mmorw · 1 year
Vasco was pretty fine in the earlier chapters but GAW DAMNN HES SO FUCKING HOT IN THE RECENT CHAPTERS
Ps. He def whimpers
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WH‼️AT‼️‼️‼️ T‼️HE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ F‼️UC‼️K‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ OM‼️G‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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mylovelies-docx · 8 months
Sorry, I Love You - Part 10
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?! I'm finally posting Part 10 after an unplanned/unexpected hiatus?
Yes. I am. Sorry for the long wait!
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
C/W: Angst, HYDRA experimentation, mentions of death. (Dear sweet Hyunjin in the gif below also a CW for myself and other Stays)
Word Count: 3,075
Tag List: NOW CLOSED! If you'd like to keep up with this story, please follow my blog and turn on notifications! ❤️ you :)
[Prologue][Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5][Part 6][Part 7][Part 8][Part 9]
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You hear Bucky’s key rattle in the front door and the soft snick as it closes downstairs. You’d arrived at your shared home only minutes ago, but that was plenty of time for you to race upstairs, lock your door, and start bawling into the pillow. You hiccup and choke, suffocating the sounds into the cotton fabric clenched between your teeth. 
Why?! Why did Bucky have to go and say that shit? As much as you had hoped and begged the universe for Bucky to say those words to you earlier this year, it responds to your pleas now?! You’ve spent months resigning yourself to having him as a friend only – that’s what he said he wanted! 
Why would he change his mind? Is it because he’s had a change of heart? Doubtful. Bucky was very certain in his decision to shut you down and out of his life. So what? Is it because you’re hanging out with Petre? Is he jealous? How? Why?
Bucky’s actions towards you tonight make no sense. Why would he say something that he knew would upset you? And if he didn’t think they’d upset you, what’d he expect? That you’d run and leap into his arms, no more words needed? Why the hell would he think that’s what would happen? He can’t just act like he didn’t completely eviscerate your heart that night in the alley and that morning in the kitchen. 
Those days are burned into your memory, not a day goes by that you don’t remember the way your words affected him and his response. He was so betrayed and angry that he lashed out at you for admitting that you wanted more than the no-strings-attached, friends-with-benefits situation that you had. 
But now – now! – he wants to say you could be together? Together in what way? As fuck-buddies again? Hell no. There’s no way that you will ever put yourself through that pain and hardship again. Not for him, not for anybody. You want something real. 
You’d wanted something real with Bucky, but he’d shot you down as soon as you’d brought it up.
Bucky’s footsteps shuffle from the front door and up the stairs, stopping just outside your door. You hold your breath but continue to flinch as your lungs spasm on unuttered cries.
A soft rap sounds at your door and Bucky murmurs your name softly into the doorjamb. You squeeze your eyes shut and keep your voice as calm and level as possible, but it still cracks when you say his name. “Leave me alone, Bucky.”
“Doll, I –”
“I don’t want to hear it!” You respond vehemently, chucking your wet pillow at the door. It smacks against the wood with a thwump and lands in a sad heap on the floor. It looks just like how you feel. “Just go away.”
You can hear Bucky suck in a shaky breath, but you refuse to picture his watery eyes and quivering lip. He has a right to feel like shit, but you are under no obligation to try and assuage his guilt when he’s the one that caused this whole mess.
His bare feet tread across the hallway and into his bedroom, his bedroom door barely making any sound as he closes it behind him. His shower starts up a few seconds later and stays on for nearly an hour. After that, his bed creaks and there’s not another sound to be heard.
You don’t sleep that night.
“I need to leave.”
“What?” Nat hisses through the phone. It may be 4 am here, but the team is having dinner together right now back in New York. Nat’s whispering voice is her attempt at keeping this conversation between the two of you while she walks away from the dining room to talk. You can hear her boot-clad leg thunk, thunk, thunk its way across the hardwood floors as she finds privacy.
“I need to get away from Bucky,” you explain further.
“What did that fucker do this time?” Nat questions menacingly, already gearing up to kick Bucky’s ass with no information.
You heave a sigh and watch your breath fog in the air, the cloud hanging heavy in front of your face before slowly dissipating in the humid, cold air. “He… he said something about us. As in, him and I. Like we could go back to how we were.” You bite your chapped lips and worry the dry pieces of skin with your teeth. “I didn’t handle it very well.”
Nat is silent for a long moment, the other end of the line buzzing over the long distance. Finally, she says, “He said he wanted to be friends with benefits again?”
“Well not exactly,” you hedge. “He got all weird and jealous when I was hanging out with Petre last night like I always do. We got into a fight and he said that it could be us sneaking off together like we used to and I just… I lost it.” You hurriedly wipe an oncoming tear out of your eye, surprised you’re even hydrated enough to produce anything after last night’s sob fest. You suck in a shaky breath and continue. “Nat, I can’t do it again. I can’t.”
