Hi...So I took a break from the fandom for a bit and kind of forgot this blog existed. BUT I've returned and so has my obsession with the Todoroki family!
So as an apology for my inactivity on this blog, I present to you...
20 htfau Headcanons!
Touya was a terrible student in school. He was smart and got good grades when he actually studied, but he didn't have any interest or motivation to do anything other than hero training. His teachers at UA had to threaten expulsion to get him to focus on his studies more. He wasn't happy about it, but at least he graduated with high grades.
Enji doesn't have the best relationship with his parents. They were quite neglectful and really only cared about him making it in the hero world. They weren't very supportive of his choice to become a hero, rather they wanted him to take over the family business. They didn't have much faith in him and Enji thinks that's why he's so ambitious. He wanted to prove them wrong, which he did. Of course, after he made it to the higher ranks, his parents tried to reconcile but he's still hesitant with them. It's always tense between them why they visit, but Enji tries not to let it affect their relationship with his kids because they are their grandchildren after all. And Enji has to admit that they are much better grandparents than they were parents.
Rei's side of the family is much more involved in their lives. She has a good relationship with her parents and they were very supportive of her marriage to Enji. Ironically, Enji feels much more comfortable around them than he does his own parents. They treat him like their own son. They're close to their grandchildren too. They joined the rest of the family at the Sports Festivals to watch Touya and later Shouto.
Natsuo is a very social person, which confuses Enji and Rei because he did not get it from them. He was that kid in school who was friends with everyone. The rest of the family gets shocked when they see how many contacts he has in his phone. Everywhere he goes, he sees someone he knows from somewhere.
They are very wealthy. Not only does Enji make a ton of money from his hero work, but he also comes from a very wealthy family himself. Rei's family is pretty well off too, though not to the same extent. Enji and Rei never really put limits on their kids' spending, which may have spoiled them a bit. They all have access to their parents' bank accounts and would never think twice about taking from it.
Out of all of them, Touya's the biggest spender. He mostly buys clothes (he's also the most fashion-conscious), he's into designer brands. He also owns a motorcycle. That purchase really made Enji and Rei question their limits.
Fuyumi doesn't buy a lot of clothes, she spends more on outings with her friends. She'll usually offer to pay just because she can. She likes buying her friends expensive birthday presents too.
Natsuo spends on a variety of things- video games, takeout, tickets to concerts and sporting events, the latest technology, you name it. Recently, he's been spending a lot on dates with his girlfriend.
Shouto is an avid manga reader and collecter and will not hesitate to buy a new one. He was very excited when he found out that Sero shared his interest. They often stay up late in the dorms reading through Shouto's collection.
Touya has always entertained the idea of one day taking over his father's agency after he retires. Enji's never said anything about the future of his agency, simply because he hasn't thought that far ahead yet, but he wouldn't be entirely opposed to the idea. Touya hasn't brought it up though, it's merely a fantasy for now.
Natsuo was the only unplanned child, Touya was the smallest when born, Fuyumi came a bit late, and Shouto came about a month early.
They have a family groupchat and a siblings groupchat (where they mostly just complain about their parents).
When they were young, one of Fuyumi's favorite games was playing house. Convincing Shouto and Natsuo to play along as the kids was never difficult- Shouto was too young to care what the game was, he just wanted to be involved, and Natsuo could easily be bribed with as little as a cookie. Convincing Touya to roleplay as the dad took a lot more effort on Fuyumi's part, but someway or another she always managed to succeed (usually through means of blackmail- Touya could never keep his secrets from her). Rei still has some home videos she secretly took of the kids playing and showed them to Enji. He almost melted from the cuteness of it.
The kids have never seen those videos and are unaware of their existence. Touya would die if he found out about them.
Shouto was an avid sleepwalker as a kid. He still does it sometimes, but only when he's really stressed or tired.
Enji is a bit of a workaholic. He's slowed down since the kids came along, but every now and then he'll need a reminder to stop focusing on work so much. This usually comes in the form of Rei hiding his laptop so he can't work from home.
Touya has an obsession with spicy food. He claims he can handle it, even though everyone knows he can't. Despite his obvious intolerance though, he keeps torturing himself by always making his food unnecessarily spicy or ordering the spiciest dish on the menu when eating out. No one understands why he does this to himself. Enji keeps saying it's just a phase (even though it's been like ten years) and Rei just thinks her son is crazy (she's probably right).
