#Holiday in the Sun 2001
callmeonmyrazr · 11 months
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love this behind the scenes photo of megan fox, mary-kate & ashley olsen, billy aaron brown, austin nichols, & ben easter on the set of holiday in the sun (2001) ☀️🤍
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pedrito-friskito · 1 year
strawberry wine - joel miller x fem!reader
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before - part one
series masterlist | main masterlist | read on ao3
it’s summer in austin, and you and joel meet for the first time.
a/n: the joel miller brain rot is real and your advocate is here to help! masterlist will be up shortly, special thank yous and shout outs to @psychedelic-ink @allfoolsinluv and @gnollengrom for letting me scream about this fic in your dms 🤍 I have thought of little else for the last 48 hours
word count: 3.4k
warnings: MY BLOG IS 18+, MINORS DNI - this part is not explicit but other parts will be, masterlist has further warnings, but no real warnings for this part except a lot of fluff?? and banter?? and I’m obsessed kthanksbyeeeee
✨I no longer have a taglist - if you’d like to be notified of new works/chapters, follow @friskito-library and turn notifications on!✨
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You meet Joel Miller long before the world implodes.
It’s 2001, you’re fresh out of college, relocated to Austin, Texas where your parents have taken over an old hardware store that once belonged to your grandfather. Nowhere else to go and nothing else to do for the time being, you spend most of your time in the store, stocking shelves and chatting with customers, learning the different things the store keeps on hand, what has to be shipped in special order. It’s not much, but it’s something to do; you’re just happy to be back with your family after four long years at college. Sure, you came home for holidays when you could, but it wasn’t the same.
It still isn’t the same, not really.
The house you live in is foreign to you, not the same roof you grew up under. The people are the same, your parents clearly happy to have you back, your little sister overjoyed to have someone in her corner again. Austin is nice, the weather warmer than you’re used to after four years in Michigan, but it’s a welcome change. Summer seems to go on forever, and your weekends are spent basking in the sun, finding new places to explore, wandering the shops that neighbour the hardware store and beyond.
And then one day, everything changes.
You’re stood at the end of one of the aisles, fixing a stubborn display of plaster tubs that won’t stay upright, when you hear the bells over the door chime, announcing the arrival of a customer. You don’t stray far from the display, calling out a good morning! and returning to your work. Your sister is perched behind the register, flipping through an old magazine, and you hear the tell-tale squeak of work boots on the linoleum, the sound now all too familiar to your ears.
The boots move in your direction, but you pay the sound little mind until it grows closer. Most people who come into the store know what they’re looking for, and your parents had been careful to keep everything in the same aisles and shelves they’d been on for the past decade, so as to not disrupt the regular customers. From the corner of your eye, scuffed, dark boots step a little closer, and your eyes drag over from the display, taking in the man before you.
You try really hard not to let your eyes linger everywhere, but it’s hard. He’s…well, he’s hot. Dark hair, dark eyes, patchy facial hair that really shouldn’t work as well as it does. Long legs covered in dark jeans, a t-shirt that’s definitely seen better days and is straining against his broad shoulders and thick arms. It’s a classic look you’ve come to associate with every guy who works construction in Austin, but right off the bat, you know there’s something different about this one.
“Hi there,” he says, his southern drawl not as intense as some other folks you’ve talked to, but still there, coupled with a little quirk to his lips, an almost-smile that makes you instantly desperate to see the full thing.
“Hi,” you breathe out, curling your fingers around the metal shelving in front of you, abandoning the plaster display.
“I’m lookin’ for a quarter-inch drill bit,” he spits, nearly stuttering the request out. You’re stuck still for a moment, absolutely enamoured by the man before you. And it makes your own lips twitch, the way his cheeks flare red and he drops his gaze after a moment, rubs a hand over the back of his neck. “I’m also assuming you work here but I now realize you don’t have a name tag or anything so I’ll just—”
You clap a hand over your chest dramatically. “Shoot. Must have left the stupid thing in the back.” He lifts his head, eyes going wide, the almost-smile returning. “Follow me.”
He follows you like a little lost puppy a few aisles down from where you were standing. He’s taller than you, by nearly a head, those broad shoulders almost blocking out the harsh fluorescent lights overhead. You may or may not let your hips swing a little harder as you walk.
“Any specific brand you’re looking for?” you ask over your shoulder, coming to a stop in front of the pegboard that holds bits of all sorts of sizes. “Or just a quarter-inch?”
“As long as it fits in my drill,” he answers, and you turn to the board, scanning for the right size. You can feel his eyes lingering on you, and you’re basking in it. When you find the right one, you pluck it off the hook and hand it to him. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you say, shoving your hands in the back pockets of your jeans after he takes it from you. “If it doesn’t fit, just bring it back and I’ll make sure you get the right one.”
The corner of his mouth twitches and he looks between you and the little package a few times, tapping it against the flat of his palm. His lips part, like he’s about to say something, but then your sister calls your name and your head snaps up.
“Come on up to the front when you’re ready,” you say, feeling a little bold and touching his arm as you step past him, “and I’ll cash you out.”
He watches you walk away, too.
“I need coffee,” your sister declares as soon as you’re within view of the front counter. “You want anything?”
“Nah, I’m good,” you reply, stepping behind the register, righting a cup of pens that’s fallen over. She slips down from the stool, flipping her magazine shut, and brushes past you, just as a now familiar deep voice reaches your ears.
“Thanks again,” tall, dark, and handsome says, approaching the counter with the drill bit and a tub of plaster from the display you’d been fixing in his hands. Your sister steps around him as he walks up, and turns to look at you over his shoulder, her jaw dropped, giving you two thumbs up. Your cheeks flare with heat, but you ignore it, taking the bit and the plaster when he sees them on the counter. “Are you new here?” he asks, and then rubs his hand up the back of his head, turning sheepish again. “Here being Austin, I mean. Haven’t seen you around before.”
You can’t help but grin back at him. “New-ish. Moved back at the beginning of the summer after I finished college. My parents took over this place after my grandfather died, and I can’t afford rent in the city, so here I am.” You ring up his purchase, tell him his total, and he fishes for his wallet, digging in the front pocket of his jeans. “For now, anyway.”
He presses his lips together as he pulls a twenty out of his wallet and hands it to you. “Maybe I’ll see you around again sometime.”
You punch in the right amount, letting the register drawer hit your hip as it shoots open. “Maybe you will.” You hand him his change, and as you press the bills and coins into his waiting hand, you offer your name with it.
“Joel,” he says by way of answer, and your chest puffs a little with the knowledge. “Miller. Joel Miller.”
Your grin widens. “Well, you have yourself a good day, Joel Miller. Hope I see you soon.”
He takes the bit and the plaster and takes a step backwards, walking directly into a display stand holding rolls of bright green and blue painters tape, sending it toppling to the floor. “Ah, shit, I’m sorry,” he grumbles, and you step around the counter, dropping to your knees, catching the tape as it rolls in a million different directions.
“Don’t worry about it,” you tell him earnestly, righting the stand and getting back to your feet. “Now I have something to do.”
“You sure?” he asks, straightening, his cheeks burning red. “I’m sorry, again.”
“Don’t worry about it, again,” you laugh, gesturing towards the front door. “I’ll see you, Joel.”
“See you,” he replies, tacking your name onto the end, and you have to ignore the way the sound of your name on his lips sends a prickle up the back of your neck.
You watch as he walks out the door, the bell ringing again as he departs, getting into a pick-up truck that has definitely seen better days parked at the curb. He scrubs a hand over his face as he starts the engine, and then turns and looks at you through the glass, lifting a hand in a wave before he pulls away from the store. You lift your hand to return the farewell, and your sister walks through the door a moment later, two coffees in her hands, pushing one into your grip even though you said you didn’t want one. You sip it anyway.
“Who was that?” she asks, bumping her hip into yours.
“Joel Miller.”
He comes into the store nearly every day for a week. Always looking for something new, another drill bit or packages of nails and screws, a hammer, rolls of tape. He’s a carpenter, you learn, and goes bright red when you hint that must mean he’s good with his hands.
Your conversations are always brief, but sweet. He asks what you went to school for, admits he never got past a high school education, laughs when you tell him he seems to be doing pretty well for himself despite that. He shows up one morning with coffees for both you and your sister, and a box of doughnuts, earning a squeal from your sister and a bright thanks Joel from yourself. One afternoon, he’s in a hurry, having run out of drywall screws, cursing that he left his wallet at the job site, and you wave him off, all but pushing him out the door with a new box.
Then Monday rolls around, and you find yourself watching the door, waiting for the bell to signal his arrival. Every time the bell does ring, you jump, stepping out of whatever aisle you’re in, checking to see who’s walked inside. 
“I’m sure he’ll come by tomorrow,” your sister says when the clock hits two and there’s still no sign of him. “He’s probably just busy.”
“I know,” you say, brushing it off best you can.
The rest of the day passes like molasses, the minutes ticking by so slow you’re half sure the clock on the wall is broken. You even go so far as to check the batteries, earning a laugh from your sister. You curse yourself for flinching every time the door opens, doubly so when your father arrives to take over for the evening and you jump so hard you drop the stack of sandpaper boxes in your hands. “Sorry, honey,” he laughs, helping you pick up the boxes. “Long day?”
“Something like that,” you reply, putting the sandpaper on the right shelf before heading for the counter to grab your bag. “See you at home!”
Your father waves without looking, but calls your name before you can walk out the door. “Someone’s at the house, just so you know. Your mother’s home, of course, but I hired a guy to look at the back porch, asked him to fix the light in the hallway too.”
“Shouldn’t you be able to fix that yourself,” you joke with a smile, “since you own a hardware store and all?”
He just waves you off. “Get outta here.”
