th3okamid3monart · 1 year
Comfort Comics: My Giant Nerd Boyfriend
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If you ever want to get off the stress inducing, horrible news barfing media from either videos or rants on any plataforms that alllows people to get angry about from the most serious to the super dumb reasoning, then this comic might be for you! 
This webcomic is about the chronics of a lovely couple, the author named Fishball and aforementioned Nerd Boyfriend. SPOILER: Now Fiancé, Through the many chapters you can see what an actual healthy couple looks like, the strifes they get, their issues and how they work them with each other and a bit of their past lives prior to meeting each other.
The way the drawings and color palette are use for this webcomic can only be summarize as comfy and approachable, since reading it would make you feel like a friend is telling you an anecdote. I know there are issues with the parasocial situations, although I think comics make it a little harder for this parasocial relationships to become into an obsessive mess (just my unexpert opinion on the matter). 
Aside from that, the combination between the cartoony style to a more realistic to a VERY exagerated cartoony style can be jarring if you aren’t used to the changes in between, but this aspect benefits tremendously to the punchline of the joke, which is mostly how the characters react to a situation. For example, a bit spoilery, Nerd is very afraid of insects, so his reactions from being scared in as a person might not be as funny, unless he was drawn with a horrid expression, color fading off his face and flipping his entire body as he tries to escape a cockroach. Whenever something of the sorts are explained or shown is always a delight since they show care to each other but also banter and light jokes. 
Whenever a hard and serious subject is brought up is always in a very respectful way, very introspective as well. It will make you think about the whole situation that is currently happening since this people are living it or were living it at the moment the strips were updated. It will give you a sense of less loneliness and comfort as this people explained how they’ve been doing, specially through hardships they have experience as of late. It’s always beneficial for everyone to listen to this experiences since it looks like it helps the author as well as the readers. I would lie if I said I didn’t cry a couple of times reading this webcomic, when it hits you IT HITS YOU. 
If anything I feel this comic is like a warm cozy hug, maybe a nice coffee break, or a chill day as you lay down and think about nothing as you spend time with people you like or even a pet (because the author has a pet which is also showcased in their own section as ‘Oh Biscuit!’). 
Do give this comic a read! In a time where life has become hard and my brain is slowly but surely getting better, this comic is a refresher from the craziness from the world, the internet, and even other comics. 
This is a bit of a rant: I’ve grown into a more sensible adult, or maybe just less tolerable to be suffocated. I’ve tried just keeping my feelings to myself from time to time, I put so many expectations to other people that just made me isolate myself due to my own inability of fixing my own issues. I’m kinda in the isolate part a bit since I don’t talk to others about my issues anymore or as much. I find very comforting this kind of comics because it makes me feel like everything is ok at the moment, its a relief, its a break. I always leave this comic at the end because it calms me so much to read it, even the sad chapters. I’ve decided I wanna have an optimistic outlook in life, I wanna continue forward, I wanna experience things. This comic, along other medias have helped me have a more optimistic point of view, not only the idea of things getting better but working hard to get it better. And so far its going! I feel a bit more in control with my own things, I still have a long way to go though. I also kinda learnt a thing about me and I dont know how to really cope? Because It’s not like I have complete confirmation but it makes me believe that it explains a couple of things. In general, I just wanted to talk about this because I love this comic, I love it so much. It feels like a hug even if it sounds weird. I like when things make me feel cared in an odd way. I dont know how else to explained it. Anyway! 
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My Giant Nerd Boyfriend <----- Link to webtoon comic
Hope you have an amazing day or night! Remeber to stay hydrated and to get enough sleep! -TOD 
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wulvert · 1 year
YEA THE "THINK ABOUT THIS ONE HIGHLY SPECIFIC FACT WITH MY BLORBO" DISEASE IS SO REAL,,,i have an oc who's my main guy hopping around in my brain and i go "yea she cant play the imposter (ඞ) in among us because lying to and killing her friends make her sad even though its a silly online game. she plays an absolutely Killer crewmate detective game though" (MEDIEVAL AGE CHARACTER BTW.) meanwhile any side character ocs i have even if theyre like. semi-important my brain can only come up with. "um. possibly Human idk. could Be"
also omg,,,scarlet and avery,,,KISSING?! 🏳️‍🌈😳WHAT!!! i cant believe there s vampire lesbins in,,,pap er teeth,,,the Lesbian Vampires comic,,,ur gona tell me theres vampires next,,,(very /lh /j etc btw pls do NOT read this as condescending!!!). also yeah one of my favorite parts of making fan content is just. deciding random ass things for the characters and world,,,my brain goes "Whats your source for this Information" and the source is i Made it the Fuck up!!
this ask got very long,,,it will get longer sorry. it is time for the Questioning™️ (same things as always apply!!)
how do paperteeth werewolves work? can they transform at will, or can they only do it under a full moon?
do they still have their weakness to silver? more weaknesses? supernatural abilities?
do vampire hunters not mind werewolves since theyre. u know. not Vampires or do they also not like werewolves?
follow up 2 that,,,do any of the vampire hunter group including her dad know trisha's a werewolf or is she just. chillin'. completely anonymous.
also i just realized. i have NO idea where paperteeth takes place. for some reason ive always just thought it was somewhere in europe. IS paperteeth's setting european??? i have no idea why i was so solid in my belief that theyre in europe up 2 this point,,,
ok so yeah these werewolves r more the ugh terrible curse that ruins ur life flavour, they cant transform at will, no benefits in human form like cool retractable claws or anything. they transform on the full moon & whenever they get extremely angry or scared, & its the gross horrifying painful kind like you get a new set of teeth every month kinda thing. they can avoid turning if they stay out of the moonlight BUT they feel extremely obligated to go look at it, and will get violent if kept from it, so its safer for the person to just turn than to throw themself at a basements brick wall relentlessly, all night- so you cant actually avoid it unless you wanna break all your arms every month, i mean the arms break either way but they heal when they turn back if theyre broken by turning. will eat anyone and anything except vegetables while a wolfh
weakness 2 silver in both forms, similar to a vampire. other injuries heal quickly but if u like killed it hard enough with a non silver weapon itd probably still die? it depends. like if u put a werewolf into a stainless steel blender, and the blender didnt break... itd probably stay dead, whereas if u put a vampire in a blender, i mean its hard to say, what counts as decapitation... if putting a vampire in a blender doesnt count as decapitation the vampire survives just fine. im trying to say werewolves are technically weaker than vampires, but theyre probably in a practical setting harder to kill, bc u cant just stake it and theyre huge. avery wouldnt know where to start with a werewolf.
depends on the vampire hunter! its not in the job description, but the kind of person who decides to become a vampire hunter is probably more likely to have a problem with werewolves. avery doesnt care about werewolves at all & wouldnt go out of her way to find and kill one, she's a little bit scared of them bc they spread their curse much easier than vampires (one bite is all it takes 2 pass it on) & she would find being a werewolf SO embarrassing.
(but she doesnt have to worry about that anymore bc i dont think vampires can become werewolves, i think werewolves can become vampires though. 4 a vampire the bite would heal immediately and i think vampires are a little bit too much of their own creature for werewolfness or whatever to recognise them as a suitable curse haver)
nobody except fish's family knows shes a werewolf!
&yeah! paperteeth takes place in scotland :)
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kenthenugget · 11 months
I Don't Get Tangents (Art Rant)
During my formative years as an artist back 2017 up to early 2020, I can remember watching a ton of art related content ranging from DeviantArt cringe video's to tutorials on how to draw manga to general art community topics like tracing and so on. But up until mid 2021, I had never heard of tangents. And even now, I still dont fully get it.
If you don't know, a tangent is pretty much when lines intersect in a visually non pleasing way. There's a great blog that goes into this which I'll link here:https://schweizercomics.tumblr.com/post/11966164633/the-schweizer-guide-to-spotting-tangents
Let me be clear by saying that I do know what tangents are and what they mean. I'm not an idiot. And its not like I don't understand why they're bad but at the same time I don't get it, if you know what I mean. I've seen examples of tangents where it does a good job at illustrating why its bad but there are some where I just cant see it. Going to the post I linked, I had a difficult time discerning what the tangents were for examples 2 through 5 until someone pointed them out. Even then, I still didn't find anything wrong with them despite the tangents. And if I'm being honest (and I mean no shade at the creator of the post), it does feel nitpicky. Because you wouldn't know it was a tangent unless someone pointed it out.
I guess in general, tangents are not to big of a deal, which is probably why I never heard of them until recently. It is something that can be easily avoidable, especially if you're not that skilled of an artist. But for someone like me who is a perfectionist, tangents act as some sort of curse. Especially when it comes to digital art.
I honestly feel its a lot harder for tangents to form in traditional works than it is for digital ones. When you're creating a complex illustration on paper, the backgrounds, characters, and other objects are on the same surface. As opposed to digital where you can separate those things via layers, and this is where tangents often tend to form for me. Since everything is separated, I'll tend to work on those elements separately when inking. And its not until then where I turn on the character or background layer, I see tangents forming. And only when its inked do I notice these and not when I'm sketching them. Maybe that has to do with the pencil brush not being as thick and bold? Im not sure. This has happened to me constantly, ever since I began separating my backgrounds from the layers my characters are on. Tangents just form and there's nothing I can really do about it, unless I revert to drawing everything on the same layer. And its a problem when it comes to comic pages as well. Particularly with speech bubbles and sound effects, which is a whole other can of worms entirely.
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Now this doesn't mean I hate everything I've drawn in the past year or two, but noticing these tangents really bothers me. That these images are immediately deemed bad because of one or two tangents caused by separation of elements on layers. And like I said, all of this feels very nitpicky, as in you wouldn't notice it unless you were actively looking for it. It honestly feels like tangents are a fuel for perfectionism, an unhealthy amount of it at that. Its partially why I try not to let it bother me and do my best to avoid it.
No one is perfect, and that's okay. I don't think something as small and hyper specific as a tangent should bring an illustration down. Hell, I'm pretty sure art created by your favorite artists have one or two tangents in them that down make them bad because of it. Im not really sure how to end this but I don't try to be perfect as an artist because no art is perfect. And if it was, is it really art anymore?
