#I didn't want to put it up there in the bullet point notes because they're mostly happy but
lizzieisright · 2 months
omega abs ? 😣
oh my fucking god yes
female alpha!reader x omega!abby
Palestine: what can you do
Summary: Abby is sure she will never meet her dream alpha after what happened with Owen. And then she meets you.
Tags: dead dove: do not eat. a/b/o universe (female alphas have dicks), modern AU, descriptions of smut (heats/ruts), Owen is a piece of shit, reader is a sweetheart. Also I'll always make Ellie and Abby friends because their dynamic cracks me up every time.
Notes: this one is genuinely weird in terms of my writing style. It's 6k long for no reason except that I wanted to see how everything will play out and build some kind of omega!abby lore. Also it was meant as a bullet point thingy like hcs, but then it got too long, so the sentences might sound weird.
If you guys want something specific with omega!abby, reqs are open.
Me: *slaps the title of the fic* this bad boy can fit a whole multichapter in it.
There's one thing Abby knows for certain when she turns 19: she is not a typical omega.
Abby's scent is not too sweet: she smells more like fresh roses than vanilla. All other omegas have more prominent scents, and Abby sees how alphas favour them. She is insecure about her scent, and she is not too prideful to admit she wants alphas to like her. Like any other omega Abby feels pressured by society to look a certain way - and she is already tall, so she starts going to the gym to get fit, to look more attractive, to grow that bubble butt everyone's talking about. She just started university and she wants to be cool.
(Ellie tells her it's all bullshit. Ellie is her biggest supporter and she is the one who growls at other alphas when it's needed. It's hilarious, because Ellie is fucking tiny. "I'm still an alpha, Anderson!" Ellie whines usually and Abby flicks her forehead.)
The gym works: she gets more attractive. Her butt is round, her arms are toned and her shoulders balance her hips, making her waist look thinner. Abby meets Owen and she thinks he is the one. He is the first alpha she spends her heat with. And well, maybe it's not how she imagined it would be, but Abby doesn't complain. After all, perfect alphas only exist in books and movies, not in reality.
(she dreamt about feeling safe and protected with her alpha, feeling loved and taken care of. Owen is all growls and bruises.)
Ellie hates Owen's guts. There's always some sick smell when they're in the same room, and Abby is doing all she can to manage it and make two of the most important alphas in her life like each other. Owen tries to convince Abby that alphas and omegas can't be friends - and it works. Abby stops spending too much time with Ellie, tricked into thinking that Ellie actually has feelings for her. Ellie lets it happen.
(Owen is so much more violent during ruts. Abby knew this too: alphas are ruthless in ruts, but she didn't expect being borderline assaulted. Again, she doesn't complain. She is in love, and Owen knows better.)
Abby keeps going to the gym, and in time her muscles grow and show more. Abby is happy - she put so much work into her body and it shows now! She is so much stronger now, and she doesn't mind that her waist is not so tiny anymore. Abby feels powerful.
Owen, however, gets grumpier with every pound of muscle on Abby's body: he doesn't like it. He doesn't support her when she shows how much progress she made.
Then he starts joking about it. He tells her it makes her look less like omega. That she is almost as big as he is. That people won't be able to tell who is the alpha in their relationship. Abby swallows everything and starts doing more cardio. She wants Owen to be happy. She wants to be his mate one day.
And then one day Abby catches Owen with another omega.
She is small and smells like coconut, she is everything Abby isn't.
Abby wants to die.
Abby calls Ellie for the first time in months, sobbing violently. Ellie picks her up and spends the night soothing Abby, and the next day beating the shit out of Owen. Yes, she is tiny, but alpha strength is alpha strength, and Ellie is furious.
Abby doesn't really recover from this. She thought Owen would be her first and her last, but now her dreams and her self-esteem are in ruins.
Abby blames herself for Owen's cheating. She blames herself for building her body, for not being omegy enough, for having a weak scent, for not being what he wanted. 
So Abby grows distant, believing she has no worth as an omega. She avoids alphas, she doesn't recognize when someone's interested. She doesn't let herself smell other people. The only alpha she still talks to is Ellie, because Ellie is Ellie. Her best goblin friend who doesn't even react to her heats, because she is so used to Abby.
(it actually breaks Abby's heart a little: is her scent so weak it doesn't affect alphas at all?)
Her younger brother, Lev, moves to the city for university when Abby is in her graduation year, and Abby puts her energy into taking care of him. She comes to his place from time to time, bringing food or snacks for him. They have movie nights as well. It makes Abby feel less alone. Less useless.
One day Lev asks her to come to the party with him: it's his first time going to a party and he has no idea what to do, especially since there'd be really cool people who are his seniors and he doesn't want to have an egg on his face. 
"Can you ask Ellie to come as well? Please? I need more cool people on my side."
Abby laughs and makes sure Ellie is going to come. Ellie adores Lev, so she agrees immediately.
This party is on another level, Abby thinks. It's not frat bros and awful alphas like it was when Abby went to parties with Owen. This party looks like all smart and successful people in the uni decided to get piss drunk, and it is as cool as it is hilarious. Abby knows some of them - she waves at Nora and hugs Manny when he sees her: they're only people Abby kept in contact with after breaking up with Owen. They stopped being friends with him the moment they found out what happened.
Lev is very nervous. He clings to Abby's arm and she laughs kindly.
"Hey, relax. You're supposed to have fun."
"Yeah, I know." Lev says, a little irritated, but it makes Abby and Ellie laugh again.
Ellie takes everything in her hands and comes back with three beers, opening them for Lev and Abby. Abby chuckles at her typical alpha behaviour, but doesn't tease her. They share a drink, and Lev is still nervous, so Ellie takes him to the dance floor and he finally relaxes next to his second favourite person and his first favourite alpha.
Or so Abby thinks.
She watches another person come to them, and by the way Ellie tenses Abby guesses it's an alpha. Abby tenses too: the protectiveness kicks in.
But the alpha smiles and hugs Lev like Abby does: like if this alpha was Lev's older sister. They talk for a bit and then Lev points in Abby's direction. The alpha nods and waves at Abby. She waves back, confused.
And then this alpha makes her way to Abby.
Abby is caught off guard: the alpha is hot. She is also friendly judging by the smile and the way she treated Lev, and Abby can’t decide how to behave around her. She is not bitter after what happened with Owen, but she is definitely out of practice of talking with hot alphas.
You watch Lev's sister's face go through a variety of emotions, and it makes you chuckle - you too would be confused. But you want to meet her and make sure she knows Lev is taken care of: he is under your wing. He is a sweet kid, shy one, and you know how nervous he is about everything, so you want him to have this safety net.
"Hi!" You say cheerfully and give your hand for a handshake. You try not to think of how beautiful Lev's sister is, how much her blue eyes hypnotise you. She is fucking adorable, that what she is. 
"Hi?" And her voice is soft too. You blink to clear your mind and tell her your name. You can’t smell her, but you’re pulled to her like a magnet.
"I'm Lev's student guide." Abby nods, not sure if she is okay with an alpha around her baby brother.
"I'm Abby, Lev's sister." You beam at Abby and she feels her stomach flutter. Abby quickly tries to kill the butterflies, but you seem so genuine. She can't smell you when there's so many people around, and maybe it's a good thing.
“Lev gave me your number as an emergency contact, and I just wanted you to know if an unknown number texts you that Lev is puking after doing beer pong, it will be me.” Abby can't help her chuckle: you do sound genuine. Abby feels like you really care about her brother and it makes her feel better. 
Lev and Ellie come back and Abby looks at how Lev's face lights up when you smile at him. Oh no. He has a crush on you. It breaks Abby’s heart: she sees how you treat him like a baby brother, and Abby knows Lev has no chance. She also thinks if she looked like this when she met Owen, all star-struck and hopeful. At least you look like a better person.
Abby also feels how tense Ellie is around you. Another alpha thing, but this one is annoying - Ellie’s protectiveness is borderline territorial, so Abby glares at her. Ellie glares back, but some of the tension goes away.
You ruffle Lev’s hair and ask him to enjoy the party and find you if they need anything. Ellie only fully relaxes when you’re lost in the crowd.
“She is the coolest.” Lev tells them and Ellie huffs. “She always helps me around. Saved my ass a few times as well.”
“Well, kid, I don’t want you to get hurt by her, okay?” Ellie says and Lev blushes. 
“Don’t worry, Ellie. I know nothing will happen.” Lev smiles. “She likes people on her level. Someone like you, Abby.”
Abby’s heart skips a beat in pain. There's no way an alpha like you would like an omega like her. 
Or if there is, then there's something wrong with you and you shouldn't be around her brother. 
“She doesn't seem too bad.” Ellie says almost through her teeth; she is as annoyed at her nature as Abby is, but she tries to have a clear head. “But if she hurts you, I'll kill her.” 
Abby would laugh, but the image of Owen's bloody face and a broken wrist don't let her. It's a good thing he didn't press charges, too humiliated to admit he got his ass kicked for cheating. 
Abby forgets about you until she is getting ready to sleep tonight. She puts her palm under her cheek, blissfully unaware, and takes a breath that is full of your scent. It shakes her, having an alpha scent on her, and Abby can't control herself.
Abby's cheeks burn, her heart picks up speed. Her cunt throbs. 
You smell amazing. It has an edge, like any other alpha’s scent, but it's not suffocating. Well no. It is, but it doesn't feel bad, it makes Abby bury her nose in her palm and take a deep sniff. It makes her feel safe. 
And Abby is terrified. She can't like your scent. It's dangerous, she can't risk herself like this, it's stupid. Lev has a crush on you, for god's sake! And even if she could, you'd never look her way. You're a good alpha and good alphas like pretty, small, sweet smelling omegas. Not Abby. 
She doesn’t know that she also left some of her scent on your palm. She doesn’t know you’ve been smelling it the whole night, addicted to the smell of fresh roses and memory of pretty blue eyes. She doesn't know that you struggle to control your eyes from changing to alpha red the whole time. 
You're ready to claw walls after meeting the prettiest omega of your life that you know is sweet and kind and smart: Lev really can't shut up about his sister. It's fucking eating you alive. 
And you have no idea when you'll meet her again, but then you remember that both of you are in the same university. So you start trying to figure out her schedule. You know she is a med student, so you take a chance at going to the library. 
And you're not wrong: Abby is there, looking miserable as she takes her notes. Your instincts kick in and you try to think of a way to make her feel better, but you get your shit together: it would be creepy. 
So you just walk over and ask to sit next to her. Abby is surprised, but she lets you anyway. 
It's awkward. You both are trying to not inhale too much, but the scents are respectively addictive: you smell her fresh roses and she smells your spice and safety. You want to bury yourself in her neck and mark her, scent her, make her yours, but you push these thoughts away.
“How's Lev doing?” Abby asks, not being able to concentrate anymore. It's even more embarrassing that you both smell of attraction, but it doesn't really mean anything: it was proven to be an instinct thing, therefore not reliable in human society. It just makes everything awkward for everyone.
“He is excellent, honestly. He got interested in charity work and I think he will soon be cleared to volunteer at animal shelters.” 
“Good. Thanks for looking after him. I don't want him to get hurt, you know?” Abby didn't mean to say this, but you catch the meaning of her words anyway. She can smell a faint hurt coming from you, but it's not big enough. 
“I'll do whatever I can to make sure he is safe.” You promise Abby and her attraction grows. You blink, but get back into conversation, trying to find more about Abby. 
Abby is.. reluctant. She is polite, but her answers are short, and you're not an idiot, you can take a hint, so you apologise for taking her time and go. 
Abby watches you go and gets filled with sorrow. You seem so sweet, and it scares her. She can't understand what is your angle and why are you bothered with her. She is sad because she wants you to be bothered with her. She wants you to like her; but Abby's brain doesn't even entertain the idea of it. Plus, Lev is crushing on you, it would be absolutely unfair of her to like you. 
The sour smell of sadness makes Ellie restless when she gets to the library half an hour later for their study session. She looks Abby over and tries to piece together what's wrong. 
“Did something happen?” 
Abby is also reluctant to tell Ellie, but she does it anyway. Ellie frowns the whole time, not pleased with another alpha upsetting her baby. Abby is quick to defend you and say that it's she who is the problem. Ellie kicks her under the table. 
“You are not a problem. It's Owen in your head again! Let go of this asshole. There are better alphas than him, fuck, any decent alpha is better than him. Don't assume shit.” Ellie tells her and Abby nods. 
Abby decides to try. Maybe at least she can make a friend. So the next time you see her in the library, she actually smiles at you. 
You swallow. Hard. Abby is gorgeous. 
So you sit next to her and surprisingly, the conversation flows so much better than the last time. You think she was just super busy back then.
Abby is so fucking oblivious it's not funny. She talks to you like she'd talk to Ellie: she doesn't believe your scent, convinced it's just nature and alphas are like this sometimes, so she is relaxed. You can be friends, she thinks. You're great and smell amazing, so you can be friends. 
You're almost salivating the whole time. Abby is cute as fuck, and she is hot as fuck: she takes her hoodie off and stays in a tight crop top, and you ogle at her arms and shoulders. She is incredible. 
“I know we've just met, but I can't leave without asking. Would you go on a date with me?” 
Abby's scent spikes in surprise, and then anxiety. An awful, sick smell that makes you back off. 
“Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.” You tell her, eager to get rid of this stench, to keep Abby calm and safe. 
“Are you sure?” Abby asks, not really believing her ears. 
“I mean, I really want to get to know you better.” You admit. 
“Lev has a crush on you.” Abby blurts and you laugh kindly. 
“I know. We talked about it with him. I don't let this stuff slide when it happens.” It makes Abby feel a little easier. “But if you're uncomfortable, I totally get it. I'd love to be your friend as well.” 
“...I need to talk to Lev first.” Abby admits, her cheeks feel hot. 
“Of course. Let me know then.” You smile sweetly, your scent is so full of attraction it's hard to find an excuse for it, so Abby just ignores it. 
She smells excited now and you beam. “You’re so pretty.” You blurt before you can stop yourself, but Abby starts to smell so sweetly and her cheeks are rosy now, you feel on cloud nine. 
“Thanks, I guess.” She says, shy, and you nod. You say your goodbyes and leave Abby to study. 