“I know, honey,” Nat consoles, her voice soft as she shushes you. “I won’t let you do that to yourself again, either. You know I’m here for you – and so is the rest of the team.” You make a questioning noise at that last part and Nat explains. “Well… the whole team kind of knows why you left.”
“...they do?” You press the palm not holding your phone against your forehead, pushing hard to focus on anything but the embarrassment the situation makes you feel. You chuckle humorlessly and say, “Everybody must think I’m pathetic now.”
“We absolutely do not,” Nat states defensively. “Wanda and I were giving him so much shit after you left and no one knew why – Bucky eventually had to tell everyone after I nearly put him in a coma when he finally found the guts to spar with me.”
You do crack a genuine smile and laugh at that. “You’re telling me Wanda was mean to him?”
“Well, I mean,” Nat laughs as well, “she didn’t put smiley faces on his pancakes when she made everybody breakfast. Trust me when I say everyone noticed her displeasure with him.”
You feel the overwhelming urge to wrap Nat and Wanda up in hugs that are long overdue. The love for your friends overflows from your heart and manifests in your words: “I love you guys so much.” It’s no substitute for the hugs you want to give, but it’s all you can offer at the moment.
“We love you, too,” Nat replies. You’re both quiet for a moment, you soaking in the silence of the frozen outdoors and Nat chewing on the question you can practically hear filling her mouth and pushing against her lips.
You sigh heavily. “Out with it, Nat.”
She sucks in a breath before starting. “You know I’m always on your side…”
“...but are you sure that’s what Bucky meant?” she finishes.
“Huh?” you question dumbly. “What else could he have meant? He accused me of going off and fucking Petre every time we left a room – TMI, but that’s exactly what Bucky and I used to do. So when Bucky said we could be like that, I don’t see how he could have meant anything else.”
You hear a smack from Nat’s side of the line and a grumbled ‘stupid motherfucker…’ before she composes herself and resumes the conversation. “Do you want me to talk to him?”
“Not particularly,” you respond. “I’d rather you just come and get me.”
“You know I would in a heartbeat, but this mission took a long time to set up…”
“Yeah, I know,” you sigh. “I wouldn’t actually leave over this, but it’s just nice to know that you’d come and get me if I asked.”
“Always,” she says. 
You and Nat chat for a little longer before you end the call, citing your need to head into ‘work’ soon. You hang up, feeling better for having spoken with your best friend. 
Your improved mood lets you ponder on what Nat was trying to get at about Bucky’s intentions. Does she know something you don’t? The answer is likely yes, her being who she is and all. But if she has reason to doubt your interpretation of Bucky’s actions last night, don’t you owe it to yourself to find out for sure?
Mind made up, you send a short text to Bucky. 
Can we talk?
A few seconds pass as you type out a follow-up message, but you’re interrupted by Bucky’s text.
You’re not here. Where are you?
You smile at the realization that Bucky had to have sprinted to your room, saw your empty bed, and then searched the entire house in record time before sending his text.
Your stomach fills with anticipatory nervousness, but you remind yourself that you’ve already gone through hell without Bucky once, so if there’s something in the way of being in each other’s lives you need to clear it up.
I’m getting an early start at work. I’ll call you during lunch?
The morning rushes by in a blur. Your tasks take you up, down, and around areas of the HYDRA facility you’ve never had access to before. You can’t be seen lingering around any certain area, but you take every opportunity to peek inside rooms and hallways when no one else is around. 
There’s one particular hallway that catches your attention – not because there’s any screaming or moaning coming from the cells along the walls, but because there is a steady beep, beep, beeping coming from multiple heart rate monitors. 
You’re unable to investigate since a scientist with dark hair stands at one of the open cells at the end of the hall. His clipboard hangs down at his side as his other hand rests on the doorjamb as he watches whatever is happening inside. He’s too far away for you to get a good look at him, but his height and build seem… familiar. You stare for long seconds as he continues to linger, wracking your brain for how you recognize him, but footsteps down your hallway cause the man to startle and scurry away in the opposite direction.
The person who scared the man away rounds the corner towards you. You recognize them as the scientist that had sent you down here in the first place. Quickening your pace, you rush over to them.
“Hello, sir. Here are the materials you requested.”
“Yes, quite,” the man says as he takes the samples from your hands. 
He riffles through the sealed bags and paper work, a concentrated look on his face. You stand politely next to him, your hands folded in front of you while you wait for a dismissal.
“Argh!” the scientist exclaims in anger. “That absolute buffoon! She can’t even label correctly.” He looks up and pins you with a cold stare. “You. Go collect the bloodwork – and do it correctly!” 
He shoves a piece of paper with the subject’s ID number and location into your chest. You reach up quickly to catch it and bow your head in deference. “Yes, sir. Right away.”
He storms off, stomping his way to presumably berate the poor technician who collected the samples the first time. 
You sigh, glancing down at your phone. It’s well-past lunchtime and you need to call Bucky, but this task needs to be completed first. You’ll call Bucky soon and hopefully he’ll apologize and clear everything up. The anxiety from this morning returns and causes your stomach to tighten and a lump to form in your throat.
