#I WOULD SAY HE MADE BRANDI A DRINKER BUT. shes a party girl in my head like she can drink but she wasnt on all that other shit
socialbunny · 10 months
🖊️ and 🤔 for skip!
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
Of course he does, what would Skip be without his trashy white man tattoos he would just be maxis skippy, and i have no respect for his bland ass look.
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Here's the tattoos I have on Skip currently. There's one I want him to have with Dustin's deadname either one his shoulder or somewhere along his forearm, but I'm not sold on either of them so it doesn't exist on his model. His 'Brandi' tattoo originally was supposed to be a portrait of her face actually, but that would look soooo bad if I did it myself so it's not present either but just IMAGINE bc it's so real.
Answering the second part, of course he'd want to get more more. It's like his piercings (which he also has a lot of ;) , they're both some of his most favorite impulse things to do. Please keep this man away from needles and tattoo guns 🙄
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
THESE ARE PROBABLY MORE LIKE CHARACTER TRAITS and not really like. quirks or mannerisms I guess, but whatever.
shitty ass liar, can't front for too long, not even to save his own life. not because of any moral reasonings; he can lie, but never feels a reason too. considers himself a "blunt motherfucker" which really just means he's a dickhead with no filter
picks up new habits easily, but drops them just as quick; he got brandi hooked on smoking and hard drugs, but he himself can live without doing it. very much a stress smoker, but doesn't drink at all actually
incredibly impulsive for someone who calls himself 'level-headed' and 'mature' — which i guess i just an addendum to the thing i put above, but in a different sense. jumps to get married to brandi after she tells him that she's pregnant, especially because getting she gets so much shit for getting pregnant like it fucks up her social and family life so he feels so guilty and obligated to do that for her. has sex with don because he's depressed abt getting married and don keeps coming onto him and skip's like whatever. fuck it. and makes the third most terrible decision in his life. he leads on this guy he's been technicallllyyyyyy on and off dating since he was 15, and acts like one day they're gonna be together and start and family, but he ends up doing all this shit with his Actual wife and acts like he just needs time to work thru it and leave her. but then skip steals so much money and supplies from him and ghosting his ass entirely <3
really i think skip is just bad at interpersonal relationships. he never wanted to be tied down so early with no money and no stability like his parents, and it's fucking up his mental state. even though his parents were technically happy up until they died, skip always saw himself doing more and being Better than that and the past failings of his family. he craves independence but wants to feel connected to people, but he can't handle that with the way he lives and moves.
BACKTO THE ACTUAL QUESTION. actually. hes so rough with is hands. has callused ass knuckles and rubs them a lot. and he pops his joints all the time, and that shit's loud as fuck
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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I was gonna post this on my birthday but got busy. 
Tip Jar
[Edited: 12-15-19]
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You wake, little girl, on an empty stage. For fate to turn the light on. Your life, little girl, is an empty page, that men will want to write on... To write on... You are sixteen going on seventeen. Baby, it's time to think! Better beware, be canny and careful-- Baby, you're on the brink! You are sixteen going on seventeen. Fellows will fall in line. 
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You could say you lived a cushy life. Being the daughter of Toshinori Yagi, or rather All Might, meant you had everything you could need. Your father gave you all the necessities you needed. Food? Clothes? Shoes? You name it, you had it. He gave you more than the necessities. He gave you the best things. 
You felt that he gave you the best things to make up for him being absent. You knew that as the world's best hero, people needed him. He was meant to save people, he was supposed to be there for the world. Sometimes you needed him to be the world's best dad instead. You needed him to be there for you. You needed him to be there to care for you. 
He wasn’t home half the time. He didn’t know what was going on in your life. Instead, he chose to throw himself into work and push nice things your way to make up for it. It wasn't always like this. When your mom was still alive he was there. He was present and active in your life. 
All the time people would tell you, you looked just like your mother. You couldn't help but feel he pushed you away because you reminded him of her. Sometimes you wished that you had died not her. That would be better than loneliness.  
Your only friend in this lonely abyss was Touya Todoroki. Despite complications between your fathers, you'd managed to stay friends. You suppose you both felt lonely. 
“Hey, Touya.” 
You ran ahead on the street you were walking on so you could walk with Touya on your way home from school. You tripped once you reach him. At the sound of his name, he turns and gives you a small smile, grabbing onto your arms to steady you. 
“[Y/N], you need to be careful, I'm not always gonna be here to save you from falling.” 
You frowned, sometimes when you talked with Touya it felt as if he was gonna be gone one day, leaving you behind. The frown is easily replaced as you remembered what you came over to ask Touya.
“Sorry... I wanted to ask you if you’d go with me to a party tonight.”  
“Who’s party?”
Touya gives out a sigh of displeasure and frowns. 
“Why not? He was really nice when he invited me.” 
“Guy’s like [Name] only want to use you.” 
“Just because a guy shows interest in me doesn't mean he wants sex. Is it that hard to believe someone is interested in me?”
Touya stops walking and pushes your hair behind your ear. He cups your cheeks and guides your head into an upwards position towards his face. 
“[Name] isn't capable of being interested in anyone. He just wants to fuck. You're too good for him, sweetheart.” 
“Well, maybe I wanna fuck him.” 