Abby thinks she's gone insane. Or you've gone insane. There's no way you actually asked her on a date. 
But Abby wants to go so much. She didn't admit it, but she was getting lonely, and then suddenly you came along and made her heart beat faster. 
So she gains courage and talks to Lev. He gets sad, but not the sour kind, the faint lavender of regret. 
“I told you she would like you.” Lev smiles and Abby hugs him, trying to comfort him. “She is good, I promise.” 
“I'm sorry, Lev.” 
“Don't be.” Lev chuckles and they spend the evening watching the movie. 
Next day you text Abby to find out if everything worked out and she gives you a positive. You grin like an idiot the whole day and plan the date.
You don't get all romantic on your first date, since you feel like Abby might get anxious, so you two just go to a bar and have a game of pool. 
It's perfect: you both are competitive, you get to see Abby bend down and you get to flirt a lot after a drink. Abby is wearing high waisted jeans and her bubble butt looks amazing in them. You don't know this, but Abby was desperate to make herself look more like an omega, and even if she couldn't hide her shoulders and biceps, she wanted to compensate for it, showing off her butt. 
Abby is oblivious to your hungry eyes when she takes a hit, but you're struggling. Abby is sweet and she smells so fucking good. You're itching to touch her, but you keep yourself in check. So instead you compliment her. A lot. 
Abby is flustered: no one ever talked to her like this. No alpha made it clear to her that they found her this attractive. But you keep your mouth running. “Your shirt looks so good on you.” “Sorry, I can't stop staring at your shoulders. They're very nice.”
Abby laughs at this one and feels more comfortable in her own skin. So she opens up. “My ex didn't like that I work out so much.” She chuckles, and you look at her in mock offence. It makes her laugh. 
“What a fucking idiot. Only cowards don't appreciate muscle mommies.” You scrunch your nose and Abby laughs harder. 
“God, what is this nickname?”
You get flustered and Abby feels all giddy. She didn't expect any alpha to get flustered, especially not because of her. “You know. When girls, especially omegas, build up a lot of muscles? People really dig it.” 
“Do you?” Abby asks, coy, and she sees the red flash in your eyes. It makes her press her thighs together. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I do.” You say and there's a hint of an alpha voice. Abby's chest is going to explode. 
You don't kiss Abby properly tonight, instead opting to kiss her hand: you like her, and you don't want to rush it. Abby gets flustered and you can't help the spike in your scent that makes Abby's cheeks red. 
(No, you don't get off on her scent when you come home.) 
(No, Abby doesn't fuck herself on her fingers when she comes home, burying her nose into her palm where she can catch your scent.) 
You both take it slow. You kiss her for the first time on your third date and Abby folds in your hands while you purr and knead her sides. 
Abby starts spending more time at your place, where you just cuddle and watch something. You start catching her scent all around your apartment, and it's driving you crazy. You want Abby to be yours so desperately, but you make yourself think with your head and not with your dick, so you don't rush.
You're in your class when you get a call from Lev. You don't pick up the first one, but when he calls for the second time, you walk out of the class and take the call. 
Lev is crying. 
Turns out his heat came during his class and now he is scared of going home on his own. Your instincts kick in and you grab your shit at a lighting speed before storming to Lev. You text Abby while you're running, and then your mind shifts into protective mode. 
It's hard being around an omega in heat: it's hard for the both of you. Lev clings to you while you wrap your arm around his shoulders and walk him from campus to his place. You know your eyes are red and you're low-key growling, but you keep comforting Lev. 
“It's okay. I'll get you home, and Abby is going to be here, okay? I'll keep you safe, don't worry. You're doing great, just a little more, can you walk a little more for me?”
Your voice soothes Lev and you make it to his place where Abby is already pacing in worry. 
She takes a look at you and her breath hitches. Your eyes are red and so hungry, Abby feels horny and sorry for you: she doesn't know how much willpower you need to keep your head straight when there's an omega in distress and in heat. 
You both get Lev inside his apartment and you retreat to the kitchen while Abby takes care of Lev. She fusses around, gives him pills and sends him to take a shower. You sit straight, your firsts tight as you watch your girlfriend being all motherly. This mixed with the smell of heat makes you feral. It gets harder to control, especially when Abby stands in front of you, her gorgeous scent in your nose. 
“How are you?” She asks, compassionately. And you grit your teeth. 
“Can you-” You start with a growl and you smell Abby's arousal. “Fuck. Can you come here?” You pat your lap.
The moment Abby sits down you grab her and bury your nose in her neck, your arms are tight around her back. Abby yelps when you press her closer and her scent spikes with arousal, making you growl. 
“I'm not- I'm not going to do anything. I just need a moment.” You growl and Abby swallows. Her arousal tickles your nose and you growl louder, pressing your nose closer to her scent glands.
Abby is so wet in her pants she is afraid she will leak on you, but she can't help it: you're usually so sweet, hiding your nature, and now you're acting so alpha-like, and it does things to her.
“Shit. We can't-” Abby's arousal gets mixed with anxiety and you want to sneeze to get it out of your nose. 
“We're not doing anything. Not like this. I just need a redirection.”  You take a deep inhale full of Abby's scent and you finally settle down. Your voice returns and you feel like you can control your eyes again. You ease your hold on Abby and the anxiety goes away. “Did I scare you?” 
Abby is baffled. It's such a big contrast to how Owen treated her before, she is lost for words. You're worried if you sniffing her scared her while Owen didn't care if he left bruises.
The air gets filled with the smell of fresh bakery - the scent of love and affection - and you almost tremble under Abby in excitement.
“A little. I was worried if you'd stop.”
“I have excellent self-control, baby.” You wink at Abby and she slaps your bicep.
She moves a certain way that makes her pelvis move against yours and you grunt: the scent of Abby's arousal got you half-hard already, and you're kinda sensitive now. 
Abby also feels it. She grows red and you giggle, kissing her cheek. 
“Lev is going to be out of the shower soon, I should go.”
“Okay.” Abby gets up from her seat on your lap and you pout. “Do you want-” Abby shakes her head. It's a stupid idea. 
“Do I want what?”
“Something with my scent?” 
You swallow and nod. Abby stands for a second, thinking, and then just takes her shirt off, letting you see her in a bra. You see her small tits covered by her lacy bra and adjust your pants. She is so fucking hot and this is so not the time, but your cock twitches and gets harder with every second while you stare at the most beautiful omega in your life. 
“You're a fucking menace.” You growl again and kiss Abby with hunger, the rumbling in your chest resonating in hers. Abby goes pliant and kisses you back. 
It takes you two tries to get away from her, but Abby is so delicious it's insane. 
You spend the evening in your apartment, getting off on Abby's shirt, fantasising about her going into heat and how you would take care of her and how good you would make her feel. 
You're together for a few months now when Abby's heat comes. You can smell it on her the day before, when she is all whiny and tired, sleeping for the bigger part of the movie on top of you. Her usual rose scent is getting stronger. 
“Are you close to your heat?” Abby hums in agreement and you swallow, staring at the ceiling. “Okay. I can smell it.” 
“Oh.” Abby is surprised. She doesn't have a very prominent scent so she didn't expect you to notice. “Oh I didn't think you'd smell it.”
“Your scent is my fucking heaven, of course I would.”
Abby blushes. Deeply. And you feel her press her thighs together. It makes your dick twitch. 
“I think it'll start tomorrow.” 
“Do you want me to be with you?” You ask innocently and Abby chuckles. “I mean, we haven't done anything yet and I understand if you want to wait and have normal sex first. Well, if you even want to have se-”
Abby cuts you off with a kiss and you relax. “We can try normal sex now.”
And you do. It's slow and sweet and you both laugh when you bump heads and knees and when you have to fumble around for lube since you're messy, but it's perfect. 
You're not aggressive, but you still growl and claw at Abby's soft thighs, and it's a perfect balance of care and pure animalistic want, and Abby feels wanted. She kinda wants to see your control break. 
And then you dip down between her thighs and Abby yelps and pushes your head away, shy. “You don't have to-”
“I really fucking want to. But if you don't want me to, it's okay. I won't.”
“I've never done it before.” Abby admits, embarrassed. She asked Owen to do it once but he looked weirded out by her ask, so Abby felt ashamed to ask again. You stare at her in shock - a good-natured one - and Abby hides her face. 
You slow down and get on her level again, gently moving her hand away. “Hey, it's cool. I didn't mean to belittle you, I just- you're so pretty and so gorgeous, who wouldn't want to go down on you?” Abby looks at you, so deeply touched by your care she feels her eyes water. She smells of love again and you giggle, burying your nose in her neck. “We don't have to do it.”
“I kinda wanna try.” Abby murmurs, smiling, and you beam at her. 
“I'll go slow, okay? Tell me what feels good and what's not, yeah?”
That's how Abby ends up being eaten out for the first time. She loves the feeling of your mouth on her and how your fingers curl inside her. She loves how your eyes gradually become alpha red the closer she is to cumming. 
She comes down from her high and looks at you, half naked and red-eyed, like a predator you're meant to be, and her cunt throbs. 
Abby rides you until you're a grunting mess under her as she massages your tits and clenches around you. You growl, but you don't grab her or hurt her, just let her have fun, and Abby is so fucking happy. 
“I can't wait to spend my heat with you.” Abby moans and you cum immediately, filling her up. 
This time Abby gets to feel safe and taken care of during her heat as you attend her every whim, every request, from “cum inside me” to “I really want some chocolate ice-cream”. You do everything, and Abby can't be happier. She texts Ellie as much when you're out to get her ice-cream and Ellie just sends vomiting emojis. 
Of course then she tells Abby she is happy for her and that she is going to be a best woman at your wedding. 
Abby doesn't want to admit, it scares her, but she wants to be your mate one day. 
You come back not only with chocolate ice-cream, but with some junk food as well. Abby can't help but to drop to her knees right in the hallway. 
You also help Abby recover after the heat, bringing her snacks and letting her nap every chance you can, and Abby knows she is in love with you. She doesn't even need to tell you: she constantly smells of love and lust around you now, but she decides to do it anyway.
You're balls deep in her while she pinches your nipples and nibbles at your scent glands, making you whimper in her ear. “Fuck, you feel so good around me.”
“I love you.” Abby says sweetly and you shudder on top of her, and Abby feels how your cock twitches when you cum. Abby feels your fangs scraping her scent glands and she cums too, milking you. 
“Fuck, baby, shit! I love you too, I love you so fucking much, shit-” You pant and Abby grins. 
Abby likes making a mess out of you. 
For some insane reason, Abby's excited for your rut. She didn't like spending ruts with Owen, but you're so gentle and patient, Abby is sure she'll be okay. 
Your rut comes after a month after Abby's heat. Abby likes how possessive you get in pre-rut, even though you start growling at Ellie, which doesn't end well with Ellie's explosive temper. You get along well any other time, but the constant stare down irritates Ellie to the point when she tells Abby, “go fuck the crazy out of your alpha, she is so fucking annoying. Yeah, you.” Ellie stares at you while you tug Abby closer on your lap, scenting her. “Oh my god, get a fucking room. I know Abby is like, your Jesus or whatever, but it's too much.”
Abby just giggles and enjoys how your growling changes to purring. Abby turns to you and cradles your face. “My alpha.” She murmurs and Ellie groans.
“I fucking hate you guys.”
“Not our fault you fell in love with another alpha, Ellie.” You chuckle. 
“Fuck off.” She growls and two if you laugh. 
Abby stays at your place and you get to fall asleep with her in your arms.
On the next day you wake up with a heavy head. You're already hard and Abby is right there, soft and sleeping. You think about how her wet hot pussy feels around your cock and your pheromones spike up so high Abby wakes up. 
She can tell right away that you're in rut. Your scent is suffocating. It's not soft, safe suffocating scent that Abby likes, it's the one that gets stuck in her nose and makes her cunt clench around nothing. She wants nothing more than to get on her fours and present herself for you - this is how much power you have over her. 
“My rut-”
“Yes, I-”
“If you don't want to be here, I think I can hold off for 10 minutes and let you leave.” You growl and it only turns Abby on. 
So she does what she wants - she gets on her knees, her cunt right in front of your face, and arches her back. 
“Knot me, baby.” 
All your restraints break. You're rough and you make Abby take everything: if she is not cumming on your cock, she is cumming on your fingers as you fuck your cum back into her, or she is sitting on your face. Abby struggles to keep up with you, since she is not in heat, but she can't wait to take your knot, and she tells you as much. You growl and fuck her harder, feeling your release building up. Abby is so pretty under you, covered in marks, her tits red from your mouth. She spreads her legs and you pin her thighs by her sides, watching your cock disappear in her pretty little pussy. You finally push your knot into Abby and she whimpers, tries to adjust to your size, but you rub her clit and she clamps on you.
“Mine. My omega. My girl.” You growl loudly while Abby clenches around your knot, thrashing on the bed. It's too much pleasure and she knows you're far from done.
And Abby is right. You make her cum on your knot four other times, and only after she makes you cum again - which means she cums st least three times more - you give her a break. You're still sweet, but now it's possessive sweetness. You don't let her do anything, bathing and feeding her, but she is so exhausted she doesn't even notice. 
“I wanna nap.” Abby tells you when she is snuggled against your chest. It's a small break before you would get horny again. 
“You should. You did so well.” Abby giggles and nuzzles your neck. 
“Don't wait if you get horny again. It would be a nice way to wake up.”
“I fucking love you.”
“You better. You're my alpha. It's a requirement.”
“You call me your alpha again and you're not napping, babe. Go the fuck to sleep.” You kiss her forehead and Abby laughs.
Abby doesn't know if it's luck or destiny, but this time she is sure: you are the one for her.
(and she is right.)
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cuddlebugzz · 1 year
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Hey everybody! This is definitely tmi, but since I would've liked a first hand account when I was nervous with doing new agere things - I thought it might help others! Today I'm going to talk about my experience with buying agere items, specifically, a paci, a sippy cup, goodnites, and more! Full experiences under the cut, this is gonna be a long post.
