#Gerudo women are just
crowboss-whore · 2 years
Bro that ending to the latest chapter got me in the feels-
Friendship level achieved and it only took 9 chapters! Wooooo!
I was listening to BOTW music while writing it. Idk, the OST of it is very nice. Especially Zora’s domain ✨ very pretty very nice
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eeleye-mcshitposts · 10 months
Considering that the Gerudo are entirely made up of women, I feel like Ganondorf having internalized misandry would make a funny amount of sense.
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dragonzzilla · 1 year
The whole "A male is only born to the Gerudo once in a hundred years" presents a fascinating psychological crucible
By accident of birth, you're othered from the rest of your people. There is literally no one else like you. No one alive at least. You are born in the shape and in the shadow of long dead monarchs, Great Men.
But what does it mean to be a man in a society that is otherwise comprised entirely of women (I do not believe in gender essentialism; but I do believe in societal pressures). You are a boy and are constantly reminded of it. A boy without a father, without brothers; and when you become a man, you will never have sons of your own or even nephews. You're a single drop of masculinity in a ocean of mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, nieces; awash in femininity but forever separate from it. You are a man and that makes you king.
Before you're out of swaddling, you're placed on a pedestal. Elevated, in some regards. Afforded the greatest privileges available to your people. But they're not quite your people. However thinly it is presented, there's always going to be a degree of separation from everyone you know and care about. Your otherness is constantly reinforced, celebrated even. You're going to be a king. And you don't get a choice in the matter. You must stand alone, forever.
There are other men in the world, but they are not Gerudo. There are Gerudo, but none of them are men. The only people who could understand your struggle exist only as imperious statues and aspirational legends. They are Gerudo men, just like you, but they're not people anymore. They are kings, conquerors, shapers of history, children of destiny, great men. You are a man and that means you are destined for greatness.
Try not to crack under the pressure.
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robotsweater · 1 year
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sketching down some print ideas for an upcoming con— gosh i just love them so much 🥹💛
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rawliverandgoronspice · 2 months
regarding common tropes about ganon's writing in fics, I am kind of always taken aback a little anytime ganondorf uses degrading sexist terms in fics and such. Because to me, even his most evil interpretations would probably have no reason to have negative associations with women who have sex a lot, unless he picked it up from elsewhere (like there's some room for it to be interesting psychologically speaking if that's directly addressed, but it never is). I'm not sure why the gerudos would ever cultivate these kind of misogynistic ideas in their own culture, or why Ganondorf would spontaneously decide to form any essentialist ideas he may potentially develop on the basis of promiscuity, of all things. And, if he would pick that up from Hyrule... why would he, why this, and how does that map out with him remaining proudly gerudo in most iterations if he sees any non-married woman getting funky in a negative way?
it's kind of a very small thing, but it does kind of beckons a lot of questions regarding worldbuilding and psychology and it tends to take me out of fics a little, because it's always kind of assumed and never investigated
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nayru-s-clay-tablet · 7 months
I cant remember if it was ever said or if you mentioned it somewhere, but why was Ganondorf exiled from Gerudo? The one lady who was able to return home early with a flower killed a man so I’m curious about what Ganondorf actually did. It’s implied in the beginning that he kills and robs men who wander into Gerudo, so I’m very curious
I had to clarify this over on Comicfury today, too 😅 While it was explicitly stated in the Zine/character profiles that Gan was exiled for murder, I... don't actually know if it's been directly stated in the main comic >_> For some reason, I thought on that page you're referring to that Zaneta directly stated that Gan did kill someone, but...... looking back, no. She didn't.
It kind of makes sense that it's never come up because Gan is in no hurry to tell anyone (especially Link), buuuut yeah.
It will be stated outright and discussed more in this chapter, but it really should've been stated earlier. ...might go back and edit the dialogue with that page.
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tciddaemina · 2 years
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on sex, marriage, and family - some headcanons about the Gerudo
so i’ve been writing a lot of fic for LoZ recently, and its got me thinking about the Gerudo, specifically what the impact of being an all female race has on their culture regarding marriage, family, and the bearing of children
already, at a biological level, there’s some interesting implications. since the Gerudo still look like one single uniform race, as far as ethnicity goes, we can assume that their children inherit most of their traits - skin colour, hair colour, features, sex, etc. Gerudo have insanely dominant genes, and no matter who they have a child with, the child always takes entirely after their side of the family. the child of a Gerudo will always be a girl, and will always look like a Gerudo, to the point where the father’s genetic contribution is more or less invisible. 
