#I am not religious
ankarnaofjustice · 19 days
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inkshine · 6 months
According to the Over the Garden Wall art book, one of the original iterations of The Beast was a devil-like creature called Old Scratch, but it was changed to the Beast. But it’s crazy how much of the old Satan-inspired influence the Beast still has. Most depictions of a devil or devil-like character in a children’s tv show depict evil taken to a cartoonish extreme, where they have no personality but wickedness and have horns and a pitchfork. But the Beast? The Beast is what Christianity wants you to think the devil actually is. He is the fear of the unknown. He preys on and pushes those who are either genuinely malicious (Adelaide*) or lost and alone (The Woodsman, and to a lesser extent, Greg). He cares of nothing but his own survival and can and will hurt anyone to ensure it.
(*footnote: we don’t know if Adelaide was always the heartless, conniving woman we were shown in the series. I think it’s pretty safe to assume that she was once a better person, but something happened to turn her selfish and cruel. Whether this event simply allowed the Beast into her life and let him corrupt her, or changed her for the worse even without his influence, is unclear.)
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I have read quite a few fics now in which Crowley was Raphael and Aziraphale finds out about it. And in those who connect Aziraphale's name with Raphael's, he was either mad, disappointed or hurt each and every time.
Don't get me wrong, these feelings are all reasonable to feel and it is plausible. But I want to give another view point.
Those fics, in which Aziraphale's name is based of the name Raphael, his name means "of Raphael". A helper to Raphael.
You know who is also a helper?
The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
But this doesn't make Eve any less! Quite the opposite, really. Eve is EQUAL to Adam!
Because the word used for "helper" (ezer) actually means something closer to "rescuer". Also, guess who also gets referred to as "ezer".
It's God.
Eve and Adam were both created in God's image, remember that.
Eve and Adam, Adam and Eve formed such a perfect union BECAUSE they were equal.
Adam was with her when she ate the apple and after she ate, she give it to him and he ate it.
[...]she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
(This moment also appears in the show)
They have become "one flesh". They are each others helper
In the Garden of Eden, not only one power couple was born, but also a second. And maybe, the second was meant to be since before the begin of time.
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brahmenbones · 4 months
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COUGHS LIKE A GARBAGE DISPOSAL girl I finally finished the lesbian
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hakiscoffeeshop · 9 months
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based on true events (lunch thoughts)
(this is a joke)
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obsessed with the way that carpenter seems to hate the gods so much, especially in a world that is so built upon them and with so far exactly zero mention of athiesm. i love her.
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jaythatfanboyz · 4 months
Listen spamton is thicker than queen pathetic man who I wish to chomp on like a school chicken sandwich, draw him with the big ass he deserves.
Thy will be smited with gods rays. Until there be no light upon the world of mortal power. Heavens gate is not open to thy who ask for such sinful acts. These people are the ones that will be dragged under thy ground they eventually rest in.
God wont be merciful.
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wittyworm · 5 months
taino teachings are realigning my entire mindset. everything is. making more and more sense the more i read. Yoka hu (the father) and Ata Bey ( the mother) are both inside me . spiritually and physically. i have always said, for many years that i did not understand the concept of gender how this society is teaching it, because i am both my father and mother in body and spirit, but also wholly myself, and i need to respect myself, and how i've been feeling for so so long. it's all making so much sense.
#there are many beautiful things that come from the origins of the abrahamic religions but they are not part of me or for me to follow or be#forced to follow#fear is not how you should rule yourself or others#everyone should look into how their ancestors lived and truly truly consider their teachings and incorporate them into your lives#you might find yourself healing in ways you never even thought you needed#i am not religious#but i believe in the spirits that guided my ancestors to guide me#and for my ancestors to guide me#i need to look into the teachings of my african ancestors and incorporate both into me#to learn and to grow and to teach and to pass on#ohhhh i have so much to learn and so much more life to live#thank you ancestors#and fuck you to the ancestors that failed this mission. at least the lesson ive learned from you is to never be like you#i met an amazing Thai woman the other day and had a long conversation with her about life and business and things#and it was because#i saw a doll in front of her food truck and it drew me in#she said it was gifted to her by a vendor#because she went up and was like oh! that doll is from my culture!#i showed her the dolls i had just bought that day! they were two little black children dressed up like cute clowns they are my favorite😭💚#and she asked what i was. i told her i was Black Boricua and White and she was like oh wow you are truly of the Americas#or truly american#and i was like i guess so huh but i suppose we all are since this is where we have been made to live#huge advocate for bringing back culture shock and making people respect the culture of THIS land while also maintaining#a healthy relationship with their own#the the only way we can move forward and thrive like a true melting pot that will become something new and beautiful
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lanaevyssmoved · 6 months
my favourite christmas song isn't a christmas song. it's a jesus song
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Im fully convinced that I am the chosen one.
God is I
I am the only person that can save and rule this god-awful kingdom.
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feral-teeth · 4 months
Hey youre not being watched, youre not being surveyed always, there is nothing watching you. I say that from the bottom of my heart, and i hipe this helps even just a little bit. No one cares, in the nicest of ways, that you flapped your heand when you got too excited about soemthing, people love to see you happy and in joh, no one cared when you posted that fic and there was a spelling error, people loved it and read it in their bus or on the train or on the bus to work and it made their day, they got lost in your words amd they fell in kove with the stories you make. They love your writing, and they csnt wait for you to post more when you can. And if you cant, they will enjoy what you have already blasted off into the universe, into their hands for them to hold and care for and cherish. Your art and your writing and your music is cherished, even if it has fallen on deaf ears or someone criticized it. Its just between you and god, you and the man who is always watching but with love. And jesus is there too i guess hi buddy lol
But you need to remember to keep creating, and resting too goddammit whenever you can because a burnt out artist feels like the end of the world i would kmow because i wrote all of this in a tangent while sitting on my toilet on my mini ipad for you to read, it may just be for me but i hipe upi touched someine today, eben if it was hust me, i love uou.
Let me say it again, if no one loves uou, i love you. Even the hyperthettical me that you see in uour dreams, that you imagine sitting beside you as you read this, but im here with you. ALways. If no one is in your heart than i am, i am the kind words that enter your mind when you think an animal is cute or you think you look hot or sexy in your new outfit or naked or just in your underwear, i love it, i think uou look hot and sexy and beautiful no matter how old you are, because i will always love you. Even on your worst days when youre mean and your zoned out and you hate your sistser or your brother or your paretns or your dad or mom or uncle died and you dont know what to do with all of the grief, i will be sitting beside you holding your hand through it.
I made myself cry with my own words, because this is what i always needed to hear. I needed to hear this. I am the kind voice in my own head and heart and i miss her so much it hurts so much and im sorry.
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annahamiltonsstuff · 10 months
After the first season of good omens I thought I was done with it. I gave the book away and hung my fan art of the wall. I thought, this phase is over. And now, season two backfired with so much force... and I started reading the Bibel yesterday.
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professional-termite · 6 months
i am at work and it is dead so i am forced to either sing along with the Christmas songs playing on a loop or go mad
no. go insane like god intended
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eriyu · 1 year
quantum mechanics feel like god is just a shit programmer whose code doesn't account for users inputting weird numbers
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lovesse · 3 months
someone liking my slenderverse genders ... god is good !!
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thestaticonyourscreen · 9 months
what if spider-man wrote the bible
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