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The bullet points ☆ are in the order of the pictures, except the first, I don't have a picture for it. ☆ <- mystery box ☆ <- caterpillar ☆ <- paci ☆ <-onesie ☆ <- coloring books ☆ <- sippy ☆ <- goodnites
☆ The first item that I got was actually an agere mystery box from etsy. I was really nervous about buying it, but really eager to get some agere stuff. I specifically wanted a sippy of bottle and a paci, but didn't have a lot of money, so I bought a small mystery box - I'm pretty sure it was about $15. I didn't want to buy items on their own in fear that it would be really obvious somehow - I still lived with my family.
It came in a cute but discreet envelope, and it had some snacks (fruit snacks and animal crackers, I didn't end up eating them), a crayola bath bomb, some stickers, play dough. Like most mystery boxes, I didn't end up using most of it "^^ However, the last item was the baby paci! I was really excited to have it, I'm pretty sure it was white with a manta ray on it.
It took me a few nights to use it, it lived in a box under my bed until I was ready. When I finally did use it, watching cartoons in bed while everyone else was asleep - whoops! I didn't like it "^^. A lot of the fault lies in it not being a proper adult paci, I think. I didn't fit right in my mouth so it felt weird and uncomfortable. Either way, I was excited to get an agere collection going!
☆ Another item of note I have is a baby toy, a rattle caterpillar from a baby store. Long story short, I was doing a gift drive there, and we bought some toys to put on the table as examples. We sat out there for a long time, so we were bored, and the other volunteers were entertained by the toys, even though they're for babies! I actually had one of these caterpillar toys as a baby, and we couldn't donate it because it wasn't properly packaged- so my dad let me keep it. No one thought it was weird, and the only comments I've ever gotten is about how cute it is. Goes to show that buying "baby stuff" might not be as weird as you think. More on that later.
☆ The next item I purchased was from the amazingly awesome @princeminnow ! I had wanted an adult paci since the other one didn't work, but I don't like the design of deco pacis. I just wanted one that looked like a regular nuk paci - and minnow had just that! The paci I bought from his is the blue one pictured up top, it has a sleepy bear and it glows in the dark! I'm pretty sure his stuff goes for around $14, but it's worth every penny. He's really nice and his stuff is unique and great quality! Same discreet but cute packaging, with a wonderful note :) Go check out his shop!
As for using it, I liked this one more than the other for sure! I like how it glows in the dark, and it actually fits in my mouth this time. Even if I don't really suck on it like some do, I like to chew it, and it's perfect for that. I still don't reach for it too often though, pacis just aren't as soothing for me as I thought they'd be :p Totally a personal experience though - and I'm really glad i tried it!
☆ The next thing I bought was a onesie off of depop. It was second hand from a shop called lil k1nk boutique, which was super not fun, but it had a pattern I loved in my size so I bought it anyway. I was really nervous because there was confusion with shipping, I didn't know if it would show up at my house or my dorm. It ended up at my dorm. I had a roommate who was nice, but probably would not understand agere, so I was nervous about her seeing, but luckily she was gone most of the time so I got to try it on without fear of her being in the room. I couldn't keep it on the whole night cuz I was nervous, bit I was still so excited to have it!
I wore it again at home, and honestly, as with the first paci, not my favorite thing. Like its nice, but I underestimated the autistic opposition to an unfamiliar cut of clothing (long sleeves no pants) and I was still nervous to wear it. I haven't tried it in a few months, maybe I'll give it another spin! I bet it'll be better in the colder months, when I have fluffy pants over it. Even though it didn't work out on the first try, once again, I'm still happy to have it!
☆ Another item I thought I'd mention are my justice league coloring books, because I ordered them to my dorm. I was nervous about my roommates thinking it was weird, but by this time I'd moved into a much more nuerodivergent space lol. My roommate, who is absolutely wonderful, had put together a coloring activity literally the day before, which I declined because I was busy and I don't really like adult coloring books, they're too complicated to relax me. The next day when my justice league stuff arrived (activity book and a water wow) I felt comfortable telling them about it. I explained that I always wanted these kind of coloring books, I think water wows are really cool and justice league is my special interest. Everyone I told about was very supportive, and glad I got something fun! Another example about kiddie stuff not being as weird as one might think - especially in nuerodivergent spaces.
☆ one of the most recent items I've bought was a sippy cup, the first thing I've bought in an actual store. Like a lot of age regressors, I could look at the baby aisle for one million years. But I haven't, because I thought that'd be weird.
Spoiler: it's not weird at all. I have actually been to the baby aisle with my friends before, just to look at all the cute stuff. Also, if you were to see someone in the baby aisle, you would just assume they were... buying stuff for a baby. Doesn't even have to be for a daughter or son, they could babysit. So once I was actually there looking at all the cups, it was not as weird as I thought I would be.
I went to target, and they had a good selection of sippies. I'm glad I bought one I'm person, because I would have waaay underestimated how itty bitty some of these are. Like, so tiny, they're for babies after all. And it helped me pick one, because on the internet I feel like I need the perfect one, because the internet has everything, and I'm disappointed when I don't find it. But in a store, I'm like, "aw I like that :)" and buy it. Which is exactly what I did - and I think it's perfect! It's gender nuetral, it even has stars like I wanted! Good size too, it can hold a regular drink amount. I just went through the self checkout and bought it with my other items, easy peezy.
I got home and tried it that night, with my door closed. I got some ice water in a regular cup and poured it in my sippy in my room. And let me tell you - I looooove it. For one, this thing does not spill. They are not lying this cup must sippy, liquid is not coming out any other way. It's the perfect size like I said, and once you get passed the learning curve of drinking - pro tip, press down with your teeth and a lot more liquid comes out - its wonderfully soothing. The only con, and this is lightly embarrassing, three plastic cover top is hard to open. It's a childproof cap for obvious reasons, and I have tried to uncap it only to unscrew the whole thing way too many time. Other than that, its a dream come true! Highly recommend!
☆ last but certainly not least, my latest purchase, the goodnites. I've wanted nappies (diapers) for a pretty long time. I waffled between nappies, pull-ups, and training pants for forever, but the former and latter had too many factors that put me off. Mostly bulkiness. At least for a first time, I don't want them to be bulky. But I did more research, and discovered that XL goodnites should fit me - I'm 5'2 and 100 pounds - and best of all, they have a space print!! They're perfect!! I ordered them on postmark (a spare package someone didn't want), it came out to around $15 for 9 pull-ups. It was listed as $8 but shipping was a lot xp Whatever, I bought them anyway.
(This is where its gonna get tmi, skip to the conclusion if you don't wanna read it!) I spent a lot of time nervous about my family finding them, as always. One thing that did bring me a little comfort though - I'm actually on my period right now, and I've actually heard of people using adult diapers for it. Like, it's not common, but I live with all boys, they wouldn't know that. Is it farfetched? Yeah, but it makes me feel better. And honestly it made my feel much better putting them on - they are really not that different from pads I use. I hate my period sooo much, pure autism hell, but honestly I think this might help.
A big reason I wanted nappies in any capacity was a, comfy, and b, I honestly do have issues with going to the bathroom sometimes. I think it's an autism thing, I have a lot of anxiety around getting up and going to the bathroom, especially when I'm in bed, and it gets so bad sometimes it makes me stomach hurt. I'm not sure if I'll test how these can help, as I've heard they're not super good for that, but maybe that's where I'll try real adult nappies. You can get samples on abu for under $10 sometimes, maybe I'll try that over the summer.
Conclusion: highly recommend. They're very comfy, so cute, and discreet too. They don't make any noise when I walk and they're not bulky. I love them! Great first nappy!
Anyway, that's all I have for today! Thanks for reading my incredibly long rambling, I hope it could provide a little help for anyone who needs it!
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headspacedad · 8 months
so you're ready to socialize
You've got your blog set up. You've posted or reblogged something. Your icon isn't a faceless orange shape. You're no longer in danger of being blocked on sight as a bot.
Now what?
I recently got an ask in my inbox for help with this whole 'tumblr' thing. The person that asked me had a lot of the basics down so I focused on expanding your social circle - except it took me so long to write that I saved it in my drafts to add to and only then found out that once its in your drafts you can't reply privately.
so - Imma post it here without the actual ask so if the person didn't want to be mentioned they won't. Let's go!
First off, doing what you're doing right now by sending me an ask is a great way to get the ball rolling. Reaching out to other people and engaging them is a big part of how you can build a circle on tumblr.
You can do that with inbox messages.
You can do that with DM/PMs (the box that pops up to the side where you can have real time text conversations).
You can do that by reblogging other people's posts and leaving notes in the tags commenting about the post (most posters read these, though they're more for your followers to get your thoughts on a matter, like whispering in a movie theater except without the dirty looks)
reblog their post and add your own comments in the body of the post, basically chaining a response to their post, usually used when you've got something that adds to the original post like a continuation of the joke or more facts, etc.
and you can comment on the posts via the little speech bubble next to the reblog button, which is kind of like replying personally to the post (interacting with the poster themselves).
Not everyone will automatically engage in response. Some people are just here to chill and don't want to be social (some days I know I don't have the brainpower for it). A lot of people do want to be social though and so the more you comment outward the higher your chances of finding other people you can jive with. A good way to make your chances better at finding someone that will back and forth with you is over shared interests. We're a very interest based site. So find something you're excited about - maybe its a hobby like knitting, maybe its a streaming series like Good Omens, maybe its hamsters, maybe its Elizabethan neck ruffs! Whatever it is that you're interested in punch the words that will get those kinds of results into tumblr's search bar and look at the posts that come up. I tend to search by 'newest' instead of 'most popular' because it guarantees me people that are currently interested in whatever I am, who are actively putting their posts out there for others to find. Often if you start reblogging someone's posts, they'll see it and check out your blog. If you really want interaction though, the best way to go is one of the above bullet points, especially inbox or speech bubble commenting. It shows you want to talk about something they want to talk about too. A lot of times this is a great way to get more interaction with others and widen your circle (as well as find new stuff about something you enjoy). It might be slow going, I still haven't figured out what the magic is that gets someone a blow up of followers overnight, especially not the all important holy grail of Interactive followers but slow and steady still builds a good group of people you can enjoy sharing things everyone's interested in and it keeps growing over time.
This also works in reverse. A good chunk of my followers (friends honestly) come from my days in the Voltron fandom. I was VERY active making posts while the show was airing. Lots of fanfiction, lots of meta, lots of speculation, just lots of being loud and excited (and then loud and not excited). A lot of other people were interested in VLD too at the time and they found me and bounced off my ideas with ideas of their own and things really ballooned. To this day, a huge hard core of my social group are ex-VLD fans who have moved on to other things (mostly) but still hang around because we built that core and we enjoy seeing what the others in the group have moved onto and found to share with the team. So, again, find your interests and make posts about them so that other people with the same interests can find you. The more popular something is the more attention its going to get - but also the easier it is to get lost in the shuffle of everyone talking about a thing. Not every post is going to get responses. Sometimes I'll post something I think people will enjoy and get crickets. Sometimes everyone and their cousin jumps onboard. Don't get discouraged. DO use the tags. tumblr sucks when it comes to finding things in the tags but its still worth doing because sometimes, randomly and with no pattern, it doesn't suck. The first five tags are the really important ones. Make sure you put the biggest details there. For instance if you're making a post about the One Piece live action from Netflix your first five tags should be something like: one piece, opla, netflix, zoro, swords are cool. You want people looking for One Piece posts about Zoro and his swords to be able to find you easily. And, once they find you, hopefully to engage you about Zoro and his swords.
There are a lot of ways to find other people to interact with on tumblr. One of the pleasures of the site is you get to take things, for the most part, at your own pace and level of comfort. Just remember, the more active you are interacting with other people and their posts, the wider your circle will grow. Its not a 100% success rate, like I said, a lot of people are just here to vibe after a long day of having to be socially 'on' all day, but a lot of people are happy to find other people to get to natter about interests with. Do what you're comfortable with and before you know it, you'll have a group of people that interact with your posts, and you, regularly!
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oldmemoria · 7 months
i thought about this last night but um
SPOILERS for True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem
i love the kind of symbolism we see with mike milligram of all the older more "childish" items he holds onto, hear me out.
So we see Mike holding this cheesy little vampire ring during the gathering scene where we first meet the rest of the killjoys, particularly when we learn that he's in a relationship with Code Blue and want's to take it a step further with marriage. They're all teenagers in this scene, assumedly maybe at least 16 at most 19 (because thats when you arent a teen anymore lol- after 20 you arent a teen duh). He's hiding it behind his back and seems to be just about to pop the question.
then, Blue dies in a standoff, just because he didn't want to move on and comply to the brainwashing tv. Blue literally jumps in front of him and takes the bullet (laser? whatever) for him. When she dies, he lashes out.
later on in the timeskip we see that Mike is basically hooked to the TV. hes fallen asleep to it and is only waken up by a rat chewing on the chords. this isn't entirely important to my point but I still feel like mentioning it because it tells us one thing: Because of Mike's grieving, he basically had no choice but to run back and give everything up. His grief, in turn, is what led him to actually start going back to how he was before, going against an authoritarian government run by a monopoly.
This leads Mike to realize that everything around him isn't what it seems, not only is he withdrawing from The TV, but he's also withdrawing from the effects of the pills he (and the rest of society) is on. He's hallucinating, but not fully. We know as readers that things aren't right in his life -- in anyone's life -- because of this.
once we reach the scene where he learns about his Ramones records being sanitized and the technician here to fix his tv is actually some kind of plant (overall, everyone trying to uphold the brainwashing system is doing so maliciously). Mike kills this plant, and we get to the next sighting of the vampire ring that we saw in that first scene I mention before. He finds it, remembers Blue (also to note theres a paper that says "SO REAL IT HURTS" on it right next to the ring, like thats so obvious that I looked over it), and holds onto it.
lets skip to the climax, where we're revealed to see "Blue" (this time either her reanimated corpse or some kind of clone, it isn't really specified) again, Mike shuts down. almost instantly. He's so close to giving in and going back to being brainwashed, but he stops for a moment. this is the kind of breaking point where we see his arc hit its breaking point and reach its conclusion.
Mike's individual character arc is about letting go. Letting go of grief. Letting go of the past. Progressing forward, no matter how much it hurts.
