mylonelydreaming · 2 years
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ivebeencursedbygays · 6 months
Kai: But when all hope seemed lost, I had an epiphany! 
Kai, earlier: I'm going to throw myself into the sea.
Zane: Kai, you can do anything! 
Kai: Anything? 
Zane: Anything! 
Kai, holding a torch: ANYTHING?!?! 
Zane: Wait, not that!
Cole: Guess who just found out the difference between wax paper and parchment paper the hard way? 
Nya: Wait, what’s the difference? 
Cole: One you can use in the oven safely, and the other you can also use in the oven... if the thing you are trying to make happens to be fire.
Kai: Time sensitive question how flirt boy. 
Pixal: Throw rocks at he. 
Cole: Hot Dogs. 
Morro: Kill him. 
Kai: Thanks guys.
Nya: Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges.
Pixal: You use emojis like a straight person. 
Kai: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me.
Kai: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? 
Jay: Peonies, why? 
Jay: Were you going to get me flowers? 
Kai: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Jay: Wow, that was quick thinking on that phony sacrifice stuff. 
Nya: Oh, that was all real. 
Jay: Wait, you were trying to help them kill us?! 
Nya: If I’m gonna be sacrificed, I’m gonna do it right.
*The gang is about to do something dangerous* 
Cole: Shouldn’t someone give a pep talk? 
Kai: Go ahead. 
Cole: Be careful. 
Cole: Don’t die. 
Pixal: *Holds back a laugh* 
Kai: Great. We’re all bloody inspired.
Cole: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone. 
Jay: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch? 
Cole: Somehow that's worse.
Kai: I can’t believe my birth certificate says F... 
Kai: ...How did I fail being born?
Cole: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Zane! 
Zane: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
Pixal: You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. 
Pixal: It's me.
Cole, in a room with Jay, Kai, and Nya: It’s calm in here. 
Cole: It scares me…
Nya: Fight me! 
Kai, standing behind them and holding a knife: *mouths* Do not.
Zane: Nya got into a fight. 
Kai: That’s bad. 
Kai: Did she win?
Cole: Jay, I don’t think I can handle any more of your tomfuckery. 
Jay: Oh yeah? Well I can keep going until you’re all tomfuckered out!
Kai: Is that a gun?! 
Jay: It's not what it looks like! 
Kai: It looks like a gun! 
Jay: Okay, maybe it is what it looks like, but in my defense, it doesn't have anymore bullets, so I technically can't shoot it anymore. 
Kai: ...ANYMORE?!
Kai, to the Squad: I’d die for you. 
Jay: Then perish. 
Pixal: You will. 
Nya: Please don’t. 
Cole: Cool. 
Zane: I’d die for you first.
Nya: If you got arrested what would be the charges? 
Jay: Theft. 
Zane: Disturbing the peace. 
Cole: Aggravated assault. 
Kai: Arson. 
Pixal: All of the above. In that order, probably.
Nya: You know what I asked Santa for Christmas this year? 
Jay: If you say me, I swear I’ll— 
Nya: You? What? No, I asked him for that cool Ninjago Lego set we saw in Target!
Cole, texting Zane: Zane there’s a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it? 
Cole: Pls hurry because I’m going to cry 
Cole: Zane 
Cole: Zane 
Zane: Zane is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
Pixal: A sprite is anything not static. 
Jay: A sprite is a variable object, be it 2d or 3d. 
Cole: A sprite is a fucking soda. 
Cole: You god damn geekass bastards.
Kai: *sighs* I have no friends... 
Jay: *coughs* Bitch, what am I? A roach?!
Zane: *tapping fingers on table* 
Cole: *taps fingers back furiously* 
Jay: …What’s going on? 
Pixal: Morse code. They’re talking. 
Zane: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … - 
Cole: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Jay: *finds half a watermelon at Whole Foods* 
Jay, holding it up for everyone to see: LIES!
Kai: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one. 
Nya: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
Kai, singing: I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need— 
Zane: A family. 
Cole: A better love life. 
Nya: Mental stability. 
Pixal: *clueless* Bagels?
Zane: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
Jay: I'm sorry. Please talk to me. 
Jay: Hello? World's most amazing person?? Sweet pea? Precious cinnamon roll that's too good for this world, too pure? 
Kai: 'Sorry' doesn't bring back my fucking M&Ms.
Nya: You think that’s cringe? Moms around the world wait 9 months just to end up naming their kid Jay. 
Jay: Hey, fuck you.
Jay: Of course I have a lot of pent-up rage, you fool! I've been the same height since I was twelve!
Pixal: Why is Kai crying? 
Zane: They saw a leaf on the sidewalk and- 
Pixal: Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say- 
Pixal: NO, NOT THAT!
Zane: Hey, what have you two been up to? 
Nya: We were helping Kai write his vows, but he kicked us out because Cole was making inappropriate suggestions. 
Cole: How is “Jay, I love your sweet ass” inappropriate?
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sodapops0lstice · 9 months
Intro Post!
Because I've never made an actually good one...
Favs! Blinkies & Stamps! Sprite Drive! Disc Server! COMMS!!!! Classic Era
@badlydrawndirk @badlydrawnjade @ectobio @our-fav-hs-char @alternian-life-advice @aviansaffection @arethesewordsinhomestuck @fuckyeahhomestuckladies
⬆️I run all those ⬆️
My tags:
#soda's minifridge <- wishlist
#fizzes <- asks
#solar systems <- original posts
#neighbouring stars <- mutuals and pals
#grubpeta <- my earth c au
#cure pop <- PreCure Tag
#splatstuck <- Splatoon x Homestuck au
#candy bowl for roxanne <- posts for my good chum and friend roxanne of marinealcoholic fame
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Basic Stuff
I'm a freak by many a name. But I go by Soda, Cece, Admin, Ary, Xefros, Sol and Rezi mostly. Seriously. Any of those will do. Hell, I'll take new names aswell. Drop them name recommendations lmao
I'm 14 aswell, in Year 10. (I chose Triple Science, French and History if you wanted to know about my GCSE choices.)
I'm a lesbian and agender, which basically is me saying my gender changes for when it's funniest.
I use ALLLL the pronouns, even xenos and neos because I am badass and awesome. Literally anything goes.
I'm Scottish and Irish. Which is kinda cool, means I burn hella easy though which sucks ass.
I'm also autistic, I like to post about that.
I also also have depression and anxiety, I don't really care though because I'm balling 24/7 B)
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Interests & Likes
Obvious is obvious but I'm a massssive Homestuck. That is primarily what I post/reblog. This includes Hiveswap/Hauntswitch
I also enjoy Pokémon. A lot. Like... 2200 hours on Ultra Sun alone enjoy.
Youkai Watch is also a big fav of mine. In fact, Youkai Watch 3 is one of my favourite games of all time!
I absolutely ADORE A Hat in Time! It is THE game for me. It means the world and everything to me.
Alongside AHIT, Undertale and Deltarune are some of my favs ever! (I don't cry everytime I replay UT what do you mean?)
In general, I'm a total loser for vidya. I can do a quick rundown of the gaems I like but probably won't be reblogging often
Crash Bandicoot
Papa's -rias
Animal Crossing
Half Life
Persona 5
I don't often watch many series or movies. But there's a special place in my heart for Invader Zim, The Owl House, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Eddsworld and My Little Pony. I'm also super excited for the new Scott Pilgrim show :D
It's strange to say but I have a keen interest in reality shows. This means Gogglebox, Come Dine with Me, Four in a Bed, Kitchen Nightmares (both versions) and Impractical Jokers. Only the lord knows why. I think it's the autism. It's probably the autism.
I'm a fan of Pretty Cure aswell! Those girls are so beegitful <3 in those dresses... Yes I found out about it through Glitter Force but that doesn't change anything. Another anime I also love is Pop Team Epic that show irreversibly changed my sense in humour.
I also adore!!! Vocaloid it literally makes up 50% of my music taste. I black out and wake up with 20 new pieces of miku merch lmao
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I have a lot of different music interests! But my all time favourite band ever is Qbomb! I adoreeeee them to infinity. I literally don't know what my favourite Qbomb song is because they're all so good.
But! Qbomb doesn't have my fav song, that honour goes to Stacked Like Pancakes and their song SFDD. It's a really high energy ska song that I recommend highly. (You won't regret listening to it!)
Instead of just listing my spotify stats here, I'm gonna just get some images of those funky websites instead :)
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Obviously this isn't completely accurate since this is from my entireeee spotify history. But it's basically all there!
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ignis-writes · 2 years
Pairing: August Walker × Female Reader
Summary: When the period comes by without warning to ruin your plans for the night, August takes charge.
Pov: Second person pov
Warnings: Period Sex!!! Actually fingering, but descriptions of blood, period, fingering, and orgasm. Just stay away if it bothers you. <did I miss something?>
Author's note: I’m not an experienced writer and this work is not BETA’d. Plus, English is not my first language so watch out for obvious mistakes.  Period horny made me do this. please comment, I wanna know what you think about it.
Plus: Do not plagiarize/translate my work. I do not own August Walker or Mission Impossible franchise
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You were angry, frustrated and in the right mood to slam somebody's head to the nearest flat surface. The chances of the said somebody being yourself was good too. Period was a bitch in its own right, but with pcos it was the demon who swore to cut you open with a chainsaw. Nothing felt right when the pain screened into your cells with a venomous war cry.  Your hips and back felt like it was just dry sand falling apart in slow motion. Stumbling your toe by the fridge right now was just enough reason to break down crying on the floor. 
And to cry, you had more reasons. The unannounced entry of your period after 5 months of abandoning you ruined the plans for a good night with August. You made plans to cook for the little domestic date planned for the day, and after dinner you  had other plans too. 
But sprawling over the cold floor all hopeless and tired with burnt steak and a messy kitchen you mused at what could have been a night of some rough hot love making. It's been a few long weeks since you both had some time with each other, his schedule took him around the globe for days on end and his job, (whatever that was…) had the habit of getting dangerous. So he never took you with him while he was working, but until quite recently he found time to snatch you away from the world and spend days and nights in some private spot where it was just you and him. Things weren't quite the same this time.  Now with periods showing up with the fury hellfire and cramps hormones and cramps unleashing the chaos of a high ranking demon your weekend was ruined already. 
You didn't notice August entering the kitchen with quiet steps, he scooped you up in his strong arms, switched off the stove and took you to your bedroom. 
"Honey, how about you tell daddy what happened....i'm sure we can fix, whatever it is" he explained in a soft soothing voice while wiping a stray tear out of your face.  
"Daddy..." Sitting over the bathroom slabs that's all you could wail before the rushed sobs took over, you grabbed onto his shirt with all the might you had and started sobbing harder. He said nothing much but gently started rocking you in his arms. When your breath felt slower and closer to normal again, you explained how the blood sprite came over for a visit and how things just felt so painful and wrong as your plans for a good time went down the drain with some blood and tears . 
"I wanted you tonight...I missed you so much, Gus. I hate how everything got ruined, it's been so long since we got some time to be with each other and it's all wrecked because of my uterus being a bitch"
He said nothing but smiled. He liked how his shy lil girl got worked up easily and wanted her daddy to comfort her always. 
"you know we can still do it right? " he asked with a smirk that said more than the words did.  
"what.. uhh... It's gonna be all messy daddy. You won't like it. " you muttered in the lowest pitch, but the tiniest glint of hope it showed didn't go invisible by his prying eyes.
What was going on with you? On a normal day you would be so embarrassed and mortified to say anything but right now...you didn't know nothing but a primal need blooming right beneath your chest and a sweet ache craving attention between your legs.  
He placed you on the cold marble and stood between your legs running his hands up the flimsy fabric of your pale pink dress. His face inched closer to yours while the other hand held your jaw in a tight grip. 
"Shh...trust me my lil dove, you will love it. Just sit back and enjoy all daddy gives you... Relax and let it go, baby, don't think about the mess or blood or anything… Let daddy take care of this lil cranky girl. " 
He didn't bother with your dress but just slipped his hand inside to remove the soft cotton underwear you had on along with the cup. He was slow and careful about it, not to scare you or hurt you since you were extra sensitive around there during these days. But all you could do was move your hips closer while his hands gently pulled the cup out and drained it into the sink. God, you were so desperate... And as soon as it was out August had his hands sneaking up your thighs again. 
"Omg it's gonna be blood everywhere" you gripped in concern
"no there won't be."
 He assured you not  breaking eye contact. Something about the way he talked said he was enjoying this as much as you were. He possessed the confidence of experience that you lacked,  but that was okay. You trusted him to make it good for both of you. 
His hand worked its way massaging your thighs to rubbing smooth circles in your clit. While his thumb massaged your Pearl his fingers drifted to part your petals. They were already drenched from blood and arousal, all you could do was close your eyes and whisper his name. Your fingers nailed into his shoulder as his two fingers slithered in your wet hot cave with the steady familiarity and gentleness of a devoted lover. His thick digits pulled in and out with passion for a few more times while you rolled your head back in pleasure. The pain was nowhere to be seen now that warmth and a familiar knot grew deeper inside you. You were nothing but a red hot mess in his arms. But he was holding back...right when you were so desperate to take all he had to give, he kept driving you closer and farther through different levels of ecstasy . 
