#HMA 2020 secret santa
Secret Santa 2022 Announcement
Hey Everyone!
I’m sorry I haven’t been very active but I wanted to announce that we’d ( Ry @johnmurphyisqueer and I) like to see if anyone was interested in Secret Santa this year. The first time we ran a Secret Santa was 2020. Unfortunately last year, we didn’t have one, but we wanted to do one again this year. The requirements and content will be the same (i’ll reiterate below), fics, moodboards, etc. Again we will manually pair people together. 
The deadline to enter will be December 18 (2 weeks from when this is posted). You should receive your blog/name by December 20th through pms. If possible please post your content by December 31st, but it’s not a necessity. 
In order to do this we’ll require a minimum of 4-6 participants, based on the fandoms requested. 
Requirements for Entering
(If you have a different blog you’d like to have your Secret Santa tag/use then please comment that)
1) Choose one or more of these fandoms: The 100, Harry Potter or Marvel (we’re sorry we can’t have more but we’d like to make the pairing as smooth as possible so we don’t leave people without a Secret Santa)
These will also help us pair you, so you are paired with someone who knows the fandom.
2) Any preferred characters/ship, time era (mostly for HP), movie/show (for marvel).
Also list if you want/will write for smut, fluff, etc.
3) any other details you’d like to add!
Rules for final fanfic gifts:
1) Preferably 3k word limit (you’re welcome to write more though!)
2) no smut (unless requested)
As the secret Santa you can interact with your chosen person as you please, asks, post submissions, etc. but please do not reveal yourself before December 25/Christmas to keep the suspense! So if you’re interested please comment or reblog (with the tag #HMA 2022 Secret Santa) with the entry requirements and please tag anyone you think would be interested!
We will pair based on fandoms and we will make sure everyone gets someone!!
People who I think might be interested/past participants: @mystic-writings| @awkwardspontaneity | @alyssaforevermore | @the-young-and-forgotten | @slytherinbarnes | @mobi-on-a-mission | 
Please spread the word and tag anyone that may be interested! We would love to do this again
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Once Upon A Time You Said I Love You
Sirius Black x Reader Angst
Words: 701
Warnings: Angst (Idk how to warn this without spoilers)
A/n: Ho ho ho! @wonderful-writer​ happy Christmas from your secret santa! So I wrote you a lil Sirius angst cause you said you like angst idk. I don’t normally write angst (cause I don’t think I’m too great at it) but this was fun! I hope it’s not to crappy (Secret santa arranged by: @johnmurphyisqueer​ and @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis​ thank you both this was really fun!)
Happy holidays everyone, I hope you had a fun and safe time!
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You had planned a small picnic for you and Sirius as a kind of date to celebrate your one year anniversary. It was now forty-five minutes past the time you arranged to meet by the black lake. A bad feeling started to bubble in your chest. Something wasn't right.
‘It’s too cliché’ you kept repeating to yourself on your way to the Gryffindor tower ‘things like that only happen in books’
Not bothering to knock you opened the door to the marauder's dorm, the moment you look inside, fiction turns to fact. 
There’s Sirius, your boyfriend of one year tonight, with some Hufflepuff girl on his bed, their tongues down eachothers throats. 
“S-Sirius?” You stuttered out blinking rapidly trying to see if you're just having a nightmare but the look on his face when he snaps around to see you is so perfectly Sirius that it can't be a dream.
“Y/n!” he jumps off the bed, his white shirt open showing some forming hickeys. You’re regretting everything, regretting every second you spent with Sirius Black.
You didn’t know how to feel, how to think. You didn't know if you should scream, cry or both. You ended up just shaking your head and walking away.
‘He’s not worth your emotions’ You thought as you walked out of the common room, faintly being able to hear him calling after you. You didn’t know where you were going, nor did you care. 
Sirius had caught up to you. You felt his hand grab yours. The touch sent an unpleasant shock up your back, it was like he ripped the spine of a book, the one thing keeping it together, holding everything in place. Turning a once beautiful story into a mess of memories and your stoicness broke.
“Don’t you dare touch me!” You shouted, your emotions forming rivers of tears on your cheeks “I should have known this was going to happen!” Sirius was taken aback, you rarely snapped like this, and never at him.
“Please Y/n, it's not what it looks like!” Sirius tried to plead with you, his eyes wide. It felt like you were in some romance novel, one where you don’t get a happy ending.
“Oh please, don’t give me that crap Sirius, whether it is or isn’t what it looks like you were still up there snogging some girl” Your hands were shaking, you had too many feelings racing around your body “While I was outside waiting for you to come spend time with me for our one year”
Sirius’s eyes went wider “Y/n, I’m so sorry, please let me expla-"
“No!” You cut him off, not wanting to hear a story for what he did, truth or lie "This wasn’t the first time was it? Gods I can’t even look at you right now.”
“I wouldn’t never do that to you, I love you too much to lose you,” he said “We’ll figure this out, just hear me out!"
“Sirius no, ‘we’ won’t figure this out, cause there is no more ‘we’ ” You shut your eyes tight and took a deep breath.
“Sirius, I tried to ignore it, to ignore you constantly flirting with other girls. To think of it as you just mucking around”
He just looked at the ground, Sirius knew there was nothing he could do or say to deny what he had done.
“I’ve heard all the stories around school you know? of ‘Sirius Black the player’ and I did my dam best to ignore them, to think that it was all about the old Sirius” you had dropped your voice down, running out of energy for this very quickly.
"But there is no old Sirius is there? I was just dumb enough to think you would change for me, like you said you would, but it would be too cliché for me to be able to ‘fix the bad boy’ to have him love me” You turn your back on him to start walking away, but looked over your shoulder and said:
“Cause once upon a time you said ‘I love you’ but it was just fantasy.” You walked off, leaving Sirius alone in the cold hallway, paintings sharing looks of shock.
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A Trip To Hogsmeade
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Summary: The marauders decide to sneak out with you to Hogsmeade. 
Warnings: none?
word count: 1,020
Note: Hey @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon​! I am your secret santa!!! I hope you enjoy your gift! <3 also, thank you to @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis​ and @johnmurphyisqueer​ for making this wonderful event come to life!
another thing, in this fic there is no peter. fuck peter
Honestly, you only have a slight idea how you got here. 
Getting taken out of the library by Sirius Black to sneak out to Hogsmeade with him and his friends for a little fun since it was almost Christmas. 
“C’mon Blue! Hurry up!” He picks up his speed, practically dragging you now. “I wasn’t made for running!” you protest.
The two of you zip past a stack of books, knocking almost all of them to the ground, earning a reproachable look from Madam Pince. “I don’t know why we have to run like we did something illegal…” you mumble. He just shakes his head and pulls you down a random corridor. 
It was so much colder out here than in the library. The icy wind hit you full force making you shiver violently. You were seriously regretting your decision. You take a quick glance out the window to see what you would have to deal with. It was snowing. How nice and cold you were going to get. Dressed the way you were you knew you were gonna freeze...
“Wait!” You pull on his arm in an attempt to slow him down. “What about coats?” He looks at you before slowing to a brisk walk. “We got a cupboard that is filled with old coats we used, just borrow one of those.” 
Finally giving in, you let him pull you to where the rest of the Marauders were waiting near The One-Eyed Witch. 
When you were about 100 metres away, James spotted the two of you. 
He waved to get your attention, shouting at the top of his lungs. “Hey! You got them Sirius! Well done mate! Now let’s go!” 
“Yeah we’ll go in a sec, Blue just needs a cloak.” He walked down a few metres opening a closet that looked like even the rats had given up on it. He beckons you over, way too excited to be showing you cloaks.
Peeking your head around the door you survey it, the interior was in much better condition than the outside. And the coats… It had to have at least thirty stuffed inside. 
“Looks like a passage to Narnia in here.” You say going through them. 
Sirius turns to you confused, while Remus grins. 
“A passage to what?” “Never mind, it’s just a muggle story.” You dismiss it with a wave of your hand. 
You pick out the warmest coat you can see and shuffle into it, walking back to the boys and the statue.
The four of you gather around the statue as James points his wand at the witch, whispering something to it. You try to listen in but he was saying it too quietly. It opens slowly revealing a dark passage. He notices you listening and winks. “Sorry Blue, this is a Marauders only secret.” You huff, rolling your eyes. Like you couldn’t find out. You were a Ravenclaw after all. 
They beckon you into the dark tunnel, simultaneously lighting their wands. 
You follow suit, whispering “lumos” into the silence. 
“I love the atmosphere,” Sirius says out of the blue, a wicked grin on his face. “Minimal light, hushed voices, slimy walls, no sense -” “Oh, shut up” Remus sighs, whacking Sirius on the arm. “Quit spooking people and actually move you idiotic toad.” 
Soon, you stood below a trapdoor, the Honeydukes logo painted on it. James looked back at the rest of you grinning like mad. “Now this is the fun part” he rubbed his hands together and blew hot air on them before slowly lifting up the trapdoor. 
It started creaking and groaning, making James wince. He paused for a second and listened to see if anyone was coming. When he was certain no one was, he started pushing again. Like before, it started creaking. He grew exasperated and completely gave up on the quiet factor. He threw the trapdoor open, slamming it into the floor above them. 
You all pull yourselves up, falling and shushing each other the whole time. You gaze around, recognising where you were instantly. “Hey… isn’t this the cellar? How the hell -” All of a sudden, Remus turns around and clamps a hand over your mouth. You all stare wide-eyed as you try to listen for what Remus had heard. 
After a few seconds of silence you hear it again. Footsteps. Coming this way. The four of you stand there, frozen. James halfway through ripping open a bag of Honeydukes Finest, Sirius still pulling himself up while you and Remus were half-crouched, trying to control your breathing. 
Soon, the footsteps fade away and you all unfreeze, breathing sighs of relief. 
Sirius is finally allowed to crawl the rest of the way, struggling to stand up. He holds his abs in pain. “Do you know how hard that was to hang there with only your arms supporting you?”
But everyone ignores his complaints as they travel towards the door, swiping a couple lolly bags, stuffing it into your coats. You try to be quiet as possible as you stumble out of the cellar. 
The four of you travel to the front of the shop and bolt out with a walk that says “I’m very suspicious but you don’t know why”. 
You run out of the shop, the employee staring at you weirdly. You all fast walk it away from Honeydukes, breathy laughter filling up the silence.
“That was hectic and scary.” Remus says and you all agree. 
Sirius walks up to you and hooks his arm through yours. “Let’s go get some butterbeer eh? To waste a little bit of time.” 
Trudging through the thick snow was tedious. You were so happy to finally get into the warmth of The Three Broomsticks. 
You and Remus ran to snag a booth while the other two ordered all the drinks. 
Soon, the warmth of butterbeer was chasing away the cold, leaving you content. 
Conversation flowed easily between you four. The boys were telling you about their past “shenanigans” as James dubs them.
