#Hi Nosho I love you
me? coming in with another au that i didn't entirely think through? of COURSE-
- ian is fresh off his prison sentence.
- he gets thrown into a convict rehabilitation project by his po.
- the project in question? getting sent to a ranch in the middle of NOWHERE.
- he's not entirely thrilled to get there. middle of nowhere, the only thing for miles is fields and pastures and cattle and probably some not really homo friendly guys who rather speak with their fists than words.
- when he gets there he's pleasantly surprised, because, yes, there's some cows and a tiny herd of sheep, but it's mostly horses.
- in: mickey as the ranch owner. he's brash and doesn't shy away from fights and definitely doesn't take any shit. the worst part? he's just as hot as the relentless sun.
- ian learns the horses are mostly rescue cases, because, beneath his hard shell, mickey DOES have a heart for the broken and used.
- ian HATES how mickey seems he's an absolute IDIOT and can't tell his left from his right. but then he sees how sweet the guy's with the horses, and, well. he's practically done for.
- going cliché here with mickey having a really complicated horse in the stable. guy's arrived at the ranch abused and malnourished, mickey helped him back to his feet. his name is poison; the guy's black as the night, because he HAS to be, and barely lets mickey ride him. obviously, the devil has to betray mickey and take an immediate liking to ian.
- ian's assigned horse is an elderly dapple grey mare. her name's gretchen. she's a heavier warm-blooded horse (this. sounds much bloodier than "schweres warmblut". english, what the hell.) and worked as a cart horse her entire life. she's been brought to the ranch because her original owner died and the kids thought she deserved a nice retirement. he bribes her with carrots and scratches at the chin.
- ian doesn't know how to ride for SHIT. mickey has to teach him. after critiquing his posture to no end and watching ian eat dirt at least fifty times he takes mercy and gets on the horse with him, to actively help him out. ian has to scramble all of his brain cells together to pay attention and not think about those thick thighs caging him in the whole time.
- same happens when he sees mickey go full speed on his horse for the first time. everyone else applauds him for his performance, while ian's horny brain's occupied with thoughts of those thighs around his head -gets muffled and dragged away-
- for the hell of it i'll have them goof around, take the horses to the pond in the tiny forest around the corner and go for a swim with them. they obviously shove and drag each other off the horsebacks.
and if you think this is mainly an excuse to think about mickey's thighs, then you might be correct, but lower your voice.
that's it. that's the thoughts.
good morning my darling 🖤 opening my inbox to see you is always a great way to start my day!
Mickey as the ranch owner is something I never knew I needed. But I do.
going cliché here with mickey having a really complicated horse in the stable -> please give me all the cliche because my head went exactly the same way!
His name is poison-> YOUR MIND IS PERFRCT MY FRIEND obviously, the devil has to betray mickey and take an immediate liking to ian. -> OF COURSE. Maybe Mickey even took Ian to poison to “teach him a lesson” about being cocky of take down his ego a bit when Ian went into cocky-confident-Ian-mood and it turned Mickey on too much that he had to see Ian make an ass of himself to calm down and not jump his bones. Seeing Ian bonding with poison did the exact opposite, let me tell you.
ian doesn't know how to ride for SHIT. mickey has to teach him -> the possibility for innuendos is endless. I hope Mickey / Ian makes some about Mickey’s natural talent to ride.
Mickey… takes mercy and gets on the horse with him -> oh lord have some mercy for me!
THOSE THIGHS! Poor Ian, how will he survive all of those fantasies? How soon will he learn that Mickey is gay?
and if you think this is mainly an excuse to think about mickey's thighs, then you might be correct, but lower your voice. -> fair. Talking and thinking about Mickey’s thighs is just what we do here. This is the reason we are given our brains at the end of the day. We just want to talk about his dream thighs.
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squidyyy23 · 11 months
excuse me, ma'am? have you perceived them today already?
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let me help with that-
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that's all. thanks. proceed with your day. no clue about the right order, it serves its purpose.
proceed with your day? PROCEED WITH MY DAY?!?!?! after you throw this in my face? you really expect me to just keep going after this?
what do you want to bet mickey throws this back in ian's face on the regular? "pissing away your life, eh? this feel like pissing away your life?" while they're holding hands on the beach for their anniversary. or while they're harvesting the season's first tomatoes from the patio. or while they're obnoxiously cheering on their nieces and nephews from the stands. or while they're snuggling in bed on a lazy sunday morning. and ian's gotta commit. so always all "mhmm, yep, this is horrible, imagine everything else i could be doing with my life" but then he kisses his husband and tells him how much he loves him.
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jrooc · 14 days
Weekly Tag Wednesssdaaayyyyyy ✨
Thanks for the tags and hosting @heymacy and tags from you wonderful cookies @mybrainismelted @transmickey @energievie @spookygingerr @gallapiech @roryonic @crestfallercanyon @mmmichyyy @deedala @ardent-fox
name: Jess or jrooc
age: 2 slices of Pie or a Nosho and a half
your time zone: EST
what do you do for work? Marketing for Tech/Saas companies
do you have any pets? My cat Lily who is my master, commander, dictator and co-dependant fur-heart of 16 years
what first drew you to this fandom? Someone suggested I watch the show when I was in a very low point and recovering from yet another surgery and then I became obsessed and went down the internet rabbit hole and here I am! The fandom was such a lovely welcoming place that felt like a warm hug and soothed my broken soul and I’ve been happy here since.
