#Hailey Upton x jay Halstead
Jay: Coffee no longer keeps me awake while I work so instead I have Hailey periodically send me texts saying that "we need to talk".
Jay: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear to keep me going.
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Whumptober 2022 Day 5
Read it below the line, or here on AO3 (appreciate all kudos, feedback, comments)!
His luck had run out.
Trapped in this stupid room with this stupid fire suppression system with only one emergency oxygen tank left.
He knew from the get-go that tank had Hailey's name on it, as he was a dead man walking - if he didn't die from his lungs shrivelling up from the violent sucking of oxygen out of the room, he sure as hell was going to go out from the three bullets that were currently riddled in his leg and stomach.
His final moments alive were going to mean something - with his last strength he forcefully kissed Hailey, letting her take away his breath - literally.
He closed his eyes, giving in…
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amsgrey · 4 months
Request: I would love to see something Like IT’s Career day at school and Jay and Will come to teach about their jobs along with others. And Halstead's sister gets bullied. During the break of moving in between careers someone comes and beats her up in like the bathroom and leaves her there and no one notices her being gone untill the end of the day. (I kinda want like Fire, Med, and Pd to find her)
sorry if it doesn’t make much sense you can choose how to end it and stuff
I also LOVE your fics I can’t wait to see more❤️
Authors Note; Y’all really love the angst huh, gotta deliver,, and hopefully you enjoy this little drabble. Also, part of me really wanted to title this, 'big sister hugs' because I think that Hailey would be the best big sister and also give the best big sister advice.
warnings: private girls school (yes that's a warning), bullying, getting jumped (i guess?), hospital and injuries,, Jay and Will not knowing girl bullying and being stubborn, a very poorly written plot
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High school was not always easy, but you were comfortable at your school with your friends. That was until there was a security issue and Jay’s information got leaked. Your apartment, school, Jay’s license plate, everything that could be used to track him ended up in the hands of the ‘bad guys’. Jay and Will had broken the news to you that they were pulling you from your current school, and moving to another school closer to Will’s. A private girls school, the ones with the fancy uniforms and stuck-up kids who thought the law didn’t apply to them because they had money. You hated it. You had begged Jay and Will to let you stay, but there was no changing their mind. 
The first week was hell, you knew no one. Starting in the middle of the year meant that everyone knew you were the new girl. You were enrolled under your mother's maiden name, for extra safety. It was weird not hearing your name followed by ‘Halstead’. After the first week was gone, you decided to stick it out until the problem with Jay blew over, by then, you could probably convince them to let you go back to your other school. Three weeks passed by and intelligence solved Jay’s leak. 
“So,” You began on Sunday family dinner, “Now that the whole leak in PD is over…” 
Jay and Will shared a look from across the table. 
You narrowed your eyes, “What?” 
Will ran a hand down his face, “Listen…” 
“You won't let me go back.” 
“It’s a better school-”
“Better?” You spat, “How is it better? I hate it there!”
“It’ll get better,” Jay said, “You just need more time to adjust.” 
“I don’t want to adjust-” 
“We’re not pulling you out,” Jay said, “I know you're struggling right now, but you’ll make some friends and-” 
“I can’t believe you.” You pulled away from the table, leaving your half-eaten dinner where it was and stomping off to your room. Jay stood to follow, ready to scold you for storming away and having such an attitude. 
“Jay,” Hailey grabbed his arm, “Let her cool down.” 
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Jay and Will didn’t budge on your school. You had gone from begging to bargaining with no success. Now you were giving them both the silent treatment. You knew it was immature and frankly ridiculous, but you were too mad to think clearly. Jay had already scolded you for not talking to him for the last week. You had ignored him. 
Hailey was the only one you spoke too, because it wasn’t her fault that Jay was being stubborn. Even so, you didn’t tell her everything when she stopped by your room. Namely, the career day that was coming up. You knew telling her meant she would tell Jay. And Jay and Will had a terrible habit of embarrassing you at school. At your last school's career day, Will and Jay had come and talked for hours about their funniest stories. You knew if they came this time, your peers wouldn’t be as amused. 
When career day did roll around, your dean stood in front of the school in the auditorium, introducing students and their parents. Your school was much smaller than your last one - something about smaller class sizes being better for learning - so the auditorium wasn’t fully packed. 
Not everyone brought their parents, but the popular kids with parents who had good jobs came. Like the group of girls who hated you, who all brought at least one parent. Your dean invited students to the stage by class and then had the student introduce their parents. Your class was last, the biggest number of parents who had come. You were sat at the end of your class, mostly because you didn't have anyone to bring. Not that it bothered you.
“Next up, we have Olivia and her mom, Jen.” 
Jen was a dentist, she spent 10 minutes explaining how her job worked and then opened for questions. There weren’t many, mostly a few questions from seniors about collages and other stuff. 
Then it was Sophie, with her dad the Banker. 
By the time the girls who hated you were called up, you were ready to fall asleep. No one here had an interesting job, most of the jobs were boring well playing jobs that you could never see yourself doing. 
The main girl who didn’t like you was Madison. She wasn’t fond of how the teachers asked you for answers in class, not that you could do anything about that. Her friend group was made up of 5 or 6 girls who were seemingly lovely. All smiles and compliments around teachers but spread vicious rumors and lies when adults couldn’t hear. You had heard them speaking about you a few times, not that you cared. It wasn’t great to be the new girl with all the rumors, but you had banked on leaving the school before for long. Which, you knew now, wasn’t an option. So now you were stuck with the girls who all hated you for rumors or lies that you didn’t even know. 
Madison brought her mum and dad with her, real estate agents who worked together selling multi-billion dollar houses. The whole time she had a smug look on her face. When she sat back down in her row, she turned in her seat, looking back at you. 
“Didn’t bring anyone?” She asked. 
You didn’t bother replying. 
“Is it because your parents are coke addicts?” Her friend beside her pressed. 
How that rumor even started you didn’t know, it was so absurd.
“Or is it because they’re dead?” Madison pressed.
You gave her a bored look, “I’ll take my family over your fraud family any day.” 
Madison opened her mouth to bark something back, but was shushed by your teacher. She turned back to face the front, arms crossed over her chest. No doubt stewing in your words. 
“We now have some guests to speak to you,” The Dean said through the microphone, “We reached out to some of our first responders and invited them to come speak to you too. Everyone please welcome Dr Asher and Dr Halstead from Gaffney Chicago Med.”
Will and Hannah walked to the stage, both in their Med scrubs with doctors coats on. Will was looking for you, you could tell from the way his eyes scanned the faces in the audience. You slumped in your chair, avoiding looking at him at all. 
How did he find out? Did he and Jay find out somehow? Did your school contact them? 
You really wanted to disappear now, your face was no doubt bright red by how much it was burning. You prayed silently that Will hadn’t told Jay, but you knew it was a useless prayer. If Will was here Jay would be too. 
You got your answer when the dean explained that there were more guests outside on the fields. She ordered everyone to head that way, ushering students with promises of something ‘exciting’. 
Outside, firehouse 51 had parked their rigs on the grass. 51 had their ladder extended, Mouch standing at the controls grinning like a champion. Not far from Mouch was Trudy, flanked by two patrol cars and their officers. Looking across the gathered first responders it didn’t take long to spot Jay and Intelligence. Their own cars were parked on the grass, the lights on. Everyone but Voight had their vests on, adding to the dramatic atmosphere already created. 
Students huddled around, entranced by the cars and rigs which you had seen plenty of times. You tried to hide towards the back, but Kelly had spotted you and tried to usher you closer. You shrugged back at him, trying to make it look like you were stuck within the crowd. 
“Firstly, we would like to thank Sergeant Trudy Platt and Sergeant Hank Voight, as well as Chief Wallace Boden for coming today. We are hugely appreciative to hear from you,” The dean spoke into a microphone, “Secondly, I want to ask students to be respectful, as these hard working men and women have taken time out of their busy days to come and speak to us. So we are going to listen and show respect. There will be time for questions and demonstrations at the end. Please Welcome Sergeant Trudy Platt.” 
The crowd clapped as Trudy took the mic, but it wasn’t too enthusiastic. Trudy gave a similar speech to last year. Along the lines of what made district 21 special, intelligence and the hardworking patrol officers. She talked about fake calls and how breaking the law would wind you up in her cells etc. It was funny, a few quips earning laughs from teachers and parents. But you had heard it all before. You were dreading what the others would say. You didn’t want everyone knowing your brother was a cop, that would cause way too many issues. 
So instead, you slipped away from the crowd, heading back towards the school building to hide in the bathroom. 
You didn’t think anyone would notice, most people were paying attention to the speakers or interested in the rigs. You were wrong, of course, being followed almost immediately by Madison and a couple of her friends. 
You got to the lockers before they announced themselves. 
“What did you mean my parents were frauds, bitch?” 
You turned around in fright, not even hearing them sneak up on you.
“I didn’t mean it,” You replied, “I’m sorry.” 
You were, kind of. Mostly you were sorry that you had said it, because she genuinely seemed shocked. But this was Chicago, anyone with any money committed fraud, it was kind of the standard. 
“I don’t care if you're sorry,” Madison snarled, she was taller than you so when she stepped closer you couldn’t help feeling intimidated. “What did you mean?” 
One of her friends pushed you hard against the lockers with a forearm over your collar, “Answer the question.” 
You were by no means a confrontational person. Growing up, Jay always tried to teach you to talk out your issues, violence or fighting wasn’t a good solution. Will was the same, although both of them weren’t always the best at doing as they counseled. 
“I just meant that,” You were panicking under the glare of all three girls, “You know, this is chicago and-”
“And what? Everyone is a criminal like your addict parents?” Madison got in your face again. 
“My parents weren’t addicts,” You scoffed, now annoyed that she wouldn’t let that go. 
“No?” The girl who was holding you back moved her arm further up your neck, pressing against your throat, “Then where are they?” 
“If my parents were addicts, would you really think I'd be in a private school?” You pressed, “Use your brain for once, please.” 
You should have known that would piss Madison off. She let out an annoyed scoff then pulled back her fist and punched your square in the nose. The force slammed your head back into the lockers, the sound echoing through the empty halls. The punch wasn’t hard enough to break your nose, but you would feel the blood start to drip down your lip. Madison shook her hand like she had taken more damage than you had. 
“Want to say that again?” The third girl finally spoke up. 
It was like they were all gaining confidence in the security of the three of them. When one of them said something the others would laugh and smirk. 
“I don’t like bullies, you know,” Madison said. 
God, the irony. 
