#I cropped the posts in between these two bc it was way too long lmao
demonboyhalo · 2 years
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checking bad's likes and
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blodreina-noumou · 4 years
hello! so this is going to be a string of asks about some thoughts™️ I’ve had about the 100 and it’s continued technology versus life struggle that seems (at least to me) as something being subtly implied in s7. This might be really long and I’m really really sorry if it’s annoying but i just wanted to share with you (and see what you think) bc the way you analyze parts of the 100 is so well done! Also this was literally supposed to be a short intro but apparently I talk too much 😅 Sorry! 1/?
So this starts with a Random Thought I had in the shower about planet/moon survivability and technology and how the two almost seem juxtaposed between sanctum, bardo, and skyring. Starting with sanctum, it obviously wasn’t meant to be inhabited by humans. Gabriel even mentions it (in the latter half of s6 I believe) where he says something along the lines of “life here didn’t evolve beyond reptiles but humans found a way.”
I mean hell, if you need a whole ass Radiation Shield to live then the place probably isn’t meant to be inhabited. Yet sanctum obviously has quite sophisticated and advanced technology in the form of mind drives plus the aforementioned radiation shield. However (and this is where some things don’t add up/continuity becomes a big fucko-wucko, which is not surprising at all since every tv show with 5+ seasons just ends up saying fuck continuity, no im not bitter) their living spaces all the way from Clarkekru house to the tavern and the Palace just seem, for lack of a better word, normal. They’re nothing like Becca’s Lab from s4 (which would be on par with the level of tech mind drives are on) but their living quarters are also nothing like the shacks grounders/arkers lived in or the cottage on skyring. I also know that the mind drives were given to the Primes from a society of high tech but that doesn’t explain why the original sanctumkru used their knowledge to make something like a radiation shield but then just didn’t bother incorporating that level of technology into their lifestyle. (Also wouldn’t they all be used to living amongst high tech?? Like that should be their normal which would make a regular ole 21-century lifestyle very foreign and old-fashioned so why return to it???) Next up we have Bardo which, from what we’ve heard and glimpsed so far is a place that actually does line up with a high tech society but we know nothing about the planet’s survivability. The only thing we know about the place is what we got from Octavia trying to escape and it looks like the native bardoans built a huge man-made structure complete with a forest that looks to span at least an acre and multiple floors which means they’re either above ground in an incredibly spread out high-rise building OR, for all we know, they could even be underground in a highly upgraded bunker-esque situation.
Whatever the case is, it seems like all human life functions indoors which leads us to assume that the outside (i.e. the planet itself) is, much like sanctum, dangerous and unsuited for inhabitation. Lastly we have Skyring. No technology of any kind, anywhere to be seen. The only shelter available is a run down cottage and yet this is the one planet that is unquestionably survivable and inhabitable and is also the closest thing we’ve seen to earth complete with forests, lush grass, and farmable earth. (It does bother me though that we’ve yet to see or hear about animal life because no matter how pretty a place is, the first indication that something is wrong is silence. If green woods are silent and you can’t see anything that is moving and alive then something’s very wrong. I have, however, chalked this up to this being just a detail overlooked or something post didn’t want to bother with/budget restrictions. Also we do get a mention of jellyfish in the water but having no mammals or even insects on land just bothers me haha) Anyway, it just seemed interesting to me how the presence (and abundance/sophistication) of technology seems to constantly juxtaposed with life. The 100 even starts on the basis that technology (ALLIE) destroyed the world and life as we know it. I know this was super long and sorry if it’s annoying lol but I just wanted to share (and am still indecisive about whether or not I want to post stuff plus I like your meta posts lmao)
These are all good thoughts, and a great breakdown of what life looks like on each planet! Thank you for sharing.
I tend to agree with what you’ve come up with, plot holes and all. It IS strange to me that the most apparently liveable planet is used solely as a prison. I think, on some level, BardoKru is trying to deprive the people they send there of any sort of technological advantage or luxury. It’s like those “troubled kids” camps some very misguided parents send their children to. They want them to struggle and work with their hands and build character, or whatever. Even the name “Penance” shows that they intend the no-tech lifestyle on that planet to be a punishment.  I imagine they send prisoners there because, as you said, it’s the ONLY planet they know of where people can survive without technology. (The lack of animals/insects, except for, apparently, jellyfish, of all things, definitely bothers me too.) Bardo appears to be either a bunker or a biodome (I like the high-tech bunker theory, personally,) and, as you mentioned, Sanctum is not livable in the long-term. Part of what also makes Sanctum unlivable is the fact that it appears to rely very heavily on that caste system - without the Nulls and other redbloods to work, maintaining the crops, the Primes could not enjoy the level of comfort that they had. And they only had access to so much technology - things like the mind drives were precious, as they couldn’t make any more of them. I think that can go a long ways in explaining how Sanctum is so low-tech. Put all of that together with the way the Primes were running their own little murdercult, and you can almost see how they wanted to play royalty to their serfs in their little world. I also think something Levitt said it interesting. “Let me guess, Sanctum? Well, unlike Dev, I do know everything.” This implies that BardoKru knows about Sanctum, and, for whatever reason, chose not to go there until NapKru shows up. We’ve also heard the phrase, “They weren’t Eligius,” from Gabriel, meaning BardoKru was not originally from Becca’s company. They went space-traveling for different reasons, and likely used different technology to do it. (A lot of theories are floating around saying that BardoKru are the remnants of Cadogan’s people.) It is interesting how, as of now, Bardo = high tech, Sanctum = low tech, Skyring/Penance = no tech. I’m enjoying the different versions of the planets, and their people, even if the worldbuilding doesn’t hold up to a ton of scrutiny. Anyway - sorry I couldn’t come up with anything super cohesive, but thank you for sharing your thoughts! The Bardo/Sanctum/Skyring differences are going to continue to come into play, and it’s good to keep in mind how it all works in each place!