this sort of makes sense, since because theres no male Gerudo (shh, i’m getting to that bit) it means that for a Gerudo to bear a child, she has to go looking outside her own race for a sire. every child a Gerudo bears is by default a cross-race child, born to a father of another race. if the children didn’t take strong after their mothers, the Gerudo race would soon cease to exist because they’d be watered down by half with every generation. for the race to even continue to exist, the sheer dominance of their genes has to be like that. 
this establishes two things: a) every Gerudo child takes strongly after her mother and b) that for a Gerudo to have a child she must look outside her own people. 
there are Gerudo men, of course, with Ganondorf being an example. they are born extremely rarely, like only once per generation, and are essentially born to be the king. once the old king starts to age and weaken, and new one is born somewhere in the population. however, there is only one of them, and even if they sleep around pretty heavily the majority of the population of would-be Gerudo mothers still has to look elsewhere to find a sire for their child. 
(on a side note, this leads to them having a very egalitarian society. since the next king is never the child of the previous king, its not a hereditary title, and the next king could be born in any subset of the population. while there are nobles who have more money, and farmers who have more modest livings, there is no true poverty or squalor in the Gerudo desert. this is because the king can be born from anywhere, including very poor families, and whenever one is they have the background and incentive to make sure that there is a healthy and equitable wealth distribution and services for the population as a whole, even their poorest people. not really relevant to the family headcanon thread here, but still an interesting thought all the same.)
so the Gerudo desert is all women, and they don’t allow men to travel freely through their lands, which means that there is not an abundant supply of potential sires just wandering by. if they want to have a child, they have to find a stud, and that means travelling outside the Gerudo lands more or less exactly for that purpose. 
the Gerudo are a warrior culture who live in a harsh environment, and prize strength and skill and martial might. they’re often called ‘thieves’ or ‘raiders’, and yes part of their raiding over the borders into the neighboring kingdom might be bands of Gerudo after goods and grain and stuff, but i think part of it is that you get these bands of Gerudo who have decided they want to have a child, band together, and go off on a journey to find some sire. they’re warriors, and they want their daughters to be strong warriors too, and so they want to find studs that will give their children strong genes. 
ie. they rove around challenging people to fights, and when they find someone who meets their criteria of being strong enough, or cunning enough, or maybe even just charming and sweet enough, they offer them a tumble in bed, fuck their brains out, and then continue on their way whistling merrily. they don’t do this to fall in love, they don’t want to marry these men, they purely want a roll in the hay so they can pop a bun in the oven, before wandering back to the desert to have the child and rear them themselves. (and yes, if they see a woman who is a good fighter, or even simply just very charming, they will 100% also roll in the hay with her, and also be way more likely to maybe invite her back home to get married if they end up really really gone on her).
Gerudo don’t have any possessiveness over these studs, since they’re usually only after them for one night, and so have no problem sharing. Which gets to fun things like a) a band of Gerudo deciding they all want one guy and (if willing) just passing him around and then moving on and b) some warrior getting a reputation among Gerudo for being strong and also honorable (and maybe also a good lay) and so getting tracked down specifically by questing Gerudo so they can use him as a stud, after challenging him to a fight so he can prove his mettle of course. fun times. 
all Gerudo are, by default, lesbians, with the vast majority being bisexual. there are some Gerudo who might decide men hold no appeal, at which point they’ll just decide they’d rather help raise someone else’s kids, and happily spend their entire lives in a lesbian relationship without even ever having to leave the desert or see a dick. there is no “straight” since men are not a norm in the culture, with the default instead being lesbians, with most Gerudo happy to also sleep with men for the purpose of bearing kids. some may also just, shrug, like sleeping with men, but it’s nearly always on a, yeah thats a bit of fun on the side kind of way. 
this whole system makes their concepts of marriage really interesting, tbh. like, of course Gerudo fall in love and get married, but they do that with other Gerudo. when Gerudo get married, they do it as a pair of wives, for love. after all, together they can’t have kids, so there’s not really a point to arranged marriages to tie together families. two Gerudo will fall in love, get married, and when they decide to have a child, they will maybe one or both wander off with a roving band to go fight and find a stud. 
this has interesting implications for Gerudo attitudes towards sex as well. as sex between Gerudo is by necessity solely for pleasure, since they can’t get each other pregnant. which means that they have very liberal views towards it, in regards to it being seen as a very normal and natural thing, done primarily for the enjoyment of the act itself, rather than as a means of only having kids. similarly, sex with men, or outsiders, while fun, is largely a functional thing, done for the specific purpose of trying to get pregnant, and is a ‘no strings attached’ kind of deal.
