boyswhowawa · 8 months
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THE FOXIFICER AKA the Handworker
They/Its for pronouns, they're literally just a fox variant of artificer but they are NOT a failed parent they literally reset the world to keep their kids alive lmao (get skill issued Arti [not really, love you boss take care])
also also, if you wanna call me Foxificer, Foxes, Handworker, Beans, any of those names are completely fine!!!
Some random doodles of em under the cut!!
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from playing with a friend
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cool creature
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pngtuber concept??
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goggles on
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more-than-ideas · 21 days
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chaos-bringer-13 · 18 days
Alright. So. Brain fried after lessons today, got stuck on a tree, am sleep deprived and exams are soon BUT mom allowed me to show y'all the best forest spirit ever, my favourite, my sweet little child, plz don't run away I promise he's adorable
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This is BABY. He is tiny. You don't understand how tiny baby is. You wanna know how tiny baby is?
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"Is that a hole in his body?" - yes. And you know who lives in there?
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"Wait, but how little is the bir-"
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It's so little that the camera doesn't pick it up, but there are very small wings drawn on it with some light pink colour. Also I had to get it out with tweezers because my fingers are too big and it must be very cozy in there because the bird doesn't like to go outside (relatable)
(I am so afraid of losing the bird tbh. Gotta put it back in its tiny little hollow)
If you wonder what he looks like from the back - here.
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Now please appreciate the ears with me. He has four leaf-looking ears on top of his head and two more human-like on the sides (the ones on the sides are pointy and have dots)
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Hope y'all also noticed grass on his boots. And leaves and dots everywhere. And cat-like pupils. And that little drawing on his chest that kinda looks like the letter B? That's Berkana, a Norse rune that means birch and is all about safety, rebirth, peace, growth - ya know, a perfect fit for a forest protector spirit.
He also has an incredibly boopable nose.
And when he lifts his hands, they're the perfect width apart to hug someone's finger
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*sniffles* b a b y
Now. I need to show you something else. Mom wants to make a better little house for him, but right now he lives in a paper nest in a pretty box. And he keeps his stuff with him. And I need you to see that stuff.
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There is a pine cone, and a pretty little branch with some other cones, and a stick with a nice smooth texture (it's soothing and I love it). A little tree pendant, a cabochon with a bird, a picture of a faerie boy, a tiny bottle with pretty stones inside that rattle soothingly when you shake it, and a feather. I put the feather on him as a blanket when he's in his box.
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I'm gonna cry. He's the cutest little creature. I love him. He's forever my favourite of mom's dolls. He deserves the world. When mom sells him, I'll legit cry even though I don't really play with him often.
I need to show him to as many people as possible because he deserves to be loved by everyone, so. Dear mutuals, I'm sorry but you have to see my tiny little baby. @void-of-unparalled-chaos @daydreamsandcrashingwaves @boopjuice @bloggerspam @lovelesslittleloser @ashoutinthedarkness
Just realized that I never explicitly mentioned it in the post, so attention everybody: MY MOM MADE THIS DOLL. MY MOM. SHE'S THE BEST. SHE CARVED IT OUT OF WOOD. I DON'T KNOW HOW. IT'S MAGIC. MY MOM IS SO COOL. LOOK AT THE DOLL SHE MADE. MY MOM. MADE THE DOLL. I LOVE MY MOM.
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212mushyshroom · 1 year
Dnf keychain
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martha-anne · 2 years
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A work in progress. I’ve been sewing this quilt by hand, very gradually, since 2020. It started life as a labour of lockdown love and was inspired in part by a hexagon quilt made by @nonasuch. All the fabric I’ve used is scraps gratefully received from friends and relatives who sew regularly, or old clothes cut up, or charity shop pillow cases. Individually I think some of these fabrics are horrid, but everything looks nice once it’s part of a patchwork quilt.
Now that I’m most of the way through the quilting step this is tantalisingly close to being a finished project - but I expect I’ll still be at it for another year.
Using this quilt pattern: https://www.talesofcloth.com/products/mandolin-quilt
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professorpski · 10 months
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More Stunning Stitches for Crazy Quilts by Kathy Seaman Shaw
Quilter or not you will find something useful and inspiring in this book. 
Shaw first offers a section on the basics. These include information on needles, floss, and ribbon widths and choices. Then, clear sketches show how to make stitches with floss embroidery and with ribbon embroidery including little flowers, leaves, etc.. Then she has over 100 pages of photographs and sketches of various combinations of stitches, beads, even small buttons. Plain templates are included. 
As a dressmaker, I am thinking of how to use one of these lovely combinations on a garment, Maybe to outline a collar on a blouse?  the yoke of a child’s dress?  I am pondering possibilities to save time…. use my sewing machine’s many embroidery stitches... try a variegated thread... add silk ribbon via hand embroidery? A little handwork can go a long way. 
This is the second book of its kind, and you can find them both here: https://www.ctpub.com/more-stunning-stitches-for-crazy-quilts/
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storms-cosplays · 11 months
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Some older Caduceus pictures.
Photography: @gryphinic
Ears: madhousefxstudios
Costume by me!
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vivadifference · 11 months
was deathly sick. made a little truck. voilà.
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pien-art · 1 year
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little crochet bunny i made this evening (following this grid i found on pinterest) <3
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blqnyt · 2 months
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Lexa by bartlomiej kurela
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部屋着としてのガウンをしっかりと見つめ直してみると 腰紐のタイプは意外に面倒だ。 ウエストで絞らない、ゆるい紐留めが一番簡単で、心地よかった。
ロングジャケット ¥63,800 メンズ・レディス共通
こちらのシリーズは、ババグーリとヨーガンレール+ババグーリの 店舗限定商品です。 <ババグーリ店舗> ババグーリ 清澄本店 ババグーリ 松屋銀座 ババグーリ 新宿伊勢丹 ババグーリ 吉祥寺東急 ババグーリ 横浜高島屋 ババグーリ京都
<ヨーガンレール+ババグーリ店舗> ヨーガンレール+ババグーリ 青山 @jurgenlehl_babaghuri_aoyama ヨーガンレール+ババグーリ 帯広 ヨーガンレール+ババグーリ 仙台 ヨーガンレール+ババグーリ 東京大丸 ヨーガンレール+ババグーリ 岐阜 ヨーガンレール+ババグーリ 心斎橋大丸 ヨーガンレール+ババグーリ 博多 Photograph by Kei Hompo Hair and Make up by Yoko Sasaura
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lazulisong · 4 months
If I know you well enough I would make a baby quilt to celebrate the fact you have made a small human you didn't see this post but anyways
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Punch card to show scale of hand stitching on one of the squares -- one panel of seven down, two left. This one was started around 8am and it's about 12 right now but I didn't work steadily on it. I expect to have the other panel down this afternoon and add two more patches to the one at home (which was done yesterday), join the three and start to sew it to the back panel tomorrow. After that ..... hahaha oh god so much quilting but I think I can get it done and slapped in the mail by Saturday?
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spatsandcravats · 2 months
Morning: tiny Gale
Afternoon: boopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboopboop
Evening: doll sewing
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depression--barbie · 2 months
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glasssymphony · 2 years
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Gothic glass spider pendant, a multipurpose addition to your themed photo shoot.
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bartlomiejkurela · 5 months
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Lex Hands by bartlomiej kurela
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