#Hugo Weasley-Granger
4uru · 1 year
All the weasley kids fanart (ignore my other scribbles)
Cant finish drawing everyone's freckles, so imagine all of them with freckles except albus
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Dominique, Louis, Victoire, Lucy, Molly, James, Fred, Roxanne
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Hugo, Remy (transmasc! Lily luna) , Albus, Rose
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firinniee · 1 year
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Hugo Ian Granger-Weasley (17/04/2008) - Hufflepuff. - Gay and he/they - Joined the Quidditch team in his 4th year. - Has a very strong bond with they sister. - But at the same time, he is friends with Lily, Louis and the Scamander twins. - And he was one of the witnesses at his sister's wedding. - Loves oversized clothes. - He was a very inquisitive child, but he caused less trouble than his sister. - Cuts his own hair. - He has trouble concentrating. He is very intelligent, but problems with sitting still make it very difficult for him to learn. - Transfiguration was his favorite subject and he tried to become an animagus for a long time. Succeeded at the age of 17 and eventually became a capuchin monkey. - He loves animals, especially dogs, and has always dreamed of having one. - After all, when he moved in with Lorcan, they had two. - Oh right. He started dating Lorcan when he was 24 and they are currently in a relationship but have never formalized it. - He has slightly protruding teeth and that's why he has a lisp. - Always wears pink hairpins that Lily gave him once. - He is a very helpful person, but he usually takes on too much than he should. Selfless. - Loves Pokemon. He has a lot of stuff with him and has played all the games on various Nintendo consoles and Pokemon Go. His current favorite is the 3DS. - Also, he often drags they friends on a hunt for new Pokemon. - He occasionally smokes with Lorcan and Domi but hates taste of any alcohol.
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weasley--cousins · 2 years
The Huffle Trio gets detention for the first time… they all have older sibling that have wildly different reactions:
James to Lilly: This is sheer pride, mixed in with him making sure it was for a good reason. Whether that was a good prank or putting a bully in their place James doesn’t mind.
Rose to Hugo: Her first question to him is if he’s okay. Her first concern is that someone hurt her little brother and she needs a name. When she finds out he's though, he gets a smack on the head and she calls him a brat
Lucy to Molly: The only thing she is mad about is that her little sister got caught. She couldn’t care less about what happened because she knows her sister has a good reason for breaking the rules.
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i need to write a fic where albus and scorpius start dating but albus hasn’t told his family yet and they end up spending some of summer together and james proposes a scheme to do together because he feels guilty about not being a better brother to albus.
and james, being slightly oblivious, thinks albus sees scorpius as a brother and out of guilt and his desire to prove that he really does care about his little brother he keeps pushing to spend more time with him but it just comes across like he doesn’t like scorpius.
and albus, thinking that james hates scorpius, is super nervous to tell his family about them dating because he thinks james will be mad.
rose and lily know exactly what’s going on on both sides but neither with intervene because; rose doesn’t think it’s right to meddle in their relationships and thinks they should sort it out and; lily sees this as an opportunity to cause chaos.
hugo’s vaguely aware of what’s going on but is mostly interested in helping lily cause problems.
teddy is the only one who knows about albus and scorpius dating and james’ fears from the people themselves and is the person they defer to for advice. unfortunately for them, teddy has decided to play the role of “older sibling that encourages your worse impulses”
harry: the children are getting along really well actually :)
teddy, staring out the window at the children recreating lord of the flies in real time: yeah they’re getting along so well :)
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mpaoshelle · 1 year
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Ron often jokes that Hermione made Hugo all by herself, since the child is physically all her.
But when he looks into his eyes, he knows that Hugo couldn't be his son any more than he already is🩵
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hermiones-amortentia · 8 months
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Hermione with baby Hugo 🥹🥰
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regretfulcorrine · 8 months
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A Very Harry Drawtober | Day 14: Trick or Treat
As you can see, I'm pretty behind in @basiatlu 's prompts but I wanted to do another 'Trick or Treat' one really bad so here it is :v
The year the Potter-Malfoys introduce the Granger-Weasley kids to trick or treating and it's serious business.
(Better quality I think under the cut, tumblr destroyed it :,0)
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regheart · 7 months
cursed child was the worst thing that happened to fans of the next gen we were thriving in clueless headcanons and random pairings and friendships but now we have to deal with this mess of a play that feels like an ai mash up of early hp fanfiction from people who hadn't opened the books in over five years and don't remember any details please i just want to get one good characterization of these kids what happened to good fanfiction and why did they get so unpopular after cc they used to be all i ever read and now i need like three hours and expert tag manipulation on ao3 to find something that is barely decent
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katenoteight · 3 months
Some domestic Romione fluff...