You laugh, pushing the door open, the bells jingling above your head as you step through. It’s just before dinner time, the sun starting to hang a little lower in the sky. The inside of your car feels like a sauna when you slide into the driver’s seat, and you blast the air conditioning, turning up the radio loud enough you can hear it over the noise. It’s a quick drive from the store to your house, and you’re too distracted by the song that’s playing on the radio to notice the rusty pick-up parked at the curb.
If it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad.
Your mother is sitting in the kitchen when you walk through the door, calling her hellos, and you dump your keys and bag before bee-lining for the bathroom. The house is all one level, one bathroom shared between the four of you, and you flick on the light, turn on the shower, strip down quickly. The warm water is a balm for the long day, the tension that had been sitting between your shoulders melting away beneath the spray.
You wrap yourself in a towel afterward, collecting your clothes from the floor before flicking the light off again. You’re still humming the song from the radio as you open the door, wiping a drop of water from your cheek and—
“Shit!” he mumbles, dropping the screwdriver in his hand. He’s standing right outside the bathroom, balanced on a step-stool. Fixing the light; you remember what your father had said. You’re instantly flushed, starkly aware of the fact that you’re basically naked except for a towel, dripping water and your underwear is basically dangling from your hand. “I’m sor—fuck!” The stool wobbles and out of instinct, you grab for him, planting your hand on his stomach. He’s reaching over his head still, and the bottom of your hand meets bare skin, his t-shirt riding up slightly.
“You good?” you ask, pressing your lips together as he balances himself. You move your hand, carefully bending your knees and picking up the screwdriver from where it landed on the floor. “Here.”
“Thank you,” he says softly, taking it from you, jaw working as he chews the inside of his lip. His cheeks are as red as your whole body feels. “Sorry, I’m—”
“I should go!” you say quickly, and side-step him, bolting out of the bathroom doorway and straight into your bedroom, the door slamming shut behind you. Your clothes tumble to the ground as soon as you’re inside, clapping a hand over your mouth as the towel nearly slips off of you. “Oh my god.”
You open the store by yourself the next day, your sister claiming she has the flu, your father with a golf game he can’t miss, and your mother with ‘far too many things to do around the house’. You don’t mind it; it’s usually quiet in the mornings, with the exception of the week of Joel, where he’d shown up at nine o’clock nearly on the dot each day.
Once your father got home last night, you’d all but interrogated him. Turns out, Joel had stopped by the store late the night before, walking in just before closing, and he and your dad got to talking. When the subject of the creaky back porch and the broken hallway light came up, Joel had offered his services, and your father had accepted.
A minute after you’ve flipped the sign from closed to open and unlocked the door, a now-familiar pick-up truck pulls up to the parking spot outside the curb. You inhale sharply, nerves and embarrassment in your gut, and you turn away from the door, heading towards the counter, you back to the door as it jingles open.
Joel Miller calls your name. You nearly freeze, but continue your steps until you’re safely behind the counter. You hear his boots squeak on the floor as he approaches, but you can’t bring yourself to lift your head until he’s standing right in front of you, saying your name again.
“Morning, Joel.”
“About yesterday,” he says instantly, a hand reached into the space between you, landing in a loose fist on the countertop. “I had no idea that you were—that it would—” He blows out a breath, ducking his head before meeting your eyes. “I’m sorry, is what I’m tryin’ to say.”
“Y’know, I usually make a man buy me dinner before he sees me half-naked,” you say, the line rolling off your tongue before you can stop yourself. Joel balks, and you clap a hand over your mouth, nervous giggles pouring out of you. “Oh my god, that was cheesy, I’m sorry. And it’s okay, for the record. I should have checked the hallway before I walked out.”
He laughs, you laugh, and the idea sparks in your mind. Your hands move of their own accord, reaching for a pen and a scrap of receipt paper. You scribble out your phone number, accompanied by a little smiley face after the last digit.
“Here,” you say, pushing the paper across the counter, nudging his hand with your own. “Why don’t you take this, and maybe we can see each other someplace besides the paint aisle or outside my bathroom.” When he doesn’t answer right away, that sick feeling of rejection crawls up your throat, and you nearly snatch the paper back. “Or we could just pretend it never happened.”
“Can’t do that,” he murmurs, and his voice is so low and inviting you can’t help but lean across the counter slightly. His eyes dart to the clock on the wall and he curses under his breath. “Shit, I’m gonna be late.” He grabs the paper, folding it up and tucking it into the pocket on his t-shirt. “I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Okay,” you reply, nodding, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as he touches his hand to yours, fingers glancing over your wrist before he pulls away. He steps backward again, eyes not leaving yours. Thankfully there’s no display in his path for him to topple over, but he only looks away when he reaches the door, that almost-smile you’ve been chasing since the first day you met spreading into a full-blown grin that sends butterflies shooting through your stomach. “Bye, Joel.”
“Bye,” he replies, your name a near-whisper afterward.
As soon as the door shuts, the tinkle of bells echoing, you slump across the counter with a squeal. The bells ding again a second later, and you shoot upright, schooling your face into a normal-looking smile and greeting the customer that’s just walked through the door.
It’s nearly ten o’clock that night, when your phone rings.
You’re lounging in bed, a book propped against your knees, Sheryl Crowe crooning out of your stereo. The robotic ring makes you jump, and you hit the answer button quickly, lifting the phone to your ear.
“Sorry, I know it’s late,” Joel says, and you smile, sinking deeper into the pillows. “Had a long day, and I almost didn’t call, but I really wanted to.”
“I’m glad you did,” you reply, letting the book fall shut on your lap. “What made your day so long?”
It’s easy conversation, the two of you chatting for a good hour. He talks about the job site he’s been working at, his brother that works with him, how his truck nearly broke down when he went to leave, making him late to get home. The call only comes to an end when you’re both making each other yawn, mumbling apologies every time.
“I should let you get some sleep,” Joel nearly whispers, his voice so soft through the phone you barely hear it. “Didn’t mean to keep you up so late.”
“I’m sure you can make it up to me,” you quip, rolling onto your side, keeping the phone pressed to your ear. “But I like talking to you, just for the record.”
“I like talking to you, too,” he replies, and you can hear the grin in his voice. “Just for the record.”
“Are you making fun of me?” you ask, faking shock. He laughs.
“Nah, I just like the way you talk, darlin’,” he says, and the pet name makes you shiver. “I’ll let you go.”
“You didn’t ask,” you say quickly, and he pauses, dead air on the line for a moment.
“I said you could make it up to me,” you tell him, rolling onto your back, glancing out the window at the moon, big and white in the dark sky. “That was your opening to ask me out.”
Another pause, and you’re holding your breath, chewing your lip.
“Have dinner with me on Friday?”
You hum, beaming into the phone. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Joel barks a laugh, the biggest one you’ve gotten out of him yet, and you smile harder. “You’re trouble.”
“You’re the one having dinner with me,” you shoot back, and he laughs again, softer this time. “Goodnight, Joel.”
You can tell he’s still smiling. “Goodnight.”
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 days
a list of some summer movies/series 🌞
hi hi hi!! it's just me, your friendly neighbourhood little organisation freak of a goblin here to give you yet again a list of some seasonal movies and series. this time, say it with me folks, summer! as always, just close your eyes and point somewhere on this little list, or even put the numbers in a generator and go with whatever the result is ♡
autumn | winter | spring
🐚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ movies ⋅˚₊‧
roman holiday (1953)
jaws (1975)
friday the 13th (1980)
Indiana jones (1981-)
dirty dancing (1987)
the princess bride (1987)
paris is burning (1990)
point break (1991)
jurassic park (1993-)
before sunrise (1995)
a goofy movie (1995)
clueless (1995)
birdcage (1996)
boogie nights (1997)
i know what you did last summer (1997)
my best friend's wedding (1997)
parent trap (1998)
bilboard dad (1998)
tarzan (1999)
the talented mr. ripley (1999)
10 things I hate about you (1999)
the mummy (1999)
cast away (2000)
almost famous (2000)
our lips are sealed (2000)
charlie’s angels (2000 + 2003)
holiday in the sun (2001)
the wedding planner (2001)
the fast and furious franchise (2001-)
princess diaries (2001-2004)
lilo and stitch (2002)
blue crush (2002)
crossroads (2002)
how to lose a guy in 10 days (2003)
under the tuscan sun (2003)
the lizzie mcguire movie (2003)
pirates of the caribbean franchise (2003-2017)
sisterhood of the traveling pants (2005-2008)
monster in law (2005)
aquamarine (2006)
she’s the man (2006)
the cheetah girls 2 (2006)
high school musical 2 (2007)
camp rock (2008)
forgetting sarah marshell (2008)
vicky cristina barcelona (2008)
fool's gold (2008)
mamma mia (2008 + 2018)
adventureland (2009)
bride wars (2009)
hannah montana the movie (2009)
the last song (2010)
letters to juliet (2010)
eat pray love (2010)
one day (2011+2024)
a little bit of heaven (2011)
soul surfer (2011)
the impossible (2012)
magic mike (2012+2025+2023)
the big wedding (2013)
lovelace (2013)
endless love (2014)
chef (2014)
the longest ride (2015)
mad max: fury road (2015)
the shallows (2016)
it (2017)
girls trip (2017)
baywatch (2017)
jumanji: welcome to the jungle (2017)
gifted (2017)
call me by your name (2017)
crazy rich asians (2018)
adrift (2018)
ibiza (2018)
every day (2018)
bad times at the el royale (2018)
tomb raider (2018)
the red sea diving resort (2019)
midsommar (2019)
we summon the darkness (2019)
spider-man: far from home (2019)
the devil all the time (2020)
palm springs (2020)
the last letter from your lover (2021)
raya and the last dragon (2021)
luca (2021)
uncharted (2022)
glass onion (2022)
do revenge (2022)
the lost city (2022)
the gray man (2022)
death on the nile (2022)
barbie (2023)
bottoms (2023)
anyone but you (2023)
la passion de dodin bouffant (2023)
road house (2024)
the challengers (2024)
players (2024)
🍦 ‧₊˚ ⋅ series ⋅˚₊‧
the o.c. (2003-2007)
america's next top model (2003-2018)
project runway (2004-)
h2o: just add water (2006-2010)
gossip girl (2007-2012)
private practice (2007-2013)
rupaul’s drag race (2009-)
the walking dead (2010-2022)
new girl (2011-2018)
the fosters (2013-2018)
black-ish (2014-2022)
jane the virgin (2014-2019)
grace and frankie (2015-2022)
critical role (2015-)
stranger things (2016-)
the durrells (2016-2019)
big little lies (2017-2019)
she's gotta have it (2017-2019)
the bold type (2017-2021)
queer eye (2018-)
station 19 (2018-2024)
euphoria (2019-)
roswell, new mexico (2019-2022)
valeria (2020-2023)
911: lone star (2020-)
outer banks (2020-)
bridgerton (2020-)
sex/life (2021-2023)
the white lotus (2021-2025)
daisy jones and the six (2023)
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sxrrandomfanfics · 6 months
(Author's note: This takes place in December of 2001, which is the same year canonically that PN1 was. And since PN2 was a few days after PN1, there's no need for a timeskip! This is specifically celebrating Sankta Lucia day, a celebration I used to take part in with my Step-Grandfather. While not swedish or italian myself, he was from sweden and celebrated with the scandanavian club where he lived in the states. I wanted to take the time to think about characters celebrating Sankta Lucia day, and with the International part of Psychonauts I figured, why not explore different holidays?)