are you a morning person or a night owl? Night owl
what are your hobbies? Reading. Writing. Fandom-ing (same, Macy, same)
how tall are you? 5' 8
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? So many places: the Bahamas? A greek island sounds great. Tulum? Turkey. Cinqo terre.
favourite color? Green
favorite book? So many. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel.
favorite movie? Pride & Prejudice - Kiera Knightly version is what's popping up in my brain
favorite fic? Old Rules For New Side Pieces
favorite musical artist: Right now? BoyGenius and Chapell Roan or Pinegrove. All time? Rilo Kiley. Future Islands.
what is your average screen time so far this week? 3hrs 59min
what's the first app you open in the morning? Discord to say hi to pocket friends and see the euro/aussie chatter I missed overnight.
how long have you been on tumblr? 1 year in June
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: Ummm… My fun facts are boring. I’m a road cycling dork. I’ve recently been into Greek wines. And I can be a bit of a dick but I swear I don’t mean it I just forget that saying everything that comes to my brain sometimes comes out in asshole. I say things with force but I’m actually quite flexible!
Tags below the fold (there’s a tumblr tag issue so sorry if this breaks- also why the tags are spaced weird lol)
@lee-ow pat pat pat @sgtmickeyslaughter @astaraels @guinguin1984 @suzy-queued
@mickeysgaymom @heymrspatel @gallavichsuperfan @rayrayor @bawlbrayker
@look-i-love-u @redwiccanrobin @sillygoofygoobersstuff @krysmiss
@spoonfulstar @doshiart @too-schoolforcool @creepkinginc @ian-galagher
@such-a-barbarian @blue-disco-lights @francesrose3 @ms-moonlight-inn @notherenewjersey
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ian-galagher · 1 month
I was tagged by some lovely people! 🤗🧡 Kat @mybrainismelted Kaka @stocious Evie @energievie Comet @spacerockwriting Nosho @creepkinginc Alice @spookygingerr Sky @transmurderbug Michelle @michellemisfit Georgia @iansw0rld Lem @depressedstressedlemonzest Julia @blue-disco-lights Becki @francesrose3 🤗🧡
Name: Willow
Age: in the middle bit
First Pet? a tiny Russian hamster
First Word? mama, but I think my mum made that up 😂
First Celebrity Crush? not really a crush but I admired Val Kilmer and Sarah Michelle Gellar a lot when I was younger
First IRL Crush? I never really had a crush but I would root for my friends SO hard and try to get them hooked up 😂
First kiss? while on holiday in France I was swimming under water and this boy started to race me, turned around mid swim and, while under water, planted his mouth on mine. I was so shocked I opened my mouth, swallowed a liter of water and choked. it was very romantic 😂
First Car? ehm it's grey 😂
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? a converted garage of a lovely family who promised me we'd have dinner some time and we never did 😂
First time on a plane? South Africa. I got sooo sick 😂
First cellphone? a Nokia brick type thing 😂
First concert? Wir Sind Helden
First Foreign country you visited? France or Austria, we went around Europe a lot when I was younger
First sport you ever played? I tried everything and hated all of it
First career aspiration? a writer 😂
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow" I drew a potato like creature called Quickie that I was really proud of 😂
I'm soooo late but if you haven't yet, you're hereby tagged! 🤗🧡
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transmurderbug · 1 month
🐛 Weekly Tag Wednesday! 🐛
Thank you for the tags, Kat @mybrainismelted, Kaka @stocious, Evie @energievie, Comet @spacerockwriting, Nosho @creepkinginc, Jess @jrooc and Alice @spookygingerr! So many people! 🥰💙
Weekly Tag Wednesday - Firsts!
Name: Sky 🪲🪨
Age: Nosho divided by zero.
First Pet? My family's German Shepherd named Döme. The first pet that was mine was a guinea pig. His name was Kormos (smoky/sooty).
First Word? As if my mother remembers 😂 All I know is that my father wanted it to be dezoxiribonukleinsav (DNA, but in Hungarian).
First Celebrity Crush? 🤷
First IRL Crush? One of these days I'll need a scientific rundown of what that's supposed to feel like. I never had one, I guess?
First kiss? Sorry, this one is a skip for me. Blah.
First Car? Issss the one I still have! A 2009 Renault Clio Grandtour. My pookie (yes I am THAT person).
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? A small ass apartment I half lived in with someone.
First time on a plane? A family vacation when I was around... 5. It was fun! I've been totally in love with flying ever since.
First cellphone? A "hand me down" from my mother, an old... Nokia? If I remember correctly. Your typical "you're going to school and coming home on your own, here, in case you need it".
First concert? I don't remember... I'm pretty sure some kind of a rock concert though. I was raised on good music. The first one that I excitedly got tickets for on my own was when I was 15, one of my favorite bands was celebrating a birthday.
First foreign country you visited? I think it was Austria when I was a few months old!
First sport you ever played? Athletics from basically the day I could walk. Nothing specific at first, but I ended up being a good jumper and sprinter later. My true calling was probably discus/javelin/hammer, anything you can throw.
First career aspiration? It was constantly changing, but the focus point was always animals.
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow" That's a tough one... maybe back when I was doing graphics extracurricular in school and we designed some background set for theatre, more specifically for an Oz play. The yellow brick road I worked on turned out pretty cool! I used to write poems too, some weren't too horrid 👀
Tagging, because I'm on time! Voluntary, as always, if you wanna pass, here, have this apple: 🍏 @ian-galagher @transmickey @deathclassic @gallapiech @look-i-love-u @suzy-queued @mickeysgaymom @sam-loves-seb @heymrspatel @dynamic-power @blue-disco-lights @thepupperino @metalheadmickey @transsexual-dandelions @sgtmickeyslaughter @ms-moonlight-inn @palepinkgoat @krysmiss @callivich @rayrayor @francesrose3 @lee-ow aaaand anyone else my scrambled brain is forgetting.
