#Genlock season 2
saintofpride201 · 1 year
There's like... 5 layers of irony in the existence of Genlock season 2. The theme of the Ship of Theseus being prominent in season 1, and later season 2 being transfered to a different company, with writers, artists, and overall staff being replaced entirely to the point where it's not the same show anymore. The hamfisted anti-capitalist ideology that wasn't present in the first season (or at least not in the way s2 presents it), and the fact that season two is what it is because of greedy capitalistic practices. The fact that a plot point was greed and wanting results as quick as possible (also leading to the plot being rushed), and the fact that season 2 was quickly rushed out with only about a week of marketing out of nowhere.
Just... So many things. They may have had an RT supervisor, but a lot of good THAT did.
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scattered-winter · 1 year
ok read the renegades books and shit was kinda insane. I lost my fucking MIND when they revealed everything with Agent N. Everything with their society and the idea of what would happen if a group of genuinely (originally) well-meaning superheroes set themselves up as the unilateral dictators of a city in an attempt to save it was fascinating. like the weird dynamics of the whole-ass government being Just Superheroes and thus superheroes being called upon to do things they aren't really needed for/isn't their area (like superheroes dealing with petty vandalism, but also like- superheroes with seemingly no experience with politics or government making laws? and the lack of non-superhero organizations to deal with any of those problems- like during the entire library fire scene I was just like hmm this seems like a great moment to have a fire department and not have to roll the dice on whether someone in the patrol group has a water power, and subsequently have to wait for someone with a relevant power to show up when it turns out they don't. I feel like a lot of nova's thoughts and takes were so interesting).
also enemies-to-lovers isn't the best trope, simultaneously being lovers in your hero identities and enemies in your vigilante/villain identities IS
this ask keeps getting longer but anyway nova is pretty based for someone with basically got batman'd as a kid. also I just realized in the last 5 minutes that you watched genlock which is rad as fuck because that show basically took over my brain a couple years ago. endless conversations about chase/nemesis. anyway peace
you summed up all my thoughts so well because it's like. the original renegades meant well!! they really did!!! but they're SUPERHEROES, not necessarily leaders!! there's a lot of things they're not really qualified for that they're forced to deal with because of the pedestal that the ppl have put them on (and also the pedestal they put themselves on) and its just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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misses-celeste · 1 year
Holy fuck
I thought y’all were just being critical-
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trialbystory · 3 months
Well Fuck. That's an unfortunate way to bring things to a close. For the past few years I've only really been following the Animation wing of RT, and after the abject letdown that was Genlock Season 2 it was mainly just a desire to see how RWBY wound up shaking out that kept me around at all, but this company was a giant and has a pretty damn massive legacy. IF you want a glass half-full take: Depending on how much faith you had in RT/WB's desire to (with all due respect to Mr. Cody Rhodes) 'finish the story' when it comes to RWBY and the limbo Volume 10 has been in, there's a chance that if someone buys the show they'll be more inclined to actually do the final season.
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
"Please understand, animation is expensive and budget distate everything and there is sooo much behind the production!"
1 - Hey im not sure that this is okay that animator speak about this. Not in the way “never speak about this we do not care” more like “is this a signal for us? Are you all okay???”. I just fucking hope you get your paycheck big enough and this is not an attempt to justify the company that you were not paid enough (but you just love to much this series to say this is wrong) or this is not some kinda signal that you were abused as an animator (and your colleagues too). No matter what animators sometime tell us about new episodes, i hope you all were treated well. Or at least animation department, because god damn we do not want to them get treated like in Genlock/Volume 6 times. As an amateur animator who loves animation with all my heart, i hope you all okay because this whole thing for me was sounding as a alert signal. But also - no matter how you love this series and working on “dream project”, you don't have to sacrifice yourself for this.
2 - There is a thing - i dont know about everybody but im trying to not blame everything on animators, ask too much of them and basically im trying to not touch visual part of the series because when is good i try to point this out, but when its bad or have some errors i mostly think that its maybe bad management (”animation error/animator portrait this moment wrongly and we didnt check this”), crunch or someone didn't get paid enough. A lot of you have to work in not the most pleasant mode, with  not the best people not in the best conditions. So this whole thing is not about animation, music, rigging or something else that makes my impression worse of episode 9...