It’s okay, you tell yourself. He’s been trying to apologize since it happened. If he confesses the reason behind why he got weirdly jealous last night, you will tell him that he has no reason to be – that there hasn’t been anyone for him to be jealous over. Especially not a civilian during an undercover mission. 
Would that be too much? Would he think that if you haven’t been with anyone since you left that you’re still hung up on him? Even though you told him you’d never actually loved him (a massive, bald-faced lie), would he still accept your words at face value even when your actions contradict them?
Why did he say all that last night? 
If he doesn’t want to have any kind of intimacy with you, why’d he suggest being friends with benefits again? Did he suggest being friends with benefits again? It certainly seemed like that was what he was implying, but Nat’s words from this morning makes you doubt your assumption. 
If he wasn’t talking about reverting back to your situationship that you both clearly regretted – for different reasons – then what?
Ugh, you sigh. This is too much. You’ll figure it out when you call him.
You find the medical supply closet and collect the needles, tourniquets, vials, and labels necessary for the samples. Looking down the list, you see that the location is actually the hallway you were interested in earlier. Gathering your supplies onto a cart, you head out.
You’ve collected two of the samples when you run into Olaf, the contact you last spoke with when you first arrived. You had just left Subject #268’s room and nearly ran right into the man.
“Oh, hello,” you greet sincerely before registering the wild look in his eyes and his bloodless face. “What’s wrong?”
Olaf shoves you back into the room and looks around frantically. “I need to go,” he states, frightened. “I need to leave and I have to take my family with me.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” you murmur, setting your hand on his shoulder. “Deep breaths.” You show him an exaggerated inhale and exhale, staring into his eyes and trying to calm him down. “Tell me what’s going on.”
The breathing exercise does nothing for him. Olaf grabs your hand and squeezes hard. “They know.”
“They know?” you question. “Who knows what?”
“They know that I contacted the Avengers!” He nearly shouts. You shush him with your other hand over his mouth, but he rips it away and continues. “They know I brought you here and that we’re trying to shut this place down.”
“Hold up,” you plead. Your heart races in your chest at the implications. “Why do you say that?”
“I heard them!” he rasps. “I heard them discussing the ‘rats in the organization’ and that they’re finally ready to get rid of them.”
“And you think that’s us? Why?”
“Why else would they mention my name and the Avengers in the same sentence moments later?!” Tears leak down Olaf’s face and his breaths heave in and out of his chest.
“Okay. Okay,” you say, a million thoughts and plans running through your mind. “Get out of here. Go get your family and run – it doesn’t matter if you look suspicious since they’re already aware of the situation.”
Olaf nods his head rapidly and starts to back out of the door and into the hall. “What about you?” he questions weakly.
“Don’t worry about it,” you say. “I’ll wrap things up here. Just go!”
He nods again and turns to run down the hall, but stops dead in his tracks. A horrible, gut-wrenching feeling invades you. You step out into the hallway and find…
“Petre?” you whisper.
Petre stands there, with his dark hair and clipboard – he’s the one you saw in this hallway earlier. Your brain short-circuits while trying to put all the information together. 
You hear Olar whimper behind you. You turn your head and mutter quickly: “Go.” Olaf bolts down the hallway and out of sight.
You turn back to face Petre, his eyes wide and breathing heavy.
“What are you doing here?” you ask him. “How much did you just hear?”
Petre hesitates for a moment before responding. “Enough.”
“Petre,” your voice is hard. “What are you doing here?”
“They…” his lip quivers. “They have my sister.”
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. “They have Sasha? I thought she was just sick?”
“She is,” he says. “They said that they’re the only ones who can cure her, so my parents… we agreed to their treatment plan. But then they started asking for more and more things – things mother and father weren’t comfortable with. But they said we have to comply if we want Sasha to get better – so I came here at their demand.”
You suck in a deep breath. Something about Petre’s broken, dejected demeanor sends a wave of foreboding through you. “Grab Sasha and run, Petre. You know who I am now. I can help you.”
Petre shakes his head sadly. “She’ll die.”
“No. No, Dr. Cho can figure out what’s wrong – she can help Sasha.” But Petre’s head continues to shake.
“They give her something everyday, something that will kill her if she doesn’t receive her next dose at the correct time. I… I’m sorry. I have to protect my sister.”
A tear slips down Petre’s cheek as he begins to back away from you.
“Petre, please,” you beg. “Give me five minutes.”
“I can’t,” he whispers, and takes off.
You curse and start running. The only thing you can do is get to the control room and wreak havoc. You thunder through the hallways of the compound, dodging scientists and slamming and locking the doors that separate different wings from each other. 
The lights shut off. A loud, blaring siren rings through the facility and emergency lights flash red. On, off. On, off. Your eyes try to adjust to the darkness, then are assaulted by the light only fractions of a second later – the strobing effect causing the scene to look like stop-motion animation. 