You take another sip of butterbeer and laugh along with them. 
Maybe you should go on these “shenanigans” with them more often.
I also made you a moodboard, i hope you like it!!
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Snowy Mornings
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Word Count: 860
A/N: Alright! So I wrote this for @slytherinbarnes for Secret Santa! Bby, I am so sorry I was like the worst SS of all time, like I just forgot that things existed, but I hope you enjoy? (Catch me getting nervous kjdskjsdkj) Tagging @johnmurphyisqueer and @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis our lovely Secret Santa hosts! Thank you both so much for this! 😘
Bellamy had been in love before. At least he thought he did, but he quickly learned that what he felt for you went beyond. He never once questioned his love for you. For him, it was you. It would always be you.
He was pulled out of his thoughts as your hand caressed the side of his face and he turned to look at you laying on the bed next to him. The blanket was pulled up under your chin as you smiled at him. “What are you thinking about?” You whispered and he could hear the softness of your morning voice, causing his own smile to tug at his lips. You shivered quietly from the cold air outside the ark making its way inside and Bellamy’s hand encircled your waist slowly before he pulled you into his side and tucked his arm under you. You laughed, that bright laugh that Bellamy was certain was magic.
“I was just thinking.” He mumbled and let his eyes glance down to your lips. You quickly caught on, biting your lower lip before inching closer into him.
“Just thinking?” you questioned and he nodded. “Does this thinking have anything to with me?”
It was Bellamy’s turn to laugh as your stomach fluttered with the butterflies that lived in there permanently thanks to him. “Always does.” He whispered as you grew closer and his eyes never left your lips until they were on his, pressed so delicately that he felt his body relax quickly, his hand on your back pulling you closer until your bodies were pushed together with your legs tangling.
You pulled away before the kiss could get father than that and ran your hand through his curls before you pushed away from him. “Where are you going?” Bellamy asked, obviously disappointed that he lost your kiss and your warmth.
You shot him a smirk as you stood up and threw on some warmer clothes. “Did you forget that we had responsibilities?” You asked him, tossing him a heaver shirt when he groaned and fell back into back. “Come on, Bell.” You giggled, reaching a hand out that he accepted. “The faster we can get to work, the quicker we can get back to-“
“Making out?” He interrupted as you rolled your eyes.
“I was going to say cuddling, but I’m not opposed to your idea.” Bellamy threw his head back in laughter as you smirked, getting dressed before he was even out of bed. He finally stood in front of you, barely dressed enough to leave the room, let alone go outside in the snow. “Okay, fine Mr. Blake. When you’re ready and dressed, I’ll be outside. Come and join me and maybe, just maybe, you’ll get another kiss.” You gave him a playful smile before leaving, hearing the ruckus of Bellamy scrambling to get dressed as you took off down the hall and outside as fast as you could.
Bellamy hurried as he got clothed, not wanting to leave you waiting and also wanting that kiss. He hardly paid attention to people as he passed them in the halls, hearing his name said by multiple people who only received a distracted wave and a glance their way. Snow crunched under his feet as he made it outside, pausing to look around but he didn’t see you. “Y/N?” He called out, thinking you would’ve been waiting nearby.
“Over here!” He heard your voice and turned to see you, only to get hit with a snowball. There was a silence in his ears before your laughter broke through. “Right in the face!” You laughed out, bending over to support yourself. Bellamy, despite the snow sticking to his face at the moment, chuckled with you and wiped it off. At least enough to see you. Your head perked up to see him walking to you and you stuck out your lip in a fake pout. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, I’ll be better in a second, I think you owe me a kiss.” He said and you started backing up, seeing most of the snow you threw at him was still all over his face.
“Wipe your face first-“
“Bell!” He didn’t reply, only managing to keep you from backing up when his arms went around your waist and he lifted you into the air. You squealed although the sounds seemed more like laughs as you wrapped your legs around him to keep you up.
“You’re so in love with me.” He mumbled when you stopped laughing, arms draped around his neck to play with the curls hanging off the back of his head.
“I am.” You happily admitted. “What are you going to do about it?” You cocked a brow.
Bellamy’s laugh rambled in his chest. “First, I’m gonna be happy you love me back.” He said and your strong demeanor softened. Leave it to Bellamy to always make you weak. “Second, I’m going to do this.” He leaned in quickly and despite your protests against kissing him with snow on his face, most of it had fallen as he spoke, leaving his lips nice and open for you to kiss. Which you had done happily.
Sorry if I forgot anyone! 
Permanent: @literal-fand0m-trash @nathaliabakes @colored-confetti @btsiguess-kpop @galacticstxrdust @independentgirl @hollymac79 @emcchi @rauwz @chewymoustachio @smilexcaptainx @faith-quake @johnmurphyisqueer @kettnerjanea @teenagereadersciencenerd @ladykxxx08 @annasofiaearlobe @mytreec @ananad1 @agentnataliahofferson @the-unmanaged-mischief @wonderful-writer @theonly1outof-a-billion
Bellamy: @jodiereedus22 @mysterioustruffle @danielabetancourth @a-sweet-little-fangirl @werosies @brxghtlelune @gxvrielle
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slytherinbarnes · 3 years
bright stars and black holes
pairing: Josephine Lightbourne x Clarke Griffin
word count: 5.6k
warnings: language, anxiety, some death, some angst, some fluff, a hint of smut if you squint your eyes. 
summary: Josephine Lightbourne is used to getting what she wants. everything changes when she meets Clarke Griffin.
a/n: this is my secret santa gift for @lovelessdyke​​! I know I went way over the 1k word limit, but when I was told the pairing, I got really excited and just couldn’t stop! thank you to my bff for helping me figure out the plot and work out the kinks, I love you the mostest! also thank you to @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis​​ and @johnmurphyisqueer​​ for hosting this! it was so much fun, and a very good distraction from my holiday stress. okay, enough rambling, here’s the fic!
my masterlist
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Josephine Lightbourne is used to getting what she wants. 
So when she is put into another host, one that fights back, it lights a fire in her that she hasn’t felt in decades. She loves Gabriel, she knows that for sure, but even things with him had become complacent. They’re in love, but they’re at odds, too fundamentally different in their approach to immortalhood to really be anything more than star crossed lovers. 
Everything changes for her when she meets Clarke Griffin.
Of course, she doesn’t meet Clarke in the traditional sense, not the way that most friends or lovers are introduced. Instead, Josephine is resurrected in Clarke’s body and meets her first through her friends, her family, her people. Forced to pretend to be the fallen Nightblood from Earth, John Murphy teaches her how to trick the people in Clarke’s life into believing that she’s still alive. But of course, it all goes to shit when Bellamy figures out her secret and threatens revenge. Luckily for her, she can be very persuasive. 
And because Josephine always gets what she wants, Bellamy and his people agree to put everything behind them, to forget that her parents gave her an unwilling host. But when Josephine goes to bed for the first time in her new body, aided by a sleeping pill, a smile of satisfaction on her face, she soon learns that Clarke is not one to give up easy, not even in death.
When she meets Clarke in her mindspace, surrounded by metal and the hum of an engine, the face of her original body reflected back to her in the pointed glare of Clarke’s blue eyes, she suddenly realizes that the feelings she has for her stolen body are deeper than an appreciation for Clarke’s form. Instead, Josephine finds herself enamored with another person, more interesting than Gabriel, maybe even more interesting than herself. She finds herself falling for the angry Wanheda, the Commander of Death, the girl who refuses to back down even when faced with love.
Clarke Griffin is tired. 
Tired of war and death and running for her life, tired of killing and bearing it so her people don’t have to. She is too young to be this tired, but she has shouldered a lifetime of burdens in just a few short years, and it’s finally worn her down. So after the initial sadness of not getting to tell Madi and her mother and her friends goodbye, she finally starts to feel at peace for the first time in years. She thinks that maybe she can live forever in the Shallow Valley in her head, surrounded by her sketched memories, the scent of her father’s cologne still hanging in the air. Something rare that her mother had found at the trade post, some relic from pre Praimfaya Earth. Clarke’s sure it must have cost thousands of ration points, or at least a really good bribe, but she’s thankful her mom found it, because the smell is comforting to her. She’s sure that if she was back on the Ark and went into her parents room, that scent would still linger, despite the years it’s been since her dad’s death.
But just as Clarke starts to settle in her new home, her sketchbook in hand, something starts to happen. 
A low rumble, a prickle of unease across her skin, and she finds herself on her feet and out the door before she even knows what’s happening. And as she stares at the red door at the end of the hall, anxiety heavy in her chest, it swings open, blinding her with light before a pretty blonde girl steps into her space. Clarke knows immediately that it’s Josephine, she remembers the pictures from the shrine, but she’s sure that even without the pictures, she would know the imposter in her body. And at the sight of her, Clarke’s earlier peace has faded, replaced now with anger and determination, because as Clarke stares at Josephine, a smirk on the girl’s face, she is reminded of who she is. 
Clarke Griffin, Wanheda, the Commander of Death. 
And the Commander of Death backs down for nobody. 
Josephine stalks down the halls of the unfamiliar Ark, searching the ship for a sign of the girl that she sent running, scared for her life. 
She can hear the thump of her dad’s footsteps nearby, but there’s no sign of Clarke, the hallways suspiciously clear of any sign of her. She shakes her head, determined to get this over with once and for all, to finally have control of the body that does not belong to her. But as she turns a corner, her eyes land on an airlock. Down the hall, another door closes, Clarke surely disappearing behind it, but Josephine doesn’t care about that right now. 
Right now, she just wants to know what’s behind door number one. 
She walks towards the airlock door and pushes the button, stepping inside, and the doors slide shut behind her. When she turns to look, she sees that she’s no longer in the airlock, but just outside of it, transported into Clarke’s memory with the push of a button. Josephine smiles, aware that this memory must be strong, traumatic, if it sits on its own, away from Clarke’s sketches. 
She looks around at the scene in front of her, through the dimmed lights of the Ark. She can see a man, and who appears to be his son, lingering in the room, a handful of guards, and a woman with a long braid that Josephine immediately identifies as Abby, Clarke’s mom. Another man is standing in front of Abby, tall, handsome, whispering quietly, and Josephine only has to wonder who he is for a second before Clarke comes tearing around the corner, screaming out, “Dad!”
She watches with intrigue as Clarke is held back by a pair of guards, released on the command of the other man in the room. Clarke runs across the room and into her father’s arms, both of them crying as he holds her tight. He presses a watch into his daughter’s hand, and the man from before suddenly announces, “Jake, it’s time.”
Jake says his final goodbyes before he crosses the room and stands in front of the airlock, waiting for the doors to slide open. When he does, he steps inside, turning around to face the small crowd, Josephine among them. And in a move that Josephine is unprepared for, the guard near the airlock hits the button, sending Clarke’s dad flying out into space. Josephine’s breath stutters in her throat despite herself, watching as a younger Clarke falls apart in her mother’s arms, and she suddenly understands why Clarke ran past this memory. 
