#I don’t do song fics
thedeathdeelers · 30 days
coup de foudre
sunjae tossed and turned in bed, legs kicking at the bedsheet clinging to his body as he struggled to get comfortable.
he felt restless. somewhat breathless.
he presses a hand against his chest, right over his heart, and feels it still beating at a much faster pace than normal.
he lets out another sigh as he turns to face the window, eyes catching the raindrops pelting against the glass.
it was raining that day too.
the day he met her.
sunjae flops back onto his back, head hitting his pillow as he stares up at the ceiling.
his neighbour-
sol. lim sol.
continue reading on ao3
the reason behind the feeling in his chest — the reason behind the racing thoughts and uneven heartbeat.
he presses the heel of his hands against his eyes, trying and failing to breathe at a more normal pace in an attempt to calm his beating heart: with thoughts of their first meeting still fresh in his mind, swirling around and refusing to disappear, it was hard to control it.
the sound of the rain shower outside only made it worse — he used to hate the rain, think it a nuisance.
now it only reminded him of her — her yellow umbrella, her bright smile, her twinkling eyes- standing on her tiptoes and leaning forward as she sheltered him from the rain, fingers softly brushing against his-
sunjae shakes his head, letting out a deep breath as he tries to put a stop to the thoughts showering his mind with snapshots of her.
dropping his arms back to his sides, he opens his eyes and turns his head back towards the window, staring at the downpour-
and that’s when it happens.
a soft melody starts playing in his head, a melody shortly followed by a sudden flash of a bright smile, of the colour yellow-
and then a line.
The falling rain suddenly wakes me up
I'm lost in my thoughts about you
you seep into my heart again
sunjae has never officially studied music, never professionally gotten any lessons, but music has always followed him one way or another.
something, he thinks, his mother left behind, just for him.
maybe this was how he could get this restless feeling to ease — maybe he just needed to get it out and onto paper, onto something.
swinging his legs off the bed and on to the floor, sunjae sits up and reaches out towards his desk, pulling an old notebook and pen towards him.
he stops just as pen hits paper and wonders — was she like sunshine to him? or was she like rain? a sudden unexpected shower, a surprise downpour — a gift from the heavens, as it changes everything it touches.
he taps the tip of the pen against the paper for a moment, pondering.
she was a mix of both — his very own shelter from the rain; his light in the dark — while also bringing in a new beginning, a refreshing change that shook him to his core.
in those few seconds where his gaze met her bright shimmering eyes, his entire world had shifted — as the rain crashed down around them and seeped into the cracks in the ground, she had already settled into his heart.
mind decided, he writes down the first words to what would one day be a worldwide hit, a ballad to his first and only love:
i i wished it would never end,
the day you first came to
i hoped it wouldn’t just be a sudden shower
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sesamestreep · 6 months
Matt/Foggy, 36
From this Spotify Wrapped Prompt Game: #36. Made You Look - Meghan Trainor (🫣 I am not immune to a viral tiktok audio earworm…)
“Are you capable of exercising any self-control at all?” Foggy asks, voice dripping with annoyance as it carries across the room.
“I—” Matt pauses, as he tries to figure out the right response to that question. “I’m literally just sitting here,” he finally offers, weakly, because it definitely sounds like he’s in trouble, he’s just not sure why.
“I know that,” Foggy says, coming back to sit on the edge of the bed. “I’m talking about what happened last night.”
“I was under the impression that you enjoyed what happened last night.”
“In fact, I distinctly remember asking if you were enjoying yourself and you said—”
“You don’t need to quote me,” Foggy says, evidently excited or embarrassed by the memory—or both. “I remember.”
“Well, then, I’m confused by your sudden change of heart.”
“Not a change of heart,” Foggy clarifies and Matt is very often thankful that Foggy can’t hear his heartbeat and now is one such moment, because the way it immediately calms down from relief is genuinely a little embarrassing and he’s glad no one else has to know about it. “Just confronting the very frustrating reality that I’m going to have to do the walk of shame in a shirt open to my navel because someone tore half the buttons off of it in his haste to get me undressed. Again.”
