#I am SO happy they included the stupid joke book!
silverpigeon · 2 months
request/suggestion?!? maybe something sweet and domestic like mashfinn friends and families reactions to them being engaged?! (sorry i’m a sucker for married life)
(There are two more suggestions in works so I closed the inbox for now, but I will open it after they are done!)
I knew you would come and fuel my Mashfinn soul, thank you for your suggestion and I hope you'll enjoy it!
Mash was always blunt and Finn knew that, it was one of his strange charms after all, one that ultimately helped the young wizard realize how much he actually loved Mash. How could he not, after everything that had happened? After all the things Mash has done for him?
It was so nice, to hear those words back one day, and to date Mash, and to experience him like this in their own, intimate moments. To see him blunt again, but…
Maybe he just didn't expect to hear a marriage proposal sound blunt, even though it was so… so like Mash.
“Finn, marry me.”
They were just lying on a couch, entangled in each other as Mash played with Finn’s hair and looked over his shoulder to see a book his boyfriend was reading.
And then he suddenly spills those words, making Finn shut his book in confusion.
“Don't joke around like that…”
Because what else could this even be? It wasn't like they were together for a really long time, or that Finn would even make a good husband.
How was one even supposed to answer that? Wasn't this something Finn should have studied for? To have a reaction ready?
But then again, was there ever a moment in his life with Mash for which he was ready?
“I’m not joking. Oh… you don't want to marry me.”
“D-don’t be stupid, of course I do! It’s just that…that…”
“You do want to marry me.”
There was no reason saying no right now, Finn guessed. Not that he wanted to, there was no way he would ever say no to Mash ever, but his words are caught in his throat and so he nods, cheeks red and his future suddenly including a husband.
So Mash pulls a ring out of his pocket and holds Finn’s hand, slipping it on and also looking quite nervous.
It takes one glance for Finn to realize why.
“...Mash, is that an onion ring?”
“...I’ll get a better one soon, I promise.”
But before Finn could even say that he didn't need to, really, because getting an edible ring from his boyfriend was also really ‘Mash’, the strong wizard carefully put Finn’s whole finger in his mouth, eating the ring and making Finn’s face go from very confused to very red.
And that was Mash too.
“You’re engaged?!”
Mash says it so bluntly once again to their whole group of friends, of course after getting permission from Finn, and Lemon grabs the strong boy so hard she would probably tackle him down were he someone else than Mash, obviously.
Lance and Dot keep staring, but then realize it definitely looked impolite and at least the blue-haired wizard puts his palms together to congratulate them.
Dot has a different idea though, and he goes to Finn to do the job his blonde friend couldn't, tackling Ames to the ground with a scream.
“Congrats, dude! You’re going for kids next?”
“Excuse me?!”
It takes a lot of screaming and Lance having to calm everyone down before they can calmly sit down and just talk. The actual marriage part of the engagement is far away and no one wants to mention a date, yet it doesn't really matter for now. What is important to them is the feeling, the fact that they have come to trust each other this much, that they would like their days to continue like this.
And that Finn can call Mash his fiancé, of course, which is something he is planning to abuse very much. He knows his ears go a little red when he calls him that.
Their reactions after that are similar, yet still quite different. Lemon changed her whole ‘Marrying to Mash’ attitude rather quickly after he started to date Finn and now, she was incredibly happy for them. Even though she couldn't do the preparations with Mash, she could still do them for Mash, and that was enough. Lance is the one with the technical questions concerning their life going forward, but he smiles while Dot asks when, and where, and they are both definitely excited.
Just another proof that Mash and Finn couldn't have asked for better friends, really.
Regro Burnedead and Rayne Ames are together under the Burnedead’s roof when they and their relatives sit down. Finn doesn't know where to start, how to explain, and even though he knows they are both very supportive of their relationship, it still feels quite embarrassing.
So he stays quiet and lets Mash’s bluntness take over.
“We’re engaged.”
Mash’s father spits out the tea he had in his mouth and even though Rayne looks completely unbothered, inside he could probably scream. He likes seeing his brother happy, really, and he tried to stay happy when he first heard about him getting a boyfriend, but an engagement?
Maybe the only reason why it shocks him so much is the fact Finn was growing too fast, and Rayne spent too much of that time avoiding him.
But Regro is now hugging them both with tears in his eyes and Rayne can sense that Finn is scared of his older brother’s reaction. So of course he gets up and hastily joins them all.
Because him and Finn weren't alone anymore, and their family would only grow from now on.
“Oh Mash, there's so many things we need to do! You need to choose the place, and the cake, and the flowers…”
“It’s fine, Pops. We still have a lot of time.”
They did, now that Innocent Zero sat behind bars and everyone had the chance to feel full of hope once again.
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justxtalking · 3 months
I'm so mad right now and I need to rant. I know I should get over it, but I literally can't. It's so annoying to meet hxh fans in real life.
I'm buying bit by bit the volumes of yu yu hakusho and hunter x hunter (level e is not available in my country), and reading them (again). I got volume 28 and took some photos of some panels that I liked and shared them as a collage in my story. It looked nice, I liked it and I am really happy that I finally got it. The thing is that a friend I haven't properly talked to for I don't know how long saw my story and realized that I liked hxh. We started talking, but damn, I don't regret sharing what I bought, but why are people like this? This is the second time it happens to me (third time if I include a non-fan but knows hxh): everytime someone hears that I like togashi's work, they start complaining about the popular hiatus (as if he's the only mangaka who does that). I so prefer to meet the guys who act all surprised everytime I go to buy a hxh volume in the comic book store. At least they try to make a conversation about the story and just ask me about my favorite character.
My conversation with this guy started with him just complaining about how togashi doesn't continue the story and he should leave it to someone else but he's too proud and blablabla. I tried to be sympathetic since he seems to be a fan of his work from years ago, but I did defend togashi a whole lot (he said I should stop defending him but never in my life I would do such a thing). I find it awful how some fans still put so much pressure on togashi to continue hxh when we know about his condition. And to just leave the story to someone else? It's clear that those people haven't done anything close to a story to say that.
I literally already made peace with the fact that I don't need an ending. As a fan, of course I want to know how it ends. But also as a fan, I don't want him to sell his soul to the devil only to know the ending.
And something I said to this guy was that he should make his own ending, I have mine and I will throw it away when hxh ends. It was literally a joke to lighten up the situation and it wasn't even something to focus on because in between I was saying other things. And he literally focused on that and said "don't let it be fujoshi" (used as an insult) and I'm here like: are we back into the 2000s and nobody told me?
1. What is the problem?
2. Why do you care?
3. We didn't even speak about any kind of ships, what are you trying to say?
4. Are you sure you know what type of story you're reading?
And this question is for me: How am I meeting dude bros in real life? Why are they in the WILD? AND HOW THE HELL DID I BEFRIEND ONE YEARS AGO WITHOUT ME KNOWING? I want a friend who also likes hxh and togashi's work to talk, but not like this </3
I'm so tired of these kind of people. While living my life outside of the Internet and just being in my corner of the fandom living the great life, I tend to forget that they still exist and there are people who still act like this. What annoys me the most is that literally, they don't know what type of story they're reading. They like to say they like hxh because they know it's good and it gives you some kind of "status" within the anime community because togashi is a really good mangaka and someone who influenced a lot of people within the manga community. Without him, shonen as a genre wouldn't be the same. But then, they also choose to ignore what they don't like about his work, like the queer elements. It's highly known that togashi loves to play with gender and sexuality, but that's only a fact for them when they find it convenient. If you don't like it, don't watch/read it, but it's ignorant and blatant stupid to just act as if it's not there and talk shit about other people only because it's uncomfortable to you. And I'm not even saying that everyone should analyze the story, some people just like to enjoy it and move on with their lives and some others don't know how to analize it, but one thing is that and another thing is just to close off to the possibility when it's clearly there. But of course, the others are sick, not them who are clearly homophobic and don't want to admit it. They should ask themselves why do they get so mad about the possibility of two kids being together romantically and just work on themselves. What's worst is that this guy even said to me he likes NANA and I don’t want to know what kind of interpretation he has because DAMN
To be honest, sometimes I'm a bit surprised about how well togashi seems to know the anime community, but of course he does, he's being a fan for how long now and he's being a mangaka for how long. And I so hope he keeps trolling because DAMN these people are annoying
The worst part is that these fans wouldn't even be friends with togashi or wouldn't like him as a fan because togashi really does look like the type of fan they would hate. Togashi likes BL, mpreg, obscure stories, horror (body horror even) and science fiction (both genres who allow and are known for queerness), he used to make doujinshis (even in an era that was even more bad looked upon than now), he likes to draw bishonen characters (even in a time which was more common to see buff characters in shonen), he drew gender-bender designs of kurama and hiei, he included a homoerotic art of kurama and karasu (a friend made it for him i think) in his doujinshi, he wanted to make a shonen with gay characters and crossdressing and the list goes on and on. He likes so many things that these others fans are disgusted by and it really looks like they don't know who they are admiring. The reason why ending D got so much negative attention when it came out is because it doesn't sound believable that a mangaka like togashi himself, the same person who made level e and is constantly worried of making an interesting story, would make such a bland and heteronormative ending in a story like hxh no less.
They should just shut up and go do their homework instead, they look ridiculous.
And no, I didn't answer this guy again and I don’t think I will, though I really want to troll him.
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I saw your witchy s/o post while looking into the tmnt tag and I'm so freaking happy someone finally wrote for a reader that practices witchcraft!!!!
If it's alright with you, and if you accept asks (I tried to look for rules but so far saw what you don't write) could I have the tmnt bois (especially Leo) with a witchy s/o that works with deities and dragons?
If not then it's totally fine! Hopefully Tumblr doesn't eat my ask so have a good day!
abso-fucking-lutely!!!! this is so fun and as a folk practitioner who works with deities this is right up my ally. If it's ok with you, I'm not gonna include dragons as that's not a practice I'm familiar with and I wouldn't want to get anything wrong. But deities I can do! I'll switch up the deities each time so there's something new with each of these as well.
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"Can't, sorry, Loki said the vibe is off" you begin to leave the room and Leo is just following you like "What vibe? Who's Loki? Why is he telling you no?"
you're shuffling tarot cards and the fool pops out so you say, looking up, "I get it babes, please don't interrupt my reading like that, though" and Leo is so confused like "I din't say anything" and you just say "Not you, Loki"
eventually he tries to play into it like "Would Loki be ok if we didn't smoke cleanse the house today?" and you're just like "...yeah, I guess. But if you start feeling ill soon you'll know it's because he's pissed at you"
Leo does start feeling sick so you tell him to make an offering
he's never felt more stupid that when he pours wine into a glass on your alter but he soon feels better again and it freaks him out that it worked
"So he's a trickster god?" lots of questions like this and each time you're just like "Yes, he's a trickster, no he isn't going to hurt me, yes he fucks with me sometimes but it's all in good faith"
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You wake up from a really bad nightmare
"I thought your Goddess was supposed to have power over dreams?"
