#Hallie McDaniel
zombie-jed · 2 months
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Woah, scream 2 shitposting?
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atlasrunningaway · 2 months
more scream incorrect quotes
richie: i know this isn't going to end well, and i don't care. so don't try and stop me!
amber: oh i wasn't gonna stop you. i was asking if you had a spare camera so i can record this.
hallie: so, are you two friends?
randy: no.
mickey: yes!
stu: don't mansplain this to me!
sidney: wh- i'm a woman! i can't mansplain anything to you!
stu: ...
stu: well i'm a feminist, and i believe a woman can do anything a man can!
quinn: have i ever told you that you cook well?
ethan: aww, no you haven't!
quinn: so why do you keep cooking?
tara: i love murder mysteries!
amber, trying to impress her: i've been a suspect in four unsolved murder cases.
mindy: *looks at tara*
mindy: baby. child.
mindy: *looks at amber*
mindy: evil.
billy: there's no way he likes me back.
sidney: stu would throw himself in front of a moving car for you.
tatum, rolling her eyes: stu would throw himself in front of a moving car for fun.
hallie: is there anyone here who's actually straight?
randy: *raises hand*
mickey: *pulls randy's hand down*
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behindthescreamz · 6 months
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the cast of “scream 2” filming on the quad of windsor college. (1997)
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scarycinema · 7 months
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Scream 2 (1997) dir. Wes Craven
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felinecyan · 18 hours
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[Billy Loomis x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Karma gets the best of people. But so do unwanted memories.
WC: 1409
Category: Angst, Survivor!Hallie (because she deserves sm more love)
Summerween is still a thing, right? 💀 Oh well, here’s a slasher fic anyway…
Karma always finds a way to make itself known. It is the great equalizer. You would think that a guy like Billy Loomis, a teenage psychopath, would know that better than anyone. He should've known that murdering half the town would come back to haunt him.
He should've known, but he was too far gone in his own narcissism to understand.
But, despite that, It's amazing how quickly a town can forget about a mass murder when a bigger tragedy strikes. In Woodsboro, the recent killings were all but forgotten about by the time of the anniversary of the first murders. People were more excited to talk about the new Stab movie being released rather than the killings that happened just two years prior.
You, on the other hand, would never be able to forget.
You had been friends with Randy Meeks ever since elementary school. Your parents had been good friends, and your mother was a huge horror movie buff, so it was no surprise when the two of you bonded over your shared love of horror.
Your friendship with him was cut short the day he died.
And even though it wasn’t Billy but his mother who had killed your Randy, you still felt Billy’s haunted presence in the school. In your head, you thought that you could sometimes see him walking around, even if it was only for a second. You could swear that you saw him in the corner of your eye or heard his maniacal laugh as you walked past his old locker.
It had gotten to the point where you couldn't focus in class because you were afraid that Billy was going to be lurking outside, waiting to strike. You felt a lot of resentment towards Sidney for surviving—for yourself, while Randy hadn't.
It truly should’ve been you. I mean, you dated Billy for a bit; you should've seen the signs. If anything, you deserved to take Randy’s place for being shitty at reading people.
Well, Randy couldn’t see his best friend was a killer either. So really, he was just as shitty as you were.
After Randy was killed, you didn't go out much anymore. Stu and Randy were everywhere, but you found the worst one was Billy.
You’d see him staring, his eyes burning a hole into your skull. Even when you turned around and he wasn’t there, you still felt him.
The only time you really got out of the house was when Hallie forced both you and Syd to join her at the movies. It was horror, of course, it was, but she truly believed that seeing the movie would get the trauma out of your system and into the fictional world where it belonged.
Sydney, of course, wanted nothing to do with the movie and stayed home.
Which left you with Hallie. You would’ve stayed home, too, if it wasn’t for the convincing words and the promise of ice cream afterward.
Hallie was practically bouncing in her seat, excitedly looking at the trailers before the movie. You sat beside her, trying not to make it too obvious that you were glancing around the room every few seconds.
The theater was pretty much empty, with only a few people scattered throughout. It was a small town, after all, and not many people would want to watch a movie that was now too realistic.
You looked down at the popcorn in your hands that Hallie had forced upon you and sighed. This was a terrible idea.
You didn't notice the person sitting down next to you until they spoke.
"This brings back old memories, doesn’t it?”
You froze. You didn’t need to look to know who was talking. His voice was a voice that you had been hearing in your head for two years now.
Slowly, you turned to face Billy. He was grinning at you, and he looked more alive than ever. Except now, there were blood stains covering him and a nice small bullet hole right in the center of his forehead.
You tried not to focus on it too much.
"Go away." You demanded quietly, afraid to draw any attention to yourself. Hallie was too enamored with the trailers to pay any attention to you, but you didn’t want to risk it.