Lili woke up only with the sun, and she slept when the sun went down. On most days. Sure, she was waking up "late" today due to the sunrise, but it still rose at 6:50 am on the dot. The sky was already a lovely purple and she still had plenty of time before she needed to get ready for night time festivities.
December was WILD in the Motherlobe. So many agents coming in and out and different holidays spent different ways.
The Menorah was in the Atrium first and foremost, brought in during the latter-half of November. The Christmas Tree went up on the First of December. Same with the shoes to prepare for St. Nicholas's Day. The Kinara was up a week after the Christmas tree.
She might not have been good with geography, but someone would burn if they assumed that Lili wasn't "cultured." Her mother may or may not have an issue with it, but normally Lili got to spend all of her time at the Motherlobe due to her SAD affecting her moods.
She made sure to bring out her dress for tonight's festivities. White, a color she normally didn't wear, with a red ribbon belt. Lili put it on to make sure it could still fit. She stuck her tongue out a bit as she measured her limbs. A bit short for her arms, but she could make it work.
"You know, you don't have to put that on until tonight." Truman told her.
She scoffed, almost sounding like a hiss. "I know dad. Just checking it. We'll need a new one next year."
"Next year? Not this year? Because you know I'm willing to go out and-"
Lili groaned. "I don't want to dress shop for another plain white robe dress today, dad."
"Alright, my little Pumpkin." Truman walked away, letting Lili put on her other clothes for the day.
Lili hadn't expected Raz's return from the mission this early, but she wasn't complaining. She nearly tackled him as he was staring at the menorah, five of the candles already lit.
He squeezed her tight. "Missed you, too."
She gave a tighter squeeze before letting go.
Raz began to walk, grabbing Lili's hand for the two to leave the atrium.
"How'd the mission go?" Lili asked.
Raz smiled. "Pretty good. Despite the fact we had to kind of rush it."
"Rush it?"
Raz rubbed the back of his neck. "Mom would kill me if I missed Lucia night."
"Wait, you celebrate that, too?"
"Not really on my dad's side, but mom's side." Raz explained.
"Oh! Well that's great cause we're setting up for our Sankta Lucia celebration!"
"You do that?"
"Yeah! That's why we have the candelabras framing the Christmas tree, duh!"
"I get the candles, but candelabras?"
"No, the Motherlobe tries to celebrate as many holidays as we can to include other psychics and their cultures. I'm a genuine Carmen Sandiego!"
"Carmen Sandiego knows maps, not cultures."
Lili froze at that. "Oh, shut up!"
Raz burst into laughter. "I knew it, you haven't played the games yet!"
"Shut up or I'll punch you!"
Raz giggled. "I don't think I can stop laughter on command, Lili."
Lili huffed, eyebrows furrowing. She got a thought that made her face relax a bit, only to get a devious smirk. "No, you have others that can get you to laugh, though."
"What do you mean?"
Lili raised her other hand, making a single wave of her fingers.
Raz stared, seemed to get it, then bolted towards the Artifacts closet.
"C'mere, Raz!" Lili jeered. The two ran in, Lili chasing Raz only through the beginning part. The space may have been cramped, but he was slippery and able to jump high. Lili could focus just enough and-
A purple TK hand grabbed Raz by the collar. "Hey, no TK hands! That's che-heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!"
Lili only had to pinch the skin behind his knee to get him to squeal. "All is fair in love and war, Razputin." Lili told him with a teasing tone.
Lili did so, letting Raz drop.
"Mean." He accused.
Lili's face dropped and Raz quickly got up.
"Sorry, sorry. Bad joke." He hugged her.
Lili huffed. "Really bad."
He turned his head slightly, pressing a closed mouth kiss onto her neck. "I love you."
Lili squeezed him. "Love you, too."
The two settled, taking seats on top of boxes.
"You should come to our Lucia celebration." Lili told Raz.
"Really? Mom's... really particular-"
"It's fun and easy. All the kids and some teens get to go and dress up, away from some of the boring adult parts, and then we come in dressed up with candles. Well, you're a boy so you'd have a giant star you wave around instead of a real candle."
"Ah, so I'd be the star of the show?"
Lili elbowed him in the ribs.
Lili took in a shaky breath. She was trying to steady her nerves, like Helmut usually did. Usually, it would be the oldest girl playing Lucia, but Lili hadn't expected such a low turnout of kids. Probably cause of Coach's-
"Lili?" Her best friend, Dogen, was by her side. He was dressed in the little Starboy uniform. "You look like you're gonna be sick."
"Sick!? Sick!? I'm not sick I can't be sick!"
"Sure you can. Everyone gets sick once 'n a while."
"No, I can't be sick for Lucia Night!"
"You sure...?"
"Yeah. I'm not gonna be sick."
"...you're gonna sing tonight, right?"
"Yes I'm supposed to sing tonight thank you for reminding me Dogen." Lili said in one breath.
"Oh, you're scared about it, huh?"
"I wasn't supposed to be the one singing this until I was 14 Dogen! I'm 10!"
"So you are scared?"
"I'm worried. I don't want to mess this up."
"So why don't you ask someone else to do it?"
"Because people will get mad, Dogen. Sankta Lucia has been done a very specific way all this time-"
"I'm here!" Raz's voice suddenly said. "Is there any costumes I can get into?"
"Yes, darling!" Milla's voice rang, "we have plenty still."
Lili felt her anxiety spike. Her palms and face were sweaty.
"I'M FINE." Lili snapped. "Sorry, Dogen. I just..." She let out a breath.
"It's okay... It's okay to be worried."
"I just don't want to mess up in front of everyone. Let alone including Raz and his family in that crowd."
"You sing good though."
Lili sighed with a mix of exasperation and admiration for her friend's support. "Thank you for that comment Dogen but my nerves are still on the fritz."
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01sentencereviews · 6 months
Nov 2023
A Happening in Central Park (1968, Robert Scheerer)
Spirited Away (2001, Hayao Miyazaki)
Theorem (1968, Pier Paolo Pasolini)
Lady Gaga and the Muppets Holiday Spectacular (2013, Gregg Gelfand)
Sibyl (2019, Justine Triet)
Silver Bullet (1985, Daniel Attias)
Duel (1971, Steven Spielberg)
Yuki’s Sun (1972, Hayao Miyazaki)
New Releases:
The Boy and the Heron (Hayao Miyazaki)
Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor (Stephen Cognetti)
The Holdovers (Alexander Payne)
The Killer (David Fincher)
Master Gardener (Paul Schrader)
Monster (Hirokazu Kore-eda)
Napoleon (Ridley Scott)
Our Home Out West (Drew Tobia)
Priscilla (Sofia Coppola)
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Thanksgiving (Eli Roth)
When Evil Lurks (Demián Rugna)
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neonwizardheehee · 1 year
MCYTBLR Holiday exchange
@ghastspidergwen your Secret Santa is bringing you a little superhero AU !!
I am no writer but an AU hardly works without some explanation so I had to sit down and think of something for my playlist to make sense XD If it reads like a Wikipedia article then yeah that's why XD
Big thanks to @mcytblrholidayexchange for organizing and managing this! It was a pleasure taking part and seeing the gifts now <3
But first let me introduce you to our hero and main gift: Grien the mysterious moustachied superhero!