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kayascodelorio · 4 years
"palette” gif tutorial
hi everyone!!! so i’ve gotten countless requests to make a tutorial for my lara jean gifset, more specifically this gif:
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so today i’ll be showing you how i make this gif right here:
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as mentioned in the original post, this whole gifset was inspired by one of my favorite mvs of all time: palette (hence the creative name lmao). i essentially used screenshots of the mv to make my own similar template to work off!
disclaimer: i suck at explaining things, so you’re all gonna have to bear with me and my 100000 screenshots and poor attempts at explaining wtf i’m doing. hopefully you can manage to understand what i’m on about!!
if you’ve never made a gif, check out this detailed tutorial i made some time ago:
how to make gifs + color gifs (this tutorial includes links to download ps)
tutorial under the cut (i’m sorry for how long this is rip)
first, screenshot the mv. (timestamp 0:38)
here is my screenshot:
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now, we’re gonna open ps and go to file > open to open the screenshot on there. this is my screen rn:
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notice how my timeline is there (little box on the right side of the screenshot). we’re going to need the timeline for the gif later. if u don’t see the timeline, go to window > timeline and it should show up!!
time to crop the screenshot. using the crop tool, (left sidebar, 5th icon from the top) remove the black parts of the image (top and bottom) until all you’re left w is the white area. final product:
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now it’s time to change the size of the canvas we’re working it so it can be the dimensions we want it to be! go to image > canvas size
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a window like this should pop up:
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we want our gif to b 540px by 400px, so just fill that out and press ok:
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this is what your screen should look like after (aka super zoomed in):
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we’re gonna fix that rn!!! making sure the layer (right sidebar) is selected (you can tell it’s selected when it’s in blue), press command + t, which will leave you with this:
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okay, so i’ve covered this before in my previous basic gif making tutorial and not much has changed since then aka i’m still shit at attempting to explain wtf i’m doing. BUT basically this part involves using the top bar (pictured below) and changing the % of the W and the H to make the image the amount of zoomed in i want it to b (if that makes sense)
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again, i usually just play around w the %s, depending on how zoomed in i want my image or gif to be, its dimensions, etc. the higher the %, the more zoomed in it is. basically, putting in 50% would make it way more zoomed in than 20% and so on. for this, i’ve tried out several % and decided to use 39%, but of course you can pick the % you prefer. so write in your chosen % in these two boxes in the top bar like this:
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click the checkmark at the right of the top box and voilà! this is what you should have rn:
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see how all the 9 squares fit perfectly inside? wow, powerful. anyway, let’s keep going djfhdkfd. now we’re going to make our own squares aka the squares in which the gif is going to be. start by creating a new layer (at the bottom of the right sidebar, the second to last icon before the trash icon). give it a name so it’s easier to keep track of: i picked s1, since this is going to be the layer where the first square is going to be (and so on). also make sure the new layer is above your image like this:
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time to actually make the first square!! select the rectangular marquee tool (left sidebar, 2nd icon from the top) and select one of the squares in the image (113px by 113px) like this:
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select the paint bucket tool (left sidebar, under the eraser tool) and make sure the color is set to black (#000000) before you click on the square you just selected. very important: don’t forget to have the s1 layer selected (should be in blue) when you do this or else it will fuck up.
this is what your screen should look like after:
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as you can see, we have one square done, but there are 8 more left. right click on your s1 layer in the right sidebar and click on duplicate layer. name that layer s2. making sure the s2 layer is selected, drag it to the place of the second square:
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keep doing the same thing until all the squares are covered with black ones like this:
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now i’m going to hide the black square layers by clicking on the little eye icon (left of layer) for each of them bc i want to include the little dark pink doodles on my gif as well, but you don’t have to, so if you don’t wanna include it in your gif, you can skip over this part!!
there are technically 3 ways you could do that (well maybe more lol but these 3 are the ones who came to mind:
method #1: use the brush tool to draw your own doodle (or trace over the existing one with a new brush)
method #2: use the magic wand tool to select the doodle and use the brush tool over your selection
or method #3: look up doodles on google and drag them onto your image
i don’t have an ounce of patience rn, so i will b using method #2. select the magic wand tool (left sidebar, 4th icon) and make sure you select the first doodle the best you can. don’t forget to make sure your screenshot (image with the doodle on it) is selected while you select the doodle or it won’t select anything!!! like this:
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create a new layer (bottom of the right sidebar, the second to last icon before the trash icon) and again, make sure it’s above all the other layers. with your new layer selected (in blue), select the paint bucket tool (left sidebar, under the eraser tool) and pick a color (i used #e1b5c4). click on your selected doodle. this is what you should have:
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repeat for the other doodle with another layer.
final product:
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it looks a bit Rough, but hopefully you get the idea?
now we’re going to merge all the little squares into one layer of little squares. if you have doodles, remove the eye icon (left of layers) for both of them to hide them and make sure all of your eyes are there for the square layers. select the s1 layer and then the other layers up to s9 while keeping one finger on the shift button until all the square layers are selected (in blue) like this:
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right click on the s1 layer > merge layers. all you should be left with is:
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now that this is done, we need to fix the background.
create a new layer that you will drag above the screenshot (layer 0) but under the s9 layer. i named mine bg (background). i want to keep the barcode in the original screenshot, so i won’t select that part. using the rectangular marquee tool (left sidebar, 2nd icon from the top) and with the bg layer selected, draw a square at the right of the bar code so you have this:
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with the paint bucket tool (left sidebar, under the eraser tool) and the color set to white (#ffffff), click on the selection.
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and that’s your template!!!
with doodles:
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now onto making sure the gif is going to actually move properly.
click on the little arrows at the right side of the timeline to expand it until you have this:
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and then click on create frame animation. your screen should look like this:
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notice how it says once at the bottom of the timeline? make sure to change that to forever, or it will not play:
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click on the convert to video timeline icon (the one on the left of the forever). this is what you should be left with:
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now, time to make the gif that is going to go there*
*if you have no idea how to make gif and are lost af, i suggest you check out my previous tutorial where i explained this part with more screenshots and more specifically bc i will be more vague here regarding this
also i’ve said this again and again, but remember to ALWAYS USE 720P OR 1080P FOOTAGE WHENEVER POSSIBLE FOR YOUR GIFS or else they will be grainy and extremely unpleasant to work with.
i’ll be using a video from youtube for this. i suggest converto as a converter, it works really well and allows you to download youtube videos in 720p and 1080p!! once you have your footage ready, go to file > import > video frames to layers. use the markers to select the part you wish to gif, and, once you’re happy with your selection, click ok.
to select all the frames, click on the icon on the right of the timeline (4 lines with an arrow) and click on select all frames. then, go to select > all layers in the top bar. everything should be selected (in blue) like this:
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now, fixing the speed of the gif. 
super helpful post explaining gif speed right here
i’ll personally be using 0.06 here.
click on one of the frames in the timeline > other. write in the speed you chose and then press ok. go to convert to video timeline icon (the one on the left of the forever).