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hi people, so i know everybody is tired of drama and honestly i am as well, but i wanted to just make this post in case someone has no idea whats going on with people hating on gerard and others defending him, ive seen so many misinformation going around that i just wanted to clear a few things up if youre interested
so basically a guy named scott allie has been fired from dark horse comics for sexually assaulting his coworker, shawna gore. dark horse made a statement saying they believe her, etc. (screenshot at the end of the post)
(also some allegations been going around for a few years)
now what gerard has to do with this?
he works with dark horse comics, for example with 'umbrella academy', so hes basically scott's coworker, they worked together on some comics in the past and g follows him on ig
the whole drama started on twitter (what a suprise)
i totally understand why it would be a good thing if g spoke out about the whole thing, showed his support for the victim or at least unfollowed the guy, i understand why people might feel a bit disappointed BUT
first of all, we all know g only uses ig and he doesnt spend a lot of time there, he posts like once a week/two weeks. he doesnt like a lot of others people posts and stuff, he just doesnt seem to spend a lot of time online. and he follows more than 600 people. dont tell me that youve never been scrolling through your timeline and suddenly noticed someones post and you where like 'wtf i follow them???'. he might not even realize hes following him. like ofc i think id be a good thing if g unfollowed the guy but judging a 43yo guy who barely uses social media for following him isnt quite fair. also i really doubt that the first thing he would do after finding out his coworker is a predator is unfollowing him, he probably deals with this in his own way
now some people think he should make some statement-cutting ties with scott, supporting shawna, whatever. and i agree that it would be a great thing to do BUT
he might not be allowed to talk about it due to his contract with dark horse. he might not want to draw the attention on himself and speak over the victim. he might want to write something but still finding words to say it. he might be dealing with something serious in his personal life right now. we literally have no idea about his life and once again i get why you think he should say something, but im sure he has a reason not to
please dont say they are close friends, because we dont know anything about it. yes, they worked on some comics together but scott is an editor. you cant always choose an editor youre working with, its almost always choice of someone from the above that you cant change. the only pictures of them together we have are from more than ten years ago, so it really seems they werent close. but if they were, it might be even harder for g to process. the thing is we know nothing about his relations with anybody from dark horse at all, so we really shouldnt speculate on things like if g knew about the abuse and stuff like that, because we know nothing
i know that as fans we dont have to always agree with what our idols do, we have a right to critisize them, but what we should do is at least trust gerard. guys, come on, he never did anything to let us down! think about all the things hes done over the years, its not fair to hate on him because hes staying silent this time, i seriously believe he has his reasons
he used to speak out more in the past, but he was overall more active on social media. he doesnt use twitter anymore, probably because of all the toxicity on there and honestly he always spoke out more during concerts and interviews and now the situation is completely different. maybe using social media less is good for his mental health? idk, but please dont be too quick to judge him
dark horse technically spoke out for the whole company, including all coworkers and we seriuosly dont know about anything that happens behind closed doors. making this situation about g is pointless, if someone really really close to him got accused of something like this (like, idk, gabriel ba or someone) then itd be different, but its really possible that gee and scott were only coworkers and this whole situation has nothing to do with g.
saying that hes not the same person, he became what he hated or that hes just another rich white man is really hurtfull and i cant believe you can call yourself a fan after saying something like this. i understand being disappointed, but hating is never alright, same thing with commenting on his posts and telling him to say something or just hating on him.
and also, remember what happened the last time he spoke out about something? people were saying he didnt say enough, 'open your purse', not believeing he donated. you cant ask him to speak out and then when he does say hes doing it wrong!
so yes, my opinion is basically that while i understand being disappointed, i believe its totally okay for g not to say anything because im sure he has his reasons and this situation doesnt have anything at all to do with him and its not okay to harrass him or attack people defending him
i hope there wont be any more drama here, and take care of yourself everybody!
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comicteaparty · 4 years
July 22nd-July 28th, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from July 22nd, 2020 to July 28th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
How have your reading tastes for webcomics changed over the years?
i think i used to read exclusively romance webcomics but now i'm really into the historical stuff. also i'm not so into the strictly straightforward stuff anymore, i need a really strong hook or something that makes it different enough to be enjoyable because i'm really tired of reading something that is indistinguishable from other similar webcomics. also i think i've gotten pickier when it comes to the quality of art and writing. there's just so much stuff to pick from now that i want to dedicate my time only to stuff that i really enjoy. i just don't have enough time to read every single webcomic i come across anymore
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
in the past I used to read a bunch of comedic absurdist humor comics (I still do) but it's been buffed out by romance . Same vein like Cara said, I'm just picking and choosing which comics I spend my time on but I do want to try to read as much as I can tho!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I feel like I used to read LEGO comics a lot lol... I'm not sure how many of them still hold up. In terms of genre, the only comics I struggle to read are ones that are more realistic, or darker. Historical comics often fall into this, as do most horror comics.(edited)
For me, my tastes haven't necessarily changed in terms of the what I like. What has changed is what I dislike. As the years have gone by, I've really been more open to at least giving comics a try before deciding they aren't for me, especially in the genres I consistently don't like like comedy. So I've gradually disliked less comics. Not to say I like them either or they're for me, but it's a step up from dislike since now I can appreciate what the comics are trying to do more. I think the bigger change for me was art styles though. While I still do have a specific sort of art preference, I've also been more open to giving certain art styles I don't normally like more of a try as well and I've found the styles I dislike (personally, not objectively in terms of talent) to be a much smaller pool than it was before.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh man, I'm the opposite. I feel like I've gotten pickier
I can't tell if I've gotten pickier or if the bar has just gotten high enough now that if I only have the bandwidth to read X number of webcomics (let's say 20 as a random example), and I'll be picking from among those which stand out to me, those 20 comics will be on a totally different level than the 20 I might have found 10 years ago
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I think I've also gotten pickier
The biggest change, I think, is that I've gotten way pickier about storytelling
While I used to be able to read a comic with subpar storytelling. I drop comics in an instant these days if the story doesn't speak to me pretty quickly(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I think it's because when I started reading comics, everything was new and novel. Now there're more tropes I recognize? And more problematic things that bother me, when before I would not have noticed
Deo101 [Millennium]
I dont think I've gotten pickier, per se, I think I just have very specific tastes and many things dont fit them which feels picky? but i can enjoy all kinds of genres, I kind of go into something 1: not wanting to think 2: not wanting to be offended and 3: wanting to laugh a bit? which isnt exactly a high bar to pass, but not many things will do that for me, which isnt because I'm a picky person, its jsut cause a lot of things arent made for peope like me?
I'm not consciously looking for 'only the best quality' by any means-- if there's anything I'm really looking for, it's a sense of passion and uniqueness, that feeling that the author is having a blast with the thing they're doing. But I feel like it's gotten harder to draw my attention (and readers' attention in general) without having a certain level of skill involved
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh, same. As my art gets better so does my eye for it
....and, yeah, I guess I've also gotten tired of certain tropes. Once I read 2 or 3 webcomics that do kinda the same thing, I'm less likely to pick up a fourth with the same general premise, even if it looks like it's well-made.
(sorry isekai....)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I just absorb a lot of storytelling in many forms, so if the story doesn't grab me right away, I feel like I'm wasting time reading something, where I could be fulfilling my desire for more worthwhile storytelling elsewhere
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh true, there are so so many comics out there now
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Art quality plays into it a bit for me, but it's honestly primarily the storytelling
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Everything I read I could be reading 100 others of similar quality Really, why does anyone read my comic at all?
"good art will get readers to take a first look, good writing is what makes them stay"
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Art quality is very important to me but I've still read and loved a few stories will amateurish art
for me personally, the art's just gotta be good enough for me to not be distracted by it while I read
Deo101 [Millennium]
idk I think a lot of people stay through bad writing even if something looks good
also yeah i feel the same, about not wanting to be distracted
"does the art serve the story?" is all I really care about
art serving the story is the most important part. Art can LOOK amazing, but if the body language or expressions don't fit the story being told, it can make the writing seem worse lol
a friend of mine once referred to it as, like watching a well-written screenplay but with terrible miscast actors
Deo101 [Millennium]
mhm, cause the only words we get are dialogue, the art has to be all the descriptive language. so if theyre not describing well, a lot is missing.
Deo101 [Millennium]
or I guess some comics have narration, too
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Narration can't do ALL of the work
yeah haha
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah, one of my professors said that a rule of thumb of his about comics is "if you can read me the words and I know whats going on, it's not good comics."
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
The art definitely serves the story (or is supposed to), but if the story is bad from the beginning, I don't care how good the art is.
I have complicated feelings on that one, because I feel like it's actually pretty rare for me to consider a 'story' bad (at least insofar as we're talking about the core ideas of the plot). Most premises (if they're not actively offensive/poorly thought through), if written out as just a skeletal outline, could work just fine. IMO bad writing is a problem of execution, most of the time, rather than concept. (hedging my language here because there's always exceptions lol)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I would say I agree with you. I think writing and story are different concepts. There is also sort of a macro/micro element to writing, as well, and either one can be messed up
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, I misspoke, what I mean by "bad story" is more "bad storytelling/writing"
but yes
a friend of mine once referred to it as, like watching a well-written screenplay but with terrible miscast actors
@varethane oh i have read stuff like this. like the art was INCREDIBLE really detailed renders, very consistent and technically fantastic art but so often it just devolved into shot / reverse shot talking heads and the characters didn't really emote beyond changing the position of their eyebrows so it kinda felt like watching dolls interact with each other
I mulled over the fact I took the opposite route as everyone else. XD For me I think it's three factors. First, I was actually ungodly picky in my youth across the board with everything, not just comics. As such, I've missed out on a lot of things other people love. Second, with each passing year, I've come to appreciate more the work people put into their indie projects. And for me its like a show of respect in a way to acknowledge that hey, you worked on this thing I may not like, but I'll try it because you clearly love what you created (or I hope you love it). Third, and probably the bigger factor, I stuck myself in a positive feedback loop. The more I opened myself up to things and learned to not initially dislike things or be as harsh, the more I ended up finding a gem I really loved. In fact, while this is across diff industries, I'd say this has been the biggest influence for me with webcomics because so many webcomics I was like "Well I'll try it gotta be open and not just dislike it," and then I came away going "Wow this is a diamond in the rough!"
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realsmileyclown · 6 years
Will Clowns Ever be viewed Favorably again?
I should start off by saying this is only regarding how clowns are viewed by the public in the United States as in other countries the art may/is viewed differently. I have experience where I live so that will be the focus here. Now I know there are lots of people who like clowns but anyone here can tell you those people are the minority and vocal minority as well. Thats not to say the majority dislike clowns but the vocal majority definitly does. Id rather say the actual majority kind of avoids clowns and only if it gets brought up usually just say they dont really like them. This wasn’t always the case though as back when circuses were very popular and a part of american entertainment, nearly on par with sports like baseball, clowns had to be at least in the positive view of the people. This is because clowns have always been the mascot of these circuses from the height of popularity until the recent closing of ringling. We can see both old and modern examples or clowns always being used in PR stunts or on advertisements.