Yes we're going for 100 Hours Hardcore crew so here is what I envisioned for the story:
MCYTBLR Holiday Exchange
The story of Grien the mysterious superhero
SMP: 100 hours hardcore After a long day of observing Scar trying to do an MLG water bucket trick and ultimately having to make a fort out of all the beds he and Joel managed to carry, Grian flops himself down onto one of the mattresses when the sun begins to set. There he lies with Scar and Joel still jumping down from various heights around him. He falls asleep and dreams of a time where he truly had the powers to protect Scar…
It’s the Christmas Eve of 2001, an 8-year-old boy named Grian wakes up from his sleep due to his cold and rummaging in front of his window. With a cough, he gets up from his bed to check out the disturbance. Outside he finds a bearded figure dangling outside the window of his family’s apartment and helps them come into his bedroom. The mysterious person is wearing a long red coat that matches along brown beard, magnificent hair paired with fiery red eyes. He introduces himself as Wizard Joel but in Grian minds, he is Santa; albeit wilder than he imagined him to be. The little boy gives him milk anyways which the Wizard gladly drinks and afterwards his eyes seem to not be on fire anymore and he smiles at the boy. Joel reveals that he accidentally set off a trap for a device he was building and enlists Grian to help complete it. While they walk to the rooftop Grian asks “Santa” a lot of questions about his powers and compares them to his knowledge of superheroes. Joel gladly shows off and talks about his travels far and wide and the wonders of magic he can conduct. On the rooftop Grian finds a huge and complicated machine whose intention he cannot fathom but wanders after the Wizard who seems to be set on finishing his build. The Wizard talks about a lot of technical things and explains them to Grian who solemnly nods along. He coughs more often now exposed to the uncozy weather and the Wizard gives him a glowing piece of jelly which he swallows. Several minutes of shivering and complicated explanations later Joel asks Grian to hand him the glowstone. The boy looks at him with surprise, for he has taken this glowstone to be medicine for his cold. In that moment Grian’s body begins to shine and wings form on his back. He excitedly flaps them and starts to levitate above ground. Joel is shocked and makes Grian come down to explain to him that the glowstone is a wishing jelly. Grian’s mind subconsciously chooses his superheroes and now little Grian has their powers. Nevertheless, Wizard Joel makes him promise to not use his new superpowers before he leaves.
The Wizard returns to London in 2022 with Lizzie, his murderous wither killer and wife, to investigate Area 77, a multinational research company. Upon spying on the company, they encounter a quirky owner of a mystery-podcast, Scar, who is conducting a similar investigation for a new episode. Scar marvels at Joel for bringing snacks to a takeout to which according to Joel is a sign of a professional at work. The group discovers that Area 77 is being secretly run by robot brains that transplant themselves into any living creature they need for their plans. They witness the conversion of the company owner called Jimmy from a human brain to a robot brain by the hand of an already converted member, Scott. With his now heightened senses the robot brain inside Jimmy discovers the spies and threatens to convert them too. Scott and Jimmy chase Joel, Scar and Lizzie around until they have them at gunpoint. Suddenly the walls break and a figure flies inside not bothered by bullets or shattering materials around them. Scar screams with delight as he recognizes the figure as the town’s very own superhero called Grien. The superhero with colourful wings and a moustache fights Jimmy and Scott until they hide away. Scar retells story after story about the mysterious Grien, fighting evil by moonlight and his secret double life by daylight. He’s very much a topic in Scar’s mystery-podcast for he is curious about Grien’s secret identity. Soon after Grien joins the group and Scar starts to fire questions at him to secure him for an interview for his podcast. To everyone’s surprise the moustached man accepts the interview and even offers to fly Scar home, who jumps in delight at being lifted into the night sky. He gets transported very close to his home which impresses Scar and fuels his imagination about the powers of Grien. The superhero says his goodbye as he must attend another emergency and Scar wishes him luck and sends him off.
Instead of another emergency Grien flies through the window on the back wall of Scar’s house and transforms back into Grian, a 29-year-old boy without a moustache, only to find himself in front of the angry faces of Wizard Joel and Lizzie. They tracked him down via the glowstone in his body and are angry at him for using his accidental superpowers. Grian tries to explain the situation but gets interrupted by the door being opened and a familiar voice asking about his whereabouts. He rushes out of the room and Joel’s and Lizzie’s jaws fall on the floor as Scar enters the flat and rushes to pet his cat Jellie. Grian mentions that he is cat-sitting Jellie for Scar and Joel rolls his eyes so hard even Lizzie is concerned. After an initial cuddling session with Jellie, Scar notices the two new people in his apartment and recognizes them from earlier this evening. Scar motions the Wizard to come over and sit in a dusty corner with him where he pulls out a squeaky toy figurine of a creeper that he calls “Bob, the Building Inspector”. He interrogates Joel about his intentions and uses Bob as a stress toy to get the Wizard to answer. Joel reveals to him that the robot brains colonise planets by taking control of their prominent leaders, with Earth being their next target.
Leaving Scar to prepare for his interview with Grian’s alter ego, Joel and Lizzie track down the robot’s ship in a low orbit and board it via their magic. Scott senses them there and they discover that the ship's reactor is in a critical state and realise from Scott that he intends to drop it on London. Remembering an observation made by Lizzie, Joel realises the city would be vaporised except for the Area 77 building. World leaders would then take shelter in the company's other buildings within each capital city, believing Earth was under attack, effectively allowing the robot brains to take them over. 
Meanwhile Scar is led by Grien to the rooftop that is decorated nicely with candles, flowers and a basket with food and drinks. They sit down and Scar starts to ask Grien about how he copes with his double life, his powers and intentions. Suddenly they are interrupted by Jimmy and two other robot brains called Oli and Fwhip who threaten Scar so they can convert Grien’s brain into a robot one too. Luckily Grien activates his superpowers and manages to free himself from Jimmy’s grip. Having only one hostage left, Jimmy sends Oli and Fwhip downstairs to grab Jellie as a second hostage. Before they reach the door Grian chimes in to protect Jellie from any harm. Scar is very impressed until Grian gets captured as well.
At the same time onboard the ship where Joel and Lizzie are currently trying to save the earth, they can only manage to get in contact with Scott for some questions. After Scott let it slip that the ship is to be dropped at a designated time, Joel uses this piece of information for a change of plans. Lizzie is not amused and scared when Joel forces its descent ahead of schedule and crashes towards London. He manages to contact Grian due to his superhearing abilities and warn him about the ship that’s going to destroy his beloved town. Jimmy screams in fear that it’s too soon and they all prepare for impact. But the impact never comes. When Scar opens his eyes he sees Grian holding the ship up with his bare hands and finally connects the dots that the mysterious Grien he’s so interested in is in fact his cat-sitter Grian. Said person only shrugs his shoulders and turns around upon hearing the Wizard arrive. Joel congratulates him and takes Jimmy, Oli and Fwhip captive not without reminding Grian to throw the ship into a nearby sun so it can’t do any harm. Grian follows suit but not before Scar gives him a long hug and says that he always preferred his cat-hero.
With a smile on his face Grian wakes up to find Scar and Joel sleeping. With so many beds around them as cushions to prevent Scar from dying they easily found a place to sleep as well. Knowing he did his best and promising himself he’ll keep an eye out for Scar, Grian smiles to himself and carries on with his day.
And with that I hope it makes you smile a bit and lets you have a good day!!! Merry Christmas it was a joy talking to you the past weeks and get to know you!
(yes, the story is from the Doctor Who Christmas Special "The Return of Doctor Mysterio" - if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it (it's watchable without any Doctor Who knowledge) to have a bit more banter, feels, laughs and visuals for this AU)
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cafecitowriter · 1 year
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I posted 2,022 times in 2022
39 posts created (2%)
1,983 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,015 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#steggy - 320 posts
#peggy carter - 79 posts
#adorable - 56 posts
#steve rogers - 54 posts
#i love this - 49 posts
#star wars - 39 posts
#lmao - 36 posts
#i love them - 34 posts
#eternals - 31 posts
#eternals spoilers - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i literally had to block someone who drew aos fanart because they made may daisy and elena look as white as jemma in everything they made
My Top Posts in 2022:
mi pedazo de sol
Summary: Sarah Carter-Rogers tries to keep her chin up as she returns back home to celebrate her parents' 25th wedding anniversary in the wake of her own personal turmoil.
A/N: Written for Steggy Week 2022 Day 5: Domestic Bliss, featuring family in all its forms, with a focus on one of Steve and Peggy's kids in particular.
While this work is part of the Stars' Verse, this can be read as a standalone story. All you need to know it's an alternate branch universe post-Endgame where Steve and Peggy had three children: Sarah, Isabel, and Nathaniel, who all inherited some of Steve's enhancements to varying extents.
Title taken from Tacones Rojos by Sebastián Yatra. It means "my piece of sun".
Shout out to @steggyfanevents for hosting this event!
Read on AO3
Steve walked into the bedroom after having brushed his teeth and washed his face, smiling at the sight on the bed. Peggy was dressed in one of his pyjama shirts (the worn out blue checkered one) and held a book in her hand that she was ignoring in favour of pursing her lips at an undetermined point just above their shared dresser.
“So… not a fan of Carrie?” Steve joked lightly as he approached the bed. He knew Peggy well enough to know that startling her - no matter how unwittingly - could be dangerous.
“Mm?” Peggy hummed, looking up at him before her eyes flicked to the book in her hand. “Oh, actually I’m afraid I haven’t started reading it yet.”
“That bad, huh?”
Peggy lightly smacked his chest as he settled into bed beside her, but shuffled over regardless, discarding the book carelessly on her nightstand in favour of curling up against him.
“I was just thinking about this weekend, our anniversary dinner.”
“Should I be worried that after 25 years you’re thinking this hard about our anniversary?”
“Only if you keep trying to be funny,” she quipped.
26 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Just One Thing (Chapter 8/8)
Chapter Title: All I want for Christmas
Chapter Summary: Peggy gets her wish (again). This time, she knows exactly what she needs to do.
Fic Summary: 16 year old Peggy Carter hates change. Change has only ever caused her trouble and made life harder. Which is why when one day, her best friend Steve confesses something that has the potential to change their dynamic forever, she makes a wish that she hopes will help her solve everything.
Because adults have everything figured out... Right?
A holiday version of 13 Going on 30 (more like 16 going on 36) Steggy Secret Santa ( @steggyfanevents​ ) present for @thesokovianaccords​. Inspired by the movie and this iconic AU gifset by @beautifulwhensarcastic
A/N: This ridiculously long final chapter/epilogue is brought to you by me not having any self-restraint whatsoever in terms of picking which scenes to keep and which to leave out, so consider this a director's cut-esque chapter. This was written with a lot of love for a super awesome person. Many thanks to Darcy for catching my mistakes and consistency errors.
