#I am fine. but you kno
wlwgang · 2 years
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When the June 6th hits 😣
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fisheito · 5 months
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The fact that yakumo has made so much soup that eiden can ID the type based on smell alone
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gregoftom · 1 year
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ok but why here. his crotch and nipples? what the fuck is this what the fuck sidoes this  msmean what the ufck dowojelamefwh
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whilomm · 6 months
looking up reference images of lily of the valley bc im trying to Draw (very hard im bad at it) and i am once again struck by just how fucking CARTOONISHLY cute these goddamn things are. look at them!! they dont even look like they have petals theyre just one teensy lil round mass of cuteness
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they are so fucking round and perfectly shaped with hardly any seams. this is the platonic ideal of a tiny bloom. these arent even flowers these are fucking childrens book fairy hats. this is what tinkerbell would have on her head after getting drunk at the fairy orgy. who is responsible for this.
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
Sin I cannot emphasize enough that I have not stopped thinking about your latest drawing, specifically how unbearably cute Ruza's face is,,,I love her expression so much I can't even contain it. Where did those scars come from!! I'm almost afraid to ask because I feel like I might know!!!!
Hey there!! Omg I'm so happy you enjoyed the latest piece! It was just a silly idea but I had a lot of fun making it, especially with rendering dear Ruza's lovestruck face, so good to know you enjoy it as much as I do lmao 😂 In general though, I'm honestly delighted you like her and think about her so much!!! I seriously didn't count on people having so much affection for her, but I am beyond grateful that you and a handful of others indeed do 💙✨️
But anyways!!! You and a couple of others asked the same question, and I am more than happy to answer! I think I can imagine what your guess might be as to the origin of Ruza's new scars, and you might be half right, at least. The one on her lip came from a certain church-goer's blade after the blood moon rises, with no thanks to Ruza's ailing heart making her hesitate in the conflict. Ordinarily, a regular person couldn't hope to land a blow on a seasoned hunter so easily, but it was certainly not an ordinary situation. The fact that her outfit has changed and the badge of her creed from her scarf is now missing are also both consequences of that same, sad state of affairs.
But the scars on Ruza's eye were actually not acquired until her second hunt, and the cause of which was a lot more mundane, for a hunter at least.
She was unable to leave the dream the first time after completing her hunt, despite asking to and wanting quite dreadfully to be set free, and was thus dragged right back to square one to start all over again. This time around, she took her first foray into the Hunter's Nightmare, which to be frank was a little more dangerous than she had initially prepared for; and while trying to acquire her Beasthunter Saif, she was ambushed by a beastclaw hunter. It was something of a challenging fight for her, particularly because she had no more vials at her disposal and was already worn down from the road she took to get there. Lucky for her, she is still a force to be reckoned with. Unlucky for her, she suffered a blow to the face among several other injuries in the process of taking that hunter down, the scars of which still remain! However, she was aided by a ✨️mysterious cooperator✨️ that was drawn to the skirmish and who ends up being revealed to be extremely important later on. So while the cause of these scars were mundane, the aftermath definitely was not!