so ‘marriage’ = ‘Gerudo marrying Gerudo’, ‘studding’ = ‘going and finding a man to sleep with so that you can have a child’. aka ‘women = love’, ‘men = no strings attached sex’.
kids raised in the Gerudo lands are raised communally by the mother and her family. like many cultures, they live in large multi-generational families, in which many people live together or are in the vicinity, sharing close ties. grandmothers, aunts, cousins, sisters, they all help out in the raising of the child. a child is a big ordeal, and tiring, so everyone helps out, and the child is essentially considered the child of the family. this is reinforced by the fact that because going and getting pregnant is such an effort, theres not a lot of women who have babies at the same time, meaning that by and large most family members and friends are available to lend a hand at any given time. after all, most of them want kids, but just haven’t had the chance themselves yet, or can’t be bothered having to go on a whole long quest for it.
this is where things start to get interesting in terms of relationships with the fathers. by and large, Gerudo don’t even really consider men an option for marriage, it just doesn’t occur to them. part of this is that ‘marriage = wife’ according to their culture, so the norms regarding marriage is for lesbian couples who will raise their kids together. but part of it is also the effect of what would happen if you did decide to marry a man from an outside culture. 
see, in most cultures marriage exists as a way of tying men and women together. each man has his wife, that no one else can touch, as a way of ensuring that all her kids are his and that his family line is being continued. a woman takes her husbands name, and her kids belong to his family, taking their fathers name as well. 
and this causes enormous strife when it comes to the Gerudo, because they’re matrilineal. all children belong to the mother, and are from her line, and are raised by her family. to marry a man and let him claim the children is essentially to steal the right to those children away from the mother’s family, robbing the rest of her sisters and aunts, etc, of the chance to know and help raise the child. no men live in the Gerudo desert, so any Gerudo who married would have to stay with the husbands family - never mind the fact that is is also how marriage traditionally works historically irl - and so any children would, in addition to being claimed by his name, be literally so far away that the theft is very much a physical one as well as a spiritual one. 
to chose to marry a man of another culture, staying with him, is essentially choosing cultural exile and robbing your daughters of the chance to be raised with the love and support of her aunts, grandmothers, sisters, etc. for anyone, but especially for a Gerudo, that’s pretty devastating, and so even if some of them were inclined to be like ‘yeah that guy is sort of nice' the cons just so far outweigh the pros that they’d never consider it. 
if anything, if they saw a man they like and were like ‘yeah actually, i’d like to keep him around’, they wouldn't marry him, but rather bring him back as a stud. essentially a lover on the side, who would (if willing) also be shared with the Gerudo’s wife and sister warriors. even this is exceptionally rare, and is done with the understanding that all of the kids born by that father are the mother’s first, taking her name, since the concept of ‘fatherhood’ doesn’t really exist to the Gerudo. at best, the man would take the place of an uncle, same as all the aunts, helping in the communal raising of the child but without any special distinction placed on his role, since the gendered role of ‘father’ within the family simply doesn’t exist in Gerudo culture. 
this cultural clash between children belonging to the mother and children belonging to the father is part of the reason that men are more or less forbidden in the desert. like, if a man was willing to marry a Gerudo and travel back with her, there’s still those cultural norms and assumptions about how the family should work and who is the head of it, which just simply don’t gel with the Gerudo’s more communal matrilineal approach. it’s not so much an ‘ew you have a dick go away’ kind of motive, but rather a means of protecting their culture and way of life, to avoid men marrying Gerudo, settling in her homeland, and causing conflict as his way of life comes at odds with her’s and their norms of how a family is run clash. marrying men isn’t how its done, and only causes problems, so men are not allowed in the Gerudo homeland. 
tldr; the Gerudo are an amazonian culture of lesbians who marry each other, have matrilineal families, and wander out of the desert to go fight men and sleep with them, using them as studs, before waving goodbye and wandering back home, leaving the men slightly stunned and wide eyed in their wake. 
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aryesdanger24 · 11 months
So uh....those Gerudo women...and uh Ganondorf....they uh...they hot right? Because ah....they so nice to look at and all I want is more of them and their culture.
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Also like, I want to be hugged by them....in a totally not gay way...haha...yeah....I uh...I am very queer.
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Every LoZ game with Gerudo women is just good stuff.