When he gets his gun back and shoots the clone of Blue HIMSELF, that is him signifying that he has to move on. for the sake of not only himself but for his son, his friends, everyone.
And in this last moment.
He puts her body in the car. and prepares to light it on fire.
and that is the last time we see the ring. He slips it onto her finger right before the car is set ablaze.
a perfect illustration of how Mike had to get past his grief for the betterment of himself.
and even in the end, he isn't completely forgetting her. He isn't just tossing her aside, he's just saying "It's time I moved on. I won't let my anger and grief drag me down, but I will remember you."
and it's all made clear with that little ring. THE FUCKING RING DUDE.
It's a little plastic ring, usually associated with youth because it's usually found in gift bags or cereal boxes. something synthetic and cheap. Easy to break, usually thrown away right away. Mike is seen not only getting better from his grief but also maturing. Which is great for him. It's something in his past that he had to move on from, but could still hold the memory of.
also like a little side note but vampirism is sometimes depicted as being a kind of toxic, dependent force. A leech. the ring having a vampire on it is like... really good symbolism for that, MAYBE IM GOING TOO FAR IDK IDK-
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rosainta · 6 months
Day 2 of Rosain Quivan’s Daily Logs
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Started December 7, 2023 at 10:00PM, Home
Finished December 8, 2023 at 10:42PM, Home
Log #2
Author's Notes:
I started this yesterday from a sudden shower inspiration thought. Who would’ve known that the most bizarre of ideas could be generated while cleansing yourself?
Anyway, this idea is just pure dialogue between Sniper and Scout from Team Fortress 2. No romance implied, but you could interpret it that way. I'll be completely honest with you- I'm very adamant when it comes to accurately representing their relationship, whether it be in a canon-compliant friendship / coworker way or in a romantic setting (specifically the latter, since I have to admit that I am an intense Speeding Bullet fan, though of course I love any other old depiction of the two, as well as other ships as long as they are respectfully expressed). Though this adamant demeanor towards accuracy helps me find out what I like to see in works including these two goofballs, I'm not entirely sure if I can transform those standards into my own writing... since I've never tried it yet! So, take this as another practice round, this time more centred on character depiction and dialogue (that, hopefully, doesn't sound like a cringey 15-year-old's WattPad fanfiction...)
Warning: a few colourful words here and there.
If you want a part 2 for this, let me know down below! I'll be happy to write anything, though. And also, if you have any feedback, please let me know! I strongly appreciate it :-)
Title: Intention. Fandom: Team Fortress 2 Third-person objective New Mexico, Badlands, Badwater Basin, (fixed the order; that was bugging me last time), RED Sniper's Campervan Around 3:15AM, sometime during the Gravel War
“Snipes... Snipes, you awake?”
A long pause. Then, the sound of dog chains jingling. A bed creaks violently.
“Sniper, get up, you gotta help me here!”
A low grunt, a shift in the covers.
“Ngh… can’t this wait? It's..."
A shift in the sheets, someone leaning to squint towards a clock.
"Crikey, half past three?! What in God's name do you think you're doing?"
"Trying to wake your sleepy ass up, stupid!"
A loud groan. Possibly the sound someone rubbing their temples together.
"Did you know that the average human being needs shut-eye to survive? Ain't that wild? Or perhaps you didn't come along to learnin' that at kindie yet?"
"Oh, just... just shut up and help me out, will ya? Look, I'm sorry it's so late, but this is really, really urgent, okay? And this concerns more than just the both of us, but you were the closest person I could find, so I need you here. I promise, I'll be outta your hair after all this."
A sigh.
"... if this is an emergency with the sheila again, go ask Spy. I'm sure he'll be 'appy to see your squirmy little arse again."
"Hah! Yeah, as if. He's probably out screwin' the Eiffel tower or somethin'; wouldn't wanna see, much less hear that, though I can only imagine the snorting sound he'll make when he- argh, anyway, that's besides the point! Point is, it's not about Miss P, it's about..."
A pause.
"...it's about what? Who?"
"Well, it's about Engie..."
Another pause.
"...and? Come on, Scout, get to the point, or I'm going back to sleep."
"Okay, okay! Well, I don't exactly know how to put this, but I think- or at least I have a feelin'- that he might, maybe, possibly, be workin' ... for BLU."
The bed creaks again.
"What, you think we got an enemy Spy in the base?"
"No, it's not that. He passed the security check earlier, because I was on rounds for that today. I think that our Engie, like the real one, well, I think he's double-crossin' us or somethin'."
"And why do ya' think?"
"Well, this afternoon, near the intel room, I was sorting my comics out when I saw him doin' this thing, where he would be all suspicious lookin' and shifty-eyed, then he'd pull out one of those 'computah' things, or whatever they're called, and start typin' really fast, like he was in a rush or something. Then, whenever someone passed him, he'd shut the screen down really quickly like this-"
A clap.
"- and would look at the person with a goofy little grin, as if he wasn't just sendin' some, I don't know, ransom photos of someone's wife a few seconds ago. He even had the audacity to wave to Pyro when it walked by, and I think even it found it a bit weird 'cuz it made this strange garbly noise I've never heard it make before. But anyway, he'd open it again and do the same thing over and over again until it was lights out. It was so suspicious. I didn't say anything then, 'cuz, you know, I didn't want him to know I was staring at him like a creep or somethin-"
"Which you are."
"Whatever, now, get this-"
A dramatic pause. Two hands are slapped on someone's shoulders.
"I go back to my room, and you know how his is right next to mine?Well, I wait outside the door, and I'm about to say 'good night' or something like that and maybe sneak in a question about his secret porn addiction, but... he doesn't go to his room. No, he turns the corner, goes out... and starts headin' in the direction of BLU's base."
Silence for a moment.
"You sure he wasn't just, you know, heading out for a hookup or somethin'? I hear a lot of people south-east go troppo for one-night-stands."
A slight shaking movement from the hands to someone's shoulders, dog chains jingling.
"Argh, Snipes, freakin' please?! I'm bein' serious here. He doesn't usually do that, I'd know because every night he plays those cheesy old cowboy country songs on his radio and goes to sleep, which keeps me up all night because I can hear it through the freakin' wall. And don't you think it's a bit strange how he was reacting when he was on the 'puter? No one would do that, even if it's for a hot night out."
A hand grips one of the latter's on someone's shoulder, as if to push it off.
"Well, maybe for bogans like you, who don't have the slightest bit of public decency when it comes to flirtin' with any skirt you see. And what right do you have stickin' your nose in his business? He could have as well been headin' back to Teufort to buy some quick supplies for his sentries, or hell, maybe even just going to see The Admin."
"Well, actually..."
The hands slide off the shoulders.
"I may have trailed him a bit. You know, just outta curiosity."
"You- you followed him? In the middle of the night?"
"Look, man, I had to do what I had to do to make sure that I wasn't going to have my head end up in someone's refrigerator the next day."
"But you do realize that you were being just as suspicious, more so really, as he was by trailing him?"
"Well, yeah, but- okay, look, that don't matter now, alright? What matters now, is that I found out where he was going. And it was the BLU base, I saw him sneaking in without gettin' shot by a sentry or a look-out, but I couldn't stay for long since they woulda caught me instead. But luckily, his little visit wasn't without a little proof. Check what I found-"
Knuckles slide against firm wood as someone picks up a small metallic object from a nearby dresser, holding it in front of them.
Someone snatches the object, clicks on a lamp, and observes it intently. A sleepy yawn.
"What is it?"
"I think it's called a U.S. Bee, or something? I don't remember what he called it, but he told me it's like a little key you put inside the compooter and it stores, like, info and crap. I don't know, something nerdy that only he and Medic would understand."
"Hm.... An' how do you know it's his?"
An impatient whine.
"I don't know why you're being so skeptic and shit about this, Snipes, I literally told you the story and brought a goddamn piece of useful evidence! Do you still not trust me? What more do you want from me here? A picture of his ass in blue?! Wait a sec- hold on- are you freakin' workin' with him?!"
A quiet sigh, someone shaking their head.
"Alright, mate, I'm sorry, okay? Veg out, now. No, I'm not workin' with 'im, and I do trust you, I really do. It's just that... I find it hard to believe that Engineer of all people, a man with whom we've been working with for 4 years now, would all of a sudden head up and go against his entire team like that, especially in such a dangerous manner when he knows that someone else could be, you know, spyin' on him."
"I wasn't spyin' on him, I was just-"
"You said yourself it don't matter, so it don't. What I'm saying here is that we don't know his intentions here. For all we know, he could be using his little device of his to gather intel on the other team, or he could be, I don't know, doing a secret contract or something. I just feel that it's unfair that we rush to conclusions like that, especially for one of our coworkers who may really be doing us a service, mate."
Quiet for a bit.
"You alright there?"
"No, I- I get it... I just, I just really feel like I found out something critical, you know? Like, it's not everyday you see one of the team be so secretive like that, well, except I guess Spy."
"Well, we all have our own secrets, don't we?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
Quiet. A few gentle pats on the back.
"But... wouldn't it be a good idea to try and find out what that thing, like, has? I mean, you know, just to prove that Engie really didn't have any bad intentions?"
"Yes, but that would be quite a breach, no? He'll most likely be looking for it in the mornin' and if he finds out you were givin' his equipment an unauthorised burl, well, say g'day to your dispenser privileges for the month."
"Well, what if I did it now, while he's still away?"
A pause.
"That's risky."
"I'll be fine."
"Alright, you do you. But how would you know where to start? And if you did get it to work, understanding what you're seeing is another question entirely."
Someone rubs their finger over their chin, pondering.
"Oh, I know! Medic, he'll know. Those two dweebs spend so much time doin' those experiments together, I don't doubt he'll know what the heck to do with this. Plus, man probably never sleeps, so it's basically 24/7 with him."
"Okay. Well, chookas with that, mate. I'm heading back to nap. G'night now."
The sheets shift for a moment, before an arm reaches out to stop them.
"Ah, um- thanks, pally. For listenin' and all. I know you don't really believe me or anythin' but, uh, I'm glad you didn't doze off halfway through."
"No worries."
A pause.
"So, ehm, I'm gonna do that now."
"Oh, yeah, right, I'll head out now. Night, Snipes."
The light clicks out, and a figure scurries away into the night. Then, a sudden shift.
"Wait a minute, how did you get inside?"
Credits: Team Fortress 2 by Valve Image source: Team Fortress 2 Written by Rosain Quivan Cross posted on Amino ( Rosain Quivan )
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rahleeyah · 1 year
Okay, maybe I am dumb or something but did Liv downplay her injury in the urgent care scene for the sake of Elliot's feelings? I'm asking because I saw a tweet that suggested that. Basically, once again a woman puts her feelings aside for the sake of a man's feelings according to this person.
I see it more as her being an empath and always feeling others pain more than others. Basically, El's pain is her pain.
I never would have thought of that, and considering the evidence of the scene itself I don't think that's what happened, but I do think that some people want to believe that Liv is a victim, particularly where Elliot is concerned, so badly that they will view of all her interactions thru that lens.
Liv's injury actually isn't that bad. Like when you hear someone got shot you think bullet thru flesh and tearing up their insides and damaging bones and ligaments and organs and while Liv was very much hurt, that is not what happened to her. The pellets weren't embedded that deep, she didn't need to be sedated for their removal, it was not surgery in the traditional sense. There likely will not be any permanent muscle damage; there will be no PT. she has to take it easy for two weeks while it heals. She's in some pain, but she has certainly had worse.
She doesn't downplay her feelings for the sake of Elliot's emotions; Elliot enters the room smiling and asks how she's feeling. He doesn't rush in all concerned in the midst of PTSD episode; he is smiling, and asking about her. And Liv never, ever, ever says to anyone that she's hurt. She simply won't do it. It's not about protecting Elliot; this is a function of who Liv is as a person and the theory that she does that in an attempt to put other people's feelings above her own ignores why that's a part of Liv's character. She doesn't do it bc she's so selfless; she does it bc she doesn't want to be seen as weak, bc she doesn't let people in, bc it's a habit. Her making the choice not to say "it stings like a son of a bitch" isn't her putting Elliot first; it's what she always does.
But she does tell him it hurts. In her own way, in that tough, cop-machismo way that is the only way she and the people like her will express pain and is a way that Elliot knows how to interpret, she tells him she's hurt, and asks for help, which he willingly offers. When she tells him she won't be sitting for a while he knows that means it hurts. He understands what she's saying. His emotions do not enter the conversation until they're standing, you can see her face change when she recognizes he's feeling big feelings. She didn't think he was before - you know, before, when she had an opportunity to say "it hurts" and chose not to - and it's only once they're standing that she asks what's wrong.
And it would take a particularly heartless, narcissistic person to look at their best friend, whose wife was blown up right in front of him, who has just had to deal with his best friend being shot right in front of him, and not ask if he's ok and not acknowledge his feelings. Is he not also allowed to feel things? Is only one of them allowed to need comfort at a time? Her ass stings but she feels emotionally steady; he is physically unhurt but has just experienced a significantly triggering emotional event. Do they not comfort each other in the ways they each need in that moment, him by physically supporting her and her by emotionally supporting him?
And it's worth noting, too, that Olivia herself draws the connection to Kathy out loud; Olivia acknowledges out loud that losing her would be akin to losing his wife, as @thisismehappy has pointed out. That's huge!!! That's Olivia recognizing how much he values her!!
Anyway. It's been said before. We are all watching different shows.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 month
4 | Perfect
Series: The Benefits 
Paring: Coriolanus Snow x OFC Plinth!
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: death
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The next day all the mentors had spend an hour with their tributes to discuss a strategy to get the Capitol's people to like them on their interviews later after their preview of the arena.
"Okay, Wovey. What are you good at that you can tell the people?"
"I'm a really good climber. I used to climb in my mama's factory all the time. I'm also good at hiding." She adds nervously.
"Those are two things that can be really helpful for you in the arena. Especially the hiding." Aurelia tells her hoping she could just hid out the whole game.
Not even before time was up Highbottom calls Snow, Miss Plinth, and Dovecote to go see Dr. Gaul.
"She can't expect us to have written that proposal last night, can she? I was crying for hours." Celmensia asks as they walk up the steps to the build.
"We did... write it. I turned it in this morning." Coriolanus tells her.