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mybrainismelted · 1 month
Weekly Tag Wednesday! 🏷️
Weekly Tag Wednesday - Firsts!
Name: Kat
Age: 2(Nosho)-2
First Pet? A black lab that my parents creatively named Cinders
First Word? "No" (living up to my scorpio-ness from the start)
First Celebrity Crush? Jordan Knight
First IRL Crush? His name was Scott. Local badboy. You know.
First kiss? Scott (insert blushing emoji)
First Car? Ha… it was an old junker of a station wagon. Had over 200K kilometers on it when I got it.
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? I shared a house with 4 other people. It was grungy and falling apart, and always smelled like weed.
First time on a plane? This one took way too long. My cousin's wedding in Mexico, I was in my 30's.
First cellphone? ummm…. a Nokia 3210
First concert? New Kids on The Block
First Foreign country you visited? Like most Canadians, The USA
First sport you ever played? T-Ball, when I was like…. 5
First career aspiration? Hmmm, most of my childhood I wanted to be a chef
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow" This one goes back a long ways for me. I started writing a YA novel back in high school. Sadly, I don't know what ever happened to it, but in my memory at least, it was really good.
tagging in some lovelies - @deedala, @jrooc, @darlingian, @heymacy, @energievie, @blue-disco-lights, @krysmiss, @softmick, @stocious, @creepkinginc, @transmurderbug, @transmickey, @ian-galagher, @ms-moonlight-inn, @palepinkgoat, @lingy910y, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @such-a-barbarian, @crossmydna, @francesrose3, @rayrayor, @guinguin1984, @jessieoneday, @deathclassic, @depressedstressedlemonzest, @heymrspatel, @solitarycreaturesthey, @too-schoolforcool, and @michellemisfit if you wanna play!
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takeyourpillsbitchh · 6 months
Galladrabbles: Kindred Spirits🥂
@creepkinginc Nosho! You brilliant, wonderful goblin!! I LOVE your prompt this week for @galladrabbles and you have officially caused this series to drift into the angst, emotional/hurt/comfort zone 🤣
It was the middle of the night, Mickey was woken by a pounding on his door.
Ian barged in. Tore off his clothes. Fucked him hard right there in the entry way. Hand around his throat. Gun in the back of his jeans.
It wasn’t until they laid in bed after that Ian spoke soft—gentle.
“Why’re you with me, Mick? I’m a fucking born disaster.”
Mickey looks into those green eyes, sighs.
“I wouldn’t choose to be me either.”
Ian’s silent, moves on top of Mickey, takes him slow, tongues and hands intertwined.
“Run far away from me, Mickey. Don’t look back.”
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mickmilks · 8 months
so the lovely nosho @creepkinginc sent me a post and mentioned how the middle picture reminded him of ian cutting trans mickey's hair and i simply had to write something!
He could feel it, tickling the nape of his neck. It had been a few months since his last haircut and he was beginning to take notice, and not in the best way. The itching felt like it was coming from underneath his skin, nagging at him constantly like a shirt tag that refuses to lay flat. He ran his fingers through his hair, annoyed that he could actually run his fingers through his hair. Mickey grabbed his phone, looking up the nearest barber shop, absolutely shocked at the prices for a haircut these days.
“Fuckin’... fuck!” he said, exasperated.
Mickey quickly tapped out a text to Ian.
sos need u to come over
Thankfully, Ian responded fairly quickly, letting Mickey know he’d be right over. Mickey couldn’t stop pacing, tugging at his hair as if it would magically get shorter if he did so. After about 15 minutes and a lot more pacing, he heard the front door creak open.
“Mickey? What’s wrong?” Ian called from the entryway.
“In here,” Mickey said from his bedroom.
Ian stepped through the doorway, taking in the sight of Mickey’s thoroughly rumpled hair.
“Hey, what’s going on? You okay?”
“This fuckin’... it’s too long.” Mickey once again tugged at his hair, eyes cast downwards.
“Hey, hey, c’mon,” Ian said softly, taking Mickey’s hand in his, gently tugging it away from his hair. “I can help, will you let me?”
Mickey nodded, letting Ian lead him into the bathroom. 
“Do you have clippers?”
“Yeah, underneath the sink. Dunno if they still work, though.”
Ian offered a soft smile, and opened up the under-sink cabinet, pulling out the box that held the hair clippers and guides.
“Do you want me to buzz everything? Or just the sides?”
“Uh, just do everything, I guess.”
Ian nodded, snapping on the 1/2" guide to make sure it wasn’t a complete buzz. 
“Here, lean your head over the sink so we don’t get hair everywhere, okay?”
Mickey complied, leaning over the sink and closing his eyes. Ian plugged in the clippers and flicked the power switch, the clippers buzzing to life. Carefully, Ian started to cut away the hair from Mickey’s nape up to the crown of his head, repeating the motion around the sides of his head, until he was happy he’d gotten everything that Mickey would be happy with.
“Hey, do you want me to cut the top of your hair too? Fiona showed me how, if you want,” Ian said, shutting off the clippers.
“Um, yeah, I guess,” Mickey replied, standing up straight.
“Sit down over here, it’ll give me a better angle,” Ian said, motioning to the closed toilet lid.