"Mummy, mummy, close your eyes!"
"What have you got there, Hugo?"
"Me and daddy made you Va'ntine card! Close your eyes! NO PEEKING!"
"Darling, why are there slugs with hearts on the card?"
"Because daddy said he barfed slugs for you!"
"That was an accident."
"Daddy said he would do it again for you!"
"Did he, now?"
*Ron blows her a kiss from the living room and mouths 'I love you' as Hugo watches*
"I would barf slugs for you too, mummy!"
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rewritingcanon · 1 month
roxanne and hugo headcanons please 🤲🏿
perfect mix between angelina and george looks-wise. she’s got her mum’s complexion, hair, eye colour, naturally straight teeth and crazy metabolism, but her smile is her dad’s, her eye shape is her dad’s, her hands are long and spindly like her dad’s, and she flaps them around constantly when she’s being dramatic and talking. she also laughs like him. but funnily enough shes shorter than both her parents and she has no idea why.
people think fred and james are the new pranksters because of their namesakes but dont let this fool you. roxanne claims title over this
no for real she is a menace and she is more fred weasley than her brother. which sometimes pisses him off but you can rarely stay mad at her even if she is a shit.
great quidditch player. is a beater. daydreams about hitting her opps with her bat during history of magic class as a preventative from falling asleep
hoards fake tattoos. LOVES THEM. like she’ll never get a real tattoo, but she loves the fake ones
laughs at men who confess their love to her but takes the women who confess to her seriously (she’s not into girls she just respects them more)
pranks her dad the most. then her dad pranks her. fred and angelina… run for cover…
had a situationship with some transfer from durmstrang and literally never lived it down from fred
only got close with rose at hogwarts. shes a year younger than rose and she’s shocked to find out she’s secretly likeable
her favourite uncle is percy— yeah you would never guess. but she loves hanging with people who act like they have a small stick up their butt— it’s more rewarding when she wrangles a laugh out of them. plus percy spoils her the most and she has a sneaking suspicion she is secretly is favourite niece.
people pay her to prank their opps. shes like a clown hitman.
exercised for like a week and got abs from it. everyone is upset. also. is a gym bro. probably the master herder of all the gym bros.
made a secret trolls account to troll people. thought she was so smart for mashing the two concepts together.
ate playdough when she was a kid and was disappointed with how it tasted.
master jinxer. for real, cover your ankles if you’re an opp
opps in general tremble
never fought much with her parents, which is really fucking strange. maybe its because fred fought with angelina and george a lot so roxanne sought unconsciously to balance that out, but she just never thought anything was that serious enough to fight over
but she DOES have fights with fred. sometimes they scrap in the middle of the common room and the reason will be because she chucked a piece of paper at him or something. then two seconds later after she’s got bruises up her legs and he’s literally got a black eye, they’re showing each other their memes.
she’s extremely close with both parents but her best friend is literally her mum and when she gets a letter from her mum at dinner at hogwarts she’ll shamelessly start celebrating and cheering.
“look guys my mummy replied to me!!” “didnt she literally write to you yesterday?”
had pink hair for a moment in time in fifth year and pretended it was on purpose (she meant for it to be red whoops)
looks a lot like ron except has his mums bushy brown hair (because thats canon… i know.. crazy…). very freckley and has a deeper complexion but not like his mum’s (yea hes lightskin 💪). built short like his mum though, and rose makes fun of him until he wakes up randomly one morning and hes 6ft.
personality wise hes a mix between his parents. hes a lot like ron in the sense that hes made of dry humour and loyalty to his friends, but like hermione in that he gets exasperated easily and also possesses undying loyalty. now that i think about it, hugo is just extremely loyal
definition of little freak. you know how as the line of cousins gets younger and younger and the youngest of them all is always just a weirdo? yeah, hugo is the youngest.