Finally, Livia, happy belated holidays, and I really hope you've enjoyed this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it.
Read Chapter 8 here
Read from the beginning on AO3
Chapter Preview:
December 2001
“And well… you’re my true north, Peggy.”
Peggy’s hands froze. Her hands, that were slimmer and smaller and that had glitter nail polish on her fingernails, not bright red. She slowly looked up from the compass. It was nighttime, but she was no longer on aunt Lizzy’s couch. She was outside, close to the football field of Midwood high school.
And Steve was here, right in front of her. But he wasn’t 6 feet tall with broad shoulders and he certainly didn’t have a beard. He was 16 again, wearing his blue suit and nervous smile. Looking just like he did when he…
“Steve what… what are you saying?” she whispered.
He took a deep breath, and brought his hands out of his pockets just for him to stuff them back in again.
“I love you, Peggy.” Steve confessed, his voice shaking slightly.
“What?” she breathed out.
“I love you,” he repeated. “I’m pretty sure I’ve loved you since you punched Hodge on the first day of the first grade for picking on me.”
His words made Peggy want to cry tears of joy. She was back. It really worked and she was 16 again. This was her second chance. Slowly, her mouth grew into a large grin.
“Steve!” she squealed, tackling him into a huge hug.
Unfortunately for both of them, Peggy momentarily forgot that Steve no longer had the strength of giant muscles to support them both, especially since she caught him by surprise. The force of her hug had knocked Steve backwards, taking her along with him. They landed with a collective grunt, Peggy trying to readjust herself so she was hovering over Steve instead of crushing him beneath her.
“Ow,” he groaned, furrowing his eyebrows in pain.
“Sorry,” she said, looking down at him with a large smile.
“So is this your way of telling me I ruined everything or…?”
33 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
in silent screams and wildest dreams
Summary: Steve Rogers has been plagued by nightmares of death his entire life; his father’s and his mother’s, most of the time his own. Visions of blood and war and illness are the most prominent things in his life when he closes his eyes. At night he regularly dances with the Grim Reaper when she appears, flirting with countless outcomes of how his own demise will occur night after night.
Until he joins the army and meets Agent Carter.
Written for Steggy Week Day 2: Favourite Era, inspired by this ask from @thesokovianaccords and my love of war-time era Steggy.
Shout out to @steggyfanevents for hosting this event!
Read on AO3
Steve has been plagued by nightmares his entire life.
The night terrors began during his toddler years, and never left him as he got older. At first, the only part of his dreams that followed him into consciousness was a strong burning sensation in his eyes and on his skin, as though his entire body was on fire. Steve would wake up night after night shaking and gasping for air, never knowing the reason why. As he grew up, he was finally able to remember the images that haunted him ceaselessly.
It was visions of his father, who had died of mustard gas before Steve was even born. In these dreams Steve never heard a sound but he could smell the gas, see his father’s face as he inhaled the poisonous fumes.
Steve never told his ma the details of what he saw. She had enough to worry about without being concerned that Steve was having visions of his father’s death every night. He got better at hiding the fact that he was still having these nightmares - just enough that his ma thought that he finally grew out of them.
He kept a book under his pillow filled with sketches that he drew every morning when he woke up, trying to make sense of it all. Maybe if he understood them, they would stop.
But they never did.
36 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
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1.1 - Fluff
Comforts of Home by @teaandatale
Quiet moments caring for each other at home are one of the luxuries that Steve and Peggy treasure as they move into a life together.
This is one of the softest fics I’ve read and I adore it
1.2 - Reread an Old Favourite
S’Wonderful, S’Marvelous by @teaandatale​
Peggy’s been dreading her company’s weeklong business retreat at an upstate ski lodge until she makes an unexpected acquaintance.
I don’t know what to say other than despite the fact that I don’t tend to read winter/Christmas fics outside of November-February, I reread this one at least three times a year and it never fails to bring me comfort even if it is the dead of summer
1.3 - Captain America Adventure Hour
That Swell Liberty Gal Carrying A Torch For You by Redrikki
Angie was sure that skinny Steve had been a real swell guy, but there was no way he'd been good enough for her Peggy.
A series of conversations makes her change her mind.
I am a huge fan of any fics where Angie realizes who Peggy’s lost soldier is, and this one is no exception
1.4 - Trauma
I knew nothing but shadows by @beautifulwhensarcastic
Children of Thanos aren't meant to care for the life they had before Father took them in. Neither Nomad nor Margaret remember much of Terra for it to matter anyway, or to feel any kind of connection between them. Truthfully, they'd sooner cut the other's throat than bond.
Nothing says trauma like being a child of Thanos. Justine layers the trauma - and subsequent healing - in a beautiful way. Featuring enemies to lovers
1.5 - Cohabitation
Someone to watch over me by rachellovesligers
Steve tries to distract himself while Peggy's on a mission, but he's there to take care of her when she returns.
Technically Steve and Peggy aren’t living together, but they’re at each other’s apartments enough that they may as well be
2.1 - Double Steve or Peggy
like the way you burn by @formerlyir / irony_rocks
Soulmate mark AU. Peggy thinks about the mark, the compass. She thinks about the providence behind its appearance alongside Project Rebirth. It's only the beginning to a series of events destined to change her life and the fate of the future.
See the full post
47 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Right Partner - Steggy Netflix Series
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See the full post
221 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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derekfoxwit · 1 year
The Best Picture Oscar My Way (1951-1979)
Here is Part 3 of my “Best Picture My Way” series. The last two are found here. My stipulations can be found in Part 1.
For convenience sake, I’ll relay this message. For Best Picture, I’m only gonna list the nominated producer for newly added films (here’s the Wikipedia page for the rest). I will mostly go with the ones credited as “produced by” or “p.g.a.” (if the latter is shown) on IMDB as the nominees. Limit is five.
Also, if you’re wondering why there are more years listed here than the other two, that’ll be answered in the next part.
Rashomon - Minoru Jingo
Ace in the Hole - Billy Wilder
A Place in the Sun
Strangers on a Train - Alfred Hitchcock
A Street Called Desire
High Noon
Forbidden Games - Robert Dorfmann
Singing in the Rain - Arthur Freed
Moulin Rogue
The Quiet Man
Roman Holiday
From Here to Eternity
The Big Heat - Robert Arthur
The Stalag 17 - Billy Wilder
On the Waterfront (still)
Rear Window - Alfred Hitchcock
The Caine Mutiny
Dial M for Murder - Alfred Hitchcock
Johnny Guitar - Nicholas Ray
Marty (still)
The Night of the Hunter - Paul Gregory
Rebel Without a Cause - David Weisbart
The Long Grey Line - Robert Arthur
Mister Roberts
Tea and Sympathy - Pandro S. Berman
The Ten Commandments
The Killing - James B. Harris
The Searchers - Patrick Ford
The Bridge on the River Kwai (still)
12 Angry Men
Nights of Cabiria - Dino De Laurentiis
Witness for the Persecution
The Seventh Seal - Allan Ekelund
Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock
Mon Oncle - Jacques Tati
Touch of Evil - Albert Zugsmith
Auntie Mame
The Defiant Ones
Ben-Hur (still)
Anatomy of a Murder
North by Northwest - Alfred Hitchcock
Some Like It Hot - Billy Wilder
The Diary of Anne Frank
The Apartment (still)
Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock
Elmer Gantry
The Magnificent Seven - John Sturges
The Alamo
West Side Story (still)
Through a Glass Darkly - Allan Ekelund
The Hustler
Judgment at Nuremberg
Breakfast at Tiffany’s - Martin; Jurow; Richard Shepherd
Lawrence of Arabia (still)
To Kill a Mockingbird
Mutiny on the Bounty
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - Willis Goldbeck
The Longest Day
8 1/2 - Angelo Rizzoli
The Great Escape - John Sturges
Lillies of the Field
America, America
Mary Poppins
Dr. Strangelove
My Fair Lady
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg - Mag Bodard
Woman in the Dunes - Kiichi Ichikawa; Tadashi Ono
The Sound of Music (still)
Doctor Zhivago
A Patch of Blue - Pandro S. Berman; Guy Green
Ship of Fools
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woof?