Matt shrugs, very deliberately casual now that he knows this isn’t a real argument. “It felt like an urgent matter at the time.”
“Matt, I don’t even know where any of the buttons ended up!”
“Thank God. It’d be really embarrassing if you’d had the presence of mind to keep track of that while I was…well, you know.”
“I don’t know why you can’t just unbutton my shirt patiently like a grownup,” Foggy complains, which is the exact opposite of what he was doing last night, but Matt doesn’t bring that up.
“I don’t know why you insist on wearing those fancy suits with like eighteen layers I have to go through,” Matt says, instead. “Getting you naked is like breaking into a Swiss bank.”
“They’re three piece suits, you infant,” Foggy retorts, laughing. “And I’ve been told by everyone on Earth except you that I look great in them.”
“I’m sure you do. But for my purposes, they’re a nuisance.”
“You’re a philistine, Matthew. And I’m going to tell Luke that you don’t appreciate well made clothing and get you on his bad side for all eternity.”
“Please don’t,” Matt says, grabbing Foggy’s wrist like he might go for his phone right away. The downside of meeting Luke through Foggy is that he always has this extremely viable threat in his back pocket. “You have no idea how hard it is to find a good tailor these days.”
“Oh, I’m intimately aware,” Foggy cries, and there’s a shuffling noise as he (Matt’s guessing) shakes his injured shirt at him. “And speaking of Luke, you can’t claim my clothes are a nuisance to get out of when you run around in your leather daddy body armor all the time. There’s just no comparison!”
Matt doesn’t point out that he rarely shows up to see Foggy in the suit because it usually ends in them arguing rather than fucking—or, at least, arguing for a while before they get around to fucking. That’s not going to win him any points at the moment, he imagines.
“Leather daddy?” he asks, incredulously, instead.
“God, shut up,” Foggy says, still embarrassed and excited about it.
Matt takes the shirt out of Foggy’s hands, gently, and then, not so gently, shucks it to the other side of the room. “Maybe I just like who you are under your clothes more,” he says, carefully. “Did you ever think of that?”
“You’re so full of shit,” Foggy says, and, Matt’s not really sure how, but his voice fully gives away that he’s blushing.
“You could borrow something of mine…”
Foggy snorts. “Yeah, I don’t think you have anything in my size here, sweetheart.”
Matt lets his hand trail up Foggy’s side. “Oh, well. Hot guy in a tight t-shirt. What a sad fate for all of us to endure.”
“That gimmick only works when it’s guys like you. On me, it’ll just look delusional.”
Matt frowns, not liking the sound of that one bit. He slips his hand around the back of Foggy’s neck and pulls him close until their foreheads are pressed together, relieved by how easily Foggy complies despite his purported annoyance.
“Then it looks like your only option is to stay here forever,” Matt says, solemnly. “Completely naked, of course.”
“Of course,” Foggy says, laughing softly. “It’s the only plan that makes sense.”
“I’m glad we’re in agreement,” Matt replies, leaning in to kiss him. He conveniently doesn’t mention that he has one sweater, three sweatshirts, and no less than five t-shirts that he’s stolen from Foggy that he could just as easily return to him and solve his current predicament. He likes his solution better.