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Here we see and old style poster advertising the circus and we see Julia who has ben in many pictures promoting Ringling Brothers. We see that both use clowns. These are important details because if people viewed clowns how they do now back then we wouldn’t expect to see much interest in the circus with those types of promotions. Clearly the circus kept trying to use clowns for PR even after the clowns decline but that clearly didnt work anymore as circus attendance lowered and other reasons led to closings.
There are lots of reasons why clown popularity decreased and i dont want to make this post about that but in short basically media depictions of clowns started to use them as horror symbols to play off the fact that a few people actually had phobias of them.
The point here though is do I think clowns will ever be back to their status of public favor when the circuses were in their prime as well as how could they get there.
First off I do think they have a chance to get back to their old level. I think this because I dont think there is really that much standing in their way. The main difference I see is that back then clowns were part of the circus package and people thought their job was to look weird and act silly to make people laugh. People didnt necessarily like clowns but didnt dislike them. Probably if you asked someone at the circus if they liked them they’d just say yeah are funny but thats it. Now people think they are people whose job is to look strange and act stupid to try and get people to laugh. The difference may seem small but essentially im claiming that the experiences that caused clowns to be viewed unfavorably shifted the people’s perspective to go from thinking clowns had a weird look which made them look funny to instead a strange bizarre look which makes them look off putting or creepy. The same is true for their actions. We know that this is a subtle difference but explains the shift from a slight positive to a slightly more negative view. We also know that this is only a shift in how they view clowns and not the clowns faults due to the fact that clowns havent changed those two things about themselves. If anything on average their makeup got less weird. See the pictures below with an old clown and a new clown and try to tell me the new one looks more creepy than the old one.
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Clearly it had everything to do with public perception and not to do with them. Now public views constantly change so i see no reason they cant change back to how they were but it will take the work of lots of clowns to make it happen. This time clowns will also have to work harder as they no longer have ringling brothers to help keep them working and in the public eye.
One of my first suggestions is to stop worrying and complaining about scary media depictions worsening the image and instead focus on ways to improve the image of clowns. Everytime people who like those movies hear clowns complain about movies like “It” they just think worse about clowns and wonder why they cant just let them enjoy their movie. Clowns should take hollywood using their image as a compliment and find a way to make it positive. Clowns should do what they do best and laugh when they see those movies because it really is funny that someone thought they’d take a clown, which is funny and makes people laugh in real life, and make a movie where they are scary instead. Its quite a funny contrast to be scared of something that is funny. Having a positive attitude like this instantly changes its dynamic and now whenever a thing like this comes out clowns can claim it as part of their culture so all the people looking into it are reminded that real clowns are the opposite instead of sore losers who cant have any fun. Clowns have to take jokes not just dish them out. For one i love the joker and harley quinn. I dont think they are bad for clowning as i appreciate seeing clowns become such iconic comic and movie characters.
Now im not saying just let the media get filled with scary clowns. We need to let them have their fun and make fools out of us cause clowns are fools. But we need to make sure for every 1 scary clown picture there are 10 nice ones to counter it. Currently the internet  probably has got as much creepy clowns as it has real clowns. Even just typing clown gets mostly scary results it seems. We need people to see a higher ratio of good clowns to bad ones. This is why I like sharing pictures and why i like taking more of me to help contribute to these numbers. I am waiting to get a nice set up ready for the next time I’m in full makeup so I can do a photoshoot and get tons of pictures to spread of myself to help but for now heres another of me.
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Thats only the easy fixes we can make but even with those fixes I feel a significant improvement could be accomplished. The real task now is to get people watching clown performances and laughing. If they enjoy watching clowns then they enjoy clowns. Without the circus we need a new avenue for this as I personally dont think Birthday parties are reliable and parades dont allow for real performances. I dont know who or how this part will be improved but I can almost garentee it will be on the internet. Over the last 2 decades we saw the internet grow from almost nothing into the powerhouse of entertainment. Things like netflix have almost replaced cable. Youtube created whole new careers for film with categories never possible on tv or in theatres. As far as I have seen no clown has truly utilized the internet yet. Most either just make a post on their regular socials of them in makeup, others use it to promote their in person business for parties, or others sell their costumes to other clowns. These are great but what we need is someone to figure out how to revolutionize clowning online as so many other markets did. Using the internet to boost offline business is great but true progress is when the business is online as well.
I wish I knew what it will be that revolutionizes clowning online so I could share it with you. Mainly I wish I knew what it will be so I could do it, ha ha! Until that day comes however we can keep spreading positivity, nice images and trying new things online.
Keep on smiling and keep on clowning!
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Nightcall (1/2)
Inspired and named after the song “Nightcall” by Kavinsky 
Rating: T
Pairing: Megamind/Roxanne
Tags: Angst with a happy ending. 
Summary: Megamind can’t take it anymore. He has to tell her.
(ao3 link) | (part 2)
He’s sick.
It’s shameful how badly the words sit on his tongue, begging as if it’s life or death to be said. And it’s sick. So, so sick. Evil gods above, common sense screamed that everything about this was wrong on a million levels. Though “common sense” never applied to him much, this was a boundary even he was unwilling to cross. Their relationship was professional!
But how can he help it when he sees her walk away, hips swaying side to side like a metronome that seems to beat to his heart. He wants to cry out from the tugging at his soul the farther she is from him.
So, he supposes that’s why he’s always taking her. Mr. Tighty-Whities goes out and entertains hundreds of woman, but there’s only one woman that’s worth the effort.
These day’s he’s taking her more frequently. Half-assed schemes be damned, all he cares now is seeing her face again, right in front of him and not on television. To hear her voice being spoken just for him, tones low and seductive and just for him.
He can’t even...
He digs his fingernails into his palms so hard that even through the kid leather it hurts. He can feel it behind his gums, unsoothable even with his own tongue, which drools with the mere thought of being allowed to touch her in the most chase of ways.
The need to have her to himself has become overpowering. He writes out absurdly poor or well-thought-out plans just for the sake of telling Minion to fetch Ms. Ritchi. Once every-other week has become weekly.
Weekly incidents have become twice, or even thrice, a week.
“Are you okay?” She asks suddenly, tied to her chair and being quieter than usual. No. No that’s not right. She’s supposed to be talking about the plan. Taunting him. Bantering with him. Why isn’t she!? "You kinda seem... tired."
He nervously runs his hands down the crappy built control system of today’s Evil Scheme. It’s cold here, biting at his exposed skin, but the heat of his desperate, sick want keeps him heated. Bitting into his lower lip, he hunches over the buttons and knobs with his back turned to her. But he watches her from the little mirror he put beside him.
“I am ecstatic,” he says with false, half-mad cheer. “Today is the day Metro Man will die.”
“Wow,” she says mildly. She pauses. “Never hear a death threat before.” Despite her tone they both know it’s true. He usually says defeat. Is she frightened for once? Nowadays he’s not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. He bites harder, this time on the tip of his tongue.
He tastes metallic, and it burns his throat.
“Just shut up and be a damsel for once?” He sneers, baring his teeth and turning around to show her. He’s angry at himself, not her.
But it makes Roxanne jolt in her seat, comically surprised. Then she goes still, eyes wide with... Something. He can't read her. Always guessing, with her. She doesn’t respond, but shrinks a bit in her chair, glowering at him with suspicion.
It’s a weird feeling to drawl out this reaction from her.
He’s becoming more desperate to help his vice. Withdrawal starts the second Wayne throws him into prison, keeping him quiet and brewing over the duration of his stay. The guards notice; they steer clear of him.
No one is surprised when he breaks out not twenty-four hours later, snarling at the one puny guard who dares to raise a gun at him when he comes charging out.
Minion, barely given the warning he’s breaking out on his own, manages to catch him a few miles away from the prison he’s running from.
He’s sick. Still sick. Still wants to barrel himself through this confusing life with the little bits of the drug that’s pretty much the only thing keeping him afloat. An unquenchable hunger that has nothing to do with food, and it gnaws at him like a flesh-eating parasite. And it’s so, so wrong. He shouldn’t be feeling like this. Shouldn’t be physically shaking everything she moans his name in tiredness at yet another kidnapping. Shouldn’t be crying into his pillow at night because he wants to hear her voice outside of the television.
Kidnappings are more frequent. At the third kidnapping this week, Roxanne is barely awake which slightly pisses him off. This is a two-person job. He can’t just broadcast their trysts with her snoozing!!! He wants to grab this little woman by the shoulders and shake her—gently—because he just wants to talk to her.
Curse his alien psychology. Because he damn well knows what is happening to him. He knows why he’s resorted to spending more time in his room, biting at his own flesh because he can’t have what he wants. No. What he needs. Minion is starting to catch on, a bit, and Megamind cannot let that happen. No. No he doesn’t feel anything more than an annoyance for Ms. Ritchi, Minion! I am not falling into the same cycle my ancestors did!
He has to convince himself that his tone is somewhat convincing. Because it isn’t.
Tonight he’s determined to do it better. Today’s kidnapping ended before it even began, thanks to a sloppily build machine. It ended with a bitter, nasty remark at her choice in dress. He feels like a boy on schoolgrounds, tugging at the cute girl’s hair to get her attention.
But anyway. He fixed the machine and he demands a do-over. Tonight. At this very moment.
She’s at home, according to one of his spy-bots. not gonna admit that he’s so wretched over his own alien heart he’s started to spy on her in an indirect way.
He’s already on his hoverbike, because Minion, bless him, finally passed out from being worked too hard. He’s getting really close to Roxanne’s place when—
“Oh, no you don’t,” says a disapproving, gruff voice.
Snatched out of the air, his bike’s handles caught in the same beefy hands used to grab his collar, Megamind finds himself dangling and flailing his limbs.
Fucking Wayne. Fucking fucking fucking Wayne. What does he have to do at this time of night around Roxanne’s place, the bloody creep.
Oh. No. Megamind’s the creep, he viciously realizes, eyes ablaze with fury. Wayne’s the perfect boyfriend. Fuck him, Megamind weeps internally.
“Listen, little buddy,” the meat-head starts, pissing off the other alien even more. “You’ve kidnapped Roxie four times this week. What’s your problem?”
“You are my problem,” he hisses vehemently. “Let go!”