"daddy...." you whined, losing the syllables to the thick air of sweat and wanton need. 
You were too deep in the filthy euphoria to care much now. Oh, but August was enjoying it. Savoring the sight of his hands drenched in your blood and arousal and your lips parted in steamy gasps chanting his name like your life depended on it. 
" Say it again, dove...say what you want. 
You already locked up shame and any false sense of chastity when you agreed to let him take off your panties, you might as well beg like a whore if that's what it takes to get the relief your body begged so dearly. 
" daddy please....let. Me...cum" most of it wavered in moans and gasps as he continued pumping his thick digits into your sacred spot but now he drew out his hands which made you feel empty again. Before you could comprehend or complain, he dived in again with his thumb circling your hidden pearl and his fingers pursuing the deep spot which made you see fireworks in the back of your head. It shattered all chains of shame and pain as you came hard on his hand. 
You didn't see much blood or mess as he scooped you up for a hot bath before you could descend from the peak of ecstasy and left to clean up the kitchen and order some takeout. He came back when you were all done and dressed in his old shirt and boxers. August loved it when you wore his clothes. It assured him you were all his and his only. It smelled like him, like his sweat and perfume. The kind of fragrance that you linked to the feeling of home.
“So…you seemed to enjoy it just fine, lil dove. How about we try something more huh?”  He said  as you cuddled upon his chest by the couch. Maybe the night wasn't so ruined after all. 
tags 🖤
@cynic-spirit @angelmather1 @calwitch
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little-nightmare-gt · 3 months
You have your basic Zuko gets burned by dad and sent off on a fake journey to get rid of him. Welp he gets thrown overboard by one of Ozai's people before he could even wake up.
He's drowning and suddenly he's pulled onto an island that's partially in the spirit world. He doesn't know his quest and probably won't even do it now.
Tubbo is a jack rabbit hybrid, he's chasing Purpled around with a flint and steel and suddenly glitches out while Purpled, Ranboo and Tommy are all running to him.
He appears in a gloomy but lively place and drawn to a dimming light.
Tubbo will definitely give him TheraPAY in the form of theft, the blue spirit and little trickster is born.
Tubbo and Zuko are scar buddies
Definitely trauma dumped each other.
Tubbo can talk from his mind, but is mostly mute in this AU
Zuko teaches Tubbo how to fire bend (Tubbo is a fire Spirit)
Tubbo goes by spirit laws, he's a fire sprite.
Definitely taught the Prince how to survive on his own.
Get your basic Kya dies and all the men go off to war. Someone is stealing from the food stores but occasionally leaves fish or other meats outside the chief's hut.
A kid Younger than the bunch gets lost and suddenly they see their exchange person.
Tommy being the big man that he is got into the food with no help and watched as the humans react. He felt guilty when he realized that their was a single kid doing the hunting so he replaced what he eats with bigger and better gain. He only gets caught when a kid got too far away from her home and a blizzard was coming.
Tommy is a red panda hybrid and had just watched Tubbo disappear, he dropped his water as he also disappeared.
Beats up Sokka and makes him drink respect women juice.
Teaches everyone how to hunt
Waterbent snow on Katara as she complains about real benders not needing weapons. (I like Katara, I really do, but she irritated me as a child. Also, I would have been so mean to her in the most well meaning way, and I'm gonna do that through Tommy)
Let Katara know that until she gets a teacher, she isn't a real bender. Forces her to learn a weapon.
Gets along best with the babies and helps out around the homes.
Tommy follows Water Spirit laws, he's a water sprite.
He is selective mute, you know from trauma.
Toph didn't like her life, ran off to live with badger moles and found Purpled. She liked him immediately and saw him as a little brother, did I mention I made them younger when they isekaied into this world? Whoops. She doesn't bring him home with her, but he visits anyway.
Purpled being the wolf hybrid that he is, was extremely loyal to the server youngests. So he was distressed when his friends started disappearing one by one.
Then he disappears into an underground cavern to find a mini giant little girl. He adopted her immediately when she nearly flattened him and calmed him from his panic.
Purpled took a long time to trust Toph, but thinks of her as a sister.
Unintentionally taught her how to be gentle when dealing with him.
(did I mention that everyone is a mini Giant to them)
Toph felt guilty about nearly killing him and he forgave her, just not forgot.
Definitely follows her to her fighting matches.
Learned Earth bending from her and joined. Stage name is the Lone Wolf.
You got it, Earth Spirit rules! Is an Earth Sprite
Can talk and shit talks the competition.
Aang awoke in the arms of a water tribe girl, her brother and a small spirit. He wasn't aware of another passenger on his bison until the little spirit ran passed him and ponced on an unconscious....cat?
Ranboo lost his friends and soon found himself on something going through a storm. He soon wakes up to Tommy jumping on his stomach and seeing a bunch of giants looking at him. He is rightfully scared and tries to explain what he does know and asking about his other to friends.
Was immediately bombarded with questions as Tommy hugged him crying.
Accidentally Airbends Aang away from him when he wanted to pet him.
Refused to believe Fire Nation is evil and teaches politics to the kids who don't really want to hear it but understood some of it.
He can't explain genocide, but nobody knows about the start of the war.
Helps where he can.
Air Spirit logic but is a sprite.
Also does translation for Tommy
For Shroud, Dogchamp and Michael, they are safe and off the DMSP. DSMP closed down after Doomsday and everyone went separate ways, but Purpled joined the Benchtrio. They only let Puffy in for Therapy and sometimes hanging out.
It's a peaceful world so no real dangers and infinite lives and keep inventory.
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softquietsteadylove · 9 months
You once mentioned in the Actor AU that Gil once broke his back with a particular dangerous stunt. What if an old footage of it got leaked showing how the accident happened where everyone can see clearly what a terrible stunt fall he took and how you can hear bones breaking? How he lays there unconscious and bleeding?
What if Thena and Gil come home from another interview and see how Sprite watches the footage and looks at them and suddenly starts crying and asking Gil how the hell he is alive after that??
I think it would be super interesting to see them both comforting her after such an angsty video!
As soon as Thena and Gil got in the door, they heard sniffling.
Thena dropped her purse and ran in, "Sprite?!"
Sprite was curled up on the couch, watching something on her phone, laid sideways and wrapped in the blanket. "Hm?"
Thena let out a rough sigh, dropping her head before glaring at her sister, "don't scare me like that, kid!"
"Sorry," Sprite mumbled, emerging from her cocoon and sitting up. "I found some old videos on a subreddit. Dude, I had no idea it was this bad."
Gil blinked as both sisters looked over at him, "me?"
Thena rounded the wide, white sectional to come and sit next to her sister, still in the dress Kingo had picked out for their interview. "What are you watching?"
Sprite swiped at her eyes again and handed Thena her phone, "footage emerged of Gil's old back injury--the one you said broke it. I...I dunno, I guess I didn't think it was that bad."
Gil tilted his head as he walked over, although he soon recognised the sounds coming from Sprite's phone. "Oh, yeah."
Thena was horrified as Gil, on the screen, fell, his bones snapping loudly. He curled and rolled in agony, screaming from the pain. She put her palm over the screen, "Sprite!"
"I was curious!" the younger shrugged in her defense, but pulled her phone back to her. "I didn't think it was that...brutal."
Gil leaned over the back of the couch, behind the two sisters. "Yeah, it was pretty bad. I couldn't do anything for almost two months."
"Gil, this is," Thena just barely glanced at the screen - of Gil's terribly bent spine - and rushed her eyes away again. "That's-"
"It was pretty extreme," he admitted, ruffling the hair on top of his head. He leaned closer to Thena, "are you okay?"
"Are you, dude?" Sprite asked him more loudly, "holy shit, you got broken like a pretzel rod!"
He chuckled, though. The sullen teen had her ways of expressing worry and compassion and feelings. And that way was usually with profanity and wildly inappropriate statements. He ruffled her hair, "it's okay, kid. I'm fine now."
But Sprite regarded him with his held out hands and shrugged shoulders and pursed her lips. "There were rumours you were never gonna work again. I remember when the pictures of you in the wheelchair first hit--it was a big deal!"
Thena eyed her sister, not usually emotionally expressive.
"This video is totally different! I thought you died!--it sounds like you could have!"
Gil sighed, also coming around the other side of the couch and tugging off his tie. He sat down next to Sprite on the other side. "Okay, you wanna know the full story?"
Sprite nodded.
"It was bad," he admitted first and foremost, looking at Sprite and then Thena. "It was a pretty severe injury to my vertebrae, they had to do surgery, and they did tell me that they were unsure if I would walk again, let alone if I could ever work again after that."
Sprite teared up again.
"The surgery went well, I had to do some physio. I did have to use a wheelchair to get around for six weeks, but with that and my physiotherapy we saw...improvements."
"Improvements?" Thena asked skeptically, even knowing how well he had come out of it now in the present. She subconsciously rubbed Sprite's shoulder, who accepted the rare instance of affection.
"Improvements," he repeated with a chuckle. "Walking was going well, they gave me a walker, although I never used it in public. I went right from the wheelchair to a cane, just practising walking at home. Eventually I could jog a little again, and then we were able to start water aerobics and now...I'm back to normal, for me."
Sprite just stared at him, "bro."
Thena shook her head, even as a fellow actor and someone not exactly estranged from stunt work. "I mean, Gil, you were incredibly lucky."
"I know," he nodded gravely, not making light of the feelings in the room, "I know that. I try not to take it for granted when I think about it."
"Bro!" Sprite said again, poking him in the arm, "I watched the video of you getting bent like a paperclip. I'm surprised you came out of it at all."
He sighed. "You're right, it's rough. I can't believe this video is even on here."
Thena refused to look at it again. "The internet is a cesspool of this kind of thing."
Gil looked up at her with an attempt at a smile, "hey, I'm okay, though."
Sprite elbowed him, her voice dropping lower, "it's not funny, dude. You were, like, really messed up."
Gil ruffled Sprite's hair again, a gesture she had yet to allow for anyone else in the world. "Thanks for worrying about me, kid."
Sprite rolled her eyes, giving him one last affectionate little swat against the arm. "Whatever, man, I'm just glad you're not all scoliosis-ed anymore."
"Sprite," Thena sighed again. If only she had tact herself to teach to her ruffian sister child. She looked at Gil with a softer expression, "is seeing that video hard for you?"
He shrugged, making a face, "ah, not really. It was a long time ago. Guess I don't look that cool, though."
Sprite stood from between the other two on the sofa, deciding she was done with sharing. "You're already plenty cool. And hey, you came back from a one in a million injury! That's badass!"
Gil chuckled again as Sprite headed to the kitchen as she usually did, although she had taken the throw with her, "thanks, Sprite."
Thena watched her go with a sigh. So long as she was feeling better, that was technically all that mattered. She looked at Gil and scooched a little closer into Sprite's spot. "I've never seen the footage of it."
He shook his head a little in response, both of them half whispering and half watching Sprite like worried parents. "I didn't know someone had footage of it. Why it's coming out now--I have no idea."
"Someone must have unearthed it and decided it needed seeing," Thena grumbled and leaned back against the couch heavier. Sprite continued to root around in the fridge. She looked at Gil, "staying?"
For dinner, she meant. As if they ever really did much of anything without the other anymore.
"Sounds good," Gil agreed, also tired after their interview. Although dinner with Thena and Sprite could either mean ordering takeout or him cooking for them. "What do you-"
"By the way I ordered Chinese."
Thena looked over to Sprite. Sprite, who wasn't usually pro-active in stuff like that. "Thanks."
Sprite looked at them in what could almost be described as a sign of affection (it was about as affectionate as she ever got, so). "Whatever."
She was still Sprite, of course.
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magpies4nights · 6 months
huh (Dev log # I'M ON 4?!!?!?!)
Hi guys! It’s me, @magpies4days on a different blog! That’s really the only promise I kept. Whoops. That’s why I don’t do promises. Anyways, since the last time I updated y'all, I passed all my finals and everything that was important. Yep, I passed my finals, which seems miraculous, because I accidentally studied the wrong study guide for my history exam and didn't really sleep enough the night before, and I got a 90 on it, which I'll be honest, that was the lowest grade I've ever gotten on a test in that class, but it's still an A so I won't cry about it. I turned in a really shitty essay too for one of my classes, but it seems that my professor didn’t actually read it because she gave me a 100 (ain’t gonna complain about that). I also procrastinated so hard on my graphic design final that I did it in like 3 hours and finished it 2 minutes before it was late. I still turned it in 5 minutes late because my computer decided it was funny to start acting up. Oh well, I passed that class, even for honor's standards. Normally I would be happy getting a B because I'd get a C and still celebrate but unfortunately I slayed too hard that my GPA was the minimum requirement for the Honor's organization to notice me. That's the Thinker in my Myers Briggs type showing baybee (JK JK I'm an INFP (unfortunately.)). Anyways, I’m on my winter break, and as much as I love getting breaks, god I forgot how much I hate summer and winter breaks. Summer breaks make me depressed because I have nothing to do, and winter breaks make me depressed because it’s literally the worst season of the year (cold weather (I have cold urticaria), dry air, less sun, the position of the sun is weird, and d3 barely does anything).