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fumifooms · 5 months
oh, sorry for so many asks, i also wanted to say too though i really agree so much with your chilchuck thoughts so far, even down to your personal headcanons about how things might go post-series. and you're absolutely right, i'll defend that little guy any day myself. you understand him so well and it's kind of relaxing to have someone else dish out this kind of analysis and already agree with all of it cus it's just so real, so thank you again for the Meal <- perhaps the perfect thing to say about dungeon meshi analysis when i think about it
i know you have playlists and stuff so i wanted to share a song i've been listening to that that reminds me of him: divine loser by clem turner
No worries, they’ve been a lot of fun! I do plan on getting back to each one btw, just gotta get through some other things first hopefully. Aaaah that’s really nice to hear 🥺 I do know the feeling haha, it’s always fun to have posts that Get It that you just nod along with 🤝 I’ve thought sooo much about Chilchuck I rotate him in my brain like rotisserie chicken more often than not, glad it all ended up being productive haha. Y’know recently my friends have been calling me a Chilchuck superfan/scholar jokingly and it actually made me have a realization moment of…
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Bc I’ve always said Laios was my fave and like, he does mean everything to me idk if I’ve ever felt so seen as with Laios, I relate to him sooo much, but then. Okay alright that can be a different thing than a character being your favorite fine FINE I admit it Chilchuck’s my top blorbo. He’s so.🧍‍♂️I can’t even describe. He’s so….. He’s a clown but he’s also perfection in its best imperfect form I will not be taking further questions today. My friend called him my silly rabbit like that one meme and it makes me laugh sm
Thank you for the music rec!! I listened to it and yes agreed, sent straight to my Chil playlist. Songs are my bread and butter when I have character brainrot bc like with web weavings I feel like there are so many emotions and thoughts you can communicate about something so simply through one… (Which for anyone interested here’s my web weaving tag, got 2 about Chil). Gonna link all my dunmeshi playlists while I’m here: Dungeon Meshi, Chilchuck & his wife, marchil, Mithrun.
Ok everyone saw this coming but this ask ran away from me and I ramble about some song lyrics I associate with Chil & different facets of his life below the cut. Some people find my, ehem, heated rambles about Chil entertaining, this is your cue to get out the popcorn.
When thinking about songs for Chil I have 3 angles I take: About Chilchuck, about him and his wife, or about him & Marcille. Marchil is so engraved into me with their arcs together, that they’re like the concept of closure and letting go and letting yourself live again to me, sorry for all the non-enjoyers…
I think currently my top song for him is Jackrabbit by San Fermin, because it combines all three it makes me go wild. It’s about trepidation… Throwing yourself into it even despite the fear (working with traps, survival in poverty where you have to rush & hustle), or just staying there paralyzed(not reaching out to his wife). Flight or freeze!! Saying goodbyes and saying hellos!! Not dying alone!! The life cycle of a wild rabbit living and dying, the baton pass race of life from generation to generation!! Chil and his daughters even!!! Going through life at a frenzied pace!! It is so Chilchuck and so marchil, and the music does give that hurried and scared energy to me too, and sigh the Marcille side to it with fear of death too…
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Extra fun context but the other day on the discord server we were talking about what animal each character’s fursona would be as we do and I thought of a rabbit for Chilchuck: Quick footed, ‘cowardly’, small and frail and seen as weak 🙃, athletic and slender, pulls stunts, stressed out, has very fine hearing and has good instincts, etc. And ofc that fits really well with Marcille since she’s kinda associated with dungeon rabbits hehe~ But I think while Marcille’s 100% the cute round rabbit Chil’s more like a brown hare, more wild and like, more like a jackalope if we’re still doing monsters... I do lowkey find it more fun than his associated monster being mimics because he’s crabby, because they’re clever (with where they place themselves) and because of how he has a soft shell but soft insides, lol.
OKAY so that’s my song pick with the main 3 facets sure, now I’ll share some lyrics for each 3 sides separatedly 😈 Kinda summarizing my web weavings for him thus far. If we start with Chilchuck by himself we have… Enter One by Shelby Merry and Drunk by The Living Tombstone
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With his wife, we have the bad end, and the good end for if they get back together with Lost Kitten by Metric and North by Sleeping At Last… Okay okay plus Love Like Ghosts and My Heart is Buried in Venice… Little Soldier by The Crane Wives for them also RUIN me
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And Marchil… Marchil oh my beloved. Another buddy also made a full analysis on discord about Soap by The Oh Hellos for them lol, but these are Not I by I Fight Dragons and My Heart is Buried in Venice again~
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Okay okay two more. Boats & Birds by Gregory and The Hawk, and Tummy by Tamino.