And as Josephine steps out of the airlock and back into the Ark in Clarke’s mind, she gets a flash of understanding for the scared girl running from her, all too familiar with watching a parent die.
Clarke glares at the red door at the end of the hall, a wreath adorned on it. 
Josephine now knows exactly how to get her our of her own head. Something that Clarke revealed to her in a moment of weakness, reminded of the tiredness that weighs heavy in her bones. But then Monty showed up this morning and reminded her of her need to fight and her desire to protect others, which is why Clarke now stands in front of the door to Josephine’s head. 
Monty offered to go with her, but she shook her head, letting him know that this is something she needs to do alone. So she takes a deep breath to steady herself, and then she twists the knob and steps inside of Josephine’s mindspace. It’s organized, cleaner than her own, all of Josephine’s memories arranged into books and stacked onto row upon row of shelves. Clarke feels a rush of overwhelming anxiety, wondering how she’ll find anything to help her in a library this big, but then she remembers what her dad used to tell her when she got stuck on a particularly difficult word problem in school. Take a deep breath and start at the beginning. 
Clarke wanders to the first stack of books, her eyes roaming across the titles quickly, trying to find anything useful. She sees Josephine’s first date, her prom, her graduation from college. Training for the Eligius mission, journeying through space, her first few days on Sanctum. But suddenly, the books end and the next set of volumes begin, all labeled Josephine Ada Lightbourne II. Clarke backtracks a little, to the final copy of Josephine I, and she pulls the book out and flips it open. 
The library around her transforms into the chaotic landscape of Sanctum. There are trees on all sides of her, except for in the small clearing to her left, which houses a series of tents. Clarke steps into the clearing as two motorbikes drive up, and when they pull their helmets off, Clarke finds Josephine approaching with a guy. They’re talking quietly to each other, but Josephine seems to be in an excited rush, searching for her father. As she draws closer to a large tent in the center of the clearing, a woman lets out a wail from inside, and Josephine’s smile drops as she starts to slow down outside of the tent, trying to figure out what’s wrong. Clarke moves closer to the pretty blonde, starting to understand a little bit of the obsession that Josephine has for herself, but she shakes the thought free as a woman bursts out of the tent in front of them, clutching the side of her neck and chest. 
Josephine takes off running towards her, a worried cry ripping from her throat as she reaches the woman. “Mom! Mom!”
Clarke watches as Simone hits the ground, Josephine immediately sinking to her knees beside her. And before she can even truly process the loss of her mother, an older man stalks out of the tent, an axe in his hand. Josephine’s expression morphs into one of horror as her mind starts to put the pieces together, looking at him with fear. “Dad, what are you doing?”
Clarke has one second to take in Russell’s first body before he grinds out, “Sanctum is mine”, and slashes his daughter’s throat. Clarke can feel Josephine’s terror as she processes the idea that her father just killed her mother, and now her, and she can feel Josephine’s final wave of emotions as she struggles through her last few breaths. The last emotion Clarke feels surprises her, an emotion so strong it washes over her like a tidal wave: regret. She can feel it squeezing her chest as she watches Josephine take one final breath, the light behind her eyes now dead to the world.
Clarke snaps the book that is still in her hand closed, taking her back to Josephine’s mindspace. She starts to feel like she might be a little in over her head, because she can feel herself pitying the woman who snatched her body. She shakes her head and shoves the book back onto the shelf, stuffing the ounce of feeling she had for Josephine back down with it. 
And with another steadying breath, she opens her mouth and yells towards the open door, “Monty, I need your help!”
Josephine got really into meditation when she was in college.
Her mom swore up and down it would help her with her studies, but the only thing it ever did for her was give her a headache and piss her off. That is, until she started body snatching, and she found that sometimes, she could find memories that lingered in the brain, unreached by the mind wiping fluid. She got a sick sense of pleasure searching for these memories in each new host, watching the memories of someone else’s life unfold, that person now pushed out of their own body, and she always made sure to seek them out the first few nights in her new host. 
The exception, of course, is her current host. 
With Clarke still in her own mind, and Ryker now working to help rid her of the problem, Josephine hasn’t had a chance to search Clarke’s mind for these phantom memories. Not that she’d need to, because she could just waltz right into Clarke’s mindspace and start touching the sketches on the walls, but she’s starting to wonder if those phantom memories exist before a mind is completely gone. They must, if they remain even after the procedure. 
So as Ryker works in the shop downstairs, building her an EMP to rid Clarke of her neural mesh, she sits upstairs in the loft, cross legged, her eyes closed, her breathing slowed. She repeats a few mantras for a while, clearing her mind and peeling away the layers of this world until the only thing around her is her inner mind. She imagines herself pulling back the layers of her brain, Clarke’s brain, searching between the folds and around the corners for any memories hidden deep inside of her. 
Finally, after what feels like hours, Josephine finds one.
She pushes herself inside the memory, the blank space around her transforming to a cool brown stone. There’s a long hallway stretched in front of her, a door halfway through it, and she can hear soft murmurs from the other side. She walks towards it and pushes her away inside, unaffected by the locks on the thick metal door, and her eyes roam over a control room of sorts. In front of her, stretching from one wall to the next, are a series of cameras, chaos flickering across each one. She sees someone strapped down to a table, their mouth open in a silent scream, and it takes Josephine a second to realize that it’s Abby. On another video feed beside it, she can see Octavia, surrounded by a large group of people, guns pointed at her from every angle. As she takes in the videos in front of her, trying to piece together where she is, she hears a voice behind her mutter, “Together.”
Josephine spins around, her eyes landing on Bellamy and Clarke, unnoticed by her before this moment, their hands slowly pushing a lever forward. Josephine rolls her eyes, remembering John’s stories of Clarke’s genocide in Mount Weather, her eyes now privy to the moment in question. She can see the turmoil on Bellamy and Clarke’s faces, the heartbreak they’re now faced with as they kill hundreds of people in one swift motion. 
Josephine starts to walk towards the pair, but the scenery changes, and she realizes this must be a series of memories, hidden deep in her mind so Clarke can pretend they don’t exist. She sees now that they’re outside a settlement of some sort, a sign at the front labeled, “Camp Jaha”. Bellamy and Clarke stand just outside the gates as the rest of their people file inside, and Josephine can tell that this is a goodbye based on their body language alone. She’s always been good at reading people, especially in their most vulnerable moments, and right now the young leaders have heartbreak written all over their faces. 
She watches them hug before Clarke walks away, straight towards her, disappearing into the woods before the scene changes again. This time, Clarke is crouched low between a pair of trees, hidden in their shadows, the moon high overhead. Clarke’s hands are covering her face and her shoulders are shaking, and when her hands finally drop, her mouth is open in a silent sob. She’s trying to keep quiet, fearful of whatever may be lurking in the night, but every now and then a soft sob pushes past her lips and echoes in the space between them. 
Josephine finds herself wanting to comfort this girl, to reassure her that she made the right choice in Mount Weather, genocide or not, but she can’t. Because this is a memory and Clarke is her enemy, and she shouldn’t care at all for the young blonde breaking down in front of her. She starts to wonder if she should try to leave the memory, starting to feel like she’s overstepping, something unfamiliar to her, when she feels a hand push her shoulder, hard. 
Her eyes fly open and land on Ryker, a tired expression on his face, his hand pointing to the shop down below. “It’s nearly time.”
Clarke frantically steps into the library, looking around at the piles of discarded books. 
The barrier between their minds is breaking down and the clock for her body is ticking, making it easier for her to grasp bits and pieces of whatever is going on outside of her head. From what she can gather, she and Josephine are now with Bellamy, the EMP used to temporarily disable the shield instead of wipe her mind, and now Clarke is desperately trying to find anything that will save her life.
She is burning through memories as fast as she can, picking up books, exploring the contents inside, and then tossing them aside if they’re useless to her. 
And so far, they’ve all been useless. 
She’s been jumping around from version to version, too anxious to explore the memories chronologically, and she currently finds herself back at Josephine Lightbourne the First, her hand reaching for a book labeled, Long Nights. Clarke flips it open and feels herself get pulled into the memory, landing in an elevator, right beside Josephine. Her blonde hair is the longest she’s seen it at this point, falling over her shoulder in soft waves. A black, sparkly dress hugs her figure, and there’s glitter smeared around her eyes. Red lipstick is traced around the perfect curve of her lips, and Clarke feels a low tug in her stomach, a flutter of something she wants to ignore.
Because Josephine Lightbourne is standing in front of her, and she looks hot.
Clarke shakes her head and lets out a sigh of relief when the elevator dings, letting them off into some long hallway, and Clarke is thankful for the space she can now keep between her and her enemy. She’s hoping if she says it enough, she’ll start to believe it again. Josephine clicks down the hall on a pair of heels, confident and beautiful, finally stopping when she reaches a door at the end of the hall. She knocks twice and waits patiently for someone to answer the door.
The door swings open and Clarke has three seconds to take in one of the most incredible women she’s ever seen. She looks a lot like Lexa, her eyes bright green and her brown hair cascading down her back, and she greets Josephine with a pretty smile. 
They’re motioned inside and Clarke scrambles in after Josephine, even though the closing door will have no effect on her, and she watches as the two women greet each other softly. 
“Did anyone see you?”
“Only the doorman.”
The brunette smiles. “James is discreet.”
“Good, because I don’t think Eligius can handle another scandal. Not after losing the prisoner ship.”
“You and I both know that ship isn’t lost. Those prisoners were killed.”
Josephine shrugs, a slight lift of her right shoulder, uninterested in the conversation. “Maybe. But you and I both know that I don’t care.”
The brunette smirks again, cocking her head to the side, playing along. “And what do you care about, Josephine?”
And then they collide in a kiss.
Clarke feels her breath stutter in her lungs, watching as the two women kiss passionately, unaware of her presence in this memory. They move from the doorway to the couch, kicking off their shoes as they move, and Clarke is frozen in her place by the door, unsure what to do. It’s only when she sees the woman slide Josephine’s dress straps down her arms does she slam the book closed, sending her back into the large library. 
She throws the book away as if it burned her, turning to lean against the shelves and catch her breath, willing away the butterflies in her stomach and the blush along her cheeks. She fans herself slightly, glad that no one is here to see her in this moment, unable to escape the memory as one single thought repeats in her mind on a loop:
Maybe the memories weren’t useless after all. 
Josephine looks away from Bellamy’s sleeping form, wondering how the hell anyone could get comfortable enough in a cave to get some sleep. 
But then she starts to think that he might have the right idea, because who knows what’s gonna happen to them tomorrow. Maybe she’ll need the strength to fight. Maybe she’ll need energy to run. So she closes her eyes, relying on some of her meditation tricks to clear her mind and lull her to sleep, the cave around her fading into a large stone tower. Josephine doesn’t recognize the building, which means that the pull of Clarke’s mind is getting stronger, and that the barrier between their minds is getting weaker. At this rate, they must only have a few hours left.