3 - My main problem is writing. Not “there was not enough animation in this episode” or “this episode is tooo short” (like yes it is short episode and this is a whole problem in R/WBY, but this post is not about this specifically) but what they decide to write for 12 min 30 second episode after pretty important and pretty stressful episode. So this whole story is not even about “this episode is short i wish that episode was longer(” but about “i wish this episode was not feel so empty and offensive in relation to some topics”.
4 - “But what if writers is also get crunch, underpaid and difficult deadline? Have pity on them too!” If they are also under some crunching not by their will just like what happened to people who were doing rigging process - OH MY GOD. I know that this is not so likely, since some of the writers are quite importante figures in RT and CR/WBY, but....you know....if they are...them f u c k...
5 - Also did we not get a whole game, anime and something else before we even got the final trailer and date for a new season? This two part crossover movie? If they have money for supplementary material but not for the main product - i think this is not about “not enough money” thing and more about shitty deciding where to spend your budget.
(also its been what +-10 years? With new engine - 6 years, and there is still talks about budget.)
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tumblezwei · 2 years
I don't think this animator news means they're cancelling the show. All their projects are just done in the animation stage and the extended hiatus means V10 hasn't been greenlit so contracts haven't been renewed. Many will get rehired and other ones will get brought on once V10 is greenlit. Definitely a case of the sleazy "turn salaried positions to contract jobs" tactic but not the show going down in flames
Well first, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I think the show will be cancelled. It's RT's best cash cow and for as stupid as I think the bigwigs there and at WB are, they aren't that stupid.
But what I do fear is a Genlock season 2 situation. What's making me so anxious is that CRWBY is dwindling at such a rapid rate and not even the writing team is guaranteed to stay.
Second, I'd be more willing to have your optimism if the many announcement posts being made by now-former CRWBY members didn't sound so final. Nothing about the way these people speak about their contracts ending make me confident that they'll be brought back.
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thesouppond · 9 months
Is genlock still worth watching?
I think this depends on what you're expecting. If you're a hardcore mecha fan, it might be a little generic, but as a general 'just consumes whatever media is cool' then I think it absolutely is.
I'd also wanna clarify when I say that, it is specifically referring to season 1, and if you're up for it, the DC comics and the Storm Warning novel. Under no circumstances is season 2 worth watching. Please don't do that to yourself.
But season 1?
Stellar voice cast and acting, great balance of seriousness and humor, cool ass mechs and amazing found family of diverse characters with actual good representation. I mean what other series has their main cast consisting of a Black disabled lead, an Iranian fighter pilot who is canonically Muslim, a scrappy teenaged hacker dealing with the actual ramifications of being thrown into traumatic experiences, a Japanese soldier who doesn't fight under some stereotypical honor code, and a genderfluid person who's identity is important to their story, but not the focus of their existence. Even the secondary cast have a good mix of representation too. And David Tennant. Who doesn't love David Tennant.
Even with most of their casting they actually did pretty well on representing the range of diversity they portray. Val/entina being voiced by a NB actor, and Kazu, Chase and Yaz voiced by actors from their respective cultures. Cammie and Weller are just stellar.
The characters are wonderfully nuanced, with their cultures and backgrounds playing important roles through their stories without it being stereotypical or forced. Though the world building as a whole is kept somewhat vague I assume due to runtime, just something to keep in mind.
It honestly is the biggest let down that season 2 went back on all of that development and reduced every character down to stereotyped tropes, but season 1? Absolutely worth imo.
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niqhtlord01 · 2 years
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Writing Mistakes: Changing Lore Without Reason.
One of the biggest challenges of writing is creating lore. Lore is what established the foundation of what characters or groups of characters represent and believe in. It justifies their motives, shapes who they are in the world around them and how others interact with them, and sets the course for their future in your stories. Once that lore is set down and enough people read it eventually it will become the undisputable fact in their minds. So when a writer is tempted to change the facts of that lore and present the new material as completely opposite to what has come before without any good reason, you may find that transition to not go as smoothly as you had planned, both with how the new lore fits into the overall story, and how fans will react to it. Case and point, Genlock Season 2. -----------
Genlock was a fascinating and new show made by Rooster Teeth.