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Finishing it up with quotes from, in order, A Softer World by Joey Comeau, Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Acknowledgements by Danez Smith, The Letter by Richard Paul Evans, and last but not least posts from dead tumblr account flintcoded. I keep looking around and finding MORE fitting quotes. Someone stop me- In loving me you hold a knife at my throat, in loving you I tell you exactly where to cut. Forgive me, memory is a rope around my neck. I need you to be happy, I need one of us to be happy.
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Hand in unlovable hand…
In conclusion;
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kjack89 · 1 year
Saw Hadestown today, and you know what means…Orpheus and Eurydice AU.
Grantaire as our Eurydice, hardened, world-weary, who is so used to running but stays only because of his love for Enjolras.
And Enjolras as Orpheus, touched by the gods – “Or maybe just touched in the head,” Grantaire mutters, but with a smile just peeking out of the corner of his mouth. After all, he’d have to be touched to believe he can change the world, right?
(“Of course,” Grantaire adds, “what does it say about me that I love him for it?”)
But times are hard and getting harder and changing the world doesn’t pay the bills, or keep the fire going or food in their bellies. And Grantaire—
Well. You know what they say of the frailty of man.
(“He’s gone,” Combeferre tells Enjolras, his hand heavy on his shoulder. “I am sorry, but this is one thing not even you can change.”
“He always said he would die for me,” Enjolras says, his voice broken. “I just never thought—“
His face hardens and he stands. “He said he would die for me,” he repeats, louder, stronger, iron banding his words and spine. “But I would kill for him.”
“You cannot kill the gods, or fate,” Combeferre says, exasperated.
Enjolras smiles, the sight chilling Combeferre to the bones. “Watch me.”)
And he goes after him, and his belief is strong enough to get him passage through the Underworld to Grantaire’s side, strong enough to bring Hades and Persephone back together, strong enough to convince Hades—
“There is a condition,” Hades says, his voice low. “You may leave, but not hand in hand. You will have to walk in front, and him behind.”
Enjolras squares his shoulders. “Fine,” he says. “We can—“
“Not you,” Hades says. “Grantaire will lead. And if he turns around to make sure you’re there, he returns here. Forever.”
But what choice do they have? The road is long, and dark, and Grantaire’s never been that good at belief under the best of circumstances.
And these are not the best of circumstances.
But he knows something Hades doesn’t know. Hades has looked at the whole of his life, at his lack of faith in anything, but like so many others, has never seen, or never understood, that Grantaire believes in Enjolras.
When Grantaire emerges into the triumph of the sun, he shouts his victory. (“Long live the Republic! I am one of them”.)
And he turns back to Enjolras.
(“Do you permit it?”)
’Cause here’s the thing
To know how it ends
And still begin to sing it again
As if it might turn out this time…
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willboland · 6 months
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🍎when the fruit of sin falls into decay they can meet again, until then…🍎
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jamoncitofail · 3 months
Dandelions by Ruth B. but make it KuboSai
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 3 months
Me: writes fanfic about the mercs comiting suicide just to respawn therefore having to face the consequences of their actions
Also me: they’re so silly 🥰
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elliesbelle · 11 months
okay while i work on the most recent chapter of ‘nobody compares to you’ and the one-shot i mentioned the other day, i’m also working on another series! ♥︎♥︎♥︎
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without any context on the plot of this new fic, help me decide on what the title of it should be!
please choose among these these:
history between us two (hbut)
we could just give in (wcjgi)
almost like we knew (alwk)
there’s no way (tnw)
make the time stop (mtts)
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reverie-starlight · 4 months
I thought of an angsty scenario and made myself sad 🥲
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mitternacht · 8 months
Very Midnight centric because they are my beloved forever and always this is propaganda to love them. A sad little scrimblo they are.
Written for @crimesorciere-oracionseis-week 2023 Day 7 “Lies”!