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Anyways, onto the actual dev stuff. I probably should’ve figured this out the moment I started my idea, but I found out that to export my game to Mac, I’d have to have a developer id and pay for it. Which now I understand why most indie devs never upload to Mac. Oh well. (Fun fact: Mac actually has a feature called BootCamp which lets you portion your hard drive to allow you to have a Windows driver (Be wise on your portioning though because it’s permanent). I found this out when I was 16 and trying to download Pizza Tower demos. Totally not saying that so you could play it on your “Mac,” *wink wink*).
I had to switch my dialog stuff from a script I found on the internet, to an add-on that most Godot devs use ( Dialogic). I know. I am awful. However, there is a reason to this, and it’s entirely because I am an idiot. I have experimented with how Godot exports JSONs, and as it turns out, the images nor the audio would load! The text would, but it’s just not the same, especially when the dialog box is supposed to change with the character speaking. While it could be something in my code that is causing this to happen, or I'm forgetting to export something else while checking off all the boxes, it still gives me a headache and I decided it was for the best to switch. I may not be able to code for now, but there may be a day when I can. Hopefully. I had to change the layout of the dialog stuff because Dialogic kinda makes it like a visual novel kinda thing. I decided to torture myself and make everyone have different heights. Don't worry, everyone has relatively normal heights. Except for mayyybe Sleepy Weepy. They're like 6'2 (which may mean there's some cutoff for their sprites).
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Aaaaanyways, enough about me suffering about dialog again. I’ve been working on the beginning and ending cutscene so that I can first torture everyone with 5 minutes of dialog in the beginning and then at the end music with text that may give people a hard time reading the lyrics. The animation isn’t done, but the text kinda is??? I’ll have to revise it like I have the past 56 times because my future self is hard to please, and I think everyone is out of character except Xandra.
Yeahhh, that’s about it so far. I made new music while I was being harassed with finals. Take a gander, but with your ears. Or don't, forcing you is unethical.
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Top 10 Sleepy Weepy of all time!!!!! (This is doesn't even make it in the honorable mentions)
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drizzileiscool · 7 months
new pinned
yo. what's up. my name is azure, im a drizzile.. or something like that. this is my blog. I guess
i was created in a lab.... I think..... and these weird scientist people turned me into a shiny and stuck an everstone inside me during an extremely painful process. long story short, the experiment gave me sentience, they found out, and injected something into me that made me black out and next thing I knew I was in some forest.
i now hate (most) humans. especially scientists. actually if there's any humans on here I'd advise you not to interact. eebydeebies and humans that have only temporary been turned into pokemon are allowed, though.
currently living in a hotel in sinnoh. it's only temporary, though.
at the time of writing this, my only friends right now are the people over at @thatoneguy031. I've known guy since I first joined, but I've only just gotten acquainted with cherry and mx. suicune.
please feel free to send asks about literally anything (as long as it isn't anything nsfw), I like answering questions and I'm currently trying to talk to more people to grow my social circle
i feel like I should add more stuff, but that's mostly it for me. follow if you want, I guess
////pokemon sprite art created by ernmuffin on twitter!! please follow her!!! sprites downloaded from the pmd sprite repository!!!!
//more ooc under the cut
hello peoples!!!!!!!!!!! this is like my 4th time doing a pinned post lol
and I actually @ mentioned someone this time!! normally I'd be too nervous or shy but I actually did it this time yippee!!!
also follow @amber-bnnuy this is a spinoff sideblog taking place in the same universe but with a different protagonist, amber the eebydeeby lopunny.
pronouns/gender for characters:
Azure - Any/all, Genderless
Crys - She/her, Cis woman
Cobalt - He/him, Trans man
Unnamed human - She/her, Cis woman
ps: I know I said humans dni in the in-character part, but human characters are allowed to interact lol. I think it would be nice if people helped restore azure's trust in humans (this may be a thing for an upcoming arc! or it might not depending on how it goes. we'll see!) and also it would be funny to see azure react to finding out a human interacted with them
azure is bi and uses any pronouns. currently, they have No Gender and really couldn't care less about what people interpret their gender as. go wild with this. call them a man, a woman, non-binary, demigender, genderfluid, or whatever! neopronouns are also ok, feel free to come up with the most annoying pronouns possible for azure!
magic anons and pelipper mail are also on! send asks for any of those things (as long as it doesn't affect the story, or makes a part of the story finish faster. for example, no giving them items that they are currently searching for, and no offing people)
anyways now to the actual ooc stuff
about me
you can call me either sig, drizzile, or mod drizzile!
I am under 18, non-binary and use they/them pronouns. I like pokemon, persona, puyo puyo, tetris, and rythym games as well as a bunch of other stuff. pokemon and persona are currently the things I'm into the most right now, but I am still pretty good at tetris. I am also bisexual
This is also a personal blog, since this is the only blog I have
Also, I'm not good at interacting with people. If you wanna have an interaction with me, you're gonna have to start it
also to any irls who somehow find this, please refrain from using my real name on here! I don't like having people I don't know irl know my name
DNI if:
You are an nsfw blog. I'm ok with suggestive content, though.
You make/look at suggestive/nsfw/kink/fetish drizzile content. Ultra hell for you. Banished to eternal damnation. I will not tolerate drizziles in any nsfw thing, even if they aren't apart of the "main thing".
You dislike drizziles or piplups. drizziles and piplups are very important to me personally.
You are a terf, or are transphobic in general
You are lgbtq+phobic
You are a proshipper
You support israel
You are a pedophile. And yes, loli/shota counts as pedophilia.
You are a zoophile
You post spoilers for any pmd game. I've only beaten pmd2 and have basically no way of playing the other pmd games (citra runs like shit on my phone, and I can't get the pmd1 remake and refuse to play it any other way) but I would still like the chance to go into these games blind
azure's backstory
Azure woke up in a lab one day with no prior memories. It isn't amnesia, they were literally made in the lab. A group of unknown scientists were conducting experiments on several pokemon, azure being one of them. Azure's experiments involved getting made in a lab as an artificial pokemon, having a substance being put into them to turn them into a shiny, and having some scales on their neck being replaced with parts of an everstone, rendering azure unable to evolve. After azure gained sentience as a side effect of one of these experiments, the scientists quickly injected something into azure, causing them to block out and appear in a forest. After a few weeks, azure discovered galar mine #2, and decided to dig a hole in the wall and make it's home there. An unnamed human miner who was doing work in this mine discovered azure's home, and is now looking after her by giving them berries each day. This human also gave azure a piece of azurite, which lead to azure choosing their name to be azure.
Azure is currently living with the unnamed human, since they wanted an actual home after staying with her for a while at the crown tundra. The only other pokemon living with them is crys, a very shy lampent who is over 200 years old.
Azure is currently in their second arc. They have learned how to get out of their body, and have awakened the original owner, Cobalt the drizzile. This is more or less just a filler arc until I create more lore, and cobalt doesn't get have a backstory.
if you have any triggers, please feel free to tell me what they are so I can tag them!
not drizzile - ooc stuff (will also be tagged as ooc, reblogs will not be tagged)
azure lore - events/information about azure or what they're currently doing
amber's adventures - posts reblogged from my sideblog, @amber-bnnuy because I want people to see them more
crys the lampent - posts featuring or about crys, the extremely shy lampent
cobalt the drizzile - posts featuring cobalt, the drizzile.
drizzile is liveblogging - me (or azure, if I can find a way to make it canon) liveblogging games
possible azure spoilers - ideas for things I have about azure's storyline that I'm deciding whether or not they should be canon. please block this tag, as some of the things may become canon.
possible amber spoilers - same as above, but for amber
hey future drizzile you should draw this - ideas of things to want to draw
art of drizzile - art I make
ideas of drizzile - cool ideas for things
drizzile's unnamed office rpg concept - concepts for an rpg game I want to make that takes place in a workplace or office. currently unable to create it due to a lack of coding knowledge, but I will be posting ideas for what I would like to see in it whenever I get a new idea.
drizzile tagging tag - a tag for when I'm coming up with new tags (and ironically, this tag wasn't created by me lol. it was created by @thatoneguy031)
important - things that I would consider important to this blog, such as announcements and other stuff
tw suggestive - a trigger/content warning for when a post is suggestive or slightly nsfw. this is the only tag I will use for reblogs btw
swsh only drizziles challenge - a challenge I'm doing I completed where I try to beat swsh using only drizziles
vent - self explanatory
Twitter (currently private with no plans of unpriving, but I will gladly accept follow requests)
Carrd (has more info on me)
anyways that's the end of this pinned post I think. please note that one of my irls follows me on here so I won't be able to post as "freely" as I do on twitter
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sumechiayuu · 11 months
i hope it isn't rude or anything to comment on this but i found some of your old art unintentionally assuming it wasn't yours and like. I LIKED IT!!!!! don't get me wrong i did enjoy it :) but your art has improved so much i really love your current style so so much i'm always happy to see new art from you ^_^ it kind of reminds me of like, clearly anime art but less traditional styles, like the og higurashi sprites and like stuff from the 2000s in general and i really like that kind of stuff!!! i think i've sent an ask stating this kind of thing before but i kind of just wanted to send a longer one to let you know how much i enjoy it + you're one of my favorite mutuals and i'm always happy to see you on my dash in general !!! i hope you're having a great day hjkdshjksdkhjs sorry about how long this is
OMG TYSM IM GONNA CRY 😭😭😭😭 also dog picture because I'm speechless tysm
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theladysyk0 · 2 years
I have been reading and rereading ALL of your New Alternia works trying, begging, hoping to establish a solid timeline of events and failing at EVERY. SINGLE. TURN.
'OH, it's just a silly lil' fanfic about a toddler raised by a lusus, it'll be fun!" I said three days before disaster!!!!
I currently have a whole ass NOTEBOOK trying to keep track of whomst the fuck is who, and let me tell you; IT AINT FUN!!!
Don't get me started on Crocodile Dad's grubs, I've been trying to establish the order of each grub from oldest to youngest ALONG with individual blood colour and its given me three separate autism meltdowns from trying to figure it out.
The Biggest questions are these though.
A: If Gelgih from Starship Skaia is Croc's Gelgih
B: What the fuck happened to him
C and this is the million dollar question:
Im gonna go cry myself to sleep again, thank you for your time.
Hi there,
Oh wow lol I'm kinda flattered that you took the time to try and get everything in order! I would be happy to answer your questions.
Yes, Gelgih from starship Skaia is the same Gelgih from Crocodile dad. Nepeta and the chameleon cat just so happened to be sheltering in what used to be his bunk and she finds a picture of him with a white crocodile as well as one of the little bone fishes that crocodile dad used to carve. Ariday and Laquda kept the same fishes with them as souvenirs from their times under his lususship. So yes they're connected that way.
Gelgih was the power operator in the station at the same time Eladak was running his experiments on the sprite there. He kept messing up tho due to the horrible conditions and so when Eladak was looking for "Something useless" to experiment on its implied that he chose Gelgih. It would be easy for a seasoned purple blood to take a newbie green, especially one that could be "justifiably" culled for incompetence.
Another clue that the creature was Gelgih was the happy birthday message it was fixated on in the control room where Gelgih used to work. It was "Happy Birthday Gelgih, From dad" so basically Gelgih is still in the creature somewhere and misses his dad, even if it is deep down.
And Eladak was the purple child Crocodile dad raised with Crocodile mom. Then though its implied that he was a part of the team that took the mutant grub crocodile was raising as that subjuggulator parroted crocodile mom's words about why not loving something you can't keep and also knew how to walk across the lillypads outside of Crocodile dad's den, just like Eladak did. The mutant child was the one adopted after Eladak so this was probably one of his first missions, or perhaps this was even how it was found out that Crocodile dad was keeping a mutant grub in the first place.
Then, tens of years later, when Eladak started to work as a scientist on the base with the shifter, he basically killed Gelgih without ever knowing they were brothers. With him I just wanted to show that a child that Crocodile dad loved with all of his heart, was doted on and was kind when young was twisted by the machine of the condescension's reign when he was conscripted. Take a perfectly good child and tell them they're better than their peers and that they're allowed to do whatever they want to those under them, well... eventually you get an Eladak. So as hard as Crocodile dad may try his kids get taken from him, sometimes literally with the mutant grub, and Gelgih, sometimes figuratively like with Eladak.
I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions!
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silvermuffins · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet liveblog!!! Part 5
I dunno if anyone's reading these but someday I might so we're still doing this.
now where was i? oh right. olives.
okay that's a weird bug....there's a little sprite of Flittle dancing around my screen....it relates to my camera positioning??? how do i get Rid of it
i am going to fly back to the school and show my dex to teacher and then fly back here to see if that fixes it
the flittle is still there at school. ....okay i THINK it's gone.
nope it's back when i go outside.....okay we're gonna save, close, and reopen!
there we go all better
you know, it'd be goofy if they like. Put a picture of Mew on the bottom of a truck model. Easter egg for those who could finagle a way to see it. Xylly the Kricketot has joined us.
Special tera Diglett! The fuck type is THAT? Fighting??? Dig is super effective...your hame is Hotdog and- that was rock. Huh!
fuck i keep tripping over Diglett as im trying to explore. ooh, found a Vespiquen, now I don't need to hunt for a female combee. You're Frank now, in lieu of other words.