A Man for All Seasons
The Professionals - Richard Brooks
The Sand Pebbles
A Man and A Woman - Claude Lelouch
Persona - Ingmar Bergman
The Graduate
The Jungle Book - Walt Disney
In The Heat of the Night
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
2001: A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick
Funny Girl
The Lion in Winter
Rosemary’s Baby - William Castle
Midnight Cowboy (still)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
The Wild Bunch - Phil Feldman
Easy Rider - Peter Fonda
Patton (still)
Five Easy Pieces
Love Story
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion - Marina Cicogna; Daniele Senatore
The French Connection (still)
The Last Picture Show
McCabe & Mrs. Miller - Mitchell Brower; David Foster
A Clockwork Orange
Fiddler on the Roof
The Godfather (still)
The Emigrants
The Heartbreak Kid - Edgar J. Scherick
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie - Serge Silberman
Cries and Whispers
The Sting
The Exorcist
American Graffiti
Paper Moon - Peter Bogdanovich
The Godfather Part II (still)
A Woman Under the Influence - Sam Shaw
The Conversation
Blazing Saddles - Michael Hertzberg
1975 (kept the same)
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (still)
Barry Lyndon
Dog Dag Afternoon
Rocky (still)
Taxi Driver
Mikey and Nicky - Michael Hausman
All the President’s Men
Annie Hall (still)
Star Wars
The Goodbye Girl
Eraserhead - David Lynch
3 Women - Robert Altman
The Deer Hunter (still)
Heaven Can Wait
Midnight Express
Days of Heaven - Bart Schneider; Harold Schneider
Dawn of the Dead - Richard P. Rubinstein
Apocalypse Now
All That Jazz
Manhattan - Charles H. Joffe
Alien - Gordon Carroll; David Giler; Walter Hill
Kramer vs. Kramer
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themadscene · 2 years
Movies I’ve watched for the first time this year:
All That Heaven Allows (1955) dir. Douglas Sirk The Vanity Tables of Douglas Sirk (2015) dir. Mark Rappaport Rock Hudson's Home Movies (1992) dir. Mark Rappaport Girl, Interrupted (1999) dir. James Mangold Belladonna of Sadness (1973) dir. Eiichi Yamamoto Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962) dir. Agnès Varda Morocco (1930) dir. Josef von Sternberg I'm No Angel (1933) dir. Wesley Ruggles Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami (2017) dir. Sophie Fiennes Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975) dir. Peter Weir Cries and Whispers (1972) dir. Ingmar Bergman The Letter (1940) dir. William Wyler Breathless (1960)  dir. Jean-Luc Godard Babette's Feast (1987) dir. Gabriel Axel Under the Tuscan Sun (2003) dir. Audrey Wells What's Up Doc (1972) dir. Peter Bogdanovich Last Night in Soho (2021) dir. Edgar Wright Summertime (1955) dir. David Lean These Old Broads (2001) dir. Matthew Diamond Batman Returns (1992) dir. Tim Burton Roman Holiday (1953) dir. William Wyler Hanna (2011) dir. Joe Wright Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) dir. Joel and Ethan Coen Birth (2004) dir. Jonathan Glazer Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris (1970) dir. Terence Dixon
Fire Island (2022) dir. Andrew Ahn Benediction (2022) dir. Terence Davies The Northman (2022) dir. Robert Eggers
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jungleindierock · 2 years
Jungle Indie Rock - May 2022
May playlist, songs posted on JIR tumblr during May. Hope you enjoy and share with your friends. 31 tracks this month. A mix of new bands and well known bands.
This playlist features solo artist and bands from America, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Switzerland, Germany and England.
They are not mixed, they are in the date order which we posted them on the site. So enjoy this playlist follow it on Spotify and please feel free to share it with your friends. Reb
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Astoria -  (Don't) Turn Around (UK) (England)
Voodoo Bloo - Small (UK) (England)
Cage Park - (UK) (England)
IDestroy - Jellyfish (UK) (England)
Suggs & Paul Weller - OOH DO U FINK U R (UK) (England)
Kasabian - SCRIPTVRE (UK) (England)
Arcade Fire - Unconditional I (Lookout Kid) (Canada)
The Chats - 6L GTR (Australia)
The Linda Lindas - Why (USA)
The Offspring - Behind Your Walls (USA)
black midi - Welcome To Hell (UK) (England)
Pale Waves - Lies (UK) (England)
Skylights -  Driving Me Away (UK) (England)
Foals - 2001 (UK) (England)
Everything Everything - Jennifer (UK) (England)
Hot Milk - Teenage Runaways (UK) (England)
Palaye Royale - Broken (USA)
Just Mustard - Seed (Ireland)
The Interrupters - Anything Was Better (USA)
Superorganism - On & On (Various)
CRAWLERS - Fuck Me (I Didn’t Know How To Say) (UK) (England)
Depeche Mode - Dreaming of Me (Time Machine) (UK) (England)
Rammstein - Dicke Titten (German)
PLEASURE CENTRE  - Talkboy (UK) (England)
Chappaqua Wrestling - Full Round Table (UK) (England)
MINCE - Ditch (UK) (England)
Been Stellar - Kids 1995 (USA)
Sex Pistols - Holidays In The Sun (Time Machine) (UK) (England)
Frank Turner (Ft. KT Tunstall) - Little Life (UK) (England)
The Sooks - Motley (Australia)
Moonpools - Damaged Goods (Switzerland)
12 notes · View notes
abernathyblaabjerg09 · 3 months
10 Things If Only I Knew Before Gonna Be Thailand
Can be located almost in the centre of Vancouver Island, approximately 9 km east of Gold River. The monsoon winds then change bringing above average rain during late September. These plateaus are also rich in volcanic topsoil. Day 4: Sunday, March 15: Caught the sunrise at Angkor Wat at 6 am (with all of the tourists within world, trying out the rising sun their own cameras), visited the amazing site for 3 hours, returned to your hotel, meet your needs around 5 hours of downtime (too hot to spend time visiting anywhere), I worked on the direct response website and a social media plan. View More: topvinhlongaz.com - Top Vinh Long AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Vinh Long AZ: Nguyễn Minh Quý - Nguyen Minh Quy One of the top ten Vietnam holiday destinations is the most popular seaside resort because the capital of scotland - Nha Trang. If assess to see beautiful beaches and clear sand, this city is definitely one for this best places to go to. The town has associated with money comfortable accommodations to choose from, near a beach that combines powdery white sands and crystal clear blue water. Pagudpud is a virginal tropical paradise, an explicit haven merely for tourists but for you and your Filipina particular date agreed. It is located in the province of Ilocos Norte, bounded by mountains, hills, valleys in addition to a flat coastal land.
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View More: topvinhlongaz.com - Top Vinh Long AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Vinh Long AZ: Nguyễn Minh Quý - Nguyen Minh Quy Beas Island got being "Best Beach" in 2001, 2002 and 2006. Tin Top Vĩnh Long AZ News As well as a beautiful white beach with lifetime of two kilometres, which is supplied with modern and comfortable facilities. Throughout the plank road extending from the island into the pier, sharks and other fishes appear there each once in awhile. Beas Island is extremely exciting in terms of muskie. There are a lot of Japanese tourists around island tend to be mainly to partake in diving on this website. As I know, Guangzhou has a lot of tourist attractions. Some tourist attractions have even been ranked at the nation's level. When you have to go shopping, Guangzhou is another good spot for you. It's the most thriving city in the Guangdong Region. You can buy almost anything here. However, you need to pay close focus the pickpockets when you walk on the crowded streets. Wearing sandals/flip-flops most of the time is really convenient. Totally . be taking them off constantly once you visit the temples or sacred places, and an individual hop as well as off belonging to the Vinh Long in Viet Nam tail boats. Tin tuc Top Vinh Long AZ The business district isn't far from the ocean view hotels and transportation to obtain into area is rather easy to get hold of. This is what facilitates the numerous conventions as well as other big business events that take spot in Durban on occasion. Located associated with old ducal palace, The Musee Historique Lorraine dates back to the 13th one hundred year. In addition to treasures for this Dukes, including 16th-century tapestries, you'll see sculpture for this medieval and Renaissance periods, paintings by Georges de la Tour, and the Dukes' ceremonial hall. If unwanted weight a historical tour to Vietnam, require to visit the Cu Chi Tunnels Northwest of that old Saigon, and also now because Ho Chi Minh City. These underground tunnels have been in the 1960s by Viet Cone guerrillas. Beihai - As a beautiful garden seaside city the particular south of China, it is no exaggeration as well as Beihai can be a present made available from Mother Characteristic. Tin Top Vinh Long AZ 24h The Beihai Silver Beach is reputed coordinator . long beach of 24km (about 15 miles) with soft pristine and gentle waves. The Beihai Silver Beach is often a natural place to bathe and includes acquired an identity as 'No.1 Beach under Heaven'.