“No,” Wayne sighed, flying off closer to her apartment. Still spitting curses, but also rather confused, because why bring him to his destination when he was usually dropped off at the prison when caught? “You need to see this.”
Wayne drops him on the balcony without delicacy, making Megamind hand on his side with the air sucked out of him. Huffing, he stands and wipes dust off him. He breathes in, catching the faint vegetation scent of her potted plants.
His long-time enemy lands beside him on his white-clad toes, staring inside of the glass doors. Peeved, he meets where his gaze lands.
It’s Roxanne. Yes, she is home, and not at all conscious.
She’s still dressed in the same outfit from earlier; a sleeveless, deep wine-red—almost black—dress that flared at the knees, hugging her hips and derrière like a godforsaken glove. She looked good enough to drink. He couldn’t take his eyes off her, earlier,
That could have been a terrible, terrible tease if she hadn’t spent the duration of their short encounter today falling asleep. Why was she so tired lately?
She’s conked out on her red couch, one leg hiked up over the back of the couch, the other hanging off with her heal barely hanging onto her big toe. Her hair is completely disheveled, her mouth parted open as she drools slightly onto the couch’s fabric. One of her arms is curled up behind her hair, with the other hanging off the side of the couch.
And with that hand she’s gripping onto a bottle of wine. Her mascara has smeared down her face like black veins.
“You need to back off a bit,” Wayne said, his heroism voice gone and replaced with something that actually sounded human. It made things a hundred times worse because Megamind knew what his problem was.
He stood and stared at his poor Roxanne. Why. What the fuck is wrong with him!?
Wayne grabbed him by the collar before he could linger another moment, and he’s being thrown back into prison, to the bewilderment of the Warden. Can’t blame the old man; everyone could see Megamind was finally losing his marbles. He could see the thoughts in their eyes.
But as he sat in his cell, the tv on but muted, familiar orange jumpsuit scratchy against his sensitive blue skin, he thought over this hell of a month. He was sick of this. Sick of his wretched alien secret of this… need.
It should be below him. It should be abolished from his DNA; a trait his pre-evolved ancestors needed for… things. He was a scientist; an evil genius; a lone wolf. He shouldn’t be made weak by the simple, kind smile of a blue-eyed reporter.
Yet he was.
And he knew what he had to do.
Before it destroyed him.
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tumblunni · 5 years
Rambling about my new watchholder oc Mallory
* absolute gremlin child. Eats dirt. Probably more of a monster than most of the yokai.
* at the same time tho, she is like super sunshine friend! She looks kinda gloomy ominous but her personality is actually super bubbly and her biggest priority in life is making new yokai friends and loving them forever. Like, creepy in a wholesome way? She does indeed love horror movies and creepy crawlies and could probably fistfight god, but that doesnt mean she's evil!
* kinda always bored but also easily exciteable? One of her biggest recurring jokes is just ignoring the normal or sane solution to a thing and doing something more fun even if its more difficult or dangerous. Actually i guess its more "fearless" than bored? Or bored of fear, lol. Fearless and doesnt really give a shit about any rules. But again not in a mean way, she doesnt break rules because she wants to piss people off, just like "im not gonna believe this if nobody bothers explaining why its supposed to be so important". But not exactly phrased like that cos that would be rude, lol. So uhh more like just relateable autism feel of not grasping social cues but mixed with a personality thats quite outgoing and uncaring of being judged poorly for not being normal, as opposed to me who's always worried about what people think.
* oh wait thats the word for it!! Free-spirited! Trickster! Like a peter pan type of trickster tho, more than loki. Like just "i am naturally outside the obligations of normalcy" rather than "i am intentionally trying to prank/illusion/manipulate people cos its funny". Or uhh i guess "manic pixie dream girl" but without all the stupid shit that trope has got associated with.
* pretty much just wish fullfillment of "what if i was confident enough to not care what people think and just act like myself no matter what"
* anyway in summary she likes to climb trees n stuff and her reaction to yokai being real is "yay" and her reaction to seeing an undefeatable giant kaiju is to run at it and try and suplex it with her bare hands. She's kind of a badass! Tho lol also her biggest character flaw is her badassness, cos she can be reckless due to the lack of fear. But then also sometimes when everyone is hopeless she really does manage to save the day no matter what, and help inspire everyone else to be brave too!
* though i'm thinking of maybe a character arc where she starts off seeing this as just a fun adventure with no stakes, and it doesnt matter if you take risks cos nobody's gonna get hurt anyway. Like a "this isnt really real, its just my hero's story" sort of thing? When things start getting more dark and she faces things she cant just defeat with simple optimism, it kinda stops being fun anymore. And she has to realize that even if she doesnt care about her own self preservation there's consequences that could happen to her friends and family. And maybe she's already made mistakes that she can't take back, and now she's neck deep in a conflict thats a lot bigger and more insurmountable than she thought. You can't just fistfight something like the abstract concept of hatred for humanity which will continue to be perpetuated as long as the idea keeps taking root. And maybe even yokai you befriended could start to believe it too, after all you've kinda been treating them as just fun toys and sidekicks on a story that's all about you, and dragging them into danger with your recklessness. Even though you're fighting the villains, are you really doing it because you actually care about saving the day? Do you even know what you're saving it from...?
* and similar to her unflappable victoryness being shaken, i think her fearlessness and confidence could also be deeper than they look on the surface. I feel like maybe as the story goes on it could be revealed that its less being fearless and more just not caring about her own safety. You start to see her get more actual consequences from her fights, and it starts to become sort of concerning that she keeps brushing it off as no big deal. Laughing it off. Wondering why her friends are even sad that she got hurt. And maybe she isnt really happy all the time and 100% secure in who she is, she just tries to hide any signs of doubt because she feels like nobody would care. And that she has to always be the funny class clown or else nobody would want to be her friend. And like.. She doesnt even really believe that she's great, believe that she's fine as she is. She's more aware of her weirdness than she lets on. She's constantly, paralyzingly aware that everyone thinks she's a freak. She did use to try and change herself to fit in, but she kept failing at it and it never helped her get any friends. Or when she did think she made a friend they'd turn on her whenever she slipped up and showed a crack in her mask of the perfect normal person. The perfect normal person they wanted her to be.. Constantly changing into WHATEVER anyone wanted her to be. The only reason she doesnt do that anymore is that she lost all hope in it working, not that she actually gained confidence in her true self. And even when she's npt conciously doing it she's still subconciously trying to be what people want her to be. She has to always be funny, always be fearless, she has to cling to the few parts of her weirdness that people dont seem to hate. And now she has to be the hero. She has to carry all the dreams of everyone she's met along the way, while never letting them know when she's scared she wont be able to help make them come true. She's always just laughing it off and never being fully open with any of her friends, because she's scared they'll hate her. ..
* so uhh.. Yeah. Personal experience of that. Personal experience of trying to fit into negative stereotypes of autism because thats what everyone saw me as no matter how hard i tried, and also it was the only form of autism theyd treat positively, somehow. Like just be the "funny one" and dont challenge any of their assumptions ans they'll leave you in relative peace. Put up with some degree of degredation to avoid the even worse version. And i was doing all of this at a very youbg age before i even knew i was autistic or what autism was, but i could still feel how people treated me differently and how i had to friggin agree with it or else they'd never let it go. Gahhh.. It was all way too complicated and dark for a kid to understand!
* so yeah anyway her story arc is going from being a badass funny to being a funny badass? Like she just becomes more genuinely tough and cool when she's not always winning and the stakes dont seem so low and comical AND most importantly you know her real feelings and see that she will indeed continue fighting even when she's scared. And she doesnt try so hard to be cool all the time so it just lets her be more genuine. And form actual relationships with everyone with genuine feelings. So its less "she is badass because its funny" and more "she is a badass because she's a badass". But she's still funny, just in more varied ways than simply "the only reason she won this fight so fast is because jokes". Fighting legit threatening enemies in fights that arent over in five seconds. So they can contain... SEVERAL joke..!!! And also some actual fighting for once!!
* hhh i dunno i am very tired im probably not explaining this well
* oh and i think possibly she has a bit of a complex of feeling she's nothing without her yokai watch? Like the yokai are her first friends who never abandoned her. And she always felt like she was useless and it was her own fault that she didnt have any friends. She first started off being all irreverent and goofy when she got the yokai watch cos she was well into her "i dont care anymore" phase of depression and felt certain these new friends would all realise she was awful eventually and leave, so like.. Why get attatched? Just have fun while it lasts. So maybe actually she shows early signs of her depression by trying harder to be normal whenever anyone shows her friendship. Maybe something where she starts straigjtening her hair or dressing more feminine and then you just see this look on her face like her heart has shattered when someone agrees that she does look better now. (Maybe a new yokai she recently caught who was like super cool and she wanted to impress them?) And she gets compulsively obsessed with it, exaggerating it to a ridiculous degree and starting to change other parts of her appearance and everyone goes from giggling about this weird circumstance to getting REALLY DAMN CONCERNED! And in the end something something the yokai who was an asshole abput her needing to be more feminine slips up and shows his true assy colours to the other yokai and theyre like IT WAS YOU and he's like "what? You should be thanking me for fixing your shitty trainer!" And Then Everyone Beats Him Up Forever. Etc etc moral that real friends accept you for who you are and anyone who tells you you have to change to impress them is not worth impressing. Also maybe some aspect where the yokai dude thinks that mallory is trying to impress him cos she has a crush on him, and thats the moment that manages to snap her out of her depressive funk. Self hate overrided by sheer EWW NO IM A LESBIAN, DUDE i just liked ur cool hat, geez. (Wait was that entire plot idea just an excuse to find a way to foreshadow her getting a crush on hailey in yw3...?)
* and maybe i dunno some sort of dramatic episode where she loses the ability to use the yokai watch and is faced with her self worth issues all at once and its super fuckin sad and we all know eventually she will get to see all her yokai friends again cos the plots not gonna end before finishing all the games but still MEGA SUPER SAD MOMENT ANYWAY (also tearful reunions!)
* also i just heard theres a yokai called furgus thats a big adorable hairball that gives people big hair. So maybe that could be one of the comically easy victory episodes? He uses his power on mallory but her hair is already too fluffy to be floofed! Maybe it backfires and turns his own hair into a boring bowl cut, lol? And then maybe a sequel where he returns for revenge a million episodes later but it just so happens to be during the maddiman boss fight and he accidentally cures his balding. "Noooo dont thank me nooooo" *is forced against his will to become a popular advertosing mascot for hair cream* *like straight up just gets sucked into the nearest bottle and sealed like a genie* *cursed forever to fame and fortune and a million dollar salary*
* lol i dont think im as funny as the actual yokai watch writers but i have a few ideas at least. This will be fun to draw!