Wanders about, exploring the orchard, kills a chewtle....ooh there's another special tera mon and it....is invisible. I can hear it sparkling. But I cannot....see it.
i fixed it. it's a Fletchling, fire tera....booooring you get that type anyway! Bronzor, tho, you're Dinnerplate. Finally got a Chewtle to name Faxly. Now we reach Cortondo!
We're gonna take a break for a minute to eat some punkin pie.
that turned into a break for the night. Back at it, now that England and the US have come in at a draw 0-0 but DAMN that was a good game.
the usual shops....with a few new items! i should maybe doublecheck the stores in Artazon for different ingredients....
oh there's a really cool treehouse or something here. OH it's the arena.
man EVERY house here has a pool. okay quick artazon check then we return. ....alright i believe we just unlock additional stuff as we make progress. i do not have a flabebe to give this man.
aight let's tackle this gym. Nemona you're absolutely sneaking ahead of me just to play "wow weird coincidence" and we both know it. ....wait didn't you promise you'd battle me next time we met? now you're going back on it? we've only battled twice so far what's going on WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH NEMONA
ooooh olive soccer ig. steamrolls by. throws the ball over a fence. time to destroy Katy. oh what a swetie she is...alas I am OP. ....oh i get it....she has a BUGBEAR. i...am not gonna get tooh yes i will. oh the buggy hat is so cute!
i've seen this man at school! I have seen him in the art room specifically i think. the fuck you mean he's E4?! I wasn't sure we were doing that this gen!
two artists in one generation huh....looks something up rq....noppe
anyway. how to answer his question....
"All paths lead to the Great Crater of Paldea"
all paths lead to the great crater
oh Nemona is the youngest Champion in history? time to steal that from her. ....sir this conversation has made me very uneasy.
anyway back to class. oh Salvatore is A Guy. Possibly the most guy ever. aaaa he said mata ne i have feelings unrelated to pokemon (sayounara, mata ne!)
hassel is great at asking questions that make me nervous and also i don't know why but I feel a great deal of concern for him? hm. HEY we have Penny in class instead of Nemona for this one?!
anyway friendship time. i love the teachers so much. awah, Miriam...
okay, now then...where to next....maybe off to Iono's town??? I think that will work. I'm trying, here. Anyway, Tripto the Magnemite. The hell's a Varoom and where do I get one?
aaaaa i Continue On im nearly to Iono's city. OH Pebbles is evolving....i'm not getting it on the field? this one has like a classic evolution background... Tinkatuff! Found an office worker who is letting himself act like a child to relieve work stress.....this feels like a cry for help....and a guy wanting to be like the wind which gives me mata ne-related feels. Those who know me well know what I mean.
Awright Levincia here we are! Ooh, Grimer. You'll be Bort. Hey, a Kirlia! idt I got a Ralts before but I'mma need two anyway! oh shit, oops. Right, gonna need some luck with a quick ball then. doot, your name is Duck. ROTOM you're gonna be Prodro.
The usual food shops...OH and a sushi place! Hat shop, shoe shop, are these gonna be all the standard accessory shops? ooh one is a bit higher end. Too rich for my blood. Oh, and a fancy restaut=rant. All the big cities are so big.
Running around Levincia's skyscrapers is uncomfy. I think it's because of all the capitalism.
Now the other side of the city....oooh, Chinese food place. Once again confirming that POkemon are dietary staples, with a pickled Toedscool dish.
I got a bag that looks like bones!!!
Now we head in to do this gym thing. Nemona I am going to steamroll you. She's got something called a Crocalor.... Croc. Calor is hot. Thaaat's a Starter. That animation....she can't control her Tera orb well? Almost looked scared of it for a second... ...Nemona. Nemona what would challenging me again literally right now change? It wasn't even close. Nemona I am begging you please stop assuming I want to just battle you 24/7 that's unhealthy.
Anyway let's go handle Iono.
oh my god
y'know if i were a viewer i think iono's streams would bore or annoy me very quickly. thankfully i am neither! and these gym trainer battles are going to tell Iono exactly how I'm gonna beat her: mud shot spam.
Oh her Bellibolt is actually kinda scary idk what its ability does...and it's beefy, too. Okay, recalculate. That's a clean switch, Salt Cure will take it down while I revive Pebbles... Ooh, she has a Mismagius, huh? Those have levitate, right? That's fine, i have Smack Down. ...Oh. Oh Sotero can't take two hexes and won't outspeed...okay Jupe, take over, OH COME ON WHY IS HEX SO POWERFUL. Do I have NOTHING that can do this??? Maybe if I use Scoots or Daya... we're gonna try Scoots. Okay, Scoots can take multiple hexes.
That was annoying.
oh hey that's Miss First Champion, isn't it? Geeta! Chairwoman of the league...
The last League Chair i dealt with was a megalomaniac with a messiah complex, you know. Please don't be like him.
alright back to school, there's classes and probably friendship available....i oughta check for new sandwich ingredients and such, too!
i have midterms?!
doo de doo classes....oh hey Arven's in Art with me this time...oh so there IS a way to change a pokemon's tera type!
doing some friendship before the exams. awww Dendra.....and i just adore Saguaro....oh no he has other fans...oh no he felt pressured and went for the spicy sandwich...OH oh aaaaa i love this this is so cute. don't worry professor i am here for you!! i will protect you
who dat??? in Hassel's event???? she's dressed like a superhero....
okay! midterms!
back to cortondo after the literal blood sweat and tears poured into midterms on fani's part. we heading north now. And....wait the map says theres an eevee here somewhere
gave up on the eevee, found a Capsakid. gonna call you Choods.
wanders along.....man i thought i saw a person with a picnic table.....oh well i can BE the person with the picnic table.
whyyyyy do my sandwiches always have weird slopes that destroy my plan by yeeting my ingredients into the ether.
now there's a tera Buizel....ice type, I like it. Crit capture, you're Spink from now on!
ohhhh we gonna have to play dodgeball to get to the next titan. boy howdy i can see it from here.
made it up without even getting on Koraidon or getting hit once! Bombirdier? It's...it's a stork.....oh my god are the bombs babies
okay so it powered up and then i OHKO'd it....with Nuzzle. And then the moon went flying into place.
arven why do you hate koraidon so much??? oh wait, no, you're tsunning. !! Koraidon learned Surf! well, not the battle move. but i don't need to fear water now.
arven what is going on??? do you have miraidon or something???
DOG. HE HAS SICK DOG? or old dog.....oh no....baby....
oh no this is gonna be something like the family dog was more of a parent to him than his mom was....but the dog's old and he's scared and lonely.....and he resents Koraidon because mom's research kept her away. something like that????
dog is hurt oh no....oh no did KORAIDON hurt him???
once again, sada....how do you KNOW
aha HERE'S flabebe. I need two of these. Names of Morley and Kad. wait, technically i don't need two, I realize as I throw a second ball and crit capture...
don't think i should jump off this cliff til koraidon can scale it but....i see another lid thing? in yellow this time...fuck it let's go see. This one has the ruinous sword.
oh shit, electric tera jolteon! I think i want that? ....EXCEPT IT'S LEVEL 50. I need to get out of here!
wheew. Got Boydey the Numel tho. Gonna get a Bombirdier, name it Pachetti. FUCK i muscle memory killed it. Will ned to find a new one.
The superhero clothes are back and on someone else, turns out they're for dragon tamers!
i think I am about done for the night. I accomplished a lot!
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beiasluv · 2 years
are you gonna do another part to the Druig sister headcanon? Like the non-canon version?
A/N: tysm for looking forward to my small text on my last head-canons. Here I literally thought no one would notice, but anywho, here it is ♥
warnings: no edit, curse words
*just imagine the rest of the eternals are their friends*
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Druig wasn't the most thrilled when he heard that he will be having a younger sister. I mean- he doesn't really care, sprite was a pain in the ass.
"Druig, aren't you excited?" king mocked.
"Yes, of course, I can't wait to be a big brother," he replied. "At least she could be better than this soda."
"I'm not a soda!"
I have to say, he is quite wrong. You are more precious than he thinks you would be. (you really are ♥)
Druig would take you to the parks, beaches, or wherever you want to go.
He'll hold your hand like you are a lost puppy, finding its way in this big world.
He would definitely learn how to braid hair just for you.
"Ow!""Sorry, y/n!"
"Come on, Makkari, where to go from here!"
"Shut up and follow my hands, the left goes over the right-" she guides his hands.
In high school, he would be the most protective brother you could ever ask for.
Boys would be scared to ask you out to date, because druig is on guard 24/7
He would complain about your outfit, if it's short or revealing.
Druig would learn how to deal with "monthly stuff"
He is the quiet kid™ at school, not really talking with anyone, but Makkari (ofc ♥)
Druig would always sit at lunch with you, talking shit about his friends to you. ahem, Ikaris
You would rant about your days to him, sometimes even cry to him. He would hold you close and rub your back.
"You are strong and gorgeous, y/n." "You are the most precious thing to me."
"Now, go show them who is the loser here!"
No one dares to bully or mock you because they know about the eternals™ FAM. Especially, if you are hurt, Druig would be the first to come.
You are still a very tough girl because you learn it from the best •_<
Druig and you are DOG LOVERS. Since he is always constantly getting affected by people's thoughts and minds, he found it comforting in the presence of an animal.
Druig would bring home puppies, and you two have to hide them.
I guess some things can't be hidden forever. (your mom found out)
You would like to prank him a lot. From intentionally spelling, his name as "drug" To cutting his hair while he sleeps. Everybody wondered how tf did you not die.
He has to teach you homework while your mom is busy. It goes a little like this...
"What is the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle if the leg is 25 cm-"
"Why the frick I have to know that- I wouldn't be walking down the street and measuring the road sign or something."
"You know what, you are correct."
Again, we have our cupid y/n for Druig and Makkari. Ofc our girl notices his eyes when she enters the room. He would be like he was caught in a spell.
"Makkari, could you please watch over by makeup bag, it's by Druig. I don't trust him," you giggled as you signed.
"Sure, of course," she signed back. You turned around to wink at Druig and walked out. Seeing him, reached his arm behind the couch where she is sitting and giving a thumbs up.
You guys would share music A LOT. On some special occasions, you will give vintage vinyl. Most of the time, you just make playlists for each other on Spotify.
Druig doesn't really post a lot of things on his social media, and you will post some memories. (because you guys are mysterious)
Uni came and you guys move away from each other.
You like to keep in touch with him by face timing and calling each other.
"Life is pretty hard, and it won't get easier. But I know that I got you," he waved goodbye to the phone.
If y'all like it, any interaction would be appreciated. If not, critics are open.
today is a great day to take care of yourself. 🤍
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
Abandoned By The Altar
Part 2; When you grow older.
Vibe Here
A timeline oriented story focused on your once perfect childhood relationship as Diluc’s bride to be, soon becoming estranged after the death of his father and his neglect. You only wish now that he looks at you the same way he did when you heard you were supposed to be together forever when you were young.
Pairings -> Diluc x Reader, Kaeya x Reader if you squint (All young at the first parts)
Word Count -> 8170
Themes -> Initial Fluff, Angst, Fluff again
Series -> #Bonafide Specials (100 followers event) Part 1 Part 3
Warnings -> Character Death, Slightly suggestive themes
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Diluc's heart almost leaped to his throat when he had finally seen you, found you, now conversing with the new member of the family his father had adopted just yesterday. Kaeya, was his name. He looked peculiar, and older than him too.
Despite your spritely aura, he noticed his now brother still wary and even tensed at your presence, so the younger boy finally made his way over. The training sword bouncing against his hip with every step, he made his way next to you, offering a smile as he gestured to the blunette. "I see you've met Kaeya, he's my new brother, he entered the house yesterday."
Your lively eyes that was wide with happiness from finally seeing Diluc now held a hint of wonder as it landed on Kaeya, a toothy grin presenting itself on your face. The blunette can't help but blink, "Hello there, big bro Kaeya! I'm (Y/N), my mother and father are good friends with Master Crepus!"
You offered a handshake and he took it only a second late, handshake light yet tight. "Oh! I'm also Diluc's financee." Fiancée, Diluc corrected again as your hands part from each other. "Yeah, that."
Kaeya's only visible eye suddenly flew wide open as he chokes on air. Did he hear that right? These two children in front of him, years younger than him, already fated to marry in the future. What kind of customs does Mondstadt had, he warily thought in the back of his mind as he watches you two interact.
What a sad life it must be to be forced to something like that so early, he thought to himself before he saw you reach out to Diluc's hand. And the redhead, upon noticing this started to remove his used and dirtied glove, before catching your outstretched hand easily.
Kaeya only watched with an uneasy smile. He supposed this is something he needs to get used to if he wants to stay.
And oh boy, it's not something he's gonna get used to easily, the skeptic boy thought as he found himself getting dragged around by the Winery by you. You were touring him around and inside to places he had yet to see, entering rooms that normal people probably had no access to. You knew the Winery as if you had a map on you, and he supposed he expected this much if you were that close to his... brother.
"Were you," the innocence of your eyes as you whipped your head up to look at him hurt his heart over how in contrast it was with his, "forced to be together with Diluc?"
