#Hilde (7 Days)
⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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zublad · 6 days
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Drawing with @phkarii 3 am was a success
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👁Her telegram channel 👁My telegram channel
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A compilation of old 7days drawings and sketches that I did not post here. Don't ask why, I'd like to know myself.
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ale-draws-stuff · 1 year
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she's trying to figure out where she's seen them before.
Drew this a few weeks ago and just left it in my drafts ✋️✨️
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romanceclub-lovers · 6 months
"Heart of Trespia" Wincy author of the novel answers to players part 2
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🔔 Wincy author of HOT Q&A.
1. Were there scenes in the story that had to be scrapped or replaced?
- It seems to me that all writers do this, even those who write only for themselves.
2. What do you usually do when you can't find inspiration to write a story?
- I have a terrible sleep schedule. I usually run out of ideas due to lack of sleep and my brain shutting down, so I take a nap and then try again!
3. Did Wincy ever have an "Oh, I wish I could change that" or "I wish I could fix that" scene in Heart of Trespia?
- I have a lot of them.
4. How are your cats doing?
- Spoiled and a little overweight because they keep stealing food from each other!
5. Could you tell us a little about Reinhold and Hilde's good childhood memories?
- When Reinhold was a child, he was often sad because he could not, like other children, enjoy sweets and all kinds of desserts. To make him feel better, Hilde prepared him a new, unique salty dish every day, giving him the opportunity to not lose interest in food, because he looked forward to every culinary delight.
6. Where was Uda born?
- Uda comes from a kingdom with harems because she was born not a queen, but a concubine. She was most likely born in Maith or Shaadha, her mother being the foreign bride of a king who reigned before Leoric or Ozer.
7. How many kingdoms were destroyed in Isrion? How long existed before they were destroyed?
- I never thought about what happened so long ago, but some of this information is a spoiler. Xael probably absorbed more than three small kingdoms. Keep in mind that long before the treaties were made, there were many more dwarf states that tried to take over each other until they merged into the five that currently exist. The war most likely ended only after Trespia, Rajahili, Maith and Shaadha were formed and an alliance was formed to prevent an invasion from Xael.
8. Did you want to change anything in terms of the plot or is everything going as originally planned?
- Nothing that I can remember. Sometimes I don't follow the plan, but honestly I don't look back or question the plot points involved. Thinking about this when the work has already been published is extremely unproductive.
9. How did Ellaire realize that she had fallen in love with Reinhold?
- This probably happened at the moment when she became unbearably sad from the realization that she would have to abandon him and return to the castle, and then punish him for what he had done to her people.
10. If you could add another love interest to the story, who would it be?
- Nobody. I've never seen another character as a love interest for Ellaire, not even One or Azzo.
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11. What songs do you associate with the main characters of the novel?
- Honestly, I don't know. I never associate songs with my work.
12. How exactly did Reinhold save Cyril? How did their friendship develop?
- Cyril was the leader of a small group of mercenaries from Shaadha. They came to Trespia in order to kill, but were caught and sentenced to execution. Reinhold had just lost Phaedo and wanted someone to serve him who would not question his decisions. He paid the executioner and took all the mercenaries to Piel estate. Even though Cyril had taken the oath, he was grateful to Reinhold for the second chance and for appreciating his unique skills without judgment.
13. Do you believe in astrology?
- Not really, no.
14. What is the sexual orientation of the main characters?
- Ellaire - depends on the player.
- Wyatt - Ellairesexual
- Reinhold - heterosexual
- D'Mario - heterosexual
- Gisella - homosexual
- Delias - pansexual
- Vanora - bisexual
15. Will there be any information about Octobian in a future update? If not, can Wincy briefly tell us something else about this mysterious continent and share interesting facts about it?
- I had ideas on this matter even before writing the ST, but most likely they will remain just ideas. Copyright is a complicated thing.
16. Which fantasy setting does Wincy prefer - European or East Asian? You writes about the first, but, as I understand it, she also reads about the other - in particular, Chinese.
- I love everything!
17. Does Wincy read webtoons - digital comics? I remember you once mentioned that you reads novels in the wuxia genre, but that’s a little different.
- No, I don’t read. Although I thought about transferring my Episode stories into webtoons, I can't draw.
18. How many languages do you know besides Chinese and English? Do you want to learn something new?
- Only these two. At 15, I tried to learn German for a while because of a cute German exchange student. However, I could only introduce myself in three sentences, and he wasn't particularly impressed.
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19. Do you watch any TV series? It doesn’t matter: American, British, Chinese, etc.
- Yes! I have subscriptions to Netflix, HBO, Amazon and Paramount+. Before I lost interest in Marvel after Avengers: Endgame, I was on Disney+. Honestly, of their latest films, the only ones I can fully enjoy are Spider-Man: No Way Home and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Part 3".
20. Why the fantasy genre? What attracted you to it?
- Just as readers escape reality by immersing themselves in reading fantasy, I do this by immersing myself in this world from the other side. That's why I love writing fantasy, whether it's epic or mundane.
21. Do you have any favorite authors/writers?
- My favorite will always be Mr. Jin Yong.
22. Will you ever have a live broadcast with subscribers?
- Because of PCOS (translator's note: polycystic ovary syndrome) and because of my age, I feel very unattractive. In recent years, I have been avoiding photos and video calls.
23. What are your interests/hobbies?
- A hobby for people who have time. I don't have time anymore (lol). I like to read and cook from time to time.
24. What video games do you like?
- World of Warcraft was a big part of my life, I devoted about 16 years to it. I also love Dragon Age and Mass Effect from Bioware, although I gave up halfway through Andromeda, the Ezio trilogy, Origin, Odyssey Assassin's Creed, GTA 4 and 5, Tomb Raider - both classic and new, as well as Mirror's Edge.
25. Who are your favorite singers/music artists?
- Too many to list. My favorite work playlist is the music of the Secret Garden (translator's note: Secret Garden (from English - “Secret Garden”) is an Irish-Norwegian duo performing Celtic and neoclassical music.). I can't afford to be distracted by lyrics.
26. Is there anything you would like to master? Some new skill, for example.
- It would be great to be able to fly, but you can only dream about it.
27. Will we learn anything about Maith? There is very little information about this kingdom. Our main characters were not there, unlike other states.
(The question was asked before the previous update).
- I can't spoil it, but I think you'll get some answers.
28. What real countries were the inspiration for the 5 Kingdoms of Isrion?
- Except that Shaadha is very similar to India, the rest of the states are a mixture of many cultures with creative additions.
29. If we draw a parallel with the real world, then what approximately century/period in the real world will coincide with the time in the world of “The Heart of Trespia”?
- None. When I create fictional worlds, I try not to set such restrictions, and also avoid using electricity in a world without flush toilets.
30. Why weren't there any animated CG in Heart of Trespia? Are you planning to add them in a new story?
- Unfortunately, Wincy cannot answer this question due to NDA.
31. What was Phaedo’s fate after he and Reinhold parted ways?
- The players decide his fate. Most likely, after he left Coral Ridge, he found peace in solitude, away from unrest.
W. Thanks for reading and loving the story.
Source of the interview provided link below 👇
Art credit: Wincy's fantasy world
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rollofleaf · 4 months
7 Snippets 7 People
Tagged by @cassynite ! Thank you for thinking of me, it’s good motivation to try and push myself to write more. Sorry it took me a few days to get to.
Tagging @arendaes , @iwoszareba , @bearvanhelsing , and @silversiren1101 !
Snippets are from various things I’m working on, I did a different character for each.
1. (Slight nsfw)
Marazhai lounged on his bed with all the smugness of a content cat, completely unashamed in his nakedness. He still proudly bore bleeding scratches along his chest and bruises on his thigh. Heinrix, on the other hand, was hurriedly donning his clothes, desperately avoiding the mildly amused gaze of the Rogue Trader that had interrupted his heresy.
Arethousa strode up to the psyker and grabbed him by the ear, pulling him close despite his gasp of protest. “Now, Inquisitor. If you ever see fit to question the bond I share with Yrliet again, I will be forced to remind you of what I just witnessed. Perhaps that will stop you from criticizing a Rogue Trader in public?”
He winced. Still, it was a fair request considering his shame. “Y-yes, Lord Captain.”
Arethousa released him with a grin. “Good boy. Or is that the xenos's line?” She promptly turned and walked out the door, in need of some soap to scrub the sight from her eyes.
Grace groaned, furiously rubbing her temples as she pulled herself to her feet. She had slept through the night after her kidnapper’s ship crashed on the beach. And… Her mind was still a blank, impenetrable fog. Some part of her had expected her memories to return after escaping the illithids, but such hopes were dashed. She looked around. This place was wholly unfamiliar, though just about nothing was familiar to her. But she was near the ocean, at least.
Grace walked over to a small tide pool, staring into the water to get a good look at her unknown face. She was a tiefling, she knew that instinctively. Deep red skin, straight horns, short purple hair. She was pretty, all things considered. And her cheeks were stained with blood. Sweet, delicious blood. Enough to lick up, yet she wanted more, wanted enough to bathe in. She was hypnotized by the sight until her reflection began to move on its own and speak in a voice not her own.
“Oh, good, you’re alive! How are you feeling, love?”
“You… You speak true. I am terrified… Will I learn to love you only after I kill you? To struggle so long to regain that joy, only to cast it aside in the process like the petals of a dandelion… But… I would rather love again and mourn you. I must do this. I must trust that this will lift the curse and pursue it. What else can I do?”
You can let me save you. The words hung on Ethyn’s lips, begging to be free. But they would mean nothing to her. She could only act for Nyrissa, not placate her with promises. She simply gazed up at the beautiful nymph that had crushed her heart. “If you’re so resolved, then do it. End me.”
Nyrissa raised the knife. Her tears fell on Ethyn’s innocent skin, blossoming into roses as they touched her. She plunged the knife down, into the bedsheets. She couldn’t do it. Even in a dream, she couldn’t force herself to finish Ethyn off. With a furious groan, she tossed the knife aside and rolled onto her back. “I… I cannot.” She laughed out. “A spider with sympathy for what’s caught in her web. And I cannot even feel sympathy… I do not love you. I cannot love you or anyone! So why do I feel this way? Why do you haunt my dreams, make my hands tremble, why do I trust you in this way? Why does that accursed word still hold sway over me?!”
Hilde roared as she brought her axe up, bringing it down with enough force to decapitate the succubus. Arueshalae darted in front of the demon, barely managing to parry Hilde's swing with her starknife. The succubus's hands were trembling, her eyes squeezed shut as she shook violently. "S-stop. S-stop it!" She shook her head as she settled into a fighting stance, leveling her bow at Hilde. Arueshalae was fighting desperately against the control, her eyes pleading and desperate as they stared into Hilde's.