And Josephine knows that she should wake herself up, resist the pull of Clarke’s mind to her own and try to buy them a few more hours, but then she catches sight of her.
The woman that John told her all about before she saw her for herself in Clarke’s memories. Josephine usually skips any of Clarke’s memories that involve the dark haired Commander, something about her presence annoying the shit out of Josephine. But this time, she stays, catching an eyeful of blonde hair near the back of the room, curious about what is happening between Clarke and Lexa at this moment. 
Clarke’s hair is long, with streaks of pink and various braids, and she looks angry, hardened, different from the soft girl in the earlier memories. Josephine can’t decide if she loves or hates it, if she craves the quiet girl or the angry warrior, but she doesn't have long to think before Clarke opens her mouth and speaks to an approaching Lexa. “I stayed because it was the right thing to do for my people.”
“Our people.”
Clarke and Josephine both roll their eyes, not believing the warrior turned heda. Clarke closes the space between herself and Lexa, and Josephine moves closer to Clarke, subconsciously drawn to her at this point. She watches as the blonde narrows her eyes, her voice threatening. “If you betray me again, I-”
“I won’t.” Lexa takes a deep breath before dropping to her knees in front of Clarke, looking up at her with a serious expression. “I swear fealty to you, Clarke kom Skaikru. I vow to treat your needs as my own, and your people as my people.”
The energy in the room changes, and Josephine watches Clarke intently, willing her to turn away from the woman that left her to commit a genocide on her own. But instead, Clarke reaches out for Lexa, urging her to take her hand, and Josephine rolls her eyes, turning away. 
She forces herself awake, unable to stand the sight of the couple any longer, something akin to jealousy burning in her gut. Except that Josephine Lightbourne does not get jealous, because she always gets what she wants, and that Clarke Griffin is her enemy. Josephine feels nothing for her beyond a desire to have her body, and that’s. it. 
Clarke runs through the halls of the Ark, grabbing books and tossing them into the airlock, trying desperately to put space between her mind and Josephine’s. Right now, everything is blurring together, Josephine’s memories manifesting and moving all over Clarke’s space, and a warning message blares overhead. 
Clarke pushes the button to seal the airlock and send the books out into space before she opens the door and repeats the process, frantically tossing books into the gray coffin. As she picks up a particularly large stack of books, one of them tumbles off the top, the spine smacking loudly on the floor, the book falling open. And before Clarke can help it, she is sucked in, taken into one of Josephine’s memories, dropped right onto the stairs of Sanctum. 
Clarke picks the book up from its place at her feet, fully intending on closing it and getting back to dumping Josephine’s memories, when the woman in question runs past her, tears streaming down her face, expression distraught. Clarke can’t help the wave of curiosity that washes over her, and she turns to run after Josephine, following her down the steps, around the mountain, and through the fields around Sanctum. Josephine is quiet for a long time, just softly crying as she runs after a figure in the distance, and Clarke has no idea what’s going on until Josephine sees the figure near the edge of the shield, and she screams, “Gabriel!”
Gabriel stops and turns around, wearing a body unfamiliar to Clarke, and he looks at Josephine, clearly conflicted. Josephine closes the space between them as much as he will allow, stopping a few feet apart, just at the edge. She can hear guards in the distance heading their way, and Gabriel looks behind them warily, before looking back to his lover. “What you did was wrong, Josephine, and I can’t sit around and pretend like everything is okay anymore!”
“Gabriel, I’m sorry! Everything I did, I did for us. But if you want this to stop, we’ll stop, okay? These will be our last bodies, and when we die, we die for good. Just come back with me, okay? Let me fix this.”
“You can’t fix this.”
“Baby, yes I can. You know I can.”
Gabriel seems to be softening, until an angry expression crosses his features and he yells, “No! Stop it! I’m not gonna let you manipulate me anymore, okay? I’m done.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“Yes. I do.' The guards start to sound closer now, and Gabriel confirms as much when he frantically looks over Clarke’s shoulder before turning back to Josephine, one last time. “I’ve loved you for over a century, but our love is not worth the price we are paying.”
Josephine’s distraught expression deepens, and she watches Gabriel back up towards the shield. “Gabriel, please!”
He mutters, “I’m sorry”, and then he runs through the shield, bursting out on the other side, unaffected by the radiation, thanks to his Nightblood. Josephine drops to her knees, a heartbroken cry ripping from her throat, no longer following Gabriel despite her ability to step through the shield too. The guards rush past her, waiting for the shield to drop so they can pursue the man she loves, but she doesn’t notice.
Josephine Lightbourne is too busy falling apart, learning for the first time what it feels like to lose.
Clarke is sucked out of the memory, pulled back into the Ark and plopped down in front of an angry looking Josephine. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Clarke rolls her eyes, faking a bravery she doesn't feel in the face of the angry woman. “Oh please, like you haven’t spent the last few days snooping through my memories?”
Josephine looks surprised that she noticed, as if she couldn’t, and she shakes her head, her expression softening. “That’s different.”
“Doubt it.”
Their argument is cut short by the warning system intensifying, and Clarke knows that if they don’t vent everything right now, they’re both dead. She sets the outer doors to remain open, and then she grabs Josephine’s hand, dragging her through the halls of the Ark, back to her room. She pulls the door shut tight, ignoring Josephine’s protests, and seconds later they hear all of her memories vent, sucked out into the space that is the rest of their shared brain. As soon as it’s done, Josephine disappears, returning to the real world and leaving Clarke alone in her head. 
She doesn’t see her again until her body is strapped up to a series of machines, and Clarke is sedated prior to her scheduled death, putting Josephine right back in her head. She smiles at Clarke as soon as she sees her, and it seems genuine, lighting up her eyes and making her look younger. It makes Clarke feel warm all over, despite everything, and she tries to push it away as Josephine closes the space between them. “All I ever wanted was immortality, but now I’m starting to think that I was wrong. The immortality was about something else, a way to keep me alive until I got what I really wanted.”
Clarke shakes her head, not understanding, and Josephine mutters, “You.”
Clarke thinks of the knife she slipped into her pants earlier, the one she pulled from her memory of killing Finn, tucking it into her waistband in case she needed it. Her fingers twitch a little as she tries to figure out the conversation, giving Josephine a hard look. “Me? Or my body?”
“You, Clarke. Just you.”
“So does that mean you’ll let me have my body back?” Josephine nods, and Clarke eyes her suspiciously. “Everything you put me through the last couple of days, and you’re choosing to just give up? I don’t buy it.”
“Not choosing to give up, choosing you. Don’t you get it, Clarke? We’re meant for each other. Your entire life was spent cycling through boring boy after boring girl, always in search of something better, greater. You thought you had it with Lexa, but even she would become nothing to you.”
“That’s not true.”
Josephine scoffs, “I’ve been inside your head, Clarke. I know what you want, even if you won’t admit it to yourself. Lexa was a star, one that would burn bright and hot until she dimmed and you eventually left her, bored. I’m a black hole, endless, an adversary, something you’re always trying to fight off, but eventually you’ll get sucked into. That’s what you want. You want the fight. Lexa was wrapped around your finger; she bent her entire rule as Commander to cater to your wishes. But I’ll never be that for you. I’m someone enamored by you, someone who wants to see what makes you tick, what gets you going. But I want to be the one that makes you tick. I want to crawl inside your head and break you down piece by piece until I have every part of you figured out.”
“How romantic. You’re really selling yourself here.”
“I don’t have to sell myself because you’ve already bought in. You, Clarke Griffin, you love a challenge. You love to save the broken, redeem the sinner. You want a love that swallows you up and keeps you wild, a love that challenges you and distracts you from the mess in your head. And you already know that I can give that to you, otherwise, you would have slit my throat with that knife already.”
Clarke’s eyes widen, her hand subconsciously hovering over the knife tucked into her waistband. Josephine raises a single brow, unconcerned. “I told you. I know you, Clarke.”
Clarke rolls her eyes. “Watching a few of my memories doesn’t mean that you know me.”
“Maybe not, but I know enough. Now put the knife down, and choose me. Choose me over everyone else, and your body is yours.”
“So I pick you and Gabriel boots you out of my head. Then what?”
“You find me a new host.”
Clarke scoffs, “And what makes you so sure that I will? Who’s to say I won’t agree to your terms right now, and then smash your mind drive once I get my body back?”
Josephine shakes her head, a smirk on her face. “You won’t.”
And Clarke sighs, because she knows she’s right. Because the second that Josephine mentioned a host, she started running through options in her head. Somehow, throughout this crazy fight to get her body back, she saw a new side of Josephine. She saw beyond the sarcasm and body snatching, down to the scared girl that was killed by her own father, that lost Gabriel despite everything she did for him, the girl who watched someone shoot themselves just because she ignored their advances. Somehow, throughout it all, Clarke Griffin started to fall in love.
Which is why she looks up at Josephine with a nod, grabbing the knife from her waistband and tossing it away. “Fine, I choose you.”
Josephine’s face splits into a grin, and Clarke swears she hears her let out a little breath, as if she was actually nervous that Clarke would refuse her offer. Still, she maintains her air of confidence as she looks at Clarke, scrunching her nose up a little when she says, “Good. Now kiss me the way you always wanted to be kissed. The way you dreamed about when you tried to imagine your future.”
Clarke shakes her head, ignoring the vague reference to a memory that Josephine has clearly seen, already reaching out to pull Josephine closer, her hands automatically tangling in her hair. She crashes her lips to Josephine’s, both of them clutching each other tight, afraid to let go, and Clarke suddenly realizes that Josephine was right. 
She is a black hole. 
Clarke can feel herself spinning, spiraling, being pulled in by the chaos of the woman in her arms, and for the first time in her life, instead of hanging on...
She lets go.
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pause to ponder the miracles
a holiday secret santa gift for @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis​
“Is me not liking you a problem, Princess?”
Clarke shrugged. “It could be.”
“Because I was planning on inviting your sister to come up with me for Christmas, and thought maybe, if you weren’t an ass about it, I’d invite you, too." Bellamy opened his mouth to say something but Clarke barrelled on. "So are you going to continue to hate me or can we get along? Because I know O wouldn’t want to leave you here alone for Christmas.”
Bellamy pursed his lips. “Yeah. Okay. We can get along.”
Modern AU where Bellamy hasn’t truly celebrated Christmas in years, and with the help of his sister’s university roommate, maybe this year can be different.
Rated teen+ for language
[ read on ao3 ]
So!! I don’t think anyone else has posted their fics for this event yet but I figured I had it done, might as well be the first. So a little backstory on this fic: I had originally planned out something entirely different. I was trying to stay in canon-verse but honestly I was having enough trouble with the holiday theme anyway so I gave it up and moved it to modern-verse. And the first couple things I drafted up I tried to make more focused on the group rather than one person but that also didn't work very well so I decided Bellamy might be a good pick for you. And as much as I tried to not make it romantic I- kind of failed. As you’ll see.