You recognize the area you’re in, realizing that the control room is only a few doors away. Shouting and the clambering of combat boots to your left catches your attention. A whole host of agents run towards you, weapons drawn. 
You put on a burst of speed, grabbing the control room door jamb and swinging inside. You close the door and drag a desk to barricade it – it won’t hold for long, but it’s better than nothing. You turn to find several men rising from their desks, startled looks on their faces.
Grimacing, you begin the arduous task of taking lives.
Tag list: @jackiehollanderr @rabbitrabbit12321 @12345sebby @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @lauraashley93 @themorningsunshine @happinessinthebeing @nash-dara @calwitch @stany0url0calwh0res111 @pono-pura-vida @learisa @introverbatim @kentokaze @marvelogic @kaz11283 @terry2227
Part 11
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morgenstern16 · 8 months
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I love this conversation in Sky 3rd. Osborne's like "whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? we'd never do something so gauche as invading other countries by military force. all the countries that Joined Us of Their Own Free Will just so happened to have such Horrible Crises break out beforehand that they asked us to send in a Peacekeeping Force, and who are we to deny them our benevolent help? really we're doing everyone a favor."
Really this door is one of the best in 3rd, because this whole time you've only heard of Osborne in the background as the architect of everything terrifying about Erebonia and he drops in out of nowhere just to show the Liberlans that he can do that if he wants. He basically tells Olivert that he can set everything on fire if he wants to and dares him to do something about it. He's both incredibly polite and incredibly threatening at the same time. Fantastic set up for Trails of Cold Steel.
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Also he just looks evil as hell. You know this guy has an entire department dedicated to kicking puppies.
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squeakygeeky · 5 months
For Him Episode 6
It's timeeeee. Hopefully for some answers because last week it felt like things were lagging.
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Nail is trying so hard to ignore all of this and just be in love T_T
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True best friend behavior.
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I do appreciate the flashbacks to Him and Blue, especially happy moments, both as a way to understand Him's feelings and also to see that Te's perspective is warped.
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I get why the little sister wouldn't have been told anything, but I'm wondering now who actually does or doesn't know what happened to Blue. Him's mom has to know, right?
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The Earrings Angels are on the case! I trust them to crack this thing wide open.
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LPT: You need to let people be there for you.
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Honestly this just reminds me of Nail and the hydrangeas, and that's more distracting than anything because the situation is not the same. Like at first I thought Him's behavior was pretty justified by his mom being in the hospital, but he could also have had like one phone conversation or said one nice thing to Blue. But we do need to see Him be the bad guy a little or the narrative doesn't hit right.
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Anyway, a short episode, I think the earlier episodes were being padded out by spice that got cut for broadcast. No full answers yet, but more of the picture so we'd better get the rest of it next episode, although I suspect they may drag it out even further since we're only at the halfway point, and the dramatic NailHim breakup I feel like we can't avoid would normally be later.
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yanderefairyangel · 8 months
Honestly, it bothers me how some people keep saying that they think the Engage manga would have been better if F!Alear was featured instead. What would change besides gender of the protag? The story would still be the same.
And for the other anon that said they hope that the manga changes to F!Alear soon, I'm not so keen on that. Nothing against her, but I feel like if that happens, some of the more toxic F!Alear fans would just be bragging that she is now the manga protag and say she makes the story better.
I saw some people say "I won't read the manga because M!Alear is the protagonist and not F!Alear." But they don't see what is wrong with that. If it was flipped and someone says "I won't read the manga because F!Alear is the protagonist and not M!Alear." People would be up in arms and calling it sexism.
I honestly hope they just stick with M!Alear for the manga because other than that, he doesn't really get to have a spotlight.
I love F!Alear too but WHAT ? What the ???
Why are people so against M!Alear being the manga protag ??? He is such a fun protag and he looks so cute in the manga !!
Have people really been saying they don't want to read the manga because of M!Alear ??! That's... WHAT DID THE POOR GUY DO TO YOU ?!
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*breathes calm down breathes*
anyway you're right that's absurd the story would remain the same the only thing thet changes between the gender is the gender of the Alear of the Fell Xenologue but even then it's the same thing. And aside from the symbolism of their hair being slightly different, I really don't get what they are trying to say.
But I really don't think they are gonna have F!Alear replace M!Alear seeing how it is written. Cause again it would change nothing to the story so what's the point of doing that ?
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beemers-hell · 1 year
I asked one of my friends to play HSM.
He said it was a good mod, he found the dialogue funny.
We're making a page about in in the semi-official fnf mods wiki (BIG WIP):
link :)
I'm gonna blow the fuck up holy FUCK
aight fuck if you need specific art/animation resources I've forgotten to share publicly hit me up id LOVE to see this thing fully fleshed out ARORRUUDGWOEHDOSHW9HE
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blackstarmylove · 1 year
Not Using His Song (HC)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: Singers x gn!Reader
Warning: Mild angst
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: how would it be if the singers found out that s/o uses alarms or ringtones of other singers songs aka not theirs? i personally wake to purple dawn chorus and answer calls to yoshino’s treasured’s 2:15 to the quiet pause part.