The other succubus let out a pompous laugh as she darted back and away from the melee. "Oh, darling! You want to be a stupid little mortal, so you'll be controlled like one..." Arueshalae flinched and loosed her arrow, crying out in terror and worry as it nicked Hilde's shoulder.
Hilde looked right past her friend, glaring at the succubus controlling her. "You're going to suffer for that. Arueshalae, don't worry. I know it's not you that's hurting me."
There was a distinct skip in the elf’s step as she strode through the thick trees of the lands known as the Hinterlands. A terrible name, this land was anything but hinter! It was beautiful, nearly unspoiled, a treasure trove of unique life and people that Noriaralyn had spent nearly two weeks exploring with relish. What she did not expect to see or hear in her wanderings was the sound of crying. The elf’s long ears perked and flicked as she stopped still to pinpoint the source. Some nearby bushes… She walked over as the wailing grew louder, carefully tugging aside the leaves as the crying suddenly halted. The kaldorei found herself staring into the eyes of an infant, a baby dwarf. Pudgy fingers reached out curiously at the deep purple skin and bright green hair of the face staring into hers as Nori reached out to gingerly pick up the baby.
“Aww… Hello, little one… Why are you here all alone? Where are your parents?" The infant's wails quieted as Nori lifted her out of the bush, brushing some stray leaves off of her.
Ssathera's vision slowly returned. Faded sunlight dappled the surface of the water above her, in her escape she must have thrown herself into the icy river. The ghouls hissed and growled at the water's edge, peering through the murky depths but unwilling to venture in. She let herself sink deeper to hide from them, the naga's gills happy to breathe water oncemore. Still, the chill only made the pain of her myriad bleeding scratches that much worse. Her scales had been torn away where the abomination's hook had landed, and her blue blood seeped into the water.
She felt fear far more chilling than the frigid depths rise in her breast, a tremble in her tail and fins. She should go back. She had sworn to fight and die with her kin and the blood elves. Her sisters, her allies, her friends. But how many had been cut down? She was one siren, what could she do? No, she had to go back, she couldn’t run! Her tail began to beat, propelling her through the water. Away from the battle. Try as she might, she could not fight her cowardice.
The drow’s gaze flitted between Shadowheart and the imposing form of the Nightsong. The two shared unspoken words and Taliira turned to focus on Shadowheart. “I think you should do as your heart tells you to.”
Shadowheart scoffed. “Come now. You must have thoughts on this, -Selunite-.” She spat out the word with all the contempt she could muster. Her hand trembled. She needed Taliira to try to sway her, to fight her and give her the resolve to do what Lady Shar commanded. She needed the drow to prove her doubts right, to prove that she was just a lapdog for Selune that would try to turn her from her faith. If she wasn’t, then she didn’t know what to do with the doubt that swelled in her. If the doubt wasn’t subterfuge from Taliira, where did it come from?
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haveamagicalday · 4 months
Top Ten Books Read in 2023
Continuing my tradition of blurbing/reviewing my top ten books read in the past year! Let's jump right in:
10. Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica- In a not so distant future, all animals have been plagued with a deadly virus that makes meat obsolete. In a somewhat dramatic move, the government legalizes cannibalism which is marketed as “special meat”. Marcos works for a slaughterhouse where humans are treated as livestock. One day he is gifted his very own specimen and slowly begins to treat it like the human being she actually is. I'm glad I read this book and I probably will never read it again. I did know the plot and ending when going in and I wish I hadn't because I would have liked to know how I would have reacted to that final line. The way this book was written was probably one of the most fascinating parts. Very straightforward and presents things that are horrifying in a mundane way. I actually found myself unfazed when it came to the description of how the "meat" is processed which freaked me out more after the fact and got me really thinking. Am I crazy? Would I eat McDonald's newest McHuman if it were normalized and my only option? Hopefully I will never find out
9. House of Roots and Ruin by Erin A. Craig- This is a sequel to House of Salt and Sorrow that follows one of the younger siblings, Verity, from the first novel who is now a teenager. When Verity is offered a job painting a portrait for a Duchess's son, she jumps at the opportunity. While she grows closer to the son, it soon becomes clear that something is very wrong in the Duke's house. This was a hard one to rate for me but ultimately I gave it 4 stars. The first half was definitely 4 stars. I was eating it all up. I loved the creepiness of it all and the mystery of what was really happening with those experiments the duke was doing. The second half is where it went downhill a bit. I still flew through it. I read the second half in one sitting but some things were not to my liking. An unnecessary lust at first sight love triangle almost ruined things for me but I stuck it out and I'm glad I did.
8. Rouge by Mona Awad- A surreal take on the beauty industry with a twinge of Snow White. For as long as she can remember, Belle has been obsessed with her skin care routines. When her estranged mother dies, Belle must return home to take care of selling her apartment and dealing with her debts. Belle quickly learns that her mother has gotten herself involved with a mysterious spa that takes a keen interest in Belle herself. She finds herself entranced with the cult-like spa and the promise of beauty that they offer her. Rouge is perhaps a bit on the nose with its critique of the beauty industry but the surrealism of the story is memorizing and keeps you guessing throughout.
7. A Warning about Swans by R.M. Romero- Hilde was dreamt into the world by Odin and along with her five sisters, was gifted a cloak that allows them to transform into swans. Hilde is also given the gift to guide souls into the afterlife, a job she finds daunting and tiresome. When Hilde meets a penniless Baron, she strikes up a deal with him. She will conjure riches for him and in return, he will bring Hilde into the human world. This is beautifully written in prose and is a sweet little fairy tale about love and finding oneself
6. What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall- Naomi used to spend her days playing make believe in the woods with her two best friends. But their games come to an end when Naomi is attacked. She survives with seventeen stab wounds and she and her friends help identify the perpetrator. But the three have a secret about that day that haunts Naomi in her adult life. When her friend Olivia confesses that she is ready to tell the world their secret, Naomi must return to the woods and unravel what really happened that day. This was a great thriller! It was very reminiscent of a high profile true crime case that happened about a decade ago. It would be too much of a spoiler to say which one but I saw the similarities right away. I also guessed one big twist very early on but I don't think that affected the book overall or the ending.
5. The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw- A mermaid comes ashore, marries a king and gives him daughters. Then the daughters devour the king and destroy the town. Now on the run, the mermaid travels with a mysterious plague doctor and together they encounter a strange town where children never age and worship three saints who control them. This novella was strange and gory and enthralling and I loved it all. TW: Body horror
4. The Stolen Heir by Holly Black- A perfect return to Black's Fae world. I love how dark she lets these books get while still remaining appropriate for the YA audience. This book takes place eight years after The Queen of Nothing and follows Suren, the child queen of the Court of Teeth who was held captive by her parents. Now she has escaped into the human world where she is content to spend her time undoing other fae's curses. But things change when Prince Oak shows up and asks for Suren's help on a dangerous quest. Suren must return to the world she had hoped to leave behind once again.
3. After the Forest by Kell Woods- What happened to Hansel and Gretel after they escaped the Witch? In this book, Greta has become a baker whose gingerbread is beloved but also feared for its addictiveness by the town. But Greta harbors a secret, Greta has kept the witch's grimoire and it speaks to her. When Greta encounters a bear in the woods, it sets off a series of events while dark magic comes creeping into the village. Greta must learn to harbor the magic inside of her if she hopes to save her home. This book went in a different direction than I thought it would based on the description but I absolutely loved it! I will say that the official blurb doesn't really mention the romance and while it isn't the focus, it is a large part of the book. This story is also inspired by Snow White and Rose Red and I loved how the two stories connected.
2. The Only One Left by Riley Sager- As usual, Riley Sager has delivered. In 1929, a shocking murder took place that left the entire Hope family dead aside from one daughter. Believed, but never proven, to be the killer, Lenore Hope now lives in isolation in her family's mansion. Fifty four years later, Kit is a health aid who is assigned to take care of the now elderly Lenore. Lenore is bedridden and almost completely paralyzed save for one hand. When Kit brings Lenore a typewriter, she is shocked when Lenore types out a tempting offer- I want to tell you everything. Kit finds herself deeply entangled in learning the truth of what really happened that night long ago. I absolutely loved the creepy gothic vibes and some of the twists truly shocked me.
1. We Shall be Monsters by Alyssa Wees- So this book doesn't come out until Oct. 2024 but I had the pleasure of reading an advance copy! At its heart, We Shall Be Monsters is a book about the relationships between mothers and daughters. This dark fantasy follows Gemma, a young girl who is forbidden to venture into the woods behind their house. One night, Gemma's life is turned upside down when she witnesses her mother taken by a terrifying monster into the woods. Now Gemma must journey into the woods to save her mother and break a fifteen year old curse that could end in her mother's death. Along the way, Gemma learns things about her mother and herself that she never knew. In alternating chapters we also see Gemma's mother as a teenager falling in love with a strange boy who lives deep in the same dark woods. Beautifully written, this fantasy novel reads like an old fairytale with some twists and a twinge of horror along the way.
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super-ion · 11 months
Apple & Spindle
(Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Chapter 7
Rose was adrift, tumbling. Thoughts skittered across her consciousness like drops of water on red hot metal. There was something she was supposed to do, but she couldn't remember what it was.
Everything was dark. Everything was silent. She was nowhere.
Then she felt it, a ghost of a sensation. Somewhere far away, his lips met hers. The kiss grounded her.
She needed to wake up. She needed to be with him. She heard his whisper, felt his breath at her ear, somehow close and impossibly distant.
"Rose, please hear me. Come back. Sleep"
She felt her heart beating in her chest. She didn't understand. She needed to wake. But Briar was asking her to sleep.
"Rose, please. I love you"
It was him. She was absolutely certain now. He was the lifeline home, she needed to listen to him.
She returned to her body and let the enchanted sleep finally take her.
Light stabbed through her and she jolted upright.
Something terrible burned in her throat. She doubled over, coughing painfully until a sliver of apple disgorged itself. She caught a flash of blood red skin and palest flesh before another bout of coughing seized her.
A body appeared before her and she grasped at it, her coughs dissolving into sobs as she clung as tight as she could, desperate for something solid.
Her stepmother grunted in surprised discomfort at the contact, but awkwardly wrapped her arms around Rose.
"You're… safe now," Hilde said, stumbling to find comforting words.
Rose felt a bubble of hysterical laughter well up from within her, mixing with the sobs.
She was alive! She was awake and alive!
Then she felt him. He placed his hand on her shoulder, sending a shuddering warmth through her. She reluctantly tore herself from her stepmother and threw her arms around Briar.
She was a mess, she had to be after the coughing and crying, but he looked at her like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He grinned wondrously as he cupped her face in his hands and wiped the tears from her cheeks.
She couldn't bear it any longer and she kissed him.
The first thing Briar noticed when they finally came back to civilization was the way people paused and stared at him or whispered hurriedly to their neighbors.
