’m going after Schmidt,” Steve decided. “I’m not gonna sleep until all of Hydra is dead or captured.”
“You won’t be alone.” 
Lucy never forgot those words of comfort.
Here's an excerpt of a small part of WandaVision that I wrote in advance because I got so excited to get to it:
Lucy started to grow angry herself for not being listened to, “What is outside of Westview, Wanda?”
“You know full well what’s out there,” Wanda snapped. “Lucy, I did this for you, too.”
“Haven’t you noticed? You’ve gotten to live through all of the decades you never got to experience. You never had to be a hero,” Wanda explained.
Lucy’s hands curled into fists, “I thought you were my friend, Wanda. How could you do this? People here are suffering!”
“You don’t understand.” 
“I don’t understand?” Lucy hit the table with all her strength and started to shout, “I knew damn well what I was getting into when I got into that plane with Steve!”
“You don’t get to make a choice for us, Wanda!” Vision exclaimed.
Also, the best flipping part about this fic is that Lucy is canon is some way thanks to The Falcon and The Winter Soldier!! Sort of. Okay, I still made Lucy up, and Bucky's sister never appears on-screen, so it can be assumed she never made it to the present and passed away at some point. Or he could even be lying. But let me have this!! When my best friend, Matilda, pointed this out, I squealed with happiness so hard.
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It’s CMA-
Wait re: threesomes thing: does she know about how people of the same sex sleep together? Or has she just not thought about it? Because like…. That kind of explains it… (cue clover asking her sister and her husband and wife about queer sex……….)
SCREAMING teddy I love you but OH NO!!! Clover is going to be so fucking stressed!!! Also they really need to lock his art room…… although maybe Ben will be fine because he has younger siblings so he kind of gets it?? (if I were clover I’d be having a panic attack, which she might have anyway)
Damn clover planning murder…. I mean I get it but that’s so dark….
I’m going to cry that he’s so chill about it. Genuinely brb sobbing over here
Him respecting her in his old art room and telling her that even though it used to be his, he’s still going to respect her as a human being and not treat her as if she’s the guest in his space…. Oh my god I’m so emotional over this chapter
Poor Ben pining so badly and also LOL at the bridgertons continuing to be oblivious to Charlie and Anthony
And then asking her if Colin could come in 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Did Colin think they were about to hook up?????!!!?!! LMFAO or did he just think they would be super mushy
SCREAMING clover ur so bold for someone who doesn’t even know how sex works LMAO.
Also we’re getting the Colin/marina scandal?!!!!!??!!?!!? That’s like four scandals or near scandals in one season for that family!!! It’s like half the kids!!!!! Lmfaooo OMG. When it’s all four of them, Eloise is going to be so pissed cuz she’ll be under pressure when she’s supposed to have had YEARS!! Three siblings married in a few month span……. Omg…..
I love that they’re embracing using husband/wife as affectionate nicknames and goofing about it now. I also love that clover jumped right into teasing Colin and being comfortable around him without any preamble. Truly fitting in like she’d always been there.
OMG this chapter was SUCH a rollercoaster, and next week is the dinner!!!!!! Augh I’m already so nervous and excited!!!!!!!!!!!! There’s so much fluff potential but also angst and arguing and teasing and banter and potentially being triggering for her KAKCNNDJFJF
I also wonder if clover will be tense the entire time and not realize it because this is so foreign to her and won’t even notice until she snaps or starts crying at something insignificant or something (totally not projecting LMAO)
Also I forgot to mention- I wonder when the alarm bells will go off for clover’s family that she’s not gardening and stuff, and what they will do about it…. Josie will get angry at Ben for sure but idk tbh………..
I’m so nervous and also emotional over this chapter and the future story lololol
Okay love u lots!! Can’t wait to see ur reply:)
Hi my loveeee! ❤️
Oh she tried to ask Josie but Josie absolutely refused to give her the details😂 So she has her theories but she is more confused by the fact that there were three people there, not two 😂
She was on the verge of a panic attack but also, her mind was so focused on protecting Teddy that she couldn't even think about it 💔
Yesss the palette knife thing! 😱 I actually don't think she was flat out planning murder BUT she was gonna make him stop by all means necessary 💔 And even if she trusts Benedict, that trauma hit her back with its full force the minute Teddy did something that "might" anger him...😭💔
He respects her so much! ❤️
They literally can't even see how Anthony is in love with Charlie! 😂
Colin thought they were kissing at the very least 😏 But actually hooking up at the art room while his whole family is there, I doubt he thought that 😈 But I mean would they do it? 😏
Lolll she thinks she knows😂 Although she is rethinking that considering what happened at the party😂
The season of scandals! 😏 It'll be complete chaos 😂
Yesss and Clover doesn't even notice that! 😂 Like, she's so comfortable with the fact that they're married that she can even joke about it with him, it shows how much she's starting to trust him 😍
Oooh we will actually have lots of dinners in the following chapters and we're skipping this one so that it won't be repetitive 🥰 But we will see some dinners and it will be fun! ❤️
Josie will be so protective! 🥰 Like, rn they don't think anything of it, her not gardening because she's too "busy" in her honeymoon😏 But Josie will eventually bring it up and ask her why she's not doing it❤️
Thank you so so much darling! 😍🥰 ILY! ❤️❤️❤️
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fantomette22 · 2 years
Hi!!!! Here's some asks for ya!