has a butt indentation on his bed from sitting on it and playing roblox all day. wont move from bed until he gets banned on the servers and is forced to touch grass
but when he touches grass he is all for the grass. rose has his ass on life360 and suddenly hes taken a train up to bumfuck nowhere to go on a spontaneous nature hike. suddenly he’s signed up to a chess club and queen gambits his way to the top spot. suddenly hes in a random protest and he doesnt even know what hes there for he just likes the energy
is called “snotty rat boy” in rose’s contacts
basically is a punching bag for all older siblings but is numb to the abuse and just accepts it (its all well-meaning and full of love)
is aroace but LOVES valentines. he goes all out to get cards for all his friends and family and makes them little trinkets (he can’t buy them anything bcuz hes a broke baby and has too much pride to ask his mum for money only to get her something thats worth less) and plans platonic dates and gets very offended when they have to cancel to spend time with their actual romantic partners. he once rang his mate up to ask for a refund for his time (he was joking but hugo is dramatic as hell and needs to feel loved at all times or else he will literally die)
is the main character of a cartoon network show. i just dont know what..
ipad kid vibes
cant cook anything but really good homemade pizza for some strange reason???
confirmed he was aroace when he was playing truth or dare with his gryffindor buddies (because hugo is definitely a gryffindor) late at night and got dared to french kiss some guy. after he had to flee the scene and brush his teeth out to get that gross taste away, and yeah, he had his suspicions beforehand but this basically confirmed it. and every time he recalls the feeling of kissing someone like That he gets this thousand yard stare on him… one would think hes having war flashbacks….
despite not wanting to get married like That, he wants to be a dad when hes older. He has a list of baby names on his notes app (or wizard equivalent), but they’re all shitty things you would name an oc or a sim, not a real person. shit like “ebony” or “crystal” or “axel.” he showed his list to lily luna once and she laughed and called them stripper names so he got mad and kept it very secretive from then on.
genius chess player. wizard beth harmon who?
is a vegan. it started as a joint pack with hermione (ron and rose said “fuck no”) but hermione caved after six months because she cant stay away from coffee. hugo persisted though
is the only one allowed to ruthlessly rip into and bully the shit out of rose. im not kidding, her parents cant even do it. theyre too scared. meanwhile hugo will walk past her in the hallway and say “oh you look uggo today” with a deadass straight face
thinks about moving out one day and having his own family and thinks about rose moving out and having her own family and how that family will be her primary family and he will be secondary family and how they will have to leave their parents one day— he instantly breaks down into tears. hes just a baby bird guyz plz!!!
does not have any parent hes closer to. ron spoils him more but also scolds him more. hermione rewards him less but lets him get away with more. it balances out.
very close with lily luna so when rose and albus had their falling out they just gossiped about it the entire time. lily would tell him how albus cried for three hours straight during lunch and hugo would tell her how rose started to fixate on their shower and started deep cleaning it the muggle way at four in the morning like she was possessed
is james’ godbrother but keeps forgetting it 💀
not bad at quidditch but never took a huge liking to it. likes watching more than playing and just agrees with whatever his dad’s opinions are on the teams (indoctrination)
able to cast a patronus before rose learned which had her tweak out a lot.
ive written tonnes…. so i will leave it there lol
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harrypottergenzhc · 3 months
Who’s going to ruin Christmas dinner?
- James got expelled for his third detention
-Teddy, Fred II, Charlie and Arthur went for a ride in the car
-Ron forgot the chicken and is avoiding to tell Hermione
-Roxanne broke a clock and the pieces are hidden under the table
-Albus is dating Scorpius and James knows (he read his diary)
-Teddy is dating Victorie and Dominique knows (she read her diary)
-Lucy got an Acceptable in Charms
-Dominique pierced her bellybutton in secret
-Hermione is talking about politics with Percy
-George is picking on Percy
-Hugo’s trying to take out his milk tooth with a self made new spell
-Albus told Rose he doesn’t feel anything for Scorpius and that she’s being paranoid
-Fleur brought a fancy french wine and Ginny and Molly are in the kitchen laughing about it
-Harry asked Ron where’s the chicken in front of everyone
-Lily and Louis are upstairs playing with Victorie’s makeup
-Rose saw something under the table
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crackishincorrecthp · 9 months
Rose: Hey mom? Hermione: Yes? Rose: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Hermione: Hermione: Where are your father and Hugo?
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seishironagi2 · 10 days
A Love Across Eras
A/n:ok, guys, I'm back for part 2 🤪 I can't believe you guys actually want more. anyway here is the link to part one if you haven't read it already. It took me too long to figure out how to link something that was embrassing💀
summary: James, Albus, and you try to make a living here.