He wasn't sure if Rose noticed, the way she was nuzzled into his back as they rode together, but it only grew more unnerving as they got closer to the city. Not that he minded attention, just something about the looks felt strange.
"Why are they all staring at me?" he blurted when he couldn't stand it any longer.
"Huh?" Rose replied. "Well… it's not like people see a prince riding by alone every day, I guess."
"No, it's not that… I mean, I guess that's part of it, but…"
He trailed off as Hilde brought her horse alongside theirs and narrowed her eyes at him. She scrutinized him with an intensity that made him shift uncomfortably on his saddle.
"What did you do?" she demanded.
"What did I do when?" he replied, suddenly worried.
"You spoke to the fae," the witch replied. It wasn't a question. "What did you say to him?"
"Oh…" he said. "Yeah, um… he asked for my name and I… well, I gave it to him."
Hilde's eyes widened.
"You what??" she sputtered.
"I mean… I wasn't using it, I figured it would be fine."
"Briar, wait," Rose interjected from behind him. "If you gave him your name, why do… oh… Oh! You clever boy!"
"Clever or very foolish," Hilde muttered. "You gave him your birth name, didn't you?"
"Yeah," Briar responded. "He wasn't exactly satisfied. He said it was worthless."
Hilde narrowed her eyes again, but her gaze was appraising rather than dissecting. Briar again shifted uncomfortably, but after a moment Hilde reigned in her horse and fell behind them once more.
"I think you impressed her," Rose murmured in his ear.
"Is that what that was?" he asked.
She laughed, high and joyous. He wanted to hear that laugh every day for the rest of his life.
They rode on for a while in companionable silence. The people still stared and gossiped, but at least he understood why. They recognized him, but they couldn't put a name to the person they had likely only ever known as the crown princess.
The impending conversation with his parents was going to be interesting. For whatever reason though, this thought brought a lightness to his chest and he found himself smiling and waving as they rode on.
"Briar?" Rose asked with a pensive, almost nervous tone. "Before we go back to the palace, there's something I need to do."
He tilted his head back.
"Anything," he replied.
When they reached the small churchyard, Rose slid from the horse as gracefully as she could manage with her heart thundering in her chest.
"Hey," Briar said softly as he laid a hand on hers. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"
Rose cast a glance to Hilde, who was staring at the gate to the churchyard with a stricken expression, her composure stretched to its limits.
"I'll be okay," she replied. "I think we need to do this alone."
"I'll be right here," he said with a soft smile and a squeeze of her hand.
Rose took a steadying breath and turned to walk to Hilde. The witch blinked down at her warily as she extended a hand invitingly. She hesitated before dismounting and extending a trembling hand to Rose's.
"My mother and I used to come here every year, a week before my birthday," Rose explained as she led Hilde along the familiar path past the headstones. "We would bring flowers and tell Clara about everything that had happened over the year. Then, after she… afterwards, I came alone."
Rose darted a glance at Hilde and was almost surprised to see tears on her face.
"I know," Hilde rasped. "I watched you. Rose, I'm sorry. I should have-"
Rose squeezed her hand and gently interrupted.
"I brought you here because I want to share this with you now. We're making a new start, remember."
Hilde nodded and wiped at her eyes.
It was only when Rose arrived at her mothers' graves that she realized that she had forgotten the flowers. Her heart sank. It didn't feel right without the flowers.
She released Hilde's hand and sank to her knees. She pressed her hand to the ground and sent her awareness into the earth. She stilled her mind and slowly became aware of… everything. There was so much life here.
She found what she was looking for and let her magic flow. At her gentle coaxing, a seed became a sprout and then another and another. Delicate tendrils of green slipped from the earth, unfurling leaves and finally erupting into a riot of colors.
A hand touched her shoulder and Hilde settled on the ground next to her. Rose was surprised by the look of wonder on her face as she marveled at the tiny patch of wildflowers.
"She did love flowers," Hilde whispered.
Rose gave her a small smile and turned back to the graves.
"Hey mom," Rose said. "Sorry I'm a little late this year. You wouldn't believe everything that's happened in the last few weeks. Remember Briar's curse? Funny story about that…"
Briar burst out of the chamber and bounded down the hall, barely able to contain his glee.
Rose jolted to her feet from the chair she had been nervously waiting for him.
He paused for a moment to marvel at her - her bright green eyes, red lips and black hair that shined in the light. She wore a dark red dress, simple and elegant, that perfectly accented her figure. He would have stared at her all day if she hadn't blushed and looked away demurely.
"Well?" she asked.
He grinned and handed her the roll of parchment that he grasped in his hand.
"What's this?" she asked as she took it.
"Just read it!" he prompted, bouncing on his feet.
She darted a confused glance at him as she unrolled it.
"By Royal proclamation, we, Queen Antonia and King Harold announce the birth of our… son…"
Her eyes widened at that
"... Our son, prince Briar on the 23rd day of…" she trailed off.
"Briar, what is this?" She asked breathlessly.
"It's an amended birth proclamation," he replied brightly. "We had a conversation and eventually we agreed that it wouldn't do for the child of the king and queen not to have a legal given name. And well… I told them everything and for once, they listened to me. As we speak, scribes are copying it to be distributed across the kingdom and beyond."
"Briar, this is amazing," she said as she reread the sheet.
"I could get you one too," he announced. "I mean, obviously not exactly the same. And obviously you wouldn't need to make a whole announcement of it. But, you know… I know some people who can make it happen."
She laughed, bright and pure and threw her arms around him.
"Oh god, how I missed you," she said and she pressed her lips to his.
He lost himself in the kiss. They had kissed so much since they had been reunited, but every time felt as magical as the first.
"I love you, Rose" he murmured when they paused to catch their breaths.
"I love you too, Prince Briar," she replied and kissed him once more.
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sonlisasims7 · 1 month
Generation 1 Week 7 Part 2
Being the only kid in town sure is lonely (who let him gamble lol)
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The full moon possessed Georg and Tambudzai to get married at the mysterious potion shop. Only the local NPCs were in attendance.
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Gudlaug dropped by to congratulate the couple right after her workout session. Georg rook a moment to compliment her on her weight loss efforts.
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Nadia drunkenly stripped and jumped into pool at the aqua club, not realizing that Hilding and Netta were chatting down below.
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The next day, Georg and Tambudzai enjoyed a nice morning with their cats (Evil Genius #2 was especially enjoying her new home)
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Adoniram left the grocery store and heard the mother of his children, Angeline, harvesting wild crops. Before he had a chance to say anything, she ran off to go to work.
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Zack's cat Dacoda and Georg and Tambudzai's cat, Evil Genius #2 had a little kitten named Eleanor. Luckily Otobong had been looking to adopt, and took her in.
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Despite their earlier fights, Aeneas and Georg have become close friends.
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Porir and Netta went on a little dinner date!
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After their date, Netta sneaked into Hilding and Gwenith's house to skinny dip in their hot tub. She had to run away once the owners came home.
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Meanwhile, Hilding and Gwenith asked Eadburga to babysit their children while they had some alone time.
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Valeria had the courage to point out Narcissus's terrible sense in fashion and scored herself a new enemy.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
1. Climate change a key consideration for EU citizens, though not companies
With the world's climate changes becoming impossible to ignore, many living in EU Member States are taking a growing interest in the environmental credentials of companies – especially when looking for a job, the European Investment Bank's (EIB) annual climate survey reveals. Read more.
2. New IPCC report: A grim and final warning on climate action
The world’s leading group of climate scientists delivered its most dire warning yet: the planet is nearing catastrophic levels of heating and immediate, radical action is required. Governments around the world have seven years to half greenhouse gas emissions to avoid irreversible change. Read more.
3. Decolonising the mind: Afro-Belgians to be honoured in public spaces
Racism is still deeply rooted in Belgian society, largely the result of 75 years of the country's colonial rule on the African continent. Belgium is now looking to decolonise people's minds by boosting the representation of people of African descent. Read more.
4. 'Explosive growth': E-scooters in Brussels both practical and problematic
The use of e-scooters in Brussels has soared in recent years, and with it, the number of accidents. The region has now launched an awareness campaign when the use of e-scooters rises as the days get warmer. Read more.
5. Franchised Delhaize on Boulevard Anspach shut down due to 'undeclared work'
The AD Delhaize on the Boulevard Anspach in the Brussels city centre has been judicially sealed off since Monday evening following a check by the social inspectorate over reports of undeclared work, confirmed union secretary Myriam Djegham (CNE). Read more.
6. Ashton Kutcher spotted in the European Parliament promoting children's rights
A high-level panel was held in Brussels on Monday for EU regulation to tackle child sexual abuse and exploitation. The panel had guest speakers including MEP Hilde Vautmans and the Hollywood actor and entrepreneur, Ashton Kutcher. Read more.
7. Hidden Belgium: Tervuren street art
Take a walk around Tervuren to spot the twelve electricity boxes that have been decorated by local street artists. The artists have transformed the dull functional boxes into artworks with scenes inspired by local history, wildlife and the vast Zoniënwoud forest. Read more.
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robyn-goodfellowe · 1 year
For character questions! 3, 7, 9, 21, 38, B, H; for whichever character you’d like!
you know what this is a perfect amount of questions so i'll do one for each :)
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
cricket's usually spending her days doing fuckall in the woods or studying to get her mortician's certification so she's normally pretty tired by the end of the day. she'll settle down with her favorite entomology book most often. once hilde's been in the picture for a while (i'm talking post-hillside) then i'm sure there's a good chunk of times she falls asleep on the phone with her... if she doesn't end up impulsively making the trek to spend the night at her house that is
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
there's a lot but the most common for hilde is definitely sleepovers with her cousin jay. when they were little kids his mom wasn't able to fit up, so hilde's mom ended up stepping in and raising her alongside hilde. this kept going up until jay was almost eight and his mom got her shit together. although their parents aren't close for a plethora of reasons, they dont want jay and hilde's relationship to be strained the way theirs is, so they've always tried to have bimonthly sleepovers for the kids while they were growing up. this continued up until hilde ended up getting sent to blossom hills, but i like to think jay would visit a few times of year once they're adults.
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
loanshark actually doesn't swear as often, which comes as a surprise for most people. usually something slips out when he stubs his toe or something but it's not super often. not for any particular reason, he's just quiet and standoffish lol
Why do they get up in the morning? 
synthia's got a world to conquer and an audience to wow!