"She does, something must be wrong"
you look in your offering cup and the wine has fucking moulded
"ah shit, it's mouldy. Better get her a new one"
after that you have peaceful dreams
you come home with a bunch of white roses and Raph is all "are those for me?" and you politely have to let him down and tell him they're for Selene
any time Raph has a bad dream you joke that it's because he's fallen out of favour with the Goddess for how he's treated you
fast forward to a time you and him get in a big fight and he has the worst sleep/dreams of his life for a week straight.
he comes crawling back to you practically begging you for forgiveness.
Selene gets a big offering after that
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You're clearing a space in his room for your alter since the two of you moved in together
"I need a large space, Hades like a big alter"
"What's he compensating for?" Mikey jokes
and you just shoot him this look like "Don't fuck around when it comes to him"
not even 10 minutes later one of his drums breaks
you're just like "serves you right"
you come in one morning with a cup of coffee and Mikey gets all excited like he's about to get breakfast in bed and you have to tell him that it's for Hades who likes his coffee black.
kinda freaks Mikey out when you hold a funeral for each of the dead rats you find in the lair but you have to remind him "I'm a death witch and I worship the lord of the underworld. What else am I meant to do?"
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honestly he mostly just leaves you to it
he's pretty good with his hands so when you told him you worship Artemis he made a clay stature of her for your alter
you told him he'll be in her good books after that
that night Donnie caught 10 foot clan soldiers
"well, she is the Goddess of the hunt... I told you she was happy with you"
He really takes an interest in your devotional activities
always asking questions about why you do that or the significance of this
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judethejudas · 2 years
How they would react to you being trans— MW2 Headcanons
This includes all types of trans— so trans women, men, non binary (which would require much more explaining to the boys). Also it’s okay to not want to take hormones or do surgeries, it does not make you less of who you are. It’s just for the headcanons, my loves.
- He’s silent the whole time you’re coming out to him
- He just stares at you, with so many thoughts in his mind.
- Of course he knew trans people existed but he never figured you’d be one of them.
- You were already on hormones but not the surgeries, which made sense to him now because you always avoided the showers with everybody and preferred covering up.
- Ghost covered up quite a bit too so he felt closer to you in that way. That you both valued your privacy.
- He realized now it was because you didn’t have much of a choice. Even though he couldn’t have known, he felt guilty for it.
- He caught onto the pain in your eyes as you explained that your transition wasn’t easy. You lost friends, family, people you really cared about.
- “All because you were trans?” He couldn’t believe it honestly. That someone would break a bond because you wanted to be yourself.
- He put a hand on your shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “This doesn’t change anything between us and if anyone has a problem with it, you come to me. Is that clear?”
- You brushed the tears off your cheeks and nodded, before Ghost sent you off to do something productive.
- He’s quite shocked when you tell him and he doesn’t make much of an effort to hide it.
- You’re transgender? How? How does that work? Do you mean you’re going to transition into the opposite gender?
- He’s not stupid but he’s confused. Our confused ally.
- You had to explain to him that you already did years ago but didn’t have the surgeries, which is why you covered up a lot.
- “I thought you and ghost were just starting a little club getting all cozied up like that.” He’s so puzzled and asking a lot of questions, like how your voice sounds like that and how this happened.
- The only letters this man knew of the lgbtq2s+ community is gay and lesbian.
- You explained hormones to him and he was just blown away.
- Then you started talking about how unsupportive people have been to you and he felt terrible.
- “I’m not like that, am I?” You reassured him immediately that he was not and he was relieved. He had grown to like you on his team, how you two bickered and joked with each other on missions— especially when you two ganged up on Ghost.
- “You’re definitely gonna have to run it by me a few times but I got your back, (y/n).”
Captain Price:
- I ain’t gonna lie to you, this man?? Is all kinds of phobic. He’s old, he can’t help it.
- He had taken a liking to you as time went on and you proved yourself to be a valuable member of the team.
- So when you came out to him, it was just pure shock. He didn’t know what to do or say. Suddenly everything had changed. About you.
- He was taught not to respect members of the lgbtq2s+ by his family and grew up with that mindset. He knew every slur in the book.
- But you being one of them? He couldn’t fathom it. But he also couldn’t bring himself to hate you.
- You explained to him how you were alienated and hated ever since you came out, so you found a family when you joined task 141.
- He felt horrible now.
- To anyone else, he could be bitter about it and he wouldn’t feel one ounce of guilt. But not to you. This was you.
- “Alright look, I can’t say I understand.. this. I’ll need time to process it since I was raised differently, but I’m not gonna throw ya out..”
- You were happy he was willing to put aside his prejudice for you, but you did need to correct him on a few terms that weren’t horrifically transphobic or homophobic.
- You, Ghost, and Soap end up giving him the nickname of Captain Pride, absolutely bombarding this old man until he’s had enough and making you all scrub toilets.
I seriously doubt Ghost and Soap would be assholes about reader being trans. I just don’t see them caring that much other than asking a few questions, but Price? 😭
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leorawright · 2 years
(lol btw this is overwatch ask anon) May I suggest a solid "reacting to their s/o having a nightmare"? The contents of the nightmare aren't super important but I just love the fluff of it. Cassidy, hanzo and maybe genji? Plus anyone else you want to add (I really liked the ashe one you included on the last one btw :] )
👍 (BTW I am adding Ashe again and soldier 76)
(Btww I have so many nightmares it's not even funny😔)
Overwatch s/o has a nightmare😞
Immediately pulls you into him
He doesn't know what happened but he heard you scream and his mind just goes "protect y/n"
After he realizes what happened he'll comfort
If you can't sleep he'll tell you stories from when he was in Blackwatch or stories of Deadlock
He will make sure you comfortable before you go back to sleep
He'll even joke that he'll stay guard so no bad dreams get to you
He also has nightmares a lot
Mainly about Genji
So when he hears that you had one he goes into caring boyfriend mode
He gets you blankets, a movie, and some hot chocolate
You know comfort stuff
He will cuddle you and whispers that its okay and he's here if he feels you shivering
If your crying because of the nightmare he might panic a little bit but he handles it pretty well with more cuddles and forehead kisses
He's gotten a lot better about handling nightmares from Zenyatta
So he's got you
He'll take you outside to look at the stars and calm down
He'll also do some meditation or breathing exercises to help
If your crying he'll wipe your tears away and tell you stupid stories from when he and Hanzo were kids to make you laugh
Cause if you laugh he'll laugh and then your both giggling like psychos outside
But happy psychos
Soldier 76
Automatically panics
If you scream he'll spring up and grab his emergency gun from under the bed
When you say it was a nightmare he'll apologize
He didn't mean to overreact :(
After he calms down he'll cuddle you and read you a book he has to help
If you cry he panics and rocks you back and forth whispering in a panicked voice "don't cry its okay"
He's trying but it's kind of hard when he's on high alert from your scream
She ALSO has an emergency gun under her pillow
When you scream she jumps up and yells "Where!?"
B.O.B also comes rushing in to see if your okay
When she sees you tear up she rushes over immediately
She hates seeing you cry and will do everything to stop it
She'll male you food or read you a book whatever you need to help calm down
If it makes you feel better she'll post B.O.B outside the room for extra measures
Whatever you need she'll get after all she leads Deadlock might as well use that title
Hope this works I'm not sure I got the personality right for hanzo but oh well I tried
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transmutationisms · 9 months
feel free not to answer this, i just don’t know who to ask. I’ve found myself so irony poisoned that i legitimately cannot find joy in anything anymore. everything is stupid to me including myself. this sounds like a joke but it is not.. i have not felt this level of despair since i was like actively going through trauma lol. i also don’t know whether to blame camus or succession which is really stupid in itself. but anyway i’m only asking this because i was wondering if you’ve ever been in this situation, if u have any recommendations for philosophers i can read that can help me find new perspectives etc. sorry about this ask
kindly, i would push back a bit on the idea of "irony poisoning" as you've deployed it here. i think there are lots of reasons to be experiencing existential anxiety or a difficulty in finding joy right now. we are living through a mass-disabling pandemic event with little acknowledgment from global and most national health authorities. we produce consumer goods in a global economic system that exploits and sacrifices the vast majority of the world's population in order to secure luxury for a select few. we are doing this in a manner that has thrown our planet's ecosystems so far out of balance that more and more of us are at risk of injury and death every year in heat waves, floods, or one-in-a-million storms. i am certainly sensitive to the issue of getting camus'd, but i'm not sure the answer here lies in a different book and i think you might be putting a lot of pressure on yourself to feel and perform happiness in a situation that damn near precludes it.
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reidslovely · 2 years
It’s Nice to Have a Friend: Something Gave You the Nerve (Chapter Two)
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Author’s Notes: Surprise! I’m a liar and am posting this fic super early, just because I have a load of muse right now and finished it 30 minutes ago. I scheduled it to post for Saturday buuut I’m eager to hear what y’all think. Also! I’ve decided this fic is going to be a five part series! Just because I like to drag things out and make people wait. She’s a long gal, at around 4k so hang in there. There are a few vague descriptions of the reader but nothing that breaks the imagination. 
Part One Here
Pairings: TASM! Peter Parker x Fem! Reader
CW: Friends to eventual lovers, a lot angsty in the middle and end but it is what has to happen for them to be happy, mentions of Uncle Ben’s death, vague mention of Peter having a hot headed tendency, depression, a nightmare that includes death but nothing to descriptive. I’m sure I’m missing something. 
High School, Junior Year.
Peter was right. Peter was always right, that is what (Y/N) learned in the three years they had been friends. Because that night in the tent sat everything into place, they were still friends. Freshman year they made sure all their classes matched up, even down to the extra circulars, the same followed in sophomore year. But now as juniors, their class work got a bit heavier and they were put in different classes so seeing each other during school was a bit harder.
“Smile,” Peter says, quickly lifting his camera up, snapping a quick photo of (Y/N) as they sat in the courtyard. “Yikes, that one is going in the trash.” 
(Y/N) threw a napkin at him in response to his taunt, putting her head down wanting to make herself more presentable. Playing it off as casual as she could, surely he didn’t think she was absolutely atrocious. 
“Well you need to be better at giving heads up.” 
Peter’s face softened as he sat across from her stuffing his camera in his bag. “I was only joking. You always look..” Say it. Say it, please. “..nice” He smiles. (Y/N) lets air out of her nose, and thanked him before looking back down at her chemistry book. 
Peter’s ‘yeah’ came off as distant and quiet, (Y/N) snapped her head up and followed his stare across the courtyard. She should have known who he was staring at, Gwen Stacy. (Y/N) fought off the sinking feeling that grew in her stomach, she looked back at him smiling through what felt like being gutted. “You should ask her to spring formal.” 
