#Good omen
fellshish · 10 months
Launching the theory that crowley wanted to try his hand at acting and chose the stage name david tennant now we know doctor who exists in the universe of good omens because aziraphale references ‘an extremely rare copy of the 1965 doctor who annual’ so the funniest option is that aziraphale has ONLY seen classic who and is in for a big surprise when he finally watches the david tennant era presumably in the 2600s
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 month
My mom beat the shit out of me in front of Aziraphale from Good Omens.
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edwardian-masquerade · 5 months
"It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people."
-Neil Gaiman, Good Omens
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noneorother · 5 months
surely someone else has put this together already but…
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In every conceivable universe, pears are still bad. You can fight David Tennant about it, apparently.
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cara-carabowditbowdit · 8 months
you keep putting these two gay old men on my dash who are they. the white haired one and his twink.
do. do you mean these guys
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thats crowley and aziraphale from good omens. its a really cool book/show and i think u should check it out
also that is the best and most accurate description of them ive ever seen. ur right, that IS his twink
if u want a more in depth explanation send me like. another ask and ill go bonkers
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hellaephemeral · 1 year
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buckslafdhoodie · 10 months
Aziraphale is for everyone but he is especially for those of us with soft jawlines and round noses,
for those of us who find comfort in being well-dressed even when others think us uptight or nerdy,
for those of us who have learned to love our soft stomachs and plump thighs but still have moments where the cruel words of others drag us down,
for those who always want to see the best in people but are secretly terrified of seeing their carefully crafted reality torn away from letting the outside world inside their little safety circle,
for those who love people but feel the need to keep it quiet, hide behind rationality and temper their emotions for their appearance even if they aren’t always successful.
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frenchiefieart · 4 months
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I have a Valentine's Sale going on until Thursday night, if you're looking for a gift for a partner or friend. 💖 Just keep in mind that some items are pre-order, and won't arrive till after Valentine's Day! You can find my shop at the link below!
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shima0021 · 6 months
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Commission done
For @goldenfantasyarts
Doctor Strange,Strange Supreme,Astarion,Crowley Commission done
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sparkplug02 · 5 months
Good Omens Season 3: I forgive you
I've seen the theory that, in the final fifteen minutes of Season 2, Episode 6, Aziraphale was trying to signal to Crowley that something was wrong and was lying for the first part of that conversation (someone, don't remember who, made a point about how Aziraphale makes more hand motions when he's hiding something). Crowley missed the signs and that led to further miscommunication, etc.
I don't really think this is the case. I think the character development potential for Aziraphale and Crowley to learn from this makes more sense.
IF Aziraphale were trying to signal Crowley, I can only imagine what Crowley's reaction would be upon realizing this and realizing that he missed those signals and that the conversation ended the way it did instead of getting the message. If Aziraphale was trying to say "help, the Metatron is listening and I have to bullshit my way through this, please improvise with me on this to save both of us from immediate danger" and Crowley took it as "I'm throwing away everything we've worked for since Notmaggedon and abandoning you," the Crowley's response of "how could you do this, I'm not going to help you" is maybe not ideal.
I can just imagine Crowley realizing what Aziraphale really mean, realizing that he said 'no,' to that, and that he left Aziraphale when he was asking for help. Crowley might feel guilty about that, and I can imagine a bit of shouting at the sky (possibly in the rain), and let's just say, for dramatic effect, of course, that this realization comes at a high-stakes moment. Something about "always too late."
Until he remembers the last thing Aziraphale said to him before he walked out: "I forgive you."
Not for the kiss (definitely not for the kiss, nothing to forgive there). Not for being a demon or refusing to go to Heaven. No, no, none of that.
Crowley has saved Aziraphale hundreds of times, and this one time, arguably when it might have mattered the most, Crowley missed the signs (again, I don't think this is actually the case, but go with me on this). If this high-stakes moment presented some kind of danger to Aziraphale or a large step closer to the end of the world, then Crowley would probably blame himself for whatever happened or might have happened to Aziraphale. He might think that Aziraphale would hate him for refusing to help when he asked for it and needed it.
But Aziraphale might have known this would happen too. He would have known that Crowley would blame himself since he's been told ever since his Fall that he is in the wrong. Aziraphale, knowing and hoping that the conversation in the bookshop wouldn't be their last but would have to suffice until they met and spoke again, spoke to a future Crowley. Crowley who realized the hidden meaning of his act after talking with the Metatron. Crowley who was bearing the approaching end of the world alone because they were truly separated for the first time in six thousand years. Crowley who blamed himself for anything that might have happened. Not bookshop Crowley, who hadn't gotten there yet.
Bookshop Crowley said "Don't bother."
Future Crowley, threatening to break under the weight of his new discovery, would remember that preemptive forgiveness when he needed it most. He might need it to believe that they still have a chance, that despite being separated they are still on THEIR side, not Heaven's or Hell's. This isn't over. This was the plan, to a certain extent. Maybe Crowley didn't recognize it at first, but he's caught up now and they have work to do.