What memory do they revisit the most often? 
zahra revisits a lot of memories of their time in music school tbh. they're a massive hater and spite fuels them. it's gotten them far
What inspired you to create them?
hilde and cricket are so old that i literally don't remember. i know i wanted opposite gfs where one was a city girl and one was a country girl and it just kind of developed from there. i know cricket's color scheme (washed out white girl with dark hair and big blue eyes that she maintains way too much eye contact with) was inspired by how i initially imagined tain from the good daughter to look like, and taïga from the grey witches as a child. not too sure about hilde anymore
synthia and zahra were both fnf ocs. i wanted to see an 80s oc and a classical music oc so there they were. loanshark was originally an ahit nyakuza cat but i've been pretty attached to his gijinka as of late so i've just been focusing on that story, which is totally unrelated to his hatty time self (although the vibes are the same)
What trait do you admire most?
i love cricket's chill vibes and earnest whimsy. i like to think i am also chill and whimsical but she just has a way of embracing stuff and going with things in a way i could never imagine. i also really enjoy hilde's blunt honesty and ability to just shut people down and be like, a dick when being a dick is needed, because i always struggle with boundaries. channeling my inner cunt with her tbh.
i like synthia's stage presence and bubbliness a lot. i like loanshark's loyalty. and i really like how when zahra puts their mind to something they get it. they're very disciplined in a way i am only just now learning to be
thankyou for asking annika ily ^_^
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
Frozen Teardrop Translation
Finally, another chapter, sorry for the wait! Full translation under the cut.
More Edits of names for consistency: Lanagulin to Lana Green.
Frozen Teardrop
Volume 7: Rhapsody of Loneliness
Chapter: MC File 5
“I’m not afraid of wolves. ‘Peter and the Wolf’, ‘The Three Little Pigs’, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf’, ‘The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats’, they are all defeated.”
“Those stories are all ones where the wolves tell lies, the wolf is never strong.”
“Well, lies are not good… By the way, do you know of Fenrir?”
“I don’t know… Is that a wolf?”
“Yeah. Fenrir is the wolf in Norse mythology who defeated Odin, the strongest god. It’s cool, isn’t it? So, when I think of wolves, it’s Fenrir.”
“Fenrir, Fenrir, let’s remember.”
-MC-0018 Schbeiker church-
Duo & Naina
MC-0022 Next Winter
Pacifism is shit. You have to fight. We have to fight and fight and let the peace-blurred guys and the war idiots understand their weaknesses. It’s not hatred or resentment. I don’t need a normal life. I don’t have high hopes for a place to go home. I’m happy if I have a place to sleep tonight, surpassing the hunger of the day.
Justice is not a pattern. It’s been decided that there is no god. I don’t need family, friends or comrades. I can live alone.
Well, it is much more dangerous to be united in principles and claims. The history, ideas and doctrines that they insist on is just a lie.
If you rely on such things, you will be trampled by your own feelings of self-loathing. I only believe in what I think and feel and fight. I think that’s fine, that’s how I’ve lived so far on Mars anyway. If you die on the battlefield, you’re in luck.
Oh, I know, I’m sure it’s foolish.
Who am I?
I’m a “wolf in devil’s skin”. Well, all the guys besides me call me “Duo Maxwell” and it’s annoying to rephrase all the time, so I also call myself that.
Mars is now at war between the Martian Federal Government and the Republic of Lana Green. It seems that the Preventer organization on the Earth side is not in either camp and is settling fights between each side.
I seem to be a member of the Preventors, but I don’t know the details and I don’t even think about it. I don’t know what they mean by “fire extinguisher” or a “fire”, but it sounds hilarious.
For the most part, Relena Peacecraft of the Federal Government of Mars and Zechs Merquise of the Republic of Lana Green are nothing more than selfish bastards. You can tell whether it’s right or wrong just by smelling it. It’s more accurate to feel it with the sense of smell than to try to understand it with your head.
Well, anyway, I just don’t like to deceive myself by twisting obsolete words. My shitty dad used to say,
“Act with your senses! Don’t think with a small brain!”
You can laugh, huh! I may be a kid, but I didn’t think I was so different from the arteriosclerosis brain of the old man. I didn’t say that though.
In recent months, the power hold of the Republic of Lana Green has become more and more confusing. Since the Martian Federation has proclaimed the ideal of “perfect pacifism”, it has been too vulnerable to the invasion of Lana Green.
My shit dad says, “Diplomatic powerlessness is the same as a “painted hamburger””.
He thinks this situation is the same. Hamburgers smell delicious, but the hamburger drawn in the picture only smells of paint.
“If you want to have a decent negotiation, you have to have the power to compete.”
That’s right, I was convinced. He seems bogus, but he’s only been able to travel across Mars because of his strength.
“Hey, idiot boy.”
Fucking dad always calls me that way.
“Is there anything that has been resolved through discussion?”
“No,” I replied.
When I was a wanderer, searching for food was usually a fight. I didn’t quarrel back when I was at the Schbeiker Church but that’s because I was scared of Sister Hilde’s intense structuring. In other words, it was peaceful because of power.
Well, I don’t care about such old tales. What I want to say…. is... No matter how noble the debate is, if you shoot a pistol, it all ends.
…What I’m saying is.
“If you leave it to nature and instinct, people will definitely enter a state of war. That is humanity.” as my shitty Father would say.
Moreover, I think it’s a natural outcome because this is the “planet of the god of war”.
In the unarmed Martian Federation, there is only a small group of Naina’s family who are resisting with a small force. It seems the unmanned weapons are useless for shit, such as the main force of the federal army and I can see that they are being blown even by a timid wind. It’s the same with or without those guys. It’s not a threat, it’s just decoration.
In fact, mustard and mayonnaise tomato sandwiches are much better than pacifism. Anyone can do it if they just talk about those foolish pictures that aren’t real. If you really want to talk about peace, you should know that you need to be quite prepared.
In that sense, I don’t think that it’s a bad thing for the Winner’s daughter to turn over to the “Peacecrafts” in the Martian Federation. But I have decided to buy the fights being sold here, though. That’s why I’m fighting…..
It wasn’t the case as I was mumbling to myself at the bottom of the Elysium Sea. At any rate, I have to get into Relena City with my buddy, Warlock.
It’s dim in the cockpit, and it smells like iron rust. My buddy is not the reason for the rusty smell. It’s a unique scent that permeates from the sea of Elysium.
The outside view on the monitor shows a dark brown, mud-like liquid that looks like watercress soup mixed with ketchup. The red sand of Mars and the algae of Europa may have been the cause of such a color. The sea of this planet is muddy everywhere.
Only “Lana Green Sea” was clear. It was really beautiful over there. The scent of the tide riding on the wind was also the best. It was refreshing and resembled the smell of spring meadows. There was a kindness to it like a sun bath.
I liked the small port town there, but it’s gone now. I hate the sea, no, being in the water. I’m remembering what I want to forget. People’s “memory” is important, though.
I have passed the Freknaf Islands, but so far there is no sign of interception. There seems to be no idiot trying to fight underwater in such a place.
It is known that “Chouxhook 2” seems to have been taken to Elysium Island in the Martian Federation. I can confirm visually once I surface.
As predicted, the ones on board that ship were my senior Heero Yuy, a young-middle aged looking man named Professor W, a tall older looking man named Doctor T and Catherine (if I say an older woman, I’ll be beaten again…. I don’t have to worry though because she’s not here) so four people all up.
I have no intention of rescuing the crew. I don’t care about them, and I don’t know them. These are the useless people who didn’t resist. My buddy and I instead can get on the fast jet tide and head to the coast of Elysium Island at once.
If we land there and enter Relena City under the cover of night, we can attack the presidential palace. The only target is Relena Peacecraft. We just need to kill that arrogant female president so Katrine and Naina will give up on pacifism. It seems that hundreds of millions of people will die, including the Father, at the same time as killing that president but I don’t really care. There are too many people anyway. Mars should start over with fewer humans. It might seem crazy but that’s fine by me.
After killing Relena, next is Zechs. Lana Green Republic’s senior special commander Zechs is a mass of grudges. He wants to fight only for hatred and revenge. If we let him go unchecked, he could end up destroying all of mankind with the slogan “War for Justice”.
A communication came in as I reached the surface of the sea.
“This is ‘Scheherazade’, ‘Warlock’ Respond.”
The sun was about to dawn over the sea. There was a lovely sunshine on the eastern horizon. The odor resembling rust was somewhat faint.
“Yo…. Do you need me for something?”
“Message from Professor W” was displayed.
On the monitor, a guy called Phobos wearing a knitted hat appeared.
“Go and rescue the doctors being held hostage. Join us. The confluence is---”
I interrupted Phobos who kept on talking.
“Do it yourself! They have nothing to do with me!”
“Understood,” Phobos was easily convinced, “End of communication.”
Communication was unilaterally cut off.
He’s a very bland guy. No, he’s too bland.
I could smell gunpowder. In my mind I had a premonition.
“I’m being targeted! But from where?”
I could see the shadow of Elysium on the monitor. It’s still two or three kilometers away. I magnified the image and examined the ridgeline of the island.
At that moment, a small flash of light ran straight ahead. It came from a steep cliff and in an instant the light came towards us. I didn’t even have time to do evasive maneuvers. The light looked like a bird.
As I got closer, the bird resembled a huge crow with white light.
“You’re kidding….”
Suddenly, the surroundings raged like a great storm. I tried desperately to keep my buddy stable, but several tornadoes appeared and engulfed us, sending us soaring into the air.
A jet-black tornado was clinging to my partner.
“Fuck you!”
I thought that this must be an illusion. I suspected that my specialty, nanomachine crackling, had been destroyed but it was different to that. My partner and I were caught in the tornado and were being drawn towards the land of Elysium.
Then, just as I thought the tornado had finally subsided, we were slammed into the ground.
It was a sandy beach that stretched under the cliff. I somehow managed to switch to manual altitude control, so there wasn’t much damage but under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have been able to avoid instant death from the impact of the collision.
Still, I had been hit on the back of the head and chin in the shaking cockpit.
“Just as expected from you Duo.”
A strangely gentle voice echoed in my head.
“Now here’s the jet black of the seven dwarfs.”
On top of the cliff, there stood Snow White wearing a white hooded cloak. It held a large crossbow in its hand and an arrow in the other. Professor W was the one who was communicating through it. Apparently, he’s in the cockpit of that Snow White.
“It has the characteristic of ‘Wind’ but I was able to control its posture from that state.”
The scary thing about this man is that he hides serious hostility behind his gentle expression. There is no hesitation in the blue eye’s reflected on the monitor. I could feel the unique smell of gunpowder from that man’s gentle words. It’s terrible when you’re dealing with this kind of guy.
“This time it’s the white of the seven dwarves… There’s no point in trying to avoid it. Its power has a wider range than the previous black one.”
I decided to ask about my current situation. I really didn’t want to say this about myself it, but I had to.
“I’ve been fighting all this time… I don’t even remember the last time I slept properly.”
I counted the number of opponents I had since piloting my buddy.
“Forty Maganacs piloted by the daughter of the Winner family, three Lana Green Virgos, Epyon, 500 lightweight air combat aircraft, plus 12 ‘Merciless Fairies’ and Prometheus! I dealt with all of them.”
Just thinking about it makes me sick.
“Five hundred and fifty-seven craft in all… not a big deal.” Said Phobos from behind.