This time the punch came from the third girl, landing in your stomach. You didn't know her name, but she was on the volleyball team, so her punch was much stronger. Your body doubled over, arms crossing over your stomach as your lungs tried to fight your diaphragm for air. The arm holding you up was dropped, and your body fell to the ground as you tried to force yourself to take some deep breaths. 
“This is what you deserve,” A girl said, before another blow landed on your ribs. The wind was knocked out of you again, causing you to cough and choke. 
Madison crouched down to your level, “Bullies like you deserve to be put in their place.” 
You didn’t have time to appreciate the irony this time, because she was kicking your head, hard. 
Your body reacted on instinct, curling into itself to try to protect you from another blow that was sure to come. 
The three girls sprinted at the voice, running away from their actions. 
“Hey, kid,” A hand on your shoulder made you flinch, when your vision cleared you realized it was just Kelly. He held his hands out to show you he meant no harm, then gently helped you sit up. 
“You’re alright,” He said softly, steading you sitting against the lockers. You couldn’t even reply, focused solely on breathing through the pain in your head and side. 
“I found her,” Kelly said into his radio, “North Hallway, bring a jump bag.” 
Kelly gently touched the side of your face, tilting your head to look at the side you had been kicked. 
“You still got that med kit in your bag?” He asked, knowing Kidd had taught you that in girls on fire. 
“Yeah,” You said softly, your voice above a whisper. 
Kelly ripped open your bag, rummaging through it until he found the small first aid kit. He was only after gauze, once he secured it, he ripped the package open and pressed the gauze to your head. 
You winced, instinctively pulling away from him. 
“I know,” He said, sitting down next to you so he could hold the gauze in place, “Sorry kid. 
You both looked up as the sound of footsteps came running towards you. You might as well have been on fire, the entire house was rushing towards you. Jay and Intelligence were there too, Will and Asher running along beside everyone. 
“This is overkill,” You said to no one in particular. 
Kelly chuckled, shuffling so that Will could take his place next to you, “We’re all here for you, kid.” 
Will replaced Kelly’s hand with his own, when Kelly pulled away you could see blood on his hand. 
Jay croached on your other side, letting Will, Hannah and Brett take care of you. 
“What happened?” He asked, looking over your bloody nose, head injury and the way you were holding your side. 
You didn’t want to be known as a snitch, one glance behind your brother and you could see students being held back by teachers and 51. The school day was almost over, everyone would be gathering their things to leave. You hoped you weren’t in front of someone's locker who hated you, this would definitely make them hate you more. 
You looked back at Jay, his eyes filled with worry, “What happened, squirt?” 
“I, uh.. I fell.”
Will scoffed, “You fell?” 
“Yeah, I’m clumsy,” You said.
“You fell and hit your nose and the side of your head?” Hannah asked, voice soft, “Are you sure that's the story you want to tell?” 
Over her shoulder, Kelly was talking to Voight and Hailey. Hailey was pointing something out, a camera that was positioned above one of the classroom doors. 
“Yeah,” You didn’t sound confident at all. But right now, you wanted to be anywhere but here.
Jay looked pissed, but he didn’t say anything. He got to his feet and stood out of the way as Hannah and Will helped you stand. They lead you over to the stair chair, despite your very vocal argument that you were fine. 
Being wheeled through the crowd of students and their parents was the most embarrassing thing you had ever experienced. You passed by Madison at one point, who was leaning against her locker talking to her parents like nothing ever happened. You avoided looking her way, instead focusing on what Brett was saying about getting to the rig. 
Outside the building things were less stressful and crowded. You managed to convince the four hovering adults that you could stand on your own to get into the back of the ambulance, even if you didn’t really think you needed one. 
“I’m really fine,” You argued for probably the fifth time, “I think you're overreacting.” 
Will sighed, running a hand down his face, “You are too stubborn for your own good,” He muttered. 
Violet chuckled, “Just lay back, alright? You aren’t getting out of this, no matter how much you complain.” 
She was right, but that didn’t stop you from pouting the whole way to Med. 
At Med, Will hovered as Hannah stapled the laceration on your head. You weren’t too happy about the idea of being stabled back together, but Will had taken a photo of the laceration to prove you needed it. 
“That’s so gross,” You said, pushing the phone away from you. 
“That’s why you need staples,” Will explained, rolling his eyes.
Not long after Hannah had treated you and left you to rest, Jay, Hailey and Voight walked in. 
“Are you doing alright?” Jay asked, hesitant to start another argument. 
“I’m fine,” You repeated, “I don’t know why everyones making such a big deal.” 
“You were attacked at-” 
“I fell.” You interrupted. 
“Jay.” You echoed in the same tone.
Jay's face flashed with irritation, he looked to Will for help. 
“We know that’s not true,” Will said, giving you his best parental disappointed look. 
“The whole thing was caught by the security cameras,” Hailey spoke softly, she was the only person in the room who knew what it was like to be a teenage girl in high school, “We just want to know what they said.” 
You tried to come up with some kind of explanation that wouldn’t get anyone in trouble, but you came up short. 
“It’s not that big of a deal,” You shrugged, avoiding eye contact with all of them. 
Will leaned forward, he looked wary, “Listen, squirt, we want to help, but we can’t unless you tell us the truth.” 
“That is the truth,” You argued back, crossing your arms definitely, “It’s not a big deal.” 
“You’re in the hospital!” Jay gestured around, “What about this is ‘not a big deal’.” 
You scowled, refusing to say anything else and just sitting silently. 
Voight squeezed Jay's shoulder, “We’ll let her rest, come back later?” 
Jay nodded, not bidding you goodbye as he stomped out of the room. You hadn’t seen him this mad in forever, you weren’t sure if this would blow over as easily as your other fights. Voight followed after Jay, he told you to get some rest then followed his detective to try to calm him down. 
Will got up to leave too, he told you to rest and said he would come back soon. When the three left, it was only Hailey who stayed behind. 
“I know you’ve been struggling at school,” She took a seat on the bed next to you, “I know what that’s like.” 
You fiddled with your fingers, not wanting to admit she was right. 
“You know what happened today wasn’t right,” Hailey continued, “Jay wants to press charges.” 
“What? No! That’ll just make it wor…” You stopped yourself.
“Make what worse?” Hailey pressed. 
You took a deep breath, trying not to get upset. 
“Whatever is going on, I can help,” Hailey promised. 
“You can’t get me out of that school,” You scowled. 
“I think after today, that might be possible.” 
You leaned back into the pillows. Dr Asher had given you some pain meds for your head, they removed the sharp pain and replaced it with a dull throb. You could feel it more as you got more upset. 
“There’s this stupid rumor that my parents are addicts,” you explained, “Madison is always taunting me with it, saying that's why no one ever comes to parent evenings or teacher interviews…” 
Hailey didn’t say anything, she just sat listening patiently. 
“Before you guys came, she asked why my parents weren’t here and I said that I would rather have my family over her fraud one.” 
Hailey nodded as she listened. 
“It was stupid and as soon as I said it, I regretted it. When we were outside I went inside to go to the bathroom and Madison and her friends followed me… They, uh… Madison wanted to know why I said it and I apologized but she didn’t- she, she didn’t care and…” 
Hailey got the cue, “Okay. It’s alright.” She pulled you into a gentle hug. “Everything’s going to be alright.”
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fangirlfrom-hell · 6 months
Exciting ||Jay Halstead x Daughter and reader
Jay has to take his daughter to work for the first time and he’s not excited about it.
For the one that voted Jay x daughter on the poll (this is not a Christmas story though)
Jay wasn’t comfortable with the idea of taking his 4 years old daughter to work, but seemed like luck was not on his side. The girl was on vacation, Y/N was on a work trip, the nanny got sick, Will was on shift and the little girl’s grandparent’s couldn’t take care of her all day long, so he had no choice. He called Voight, who with his raspy voice and without any problem said “Bring her.”
He sighed, “Ok, baby girl. You are coming to work with me today” He notified his little daughter who was sitting with her short legs hanging from the couch.
“To the police station?” Her eyes were shining bright out of excitement.
“Yea”, her dad chuckled. “Mommy will pick you up later, when she comes back home from her trip, ok?”
“Okay. I am excited!” Excited was the last feeling she learned in school and from then on she would use it for everything.
“I am excited too”, he lied, he was more nervous than anything. “Go get your backpack”, he ordered and when she was gone he muttered to himself, “I’m already running late”
It wasn’t common to take one’s son or daughter to the bullpen, but is wasn’t so strange either. Voight and Al had done it in the past with their kids; Burgess and Adam had done it with Malayla too, even Kevin had to take his little sister from time to time. This was the family Hank talked about.
Jay went upstairs with a small pink and shinny backpack with unicorn form on his arm, making a funny contrast with the gun hanging from his hips.
“Where’s the baby girl?” Adam said when he saw his friend arriving alone.
“Platt stole her from me”, he answered. He would have arrived even later if he had waited for Trudy to give her back to him. Kim smiled at the image.
“We haven’t seen her in a while”, Al peeked his head from his hidden desk to participate in the conversation, “A bit of her cheerfulness will do good to this place”
“Well, she is, and I’m quoting, “very excited” to see you all”, the proud dad smirked.
But as much excited as she was, the baby Halstead was very shy to even say good morning to them. As soon as Trudy Platt carried her upstairs, the girl ran towards her father as fast as she could.
“Why are you crying?” Jay asked in a very low voice, while sitting her on his lap.
But the one answering the question was Platt, “She started to worry when she noticed you weren’t around downstairs and then silently started crying”
Ashamed, the little Halstead girl hugged her dad’s neck and buried her face on his shoulder. A chorous of “aw” was heard around. This wasn’t what she expected, visiting the police station didn’t make her feel excited after all.
“It’s alright”, Jay kept whispering into her ear. It was only after a few minutes later that she calmed down, but even when she was acting as if nothing had happened, she was still embarrased.
Al passed by from the coffee room to his desk and handed a coockie to the girl. She hesitated on accepting it, she first turned to her dad who nodded in approval and she stretched her tiny arm to take it.
“Precauted girl. Good”, Olinsky smiled at her and she smiled back.
“Why don’t you take your colors and get to work in your coloring book, hm?” Jay said more like an order as he put her down. He couldn’t really advance in his work if she was there right beside him.
They walked to an unoccupied desk right infront of Adam. The girl climbed the chair as her dad took her belongings out of the unicorn backpack, “There you go. I’ll be right there if you need me. Remember to…”
“…be quiet, shhh” his daughter completed.
She stayed there for a while, coloring different pages. The detectives, specially Kim, would praise her artistic work whenever they had to walk by her side. She liked Kim, that woman was funny, but she couldn’t really take her eyes off of the man who had gave her the cookie: Alvin Olinsky, but he was too busy to noticed.