Have a bonus sketch while I'm here lmao thank you for enabling my Ruza brainrot 💝
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#ay ay ay. now that the soul crushing project is done ive elected to spend the week managing data#which is decidedly more chill than what ive been doing for the last month but also isnt not doing anything and it isnt getting stuff done#for when i have to move. so thats annoying. and ive been drawing again at least but i can feel the escalation in my controlling behavior#so its now very frustrating trying to draw anything. coloring is gonna take a million years rip.#also suddenly everyone wants to b social rn? like tomorrow my boss is organizing a thing with an old lab mate and this weekend a#collaborator is having a retirement party. and next week my lab mates wanna do a trivia night. and i kno that i should go to these things.#and i will try but i really dont want to go to any of it. mostly for driving reasons but also im a husk of a person rn. but the more#devastating thing is that uh next week one of the kids i grew up with is getting married to a rich girl lol. and like we werent that close#bc i was and am such an asocial freak but after the wedding my parents r picking up their new camper and camping their way across the#country with my sisters. and im sure someone probably told me the dates of these things at some point but if u tell me dates i will#instantly forget them. so thats. ya kno. happening over basically the next 2 weeks while i have to kill myself over measurements for a#different study i dont care abt. and like. its fine. ill see them mid may for a different planned trip. it just makes me kinda sad#a product of living halfway across the country i guess. im just inherently more disconnected to everyone. i would suspect thsts semi#intentional subconsciously. u cant b upset abt not being able to connect with ppl if you create enough physical distance that u never see#them in the 1st place. u cant misunderstand me if i make myself absent and unknowable. idk. i was explaining to my mum that i didnt realize#the timeline and she was like. understandable whatever u wanna do! and idk y that upsets me so much. i guess its just that i dont want to b#doing this. its causing me pain but dont kno how to articulate it in a way that makes sense. whatever. my mouth hurts. my lips r so chapped#that the irritation is spread past my lip line. probably doesnt help thst i keep rubbing at it lol. anyway things r still annoying#less soul crushing thsn last week but still frustrating#unrelated
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hirokiyuu · 1 year
(ripping my hair out by the handful) Sol Is Not Trapped In The Time Loop Sol Is There Because They Choose To Be
#life on earth i am begging you please get life on earth#teenexo stuff#this is my biggest adn pettiest pet peeve but every time a fic is tagged fix it abt either#a) sol leaving the time loop or#b) dys not [redacted]#i start ripping out my hair. please. please. please#the irony is besk lives au actually does hit point b eventually however. however#i dont think its a fix it for him to do it or not do it i think its just a choice he can choose to make#i really do honestly and genuinely believe its fine and morally neutral and not a bad thing#i dont think relationships need to last forever to be deep and meaningful and i think dys staying for sol for so long is already like#a sign of his love and how much he cares for them. like. i think its fine. i genuinely do think its fine that he goes#idk theres a quote from this book i really like thats smth like uhhh#your lover doesnt belong to you they are choosing to lend themself to you every day#and i think abt that w/rt dys/sol a lot its just good u kno#dys stays for sol because he loves them. he leaves because he wants to do that too#and i think the act of him staying bc he loves them is really nice! having the time together they have is nice!#idk i also dont think sol would be able to be like....... With dys long term if they didnt understand/acknowledge this at least a little?#basically. i think there are circumstances where dys wouldn't do it but i dont think those are fix-its lol#ANYWAYS clambers back off my soap box#this wasnt even what i came here to complain about#ok back to packing byeeeeeee#i was a teenage exocolonist spoilers ?#probably somewhere in there im guessing
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seithr · 8 months
rl chatterin in tags, dont worry about it just feel like talking about recent stuff. for those who dont care look at this birdthang i won on xiv then. my silly big bird..
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bylertruther · 2 years
hiiiiii friends 👋
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fratboycipher · 2 years
im sorry i know that post is probably very helpful but i cannot get over that apparently a significant volume of people weren’t reading everything they signed?? do you people understand how legally binding a signature* is. jesus christ on a cracker read every single word of every single document** you are asked to put an honest to god wet ink signature onto. con artists are salivating***
*excluding EULA’s(check to agree to our terms and conditions of websites type things) because those have precedent of not holding up in court and also they are long as balls
**fun fact, you are allowed to revise contracts being served to you. dont be afraid to negotiate
***there are limits to what contracts can enforce(for example you cannot sign a contract allowing someone to commit a crime upon you), but in order to get out of it its a lengthy legal battle and not worth it so its better to read the damn thing and avoid it
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canniju · 3 months
filled with love and chimken
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coolasakuhncumber · 10 months
Duc has severed any sense of connection and let me know he's going to kick me off the streaming services we've shared for years.
I'm grateful he gave me a heads up but also pissed at his reasoning for cutting off all connection and I have this strong desire to go full scorched earth on him.
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rosebotrezi · 11 months
hiiii guys if you feel so inclined please request stuff in my ask box to doodle i need inspiration so so bad at any time i don't know what to do it can be an hs character or ship or anything i will even draw your fantroll/kid/whatever provided you don't mind if i botch them up.
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augustinewrites · 6 months
cw: suggestive content, fem!reader
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“come for a stroll with me.”
“i can’t right now,” wriothesley tells you, glaring down at the mess of papers atop his desk.
it was not in your nature to be petulant, but the over dramatic sigh that falls from your lips has him believing otherwise. 
though he wanted nothing more than to abandon the day's duties and join you on the surface for an afternoon stroll, the lord of the fortress of meropide was a very busy man. he had a prison to run.