A/N: Poor singers. 😭 Purple Dawn is be a pleasant song to wake up to. :3
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Surprised and kinda upset, but he doesn’t show it to you. 
If you observe him closely, you will see him tense up, but he quickly regains his composure, especially if Kei notices you staring at him. 
In case you question him, Kei will smile and say, "It is not necessary for you to like his songs." 
Is he hurt? Yes, but he won’t make a big deal out of it as he is a secure man. Whatever makes you happy, but if you want to make him happy, change either your ringtone or alarm to his song. 
If Kei finds out you did this to tease him, you will be in a lot of “trouble”...to say the least~. 
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Uncomfortable but not a matter he needs to create drama over. 
Yakou will stare at you in shock for a while, giving his mind time to process that you chose another singer’s song over his. A few minutes later, though, he will return to acting like his usual self. 
He honestly is okay with it, but that doesn’t stop the feeling of needles pricking his heart. 
If you are teasing him, Yakou will be relieved to know you like his songs more than songs from other singers. If you are not teasing him, he will eventually get used to it. Though, if you chose one of Sinju’s songs...it will take him a while to accept you like Sinju’s songs more than his. 
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Not happy but tries his hardest not to show it on his face. 
Why would you choose another singer’s song over his? Are his songs not good enough? His self-esteem takes a hit, but he still tries not to show the pain to you. 
It takes Yoshino the longest to accept the truth, especially if you chose Kei’s songs over his. 
He may or may not see the singer of your ringtone as an enemy and may or may not pick a fight with him - if only to prove to you that he is better than the other singer. 
It will also take him a while to act normally around you, and Yoshino might maintain a little distance from you until he can digest everything. His songs are his pride, and you choosing someone else’s song wounds his pride. 
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WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? How could you? His songs are great, and even you like them, so why? 
He will sulk and get pouty, asking you to change your ringtone and alarm to one of his songs. He even says he will make a new song for you. 
Akira would be lying if he said he wasn’t upset, but as long as you listen to his songs in general and support him, he doesn’t care. There are lots of great singers in Starless, so he understands. 
It won’t take him long to get used to it, but if he ever has a versus against the singer whose song you chose, Akira will give it his all to defeat the singer. Then, he will tease you and say he’s better than the singer you like. 
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Is surprised but compliments you for your song selection.
Like Akira, Rindou recognizes the talent in Starless and doesn’t blame you for liking songs from other singers. Though, it does sting his heart to know that you don’t find any of his songs alarm or ringtone worthy. 
If you choose Sinju or Maica’s song, Rindou will be very supportive. Supporting his team members is just like supporting him. 
He will even go out of his way to tell the singer that he is your favorite, and you use his song as a ringtone/alarm tone. 
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Agitated and annoyed. 
Seriously? You are dating him and using another singer’s song - are you trying to get back at him for something? He doesn't approve of this! How would you like it if he used his favorite actress’s photo as his home screen? 
Maica refuses to talk to you until you change the ringtone to one of his songs or a song from a singer who is not part of Starless. As for the alarm, wouldn’t you want to wake up to his voice...or should he ask your favorite singer to give you a personal wake-up call every day?
Doesn’t care if he comes off as childish, but you are dating him and supporting his competition. That is unfair to him.
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Visibly upset for a while but forces a smile.
It’s okay for you to like the songs of other singers in Starless, but you still like his songs, right? Sinju tries to think positively about the situation - maybe his songs don’t sound as great if they are shortened into a ringtone or alarm. Yeah, that has to be it, right?
He will not make a big deal about it, but whenever your phone rings, he freezes. It takes him a long time to get used to it. 
Like Rindou, if you support Team P singers, he won’t mind it as much as supporting his team is like supporting him. 
All in all, Sinju hopes one day, his songs will make it to your ringtone and/or alarm. 
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Ara? Are his ears deceiving him? You have chosen a song of his nemeses for your ringtone and alarm - oh, the horror. 
Switches to full-on drama queen mode and monologues about how heartbroken he is and how his own love could do this to him - in short, gives an Oscar-worthy performance.
If you manage to look past his dramatic performance, you will see that Zakuro is hurt. He just doesn’t want you to see how badly it hurt him.
When you ask him to stop being so dramatic, he laughs and asks if you dislike his song to the point where you opted for songs from other Starless singers. No matter what answer you give, Zakuro will continue the “drama”. 
He is waiting to go face-to-face on the stage with the singers. He will rip them apart in a versus if only to console his wounded pride. 
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Speechless and hurt. His songs mean the world to him, and he pours his heart and soul into each one of them...yet, you chose someone else’s song over his?