you should have something like this:
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go to filter > convert for smart filters:
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the time has come to drag your gif to the canvas:
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make sure the gif is above the s9 layer (layer with the black squares) like this:
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to make our gif fit inside the squares, we’re going to make sure the gif layer is selected. then, press the option (alt) button and click between the gif layer and the s9 layer to create a clipping mask (like this). this is what it does:
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this is where i usually play around trying to find a size for my gif that looks nice. press command + t and, like we did earlier, find a % you’re happy with. i’m going to go with 20%. after moving my gif around and making it less zoomed in, it now looks like this:
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this is usually where i would sharpen my gif, so, with your gif layer still selected, go to filter > sharpen > smart sharpen, and then ok.
these are my settings:
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we have to fix the length of the gif, since there’s a lovely limit on this amazing site. i suggest you pick something to gif with not much movement, or you’ll have to make it even shorter. there’s no magic formula, just try not to make it too long, especially since the gif is large in size, so the smaller the better in this situation. this is what i have:
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notice how the layers in the timeline are all of different lengths, so make sure you make them all the same like this:
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once you have a psd ready, go to file > open and when it loads, drag it onto the canvas, above the gif. i added one of my psd on mine.
for the text on the top right, i can’t remember the exact font i used, so i picked another font different from the original.
these are my settings:
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what it looks like with the psd + doodles + text:
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and we are DONE!!! all that’s left is to save our gif!! go to file > save for web
these are my settings:
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SUPER SUPER IMPORTANT: make sure your gif is set to forever in the looping options at the bottom right of the window or else your gif will absolutely not play properly!!
also, CHECK YOUR GIF SIZE (bottom left). with this website changing its gif limit every 2 seconds, better safe than sorry!!
here’s the final product:
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thanks for sticking around and reading all of this!!! i hope it was somewhat helpful even though i suck at explaining how i do stuff! :)
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this is an oc masterpost of all my haf-formed ocs languishing on pinterest with their messy aesthetics and unedited blurbs, in roughly chronological order of their creation, plus sorted by fandom. this post is only asoiaf, harry potter, hunger games, and riverdale, cos i have tooooooo many original characters otherwise and the post was getting incredibly long. (note that i love my ocs but these one’s are not polished or even the final versions of their characters, i just wanted to post them lol)
under a read more, if you’re on mobile start scrolling i guess, sorry,,,
Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire:
Laeya Targeryen: (child of Rhaella and Aerys Targaryen, born 280 AC - three years older than Danaerys) 
Fearful of her impending marriage, Laeya is eleven when she takes her younger sister and flees across the sea to Dorne, hiding herself and Dany with dyed hair and badly controlled magic. As Leia and Dani Sand they learn to live normally. At 15 Leia joins the Royal Guard and secures Dany work as a tailor's apprentice. When she is 17, an assassin tries to kill her in front of the Dornish court and everything changes...
- so laeya straight up has magic, which im considering an extension of the dragon thing dany has - she can control flame and for the disguise uses her ‘inner fire’ to make her eyes white-blue like super hot flames, cos the purple eyes are super distinctive. and then she’s discovered and suddenly politics are happening. honestly she’s entirely a way for me to remove the child marriage bits of the targaryen storyline (stop marrying off your twelve-year-old baby sister viserys u asshole) - in terms of meta/basics, laeya doesn’t have a fc cos most of my early ocs don’t, and bcs i picture her as emilia clarke with faked dark hair and blue eyes lol
and a quick aesthetic below:
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Kyrra Snow: (child of Robert Baratheon and Maery Snow, birthdate ???)
Kyrra Snow is the eldest natural-born child of Robert Baratheon, current King of Westeros, and daughter of Maery Snow, a Southron (but Northern-born) merchant woman. After her mother realises Kyrra was growing up a little too much like her father in looks and needed to leave the far South before she caught the wrong sort of attention, Kyrra was sent off to travel with her aunt and cousins. She is 17 and heading further north, to Winter Town, when Jon Arryn dies.
- kyrra’s another child of everyone’s favourite asshole king, and she’s got a lot of people after her head, but she just wants to travel and continue her work as a simple peddler. (riiip poor girl) honestly she’s not that developed but yolo -
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Brynn Stark: (child of Catelyn and Eddard Stark, Robb’s twin sister)  
Brynn believes in honour and family, and she is loyal to Winterfell and the North above all else. Likes - archery, embroidery and weaving. Betrothed to [some young Northern lord] to keep the bonds between the Norther families strong.
-i basically made brynn as a contrast to sansa’s pro-southnness and excessive femininity and arya’s anger and desire for swords (relatable mood tho lmao). so brynn is here to mediate, extoll the virtues of both needlework and weapons, make a decent marriage to someone she likes, if not loves, and hold down the fort in the North while shit gets increasingly messier in the South. and a possible faceclaim is Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey - 
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Rosienne Lannister: (child of Joanna and Tywin Lannister, born 273 AC)
Rose is looked at by the realm with dismissal, a consolation prize for her father, a spare daughter only useful for matchmaking, but at least able-bodied and pretty, unlike her brother. After a long betrothal, Rose is married to Willas Tyrell at the age of eighteen, cementing her role as the next Lady of High Garden...
- Rosie/Rose is a bonus Lannister, bcs why not. likes cyvasse and the harp, soft and kind and maternal, powerful in her own way. originally she was from a minor divergence where joanna survives tyrion’s birth and goes on to have another kid, but not sure if i’ll keep that aspect, so for now she’s tyrion’s twin -
and her aes (yes that quote is cropped, no i don’t care rn):
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honourable mentions to my other got underdeveloped got/asoiaf ocs who need more effort before i post properly about them:
Tamlen Storm, a rookery apprentice (working for the Maester of House Tully, managing the ravens) who may or may not be a reincarnated si-oc trying to save westeros, 
and an unnamed northern huntress who stumbled into the plot somehow and wants her normal life back (entirely inspired by Keira Knightley as Gwyn in Princess of Thieves, when she’s doing archery stuff and looking v butch).
Harry Potter:
Taurus ‘Ara’ Lestrange:  (child of Bellatrix and Roldolphous Lestrange, born 1978) 
Raised by the Goblins after a legal mix-up following her parents' imprisonment in Azkaban, Taurus is good with a sword and aiming to be the next Minister of Magic. She attends Hogwarts with the other magical kids her age, under the fake identity Ara Burke, unknown cousin of a minor half-blood family. When the Potter brat’s drama starts destroying her change at an education just as her fourth year, her OWL prep year, begins, Ara intervenes.