Mickey walked over and sat down, hands twisting in his lap. Ian rifled around in the medicine cabinet, somehow procuring a pair of small scissors.
“Alright, you ready?” Ian asked.
Mickey nodded in reply, closing his eyes. Ian gently grabbed a section of Mickey’s hair, trimming the ends. He repeated the process several times over, the snip a soothing sound to Mickey’s ears. Ian even took the time to trim around Mickey’s ears, making sure everything looked as clean as possible. 
“Hey, I’m done, wanna go look?”
Mickey stood up, walking over to the bathroom mirror. Looking back at him was the reflection of Mickey, the boy he knew. Not the person he used to be. Mickey. In this moment he knew he had something special with Ian. Someone who would take time out of his day to make Mickey feel safe and comfortable, with no hesitation or judgment. Taking a deep inhale, Mickey turned to Ian and pressed a tight-lipped kiss to Ian’s lips.
“Thank you,” he muttered, hands fisted at his sides.
Ian just stood there with a wide smile, and after a split second of hesitation, set the scissors down and pulled Mickey into a tight hug.
“You don’t gotta worry about needing things from me, Mickey. Always gonna be here. Promise.”
Mickey smiled into Ian’s shoulders, the feeling of safety washing over him. 
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wh0lemilk0vich · 2 months
hii misha. i'm coming to you with a concept this fine evening.
ian as a sort of barkeeper, alright [or any other occupation that makes this scenario possible]. mickey coming in as a patron, maybe with his brothers, or with sandy. ian getting to stare at mickey bending over the billiard board [table?] all night long. tummy and thighs squished against the furniture. dump truck on full display.
and with that, i'll just. see myself out.
Aweee I love this, Nosho. It gave me an idea of, like, a 50s/60s kind of Archie comics vibe. Ian works as a waiter at a soda fountain/burger shop where all the kids hangout after school, jukebox, billiard table, all that kind of stuff. Mickey's the typical greaser bad boy (maybe he's on the wrestling team 🤤) and he spends the afternoons at this diner eating burgers and pie and drinking shakes and floats and flirting with the pretty little redhead in the uniform and paper hat. And Ian just drools over him in his tight tank tops and jeans, his leather jacket, his beatle boots hair slicked back. And you're sooo right he would look so good bending over the pool table, ass and thighs practically giftwrapped in denim. He sits at the counter chewing on a toothpick with a predatory (complimentary) smile, listing off orders for Ian who's just taking them down on his receipt pad, ears burning red hot. Mickey just looks so smug as Ian brings him out food, giving him a wink. Does Ian put up an out of order sign on the bathroom to give Mickey blowies? Probably. And they go for drives to make out point and do all the nostalgic high school stuff.
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
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caught in the act by gallawitch | rated: M | 2K
Mickey's had a shitty day. The cure? A beer at home with his husband and their teenage kid. But he never expected that his daughter would have a house guest...
a sweet anon popped into my inbox asking "if [i] could write something about if maybe mick and ian had a daughter and one day they left her home alone and came back to her fooling around on the couch with a boy? or a girl." why they think i'm the person to write galladads, i'll never know... but i tried anon! i really tried! especially because my sweet precious goblin king nosho's (@creepkinginc) birthday prompts were: fluff with slice of life. SO. here are some fluffy dads! i love you nosho! i love you anon! xx
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It's been a fucking shitty day.
Mickey throws open the front door with all of the force he can muster, ignoring the flare of pain in his bad shoulder. Stupid thing’s been acting up again since the weather’s turned cold. 
The metal of the doorknob cracks against the plaster of the wall in their entryway, and Ian winces. “Mick—“
“Not now, Ian,” Mickey barks. 
[ read the rest below the cut or here on ao3]
What he wants to say is, Fuck off, Gallagher, but they’ve spent over two decades together, and can at least be on a first name basis. Plus, he’s been trying to work on his reactions to things. Be less hot-headed and more thoughtful, or whatever the fuck. But he’s almost at the end of his rope, his fuse already lit and rapidly burning down thanks to a frustrating combination of idiot clients and useless new hires. 
It’s days like today that have him wondering why exactly he thought he wanted to run a business. Be somebody’s boss. Be responsible for keeping the lights on and the customers happy. Even though he's been doing this for years, he can't help but think that it was a lot easier when he was running drugs and whores.
Louder, though, and he's become accustomed to the quiet.
He needs a fucking beer. 
Two maybe, he thinks as he toes off his boots. Shoves them in his designated cubby in the hall closet like the little domestic bitch he is. Even steps out of the way so that Ian can come up beside him and drop his own shoes off. 
Mickey’s not mad at him. No reason to be, they don't even work together anymore. Haven't in years. But Ian'd offered to pick him up after his shift at the new hospital downtown, and he'd stepped right into the crosshairs of an already terrible mood. Mickey just needs a minute to unwind.
Before either of them can say anything further, a slight whimper, of all things, wafts towards them.
Mickey cranes his neck to see further into the house, his rage quickly finding a new target. He feels Ian’s chest close to his back, and lifts a finger to his lips.
Other sounds follow—a hitched breath, the shifting of bodies against the soft, leather of their new couch (a splurge purchase made when all kids and dogs had been sufficiently trained up and housebroken), a small, wet pop that makes Mickey's spine curl.
He catches Ian’s curious stare, their shoulders raising as they make their way to the living room. It all feels familiar, yet odd. Been a while since either of them had their shackles up. The Southside even feels somewhat safe these days, thanks to a new generation of kids and a bunch of gentrifying motherfuckers. 