Doesn’t even wait for an explanation from you and walks away from there; Heath doesn’t want to lash out at you or show you his true feelings, so he excuses himself.
Heath will see the singers of your ringtone and alarm as his enemies. If one of the singers happens to be Kei, he will get mad at Kei at every opportunity possible. 
No matter how much time you give him, the rapper will never get used to you using songs from other Starless singers. Either you will need to change the songs to his or use a generic ringtone/alarm, or you will need to have a lot of patience to make him understand. 
➣ BlackStar Theater Starless Masterlists [1][2][3]     ➣ Main Masterlist
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Nice to know jpeg is continuing his racist agenda by bringing chad danshaw (who is a white supremacist magat) with him to Phoenix. I don’t know why people act like he’s a woke saint when he keeps showing us how racist and conservative he actually is.
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pseudowar-archived · 8 months
my roach is selectively mute - he doesn't speak publicly or really at all due to childhood abandonment issues. that being said, this fucking cod mobile comic panel fucking kills me every time.
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'ghost.' 'roach.'
what does this MEAN HUH? YOU TWO BUDS? price got like a bro hug and roach and ghost just gave each other awkward nods like whaaaaaaaaaaaaats this guys.
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kmp78 · 8 months
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Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck was that garbage... 😂😂😂😭
This hack of a "designer" needs to go! 😂
And I'm sorry but I'm saying it:
That Sam Smith DUDE (yes, I'm calling him a dude you don't like it sue me 🙄) is also a fucking joke. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Every fucking time I see HIM out there ddddddddddddddddesperately looking for attention with his overweight body stuffed into a dress, I feel like screaming. 🙄
Him and this loser whateverthefuck he's boning and trying to make happen as a designer BOTH need to just fucking go away and stay away, thx u very much. 🤦🏼‍♀️
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thessalian · 9 months
Astrid vs A Few Loose Ends
Rocking up to the Waning Moon
Shadowheart: All right. Maybe getting that evidence for He Who Was might maybe kind of start making up for the whole ... thing in the Shadowfell and-- whaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck...?
Thisobald Thorm: *is one big horrific Harkonnen-meets-illithid-looking motherfucker who's apparently about to burst if he puts one more thing in his body*
Astrid: *bellies up to the bar*
Thisobald Thorm: *plunks a mug of some vile concoction in front of Astrid* DRINK. THEN TELL TALES.
Shadowheart; Gale; Wyll: *look on in absolute fucking horror*
Gale: I ... I know she's feeling awful about ... recent events, but she ... she wouldn't really drink that...
Shadowheart: She ... she can't. I mean ... what it did to the people in here...
Wyll: It's nice when I'm calmer about this sort of thing than you all.
Astrid: *lifts mug to her lips*
Gale; Shadowheart: *staaaare at Wyll*
Wyll: Just ... wait.
Astrid: Right. You wanted a story of our adventures. Ahem. *to the tune of "Luka"* My name is Astrid / I'm a bard extraordinaire / Got caught by illithids / Which was just completely unfair / Now something in my head will squirm / Some kind of tadpole; some kind of worm / Just don't ask me what it is / Don't wanna know just what is is / But finding out just / what it is...
Thisobald Thorm: *chugs; starts leaking* DRINK. MORE.
Gale: Oh for fuck's sake--
Shadowheart: Why are we not stopping this?!?
Wyll: Again ... just ... wait.
Astrid: *lifts mug to her lips again; carries on with the song* Maybe it's because I'm lucky / Got to be these heroes' friend / Maybe it's because they're crazy / But they're with me to the end / They've got my back until I die / Your family left; you should ask why / Malus won't come 'round no more / No Balthazar here anymore / You don't see Ketherick anymore... *lute solo*
Thisobald Thorm: *chugs; starts leaking harder* YES. KETHERICK MAKES SHADOWS. MORE!
Wyll: *now standing blocking Shadowheart and Gale from interfering*
Astrid: *lifts mug to lips one more time; continues* I think we'll be okay / We're all tough; we've come so far / We've had so much to endure / And I promise now we'll find a cure / We'll be just fine / We won't go splat / Bet you wish you were like that / But you're going to explode / You fucking patron-tainting chode / Guess I'll watch ... as you explode.
Astrid: *ducks behind bar*
Thisobald Thorm: *explodes*
Astrid: ...Okay I was lying about the watching but it'd take days to get viscera out of my hair.
Gale: Are you all right?!? What was that stuff?!? Shadowheart, is there a restoration spell in your arsenal that might-- *pauses* ...Wait. What's this puddle?
Astrid: You didn't think I was drinking that swill, did you? I do that with substandard beer at taverns when patrons are trying to get me drunk enough to get me into bed; I'm pretty practiced at it. Also he only had one good eye to keep on me so it was pretty easy.
Gale; Shadowheart: *staaaaaaare at Wyll some more*
Wyll: It might have given the game away if I'd said anything! Now let's look for that evidence and let's go.