- im tangentially aware that as bellatrix’s kid she’s almost occupying the place of whats-her-name from the cursed child, but considering that i know nothing about the cursed child and don’t care about it anyway, i have elected to ignore this. her actual parent might turn out to be some smitten half-blood from a minor branch of the Greengrass family, or it might actually be Rodolphous, who knows. slightly inspired by the fic ‘Harry Crow’ (by robst on ff.net) where harry is raised by the goblins -
messy aes:
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Valerian Potter: (child of Lily and James Potter, born 1980)
After the Potter twins’ parents are murdered by Voldemort, they’re dumped on the doorstep of Number 4, Privet Drive. Dealing with two traumatised magical orphans, Petunia and Vernon Dursley turn to violence and neglect to stay in control, acting far more harshly than expected. With the arrival of two Hogwarts letters, life gets complicated incredibly quickly. (Self-sufficient and scarred from abuse, Val and Harry are immediately Sorted into Slytherin). 
- val’s fic is basically an angst fest, okay,,, -
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and shout-outs to: holly addison potter, a half-baked reincarnation si-oc (i love that concept a lot, can u tell) and my fav girl thea dursley, who already has her own fic and so isn’t getting a proper spot in this post 
The Hunger Games:
Asher: (District Two, age 18) 
[rip no blurb for asher]
-asher is a career from two, who wins the 70th games. mostly im focusing on her recovery and how the games function in two, with training volunteers and mentoring and collecting sponsors, plus eventually the rebellion. lots of the D2 headcanon i have is inspired by @/lorata but i defintely made a distinct effort to have my own stuff, cos where’s the fun in plagiarism -
aes for Asher’s Games:
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Rowan Everdeen: (District Twelve, age 19)
Rowan will do anything to protect her family. This extends to going to Head Peacekeeper Cray on a cold winters night, charging the most she can get for her virginity.  It extends to Reaping Day, when she steps out in front of the crowd and says “I volunteer as tribute” in the steadiest voice she can muster.  It extends to clawing her way out of the Arena, bloody and exhausted, with blades in her hands and violence kept tucked behind her teeth. It extends further, to a simple ‘Yes, President Snow’ when he coldly, carefully implies her family might meet with an accident if she doesn’t play the good little Victor (and fuck the people who pay the Capitol for her company). It extends to joining the Rebellion, to looking President Coin directly in the eye and agreeing to be a Mockingjay, a symbol for the people to rally around.
- another everdeen kiddo! as the big sister, rowan volunteers for prim, and goes through the Games - she’s a healer and a hunter, and a decent enough actor that she can manage interviews and a camera presence, unlike katniss. rowan also pairs well with a minor au i have, where the reapings are spaced out over a week and official training is a longer, giving the capitol a nice, long buildup to get excited and place bets, etc., and giving the poor, underfed tributes from the outer districts a better chance, which makes for more interesting television and better Games -
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Adrasteia Crane: (The Capitol, age 28) Unlike her big brother, Adrasteia doesn’t want to be a Gamemaker. Instead, she wants to create clothes, artwork, to enrapture the Capitol. She wants to be a Games stylist. After years of design school, of working her way up the ranks, first a PA’s assistant, and then fetching and carrying for Twelve’s prep team, and then eventually on a prep team for the dull tributes from Six, Adrasteia Crane finally has what she wants - the position of stylist for District Three’s male tribute in 74th Hunger Games. 
- tbh adrasteia is only seneca crane’s sister because i couldn’t think of a suitable last name for her lmao. i think i’d actually prefer her to be unattached to any major canon players. however, his death is a good motivation for her to join the rebellion, so we’ll see. she’s got a bit of the capitol fashion thing going too, with soft pink hair and diamond-effect skin on her face and shoulders -
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also bonus hunger games content: another oc, Sarsaparilla Verran, from District Eleven, fifteen and alone when she goes into the Games. An orphan, her siblings lost to the Community Home system years ago, her relatives dead or uncaring. So, Rilla is a wee lonely bab tbh. she did not want this, unlike most of my other hg ocs, and she’s not excited for weeks of murder. she just wants her family back, but since that isn’t possible, she’ll build a new family instead. and uuhhhhh,  spoiler alert, she dies before she can have this ://///
and my hunger games aus - a canon divergence where katniss joins the careers instead of peeta, her desire to go home to her family outweighing her reactive hate for the concept of training/volunteering to kill other teens, and a fem!Haymitch au where she’s a little wiser to the dark side of the capitol before she commits acts of rebellion (she still rebels anyway tho, just smarter).
Cat Cooper: (middle child of Alice and Hal Cooper) Cat Cooper (17) is the black sheep of the Cooper family. Her piercings, brightly dyed hair and connections to the Southside Serpents make her the odd one out among her sisters and constantly at odds with Alice Cooper. Cat’s life is occupied with her Serpent friends, work at a local coffee shop, and training - martial arts, supplemented with cross country, gymnastics and swimming. Until her older sister is shipped off to places unknown and her baby sister starts getting caught up in murder investigation with the absent Serpent heir... 
- haven’t decided between Catelyn or Catherine for Cat’s full name lmao. she used to be Kit, actually, but I changed it cos i prefer Kit to solely be my divergent oc (kit serafim). Cat is an ADHD disaster who loves her sisters and her friends and wants to get the hell out of Riverdale on a sports scholarship (she does either boxing or karate mainly, need to figure that bit out) -
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Georgie Andrews: (child of Mary and Fred Andrews)
Georgie likes soft drinks, cheerleading, and hanging out with the Blossom twins and Polly Cooper, their closest friends and a welcome distraction from their own problems. After Polly and Jason vanish, Georgie’s support system is almost gone, and they has to deal with everything they’ve been bottling up, just in time for Fred Andrews to get shot.
- also just angst ngl.  so georgie’s gender is basically ???, they enjoy cheerleading and not much else. they spend half their time dealing with depression, by trying to ignore stressful/hard topics and focus on the good side of everything. this isn’t a great long-term coping mechanism and has the fun side effect of pissing of the people around him when she seems unable to be serious or empathetic to someone else's pain (bcs she’s too busy deflecting for the sake of her own fragile mental health), so it gets fun when fred is shot and archie starts getting in too deep with the lodges -
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Sera Thornstone: (parents ???) Southside Serpent. Going to the Riverdale Community College and running errands for FP Jones. And secretly meeting up with her Ghoulie lover down by the Sweetwater where nobody goes. 