Speaking of spicy food, no Todoroki can tolerate it, not even Enji. It's like genetic or something.
Rei and Fuyumi have a very close relationship. They often go on outings together like shopping or coffee dates. Rei even visited Fuyumi at work once and Fuyumi introduced her to her class.
The Todoroki kids are the type of siblings who can go from being on the verge of killing each other one minute to forgetting all about in order to team up to harass their parents the next minute.
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Htf Vigilante au: The antagonists
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pire333 · 1 month
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babes in the woods
A little aesthetic to accompany the latest installment of the Hollis Tree Farm AU.
Like many things in this AU, the title was inspired by something real -- that little sign that's posted around the sapling fields at Jones Family Farm.
All photos taken by me
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purplepainter · 3 years
@war-teddybear @sunny-ds-art-space I did some sketches before I go to bed :)
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War here's your sneaky baby! :)
And I personally believe that there are 3 different types of sketches
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The colored one
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The one you actually took time on
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And these
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can i ask for some baby shouto headcanons please? because i too, wish that the happy todoroki family was a real thing
This is soooo late, but here you go 😊
• Baby Shouto was a tyrant. Like seriously, he was a horrible baby. He was always crying and his parents could never get him to go to sleep. He didn't like being left alone, and someone always had to be holding him. No one liked hearing him cry so his parents and siblings just gave into his demands.
• He didn't sleep in his own bed until he was like 4. Again, no one liked hearing him cry so his parents stopped kicking him out of their bed. Enji did eventually put his foot down because after Shouto got his quirk, he would occasionally freeze things in his sleep. Those were a rough few nights for poor Shouto, suddenly forced to sleep in his own bed, but he got over it. Eventually. Maybe...
• Needless to say, he was a spoiled little brat, but like the cute kind which made him all the more deadly. And he knew it. He probably held the record for most temper tantrums in a day because he knew his family couldn't stand the sheer power of his tears.
• Being the youngest certainly didn't help because he was always jealous of his older siblings getting to do stuff that he couldn't. He didn't care what it was, but he wanted it too. Touya is drinking coffee? Shouto doesn't know what that is but he wants some too. Natsuo gets to go to bed later than him? Shouto is literally falling asleep but he should get to stay up too. All in all, he's got a really bad case of youngest child syndrome.
• And everyone outside the family would just praise him for being such an angelic little child. If only they knew, if only they knew.
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Would Touya accompany his father in the fight with Hood?
No, I don't think he would. Considering that both Endeavor and Hawks, the top 2, had trouble with him, I don't think Enji would have let Touya get involved simply because Hood was way out of his league. Now that doesn't mean Touya wouldn't have tried to help...
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she pulls on this heart
Read on Ao3
Rating: Not rated
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms: Carmilla (Web Series)
Relationships: Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein
Characters: Laura Hollis, Carmilla Karnstein, Sherman Hollis, Matska Belmonde
Other Tags: Seasonal Affective Disorder, summer trip, road trip, fluff, so much fluff, a little nudity
1/1 4,852 words (completed)
Part 13 of The Hollis Tree Farm AU
Late May - Late August
Carmilla has to go away for a long recording session in the mountains. Naturally, she asks Laura to go with her.
Hey all! It's been a minute, I hope you're all doing well! This piece was actually supposed to be finished in June, but we know how that usually works, so It's finished now lol. Honestly though, this series is a love letter to my favorite seasons and summer isn't one of them, so it kind of works out that this one installment covers the whole summer. I couldn't think of any other ideas for the other summer months, so I just decided to drag it all the way out to August.
Thank you all for reading, and I hope you all enjoy!
The title is a line from That Moon Song by Gregory Alan Isakov
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I don't think of you at all
Read on Ao3
Rating: Not rated
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms: Carmilla (Web Series)
Relationships: Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein
Characters: Laura Hollis, Carmilla Karnstein
Other Tags: Fluff, mentions of Elle, carmilla hits a milestone, and it's all very soft
1/1 1,309 words (completed)
Part 14 of The Hollis Tree Farm AU
Early September
Laura finds an old picture in a box while helping Carmilla clean out her closet, and Carmilla gets hit with a ton if bricks. In a good way, though.
Hey all! Hope everyone's doing well. Here's a short little addition to the Tree Farm AU. I hope you enjoy!