Anyway!! I hope this is holiday-themed enough for you!! I’m actually considering maybe writing a second chapter to this because I did really enjoy typing this out, but that’s iffy.
Merry christmas, dear!! I hope you like it ♥
( I’ll post the whole thing below the cut, but formatting is probably better on ao3 )
“Christmas is like softly-falling snow that covers the world in a blanket of white so flawless and brilliant as to make us pause to ponder the miracle.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold
Bellamy had never had much of a Christmas.
Before Aurora had passed, they’d bake cookies and buy gifts and string lights on the walls, but after, it had mostly stopped. Bellamy was too focused on providing for himself and his sister to worry much about holidays. Sure, he’d buy Octavia a few small gifts, sometimes they’d go walk around neighborhoods and look at the fancy light shows some houses boasted, but it was never anything big for them.
This year was different.
It started like this: Octavia had just begun her first year at university, courtesy of years of saving up for it, and when November rolled around, Octavia came home to him for a few days. She brought a friend. Clarke Griffin, her roommate, who looked like she’d never struggled for a day in her life. Bellamy immediately disliked her. But for Octavia’s sake, he tried to mask it.
“So, Clarke,” he started, the three of them lounging in the living room, Octavia and Clarke with a bag of chips between them. “What brings you down here?”
She shrugged. “My hometown is more than a few hours drive from campus, didn’t feel like making the effort. Octavia invited me along when she figured out I wasn’t going anywhere.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t feel like going to see your family?”
“Nah. The only reason I’d want to go down would be to see my old friends, and not all of them would even be around. My mom and I don’t have the best relationship.” Clarke scrunched her nose. “ And I’d already told her I’d come see her for Christmas, so no reason to make the drive.”
Bellamy huffed. Clarke raised her eyebrows. “Something funny?”
Octavia was glaring at him, so he just settled back. “Nope. All good, Princess.”
Clarke didn’t seem to believe him. Octavia stood up, tugging Clarke with her. “Come on babe, why don’t we go hang out on our own?”
Clarke and Bellamy avoided each other for the rest of the day. And the day after that.
It didn’t last.
It was early, early enough that Bellamy expected to be gone for work by the time the girls got up. But then Clarke strode into the kitchen and rested her hands on the counter, hard eyes locked onto him. “Why do you hate me?”
And Bellamy, not at all prepared for that, just stared at her for a few moments. “What?”
“You heard me. What’s your problem with me?”
He turned around, taking a sip of his coffee. “I don’t know what you mean.”
She growled. He heard her shuffling around, and suddenly she was right in his face. Bellamy jerked back, almost spilling his coffee. So maybe he didn’t like her, but her glare was downright terrifying.
Bellamy clenched his jaw. “Is me not liking you a problem, Princess?”
She shrugged. “It could be.”
“Because I was planning on inviting your sister to come up with me for Christmas, and thought maybe, if you weren’t an ass about it, I’d invite you too.”
Bellamy’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What? Why?”
Clarke sighed. “Because I like your sister, and I know she’s never had much of a real Christmas. And because I’m nice, I was going to invite you so you could not be a sad person who spends Christmas alone.”
The only thing he could say to that was “oh.”
Clarke didn’t seem bothered by it. “So are you going to continue to hate me or can we get along? Because I know O wouldn’t want to leave you here alone for Christmas.”
Bellamy pursed his lips. “Yeah. Okay. We can get along.”
Clarke grinned. “Great! I’ll bring it up to Octavia later today. Now tell me if you have anything other than that straight black coffee you’re drinking-”
And despite himself, Bellamy could tell she was already growing on him.
Though Bellamy offered to make the drive alone, Clarke insisted that she come and pick him up. Said it wasn’t too much of a detour. He knew it was easier to just agree. There was no arguing with Clarke.
And so that was how Bellamy found himself draped over the backseat of Clarke’s car, the two girls chatting enthusiastically in the front seats.
“Bell, are you excited?” Octavia asked, turning around. “We’re going to have a real Christmas! With a tree and presents and lights and cookies!”
Honestly, he was more nervous than excited. He wouldn’t know anyone there other than Octavia and Clarke, and the latter he still didn’t know very well. But he let Octavia’s joy seep into him, smiling back at her. “I am.” And because he was far too polite, he addressed Clarke too. “And thank you, Clarke, for inviting us.”
She waved him off. “Oh, it’s helping me too, don’t worry. Hopefully it’ll get my mom off my back about how I need to expand my social circle now that I’m in uni. She’s been bugging me about it forever.”
He hummed. “What year are you?”
“Sophomore. Majoring in creative arts, minoring in a couple medical classes. Mostly because of my mother.”
He raised an eyebrow, though she couldn’t see. “Sounds controlling.”
“Ugh. Very.” Clarke clenched the steering wheel tightly. “She was so angry when I said I was majoring in the arts. Said it wasn’t a career that would get me very far in life. She’s always wanted me to be a doctor like her.”
He chuckled. “You don’t strike me as very doctor-esque.”
“Oh, she’s better than you’d think,” Octavia butted in. “I got sick for a few days in the first weeks, and Clarkey here had it down. I barely even had to do anything.”
Clarke shrugged. “Not a bad skill to have.”
“I probably would have died without you.”
“It was a stomach bug, O.”
And suddenly he wasn’t as worried about the trip as he was before. Not if it was going to be like this.
Abby Griffin was a very intense woman.
She and Clarke exchanged quick hellos, Abby going to hug her daughter, but even Bellamy could tell it was awkward. When she addressed him and Octavia, it was very stiff, professional, and Bellamy could see why she and Clarke didn’t get along. The two women were opposite personalities, sharing the same stubborn streak that likely played a big part in their strained relationship.
Another thing he noticed that was very opposite to Clarke was the house. From what he knew of Clarke, she was not a very organized person. Her car was a bit of a mess, a lot of her clothes were stained with paints, and she didn’t put much effort into her appearance. Abby’s house was huge and pristine, everything sparkling clean, the house itself matching Abby’s intenseness. 
The woman sat them on the couch and went to get them drinks. Bellamy looked around the huge living room. “This where you grew up?”
Clarke shuddered. “God, no. My mom moved in after my dad… died. He never wanted anything big or fancy. I lived here for about two years before moving out. Though honestly I tried to spend as much time out of the house as I could. It’s almost too much.”
Octavia leaned closer, keeping her voice low. “You didn’t tell me your mom was rich!”
“She’s a world-class surgeon, I thought that was a given.”
“I didn’t expect this!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Clarke shrugged. “I wasn’t planning on spending much time here anyway. We’ll probably spend Christmas day here, but the real fun will be on Christmas Eve. One of my high school friends is a master at throwing parties. You’ll have the time of your life, trust me.”
Neither Blake could reply as Abby walked back in with drinks for each of them. Bellamy wasn’t sure what it was, but it tasted fancier than anything he’d ever had. 
“So.” Abby sat down on one of the plush chairs across from the couch. “Why don’t you two tell me about yourselves? Clarke doesn’t talk much about school.”
Octavia spoke up first. “I’m her roommate. Majoring in video production.”
Abby nodded, not seeming very impressed. “And you?”
Bellamy shifted. “I’m Octavia’s brother. I’m not in uni.”
“Oh?” Abby’s face shifted a bit at that. “Did you graduate?”
“Never went.”
“I see.”
“Okay!” Clarke interrupted. “O, Bell, how about I get you two set up in your rooms and we can go out somewhere?”
Octavia jumped up, eager to get out of the room. Bellamy nodded, taking one last sip of his drink. “Sounds good, Princess.”
Abby’s scalding gaze fell onto him as the nickname fell from his mouth, but he couldn’t care less.
“So where are we going?”
“To a local diner,” Clarke said. “I invited some friends, too. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Clarke, I have been dying to meet your friends after all the stories you’ve told me,” Octavia responded. “Which ones?”
“Raven, Murphy, and Emori.”
Octavia clapped her hands together. “I am so excited to meet Raven. She sounds like a badass.”
Clarke laughed. “Oh, she is. I have no doubt you two will get along like a house on fire.”
And after meeting her, Bellamy knew they would.
Raven was full of energy and possibly the most sarcastic person ever. She had a brace on her leg, but it didn’t stop her from bowling Clarke over with a hug when they met outside. “Clarke! It’s been so long!”
“Hey, Rae!” The blonde laughed. “It has! How’ve you been?”
“Fantastic. Who are they? Friends?”
Octavia was practically beaming. “I’m Octavia! Clarke’s my roommate. Heard a lot about you.”
Raven preened. “Of course you have, I’m awesome.” She leaned over to Clarke. “Why didn’t you tell me your roommate was this hot?”
Clarke chuckled. “Jealous, Rae?”
“Of you? Never.” Raven reached out and took Octavia’s arm. “Come on, hot stuff, let me buy you a drink.”
Bellamy was smiling widely at how happy his sister was. Clarke bumped his shoulder, making him look down at her. “Come on. Your sister will be fine with Raven for a while. Come and meet Murphy and Emori.”
He couldn’t help the surprise that shot through him. “You don’t want Octavia to come with us?”
Clarke rolled her eyes. “When will it get through your thick skull that I actually like you? Come on!”
Bellamy flushed at that, trailing after Clarke into the diner. She didn’t even have to look around, heading straight towards a table in the far corner. There were two people there, a man who looked like he wanted to murder everyone in sight and a woman with kind eyes and a tattoo covering half of her face.
The woman lit up as she saw them approaching. “Griffin! Damn, it’s good to see you!”
“You too, Emori,” Clarke said, leaning down to hug her. “You and Murphy doing well?”
Emori’s smile split her face. “We just bought an apartment together!”
“Oh, that’s great!”
“Girls, if you could stop being sappy for one minute,” the man, most likely Murphy, butted in. “Who’s this bitch?”
“Oh!” Clarke grabbed his elbow, pulling him to sit down beside her opposite of her friends. “This is Bellamy. I invited him along for Christmas.”
“Guess I’ll be stuck seeing you around then.” Murphy looked him up and down. “He your boyfriend or something?”
Bellamy blushed, and Clarke sputtered. “What? No! Honestly, I barely even know him that well- he’s just my roommate’s brother.”
And it shouldn’t mean anything, but Bellamy feels disappointed anyway. He’d hoped they were friends on their own now. He thought that was what Clarke had meant outside. Apparently not.
“Roommate’s brother, huh?” Murphy just nodded. “Kinda disappointed. Dude looks like he’d be great in bed.”
Emori smacked his head, both Bellamy and Clarke going red again. Murphy just cackled. “What? You gonna tell me that’s a lie?”
Emori huffed. “You need to learn decency.”
“If you expect decency from me then you don’t know me as well as I thought you did.”