- everything about sera is vague and undecided lmao. but she has a ghoulie gf/bf/nbf? and they’re hiding that they were down by the river on the 4th of july, cos a serpent is an immediate suspect. going to community college to work on getting general credits before saving up for fancy school for law or journalism. the aes isn’t entirely accurate cos sera’s built from the remains of another serpent oc who i scrapped (she does have a baseball bat tho) -
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and honourable mentions to jen johnson and octavia blossom-murphy, my other riverdale ocs who actually have content, plus an in-development unnamed oc who gets adopted from the soqm by the Muggs family and growsup with Ethel. and my riverdale role reversal au, which i will never write but have some nice aesthetics for under the tag wip: bughead role reversal au.
all my mini-aesthetics here are unsourced images/from pinterest. any similarities to other people or characters, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. 
alrighty that’s it. now i have to tag this behemoth argh
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vyvesvi · 5 years
vyvesvi’s long awaited yesstyle review lmao :-)
ugh the keep reading isn’t working on mobile rip y’all sry
>a few Important things:
i just moved into my dorm yesterday so everything abt the pics and reviews to follow is a hot mess + i misplaced some stuff + didn’t bring it to my dorm bc it didnt work out (so i don’t have pics)
I’m not being sponsored in any way by yesstyle, i just don’t think there are enough black reviewers of yesstyle goods (but what does race have to do with anything, you may ask??? well, ppl come in all shaoes and sizes and the overlap between east asian sizes and body types and black body types is um. well. slim. that being said, i’ll give you some deets on me: i legit have no idea how much i weigh but im generally thin-ish with thicker thighs and a tummy pouch; height: ~169 cm, generally a US size S - M/4 - 6))
bc im not being sponsored, im not providing any (affiliate) links, just product names, sorry if that’s annoying
every yesstyle member (you become a member when you buy stuff) gets a reawrds code that takes a % off of my next order and the order that the code is used for, but I think it’s only like. 2% or smthng. message me and i’ll try to unearth my code if ur interested)
I ordered this stuff in two separate, similarly sized orders and the delivery time went like this (#1: ordered on-  2019-07-05 01:33 AM; split into two packages for some reason, received on like...july 22ndish? for some reason the tracking info isnt showing the delivery info. the 2nd part of this order, which was shipped a day later, arrived on the 19th. #2: ordered on-  2019-07-30 10:04 AM, received on  08/20, wasn’t expecting much bc it was shipped from hong kong during the protests but it was basically the same as the first order)
>the actual review part
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i rly didnt wanna make a long post so just click for better quality sry lmao
edit: rip the quality if y’all want better photos @ me lmao
Dreamkura - Short-Sleeve Embroidered T-Shirt, Black - L
4/5- weird shape (really long sleeves for a short sleeved shirt, and really boxy too), and if you compare the placement and size of the patch vs. the one in the picture it’s not 100% accurate. still a cute shirt though so it’s fine
I sized up for an oversized look but I probably didn’t 100% need to
the black one is currently unavailable :/
camikiss - Seamless Under Shorts, Black - One Size
5/5- i wear these shorts too much. im wearing them right now. the ultimate safety shorts
the one size was a Risk but these shorts stretch well. maybe dont get them if you’re an XL and above in US sizes though
Lemongrass - Distressed Denim Shorts, Dark Blue - M
4.5/5- better quality than primark which. wow, did not see that coming
you have to cut the button hole (they seal it to show they they’ve never been worn apparently)
the button kinda like...jingles if you shake them vigorously, but it doesn’t happen when the pants are on, so it’s fine. still funny tho
im bad at wearing ripped shorts but if ur not i highly recommend
INKLEE - Round Buckle Faux Leather Belt - 105CM
5/5- kinda cheap but it does what I want which is hold my pants up lol
i could’ve sized down but that has way more to do with me not knowing my waist size lmao
Gwendolyn - Off-Shoulder Ruffle-Trim Blouse, White - One Size
4/5- i bought this bc it made me think “flyy like a butterfly” and all that jazz
it’s not my normal style but i really like it! it’s VERY sheer though
but I also got white so what did i really expect?
one-size was a risk once again but this shirt is pretty roomy, although it’s also kinda short...like not crop top short, but slightly difficult to tuck in short.
i would buy it again in black so i guess that says something
also i have like. freaky long arms (i can wave my hand over my shoulder with my arm behind my back and my elbow parallel to my torso...that’s such a weird description but uh. just know that my arms are long okay) and it didn’t look too indecent at the top to have the sleeves pulled down to my wrists! it’s a win!)
Moon City - Drop Shoulder Cardigan, Black - One Size
4.7/5- smelled weird when i opened it but I washed it and it’s fine!
one size risk but this one was also roomy af
the sleeves fit!!! god bless!!!
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Edise - Couple Matching Elbow-Sleeve Embroidered T-Shirt, Black - L & White L
5/5- The white one was perfect and I love it! I sized like 2 sizes up for it to be a oversized but I would say it’s only abt 1 size oversized, if that makes sense? but I actually like it the way it is so cool lmao
3.7/5- the black one was really badly sewn on, but i reported it and got a new one for free so go me go yesstyle! they didnt give me tracking info *i think* and i wasn’t really waiting for it so it feels like it came fast lol
the moon is kinda a more awkward shape in person i think, but the stormy clouds were high quality and perfect!
i really like the material of the shirt!s it’s thick and soft and smooth? i’ve legit never felt a tshirt like that but im into it
DIYI - Plain High-Waist A-Line Skirt, Black - M
4.7/5- im wearing the outfit pictured right now and *TMI* the sewn in shorts are giving me a very very uncomfortably large wedgie tbh
it fits perfectly otherwise though
i feel like it’s one of the cheapest feeling things that i received, but it’s about forever21 quality but for only $11.45 so i’m 100% fine with it tbh
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TREEZIN - Plaid Mini Skirt, Dark Blue - M
4.7/5- it’s very cute and fits perfectly! kinda shirt though and there was like 1 loose thread
the brown in the skirt isn’t super noticeable which i don’t really mind...overall i’d say that they lightened the photos considerably, which effects the color of the skirt
no safety shorts but idrc
pretty thick material
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the final stretch thank god
Manicotto - Mock Two-Piece Sleeveless Mini Dress, Check - M 
3/5 pretty cheap material. the skirt is true to size, but the top is like two sizes too small (i don’t have that much boob but it was still too much for this poor, poor, top). they come as separate pieces, so i brought the skirt to school with me and left the top at home. im not sure what i would tell someone who wanted to buy this abt sizing, bc of the dramatic discrepancy btwn the sizes.