"All right, give me the bullet points." She tells him as Aurelia stays quiet.
As they enter the room they see different creatures in glass then walk over to see Dr. Gaul's me babies as she called them. It was a huge container of colorful snakes.
"Which one of you actually wrote it?"
Coriolanus goes to speak but Clemensia speaks up taking great it for some parts, "Clemmie." He says her name.
"So it's your sweaty handwriting on that page. Very impressive, Ms. Dovecote. Unfortunately, my assistant mistook it for trash this morning and lined the shelf of this very terrarium with it. So, please. Ms, Dovecote, retrieve it for us, won't you? So we might all consider your inspired ideas. Don't worry, my little predators are perfectly docile with those they can trust. So if they're used to your scent, if you've handled their food, for example, or if they're inhaled the sweat of your palm on a page, they'll leave you alone."
Dr. Gaul has Celmensia retrieve the note and she gets bit having to be carried out to the hospital, "Ms. Plinth, would you like to retrieve the paper?"
"She didn't write anything down on the paper. But she was with me when I wrote it. She came over to help. The water stain on the paper was one of her tears I wiped away." Coriolanus speaks up.
"If that's true they will trust her. I just need to know if she's not trying to take credit away from you. Ms. Plinth, please."
Aurelia looks at him, "You'll be okay." He says knowing it was true.
Taking in a deep breath she reaches in and grabs the paper, a snake slithers up her arms before pulling the paper out.
"Wasn't so hard was it? And you agree with what he all write down?"
"I do-,"
Coriolanus cuts her off, "She actually came up with the idea of gifts for the tributes from the people of the Capitol. Food, water, health things, and all that stuff. Since we can root for someone we can help them along the way for good work or to keep them going."
Aurelia looks at him, "I did say something along the lines of that. You went into more detail in writing." She giggles a bit.
"I assume you both better keep Ms. Dovecote's fate because us. I don't think her mother would be happy to learn how she caught this sudden...flu. Now run along, you both have an arena to promote." Dr. Gaul tells the two so they leave.
"I can't believe she wanted to test you too." Coriolanus says as they walk down the steps.
"You know my fear of snakes too." She shakes her arms still remembering how the snake felt on her.
"I know, I hope Clemmie is going to be okay."
"Me too. She shouldn't have tried so hard." Aurelia sighs.
"I'm happy I accidentally put your tears on that paper. If I didn't then they would've bitten you too." He laughs.
"Don't laugh that's not funny for me." She puts so he puts an arm around her kissing the side of her head.
"Let's go see this damn arena."
At the arena it wasn't much space to hide it was just a big open room, "Aurelia." Wovey takes her hand into hers.
"I know..." She sighs looking around before an explosion and more happen causing everyone to scream.
Debris from the ceiling start to fall so Aurelia keeps Wovey by her said to keep her safe and giving her as debris falls, "Wovey, follow everyone out. Go!" She helps her run then yells for Sejanus and Coriolanus.
"Aurelia!" She hears a groan and runs, in pain from getting hurt protecting Wovey, over to Coriolanus stuck under rubble.
"Coryo!" She rushes over and see Lucy Gray come over as well, "Help me." They both lift the debris for him to roll out from under it. Peacekeepers come over and drag Lucy Gray away even though Aurelia was shouting she was helping.
At the hospital Coryo was treated and was still out while Aurelia was taken care of her injuries. She had to get stitches on her left shoulder blade and had to wear a sling for her left arm as well.
"Did Marcus really run out?" She asks her brother.
"Yeah, Peacekeepers are out there looking for him."
"More like hunting him down." She corrects him, "He tried to get Lucy Gray to go with him but she helped me with Coryo."
When Coriolanus does he asked what happened so they tell him it was a rebel bombing. A few kids died, Marcus ran out so Peacekeepers were looking for him. They watch Lucy Gray sing for her part in the tv then Coryo thanks them for being there for him, "That's what friends do." Sejanus tells him.
"You okay?" Coriolanus walks over to where Aurelia was sitting.
"In pain but I didn't get a huge burn mark on my back like you."
"Thank you for saving me. I heard you call out for me." He sits next to her while Sejanus and Tigris leave them alone.
"I was worried about you and my brother. I made sure to get Wovey out safely so I could find y'all. That's how I hurt myself. Keeping her safe." She sighs, "Now that I think about it, if she died there it would've been better than what might happen to her tomorrow. I don't want to see her get killed by one of other tributes in there." Aurelia shakes her head, "If anyone is going to win tomorrow, I want it to be Lucy Gray. She helped me save you and she was the only person who cared to stay."
Coriolanus watches her just stare at her arm in her sling. Suddenly he leans towards her swooping in gently placing his lips on hers. The moment his lips touch hers, a tingle shot up his spine. He cups her face as she as she kisses him back so he deeps the kiss.
Aurelia moves away and just looks at him, "What was that for?" She chuckles a bit.
Coriolanus smiles shaking his head a bit, "You drive me insane. You're just perfect." He tucks hair behind her ear.
"I'm not perfect." She laughs get up.
"But you are, Auri. I can't explain it." He gets up as well.
"Coriolanus, I'm District. You don't care for District people." She turns around to face him.
"Yet, you draw me in. Since the moment we met."
She just shakes her head not believing he could like her, "It doesn't make sense."
"I agree with that but-," He was cut off by Sejanus walking in.
"Ready to go, Lia? I'm sure Ma is going to be worried about you and want to baby you."
Aurelia looks at Coriolanus before walking over to her brother, "Yeah, let's go. I want to be babied." She links her good arm with him.
"Everything good?" He asks her.
"Yeah, he was just thanking me for helping him back in the arena." She gives him a small smile.
The next day to watch the games a man went by the Plinth siblings to take a picture of the two of them, "Just another one to add to our collection." Sejanus tries to joke around before hell starts for them to watch.
"We do have a lot of pictures together." Aurelia agrees as Coriolanus shows up so Aurelia takes her seat.
"Auri," He calls her name but she ignore him as her seat was in front of him. Luckily it was time to start so she didn't have to listen to him.
As they watch they see Wovey take Lucy Gray's hand tinting but a Peacekeeper makes Wovey walk away from her. Aurelia leans her head back closing her eyes praying that Wovey can make it as long as she could and whenever she goes out it's not horrible for her.
As the tribute gets on their marks they pan the camera over to Marcus tied up by his wrist up high," Ooo Marcus. Guess we can all sleep better now knowing he's off the streets." Lucky says.
Sejanus gets up from his seat tossing his deck across the room pissed off, "You're monsters! All of you!" He marches out of the room.
Aurelia feels her heart breaking as she turns back to the screen as the countdown starts. Wovey automatically runs off making Aurelia feel a little better but as she watches other tributes die she looks away.
"Six tributes gone in six minutes, if they keep it up at this pace, we'll be out of here in no time."
As time goes on watching a few students leave while a few mentors start to drift a sleep. At the moment Lamina makes her way over to Marcus climbing up to him. Aurelia covers her mouth tearing up as Marcus cries please to Lamina. Before she chops at his throat, Aurelia looks away then jumps at the sound as everyone exclaims. When she looks back she sees Lamina cut Marcus down as his body just the floor a tear falls from her eyes.
"Was it mercy? Was it murder? Either way, that's what happens when you do stuff." Aurelia gets up wanting to take a break going out of the room to break down.
Coriolanus watches her speed walk out of the room before watching the drones fail at their job giving Lamina her water. Getting up he leaves the room to go check on Aurelia and only knew where to find her following the sounds of her cries.
"Auri," He finds her sitting in a corner on the ground with her knees to her chest.
"I wanna be alone." She keeps head down.
He still couldn't believe how she was making him act so he goes over bending to her, "I know you hate the games but I know Marcus's death means a lot more than any of the others." He says so she picks her head up to look at him.
"He didn't deserve to be shown like that. His family had to see their son strung up like that. Begging for someone to put him out of his misery." She puts her head back down.
"I know, he didn't deserve that. They should've just killed him when they caught him. Now, let's go back in there. We have our tributes to look after. I'm sure Wovey is still hiding since that's what you said she's good at." He puts his hand out to her.
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hyperesthesias · 1 year
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König x Female Mexican Intelligence Agent
Author's Note: Don't look at me, I need to jot down some ideas for a story I will never write. I love this idea so much that I may actually change a few things and publish it as an original work somewhere down the line. If I actually wind up deciding to do that, I will probably delete this at some point. But for now -- I need to get this out because I am gnashing my teeth. This idea won't leave me alone.
Potential Warnings: Fictional depictions of war violence (I mean...obviously.) ; Secret Relationship ; Pregnancy ; Hostage Situation ; Attempted Murder ; Coma ; Unformatted, mostly just an outline/ideas.
Word Count: 4,847.
The first time they meet is at the chapel before an extended assignment. They haven't been officially introduced, they barely speak at the chapel anyway -- he can't keep eye contact with anyone for long. Especially with her. She looks beautiful under the array of colors from the stained glass windows. She smiles at him, and even if he didn't have a balaclava on, he's not sure he'd be able to return it. His heart's already in his throat, the last time he set foot inside anything remotely religious was back home in Austria -- many years ago. But the assignment ahead of them promises nothing but terror, and he's been having thoughts on whether he'll retire by choice or by bullet. He watches as she crosses herself, and he wonders what faith she claims. The chapel houses anyone seeking refuge, and maybe all he's wanting is a quiet space where his mind doesn't have to compete for attention. His leg bounces, his fingers wring together -- he's not looking at anything in specific, his thoughts wander this way and that, but the quiet and absence of prying eyes keeps him centered.
The woman leaves, glancing at him with another smile -- it's such a pretty smile. He thinks such a pretty smile shouldn't be anywhere near the stench of death. And he knows he reeks of it.
The squad gathers for mission ready and assignments, and he's stunned to see the woman from the chapel. She isn't as weighted down as the others of 141, but the gear strapped around her middle and her legs make her ready for anything. He knows she'd never recognize him -- he looks incredibly different from their passing encounter: the entirety of his bold frame is covered from face to feet, even more than when she smiled at him the first time.
She smiles at him again as the comms crackle with instructions -- and for a brief moment he wonders if she recognizes him. It's an impossibility. But it's a nice thought nonetheless.
They're paired together for the first portion of the assignment. It's then that he learns she's Mexican Intelligence. A spy. An asset. She's meant to draw out and extract information from another asset who'd gone underground almost a year prior. He's meant to give her cover, to offer additional persuasion should they encounter resistance.
She isn't intimidated by him, she doesn't mention his mask neither his size. It relaxes him. He's used to the relentless teasing from his brothers in arms, to the deluge of questions and comments that usually come from people who'd never met him. She came to the middle of his upper arm, but she made no remark about his towering stature. It's hard for him not to wonder if she accepted him genuinely without judgement, or if she was putting him at ease on purpose in some effort to manipulate trust between them. Spy craft was never something he was interested in, he doesn't like double talk. But her soft spoken words are truthful, upfront, as honest as she can be. There are things she can't tell him -- operational things that are need-to-know; things about her life outside the tangled mess of international underhanded dealings. He wonders what her life is like: she was graceful, eloquent, she had a natural talent of mediating conflict -- it garnered trust between informants and enemies alike. With a stern word and a soft smile, she had contacts in the palm of her hand.
Without noticing when or how it happened, he suddenly comes to the realization that he, too, is in the palm of her hand. They've spent long nights talking in their shared language of English, occasionally laughing trying to find a way of saying some untranslatable concept. She has a mother in the United States, he finds out. She also tells him she has no time for love. Neither does he. All of his nights are spent looking out windows in search of a target, or hiding in darkened corners. He expected her to make a joke about how difficult it must be for him to hide. But she didn't. He didn't make sniper, he tells her, a sadness in his voice.
"You have my back," she tells him. "That is what matters."
The moonlight looks sweet on her lips -- and the purr of her voice mingling with her accent, it's enough to drive him mad.
He finds out he loves her while he's peering at her through his scope. He's perched on the roof of a building opposite of the one she's in -- she's passing intel to another informant inside a hotel lobby. It feels off -- something feels wrong. He's done this long enough to know what it feels like in his bones. She glances to him, watching for the spark of the scope on the rooftop, knowing he's there, knowing he's watching her like a hawk. She has the same uneasy feeling.
As she's about to bail and call off the drop, she's double crossed -- stabbed in the leg, they only missed her stomach because she pulled her body away in time.
A shot comes from nowhere -- breaking through the daylight, shattering the glass doors of the hotel. The bullet sinks itself through the enemy, plummeting him to the ground in a pool of blood and matter.
She limps away in the cacophonous mess of people that descend on the man, sputtering his last breath. König meets her at a rendezvous point in an alley not far away. He helps her limp back to the base camp they've commandeered in a safe house a few blocks away.
He's angry at himself for not catching the set-up sooner. Swearing in German under his breath as he patches up her leg. His hand swallows her thigh as his deft fingers sew up the knife wound that missed an artery.
"It's not your fault," she breathes heavily, trying to keep herself sane through the searing pain in her leg. "It's not mine, either. These things happen. We learn, we correct, we move on."
He glances up at her through his hood and sighs, tying off the suture. "I thought I lost you," he says. He shakes his head and growls at himself quietly. He should learn to never get so attached to his partners. "I have lost brothers before..." he trails off for a moment, busying himself with the bandages. He wraps them around her thigh gently -- he's always so gentle. He ties it, sets the roll back in the kit, and looks up at her. "This was different." His accent is thicker, heavier; he's tense.
Her bloody hand reaches to his masked face and caresses what she believes to be his cheek despite that she cannot see him. "I know." She swallows, dizzy with adrenaline and uncertainty. "It is for me, too."
He didn't know she felt the same. He's still unsure now as she's speaking the words. He's convinced he misunderstood.
But as she caresses him, and as she leans to kiss his helmet, his body relaxes at the thought that he understood perfectly.
"Thank you for having my back," she breathes as she pulls away from him.
He sits there, very still. Wanting to do something, but not knowing what or how. He can't look at her, the same way he couldn't look at her when he saw her in the chapel that day.