A look of anger and betrayal flashes Touya's face as his hands fall from your cheeks. He knew you were only talking out of anger, but it hurt to hear you say that.
“Do what you want, I'm just saying your gonna get hurt. By the way, we both know you're not gonna give your virginity to a douche.” 
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Eager, young lads and bruees and cads, will offer you food and wine! Totally unprepared, are you, to face a world of men! Timid and shy and scared, are you, of things beyond your kin! You need someone older and wiser. Telling you what to do! I am seventeen going on eighteen, I'll take care of you! I am sixteen going on seventeen. I know that I'm naïve. 
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You showed up at [Name}’s house. Unfortunately, as well as being naive, you were stubborn. When you told Touya you were going to the party, you meant it. 
You knocked on the door and [Name] answered. He smiled at you while he let you inside. 
“Hey, glad you came.”
[Name] grabs your hand and leads you to his kitchen. 
“I'm surprised you came without your little boyfriend. Todoroki and you are practically attached at the hip.” 
You blushed and looked at the ground as he suggested that Touya was your boyfriend. 
“I don't have a boyfriend, Touya and I are just close.” 
“Can I get you a drink?”
“Yes, please.” 
Maybe if you hadn't been so naive you would have noticed how [Name] smiled when you said that Touya was not your boyfriend. Maybe if you hadn't been so naive you would have said no to the drink and had gotten it your own. 
[Name] smiles at you as you take a drink from your red solo cup. Not only was it filled with a strong vodka, but it was laced with a drug. The drink takes effect fast making you feel wobbly.
“I- I don't feel so good, I think I should call someone.”
You fish your phone out of your pocket. Scrolling down your contact your finger hovers above your dad’s name. For some reason, you tap on it. The phone rings and rings until you reach his voicemail. 
“Dad... I- I know your probably busy, b- but can you pick me up? Dad... I really need you.”  
[Name] pulls your phone out of your hand and places it on the counter after you leave the message.
“I'll take you somewhere you can rest.” 
The drugs don't even allow you to truly note how roughly [Name] has a grip on your arm. He pulls you through the house, upstairs, and into his bedroom. [Name] pushes you onto his bed, and the drugs making you immobile made you comply with him. 
He pulled your jeans down and started unbuttoning your shirt. His hand pulls your breast out of your bra, and tears leak down your face. With dread, you wonder what he's going to touch next. Your other breast, or further south? 
However, his hand doesn't come back. Your body doesn't allow you to move to see where he is, but you could hear yelling. 
“What did you do to her?” 
“She's enjoying it.”
You felt your body being pulled into a chest. The smell of ash and fabric softner filled your nose. You felt a jacket get draped over your body and you could feel your body being lifted. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart, I'm here. I've got you.”  
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Fellows I meet. May tell me I'm sweet. And, willingly, I believe! I am sixteen going on seventeen. Innocent as a rose. Bacheledandies, drinkers of brandies. What do I know of those? Totally unprepared, am I. To face a world of men! Timid and shy and scared am I. Of things beyond my kin! I need someone older and wiser. Telling me what to do! You are seventeen going on eighteen, I'll depend on you! 
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You woke up in your own bedroom, the events from the prior night foggy. Your memory came in fragments. Little bits and pieces of what happened connected in your head. You started panicking. You remembered how he drugged you and took you to his room. Your breathing gets ragged at the thought of the possibility of [Name] taking your virginity by force. 
“Its okay, sweetheart.”
“I- Last night... I can't remember much... What happened?”
“He tried to hurt you, I stopped him. Simple as that.”
Touya hands you a glass of water and your cellphone. You had forgotten about how [Name] took it from you. 
“Drink some water, it will make you feel better.” 
You opened up your phone to see a voicemail from your dad. Pulling your phone close to your ear you hit play on the message. 
“Hey, [Your Name]. I didn't see your message until this morning, I was with Izuku. Just called back to see what you needed.” 
Hot salty tears rolled down your cheeks. While you were almost being raped, your father was with a child that wasn't even his own. Your father spent more time with Izuku than he did with you. Growing up you had hoped your father would pass down his powers to you, instead, he gave them to this puny kid. 
You hated Izuku Midoriya with a passion, and now you hated your father too. 
“I called him last night, but he never came. I needed him, but he never came. He saves everyone but the one time I need him to save me, he doesn't come.” 
Touya moves from where he was sitting on the side of your bed to a laying position next to you. He wipes your tears away with his thumbs and cups your face. 
“I hate him. I hate him for never being there for you. I hate him for hurting you. He's supposed to be the world’s best hero, he should treat his daughter better.” 
Touya pulls you against his chest and you nuzzled against him. He loved how natural it felt to hold you like this.  
“You deserve someone you can depend on. God! You deserve better, we both do. I want to take you far away from him.”  
“Touya, we can't just leave. Our parents would never allow it.”
“Our parents don't give a shit about us. We could leave together and they wouldn't notice.” 
“[Y/N], I love you. You deserve someone you can depend on, let me be the one you depend on.” 
You look up at him, wide pupils at his declaration of love. 
“You love me?” 
“Sweetheart, I love you more than you could ever know.” 
You cup Touya’s cheeks and push your lips onto his. They were warm and soft. The kiss lasted five seconds, they felt good against yours. 
“Then I’ll depend on you.”
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