It had well-choreographed fights scenes, unique characters, twist villains, and a surprisingly deep conversation about what really makes us who we are and how sharing our experiences helps us grow.
Then the second season happened…..and…well…….
It did not do it justice.
This can be tallied up to several factors but one of the biggest problems was the ignoring of established lore from the first season.
For starters we can begin with the biggest change to the series regarding the main antagonist the Great Union of the Fourth Turning Republics, or more commonly known as The Union.
In the first season, the Union was portrayed as an authoritarian government suffering no forms of descent from within their ranks.
Technologically they inferior to the Polity, the coalition of nations the main protagonists fight under. This description goes one step further when Dr. Weller even calls them scavengers, stealing technology and repurposing it for their own use while at times not fully understanding how it functions.
Their military tactics revolve around avoiding large scale battles because of their limited military power and instead relying heavily on their use of nanotech death clouds to thin out their enemies ranks before the engagements even begin. These nanotech clouds appear to be their one major advantage over the Polity for much of season 1 which allowed them to win a majority of their early victories.
In short they are portrayed as a nation of opportunists who use indirect methods of warfare to achieve their goals alongside a slow and calculated military advance to achieve world domination.
In season 2, new layers are added that bring much of that established lore from season 1 into question if not contradictory.
Season 2 depicts the Union as a Theocracy which merges all religions into a single religion that ends with the ascension of humanity through nanotechnology.
Their end goal of world domination and establishing a collective like world order is replaced with their new goal to instead help humanity ascend into the digital realm to survive their coming extinction from the damage done to the global environment.
We are introduced to several new characters within the Union that help reinforce its heavy religious attributes and quickly paints itself as a “Death Cult”, as described by one of the protagonists, as they see no hope for saving the world as it is and instead seek every human on the planet to shake off their mortal flesh and join the nanotech cloud known as the “Flow”.
Right off the bat we can see the problems already starting to appear.
Having your established villains suddenly change their motives is not something new to storytelling, but doing so off screen between seasons with little to no established material to support this change is a bad choice.
It would be like Skeletor deciding between seasons that his real rival all along wasn’t He-man but Orko, despite an entire seasons worth of battles, banter, schemes, and conflicts all revolving around his feud with He-man.
It just doesn’t make sense, and neither does the sudden paradigm shift with the Union.
Season 2 Union is all about having humanity ascend via nanotech. Yet in season 1 we see the Union using their nanotech clouds to attack all organic matter, be it plants, animals, or even people. The exception to this is those who serve the Union are instead spared the nanotech attack and are allowed to continue living.
If their end goal had been the ascension of humanity, why would the nanotech only target non-union people? Why even attack plants and animals?
Because the nanotech clouds in season 1 were designed as a weapon, not as a religious method of ascension.
In their attempts to expand upon the lore of the Union for season 2 the writers instead created an entirely different Union then what viewers had seen in season 1 with different goals and motives that now disconnect from previous events.
In my opinion they should have stuck with the Union remaining an Authoritarian government, but there were ways to portray the Union as a collective of religious zealots that would have fit into the established lore.
Example 1: The Union view the Polity as heretics and therefore unworthy of ascension. This would explain why the nanotech cloud killed all humans that weren’t Union aligned.
Example 2: Protagonists find forced conversion camps that are brainwashing captured civilians and soldiers and turning them into fanatics. This would align with the Union kidnapping multiple people during season 1.
Example 3: You have the leader portraying them as an authoritarian when in reality the ruling caste of the Union is in fact the death cult attempting to make humanity ascend without the rest of the Union knowing. This could come from the overly secretive nature of the Union as much of their motives remained hidden for season 1.
These options would have provided a smooth transition into the new motives of the Union and given a bit more unity with the plot. Instead, we are just told that the Union is a religious Theocracy and that it has always been that with no tie ins to the first season save the retcons they make in season 2.
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modkatisbacc · 2 years
New Story Ideas!
Warcraft Stories:
Ninjago (WIP, more about it in my Ninjago Warcraft tag!): Ninjagos plot in Azeroths setting, with a lot of changes, but the core is still the same.