Astrid: *already looting the place* THIS PLACE IS MADE OF POTION INGREDIENTS! SCORE!
Corrupted Actor: *not sounding entirely with it* Bravo! Encore!
Wyll: He a bit confused, but he got the spirit.
Gale: I'll just ... be glad she's smiling again.
Waaaaaay back in the woods around the Last Light
He Who Was: Good. Now. PUNISH HER.
Astrid: Sheeee's ... still kind of dead and I know we can speak to her but I can't cause her physical pain or anything--
He Who Walks: *channels Madeline* I didn't mean to! I was too scared of the Justiciar not to report everything like she said and she promised she was just going to talk to them and then she made them kill each other oh this is all my fault and I'd do anything to take it back and--
Astrid: *siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* There is no taking it back, but I understand about fear making us do ... unfortunate things. Your Justiciar broke her word to you; she's the one at fault, not you.
He Who Was: *shaking off Madeline* YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PUNISH HER! DIE!
Raven: *pecks at Astrid's eyes*
Wyll: Oh you ASSHOLE! *Eldritch Blasts Raven*
Raven: *is very very dead*
Astrid: Blood in my eyes -- oh well I'll just have to do something that doesn't require me being able to see... *dive-bombs a 3rd level Thunderwave*
He Who Was: *goes flying*
Astrid: *hits him in the head with the pommel of her sword*
He Who Was: *is unconscious*
Astrid: Okay, we're done here. Let's go wake up our Harper.
Gale: *very quietly* ...ignis...
He Who Was: *is now way more than unconscious*
Shadowheart; Wyll: *staaaaaaaare*
Gale: I did not want him coming back and messing with her-- I mean us anymore. ...Okay no I meant her; she's been through enough.
Shadowheart; Wyll: *ponder that, then shrug in a 'yeah, fair enough' sort of way*
And back at the Last Light
Isobel: What. The fuck?
Astrid: Oh, the light streaking across the sky? That was the Nightsong. She piiiiiiiissed.
Isobel: All right. Fine. We have to end this.
Astrid: Okay, just one thing. *goes and wakes up Art Cullagh*
Art Cullagh: We have to find Thaniel! He's the key to lifting the curse! ...You wouldn't happen to know a Halsin, would you?
Astrid: ......Okay, maybe not just one more thing. HALSIN!
Halsin: All right; where did you last see him?
Art Cullagh: ...Shadowfell. Place smelled like lavender.
Halsin: All right. Astrid. Please come with me; companions too. It's liable to be dangerous.
Astrid: ...Okay, really not just one more thing.
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princessherogirl · 1 year
Vex (from Sackboy: A Big Adventure): (places the bottle of blue berry soda on the bench) This should be perfect for this prank. Fisk: (to Vex) Uhhh... sir? I dunno if this soda is blueberry flavored or not. Vex: OF COURSE IT'S BLUEBERRY FLAVORED, YOU NINNY!!!! All I gotta do is to wait for someone to drink it. Fisk: (sighs) Hopefully this could come around though... Vex: Oh, here he comes! (Sackboy walks and ignores the 2 villains) Vex: (angry) OH, TARTER SAUCE!!!!! HOW CAN THAT IDIOT WALK BY TO GET THAT STUPID DRINK BUT IGNORES US?!!!!! Fisk: Well, there's also a curse in it. Vex: A curse? (immediately grabs the soda and picks it up) You think it's gonna be a curse? Fisk: (didn't answered) Vex: Well then, I guess I gotta find out. (Vex drinks the blueberry soda whole) Fisk: (to himself) What's gonna happen now? (Vex finishes the soda) Vex: SEE?! I told you that-- (Vex's stomach gurgles) Vex: Huh...? Fisk: Erm... Vex? I think you're turning blue. Vex: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (realizes his nose is blue) Oh no... WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!!! (Then Vex notices his belly swelling) Vex: Ah... ahh... Fisk: Um sir, I think you dranked the soda! Vex: 'Course I DID YOU IDE--MMMMHP!! (Vex's cheeks began to feel puffy) Fisk: (watches in concern as Vex turns into a blue berry) Uh oh... (Vex's butt and hips start to expand) Fisk: Oh dear god, I gotta do something!!! (Much much later) (Vex was back to normal and Fisk examines the bottle realizing that it's blue berry soda) Fisk: See? I told you it made you turned into a blueberry! Vex: Yes. And that is why it's a curse! Correct? Fisk: (notices the soda bottle) Um I'm confused. Does that mean that it causes you to turn into a blueberry? (laughs awkwardly) Vex: (was very pissed and growled in anger as his face turned blood red) Fisk: Look, I'm not joking! Vex: GET BACK TO WORK!!!!!!
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
I forgot to mention I saw Fast X with my mom last night and I have the following spoiler-free reactions:
also Jason Mamoa is a fantastic campy villain. He's just being silly with it :3c
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bartmuljono · 1 year
Natsu X Fem-Gray 3: Big Announcement
Fem-Gray: Natsu. There’s something I wanted to tell you.