The island was named after the Dutch province of Zeeland. It was founded in 1642 any Dutch internet explorer. It has another name "Aotearoa" which is often a Maori word that equals "Land with the Long White Cloud". The Maori individuals are native to New Zealand they form up about 14% of every living at this time. 22% of discussions . of utilizes living there are born in foreign countries. Tin Top Vinh Long AZ 24h New Zealand has two official languages, English and Te Reo Maori. Stawamus Chief Provincial Park protects the 700 metre massive granite cliffs near Squamish, using the Sea to Sky Highway from Vancouver to Whistler. Established in 1997, the park is a mecca for hiking and internationally famous for rock stepping. The hiking trails lead to 3 peaks with striking views of Howe Sound, surrounding Coastal mountains and town of Squamish. Top Vinh Long AZ News If this is the life via sea a person can find intriguing then little one miss checking out the Halifax. Money of Nova Scotia along with the largest city in the Atlantic areas. There is a never ending array of activities swirling in this city. It has become world wide known for the Halifax Citadel, a historic site. Close behind this in popularity is the Maritime Museum on the Atlantic. A ongoing event that's increases the ambiance of a city is Murphy's around Water, a wide selection of boat tours and cuisine. In the near future Halifax get presenting the Halifax Highland Games, Scottish Festival and International Skin image. Shopping can be a national pastime in Vietnam - seemingly every family runs a shop of some sort or other. Bargains include clothing, shoes, lacquerware, luggage and jewellery. Most places don't display prices to get the haggling go and be firm, brand new wii console argue over pennies. When you are happy that's not a problem price offered, take the application. Markets are a fantastic place to shop, especially ones outside the main tourist areas, but be careful when buying fake DVDs - could be recommended be confiscated on your way out of Vietnam, or on your drive into your alternative option is destination. The museum is Vinh Long in Viet Nam walk from Place Stanislas, but public transit is possible. It's located in the previous fin-de-siecle home of a wealthy shopping area magnate. You'll see glassware, furniture, fabrics, and jewelry designed by Galle, Majorelle, and other Art Nouveau luminaries. Hidden on the thick vegetation of Hinatuan, is a river that seems to originate from the side of the mountain. Via plain view from the top, cool water rose from the unfathomable underwater cavern on the pool-like basin which exits to the ocean. The short swim across the basin energizes your shape. Schools of different types of fishes are an outstanding view during feeding time. As recorded in Hebrew Bible, Tadmor was built by Bathsheba of Judea - son of James. During the reign of Tiberius, Palmyra became a part of Roman province of Syria. As an important trade route, Palmyra plays a quitting important role in connecting Persia, India, China and Roman Empire. In 634, the first group of Muslim achieved Palmyra. In 636, this city was occupied by Muslim Arabians. After 800 A.D, people began to abandon this ancient site. During our stays in Hong Kong, we've were visit Hong Kong park, Flagstaff House Tea Ware Museum and Ocean Estate. In Kowloon we've visited seafront, Avenue of Stars and Ladies Market. Couple of days we put in Sai Kung district as well as on Lamma Island. Both Sai Kung and Lamma made an important impression on us, as well as both worth a separate post in order to become written on them. Patong Beach is perfectly found on the Phuket Island which can be a famous resort in Thailand. Meanwhile, it's the best beach zone using its perfect development on the city. You can reach this beautiful crescent beach when you simply walk 12 kilometers to your west against the urban district of Phuket. You accomplish a involving interesting things here, for example basking associated with sun, reading your favorite novel or playing water scooters, boats, rubber boats, beach volleyball, etc. View More: topvinhlongaz.com - Top Vinh Long AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Vinh Long AZ: Nguyễn Minh Quý - Nguyen Minh Quy
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Written By Author in topvinhlongaz.com: Lê Diệu Thi - Le Dieu Thi Written By Author in topvinhlongaz.com.com: Nguyễn Thanh Ngân - Nguyen Thanh Ngan
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hmgn3 · 5 months
24-January 散財記録
02(tue) ・沼尾翔子 / Live at Ftarri - Lena (2023, CD) ・Moor Mother / Fetish Bones (2016, used LP) ・Kammerflimmer Kollektief / Hysteria (2000, used LP) ・Steve Waring / Albert A L'Envers - Le Stylo D'Einstein (1981, used 7inch) ・Galo Preto / Galo Preto (1981, used LP) ・Flor Du Xique Xique / O Canto Da Terra (1977, used LP) 03(wed) ・Svenska Folkjazzkvartetten / Folkjazz Anfaller (2022, used LP) ・ECD / 軽いハズミで (2005, used 12inch) ・Stock, Hausen & Walkman / Broccoli (1998, used 7inch) ・Eckard Koltermann & Kollégas / Umtriebe (1985, used LP) ・Raul De Souza / Colors (1975, used LP) ・Brass Ensemble of the Jazz and Classical Music Society / Music for Brass (1957, used LP) 07(sun) ・KUDU / I've Been Hit (2001, used 12inch) ・Amnesiac Godz & Country Teasers / Guided Missile Split Single (1999, used 7inch) ・Billie Holiday / A Portrait of Billie Holiday 1935~1942 (1979, used 2LP) ・浅川マキ / MAKI II (1971, used LP) 13(sat) ・Hochzeitskapelle & Japanese Friends / The Orchestra in the Sky (Kobe Recordings) (2023, 2LP) 18(thu) ・Sono / Hyperballad (2006, used 10inch) ・Kid Koala & Amon Tobin / Heavyweight Art Installation, Phase One: 1999 North American Tour, Live Painting Series (2000, used 7inch) 19(fri) ・Yves/Son/Ace / Unsung (2011, used LP) ・Kevin Shields / False Prophet (2006, used LP) ・It's a Blackbean and Placenta Christmas (1997, used LP) 20(sat) ・Aaron Joseph Russo / Baby Blue (2022, used 7inch) ・Project Mama Earth / Mama Earth (2017, used LP) ・Kammerflimmer Kollektief / Remixed Part 1 (2005, used 12inch) ・Nobukazu Takemura / Scope (1999, used LP) ・Algebra Spaghetti (A Children's Fantasypop Album) (1998, used LP) 22(sun) ・Kilder / Don't Hide (2021, used LP) ・Konono No. 1 & The Dead C / Split Series #18 (2005, used 12inch) ・Starving Artists Crew / Up Pops the Sac (2004, used 2LP) ・Ruins & Schlong / Ruins & Schlong (1994, used 7inch) ・Baby Laurence / Dancemaster (1976, used LP) ・The Pentangle / Light Flight (1973, used 7inch) ・Raymond Scott and His Orchestra / This Time With Strings (1957, used LP) ・Georges Jouvin Sa Trompette d'Or et Son Orchestre / Trumpet Fantasy (?, used 10inch) 25(thu) ・Thought Gang / Thought Gang (2018, used 2LP) 27(sat) ・Colophon / Spring (2002, used 10inch) ・Surfer's De Los Campeones / Checkered Flag (1963, used 10inch) 29(mon) ・Travel Through Time and Texture / Floating Bus Stop (2010, CD-R) ・water music (2006, CD) ・toreo sessions 5 2003.06.08 nanba bears / night in OSAKA (2003, CD-R) ・toreo sessions 6 2003.07.19 okayama pepperland / borzoi meets ju and taguti (2003, CD-R) ・Electric Ear / IIIIIII (?, CD-R) 30(tue) ・Pyrolator / Niemandsland (2022, used LP) ・Scout Niblett / It's Up to Emma (2013, used LP) ・Scout Niblett / The Calcination of Scout Niblett (2010, used LP)
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mmoviejournal · 5 months
Hotel Transylvania: Transformania (2022)
In Bruges (2008)
Carlito’s Way (1993)
Black Adam (2022)
All the old Knives (2022)
Outside the Wire (2021)
Sabrina (1995)
The Lion King (2019)
The Piano (1993)
Nope (2022)
The Bubble (2022)
Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (2012)
Project Power (2020)
Paw Patrol: The Movie (2021)
Lady Sings the Blues (1972)
Road House (1989)
The Defiant Ones (1958)
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
Mean Streets (1973)
Ball of Fire (1941)
The Recruit (2003)
The Tuskegee Airmen (1995)
Dark Victory (1939)
The Aftermath (2019)
Bright Road (1953)
Encino Man (1992)
Bolt (2008)
To Catch a Thief (1955)
Tootsie (1982)
Judas and the Black Messiah (2021)
Inferno (1980)
Old Dogs (2009)
Look both Ways (2022)
Antwone Fisher (2002)
Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
Kajillionaire (2020)
The Wiz (1978)
Littly Italy (2018)
Menace II Society (1993)
Cops (1922)
Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966)
Those who wish me dead (2021)
Ajvar (2019)
Burning Sands (2017)
Operation Fortune (2023)
Your Place or Mine (2023)
Vivo (2021)
The Age of Adaline (2015)
Luthor: The fallen Sun (2023)
Scent of a Woman (1992)
Boston Strangler (2023)
The Smurfs (2011)
Faraway (2023)
The Sweetest Thing (2002)
Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018)
The Smurfs 2 (2013)
Monster’s Ball (2001)
John WIck: Chapter 4 (2023)
Fallen (1998)
Outbreak (1995)
Scream (2023)
The Good Nurse (2022)
Fireflies in the Garden (2008)
Before Sunrise (1995)
Crooklyn (1994)
Scream (2022)
Band of Angels (1957)
Kramer vs Kramer (1979)
The 355 (2022)
Old (2021)
Come Sunday (2018)
All my Life (2020)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
Hellraiser (2022)
Roman Holiday (1953)
Creed III (2023)
Red Corner (1997)
The Laureate (2021)
Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna (2006)
Red Notice (2021)
Dune (2021)
Sherlock Jr. (1924)
Disclosure (1994)
I killed my Mother (2009)
Next Exit (2022)
Submergence (2017)
In the Heat of the Night (1967)
The Vanishing (1993)
The Color Purple (1985)
The Long Hot Summer (1958)
Transcendence (2014)
Don’t be a Menace to South Central while drinking your Juice in the hood (1996)
Ransom (1996)
Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Cloud Atlas (2012)
The Mother (2023)
Elephant Song (2014)
Gosford Park (2001)
Driving Miss Daisy (1989)
The Girl in the Spider’s Web (2018)
Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
Swordfish (2001)
Moneyball (2011)
Official Secrets (2019)
Death at a Funeral (2010)
Killer Elite (2011)
Out of Africa (1985)
What’s love got to do with it? (1993)
Frankie and Johnny (1991)
The Hustler (1961)
Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
Seberg (2019)
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021)
Interstellar (2014)
Soul Food (1997)
Wait till dark (1967)
Mo’ Better Blues (1990)
In the Heights (2021)
Ghosted (2023)
Matthias & Maxime (2019)
Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
In the Cut (2003)
The Wood (1999)
Outlaw King (2018)
Donnie Brasco (1997)
Extraction (2023)
Little Nikita (1988)
The Illusionist (2006)
The Lady from Shanghai (1947)
Some like it Hot (1959)
Eve’s Bayou (1997)
The Aviator (2004)
Space Jam: A new Legacy (2021)
Clock (2023)
My Girl (1991)
Design for living (1933)
Everything Everywhere all at Once (2022)
Chain Reaction (1996)
Pandora and the flying Dutchman (1951)
Before Sunset (2004)
The Jackal (1997)
A Journal for Jordan (2021)
Candyman (2021)
Tequila Sunrise (1988)
Midnight (1934)
The Deer Hunter (1978)
Our Hospitality (1923)
Miami Vice (2006)
The Perfect Find (2023)
Just Cause (1995)
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
Our Brand is Crisis (2015)
Notorious (1946)
Crush (2022)
Striptease (1996)
Don’t worry Darling (2022)
The Lion in Winter (1968)
The Constant Gardener (2005)
Ben Hur (1959)
Deliver us from Eva (2003)
Fast X (2023)
Strange days (1995)
8mm (1999)
The Woman in the Window (2021)
Guys and Dolls (1955)
Sister Act (1992)
The Visitor (2022)
Dead Again (1991)
Spellbound (1945)
Air (2023)
Indiana Jones and the last Crusade (1989)
Carmen Jones (1954)
…and Justice for All (1979)
Honk for Jesus. Save your Soul (2022)
A Fish called Wanda (1988)
The Nutcracker and the four realms (2018)
Boogie Nights (1997)
Venom: Let there be Carnage (2021)
Bird Box: Barcelona (2023)
Hush…Hush Sweet Charlotte (1964)
Rumble in the Bronx (1995)
They cloned Tyrone (2023)
Once upon a time in America (1984)
The Wild One (1953)
Something New (2006)
Dying Young (1991)
Death Takes a Holiday (1934)
Me Myself and Irene (2000)
Friday Foster (1975)
One day (2011)
A good Year (2006)
Varsity Blues (1999)
High Noon (1952)
Men in Black 3 (2012)
Friday (1995)
Strait- Jacket (1964)
Step Up (2006)
Air Force One (1997)
Big Business (1988)
Breaking (2022)
Barbie (2023)
He who gets slapped (1924)
Near Dark (1987)
How Stella got her Groove back (1998)
The Joneses (2009)
Stardust (2007)
Heartburn (1986)
Mildred Pierce (1945)
Paid in Full (2002)
Awakenings (1990)
The Philadelphia Story (1940)
Serpico (1973)
Amsterdam (2022)
Tom and Huck (1995)
Emancipation (2022)
Mademoiselle Ange -Ein Engel auf Erden (1959)
The Ninth Gate (1999)
No Sudden Move (2021)
The Rite (2011)
Her (2013)
King Rat (1965)
Labyrinth (1986)
Too Young to Die? (1990)
42 (2013)
One Night in Miami (2020)
That Thing you do (1996)
Lilies of the Field (1963)
Me before you (2016)
He got Game (1998)
Life as a House (2001)
Bhowani Junction (1956)
Pretty in Pink (1986)
Antebellum (2020)
Wild Things (1998)
Shadow in the Cloud (2020)
Fled (1996)
The Batman (2022)
No Time to Die (2021)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
Vampire’s Kiss (1988)
Conspiracy Theory (1997)
Red, White and Royal Blue (2023)
The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996)
The Postman (1997)
Enemy at the Gates (2001)
Out West (1918)
The Age of Innocence (1993)
Spider-Man: No way Home (2021)
Masquerade (1988)
Fair Play (2023)
Harlem Nights (1989)
Das Cabinet des Dr Caligari (1920)
Knock at the Cabin (2023)
The Pope’s Exorcist (2023)
Swing Time (1936)
Angels & Demons (2009)
The Dictator (2012)
Best Christmas Ever (2023)
Istanbul Için Son Çagri (Last call for Istanbul) (2023)
The Negotiator (1998)
Cuvari Formule (2023)
The Lady Eve (1941)
Family Switch (2023)
Shall we dance (1937)
Leave the World behind (2023)
The Killer (2023)
The Burial (2023)
Dead Presidents (1995)
Brothers (2009)
My Summer of Love (2004)
Oppenheimer (2023)
Rebel Moon: A Child of Fire - Part 1 (2023)
0 notes
kellstreasures · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 2001 State Convention Stein Budweiser Busch Family Series 1 of 6.