Quietly and without a word, he takes off his helmet. And his hood. The balaclava is all that's left. He takes a breath and hesitates before he nudges it down his bare face. He's fair skinned with soft blonde hair, a long and bitter scar jagged across the diagonal of his face. He still isn't looking at her -- his eyes darting from her this way and that. It's everything in him to keep his head up. "We...have met before. In the chapel."
"I know your eyes anywhere," she says and smiles at him -- the same way she smiled at him that day.
"You knew?"
"I figured," she chuckled.
König lets a weighted breath. She was a spy, of course she knew. He pulls himself up and even on his knees his frame seems to envelope her -- he leans and gives her a kiss on the head. "I am glad you are okay."
She holds his head, staining his skin with the blood on her fingers. "I am now." She presses a kiss on his lips.
He has never been comfortable sharing his body with anyone, it requires that people see him. He doesn't like to be seen. He doesn't like to be touched. But the way she touches his face -- it does not hurt. It does not make him recoil. He melts under her fingertips, letting himself sink into the bed beside her, with her.
The 141's assignment progresses, as does their relationship. They're more than partners, they're something deeper. Something only they know of, something only they understand. Confidants who have each other's backs, lovers who know each other from stolen glances alone. They keep it secret. Almost afraid to jinx it.
But where he was afraid of jinxes, König notices she's become distant. Where they would steal a moment of time to even say 'I love you', she avoids him. He wonders what he could have done wrong -- he wonders if the images of him slitting another man's throat, or eviscerating another with brute force was enough to push her away. He would not hold it against her if that is the case. He can't track her down enough to even ask her what he had done.
He finds her in their safehouse after a briefing, sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the floor. He believes it is starting to make sense: the job is difficult, the blood is never ending, and the mind can only take so much. They've been at it for longer than most, with another few months added to the total time they'd be in the field of their current assignment.
"Meine Liebe," he whispers and kneels in front of her. "What is it? What bothers your mind?" He puts his hand on her back and her arm. It looks as though she has been crying -- her eyes and her nose are swollen. He's never seen her shed a tear, even with a knife wound.
She struggles to look at him. She swallows and feels a pain in her throat. She can't speak over a whisper: "Ich bin schwanger..."
His body goes numb and his eyes fall wide. He's staring at her without any air in his lungs. She's pregnant. He is the father.
She wanted to tell him in words he would understand without any doubt. She's practiced how to tell him in her head for two days. The pain in her throat grows.
"Schwanger?" he says again. The energy returns to him, and he can't sit still. He can suddenly hear his heartbeat in his ears. His hands go to each of her arms, he wants to hold her, embrace her -- but he doesn't want to hurt her. He's bobbing up and down, a smile starting to grow on him. "You are having a -- a baby," his brain can hardly translate it coherently.
She watches as his eyes speak to a smile that spreads and stretches against his hooded face. "No se que hacer..." she whispers to herself. "If they find out, I will be off the team," she sniffles. "I have to see this through," her accent sharp and hard.
"We will -- We will hide it," he says, definitively. He's convinced himself already -- he's already thinking of a plan. "We will make sure they do not know."
She shakes her head. He doesn't understand all of the risks. "It is dangerous. For all of us." Her arms wrap around her middle. "And for the others," she nods as if pointing to the rest of the 141. "We cannot lie to them."
"We are lying already," he shrugs.
She stares at him.
He centers himself at the sight of her glare. "What I mean is, they don't need to know everything, ja? It is...'need-to-know'. For right now, they do not need to know."
That she could work with, at least for now.
König wraps her in his arms, being careful not to hold her too tightly. "We will think about it, Meine Liebe. 'La resolveremos', ja?" His hand cradles her head as he leans his veiled cheek on her hair. "I have your back."
They want to tell the 141, they keep trying to find the right time to do it. The more people they have on their side, the better -- the more people there are to protect her, in König's mind. But she worries they won't be as forgiving. Weeks pass, time lapses -- the job is always more important. They can never seem to find just the right moment to reveal such a secret. But König's spirits are high, his desire to be around her, with her, beside her stronger than ever. He puts her at ease, reassures her -- spends nights with her talking about the days they would have with their new life. They make a promise to each other, to their baby: they wouldn't retire by a bullet, it would be a choice. One they would make together. She wonders what kind of life this new little life would have -- something different, something better than theirs. She would make sure of it.
Ghost is perceptive, despite his quiet nature. He picks up more than what people give him credit for. He can feel something is different. But the job is hard, it's lonely, it's difficult to find intimacy, harder to find someone who understands what the job means, what it takes. If they find comfort in each other, he wouldn't say anything. As long as it doesn't affect the mission, it's not his place to butt into anyway. But he can feel something...deeper, something much more serious. He hasn't quite figured it out yet.
That is, until he watches as she pats cold water on her forehead at a utility sink in the warehouse turned makeshift base. She hasn't looked well, but whenever anybody tells her as much it earns them a stark answer of "female trouble", and nothing more. None of the other men want to know anything more than that, they figure they wouldn't comprehend it anyway.
Ghost hands her a towel, and when she reaches for it, the layers of coats that have been wrapped around her for weeks briefly part enough for him to see a reason for her so-called 'female trouble'.
"When are you due?" he asks.
Her eyes close as she holds the towel to her head. She knows her time is up. He's going to tell on her -- she'll be off the case, and all the work she'd put in, the vendettas she'd garnered, it'd all be for naught. She swallows and sighs, turning to him. "Four more months." She plops the towel on the edge of the sink. "We should be through by then."
He stares at her, quickly glancing at her stomach. "Why'd you lie about it?"
"I have worked too hard to throw all of this away. I can do my job. I am not an invalid."
"You don't want off the team."
"I don't want you to say anything."
"Honesty is the best policy."
"It is my honesty to share."
"And König's?"
She stops and straightens. She doesn't say anything. But it's all that needs to be said.
The rest of the 141 find out later that evening. Both she and König come clean. The men are upset, worried, but know that complicated is part of the job. She's deep cover. If she disappears, it would wreck the mission. They've all worked too hard to throw it away. They keep it secret. Besides, pregnant women make for easy confidants -- a natural response to witnessing a maternal figure, she could use it to their advantage.
König dotes on her as well as he can, sacrificing water, rations, and sleep rotations for her. The others do the same to an extent. But König's excitement supersedes them all -- he smuggles some of her favorite homeland snacks from the field. He struggles to focus when a rifle isn't in his hands. But that is to say, he focuses often, for weeks.
She's guiding them through a chokepoint with cameras and coms from a van. Leading them to the stash of WMDs and intel that they've been hunting for a year. She's out of the line of fire, but never out of danger. She's due in a few weeks. She's tired, they all are.
"You boys almost finished out there?" she asks, watching from Soap's camera as they tag and bag what they came for.
"Just about," Soap radios back.
"Ja, everything is here," König is looking at a tablet in one hand, with his rifle in the other.
"Claro," she exhales sharply. "Because my water broke an hour ago. Get back to base."
"Copy. We are RTB," Soap says -- keeping calm not only for the men with him, but for her sake.
König itches to get back to her, his leg bounces, his fingers wringing. Would the infant be born by the time they got back? Or did it take more time than that? He suddenly realizes he knows nothing about anything -- at all. His mind is blank. But the moment he barrels through the door of the safehouse, seeing her sitting at the table, wincing, he knew one thing: he had to help her. He takes her in his arms and carries her to the bedroom. The med kit on his breastplate has nothing of use for her, he orders his brothers for towels and water.
The night wanes and the pain grows more intense. But he never leaves her side. The others are outside the bedroom, unsure what to do with themselves. She forgets they're there altogether. All she can think about is what will happen after that night. And by morning, after his final encouragement for her to push -- the night has ended, and a new life takes a breath. A small cry breaks with the dawn.
He helps both her and the newborn recline on the bed, and presses his bare face to them both. They are both so beautiful -- so unlike him.
"It's a girl," he says as he greets his brothers, his voice fogged with tiredness and emotion. His eyes tell of his happiness behind the hood. His brothers are happy for him, they congratulate him, pat his back, but silently share the fear of uncertainty.
She has to be on her feet in two days, to move up and out. Everything is sore, she moves slower than she did when she first went into the mission. She's charged with writing the reports and packing the computers -- all between nursing her newborn daughter. The rest of the 141 are loading the munitions and tac-gear, they would be back for her when it was almost wheels up. They had to figure out a way to smuggle the infant out of the base first.
König returns with news that they've paid off a guard to ignore the newborn. But when he approaches the safehouse, the sound of the infant's manic crying can be heard from the street -- the door is slightly ajar. He enters with a weapon drawn, and sees the computer smashed and scattered across the floor. The baby is in her blanketed drawer -- her makeshift crib, alone.
His lover is nowhere to be found.
Cool rage sets in before panic. The nervousness in his mind goes quiet, everything goes still, his face flushes with cold. She's missing. There's no one better than to find her. König wraps the baby in her blanket and positions her snugly inside his body armour before he radios the 141.
She's taken by a double-spy, an informant she burned in pursuit of the WMDs and the intel they chased for a year. He lost everything -- he no longer exists, cannot exist anywhere. A life for a life, he says, it sounds fair. He explains, there are more of her enemies gunning for her -- but if he takes her, he'll fetch a handsome reward, one he is unwilling to share. All she can think of is her newborn, of König, of the life they promised themselves. Somewhere far away. Her body fights against her and weighs her down as she struggles to escape the ties he has her in. She manages to headbutt him, disorienting him giving her enough to snap the ties around her wrists. She takes his radio and forces her body to run as fast as it can out into the open. She doesn't know where she is, how she got there -- but she knows König will find her.
The 141 track a coded radio message four miles away. They know it's her. They don't know if they'll get there in time.
She's on the flat roof of a three story house, having been held in the attic. Her enemy advances through the window she escaped; she searches for a way off the roof. She hears the 141's vehicle as it screeches to a halt, the men already pelting bullets in her assailant's direction. The man grabs her as a shield. She can feel her body starting to rebel against her, she's dizzy, starting to see double.
The men stop their hail of bullets and fan out, Soap and Ghost breach the house through the rear. König watches helplessly from the ground, she sees the outline of the baby in his clothing. Whatever happens, she knows he wouldn't break his promise of a better life for them -- even if she couldn't hold up her end of the bargain.
Her attacker wraps his arm around her neck, threatening to pull them both off the roof and to the pavement below. He has a weapon to her head. Ghost and Soap come up through the attic and appear on the roof with them. The man's finger bounces against the trigger, his feet dance against the roof's gutter.
I want to finish what I started, she thinks. Ignoring the yelling, the clatter of weapons, and the gravel beneath her feet -- she takes a single breath.
With a twist of her body, she wrangles herself out and under the grip of his arm -- she violently pulls his shoulder backwards. Wrested free, she uses what little strength she has to kick him over the ledge -- three shots come flying from behind her, pitting themselves inside the assailant's chest. He goes over the edge. She takes another breath, her shoulders sinking with relief as she watches him begin to fall.
Before she can take another, she feels something grab her wrist. Suddenly being pulled backwards, she careens over the edge with him. Ghost lunges forward, but it's too late. She watches as her partners -- her friends -- are left behind on top of the roof. The sky above her, the ground below -- she takes one more breath.
She lands on top of her enemy, crushing his lifeless body.
König runs to catch her -- he kneels at her side. Desperately, he looks for a pulse. She is unconscious, but alive. Her head made impact with her attacker's skull. He lifts her over his shoulder and seeks refuge in the vehicle.
They return home from their assignment with more secrets than answers.
Before their infant is one month, König is on a civilian flight to the United States. His daughter in his arms, a pack with everything she could ever need or want for their travels slung over his shoulder. He's shrouded in a large hooded jacket and a balaclava. He gets his usual stares as he boards the plane: his height, his stature, but the stares at the baby in his arms is new. She's tiny compared to him, born slightly premature, she's small. He thought she might inherit the genes of his height and width, but he figures she will take after her mother. She flies mostly without incident, but dislikes the bottle. She prefers her mother. He speaks to her in his native tongue: "I know you want your mother, but right now I am all you have," as if it would convince her to take it. An older woman on the flight shows him a trick on helping an infant take a bottle.
"Is she yours?" she asks.
He hesitates, he still can't look anyone else in the eye. No one except his lover. But he nods. "Meine Tochter," he manages a small smile beneath the mask.
"She is beautiful."
"Ja, like her mother."
He simply means to leave her on the front porch of her grandmother -- his lover's mother. Her and the pack. But when he gets there, he finds himself out of his element: out of his gear, in the suburbs, toting a baby -- on the porch of his mother-in-law. That, combined with his size, gets him caught. The woman comes to the door with a broom and begins beating him with it.
"I know your daughter," he finally manages.
She notices the crying baby in his arms. Something is terribly wrong. She invites him in.
He is sitting on the couch -- it feels strange to sit in a place so calm, so daintily decorated. It feels like a trap. But the woman holding his daughter is calm and kind, cooing with her. It was the best decision to bring her here. She'd be safe.
"I thought she might have blonde hair. Like me," he mutters, his whisper almost being swallowed by the balaclava. He extends a finger to his infant. "But...she has so much hair. None of it blonde," he smiles and laughs.
The woman chuckles. "My daughter had such thick hair when she was born. It looked like this." She begins to tear, but does not cry. Much like her daughter. "Is she safe?"
He nods. But he cannot look at her. "A hospital. She will be okay, they told us."
"Do you believe them?"
He looks at her now.
"They say things sometimes...Sometimes they are not true."
He sighs. "Ja, I believe them. Because..." he struggles to find the right words. "Because I believe her -- that she is strong."
A silent tear falls from the woman's face. The baby fusses.
"She will be okay," he says again. He feels as helpless now as he did when he watched her fall.
"Will you catch the men who did this to my daughter?"
"I will." His tone turns dark -- darker than he meant it. But it is the truth. "This one will need a place to stay for now," he caresses his baby's face.
"Mi angelita," she sings sweetly, and kisses her head.
"What does this mean?"
"My angel," she says again.
König looks at his child, her face glowing in the warm daylight peering through a window. She is heavenly -- just like when he first met her mother in the chapel that day. They are both perfect. So beautiful. He feels a pang in his throat, and he takes a calculated breath. His hands go to his face with apprehension, and he pulls down his mask, revealing the large scar that mars his features. But also a soft smile, and wet eyes. "Meine Liebling," he whispers, and places a kiss on her soft skin.