Title is taken from "Lately" by The Helio Sequence
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that cold northern wind
Read on Ao3
Rating: Not rated
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms: Carmilla (Web Series)
Relationships: Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein
Characters: Laura Hollis, Carmilla Karnstein, Sherman Hollis
Other Tags: Fluff, Flashback, have some Laura backstory
1/1 2,453 words (completed)
Part 15 of The Hollis Tree Farm AU
It's October, and the scent of dying leaves on the wind reminds Laura of when she came home.
Hey all! This installment took a little longer than I expected, but I'm glad I managed to get it finished before the end of October! I hope everyone's having a good fall so far.
If you're in the mood, check out the Hollis Tree Farm AU tab on my tumblr for aesthetic photos that go with each installment as well as some detailed playlist posts!
Thank you so much for reading, I really hope you enjoy!
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tired eyes, melted snow
Read on Ao3
Rating: Not rated
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms: Carmilla (Web Series)
Relationships: Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein
Characters: Laura Hollis, Carmilla Karnstein
Other Tags: fluff, very mild angst, Seasonal Affective Disorder, I'm not projecting you're projecting
1/1 1,392 words (completed)
Part 11 of The Hollis Tree Farm AU
Late March
the snow's melting, and Carmilla notices a shift in Laura's mood.
Hey all! It's been a rough few days, and I hope everyone's doing alright. This fic might not be exactly cheery, but I do hope it brightens your day a little. Hang in there.
If you have questions about this AU and want a distraction from reality for a little bit, or if you wanna tell me about the fics that you love or the ones you're working on yourself, my inbox is always open at @batwingsandblackcats
As always, thanks for reading, and i hope you enjoy this little one shot :)
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Are OCs allow?
Sure, I guess. Did you have something in mind?
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babes in the woods
Read on Ao3
Rating: Not rated
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms: Carmilla (Web Series)
Relationships: Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein
Characters: Laura Hollis, Carmilla Karnstein, Sherman Hollis
Other Tags: fluff, very mild angst, Seasonal Affective Disorder, yes I'm absolutely projecting, Hollstein, Laura's having a rough time and Carmilla's very attentive
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Part 12 of The Hollis Tree Farm AU
Early April
Laura still seems to be in a funk, and Carmilla's a little worried. She runs into Sherman, who doesn't necessarily answer her question, but points her in the right direction.
Hey all, hope everyone's doing well! This installment has been more or less done for a few weeks but getting myself to sit down and actually post is has been hard. It's getting real hot here in southern New York and the Summer Sads are...oof. I hope you're all doing alright though, and I hope you enjoy!
The title of this installment comes from one of the signs at the tree farm that inspired this AU. This farm posts these little signs around the sapling fields that say "There are babes in the woods. Please! Don't step on the baby trees!" Also, Laura herself is a babe in the woods so, y'know, two birds one stone.
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an amended playlist for a little fanfic
01. Faded From The Winter - Iron & Wine
You’re the voice that I like / Needlework and seedlings / In the way you’re walking / To me from the timbers / Faded from the winter
02. Shed Your Love - The Helio Sequence
Home again to find that you were gone / On a subway train before the dawn /  Said that you couldn’t stay and wait for me / Shed your love, shed your love
03. The Orchard - Sea Wolf
Over by the barn in the dark we heard the geese / They carried our boots past the naked little trees / We smelled the cold bark in the air and the sweetness of / The fruit on the ground and the wood smoke above
04. Whitewoods - Sea Wolf
Everybody was there in the cold and rain / I saw everyone there through the windowpane / Pull the cord down slow if you wanna get off / Tell it to myself when I’m going too fast / But the light is warm beneath the sliding door / Yeah the light is warm and you’re all next door
05. Middle Distance Runner - Sea Wolf
Well I’m so sad tonight / And the words won’t come out right / It’s been a long day on the track / And it’s stamina that I lack / So won’t you run to me tonight?
06. Young Bodies - Sea Wolf
So this is where I admit / I don’t know shit and I never did / Seems like some dirty trick we pulled when we were kids /  Oh I don’t love her like you loved her / I don’t love her / I don’t love her anymore
07. Forever Nevermore - Sea Wolf
There was something that I couldn’t say / Cause I was so afraid / It would push you away / But when I never said what I couldn’t say / It went and pushed you away / It pushed you away  / Didn’t know what I wanted before / Wasn’t sure I could say it, forever nevermore / Didn’t know what I wanted or what to do
08. You're the One I Want - Chris and Thomas
It’s hard to make the moment last / Hard to keep the dreams you have / Hard to let the love inside your heart / The guards are always at the gates / Turning everyone away / But you got through / Didn’t you?