Before I knew it, he was behind my partner and me. There was no scent coming from this guy.
“Besides, you weren’t the only one who came up against them.”
Scheherazade was reflected on the rear monitor, wearing a transparent cloak that shines in rainbow colors. The armor that can be seen through the gaps is unfinished here and there, and the internal structure is exposed.
But it’s eerie. Even if the color can be made transparent it should not be able to make the smell transparent as well.
I had only seen it in the blueprints, but it was definitely a Gundam type of the same system as my buddy.
I spoke to Phobos.
“Listen to all of what I have to say… What I want to say is- “
I don’t want to hear him complain, I just want to buy time.
I continued to speak while flicking through the console’s combat mode.
“-I’m already tired. I’m at my limit… But I can’t show you the kindness that allows me to go easy on you!”
From under the black cloak, I took out a beam-scythe and turned around to attack Scheherazade.
I’m completely worn out. Just as I thought…
“It seems like you’re really tired… you’re too slow to get into it.” I heard Phobos say, as Scheherazade stood in front of Warlock. “But you were bluffing when you said you wouldn’t hold back, weren’t you?”
In close quarters combat, I believed there was no way that there could be another aircraft that surpassed my buddy. I thought so, but Phobos’ Scheherazade had a similar blade to my partners beam-scythe.
There was no doubt that the machine was in the beam-scythes range. What I can deduct, is that it dodged in the opposite direction where the tip of the blade was heading.
Then, in anger, I raised the beam-scythe from the bottom up. Even if they can move quickly in the horizontal direction, there is no way for them to respond in the vertical direction. This time it looked like it had been sliced in two.
That’s how it seemed but that Scheherazade was an afterimage. Predicting the outer circumference of the circular motion, it jumped back with one step.
“You’re kidding me!”
I pulled another beam-scythe from under the cloak. At the same time, I made my partner rush forth. If I’m dual wielding, they can’t escape horizontally or vertically. Especially at this speed.
I tried to swing my right beam-sword down from above and the left beam-sword horizontally. Scheherazade took out something like a dagger. It is protruded at the midpoint of the two crisscrossing beams and the power of both were received with one hand as sparks and crackles were scattered.
From the corner of my eye, I could smell the burnt residue of fireworks.
“This jambiya is made of MG alloy…” Phobos on the monitor seemed to be explaining the dagger with a cool face. “It’s lighter and stronger than Gundanium…”
I couldn’t believe it, my partner was losing strength, it couldn’t push back. Even so, I pretended to be fine.
“Heh, is that so…eh, does that M in MG Alloy stand for Mars?”
“No, it’s M for mad.”
I’m crazy too but this guy is even crazier and a real mad bastard.
“For close quarters combat, your machine is the best.”
“Then, what is your machine?”
As soon as I said that my partner’s right wrist was severed and “Light Manipulator Abnormal” lit up on the console.
I felt a piercing coldness in the back of my nose.
“Scheherazade excels in close combat- No, it’s a machine that excels in close combat.”
A chill ran down my spine. I decided to leave here for now. I had also thought about using nanomachine illusions to play around with his vision, but the chances of success were low when the surroundings were bright like this. Also, the number of nanomachines built into my partner is quite small as I overused them in the previous battle.
Come to think of it, since the opponent is also wearing a cloak coated with nano-defenses, I can’t expect my nanomachines to have the desired effect.
My partner and I used all our strength to push Scheherazade away and ran away at full speed. If we stayed there my partner would have been dismantled. Yes, I had the impression that it would be dismantled rather than destroyed.
Deep inside me, I could smell the same scent as when I lost my way in a blizzard. It was an indescribable commotion, like a wild intuition. The beach below the cliff stretched north and south. I headed north regardless.
It’s best for me to run to the rock wall to avoid the sniper attack from Snow White. The mobility of Scheherazade must have been inferior to that of my partner. As I reached the northern end of the sandy beach, I could hear the crashing waves. It smelled of iron rust.
I thought it would be fine if I escaped this far and stopped.
“You’re a guy who runs a lot…. You’re like a puppy-dog.” Phobos’ voice was heard nearby.
It smelled of snow, no, it smelled of ice. When I turned around, Scheherazade was standing there.
It reminded me of when my shitty dad was smoking right behind me. Anger welled up in me.
“Who’s the puppy-dog!” I yelled out.
Me and my buddy leaped south. I had also used the shoulder thruster to escape at several times the speed as before.
What an annoying bastard. He called me a “puppy-dog” when I am a “wolf in devil’s skin.” That’s it. I’m a wolf. The long braid down my back is the tail of a noble lone wolf. A long time ago, Naina also told me so.
“You’re cool, Duo! When I see you running from behind, you look like the mythical ‘Fenrir’.”
I can’t forgive a guy that calls me a dog.
The southern end of the sandy beach came into view. However, there was someone standing ahead of me. My buddy and I stopped running. A rusty sea breeze was blowing. There he was, as expected.
“What’s wrong? Are you at your limit, Puppy-dog?”
Scheherazade and the nasty bastard were waiting. I felt like my whole body was losing strength.
You must be hungry, right Duo?”
When did Professor W come down from the top of the cliff? Snow White was standing by his side. How did I not notice it? There was no longer the smell of gunpowder. How could my buddy’s mobility be defeated by Scheherazade? I’m not convinced.
I’m hungry- I sure am. Okay, it’s decided. Come to think of it, I haven’t put anything in my mouth since I ate Naina’s sandwich.
“Okay…” I stopped being stubborn. “I’ll work with you…”
Hunger, drowsiness and exhaustion all at once rushed over me.
After that, he seemed to talk to me about various things, but I can’t remember what too well. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep in the cockpit.
I had a dream where I was a kid. It must have been a recurring memory I always had, but I really don’t remember it at all. However, “Memories of Smell” came from the port town of Lana Green, so I’m sure it’s true. By any chance, I might have said things like “Naina” or “Fenrir” in my sleep.
Half asleep, I prayed to heaven that they hadn’t heard me.
Wait did I pray to heaven properly at that time? I don’t believe I prayed properly to heaven, no way, don’t think I’m relying on that old man.
Sometimes I have flashbacks that I don’t like to think about, so much that I hate it. In the heart of a devil-skinned wolf lurks a stray puppy drenched in rain. I just don’t want anyone to know.
It was already evening when I awoke. Professor W had finished repairs on my partner’s right wrist. Come to think of it, that man was the one who assembled this machine. I guess he can handle that kind of trouble before breakfast.
Just before dinner time, as I was leaving the cockpit, Professor W called out to me.
“Hey are you awake?”
There was a fragrant smell. Phobos was making a bonfire on the beach.
“Now Phobos has prepared a delicious meal, so let’s eat together.”
Professor W led me to the campfire.
“Two corrections,” said Phobos, holding out a skewered chunk of roasted meat from the campfire. “It’s just grilled locally procured meat, so I wouldn’t call it a ‘delicious meal’.”
I silently stuffed my mouth with meat. It tasted like crab, but it was subtly different.
“Hey, what is this meat? It’s not crab. Is it shrimp?”
“Hahaha… Those who don’t know will surely be able to enjoy it.”
Professor W took some kind of capsule out of his pocket and swallowed it. He doesn’t seem to eat food like me or Phobos.
“What is the other correction?” Professor W asked Phobos after he had finished his mug of water.
“I am no longer Trowa Phobos.”
I thought he was a weird bastard. But if there was such a way, I would like to change my name too.
“Oh, I’m sorry, but I’m giving up the name ‘Duo’ too. I’m Fenrir! Fenrir Maxwell! A lone wolf in devil’s skin!”
“Puppy-dog is better.” No Name interrupted.
“Puppy-dog Maxwell… It suits you very well,” Professor W burst out laughing. “I can’t give you both a passing grade. Isn’t it fine to stay the same as before. Please be prouder of your name.”
I was silent. Even No Name didn’t seem convinced.
“Hey, why don’t we make a pact?” I whispered in No Names ear. “Only between us, we’ll call each other Fenrir and No Name.”
“…I’ll think about it.” He answered curtly.
It seems like he really wants to treat me like a dog. I really don’t like him.
It was a quiet night. The sea breeze had changed from the smell of iron rust to the smell of black oil. Since I had slept through the day, I stood as the sentry. The other two are sleeping in the cockpits of their respective machines.
It was a boring watch. None of the Federation Forces on Elysium Islands have a cloak with a nano-defensor coating with stealth functionality. According to Professor W and No Name, Prometheus’ dark green cloak had been burned off by Snow White’s ‘Seven Dwarfs’.
In other words, if the Federation Forces approached, they would trigger the alarms we had set up. In this instance we wouldn’t need a sentry. Still, I volunteered.
Why can’t I sleep? I don’t want to run away anymore. I couldn’t help but feel that if I tried to act alone, I would be stopped by the two of them.
For the time being, I want to help the taciturn and unfriendly senior. After all, I approve of the skills of that guy named Heero Yuy. One of the best guys I’ve met. For some reason, he smelled of sadness.
When I have too much free time, I make a point to polish my nails. I like to fiddle with machines, but my fingertips inevitably get blackened with oil and paint. I can’t stand it. I do it carefully with my favorite nail clippers and files.
The smell of this frictional heat is similar to the smell of re-entering the atmosphere from space. I was made to experience it several times during Father’s training. I don’t like it but it’s not a smell I hate.
After just a few minutes of polishing, your nails will be shiny like pearls. For the record I don’t wear manicures. Even though I have a braid, I’m still a boy. And I don’t like the smell of that paint. Absolutely unacceptable.
My partner has a strange name called ‘Warlock’, so I started doing magic tricks as a hobby. So, my fingertips have people watching them a lot.
When I was finally satisfied with the brightness, I felt a presence on the cliff. I had a bad feeling. It smelled of additives and compounds.
The radar hadn’t sensed movement and there is no change in the heat source reaction.
There is no sandstorm blowing, so no magnetic anomaly will occur. Which means that the enemy alert device is functioning normally. However, my bad premonition never went away, and this tense atmosphere was undoubtedly an impending sign of danger.
I turned on the communication switch and whispered,
“No Name, Professor, wake up.”
The two awoke immediately.
“Something isn’t right…”
When I said that, Professor W replied with a smile.
“It looks like they’ve come to pick us up.”
“Who’s picking us up?” I asked.
Professor W’s eyes were serious, but his mouth was smiling.
“Yes… My little sister, Duo’s older sister and Phobos’ love rival…”
There were so many things I wanted to say back but I kept my mouth shut. No Name’s face reflected on the monitor seemed to be the same.
There were three manned Mars suits on the cliff. The shapes of their faces were symbolic of playing card suits. Hearts, spades and clubs, each were glowing eerily. The silhouette of the machines resembles the mobile suit ‘Leo’ of old times.