James Sirius Potter x muggleborn!reader
word count: 797 words
warnings: none
read the previous part: part one
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"James, how did you manage to send us 43 years back in time instead of three!" You hiss at the boy while flicking his forehead. "You have to now figure out how to get us home, ya big dumbass," you say, rolling your eyes.
James stands up and runs his hand through his dark brown hair, the stress on his evident when he takes a seat on the sofa, the remaining following sut when they sit on the chair beside them
"uhm, there's more." Albus continues, his eyes never leaving the time turner as he fiddles with it. "it looks like this thing is gone. so we need to fix it first." he says pocketing the now broken time turner
"I have an idea, but it's gonna be risky." james says as he looks at you and Albus.
"What if we ask Uncle Remus to help?" he continues, "he's smart, and out of any of their group, he'd be the one to help us." he says as he scans our faces, looking for our reactions to his plan
"it is possible, but how are we going to convince him to help us, we're just strangers to him. I doubt if we say, 'We're 43 years from the future, and you're the father of our uncle, he'll for sure help us then'." Albus says sarcastically as he leans his head on my shoulder, tired from the travel while his eyes slowly close.
"hmm, what if we instead say We're three years from the future? and the turner stopped working, we could possibly convince him then?" I say as I grab the blanket, covering Albus while he sleeps
after first getting together with James, you made an active effort to get as close to his family as you could, hoping to fit in with them, and you did. all of his cousins and siblings consider you as a part of the family while James' parents made you call them mom and dad. Albus and Lily both considered you James' better half and were closer to you than they were to James.
"How about this - we'll very obviously have to change our name. so, James, your last name is now Walker. I'll keep my name since I'm a muggle-born and Al? your name is Alfred Walker." You say, tapping the boy softly as he hums in response.
"The real and harder question is. where do we sleep and like live? " You say as you bite your nails –a habit you picked up when you were stressed or deep in thought– James' hand grabs yours and holds it, occasionally rubbing his thumb over your hand in a comforting manner.
"Maybe the room of requirement?" he says, looking over at you.
"Remember the spell I was working on with your dad? I could probably use that, but I'd need an unused or empty room, which people wouldn't use much." you say as you look around, hoping to find an empty room
"Oh right, what even was that spell for," James asks, his hand now gently squeezing yours, trying to end those thoughts running around your mind.
"Well, that spell allowed me to make an exact copy of my house and have it with me wherever I go. I know it seems useless in retrospect, but considering who my boyfriend is. it's good to have on hand." you say, smiling with a teasing tone in my voice,grabbing his hand and kissing it.
James smirks and starts to respond when the painting of the common room suddenly slams open, causing Albus to flinch and sit up. a group of four boys enters, following a girl who seems to be angry
"Lily, it was just a joke." says the boy with the glasses as he follows her aimlessly while the rest of the boys make their way to the sofa when they spot you three.
"Who are you guys." the one with the scar says, crossing his arms around his chest as he scans you all, trying to figure out if he's seen you before
well,this is going to be harder than you guys thought.
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chap two is done! I hope u guys liked it and more chapters coming out soon :) again, if you have any suggestions or tips for me, please do tell as I want to be good at this :) also, the series name is A Love Across Eras.
part three
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weasley--cousins · 2 years
James and Roxanne are besties at Hogwarts
Molly II, Lilly Luna, and Hugo make up what’s commonly referred to as “The Huffle Trio”
Roxanne acts as the house mom in Hufflepuff specifically to said Huffle Trio
Since Lucy was in Slytherin Albus had a lot more protection when he arrived and they became really close
Victoire is a hero to her siblings and cousins; they think she is the most powerful, brave person ever. Teddy on the other hand, has always been the cool oldest cousin that all of them want to be like
Victoire and Teddy are like literally BFFs by the way
Basil was always closest with Roxanne
Lucan, Dom, and Louis love exploring new places together
Lucan tells Louis stories
Backyard quidditch matches were banned the first year Lilly was old enough to play. Yeah don’t put her and James on opposing teams… that same mistake was then made at Hogwarts.
Hermione taught everyone some muggle sports at one point… that was also a bad idea. Ever played Kickball with kids who really like to test their magic?
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diandrarumi · 8 months
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AI generated pics of The Granger-Weasleys. Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Rose Granger-Weasley and Hugo Granger-Weasley.
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mpaoshelle · 1 year
I love drawing Ron and Hermione enjoying their parenthood.💛
What do you think their roles as parents are like? I personally think they are both extremely loving, although Hermione tends to be more practical. Ron is definitely easier for children to manipulate.
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