“No..no. She’d never say yes.”
“She would be stupid not too.” (Y/N) remarked, looking back at her book. “She’s first in our class here..she should know a good date when she sees it.” 
“Okay..okay yeah.” Peter cleared his throat as he stood and started to walk toward her. 
Stupid, stupid, keep your mouth shut. Idiot. 
She couldn’t bear to watch it happen, so she turned back to her book and wrote her notes. It wasn’t long before she heard the scruff of his sneakers against the concrete. (Y/N) brought her eyes up to meet him as he sat down. 
“So?” She said, hoping the strain in her voice wasn’t noticeable. 
“I..I chickened out. I couldn’t do it..I think, I think I told her I liked her headband and just walked away.” He laughs at himself putting his head on his folded arms. There he was, her Peter. Her shy, idiotic, socially inept Peter; who made her heart flutter with the blush on his cheeks.
“I’m sorry Pete..maybe tomorrow.”
“No, it fine. I have a even better date. You.” He smiled, giving her a wink. (Y/N)’s heart picked up. “D-date?” She asked. Peter was quick- too quick- to save his ass. 
“Well as friends of course.”
Guilt filled the pits of their stomachs, if only one could be brave and tell the other what they really felt. (Y/N) smiled at him playfully, kicking him under the table as the bell rang. 
“Walk me home?” 
In the coming weeks (Y/N) threw herself into getting the perfect dress and perfecting everything. She had decided that this night was the perfect time to tell Peter how she felt, it was better late than never. All she could do is hope nothing would change; but at least he would know. But in the back of her mind lingered what she thought to be the truth; she would never be Gwen Stacy.
“Momma it is nothing like that!” (Y/N) laughed dusting the makeup brush under her eyes collecting any fall out from her eyeshadow. Bella tousled her daughter’s hair around smiling at her in the mirror. 
“He invited you to the dance for a reason.” 
“It’s just because he got too nervous to ask the one girl he wanted to. I’m a safe option.” She said, the belief bitter on her tongue. “May and I see the way he looks at you. That boy is in love with you even if he doesn’t know it.”
Hope filled (Y/N) to the brim, she looked at her mom with glossy eyes before clearing her throat, “Safe option.” 
Unknowingly, in the townhouse over Peter stood in his bedroom looking in the mirror running his hand through his hair. “You’re gonna make it greasy stop.” May tsked as she moved through the mess of his room. Peter laughed, dropping his hand and soothing out his tie. 
A photo caught his eye; it was the one from the courtyard. Her doe-eyes stared up at him in shock, the beginning of a smile forming on her features. Never would he throw a photo of her away, in fact as soon as he got to his room that afternoon he pinned it to his crookboard. Where other photos of her and him, and other things stayed. She was his girl, sadly not in the way he wished; but there was Gwen too. Who in the last few days noticed him more. The attention felt good, and his feelings for her grew. It was all so messy.
“Do you think she’ll think I’m handsome?” 
He laughs looking at his aunt, his thick brows nearly meeting as he furrows them. “Something tells me she will.” May laughs flattening out his shirt collar before heading downstairs. “Well look at that handsome man, you almost look like a person.” Ben laughs as Peter and May walk out the front door. Peter laughs hugging his uncle, squeezing his shoulder. “May heard that she was wearing a green dress and insisted I find a tie to matc-” 
“It looks nice.” (Y/N)’s voice sounds from the stoop of her house. Peter turned his head so fast the world around him stood still. Before him stood something that nearly left him breathless. 
“Is it too much?” 
Light green velvet wrapped around her silhouette, a black shawl wrapped around her shoulders. (Y/N) smiled at him, alternating the weight on her feet, and Peter shook his head so fast that anyone in a twenty mile radius could hear his brain rattle. 
“No, no. You look beautiful.” 
He said it, he said what she had been dying to hear for weeks,  months, for years even. 
“Okay okay get together we need photos!” May laughs. 
(Y/N) laughed, mouthing a ‘thank you’ as Peter took her hand helping her down the steps. He smiled wrapping his arm around her shoulder and bringing her in close, (Y/N) placed her hand on his chest looking at the camera. The only thing catching the alternating glances the two traded was the camera, and the adults. 
(Y/N) stood off to the side of the gym sipping her punch as she searched the crowd for Peter, when out of the corner of her eye she saw it. Peter and Gwen deep in conversation, a smile spread across her features as she stared up at him. Her hand squeezing his arm, as a hand came to cover the almost snort-like laugh she let out. 
‘He probably told her the dress brought out the blue in her eyes. Gross..
How could anyone hate her? She was gorgeous, and funny- smart. God, she was smart. (Y/N) sat the plastic cup on the bleachers before disappearing to the bathroom feeling tears building in her eyes. She never thought girls actually did this, this is what happened to girls in the movies not in real life. As she leaned against the bathroom door a stall door opened causing (Y/N) and the other girl to jump. 
“Oh Missy, god you scared me I thought..I was alone.” (Y/N) laughs patting at her cheeks, her mascara smearing. 
“Sorry, I was in here hiding from Flash. He tore my dress and then ridiculed me after.” Missy says, showing (Y/N) the tear in the sleeve of her dress. (Y/N) shrugged her shawl off wrapping it around Missy’s shoulders. Missy smiled gratefully before noticing the tear stains on (Y/N)’s cheeks.
“Peter’s an oblivious idiot.” Missy states bluntly, (Y/N) looking back at her. “Trust me I’ve had a crush on him for years, you have to tell him.”
(Y/N) shook her head, fixing Missy’s hair laughing. “It’s okay he’s into Gwen, she's much more his type.” (Y/N) laughed before turning to the mirror fixing her makeup. “Come on, you're dancing with me.” 
The two girls laughed while walking back out to the gym heading to the floor where their peers were dancing, for once no one was paying any real attention to one another. Songs gradually got slower, until the inevitable slow song started to play. (Y/N) and Missy began to walk off as couples paired up, Peter stepped in front of them.
 “I’m stealing my date back, Kallenback” 
Missy laughed, her cheeks flushing a dark red before stepping away. Peter took (Y/N)’s hand leading her back in, his hands resting on her sides as she wrapped her arms around him. She looked up at him with blown pupils, her eyes sore from crying. In a friendly gesture Peter pressed his nose to her forehead swaying with her. 
“Are you humming the song?” She laughed, breaking their silence. 
“You’re the one who plays the twilight soundtracks all the time.” (Y/N) let out a breathy laugh looking at their feet. “What are you doing tomorrow?” She asks. It was now or never, Gwen Stacy be damned. 
Peter thought for a moment before tilting his head to the side. “I am going to Oscorp..there’s an internship thing.” It was only a half lie. He was going to Oscorp, and there was an internship walkthrough happening. (Y/N) nodded in response, then she remembered where Gwen had gotten a paid internship at. Automatically, she had assumed that the two were connected. “Why?” Peter asked, pulling the girl from her jealous thoughts, when she looked at him she shook her head. 
“Nevermind, it was a dinner thing my mom wanted you to come to but it’s no big deal.”
He didn’t push, he left it at that. He pressed his nose back to her forehead, his hands moving to somewhat cradle her. 
That was the last normal night they had. 
Weeks passed in radio silence between the two
When Peter’s Uncle Ben died Peter was, as Aunt May called it, “lost in the dark.” He shut everyone out, he didn’t act like himself. (Y/N) tried to be there for him, he didn’t want her there. He shut her out literally and figuratively. May would let her in, take whatever (Y/N) had brought for Peter. At first she tried to get through to him, sitting outside his bedroom door for hours, waiting for him to open it and let her in. She just wanted to see him, but Peter could be hot headed. It was something she learned rather fast after Ben’s death. The first time she sat outside his door was following the funeral, he sat pent up in his room kicking and screaming. (Y/N) sat on the other side of the door silently begging he would just crack it open so she could see him.
He had been acting differently prior to Ben’s death, and right as she was about to ask him about it. He shut her out. He would turn the tables on Flash, beating up on him back; he shattered the backboard of the basketball hoop. Of course, Flash deserved it but it was so unlike Peter. 
It wasn’t just at home he shut her out, but he didn’t answer her calls, he even avoided her in school hallways. It had now effectively been three months since they had fully talked; she missed him but if this was his process there was nothing to do. While he had fully pushed her out of his life, there was one person he didn’t shun-
“Gwen Stacy.” 
“Here!” The chipper voice sounded as (Y/N) slid into the desk behind her ex-best friend's girlfriend in English. Of course it would be just her luck that it would be the last open seat. 
“Ms. (Y/L), you’re trady.” 
“I was in the guidance office, Mrs. Williams said she’ll excuse it.” 
Peter’s head had popped up from the other side of the class as (Y/N) had responded. ‘Guidance? What was wrong? She looked okay..’ He thought to himself, he took in her appearance. He was always watching her. From a far at least, he watched her and Missy go to the arcade for her birthday last month. It was something they used to do every afternoon on her birthday. He wondered if she still gave her tickets away to the kids inside. He sat across the street on top of the shop's building dressed as his alter ego. There was not a single day that went by that he wasn’t filled with regret for pushing her out of his life. It was to keep her safe, at first safe from him and then gradually safe from others, the enemies he’d make. He tried to do the same to Gwen, but she was persistent, and stubborn. 
On the other side of the class Gwen turned to (Y/N) smiling. “I guess we’re partners.” 
“Cool!” (Y/N) nodded, taking the packet from her and starting to work on it herself. “You’re uh..Peter’s friend right?” 
“We uh- used to be yeah. We haven’t seen each other in a while.” 
Gwen frowned, she hadn’t meant to stir up any bad feelings. “He still talks about you..!” 
(Y/N) meant no ill will towards Gwen but right now she wanted for her to just shut up, and work on the packet. This isn’t what she wanted to talk about right now. Gwen was sweet, and she was trying her best.
“He told me about this story of like the big snow storm from eighth grade and he was skating and he went down a ramp and bloodied his nose. He says you were one of the best nurses he’d ever had.”
 Gwen laughs, and she laughs like it’s her memory that she made with him. (Y/N) smiles sadly at the thought, though it makes her fill with a weird type of jealousy. “Yeah.”
“He also says you’re one of the smartest people he’s ever met.” Gwen looks at Peter working with Flash, who just finished cracking a joke about Peter’s new muscles. Peter looks over at the two girls, his girls. Smiling at Gwen but hoping that (Y/N) would look at him as well. 
“Uh, I'm having a birthday party next week. I'm turning 18.” Gwen writes down her address at the top of a piece for notebook paper. “You should come. Peter will be there. I’d like to get to know you more.” 
(Y/N) nodded at Gwen as she took the slip of paper from her, tucking it away in her notebook. The two girls worked together in an awkward silence for the rest of class, only talking over questions when needed. Once the bell rang (Y/N) started shoving her stuff into her bag, trying to get out before Peter made his way over. 
“(Y/N), hey.”