BH6: Tadashi Hamada was the perfect student. He got all a’s in the first year of college, and was looking forward for his next semester. One day, Tadashi decided to drive his scooter through the woods near his home. Destiny had other plans for him, however. A Titan, one of the very few that had escaped from Sargeras, had landed in the woods. Tadashi accidentally saves the Titan, and in return the Titan is indebted to him. (Titan!Baymax)
Pocket Sized Time Dragon: Original story :) Will edit this one later.
RWBY crossovers/stories:
Rwby x Ninjago: Three chapters up on ao3! Will continue shortly, hopefully. (KatlynnWalker)
RWBY/Genlock: I just think it would be neat if they kids were all friends (takes place in rwbys universe)
Ninjago: Original Fan Season. I wanna work on the rest of the character sheets tonight I’m very excited. Think of this as Seabound but it’s a Kai focus season and it deals with Fire, and very much Loss.png I have so many Ninjago ocs now and most of them are evil and want to hurt Kai specifically. (Mostly just three of them)
BH6 (but is it REALLY?)
Alright BH6 fandom this isn’t normally something I *do* and I’ve never done it before but Im making an MA fic, it is 1: Not canon placed (at all? To bh6) 2: very violent (if I remember the context of the dream, they are running from a serial killer) 3: Entirely based off a dream I had, where big hero six had to save a town from a notorious serial killer who somehow got his hands on a *checks notes* Gatling Gun. Making another post on this because there’s a WHOLE OTHER SIDE PLOT GOING ON.
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saltwukong · 2 years
RWBY cannot be salvaged in it's current state. So why not go full stupid and go the way of Genlock season 2? At least it would end as a horrifically entertaining train wreck XD
Volume 6 really proved that damage control really is a futile effort when it comes to this show, so who knows? Let's go, Game of Thrones.
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kaedeichinose · 2 years
i will never understand how gray haddock managed to ocnvince so many ceos and execs that genlock was gunna be big. theres like nothing there. theres like less meat there than a marvel movie and its 2 entire seasons of television. how did they buy into this.
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leviticus101st · 8 months
My Live Tweet thread of Gen:Lock
(I copy and pasted a Twitter Thread of my reaction to Gen:Lock. I'm more active on Twitter, so if ya want to see more from me, my @ is LeviJones101st)
I don't usually do this, but I decided to live tweet my watch through of Gen:Lock.
Let's see if this shit show was worth all the workplace abuse and fucking over of the Nomad of Nowhere.
Spoilers: I believe the answer is gonna be no.
Okay. Starting out and this is more of a small thing, but I've gotten really sick of Sci fi settings that always like showing off how super advanced they are by showing technology that does not look like it'd be used.
Like Dave and his girlfriend decided to take leave to visit his mom with……some kind of physical hologram?
Why? Why do this instead of just physically going there?
My nitpicking aside. This opener is actually really solid, establishing this mysterious threat that I totally didn't spoil myself on and making the main hero look likable.
"How did it get so close?!" Lady. If nome of you noticed that thing, ya'll would have fallen apart even if this Union thing wasn't around.
Okay, this opening episode was actually pretty good.
And….wooow that Theme Song does not match this kind of show. It's apparently a licensed song, which is just baffling to me.
They forced people from their other projects to rush their work on this show, they had a moral line not to force a rush job from Jeff and Casey Williams?
I mean, I'm happy for them not being forced to crunch out or anything, I just find it funny that's where they draw the line.
I like that Chase is actually taking all of this very well.
It's actually quite nice.
OH MY GOD! THEY SAID THE THANG! can I go home now?
Doc….I think they're meeting their future regardless……I mean the future is the time that isn't now…….so technically they'll never meet it.
Also, I do believe that people should grieve however they can……but Miranda is kind of an asshole. At least the lady in MoU said 'good to say ya again'
I actually really love Weller. He is just so casual about everything and I love it.
I'm actually getting into this show. It is a bit slow though, ESPECIALLY for an 8 episode season.
"Making soldiers out of children!" Lady. These are grown ass adults. We're these guys meant to be like teenagers originally?
Weller's speech about "making a difference" is actually quite nice.
I'm already halfway through S1 and while it's been slow going, I'm actually really enjoying myself so far.
Hey. They're saying the RWBY thing.
This Nemesis thing is actually pretty cool.
And the action is actually pretty solid.
Being in a digital space where you control the mech and can affect the mind and personality of the mech pilot is actually a very interesting concept.