I don’t think it’s going to be that tough of a fight on Mars’ ground. Not if their opponents are our Gundams, even armor like that is not enough. Even more so if they intend to fight Lana Green’s Virgo and Epyon.
In the middle of the three is the Queen of Hearts. It’s my sister Naina’s craft, which I recognize but tonight it’s wearing a red riding hood. The edges of its hem are adorned with elegant gold. It’s probably made of the same material as the nano-defense coated cloak with stealth function. I can see why there was no alert reaction.
On the right is the King of Spades, Jack of Clubs on the left. The left and right Mars suits are each wearing a long red muffler.
There are only two kinds of people on the battlefield. The ones who get killed and the ones who survive. Both are painful situations. The guy who was killed must be unhappy because it’s “the end” for them there. There is no reason for happiness.
I’m not dead, so I don’t really know.
Also, I guess it’s hard for the family and acquaintances of the murdered guy. In my case, no one would be sad if I died, so I don’t care.
On the other hand, the survivors have to take on the souls of those who died on the battlefield and continue to live, so that situation is really painful too.
War is about killing each other, it’s far from beautiful, so it seems that the burden on the mind is heavy.
Those who aren’t prepared to do that have no choice but to run. I’m not paralyzed but I try not to worry too much about the burden on my soul or heart. Even so, I intend to remain prepared. The same is probably true for No Name and Professor W here.
The front monitor shows three Mars suits images captured with the night vision scope. In the night sky beyond that, a small star emits a vague light.
“Now then, we have three options.” Professor W, displayed on the sub-monitor, told us. “One, is to defeat those three Mars suits, then rush into Relena City and rescue the hostages.”
I wondered if there was anything else I could do. That seemed like the only way to rescue my seniors.
“The other option is to maintain a neutral position, watch as the Virgo landing force sent by the Lana Green Republic arrive and see them battle from a safe place. After that, we proceed with the same as the first option.
I was surprised at Professor W, who able to say such things without hesitation.
“A landing party?” There was no radar response on the console. The night sky and black sea remained silent. “Where’s that?” I asked skeptically.
“It’s still out of enemy search range… they’re currently on the ocean about 20 kilometers southeast now.”
“How do you know that?”
Professor W replied calmly.
“I don’t think you’ll be convinced that the heart of the universe is-,” he pouted. “Well, it’s just a simple guess. I thought you would have noticed it right away.”
Professor W’s expression didn’t look like a friendly smile, instead like he was somehow mocking me, that’s how it felt.
“First of all, those Mars suits don’t know we are here, they can’t see this side from the top of the cliff and there’s no way for them to detect it before us.”
“I’m sorry, did you just say they can’t detect us?”
“No, I didn’t say that.”
In fact, I happened to sniff out a strange sign and found the Mars suits first, so Naina and the others couldn’t figure out where we are whilst we were wearing the nano-defensor cloak with stealth function.
“If Katrine is among them, isn’t it possible to read the ‘heart of the universe’ and predict our actions?” No Name, wearing a knitted beanie, interjected from another sub-monitor.
“I don’t think so. If she had noticed, she wouldn’t have appeared so defenseless. It is a theory though.”
That’s certainly true. Even Naina prepared ‘Merciless Fairies’ and was carefully waiting when she was about to intercept me and my partner.
“Then why did they appear in this place-?” Professor W continued on. “Basically, there is no doubt that this is the easiest place for a large force to gather and land. The sheer cliff is suitable for interception points. The visibility is good so you can take the initiative. Also, if you look at the equipment of the Mars suits, there are several features prepared for mobile dolls.”
There seemed to be more reasons, but No Name interrupted the explanation.
“In other words, the fact that they showed up here without intending to fight us can be judged as preparation for battle with Lana Green.”
“That’s right. As expected of you Phobos.”
That was refreshing to hear.
After that, Professor W explained the recent trends in the political situation in the Republic of Lana Green, the direction and deployment pattern of the Virgo army’s invasion and took into account the weather conditions of Mars on top of that.
There was no point in listening quietly.
“The problem is the third option!”
I decided to prioritize my own interests over convincing explanations.
“I don’t think so- That’s sharp, Duo but that’s not true.”
Whoa, whoa, whoa, was that the bad premonition or the feeling of impending doom that I’ve been having for a while?
“The third option is to work with them to prevent the landing of the Lana Green Virgo unit. Once that’s done, go back to the first option and force your way into Relena City to rescue the hostages.”
I was speechless, just as I thought. However, is it possible to cooperate with the Mars Federation at this point in time? Since they advocate complete pacifism, the Mars Federation is in a disadvantageous situation. That’s their own fault.
I thought we had to kill Relena Peacecraft as soon as possible. I had feeling it was going to be a game on Mars.
“At this time, it’s better not to think about hostile forces or strategic superiority.”
I don’t have a grudge, but I don’t have the merit of helping either.
“Hey, is this some kind of joke? Why do we have to protect their country?”
Professor W seemed surprised when said that in disgust.
“That doesn’t sound like you Duo. You don’t need a reason to help people, do you?”
Naturally I had no words to reply. However, I wanted to point out the ridiculousness of whether this situation is at a comfortable level to be helping people.
“The choice is decided by looking at the progress of the battle, isn’t it?” No Name confirmed before me.
Professor W nodded with a smile.
“Yes… That’s what I mean.”
“How do we make a decision?”
“How about a majority vote?”
“I’m fine with that too”
I nodded without making any retorts.
At least the first option was not ideal for me.
At first, I thought that was the only way but the story changes when Lana Green’s Virgo unit shows up. I can’t beat Naina and her friends as well as mobile dolls. More than anything else, my pride won’t allow it.
In this case the second option, ‘viewing from the cliff,’ would be best. I’m sure No Name thinks so too. Only this older Professor W seems to be thinking the other way.
We moved to the northern end of the coast as instructed by Professor W. He explained that I was a special seat where he could ascertain the progress of the battle but the place smells pretty dangerous, just like the tactically important left flank.
I suddenly thought – Is Naina really unaware of us? Am I and No Name just being pushed by Professor W? Such a question crossed my mind. He reminds me of my shitty father who always lied to me. In some ways, I feel that Father and Professor W are similar. Those guys are really shady.
After a few minutes, there was a radar response. Five large MD transport ships from the Republic of Lana Green are approaching from the southeast. This type of transport craft can carry up to twelve Virgos. A total of sixty Virgos will be part of the landing operation.
Three Mars suits await – The Queen of Hearts, the King of Spades and the Jack of Clubs, facing twenty times their force. It was normal to expect that it would be a tough battle.
The three MS that were previously on top of the cliff were gone. A large number of Virgos were dropped from three large MD transport ships that flew ahead near the central coastline.
Naina’s Queen of Hearts suddenly jumped out alone. It seems that there is no intention of setting up a joint force with all three Mars Suits. She was charging in a straight line, a bold attack.
It seemed that the purpose was to pre-emptively disturb the enemy. The Virgos enemy search system doesn’t react to the Queen of Hearts whilst wearing the Red Riding Hood, so she can jump into the center and act freely.
The Virgo, who tried to defend themselves, were instantly preyed upon by a large beam mace. However, even Virgo, which is powerless by itself, jumps up in power several times as soon as it is incorporated into a group. The defensive posture of the Neo Planet Defensor becomes an impregnable wall, and the wave attack of the beam rifle becomes effective.
Naina’s Queen of Hearts was being bombarded with a barrage of high-output beam rifles. That said, they couldn’t land a decisive blow on the Queen of Hearts, who wears a Nano Defensor-coated red riding hood. She had subtly derailed Virgo’s sensors and confused the aiming of their beam rifles.
Professor W with Snow White stood to the right of me and my buddy.
“Virgo is the most troublesome when grouped together. It becomes a huge multi-headed, multi-legged monster that is driven by a single will… Its frenzied energy hides an insidious and malevolent will.” Professor W said quietly.
Even though I was told that it was a huge, multi-headed, multi-legged monster, I couldn’t visualize it. In my head, I came up with things like spiders with lots of eyes, squids and octopuses and forced them together. Anyway, I’m not good with those kinds of creatures.
No Name in Scheherazade standing to the left of me, spoke.
“But in the end, it’s an unmanned weapon. It has no resolution and no responsibility.”
That’s why I believed it was too troublesome.
When I faced forty mobile dolls called Maganac by myself, I had a hard time fighting to the death. It was a good strategy for me to knock out the only three Virgos that were with Gundam Epyon. No matter how cowardly the Martian Federation’s lightweight air combat is, we will have a hard time fighting if they come in large numbers.
I thought so at least, but I didn’t say anything.
It’s useless to use words to teach someone who has no real experience. My senior, Heero, forced that kind of thing on me in actual combat. Done without explanation. It’s annoying but thanks to that, I’m still able to survive.
Just like before when I fought Naina’s Queen of Hearts, she takes a straight line of action. On the other hand, nearly twenty Virgos attacked in waves in a circular motion, cutting of retreat routes and chasing them into the center.
But I soon realized that this was a ‘decoy’. It looks like Virgo has cornered her but in reality, its actions have formed a pattern and there are many openings to take advantage of.
If the Virgo forces form a spiral attack formation, the allies will shoot each other. Mobile Dolls don’t hesitate to shoot each other. Naina was planning for that. Three Virgos exploded in no time.
“This is a comedy,” Professor W blurted out. “What happens once is said to be a tragedy if it happens twice, and a comedy the third time.”.
Even as he said that there was no smile on his face. He continued his words in a painful tone.
“The first time was in AC182, when the Sanc Kingdom of King Marticus Peacecraft collapsed after being attacked by the Allied Forces for the Unification of the Earth Sphere… The second time was in AC195, when Relena Peacecraft inherited complete pacifism and restored the Sanc Kingdom. But it was attacked by OZ, surrendered completely and the nation was dismantled…”
I was fed up. It’s the same with my crappy father but I felt sorry for the old folk tales. Perhaps Professor W guessed what I was thinking and ended the conversation with just a few more words.
“Actually, the second time, I was also on the battlefield. Just like now, a large force of Virgo was rushing to the coast.”
“Hmph, is this the third time a country has been destroyed by pacifism?”
“Heh… Really, it’s a comedy that can’t be laughed at.”
The peaceful nation collapses because of Relena Peacecraft, the second president of the Mars Federation government. Stupid people made such a stupid choice. No need to feel sorry.
“What do you want to do? Shall we make our decision here?” Professor W said coldly.
I agreed with the proposal, but No Name still seemed undecided.
“No, It’s still too early… Let’s see the movements of the remaining two Mars Suits before making a decision.”
The Queen of Hearts of Naina was fighting fiercely, its long red muffler leaves a trail of glitter.
The Mars Suit ‘Jack of Clubs’ appeared. The beam tabar in its hand possesses tremendous destructive power with its spear-shaped beam sword and heat axe. A weapon that can attack both linearly and in a circular motion.