“fine,” you say, though your exasperated tone indicates that his refusal was anything but.
“you’re the head doctor,” he reminds you, gesturing to the stacks of paper on his desk. “you know how it is.” 
“actually i don’t, because i don’t do all my work at the last minute.” 
“you have sigewinne, who does more than half of it for you.” 
“sigewinne likes paperwork,” you argue, settling yourself atop the corner of his desk. “you could have a whole team of people to help you with these things, but you’re too picky to let them.”
“they don’t do it right,” he huffs, pen scratching a quick signature across the bottom of the topmost report before shuffling it aside. “i know this place better than any accountant whose only concern is balancing a book.”
“fair enough,” you shrug, picking up and thumbing through his reviewed missives with about as much interest as one watching paint dry. he looks down just as a sneaky smile appears on your lips. “i heard it’s quite nice outside.”
“too warm,” he mutters distractedly, too lost in the process of estate management to chit-chat about the weather. 
“perhaps i should shed a few layers before heading out,” you hum thoughtfully, fanning yourself lightly with his papers. 
wriothesley looks up, about to scold you, but the words dry up before they pass the tip of his tongue. 
you certainly hadn’t outfitted yourself as a future duchess might, forgoing a frilly, structured gown for one of his own loose white button downs that’s tucked into closely tailored trousers. 
it’s with great intrigue that he watched your free hand undo the top two buttons of your (his) shirt, revealing the delicate swatch of skin over your neck and teasing him with a peak at your cleavage. 
you catch him staring as you set his papers down, eyes flashing with delight. like a predator that’s successfully cornered its prey. wriothesley - in a last ditch escape attempt - quickly looks away, clearing his throat and staring hard at the report in front of him. 
he could not get distracted today. not with so much work to do. 
but you, oh you. you hop off his desk, walking around it to drape your arms around his shoulders, pressing a light kiss to his cheek. “i suppose i’ll see you later then.”
he mumbles a reluctant goodbye but your lips linger, brushing dangerously close to that sweet spot behind his ear. 
do not give in, his brain instructs, even though it’s getting harder and harder to process the words in front of him with every slide of your hands. 
schooling his features into a calm mask, wriothesley draws a deep, steadying breath. it hardly manages to settle him because archons, you were going to be the death of him. he’s always considered himself a steadfast person with an immense focus that’d been built up from a young age. when he set his mind to a task, he was a difficult man to distract.
you and your wiles have always been proof of otherwise.
“just be back before our audience with neuvillette this afternoon.” he tells you, doing his best to ignore the heat rising to his face. 
finance reviews, surveillance reports, correspondence. finance reviews, surveillance reports, correspondence. finance reviews, surveillance reports, cor–
“stop it,” he demands when your fingertips glide across his chest, fiddling with the knot of his tie. 
“why?” you ask, voice cloyingly innocent. “am i distracting you, your grace?”
you clearly do not believe him in the slightest. 
“care for a wager then? because i bet i can distract you by the end of the day.”
wriothesley knows that betting, wagering, or gambling against a former member of the house of the hearth is never a good idea. it’s a dangerous one.
he leans back, arms crossed over his chest as he attempts to salvage what’s left of his dignity. “what are the stakes?”
you know your boyfriend. it isn’t hard for you to wind him up and get him right where you want. 
which was on top of you. 
or underneath you. it depends on the day.
there were no real intricacies in seducing the mighty and fearsome duke. it wasn’t even that hard to fluster him, because a simple brush of your fingers against his was enough to make his cheeks flush with colour.
you just needed to draw him out a little. you’re on the offense, and you know all the right moves required to force him to engage with you.
in an effort to avoid you and (attempt to) win the bet, wriothesley had locked himself in his office for most of the day. it worked out well for you, because you’d been able to sneak into his quarters holding a shopping bag from chioriya boutique.
your plan is put into motion when you hear the duke stomp up the stairs to get ready for the meeting with neuvillette. 
“get back behind that screen,” he instructs when you poke your head out from behind the divider. he’s even slapped a hand over his eyes, intent on staying focused on the task at hand.
wriothesley huffs when you laugh, turning his back to you as he rummages through the dresser. 
he’s murmuring the little rhyme he uses to knot his tie, so focused on the task that he doesn’t notice the crinkling of the tissue paper as you pull your new…outfit out of its bag.