🪀silly headcanon- Gehrman
💌fluffy headcanon- Maria and Adeline
📦overall feelings about them- Bucket man (Valtr)
Hm🪀silly headcanon- Gehrman? (the guy with the less silly things ever XD ok I have a few actually depends of the interpret but let's go with my main one)
When he was really young (teen-young adult) he was doing little jobs in Yharnam. At some point he gives a pocket knife to a 6? year old child so she could defend herself just in case something goes wrong while he escorts her. He legit thought it was the best thing to do XD He even forgot to take the knife back (I need to tell this story one day it's the funniest thing. +1 biscuit if you guess who the child is lmao)
If you begin to talk to him about a subject he loves, he knows you like it too, and he got times to loose? It's over for you all XD
A fluffy 💌 headcanon for both Maria and Adeline I supposed? (mostly depends the interpretations I have of their relationship. In my main one their just friends but in a minor one I have they're kinda girlfriends lol)
I don't thought of much yet so Let's just say that before everything became a huge mess (but after the hamlet?), and before Adeline became herself a patient, they took care of other patients, together. They went to play with the first orphan kids of the church too. And on the nights of the hunt, they read and tell stories to everyone who were locked in the grand cathedral I guess.
AH Mr Bucket man ! I'm loving more and more this surname XD
I hadn't thought too much about him (in terms of hc) but I have a vivid one about about how he became the "beast eater" and it's sad 😢 I remember completely loosing it when I first read his set description XD it just so cool!
I really like Valtr. Yeah he's a bit deranged (like everyone lol) and almost seems to have completely loose it and can be bit scary. Some days I'm not really sure what to think of him... but he's nice to us! I was so sad when I finally finished his quest in my ng+ 😭. And I know for sure that without him I wouldn't have been able to beat Ludwig and Laurence. So for that I'm eternally grateful to our little saw man.
For me he's the best summon <3
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kagejima · 1 year
So far she was the best 😭😭 sad but I had worse, like at least she validates my feelings. I had other therapist give me example of kids who are born without limbs or telling me that I'm young and pretty so I should live my life??? Like?? I was at the hospital too. I'll try and search for someone else. I also talk with my psychiatrist when I have appointments and she's understanding. Or at least she's doing a good job?? Idek at this point. I had some doctors that would focus on some things more than other. Like idk I have more than one mental illness 😭 so they said let's focus on depression for now, or this antidepressants work for your ocd too, while my current doctor paid attention to my ocd too. It's hard. I thought that once I go to doctors, I will find a cure quickly, but after years I'm met with the fact that mental illness it's so hard to treat. And sometimes you just have to learn how to manage it your whole life which sucks. :/
I wish I was at least born pretty 😭 literally everytime I get out of the house someone calls me ugly or makes a mean comment. It was horrible back in school. I was bullied so bad. And frankly I never liked the way I look, but they can just ignore me you know?? The men are the worst. They would go out of their way to let me know how ugly they think I am. And most of the times I wasn't even interacting with them??? I don't get it. It was hard seeing how they'd flirt with my friends but call me ugly. That made things awkward for my friends too.
Wish I had at least money lmao. I resent my parents for having kids. My whole family actually. Cause their parents pressured them into getting married and having kids yada yada cause that's what you're suppose to do? And they had 3 😭 :/ and now I'm fucked. And somehow it's still my fault for being unreasonable and mean?? All my life I felt guilty, I deserve to feel angry now.
Sorry for the long rant. I keep on saying the same thing to my therapist too but I still don't feel any better . And I'm getting old, I'll soon be 27 :(
:((( It sounds like you just have a shitty therapist right now. I hope that you can easily transition into one that's way better for you!! I'm glad that you have a good psychiatrist though and that your current doctor listens to you and is actively helping you in the meantime, those are very important as well!
And yeah, I get you about the men stuff 🥲🥲🥲 tbh, most men i know are trash anyways so i'm not surprised 🤷🏻‍♀️
Also please don't be so hard on yourself about your looks! 🥺🥺 I think being born pretty is very... it's a weird area. Some of the worst people I've ever known in my whole life - like just absolutely nasty people - were conventionally pretty, and I'm sure others here will agree with me they have met people like that as well.
