#I don’t think 6 was enough
spectrum-color · 8 months
One of Wheel of Times defining traits in the fantasy community is that it’s really, really long. 15 books in fact (yes I count New Spring because my Complete Wheel of Time Kindle omnibus has it.) This is used as both a point in favor when people who love it recommend it (super deep dive in an immersive world) and a warning from people who hate it (bloated and meandering.) It wasn’t always going to be this long though. Robert Jordan’s original contract was for 6 books, but then they became bestsellers and he slowed down the pace drastically and added a bunch of new characters until he eventually got sick and died after writing 11 books (the remaining 3 were finished by Brandon Sanderson.) Needless to say, a 6 book series would be both drastically different and probably actually all completed by the same author.
So I am curious: do you all think the middle dragged and he should have stuck with 6? Or do you think all 15 books were needed? Or is it something in between where you think 6 doesn’t cover enough but he also could have wrapped everything up sooner?
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cashweasel · 9 months
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“Come back to me...”
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paracosmicat · 10 months
I need Nino and Felix to have,, just like one conversation because Nino has been on that trying to free Adrien since day fucking one and I know Felix would find this admirable if he knew. I just know he would find him neat. Especially after he found out that Gabriel once banned Adrien from talking to him because he tried to intimidate him into a birthday party and he organized a coup to toss spaghetti and cake on him (separate occasions). Nino literally organized the resistance that Adrien was a part of which was a huge act of bravery and standing up for what he wants, everything he has been wanting for his cousin. Since season one Nino was like all adults suck and they should disappear. Honestly? We talk about the parallels between Felix and Marinette or Felix and Adrien but actually Felix and Nino are the real character foils. In this essay—
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wiklm · 4 months
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helllooooooo cyno likers !!! handing you my borderline unrecognizable cyno bc if you’re anything like me and the few cyno likers i know you’re starving
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apocalyptichearts · 1 month
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a few daisy centred maydaisy text posts to grace your timeline :))
credits — keaton st.james, rural boys watch the apocalypse || @/inanotherunivrse on tumblr || blythe baird, if my body could speak || unknown || janet fitch, white oleander || safia elhillo, home is not a country: “mama” || adrianne lenker, real house
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fantasiavii · 1 year
If Robert Jordan didn’t want me to make femslash ships for every female character he should have actually learned how to write romance
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noirtek · 4 months
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there’s something here i think. maybe
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joyfuladorable · 9 months
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Current state of my 2k3 book scans! Feel free to message me for a link to the gdrive folder if you wanna take a look! ^w^
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lyrebirdswrites · 1 month
The evil demon in my head says I’m a terrible horrible no good very bad writer and I MUST NOT let it win. Even if this wip is not knocking anybody’s socks off right now I have to trust it will become good eventually!!! Just keep swimming!! Just keep swimming!!
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ungaroyals · 9 months
feeling reminiscent of when I first joined the yr fandom back in August 2021. So much has changed.
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silicon-based-life · 5 months
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another finished object! this time a pair of fingerless gloves for @rndocumedia !
i made these with some very nice yarn that i don’t know the brands of, thanks to one of them being a gift and one i lost the tag for 😅 but i love the colors they turned out so nicely! for now i’m not blocking these, but if they end up needing them, i might later on
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eqan · 6 months
trainer came again today and we are working through some things with dew that i’ll talk about at a later date. but what i wanna bring up right now is just how high this dogs prey drive is. his drive in general. i think that’s why ive had such a hard time adjusting to this little monster — he’s not just a herding breed, but one with such a high drive that his pupils were literally dilated our entire session lol the trainer mentioned that dewey in particular is very sensitive to sound and especially to movement (normal herdy things) and imo this is probably why he gets over threshold/overaroused so fast. i’m gonna take a step back for a while and focus on dewey’s ability to relax in different environments. i think im even gonna pull him from puppy classes for the time being. this isn’t something the behaviorist said i should do, just something i’m gathering intuitively that i think my dog needs. this trainer works mostly with herding breeds (and a lot with corgis) and even she was pretty awestruck at dewey’s sheer drive and energy, and that said to me that dewey may just need to be kept well under threshold (moreso than another dog of his breed) for a while in order to reorganize his system, so to speak.
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skinreflectsthesun · 8 months
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fierykitten2 · 6 months
The reason I keep reblogging the Neo Swords poll is because six is not a good enough sample size. The reason I keep reblogging the Proto Beasts poll is because it would annoy me if I weren’t consistent even if I prefer the Neo Swords (I do love the Proto Beasts though. Bolt’s more of a like than a love but Fire is just as cool as Boulder and Wake is nearly as cool/beautiful as Leaves)
Here’s the links to the Proto Beast and Neo Sword polls (yes it would annoy me if I didn’t link the Proto Beast poll. How have I, one of the few people who loves all the Future Paradox Pokémon and only around half of the Past Paradox Pokémon ended up falling for this? Why can’t I treat the Past Paradox Pokémon as unfairly as the rest of the fandom does for the Future Paradox Pokémon?). For my sanity I would prefer if you focus on the Neo Sword poll over the Proto Beast poll. I think I’ve got a relatively good idea of where the fandom stands after 35 votes
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hobbithoes · 21 days
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i may no longer tattoo but my freakish finger bump shalt remain as a reminder ….
#LOL THE MATURE TAG 😭 my penis finger#I’m packing up to move tn I’m so sleepy I been up since 5am then 3am last two nights with barely any sleep bc I was nervous lollll#tbh I’m making this post to procrastinate i keep walking around aimlessly I’m so tired of packing 😭#freaking hoarders nest lol#it might just be from the wireless tattoo machines tbh my work bestie has one 2#but idk anyone else in the shop who does then again I’m not close enough to anyone else besides piercers enough to know 🙀#but yah I quit me job I was making nooo money like I have 140 rn and my rent is 700😊 so stepdads mom is helping me she’s so sweet#she’s helping me move too I’m moving into my bfs parents house for like a month before our big move to PHILLYYYYY💕💕#I was tweakingggg like I felt so bad I think it’s finally okay now even if they don’t let me out of the lease it’s just the last month#of my lease I can’t pay so they can’t evict me it won’t ruin my credit 😝😝😝 just might be debt if they’re bogus about it lol#but I already have like 6 or 7 thousand of that from my owed taxes from tattooing for 2 years 🫣🫣🫣🫣lolll aint been paying that shit#I already typed my whole situation out so many times I deleted like twice right after and a couple times it wouldn’t postttt#so it better post 😡😡😡#quit my job I don’t have to TATTOOO ANYMOREEE YAYYYY#I think that’s why I was tweaking too I haven’t not worked for any point in 4 years 😩 so it feels so weird#the finger numb gets flat if im tattooing all day and hurts super bad 😵‍💫 beat into submission by the machine pressure digging in 😳#bump * 😡#anyway thanx for reading my novel in the tags if u did#right ring finger 💍 btw my angles r a bit confusing here I must admit
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sarafangirlart · 1 month
Bitches be like “the FL should’ve ended up with the villain 😫” and the villain says shit like this:
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