So it comes as a surprise to see someone strange in their house, making slick noises on their furniture, sticking their tongue down their daughter’s—
“Oh, hell no! You gotta be shitting me!” Mickey yells, Ian right at his heels.
The kid leaps to his feet, his shoulder-length hair as disheveled as his button-down; his eyes and his boner bulging in tandem. He looks to Mickey, horror-stricken, then glances at Ian before looking down towards the girl on the couch: sixteen-year-old Josephine Gallagher-Milkovich, bright red hair sprawled out beneath her wide, green eyes.
“Hey Dad…” she says, shrugging just slightly.
Mickey’s blood boils. “Hey Dad?! Jo, what the fuck?”
She scrambles to sit up, grabbing the blanket at the end of the couch to cover herself, despite being fully clothed. 
Thank Christ.
“I think you should probably leave,” Ian chimes in, pulling Mickey’s attention back to the kid wilting silently to his left. “Door’s just that way.”
“That’s a good fucking idea,” Mickey yells. He takes a step forward and crosses his arms, settling into a wide stance. “Better yet, let’s make sure I never see you again. Got it, Pimple Puss?”
“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir,” the kid mumbles, shoving on his shoes at lightening speed. He stands, looking at them both. “Uh, Sirs.”
“Yeah, yeah, get the fuck outta here!” Mickey reiterates as the kid runs past him. Mickey swings back around towards his daughter, who has dared to stand up while his back was turned. “Not so fast! You better stay right where you are.”
She freezes, her eyes wandering to Ian. The door slams shut behind them, and he jumps a bit. Shrugs. Shakes off her stare. He wants to be the one to come through for her, soften the blow of what’s about to happen, but he can’t. His hands are tied. Instead, he reaches for Mickey’s wrist, turning him slightly. 
Warm green eyes catch his ice-cold stare.
“Mickey, think about this,” he whispers. His gaze is sweet, and he rubs a little circle with his thumb across Mickey’s pulse-point. It’s soothing, and it brings Mickey back into his body for a moment. Back to the present. Back from another day, in another house, when it was them getting caught. 
Fuck, he hadn’t visited that memory in a while. Didn’t even realize he’d slipped there now until Ian’s breath ghosted his temple, his words evoking yet another day with the same captor. The gun in his hand that time. His eyes wild. Mick, pause.
Mickey sniffs. Gives Ian a curt nod, sucking his lip between his teeth, and preparing to face his dumbass daughter again. “Give us a minute?”
Ian squeezes his wrist, “Course.”
Jo opens her mouth in protest, but closes it again off of Ian’s look. She’s sure he’ll have his own shit to say about the state she’s been discovered in—the rules, and the trust that she knows she’s broken—but that’s sure to be a calmer conversation. Less at stake, and everybody knows it.
“Gonna order us a pizza, I’m starving,” Ian calls behind him as he leaves his two most cherished people to hash it out.
It’s instantly uncomfortable. 
Jo picks at the skin on her lip, her ticks always more Mickey than Ian. Nurture kicking nature’s ass. But Mickey’s never been able to hold steady around a Gallagher pout, so when he finally exhales and meets her eyes, he knows he’s full of nothing but hot air.
"I ain't mad," he says, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and pointer finger–a move that absolutely doesn't say everything's cool.
"You're not?" Jo asks, her eyebrows crinkling.
He drops his hands and takes in her expression, now dancing between terrified and confused. Shakes his head and says, ”Course not. I was banging your pops all over this neighborhood way younger than you are now.”
"Ugh, Dad.”
Mickey chuckles, briefly lost again in different, more pleasant memories; of stock rooms and refrigerators. ”Got caught a lot, too.”
Jo’s shocked. ”You did?”
“‘Course we did. We were dumb fucking kids! Got caught by his pervert boss, by fucking Frank... Another time, too…” He shifts his weight, and thumbs at his nose. “Let's just say that if you're gonna follow in our footsteps and fuck around in the open, you're goddamn lucky that it's us walking in that door.”
Jo nods. She doesn’t know the ins and outs of her fathers’s lives before her. Neither of them have spilled all of their secrets, and some things might never be relayed. But she knows enough to know it was way different from how she's grown up, and she knows that she can always ask. They’ll be honest with her. They’ve made a point to share what’s important, and tell it to her straight. 
She’s a good kid. 
They raised her up pretty damn well, despite all of the fear, and the doubts.
Mickey clicks his teeth, making his way to sit beside her on the couch."A guy though? Really? I mean, I get it.” He pops her one on the shoulder, playfully. “But I was always kinda hoping you'd be smarter than me.”
Jo goes beet red, her arms folding cross her chest. "Uh, yeah, about that..." She takes a deep breath and says, “I’m… queer. I think. I like, uh, both. All? People. I like people.”
“Oh,” Mickey says, his eyebrows shooting up his forehead.
She squints at him. “Cool?”
"Never really liked anyone 'sides that alien-lookin' motherfucker listening in from the kitchen" – there's a rustling from the room in question as Ian backs away from the doorway – "But yeah, that's cool. Thanks for telling me.”
She nods. "Thanks for listening.”
"Look, I may not be the easiest to talk to or the most in touch with my feelings or whatever, but I'm always gonna listen." He puts a tattooed hand on her knee. "I love you, kid.”
"I love you too, Dad.”
He pulls her in, tight to his chest. Her hands ball into little fists against his back as she wraps around him, and he remembers those same fists grabbing tight to his pointer finger the day she came home from the hospital.
A new surge of possessiveness swoops through him. 
"You being safe?”