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kosmicdream · 6 years
I wish I found this blog sooner, after a certain point I became completely unable to follow all the new characters/sideplots in FFAK and it's nice to have some supplemental material to help me keep track :,)
Aw No problem. I know FFAK is a lot to handle and it kind of nose dived into lore around chapter 10 and went into superdrive with scenes flashing by in chapter 11 and so forth. I did this intentionally because there’s just too much information to give at once, i get impatient waiting. The biggest difference between later chapters and the earlier ones is that I just didn’t clue you in to much of anything really as the same characters slowly meandered around and then later on, i was shuffling thru diff scenes/characters super fast without fully revealing details-- especially inbetween events as i was changing timelines. so it gives an uneasy feeling of “wait, i dont get it, what just happened? AHH” when things are linear, even if you dont know all the details of what’s going on, its always harder to reset the mind when you’re in a totally different time period or a character is at a completely different age. ffak kind of requires you to sit and think about what’s going on sometimes cause it can be difficult to just quickly click thru pages and really “get” whats happening. I would say that doing this is somewhat of a manipulative storytelling technique?? i suppose??  as readers can often feel overwhelmed and uneasy experiencing it, but I enjoy knowing that i actually DO know all the details and instead i can focus and highlight on the more emotional/symbolic parallels in character arcs vrs just like, just forwarding information in a more normal way. Doing this just is taking the focus instead on “knowing everything” to a feeling that links and bonds these characters together in these moments/memories/experiences. I also know i will be sharing basically everything at some point, so its kind of a bit of a flaunt to show off stuff without giving the full picture until a later date lol. Eventually, i like to think there are moments when the readers connect the dots of information and then its sort of an exciting thing to discover...!! sometimes revealing information this way plays out more successfully than other times, but i kind of think that if a chapter is terribly confusing its worth waiting a couple more chapters before it starts to make more sense. :D or maybe do a fast reread of the chapter before. kind of like how ch8 (with crimson’s weirdness) makes more sense once you read up to ch11. the info eventually sinks in and then its like “oh, so that’s what happened!"I think around chapter 15*  the first arc of the comic will be completed and things won’t really be as confusing... lore wise anymore from there on out...? this is just the most difficult leg of the journey. (meaning, there is not really a lot more like... big story elements i will be including that hasnt already been touched on in some way already.) i basically tried to spend ch12 just connecting as many strings of plots and information as i could, which made it pretty slow for me to complete. OMG.. i kind of got off track. anyway i just wanted to say im glad the additional information helps! sry its not more well organized. its too much work for me to figure out how i’d do that so i just try to .. not think about it... kosmic is tired!!!!!!!
(*this is my guess, according to my scripts atm- my process is a flexible one and each chapter is so long it takes me months to complete, so by the time i reach the end of a chapter my goals shuffle a bit to accommodate any improvements i might find along the way.)
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polyesthher · 7 years
7/8/17: buy paramore’s after laughter
lol this is mostly me being emo tbh but support paramore ok
i’ve been itching to buy several things lately and idk if i really want them or it’s my depressive state that wants to feed the void with material possessions. i wanted to get a record player bc im definitely buying paramore’s after laughter on vinyl bc aesthetic and the actual record means a lot to me. since i listened to after laughter, i’ve become hooked on paramore tbh and all i want to do is lay around with hayley’s vocals singing into my ears and maybe cry a little. i only started getting into them during their self-titled phase so i’m not remotely attached to the “old” punk version of them. Fake happy is what really sold me on this album btw. It’s everything i want to say to people i’m no longer really close with. It does make me think about how i never want to see certain friend groups again because i’m just embarrassed about my whole existence and feel ok wit it. the line in fake happy that goes “please don’t ask me how I’ve been, don’t make me play pretend” is something that really gets to me. I have nothing in my life right now, other than family and one or two friends, that i genuinely care about and i feel like im at a dead end tbh. having to tell acquaintances/ old friends abt my sad ass life makes me want to scream and i feel like i hate myself even harder. and i always find myself telling half-truths, pretending like im not a failure. Hard times is another relevant jam that’s on repeat. It was the first song i heard off the album and made me check out the whole ep. even if it didn’t feel relevant to me, i’d still bop to it. the overall idea of the album to have cheery synth vibes with depressing ass lyrics gives me life. anyway, i’m not gonna ramble on about this anymore since no one’s gonna read this and i already know my own feelings abt this. 
but yeah, i also want the told u so t-shirt and cd bundle so im gonna wait for the vinyls to be released bc that pink marble record is calling out to me. and a tattoo, which i have a general vision of but im scared of the $$$. + i’m thinking abt moving to ny sometime next year too even tho im not going to FIT bc nj has nothing for me and i need to start living on my own, which means i need to save up. there’s also the last class that i need to take so that i can at least have an associate’s degree, which will def be a couple hundred. there’s also some skincare stuff i want like the eradikate spot solution and the boscia black luminizing mask (best in terms of peeling).
other meaningless tidbits in my mind:
ive been hating my art style even more lately but i still feel compelled to draw
bought a couple books to read even tho my commitment issues extends to reading as well
book related: i read motor crush vol 1 and i like it. babs is always great with the art and the writing is more exciting imo compared to the batgirl comics. snotgirl returned with issue 6 and the art is always pretty even if the plot is still a lil murky and unsatisfying. the plot of vol 1 was kinda messy and i disliked how it ended bc i dont even know if the arc was resolved or still continuing.i like bryan lee omalley’s writing so the writing isn’t something im not used to, i just feel like there’s so many mysteries building up and nothing that really resolves. there are some threads that were resolved in issue 6 (such as what happened in the bathroom with caroline) but another thread shows up in that resolution that has me going ??? Anyways i’ll still buy anything leslie hung does the art for so lmao my gripes aren’t dealbreakers
i went back to watch oitnb even with how pissed the ending of season 4 left me and i did not hate season 5...that much
kesha’s new song makes me so happy
watched baby driver today and i luv it. makes me want to watch more edgar wright and listen to the soundtrack 
i bought 5 bags of flamin hot ruffles bc im paranoid that it’ll be discontinued like the buffalo wing ruffles, which is the definition of overkill
i’ve been looking into gym memberships bc i want to start working out and lose weight seriously now. this is hilarious bc my diet is shit rn (see above). but im sick of not fitting into my old clothes and some new cute stuff i bought online (that i thought would fit). also i really want to lose the baby fat on my face bc seeing my potato face in the mirror really kills the confidence i have left
another thing that’s nagging me is the idea that i want to buy some things just bc those things would add into the image of a person i want to appear to be. it sounds weird but i feel like i want this costume of a person who’s cool for having hipster shit like a record player or colorful sunglasses. it doesn’t help that ppl on instagram make me insecure asf and want the things they have.
ive been trying to stop stalking certain ppl on instagram bc its v pathetic and tends to exacerbate my anxiety and spiral into a depressive hole. its not even like celebrities or anything, just ppl i used to know, which is extra creepy and sad.
this was mildly enjoyable and i think i might write more diary entries on here from now on. it’ll probably be under the polyesthher talks tag, if i remember bc im the worst with tags.
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these---days · 7 years
1. Favourite colour --> Green.. but sometimes purple, or Teal... idk
2. Number of people you’ve slept with --> 2 3. Cake or ice cream? I don’t care for dessert but Cake over Ice Cream 4. If you were a superhero what would your power be? Seeing the future so I can 1) win the lottery to give money to all of the people and 2) see future regrets and change them as necessary 5. Ever been in a fist fight? Yup... or well, it was one sided as the person was being a drunk douche. I’m pretty patient and not easily angered but was the last straw when they were crap to an ex... so i ran across the room and their face met my fist as we went through a window ;). 6. Do you live in the country or the city? City 7. Biggest kink? I really can not think of anything... it’s been a while since I even gave a shit... refer to my #2 response lol 8. Favourite video-game? Assassin’s Creed 2....Classic maybe Crash Bandicoot or Zelda: A Link to The Past (honourable mentions - Heavy Rain bcuz it was the first game of it’s kind, NHL 200 something cuz I played it for a straight week and Parappa the Rapper for the memories I had while playing it) 9. Words you live by? I’m not religious but, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”  10. Best book you’ve ever read? Okay well this changes constantly there’s been a lot. Great Gatsby and Lord of the Flies were my first... Stone Butch Blues made me tear up after 20 pages... The Alchemist... The Hours... Tom Robbins though hands down has the best books. If you can’t tell I have a hard time with decisions or ONE STRAIGHT ANSWER (no pun intended) 11. Favourite film? .... REALLY... same as above, too many. The Hours, Girl, Interrupted, Eternal Sunshine, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Requiem for a Dream.... and honorable mention is Rocky Horror because I wouldn’t call it my fav but I do love it 12. Horror or romance? neither 13. Biggest fear? I’m usually more afraid of the anticipation of a thing than the actual THING... Otherwise no real “fears” in particular, I just spoke easily and get nervous a lot 14. Best memory? I have no idea. Maybe my 19th birthday weekend. First time people actually worked hard at surprising me, I felt really cared about and important to people outside of my family AND the girl I liked (but swore I wouldn’t tell bcuz I couldn’t lose anymore friends based on being a lesbian) kissed me. So that was a high.  15. Worst memory? There have been a lot... but to be honest everything becomes pretty neutral or numb (for best or worst memories) 16. Where are you from? Toronto, Canada 17. Ever done anal? no thankssss 18. Would you prefer to be Mary Berry’s grandchild or Paul Hollywood’s bitch? I would like to “Berry” “Hollywood”  19. Favourite outfit? Ugh I do not have one right now... maybe my underwear and a baseball shirt since that is usually my go to bed/not going out outfit ;) 20. Snapchat or Instagram? i dont care 21. If you could freeze time what would you do? nothing. I’m fucking frozen.  22. Best LUSH product in your opinion? Who knows, a bath bomb? I don’t go here 23. Should people wear red shirts or brown pants in your presence? nothing is the correct answer .. my life is so sad that I am still answering these 24. Favourite television character? Willow Rosenberg 25. Do you have a nemesis? Time, money, the patriarchy, capitalism, heterosexism... must I go on? 26. Are you a hard-worker? When other people are depending on me for sure. If it’s only for myself... not so much I think. But for a job, ya I’ll work harder than probably necessary to my disadvantage typically.  27. What’s the best holiday you’ve ever been on? Backpacking Australia 2012 with my sis 28. What’s your dream? I have none 29. Where do you see your life ending up? well... it wasn’t here that’s for sure 30. Describe your last sexual encounter. LOL I CAN’T EVEN REMEMBER IT ITS BEEN THAT LONG 31. Cake by the ocean or sex on the beach? Cake by the Ocean... of course? 32. Ever done drugs? Obviously... Tylenol is a fucking drug you know ;) 33. Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings? LOTR 34. Are you a jock or a nerd? lol... NERD... my best job in sports usually consisted of getting hit for the sake of the team 35. On a scale of 8 to 34.7, how gay are you? I am a strong 5.8 on the Kinsey Scale 36. Do you live for Tumblr discourse or hate it? meh 37. Favourite trashy television show? ugh sadly I will watch are you the one? or Survivor, Big Brother, MTV’s the Challenge 38. Last time you watched porn? lol i dont even know... also not even really my thing tbh 39. Do you have a recurring sexual fantasy? nope 40. Weirdest dream you ever had? i dont even know 41. Ever had mental health issues? yup 42. What’s the answer to the question you wish someone would ask you? no way, really? you’re joking! (lol) 43. Do you wish people paid more attention to you? omg no  44. Do you have anyone who you’d happily slap right across their chops? we live in a world with Trump in it... also about 2649473647823648232 political and capitalist assholes 45. Dog person or cat person? I can be both but DOGSSSSSS ... i became allergic to cats but I still end up all over them and suffer the consequences :’(