And maybe Aziraphale's reaction to Crowley's confession was just a cover. As soon as this is all over, maybe they can try again.
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actual-changeling · 9 months
Bro just think about Michael and Joan of Arc in the good omens universe.
Michael was one of Joan’s (or Jehanne, as she was called in life) guides, and trained her in the ways of war and divine Justice from the time she was thirteen. Michael was sent to earth and watched this young peasant girl grow up, eventually leading the French towards victory over the English like she was always meant to.
But then, at the age of eighteen, she’s captured and imprisoned by the English, and Michael has to stand by because “it’s all a part of the great plan”. It doesn’t matter how much Jehanne prays or suffers at the hands of her captors, Michael can’t disobey orders.
Then, Jehanne dies. She dies in the worst way a human can die, being burnt alive. Michael can only watch in horror as the girl they raised and trained is burnt to ashes as a part of the Great Plan. She was only nineteen. There will be nothing left of her by the times the flames are put out.
When Gabriel announces how Aziraphale will die, Michael offers to deliver the holy water to hell, white knuckling the pitcher as they descend down the staircase and hear the distant screams of their protégée and surrogate daughter echoing through their mind.
I know absolutely NOTHING about anything bible or christianity related so this is a shot of delicious angst and knowledge all at once, thank you!
And ooooh Michael volunteering to deliver the holy water because even though they cannot openly admit it, even just seeing a large pillar of flames is a punch in the gut. They go through hell's corridors with their head held high and their eye's straight ahead, quietly praying that they won't walk past any hell fire on the way.
We don't know anything about where/if the humans are in heaven, but angels are probably not allowed to interact with them even now, and Michael wouldn't even if they could.
Jehanne is there, somewhere, and there is nothing Michael could say to her except an apology that means nothing in the face of her suffering.
Oh lord, my brain is currently speedrunning an AU in which Dagon and Michael are both send to earth when Michael is there to raise Jehanne, and it's not six thousand years of pining but still a good few centuries worth.
Michael dreams of licking flames and ashes, and Dagon dreams of burning wings and melting grace, and there is an intimacy in sharing nightmares that gives them an understanding of each other no one else will ever have.
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eternalpariah · 16 days
in my [undisclosed] years of life why the hell did no one tell me about tumblr.
this place is a gold mine is this what colonizers felt like- im about to manifest destiny the shit out of tumblr
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noneorother · 8 months
The grand unified theory of Good Omens S2 hangs on - you guessed it - a double meaning (and art). *Part 1*
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l The End?
This is major spoilers for season 3 territory. You have been warned. I'm also going to split this into parts because wow, I have so many ✨Clues✨!
As a few people have started saying already, something very fishy is going down in season 2, and it seems to be The Metatron's (boo hiss) doing. And by Job, they seem to be right. Come with me on a long and magical journey through time, and trust that I will bring you back to the double meaning of it all very soon. But because I am an Art Director, some things jump out as being very specifically dumb in S2 in a way that I find impossible for the smart people at Good Omens to have done by accident. I started having my doubts about what we were seeing on screen specifically while watching this scene :
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Bildad voice "You think you guys are in a gang, with your cute little buttons, and your neat white power tatto--oooh wait a second... HAHAH WTF" - Me
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This dildo literally has a NO REGERTS tattoo on his forehead. What. And two teardrops ABOVE his eyebrow. Dude. No. Any wannabe soundcloud rapper knows the teardrops go UNDER THE EYE. I have not found a single example of a real person putting teardrop tattoos above their eye, and I have googled. Also their pins seem extremely well placed, symmetrical, and just kinda... generic? Like the top one in the close-up is just a Scottish flag pin for both dudes. Do these guys... not know how to gang? Then there's this :
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No miracle sound, no show of a stern face from Aziraphale, just a kind but firm ask and these two *GaNgStErs* do exactly what they're told. It's almost as if this was an order from an angel and they understood that, and just did it.
But you know what else is funny about REGERTS? It's a mis-spelling. You want to know who else misspells things in this universe?
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Oh don't you worry you're getting a whole other post out of me on Maggie.
So now we have two threads to follow : 1) There are *fake gangsters* hanging around Aziraphael in the cemetery. Why? Who put them there? 2) These *fake* people seem like they have traits in common with with Maggie - and demons (because they can't spell and do what they're told, mostly.) Are any of those others *fake* too?
Would you like to see more clues, and the prestige reveal of what the double meaning is? Part 2 is right here
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xxgwenstacyxx · 10 months
having a normal one on good omens ao3 rn
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agapayy · 10 months
I knew I saw this outfit before
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*knocks on your door*
*fiddles with the door handle*
*cracks the door open*
*whispers through the crack*
teeeeacher auuu is posteddddd
@eybefioro @shadesofecclescakes @paperclipbean @weirdly-specific-but-ok @aroaceblackhole @arkytiorlecter @queermarzipan @1800ineedshelp @obsessed-sketches and @greenthena I know y'all were interested
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