Also like, I think they would just be very good at taking care of cats and animals and I want to see them in modern clothes, i want to see their normal food, I want to know more about the Gerudo women and I uh...just really REALLY want to be hugged by one because buff women just make me short circuit so bad...
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I don't know if I want to be like them or if I want to make out with them or what, but I am indeed fascinated by their culture and am earnest in my desire to be, at the very least, hugged by buff women.
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Me when I see fictional buff women:
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I have yet to meet in person with a buff woman in my 25 years of living and honestly, it needs to be rectified because maybe I just want to hug and sleep next to a buff girlfriend. To be hugged as something precious knowing they are trying actively not to hug too hard is just the best way to know I have the attention maybe.
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I don't know, I ugly and never dated anyone or anything, but it's nice to think about.
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i do not understand the whole “trans men are actually butch lesbians” terf thing. cause like. have you seen a butch lesbian? they are so much cooler then me
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lovely-v · 1 year
so far idk why my friend told me i would love the ocarina spirit temple the only guess i have rn is that it’s because of how you gotta talk to a lot of hot ladies to get there
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isopods-anonymous · 2 years
I know it will never happen but I want a game about the seven Gerudo heroines from botw so badly. Who were these women? What did they do for Gerudo society that made them important enough to create statues in their honor? Did they work with/ have contact with any reincarnations of the hero or goddess?
There’s just so much potential in these women, both from a world building stand point but also in countering the inherent problems that arise from only centering zelda/link’s perspective
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hybryda · 9 months
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Another batch, mostly lineups:Link with his stupid tall new family, Gerudo Women that are too TALL (also Ganon is even bigger, what do they feed him) and some Purah from all 3 games (TotK one is imo the best) also I just wanted to show how I worked out glow animation on Dranon but it was so silly stiff so I added some lazy movement. That is one angry puppy D :
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
Okay so I have a lot of thoughts about the whole thing of the Gerudo being a race of entirely women, with the only exception being one man born every hundred years, and that man automatically being their king. Now this worldbuilding comes from Ocarina of Time, and there's obviously a metric fuckton of unfortunate implications there, because it was 1998. And it seems that Tears of the Kingdom is sticking with the lore of Gerudo men being extremely rare and becoming the King of their people, which once again has a metric fuckton of unfortunate implications because it's 2023 and Nintendo has somehow gotten even worse about this shit.
But let's set aside the whole... everything, and look at this from just the in-universe perspective. How does it work? I mean, it's pretty clear that there is no overlap between the kings; the old ones are normally long gone by the time a new one is born, but the Gerudo manage to take care of themselves during the hangtime. So they must have an established system of government and leadership that doesn't involve a king, and somehow that system is set up in a way that does a smooth transfer of power once a new king is born and old enough to take the throne. But why bother always declaring a random guy to be your King when you already have a perfectly functional system in place?
I mean again, the whole thing has a lot of sexist implications, but we're not looking at this from a real world context, we're examining it in-universe. And we could just go the lazy route and say that their king is in charge just because he's the only man, but I don't like that. I mean come on, the Gerudo are a race of entirely women, and most of their outside problems come from Hylian men being creepy about it. They are entirely a matriarchy; there is literally no reason for their culture to have an inherent respect for men, even if the man in question is one of them. And they're desert people; they live in an extremely harsh and dangerous landscape, if they don't have their shit together, they will die. By sheer necessity, their culture needs to put a lot of value in being practical, because if they're stupid about things, people die. They really can't afford to have a shitty leader take over, and just letting some guy take the wheel doesn't really fit with the way their culture must otherwise work.
So again, why the fuck do they bother having a King?
I think it's mainly just a ceremonial position. Yes, if the guy is a good leader he'll be in charge, but if he isn't good at being a King or isn't interested in the job... fuck it, they've already got a functional government system that's been leading their people the whole time, why fix what isn't broken? The title of Gerudo King isn't about leadership or power. I think it's more about belonging. Because the Gerudo are a culture where every single one of them can be defined in the same way... and there is exactly one exception once a century. Men are considered to be inherently outsiders at the best of times, and more often they're enemies. A man born into this culture is a natural outsider; he is completely unique, and that means he doesn't really fit into his community. And well... when someone is fundamentally different from the rest of their community, they tend to be ostracized.
So I think that's why the position of Gerudo King exists. It isn't about them needing or even wanting a man to lead them. The title of King doesn't need to involve any leadership at all. It's about giving the man born every century a place in their society. It's a way of saying yes, you are one of us, you are a Gerudo, you belong here, you are wanted and you are loved.