He can hear the eye roll, so he pulls back, taking her by the shoulders trying to catch it in action. Knows she’s embarrassed, but he ain’t done yet. Even as a dad, he can be a little shit. 
"I can tell ya about condoms and lube, though that might not be such a thing for you? I don't know fuck all about a woman's body. Already seen way more than I ever wanted to… And it seems like you're past whatever I woulda told you before…"
She shudders at the outpouring of information, but she’s intrigued. "What would you have told me before?”
He settles back on the couch, spreading his legs just slightly, a mischievous smirk on his face. 
"Aight, I got yer cheap birth control right here. Only costs a penny. You put the penny on the inside of your knee—doesn’t matter which—and then you hold it in place with the other knee.”
He demonstrates, closing his knees together and holding it tight, his hands now raised high in the air.
Jo groans, “Oh my god.” 
Ian plops down on the couch next to Mickey, tired of being relegated to the kitchen. ”You’re a dumbass.”
"'Ey, I think it's a great option,” Mickey balks. “Affordable, ya know?”
"You heard?” Jo asks Ian, her cheeks pinking up.
"I heard,” he confirms, his arm stretching past Mickey to tenderly touch her cheek. “We love you.”
“Love you too,” she says. “And I'm being safe… Haven't really done much yet.”
"Take your time,” Ian says simply. “There’s no rush.”
“He’s right,” Mickey adds, “especially because you’ll be grounded for the next month.”
“A month?! For kissing? That’s not fair!” Jo complains.
“But you said it yourself I’m not doing anything you two weren’t doing!”
“Fine, two weeks,” Ian says, earning him a “yes!” from Jo, and a scowl from his husband.
“Did you even order dinner in there or were you just listening in the whole time?"
Ian flushes. Grumbles something as he pulls out his phone.
“Fucking figures,” Mickey says. Turns back to Jo. “And we’re your parents, kid. Thing’s ain’t always going to be fair. So, fine, two weeks because your old man’s a pushover, but I better not catch you hooking up on my couch again, capisce?”
“Capisce,” she smiles.
Young, bare knuckles bump against older, inked ones.
“Now, I’ve had a crap day. Make yourself useful and get me a beer, would you?”
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deathclassic · 9 months
Tag Game Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FRIDAY!!!
Thank you for the tags you lovely humans <3 macy @celestialmickey evie @energievie jay @surviving-maybe nosho @creepkinginc harvey @mikhailoisbaby ajax @transmickey lyds @ardent-fox and deena @suzy-queued <3 <3
name: molly :D
age: 24
favorite season: SPRING
movies or tv shows? oooh both and neither hahaha it REALLY depends on my mood but i will choose tv shows if i have to
do you carry a bag/purse? what kind? i have a trusty backpack always, i have to carry recipe books and shit
what color is your water bottle? it's a clear plastic one
what color is your phone case? black, just matte black
do you sleep in silence or do you need white noise/sounds/music? sometimes i listen to things to get sleepy but i need mostly silence to actually sleep
top sheets: yes or no? NOPE NEVER
you’re in the candy aisle at the corner store, what are you grabbing? oooh probably a little chocolate bar bc the lollies i like come in bigger packets and i want something smaller
preferred mode of travel (plane/train/car/bus/on foot/etc?): i dont care, whatever is easiest for the situation
what’s your phone background right now? my lock screen is my cat and my home screen is,,,,,nathan young from misfits bc i havent changed it in 5 years
are you more of a minimalist or a maximalist? Maximalist 100%, i like THINGS and owning PHYSICAL THINGS
it’s time to paint your bedroom! what color are you choosing? Probably white, i painted a wall bright green as a teenager and it's turned me off coloured walls lmaooo but white so i can put colourful things on it
and finally, tell me something that brings you joy: my patisserie course, im learning so many new things and techniques and it's awesome especially coming out of 5 years of studying graphic design and just the burnout i experienced from that
i feel like everyone and their mothers have done this already so im just going to tag a bunch of people just to say hi and hello how are you: @gnallavich @ian-galagher @mishervellous @twinklyylights @look-i-love-u @imikhailotakeyouian @iansw0rld @metalheadmickey @gardenerian @lingy910y @phansterdam @iero @callivich @tellmegoodbye
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jrooc · 1 month
✨ Weekly Tag Wednesday ✨
Thanks for the tags @mybrainismelted @heymrspatel @creepkinginc @deedala @energievie @darlingian I'm having a bad mental health day and reading through your responses is bringing me a lot of joy ❤️
Name: Jess
Age: A Nosho and a half
First Pet? My dog Chelsea
First Word? Absolutely no idea. It was probably something sarcastic.
First Celebrity Crush? Jonathan Taylor Thomas (JTT!), followed quickly by Leo and Joshua Jackson. Ahh the days of Tiger Beat posters.
First IRL Crush? Gary, he did not know I existed. BUT he grew up to be even more handsome so no shame.
First kiss? Ryan (I think his name was Ryan? I can picture his bleached hair. It was an awful kiss.)
First Car? A white Jeep Cherokee Laredo with pink and teal stripes fondly called the 'Super Jeep' by everyone in my class
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? A truly horrible basement apartment my sister found me in Montreal. The vibes were NOT vibing.
First time on a plane? I was very lucky and travelled a lot from a little age
First cellphone? Ummmm some shitty LG probably?