“hey,” he asks. “are you almost ready?”
“i just need you to lace me up,” you call back, shrugging the shoulders of your gown down a touch before stepping out from behind the divider.
you turn to show him the undone laces of your gown, watching his reflection in the mirror. he’s regaled in the fineries of the duke, having swapped out his shirt for a clean black one and fastened a fine fur coat over his shoulders. you appreciate his appearance greatly, but even more so when he finds your little surprise.
“is this…new?” he asks quietly, gloved fingers brushing undone laces aside to get a better look at what hides underneath your dress. 
it was new. a custom set, in fact. your duke likes you in dark lace and sculpted pieces. 
he inhales sharply when you take his wrist, gently guiding his hand to one of the slits in the side of your skirt. 
wriothesley breathes your name softly when his hand drifts up your dress and settles on your hip, meeting nothing but skin. 
a smug, satisfied grin threatens to break out on your face when you feel his lips brush against your shoulder. you had him on the ropes now. he’s just so easy–
his sweet movements cease suddenly and he pushes you away gently. 
“you almost got me,” he laughs, quickly removing his hands from underneath your dress. he grips the laces, deft fingers making quick work doing it up and pulling it taut and tight to hide the tempting lace of your brassiere. 
“go put your underwear back on,” he demands, delivering a firm smack to your rear. 
defeated but not the slightest bit deterred, you reluctantly reach for the abandoned garment as your boyfriend glares at the opposite wall. but losing the battle doesn’t mean losing the war. 
“should i put on the garter belt too?”
downstairs, neuvillette sighs, cursing his better-than-average hearing. 
at least you’d had the sense to leave out some good tea.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#sometimes i feel like my brain is disintegrating in my head. coming apart like a lump of paper in a pool of water#it comes with this weird feeling of vertigo. like i turn my head and my thoughts are spinning too fast. they keep going despite my standing#still. its also a but when you start drinking something and when u stop your thoughts r hazy and ur breathing is heavy#maybe thats not a universal experience. sometimes when i stop i realize ive slipped half out of my body#and now im stumbling from day to day trying desperately to remember all the things im supposed to be managing#but there are these big holes in my brain. like im missing chunks of grey matter. the bits that would let me stop and start things#i dunno. when im taking measurements i have this image of myself on my knees holding the fragrance pieces of my life together as they#crumble thru my fingers and my insides shrivle away from the walls that contain them. i go hollow like a gord#and ppl say oh ur so passionate abt what u do. and i go brittle bc it doesnt feel like passion it feels like the symptom of an illness#i dont care. im just trying to burn the hours away. make time vanish. and for what? what am i building toward? i have an answer that i give#interviewers but i dunno i never thought id make it this far. but here we r. unhappy and lacking in purpose. its just that this last year#was so weird bc about a year ago i burned out so hard that i never recovered and it just got worse and worse. i feel now that ive stopped#the bleeding at least but the bitterness is still there. still infecting my words and curving my spine around the injury#and in theory i understand the path to healing but its hard when im just so. i dont even kno. angry? im not mad but the word feels right#but i dunno what id be angry about. maybe im just sick of empty tasks and not caring. i used to have passion and enthusiasm now i just feel#fragile and hurt. bracing for pain. and that makes me so sad. i wish i could go out into the woods and wander. just breathe#but no. instead ill start another day identical to 100 others and hope to keep my head above the surface bc im sick of swallowing sea water#anyway. itll b fine. hopefully this week i can commit to a program. hopefully. another program halfway across the country. this time#vertically. landing me still 2 time zones from home. but hopefully there i can breathe a little. maybe. hopefully. well see#unrelated
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dynsdiary · 1 month
━━ for the first time
pairing : ellie williams x fem!reader
warnings : used of yn & she/her prns for r (sorry), ASS WRITING & ENDING EUWEUWUEWUEW, not proofhead & i also write this at 3 am till 5 am lol, i have another vision in my mind but i js couldnt write what i have in mind..... so bear w me
dividers : @idontgetanysleep
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It's been years since both you and Ellie broke up, it was her decision. 
The two of you were still young and naive, you two were fourteen and Ellie had to go. 