That was the first word to her in the static like silence: hey?
She looked up at him smiling, she couldn’t help it; it was all muscle memory. Gwen stood next to him, her bag on her shoulder. 
“Hey Parker, what’s up?” 
Peter looked back at Gwen who smiled, “I’m gonna head home I have the..thing with my mom.” Gwen lied, as she kissed Peter’s cheek; whispering in his ear. “Fix this.” With that Gwen Stacy disappeared out of the classroom. (Y/N) took the opportunity as his back was turned to use the other door of the class room to leave. 
“(Y/N), wait!” Peter rushed out of the class after her, nearly slipping on the freshly mopped floor. Even through the muscles, and superhero persona Peter Parker was still a klutz at heart. He hadn’t remembered his friend being so fast. But, he guessed that’s what happened when you abandoned the one person you swore you would never. 
“You got some speed on you,” He laughed, stepping in front of her. “Did you join the track team?”
“Nope, I just got used to walking home by myself.” Ouch. 
He still walked her home sometimes, she just didn’t know it was him. Had she looked up on the building ledges on her walks home she would have seen him, dressed as Spiderman, but nonetheless it was him. If something ever happened to her and he wasn’t there to intervene when he knew he could have he couldn’t live with himself. When he first started avoiding her he was prone to nightmares that took him back to Ben’s death, and the deeper he got into Spiderman duties the worse the nightmares got. One nightmare should have brought him back to her, but instead it made him keep his distance.
His suit was soaked with her blood, the warm liquid seeping through and covering his skin. Her body was light and weightless as he cradled her, his head hid in her hair as he screamed. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry- I let you down.” He moved her hair out of her face. His girl, his (Y/N). 
It had shook him, the thought that if she stuck around she could end up dead because of who he was. He looked at her now, in the sunshine as they stepped out of the doors of Midtown High. She still looked the same for the most part, her hair a little longer and her face a bit fuller. But she was still so beautiful, and soft. God, he missed her. 
Gwen, he shouldn’t be thinking about another girl like this when he has Gwen. 
Finally he spoke. “(Y/N)..look I’m sorry, I can explain.” She turned to look at him as they walked side by side up the street. If telling her is what would get her back then he’d tell her everything, everything he couldn’t tell Gwen or May. Gwen knew but Gwen never wanted to know the dark details, the things that ate him alive after he appeared at her window. 
“Can you Peter? Cause I’ve been waiting for an explanation for three months!” 
She yells as they come to a stop outside their houses, he saw the angry tears build up in her eyes. Muscle memory took over as he reached out to wipe them away, she moved her head away from his hands wiping her own tears. 
“I don’t even know if I want it anymore. To know why the only person who ever claimed to care just left.” She took a breath, trying to calm herself down. Her anger had been pent up, and she knew it came from a bad place. “I know his death was hard on you. But I was there everyday outside of your door for weeks and you just gave me the cold shoulder. All I wanted to do was help you Peter, and you picked Gwen over me. And I get it, I can’t even hate her! I see how she cares about you, the same way I did..and that’s all that matters to me. Is that you’re being taken care of cause you can’t do it yourself.”
“The same way I did” Peter repeats back in his head. 
Like dominos, everything fell into place. For the first time in four years Peter knew what that bind was that held them so tight. It was love, more than friendship love; more than I’ll be there when you need love. It was real, unconditional, and raw love. That he just threw away. 
“So no. No, I don’t care how good your explanation is. I don't need it or want it.” 
Peter looked at her, tears glistened on her cheeks. All he wanted was to reach out and hold her, to cry with her. But all he could bring his body to do was nod and let her go. He stood on the sidewalk watching her disappear inside a house he didn’t even know he would recognize anymore.
“She hates me.”
 Peter says aloud, sensing May standing on the stoop of the house. He sniffles, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his undershirt. “I’ve been in..I’ve been in love with her since I was 14 years old and she hates me.” He says his anger growing in his chest, he wants to rip himself up from the inside out. He picked the wrong girl, had he just held out longer. Had he just listened to her begging, and opened that door, this wouldn’t have happened. 
May watches her nephew, struggling to find the words to comfort him. She puts her hand on his shoulder squeezing, before following him inside. Peter walks down the hallway, everything feeling hazy. His eyes getting heavy from the crying, he sighs stopping in his tracks looking at the familiar photo tucked into the corner of the mirror. Suddenly he wishes one of his powers was time travel; he’d do anything to go back to the night of the formal. To wrap his arms around (Y/N) and hold her close as they danced, he’d tell her every feeling he’d ever felt for her. As he drug his feet up the stairs and into his room he knew what he had to do, whether she wanted his explanation or not.
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farizrz · 5 months
Desert Rose | Romance Club
Ask me anything with Amy G.
Desert Rose | Romance Club · 29 Dec at 7:05 am
Source: VK
(translate by chrome)
❓ What was Zane’s childhood like and his relationship with his parents? And did the death of his father influence him and become the reason for his reckless youth?
❗Zane loves his family very much. The relationship between his mom and dad was an example of true love for him. Speaking of his father, Zayn adored him and he will always be proud of his father. But you will learn more in the future :)
❓ Back at the end of the first season, Yasmine mentions that she loves Mr. Darcy, and since then I've been wondering which of the RP characters do you think is most like Mr. Darcy? And in the same spirit of loving literature, what other books did Yasmin love as a child?
❗ Hmm, on the way with Adil, Yasmin thinks that she has found her version of Darcy - a cold-blooded Bedouin. But I think Zayn can also be like Mr. Darcy to her. She likes Notre Dame, Oliver Twist, The Thorn Birds, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Little Women.
❓ 1. What pranks did Adil, Rajab and Madi do when they were growing up? And did they immediately agree to the rebel’s plan with Adil? 2. Yasmine is one of my favorite main characters and I love that we see her growth throughout the story! What inspired you to create a GG like her? And who does she look more like, her father or her mother? 3. Do you have any plans/ideas for your next story after completing the RP?
❗ 1. Along Adil's path you will learn more, but they loved to joke with Ali) 2. I talked a lot with my Muslim friends, read discussions. I tried to create a kind of lonely girl who lives in her dreams and tries to build her path, her life. 3. Yes 😉
❓ 1. Whenever Yasmin introduces Adil, she introduces him bare-chested 😅 (most of the time)... is this intentional? Even in the heartbreaking cutscene of the last update 🙈 2. The musical animation in the season finale is another feature of the RP ...how did you come up with this idea...? It's like ending the season with a bang. 3. I know this will be a spoiler 😅🤣... but can you tell me if Mr. Bat will confess his love one day?
❗ 1. Haha, I knew that the players miss Adil so much, so I wanted to give them a gift 😁 why was he naked in the dream? This is a spoiler) 2. My technical designer and I decided to do this - we think it's sort of the final act of every season finale. 3. He will do it 😁😈 or I will hit him.
❓Have you ever encountered writer's block, and if so, how do you deal with it?
❗ Yes, of course. I try to calm down by writing something funny or stupid just to relax, watching cartoons or something emotional and inspiring. For example, musicals. Speaking about my work: I always remember that I have to make people happy and this inspires me very much) Good luck and believe in yourself! ❤️
❓ 1. How does Jack feel about Adil? I'm guessing he feels pain over his "death", but were they close to each other as children? 2. When did Cindy decide to become a model? Did someone notice her or maybe she was inspired by a famous model? 3. If you could include one of your characters in another CR story, who would you choose and what story do you think they would fit well in? 4. I love that you also write beautiful songs, you are so talented. Can you tell us if you plan to write more songs for Garden of Eden or other stories?
❗ 1. Jack loves Adil, Adil has always been his role model, but on the other hand Jack thought that their father loved Adil more and Jack hated it. Jack is the only one (not counting Yasmin on Adil's path) who knows the real Adil, his soft side. 2. Her mother wanted her to become a model. Cindy also thought that the only talent she had was her face and body :( She needed to make money, so she decided to become a model. 3. Moonborn perhaps? I want to see Zane and Victor fight over coffee and tea 😁 4. Thanks, who knows 😼
❓ 1. If they had a choice, what dream place would every LL in RP want to visit? 2. Can you give us some BTS facts (Behind The Scenes)? How do you come up with lyrics? What is the brainstorming process?
❗ 1. Zane - New Zealand; Mustafa - Lisbon, Cindy - New York, Adil - Paris, Jack - Iceland, Said - Prague, Jaffar just dreams of being able to travel) 2. Well, I'm trying to imagine what I want to say in my song, how it will influence the ending season, after that I start writing and finally singing, but honestly my voice is a terrible version of a Disney princess, so I... I'm glad Alisha sang my songs 😁 Thank you ❤️
❓ 1. Was Mustafa inspired by someone you know in real life, or maybe a fictional character you admire? 2. Are there any traits in Yasmin that you would like to have? 3. When will we see Rebel the cat again? I miss him.
❗ 1. No, but I just wanted to create a kind person, a person who will destroy the stereotypes of the spoiled Arab guy that GG has to be with. I wanted to create a good brother who takes care of his sister because I know some girls don't have a good relationship with their brothers :( 2. Maybe her inner warmth? I'm more cold-blooded, less sociable, like to plan everything. She is more spontaneous and naive. Sometimes I wish I had these qualities. 3. You will know 😼 meow 😈
❓ 1. My first question is related to the Garden of Eden: you wrote the lyrics to Starfall, it’s an amazing song. How did this collaboration begin? 2. I was wondering if you have time to play any other KR stories in your free time? If so, which one holds a special place in your heart?
❗ 1. Nastya, the author of ES, is one of my friends, so I am always ready to help her, working with her is always fun and inspiring. I love Luna's story, we wanted to create a song that showed her pain, her struggle with her own triggers and nightmares. That’s why I wrote: “The window is open - I see the sky.” Sometimes we are so worried, so wounded, that we can’t even see the sky, even if dozens of windows are open. We don’t see the world, pain blinds us, but it’s important not to give up. 2. Yes, but now I don't have enough time :( I liked ES, Psi, KPS - the new stories I played - Moonborn, LI, Sails in the Mist and Arcanum are my favorites too! But honestly, I think that all the stories are good ❤️
❓Which character in RP was the most difficult to write? Zane? Buahaha
❗ Poor Zane! Sometimes it's the simplest! Sometimes everyone is very bad and doesn’t want to communicate with my muse 😁
❓ Since this is a topic I'm passionate about, what inspired you to write a story about rebellion and speaking truth to power?
❗ I was inspired by the stories of the Bedouins, culture, political past of Morocco, Arabic fairy tales. I also love Les Miserables (“Les Miserables”), and I even had the idea of ​​writing a novella based on this book.
❓ 1. What genres of books and films does Zane like? Are there any specific names? 2. Why did Zayn choose fashion as a career? 3. If you had to play as Yasmin, which path would you choose? Disobedience or dreaminess and Child of the city or flower of the desert? 4. What do you find most difficult and easiest when writing a RP?