“Okay, okay,” Murphy raised his hands. “Have it your way.”
“Great,” Clarke interrupted, her cheeks still flushed pink. “How about we get some food and we can catch up?”
Emori elbowed Murphy before he could say anything. “That sounds wonderful, Clarke.”
Bellamy had to admit, Clarke’s friends were growing on him.
“Bellamy, man, back me up here,” Murphy insisted. “Tell these two gremlins that their movie taste is shit.”
“Says the man who likes to watch slasher films in the middle of the night!”
“It’s better than the comedies you like to watch? In what way are those entertaining?”
“In what way is watching people get their brains ripped out entertaining?”
Beside him, Clarke giggled, nudging him with her elbow. “Whose side are you on?”
Bellamy just scoffed. “Neither. Both genres are mediocre at best.”
Murphy turned to him, slapping his hand down on the table. “Oh, and what do you watch? Fucking documentaries?”
...he did, yes, but he wasn’t going to admit that now. “Just saying, if you like horror, psychological is better. Slasher films are just blood and guts. No suspense.”
“Suspense is bullshit, who needs the creepy buildup? Just get right into the action!”
“Glad to see you boys are having fun.”
Raven slid into the bench beside Emori, Octavia dropping down beside Clarke, who gave her a smirk. Leaning over, Clarke said to her, loud enough that the whole table could hear: “have fun on your date?”
“Our date was definitely more enjoyable than whatever you idiots got up to,” Raven responded for her, wrapping an arm around Emori. “Bet you were wishing I was here.”
Clarke snorted. “Never any fun without you, Rae.”
“Of course not, I’m the life of the party.” She took a sip of Emori’s drink and crinkled her face. “You losers didn’t even get good drinks.”
“Just because Emori is boring doesn’t mean the rest of us are, Reyes,” Murphy said, earning another elbow to the ribs from his girlfriend. “And who are you to judge us? You drink pepsi.”
Bellamy watched as the two descended into arguing, as seemed to happen often with this group. And even if he was a bit excluded, he still found himself having more fun than he’d had in a while. It was nice, being a part of something again. Hanging out with friends. He had never had much time for that, between working and taking care of Octavia.
Maybe he could find that again.
“So did you have fun?”
Bellamy looked up from his spot on the couch to see Clarke wandering over to him, dressed in pajamas, hair dark and damp. She looked adorable. Not that he’d tell her that.
“Yeah, I did. Your friends are an interesting group,” he said as Clarke sat down on the arm next to him. From the sound of running water, he guessed Octavia had hopped in the shower after Clarke. Abby was gone when they got back, most likely at the hospital, but nobody was complaining much. “You grew up with them?”
“Kind of. We all got stuck together in high school, and we just clicked. Before that, I’d only had one friend. His dad moved though, and I never found out where to.” She had thrown an arm over the back of the couch so she could lean back, and her arm pressed against his shoulder. He could smell the shampoo she’d used. Clarke didn’t seem to notice their proximity, but he was hyper-aware of it.
“You seem to work well with them. You’re all very rowdy. Very fun. You seem like you would’ve been a trouble-making group when you were teens.”
Clarke chuckled. “Oh, we were. The friends that’ll be hosting the party, Jasper and Monty, they were always sneaking drugs and alcohol for the rest of us, and we’d always get into trouble with them. Maybe it was that common factor that had us all getting along.” 
Bellamy huffed. “Honestly? When I first met you I thought you’d be a goody-two-shoes.”
Clarke laughed. “God, no. Maybe when I was younger I was. But after my dad died, my mom started getting on my nerves, trying to control my life, and I wanted to be rebellious. So I did everything I could to piss her off. I still kind of do, to be honest, but I’m trying to get better about it. I don’t want to hate my mom for the rest of my life.”
Bellamy was silent for a moment. “You want to know another thing I thought when I first met you? When you said you had a bad relationship with your mom, my first thought was that at least you still had a mom.”
Clarke’s face fell. “Oh, Bell…”
He shrugged. “I hated you because you seemed like a privileged princess. And I guess in a way, you kind of are, but you’re more than that. You have your own problems too. It’s not your fault your mom is rich.”
Clarke offered a small smile. “I don’t blame you for thinking that. With how you grew up, you have every right to hate me for the way I live. For how lucky I am.”
He shook his head. “No. You didn’t choose your life any more than I chose mine. We didn’t choose the family we were born into, but we can choose what we do with our lives after that.”
Clarke moved her arm to wrap around his shoulder, pulling him to lean against her. She rested her cheek on top of his head. “I’m glad you don’t hate me. I’m starting to like you.”
He chuckled. “I’m starting to like you too, Princess.”
She sighed. “That’s sticking, isn’t it?”
“You bet it is.”
They laughed together, and Bellamy could feel something warm bubbling inside him. Maybe he was starting to like her a bit too much.
It was only a few more days, though. He could bear it.
When they pulled up to the house, Bellamy could already tell he was in for a ride.
It was decked out in crappy Christmas decorations, blow up characters, window stickers, hell, there was even a garden flamingo with a santa hat on it sticking out of the snow by the mailbox. Octavia was out of the car barely a second after Clarke turned it off, and Bellamy laughed at her eagerness. Clarke smiled back at him, pushing open the car door.
“Look who it is!” Someone cheered when Clarke opened the door. A scrawny dude bounced up to them, wrapping Clarke up in his arms. “Missed you, Clarkey!”
“Missed you too, Jasper.” Another guy came up and hugged her, looking like possibly the sweetest person Bellamy has ever met. “Hey, Monty!”
“I’m so happy you’re back!” Monty beamed. “Oh my god have you heard the news?”
Clarke beamed back at him. “What news?” “Harper and I got engaged!”
“Holy shit, really?” Clarke hugged him again, squeezing hard. “I’m so happy for you! I’m invited to the wedding, right?”
“Of course you are!” A woman walked up to them, pulling Clarke away from Monty. “We’d never leave you out.”
“So who proposed to who?”
Monty blushed. Harper just laughed. “I proposed to him.”
Meanwhile, Jasper had made his way over to where he and Octavia were hanging by the door. “Clarke! You brought new people!”
Clarke perked up, moving back to grab both Bellamy and Octavia by their arms and drag them forward. “Yeah! Come on, I’ll introduce you to the group!”
The main room was already a bit of a mess, a poorly decorated Christmas tree tucked in the corner. Bellamy saw the familiar faces of Raven, Murphy, and Emori, who waved at them eagerly. Raven hopped up and sauntered over to Octavia, slinging an arm over her shoulder. Octavia grinned. “Hey, bitch.”
“Okay!” Clarke let go of Octavia as Raven pulled her over to sit beside her, instead wrapping both hands around Bellamy’s arm. “Guys, this is Bellamy, and that’s his sister Octavia. They’re friends from uni.”
There were a few choruses of ‘nice to meet you’ thrown out. One dude came up and extended a hand to him, which Bellamy took. “Hey, I’m Nathan Miller, but most people just call me Miller. It’s nice to see a new face around here.”
Bellamy shook his hand. “Happy to be here.”
“Kind of surprised Jasper hasn’t broke out the alcohol yet,” Clarke, still wrapped around his arm, commented. “He’s usually way too excited about it.”
Miller just chuckled. “Yeah, Maya’s been keeping him entertained. She’s his new girlfriend, by the way. A sweet girl. I’m not sure how she and Jasper work romantically, but they seem to have a good thing going.”
Clarke raised her eyebrows. “Really? Well, I’m happy for him. I haven’t seen him in any serious relationships since- ever, I think.”
“Well, he’s a bit intense, takes someone special to handle him.”
Bellamy snorted. “No offense, but everyone here is a bit intense.”
Clarke huffed out a laugh. “Think you can handle it, Bell?”
Bellamy made an unsure face. Miller slapped his arm. “Don’t worry, man, we aren’t that bad. It’s a bit overwhelming at first, but you get used to it. If you can handle her, we can’t be much worse.”
Clarke snorted. “What are you implying, Miller?”
He raised his hands up in surrender. “Nothing bad.”
“If you say so…”
“You know what we should do?” Jasper stood up from the couch beside a timid-looking woman. “We should go outside!”
Raven wrinkled her face. “Jas, it’s like, supremely cold outside. There is snow on the ground.”
“Exactly! Come on, where’s your inner child? Don’t you want to go play in the snow?”
Raven grabbed her thigh, lifting her leg. “You see this brace? This thing gets insanely stiff in the cold. I’m not going.”
“Come oooooon,” Jasper whined. “Stop being such a party pooper! Where’s your sense of fun?”
Octavia grabbed Raven’s hand, pulling her onto her feet. “I think it’s a great idea!”
Raven made an incredulous sound. “This is betrayal!”
“You coming or not?”
Raven glared at her before sighing. “Fine.”
Jasper whooped. “Yes! Octavia, I love you already!”
The group laughed, all seeming to have been spurred on by Jasper and Octavia’s eagerness, and Clarke pulled Bellamy towards the door, neither having shed their coats or boots since coming inside. He stumbled along behind her, laughing, and though the chill was sharp, he was warm with happiness. 
The rest of the group piled outside behind them, and Jasper and Octavia immediately set to work rolling a snowman. Bellamy and Clarke began to roll another section for the snowman when a snowball hit Clarke in the back.
They both looked back to see Raven cackling at them, a cocky smirk set upon her face. Clarke scooped up a wad of snow, throwing it back, but it went awry and Raven just held up a middle finger.
Bellamy crouched down to make his own snowball, and with Raven distracted by Clarke’s efforts to hit her, he threw. It hit Raven right in the shoulder, and she let out an indignant cry. Clarke cheered before Murphy came up behind her and shoved snow down the back of her coat.
And suddenly everybody had been sucked into the game.
Octavia hit Bellamy on the side, and when he went to retaliate she darted behind Emori, who Bellamy then hit in the stomach with a snowball. He got pelted with so many snowballs, but he threw at anyone who was in range, and Bellamy felt happier than he had in a long time. He and Octavia would do this sometimes when they were younger, and it reminded him of that. He couldn’t stop smiling the entire time.
Eventually, it died down, and though by now they were all thoroughly soaked, they still attempted to finish the snowman that had been started before Raven made the first attack. Even with so many people working on it, it wasn’t the best, especially not when no one had bothered to get supplies from inside, but they gathered some little rocks to use as the mouth, eyes, and nose, and it was good enough.
So after they all wandered back inside soaked and shivering and promptly collapsed in the main area. Bellamy fell onto the floor in front of the couch, leaning back onto Clarke’s legs. Emori plopped down next to him and flashed him a grin, eyes flickering between him and Clarke. Her implications were clear. Bellamy shook his head, and Emori rolled her eyes.
Jasper, still somehow bouncing with energy, declared they were going to have a Christmas movie night. “You came on a good year,” Emori said beside him. “Usually Christmas Eve is a lot more chaotic than this.”