46. Sneakers or heels? LOL sneakers. No one needs to witness me in heels 47. Favourite cocktail? GT 48. Day or night? I’m a night person but I WISH I was a day person 49. Pokémon or Digimon? -mon 50. How big is your dick? YUGE 51. Favourite musical? Ugh I think I had a new one but oh well, Phantom of the Opera was my old one... Mamma Mia only because it’s all ABBA 52. Favourite song? Exit to a Movie by Radiohead but the version Westworld played during season 1. I love SO many though. (I will always love Cat Power and Regina Spektor though) 53. Are you secretly a goblin/alien/android? I am a Gob-lien-droid 54. Why are you like this? I’m sure it’s a mix genes, timing, contextual influence of the social determinants of health, my individual intersections and situational freedoms... along with my “choose my own adventure” decisions or non-decisions in life ;). THAT A COMPLETE ENOUGH FUCKING ANSWER FOR YA 55. What’s your guilty pleasure? sleep. Also sadly the movie Imagine you and me... omg #whatasap 56. What would you say if I said ‘I love you’? weird 57. What’s the story behind your URL? It’s from the movie Amelie 58. Tell me something that worries you. everything pretty much all the time... I would really love some regular massages. Or to remember the time when for a while I had no worries, had no tension and slept like a fucking BABY 59. What have you been worrying about today? Falling (literally), the work I have to get done, Money, School, Life after school, future work, decisions about where to live and what work options I’ll have, getting a dog, If I’ll have to date again to help make those decisions lol... Also accidentally became a klepto and found something in my luggage from a trip that I feel bad for taking... I don’t even know how or why it happened lol 60. I’m only sending you these questions because I have a crush on you and I’m too tragic to actually just say it. TOO BAD FOR YOUUUUU SUCKAAA 61. Hot dogs or burgers? depends 62. Nintendo or the other trash-consoles? Going outside 63. Which fandom ruined a show that you used to like? none. I dont know... fandoms do not define me! 64. What do you wish you could tell your best friend? I’ve got nothing 65. Tell us a deep dark secret. I have a secret... it’s is deep.... but it is also dark....  66. Are you curious about having a man in leather spank your botty 'til it’s all red? I think I’m good but have fun with that 67. Favourite Tumblr couple? How do you even know tumblr couples?! 68. Do you have any dietary quirks? Nope.. maybe I’m getting lactose sensitive sometimes? Mostly I think it’s stress though 69. Do you want to have someone pleasure your genitals orally while you do the same to theirs? Not right no thanks I’m busyyyyy 70. How old are you? 31 last friday... 71. Which Buzzfeed listicle sums up your existence? WHAT IS A LISTICLE..also I ain’t got time for thattt 72. Do you have any pets? not anymore :’(... I got allergic to them #STORYOFMYLIFE 73. What colour underwear are you wearing? The are green and pink. Dark green with like jungle like leaves and flamingos <3. (American Eagle short briefs idk what they are called..) 74. Boxers or briefs? read #73 75. Fuck me, Ray Bradbury? You seem unsure of yourself there... or were you just giving an angry rant at yourself and then asking if Ray Bradbury was around... hmmm 76. Which television show do you want to last forever? Buffy but it isn’t on TV anymore and instead in Comic form 77. In a zombie apocalypse how long would you last? Instantly dead for sure... I’d just drop a huge rock on my head and be done with it lol 78. Do you have good internet connection or do you want to punch your router every ten minutes? ALSO WANT TO PUNCH EVERYTHING WITH MY INTERNET CONNECTION 79. Would you find it somewhat saucy if I sent bawdy nudes in your direction? Not particularly... unless you were serious about them and then I’d use like paint and make them hilarious haha omg ya that’d be great 80. Which country has the best flag? I was horrible about georgraphy lol.... I would throw knowing flags into that category  81. Do you consider yourself *iconic*? I consider myself *ironic* ... ew wait not in a hipster way... just wanted to throw out Alanis since that’s what came to mind here 82. Most overrated food? Bacon 83. Most overrated film? So many 84. Most overrated television show? Friends 85. Most overrated type of cheese? Babybel 86. Which brand would you never shop at? There’s a few ethical ones but also gotta check privilege with whether you can afford to skip some stores/brands  87. Wisdom, courage, or power? Wisdom 88. Would you prefer to travel in time and stay in the same spot, or travel in space with time elapsing as normal? Space would give me anxiety... but staying in the same spot would give me anxiety. CONUNDRUM 89. What’s the best birthday present you ever got? A girlfriend...For more on that check the “best memory” response I guess... although brithday present makes it sound like a person was an object/commodity that could be claimed and that’s not what I mean... trying to be funny just got serious RIGHT QUICK 90. What present do you wish someone would give you? I have no real wants.. just time with people. Or one day for all my friends to be together and nobody disliked anyone and could have a good time and get along for me... actually that would be the best present in the world but will never happen so alas, there is no reason for birthday parties anymore 91. Do you have an ex? Why did you break up? Yes. We had expired on our 9 lives. 91. Why does 91 appear on this list twice now? Because you typed it twice 92. Spare a thought for the humble creator of this list, it’s difficult to think of this many questions. Make the list shorter 93. Do you prefer anons or non-anons? onions 94. Who do you wish you could have sex with more than any other? more than any other...... ???  95. What is your spirit animal? A KOALA, the sleep for like 22-23 hours of the day 96. Do you have one word that you really love the sound of? Tangent. Conundrum... idk 97. Do you still have any of your stuffed toys from when you were a kid?yup 98. What makes you super nostalgic? Random things, nothing particular 99. Give me an answer to a random one of these questions. (But don’t make it a shit answer like 'yes’. Don’t be an asshole.) asshole 100. What’s your favourite cocktail? SUP REPEAT 101. Sonic screwdriver or Ron’s shit broken wand from the second Potter book? OOGA BOOGA MAN FROM CRASH BANDICOOT lol 102. Laptop or PC? laptop 103. What’s the sexiest accent in your opinion? meh 104. Would you let Donald Trump tickle your nipples for an hour for £6,000,000? FUCK DONALD TRUMP ... i can’t even be funny with this one I just start fuming at his mention  105. You should check out a great little British website called Pretty52. This should’ve been for question 52..... so nope. 106. If you could dye your hair any colour, what colour would you change to? I’m good. 107. What would you change about your body if you could? I’d work out and eat healthy... idk.... bodies are bodies and they are the way the are for whatever reason to each their own. I’m for people changing their bodies and for not doing so at all. For me I only change stuff if I physically get pained otherwise it’s all aesthetics which is trivial. 108. Do you prefer to be hot or cold? hot 109. What’s your favourite way to orgasm? having one I guess lol? 110. Are you a mermaid or a unicorn? unicorn (I can’t swim so) 111. What’s the name of your favourite pet when you were a kid?I had none. So deprived.  112. What was your favourite class at school? History maybe? 113. Are you superstitious? kind of but not seriously 114. What do you think happens when we die? When I get there I’ll let you know 115. Pie or pi? PI!!! BTW, getting a McFlurry on Pi day is hilarious because the total for one in Canada with taxes is 3.14!!!! #nerdalert 116. Your followers a question. Are you questioning my followers??? 117. Lick my genitalia. I’m good thanks  118. What’s your favourite number? 8 119. Do you ever look up at the stars and feel small? nope 120. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?it’s.. fine 121. Tell me about a quirky personality trait. I have no idea 122. What was your favourite story when you were younger? My mom used to tell Caterpillar bedtime stories... the stories would start with the caterpillar having a certain amount of legs and this caterpillar would be playing some kind of game/sport against my family of 4 and in each sport my mom would make up how the caterpillar lost it’s legs. The story was over when they lost all their legs and we won lol.  123. Are you old before your time or young at heart? Ugh I  WAS old before my time as a child... after 25 I’ve been trying to peter pan through life because now we’re stuck being old and I want a chance at childhood again haha 124. Why do you do the things you do? Please. Tell me. It’s a mix of contextual factors as I’ve answered for another question lol 125. I hope you enjoyed these questions. they actually were not that great... I am underwhelmed 126. Which Tumblr blog would you recommend to all your fans? one that upgrades them to a good old airconditioner
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Venting ahead, sorry
I feel like dropping a lot of my blogs... I’m not going to but its just...
like I love them so much, I put a lot of work into them but it only ever seems to leave people confused or people just don’t seem interested. And I do them more for myself than anything a lot of times but it just gets harder and harder to do that when it feels like Im sitting in a corner to myself while everyone passes by me
I have a strip I need to finish for my 2p ame blog but all I can think right now is whats the point? no ones going to like it, no ones going to read it and no ones going to understand it. 
Idk, Im not clear enough? I always thought I was really obvious. I always tell people my writing is really obvious if you can catch the details but maybe that isnt true?
I try to hint at things multiple times so people can find out--
or are plot blogs and theory story choose your own adventure, you impact the story things not cool anymore?
I dont know
I just
I never let notes get to me normally, Im used to low hearts, even lower reblogs and small groupd of followers.. but its been slowly nagging me lately, since asks have been low on all my blogs and Ive been busy with other things. I come back and it just feels useless to post sometimes. 
maybe Im not sparking good enough content for questions? or am I just really confusing and obnoxious? idk..