❗ 1. He just loves good books) good from his point of view, of course) For example, novels for women are not his strong point. He loves Machiavelli, The Scarlet Letter, The Financier, The Godfather) 2. You will find out ;) 3. I play every path during tests. 4. Sometimes I hate writing scenes like “he came... she looked...” - just descriptions. I really love writing scenes with LL. And I love some of the story scenes because I know that every scene has its own meaning;) I hope when the story ends, you will see the whole thing) And of course sometimes it is difficult to write about culture, because, well, you know, there are many trigger moments, especially if we are talking about religion. I'm trying to figure everything out because I don't want to hurt anyone.
❓ 1. Which path (dreamy/rebellious) do you think best suits each LL personality? 2. Can you tell us some interesting fact about Jack? 3. Which LL would you like to have an affair with? 4. What inspired you to write this story?
❗ 1. I think that every path can be interesting for every LL. 2. He tried to act like a brother and called Adil's classmate (he imitated his voice), but unfortunately his mission failed 😁 3. I want to have a harem. 4. Morocco's political past, 2000s, Arabic tales, Bedouin stories.
❓ My question: could you tell me more about Jaffar? For example, what are his hobbies or favorite things to do? Does he have any other family members besides the father he mentioned? What did he do before he came to work for Yasmin's father?
❗ He loves to run, watch nature, loves Moroccan culture and cuisine. Yes, there is) you will learn more through the branch with him) and you will learn more about his past.
❓ 1. Can you share interesting facts about Mustafa? 2. Will it be possible to adopt the Rebel cat?
❗ 1. Ha, Mustafa was forced to play with dolls with his sisters :))) he hated it, but he is a good caring brother 😁 2. Who knows 😉
❓ 1. Which paths are best to choose with each character? Or just choose what we want?2. Is it possible to choose one path or balance stats? 3. What are Adil and Yasmin’s favorite books??
❗ 1. You can choose whatever you want) There will be endings for balance and the same for each stat. 2. Adil: Hemingway, Night in Lisbon, American Tragedy, Red and Black, Germinal. Yasmin: Notre Dame, Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, The Thorn Birds.
❓ 1. Will Yasmin's father accept Adil as his son-in-law? 2. Can we expect a wedding with Adil at the end? 3. Why didn’t Adil tell the truth to Yasmin or Jack earlier, after his memory returned?
❗ 1. You will find out 😼 2. 😉 3. Because he is a closed person, it is difficult for him to tell everything that is on his soul, he needs time to realize. He wanted to tell Yasmin, but did not find the right moment. If we talk about Jack: he thought he was dead, realized that he was alive when he found medical documents and saw his brother's handwriting.
❓ If you could give all LLs or any other character a superpower, what would you give them and why? 🦸🦹‍♀️😁
❗ Hmm) I wish everyone to become wizards, like in my beloved Harry Potter. 😈 for example, Adil would talk to snakes 😈
❓ 1. Said’s favorite food, colors, hobbies? 2. What attracted him to Yasmin or what attracted her to him? Maybe what is his love language?
❗1. Said loves nature, loves to walk and look around, loves animals, especially cats and parrots) 2. Said loves kindness, hates indifference, that's why he liked Yasmin - she can be rude or something like that, but on the other hand, with him she tries to be kind and helpful. Speaking of her, she was captivated by his personality. He is always there to help her.
❓ 1. What do you think could have happened if the romantic paths had not been closed and the player dated Jack and Adil at the same time? How might they both react to this? 2. What is the reason for the distance between Yasmin and her father? He seems to love her no matter what, but there is still an invisible wall between them. 3. What is your favorite character trait about Yasmin? 4. Can balancing the Desert Flower and Child of the City stats lead to a happy ending?
❗ 1. I think they were really hurt. Adil could not start an affair with the girl his brother loves. But if you dated Adil, but decided to break up with him, and you have a very close relationship with Zayn, then... an interesting path awaits you 😁 2. You will find out. 3. Her inner warmth and the fact that she is not afraid to seem naive) 4. Of course, don’t worry.
❓ 1. Can we expect more romantic content with Sayid in season 3? Will he then have a full-fledged path or will it be more of an affair on the side? 2. Will we find out who Zuleika’s child is in the story? 3. Is something going on with Rajab and Amira??
❗ 1. Yes) and with him you will have a final. 2. Her baby is just her baby, but maybe if I have enough space we can help her meet her son. 3. Oh, they are so passionate together 🔥
❓ 1. What research did you have to do regarding Morocco, Brazil and the medical history of the virus? 2. Can you tell us a little more about Sefer's political parties (views, foundations, etc.) 3. This is related to the last question. What does Adil's rebellion mean to ordinary people in Morocco, and was his character inspired by any real-life Moroccan events?
❗ 1. I read a lot about the history of Morocco, talked with friends from Morocco, watched films, etc. I also read about Brazil and tried to show it in different ways. But because of the plot and some things that will work later, I had to change something. For example, the brothers have non-Brazilian names and surnames, but... this was necessary for something that you will learn about later) 2. Conservative. There were different parties - liberal, democratic, but now everything has simply collapsed. They also behave badly with the Bedouins :( 3. He was inspired by the Bedouins and their stories. Ordinary people love the Rebel, they believe in him. And the Bedouins adore him. He helps a lot. And he will help more.
❓ 1. What is Cindy's favorite color? 2. Can you tell me one of Cindy's happy childhood memories? 3. Is there any place/country in the world that Cindy would like to visit with Yasmin?
❗ 1. Dark blue, fuchsia, yellow, orange. 2. Cindy loved to dance and was so happy when her mother bought her a doll - not a Barbie (she was too expensive), but a very beautiful ballerina. It was the best Christmas present. Cindy was truly happy. 3. I think she would like to visit New York!)
❓ 1. What do you enjoy most about writing scenes/lines for Zayn? Is it as fun as it seems to get inside his head? 2. What sparked Zane's passion/skill for tango when it is so contrary to his harsh personality? Is there a chance he'll try to teach Yasmin? 👀 3. If you could take home one of LL's gifts for Yasmin (like Adil's elephant pendant, Zayn's bracelet/necklace, Cindy's necklace, Mustafa's stuffed watermelon, etc. - I forgot so much 😭), what would you choosed?
❗ 1. I like writing Zayn's journey - I like his emotions, I like how he tries to figure everything out, to control his life, but she... this wild creature ruins everything 😁 soon you will see my favorite scenes with Zayn. I hope you will enjoy. Honestly, sometimes I laugh. For example, when I wrote the scene of Yasmin dancing, I laughed - I imagined Zayn hiding behind a palm tree 😁 2. He will tell us about tango) will he dance with her - who knows, maybe 😼😉 3. I will choose everything and, maybe Yasmin's camel toy. 😁
❓ Will we meet our mother-in-law in Italy? How and when did Gurub fall in love with Adil? Does helping her have plot significance?
❗ You’ll find out 😉 You’ll find out :) Well, yes, it’s better to help her :)
❓ I loved the interaction between Madi and Jaffar (despite the circumstances) - it was so fun to imagine them pitted against each other, trying to achieve the same goal.
❗ I also enjoyed writing their scenes 😁 Madi is one of my favorites)
❓ If you played, who would be your favorite?
❗ I think I would have a harem, but I'm married 😁
❓ Can Karo still become LL?
❗ Caroline has her own storyline) You will find out ;)
❓ Will we learn more about the past/relationship between Zayn and his tango partner? 👿
❗ Ha, yes, it will be so)
We thank Larisa M. for her help with the translation.
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desktopcalendar · 5 months
Okay tbf it’s not technically christmas anymore but it was when i wrote the first bit so let’s just pretend :) also i am writing more businessman!joel but it’s taking my brain 5eva to think of it so please enjoy this <33
just because it’s christmas… BnBowner!joel and recentlysingle!reader who has already paid for a non-refundable trip for christmas. (apologies because i change from 3rd to 2nd person)
tw for cheating, a half second of nsfw(there will be more if i continue it) moments of angst, uncooperative suitcase, no use of y/n, not proofread
reader who just got broken up with who forgets they have a non-refundable trip booked in a cutesy cabin in a hallmark town, the “perfect place for couples” until they get an email confirming their arrival time and then all of a sudden the very real and very non-refundableness of the trip was brought to the forefront of their mind.
You aren’t quite sure if this is a good idea. But the last thing you were sure on ended up to be cheating on you for over a year, so maybe being unsure was a good thing.
The owner wasn’t lying when he said it was secluded, it was literally in the middle of nowhere. Perfect for a romantic getaway -hopefully also perfect for wallowing in your ruined relationship thanks to your piece of shit cheating ex-boyfriend.
You haul your suitcase up the snowy path towards the cabin, thankful that the cab was even able to make it this far, and for a moment you feel exactly like Amanda in the holiday and who knows? maybe you’ll meet an upsettingly handsome man. Maybe.
Probably not.
Joel watches from you from the porch for a little longer than he probably should before striding over to you, arm outstretched, ready to take your bags.
“Hey! i’m glad you found your way here, it’s not the easiest place to find.”
You look up from your uncooperative suitcase to lock eyes with perhaps the most attractive man you’ve ever seen (including Jude Law with glasses on) walking towards you and you’re so taken aback that you are definitely not prepared for your suitcase to start cooperating which in turn sends you flying into the snow.
Apart from it doesn’t, so you’re a little confused when you don’t hit the cold ground but are caught by a pair of warm, strong arms.
“Easy there, I’m happy you’re here too but you could’ve bought me a drink first.” Joel jokes as he sets you back on your feet.
“omg i’m so sorry it’s this stupid suitcase that refuses to move when i want it to i mean it i’m really sorry this is so embarrassing and i..” You trail off when you realise that Joel is in fact laughing. “what?”
“Nothing darlin’ you’re just the first person to apologise to me for the actions of an inanimate object, s’funny is all.” Joel holds out his hand for you to shake “incase you hadn’t figured it out, I’m Joel.”
You bashfully take it, pretending that hearing him call you ‘darlin’ hadn’t affected you in any way shape or form “Nice to meet Joel, you have a beautiful cabin, it really is magical.”
Joel’s hand is large, and warm, and a small part of you wants to feel more of his warmth. Maybe more than a small part.
He easily takes your bags the rest of the way, making light conversation with you, even though you’re still taking in him, responding with short answers and ‘hmms’.
He’s a rugged man, you think to yourself, he’s big all over, large frame, large hands. Your eyes dart towards his crotch for a moment wondering if he’s also large there. Something inside you tells you he is.
“Well here we are doll, let me know if you need anything” Joel puts your bags down just inside the door, the cabin really is the perfect place for a romantic getaway, you feel a pang with the knowledge that you specifically picked this place to spend time with your boyfriend. All you wanted to do now was forget about him, but apparently Joel could sense the singleness off you.