I think loving yourself and your looks is a very long and hard journey, but I believe in you! Hell, I'm 31 and I'm still insecure about my face sometimes. When I finally cut my hair into the pixie it is now, I felt more like me than I had in my entire life, but there's still awful people going "Haha, you look like a 10 year old boy!!" BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?? fuck them. and fuck those people that say rude things to you!! i don't know if you know the song, but whenever i get down like that, i like to listen to kesha's "let 'em talk" until i feel better!!
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 s6e2 - some thoughts and comments as I'm watching:
spoilers ahead haha
oh shit I almost forgot about Athena's dad 😳
I love the way we kinda see it all from Athena's perspective, and everything is so echoey and feels kinda distant I guess hah
those scenes before something bad happens are always so stressful because I don't know what exactly to expect or when to expect it 😂 like, I love it, but I hate it 🤣🤣
oh my god I did not expect the guy to blow up his yard 😂 I was so anxiously waiting for him to get seriously hurt somehow and here he goes doing this 😂
awww Captain Hen 😍😍 love that so much ❤️
I figured the wife was cheating with the neighbor but they had an underground tunnel for that??? lmao how did they even manage that 😂
they always manage to do something completely unexpected 😂 God I love this show
"are you at ease" why was this so funny 😂
I'm loving Maddie, like, mentoring Noah or whatever, but... I miss dispatcher May sns 😂😂 (and May in general)
Hen is gonna totally wear herself out, I'm tired just watching her go through it all - btw those shots of her driving super tired and while eating are giving so much anxiety that she'll get into an accident or something - even though I drive, I'm still so terrified of the possibility of a car crash after I was in a car crash when I was like 6 or 7 lol -
okay, what the fuck was that popcorn scene 😂 did that have a purpose? was it supposed to be funny? cause it was kinda cringe and annoying and wtf why did they do that 😂
oh my god she's falling asleep behind the wheel - I fucking called it (I'm currently talking at my screen out loud begging her to pull over, I'm totally fine 🙂😂😂)
oh thank God she's fine but oh my god I'm fucking stressed out 😂
Bobby is the best husband, seriously, I so respect him standing up to Athena's mom, that was great - her mom is being a bit unreasonable but like, I understand it because I know, even just based on my family, how old people are - so stubborn and set in their ways, and can get offended over nothing and take everything way too personally...
random thought (because I heard Hen talk to Julie and I was like: who's that new person lol) but like: where's Ravi? I don't remember how he ended up at the end of s5 but like, did he leave the show or something??
Buck always having meaningful conversations with people on calls when he needs it 👀👀
this is such a stressful rescue but somehow it's less stressful than Hen driving 😂😂 (that car accident affected me too much lol its a miracle I drive regularly now haha)
fuck, I teared up when Hen was telling Lev about Frankie 😭 and now I'm fucking crying omg what 😭😭💔 he was on the screen for like 2 minutes, why am I crying over him 😂 they always know how to hit me in the feels
and the saddest version of don't worry be happy is just making it worse 😭😂😂
I haven't mentioned it yet, so here's my weekly pause and break for thirsting over Eddie because I can't handle the feels now lol: damn Eddie looks so fucking good, like always 🥵🔥 I really love his haircut tbh I wish he had more screen time this episode because oh my god he looks so hot and just so gorgeous 😍😍🔥 (when does he not 🙄😂) okay, I'm done for now lol
I'm loving the plotline of Buck trying to find happiness and I feel for him rn 🥺 he looks so sad and clearly this death hit him pretty hard 🥺 also, the "you always have the answers" 🥺😭
don't tell me Hen didn't pass 😳💔
oh fuck I'm crying once again, poor Hen 😭😭💔 she took on way too much, I feel so bad, both for her and for her family 😭
and now Beatrice is making me cry - damn, it's episode 2 and they're already hitting me in the feels way too much 😂 I can't handle it 😭😂
A BODY? WHAT NOW? WTF??? okay, I wasn't that invested in Athena's story so far but now I am 😳😳😳😳 I MEAN, WHAT?! what does this mean??? I'm so confused and so curious and just.... what. I need the next episode right the fuck now 😂😂
tbh I wanted to say I liked the previous episode a little bit better - but like, that last scene really made it crazy and now I'm 🤯 I loved it
ngl, as much as I felt bad for Athena, I didn't care all that much for her parents' story but the end scene made it the most interesting thing this episode 😂
I loved Hen's story and I was so worried and stressed for her (if you ever feel tired when driving, my god, just pull over pls 😂) school work and being a present mom and a wife is a lot and she was just so overworked and overwhelmed and I'm curious where her story goes now, because they built up her wanting to become a doctor so much, it'd be weird if they just dropped it now 🤔
I'm loving Buck trying to find happiness - Buck's stories are always great and I hope we'll get some more of that in next episodes
I'm also hoping Eddie will get some important storyline soon because he's just there being an amazing firefighter and looking hot and I'm not complaining but like, let's put some more focus on him pls 😂
overall, really loved it, and I seriously cannot fucking wait for the next one (like, the ending??? I won't stop thinking about it until the next episode 😂)
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