“Daddy”, she silently stood up an whispered, trying not to distract the people around, “I don’t want to color anymore. I want to draw”
“Uh, let me check if I have something for you to—“
“I have some white sheets in here”, Hailey opened a drawer and handed a bunch to the Halstead girl. She liked Hailey too, she had a bright smile.
“How do you say?” Her father encouraged her before going back to her place.
“Thank you, Hailssss”
She was immersed in her own world, drawing, coloring and cutting. She stood up to get closer to Adam and touched his leg to call his attention.
“How do you write ‘I love you’?” She asked the detective.
“Oh!” He took a notebook and a pen, “Very easy, let me just show you”
Jay looked up to witness the scene, altough he couldn’t hear any word they were exchanching, “Hey, sweetie”, he called out, “Let Ruz work, ok?”
“No big deal” His collegue said handing her the sheet.
A few minutes later, the little girl stood up once more to go with her father. She stretched her hand to hand him a very colorful circle of paper.
“Wow! Is this for me?” Jay exxagerated his emotion, and then melted when he read the phrase ‘I love you’ followed by a crooked heart.
With excitement, she explained it was a cup holder: “Yea, you can put your mug there”. Following orders from such a smooth voice, Jay placed his mug over the gift.
“Just what I needed” He kissed her head. When she withdrew of his side, Jay immediatly took the paper with the witten phrase and placed it in a spot where he was able to see it all the time.
Before going back to sit on her chair, the girl passed by Al’s desk and stood next to him staring, until he finally noticed.
She took him by surprise, a cute surprise, “Hey, you scared me!” That made her laugh.
“What do you like the most?” The kid asked wothout any other introduction, “Ducks or unicorns?”
Detective Olinsky took his time to answer the question. He observed that Halstead’s daughter was wearing a T-shirt full of unicorns, her pink shinny backback also had the shape of a unicorn, so he went by that, thinking it would be the correct answer.
“Unicorns, I love unicorns”
But she didn’t had the reaction he expected, instead she sadenned, “Oh! I was going to draw a duck for you”
Being in a space close to Olinsky, and paying attention to what his daughter was doing all the time, Jay listened and couldn’t help to smile to the reaction of his parter.
“Oh, well, I love ducks too!” Alvin tried to amend his error.
“A duck, then?”
“Yea, a duck!”
And she moved her tiny legs as fast as she could. Both detectives shared a look and laughed.
It didn’t pass a lot of time when the girl was next to Olinsky’s chair again, but this time he noticed. Without speaking, she handed to him the drawing of a duck happily swimming in a lake.
“What? Is this for me?” She nodded. There was something peaceful in his voice that she liked. “Thank you very much! I really love it. What’s this?” He pointed to a brown circle tha was close to the animal. The answer make him smile showing his teeth.
“A cookie”
“Well, this masterpiece deserves to be in a special place” The detective took a bit of tape and pasted the drawing where it could be seen by everyone.
Little Halstead ran to his father to tell him what just had happened.
“That’s not fair!” Adam teased her later on the day. “I want my own drawing too! I showed you how to write that phrase, you gotta remember that!”
“It will have to be another day”, Jay intervened. “Time to pick everything up, your mom’s on her way to pick you up”
“Mommy’s back?” She asked with the same bright eyes she had when realizing she was going to the police station.
“Yeah!” Her dad smirked.
“I am excited!” She stated while putting her stuff back into the backpack.
“Say goodbye, time to go. Mommy’s downstairs”
She waved her little hand to everybody in the bullpen, “Bye bye”. She even peeked her head into Voight’s office, “Goodbye, Serge”
“You are leaving already? Goodbye, little one” Hank said in a very friendly tone, “Come back soon, whenever you want”
She laughed at the idea, “I will”
It was a bit hard for her to walk down the stairs. “Do you need help?” Jay asked with his arms opened to carry her and she jumped to him.
As soon as she spotted Y/N at the desk with Trudy she yelled at her. Jay put her down on the floor when the stairs were over and his baby ran towards her mom, who picked her up in a tight hug.
“Ugh, how much I missed you” Y/N said covering their daughter in kisses.
“Me too!”
“Did the detectives threated you good?” Trudy asked, “How was your day at daddy’s work, hm?”
Wothout hesitating and with a lot of emotion, the girl answered “Oh! It was exciting!”
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saragarnier · 25 days
Away from you
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Pairing: jay halstead x reader
Summary: y/n doesn’t know where Jay truly is and she got worried
Warning: angst, slightly smut, cheating,
A/N: i will probably write a part 2, stay tuned!
Next part
You and Jay had been together for three years and everything looked good, at least it was ‘till the end of the march. You didn’t know or understand why he changed his behavior when he was with you, especially since it all happened so quickly and unexpectedly that you just couldn’t understand what happened between you two. From one day, he just started to behave differently, coming home later and telling you that he was just too busy at work, doing some paperwork and getting his things ready for the next shift. He made it looked like he was just trying to impress Voight and for a moment you actually believed him.
You knew how much he wanted to become, one day, sergeant and to be on the lead of his own unit and you just wanted to support him in any ways you could; if he wanted to make a good impression in case of a new sergeant, you wouldn’t have stop him. Actually, it looked like Voight was having some issues lately, from how Jay talked about him after work anyway, and you really trusted him and believed him about his story.
Then, one evening, you decided to go talk with Kim, having some times together and trying to explain to her what you had in mind: Jay’s birthday was closer than you thought and you had to find a good gift for him.
“I need you to help me.” You said to Kim, smiling softly. “Jay’s birthday is in two weeks and i want to surprise him with a two-days holiday. I know that he spends a lot of time at the district doing his paperwork and trying to make a good impression in case of a promotion, but i really need your help. Can you please find a good reason to get him home earlier on Friday’s night?”
Kim was surprised by your statement, not because of the surprise you were preparing for him, but for what you said about him staying at the district till late.
“What do you mean that he spends a lot of time at the district to make a good impression? He always leaves before me, actually he arrives earlier to complete the paperwork he usually leaves at the end of the shift.”
You were confused, you were really confused. What did that mean? If he usually left the district early in the evening, why he came home every night after 11 pm, when you were already sleeping?
“Uhm… he usually doesn’t come home before 11 pm.” You whispered, looking at Kim while your mind raced through all the nights you waited for him to come back home, before falling asleep because of the tiredness of the day at work.
“Y/n, i swear to God that he usually leaves at 7 pm, 8 pm if we’re up to something ‘till late.” Kim said, looking sadly at you, while something you didn’t want to admit passed through her mind.
“But… it doesn’t make sense.” You replied, shaking your head slightly. “What does he do between 7 pm and 11 pm then?”
The girl just shook his head, looking ad you sadly and placing her hand on yours, trying to reassure you in some ways. “Maybe it’s not something you have to worry about, maybe it’s just some stuff he had to do or, maybe, it’s just a bad moment for him. I remember he was like this when he suffered from PTSD.”
You nodded, but it didn’t make sense anyway. You remembered when Jay suffered from PTSD because you were always by his side, you were always there for him and you followed him step after step, trying to help him find his way out of it. It couldn’t be PTSD that time, you would have noticed immediately.
He wasn’t distressed like he was when he suffered from it, he was actually really happy and he was usually calm when he came back home.
It could be PTSD, but what was it then?”
“Sorry Kim, i have to go.” You whispered, looking at your phone and finding out it was just 9:30 pm; you had still plenty of time before he could have been home and you wanted to find out what was happening with your boyfriend, actually with your future husband.
“Don’t worry darling, it’s okay.” Kim whispered, smiling at you. “We’ll see each other soon, okay? Maybe you can come at the district one day and we can talk a little? Also Adam and Kevin missed you, you know. With all the preparations of the wedding, we didn’t see you around in a while.”
“Yeah, when i’m not at work at the hospital, i’m around the city trying some white dresses.” You sighed, wearing your jacket and placing some money on the table, paying for your own drink.
“I can imagine that. Don’t worry, really. I hope to see you again soon.” She smiled softly at you.
“I hope that too. Bye Kim, goodnight.”
You left the bar just ten minutes after and you immediately called the one and only that could have tracked Jay’s phone without a word: Mouse.
When he came back from the army, for the second time, you knew that it would have been difficult for him to start a new life again, especially after the first time. Jay helped him and, after some weeks in which he tried to convince him every single day, Mouse accepted to come back at the intelligence as a tech. It wasn’t an easy decision for him and it was strange at first, but he knew he had no better option and working with his friend was something he missed a lot.
He picked up the phone after the second ring.
“Hi! Look who showed up!” He smiled and laughed. “I was actually asking myself when you would have called me to give me the official invite to your wedding, you know? I would have asked Jay, but he i’m pretty sure is not as much involved in the preparations as you are, so…”
“Mouse, i need your favor.” You told him straight away. “I can’t find Jay and I’m worried. Can you please track his phone and tell where he is? And, can you do that without anyone knowing it?”
It was a strange request, especially since it went from you, but Mouse got it immediately and he started to track Jay’s phone straight away. He was actually scared for his friend, he was scared that Jay got into real trouble, maybe with the ptsd or something liked that, but there was no time for questions. He tracked his phone and he gave her the address after only three minutes.
“Thank you, Mouse. Sorry if i interrupted your evening. I have to go now and, don’t worry, I’ll handle the invite in person, okay?” You said, getting inside the car while looking at the address Mouse gave to you. It could be true, why was he there?
“Don’t worry, no problem at all. I’ll leave you now, i guess you’re busy… just, tell me if anything happened to him, okay?” He replied, making sure that everything was okay, making sure that you would have called him in case of trouble.
“I will, thanks Mouse.”
When he hung up, you started the car and you drove to the location he sent you; why the hell was Jay at his old apartment? Didn’t he sell it?
When you arrived at the location, you parked the car and you got out as soon as you could, going up the stairs and reaching his door just few minutes after. Fortunately, you still knew where he used to hide the key and you went for it, opening the door as silently as you could. The first thing you noticed when you entered was the emptiness of the room: there was nothing there other than some furnishings and still you didn’t understand why Jay was there.
Then, you noticed it.
Then, you noticed them: heels and they weren’t yours.
Your mouth became dry and you stopped breathing properly, trying to find an explanation for what you were seeing. You took some steps forward and your eyes fell on the jeans and t-shirts that were on the floor, all the way up to what it was Jay’s bedroom before he moved out. You took the hallway, starting to hear voices, moans you didn’t want to hear, moans you just wanted to be from your neighbors, even if you knew that they were elderly and it couldn’t have been them. Just at the front of the door, you saw them: panties and Jay’s boxer.
Your brain stopped working, you stopped breathing and your heart almost stopped beating; you just couldn’t understand what was happing, you couldn’t believed it.