“Oh! where’s this boyfriend of yours, you did book for two, right?”
You freeze as he says ‘boyfriend’ debating whether it would be better to make up some elaborate lie or tell the miserable truth.
“We uh, we actually broke up a few days ago… turns out he’s not the kind of person i wanna go to a cabin with.” you eventually mumble out, followed by an unhappy laugh - mainly because you feel like you’ll cry otherwise.
“Aw shit darl, I’m sorry, and i know i’ve only known you all of five minutes but it’s definitely his loss.” A warm hand gently clasps onto your shoulder as Joel looks towards you with kind eyes.
You allow yourself to take the moment of sympathy from this kind stranger, before composing yourself.
“Thanks, Joel. I guess the only thing i need is directions to the nearest place that sells alcohol.”
“Of course doll,”
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ofpineapplesanddawns · 11 months
❛ they say you’re dangerous, but you’re my safe. ❜
For Peter/Martin?
(Rare moment of sincerity for these two? Or immediately ruined by a stupid joke? Up to you)
I could ruin this with a stupid joke, but I think Peter needs a moment to be... ya know, a mature adult once in a while.
Warning: mentions of death, mentions of vampires (Peter is one, but he doesn't like being called a vampire), don't google your boyfriend
On with the fic!
Peter would be the first to admit to anyone that asked that, yes, he often ruined things for himself.
It was a terrible habit of his, he knew that the joys in his life would easily get smeared and ruined by his own hands. Like right now, the video he was watching (the fifth one, this time being narrated by a young woman who was doing her makeup) was not helping the nasty feeling in his chest and stomach.
He had gotten curious about Martin, about wanting to know more about The Surgeon. Martin didn't really talk much about his serial killing days, he was weird and vague, despite the odd moments of pride he felt over some things during those dark days. Peter was like a cat, curious, and he was stuck inside tonight, massive storm, took out part of the power in town, and that included the hotel (thank someone he had left a portal battery charging for a vampire hunt that never happened tonight).
And what does one do when curious and bored?
You google the fuck outta shit.
He had read Martin's wiki article, and his article on the serial killer wiki (which he didn't know was a thing). He found out that there were books about Martin, usually in books about killers. He was often lumped in with the doctors of death, sometimes mislabeled as an angel of mercy. Which is not true, Martin never killed on the job, he did it during his off-duty hours because he never mixed work with pleasure.
Then Peter found the youtube videos, and here he was, in the middle of the night, watching some girl in England doing her makeup while talking about the horrific murders known as The Quartet performed by the man in his bed.
Peter paused the video, looking at Martin, who was sleeping soundly as the rain fell hard. Usually they were sleeping during the day, Peter's... condition, made it hard for him to spend too much time out in sunlight, and Martin adjusted to sleeping during the day to spend time with him. But it was a cold, rainy night, and with the power out, neither had much to do.
Peter couldn't really sleep during the night, so while Martin slept, he was making things difficult for himself in this relationship by thinking too hard.
Martin was a dangerous, horrible man. He had blood on his hands, twenty-three people died at his hands. Yes, one of them was a very dangerous serial killer, but what of the others? How many of them had done horrible things? From all the videos Peter had watched, the victims were all deemed as good people, minus the last one.
But Martin was a good person too, right? He cared so deeply about his family, constantly worrying about them and keeping updated as often as he could. And he cared about Peter, he really liked Peter, and promised to keep him safe, even if Peter was technically the more powerful out of the two of them.
He set his phone aside and laid down, facing Martin. This man was a doctor, he spent years helping so many people. He saved lives, he tries his best to save those who had just stepped over the line of death.
But he also took lives, and from how Peter had seen him kill a vampire not too long ago, it seemed to give Martin a thrill. He had never seen someone so excited to watch the life (unlife?) drain from someone's eyes as he squeezed his hands around their throat. Then again, the vampire had tried to kill Peter, so maybe he was... happy that he saved Peter's life?
"Why am I trying to justify this...?" Peter mumbled to himself. He looked at Martin still, the man was still sound asleep, and looked so content.
He hadn't killed a single human since his escape, at least, his second escape. The one that led him here, where he found Peter. Yeah, he did try to dissect Peter, but he really thought Peter was dead when he had tried.
God, this was weird.
Peter's life was a fucking mess.
And yet he still liked Martin. Probably loved him, but he wasn't sure if he could say that yet.
He sighed softly, hearing the rain come down harder, and he hoped that Martin was too deep in sleep to hear him.
"They say you’re dangerous, but you’re my safe... place." He mumbled, low enough that even he barely heard himself. He shifted closer and felt himself quickly change shape.
Hard to have complicated thoughts when you were a bat. All he wanted to do was snuggle up against Martin's face and sleep, so that's what he did.
Gotta be awkward as fuck to be watching true crime videos about your killer boyfriend while he's right there.
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allycat75 · 3 months
I hope one day you can tell your story, Boston Dumb Fuck.
The weight of what you have been carrying is more than one being is meant to carry and it shows everywhere you look. You deserve to share your burden as part of your growth and healing. And when you do, may I suggest the book title:
Desperation, Lies, Hypocrisy and Nicotine: The Smell of a Decaying Soul and How I Faught To Recover It From the Clutches of Hollywood
Chapters could include:
I Hate Myself
Shushing My Way Into a Corner
White Privledge and the Illusion of Invincibility
A Monkey's Paw Sort of Situation
Training to Prepare for the Mental Gymnastics Championships
Dissociation 101- Dead Eyes With a 1000 Yard Stare and a Handler's Programing for Automation
Wear Your Masks, Boys and Girls
True Romance and a Sprint Through Central Park
All At Once I Knew I Was Not Magnificent- A Slight Breeze As Some of My Soul Begins Its Escape
Fake Jump Scares and Senior-wear Chic; alternative- A Revocation of Sexiest Man Alive
I Love Love So Much I Made It a Joke and Now Nothing Will Ever Be Special and I Ruined Every Holiday Forever
How To Shower on a Budget- Wash Your Body, Hair and Clothes with Pantine; alternative- When Your Team Has an Ulterior Motive, They Don't Put a Morality Clause or Success Metrics into the Contract
Private Planes, First Class Seats, Economy Class and Invisible Luggage
I Am No Feminist, I Am Not Righteous, I Am Not a Woke Political Avenger
I Am, However, An Alone Guy Whose Dog Is My Soulmate
But I'm Going To Be A Happy Idiot- Now I Feel the Heavy Weight of Missing Part of My Soul
So I Kinda, Sorta Married an Arrogant, Immature, Selfish, Vapid, Racist, Antisemetic, Fatshaming Clout Chaser and Now I Am One Too (So Much Better Than a Fuckboi, Right?)
Maybe I Can Hide in the Woods, Smoke Weed, Make Pottery and Gaze at Trees (Dissociation 102)- Subtitle: Did I Really Wear a Medical Mesh Tank for a Complicit Magazine's Photoshoot?
My Fans Are the Crazy and Jealous Ones; Too Bad They're Not Stupid to Believe the Lies and Peace-out'd on Me
Is It Live or Is It (Bad) Photoshop?
Education is Sexy and Geography is Fun
Waiting In a Poorly Lit Basement Room of The Flatiron Building at Christmas With a Deck of Cards and a Coloring Book For the Wifey, While the Real A-listers Have Fun Upstairs; alternative- How I Jeopardized the Marriage of a Good Friend and Why She (Rightfully So) Hates Me (And Who Else I Have Used For this Unsuccessful Farce)
Still Trying To Shove ASP As A Good Idea While Democracy Burns, Probably Because Jinx Doesn't Want Me
What Would It Be Like to Be Tracee Ellis Ross's Personal Trainer Instead of Me Right Now?
5 Or 7 Rings to Rule Them All (And None of Them Fit)
So The Soul Is Gone and I Feel Nothing But Fear in a Pit of Despair (Hint- Stop Digging Straight Down)
Loitering In Front of An Oscar Party to Be Dragged Incognito With the Fake Wifey While the Real A-listers Party Inside
I Got 2 Razzie Nominations and RDJ Got An Oscar- Guess I Know Who Won "Civil War"
I Turned My Back on Everything I Believed In and All I Got Was a Black Audi (I'm assuming they gave you a car as part of the new endorsement deal and you always seem to get them in black)
Promised More Challenging Roles; Instead Got to Play the Worst Version of Myself for Over Two Years Until All Good Parts Passed Me By; alternative- It's As If My Team is Corrupt and/or Incompetent and Either Had It Out For Me or Felt I Was an Expendable Pawn
How Do I Build Back an Authentic Life From Scratch When I'm Not Sure Who I Was To Begin With and Don't Know Who I Want To Be; alternative- Decide What to Be and Go Be It
and the rest is still unwritten...
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absylphe · 6 months
I Know That She Likes Me
She Had Better Like Me Given What She Did To Me
(That Was A Joke I Am Joking)
(I Am Obviously Beyond Pleased With How Things Have Been Going)
I Am Not A Groupie I Have Never Been A Groupie I Never Even Listened To Any Of Her Music Before The First Time We Visited One Another
I Can Not Even Really Listen To It Unless It Is Very Quiet Given How Sensitive My Auricular Dishes Are
I Just Keep Having This Very Stupid Image Of Those Silly Short Form Video Scenarios Where Some Absolute Square Of A Girl Is Standing In The Front Row Of A Concert Reading A Book (Why Are They In The Front Row If They Are Not Even Going To Pay Attention To The Acts On Stage) And The Singer Makes Eye Contact With Them And Is For Some Reason Charmed By This Frumpy Little Nobody Who Is Ignoring Their Art In A Disrespectful Way
Not That I Ignore Lanota's Art
Sorry This Whole Thing Has Gotten Away From Me As It Usually Does
So Much Of The Time She Is So Real
She Has Such Soft And Pretty Hair And She Looks So Serene When She Sleeps
She Is So Goofy And Quick-Witted And Affectionate And Far More Insightful Than She Is Willing To Put On Display At All Times
You See I Need Everyone To Know How Much Attention I Am Paying All Of The Time For Example So They Know How Smart I Am But She Is Always Paying Attention And Only Rarely Capitalizing On That Knowledge When It Is Most Advantageous
(I Suppose There Is Something To Be Said About The Difference Between Being Raised By A Lusus That Is Basically Friendly Cattle Bred To Be Stupid And Complacent And Being Raised By A Lusus That Is A Shrewd Perfectionist Ambush Predator)
She Is Not Afraid To Be Imperfect
But Sometimes When I See Her On Stage I Feel So Small
It Is Just A World I Am Not A Part Of
I Think It Would Be A Bit Pathetic To Describe My Heightened Hearing As A Disability But The Fact Of The Matter Is That It Does Prevent Me From Participating In Many Of The Sorts Of Events That Her Career Includes And Those Are Such A Big Part Of Her Life
She Puts So Much Work Into Crafting Her Image And Perfecting Her Music
And I Know That She Loves Me Even Knowing I Can Not Fully Participate In Her Full Vision
But I Still Feel Like That Dorky Hypothetical Person Reading At The Concert At Times
Maybe I Am Just Getting The Jitters Because Of The Egg
I Want To Stay With Her Forever If She Will Let Me
But I Know Better Than To Bank On Forevers
I Am More Than Happy To Be Confident That I Have A Handful Of Tomorrows Left With her
And Tomorrow I Will Still Have A Handful Of Tomorrows
And Perhaps If I Play My Cards Right I Will Never Befall The Misfortune Of Running Out Of Tomorrows
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thatsneakymedic · 7 months
People are not joking when they say that time flies when you do what you like. In June it shall be five years since we are free. FREE. I never hoped to even live to know the meaning of that word. I paid a small price to be free after all...besides my doctor is my life companion.