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mirandamckenni1 · 6 months
Is Christmas a Midwinter Pagan Festival (Yule)? #christmas #yuletideseason #yule Does Christmas originate from a Pagan Midwinter festival? This exploration has been a fascinating journey, and I can't wait for you to join me in it! In this video, I delve into: - The historical transformation from Pagan Midwinter celebrations, like the Roman Saturnalia and Norse Yule, to the Christian Nativity. - The role of the Winter Solstice in these ancient cultures. - The intriguing choice of December 25th, a date deeply connected with Pagan solstice festivities, as the birthdate of Christ. 🔮 Spoiler alert: It's not as straightforward as you might think! While there are undeniable connections between Christmas and pre-Christian Pagan festivals, the evolution of this beloved holiday is complex and multifaceted. The integration of Pagan elements, including aspects of Yule, into Christmas reveals a rich tapestry of influences that extend beyond a simple one-to-one transition from Paganism to Christianity. CONNECT & SUPPORT💖 WATCH FILIP'S VIDEO➡️ https://youtu.be/ULxUcprNeco?si=dqDfwvB_WWk5g5ci WEBSITE & NEWSLETTER 💌 https://ift.tt/VC5p6go BOOK A TUTORING OR A LECTURE 📖https://ift.tt/v4mg9AP BECOME MY PATRON! 🎩 https://ift.tt/p1Or8nI SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI ☕️https://ift.tt/3RcEAoX ONE-OFF DONATIONS 💰 https://ift.tt/daPnQFX JOIN MEMBERSHIPS 👥 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPSbip_LX2AxbGeAQfLp-Ig/join MY PODCAST 🎙 https://ift.tt/NK1WLgP MY MERCH 👕 https://ift.tt/uO1bG7c FOLLOW ME👣 - YouTube (@drangelapuca)🌟 - Instagram (@drangelapuca) 📸 - TikTok (@drangelapuca) 🎵 - Twitter (@angelapuca11) 🐦 - Facebook (Dr Angela Puca) 👥 REFERENCES 📚 Hutton, R. 2001. The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain. Oxford University Press. MY SET-UP 🛠️ - Canon 90D camera 📸 https://amzn.to/3yQclh0 - Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 📷 https://amzn.to/3JjU1BS - Teleprompter 🗒️ https://amzn.to/3linWCB - Shure SM7B Microphone 🎙️ https://amzn.to/3Jm5IYK - Microphone stand 🎤 https://amzn.to/3FueJOn - Lights 💡 https://amzn.to/3Zdk8k1 - DJI Wireless microphones 📡 https://amzn.to/3NWAVVQ 00:00 Introduction Christmas or Yule origins 00:58 Support Angela’s Symposium 01:52 Collaboration with Let’s Talk Religion 02:19 The historical links between Xmas and Midwinter Festivals 05:31 When was the Roman winter solstice exactly? 06:44 The Saturnalia in Rome / Sol Invictus 07:18 Saturnalia replaced by Nativity Celebrations 08:15 Council of Tours Nativity to Epiphany a festival cycle 08:35 12 Days of Christmas established 09:52 British & Irish Paganism show no solar deities 10:41 Ireland has a 12 Day Xmas celebration 13:31 First use of the term Cristes Maessan or Christmas 13:57 The term Yule is introduced to Britain 14:53 Scandinavian Winter Celebrations 16:48 The Endurance of European Winter Festivals 18:13 Welsh Annual Midwinter Feasts 18:45 Evidence of the marking of pre-Christian Solstice and New Year 19:41 Happy Mid-Winter Festival 19:53 Support Angela’s Symposium ⚠️ Copyright of Dr Angela Puca, in all of its parts ⚠️ Music by Erose MusicBand. Check them out! via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRibH2NCu-8
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gerdusbronnart · 7 months
No1, best spot in Mauritius.
The Le Caudan Waterfront in Mauritius is like a cool history book with some seriously awesome stories? The first meteorological observatory in the entire Indian Ocean is now where you can grab some delicious eats at the Food Court or Namasté restaurant. Imagine, weather predictions went down there!
And the spot where the Blue Penny Museum stands today used to be the old Docks office. Yeah, the names of the different parts of the complex are like a blast from the past, telling stories from Mauritius' colonial history.
Le Caudan Waterfront got its name from Jean Dominique Michel de Caudan. Back in 1726, he was the boss who started a saltpan near a small bay in the southwest of Port-Louis.
It was built up over 250 years around this super ancient fossil coral island. There used to be a powder magazine, an observatory checking out the stars and weather, and tons of cool spots like quays, warehouses, and small businesses.
Back in the day, the harbor's daily business was all about the sugar scene. Everything moved to the beat of the sugar industry until they built the Bulk Sugar Terminal in 1980.
The street is like an Instagram dream with these super bright umbrellas. They're not just for shade, they're a visual feast! Locals and tourists are all about snapping pics there, and they switch up the umbrella colors for special days, like Independence Day.
Check out these epic spots to catch movies at Le Caudan Waterfront:
MCine Port Louis: This cinema at Le Caudan Waterfront is legit! Three brand-new halls, 7.1 Dolby Digital Sound – basically, the works. Perfect for catching all the latest movies.
Star Cinema: Get this – located at Le Pavillon, Le Caudan Waterfront, this cinema is all about the high life. Luxe vibes, classy settings, and total comfort for your movie marathon.
CineKlassic Caudan: Head to Caudan Waterfront for a movie experience with a vintage twist! It's like stepping back in time while catching the latest hits.
Are you planning a trip to Mauritius? Here's the lowdown: the weather's tropical and sweet all year round, like 20°C to 30°C vibes. But here's the deal – the island's got two seasons: summer (November to April) and winter (May to October).
Oh, and if you're into epic events and festivals, Mauritius is where it's at! Tons of beliefs and faiths, and the whole island turns into a party. So, pack your gear, catch some winter sun, and get ready to vibe with the coolest events ever.
The Blue Penny Museum is also at Le Caudan. It Opened its doors in November 2001, and it's all about Mauritius' history and art scene.
Inside, they've got some cool collections, including those super famous Post Office stamps.  The museum collection includes the 1847 Blue Penny and Red Penny stamps, which are considered to be among the rarest and most valuable stamps in the world .
These stamps were bought in 1993 for $2,000,000 by a consortium of Mauritian enterprises headed by The Mauritius Commercial Bank and brought back to Mauritius after almost 150 years.
The Blue Penny stamps are only visible for 10 minutes on the half-hour of every opening hour to protect them from the ageing and destroying effects of sun rays.
You can check it out from Monday to Saturday, 10 AM to 5 PM, but it's a no-go on Sundays and public holidays. Non-residents, it's 245Tupees for adults, 120 Rupees for the younger crew, and 580 Rupees for a fam of two adults and two kids. If you're a resident, you're in for just 50 Rupees.
One thing to remember, though – no munchies or drinks allowed inside, and keep the camera in your pocket.
Thank you for watching the video, don’t forget to smash the subscribe button. See you in the next video.  
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