He chuckled. “Miller said the same thing. He blamed it on the new girlfriend.”
Emori snorted. “Maya? It could be, yeah. I think Jasper’s trying to impress her.”
“I can’t imagine him being any worse than this.”
“Oh, god, this is probably him at his best.” Emori nodded to Monty. “Monty used to be the same way, until Harper. The girls keep them reined in most of the time. They probably would’ve accidentally blown themselves up by now without Harper.”
“That’s more Raven’s thing. They’d end up getting arrested for theft, probably.” Clarke leaned down behind him to enter the conversation, and he could feel her hair brushing the top of his head. “How many times has Jasper shoplifted?”
“Every time he goes to any store.”
Bellamy laughed with them, once again feeling intense gratitude to Clarke for inviting him.
“Okay okay shut up! We’re watching a movie!” Jasper yelled. “What’s a good Christmas movie?”
“Home Alone!”
“Fuck no!”
“What’s a Christmas movie that isn’t a comedy?”
“Literally none of them!”
“There are some!”
“Like what?”
“Oooookay, I’m deciding!” Jasper declared, picking up the remote. Everyone grumbled at that, but Bellamy was just amused. He felt something tap the side of his head and tilted his head back, seeing Clarke grinning down at him. He smiled back, face bright with happiness. This wasn’t like any Christmas he’d ever had, but it was his favorite already.
Jasper turned something on, Bellamy wasn’t really sure, and then he and Monty went into the kitchen to get everyone drinks. In true Christmas spirit, Harper yelled after them to make hot chocolate and not just grab some alcohol. Murphy huffed. “You really trust them with a stove?”
“They’re grown men, Murphy.”
“They don’t act like it.”
Maya trailed after the boys into the kitchen, and a little bit later they came back with cups of hot chocolate for everyone. Bellamy took a sip, the scalding liquid instantly warming him up. Someone turned the overhead lights off and the holiday lights on, illuminating the room in red and green. This was truly Christmas.
Bellamy wasn’t paying much attention to the movie, more to the quiet conversations that were constantly going on, whether it be Raven and Murphy arguing over something or Jasper making snide comments, but there was always the low buzz of talking, never silence. Not that he would have expected it from them.
A hand wove into his hair, and Bellamy turned his head to look back up at Clarke. She had a blanket tucked up to her chin, her mug held tight in one hand, and her eyes shone. She looked so content and relaxed, snuggled up on the couch, a hand combing idly through his hair. 
“You look happy,” she murmured. “Happier than I’ve ever seen you.”
He smiled. “I am happy. I’m glad you invited me, Clarke. This is amazing.”
“This is the best Christmas Eve I’ve had in a long time,” she sighed. “You should come next year, too.”
Bellamy blushed. “You want me to come back?”
“Of course. You’re fun, when you aren’t hating me.”
“I don’t hate you anymore.”
“Good. I didn’t like it when you hated me.”
Bellamy let himself indulge as he grabbed her hand from his hair, tangling their fingers and pressing a kiss to her cold skin. She giggled, and he looked back up at her, cheeks hurting from smiling so much.
He hoped he could come back next year. And maybe every year after that, too.
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just-a-belgian-girl · 3 years
First Kiss
This is my Secret Santa gift for @awkwardspontaneity. I’m so sorry it’s out so late, Natasha Romanoff is one hard character to write.
@johnmurphyisqueer @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis thanks so much for letting me join, this was a great idea!
Natasha Romanoff x reader
Word count: 968
You fiddled with your fingers as you waited, mentally reminding yourself to relax the muscles you didn’t even realize were tense.
To say you were nervous would be an understatement. Today you would be going on a first date with Natasha Romanoff; the Black Widow, a trained assassin and a woman you definitely wanted to stay on good terms with. But above all, you were hoping this date would go well enough that it could lead to more.
You were in love with the Black Widow. And she might be in love with you too. And you did not want to screw this up.
However, all doubts and fears soon disappeared from your mind when the elevator dinged and Nat stepped out, stylish as always in her fur-lined coat. The smile she gave you was enough to make your heart skip not one, but two beats as you thought of kissing her right then and there.
“Ready for our Christmas date?”
“Lead the way, Miss Romanoff.” You gestured towards the door with a small bow. She didn’t remark upon your attempt to be funny, but her eyes twinkled in amusement and that, you decided, was good enough.
Chatting about the least important things possible, you soon reached the center where an ice rink had been set up, as well as numerous little stalls running games or selling delicious foods. It looked somewhat like a fair, but a Christmas-themed one.
Children ran from stall to stall, chattering excitedly among themselves. Parents either followed them or stood on the sidelines to watch and bond with other parents. Everyone wore a smile, everyone exuded this air of happiness and contentment.
A small band, consisting of but five people, each playing a different instrument, played one Christmas classic after the other.
As you both enjoyed a waffle and a cup of hot cocoa, you tried your hand at the different games. You even had a competition with Nat to see who could win the other a stuffed toy first. You emerged the victor, and as you presented her with her new plushie, you swore she blushed ever so slightly. Naturally, you seized the opportunity to tease her playfully about it, but being Nat, she denied all allegations.
The plushie, a small, adorable penguin wearing a Christmas hat and scarf, was placed in her bag with only its head sticking out, which you insisted upon because otherwise the poor thing wouldn’t be able to see a thing. She just laughed, a tinkling, musical sound that made you fall just a little more in love.
Soon you noticed a crowd beginning to form around the ice rink. Your curiosity getting the better of you, you went to check it out together. The commotion seemed to be caused by a young man – a seemingly unpleasant one – who was performing all sorts of tricks on the ice and boasting that no one present could outdo him.
He apparently got bored of the admiring crowd and began challenging random spectators to an ice duel.
“What about you, Red? Think you can beat me?” A cocky smirk was painted on his face as he pointed at Nat.
“No, I don’t,” she hummed. He made a face and turned away to challenge someone else, only to spin around when she spoke again. “I know I can.”
You took her things from her and she strutted over, hips swaying sassily. The man on the ice looked flabbergasted at her response; his expression was quite comical. But he quickly regained his previous confidence, whispering conspiratorially to a man in the crowd that there was no way a ‘chick like that’ was a better skater than him.
Then Nat appeared in the rink, gliding along on her skates as if it was the easiest thing in the world. She almost seemed to fly as she performed a couple of preliminary leaps and spins in the air.
“Come on, buddy, are we gonna skate or not?” she asked in the middle of turning pirouettes.
For a moment, you were certain he’d back out. Then a young man shouted words of encouragement at him and both skaters jumped into action.
Perhaps it was her ballerina training, or perhaps it was her natural grace, but Natasha Romanoff made the poor man look like a clown. The mischievous, good-natured smile she wore gave each of her movements an air of ease, as though there were nothing that came more natural to her than ice skating.
One by one, each of the spectators began cheering for her, crying “Red! Red! Red!” over and over. The man skidded to a halt, his lazy, overconfident smirk now replaced by a scowl.
“You cheated.”
“Nope. I won fair and square.” Nat grinned, still sailing in circles around him.
“You did. There’s no other way you can be that good.”
“Believe what you will,” she hummed, “and I will believe what I will, along with all these lovely people.” She then disappeared, emerging a short two minutes later, but without skates. The crowd parted for her like the Red Sea did for Moses, and there stood your date before you, eyes shining in triumph.
You handed her her cup of cocoa, and she took a sip from it before looking back at you.
“No kiss for the victor?” she teased, and you immediately played along.
“Why, of course, milady, how silly of me to forget.” You leaned over, and your lips met. And right then and there, your heart made a wish; to be able to do this many more times, hopefully until the end of your life.
You parted, both smiling so bright you’d put the sun to shame, and she leaned in again for another one.
And that’s the story of your first kiss with Natasha Romanoff.
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slytherinbarnes · 3 years
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bright stars and black holes, my secret santa gift for @lovelessdyke!
Josephine Lightbourne is used to getting what she wants. 
So when she is put into another host, one that fights back, it lights a fire in her that she hasn’t felt in decades. She loves Gabriel, she knows that for sure, but even things with him had become complacent. They’re in love, but they’re at odds, too fundamentally different in their approach to immortalhood to really be anything more than star crossed lovers. 
Everything changes for her when she meets Clarke Griffin.
read the rest here!
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2020 Secret Santa Masterlist 🎅🏻🎄
Hey Guys! I hope you all enjoyed this years Secret Santa! Please lmk if you want us to do this again next year! Thank you to Ry ( @johnmurphyisqueer ) for hosting with me and for every person who participated!
P.S. For any participants who haven’t posted. There is no rush at all. I just wanted to get this up so others can see
About 2020 Secret Santa
As everyone posts their final gifts I will be adding them here for everyone to read and explore! 
Pause to Ponder the Miracles 
From: @lovelessdyke
To: Me (@hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis)
Fandom: The 100
Gift Type: Fanfiction
Once Upon a Time You Said I Love You
From: @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon
To: @wonderful-writer
Fandom: Harry Potter ~ Marauders Era
Gift Type: Fanfiction
Cuts & Bruises
From: @wonderful-writer
To: @the-moon-and-the-book
Fandom: Harry Potter
Gift Type: Fanfiction
Found My Home
From: @awkwardspontaneity
To: @just-a-belgian-girl
Fandom: Harry Potter ~ Marauders Era
Gift Type: Fanfiction
Best Christmas in the Making
From: Me (@hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis)
To: @alyssawritesss
Fandom: The 100
Gift Type: Fanfiction
Bellamy Blake: Mistletoe
From: @alyssawritesss
To: @im-a-writer-right
Fandom: The 100
Gift Type: Fanfiction
First Kiss
From: @just-a-belgian-girl
To: @awkwardspontaneity
Fandom: Marvel ~ Natasha Romanoff
Gift Type: Fanfiction
A Trip to Hogsmeade
From: @ghosts-of-hogwarts
To: @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon
Fandom: Harry Potter ~ Marauders Era
Gift Type: Fanfiction
Snowy Mornings
From: @turning-dreams-into-chaos
To: @slytherinbarnes
Fandom: The 100
Gift Type: Fanfiction
Bright Stars and Black Holes
From: @slytherinbarnes
To: @lovelessdyke
Fandom: The 100
Gift Type: Fanfiction
13 notes · View notes
Best Christmas in the Making
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Hello Lovely your Secret Santa here, @alyssawritesss! 
A/N: I really wasn’t sure what to write but I knew I wanted it to be Christmas/Holiday themed. I originally did want it set on the ground, but then I was like “I feel like it would be hard to write about Christmas while they were in the ground” so I decided to stay on the Ark. I actually really enjoyed writing while they were on the Ark, because a lot of my pieces are on the ground. I hope you enjoy this little piece and Merry late Christmas from me, your Secret Santa!
Tagging my partner Host Ry ( @johnmurphyisqueer​ ). Thanks again for doing all the matching!