"Kabuto stop taking pictures I know what you are doing"
The day already started...already but I don't want to get up. When did I become this lazy? I am turning into a wife slowly but sure..." ahh no Kabuto move your foot you are tickling me, alright alright I am up" We have our own space now close to the sea, a small apartment with a big terrace looking out to the sea. The scent of coffee would lure even the dead up. While Kabuto kept his old job as a doctor, he also still had a pile of books still learning more and more, how much more info that nerd head can take? Surprisingly he learned Italian fast so that I or my cousins couldn't prank on him. He adapted to family really quick. His fear of being rejected because of religion and the way Italians think is always a bit present, and their fear of accidentally offending Kabuto as well. Sometimes they are so funny and I can't help but laugh. They avoid religious subjects and Kabuto just being himself quiet and shy.....
"No Kabuto put the damn camera down...now I don't like to take so many pictures...Come back here..."
With only a little it's so easy to be happy, Shisuu had an empire and was never happy. Now he had a stupid job as an icecream seller and occasionally a bartender at the beach parties...a few euros in his pocket and Kabuto... he was always happy.
"come back will you I am too old to run all there after you..."
(Mafia verse 👀)
*click* *click*
"You're talking to yourself again, I did mention that making a video diary would do you good. Since it sounds like you're in some kind of interview. Besides, I want to take as many pictures of you. Because we may never know when we would want to look back at them in the future. The years are passing by so fast after all." Kabuto chuckled with a smile as he places his foot on them to use his toes to tickle at their side.
Shisui.... Beautiful Shisui...
How the hell did he manage to get so fortunate (or unfortunate) to marry such an incredible and exciting man who many others wished to claim for their own selfish reasons? It felt like years since they first met, when he was an pathetic unfortunate young man who was desperate for money by taking that degrading job as an exotic dancer to the now famous and very well respected doctor that even other doctors, college professors, and medical students from various countries in the world seek him or his books out to learn to become as good as he is.
5 years...
That's all it took for his soft features to begin to shape into that of an incredibly beautiful but tired 27 year old man. He was worried about if Shisui would lose interest in him, but he was reassured by them. Saying how he's become even more beautiful than before.
Unlike Shisui who had lost his eye days after they moved to Italy thanks to the unexpected side effect of the drug. Since then, Kabuto has been keeping a sharp eye on Shisui and would often regularly give him check ups, even after years since that happened. Looking for any behavioral or mental issues that could happen since the eye IS connected to the brain. But he's also working on restoring the eye since it can be fixed as well.
He loved his new home, far away from the hustle and bustle city of Japan. Since the people here are so friendly (or not in some cases) with each other, the salty sea air always refreshed him upon waking up and it soothed him to sleep. And their home is rather quite humble and cozy, just for the two of them since living in the large fancy apartment back then made him feel incredibly lonely and small. And that included Shisui's beautiful mansion. Least now that apartment belongs to Urushi and his mother so that they can have a place to live in while also resuming their work in a much more comfortable modern and respectable orphanage facility with better workers with intensive background checks on both workers and newfound parents to avoid giving a child to potentially abusive parents.
Kabuto and Nonou also made sure that religion would not be seen as mandatory among the children and the workers as well. Even the new children are told to relax their views on it and the adults working there are told to not influence them as well.
From outside their relationship and family, not many people know about Shisui's mass wealth that could keep the two living comfortably for as long as they live so they assume that Kabuto is the one who's making the money and around the area, he has made a name for himself.
"El Grigio" or in short "The Grey One" in Italian among Shisui's relatives, neighbors, and friends when they forget his name. Not that he minded but it did make it easier for people to know who they are talking about in conversations. Kabuto was extremely nervous that they wouldn't accept him nor his relationship with Shisui or his aversion to religious topics like the church. But after his success as a doctor and his contributes to the community by creating a better and much more affordable health care plan for those struggling to pay for medicines or treatments, they wholly accepted him even more than before. It's refreshing that he's become more popular than he was in the past when such talent was always judged by background and social status and not by actions.
Sage is still alive and living with them very comfortably, but their age has been showing in their behavior these days. It's upsetting to know that in a few more years, Kabuto's first and only companion who was with him at his lowest is more likely to pass away from old age so Kabuto makes sure to take plenty of pictures of them too. After them, Kabuto isn't sure if he would want a new dragon to keep since Sage will always be the dragon for him.
"Nope, you missed out on your morning walks today and I didn't want to wake you up till now. So now you have to make up for it by catching me." He gets up from the bed to walk ahead of them now, his ash grey hair was now flowing behind his back that reached his hips, much longer than he used to have before.
While it's a hassle to take care off, it's always worth it since he did look so captivating with it. Not just his hair, Kabuto since then has also perfected his self-defense and gun shooting to the point that he can not only protect himself and Shisui, but other people who would need that kind of strength. When words won't work and only physical karma would be enough to stop a situation. And because from what Kabuto learned, is that he won't ever let anyone take what is precious to him. Not ever again.
He and Alustriel still work closely together, but as of recently a mysterious message from an anonymous person from Brazil has invited Kabuto and Alustriel to have a meeting with them. And while Kabuto has no idea who it is, judging by Alustiel's excited expression. It is obvious who the messenger is and even then, Kabuto is looking forward to their talks. Hopefully Shisui would like a mini vacation to Brazil since Kabuto likes to take Shisui to various places and countries during work.
As he watches Shisui pace after him, he grins his biggest smile as he hurries out of reach for them playfully. Not minding the June summer sun on his face.
How far they both have come despite their pasts and even if it does feel like happily ever after, their adventure together has yet to end and it has only begun. And as long as he has Shisui, he will never want anything more in life.
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existentially-yibo · 2 years
Happy Birthday rabbitcrimes!
In honor of my sweet roommate dedicating their latest fic to me I am memorializing the horrible platonic wangxian fic I wrote about us based on a dream I had about our lives together/our jobs -- they are Lan Wangji and I am Wei Wuxian in this fic, and also unfortunately in like everything that we do. I wrote this in like one hour and it is indeed supposed to be bad -- I swear I can write better than this. This fic was a part of a 24 page zine about us and how we are Platonic Wangxian. I had to modify the format of it to get it to post on tumblr so it somehow looks even MORE stupid, but yeah lol here she is. Happy belated Birthday @rabbitcrimes sorry for putting this on the internet 🐰🤡
                       PLATONIC WANGXIAN MODERN AU:
                            The One Thousand Dollar Day
Most days, Wei Wuxian wakes up later than Lan Wangji — unless he just hasn’t gone to sleep yet — particularly on days when they both work. These are objectively the worst days. Not only for the audacity that both of them have to work, but also because their work schedules overlap so that on these days, they inevitably miss each other. Lan Wangji leaves before Wei Wuxian wakes, Wei Wuxian leaves before Lan Wangji returns, Wei Wuxian finally returns after Lan Wangji has fallen asleep. It’s horrible. 
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They may live together and are in constant communication both via their individual messages, messaging in the 4+ group chats they are both in, and the endless stream of pornographic content they share with each other on various media platforms; AND YET, when they  don’t see each other for 24 hours, it IS a tragedy akin to the fall of Lotus Pier. Wei Wuxian, often stuck in baby-girl mode is very clingy, and will send work selfies to ensure that Lan Wangji doesn’t forget what he looks like, and that he is a snacc.
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On this, the day our story takes place, the day has thus far… sucked. Bitches in the bookstore are really trying Lan Wangji’s patience, which is un-fortchy not an uncommon occurrence. Lan Wangji, perfect boy that he is, is responsible for every single inch of that bookstore, including physically holding up the wall beams in his big strong hands so that the ceiling stays up while the silly little patrons walk around and talk about how they all go to art school. Lan Wangji has also read every book that has ever been written, and  still just smiles and nods when people ask him things like if he’s heard of the greatest book ever written: “Infinite Jest.”
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Things are even worse for Wei Wuxian, as he has just rolled over in bed like a beached seal and remembered that he, a good person, ALSO has to go to work. The fact that they live in a four person household and only they go to work is honestly insane . And yet, EVERYDAY (insert quote about everyday meaning everyday) BOTH Toast and Juno stay home making no money and committing crimes. Double guilty!!
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Alas, nothing to be done. Wei Wuxian, still in bed, finishes the fic he fell asleep reading last night, sending Lan Wangji screen shots of the parts that make him wants to pull his teeth out with his bare hands, and then gets up to feed his screaming son.
The two of them fall into their daily routine — Lan Wangji at the bookstore, Wei Wuxian prepping for a night at the club — all the while messaging back and forth. It’s comfortable, comforting, the easy stream of thoughts, jokes, and little updates they haven’t yet told each other. Though they are not snugglin’ in one of their beds, or screaming in their living room, they are together in the homey space they’ve made between their phones. Wei Wuxian pauses midway through putting in his extensions to smile at a message and respond to the very correct take that Lan Wangji has sent him about their blorbos, tagging on one of his overly used memes, and then goes back to his hair. His days are easier when they’re sprinkled with Lan Wangji like this. He takes a moment to collect himself and not go little bitch mode about how he has found a family and made a home.
By 4:00 P.M. Wei Wuxian has complained at least twelve times about going to work, every time Lan Wangji patiently and sincerely telling him that it is indeed not fair, cruel and unusual, frankly insane. He walks to the train blasting UNIQ and for the umpteenth time texts Lan Wangji “this song is so bad,” and then, “it does kinda bang tho.”
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At work, he flirts with men to scam them out of money, living out the plot to started from the bottom / now I’m rich, except instead of murder it is acquisition of dollars (he is never sure if he is disappointed by the money over murder outcome). Lan Wangji finally gets home to their horrible children. On breaks, Wei Wuxian skips up to the locker room and checks his messages, there are memes and videos in a few of their shared group chats, and a photo sent by Lan Wangji of Juno curled up like a little angel on his bed. Wei Wuxian smiles, and hears himself getting called for stage. He heart reacts to the Juno pic and asks Lan Wangji how the rest of his day went.