You zoned out, like you couldn’t have been there, like you were just in a dream, a bad dream, a really bad one, then you came back to reality when you actually saw and hear them.
“Oh, Jay.” She moaned, begging him. “Please, faster.”
Jay’s partner.
“God, Hails…” Your boyfriend moaned, lowering himself on her to kiss her breast while fucking her. “I… shit… you feel so good around me.”
“Oh, J-Jay!” She moaned louder, unaware of your presence on the frame of the door, where you were watching them, without breathing.
Jay took Hailey’s legs and he put it on his own shoulder, increasing the pace.
“Yes, cum around me, baby. Cum for me, i love you.”
Surprisingly. It wasn’t watching him fucking her that destroyed you: it was his last three words, the same three words he said to you every morning before going to work, the same three words he said to you on the phone when he was to busy at work to come home, even if he was actually heading to his old apartment, when he was able to fuck his partner whenever he wanted to.
You stepped back silently, to broken to face the truth, to heart broken to face him.
You stepped back and you left without saying a word, without make noise; you went back inside your car and only then, when Hailey’s and Jay’s moans were far away from you, you started breathing again.
Tears were streaming down your cheeks from minutes probably, but you couldn’t notice it before and you were to shocked to dry off your tears: you just wanted to add as many distance as you could between you and the man you thought was the love of your life.
You didn’t even went back to your apartment, you couldn’t have handle being again in the house that would have been yours,the house in which you hoped you would have started a family with Jay. You didn’t go back to your apartment to collect all your belongings, you just left.
You left a message to your boss’ office regarding your resignation and you drove away.
Away from Jay.
Away from your apartment.
Away from the life you dreamed of with him.
Away from the love.
Away from the pain.
Away from Chicago.
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karihighman · 5 months
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Lisseth third wheeling my favorite ships is the best thing to ever happen to The Rookie & Chicago PD 🤭😅 it’s too great!!
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renegadesstuff · 3 months
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uptondixon · 19 days
Upstead Foster Daughter
Did you ever wonder how Upstead would be as foster parents for a teenage girl? Like Hank and Erin, Hailey and Jay welcomed Olivia to their home when she was 16. Olivia holds a lot of grudges and is full of mischief, but she is also incredibly sweet and has a tremendous need to feel like she belongs. To her surprise, Hailey and Jay will give her exactly that.
[Chapter I] "If I was dying on my knees you would be the one to rescue me"
Jay is shot and help comes from an unexpected source.
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Blood was no stranger to Jay Halstead. Nor is being in the aim of a gun. But actually being shot, bleeding out? This is something you never get used to. 
Jay had been lying on the cold concrete floor for about two minutes now, unaware that minutes had passed. Everything happened so fast. The bullet missed his bulletproof vest and hit his side, invading him with pain and knocking him to the ground.
Jay made an effort but failed to reach for his radio that he dropped when he fell. Being alone, bleeding out from a hole in your belly, is enough to send anyone into a panic. But not him, because Jay knew that was not how he would die, chasing a stupid drug dealer who shot him down an alley in the middle of the day. He wasn't even supposed to be there alone in the first place. 
His team would find him. Hailey would find him.
Half a minute later, Jay hears footsteps coming from the other side of the alley. His hands loosened the hold on his side where he was stanching the bleeding with a piece of his plaid shirt. They got to him, he could relax now. 
The footsteps were soft, they were probably from Hailey or Kim, even Hank coming-
“Jesus Christ! Sir, what happened?” Jay's head moved in the direction of the voice so fast that he felt pain shooting through his entire body. 
His vision was getting blurry, be he could make out a teenage girl who could not be older than fifteen. She was staring at him from 10 steps away and the strain his neck was doing to look at her was making him even more uncomfortable. He resumed his previous position with a loud groan, pressing the piece of fabric tighter against his side again. 
The action calls the girl's attention to the wound, the amount of blood making her gasp and kneel on the ground beside the man. Although she had never seen a gunshot wound before, she knew it was one. She noticed his vest, his gun, and his radio on the ground. He was a cop and he was bleeding out on the pavement right in front of her. She had to do something.
Her hands flew to the wound, joining his bigger ones in stopping the bleeding. She took out her coat, pressing it to the wound. 
“My belt” Jay said, reaching out to it. He had attempted to remove it earlier, but his hands were shaking excessively and he lacked the strength to do so. Just like he couldn't reach for his radio to call for help.
She got the message and took his belt. His badge and gunholder coming off in the process. The girl knew she had to do a tourniquet, so she wrapped the belt around his side, finding some difficulty in doing so, but still managed to succeed. More grunts of pain left Jay as she tightened the belt. 
Her hands and clothes were covered in blood, and her face had some splashes from when she tried to get her hair out of the way.
What to do now? She couldn't carry him, she couldn't leave him here alone to die either. 
“The radio, take my radio” Jay's voice was weaker now, he was using all his strength to not pass out. 
She looked back and stood up to retrieve the radio. She came back and kneeled beside him again, waiting for more instructions. It was crazy how he could still think rationally in these conditions. She felt so powerless because he was the one dying, but he was still managing to tell her what to do. She knew, however, that he was probably trained for moments like this.
“What's your name?” Jay said after a moment trying to catch his breath.
“Olivia” She answered, her voice shaking.
The girl glanced down at the name carved on his vest “Halstead, Intelligence” she read out loud. 
“Yeah, yeah, you-” he coughed. “You pull this switch and press this button” his blood-soaked hand showed her how to do it.
“Call for help, tell them the address” were Jay’s last words before he started to feel his consciousness fading away.
He turned his head to the side, feeling the cold on his cheek. His vision went completely black but he could still hear Olivia's voice in the background.
Jay could not make out what she was saying but the last thing he heard before passing out was Hank's voice through the radio “Who the hell are you?!”
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You all recognize the lyrics from the title, right? Thank you for reading and let me know what you think! It's my first time attempting to write a story with multiple chapters so any form of encouragement is much appreciated ♡
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imjustwritingg · 14 days
going to california (aching in my heart)
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Hello!! This is something I came up with after one of many Upstead breakdowns with some friends at 3am. It’s somewhere between a spec fic and a whole lot of wishful thinking, but it might be my favorite one-shot I’ve written. I hope you enjoy it. 💕
Title is taken from lyrics to the song “Going to California” by Led Zeppelin.
Read on AO3
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Break Through Au
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: You go out ice skating on the lake with your brothers and Things don’t go as planned for you three
Warnings: CPR/Death, Falling through Ice, Hospitals, Yelling
You were on the ice with your brothers Will and Jay, even though you weren’t allowed to, you guys still went regardless.
It was 10pm, no one would be out here to get in your way or yell at you to get off the ice.
“Cmon Y/n/n, it's better out here” Jay said while attempting to slide farther out to the lake. 
“I don’t know Jay, I kinda wanna stay over here. That way I get off easier than struggling to get off if I'm way over there.” you shrugged.
“Alright then, me and will be over there if you need us' ' He pointed towards the middle of the lake.
“Alright, I’m just gonna slide around.” You shivered. Maybe I should work more layers. You thought to yourself.
After a while you got bored and decided to go over to Will and Jay who were “fighting” over who got the better hockey stick.
Will pulled out his phone and checked the time. “Guys it’s 11 o'clock, she should head home now, if we all get a cold moms gonna know that we went outside without asking her, especially if Y/n gets sick”
“But I'm getting good at hockey,” you whined.
Will and Jay just have you that look. “Alright alright let’s go” You caved.
Because your brothers were better on ice than you were, they went up ahead of you. 
“GUYS! I'M NOT AS FAST AS YOU SLOW DO-“ Before you could finish your sentence a loud Crack interrupted you.
That made the two Halstead brothers come to a halt and turn around to you. “No,” Jay whispered. “Y/n don’t move, just stay still we’ll come to you”
Before you could say anything the Ice broke.
Jays pov:
“Y/N, SHIT NO” I screamed, my little sister just fell through the ice.
Me and Will immediately slide over to where she fell in and I immediately throw my whole arm in the freezing water to see if I can feel Y/n
“Give me your other arm so I can pull you once you get her!” Will shouts.
“Once I touch something that feels semi to a human arm I pull. I can tell it’s Y/n because once I pull I feel a bit of weight. 
Once we were towards the edge of the Lake I pick y/n up bridal style and rushed over to land.
“Put her down here.” Will says. 
“What the hell do we do?” I cry
“She’s not breathing, Jay, you need to run back to the house and call someone” Wills is studying medicine so he knows a couple of things about what to do in a life or death situation.
“WHO DO I CALL?” I shout
My body moves into autopilot as I’m running through the forest making sure I don’t trip on any rocks or roots. 
My legs are burning and I can’t breathe but I can’t stop, if I stop Y/ns gonna die and it’ll be all my fault.
As I reach the house I punch in the code to the door and run upstairs to my bedroom. 
I basically almost threw my  phone into the air while trying to pick it up.
“9-1-1 what’s your emergency?”
“It’s -it’s my sister, she fell into the lake and I don’t know if she’s breathing”
“Check if she has a pulse”
“My older brother is with her at the lake, he-he's studying medicine so he knows what he’s doing”
“What’s your name sweetheart?”
“Uhh jay, my names Jay”
“Alright Jay, How old is your sister and how long was she under water for?”
“I don’t- 5 minutes maybe, and her name is Y/n, but we all call her Y/n/n. I don't know what I’m gonna tell my mom, that my littler sister died because we didn’t listen to her?” I’m panicking.
“Jay, I’m gonna need you to take a deep breath, I have help coming on the way right now”
How did she get my location? I didn’t even tell her.
The paramedics arrived and Jay led them to the lake where Will was with you. 
Will did successfully get you back but you were still unconscious. 
Why didn’t we just listen?
“15 Year old Female Y/n Halstead, Hypothermia after falling through ice, Was unconscious on site and Has a history of Heart issues.” The paramedic listed off all the things
(Ik that Grey's anatomy is in Seattle but because the show is so old let’s just pretend that this happened with them, it’s been awhile since I’ve watched it so if I make mistakes Woops)
“Alright,on my count if we move her. 1…2…3”Alex said.
Alex looked you over and started telling Jo things to do. “I want a head Ct, Keep me updated on her temperature and get me Derek for a consult.” Jo nodded.
Jay and Will followed Dr. Karev outside. “Is she gonna be ok?” Jay asked.
“She’s not out of the woods yet, but we won’t know more until she wakes up which will be a couple of hours” 
“Jay Halstead and Will Halstead” A stern voice called to them that made them Gulp.
“What in the world happened, and why did the Atwater’s call me and say that something happened on the lake and I needed to come home?” Your Mom stoked with her hands on her hips.