If you were going to be haunted by a psychopath, it would’ve made better sense for it to be Stu. Annoying people was right up his alley, while Billy would normally just ignore you and do whatever the hell he wanted.
"Why?" Billy asked, his grin growing wider. "It's been a while since we last talked. Hell, Randy, and Stu haven't shut up, so it's a nice change to hear someone else."
"You don't deserve to say his name," you spat out, your hands curling into a fist. Billy looked down at the fist, and his gaze darkened.
"Look at you, trying to be all tough. Sydney must have rubbed off on you a bit. That or you've always had a bit of a temper." He mused, a hand coming up to rest under his chin.
"What do you want from me?" You hissed, trying not to raise your voice. A little side glance from Hallie told you that you weren't doing a very good job.
But she went back to the commercials, waiting impatiently for the movie to start, and Billy laughed. He laughed harder than he had before, his eyes closing as the cackles shook his whole body.
"Want from you? Nothing. I'm just here to enjoy the movie." Billy grinned. You glared, your lips curling back into a snarl.
"No, you're not. You're not real."
He smiled at that. "I’m as real as you want me to be, Princess. Why is it that I’m here and not Randy? I mean, you claim to be his best friend. So you tell me, why isn’t he here and I am?"
You opened your mouth to tell him to fuck off, but you were cut off by the lights dimming, and the intro music started. Hallie let out a whoop, and Billy settled into his seat, turning his attention away from you.
The movie wasn't even that good; the acting was mediocre, and the special effects were even worse. You had no idea why this movie was so popular.
You blamed Randy's previous influence as a horror movie expert.
Hallie seemed to be enjoying herself, and she kept whispering her thoughts about the movie to you. You only half-listened, your attention still focused on Billy. You could feel the ghost of his hand resting on your leg, the coldness seeping through your jeans.
You tried your best to ignore him, but Billy was determined to make sure you didn't.
"God, can't believe how bad this movie is," he complained, shaking his head. "I'm almost embarrassed for these people."
You never felt the urge to throw popcorn more than in that moment.
"Stop it," you said through gritted teeth. "Just leave me alone."
"Why? It's not like you have any actual friends left, so I'm the only company you'll get. Sydney, sure, but psycho analyst over there? She might’ve escaped once, but she's not smart enough to do it again."
Your anger spiked at his words, and you were about to reach over and hit him, but his hand caught your wrist, his grip tight.
"Ah, ah, ah," he tutted. "Remember, we're in public. Can't have you acting out, can we?"
The grip shocked you. Because it wasn’t the ghost-like touch that you had become so accustomed to; no, it was real, solid like a normal human's grip.
You pulled your wrist back and turned to stare at him. You wanted to say something, ask him what the hell was happening, but his smile told you that he already knew.
The grip was his way of reminding you that no matter how much you wanted him gone, he was still there. He wasn't going to disappear.
Billy leaned back and smiled at you, his hand reaching out to touch your cheek.
"Enjoy the rest of your movie,” He whispered, his breath sending a shiver down your spine. “I know I’ll enjoy mine.”
Then, not even a second later, he was gone. You didn’t see him leave, or hear him, or even feel him.
His touch was replaced with a cold breeze, and the only thing that you were left with was a memory and the promise of a sequel.
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amberxfreeman · 1 year
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outlawssweetheart · 11 months
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Mickey just casually filming Hallie, I need to go chew glass. 😭
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lexyscross · 1 year
The best Scream characters are always the killers and the victims, especially the ones who get barely any screen time. Sorry, I don't make the rules! 🤷🏽‍♀️
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cc-tinslebee · 1 year
shoutout to Mickey Altieri, the only Ghostface to scar Sid so bad, she consciously chose not to make any lasting relationships
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mrsaltieri-real · 8 months
i wonder what mickey and hallies sex life was like....
I don’t think Mickey ever fucked Hallie tbh. In the OG script they were dating but, to me anyway, in the movie it seemed like they just had a very flirty “friendship.” I got more of a vibe from him and Randy, not gonna lie. 👀
But if they did fuck, I don’t think Mickey would have FUCKED HER if you know what I mean.
Mickey was staying under the radar amongst Sidney’s friendship group and let’s face it the man’s a complete freak with some, without a doubt, disgusting tastes. The whole point of his character was that he was playing pretend, acting like he was somebody he wasn’t and doing a damn good job of it, so if they WERE dating/fucking he’d be pretending to be a pretty basic partner and having some pretty basic sex in order not to tip anyone off that he’s… You know. A fucking monster. It wouldn’t be quite feeding into his kinks in the way he’d want so, again, if they were fucking/dating he was without a doubt getting his “other” needs met elsewhere.