I just dont know
this all started since the other day with my cohab england, hes my biggest blog now and I despise him
I put little effort into him, I made his story all planned out and complex but I have hardly posted and hes shot up effortlessly. I was warned of the England effect, where you gain a shit ton of popularity just when england is involved in anything and its causing me such contempt for him. I put no effort into him in comparison to my other blogs. His art was worse, his story even more poorly explained, it was a mess and people would follow him and leave. No matter what I did on his blog trying to get feedback, cause I wanted to celebrate with people, cause I had never ever reached 300 followers before 
I got nothing
and I hated it
I loathe it 
I was suppose to be happy at that milestone and I felt was anger, contempt, frustration
I felt undermined by my own work
I loathe his blog, I loathe his story
just opening my side blog for him fills me with contempt.
I hate that, I shouldn’t feel like this
But I hate him right now. 
Because he just- he symbolizes something to me- it just clicks wrong with me. Why? Why does he shoot up in follows but the notes stay the same? What did I do differently with him than I did on any of my other blogs? What did I do wrong? Something is different what the fuck is different
I just dont know what Im doing wrong here. And I can’t ask cause no one answers anymore it seems. they glance and leave over and over and i just... 
I’m lost and I don’t see a way out anymore. Ive been throwing darts with blogs to see if something sticks, and have found more happiness in my 2p America blog and my new Canada blog, I want to do more my my oc blog but what can I even do? Ive thought about maybe joining more big groups but I get so anxious with others and part experience I doubt it will be any help. 
Ill delete this later, and Ill probably go work on the comic I need to get done--
or something else- I want to keep going, Im trying to keep my head above water right now but Im so fucking tired..
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tumblunni · 5 years
OH ALSO one other thing i know about yokai watch is that the european dub has the currency in british pounds! (Or australian dollars or every other currency for every language)
Thats just REALLY COOL cos seriously its so uncommon to see a game use £ currency! For some reason all our dubbed games tend to keep american dollars even when they change other stuff into british english. Tho also they barely ever change stuff into british english so thats why every 90s kid in our country was super confused by the show Recess. (Its just called "afternoon break" over here...) It became kind of a running joke how the first harry potter book had changes like philosopher's stone to sorcerer's stone and jumpers to sweaters etc. "Ha ha thos americans are dumb wanting stuff changed to fit them" we thought, not realizing how cool it would be to have american stuff retranslated so we'd 100% understand it since we'd never got to actually experience that. I mean even nowadays i work hard to correct myself into using american english on this blog but i'd never ask my american friends to translate their stuff! Its weird...
And obviously if its uncommon for british english its INFINATELY more uncommon for other english dialects! I know how privilaged we are to get even this!
Seriously i have only ever seen three games in my life that used british £, and two of them are for the 3ds! The other is tomodachi collection, and then a british made dating sim called lucky rabbit reflex. Which is funny cos thats the only actual british made game ive ever seen that didnt use dollars or some made up fantasy gold currency or something. Even our own stuff suffers from the "it has to be americanized to be sold internationally" syndrome! Like harry potter was already a multi million sensation before it got exported to america, and they still wanted to change all that stuff to be american and only stopped when they got negative feedback from both american and british fans. Its way harder for franchises that dont have as much saying power in their own decisions when getting redubbed.
Which also depressingly reminds me how stuff like SU has no choice in the matter when cartoon network decides to cut out stuff for being too gay in the goddamn british broadcast. God i hate how our country has had civil rights go backwards recently!!!!
Anyway in summary i still fuckin hate my country's government but im glad to occasionally see stuff in our language and currency and all. I'm determined that if i ever publish a game im gonna hire consultants to not only make translations to other languages but also english sub-dialects, because seriously its a really overlooked problem. Im privilaged that british english is like the second most well known dialect next to american yet we still get so little dub edits! If we're this bad then damn it must be so much worse for everyone else!!! One of my artist idols on deviantart published a cool book about translation differences between american and malaysian english and i still keep it pride of place on my shelf cos wow its a really interesting read! (And also a great comickified way to present educational stuff!) I wanna especially try and get malaysian english mode added to all of my games cos now i have multiple friends from this country and also i love seeing the malaysian indie gamemaking scene gaining more profit nowadays. Re:Legend is a great malaysian game im supporting on kickstarter and i made a rambley video advertising it on my youtube!!!
Man im going offtopic now sorry...
Man i need to go find that book again cos wow that was several years ago and i dont really go on deviantart anymore. I wonder if that cool lady is still making amazing comics? Her work was another place where i saw positive representation of trans and genderqueer folk before i did my journey of self discovery and realized i was one of them. Also she was really nice to me back when i was a tiny stupid kid entering some dumb art tournement back when i could barely draw. Man i got all depressed and wanted to delete my entire internet presence and never draw again just cos i lost when like LOL OF COURSE I DID I WAS A BABY GOING AGAINST ACTUAL ARTISTS. Ah nostalgia. Nostalgia for horrifyibg cringey bad moments of embarassment you can never fully escape.
Anyway in summary its good to have less dollars in things. Also its funny how many times you have historical games set in europey settings made in america yet the currency is always "gold pieces" or something instead.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
October 4th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on October 4th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Finding Home by Hari.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Finding Home by Hari~! (https://tapas.io/series/FindingHome)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
I don't know if this counts as a "scene," but I really liked seeing the flowers bloom on Chepi from his emotions.
Also hello there!
yeah i thought that was a really interesting and unique detail. but also felt kind of sorry for chepi cause i mean, thats a dead give away youre feeling an emotion. cannot hide anything. cannot be a tsundere that says its not like i like you or anything
hi SJ~!
Thanks for the welcome, Rebel~
I wonder if it's possible to lie with the flowers, like how some people are able to fake tears/ blushing/ etc when they're an exceptionally good actor/liar? Probably not the case with Chepi, though
Maybe, or each mood gets represented by different kinds of flowers
yeah i dont forsee chepi being the best liar persay. but maybe. and tbf have we seen any other dryad do it? this may be a unique feature of chepi because chepi has a unique situation
my favorite scene is the one where chepi speads to a bug and janek is like what. but chepi doesnt register that its not the language thing but the fact hes talking to a bug.
i also like in that scene how real the convo was. where janek sounds unintentionally ignorant and kind of racist, but not out of malicious intent. just out of the fact janek never really thought about it before.
Yeah, there's been quite a few examples of non-malicious ignorance
as well as other kinds of misunderstandings
I'm really curious about how they met. This seems to be a relatively new relationship, as in they weren't like... longtime friends or anything, so the beginning of it may still have a lot of relevance
Made it. That was a real interesting way to get across some of the language stuff for the universe too, I thought.
yeah ive been wondering that myself. how the two even met up in the first place. although it seems like they had some form of acquaintanceship
A lot of their conversations are pretty realistic.
Seems like they just met because the chef was trying to get home?
yeah it could be as simple as they were in the same town. chepi was like "i like helping ppl i will help this person"
cause chepi is a good dude
who does good dude things
except for the part where he jeapordizes his own health
thats a bad dude thing
Yeah, he's had a rough go of it.
There's probably a little more to that, or at least that's the impression I get
I mean, it seemed like he wanted Janek's company for personal reasons too, even if they weren't Compelling Super Important Goals
Christ, definitely not a good thing
The jeopardizing your health part
One of the scenes I particularly liked was early on. Where the one guy was "filling the silence" by talking a lot. It was an interesting visual in how it was laid out, and I've been on both sides of that... wanting to fill what I feel is an awkward silence as well as just wanting to enjoy stillness.
There might be a little more to it, but I'm not certain either of them are keen to acknowledge it.
Weird. I started reading this comic when it was still pretty new, and this scene I remember reading isn't there anymore. O_o
I wonder if it was deleted because of not fitting with the creator's vision anymore, because the impression I got from that scene was rather different
that could be. i think a print volume was kickstartered and that is generally the time when heavy editing occurs
Oh? You mean the flower blooming one? Because I remember seeing that...
I also looked at the holiday bonus that was linked away, incidentally. The mistletoe one. That was amusing and touching.
i also liked that scene too, math. the one with the silence filling. but more than that i really appreciate the understanding that happened between the two. in that chepi didnt mind janek was busy rambling on and on and on. cause i understood how janek felt in feeling awkward about filling the silence too
No, I remember this scene where one of them is talking to some soldiers?
Rebel: Right, that aspect of it helped it to stand out for me, I think. One of those times they had an understanding, almost unspoken.
(I could be remembering it wrong )
In a flashback, I guess...?
yeah i dont remember any scene with soldiers. it couldve been an extra of some sort? cause i generally dont look at extras
Yeah, it's not there. I might be mixing things up, unless the comic was rebooted at some point
thats okay. i like to think its opportunity to speculate
cause there probably is something more
cause despite saying it, even i find it more believable there was something else going on besides chepi is a good dude
QUESTION 2. Throughout the comic, Chepi is shown to be a somewhat anxious person due to past experiences. How do you think Chepi came to be born in the first place? Do you think it has anything to do with why Chepi was encouraged to not like humans? What do you think happened exactly between Chepi and Ishaan that made the relationship have such a traumatic impact on Chepi? Do you think it was a bad relationship from the start, or do you think there were genuine, mutual feelings at the beginning? Do you think the person helping Chepi to publish his works is really altruistic, or is said person just out for their own gain? Lastly, do you think Chepi will be able to overcome all his trauma (and will Janek help or hurt these personal issues)?
TBH I've seen zero reasons to trust that dude
Which one?
The publisher?
idk how i feel about ishaan. i wanna give ishaan the benefit of the doubt at least for the beginning of the relationship. but even when ishaan was being all impressed by chepi i got sleezy impressions.
As far as Chepi being born... fun fact, in the prologue, at first I thought maybe we were seeing Chepi's father. And, like, he was born of two guys or something, like that's the only way to get a mixed race type.
LOL. well i mean, not impossible. we are dealing with fae and such.
Ishaan's that smoking guy in the flashbacks...? (I'm so bad with names.) I figure there had to be something initially other than "here's an easy mark". But it morphed into something else. Also, profound effect due to his first romantic rejection, that's gotta hurt more than being rejected from the university (and even being shunned in the library).
yes smoking guy who chepi dated is ishaan
i wanna say that maybe ishaan didnt start with bad intentions. but i also think he might have been attracted to chepi for the novelty of it. cause then he could brag to all his friends about his cool significant other
granted not sure if that logic matches up with the fact ishaan wanted chepi to look more human
so it could be the exact opposite in that ishaan genuinely liked chepi but did not like chepi was half dryad. and ishaan dealt with that in the most toxic way possible
Except I don't think he could brag either, as his friends would say he was hanging around with a weirdo freak.