Jay and Will glanced at each other and knew they had no way out of this so they just decided to tell the truth and get it over with.
“I have told you guys time and time again not to play on that lake during the winter,
If you want to go ice skating go to the bigger one. Y/n has been punished enough, and as for you too, just until we get home, me and your father Will real with you. Do you understand?”
“Yes mom,” The boys said together.
“Alright, either the Atwater’s or the Uptons are going to pick you guys up and take you home. I will stay here with your sister, your father should be at home by now”
“But mom-“ Jay said. “No buts, wait here”
It had been a couple of weeks since the incident and A lot had happened. 
You were on the News, people came to your school and spoke about Ice safety. Jay and Will were indeed grounded but only for two weeks. The lake was now closed off while they were still doing an investigation. Which you didn’t understand why because it’s not like anything else happened but it was whatever.
“Y/n hurry up you’re going to miss the bus!” Jay shouted from downstairs.
“HOLD ON IM COMING” You grabbed your backpack and ran down the stairs.
After getting all your stuff in your backpack you got all your stuff ready to walk to the bus stop.
“Alright, what’s the rules?” Will questioned you.
“No wandering off to the other lake, don’t take off my jackets unless I really need to and don’t get anything that will drop my body temperature” 
“Do you still have to put my hat and Jacket on for me? I’m 15 years old.”
“Because of recent events and mom being gone and I’m going to leave soon I need to make sure you're ok, plus your body temperature is still not to its normal temp yet so layers it is.” You rolled your eyes at what would be said.
“I will pick you up for your doctor's appointment maybe 30 minutes before school ends, and Jay will drop your lunch off at the front office” Will said as he started walking at the door. 
“Bye will see you later” 
Once Will was gone, you ate the last of your waffles and grabbed your hot chocolate or what Jays calls “Jay's famous Hot chocolate” but it tasted like any other drink.
“I miss having you out on the lake by the middle school” Your friend Ellie said.
“Me too, but ever since my mom died Will and Jay have been strict on what I can do since my dad won’t really do much and they're trying to get me to learn stuff before Will leaves for New York and Jay leaves to serve” You shrugged.
“But I did convince Jay to get you some fries and nuggets” You laughed 
“You are literally the best, I really didn’t feel like spending all my money in my account today” Yeah the school food was expensive but it’s because you guys had fast food restaurants in your cafeteria so I guess it made sense.
“Hey Nugget” Will greeted you as you got into the car.
“Hi Will, can we please get McDonald’s after my appointment?” 
“Sure, where’s Jay? I told him he could get out of school early since he has a free period this week.”
“He said he wanted to stay at school, so he’s probably just walking around the hallways or doing whatever Jay does” You shrugged.
You thought about it for a while, your life was somewhat falling apart. Will was leaving for New York. Jay was getting deployed so you weren’t gonna see him. And your mom was gone so all you had left was your Dad, and your dad wasn’t the best person now since your dad died.
“Hey Will?”You broke the silence 
“Yeah Nugget?” 
“I’m- I’m gonna miss you when you leave” Here comes the water works.
“Me too Y/n me too”
Life from now on was going to be way different for you , and everyone around you knew that. You were going to get through it and it was going to be Ok. Right?
Well that’s at least what you thought…
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fighterkimburgess · 2 years
‘Cause I’m Here To Stay Chapter 2 - Talking
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Summary: An interaction with Adam and an ultimatum from Hailey leads to Jay asking a question he never thought he would. Series Masterlist Here
Words: 2.3k 
Warnings: mentions of mental health issues, flashbacks to previous chapter.
Wanna join my taglist?
“DADA!” The yell through the monitor woke Jay from his uneasy sleep, Mairead’s cries echoing through the apartment. He was awake and upright in seconds, running into the nursery where his almost a year old child was sobbing. The front of her pjs was sodden with drool, chubby red cheeks making her discomfort clear.
“I know, I know baby. It hurts, doesn’t it?” He picked her up and changed her clothes, a bib around her neck to hold the worst of it. Instead they went to the kitchen and he pulled a frozen teething toy out and handed it to her. Chewing on it seemed to give the teething girl some comfort and she leaned against Jay, her head bobbing as she fought sleep.
Sleep was something that didn’t come easily for Jay now. Every time he closed his eyes he saw the girl he’d shot in front of him, blood spreading across her stomach. She’d ask him why he’d shot her, her mouth stretched wide in a silent scream.
Even when he didn’t see her it was something else he didn’t want to see. A vision of being back in Afghanistan, walking in on things he never wanted to see. Erin walking away from their family, duffel in hand as she left them. Or the worst one, where she took Mairead and his daughter screamed for him as they walked away and he could never reach them.
The tiredness had begun to gnaw at him in work, and he’d made attempts to stop himself from snapping at everyone. Hailey took the brunt of it, asking an innocent question on a stakeout and getting a glare. 
They were on one such stakeout when his partner’s patience ran out.
“I’ve coffee in the thermos, want some?” She asked, Jay’s head spinning over.
“Why the hell would I want coffee? Seriously?”
“Ok, time out.” It was quiet for a moment before Hailey spoke again. “What’s up with you? You haven’t been ok in weeks, Kim asked me if you’d said anything to me. She heard you yelling at night last week. Talk to me, Jay.”
He stared out at the empty street, wishing that something would pop off so he wouldn’t have to speak. But instead it was just as quiet as the last two nights had been, so he put his head back.
“I’ve been having nightmares.”
“About the shooting?” Her voice was soft and all he could think was he didn’t want her pity.
“And other stuff. When I served. Things like that.”
“Jay…” Hailey’s voice trailed off and he wanted to shudder. He should be able to work this out himself, it shouldn’t need someone else to listen to him. “Have you thought abut therapy? CPD covers it. I’m sure the VA covers it. It can help, it helped me.”
“From what?”
“My dad was mean. Meaner when he drank. So I talked to someone and it helped.”
Their radios went off at that, Voight telling them to come back to the district and go home. There was no more conversation about what they’d said in the truck, a mutual agreement to keep it quiet.
The next two weeks passed by in a similar fog for Jay, determined to keep his head on. He bit his tongue whenever he was tempted to say more than a direct answer to a question, keeping his head together. Sleep still mostly eluded him, staring at the computer in front of him with coffee in his hand.
Voight was picking Mairead up from daycare and taking her for the evening, insisting that he had a night off. Considering his boss had been looking at him weirdly he wasn’t saying no, nodding and making sure the car seat in Voight’s SUV was buckled in correctly before going upstairs.
Jay had every intention of going home once he finished his paperwork backlog. He was going to dot the i’s, cross the t’s, and head home via his favourite fried chicken place to watch the hawks on TV. But instead the last thing he remembered was sitting on the couch in the break room. Instead it was Adam shaking him awake as he tried to fight against an invisible enemy, running after Erin.
“Hey, hey, you ok?” He blinked as he woke, Adam there in a fighting stance as Jay had his fist ready to let swing.
“Yeah, what time is it?”
“Seven. Did you sleep here? I thought Voight had your kid so you could get a good night’s sleep.”
“Didn’t mean to.” He picked up the pillow he’d been sleeping on, smoothing it out before leaving the room. “Can we keep this between us? Mairead’s teething and it’s making me exhausted. This is the best night I’ve had in weeks.”
“Sure. But if you want me and Kim to take her for a night to give you a break, you know where we are.”
“You and Kim?” The younger man blushed and smiled, making Jay smile.
“We decided to give it a go. Only you and Kevin know for now, can we keep it that way? We’re telling Voight next week.” He seemed genuinely happy, his good mood propping up Jay’s and getting him to grin too.
“Consider my lips sealed. I’m happy for the two of you, man. You deserve it.”
The sleepless nights didn’t get easier, Jay trawling online forums in a desperate effort to find something to help him with it. Instead there was nothing, staring at the ceiling as he turned his now lavender scented pillow over to the cool side several times a night. He couldn’t do some of the suggestions - even the idea of a blindfold made him want to vomit, and earplugs were out thanks to his daughter, but some of them worked for a night or two.
The content of the nightmares had changed, now all solidifying around his dead child in front of him. Mairead in the daycare with a bullet wound, as one of the children he’d seen dead in Afghanistan. One stuck with him, a three year old in what had been a light blue shalwar khameez that was forever stained instead. Instead it was his daughter’s curls he saw now in those dreams, haunting him.
He thought he was hiding it well, that nobody could see how he was struggling. And maybe he was for most people, but Upton had learned how he worked too well too soon, stopping him where he stood in front of his locker.
“Have you talked to someone?” She asked, tapping his shoulder and startling him, Jay’s hand automatically going towards his holster. “You’re not ok, Jay. You need help.”
“I’m fine. Mairead’s fine, I’m fine. It’s all fucking fine.”
“That just proves you’re not fine. Get some help. Or I’ll tell Voight I need a new partner. I’m not willing to work with someone who I can’t trust has my back. So tell me if you decide to talk to someone or I talk to Voight.” He stared at his partner in shock as she spoke. “You’re the only parent that little girl has. She needs you to be ok. If she was struggling the same way you are, would you want her to not talk about it?”
Hailey left the room at that, her point made and Jay standing still there.
For the next two days Jay sulked, going over Hailey’s words in his mind as he spent them with Mairead, planning her first birthday. His dad and brother were coming over, Nat and Owen coming with Will. Voight was coming too, along with Kim in her position as godmother. With Ruzek joining along now they were publicly dating. His little girl was about to turn one, and he’d been a single dad for almost four months. Things were going ok. Apart from not sleeping for thirty six hours.
On his final day off he did what he really didn’t want to, pulling out a card he’d been given before Erin left.
Dr. Lonnie Richardson, B.S. M.D. PhD.
Gaffney Chicago Medical Center
Richardson had consulted on a case with them, handing her card to each member of the unit if they needed to talk. With a deep breath he tapped her number into his phone and got the expected voicemail.
“Hey, this is Detective Jay Halstead. You gave me your card a few months ago. I think I need to talk to someone. If you could give me a call back or an email or something so we can make an appointment I’d really appreciate it. Thanks.”
He didn’t expect an answer that day, so spent it in his usual caffeinated fog, caring for Mairead and putting her to bed before lying down and waiting for the nightmares to start. It was at his desk the next morning that his phone rang, Med’s number on the screen as he walked down the back stairs for some privacy.
“Detective Halstead, this is Doctor Richardson. You left me a voicemail, what can I do to help?”
When he explained what was going on he could hear the psychiatrist hmm at the relevant moments, feeling a little lighter now he’d said all of it.
“Can you come in tomorrow for six? Will you have childcare?”
“I can make it work. Thanks.”
“No need to thank me. I’ll see you then.”