First concert? Sheryl Crow came through my tiny town for reasons I don't understand
First Foreign country you visited? England or Hawaii (guess that's 'Merica), can't remember
First sport you ever played? Cycling at 28. I did not sports before that, I read books like the dork I am 🤓
First career aspiration? A writer
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow": Hmmm never really been proud of my writing until now. I used to write I was just well aware it was awful. Or it was like a press release and there was nothing 'wow' about it.
Proving once again I cannot do one word answers lmao
Tagging you wonderful humans. No pressure, just saying hi! @gallapiech @mickeysgaymom @francesrose3 @sandrashaine @ninjacrowworld @sgtmickeyslaughter @gardenerian @stocious @transmurderbug @transmickey @tv-obssessions @ms-moonlight-inn @rayrayor @samantitheos @blue-disco-lights @sluttygallavich @batty4steddie @such-a-barbarian @gallavichsuperfan @guinguin1984 @doshiart @spookygingerr @ifallonblackdays @bellezabelize @callivich @look-i-love-u @krysmiss @palepinkgoat
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ian-galagher · 8 months
for your followers: africa spoilers. proceed with caution. if approached, try to appear big and dangerous.
today in theatres: anastasia, 1997.
- baby ian with hopes and dreams.
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- ian arriving in africa.
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- ian about mickey, ca .1 seconds after they met.
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- i dunno about you, but this feels like mickey calling for ian to fuck behind the tree.
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- "come on in, the water's fine!" / "think i'll pass."
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- the grandma has inyoni vibes. i will not take criticism, i still want both of them to adopt me.
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- this gif entails the vibes of all the times something went wrong. namely, the fog and the rain.
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- ian with jan's ego.
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- chapter six.
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- mandy.
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- ian keeping tabs on mandy vs mickey OR mandy x inyoni x ian vs mickey.
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- i need to feature the obscure figure, but i couldn't find a better gif, so, this scene right here will have to do.
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- "y'think i'm ugly?" / "no, i think you're alive."
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- mandy: "we're gonna go clothes shopping!" ian: "what."
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- ian finding mickey's secret box.
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- shopping!
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- ian finding a fitting suit / mandy "but he can make it up to me, one dress at a time" milkovich.
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- ian talking to inyoni alone.
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- the boys guiding inyoni home after their private little braai.
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- bonus prediction: the award show. just because it hasn't happened yet and i can get away with it.
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- bonus: if you don't see terry in rasputin, you're wrong.
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- bonus bonus: jan. sorry to this character, but it's the vibe.
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and now to top it off: paging @francesrose3, @juliakayyy, and @thisdivorce 🦁🪶🦒🧡💖💚💙❤️🤗😎☀️
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BABY IAN 😭 & Ian arriving 😂 every movie has that arrival scene 😂
Ian after seeing Mickey for one second 😂😂😂 so true!
the grandma IS Inyoni 😭🥹🧡
okay but that gif is every near kiss ever 👀😁
"and I'd kick her sir" 😂😂😂 that's Ian with Jan for SURE!
MEN ARE SUCH BABIES 😂😂😂 this might be relevant for the next chapter 👀 it might be relevant for all chapters 😂
THE LIST 😂😂😂 I love that!
the obscure figure 😂 that works just fine!
the huuuug 😭😭😭
clothes shopping! 😂
this post is a ride 😂 I alternate between 😭 and 😂 a lot!
Ian finding the box 😭😭😭
Ian and his suit 😂😂😂 the ACCURACY!
Ian and Inyoni and the braai 🥹🧡
"everything's gonna be fine" 😂😂😂 oh Nosho... 😂😂😂 so optimistic 😂😂😂
Terry & Jan are so spot on 😂😂😂
This was HILARIOUS as ever 😂 thank you Nosho 🤗🧡💚
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stocious · 4 months
weekly tag game! stealing nosho's format because it's pretty. thank you for tagging me @mybrainismelted, @creepkinginc, @suzy-queued, @energievie and @jrooc! 🖤 name: kakakkaka 🍪
location: cold as balls aka sweden.
and now for the randomness! tell me your most and least favorites of:
most - there's a swdish candy called ahlgrens bilar (ahlgren's car), they're like... hard marshmallow type things. gotta chomp the whole bag every time. least - licorice. <- seconding nosho.
most - spring. least - winter.
hot beverage?
most - cocoa. *high fiveing nosho* least - tea, coffee, warm lemonade, take your pick.
cold beverage?
most - oh. i mean, water is fucking good, you with me? least - beer.
most - purple. least - mustard yellow. barf.
most - the small tomaters. only the small ones. least - pretty much everything else.
traditional foods from your country?
most - smoked salmon. least - raggmunk. it's like shreddred potatoes in a patty you fry up in a pan and-- it's fucking disgusting.
most - i've never thought about this. butterflies? least - house flys. i grew up on a farm, you'd think i'd be used to them but man, they suck.
cake flavours?
most - like, citrus. least - i'll eat all the cake, idk.
non-gallagher or milkovich shameless characters?
most - i mean i kinda liked jimmy-steve in all his fucked up glory. least - karen. sorry, not sorry.
tagging: @skylerwinchester @thepupperino @vintagelacerosette @krysmiss @crossmydna @mmmichyyy @sam-loves-seb @samantitheos @rereadanon and anyone else! 🖤 (sorry if you've already been tagged)
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transmurderbug · 6 months
🍂Weekly Tag Wednesday! 🍂
I'm just in time again! Thank you for the tag Evie @energievie, Nosho @creepkinginc and Ajax @transmickey 💙 and @suchagallabitch for the questions!