That last theory possibly works.
I get the impression that even if he was genuinely attracted to Chepi, he was always the type of a guy who manipulates and gaslights people whenever given the opportunity
keii: There is that. Guy should just get his own oranges.
i get the impression that ishaan is used to just getting what he wants and is some spoiled rich guy or something. so yeah, manipulation and gaslighting very probable
although i also dont trust the person chepi is using as a cover to publish his papers
that person rubs be the wrong way
cause the convo just seemed really manipulative
That's kind of funny though, because Chepi is also a rich guy who prefers to do his own thing. Maybe that's partly why they ended up together.
I'm okay with her (I think it was a her). True that they might be getting more out of the arrangement, but I think it comes from a good place. Also, Chepi has access to the basement books, which seems like a decent thing to do.
Also, I want a backpack like that. O.o
yeah at the end they havent done anything evil yet. so i could be be overly suspicious. but chepi sure is getting the short end of the stick and it makes me sad and hurts my poor heart
He does, yeah. I think he's kind of closed himself off in order to deal with it.
That seems reasonable
i do think chepi is gonna learn to deal with his trauma better. cause i mean hes already taking those critical first steps of talking about the problem a bit. not all the way, but hes said more than he probably would have previously
I wonder if he'll manage to deal with his crowds situation too. (I know that feeling, though not to the extent of being triggered or anything.)
the crowds one may take more time ironically imo. just because the issue behind that is harder to fix. since even if chepi was like "lets go cold turkey into a crowd," it is more likely his fears will get reaffirmed
Seems like a fear that’s hard to remove anyways
Yes, though he's got the travelling companion now, so small steps.
yeah although that may forever be his comfort level. and i dont blame him for that cause he may just be an introvert who prefers setups like that. cause even with the dryads he seemed very much a soloist
Also means less making demands on him.
QUESTION 3. Janek and Chepi grow ever closer throughout their journey, though some issues seem to get between the two. Do you think the relationship between the two will ever become something more, or will trauma and other issues continue to get in the way? Even if they do become romantically involved, do you think it would work out? What about when the two reach Erkesh? Will their relationship last (whether romantically or as friends) even then? Or, will Chepi simply move on to his next destination? For that matter, do you think the two will even make it to Erkesh? Additionally, given the title of the comic is “Finding Home,” what do you think that means for each character and their personal journeys? In other words, what is “home?”
There's people that struggle lots with groups
(Ones he'd be inclined to help with.)
I feel like they're building towards a relationship, a healing one, so I'd be a bit surprised if that doesn't happen. There'll still be bumps along the way though, for sure.
Like, they keep finding out things about each other that alter their perceptions.
Also, home is where the heart is?
part of me would be surprised if they dont cross that threshold from friends to something more. cause they keep bonding and the chemistry is super strong. but on the otherhand, this comic feels a lot like a journey wherein i feel the destination is gonna throw me a bit. so i could also see them not being able to. or ya know, there being a dramatic fakeout where chepi leaves janek in erkesh but then comes back being like "what was i thinking"
I feel that it's not about forming a relationship (though that's a strong possibility). It's about finding "home" and if both of them grow and reach a point where they simply become more comfortable with the self, separately, I can see them going separate ways too...
I suppose that could happen (the fakeout), but really rooting for Chepi to have a happy ending. Versus, saying, dying in Janek's arms while saying "I'm finally happy".
I can see them going separate ways, but somehow not before being intimate. Could be the shipper in me.
well tbf the comic is genred romance so...
Chepi might totally sacrifice himself to deal Janek though.
theres kind of high expectations here for some romance
(Speaking of, I like his dry sense of humour... "come down from there, it would be a pain to heal every bone in your body" or words to that effect.)
im gonna hope this comic doesnt go chepi death route. mostly cause despite its serious issues, its a pretty light-hearted comic.
It's got very gentle, soft vibes
Not every comic needs death
I don't know if I'd say light-hearted? It has chuckle moments to be sure.
My opinion, anyway. Yes, vibes.
imo the sense of home in this comic's case is a place where you feel comfortable and can be yourself. and if that place happens to be wherever another person is, well then...
yeah light-hearted might not be the right word but on 3 hours of sleep its the word i got O_O
Home is where the wisps aren't.
I feel you, I only got about 4 hours sleep.
i will also accept that answer. home is where the wisps arent
cause those wisps are creepy
now if there is tragedy in this comic, the thing i could see happening is they get to erkesh....but erkesh isnt there anymore
and janek has nowhere to go
home is gone
very sad
ah i forgot to say i do like chepi's dry sense of humor. partly cause i like that he has a sense of humor despite seeming so serious all the time
r.i.p. home
Ooooh. I could see that too, that the wisps have destroyed the old home. That might be bittersweet.
His sense of humour sometimes flies a bit under the radar for me. Like, when he talked about studying since he was a baby I was like, 'dryads do that?' then I realized I was a species-ist.
yeah i have to agree that sometimes it takes a moment for chepi's jokes to register as jokes. but then i have a good laugh.
Because there's times when he's not, like when he's just going for a swim and all.
The hair discussion was pretty interesting though. It's funny, in a way growing the hair out long seemed like an emotional, human thing to do, and the guy had been trying to get Chepi to be more human.
yeah i liked this little act of rebellion for chepi. cause i mean it feels really realistic too. because lots of ppl getting out of bad relationships do trivial things like this, even though for them the emotional impact is significant
i really liked the swimming scene in general though
cause i think something about it really illustrated the individual diffs between janek and chepi
and how both their selves and upbringings brought about different attitudes
QUESTION 4. Though not the focus, the comic’s world has a lot of interesting aspects that affect the characters. Do you think things will improve for Fae within the world, or will Chepi always suffer from negative policies and views from both sides? Do you think spending time with Janek will give Chepi new insight into how he can better help people? Alternatively, will spending time with Janek show Chepi a way to convince more Fae to help mortals? Speaking of the supernatural, do you think the Wisps will continue to be a danger to Janek and Chepi? Do you think the amount of Wisps about is normal, or do you feel it’s foreshadowing something sinister is about? Finally, Chepi at one point mentions a magical surge that has been growing. How might this affect the world in general, and do you think Chepi will be the one to figure out what’s going on?
Yeah, definitely from two different worlds.
Oh yeah, the magical surge... maybe that does explain the wisps too? And if that map he found is really old, maybe it's all happened before, like decades ago, and it stopped surging after the Imperials lost or something.
I'd say maybe a mixture of both? Things will improve, but our protagonists will slowly encounter new problems.(edited)
true, the world is rarely ever perma fixed.
the magical surge really has me interested because something about it was so ominous
mostly the abandoned house
and cause it made me suspicious that besides the destroyed village they really havent come across any form of civilization
or other ppl
what if theyre in some time paradox in the future and the world is destroyed
So it becomes about fleeing to another realm, which was foreshadowed in that talk about whether Chepi even could.(edited)
i dont remember this convo but im gonna gasp anyway
Paradoxes why must you exist
idk. it just felt like something suspicious was going on. and i do feel the wisp situation has an abnormal quality to it. at the very least i dont think they go around village destroying on the regular
He said they were old too, right? Could be relevant... Chopi's mom was over 200 or something...
It's interesting how we're gradually learning more about the world, including the urban centres, while we're pretty far removed from them. Incidentally, I think Janek would be dead a few times over if not for his friend, what with wisps and poison mushrooms and no map.
yeah. like i wonder what janek intended to do if chepi hadnt offered to guide the way. would janek just be stuck at wherever theyre traveling from?
but yeah i really like how the world is being told in the story
because its never in a way thats separate from teh characters
if its being told, its somehow relavent to how the world has effected them
Maybe he'd have to have taken public transit.
Yeah, it's all connected. But the characters have their own families and backstories thought out, like Janek's sister.
LOL chepi and janek take forest route, but then the whole time theres like an express train system that couldve had janek to erkesh in an hour
that would be hilarious
very unfitting
but hilarious
"We built it a couple days after you left."
back to the question, i dont think anything chepi or janek will do will actually improve relationships between humans and fae. because theyre just kind of two people...wandering a forest. so for the moment they cant make that big a world impact.
unless theyre the last two ppl in the world
There were imperial forces and everything though, I wonder what sort of technology level their warfare was.
then relations improved
Yeah, prejudice like that is pretty deep seated. Can only change individuals on the travels, I think.
Unless the magic surge helps others to feel the emotions Chepi has.
Like, "oh crud, that's what we've driven you to?"
yeah. cause at the end magical surge is pretty vague. although imo a magical surge could be detrimental to humans and actually shrink their territory. because the magical surge could be why the wisps be destroying villages
Shrink their "territory".
Magical surge is like cold water.
oh dear
since there are only some moments, i want to take this chance to talk about the illustrations. because its a sad thing they havent been mentioned because the illustrations are really gorgeous. like nature is a hard thing to draw, but here this comic just puts it everywhere O_O
Can I have some of that surge? It's super warm here lol(edited)
Yes, that's a great point. One of those things that would stand out if it was done wrong, the comic gets it very right.
Also, that whole thing with the flowers connecting to moods, that's kind of amazing. I didn't know that was a thing.
I'd love to see more of that
yeah. like the flora in general is used in a very interesting way in the comic. because usually whats shown helps emphasis the tone and atmosphere of the scenes.
and honestly i give points to any comic that doesnt shy from the backgrounds
That's a good point. I'm not great at noticing those sorts of details.
The output's been pretty consistent for that too... like, 100 pages in less than two years?
I couldn't manage that.
Anyways, good luck with the comic, Hari, you're putting together something really magical here.(edited)
RebelVampireToday at 6:59 PM
yeah. although even if the pages took longer i wouldnt mind it. the backgrounds are honestly worth it because i feel theyre integral to showcasing the world at this point
Yup, best with it!
Also the romance.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Hari, as well, for making Finding Home. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Hari’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/FindingHome
Hari’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/haridraws
Hari’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/haridraws
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Four Corners by Boniae. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, October 11th, from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://fourcorners.smackjeeves.com/
Comic’s Tapas Mirror: https://tapas.io/series/four-corners
Comic’s LINE Webtoon Mirror: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/four-corners/list?title_no=28768
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