When he got upstairs he knocked on Voight’s office door, ignoring the looks from everyone else around him as he did. He knew they’d been giving him side eyes, and that was what made him even more certain that as frustrating as it was he was making the right decision.
“Sarge, I need a favour. I’m gonna have a regular appointment tomorrow at six, every week after that. I need to do this.”
Voight looked across at him, taking in the exhaustion under his eyes and how obvious it was that Jay wasn’t ok. Jay felt weird standing there, watching his manager look carefully at him.
“Do you need childcare while you’re doing it?”
“Yeah, if you could pick Mairead up while I’m there? She can’t come with me.”
There was a nod, Jay turning to leave the room.
“I’m proud of you for realising.”
He went outside and sat at his desk, focusing on the case they were running. It was difficult and frustrating, but the following day he left to go to his first appointment with Richardson. Everyone in the unit was leaving around the same time so it was easy to hide, Voight giving him a nod as he left.
Therapy wasn’t a silver bullet. He sat in front of Richardson and explained his irritability, the lack of sleep he’d been dealing with and the frustration he had all the time. How Erin had left them and wasn’t coming back. How he’d never expected to be a parent, let along a single one.
When he finished talking he sat back, relief pouring out of every cell in his body. Richardson looked at him, eyes open and staring carefully at him.
“You’ve gone through a lot in the last few months. When did you leave the military?”
“I was a Ranger. Finished up in 2008. My best friend re-enlisted last year.”
“That sounds tough.”
“To put it mildly.”
They talked about coping techniques, ways for Jay to come to terms with everything that had happened and how he could move forward. It wasn’t going to be easy - that had been made abundantly clear - but it was a chance for him to get there. And he had to.
Mairead’s party was the first test of his new coping skills. He’d been sleeping easier at night, but that judgment he kept feeling about his parenting skills was always there. It would always be there, really, if he was honest with himself. But he knew that he was the best person to look after his daughter. That he was the one who would support her and care for her and love her. He could do it.
Will swooped in with Nat and Owen, Owen immediately reaching out for his cousin. Jay watched them out of the corner of his eye as he set out the tubs of salad and hot food on the dining room table. He’d been half tempted to just order some pizzas, but a first birthday was a celebration. She’d been around for a full year and he couldn’t be happier about it.
There was looks from Nat about Jay feeding Mairead cake, but he ignored it and focused on the camera Kim had trailed on him. The stack of presents were taller than his daughter, clothes and games and a rag doll from Voight that she now refused to let go of. The cloth hand was in her mouth, drool pouring down it from teething but Jay didn’t bring himself to care. They were happy.
When everyone left it was just Jay and Kim cleaning up. He’d watched the younger woman kiss Adam goodbye, a blush on her cheeks at the looks they got at it while he left.
“Does Ruzek make you happy?”
“Yeah, he does. We both needed to grow up.”
“That’s what matters. Be happy with him, and don’t let stupid fights get in the way.” It was said with weary understanding, staring at the dishes he had to dry as Kim washed them.
“That’s the plan.” It was quiet as she washed until she put a glass on the drying rack. “Do you regret it? Dating in the unit, I mean?”
“No.” The quickness and sincerity of his response surprised even him. “I regret how it ended. That Erin’s gone and I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye really. That the cutest kid in the world is gonna grow up without a mom. But I don’t regret dating her, and I don’t regret the outcome in the end.”
She hugged Mairead goodbye, giving Jay a hug as well as she got to the door. “For the record, you’re a really good dad. All we want is for you to be happy.”
In work the next day Hailey asked how the party had gone, Kim showing off the photos of a smashed pink cake she’d brought for that express purpose. But it was when he was sitting in the truck with her on the way to talk to a witness that Jay actually spoke.
“Thanks, by the way.”
“For what?”
“I started talking to someone.”
His partner put her head back, looking out at the September sun streaming through the clouds. “Good. It’d suck to have to listen to Ruzek talk about how great Kim is all the time.”
Jay’s guffaw at her comment kept them both going until they made it to their destination.
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Can someone summerize the main bullet points on both of Hailey’s assignments with Booth? I’m writing a fic that requires this info but I can’t recall all the datails, I don’t have access to the episodes at the moment, and the wiki pages do not provide nearly enough information. I’d be very appreciative and I’ll tag you when I post the fic. :D
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go-to-two · 4 months
A Little Bit of You and a Little Bit of Me
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Hailey has had pregnancy scares in the past- one or two, over the years- but none have felt like this. This is different. She wants this.
--Seven snapshots in becoming parents
Hello! This is very unlike anything I have really wanted to write in the past, but the idea rattled around in my head until I just went for it. I'm going to blame the multiple pregnant people I have had in my life this year. If you're not into a pregnancy story, this probably isn't the one for you! I have some very, very vague descriptions of medical stuff, but never graphic. It's broken up into seven sections, and I'll put the week of pregnancy as the header. It is set in the universe of the show, but the details don't really matter. Canon is unimportant here. Happy reading!
Read on AO3
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sevcasejay1chicago · 7 months
I still…. Kelly Severide
Summary: After six months apart, you finally break.
Warnings: mentions of fights, arsonists, and drinking.
Authors note: COMPLETELY based off a prompt list from @dumplingsjinson
Walking into Molly’s always felt like coming home. Though there were some new faces, you recognize many of the patrons from Firehouse 51, Med, and the Intelligence Unit. You had volunteered to go undercover on a four month assignment. Previously, you had been partnered with Jay Halstead, who now works with Hailey Upton. Hailey had been your contact since she was brand new, meaning nobody would know she was part of intelligence. She freely came in and out of your UC house, frequently spending time with you to make sure you were safe and staying sane.
Though four months turned into 6 months, when this opportunity came along, you thought it was nothing short of a blessing. You had just had your heart broken and you were looking forward to getting the hell away from him, but his shadow still lurked around every corner of your mind. Then again, it’s practically impossible to forget someone like Kelly Severide.
The memory of that night came flooding back as you and Kelly locked eyes for the first time in six months.
You just arrived home from work. It had been a rough day to say the least. Squad 3 had been on a call with intelligence. The arsonist was target the intelligence unit, mainly you and Jay due to the perp being a old CI that felt he got a bad rap. Kelly decided to throw the guy to the ground when he started yelling and spitting at you as Kevin was attempting to haul the guy to the squad car to pat him down before cuffing him.
Kelly jumped the guy, bringing Kev and the perp down with him. Kelly got a few good hits in before most of Squad finally got him off. Of course, you burst into tears as the weight of the day and the realization of what Kelly had just done made itself clear to you. Jay wrapped you in his arms and ushered you away before Kelly could get a word in.
You hadn’t been home for more than 5 minutes when someone pounded on your door. You grabbed your gun from the dresser and crept to the door, quietly looking through the peephole to see who the hell was banging on your door. Of course, it was Kelly.
You breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened the door. “Hey Kel.” You whispered, tucking your gun in your waist band.
Kelly walked past you, not meeting your eyes. “We need to talk.”
You nodded, though Kelly still wouldn’t look at you. “I agree.” You whispered, moving to sit on the couch. “What you did today. That can’t happen.” You said, getting straight to the point.
“What?” Kelly said, lifting his eyes to meet yours, his face red as he silently seethed.
“I don’t need you taking down a suspect when we had it under control. Kev HAD him. You didn’t need to jump him just for yelling and spitting at me.” You shook your head. “It was embarrassing to say the least.”
Kelly threw his hands up before running one down his face. “I was standing up for you. I stood up for you. Then you went to Halstead and left with him without a second glance my way.” Kelly shouted, starting to pace as he spoke.
“What are you saying Kelly?!” You yelled back, pissed at his clear accusation.
“Do you like Jay or something? Cause it sure as hell seems like you want him more than me.” Kelly snapped, whirling around to face you head on.
You shook your head. “Oh hell no. After everything I put up with at the beginning of this relationship. The rumors of you being with other woman and having to build my trust in YOU. Now YOUR accusing ME of cheating on you with my partner who had to get me out of there because I was having a panic attack?! But NO you were too busy getting out of control and taking down Kev and the suspect.” You shook your head. “Get out Kelly. Just go. This is done. IM done.” You shouted, tears streaming down your face as you stood.
Kelly deflated, realizing he messed up. He knows about your struggles with anxiety and he knows that this case had been weighing on you and stealing your sleep. Hell, you had stayed at the firehouse multiple nights just to feel safe, sleeping in Kelly’s office while he did paperwork or snuggled up with him in between calls.
“Y/n.” Kelly whispered, coming closer to take you in his arms.
“No.” You shook your head, stepping around him and holding the door open for him. “Please. Just go.”
Now, six months later, you find yourself relieved to see that Kelly doesn’t have a girl wrapped in his arms. You have been replaying that night over in your head since the day you left. You’ve been hoping to get this opportunity, and it’s finally here.
You strode over to him, greeting everyone else at the table, before pulling him out to the patio. Kelly sat down, waiting as you downed two shots and then grabbed your favorite drink before sitting across from him.
“First, I need to get something off my chest before we really talk. I just need you to listen, okay?” You asked, not continuing until you got a nod. “I tried to forget you and us when I left, but I couldn’t. I-I can’t. I-I tried to get you out of my mind, thinking there was no way you still had me in yours. I still have your number memorized like the back of my hand. I dialed it many times while I was away, but it- it just didn’t feel right to say any of this over the phone. All I could think about was you. I still remember how you taste, t-the curve of you under my palms; every curve, and every line.” you stopped to catch your breath, tracing the lines in the palm of your hand as you spoke.”I still smell traces of you on my pillows. Your smell ingrained in the fabric, but mostly faded as these months went by. I still remember your little quirks,” you giggled,” which I still find so endearing, even though you find them annoying. I still remember our inside jokes and they kept me laughing through all the tough days. I still remember your favorite songs, the ones we used to sing out loud after you got over your embarrassment in being caught; those were on repeat when I needed to dance it out. I still remember your smile. The soft quirk to it. Like the one your wearing right now. I mean, how could I not? It was the brightest thing in my life.” you smiled sadly and took another deep breath to reign in your emotions before continuing. ”I still remember how you sound. Your sweet voice that you hated listening to when I recorded it, but it kept me afloat. I remember how you were there for me through thick and thin. I still remember how you would be there for me no matter what. I remember how our love was unconditional, un-Until it wasn’t.” you wiped a few tears before continuing. ”I remember that last fight, when everything went down hill. I still don’t fully understand it, b-but I’m trying.” you rushed to add.” I still think about you. Day in and day out. I-I still miss you. I still want you. I still n-need you.” You paused, wiping your tears away to see him clearly as you said,” I-I still love you.” You finished, breathing deep and trying to stay in control so that you wouldn’t break down sobbing.