The Gerudo know that every hundred years, one of their children will be fundamentally different from all of his peers. And so their society is built to ensure that a child who is completely different from them will still be loved and accepted. He will always have a place in their society. He doesn't need to earn their love, he has it just for existing. These are his people.
The title of Gerudo King isn't an inherent position of authority. It's a promise of acceptance.
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what-even-is-thiss · 11 months
I’m fascinated by the fantasy races in Zelda games.
Zora are sexy fish people but actually fish like actually fish like buddy this is a fish person
Gerudo are very tall and all women because their room is no boys allowed
Gorons are all rock men because you just can’t tell the difference between the sexes and the gorons don’t care. Their main characteristic seems to be that they eat rocks and just like hanging out
The minish are just tiny dudes living in a different dimension and possibly magic idk
Koroks used to be Peter Pan style childish elf people until one day they decided to be trees instead
Rito are bird guys. Like wow that’s a bird person. They can fly. People in universe don’t know how people their size can fly but they do it anyways because they don’t care about physics.
Zonai are like idk goat demigods that like jumping off of cliffs into lakes or something. I’ve got a working theory that this is why they’re all dead.
Hyleans. Are they humans? Are they elf people? Depends on which game you’re playing. They do have long ears. They’re pretty squishy and easy to knock over but some of them are magic I guess. For some reason they seem to be in charge of most things. They seem to be willing to copulate with all of the other races
The gods don’t do much honestly. One of them seems to have a pet blonde swordsman and princess combo that she likes to reuse a lot to get her errands done for her so that’s cool I guess
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rawliverandgoronspice · 4 months
re: my last post, but I kind of have a good serving of criticism in my heart about the whole "gerudos as men r*pists*" trope that I've seen bouncing around in fandom since like 2008 at least (and before that I assume), but it's. not a particularly fun topic. so.
#thoughts#cw rape#gerudos#let's just say that#if we do need to go there#(and we Do Not need to go there particularly)#let's say this whole debacle ignores *a lot* of canon content that suggests where the power balance may actually lie#if it does lie anywhere#also the sexually aggressive/domineering brown people trope as another tool of dehumanization is not. yea#but idk I think it's an interesting takeaway to cultivate in the context of the overwhelming examples of#*hylians* being the ones to repeatedly overstep gerudo boundaries#gerudos don't capture men *men try to break in gerudo homes and get arrested* that's a pretty significant difference you guys#if gerudos were so aggressive about it wouldn't men rather be the ones to run away?#why are we keeping them out in the first place etc#anyway weird trope supported by almost nothing and often enabling VERY unhinged racist comments from its fanbase on the regular#can we talk about how the brown race is uncritically characterized as rapists --either ganondorf or his people#in spite of there being basically zero evidence anywhere in the games that this might be the case??? why is this an assumption we're making#idk man people be having weird hangups about all of this#also yeah sure the strong independant women has *got* to be man eaters that treat them like disposable garbage#and like#my dear Men of the Internet#maybe try to fix your anxieties surrounding women being self-sufficient and independant instead of projecting like crazy idk something#sorry the post is Unfun but it's been bothering me since forever#I remember being thirteen and reading a fic with this trope for the first time and being So Scandalized haha#but yeah I've been chewing on the thought ever since so here you go
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reallyromealone · 7 months
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Ganon omegaverse 2 baybee
Fluff, male reader, omegaverse, made up Hyrule lore, mentions of the Oracle's as I have been playing seasons and ages again as they're the best Zelda games fight me
(name) was in awe as he looked at gerudo valley, the endless sand dunes and the hot sun as they took a break at the Kara Kara Bazaar "we prepared clothes for you, the weather's aren't as fair as they are in the castle" Ganon said smoothly as one of the guards presented him with clothes.
Omegas were treated the same as women in Geredo town, many omegas saught refuge there and were welcomed, so it made sense that omegas wore similar clothes as the gerudo people "uberosa has graciously offered to help you in any way" Ganon said and (name) nodded as he was led to the small inn, the Gerudo who ran the Inn bowing to their king "Sav'aaq...my mate needs a place to change his clothes, could we perhaps use a room?" Ganon was calm and kind to his people who nodded "o-of course! It would be our honor!" One said and they were led to a large bedroom "Sarqso" Ganon said and (name) said a soft thank you with a curtsy to them much to their suprise.
"Uberosa can help you change as needed...I'll be outside" Ganon said smoothly and (name) nodded, the trip had been a bit of a blur so far.