A day later, he places another kiss on the forehead of his lover, who lies in a hospital bed at a nondescript location. She's resting, asleep. The soft tissue damage has all but resolved. It's the swelling in her brain that worries her physicians. And him. And the rest of the men. Her superiors are threatening to disavow her. But none of the 141 will let that happen. Not him. The attempt on her life won't be swept under the rug. He'll find all of der Ficker who want her head -- and he'll take theirs.
His thumb caresses her hair as he nestles his masked face against her temple. "Meine Leibe." His eyes close as he draws a breath. "I have your back."
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I've been dubbed! To honor this momentous occasion I, Boredom Anon, will let you in on a little something: I am in fact going to go through with writing the memory loss au, rest assured. Sorry I left you with only that small piece to chew on, but I needed a trusted source to give me an opinion on the idea before I got too in over my head.
To answer a few of your questions in your response:
His body is still there, yep, and I plan on this being one of the plot points because technically Spider is still in his body---the avatar up and walking is just a glitchy memory-holder which I thought would lead to an interesting question: where is the line between oneself? Is he even still Spider, in this case? This is something that Neteyam especially will be conflicted by.
The exact details of how he got hurt are something I've been playing with. For now I think having him take the bullet for Neteyam might be fun to play with, but who's to say. I'm willing to hear any suggestions you may have on the matter!
The Sullies are in Awa'atlu when Spider is first on the mend and getting used to his avatar body. The scene I gave you was when they're finally in the clear to come and see him at High Camp.
I didn't add in all of their reactions because I didn't want to get carried away, but you are very close to how I imagined I'd write Jake and Tuk's reactions lol. I plan on putting the elements you mentioned with Neytiri in there for sure though and you're correct Spider is going entirely off of what feels right so that'll be fun.
Another thing to note: one of the main points I have written down right now is that this avatar body is so fresh that everything is new and feels almost overwhelming in some cases. Pair that with his limited memory and you get some potent muscle-memory/instinct type shit going on, almost like how a newborn creature is just going off of what it feels. For example, the first thing he thinks when he wakes up in his avatar body is Neteyam, and this is quickly followed by a deep longing and it just starts to plague him because he doesn't know what it means but he knows he needs this "Neteyam" whoever he is (and he knows Neteyam is a person, he can feel it. It comes to him in broken images: a blurry face, a melodic laugh, "I see you, Spider.") Am I explaining this well? I feel like I'm making about zero sense lol but whatever you'll get what I mean eventually if you don't now.
Anyways, while I'm working on developing this fic I'll be sure to hop on the asks every now and then with updates if you'd like and when I publish it I'll of course send you the link if you want 👍. Your positive reaction has done wonders and since you aided in my final decision to write it I feel it's only fair.
BOREDOM ANON THIS IS THE MSOT EXCITING NEWS. WHEN I GOT THIS ASK I FREAKED, AND I ALMOST BUMPED IT TO THE TOP OF THE PILE. Instead I just went through the others a little quick and used it as incentive lol. I am thrilled to be a trusted source, I'd love to do whatever I can, feel free to dm me of course, or send me all the asks if you want to stay anonymous of course.
-Wow, that is very dark. There's a great opportunity for an examination of what makes one truly themselves. I think the Na'vi would be more understanding at first than the scientists, due in part to all energy being borrowed in their philosophy. They can visit the dead in memories when they are with Eywa, and that's almost like what Spider is. It just is a question as to if that makes him dead or not, kind of. I also wonder, does that mean they expect him to wake up, or will they try to transfer him into his Avatar body permanently once they think he's strong enough? Probably not questions for you to answer, spoilers lol.
-Hmm, well, the bullet is always good, because I've been saying (I don't remember if it was in dms or a public post) that I've yet to see a fic where Spider takes the bullet and I get to the see the direct fallout from that. I think the effect it would have on his and Neytiri's relationship would be fairly immediate. It would also drastically change the ship standoff, and I'm curious as to people's takes on that. He could also always just pass out from blood loss and then when Norm and Max arrive they notice the brain damage from the machine, and that is what makes them put him in a coma, because he isn't stable.
-Ooh, very interesting. I'm sHOCKED the Sully kids let that fucker out of their sight for a second. Kiri and Lo'ak attempt to sneak out with Payakan to go back to High Camp literally every night, Jake has to sleep basically on top them. He'd never suspect that NETEYAM is also a flight risk, the biggest of them all.
-Haha, no, I understand! Well, even if he can't remember much of before, he's never felt his mating bond before in a Na'vi body. The feelings are stronger and different, and he doesn't have the past knowledge to try to repress or ignore them. He just knows what he wants and what he needs.
OBVIOUSLY we'd love updates, but no pressure of course, and of course I want the link!! I am so so glad I helped with the decision, so many of you lately have said I helped inspire you to write and I cannot express how happy that makes me! Fanfiction is a fantastic creative outlet and a great tool and gateway into bigger literary work, so never feel nervous!
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
I have complex feelings about Nancy, throughout the series. Yes she is portrayed as smart, but most of her intelligence is academic, I think one of her major flaws is her lack of common sense. (Another is her lack of emotional intelligence.) And this is shown in different ways across the show.
In season 1, the biggest example of this is her pointing the gun in Steve's face. She is shown as a gunslinging badass, but she literally fails gun safety 101. Rule 1 is always treat a gun as if it is loaded, rule 2 is never point a gun at someone you wouldn't be willing to kill, even if you know it is unloaded with the safety on, rule 3 is never put your finger on the trigger unless you intend to shoot. She breaks rules 2 and 3 when she points the gun at Steve. And it would have taken so little for her to accidentally shoot, like if the demogorgan had come a little sooner and startled her, she could have pulled the trigger out of reflex.
-A lesser point for season 1 is not guessing that Steve would come and check on her. He'd said he'd call her, and it's shown that he hadn't heard from her, so he was worried. Just a few days earlier, he'd climbed through her window, so it's not surprising that he did it to try to check on her.
In season 2, it's how she went about exposing the lab. She wanted to tell Barb's parents what really happened, despite knowing what the lab/ government could do if they found out, and she didn't like Steve pointing that out. When she and Jonathan went into the lab, she took a massive risk having the recording device with her (I 100% stand by the fact that her bag would have been searched and they would have found it. And they would have been in massive trouble.) And then lying to her parents about where she is while she and Jonathan go out of state to meet up with a strange man, while they were both minors. Then accepting alcohol from him, and sleeping at his house.
In season 3, there are a few points.
-The first is her expecting to be treated as an important reporter at the paper when she was just an intern, yes she was mistreated by a lot of the higher-level people, she should have been shadowing reporters, or being used for taking notes of meetings, but she expected to be working as a full journalist, and her attitude ultimately costs her and Jonathan their jobs (his photography internship is different to a reporters internship, because he was likely taken along to take a few photos, and then used to develop his own and other photographers photos.).
-The second is providing first aid to El. She went to disinfect the wound without cleaning it. And it's pretty obvious that you clean it first, because if there's dirt in the wound disinfecting it would do nothing. And she looks sceptical when Max corrects her. (I hate when it's written in fic that Nancy is the one to provide first aid, and to ensure there are fully stocked first aid kits, when in canon, she doesn't understand first aid. When Max has more experience than she does, and Steve is a certified lifeguard, and for that, he would have to be first aid certified.)
-The third is shooting at Billy. She's just shooting at the car head-on. Yes, windshields aren't bullet proof, but they offer some level of protection and damage to the windshield doesn't disable a car. Also, they're aware that he is possessed by the mindflayer and was able to walk away after the sauna test and being thrown through a brick wall. As well as how most of the hits didn't affect Tom and Bruce at the hospital. It's pretty obvious that bullets probably wouldn't have much effect on him. So if she wanted to disable the car, she needed to aim for the wheels, to blow out the tyres, other than that, you need to hit the internal workings of the car, like the fuel line.
I can't think of much for season 4, but I have only watched it once, compared to many more times for the other three seasons. But the main one I can think of is how her immediate thought for defence against the upside down creatures is guns, when they have never worked before. The only things that have been shown to work against the creatures is brute force, like with Steve's bat, or fire. (Or El, but they don't have her.)
I know there are other points, but I can't think of them right now. Also, at another point, I could send you my thoughts on her lack of emotional intelligence if you're interested.
there’s this post i saw that argued that steve has high wisdom, and low intelligence (which i agree with to a certain point, because i don’t think that steve’s intelligence is actually that low), they then argued that everyone else was high intelligence and low wisdom. specifically nancy. at first i wasn’t so sure, but i think you’ve managed to convince me.
honestly, that scene in s1 has always been almost laughable to me. like, what was she gonna do if he didn’t leave? literally shoot him in the face? pointing a gun at someone in a circumstance like that almost never works, and, no offence to jonathan and nancy, but they clearly needed the help, and steve’s a jock. i’d have let him stick around. especially after the shit he pulled at the theatre, like, sure man, you can jump in front of me, show your remorse lmao
and that also hits one point i find irritating about nancy’s character and it’s the fact that we never see her learn how to shoot a gun, she’s just a natural badass, and i think that’s just such lazy writing, especially for one of their few female characters. she doesn’t seem to know any actual gun control stuff, she never learns to shoot, she’s just good at it, naturally, with no explanation. could the duffers be anymore boring. i like to watch characters struggle a bit.
to defend nancy a little, she had just crawled out of hell, so she’d probably forgotten about steve coming to check on her. however, she never does try and explain away what she and jonathan were doing in the alleyway behind the theatre. like, at least just make up some bullshit about mike and will rather than just look at steve blankly.
s2 is kinda funny, because obviously shows don’t always tell you what a characters plan is, to try and make it more dramatic, but it really does feel like nancy and jonathan are just making that shit up as they go along.
like, at first nancy tells steve that she wants to tell the holland’s that barb is dead. that’s her whole plan. then her plan is to tell the world about the upside down and eleven and demogorgon and barb’s death, and she honestly expected that to work? it isn’t until murray tells her that people won’t believe it that she starts to doubt herself.
and yeah, no real teenage girl would actually drink vodka and then stay the night in some middle-aged man’s house, who is very clearly a freak and also insanely interested in her love life.
i think i’ve said before that nancy’s stance in s3 confuses me. like, yes she is getting treated badly, but she’s an intern. sexism is a factor for how little she has to do, but she can’t have honestly expected to be writing for the paper. did she deserve to have more to do? yes. should she have been going around doing interviews on her own, no. then, instead of just leaving, or playing nice to get experience and have a good connection with a journalist, she instead decides to go against what her boss has told her to do, and expects to get rewarded? like, nancy, you can’t really ask forgiveness for going against what your boss has told you to do and sneaking out in the middle of the day because you don’t like your job. just quit!
that’s true, it is weird that nancy always gets written as the person supplying first aid and being the most knowledgeable when max and steve know more than her.
i hate when characters are shooting at a car and they just shoot at the windscreen. shoot at the tires!! or shoot at the body of the car, you’re more likely to hit something important and stop the car.
yeah, i’m so tired to nancy getting out a gun and everyone going “oh my god, she has a gun” and then it does FUCK ALL. bring steve’s bat back, that’s done more damage than a fucking gun.
i think that nancy has a lot of intelligence for the life she lives, which is a middle class high school student, and she often can’t really see beyond that. i think it can come from her lack of empathy, and this idea that she’s often the smartest in the room, because she values her kind of intelligence, and her lived experience, more than others.
obviously some of your points are just the duffers shitty writing choices, but shitty writing choices can reflect badly on characters. and yeah, i’d love to hear your thoughts on her emotional intelligence. in my opinion, steve is one of the most emotionally intelligent characters on the show, because of how self-aware he is, and how he’s had to understand and then stop his bad behaviour. i’ve never thought much about nancy’s though!
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Fallout 4 companions reactions to Sole leveling up to the point they don't even need a weapon or armor anymore since they can just kill any enemy with one punch and can't take damage from their attacks (Like Saitama)
"Yeah, yeah, nice one boss, but can you do a 360 no scope?"
I mean, sure, it's impressive and all, but Mac's never really cared about melee or unarmed. Because it's not his element, he's not able to fully appreciate how awesome it actually is. With that being said, he'd be extra careful not to piss them off because just one punch and he's done for.
"Just when I think I've seen it all...."
He was half expecting them to tell him they were joking about the whole fists of steel thing... I mean, stranger things have happened, but this is pretty high on his list of weird shit. He'd offer them some buffout, mostly because he wanted to see how much chaos they could cause without even touching a gun
"Where the hell did ya learn that!?"
She's extremely jealous of sole. She'd spent her whole life learning to fight, and she couldn't even do that, but the prewar vaultie stumbled out into the world and somehow had magic fists? Just her luck.
"Outstanding hit soldier. Put you in a suit of power armor, and you'd be damn near invincible"
At first, he assumed it was a one-time thing, but once he realized they could consistently do that, things changed a bit. With their consent, he'd bring them to Cade to see if medically there was any explanation for their inhuman strength. Moreover, he'd end up really admiring them and their abilities, though he did find it annoying how they refused to wear armor.
"You must be very strong to be able to do that!"
She'd ask a million questions about Sole's strength. It definitely intrigued her how they were even able to get so strong in the first place. Did everyone have the ability to get this strong? Was sole the outlier? It was just so fascinating!
"Did someone order a knuckle sandwich? No, but seriously, not even a helmet? You do know snipers are still a thing, right?"
I mean, yeah, the super fist thing is impressive and all, but surely they're not actually invincible... but then again, that's probably just the good old paranoia talking again... probably
"Jesus Blue, remind me not to piss you off"
She'd kinda be a bit freaked out. I mean, she'd heard of a chems that could increase strength, but this goes beyond buffout... This newfound strength has her wondering, where was this macho vaultie when she ran into trouble getting intel?
"Hey, I'm all for the good cop, bad cop dichotomy, but be sure to only cut lose on the bad guys, okay?"
Well, color him impressed. He's seen a lot in his artificially long life, but this took the cake. If used right, this gift of theirs could really help keep people safe.... but if used wrong... Nick was cautiously optimistic, noting sole had never done anything to make him doubt them before so why should he start now?