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sexynetra · 6 months
What if instead of finishing all my WIPS that I’m hoping to have out by the end of the year I started writing another Drabble about the fallout of a collapsing relationship and infidelity. Hm. What if 🤔 💭 ✍️
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crossbackpoke-check · 6 months
18 + swaymark!!
oooo thank you!!
#18 - pleaser, wallows + swaymark
okay i know they are canonically obsessed with each other but. the song is in some ways about feeling like you’re failing in your relationship and being not quite as obsessed with them as they maybe are with you, and in this video of them talking about being a tandem, there is the slightest pause before swayman answers “do you miss him?” that makes me want to probe a wound. we’re not talking irl reasons of how that’s an absurd question (how do you miss him. you’re coworkers you’re seeing each other all the time) we’re talking that maybe this whole goalies-in-love thing got blown out of proportion and now swayman’s having to buy into the bit too hard. linus loves it & everyone’s asking about their bromance & how they love each other so much and the thing is—linus is safe. he’s got a wife and plausible deniability and jeremy? jeremy is gay. sure, he can crack jokes and people-please but the more people ask the more they're going to find out until maybe they find out something jeremy doesn't want them to know. and the longer this goes on, the more jeremy has to sit at linus' dinner table with linus and his beautiful wife and pretend like he isn't a little bit in love with him. and you know what? the longer it goes on and linus doesn't dial it down jeremy does stop being in love with him, because it just feels cruel, until he finally is done enough that he stops biting his tongue and ruins the moment.
#…this so is not a five sentence summary but ALSO this manages to perfectly align with something i was obsessed with (that media video)#like yeah is that pause reasonably a buffering time to a weird question? yes!!! do i want to read into it & make swayman a bit uncomfortabl#also yes!!! sorry i decided to give them tragique but they were assigned by spotify. the other option for this song was an ED fix-it fic#about healthy sex and learning that it can be a part of a normal relationship!! sex is weird and fucked up!! but like. that’s just because#i have always interpreted this song as a) unrequited best friend love & you’re worried you’re gonna fuck it up b) virgin who doesn’t know#what sex is and is scared to tell anyone and then option c) people pleaser keeps going along with it but can’t anymore#also OBVIOUSLY they end up fine. whether that ends up being jeremy finally telling linus (oblivious) i don’t want to do this with you#i need to get over you & them creating a platonic space & sway ends up with someone else OR linus has the oh. true. i simply never#considered that i could be gay for you option OR the one i have just invented but is now my favorite because i love a good polycule is that#linus & his wife simply add jeremy to their relationship. and then this song becomes jeremy scared to have sex with linus’ wife at first lo#liv in the replies#the interviews in that video doing the lord’s work fr but also that ‘do you not miss him’ feels SO uncomfortable. say no! but then he leans#in with the dirty jokes comment & i know i’ve made like eight variations already (sorry. that’s how my brain works) but it is soooo fun#to me personally if they are broken up but now have to act nice & keep doing all these rituals & sell us on the narrative & they’re just#trying to see who’s going to crack first. needle each other into laughing or getting irritated enough it shows through & the other one wins#do even more aggressive hug rituals!! get a medical warning from the athletic training staff!!!
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larz-barz · 7 months
this song is Milo before she and Tanjiro got together😭💕
@muichinno i don’t have the motivation to do a song fic for this, can you do it for me pls??😭💕 you don’t have to if you don’t want to ofc<333
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carpisuns · 2 years
me want make
me want art and fanfic cake
me should just bake
me think, mmm but that sounds fake
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taihua · 1 day
Pei Ming + Love Talk by WayV
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theladyfae · 9 months
nothing to me will ever be more iconic than my beloved mutual managing to get me so invested in a (rarepair) ship for a media i had no previous interaction with that i was actively making my own headcanons abt their potential relationship dynamic and making song associations and engaging in others’ brainrot for months before i ever even considered getting in to said media. and now a year later i’m finally writing fic for them but still know next to nothing abt what they’re like in canon cause i still haven’t made it to that part of the story, the memories of the shared delusion are genuinely the only thing keeping me going.
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