Kelly sat through your whole speech, tears burning the back of his eyes as he watched you. He could see the difference this undercover op made in you. You were still you, but something bad happened to you while you were under. He could see it.
Kelly stood, smiling sadly as he approached you. He sat down, taking you into his arms as you finally broke down. “I still love you too sweetheart.” Kelly whispered, rocking you back and forth once you got yourself situated in his lap. “Shhhhh. I’ve got you now. It’s over. I’m so sorry. I love you.”
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amsgrey · 2 years
Halstead! sibling reader x Jay Halstead x Intelligence unit
Requested by anonymous.
Synopsis: You get arrested in a case Intelligence is working. Jay struggled to understand why.
Warnings: Canon typical language, an awkward story set up, unedited and not proofread.
I made more of an effort to make this gender neutral, but there may be a few mistakes so let me know if there are.
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You had been in the precinct a lot and spent almost all your days after school in the break room. But this was different. You had seen the interrogation rooms, but you hadn't ever expected to be in one, handcuffed to the table. The cuffs weren't too uncomfortable, Kevin had put them on loosely so that you could at least have a little comfort.
Jay had explained to you how interrogations worked, how normally two of the unit members would interrogate a suspect while some or all of the others watched behind the mirrors. He said most - if not all - of the time they would get a couple of minutes in and the suspect would demand a lawyer. And in the rare cases they didn't, they were easy to crack anyway.
You wondered if Voight would let Jay watch from the other room, or if Jay would get so angry he would barge into the interrogation room anyway. Sometimes there was no sure way to know what Jay would do. He was more overprotective than Will and Will grew up looking out for both of you.
The door opened and Kevin and Adam walked in. Adam sat opposite you and Kevin went to sit on the bench behind you. When you made eye contact with Adam he nodded, trying to suppress his smile.
"So, Y/N," Kevin leaned forward so he was hovering over your shoulder, "Tell us what happened."
You had to tell yourself not to look at Adam in the eye for too long, or else you would break. You shook your head, shrugging and trying to slouch in the seat as much as the cuffs would allow.
"Come on, Y/N," Adam sighed, "Let's make this easy."
"I don't know what your talking about, okay?"
"You were caught talking to a known banger, who ran when officers approached," Kevin spelled out, "So where did he go?"
"I don't know any bangers," You argued, "Brothers a cop, remember?" You said mockingly.
Adam rolled his eyes, coughing into his fist to hide his chuckle, "Okay, that doesn't change-"
Jay suddenly barged into the room, followed by Voight and Hailey.
"The hell is going on?" He demanded.
All three of you went silent, staring up at Jay with a deer-in-headlights look.
"What are the charges?" Jay continued, turning on Voight.
Voight stepped back, his hands up, "Maybe we should talk about this out here," he tried.
Jay scoffed, but followed Voight anyway.
"Sit tight," Kevin said as he left the room with Adam, he turned as he shut the door shooting you a ghost of a smile.
Voight led Jay out of the hallway, leading him to the bullpen. He walked over to the board - showing him the photos and evidence the team had collected.
Jay stood in front of the board, unmoving, staring at all of the photos and words on the board. Your photo of next to a man he didn't recognize a line connecting them with the word 'friends?' in Kim's handwriting. He turned to Voight, an unspoken question in the air.
Voight grabbed a stack of photos off Torres' desk, he handed them to Jay, "We have reason to believe Y/N knows where this man is."
Jay flipped through the stack, the photos were of you and the man sitting at a coffee shop.
Jay frowned, "I know Y/n's friends, I know where they hang out. I just don't understand-"
"I know this is difficult," Voight said, "But if Y/N knows where he is, they need to tell us. Or this is going to get bad real quick."
Jay ran a hand down his face, "Can I talk to them?"
"I don't know if that's a good idea," Voight argued.
"Please," Jay begged, "I can convince them to talk, explain this entire situation."
"Okay," Voight sighed, "But not here."
Kim entered the room after the longest ten minutes of your life. She didn't say anything as she unlocked the handcuffs, leading you out of the room by your arm. At the end of the hallway, Trudy was standing with her arms crossed over her chest. When you got to her, you could see Hailey and Jay standing by the Bullpen, they looked more concerned than you were expecting. Trudy led the way down the back stairs to the garage, opening the door and letting you and Kim through the door.
Kim let your arm go, stepping away and standing on your left while Trudy stood on your right. You fiddled with your hands, suddenly extremely anxious.
"What are we doing down here?" You asked, watching the rest of the intelligence walk into the room. Everyone gathered around, you and Jay stood facing each other. You were staring at your shoes, unable to look Jay in the eyes.
Jay stepped forward, gently grabbing your shoulders and asking you to look at him.
"Y/N," He said, "Tell me whats going on, please?"
You bit down on your lip to stop yourself from saying anything, trying to gain some self-control while you thought of what to say. You looked back down at your shoes, taking a deep breath before looking back up at your older brother.
"You won't be mad?" You asked.
Jay shook his head, "Of course not."
"Okay," You nodded, inhaling deeply and smiling softly. You made eye contact with your brother, trying not to laugh at his concerned frown, "I got you."
Jay' frown dropped, he looked around at everyone chuckling, "what?"
"You got pranked!" You cheered, grabbing Jay's hands and shaking them in triumph. "I finally got you!"
Jay's face changed from confusion to disbelief, "You got all of them in on it?" He said, shaking his head.
"Yup!" You laughed, "and they were more than willing to help because you are insufferable."
Jay finally laughed, running a hand down his face and grabbing you into a tight hug, "Never ever scare me like that again."
You laughed, hugging him back just as tight, "No promises!"
"How did you even pull this off?" Jay laughed.
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Not many people knew that the Halstead Siblings were some of the most mischievous people. You were well known for coming around Will and Jay's workplaces and causing chaos for your older brothers. Pranking Will was easy, even though he was the eldest and dealt with you and Jay pranking him all the time, he always fell for it. Jay, on the other hand, never fell for pranks. He always said his military training made him impossible to prank. You took that as a challenge, trying to prank him all the time. From hiding in the boot when he was tacking up at the precinct, to roping Trudy into helping you try to trick him.
Nothing had worked, you had even managed to get Adam and Kevin to try and prank him when you were at school. Even they had no luck.
You were at Will's one day after school, he was helping you with science homework seeming he was the only Halstead who understood it. You complained about how your most recent endeavour to prank Jay had failed.
"How am I supposed to prank him when he's not afraid of anything?"
Will laughed, leaning back in his chair, "Well there is one thing that he's afraid of."
You frowned, "What? Because I've tried everything."
"He's afraid of you getting in trouble," Will said, "Or getting hurt, but that would be cruel."
Immediately a grin broke across your face, an idea having formed.
"Oh no," Will shook his head, "I don't want anything to do with this."
You giggled, "Don't worry, I'll leave you out."
Will kept asking what you were planning when he drove you home, but you wouldn't answer. Just telling him that he would enjoy the end result.
The next day, you headed to the precinct after school. Planning to try to talk to the different members of intelligence before Jay caught on. You approached Trudy at the front desk first, if this was to work you would need her approval.
"Hey, Sarg," You grinned, crossing your arms over the desk and leaning your chin on your hands, trying to give her your best 'please help me' look.
Trudy looked over her glasses at you, frowning and putting down the paper in her hands.
"What do you want, Halstead?"
You couldn't hide the mischievous glint in your eyes, knowing Trudy wouldn't be able to resist this idea.
When you finished recounting the idea to her, she laughed.
"Are you sure? Chuckles hasn't fallen for any of your pranks so far," She reminded.
You smiled, "This one has to work."
Trudy chuckled, "Okay then. What do you need from me?'
Trudy set the wheels in motion, having helped you convince Voight that this was the morale booster the team needed. Voight had caved to your pleading puppy eyes quicker than you expected, admitting he wanted to see what Jay would do.
You approached Adam and Kim while they were in the motor pool, sneaking up behind Adam and bumping into him with your shoulder.
"Hey, Kid!" He grinned, throwing his arm over your shoulder and pulling you into a side hug. Kim laughed, shaking her head at Adam.
"So, I have a favour to ask," You said sheepishly.
"What's up?"
"Okay! So, I have this brilliant beyond brilliant idea." You explained the whole idea to the two, watching Adam grow excited and Kim shake her head.
"For this to work," She said, "You'll need Adam not to ruin it by laughing."
You turned to Adam, Pointing a finger at him jokingly, "You better not ruin this!"
Adam laughed, "I'll do my best."
You nodded, "Okay, good."
As you walked away you could hear him mutter to Kim, "God they look like Jay when they do that."
Your next targets were Torres and Atwater, who were more than willing to help for the same reason as the others. They wanted to see Jay get what was coming.
It took you and the unit a week to get ready, Trudy helped you sort out all of the details to truly shock Jay. To make it seem less obvious there was something going on, you would stay in the break room when you came after school, only talking to Trudy by the vending machine downstairs to seem less suspicious to Jay. Hailey had noticed something was up with the way you and the rest of the team would whisper but stop when Jay entered the room.
She came into the breakroom the day before you were planning to prank Jay, "What are you planning?" She asked.
You frowned, looking up from your computer and feigning innocence, "I'm not planning anything?"
Hailey looked at you suspiciously, "Yeah, Okay." She said, narrowing her eyes at you to try to make you crack.
"Hailey," Jay called as he walked up to the door, "We caught a case."
She nodded, following him out the door. She shot one more suspicious look at you, laughing when you shrugged back.
This was starting to get harder and harder to hide. Hiding any big prank was hard enough but from two of the best detectives in Chicago? Almost impossible. But you had come this far and you weren't about to fail in the home stretch.
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There was nothing more satisfying than watching Jay realize he had been pranked. The way he looked at his colleagues and friends around him in disbelief and then at you like you had just commited the betrayal of the century.
It had taken every ounce of self-control you had left not to jump for joy and brag about how you were now officially the better Halstead pranker. As soon as Jay had stopped giving you crap about your elaborate plan, you followed Trudy back to the front desk to get your bag and phone.
You immediately called Will, waiting for it to ring. while you waited Jay came downstairs, throwing an arm over your shoulders and leading you out to the car so you both could go home. When Will finally answered the phone, you put it on speaker.
"Will!" You giggled, "Guess what?"
"I got him!" You laughed, bouncing on the balls of your feet, "I'm officially the best Halstead ever!"
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saragarnier · 2 months
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Pairing: jay halstead x reader
Summary: Jay is y/n husband and he left her for eight months to go to Bolivia. When he came back, he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his wife again
Warning: none i guess, maybe a little bit of angst
English is not my first language, sorry if there’s some mistakes!