Word Count: 1.2k
On the Ark, holidays weren’t celebrated very often since the Ark was made up of many different countries. But the one that stuck around was Christmas. Although the Ark’s Christmas was not celebrated like it was in the books you read about Earth before the war. It was the one day that didn’t feel like the government was up in your business. Many of the government people had families of their own so they would take the day off. 
Christmas wasn’t necessarily the most special day for you since your mom passed and your dad worked during Christmas. He had a job in the engines, constantly working and maintaining them. But this year, for some reason your dad’s boss had decided that in the 16 years of your life that your dad would get off early Christmas morning. 
You wanted to make this one of the most special Christmas you and your dad could have. Since every year it’s just been leaving gifts by each other’s bedside. This year you had planned so much and you needed your dad to get out.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Your dad says from across the room.
“Dad… don’t peak!” You say covering the decorations you were making. 
“Sorry hun,” he says as you get up from the desk, hoping he couldn’t see what you were making. “I just wanted to let you know I’m heading to work. I’m off at 7 am. I made sure to get lots of sleep so we can have a great Christmas,” He says.
“Sounds amazing Dad. I can’t wait,” You kiss his cheek. “Now leave,” You say pointing to the door. 
“Alright! Alright! I’m out of here! I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” He says and leaves.
As soon as your dad had left you quickly went to work and put up some of the decorations you had made. First, you put up the garlands you made, taping them up on every wall in your living quarters. Once you were done putting some of the decorations up you head out to get the small metal Christmas tree you had asked your friend Finn to make.
You lived in factory station and head towards Mecha to get to Finn’s place. Once you got to the door you found your other friend, Raven, heading over too. “Hey,” You say.
“Hey, good to see you,” She says hugging you.
“You and Finn getting up to holiday antics?” You chuckle.
“Shut up,” She nudges you. “What are you here for?”
“I’m grabbing the Christmas tree Finn made for me,” You explain.
“Right. I told Finn to make me one when you asked,” She chuckles knocking on Finn’s door.
“My favorite two people,” Finn greets.
“Shut up. We both know Raven is your favorite,” You laugh. “Anyways, I hope you finished the tree I asked you to make,” You say.
“Yes. I did. It’s right here,” He says and heads to grab it.
“Ahhh, It perfect,” You smile looking at the little tree Finn made. “How much?” You ask.
“Don’t worry about it. My present to you,” Finn says.
“Thanks, Finn. You’re the best!” You say and hug him.
“Hey. Hey. Don’t get too cozy you two,” Raven says squeezing her way between you and Finn.
“Sorry, sorry...for a second I forgot he’s you man,” You chuckle. “Merry Christmas guys,” You say and head back to your living quarters.
As you were walking down the hall you bumped into a tall dark-haired man, sending the tree to the ground. “Hey! Watch it,” You say. 
The man picks your tree up, “ Sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going,” He says holding the tree out.
“You better have not broken my--” You stop taking notice of how handsome the man was. “Uhh…tree,” You say.
“It looks fine. I’m Bellamy,” The man says handing you the tree.
“Thanks. I’m Y/N,” You respond.
“Nice to meet you,” He smiles.
“You too. Where did you get those?” You ask noticing the string of lights he was holding.
“I got them in factory station. Someone was selling them. I’m heading there to grab a few more things, I can show you if you’d like,” He suggests.
“I actually live there, so that’d be great. Something for my tree. But you know factory station is this way right?” You ask pointing behind you.
“Yeah I know, I live there too. Sometimes I just like going the long way around,” He explains.
“The long way around?” You question.
“Yeh, I’ll show,” He says and you somehow just decided to follow the stranger you had just met. As the two of you made your way to Factory Station, you two had gotten to know eachother. As well as question how you two have lived in the same station yet had never met each other. 
“That man over there is the one who sells these lights,” Bellamy says pointing to the sketchy man sitting at one of the tables.
“Really? He seems--” You trail off.
“A bit sketchy?” Bellamy questions as you nod. “Fine, give me your money and I’ll get them for you,” He suggests.
“No, It’s fine,” You say walking to the guy.
“Hello, what would you like sweet girl,” The man says in a condescending voice.
“The colorful lights,” You say sternly pointing at the short string of lights. 
“Ahh for that little Christmas tree,” He says pulling the lights out. “That’ll be 10 coins,” He says. You count out the 10 coins and start to drop them on the table 
He quickly grabs your wrist and whispers, “You can pay less if you offer something else,” the man winks. You try to pull your hand away but he wouldn’t let it budge. 
“Steve, she just wants to buy your lights,” Bellamy says taking a grasp of the man’s wrist.
“Bellamy. No need to get hasty. Just wanted to make sure she was paying the right amount,” The man says letting go of your wrist, and Bellamy lets go of his.
“Sure, let’s go,” Bellamy says taking the lights you bought and guiding you out of the market. 
“I could’ve handled that myself, but thanks,” You say to Bellamy.
“I’m sure you could’ve, but I didn’t want you guys to cause a riot. Where do you live?” He asks.
“Oh, like I’m just gonna tell the stranger that I just met, where I live?” You question.
“We basically live in a metal box with cameras,” He states.
“True. I’m just a bit further down,” You say and guide the way. As you make it back to your place you invite Bellamy in.
“So this is mine and my dad’s place,” You say setting the stuff you got down.
“Nice,” He says looking around. “Need any help setting stuff up?” Bellamy asks.
“Uhhh...sure. I could use someone tall,” You chuckle. The two of you finish setting your place and with the finishing touch of lighting the tree up.
“I gotta get back to my mom. She’s probably dying to know where I’ve been. It was nice to meet you, Y/N,” Bellamy says.
“You too, Bellamy. Hopefully, we’ll see eachother around more,” You say and Bellamy heads out. 
Seeing as it was already late, you decided to head off to sleep. “Morning, hun,” You hear your dad say as you wake up. 
“Merry Christmas,” You say batting your eyes awake. 
“I love what you did with the place,” Your dad comments.
“Thanks, I plan for this to be the best Christmas we’ve had,” You say and sit up.
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Final 2020 Secret Santa Announcement
Tumblr media
Hey everyone! I just wanted to make one last announcement thanking all the people who participated. It was really fun to put this together and we got more people than I expected. As well as Ry ( @johnmurphyisqueer​ ) for hosting with me and pairing everyone.
To everyone else please checkout the participates blogs and all the content each participant created: Here 
Please let me know if you guys want us  to do this again in December 2021! Even if you didn’t participate this year and something like this interests you, please let me know if you’d want us to do this again. (I promise to post the guidelines earlier)
 Happy new year! 
Participates: @alyssawritesss | @lovelessdyke | @just-a-belgian-girl | @ghosts-of-hogwarts​ | @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon | @awkwardspontaneity | @wonderful-writer | @im-a-writer-right | @slytherinbarnes​
If you participated and still have not posted, no rush!
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Hi hi!!! Secret Santa here, just dropping in to say I'm probably going to start drafting your gift today :) any requests??? I want to make sure it's something you'll like 🤍 hope you're having a good day!!!
Hi!!! I literally just woke up haha.I’m so excited 🥰 honestly my only like request really is that it’s like holiday/Christmas themed I guess. You can keep asking me q’s if you need help though haha.
I hope you’re having a good day too! 💞
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2021 Secret Santa
Hey Everyone! 
If you didn’t know last year Ry ( @johnmurphyisqueer) and I hosted a Tumblr Secret Santa. I’m not sure if anyone is interested this year but we’d thought we do it again! The requirements and content will be the same as last year (but i’ll reiterate below), fics, moodboards, etc. Again we will manually pair people together. 
2020 Secret Santa Masterlist
Since i’m announcing this earlier, the deadline to enter is November 28 or when we reach 40 participants (To give us time to pair you up hopefully by December 1st). You should receive your blog/name by December 1st through pms. I feel like it’d be great for the reveal at the earliest to be on Christmas, but if you can’t get it up by then, feel free to post it by the end of December.
(If you have a different blog you’d like to have your secret Santa tag/use then please comment that)
1) Choose one or more of these fandoms: The 100, Harry Potter or Marvel (we’re sorry we can’t have more but we’d like to make the pairing as smooth as possible so we don’t leave people without a Secret Santa)
These will also help us pair you, so you are paired with someone who knows the fandom.
2) Any preferred characters/ship, time era (mostly for HP), movie/show (for marvel).
Also list if you want/will write for smut, fluff, etc.
3) any other details you’d like to add!
Rules for final fanfic gifts:
1) Preferably 3k word limit (you’re welcome to write more though!)
2) no smut (unless requested)
As the secret Santa you can interact with your chosen person as you please, asks, post submissions, etc. but please do not reveal yourself before December 25/Christmas to keep the suspense! So if you’re interested please comment or reblog (with the tag #HMA 2021 Secret Santa) with the entry requirements and please tag anyone you think would be interested!
We will pair based on fandoms and we will make sure everyone gets someone!!
People who I think might be interested/past participants: @love-a-little-less | @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon/ @blue-writes-things | @wonderful-writer | @awkwardspontaneity | @alyssawritesss | @the-young-and-forgotten | @slytherinbarnes | @mobi-on-a-mission | 
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About Me
Hey! I’m Lily, its nice to meet you.
P.S. Let me know if I should add anything else here
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday: April 29
A blurb about me: I just graduated from university on May 7 2022 with a B.S. in General Biology. I plan to go back and get an associates in veterinary nursing or something. And hoping to make break into the wildlife field.  
I always have loved making stories up in my head, based on random stuff or things I watch. I would even write stuff for myself and read it over and over again. I finally got the courage to post and i’m so thankful for all of the support i’ve gotten.  
Fun Facts:
- Star sign: Taurus
- Favorite Music Artists: The Dirty Heads, AJR, 5 Seconds of Summer
      - Current Faves: The Maybe Man (AJR new album)
- Favorite Movies/Shows: pretty much anything Marvel, The 100, TVD/TO, The Magicians
- Currently watching: The Boys
- Currently reading: Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
Tags I use (work in progress):
- #hma blog = blog updates
- #hma requests = any asks or posts about requests
- Check taglists post/masterlists for series tags
- #hma (year) secret santa = anything related to that years secret Santa
Basic Rules of my blog: 
If you’re ever unsure if i’ll write for a character, Just ask!
If you’d like me to write for a fandom thats not in my masterlist, ask and i’ll let you know if i’m up for the task
Feedback is greatly appreciated! Anonymous or not
Any suggestions for my series or where you’d like to see them go is also welcomed
I won’t write smut (just not comfortable writing)
I won’t write anything that shouldn’t be romanticized (just ask if you’re not sure if i’d write it)
Note(s): I started a secret Santa during the holidays in 2020 as a way to bring the community together during the hard times and it was so much fun. I’m open to keep doing every year!
So if you’re interested just shoot me an ask. I’ll tag you in the announcement.
Secondary blogs: My bookshelf || Past Reads
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