A’ROCH - 925 Sterling Silver Dinosaur Earring, 1 Pair - S925 Silver - Gold - One Size 
4/5, very cute, VERY small (dainty, sure) and good quality! my only complaint is that either it’s not real silver or whatever it is that they used to make them look gold is something that im allergic to. my ears got itchy
A’ROCH - 925 Sterling Silver Ear Cuff1 Pair - Cross - Silver - One Size
4.7/5, definitely 100% silver. i’d love to wear them but with my move i can’t find either pair of the earrings
they only sell them as 2 of the cross cuffs or 2 of the parallel cuffs which is annoying bc they’re pictured together but they’re good enough and cheap enough that i’d buy the parallel ones in a separate order
Euphrasia - Oxford Crossbody Bag, Black - One Size 
5/5 one of my best buys hands down
its ugly cute but it’s so useful
it has so much storage space for such a small bag
im in love
Jansi - Set of 3: Heart-Embroidered Socks, Black + White + Blue - One Size
4.5/5 i wanted the dark gray that’s pictured but they edited the hell out of that photo so the blue that i ordered is actually the gray sock pictured
really comfy and cute! esp with the tops of the hearts peeking out over the tops of high top converses??? i love it sm
i have big feet and they fit me, so they’d fit most ppl i think
Ashlee - Cuffed Denim Shorts, Light Blue - M
2/5, a horrible disappointment part 1
maybe i shouldve sized up more but the critch area just fits SO BADLY i left these at home
i would return but im not paying for return shipping to hong kong so i’ll donate them
they’re also cute really badly like they don’t taper in at the waist at all
no human person is shaped like that pls ashlee
they get a 2 bc they are shorts and they sent me the right color
Rosehedge - Pleated Mini Skirt, Black - S
3/5, a horribly disappointment part 2
i shouldve sized up idky i didnt
i can actually fit into them and zip them up and everything but it’s so so short that you can basically see my entire safety short covered butt and it kinda bulges between the top of the tiny sewn in safety shorts and the actual skirt
wow thats a weird sentence sorry but you get it
has thousands of good reviews though, way more than anything on this list so that must count for something right?
3 bc it’s kinda my fault
Regalia - Faux Leather Wallet, Black - One Size 
5/5 beautiful lots of storage space but still very compact, would buy again
the “forever young, made in korea” is kinda ugly but what can you do?
Prinsis - Printed Socks, Dinosaur - White - One Size
3.5/5 they’re cute, but the design is so but that you can see halves of it on the front of the sock, which is very ugly
notice how on the site every pic is taken from the side? not a coincidence
they fit fine and are comfy though
>okay that’s it thank god!
>lmk if you have any questions!!!
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corbincarroll · 5 years
gif tutorial
alright so i was asked for a tutorial on how i make my gifs, so here it is!! this one will focus mostly on how i make my live game gifs for baseball or hockey. as far as what i use, i use either obs studio or the xbox screenrecord function on my laptop for recording game clips. then i use photoshop, currently ps cc 2017, to actually make my gifs.
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how i made this gif from this gifset. this will be split into parts to make it easier if you only want to know about certain elements of the process!
screen recording:
i’m going to focus on obs studio, as it’s what i use more often, and as far as i know, anyone can download it, but i have no idea what’s up with the xbox software i use, lmao.
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this is what it looks like when i open it. currently, i use the display capture setting as my source, and i will show you how to add that, along with some other settings i use and shortcuts.
alright so at the bottom of the window, there’s the source panel, it looks like this:
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i already have a source added, the display capture. this means that it will record whatever i’m displaying on my screen currently, which is how i like it, as it makes it easy to know what i’m recording. i’ve never messed around with it much, to see what the other options do, because i’m lazy and this does what i need.
to add the source, click on the little plus icon at the bottom of the sources panel. a menu will pop up, and you can select any capture option, and as you can see above, i use display capture.
moving to the right, there’s the audio panel:
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my personal preference is to keep the desktop audio on, and turn the mic/aux audio off. this way if i need the clip later, especially if it’s a video of something especially cute or whatever, i’ll have it and be able to use it. if you have the mic/aux on, it will record whatever sounds you’re making on top of the desktop audio, leading to weird noises mixed in with the video audio.
and finally, moving to the right again, there’s the controls panel:
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this is pretty self explanatory, here is where you can start/stop a recording, access the settings, or exit the program. i don’t use these start/stop buttons, but that’s because of a shortcut i will show in a second.
this is pretty much everything i deal with on the main page. there’s a ton of other options/information/things, but i haven’t messed around with them too much, so i’m not sure what a lot of them do.
next i’ll show the setting i change/use. this is what the setting page looks like when you open it using the button on the control panel:
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now i ignore most of the tabs on the left, because i’m only using obs for screenrecording, and not for livestreaming. i do change things under ‘output’ and ‘hotkeys’.
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here i’ve changed the recording path to go to a specific folder rather than the general one it will send it to. during the hockey season, when i’m possibly making gifs for 3 games at a time i change that folder to one for whatever the date is. during baseball season, i’m less likely to be doing as much so i put it in a general folder that i sort out later.
i don’t remember what the automatic settings are for recording format, but i believe i had to change it to mp4, which is what i need/use for my method of making gifs.
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this is just a little short cut, but i added these hotkeys so i can start and stop recordings without needing to flip to the software, as long as it’s going in the background. i chose this key because it’s one i don’t need in my everyday life, thus minimizing the risk that i’ll ever accidentally record anything i don’t need, which isn’t a big deal, but can be annoying.
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this isn’t really a setting change, but this is how i have my filenames formatted, at least until i manually change this if i want to, but i believe its the default and it’s honestly really helpful to keep the videos straight when you’re a disorganized mess like me.
i think that’s everything for the screenrecording part of the process. if you have any questions, just ask!
alright so i use the import frames to layers method to make gifs, it’s just how i learned initially, so i’m pretty stuck in my ways.
opening ps:
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this is what my screen looks like when i open photoshop. i have mine set to the lighter setting bc i like how it looks brighter, but its just a personal preference.
importing clips:
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select import and then video frames to layers. it will open your files.
selecting video:
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alright, so you can see the mess of videos i have, unsorted right now, lmao. anyway navigate to and select the video you want, and hit open.
selecting frames:
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this window will pop up after it loads, and here is where you select the frames you want to include in the gif. in order to do so, you slide the two sliders to frame either side of the clip. as far as the limit to every ___ frames, i try to not use it, or i use every 2 frames, just depending on the clip.