I'm sure somewhere this idea was done before, but this is an interesting concept.
The Chase clone twist is actually very compelling.
"Your Deus Ex Machina!"
That's actually a very clever double meaning with the phrase, kudos.
It took us til the end of the season, but we finally got the genlocks in their promoted designs.
The designs do clash with the shows visual aesthetic, but they are actually cool.
Okay. Overall, this first season was actually pretty good.
I'll be watching the second season tommorow, since it's like 10:00 where I live and i have a cavity filling tommorow.
So if what I heard about Season 2 is true, ill be in for a double whammy of pain.
Got a cavity filling and I can't feel the left side of my mouth.
Sounds like the perfect condition to watch Gen:Lock S2. I might be out of it, so maybe there won't be much live tweeting.
Hopefully, people were just overexaggerating how bad it is and it's just okay at worst.
Though I doubt it given what I've heard.
Okay this theme song matches the show better……but honestly this one just sucks.
And immediately it's clear that it's a different person writing for the show.
"Kazu is just whining" no, he’s not. You're just being childish Chase.
Aside from some awkwardness with the new creative team, this first episode was actually pretty solid.
Are they…….are they trying to make the Union look like they were in the right?????¿
Also, a good showcase of why you can't just stretch something into a 16:9 screen format
The Union:
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Did the priest dude just use a deadass evil switch.
Wow, they really are tying to present this as a grey on grey conflict, aren't they?
Oh my lord they are.
It was a literal sex scene jumpscare.
Hmmmmmmm. I wonder if the Union, the guys who committed mass Terrorist actions, make machines that are over the topply evil, and took over the world, are the good guys.
Yasamin is the only character making sense in this damn show.
Whose idea was it to throw in all the sex stuff?????? It's not gritty or gross or whatever, IT'S JUST BIZARRE!
Also, why did nobody mention this climate crisis in Season 1?
Also, are they trying to make the Union look like a cult, because that's what it looks like to me.
This shallow samurai shit made to crap on old school anime is actually crapping on bad modern anime.
No seriously, this roboshogun stuff makes me cringe so hard.
It's trying to mock old mecha anime like Gundam and the like, but instead it's giving me the vibe of a bad high-school anime that came out in the early 2010's.
Also, this might just be a me thing, but this attempt to jump around the timeline is really annoying. Just transition to one story and say their happening at the same time, yesh.
Toxic masculinity stuff. I am totally tapped out on this.
Another JumpSex. That's my new nickname for it.
"See how the Polity wars!" I do see……it is significantly better than how you guys do it
Wow…..Cammie is kind of a brat.
Wow. This making the polity bad shit is annoying.
And of course……Kazu's dead.
Who the fuck kills off a character after their arc just finished?!
Like……..narratively what does this accomplish????? And no 'showing the hardship of war' is not a good reason.
All this 'grey on grey morality ' shit has done is make me hate all the characters.
Except for Kazu and Yasamin…….and they killed the former. And the latter I only like because she is the only one calling out everyone's bullshit.
And now I have to listen to Marin try and justify fascism.
'Like my old one, but different' I want to throw a dictionary at your head.
This Chase corruption plot is actually cool and interesting, a shame it's not the actual focus of this damn season.
They're trying way too hard to portray the 'Flow' as a good thing.
"Man, this roboshogun thing is so graphic!"
Why are you people affected by a 2D cartoon with blood in it when you've seen a bunch of corpses.
Also, mandatory joke about how 3D characters see live action shows and that kinda thing.
Ew……just ew.
Marin is trying to stop a cult from ruling the world and everyone is trying to stop her 'evul' plan.
I hate well intentioned extremists Union. I hate it so much.
I love mechanic dude and I can never remember his name.
I have to say the LowTierGod cinematic universe is turning out to be extremely lame so far.
I praised RWBY Vol9 when It did this thing, but I think this show makes that stuff worst in hindsight.
Also, why is Cammie's model look so weird????
God, the ceo mech is so ugly
I haven't mentioned this, but man this show is so much uglier now
I actually really like the Chase plot, it's just a shame that it's buried in so much crap.
Oh my god, the last episode, I'm almost done here.
I'm all burnt out on this show. I'm just gonna point out what's funny from now.
YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF NOW!-The Ultimate Message of Gen:Lock
I love this dumb fucking ai thing so much.
