alkalische · 5 months
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i can't believe he's balling in the new music video
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shiloh-game · 4 months
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I should start a whole collection of just all the evil guys doing dumb stuff
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day 21!
waluigi! (mario franchise)
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heartscrypt · 1 year
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some minor differences in perception
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joeldidnothingwrong · 7 months
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me refreshing my feed every 30 seconds for the past hour
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ilikefork · 4 months
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Wanted to study a pose so i chose wind- i mean the pirate king of the wind waker, of course!
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dizzybizz · 6 months
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hey, remember 2.3? what was up with that event....
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redraw of a thing from 2021 which was sorta a screencap redraw from that one cutscene
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also oml albedo your in-game model... i am still so sorry to what they did to you and your hair especially.. i hope they go back and revamp it but i dont have high hopes for that happening 😔
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angermango · 1 year
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freestyle shitposting with the Huldra Bros (+some other guys but this ain't about them)
and an alternative take for the first one:
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linnytheseagull · 1 month
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Vox art dump! (HE'S SO-)
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hiperspoon · 4 months
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In honor of Aniki's 3d debut
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trashcreatyre · 2 years
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So much for a normal sleep schedule….
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dial-this-dial-that · 2 months
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LALAPRIL 2024 DAY 1: Arrival
A young boy finally wakes up to the utmost joy if his parents after nigh a moon of being severely ill. He is well and animated, as if never even being struck with the unknown disease. And yet to the dismay of his family, he remembers naught of their names, their faces or even this world as a whole. Even his own name is alien to him.
Ten years have passed since then and Ballin Dulin still hasn't remembered his childhood on this star, but has slowly grown to accept his life here as it was. After all, it was much better than the childhood he did remember...
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magalimachete · 7 months
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There’s someone that RP’s as Sukuna on twitter X and this was our interaction the other day. 😂
This fandom never lets me down. It brings me so much joy and comfort. 🥰
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BOO!!!!! sillyguy jumpscare
“looks like a raver ancient built him” - my friend
“i am SUCH a fan of how you make all of your fanocs annoying himbos with unnecessary swag” - my other friend
“he’s fresh sans” - like, two people
so — he’s finally here!!! the Basketball!!!! be warned INSANE and MINDBLOWING loredrop below‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ as well as some general trivia about NWB + some more silly doodles
The Ancients, dissatisfied with the very prominent lack of results the Iterator project was bringing, began having doubts. Perhaps they had gone about this the wrong way? After all, the jellyfish that doesn’t try is the one that doesn’t get caught in the net. It seemed they had made their design of the Iterators inherently flawed — they tried too hard to solve the Problem, over and over and over again.
It was time for something new. An alternative.
And so, the idea for the Anti-Iterator project was brought into the world — a whole generation of Iterators that didn’t try. Some called it redundant, some pointless. But it convinced plenty, certainly enough to make that idea a reality, and the plan came into fruition.
No Way Back was the first created; his name was given to him to signify a turning point, a new era of Iterators. One that would bring with it change and, hopefully, finally, a solution.
so anyway NWB did absolutely nothing except talk excessively about the ancients’ fashion and sometimes ask them for their drip clothes for his collection and also make cringefail music. the project was discontinued immediately
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- makes the shittiest sounding music possible, sincerely believes it’s peak art. if you don’t think the same way he’ll say You dont get it. You just dont
- fan of fashion, art & history, but in a normal way (unlike pebbles). really wishes he could have a whole wardrobe of clothes like his creators, but they’re all gone now </3 and even back then when they were all still alive they. did not like giving him stuff (they did not like him)
- one of them did give him the nikeys though
- most of his creators deemed him useless and didn’t particularly care for him. however, some of them (usually the kids) liked talking with NWB, and he enjoyed interacting with them too. he kind of misses the ancients even if they were asses
- is an enigma to his local group: he barely sends messages, and when he does it’s wildly off topic, and literally NEVER about work related stuff. occasionally he’ll drop his “bangers” in the groupchat and ask for opinions. unfortunately most of the iterators ignore him because they find him annoying (and useless as well. very ancientcore of them)
- kind of incomprehensible. he just says things
- doesn’t really have a god complex so he’s generally friendly, open-minded and easy going, but if you’re mean to him he’ll go Wow. Not cool, man. and he’ll probably give you a lecture like a 90s PSA
- calls himself a DJ. doesn’t even have a proper DJ name. probably doesn’t even know what a club is
- fan of nature, enjoyer of life. has no friends and no purpose but doesn’t let it get to him. at least he can make the equivalent of cbat 2 and force every iterator in the world to listen to it
- he’s stupid but he’s also really smart because. supercomputer. however he chooses to not use his brain and instead be silly. he thinks it’s funnier that way
- sometimes sends his music to other iterators besides his local group’s. they also ignore him
- you really can’t tell when he’s being ironic or not, and whether he’s really THAT dumb or if he’s just trolling. one thing for sure — he loves to mess with the stuck-up iterators from his local group if they decide to bother him
- if the ancients had any equivalent of the 80s, he would’ve been a very very big fan of it
- loves animals too. would call slugcat “little dude”
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leave your thoughts in the COMMENTS below!!! remember to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and listen to DJNWB on SPOTIFY (suddenly becomes normal) if you have any questions feel free to ask and i will answer. i love this guy he’s my everything
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jettacar · 3 months
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art request from a friend, feel free to do silly things with this :3
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phosmic · 11 months
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angel devil reincarnation that came to me in a dream where he and aki's souls have become fused and now he gets to live the happy life they both couldnt have
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