You let out a scandalous gasp on which Kaeya had to stop himself from snorting. "Why, no! I'm the one who even asked him about it," his snort turned into that weird sound again. "He's my bestest friend and I want nothing more than to be by his side always!"
F-Friend? God, Kaeya's head had been experiencing a numbing headache lately.
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With his desire to be part of the Knights of Favonius, Diluc had more often than not, neglected giving you attention so often that it was a stark contrast to the closeness you two had before. And on days where he held his training sword, he'd realize just how he missed you and your imposing hugs.
But he wanted- no- needed to get stronger. He was blessed by the Gods with a Vision, and the weak are meant to be protected, and he can't let himself be the useless person he had been the day you were on the brink of death. Even if you hid it perfectly well and brushed aside the incident when you came to, he noticed how the veins in your hand were a more prominent shade of blue now.
How your fingertips get easily cold and how you always clung to the warmth his hand gives off as a result of his Vision.
When Kaeya asked about you, about his Vision, about his ambitions— he complied almost instantly, like a valve opened fully, all the answers Kaeya was seeking flowed out seamlessly like running water.
As the oldest out of you three, despite the fact that you'd all only knew each other for three days, Kaeya had already felt the urge to protect and be there whenever Diluc had busied himself with his justified training. He'd watch your lips turn into a pout as your redhead drag himself back outside with his sword and Kaeya would then distract you from your disappointment.
Crepus had been witness to this grand scheme for a while now, relieved that his new son had at least started coping with the new environment and interactions. But your presence had always astounded the people around you, and comforted those the same age as you. Despite being on the road and barely making lasting friendships, it was a mystery how you managed to entrance people like that.
"Diluc is just pursuing his dreams," the redhead, your uncle, started as he sat next to you by the benches. Boar Princess, he noted as you closed the book you were reading, opting to look up at him with those doe eyes again. "I know you must feel lonely, having to wait for him and everything. But he's doing it for you too, to protect you."
Your eyelids drooped in the implications and your lips pursed into a pout as you turned back to watch Diluc spar with his instructor. You sighed again before whispering under your breath, "But aren't we supposed to be together forever..."
You felt a big hand ruffle your hair, making you whine on how messy it was now. How old were you again? 11 years? Eh, should be enough. "Sweet (Y/N), being Diluc's fiancée doesn't mean you need to be around him everytime," he started talking about your promise and that had finally drawn your full attention. "You have your own life, Diluc has his path to be a knight. Sometimes what you want doesn't go the same was as he wants, and the same goes for him to you. But in the end you still are together, and still treasure each other."
The thought of having a daughter never really passed the man's mind in his whole life, he mused as he watched your beaded eyes fleet back to Diluc, before once again finding itself to Crepus with a firmer resolve. You wanted to learn more and it's time you finally understand the gravity of your promise.
Crepus placed down his cup of grape juice and turned to you on the bench. "You know your mother and father and how they're together, right?" A soft nod. "You two will be just like that, in the future together. Not always together but always end up coming back to each other, because your parents love each other always. Do you want to be with Diluc that way? Do you love and support him like that?"
Your button nose cutely scrunched up in contemplation and shortly gave him a vigorous nod with a wide grin. He grins back. "Good, thank you, I'm sure that Diluc too would support you in your dreams."
As if he had a sixth sense, the young master Diluc felt as if his name was being mentioned in important business as his eyes passes over the bench where you two reside. Sensing the distraction, his instructor finally allowed him a break, and the first thing he did was jog over to the two of you, "Father, (Y/N)." He watched you as you scrambled to climb down the bench, hurriedly taking off his dirtied glove to assist you down.
Crepus once again hid his smile behind his drink as he watched you bound over to him, the same fire in your eyes as you placed your hands on the child's shoulderd firmly. "Diluc, I love you!" You loudly declared before smashing your lips to his— Crepus spits his grape juice. "I'll support your dreams to the end-! Ahhhh, Diluc fainted! Uncle, HELP!"
The young master woke up a few hours later to you crying over and over, saying sorry for 'breaking him again.' Crepus and your parents were by the side, your mother's horrified face concealed by her hand after hearing what you've done.
Oh dear, the Ragnvindr thought to himself, my son is a sub.
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Ever since that day, the people around you have started preparing you for your future of refinement and adulthood. You were no Vision-wielder unlike Diluc, and your handling swords were nothing to boast about. Your parents are businessmen and as their only child it would be you that will be inheriting and operating the work that they had built up, and so naturally that was the route you had to pick.
Your tutoring and Diluc's continuous training to get into Ordo Favonius made it hard for you both to spend more time with each other. Toys were replaced by books and swords, garden of Cecilias changed to libraries and training dummies.
Crepus, as a father and an uncle, alternates his time between you two. At times he'd be the one sparring with his child and grating the principles of knighthood to him, and on rare occasions that you were there, he walks you around as he talks about the wine industry and the operations of his business. Both of you started growing, separately, but there was a similar flame representing your spirit within both of your eyes.
Diluc entered the ranks of the Knights when he was 14, and Crepus was overwhelmed by the achievement his son finally reached, of the dream he once had when he was a child. In that same age range, you've also ended up making a name for yourself as the youngest business entrepreneur and economic scholar, your name and prodigy reached past Liyue...
And in your hands lay a perfectly white envelope enclosed with the insignia of Sumeru. The Academia invites you into a scholarship program once you turned 18.
Your whole family rejoiced at the recognition and the opportunity and you wept in tears of happiness. Finally, your young mind cried, you were finally something worthy to be next to Diluc instead of a normal person that can't be blessed by the Gods.
A party had been in order for both milestones, and more prestigious individuals from all over Teyvat were present. Something came up before the party that forced you to be late once again, and Diluc realized just how long you hadn't seen each other, more so spent time with each other. Kaeya stood next to him before nudging him with an elbow slightly, "What's got you so worried, brother? You shouldn't frown on your own party."
At the remark, Diluc stood straighter and fixed his frown. Why is it now that he was reminded of your promises and dwindled time? In the back of his mind, he realized just how much at fault he was for being neglectful. The spark you two had felt estranged and distant, feeling as tho things won't come back to the way they were.
The Court Marshal's booming voice suddenly announced your family name and the hall turned silent as everyone lifted their gaze to the grand entrance. Your bedazzled self stood there in your ombre dress, short sleeve matched with elbow gloves, and a resin Cecilia hairpiece holds itself on the crown of your head.
Diluc and Kaeya, and several other boys in the crowd gasped at your regal aura. Was this really YOU? The same girl that spit a grape on his hand/complimented a stranger's eyepatch? You stood with the poise of a refined woman and your face enlightened with a subtle artificial blush. Gone was your toothy grin and replaced with respectful smile as you made your way through the crowd.
Suddenly the nervousness came crashing back to the knight and he scrambled to pick himself up as the distance between you two shortened.
"Master Diluc," you curtsied and he inwardly doubled over at the formality, finding it almost detesting. "I'm glad to meet you again."
"(Y/N)," he bowed with a hand on his chest. "You don't need to be so formal."
The respectful smile on your face turned into a full-blown grin, the one he was used to, as you barreled towards him for a hug. Purely due to instincts and conditioning, Diluc was quick to catch you into his arms to reciprocate the hug. Disappointed gasps and whines echoed through the hall at the display, but they stood there in awe as they watched, for the rare sight of the young master's genuine smile was there for all to see.
As you two first danced the night away, it was finally brought onto everyone the fact that young master Diluc and young mistress (Y/N) were already fated together.
The ballroom parted to give way to you two as you chatted the missed times together, falling easily into steps while updating each other of the things you had done. It's true, you two may had gone your separate ways and lost time but in the end, you'll find yourself in each other's embrace.
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The darkness of the knight embraces the winery as crystalflies dance by the vines and the surrounding grassland. The freshly signed contract made its way in between the pages of the personal journal before it was pushed into the luggage together with the packed clothes.
There was a thick silence in the room as Diluc continued watching with his lips tight, leaning against the doorframe. A tension was obvious, but it wasn't between you two, but it was also against you two.
Tomorrow at high noon marks your official departure to Sumeru now that you had finished your secondary education, at the prime age of 18. All things necessary had been prepared, a convoy of knights to guide you until you reach past the border of the continent, and in that security is Kaeya. Cavalry Captain Diluc had matters to work on in the capital, it was not his official job to officiate your leave. Even if he wanted to.
It was one of the instances, of the many, that being a knight had pulled him away from you.
"Something's on your mind, I can feel it," Diluc snapped out of his thoughts when he felt the ghost of your fingertips brush away the hair framing his face, cupping both of his cheeks like you've always done. He takes one into his hand, squeezing it lightly as he offers a small smile.
"So are you, your hands are trembling," and indeed they were. You huffed at being caught but recovered, pulling him into your room and on to your bed. There were numerous times when you'd sleep together on the same bed when you missed each other; you were both 8 that time, now you laid there as 18 years olds. The implications had him gulp while you seemed unbothered.
"Four years," you recounted as you flopped back on your mattress, the room you took for yourself in the winery ever since you arrived 10 years ago. "Maybe lesser, depending on how well I do."
"You'll do good," he assured as he kicked off his boots and climbed next to you, now laying on his side to face you. Your eyes fluttered shut with a sigh and he couldn't hell but blush at the way your eyebrows scrunched together with your pursed lips, "I believe in you."
"It's the longest we'll be separated, you can easily find another girl that would bother you enough to get you to marry her." You both snorted at the idea, before laughing in harmony at the joke.
"Mmm, I should be saying that to you. Scholars and prestigious men attend the Academia, they can easily sweep you away with their wits," he bit back and you laughed at the idea. How funny the predicament is, joking about getting stolen the same day you finally signed your arranged marriage contract.
Talks about anything and everything blew the night away easily. Diluc can see in your eyes that the nerves within you wouldn't let you sleep, and keeping him locked in constant conversation would prevent him from leaving. He entertained you this much, uncharacteristically chatty, as if repaying the four years that will go by without each other. And at the back of Diluc's mind, his worry of losing you in those four years started to manifest and cloud his thoughts into a fairly sensible doubt.
"Lulu!" He yelped as he felt a sudden bite on his cheek, reflexively pushing you down by the shoulders under him to suppress the assault. He was strong, you'd forgotten this new fact. As you laid sprawled under him as heavy breathing mixed in between.
You gripped the wrists of his hands that now stands next to your head to keep him there. His eyes were wide yet bashful. You called out to him again and it was almost a whine, asking him to tell you what's in his mind, what's worrying him and distracting him like this.
And he spilled all his insecurities, for every word that slipped past his lips, his heart relaxes while his eyes clenches. Somewhere in the middle of his rant, you had his cheeks captured in your palms again, to swipe at the tears that passes by. He worked his ass off to become a knight so he can protect you but you will be too far for his claymore to reach you, he wouldn't be there to hold your hand so you don't go off on your own and wonder to somewhere dangerous. And he wouldn't be there to bring you into his arms to remind that he exists, the one and only person meant to be for you.
Diluc doesn't know when he started falling in love, he doesn't know when he started wanting your company as a lover. But he knows there would be men that would look at you the way he does, easily captivated by your aura and your beauty. And if they were to take your hand, he wouldn't know. He wouldn't know when he had lost you, if he had lost you already.
Diluc was an honest man to you, and he was honest when he said he was scared to lose you.
"I belong to you," you started as your fingers softly pats his cute reddened cheeks. "And only you. I'll get a ring and don it on my hand to let the world know, I'll write letters to you as many times as I can so you'll know I'm still alive and yours." You pulled him closer, foreheads touching each other, as you stared at the red windows to his soul. He nods in agreement, slightly assured.
"I want to stay here tonight," somehow you urged the words out of him so easily everytime. The introverted boy you once knew stood on his own feet now, proudly, "Just so I don't forget you easily."
"I won't let you forget me at all," Diluc froze from taking off his vest when he saw you with a mischievous glint in your eyes, "Not after tonight." Oh boy.
It was the devil's hour when you twirled a strand of his untied hair, wild and curly, around your finger. Luscious and thick, silky yet unkempt. "Don't cut your hair," you mumbled as you leaned against his bare chest, sending a smile as you tilt your head up to see him chuckle, "It looks better long, I want it extra long when I come back!" He mumbles his agreement against the crown of your head.
When the sun rose high in the sky and the caravan was set to go, many of the servants of the Winery had expressed their congratulations and their good lucks to your new milestone. Your parents were more worried than not knowing their only child, nomad at heart, shall venture the world alone for four years away from them. You were crying angrily at how they made it so sentimental, forcing the waterworks out of you.
Crepus had already given his goodbyes and stood to the side with Diluc before the clock struck exactly 4 PM. The man's vigilant eyes however did not miss the fact that you and Diluc seem to lack the necessary sleep to power through the day, even tho half of it is already gone. How they grow up so fast.
When you found yourself bounding over to Diluc one last time, he took your hand ever so gently, still coming into terms of your departure. You only hum idly as he stares at your bare hands, before suddenly he presented two silver rings of infinity. You had to stop yourself from gasping aloud, "A promise ring, so that everyone in Sumeru knows there's someone waiting for you back home already." His red gaze averted to the side in fluster, gingerly sliding the band to your ring finger as he did the other to his own.