However, that weapon type is unusually difficult to handle because it’s the same beam size as my buddy’s. If you can’t move agilely, you will be attacked immediately but Jack of Clubs overwhelms the Virgo.
When I saw that it was fully demonstrating such mobility, I thought that the pilot must be the daughter of the Winner family, but Professor W and No Name denied it.
No Name says that Katrine is more precise and delicate and that her bold fighting style is similar to that of Naina’s twin brother.
Professor W asserted that it was Milou Peacecraft. Two people who know the daughter of the Winner family better than me say that, so there’s no doubt about it.
What surprised me was that Milou Peacecraft had a fighting style similar to that of old Master Chang. The breathing of the interval, the timing of approach and withdrawal, were exactly the same. I thought he was also doing image tracing, but I knew that was impossible.
Preventor’s top-level piloting cannot be traced so easily.
The Jack of Clubs was following the Queen of Hearts while attacking boldly. They combined a seemingly reckless charge with a sweeping defense.
Certainly, there is no way the selfish old Master Chang would be able to fight in such a caring way. Also, such co-operation is impossible for the daughter of the Winner family.
All along, I believed that Milou was just a weirdo who played a dissonant chord whilst remaining silent.
Due to the coordinated attacks of the Jack of Clubs and Queen of Hearts, the number of Neo-Planetary Defensors gradually decreased from 60 to 50. Even so, since they were facing a force twenty-five times as strong, I knew that they would eventually weaken.
The King of Spades, on which the daughter of the Winner family rides, wielding its weapon - the beam lance, started its assault.
It was a way of fighting like pushing with brute force. I was wondering what was so delicate and precise about the attack but when I looked closer, the aim of each attack was accurate, the defense was perfect and there was no waste in every single action.
The King of Spades hung over the rearmost Virgo, whose Neo-Planet Defensor defense had weakened, slashed at it and mowed down the three machines that were clustered in front of it.
I was impressed that she was the skillful young lady that I’ve fought twice before.
When she was manipulating Maganac Mobile Dolls, she used her advanced tactics to toy with me and my senior, Heero, while fighting with Prometheus. At the time, she was using a gattling gun in combat. But now I’m watching her defeat Virgo in hand-to-hand combat at a speed that I can’t keep my eye on.
The impression is that she immediately chooses the most suitable way of fighting on the battlefield on the spot. No, it would be more accurate to say that the strategy is matched to the machine. I can’t imitate that kind of thing.
Apart from that, the King of Spades seemed to be fighting pushing out a group of Virgo to a specific location.
Looking at it from a bird’s-eye view, it turned counterclockwise, disturbed them and gradually moved toward the north-northwest side. The northern end…… of the northwest coast. In other words, it was an attack that guided the enemy toward the direction where we were watching.
I clicked my tongue as my heart raced. Somehow, it’s going to be the third option, isn’t it? That’s what I was thinking at the time.
Virgo switched attack methods. They narrowed down the scattered targets to one and focused on the King of Spades in the back.
“You’re being too cocky, Katrine,” muttered No Name.
“With that way of fighting, you’re always the only one who gets hurt.”
“Yes, the enemy’s attack pattern is to check the King first and then move to defeating each one.”
“And that’s a position to assist Milou’s Jack.”
Perhaps it was just my imagination, but No Name sounded angry.
The Queen of Hearts stood out too far in the avant-garde. The Jack of Clubs was isolated in the center. It was the King of Spades who supported them from the rear.
However, even with my own eyes, I was able to see that the group of Virgos repeated dispersal and combination to prepare themselves and that they had formed a formation that would destroy each of the three Mars suits with a counterattack.
“Professor, let’s take a majority vote.” No Name said in an unusually fast tone.
Ah yes, I see. I’m the one who was put on board from the beginning. I felt bad for myself for not noticing this sooner. I guess this No Name and foolish Professor W also intended to do so from the beginning.
Majority decision, it doesn’t make any sense. There was always only one option.
“This is annoying! It’s the third time, so it’s a comedy, right? If so, I’ll end it here!” I yelled out.
This is a comedy that can’t be laughed at.
“I will take care of my sis Naina!”
When my partner and I were about to take off, No Name and Scheherazade were already moving on ahead.
“Forty-two remaining… It’s an assignment for one person.”
No Name’s face appeared on the sub-monitor.
“It’s an easy win, isn’t it, Fenrir?”
He’s an annoying bastard but I was honestly happy that he called me ‘Fenrir’
“Ok! Let’s do it!”
I spread my partner’s black cloak to the side and took out a beam-scythe with both arms.
“Hey, c’mon! The wolf in devil’s skin is here!”
Too bad it’s got to be like this.
My partner and I rushed into the Virgo unit in the form of an interception. My crappy Dad always used to say that warlocks don’t use tactics like that but how I use my buddy is up to me.
Virgo’s Neo-Planet Defensor was already out of defense. Due to the relentless attacks of Naina and her friends, the electro-magnetic output had was weakened considerably. Repeatedly dispersing and combining graceful attacks had caused a gap to take advantage of.
I was able to cut Virgos’ main body in two with a single stroke.
If you can get inside the Virgo aggregate, the fights yours. The cut and cut and cut. If you go as wild as possible, you’ll get the hang of it fast.
“Can you help me, Duo?”
I heard Naina’s voice through the secret line from the communication device. If she can use that line, does that mean our conversations are leaking? Now is not the time to worry about such things.
The Queen of Hearts, wielding a very thick beam mace, was fighting next to my partner.
“Don’t let them see you!” I spoke. “You can’t just keep hanging around this scum.”
“Ufufu, thank you.”
Scheherazade disassembled the Virgo around the King of Spades one by one. From here I could only just see the trail of light from his jambiya.
“Trowa Phobos, I will not thank you,” said the daughter of the Winner family through the same secret line.
“Do not worry… I don’t expect that.” Anonymous said without intonation. “And I’m not Trowa Phobos.”
The Queen of Hearts’ beam mace and the Warlock’s beam scythe used their respective characteristics to attack. They alternate between straight lines and circles. It was the same offensive movement line as Jack of Clubs beam tabar but neither of us could do both at the same time, so together we were able to destroy them much more effectively.
The number of Virgo had decreased by about half and all of the Neo-Defensors had been shot down.
I had defeated four and Naina defeated three. I’m sure No Name, the daughter of the Winner family and Milou Peacecraft would have been defeating them at the same rate.
At that moment, Professor W’s voice echoed.
“This is Snow White. Everyone please stay away from the sea… Shoot the white of the ‘Seven Dwarfs’”
Snow White, in its white cloak, stood on the northernmost shore and had an arrow aimed towards me and my buddy.
As instructed, we left the Virgo aggregate and headed for the coast.
“Stance… set.”
Snow White had adjusted its feet and decided on its center of gravity.
It then attached an arrow to its bow. Milou’s Jack of Clubs and the Winner daughter’s King of Spades had not yet reached the shore, but Professor W had no intention of waiting.
Show white was drawing its arrows and the target had already been set.
“Full draw….”
At last, the Jack and King were able to stand clear on the sand at the water’s edge.
Snow White shot a white arrow. It became a dazzling flash of light and headed towards the Virgo aggregate. The white flash turned into countless pure white doves along the way, spreading and falling over a wide area of the sea, turning the black sea into a pure white.
A tremendous spark occurred. A violent electric shock struck up as a reverse lightning that went from the sea to the sky.
It was a powerful plasma discharge.
The remaining twenty or so Virgo received a direct hit and instantly stopped functioning. I was a little appalled that Professor W had tried to use such a dangerous thing on me. He is dangerous after all.
It doesn’t smell like gunpowder rather it smells like explosives, like nitric acid or nitroglycerine.
It’s settled. If you have that many weapons, I think you should just use them from the beginning, but I also have a secret trick that I often use, so I can’t say anything.
“Wrong,” Professor W laughed on the sub-monitor. “I didn’t think I’d end up using the white arrow as a secret.”
It seems that had he read my complexion.
“It has the properties of ‘lightning’ but the electromagnetic field is similar to Virgo’s Neo-Planetary Defensor and when there is another electromagnetic field, it becomes electrically saturated and has no effect.”
So, he was waiting for us to shoot down the Neo-Planetary Defensor? I’m the type of person who wants to take it easy and win but Professor W seems to be that type of person too. No should I say “efficient”?
From now on, I will have to choose my words carefully. You should be careful with dangerous people.
At that time, I intercepted Milou Peacecraft’s communication with the Winner family’s daughter.
“Katrine… you have received a message from the retreating MD transport flying ship of the Republic of Lana Green.”
“To me?”
“Turn over to there.”
“Greetings Katrine. -”
I listened in.
“It’s been a while since Saint Minerva.”
The voice sounded like that of a young woman.
“Stella? Is it you Stella?”
The Winner daughter seemed quite upset.
“Ufufufu… It looks like you’ve made a lot of new friends. I envy you.”
On the other hand, the voice of the young women on the other side sounded rather high-handed.
“Why are you with Lana Green?”
“I’m going to excuse myself for today, but next time I won’t take it easy.”
Communication was cut off.
I don’t know what kind of relationship this woman ‘Stella’ had with the daughter of the Winner family, but she’s obviously an enemy. 
I imagined that there must be some sort of fate in communicating directly to my side. Also, I sensed some sort of willpower in the Virgo Aggregates’ fighting style, so it’s possible this woman named Stella was operating the Mobile Doll System.
I thought about telling the Winner girl about it but now is not the time to be “close buddies”
I spoke to Professor W.
“Now we can finally have a 3 vs 3 match! Let’s start the first option now!”
Professor W replied with his usual smile.
“No, we’ve come this far.”
I didn’t quite understand what he meant.
Professor W switched to an external speaker and yelled at Naina’s Mars Suit.
“We will drop our weapons and surrender!”
“Hey, why!!!”
I panicked. No, I was the only one who panicked. The sub-monitor showed No Name with a face that looked like it was only natural.
“Calm down.”
Excuse me, how can I calm down?
“This is a strategy. We can’t rescue Miss Catherine, Doktor T and Heero Yuy unless we go to Relena City.”
“Well, yes, but…..”
“Perhaps you can meet Relena Peacecraft.”
“If we get caught, wouldn’t it be difficult to assassinate her?”
“…..Oh really?”
No Name had a face that said, “if it was me, I could easily do it”.
No Name and Professor W are total gurus. No, when I thought about it all, everyone here besides Naina, were people I didn’t know very well. Maybe everyone is friendly and trying to trick me.
“Understood. I accept your surrender.” Naina’s voice was heard through the Queen of Hearts’ external speaker. “Duo! You made a good decision!”
What a joke. I’m still not convinced.
For a moment, I thought about hiding in the shadows and running away alone but I decided against it. I felt that this wasn’t the place to fight.