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now i have the clip i want, so i hit ok, and let ps do its thing.
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alright so after the frames are loaded, there’s multiple things i do to prepare my gifs. i have to crop them, remove extra frames (delete with the little trash can at the bottom left), change the time delay, and then do the actual editing of the gif. also, i use the motion preset layout, which can be found on the drop down menu in the top right corner.
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these are the dimensions i use for most of my gifs. i range between 250-300 depending on the video, but 540 is almost always there, due to tumblr’s dimensions for photos/gifs. 268 x 268 is what i use for square gifs.
the cropping button is found on the left side menu, and it looks like that little symbol on the far left of the picture above.
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once i have the area i want selected, i doubleclick and it crops the frames.
time delay:
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to change the time delay, click the little symbol you can kind of see in the photo above, with the four or so lines. it’s above the frames along the bottom of the screen, at the right. when the menu pops up, click select all frames, so you can change the timing for all the frames. once all the frames are selected, click one of the little carrots next to the numbers at the bottom of the frames, as seen in the picture below.
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now you choose the time delay you want. when im not skipping any frames, i  run between 0.05 to 0.06. if i am skipping, it’s between 0.08 to 0.1. just kind of play with it, til you find what works for you.
i always sharpen my gifs, it’s the best way to make your gifs look as nice as possible. to do so i use a sharpening action, found here. there is also a tutorial here for loading and using the action, which is much better than anything i could say, so use that!! i literally ALWAYS use this action/method, i love it so much. also, that blog is a goldmine for gif/edit help.
alright, honestly im not going to be any help here, im so bad at coloring. at this point i have the same kind of things i do depending on where the game im makes gifs for is, since 81 and 41 games(ish) are in the same place for my teams during their seasons and then i just kind of make it up as i go. for actual help, i recommend the blog w the tutorial from above, just looking around there, or messing around in photoshop itself.
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follow these steps to save for tumblr. once the window opens and is ready, change the width to 540 for the best results for tumblr.
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make sure the gif is under 3mb, otherwise tumblr won’t play it and it will look like a photo. then just post! and be happy!! send any questions my way, always happy to help :-)
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k4rtana · 6 years
30 Questions Tag
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people
Tagged by @se34r5 thanx bro
idk who 2 tag sorry
# following: 1017 lmao
# of followers: 59 cos im a loser
average hours of sleep: it fluctuates between 5-7 or 10-12 hours
lucky number: it’s always been 7
instruments: i believe i’ve spoken of my mythical elementary skool recorder talents on here. mozart who 😳🤔
what are you wearing: a white crop top & jeans
dream job: i just wanna like..... be responsible for a Big Original Series in one way or another
dream trip: france, spain, the UK or japan
birthday: august 12
height: 5’3
gender/pronouns: she/her
other blogs: i have an acnl blog that’s my main blog but it’s on hiatus and will be like that for a very long time
nicknames: morado
star sign: leo
time: 4:28PM (if only i got off my ass and did this eight minutes earlier!!! )
favorite bands: i genuinely can’t bring myself to choose a favorite or care
favorite artist: see above
favorite tumblr artist: too facking maney!!!!
song stuck in your head: el beeper or hero is my middle name
last movie you watched: bitch idk
last show you watched: i watched the best wishes arc of the pokemon anime just for the episode where ash battles the subway bosses bc they be hot 😳😳
why did you make your blog: i wanted a more personal blog
what do you post: lots of pokemon recently (lots of UB shit), kool fashion, neon shit, funnie joke
ao3: i dont got one
do you ever get asks: i wish!!! (funny because my stupid ass is typing this knowing full well i have two asks for an ask meme that i havent answered and i should)
how did you get the idea for your url: it’s monoma neito’s hero name!! i might change urls soon thou
favorite food: You’re Going To Facking Askk Me That.? And exPect Me To Choose?
im seriously craving chicken
or mozzarella sticks
fuck im hungry
last book you read: this lil book called “to all the boys i’ve loved before”.... had 2 read it for class, solid 7/10
top 3 fictional universes: P O K E M O N , bnha, cuphead
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Shit the admins say during DE in Singapore
Diamond Edge in SG was 2 weeks ago but we admins finally got ourselves together to watch our fancams/listen to the audio we recorded, and we noticed that we do say a lot of rubbish, so here’s a list of the nonsense we said during the concert!
Just a quick background: Admin Hoshit and Jihooned were sitting together and Admin Wooed and Scooped were sitting together!
Our hi-touch and Diamond Edge confessions 
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WARNING: LONG POST AHEAD (also setlist may not be accurate)
**please excuse our singlish
Jihooned: I’ll hold the Joshua banner cause it won’t break
Hoshit: “what if my bong runs out of batteries and i gotta change during a song lmao wouldn’t that be funny” (HAH FORESHADOWING HAH)
Jihooned: our bongs damn noisy
/Jihoon and Hoshit could not decide between their biases and so chose to buy multiple straps/ the clanking of the bong bongs can be heard all the way from VIP to cat 4
Jun sexily walks up
Scooped & Wooed: “eh who that” “idk” “can’t see leh”
Hoshit and Jihooned: “who’s that ah cannot see”
Jihooned: “is that wonwoo?”
Hoshit and jihooned after realising it’s Jun: “omg jun jun juN jUN JUN JUN JUN JUN”
Junnie: RIP, Birth - 29 Sept 2017 8:12PM. “Jun is beautiful.”
/Seungkwan’s 4 octave note, Hoshit really loses it, “BOOOOOOOOO SLAYYYYYYY BOOOOOOOOOO”
Jihooned: If my eyes were a camera, the only thing you’ll see is Seokmin
Hoshit: “look at soonyoung he’s so dumb why do i stan hi- LOOK AT JIHOON HE IS SO DUMB WHY DO I STAN HIM”
Jihooned: I’m tired already
Hoshit: “I’ve been tired since Beautiful, it’s my third time swapping my shake-bong-hand” (wasn’t adore u the 3rd song)
Jihooned and Hoshit; awkward silence: “we are two songs in” “yeah we’re dead”
Jihooned aggresively hits Hoshit: THEY DOING BACKPACK DANCE
/Jihoon appears for his part, parts Seventeen like Moses parting the Red Sea, Hoshit: “FUUUUUUUUUUU- JIHOOOOOOO-” /gets hit repeatedly by Jihooned
Scooped: /Zooms in camera/ “WHAt are yOU DOIng on the flOORRrRRrrR?”