"I guess this is it," said Ellie as she fidgeted with her fingers. 
"Don't say it like that, who knows we can see each other again in the future" you tried to say excitedly, but deep down you knew this might be it. 
This might be the last time you two see each other.
But you have hope that she won't be gone forever. 
Your eyes start to get blurry because of the tears well up in your eyes and Ellie pulled you in for a hug, that didn't last long.
You remembered the warm embrace of Ellie's hug. You had felt like you wouldn't let go and were hesitant to let go herself. Ellie looked at you for the last time, she remembered thinking how beautiful you were at that moment. 
You let your hair down and you wore that ugly sweater of hers, that she had given you before.
But that was a few years ago, now you're twenty-four and alone in Jackson. 
You went to Jackson a year after Ellie left Jackson to live somewhere else for peace. You worked as a teacher during the day and would help heal and clean the wounds at night. 
Everybody adores you. 
Why wouldn't they? You are you. 
It was a cold, dark and windy night yet it was filled with waves of laughter and joy by the residents of Jackson. 
There was a party that night, everyone was enjoying themselves and welcoming the new people but somehow a pair of green eyes caught your attention. 
Could that be her? You thought to yourself.
You shook your head to get the thought of your head but it didn't work like that so you insisted on another drink and a night walk to get a breather from all of these overwhelming feelings. 
"YN!" Maria yelled out your name while she gave you a big smile. 
"Come here! I want you to meet someone" she continued saying. 
You smile at her as you take the drink from the bartender guy and walk towards her. 
As you walk towards her, you swear you've seen that girl before but where could it be?
"YN, this is Ellie. Ellie, this YN" Maria exclaimed. 
"Hey, uh I'm Ellie," she said nervously as she stuck out her hand for you to shake it.
"Hi, as you know, I'm YN" you shyly smiled at her and shook her hand. 
She smiles at you back.
"YN, she used to live here back when she was probably 15? or 14?" explained Maria.
"I'm so glad that you're back, Ellie" Maria gave a pat on Ellie's back. 
"Oh, and YN, I hope you don't mind that she's living with you now" she informed you with apologetic eyes. 
"Oh, it's fine I'm dying to have a roommate anyway," you said jokingly.
"Come, I'll show you the way to our home" you lead the way. 
Home, home, home.
Ellie craved that, home.
As you two walked out of the bar, you looked at the sky. It was dark and cloudy and somehow you could see the moon glistening, hanging from the sky.
Ellie noticed you were shivering and she looked at what you were wearing.
You noticed Ellie eyeing your sweater - the one she once gave you years ago
"So... What was the occasion for the party?" Ellie asked as she looked at you. 
"Oh, it was not much really, just welcoming the new people which by the way, welcome back" you answered her. 
Ellie let out a faint 'oh, thanks' and you two walked in silence until she just couldn't help but blurted out how familiar you were, to which you replied "Do I, now?" to her with a playful tone.
"Yeah, she was my first love and the most beautiful girl I had ever seen" Ellie confessed and you just stood there and listened to her.
"Tell me more about it, if you want of course" you softly said to her.
"You know, I used to have the exact same sweater as yours but she liked it so much that I just let her have it and also, because, I want her to remember me."
"I want her to remember that I was in her life, at some point." Ellie continued.
"And what if I told you that she remembered you, all too well?" you questioned her.
Ellie was shocked, you could see it in her eyes when all the dots were finally together.
You are her, the girl she thought was the most beautiful.
You're her first love.
And you are here, with her.
With Ellie. 
And you are still as beautiful as she saw you for the last time.
"It's so weird seeing you wearing that sweater. It's like seeing you wearing it for the first time, again." Ellie murmured. 
As Ellie spoke, you felt your heart skip a beat. You try not to look at her to hide the blush that creeps up on your cheek and chuckle, "I love wearing it because it reminds me of you, and all the fun times we had together and also it keeps me warm".
"Did it? You were shivering" Ellie let out a laugh.
"Maybe you should give me a hug to warm me up," you said smugly.
"Maybe I should" Ellie smirked as she pulled you by your belt loops with her index finger before pulling you in for a hug. 
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that neil is a zionist and therefore dont buy his games, doesnt matter remastered or not !!!
before you leave, have you DONATE TO PALESTINE today? ITS FREE TOO !!
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