"Woah... Glad you're on our side general. I'm not sure what we'd do if you weren't......."
Hes willing to bet they didn't even need that power armor and mini gun the day they met... They easily are the strongest minuteman in all of history, guess he made the right call making them general.
"Well done, Sir/Ma'am. Though I'd suggest you make sure not to let the power go to your head and at least wear some armor"
He doesn't care how strong they are. A stray bullet can still prove fatal, and it was just foolish to think you were above wounds because of your strength
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subliminalbo · 8 months
Since I'm on the most regular writing schedule that I've had in like eight years, I thought it would be fun to talk a bit about my writing process. I've always been a bit more chaotic in the way I approach writing, especially when it comes to planning. I'm just not a very organized person no matter how hard I try.
Specifically for the blog, I have two types of stories that I write. The longer form stuff come with chapters and titles and arcs and often go well over two thousand words. I have to think a lot more about those. Captions are quick and usually written on the fly as ideas come to me. They're more a necessity than anything else. Sometimes I'll get so locked in on writing a series that I'll disappear for months until its finished, so the captions are mainly to remind people that I still exist.
Series typically begin as captions. It's rare that I ever approach an idea with the intent to write several chapters about it. This was the case for A Kingdom for a Mistress, which started as a brief caption and quickly got out of hand. Sometimes I'll sit down to write a caption and realize that it's not going to be a breezy five hundred words.
Brevity hasn't always been a struggle for me, but looking back on my older work, it's my least favorite thing. For example, the next chapter of Assimilation is about a character who struggles with the transition to college life. There's a lot of character detail to explore there, but in my earlier effort (the original chapter was written in 2016), I was so eager to get to the mind control that I only dedicated a few sentences to her conflict. Whether you're reading mind control smut for the character detail or not, it's bad writing because it violates the rule of show, don't tell:
Six months had passed since Nina's assimilation. She graduated high school. [...] Though the college was only a few miles from home, it felt like she was a world away from her parents. Though Nina had been a quiet girl growing up, she found herself blooming into a social butterfly. School always came first, Nina would remind herself, but that didn't stop her from attending parties, dating boys, exploring her newfound sexuality.
Anyway, what really sets series apart from captions is a focus on characters and a more deliberate pacing. I don't put myself on a word count, I don't rush myself to show the mind control. This is largely because I wrote a lot of stuff like that when I first started, and it got redundant really fast.
Once I know that a caption is going to be something bigger, I try to lay out a pathway for myself. I don't do a lot of outlining, but I will put some thoughts on a sticky note to reference in the future. Notes are huge for ideas. Just getting a quick elevator pitch down in writing, or bulleted plot points that I plan to hit, or even lines that I want to use.
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Stickies are also useful for keeping track of characters. Betas has a larger cast than I've ever written about, so I took down notes on who plays who and minor details about those characters that is super useful to reference when you haven't written those characters in a year.
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More recently, I've started taking notes on plot points, mapping out beat-for-beat what moments I want these stories to hit. Notes on Classified Information #2: The Sound look like this:
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Probably the biggest thing about this pre-writing process, is that I rarely explore my first idea. I might put a thought down on a note and leave it be for an entire year before I go back to it. The first arc of Alphas, which I still haven't finished for the Tumblr, took me three years to write because I got stuck on the last two chapters. I knew how I wanted the story to end, but the events in the middle felt so clunky that I sat on it for years before going back. I'm still not happy with how that series developed and it's the reason I'm rewriting it from the start.
I have some stuff to say about captions and the development of Quick Hits, but I think I'll save that for another inside hypnoball. Mostly I wanted to talk about actual writer things like outlining and plotting.
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Episodes 7, 8, and 9! Will just say now, every episode with multiple parts is just gonna be put in a single set of notes since eps 10, 14, and 15 are multiple parts
Episode 7
• thinks PETA likes cockroaches
• calls headcrabs ‘head humpers’ and sticks with that
• finds out water/oil is slippery
• “Wee!”
• doesn't want an arm growing out of his back
• calls a ladder and sparking light ‘triple bad luck’. What's the third? shrug
• hits his crowbar near am explosive barrel to kill a cockroach
• “Nobody sneaks up on Barney!” gets snuck up on
• doesn't know why Black Mesa was hiding a medkit behind a large crate
• “By the way Mr. Calhoun, the ultrasound came back and it's a girl. Congratulations.” Good to know he's assuming radioactivity can… impregnate you??
• about to make an airline joke. Gives up on it cause he doesn't know where he's going with it
• forgets what he was doing because of his failed joke
• wants a chain gun
• “Why's everything gotta weigh 50 thousand pounds? Yeah. It's not cause I'm a weakling, who said that? No one said that! … Stupid people. You and your muscular stuff and lifting 50 pound weights. Kick all your ass.”
• headcrab jumpscare!
• actually recognizes one of the guards for once! Hates seeing people he cares about hurt!!
• “Hm. Gearbox- I mean, box full of gears.”
• very happy to see an M4
• “Barney Calhoun, I am greater than the U.S army.”
• damn counter: 3
Episode 8
• tries to tell the injured scientist about the medkit in the room, gets ignored
• rummages through a marines bag for something useful, only finds a tent
• hates stairs
• calls the ‘no storage’ sign in the storage room a contradiction
• points out all the stacked boxes because of a ‘do not stack sign’
• is confused about why he keeps yelling ‘grenade’ whenever the military throws one
• “Recon Team checks in, Recon Team doesn't check out.” Immediately says that was lame for his standards
• really wants a handheld plasma torch to cut through locked doors
• grosses out about the amount of blood
• goes to take on a the military head on, backs out when there's too many
• needs tunes for this. Plays a remixed Tetris theme. TBH I can barely hear him over the music
• bullet grazed his cheek
• turns down his music because he can barely hear over it
• sees a room covered in tons of blood and dead scientists, says that coke is bad for you
• tries to stand on a cardboard box
• asks a scientist if he has a walkie talkie
• damn counter: 3
Episode 9
• “I'm gonna assume you know what's going on here cause there's lots of soldiers and aliens and head humpers and bran muffins and iPhones out there.”
• Tells the scientist following him he can have the medkit
• “LEEROY JENKINS” I forget this series is made in 2009
• asks the marines if they play World of Warcraft, Smash Bros (mains Peach), or Counter Strike
• says he'll help the scientist he just saved if he's paid
• got shot in the leg, loses enough blood to pass out. Somehow, for literally *just now* getting shot in the leg
• thinks he died. Then realizes it's a dream about the Blue Shift Hazard Course
• feels like he died
• thinks Gordon would be showing off in the Hazard Course
• he's back! and didn't die!
• doesn't feel good
• dry swallows some advil, hates dry swallowing pills
• thinks Black Mesa was expecting something bad to happen because of what the Hazard Course focused on
• confused why one of the scientist's following wanted to stay back and wait for his colleagues
• thinks they're useless for not wanting to shoot things
• wants a tank
• gets shot. Says nothing about it
• once again more tunes for killing the tank. Good music but once again too loud to hear Barney
• puts down the RPG cause it's too heavy to carry around
• gets offended when one of the scientists says a security guard should know what he's doing
• abandons one of the scientists because he didn't want to follow anymore. Gets left with Douchebag (I'm just gonna call him Walter cause, that's his *actual* name)
• immediately tells Walter to carry his guns
• damn counter: 1
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returnsandreturns · 9 months
a very moody bullet point list
i am possibly reaching the point of only eating three digit amounts of calories a day where i need to take myself straight to the brain doctor, do not pass go
i will probably have to find a different brain doctor because my last one was very much about positivity, and i currently do not like my body and do not want to be positive about it. also very much about sex positivity which is why i talked about some Fantasies I Have That I Don't Enjoy Having and couldn't get her past ~*~*~it's normal and okay to fantasize about bad things happening to you~*~*~ which i AGREE WITH BUT I WOULD LIKE TO BE ABLE TO NOT DO THAT
there was a casual note about some ya books being moved to the adult section in meeting notes from another department and i have been told NOTHING about this and i'm ready to rip someone's throat out tbh. i sent a restrained email on saturday and have had no response.
i didn't get all the way through putting my groceries away and now there's a jar of olives and a thing of garlic powder just sitting in the middle of the floor, doomed to stay there for some time.
i should eat all of the olives to make up for the rest of the day. they're within reach.
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theladyofbloodshed · 19 days
hii, may i ask if you use any specific app to help you write? i've been using notion but i think it's hindering my writing when i write on my phone.. i followed your au acosf when it was still being updated and i was amazed how fast you can write for quite a long chapter... thanks for your answer!
Uhh, I guess I'm a bit old school because I literally just use word.
Long post below:
Writing process for me is usually:
I have an idea
I daydream about it and imagine possible outcomes then fixate on one path
I write it
Because I've visualised in quite a lot of detail, run through different dialogues, when it comes to writing it, it is usually quite a smooth process because I know exactly what's happening.
If I'm just staring at a screen then I like to switch to writing by hand. These scenes tend to need less editing too as they're slower to write and I can pick up on mistakes whereas when I'm typing quickly, I'll sometimes type the wrong word or miss one out.
Sometimes it means that I haven't planned. Planning for me can just be a couple of bullet points that x/y/z will happen. Sometimes I'll just lay down, close my eyes, put some music on and start imagining again.
When I wrote ACOSF, I had a lot of ideas that I knew would happen so each chapter was either "the event" I wanted or the build up to it. For example, in one chapter, I knew Nesta would have faebane at dinner with the Vanserras or she'd go to meet Cassian at the war memorial in Illyria. Sometimes I needed to bridge between X and Y and there'd be little filler bits. That was more fun because I could waffle and create scenarios not necessary to the plot, but just nice bits like Nesta playing with children or cuddling up with Rovena. It's a luxury that fan fiction can have. I tend to always be thinking a few chapters ahead because we'll be pointing in one direction - but it might be we'll hit some rocks and it's a dead end so I need to start steering it another way, if that makes sense?
How can I write so much so quickly? Lots and lots of daydreaming! When I was a teacher, I didn't get a single second to myself on a work day so I'd be daydreaming about the fic on the way in (30 mins), work solid for 9 hours with children tapping me and teaching and marking and planning, then daydream on the drive home (1 hour thanks to traffic!). I would make a cup of tea then sit for an hour immediately after coming home, drink my tea and write the bits I'd been daydreaming then my partner would come home. I could have my "free time" then which was spent cleaning/cooking/seeing partner. When all those things were done, if there was still time in the evening then I'd sit and write some more. I'm not a night owl so most weekdays I'm in bed by 9/9:30.
Sometimes, I do write on my phone too but I just write on notes then email it to myself and put it in the word document but that's usually if I'm somewhere and have no access to paper e.g. if I stay at a friends and wake up early.
Sprints can also be useful like setting a timer for 15/20 mins and you just write for that amount of time then take a break, do something else, but no distractions during the sprint. I also keep an excel file because i'm obsessed with spreadsheets to track my writing
This was when I was writing The Wench and The Gentleman
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Light green was my daily wordcount (I had fics on top of this too). I had a target of the total that I needed to reach weekly to stay on track (I set myself like 8 weeks to write that book because I love putting weird deadlines on myself) so the dark green is my actual word count and the number beside it was the target. You can see by week 3, I was 19k words ahead of schedule lmao.
I'm more than happy to chat more about writing processes and discover how other people work so feel free to message on chat or whatever :-)
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writ-in-violant · 9 months
💫 and 🥀 for all!
Ooh, thanks!
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
Vivian's is probably that they were roommates with the Lily -- from the Moloch Street ES -- for like, a year and a half because Vivian needed help with rent and the Lily needed to get his feet back under him after All That. They're still friends but the Lily got married and he and his husband moved in together. Vivian writes plays for his theater sometimes.
For Blake it's probably that he's adopted a teenage girl, Sara, and is excusing it to himself as her being a fantastic spy who feeds him good information. He's definitely not a father. Absolutely not. Particularly notable because, well, the exact same thing happened to him as a kid. So you'd think he'd know that this was functionally an adoption.
My favorite Art fact is probably that his dad was a sailor up on the surface who made up wild tall tales about the monsters he encountered out on the sea. He was also the one who named Art; Artemis, because he'd been listening to stories of the old greek gods and liked the idea of naming his daughter after the huntress, especially as she was pale as the moon. Course, Art didn't end up being a girl, but he liked the name Artemis so much he kept it.
For Celestine, it's that she chose the name she uses as a gentleman-thief/cat-burglar-style burglar entirely to be a joke for herself. She uses "Ciel" which is androgynous and only really gives away that the person using it knows french...but it's also pretty much just her initials, C.L. She thinks she's very funny and in her defense, she hasn't gotten caught yet, meaning it is kind of funny.
🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry?
Vivian tends to have inksmears on their journals, often in interesting colors; they write stream-of-consciousness and often include doodles or turns of phrase they find poetic or compelling. Something like this:
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Blake, meanwhile, would be curt and more pragmatic, full of bullet-points and quick notations to keep track of what he's talking about. Bullet journalling doesn't exist yet but Blake would be a fan of its most pared-back form, the thing it was before it became a cutesy aesthetic. Dark journals with no ornamentation.
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Art's is less a full journal and more a series of memos, disconnected notes, and tallies he's keeping that are generally labelled very poorly. Things like "context" or "most of the vowels in a word" are unnecessary and make him write slower. He's 90% sure he knows what he was talking about for most of them! It's fine! picture this page but smeared with more dirt, I didn't want to get my notebook too messy:
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Celestine would realistically be writing in French, but I do not speak French and so could not pull that off. That said, she tends to use her journal as a way to practice her penmanship -- and also to make sure she has nailed down the stories she's telling about what happened. Her actual life events rarely go into the journal, and if they do, they're always veiled behind other comments.
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There's probably a wider range in handwriting styles than I could capture there but alas, I am but one person, with but one type of handwriting and many fancy pen colors. One day I'll actually put OS Nitrogen ink into a pen and then we'll see Vivian's correspondence notes in violant ink.
Feel free to ask me more questions from the ask meme here: https://writ-in-violant.tumblr.com/post/727735080951463936/soft-oc-asks
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