Natsu: Yeah Gray, what is it?
Gray: I’m pregnant.
Natsu froze
Lucy and Erza spit out their drinks
Everyone froze for the moment.
Everyone: EHHH!!!!! GRAY IS PREGNANT!!!
Gray: Yeah, and Natsu is the daddy. The doctor’s confirmed it.
Gray placed Natsu’s hand in her belly.
Natsu: Holy shit, I’m gonna be a dad.
Fem-Gray: Yeah, thanks to you… I have a baby inside for about 9 months.
Natsu: Yeah.
Natsu felt a strong grip on his shoulder. He turned and see Lucy and Erza making an angry expression.
Natsu: I can explained…
Lucy: Natsu, I thought you love me!!!
Natsu, Erza, Gray and everyone: EHHHH!?!?!!
Erza: You love Natsu!?!?! I love Natsu!!!
Everyone: EHHHH!!!!
Lucy, Erza and Gray: WHAT THE HELL, NATSU!?!?!
Natsu: I’m sorry, ok. Dragon Kings and queens tend to have more than one mates.
Wendy: Umm… Natsu-nii chan…
Natsu turned to see the now 16 year old Wendy Marvell grabbing his hand
Wendy: I thought you liked me… (sniffs)
Natsu: Of course I do, Wendy. But as a younger sister.
Wendy: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
Erza: Okay, that’s it.
Erza ripped herself and Natsu’s clothes revealing his massive 18 inch cock
Erza: You better fuck me hard, until I get pregnant with your child.
Natsu: EH!?!
Lucy: No fair, I wanna join.
Wendy: Me too!!!
Lucy and Wendy took off their clothes
Causing everyone in the guild to nose bleed.
Gray: Oh what the hell!?!?!
Gray takes her clothes off and proceed to make love to Natsu again
While all four girls were making with Natsu
Lisanna just watching them at the bar pouting to herself
Lisanna: That’s it. I’m not gonna be sidelined.
Cana: Same.
As Lisanna and Cana took off their clothes and joins the other girls in making love with Natsu
Later that night in Natsu’s house
Gray: Ughh… that was good.
As Gray, Lucy, Erza, Wendy, Cana, and Lisanna are now in bed with Natsu
Lisanna: What do you think of the sex, Natsu?
Natsu already exhausted covered his hed with his pillow
Natsu: Can we just sleep, I’m already tired and exhausted.
Erza: Fine.
Gray, Lucy, Erza, Wendy, Cana, and Lisanna began to cuddle around Natsu
Natsu: Oh Mavis, help me.
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hersheymallow · 2 years
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Thinking about how soft Yut Lung is and -----------
I know it's true, that he's so misunderstood by even the hardcore fans of BANANA FISH, he's a traumatized broken boy who was forced to toughen up or get eaten alive. Literally you have NO right to hate him 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 Do you even remember? He's onlY SIXTEEN and he's very strong. He was able to be up to par with Ash mother fucking Lynx1!,1,!<<!<1,<!<<!<!<!1<,1!,!,<! and he's a C H I L D and you know it hurts him, but he's blocked him soft self off so hard that he can't even cry using his own tears. (Thanks to Shorter Wong for showing us that part. Also Shorter best boi) whaaaaaaaaaaaaat
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just ignore this if u dont want to reply but WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?????? BUT THATS SO UNFAIR- LIKE I GET IT THEYRE STRESSED BUT THEN WHY ARE THEY LIKE PUTTING THAT STRESS ON U TOO FOR MONEY !! IF ITS THE BROTHER SHOULDNT THEY like tell him ?? cuz if they dont tell him its not like hell get a revelation from god to stop spending money and then suddenly stop 😭 plus if he doesnt know about the money struggles™ then he wont know to like quit his spending or at least lessen it... omg my heart and soul has been with u ever since its been captured by ur writing SO USE UR CAPTURING SKILLS TO CAPTURE HIS MONEY OR SOMETHING oh no.............. i hope u can talk to ur parents about this and tell them that u need to tell ur brother or something 😭
the money and brother issue has been going on for YEARS but idk why it's getting worse this time around to the point i think i might need to look for my own money to pay my college tuition fee.
my brother is very stubborn and doesn't have overthinking tendencies like me so he never really thought about the worst that could happen :/
my parents also doesn't like it if he knows the truth about the family situation because they want him to enjoy his life but to do that, i have to be understanding and ask for less so he can ask for more with the reason he's the eldest and im just the daughter :(
even when entering college, i am required to enter the SNMPTN program to pay less for my college tuition fee (half of the actual tuition fee) but my brother received no pressure to do so and instead had my parents paid his tuition in full :/
nothing could be done to persuade my parents and my brother to understand (i've been trying for years) so the only thing i could do was vent here :(
im sorry that some of you has to see it even though you guys come here for cale content, but i really dont have anyone or anywhere else to talk about my feelings :(
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