Home. Yes, Mond is now your home, and specifically next to him is where you belong. You shared your last kiss before Kaeya had finally called for the carriage to start ascending, on the dot. You peeked out of the carriage one last time as you waved your goodbyes to everyone, the silver band catching the light of the sun as it shines with promise.
Diluc wished goodbyes to you that day. And as he turns to his father to board their own horseback and carriage, he ends up losing two people on the same day.
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Dearest Diluc,
I hope this letter finds you well. The Academia had been very accommodating ever since I arrived, there are a lot of people here from all over Teyvat, just like you had thought! I felt quite lonely and inferior when I entered but I've gained nice companions along the way and things became easy. With my exposure to our families' businesses, studies were actually easier than I expected them to be. There's been talks with the professors of me being accelerated half a year with my progress, it seems four years may not be accurate.
I've also gained myself a senior, a really kind and intelligent upperclassmen. His name is Cyno, a nice gentleman. He's been teaching me on weapon mastery since he's really good with a polearm. You use a Claymore, right? If I come back wielding a polearm, I want to spar! But don't worry about him, he knows of our betrothal and his boundaries.
How's being the captain there? I hope Uncle Crepus and Kaeya are doing well with you mostly in Mond's city now. It seems the Academia doesn't really receive letters for 'security reasons' hence why I haven't received any of your letters. But no matter, I'm sure you're doing far better than I am, you're much stronger and capable now afterall! Make sure to take care of yourself always, get some breaks and eat your meals! I don't want to see you so skinny and weak when I get back!
Forever Yours,
There is bliss in ignorance. As you fold up the letter into the envelope, the door to your room echoes a knock before it softly opens to reveal your upperclassman. His gaze falls on the envelope on your hand in silent question to which you return with a smile and a nod, standing up from your study table as you followed Cyno out of the dormitories to the Academia's post office.
It had been a year since you left Mondstadt, a year since you've last seen Diluc, and a year since Crepus had died. Your parents, not wanting you to be distracted by the loss and dent your studies over such matters, opted to refrain from informing you of the grave news. It has also been a year since you started writing letters to Diluc and never received a reply.
"Time will go by quickly, and you'll be back before you know it," the Sumeru denizen beside you reassured you of your lack of correspondence and you offered a smile at his niceties. It doesn't worry you that Diluc wasn't able to contact you like so, you only wish that he was able to receive your little notes so he's reminded to take care of himself.
Yet as you pass the envelope to the postman, there was still an uneasy feeling on the back of your mind. You turn around with a curious hum, calmly and slowly scanning the grounds of the Academia before walking once again to catch up with your senior, clutching the silver ring close to your chest as you fell back into idle chatter.
Once you've disappeared behind the doors of your next class, a lone man stands straight on one of the tower's roof. The warm wind of Sumeru washes by him in a force enough to whisk away his hood, but he did not care. He did not care over the way his red hair spills all over his shoulders as it danced with the wind.
Diluc only heaved a sigh before leaping back into the shadows on his last day in the desert nation, finding no proper clue and heading to the next nation over. But not before stealing a freshly folded letter from the shelf of a certain post office.
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Two years. Two years. Sumeru Academia sent you off on graduation with both striking awe and somber disappointment. After losing the prodigy Lisa, they were now losing you, the now renowned master practitioner of economics. You did so well, SO WELL in fact, that your four years stay ended in just two because of your numerous acceleration as a year in you're already conversing with the modern founders of the practice.
They wanted you to stay longer but you've had your fair share of knowledge and waiting. Everyone knew of your relationship predicament, understanding where you're coming from, yet to leave another prodigy to Mondstadt. It was unnerving for them, but your smile had been nothing but reassuring. You comforted those with the promise of correspondence and accommodation, if they so wish to find time and pass by Mondstadt in the future.
And hence you find yourself in Dawn Winery, your luggage and naginata as your only companion. You barged in like nobody's business and started looking around for anyone- Kaeya, Uncle Crepus, Diluc- yet no one showed up. Servants are scarce and almost non-existent, you were confused beyond comprehension.
A set of footsteps echoed behind you and you twisted around in excitement, only to see one of the higher attendants you still remember, Elzer. "M-Mistress (Y/N)! Y-You're ali- you're here!" You cocked your head to the side, unsure of how to take his slip up.
Ah, right, priorities. "Have you seen where anyone is? Kaeya, Master Crepus, Diluc? I passed by here first since it's on the way but I can't find anyone!" The gravity of the change gnawed at you from the pit of your stomach, and you nibbled at your bottom lip at the flash of emotions that passed his face.
"We're unsure where Master Diluc is currently, but Master Kaeya is in Mondstadt-" A lead! Diluc must be patrolling somewhere in the city anyways so you bolted out of the mansion, thanking the man before he can finish answering all your questions. As you left so loudly, in your wake the other servants were now aware of your presence, and the feeling of dread revives in the Winery.
Two years must have gone by longer than you expected it to be, this thought passed you as you went through the main gates of the City of Freedom. The knights that were usually on guard are those you've never seen before, and the people around you barely spared you a glance with no recognition. Even the ones stationed at the entrance of the Ordo Favonius HQ were completely new when you went over to ask.
"Have you seen- do you know where the uhm," you paused in remembrance, "The Cavalry Captain. Do you know where he is?" With how new they were, you figured Diluc would be known by his title instead.
One of them nods and pointed at the Cathedral, "Yes, Ma'am. He's just finished an expedition and are conversing with the healers in the church." Finally, an exact location! You thanked them and flew off once again.
And so you found yourself in front of the altar of the anemo archon, alone in the completely silent establishment. There were no whispers to guide you or people to tell you where he is, it was too quiet, and you were turning helpless. Offering your bow to the statue you turned to walk back down the aisle, only to see a familar figure staring at you as if you were a ghost haunting-
"(Y/N)?" You gasped and ran towards him.
"Kaeya! You're here!" You embraced him softly, careful of the confusing clothing and the hanging polearm on your back. He embraced you just the same, a hearty laugh masking the nervousness on the back of his throat.
"Aren't you supposed to come home two years later?" Kaeya inquired as he stepped back from the hug, suddenly smirking, "Or are you telling me you ran away from school?"
You smacked his arm with a whine at such a preposterous accusation, harder than you'd intended as you heard him wince. Oh goodness, your training with Cyno really made you strong. "Ahhh, no, no! I finished early because I was too good ahah, who would've thought!" The blunette let out a rare snort on that of which only spurred on your laughter.
The familiarity of another had eased the tension on your shoulders as you conversed freely about everything that had transpired for you, how things had been and- you've realized now just how tired you were from the long travel you'd gone through even tho you were used to such lifestyle when you were young.
After things had died down, you finally asked, "Where's Diluc?" And the twinkle of lax delight hardened at the question. He took a few seconds to start as his eye shifted left and right, and your knees were shaking from the implications-
And then he finally told you everything. The death of Crepus. Diluc giving up his Vision. Him disappearing for two year, without return. All the disaster that had happened the moment you left.
Your legs gave out as your knees hit the floor painfully, it will probably bruise later but you couldn't get yourself to care. If you hadn't left that day, would it have gone differently? Would you be able to make him stay? You should have been there to comfort him, to be by his side and yet-
Please tell me you're joking, you cried out so desperately to Kaeya who dropped down to gather you into his arms. But you knew better than that, he knew you knew better than that, so he didn't answer. And the altar behind you listened to the echoed screams and cries of a maiden abandoned by grief and love.
And Kaeya stayed for as long as you needed him to be. And in the back of his mind, a bitterness bit—
That should have been Diluc, holding you and comforting you.
That should be him, showing you where Crepus Ragnvindr's gravestone lies to pay your respects.
That should have been him who stayed.
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It had been almost two years now since you've gone back to Mondstadt, almost four years since Diluc disappeared, together with him he took away your hopes and promises. The talk about your arranged marriage had become taboo to the people who still knows, but they don't comment on the ring that still lingered around your finger.
Besides finally taking over the business in Mondstadt (your parents had established one in Fontaine while you were away) and being pursued by scholars all over the world, you've been dealing with the pain silently and alone. Numbing soon. Every passing day with no news of him claws at the idea of him being alive even, and the thought sickens you to death.
It was one of those nights when you couldn't sleep and had decided to stroll around the city during the dead of the night to clear your head. Your parents had sent you a letter of recall to Fontaine, asking you to leave the business to the managers. They didn't exactly put it into words, but you knew your parents better than anyone: you should stop hoping he'd return, was what they wanted to say.
You rubbed your forearm as you continued your walk. It must have been your time with Sumeru that made you so vulnerable to the cold now, was your thought process as another chilly wind passed by you. And then you heard it—
An echoed cackle and a crackle of icicles.
The hairs on the back of your neck stood straight as you stumbled to the side, narrowly missing a flying icicle. Thank goodness Sumeru Academia required combats class, you thought as you darted straight through the alleys, the Abyss Mage hot on pursuit. This was the worst time to leave your freaking polearm at your house, you screamed at yourself as you vaulted over empty crates before coming out of another street.
“Look out!” A gruff voice shouted as a sudden wall of black? fire manifested behind you. You heard the icicle melting as it touched the wall and dissipated with it, revealing a figure cloaked in pure black. Back turned to you, the Abyss Mage continued its assault which was now focused on the intruder. And their clash started just like that.
You hopped back when another barrage of icicle rain was summoned. This guy had a Vision(?) but it was something you’ve never seen before, nor had encountered in your classes about the elements. You can’t leave him now, not like this, and so you picked up a slab of wood from a broken crate. Abyss mages have shields yes, you need to break that.
Without a moment’s hesitation, you leaped over the ledge that’s in level with the floating enemy (again, thanks for the acrobatic lessons) and brought down the hard wood over the mage’s head. It produced a sickening crunch as the shield broke under pressure as well as fall through and hit it square in the head! It dropped back to the floor momentarily, and it made you aware that you two were plummeting to the ground.
You pulled your limbs close and braced for impact- “Shit, I got you.” You felt something cold and thin wrap around your body before it guided you to the cloaked person’s awaiting arms, stumbling a bit at the weight. You grunted at the inertia before you met eyes with orbs of red within a shadow, it looked at you widely behind an owl mask(?) and you looked back with a squint. Who?
Your little moment was interrupted when the Abyss Mage started rising from the ground again, slightly swaying from the blow you hit it with earlier. In alarm, you quickly placed your feet down to stand, the chains around you easily slinking away back to the person’s cloak. The man then stands in front of you protectively, cursing under his breath, “You need to leave, it’s too dangerous.” There was a weird strain in his voice now.
This made you scoff, so loud and offended, that you felt the man be taken aback by your response. “You can’t even disable the shield in time,” you ignored the way he seemingly cringed back to this cloak as you stood next to him, slab of wood at the ready, “Don’t worry about me, I had lessons.” Now it was his turn to scoff but relented anyways, as if he knew well enough that you’re not falling back easily.
Batarangs flew from his cloak as it hit the Abyss on the arms and chest, screeching in pain at the unexpected attack. You rushed over and clubbed his hand that held the staff, kicking it far away when it was dropped. A chain then latches around its waist as it was pulled to the cloaked man, who delivered a quick kick to its stomach when it neared, sending it crashing to the wall.
That was so... exciting! You gasped at the thrill of the fight, slightly hopping and clapping at yourself as you smiled at the stranger with the widest grin you had mustered ever since you came back. His gait was tense when walked up to you, past you, in front of you as he looked around for any onlookers or dwellers of the night that had witnessed the commotion. “That was really cool, what kind of power was that? You look like you’ve done this multiple times before.”
You heard the most subtlest sigh when you were sure you whisked away his attention, slowly he turns to his side but not sparing you a direct view. From what you can tell, he wore a LOT of black under that black cloak. “You shouldn’t have stayed,” he started with a sigh as he finally turned to you fully, “Who knows what could have happened-”
“WATCH OUT!” You shoved him by the shoulder as you threw your slab with a force so mighty it broke the face of the mage, immediately disintegrating into ashes and dissipating with the wind. Under you your companion grunted from the pain of being thrown to the floor, and when he looked up, he was scrambling to catch you again.
The icicle impaled through your thigh coaxed out and coated with blood as dark spots danced on your vision from the pain and blood loss. The man pulled you up against his chest, hushed whispers of panic begging you to stay awake as he was wary of the shrapnel still in you.
But you were stubborn. And so you fainted.
The next day when you awoken in your bed, the night before would have easily been passed off as a fever dream if not for the bandaged injury on your leg that had you immobilized for days. When the citizens of Mond finally got a hold of you and asked about the incident, you gave them as much information as you could about your hero,
“He was an unknown hero that appeared at the dark of the night.”
Days passed by and you heard rumors in passing of the one named Darknight Hero. The name made you facepalm.
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The faithful day happened three weeks after the encounter with the "Darknight Hero" when you finally recovered from your injury, able to walk around and do your daily rounds of work and deliver the paperwork of the margins of the sales and cost-effectiveness of your family's business in connection to Angel's Share. You had prepared so many documents all hailing from your numerous studies in the Academia, graphs and studies of the data Elzer had expertly combined for you lay in your arms in a bundle of folders.