When your husband came home that day asking you to sit down on the couch, you didn’t think that he was going to say what he actually said. You two worked at Intelligence for four years and you didn’t think possible for him to change the way he did. When you first met him you immediately knew that he was kind, gentle and a good cop: you knew that he would have done everything to help innocents and to stop criminals, you knew that he was a good person.
And then something changed.
You didn’t know if that was because of his partner, Hailey Upton, or because of Voight; you just knew that you didn’t recognize him anymore. You even talked about it with Adam, your partner, but you weren’t able to find a way to help him get through that.
You just wanted him to be happy again, you just wanted him to be himself again.
That’s why you let him go.
When he told you that he accepted the job in Bolivia you couldn’t believe it, you just couldn’t.
Was he running away from the unit or was he running away from you?
You didn’t know what was true, but you couldn’t just deny him to be happy again: if he needed to go, you would have let him go.
And that’s exactly what you did.
“It will be for eight months maybe a little longer, okay? I will be back home soon.” He said that day, kissing your forehead with glossy eyes. “I love you… i really do but i need to do this. Please don’t be angry with me, i’ll come back to you, i promise. You’re the love of my life, y/n.”
When he left some minutes later to take his flight, you fell on the ground, crying; you needed him near you, you needed him there with you but you just couldn’t deny him to be himself again.
That’s why you didn’t tell him the truth.
That’s why you hid it from him.
When Kim knocked at your door that night after having heard about Jay, you let her in and you just walked back to the couch, where you cried all day.
“Y/n…” she whispered, walking towards you and hugging you tightly. “It’s okay. It’s temporary, right? He will come back, okay?”
You didn’t say anything, you didn’t nod or shook your head in response, you just kept crying again and again and then, after some minutes, you spoke.
“We perfectly know that he can die there.” You said, finally telling the truth, finally admitting out loud what you had in your mind all day since he talked to you.
“Oh, y/n…” she kept hugging you and she also placed her hand on your shoulder, trying to reassure you in some way. She wanted to say something, she wanted to help you go through all of that but her eyes fell on it.
It was on the table in front of the couch, exactly where you placed it after Jay left.
“What’s that?” She asked, keeping her eyes on the small object; she reached it and she looked at the result when you didn’t complain about it, then she looked up at you, shocked. “You’re pregnant?”
You wanted to cry, you wanted to scream, you wanted be alone in your thoughts, but Kim was there trying to help you and you really appreciated that, that’s why you just nodded, answering her.
“Does Jay know about it? Did He really leave you here alone knowing that you’re pregnant?”
Kim knew the answer deep down, she knew that Jay wouldn’t have left you there knowing that you were pregnant but she needed to know it for sure; when you shook your head saying “no”, she hugged you tighter.
“Oh, darling.” She whispered, caressing your back slowly and gently. “You should’ve told him, Y/n, i’m sure he wouldn’t have left knowing that.”
You sobbed, then you looked up at her and you shook your head again.
“T-That’s why i-i d-din’t tell him. He needed t-to go Kim, i c-couldn’t stop him.”
“But he had the rights to know the truth before taking such a decision!” She replied, shaking her head in disagreement.
“When he came here telling me about the job in Bolivia he already took it, he accepted it without even talking about it with me. I would have told him if he hadn’t already accepted it. He told me that he had a flight in few hours, how could i have told him? I know, after all, that he’s lost. He’s not himself anymore and, if taking that job is going to help him, then i will accept it. He said, after all, that’s only for eight months.” You said, even if he said that there was the possibility that he needed to stay a little longer. “When he will be back home, i will still be pregnant and he will be able to be here when our baby is born.”
Kim didn’t agree with you but you was still shocked, that’s why she didn’t say anything: she just hugged you, promising you that she would have help you.
And she did, as all your unit.
Kim, Adam, Hailey, Kevin, Hank and also Trudy helped how they could.
In the next months they helped you, they came to your house to keep you company and they accompanied you to the hospital every time you needed to do a visit.
You were never alone after all, but you knew, however, that the most important person for you wasn’t there. You couldn’t blame him since you didn’t tell him the truth, but still you missed him so much.
Your baby was healthy but he, or she, wasn’t ready to be born yet, even if one week passed since the due date.
In some ways you were relieved because you really wanted Jay to be there when you would’ve become a mother. Every single time someone knocked at your door or every single time your phone rang, you panicked, afraid that something happened to your husband while he was still in Bolivia. You didn’t talked to him in the last few months, mostly because you didn’t want to distract him during a mission and because you were always afraid of blowing his cover.
That’s why you hardly talked to him or contacted him on the phone, and he did the same thing for the same reasons.
Until you didn’t hear anything about him from the army, you knew that he was okay, you knew that he was still alive. And every day you kept going on, holding on this thought, holding on the fact that no one called you, so he had to be safe, he had to be alive.
You didn’t know when he would’ve returned home, but you just hoped that it was soon; you couldn’t get through labor without him by your side.
That day you was ready to go to the hospital for another visit with your gynecologist. You asked Adam to come with you and he immediately accepted; that’s why, when you heard someone knocking at your door, you thought it was him.
“C-Coming.” You said, trying to get up from the couch where you were waiting for him. Your belly was so big that it was difficult for you to get up easily. “Just give me one minute, i’m trying to get up from the couch.”
At the other side of the door there was not at all Adam, there was Jay with his bag on the shoulder, happy to be home again, happy to be able to see his wife again. But when he heard you saying that she was having difficulties getting up from the couch, he froze, thinking that you might have been hurt at work.
Before he could say anything, the door opened in front of him and he immediately looked at his wife; he was left speechless, standing in front of the door frame, looking at his wife that was definitely pregnant.
“J-Jay?” You whispered, shocked. You didn’t expect him to be there, you thought that he would have informed you before coming home, but he was there, in front of you in all his beauty. Being so far from him for almost nine months was hard for you: you went through hell alone, especially when you almost lost your baby, and having him in front of you was like a dream. You definitely thought that you were still dreaming.
“You’re pregnant.” He said, unable to look away from your belly. He let go the bag that he had on his shoulder, letting it fall to the ground. He couldn’t believe his eyes, he just couldn’t believe it. “Am i the father?”
That was the first thing that popped into his mind when he saw you and he immediately regretted saying that out loud when he saw your face.
“What do you mean? Are you really thinking that i slept with someone else just right after your departure? You’re my fucking husband, of course you’re the father.”
You were so angry.
You didn’t even realize it till that moment.
You were so angry because he left you alone with a baby in your belly, even if he didn’t know it, even if it wasn’t his fault since you decided not to tell him the truth. But you were definitely angry: he stayed away for so long and the first thing that he asked you is if you got pregnant with someone else?
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come back!” He said after few moments, still standing in front of the door, still shocked by the news.
“You took the job before asking me what i thought about it, what did i have to do? You didn’t even took one day to talked with me! You came here, saying that you were going to Bolivia and that you had a flight that same day!“
Jay knew that coming back home wouldn’t have been easy, he knew that you would’ve been upset and you had all the rights to be angry with him, but he definitely didn’t expect to come home and find you pregnant.
“Wait, did you know you were pregnant when i left?!”
You froze, then you stepped back and you invited him to enter the apartment, to talk about it privately.
Jay immediately came in, leaving the bag on the ground, completely focused on his wife. You closed the door behind you two and you leaned against the kitchen counter, sighing.
Jay, even if he was mad at you, immediately walked towards you and helped you; then he took a chair and he invited you to sit down, placing an hand on your shoulder and caressing you gently. You appreciated it but you perfectly knew that you two have still to talk about it.
“Yes.” You answered after that, placing an hand on your own belly, caressing it gently and feeling the baby kicking you hard. “I discovered it the same morning you accepted the job. I wanted to tell you when you came home but you talked first and I couldn’t tell you after that.”
Jay couldn’t believe his ears, he couldn’t believe that his wife hid something important like a baby from him for almost nine months. You should have told him, you should have told him the truth because he wouldn’t have left knowing that you were pregnant with his baby.
“You should have told me, Y/n!” He wasn’t able to control himself, he just yelled at you and, after that, he regretted it. You slightly jumped on the chair, with tears running down your cheeks. You knew that, you knew that he had all the rights to be angry with you but you weren’t prepared for this. You just wanted him to be home because you needed him but you never thought about how he would’ve reacted at the news. You had time to prepare yourself to become a mother and then he came home and discovered that he’s going to become a father in what, few days?
“I’m sorry.” He immediately told you, kneeling in front of you and placing his hands on your arms. “I’m sorry i yelled, it’s just that…. I wanted to know, I wanted to be here with you.”
You sobbed and cried, especially when his hands touched you after all that time. You missed him so much.
“I know.” You sobbed, looking at him. “I’m sorry, i wanted to tell you but I know that you wouldn’t left and… you said you needed it, I couldn’t stop you from that. I just wanted you to be happy again, I couldn’t see you so sad here. And… when you came here saying that you accept the job in Bolivia… i just couldn’t take it away from you. You were right saying that i had to let you go, i saw it in your eyes.”
Jay caressed your arms slowly and gently, then he leaned closer and he kissed your forehead.
“I’m sorry i left you alone.” He said, softly. And it was true. All the time, when he was in Bolivia for his new job, he thought about you and he felt guilty because he knew that you were alone, he knew that you would probably have been hurt. That’s why he asked Kim, Adam, Kevin and Hailey to be near you in case you needed them.
“Well, i wasn’t alone, was i?” You smiled softly through your tears; you took his hands and placed them on your belly the moment you felt your baby kicking. “He, or she, was with me all the time.”
Jay felt the kick against his palms and his eyes immediately filled with tears.
“Say hi to your daddy.” You whispered, apparently talking to your baby while looking at Jay in the eyes.
Jay wanted to say something, wanted to kiss your belly and whispered something to it like he was talking to your baby, but before he could say something, you moaned in pain.
“What’s wrong?” He immediately asked, concerned. “Is everything okay, babe?”
You looked down at yourself when you felt your legs wet.
“Oh no.” You whispered.
Jay looked at you, confused. “What’s happening?”
You looked at him and moaned in pain.
“ i think I’m in labor.”
“Fuck.” He said, placing an hand on his mouth after that. “I’m sorry, i swore in front of the baby!”
You giggled and shook your head but you were interrupted by the first contraction; you moaned in pain and you looked up at him.
“Hospital.” You whispered and he nodded.
“Hospital.” He agreed. “Holy shit, I’m going to be a father.”
“Jay.” You said while he took the car keys and the labor bag you prepared some weeks ago; he came back to you and he helped you get to your feet.
“I’m sorry!” He said, referring to his previous words.
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