The rest of the night goes by fast and busy, and Wei Wuxian doesn’t have time to check his phone. He twirls his hair and pretends to be interested when men tell him about bitcoin, or that they’re “not like other guys” because they “like to travel,” all the while thinking about gay porn.
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On his way home, he reads a very pleased message from Lan Wangji that the store had a thousand dollar day, despite the season. Wei Wuxian beams for him. It’s 4:30 A.M. when he gets home and goes through his nightly routine: texting Lan Wangji as he’s coming in so he doesn’t worry, quietly closing his door to not wake him while he takes his make up off and makes ramen, then falls asleep as the sun comes up.
Later, Wei Wuxian wakes to the sound of the electric kettle. He picks up his purple felt Crown Royal bag and counts his cash from last night to the familiar sounds of Lan Wangji making tea in the kitchen, gently talking to Juno about getting her breakfast ready. Wei Wuxian’s face breaks out into a huge smile as he counts over a thousand dollars. Unable to contain his glee he enters into the kitchen, giving Lan Wangji a devilish look, which takes him by surprise and he laughs. Wei Wuxian loves walking into a room and making Lan Wangji laugh with just a face that makes mischief music play in their heads.
They fist bump over their shared thousand dollar days, and Wei Wuxian giddily brings out the cash so that he can show Lan Wangji the thick stack of hundreds and twenties. It’s Monday and they both have the day off. They’ll spend it reading quietly, or writing loudly, in the same room or separate rooms. It’s easy. Many things aren’t, but these days are.
“Let’s order Gorilla Sushi for dinner,” one of them thinks, as the other one says it out loud at the same time.
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welcometowritersblock · 11 months
Burden of Love
This is a story written about original characters - it is romantic angst. It’s actually about another iteration/life of two other characters, but this is a stand-alone in and of itself, too! I hope you enjoy.
TW: Blood, Death, Knives
“It’s okay, it’s okay, don’t cry,” she whispered, managing a small smile. If she could’ve stepped forward, if she could’ve reached out, she would’ve grabbed Arista by the cheeks to wipe away the tears. But she knew better than to move. Even just breathing, she could feel the dagger slide against her insides. All Catalina could do right now was focus on Arista as she sobbed, trying to stay strong for her princess.
“C… C-Cata… Catalina…” was all Arista could manage in response.
“See? The curse is broken. You’re yourself again.”
“Catalina…!” Arista repeated with more urgency.
“Is it wrong that I’m… kind of happy that worked?”
“Catalina….! W-why did you-“
“The curse said… it would end when you took a life of a loved one.”
“C-Catalina… that… you know the witch meant… the king or queen. One of my parents. That’s why she cursed me…!”
“I… I do know that… I also know… you didn’t want to hurt your parents.”
“That doesn’t make this a better solution, Catalina!”
“I feel like… it is. After all. The curse is broken. You’re free. The king and queen are safe. What more could you ask for?”
“Not to have a knife wedged into your chest, Catalina!”
Catalina let out something similar to a laugh, blood starting to drip from her mouth.
“Princess, protecting the royal family is my duty-“
“We could’ve figured something else out-“
“And I’m tasked with watching over you-“
“I know the court mage tried and couldn’t do anything-“
“You were suffering and your parents didn’t know what to do-“
“Surely we could’ve found someone else who knew about spells-“
“And they began discussing locking you in a tower-“
“One of the dusty old books in the library could’ve had some information-“
“And I. Couldn’t bear to imagine you locked up or injured-“
“What’s the point of the damn library and the court mage if they can’t do anything-“
“It had to be this way-“
“Why did it have to be you?!”
“Because I’m your guard and knight, princess. And your friend. I’d die a thousand times over to keep you safe.”
“I never asked you to!”
“It’s my duty.”
“I am positive that this situation was not included in the contract you signed-“
“Fine. It was my choice. I know you’re not happy with me, princess, but I chose this.“
“Idiot, idiot, idiot, Catalina, why?!”
“Well… maybe I just had to know for sure whether you saw me the same way I saw you. Stupid way to find out, though. Maybe I should’ve just asked…?”
“S-stop making jokes! Catalina…!”
Arista finally moved and grabbed her knight by the shoulders when her knees began to give out. Arista wasn’t particularly strong, but she could help Catalina stagger into a sitting position rather than simply collapse.
“This. This isn’t right. What do I do? There has to be something I can do. C-Catalina, how do I save you?”
“Dunno. But if you’re trying to find something to do, you could hold my hand.”
“No, I need to find you a healer or a cleric or-“
“…so you’re going to leave me here alone?”
Arista took a look at Catalina. She didn’t want to admit it, but she knew if she left for the the infirmary downstairs, without some kind of divine intervention, there’s no way Catalina would be alive when she returned with a healer. There was so much blood leaking from the sides of the dagger, and from her lips.
Arista silently fell to her knees besides Catalina and took her hand in her own.
“Thank you, princess.”
“S-stop that. You know I’m in love with you, now. Can’t you call me my name for once?”
“Mmhm. I think I can manage that, Arista, but your mother won’t be pleased.”
“Please… please shut up…” was all Arista could manage between sobs. When Catalina didn’t respond, she held her hand tighter.
“I take it back, please keep talking to me, say something, anything…!”
“For you? Anything.” Another joyless laugh to sit with Catalina’s faltering smile, light slowly fading from her eyes but the affection for the princess was ever-present.
“I’m sorry I made you cry. And that I’m leaving you alone.”
“If you’re sorry, don’t do it!”
“Arista. I’m sorry if this burdens you, but I need to make sure you know I love you, too, okay?”
“Why couldn’t you have told me that before?”
“Because you are the radiant princess and I am your lowly knight, destined to follow behind and protect you, never stand beside you.”
“I don’t care if you’re a knight and I’m a princess, I wanted you! I didn’t want a prince, I didn’t want the crown, I didn’t want the kingdom, I… I wanted you, Catalina!”
“I’m sorry.”
The pain she was trying to keep out of her voice couldn’t hide anymore. Keeping the knife in slowed the bleeding, but the pain persisted. Every breath made it stab slightly further into her insides. Then again, who could imagine the pain of it coming out if it was so excruciating going in?
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Stop apologizing! What are you apologizing for?! I’m the one who stabbed you!”
“Because you love me and I’m leaving you. I can’t save you from this. From holding my hand, from watching me die, from your own tears. I’m sorry. I wish I could’ve done better.” Catalina continued to unravel as her mind grew hazy from blood loss, her tight grip on Arista’s hand lightening with passing moments. Tears finally couldn’t be held back, and the brave face she was trying to put on for Arista dropped into a fearful look.
“I love you, Arista. I’m so sorry. I know that only makes it harder. How cruel of me. I love you. I’m sorry.”
She reached with her free hand, cupping her knight’s cheek. “I… I love you, too. And I. I forgive you.” A deep breath, fighting back sobs to continue to use her voice. “I love you and I forgive you.”
A barely there smile was visible on Catalina’s face for but a few seconds before there was no light left inside of her.
Time passed in silence. Arista isn’t sure how long.
She had never stopped crying, but it returned with a vengeance. She squeezed her knight’s hand, as if to make up for the grip that Catalina had loosened.
And there she sat, watching as her knight’s body grew cold, knife still in her chest, eyes still open, whispering her name like a prayer.
No gods would answer her prayer. And neither would Catalina.
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evankelmpp · 2 years
Superman hcs !!
disclaimer!! autism is a spectrum the way i may experience is not the way we all experience it, im just going off of mine
SFW, superman x autistic!reader, gnc!reader, fluff, alternative!reader , i am a newer superman fan so that’s it’s own warning, no pronouns used, and alt!reader, mention of allergies (reader has allergies), reader is physically smaller then superman (not like 4,5 petite or skinny, weight isn’t mentioned)
(sorry for the 50 million tags just wanted to include more diversity cause i see none)
• Due to his super senses he’s incredibly understanding of your overstimulation
• since he got used to it he’d give you his old noise cancelling headphones
•everything’s so quiet you think you went deaf the first time trying them (they were made for superpowered senses)
•he would love listening to your SI’s and would casually learn more to add to the conversation
•(he’d also bring it your super causally like he wasn’t researching it just for u)
•he would end up sneaking you to the daily planet to meet anyone involved with your SI
• for example, if you were obsessed with a show/book he would push for the creator to get interviewed just so you could meet them
•if you had trouble putting your hair up in liberty spikes he’d help
• “Y’know i used to use a whole can of hair spray when i first became superman” he‘d tell you, the first time helping you out
• “yea I know you looked like a pomade ad” you teased
• he wouldn’t laugh but for a split second you think you saw a smirk
• after months of convincing he’d let you put guyliner on him
•if you are like me and love deep pressure he would 100% deliver
•it’d put all weighted blankets to shame
• “are you sure this isn’t too much i don’t wanna hurt you”
• “i would be so happy to die like this Kal”
• if you even slightly joke like that he would be so worried and fussy over you afterwards
• (he’d secretly use his vision to make sure there was no broken bones)
• this is the bare minimum but he would never judge your style nor you stimming around him
• your guys place would look hilarious half of the house would look all country and fall and your side would look like a haunted house
• opposites attract 100%
• he’d be a regular at all of your safe food places and hide snacks around his place (before you moved in with him) just to always make sure your able to eat at his place (made myself sob with this one)
• he didn’t want you to feel anyway abt that so he’d lie and say they just conveniently… were… at his… place
• he’s a shit lier
• he’d also carry a epipen with him just incase
• after you had a severe reaction and it’s tense because he just had to use the epipen and is still worried about you, you’d joke about how techincally he also has an allergy
• in your drowsy state you’d say “ since kyriptonite is from your home plant and it hurts you… wouldn’t that be like a grass allergy?”
• he’d just kinda look at you like :|
• You guys had planned a date night but after he kicks ass as superman and you have a long day at work/school you decided to just spend time together at home
• You have the wise idea to swap clothes
• You try and fail to not stare at his abs as he basically destroys your rob zombie t-shirt
• You have to tie back your dyed hair and wear a hat and wear a flannel that’s bigger then you so you have to also tie it back
•there’s no way you could wear his pants without rolling up the pants legs 50x so you just wear leggings underneath
• he is half naked with crappy black makeup cause you insisted that he did his own makeup
• you both look stupid but keep pictures to commemorate
• you are practically drooling, like you do not already date this man when you convince him to wear a crop top (it’s not really a crop top he just ripped your shirt trying to put it on but still)
• he is overjoyed when you give him kandi especially when you teach him what plur is and he accidentally breaks them and felt so bad (he looked like a kicked puppy)
• he either leaves them at home or secretly replaces them with stronger material (the elastic band) so he can actually wear them
• he would be confused but very supportive of raves
• we love Kal el in this household
• also you constantly accidentally text his name as Kale because of your autocorrect and it’s the only thing you found out that annoys him
• you abuse that fact
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