"Did you know of the engagement?" Uberosa asked casually as she helped him clasp anything and adjust, when needed "I wish I did... I-I don't know why my sister would keep something like that...not just from me but from everyone-- aside from betraying me she could have caused /war/"
"The pain it would cause both our people... it's selfish of her" he said and Uberosa was quite shocked, so far the Omega seemed dainty and like many omegas in upper class status but to hear him openly call the Queen selfish /and/ think of not just his people but the Gerudo was quite refreshing.
"I formally apologize for my sister's negligence" (name) bowed to the Gerudo who pulled him up "Fret not little Omega, you are not responsible for your sisters actions"
"I just hope I can make a good impression with your people"
"You are mates to my brother, you too are a Gerudo"
"Wait-- you're his sister?" (Name) whispered in awe "you're my sister in law?"
"I am" she smiled softly at his look if awe "A-and you do combat? That's so cool! Zelda knew how to use a sword but I wasn't allowed because I was an Omega, gosh I have so much to learn about the Gerudo people!"
Uberosa found the smaller Omega (compared to her any Hylian was tiny) quite fascinating as she helped him finish up, dressed in lovely Gerudo clothes, the poor Omega fitting in their more teen sizes.
"Fit like a Gerudo" Ganon said smiling as he could see (name) beam from behind the delicate silk that covered his mouth "you think? It's so much more light weight than Hylian clothes" he said happily and Ganon led him back to the carriage "you look wonderful".
The valley was vast as Ganon pointed out things in the far distances, landmarks and such "that is the temple though it's far to dangerous to go into at the moment" he explained and (name) nodded, fully paying attention as he looked at where the other pointed. Ganon found his curiosity precious and was incredibly pleased his mate loved the valley as much as he did "this will be your home, so it's best you know things about it that aren't from books" he looked at (name)s outfit, enjoying the sight of his exposed stomach and knew (name) was sneaking glances at him, the male Gerudo clothes showing his muscles fully and he could faintly smell the attraction from the other who desperately tried to hide his scent.
"Welcome to Gerudo town" he said as they stopped before the sandstone walls that hid the large city, Ganon stepping out as the door opened to help the Omega out and smiling internally at the look of awe on his face "better than the books?"
"Far..." The hot sand slid slightly against his flats, the hot desert Sun like no other but he was giddy none the less.
Between the sandstone buildings were vibrant shades of colored fabrics as stalls lined the townsquare, merchants selling their wares and the sound of water from the stream running through the city. He felt his body shake in excitement and eyes looked around with wonder "you live here?"
"We live here" Ganon said to the other who flushed slightly "we can give you a tour of the town tomorrow, for now we should get you settled in yes?"
The rooms were grand, soft looking blankets and pillows adorned the room he was led to as windows looked out the endless cast desert "I prepared you a room of your own, I didn't want you to feel pressured sharing quarters with me just yet" (name) chirped at his kindness as Ganon took his hands in his own and gently kissed the knuckles "I will leave you to settle"
When night rolled around, (name) had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders as he gazed through the large windows of his room, the valley was beautiful at night as stars littered the sky like flecks of paint... It was like nothing he had seen before at the castle. It was colder too, the Omega shivering slightly under the thick blanket "troubles sleeping?" (Name) turned around to see Ganon dressed in a Bastian shirt and dark pants and shoes.
"It's pretty..." Was all (name) said as his fiance walked to where he was and (name) reached out "care to join me?"
The two couldn't understand their attraction to one another, it was predestined for centuries but it felt like the stars aligned in their favor.
(Name) let himself be sat in ganons lap as they looked at the stars, (name) pointing to the constellations that were not able to be seen from Hyrule Castle, what he learned in his books coming in handy as he spoke "that is the constellation for din, it's said the star shines brighter when a season changes" he explained and Ganon hummed "in Hyrule, we could only see farores... What do you think the Oracle's were like?"
"I was told that Din was a traveller, a Nomad one could say... She was one of the first to settle in Gerudo valley..." Ganon said softly, holding pride in his people "it's said nayru still lives, she travels through time and visits periods and watches over to make sure time stays right"
"And farore?"
"None is known about her but it's said she travelled to ta neighboring kingdom and lived in a tree not unlike our Deku tree" ganons voice was soothing as (name) settled in his chest, the smell of spices and honey comforting him as his eyes slipped shut, enjoying the sweet words his fiance spoke.
Ganon stopped speaking when he felt (name) slump, smiling at the Omega who was sleeping so gently against him.
He was truly made for him.
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