09. Bergamot Morning - Sea Wolf
Clear dew through the window of my mother’s kitchen / Moss in the cracks of the shingles on the neighbor’s roof / Coals in the fireplace still black and damp / And the kettle moves over kerosene flames / And it’s copper sings it’s misty warning / So begins this bergamot morning
10. Neutral Ground - Sea Wolf
Among the trees and by the river / Lying there, my darling shivers / In her sleep, she dreams of winter / Whiter than her breast / I feel her heart move through her chest / Warm and steady as she rests / Hear water ebbing with her breath / Lulling me to sleep
11. Aspenglow - John Denver
As the winter days unfold / Hearts grow warmer with the cold / Peace of mind is all you know / Winter skol / Aspenglow
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holly girl
Read on Ao3
Rating: Not rated
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms: Carmilla (Web Series)
Relationships: Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein
Characters: Laura Hollis, Carmilla Karnstein, Sherman Hollis
Other Tags: fluff, all the fluff, hollstein, woodworker!Laura
1/1 3,686 words (completed)
Part 10 of The Hollis Tree Farm AU
Late March
Laura can't stop thinking about how scared Carmilla was to tell her that she loved her, and, well, with Laura being Laura, she wants to make sure that Carmilla never feels that way again.
Hey hi hello all! I've been wrestling with some serious writer's block lately but I finally got this part finished. We're a little behind on the timeline, but hopefully I'll catch up to the summer months soon! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!
PS- if you're still kicking around the Carmilla fandom, or you're interested in vampires, vampire history, and what it has to do with queerness, check out my new sideblog @thesilasarchives!
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more tunes for a little fanfic
songs are organized by their corresponding one shot, but not all parts of this series have a song to go with it
part 03. the past comes knocking, and it's got caramel sauce
01. Whirl - Western Skies Motel [Instrumental]
part 04. stay right here
02. Ram’s Head - Sea Wolf The flames crackle; glowing red / The wood flaming and reflecting in its glassy eye / Yesterday is over and tomorrow nears / But I just wanna stay right here / A blanket on your shoulder as tomorrow nears / And I just wanna stay right here
part 05. lunch date performances
03. Darkwood 1 - David Darling [Instrumental]
part 07. writer's block and other uncertainties
04. Us - Western Skies Motel [Instrumental]
part 08. red light slip-ups
05. Migratory Birds - Western Skies Motel [Instrumental]
part 09. maple syrup sunday mornings
06. After a Storm - Western Skies Motel [Instrumental]
part 11. tired eyes, melted snow
07. Cedarsmoke - Sea Wolf [Instrumental]
part 13. take me to the mountains
08. That Moon Song - Gregory Alan Isakov That full-bellied moon, she's a-shinin' on me / She pulls on this heart like she pulls on the sea
part 14. I don't think of you at all
09. Lately - The Helio Sequence Lately / I don't get lost in daydreams / I never lay awake at night, staring in my bed / And I don't think about your face, or anything you've said / And I don't think twice when someone says your name / Or twist my mind in circles wondering which of us to blame / I'm living alone, living alone / I don't need you anymore
part 15. that cold northern wind
10. The Catbird Seat - Darlingside In the catbird seat / The only dreams were in my sleep / And all the things I ever owned / Were in boxes I borrowed 11. Out Among the Sheltering Pines - The Helio Sequence If I could be anywhere, footloose and carefree / Out among the towering trees is where I'd wanna be / Oh, how I'm longing / To be where I belong, belong / And that is out among the sheltering pines / Wait for me
part 16. bring yourself back home
12. Blood Pact - Sea Wolf The other night, I got in a fight / I struck someone 'cause he was in my light / I'd never done that, I was loosing it / Saw my reflection and I cut my fist / Poured the potion down the silver drain / I pulled my collar up against the rain / My hair was getting long and hard to recognize / I made a blood pact, and then I stepped outside 13. December - The Helio Sequence No more dreams in the corner of your mind / No more ways to make it all come out alright / No more faith in the world we knew before / No more peace until you open up the door / Bring yourself back home
To be continued...
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