I also think he was too caught up in his plan and his motive to actually be bothered to commit to pretending to be in a relationship with someone he was planning on killing and didn’t actually care about. Maybe he’d fuck her because he knows he’s going to kill her, but that’s it.
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blankisunderrated · 1 year
hallie mcdaniel (scream 2) is underrated
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zombie-jed · 7 months
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SCREAM (1996) | SCREAM 2 (1997)
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queenladonna · 1 year
I’ll never get over losing Ghostface!Hallie McDaniel. 😞 I want my Cool Black Girl Ghostface, damnit! I DESERVE RESTITUTION!!
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Bonus points if she has a hot Silly White Boy boyfriend because Mickey & Hallie should’ve and would’ve been an absolute fucking POWER COUPLE.
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behindthescreamz · 6 months
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jerry o’connell as derek feldman filming the “i think i love you” cafeteria serenade scene alongside cast mates neve campbell, timothy olyphant, and elise neal, and director wes craven on the set of “scream 2” (1997)
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scarycinema · 7 months
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Scream 2 (1997) dir. Wes Craven
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dalekofchaos · 4 months
Motives for everyone
Scream 1. Randy was in love with SIdney and tired of the rejections and Tatum just wanted to kill her cheating boyfriend
Scream 2. Derek & Hallie's would be similar to Mickey's motivation and the Sorority sisters just wanted the fame of Sidney in their house and dying in their house
Scream 3 1. Dewey was unhealthily obsessed with Sidney. He was the third killer during Billy and Stu's murders. He tied up loose ends and stalked Sidney. He was tired of being the town laughingstock and tired of being the butt of Tatum's jokes. So he convinced Billy and Stu to help him. They'd become infamous, while Dewey would be seen as the hero and get the girl he always wanted, but that never happened. If he can't have SIdney, no one can. Jennifer was someone that Gale fucked over to get the Woodsboro gig. It was supposed to be hers. Gale took everything from her and she wanted revenge. So Dewey and Jennifer come together and enact their plan.
Scream 3 2. Milton is the mastermind. He essentially wants to tie up loose ends. If the story of Maureen gets out, his studio and the Stab franchise is finished. So Milton decides to use his son Roman and his new actress for Sidney to kill all ties to Maureen Prescott, finally ending with Sidney's death. Roman's motive remains the same and Angelina's motive is her cut motive was her being obsessed with Sidney, taking the role of Sidney and wanting to become Sidney.
Scream 4:Judy was in love with Billy Loomis and jealous of Sidney. Rebecca would be selling the story of Sidney's tragic demise.
Unbeknownst to Sidney and Neil, Maureen had an affair with her brother in law before Sidney was born. This led to the destruction of Kate's one and only marriage and Neil later found out after Maureen's death. Kate initially planned her solo revenge around the time the events of the first Scream took place, she's spent years mad that her love life was destroyed by Maureen and inevitably told Neil, who feels his life was derailed by his wife's actions. Sidney isn't their main target, they plan to target people in their lives who did nothing to help them or they felt contributed to their personal struggles. For Neil, it's those who Maureen had affairs with, ie. Cotton Weary, Hank Loomis. For Kate, it's family who continued to associate with Maureen despite knowing the truth and her ex-husband. Jill kills Neil, Sidney kills Kate, Jill's friends become collateral damage. Jill and Sidney become extremely close after this as they're the only close family they have left.
Scream 5:Embracing his uncle’s legacy and attempting to turn Sam into his partner for her to embrace her father’s legacy. This time, the Macher is the mastermind and groomed Tara to be his partner like Richie did.
Tara’s motive would be Sam left her. Her father left her. Her mother is a drunken whore and Wes was obsessed with her and the only guy she liked was stolen from her. Her life was shit and it started the moment that Sam left her. Vince enters her life and they plan to get back at Sam for leaving her and they'd discover something interesting. Not only is Sam the daughter of Billy, but Tara is the daughter of Stu. If Vince can't have the daughter of Billy, he can have his cousin work with him and fulfill Stu's legacy. It would end with Sidney killing Vince while Sam has Tara at her mercy, but she can't kill her. She leaves her alive and makes things interesting as the only Ghostface to be captured alive with Tara promising that she will finish what she started with Sam just hoping she can bring her sister back.
Scream 6. Gale's motive. She needs Ghostface. Her fame is slipping and she lost Dewey. But no one can profit off of the memory of a good man. So Gale decides to become the monster she created to sell more blood and she has the perfect tools at her disposal. The Woodsboro subreddit group. Greg and Jason are the perfect patsys. Their goal is to finish Richie's movie and no one would suspect she had a part to play in this. If for some reason Greg and Jason fail, she has Brooks and Danny by her side to finish her work. And unlike in the actual Scream 6, there is more of a bloodbath throughout New York, on campus and Chad actually dies
For a more indepth look at what Gale's motive could be, watch this video
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