The tower had to be carried by two hands, and you grunted as you bumped your bottom against the thick door of the tavern, using your hip to swing it open with mighty force. "Ugh, Charles, here's all the economic reports I finally finished after three week-" if not for the man himself, the floor of the tavern would have turned into a sea of papers as your fingers trembled and slackened at the sight.
His towering build, the thick main of red hair, it's all him. The moment the weight from your arms departed, you immediately stumbled over to him, eyes wide and mouth open to call out to him, "Diluc-!" But he flinched away from you instead of meeting you halfway through. And that slight movement halted you in your tracks, eyes wide with horror and pain from the rejection.
Diluc's eyes widened at the change, his gaze passing at Charles before back at you, reluctantly gesturing at your bandaged thigh he spoke, "You should be careful with that injury, don't want it to open up." His voice had a rough edge to it now, deeper yet still veiled with velvety smoothness.
"You're here," your disappointment from earlier was changed from the enlightenment of the situation. His jaw tightened at the sight of the tears that started falling from your eyes, "You're alive!"
Forced away by Charles with the promise of taking over the tavern for the day, you and Diluc took a stroll around the city. Enthusiastic of catching up, you talked endlessly about your years in the Academia and the last two years that you had stayed in Mondstadt before his arrival. Yet opposite of your upbeat chatter, Diluc stayed silent and forward-looking, offering only nods and grunts in between your pauses that asks him if he was still listening. Everytime your hand brushed his when you walked too close, he'd immediately pull his hand back and step away from your personal space.
It was a one-sided conversation. And it ended quickly as it had started.
You stood now at the stairs of the cathedral, overlooking the imposing statue of the Anemo archon. Your location made you remember something, and you opened up another topic, "Your brother, Kaeya told me about what happened four years ago." His apathetic gaze suddenly turned cold as his shoulders tensed. "Diluc, I'm sorry for what happened and-"
"He's not my brother, (Y/N)," you've never thought there would come a day when you'd hear such venom come from his sweet lips. Nor the cold glare that was now in full view, directed at you, "And you shouldn't go around trusting that guy, he's nothing but trouble."
The lump now stuck in your throat prevented you from responding, but you figured you didn't have the chance to do so anyways. As Diluc had ended his warning, he turned away and started walking back to the direction of the tavern, muttering something about work needed to be done.
You tried to reach for his hand before he could have gone too far, but you froze a few seconds away- and then he was gone, out of your grasp, leaving you alone at the steps of the cathedral without a look to spare.
Your cradled your hand to your chest as you felt your eyes water again, the overwhelming distance now opening the truth in your gaping heart as you wept in silence: The promise ring was missing from his hand.
Days had gone by after that where you sat in the background in idle wait, observing as subtle as you can be, hovering around him. The Diluc that you once knew was different from the Diluc who disappeared for four years, and the differences screamed at your face at every one you picked up:
His soft gaze now seems hardened and hooded, as cold as the cryo slimes and as deep as the ocean floor. Whenever you look at them, you always feel as tho he was years away, in a place unreachable. Even when they fall on you, there's a hidden emotion behind them, but they never once softened at the sight of you.
Around his hands were thick gloves of either pure red or another black-red variant. They were rough and never off, hot and grazed with years of use. It was different, so different from the white ones you had gifted him on his birthday. You placed a grape on his palm once and giggled at the memory, expecting him to look at you with recollection, but he only stared at the grape before shaking his head. And he turns away from you to get back at his work.
Diluc's hair was longer than you've ever seen before. It reached past the middle of his back when it had only grew by the shoulder when you've last seen it. It was fluffier and wilder, held up by a ponytail that you can't even see past the thickness. You loved running your hand through it before and Diluc had always felt at ease when you do that; you reached your hand out to touch the ends of his long hair, but he immediately turned to you before you could even feel it on the edge of your fingertips, caught by the cold squint of his eyes. No matter how many attempts, he always managed to stop you.
Another thing that had changed was his wardrobe. There were barely traces of the white knight aesthetic he had when you were still young, no, now he felt shrouded in the darkness of the knight. Made to blend with the shadows, he dons all black besides his undershirt. He resembles no trace of the knight he once was when you look at him.
The last detail you hated the most was the way he had been... secretive to you, and anyone in general. For this reason alone, you barely visited the Winery now, only coming there for business purposes or to converse with the servants that still remembered you. Whenever other matters were to be discussed, you're almost immediately ushered out by one of his men, no questions asked. This had became so commonplace that you started seeing yourself out the moment the air felt unwelcoming.
The more you notice, the more you felt farther away from the Diluc you knew. But this was the same man you loved, and still love. The grief had changed him, the disappearance had changed him, but nothing can change the fact that he was the same person that held your hand when it felt cold.
Speaking of, you clutched the hand you spoke of as you felt the breeze pass by you. The sea of Cecilias danced with an orchestrated flutter, as if singing to you in music of their petals grazing one another. Ah, you realized, this was the same exact place you first met Diluc.
"Is your hand cold again?" He spoke from the table under the gazebo where you delivered the perfectly arranged document. This time you dealt with the matter of tax revenue and compiled the business proposals of those that had attended the party he hosted with the seneschal.
You simply nodded and he sighed. The disappointment breaking your heart into a million pieces, "You should know by now to wear gloves or long sleeves whenever you're out. You must have gotten lackluster due to the climate of Sumeru, you should fix that."
You felt the tears bite at your eyes painfully again. As of recently, you've been crying a lot more than you had ever been in your life. And yet these ones flowed with ease, without a hiccup or a sob, almost liberating. "I'll be leaving for Fontaine tomorrow," the shuffling of the papers stopped behind you, "Flint will be handling the management of the franchise here, I've taught him the necessary computations so you can trust the reports he'll give to the Winery. Mother and father wants me to focus on the expansion of the business, after all."
There was a moment of silence before the shuffling began again and with that pushed the final sword into your heart. You bowed your head, smiling to the Cecilias that caught your tears in their petals, "Thank you for everything, make sure you take good care of yourself, okay?" You didn't know if you were talking to the Cecilias or Diluc.
But you felt lighter than ever, as if the last chain that pulled you down were finally broken.
And you took a small step, and then another, bigger one this time. For the first time since you're back to the city, you finally breathed in relief and without restraints.
Soon you were making distance and you were finally ready to go,
until a gloved hand pulled you back. Your gasp caught into your throat as your head whipped to stare at him, his eyes just as wide as yours. "What," he breathed out helplessly and you've noticed how short his breathing was, did he chase you? "What do you mean? You're not leaving forever, right?"
Forever. You felt the warmth of the gloved ones in your hand squeeze as you saw a faint light return in the depths of his glossy eyes, and you felt it—
The reassurance of your promise, as you squeezed back—
Underneath his thick gloves, red and black, you've finally noticed—
If he hadn't finally let his hand find yours, you wouldn't have felt the ring hidden underneath the cloth.
You beamed at him with eyes full of adoration and pure hope, of a grin pearly white that it almost shone as it caught the sun, he felt burned by it— but before he could escape, he was tackled to the ground with loud laughter.
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@boxofteenageideas @creation-magician @your-local-venti-simp @indigodreamtime47
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anonymous-eggy · 3 years
I'm gonna be honest. I really dont like the part in Two Against the World where we're given a bunch of team name options and (im pretty sure) NONE of them are actual teams.
You know a way to make sure the mc gets the answer wrong while not looking completely stupid? give us a couple Baseball teams that have changed their name since the 1920s, a couple football teams (for humor), and an "I don't know" option (for those who simply wouldn't guess on something they don't actually know).
(Me providing examples below the cut of what I think would make for some pretty sweet dialogue variation based on different choices because I'm not just gonna offer this up without providing examples.)
Take The Kansas city Royals for example. The Kansas city Royals used to be known as The Kansas city Monarchs! Here's how that option would go dialogue wise!
Mc: Kansas city Royals???
Nicky: ...You mean the Monarchs???
Mc: right! I forgot they went by that name back then!
Nicky: So, they're the ones that win?!
Mc: ....Honestly? no. I cant remember who wins. sorry, Nicky. but to be fair, you're already pretty rich...
^the baseball options are for Mcs who do know Baseball, but they simply can't remember who won in that specific year. it has the humorous honest mistake that isnt too embarrassing. Mc doesn't look stupid, they just arent a walking baseball encyclopedia.
OR if you name, say, The Green Bay Packers (a football team founded in 1919)
[I desperately search my memory for a sports team, any sports team at this point, and hope for the best as I name the first team that comes into mind:]
Mc: The Green Bay Packers???
[I watch as Nicky's expression falters for a moment, before turning into a large smile as he laughs and shakes his head]
Nicky: Honey, that's a football team. (i think its worth mentioning that he would totally have that "i love you so much" face sprite while saying this)
Mc: Oh... well I think they would be fantastic baseball players if they tried.
Nicky: You don't know much about sports, do you?
Mc: Honestly? No. Sports isn't my forte. but to be fair you're already pretty rich...
^This is for Mcs who barely know sports. I mean- everyone knows at least one sports team name, so this Mc just spouted the first name in the sports category they thought of. which happened to be a football team. This turns into funny banter. Mc doesn't look incoherently stupid and everyone laughs it off.
OR the simple "I don't know" option
Mc: Uh... well...
Mc: I... I don't know, to be completely honest.
Nicky: You got nothin'?
Mc: Nothing. i have no idea...
[Nicky lets out a sigh as his grip on me loosens in defeat]
Nicky: It was worth a try, at least you were honest, love. Maybe your memory'll be jogged when it starts!
Mc: I don't think it will, sorry Nicky. But to be fair, you're already pretty rich...
^fantastic honest answer, Mc. Some Mcs prefer to be truthful, rather than run the risk of looking like a fool. The utter honesty! Nicky appreciates honesty from his future Spouse! yay!
These options give some nice variety and all show us different reactions from Nicky. They are also more realistic options that a person in real life would most likely respond with. This makes it easier for the reader to connect with the Mc.
overall, yes, putting in the different responses and dialogue could be time consuming, but it would improve the gameplay a lot and provide us with a much more positive interaction with being unable to answer his question!
the current options make me want to cry because i feel so stupid and i really hate feeling stupid 😥
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wann-der-lusst · 3 years
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By: Cassy
Just like every other day, I have to go to work. My life is such a mess. I mean, I haven't even picked a career, and I don't even have a car. Well, today I'm taking the bus. I don't know why but it's very crowded than usual.
"Hey, excuse me, can I take that seat?" I asked politely.
"No can do. I am too tired," the hard-headed man said.
"Well, I don't care. I'm tired too!" I yelled.
"Sorry. Here take my seat," the man said, frightened.
I squeezed my way through the crowd of people and slumped down into the rough leather seat.
Living in a little apartment wasn't really helping me either. Going to sleep at 3 am just because I can't fall asleep was killing me. With only 4 hours of sleep, I fell asleep on the bus. I shockingly felt the bus stop, and suddenly I woke up.
"Why did we stop?" I asked.
"Sorry, ma'am, but the bus has broken down. It's going to take ages to get it moving again," the bus driver said sadly.
So angry I stomped off the bus. I walked and walked and walked and walked. It was like the world was never-ending. The agony and the anger that I am feeling weren't going away.
Knowing I was never going to work today, I kept on walking and walking and walking. Suddenly, I reached a waterfalls.
"Wow, there's so many people. Since I'm not going to work, I might as well do something," I said to myself.
I walked up to the lady who was giving out the pamphlets.
"Hello, um, excuse me, is there an entrance fee?" I asked.
"Is there anyone else with you?" the lady asked.
"Nope, just me," I replied.
"Oh, ok, then that would be 300 pesos," the lady said.
"Ok," I replied.
I rummaged through my purse and found 300 pesos.
"Here," I said as I gave the lady 300 pesos.
"Umm, can I have one of those pamphlets?" I asked kindly.
"Oh, sorry, I forgot. Here," the kind lady said.
"Thank you," I said as I took the pamphlet.
"Have fun," the lady said.
I opened the pamphlet, started reading, and walked to the waterfalls.
"Ouch," I said.
I tripped over the branches of one of the trees when I was looking at the pamphlet. Someone held out their hand to me. I looked up, and I saw a lady looking down at me.
"Hey do you need a hand?" she asked.
"Yes, thanks," I replied.
I took her hand, and she pulled me up.
"Hey, what's your name," she asked.
"My name is Cassandra," I said.
"My name is Alyssa," she said.
"Well, nice to meet you," I said.
"Are you here by yourself?" Alyssa asked.
"Yeah," I replied.
"Me too. Do you want to go together?" Alyssa asked,
"Sure, I don't know how to read this map," I said.
"I'm good with maps. Give it to me." Alyssa said.
I gave Alyssa the map, and she looked at it slowly.
"I thought that you're good with maps, Alyssa," I laughed.
"Ok, first of all, maps take a lot of time to inspect, and also please call me Aly. I never really liked the name Alyssa," she said.
"Well… Aly, hurry up if you keep on reading this slow, We're gonna be here all night," I said.
"Ok, first, let's get food," Aly said.
"OMG, they have food here?" I asked excitedly.
"Yeah, you didn't know?" Aly asked surprisingly.