There was a brown band at the end of my braided hair. Four years ago, on Christmas, it was Naina who gave me this as a present.
“I used to like you.”
“Huh, well I agree…” I thought I’d be best to keep my mouth shut. “I liked me too!”
I had no choice but to agree to be taken prisoner.
A few hours later, we were put on a hover transport boat with simple handcuffs and transported to Relena City. Indeed, handcuffs of this size can be easily removed, the rest is timing and weapon replenishment.
Whilst being taken away, I felt hungry again. Come to think of it, what was that meat I ate this evening? I asked No Name.
“Hey, what was that meat?”
“It’s a Mars ammonite.”
“Huh? ammonite?”
“Several years ago, a genetically engineered creature seems to have settled in the Utopia Basin and bred, but the details are unknown…”
There must have been fossils left on Earth.
I think that they were ancient creatures that were already extinct, but I don’t know for sure. I remember seeing an eerie picture of squid-like legs growing out of a conch shell. There was a story that there was one that was thought to be about two meters because it was so large.
It’s surprising such things are increasing on Mars. Could it be that the ancient Earth’s oceans are similar to modern Mars oceans?
“Is it ok to eat that kind of thing?”
“I don’t know…”
Humans – no, all the creatures living in this world take the lives of other creatures by the act of “eating things”. If humans have souls, then birds, pigs and cows will too and maybe even ammonites.
But if a wolf eats it, the market is set for a piglet or a lamb, or at least a cute Little Red Riding Hood. And yet… I felt like I was carrying an extra burden. My hunger was instantly quelled.
At dawn, we arrived at Relena City. The three of us were taken to the president’s official residence, along with Naina. In the back room of the long corridor was the Oval Office. The fragrant smell of grilled bacon wafted from there. It felt like a frenzy as the bugs in my stomach groaned.
On the other side of the door was Doktor T and Catherine, who were having an elegant breakfast. On a white tablecloth lay a platter of bacon, eggs and green salad and a small plate next to it was a freshly baked croissant. A clear amber onion soup was next to that.
The silver tableware was dazzling. To my surprise, the basket in the middle was full of fruits such as muscat grapes, apples and bananas.
Doktor T put down his dishes, wiped his lips gently with a napkin and spoke.
“You’re late…”
Professor W was calm.
“No, thank you for waiting.”
“Phobos, I saved a banana for you.” Catherine said with a smile.
No Name smiled dryly for some reason.
“Ah, Ah…”
My senior wasn’t here. 
Naina, the daughter of the Winner family and Milou Peacecraft started eating the breakfast dishes that had been prepared in front of us. I wanted to complain but before I could Professor W spoke.
“Please behave yourself. We are prisoners of war.”
It seems that he read my complexion again. But aren’t there breakfasts for the poor prisoners of war? Should such discrimination be allowed? In addition –
“Aren’t the Doktor and Catherine prisoners?”
Doktor T threw a piece of croissant into his mouth.
“We are guests.”
It looked extraordinarily delicious. When the croissant was cut into strips, I wanted to eat even the small flakes that fell off.
“Guest? Why are you a guest?”
“Because I’m with Heero, who is a state guest.”
Doktor T turned his gaze toward the office desk in the back. A weak morning sun streamed in through the large windows. A simple office desk by the window had a swivel chair with its back turned.
When the chair turned towards me, sitting there was Heero Yuy wearing a black virtual visor. It was the same kind of thing my father had back at the Arctic base. My senior coldly told me to remove it.
“It’s over, Relena….”
From the next room appeared the Martian Federation’s second president, Relena Peacecraft and her aide, Lucrezia Noin.
They seemed to have already finished eating and they were holding blue flower-patterned cups of tea. There was an elegant scent that I had never smelled before.
President Relena spoke while offering a teacup to my senior.
“How was the ‘Peacecraft File’?”
My senior said nothing. He didn’t even drink the tea.
Even though we’re in this place, we’re surrounded by an atmosphere that makes me feel as if we don’t exist. Feeling alienated is not such a great thing. It was as if those two couldn’t see us.
“Should I look?”
Relena was there, not the president but the girl. I could only see that in her eyes. Relena let out a small sigh. A long time ago, Naina often sighed like that.
“I’m really hesitant…”
His eyes were closed, and his small shoulders were drooping.
“If it was you before, you wouldn’t have hesitated…”
The surface of the black tea shook slightly. My senior had a pistol in his hand. He looked down, then slowly pointed the muzzle between Relena’s eyebrows and said quietly.
“I’ll kill you when you’re done watching….”
Relena took a deep breath and opened her eyelids to reveal her beautiful clear blue eyes and spoke.
She didn’t seem to hesitate anymore. Relena put the black virtual visor over her face-
 <<Continued in volume 8>>
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I decided to play around with this bingo a little. I'll finish the rest tomorrow.
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ale-draws-stuff · 1 year
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@cetrouz very 💞💞
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This Week in Gundam Wing July 17 - 6 August 2022
Here’s the last three week’s roundup! July 17th - August 6th!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make next week!
~Mod Hel
Dirty Computer (Ch. 24) https://archiveofourown.org/works/28577022/chapters/101628840
Multi, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei/Original Female Character(s), Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Contain Spoilers, Minor Violence, Espionage, Unreliable Narrator, Post-War, Reference To Past Injury, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Original Character(s), Disassociation, Intrigue
Years after the war, nothing is what anyone hoped for. Peace reigns supreme.
Gonzo Valentine (Ch. 6-7) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17798489/chapters/101864439
M/M, Chang Wufei & Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Drink Spiking, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Rescue Missions, Drag Queens, ludicrous situations , Crossdressing, Gangsters, No beta reading we go down with our typos yelling, Coming Out, Explosions, Mild Hurt/Comfort, OCs by the handful, bodycount is high, but no canon characters, Off-screen death, off-screen violence, Canon-Typical Violence, Bad people using bad words, bad people doing bad things
The one where Wufei is No Fun At Parties, temporarily becomes the new Messiah and eventually has a great time when shit goes boom. A.K.A the one where Duo is very definitely NOT going to have to report back to HQ that they accidentally got his partner high and then lost his ass somewhere in the city on the back of a getaway car. Nope, no sir, he can fix this himself. Even in these shoes.
In fact, between ghosts, gangsters, drag queens and nuns, it's just a typical Valentine's Day on L2- right?
Arts/Crafts/Photo Manips:
Trowa/Duo/Heero, fanart
Quatre Raberba Winner, Haro, fanart
Heavyarms, gunpla
Duo Maxwell, fanart
Heero/Duo, fanart
Heero Yuy, fanart
Duo Maxwell, fanart
Relena Darlian, fanart
Relena Darlian, fanart
Quatre Raberba Winner, fanart
Duo, Heero, fanart
Various GW sketches, fanart
Quatre Raberba Winner, Maganacs, photomanipulation
Duo Maxwell, cosplay
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Hilde, Duo, Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Encyclopedia, concept art, scan/screenshot
Duo, Heero, anime, screenshot
Heero, anime, screenshot
Duo Maxwell, Sims, screenshot
Heero/Duo, Sims, screenshot
Quatre/Trowa, Sims, screenshot
Head Canons/Meta:
Duo explaining to Heero
Armored Core, For Answer, VGM, remix
Fandom Discourse:
Duo’s scream
Zechs Merquise <3
Card Game?
GW Love, we’re here for it in all its weirdness. <3
Duo & WuFei
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, August 12th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/691825760658472960/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-august
In need of prompts!
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/644080386309275648/events-calendar-update
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
Summer Speaker Series - Ongoing currently on discord!
Discord can be found here: https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/688500263548551168/sign-up-for-the-summer-speaker-series
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rollofleaf · 7 months
OC Profile
Tagged by @spyridonya and @turbulentpumpkin43 to do this. Gonna do Hilde, Sakura (my wotr commanders), Ethyn (kingmaker baroness), Taliira, and Grace (my tavs)
Not tagging anyone specific, but if you see this consider yourself tagged!
NAME: Hilde Svalksdottir
NICKNAME: My Azata (Arueshalae), Chief (Woljif), Peach (Woljif, Daeran, Seelah)
GENDER: Cis woman
STAR SIGN: The Daughter (Taurus)
HEIGHT: 5’1”
ORIENTATION: Demisexual Lesbian
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Land of Linnorm Kings/Musetouched Aasimar
FAVORITE FRUIT: Peaches and Nectarines
FAVORITE SEASON: Summer in the Land of Linnorm Kings, Winter everywhere else
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot chocolate with marshmallows
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 5-6 hours, 7-ish post war
DOGS OR CATS: Dragons! (And cats)
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 4 + Arueshalae
RANDOM FACT: Hilde dedicates an hour a day at minimum to writing poetry or her saga. She’s very diligent about never missing this time.
NAME: Taliira Mel’thaal
NICKNAME: Ta (Karlach), Sunset (Shadowheart),
GENDER: Cis woman
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius (not sure if Toril has its own astrological signs)
HEIGHT: 5’7”
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, female lean
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Menzobarranzan/ Drow Elf
FAVORITE FRUIT: Luurden fruit (apples on the surface)
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 4 hours of trancing
DOGS OR CATS: Spiders!
DREAM TRIP: Tears of Selune
RANDOM FACT: Before fleeing to the surface, Taliira was a professional spider raiser and an amateur gardener.
NAME: Sakura Redpetal
NICKNAME: Snow (Camellia)
GENDER: Non-binary femme-adjacent (she/they)
STAR SIGN: The Mother (Virgo)
HEIGHT: 4’11 (5’3 with ears)
ORIENTATION: Raging Pansexual
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Jinin (Tian Xia)/ Kitsune
FAVORITE FRUIT: Strawberries
DOGS OR CATS: She’ll say foxes, but it’s secretly cats
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 3, usually also a person
RANDOM FACT: She raised a smilodon she found as a cub, her name is Snowdrift and she’s Sakura’s closest friend.
NAME: Ethyn Aivela Roseveil
NICKNAME: My Hound (Nyrissa), Rose (Nyrissa, Octavia, Regongar)
GENDER: Cis woman
STAR SIGN: The Rider (Gemini)
HEIGHT: 5’3”
ORIENTATION: Pansexual, female lean
FAVORITE SCENT: Nyrissa’s garden
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 2, one as a backup
RANDOM FACT: Ethyn performs a daily ritual where she paints something or someone beautiful and leaves the painting somewhere for anyone to take it.
NAME: Grace, formerly Aracyra Bloodmoon
NICKNAME: Red (Karlach, many others)
GENDER: Trans woman
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
HEIGHT: 4’11
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, male lean
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Baldurian/Mephistopheles Tiefling
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 5, then the nightmares hit
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: As many as possible
RANDOM FACT: Grace’s tail is extremely expressive and she has no control over it. It wags when she’s talking to someone she likes and the tip tends to point at wherever her invisible patron’s tail is pointing.
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