Jihooned: /shrieks at chan/
Hoshit: /incoherent mess/ “SOONYOUNG SOO- oh my god i can’t i love him too much minghao help minghao is so cute they are all so cute soonyoung please i-”
Junnie (internally): “I LOVE THIS SONG but damn, i want the waterrrrrrrr versionnnnnnn” :-;
Scooped: /Sees young seungcheol in a wig/ “OMFG OPPAAAAAA”
Hoshit: “this is their third chorus repetition I love this song but my arms are tired plea- oh for God’s sake it’s another repetition”
Scooped: “NOONA PEI”
Wooed: *fanchanting* CHOI SEUNGCHUL, YOON JEONGHAN HONG JI-- fuck i can’t do this.. Uh.. shit.. JEON WONWOO *more incoherent mumbling*… LEE CHAN SEVENTEEN BITNAEJULGE!
Mingyu & Vernon’s Staring Contest
When Vernon was staring into the camera my soul, Junnie (internally): “Ok it’s official. My bias for Hip Hop Team is Vernon.”
Hoshit: “why does Mingyu look so good whO GAVE HIM THE RIGHT”
Vocal Team VCR
Wooed & Scooped: “Ok time to go toilet” (BRUH WE GONNA GET KILLED HAHHA)
Jihooned: someone hold me pls
Jihooned and Hoshit, proud mothers shouting for their child: BOOOOOOOO SEUNGKWANNNNNNNNNNNNN BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Also Wooed after Seungkwan’s part: “I think I am crying” *Proceeds to lean against Scooped’s shoulders being emo af*
Jihooned clings onto Hoshit real tight when Seokmin opens his mouth
Hoshit: Why Jihoon hold mic stand so hot
Jihooned: That’s not a mic stand
Hoshit: Why Jihoon hold towel so hot
Hip Hop Team VCR
Wooed: “THEY ARE SO F***ING KINKY”  *erupts in a coughing fit*
Scooped: “rude rude Rude RUde RUDE RUDDDEE R000000000DDDDDD”
ITCH ITCH (언행일치/言行一致)
Scooped: “ITCHY ITCHY”
Scooped: “DIS SO LIT” /Headbangs/
Wooed: Jeon Wonwoo just dabbed he’s dead to me goodbye
Hoshit: “choi sEUNGCHOEL STOP” “why am I not Mingyu biased yet”
Hoshit: “i hate choi seungcheol”
Performance Team VCR
Jihooned: ChanChanChanChanChanChannnnnnn
Junnie (internally): “bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye”
Jihooned: Why Chan wear crop top
Hoshit: /lost to the war, only knows how to headbang/ “WE’RE GOING UP YEAH OH MY GOD YEAH OH MY GOD”
*Chan attempts a stunt*
hoshit just dead just rip woojireongi will be the death of her
Jihooned busy switching between Jihoon and Seokmin
Wooed: "OREUM OREUM” *mumbles* (bc she forgot the lyrics)
Wooed: *more mumbling* “BOOO.”
Hoshit, still dead dying at the hip thrusts :YOU TAKE ME TO THE TOP AND STRAIGHT DOWN LIKE A GYRO DROP fukin lee jihoon what the heck who allowed him who allowed kwon soonyoung
Jihooned, every time before chorus hits: oh shit oh shit the body roll hold me
/remember the foreshadowing about the batteries THAT IS RIGHT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN; HOSHIT'S BONG BATTERIES DIED AS CHUCK CAME ON; cue hoshit desperately trying to change batteries to the beat of chuck while screaming CHUCK CHUCK BRR CHUCK
Scooped: “Will this be Korean or Chinese”
Wooed: “idkidkidkidk”
Scooped & Wooed: /dies at Minghao’s flip/
Jihooned & Hoshit: korean korean korean korean korean /waits expectantly for the first word/ YASSSSSSSS KOREANNNNNN
Hoshit: “minghao bb i would like to see your tattoo when you flip, none of this tucked in shirt nonsense”
Junnie (internally): “I would like to thank Jihooned for showing me that glorious fancam for I wouldn’t be here today so see this with my own eyes omfg I lived for this moment I am not ready for this help me… the toilet paper… Jun… Minghao… help… DOLLA DOLLA DOLLA, KELANG KONGJI KELANG KONGJI”
Jihooned: “Hoshit hold my hand QUICK”
/Hoshit and Jihooned holds hands through the whole song/ *AH PEHHHHH AH PEHHHH OUR FAVOURITE AH PEH (we were referring to Wonwoo)
*Ah peh is a term used (affectionately, in our case) to refer to an old man
Hoshit, confused screaming; not sure who to support louder: BOO?? JIHOON?? BOO!!! JIHOON!!! BOOOOOOOOO SLAYYYYYYYY BOOOOOOO- JIHOOOOOOOOOOOOO- makes lawnmower noises/
**lawnmower story will be explained one day
Scooped: “I WANT TO CRY”
Hoshit: “ oh god it’s ending not like this please not like this it’s only been five minutes”
Emotional VCR
Hoshit: /WAILS, Cat 4 can hear her crying from VIP/
Jihooned/Scooped/Wooed?: HAHAHA we got friend zoned by Minghao
Hoshit: /more wailing, amount of tears can be used to fill 30 swimming pools/
Ending Ment
/When jihoon finishes talking/
Jihooned: Wts is he high on drugs or something
Hoshit: “i love seventeen”, she says, as tears stream down her face
Junnie teared up here when she heard Jun & Jisoo’s ment. But she couldn’t say anything because all the other admins were sitting far away. All she could do was try not to draw attention to herself.
Jihooned: Eh we still got hi touch
Hoshit: oh my God i want to die but i have to wait until after the hi touch
Junnie actually teared up again (what the actual heck) because she remembered Jun & Jisoo’s ment. (Ya’ll have to know, Junnie doesn’t cry often So this was a magical and emotional moment for her.)
Wooed & Scooped just sighed and hugged each other with happiness and feels everywhere
Aaaaaaa thank you for reading through this super long post full of our nonsense and don't worry, our hi touch experience + confessions will be revealed in another post one day~~
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