"No! Let's go," I said excitedly.
Aly led the way, and we ran to the food vendors. We stood in line for the hot dogs and hamburgers.
"So, what do you want?" Aly asked me.
"Hmm… I think I want a hamburger with cheese and tomatoes, chili and cheese fries, and a Sprite," I said.
"That's delicious. You have good taste." Aly said.
"Thanks. What are you getting?" I asked Alyssa.
"I think I'm going to get a hot dog with ketchup, curly fries, and a Coke," Aly replied.
"Excuse ladies can I have your order?" the chef asked.
"What if you say my order and I say yours," Aly said.
"Ok," I replied.
"I want a hamburger without the tomatoes, chili and cheese fries, and a Sprite," Aly said to the chef.
"And you ma'am?" the chef asked politely.
"I want a hotdog with ketchup, curly fries, and a Coke," I said.
"Before you two go, what are your names?" the chef asked.
"It's Cassandra and Alyssa," Aly said and smiled.
"Ok, can you both please wait for your order?" the chef asked.
"Ok," we both said.
We both found a table to sit down on to wait for our food. I pulled my phone out of my purse and put in my passcode.
"Do you want to exchange numbers?" I asked.
"Of course," Aly replied as she smiled.
She brought out her phone and gave it to me. I did the same and gave mine to her.
"Here I put my phone number," Aly said.
"Me too," I replied.
"Ok, try to call me," Aly said.
I tapped the phone button, and Aly's phone was ringing instantly.
"Ok, now call me," I said.
Aly called me from her phone, and mine started to instantly ring.
"Cassandra and Alyssa, your food is ready!" we heard the chef yelled.
"Come on, let's get out food," I said.
Aly and I got up from the table and went to get our food.
"Here is your hamburger without tomatoes, chili and cheese fries, and your Sprite," the chef said to Aly.
"Also, here is your hotdog with ketchup, curly fries, and your Coke," the chef said to me.
"Thank you," we said.
"Now, which one of you is paying?" the chef asked.
Aly and I looked at each other.
"I can pay," Aly said.
"No, I can pay," I insisted.
"Actually... excuse me, what's the price of our order?" Aly asked the chef.
"Weirdly, it's precisely 250 pesos," the chef replied.
"We can split the price," I said.
I gave the chef 125 pesos from my purse while Aly did the same. We went back to the same table. Then, we switched our meals.
"Here is your food, madam," I said jokingly.
"Here is your food, ma'am," Aly said jokingly.
Together we ate our food.
"I'm so full," I said.
"You said it. I think we grabbed too much food," Aly said.
"Well, I'm gonna throw the rest of my food in the trash," I said.
"I'm right behind you," Aly said.
We threw our food in the trash and picked up our purses from the table.
Let's go to the waterfall," I said.
We walked and walked and walked until we reached the beautiful waterfall. By then, the sun was setting.
"Let's take a selfie in front of the waterfall," I said
"Ok, let's use my phone," Aly said.
We took the selfie together.
"Send the picture to me," I said.
"I already did," Aly said.
Seconds later, my phone dinged. I took my phone out of my purse and checked it.
"This selfie looks spectacular," I said.
"Let's go up there so we can watch the sunset," Aly said.
"Ok," I said.
We both climbed up the hill to see the sunset. The sun dipped below the horizon, the last gasp of beauty before the death of the day.
"Look at how beautiful it is," Aly said.
"I never really looked so intently at the sun setting before. I never really cared," I said.
"Thanks for this day. It's been so fun. What I know is that we're going to be best friends forever and ever," Aly said.
"Off course we are," I replied.
After a while, Aly started visiting me in my not so big apartment and she never forget to bring food. When she's in my apartment we do, off course eating and we really do love watching movies together.
Aly and I has a lot of something in common, like we love to a travel a lot, collecting memories and we both have a broken family. Aly was raised by her father and I was raised by my mother, but both of us did not use it as a discouragement to continue in our lives, we took as an inspiration so that both of us succeed. Having a broken family is not good for my mental health when I was younger, it gives me jealousy, curiosity and it makes me longing, but it did not affect on who I am right now. I am blessed on what I have right now especially I met a new friend that can change my everyday mood.
We can be friends with other people, we can bond, we can stay closer to them, but not everyone can stay forever, not everyone can lend their shoulders for you to cry on, not everyone can listen to your problems, yet there is always one person who is willing to give his or her time and will never ever leave you.
I never really knew it, but meeting Aly changed my life forever.
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Safe Haven 4/?
Rating: E
Pairings: Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch, Eventually Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, Jon Moxley/Renee Young, Sasha Banks/Bayley/Charlotte Flair, Mandy Rose/Trent Seven, Jordan Devlin/Millie McKenzie, Ruby Riott/Liv Morgan
Warnings for this Chapter: mentions of violence
Chapter Summary: Drew and Becky get to know their new mate better while meeting members of his unorthodox family, Plans are made to rescue Roman from Heyman's evil clutches.
@hitory--chan @sethsevolution @finnsauroraborealis @the-beastslayers-queen @pikapuff316 @writinglionqueen @writtingrose
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"SETHIE!" Seth hadn't even made it back to town before being tackled by a overly hyperactive blonde girl.
"I missed you too Liv" Seth groaned, slightly out of breath.
"You're lucky I'm here and not Rubes, she's very mad at ya"
Seth grimaced at the thought of seeing his older sister.
"Hey! Redhead!" Liv yelled at Becky. "Is this too basic" she gestured at her hair.
"You're right, too boring" Liv pulled out a compact mirror and smiled at it, Becky and Drew staring in shock as her hair turned bubblegum pink.
"How?" Drew asked Seth.
"Liv's a chaos fairy. Hyper 24/7, pranks everybody. C'mon brat" Liv squealed and hopped onto his back..
"Hey Livvie, Mom conjured my clothes..would you mind?" Seth asked his sister's girlfriend
Drew and Becky watched curiously as the unremarkable clothes Seth's mother had put on him morphed into dark-grey skinny jeans and a blood-red t-shirt.
"Hair too?" the fairy asked
"Yes please."
Seth shook his head and a quarter of it immediately went blond "There ya go Sethie! You look like you again, only bigger!" Liv giggles, patting the wolf on the head.
"Thanks Livvy" Seth grinned. "You're still small though"
"I'm still bigger than Millie!" Liv managed to kick Seth in the hip. "Good luck apologizing to everyone. Trent's mad because you made Tyler cry!"
"Tyler always cries!"
"Okay true, but you also made Mandy upset!"
"How long have you been away from home?" Becky asks
"I haven't lived in Haven in 8 years. I lost contact with everyone 18 months ago." Seth explained
"Dude the only reason we didn't completely lose it was because we still felt you through the pack bond" Liv tells him "We knew you weren't dead but...it was hard, anyway so why are you with the newbies?" Liv asked as they made their way to the main house.
"They're my mates." Seth said simply.
"Oooooh, Sethie's got two mates!" Liv said excitedly. Becky looking at her with caution. "I need to see Sarah, you are making me coffee later!" Liv hugged him and skipped off, Becky and Drew watching her.
"I've only heard of chaos fairies, she was...unique" Becky said.
"I need to remind Ceasero she's not allowed any caffeine" Seth said shaking his head
The three mates walked along the path back to the town in silence after Liv left. None of them really knowing what to say.
"So you guys have had this town for a long time?" Becky finally broke the increasingly uncomfortable tension
"My grandparents founded Haven. Grandfather...used to run a circus and all of the acts were different beings. When he retired, everyone just settled here. Haven was these old fairgrounds and some of the woods surrounding it."
"A Circus?" Drew exclaimed
"Grandfather was a warlock, especially skilled in persuasion and he figured it would be a way for him and his friends to not only use their abilities for profit, but to not have to hide as much. Normies will ignore most Supe shit if they think its a trick"
"Absolutely true, they're dense as hell" Becky replied.
"So, you knew Finn?" Seth asked.
"Sort of, his name was Prince back then, always wondered what happened, not surprised that vampires had something to do with it...when they helped save you. I can't believe I just said that" Becky facepalmed, remembering what Mox and Stephanie had said.
Seth smiled and shook his head "I know Haven is an odd case. Weird even amongst the weird. I mean, I'm the Wolf/Warlock hybrid that claims a Lion, a Witch, a Vampire Queen and a Vampire thats the vessel for a literal demon king for parents. Weird is kinda my thing"
"Do you remember that night?" Becky asked. Seth looked down, toying with his amulet before sitting down.
"A little. I remember being in a car with my mommy and daddy" Seth said in a faraway voice "The was a big flash of light and loud noise, and then I was flying through the woods. I had bite marks on the back of my neck. Knowing now what I know about my bio parents, I think my Mom shifted and was carrying me through the woods by the scruff of my neck."
Becky hesitantly reached over and touched the top of Seth's bowed head. Drew looking on silently. It seemed like his spitfire was already growing attached to the younger man, while Drew himself was more hesitant. Seth lived...by Drew's upbringing, an unnatural life. Haven was a lot to get used to and he'd had Becky to himself for so long.
"Do you think it's possible that your mom changed you?" Drew asked. "To protect you?"
"Could be I don't know" Seth pulled his hair. "I don't like thinking about it"
"Hey brat" A girl said, materializing next to the three. She was holding a coffee cup and had red lowlights and was so pale, Drew thought she could be a vampire.
"Hey, Ruby." Seth said quietly, "Guys this is one of my sisters."
"Yo." The girl greeted them easily and handed her brother the Chicago Bears to-go mug "One Double Chocolate Cappuccino, courtesy of Cesaro. Figured you could use it, heard you haven't had coffee in a year or so."
"No espresso?" Seth groaned.
"You know he puts too much in" Ruby said, "Besides I want to be able to sleep tonight. Your howling was obnoxious" she turned to Drew and Becky. "If either of you hurt my little brother, I will rip out your eyes and shove them down your throats"
"What it's true. We lost you once, brat. Never again" She replied with a smile
"Did anyone mention that Seth is the baby?" Ruby asked
"Millie is younger then me thank you very much" Seth said rolling his eyes and taking a sip of his drink
"Millie hasn't been missing for 18 months, and gone for 7 and a half years before that. So excuse us if we're all a bit concerned about all this" she says waving a hand at Drew and Becky.
"Excuse me, who's Millie?" Becky asked.
"My baby cousin" Seth replied fondly. "She's my Uncle Shawn's kid"
"She's a fire siren, sneezes out fire like crazy" Ruby added, drinking her coffee.
"She doesn't have much in the way of control yet. So she sets shit on fire a lot...luckily her mate is a water sprite. Jordan is really great st putting out flare-ups" Seth explains "Please don't threaten my mates. Honestly, I'm a hot mess. I doubt they even want to be with me anyway"
"Nonsense" Ruby waved her hand. "Mates are mates always. Do you think I would have gotten with Liv by choice?" Seth chuckled and blushed when Becky smiled at him. " Does anyone know about Ro?" He asked.
Ruby's face fell. "Mom is working on a tracking spell, since you don't remember exactly where Heyman's compound is located. Dad is making her rest before she casts it though so that won't be done until tomorrow, the good this is that Heyman can only do his enslaving curse during the full moon...so we have 6 days to find Ro."
"Fuck" Seth pulled at his hair. "None of this would have happened if I hadn't ran away"
"Stop it" Drew said, gently pulling Seth's hands down.
Drew had sat there quietly listening to the exchange between Seth and his sister, trying to learn more about the odd man the fates had bound him and his firecracker to. From what he'd gathered so far Seth was well-loved by his mismatched pack and had been sorely missed while on his journey of self-discovery.
"Don't beat yourself up. You couldn't have known any of this would happen" Drew says softly, still holding Seth's hands in his larger ones. Seth's brother had been right. Seth did look amazingly...like a slightly smaller version of himself, less so now that part of his hair was platinum blonde.
"He's my big brother" Seth whimpered. "He doesn't even know I'm not mad at him anymore, if Paul's spell works on him, he'll be gone for good" Drew unknowingly wiped away a tear that had trailed down Seth's face.
Becky wrapped her arms around Seth's waist "That isn't going to happen, sweetheart. We are going to get your brother back and Heyman will pay for everything he's done to both of you." She says fiercely. To which Seth nodded but said nothing.
"Forgive me for asking but are you his sister from the witch side or vampire side?" Drew asked Ruby.
"Stephanie and Hunter, can't be around Finn and Violet, my blood is toxic and Bálor hates me" Ruby answered
"I only have one sibling from Finn and Violet and that's Jordan. He's the last of Finn's pre vampiric bloodline. His parents died when he was a baby, and an old woman from his clan brought him to Haven shortly after" Seth tells them.
"Is this the same Jordan that's your cousin's mate?" Becky asked. "Yeah, thought my uncle was gonna kill him, then Finn was gonna kill him" Seth shook his head.
"Haven is completely integrated? " Drew asked, he and Becky hadn't realized just how many different species of Supernatural inhabited the small town.
"Unless they can't be around each other for a physiological reason, yep" Ruby answered "One of our cousins is a sun sprite, and she glows with actual sunlight. So she can't be around Finn and Violet."
"No one gets turned away unless you give our father a reason to" Seth said, "The pack is a family"
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