1. if you could switch bodies with anybody for only one hour who would it be and what would you do? Hmm. Maybe one of my old athlete buddies (or my younger self) so I could run/sprint again. (Plus do a few exercises from some of my favorite disciplines)
2. what's your most trivial / dumbest hot take? The society in which we live in right now should be collapsed and rebuilt completely. The way humans are living today is not how it's supposed to be
3. if you had to teach a college course what would it be in? Photography or etymology
4. season 12 of shameless is suddenly happen and youve been put in charge! what plot point(s) are you gonna make happen? Fiona finally settles with someone and goes to therapy so she doesn't self-sabotage. Lip falls into a healthy routine with his little family and finds peace. Ian and Mickey get a cat. Debbie resolves her abandonment issues and settles with Franny (and possibly with a long term girlfriend). Carl gets the Alibi running as his own bar. Liam stays the same (but goes to therapy) and finds a hobby. Kev and V raise their daughters in peace and are undisturbed and happy. Not all rainbows and sunshine of course, this all would come with a lot of pain and drama. Just because. Oh, and everyone else goes to therapy as well. (But also I would scrape it all and leave everything as it is.)
5. who would be your godly parent? (can be any mythology.) Poseidon (I would also love to ask others what they think, I'd like to hear it)
6. what’s something you love about yourself? The fact that I raised myself to be as open and understanding as possible, when my environment was in a lot of ways the opposite of those
7. describe your day in 5 emojis: 🖥️😶😴📱🐾
8. what shameless character do you think you could beat in a fight? Tommy
9. tell us 2 truths and a lie, we’ll try to guess the lie! Ohm.
I did dressage competitively
I'm 170 cm tall
I went to school for photography and dog training
(I'm so bad at this, I'm sorry)
10. do you have a pet(s). if so how did they get their name? I have a dog named Muri (it means 'spree') and a cockatiel named Pogi
11. show us a meme (or picture) that captures your essence.
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12. whats your typical coffee / tea / beverage order? Iced coffee, decaf (caffeine doesn't like me), with milk and sweetener. I also like mint tea, coke and beer
13. use a song to describe the last 5 years of your life?
Huh. I thought so hard about a few of these! 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
Since - surprisingly - I'm not late with this one, I'm tagging some cool people. Play, if you want to, if not, here, have this frog 🐸 or this pebble 🪨! @stocious @dynamic-power @lupeloto @jrooc @heymrspatel @ian-galagher @deathclassic @bawlbrayker @juliakayyy @suzy-queued @crossmydna @francesrose3 @thisdivorce @look-i-love-u @deedala @depressedstressedlemonzest @metalheadmickey @gardenerian @spacerockwriting @scurvgirl @palepinkgoat and anyone who happens to see this!
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mybrainismelted · 3 months
trope mashup! 2 aaand ... hmmm ... oh! 13! 🤗💚
ok, clearly you are TRYING to break my brain with this one Nosho! #2, prison, and #13, Mermaid AU. Here goes! The first time they met, it was in Juvie. Mickey was 16, and had been here a couple of times before. Ian was 14, and this was his first time in. They were cellmates, but they didn't really talk much. The redhead was weird, constantly trading other kids for their shower time. He must have showered at least 6 times every day, and who the hell does that? Ian was gone one day, out before Mickey, but the only reason he really noticed is because his new cellmate was loud and annoying as hell. He actually found himself kinda missing the kid.
They saw each other a couple more times on the inside before Mickey turned 18, but never as cellmates again. Still, they found themselves spending time together. There was something about that kid that Mickey could never put his finger on. Something different, but familiar. Mickey was 21 when he was sent to do some big boy time. Stupid mistake trusting his brother to keep watch - he'd pay for that when Mickey was out. He was surprised to find Ian already there when he arrived though. Relieved to have a cellmate he could trust though. Ian seemed different now. He was thin, and had an air of desperation that Mickey had never seen. He didn't really know how to help, and didn't want to ask what was wrong, but he remembered.... on the second day, when he asked if Ian wanted his shower slot, the redhead had actually started crying before throwing himself at Mickey, arms wrapping around him and shaking. "Hey, s'ok Red. Just go, I'll be here when you get back, a'ight?" Mickey was left confused, but not really surprised by how much he had enjoyed the feeling of his friend pressed against him. When he got back, Ian looked... better. Not like himself, but a bit more healthy. Over the next year, they grew closer, emotionally and physically, spending most evenings wrapped up together in a way Mickey had never imagined he could allow himself. He still had to shower sometimes himself, but whenever he could he would let the redhead have his turn, and even bullied some of the other newbies into giving Ian their slots a couple of times a week. They made plans in the quiet of the night, plans to find each other when they got out, plans to start a new life, but there was always something, some big secret that Ian was holding back, and Mickey didn't really want to say it out loud anyway. It was spring when Ian left that time, but he promised that he would be at the docks every day until Mickey got out, waiting for him at dusk. It was summer when Mickey was released. He didn't go home, didn't go anywhere near the southside, in fact. He spent his day hanging around the docks, hoping, wishing, but never 100% sure.... until dusk arrived, and a figure appeared at the end of the docks, beckoning to him. He gasped in relief as he walked, whispering "I knew you'd come. I knew." He walked slowly, knowing that the big secret, the thing they had never spoken of, was about to be revealed. He sat down, looking down a the face of the man he loved, who was floating serenely in the water. "Can I see?" he asked quietly, eyes locked on Ian's. Ian smiled, and braced his hands on the dock, giving one great heave of his body to pull himself up, lying somewhat ungracefully beside him, with his gorgeous, green and blue shimmering tail fully on display in the last bits of light.
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