God, at times the dialogue is so fucking bad.
God, I hate Sinclair so bad.
Also, the body horror is so lame.
Lmao! This beast thing was made out to be so big and might and yet it's so small next to the skyscrapers.
That's it? That's the climax???????????? WHAT?!
Also, Genlock's message…..it's proud theme?!
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What did Chase's sister do to get to New York exactly????
I'm gonna fucking scream.
That's it? THAT'S IT?!
Fuck this 2nd season!
Fuck the higher ups for abusing the staff!
Fuck the pornbots who keep liking this thread!
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I did this whole ass thread and I appreciate absolutely none of it.
On the plus side, I can feel the left side of my face again….mostly.
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why i left the fandom:
star wars: the last jedi was terrible, and both sides of the fanbase were toxic.
star trek: sudden realization of how insufferably smug TNG is (though I can still enjoy classic on occasion)
marvel: fatigue.
hero academia: the continued sexualization of teenagers made me very uncomfortable (as did the fanbase’s protectiveness of these scenes), and the tactical nature of earlier fights completely vanished, leaving a bland power fantasy.
genlock: have you SEEN season 2?
halo: I could not slog through Halo 4.
doctor who: too much politics. I know, i know, pot calling the kettle black.
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91 notes • Posted 2021-02-20 19:30:50 GMT
Ok so I just learned of an oddtaxi theory that says that the whole anthropomorphic animal's aspect of the anime is in fact an hallucination, since everything is seen primarily through the protagonist's lens and he's been confirmed to suffer some sort of medical condition for which he might not be properly medicated.
And it's not like is one of these wild speculation theories there is evidence in the anime that points towards this:
- Nobody refers to each other by their species or animals. No one ever says "that cat", "that dog" or "that [animal]", etc. The only who has ever done this is odokawa himself and the people who he has referred to as a specific animal had a suspicious reaction, as if they were weirded out or decided to follow his "joke".
- Odokawa had a flashback to an accident that he had when he was a child, but the two shapes that in the flashback look vaguely human, lacking any sort of animal traits.
- Odokawa seems to easily recognise people, and even seems surprised that people can't recognise others just as well. If you ascribe to this theory, it could be because he sees each individual with a vividly different appearance, facilitating recognition. On the opposite side people on the anime at one point manage to confuse two characters that are presented as two very different animals, which would be less strange that it happened if they aren't animals.
- In the official music video for the OP song, the singers are humans all throughout except on the moment that Odokawa looks at them through the rear view mirror, where they appear as anthropomorphic animals.
- There seem to be non-anthropomorphic animals, some seem to be birds, which could be argued that didn't "evolve" as there are no bird character that we know of (no reptiles or amphibians either), but there is a hint that there are non anthropomorphic cats too (though that happens in the opening and it's hinted that it might be more symbolic to the myth arc of the season than anything else).
All in all the problem that I have with this theory is that it serves little purpose beyond stating that Odokawa is an unreliable narrator. Shifting the artstyle mid anime could end up pretty being pretty jarring, and drive many away from it. Not to mention that everything seems to be designed for the antro aesthetic, it would make little sense to suddenly have to change proportions as well as character designs.
118 notes • Posted 2021-05-18 19:49:29 GMT
If you watch the entire show as a whole, you realize that the only reason Sakura got away with murder is not because she’s super smart or anything (she’s smart enough to be a keen opportunist, but all her plans lack foreshight, like, come on, she went to the murder scene on taxi), but because she’s so massively lucky the universe basically conspired to keep her beneath notice.
Leaving asside the fact that she just so happens to be incredibly similar to Yuki, enough that she could pass for her if she concealed her face, we have that:
1. Rui asked Yuki to meet at the office late at night to discus something alone, giving her the perfect window to kill her.
2. Yamamoto being so desperate to make Mystery Kiss work that he decided to cover up the murder with the help of the yakuza rather than calling the police.
3. Yuki’s father having ties to the yakuza. Which is used by Yamamoto to call of the search, but also causes the yakuza to issue an investigation of their own, leading to Odokawa’s dash-cam fotage not arriving to the police.
4. Dobu setting Shirakawa as the honey pot for Odokawa causes him to rush to get to one of their dates, setting off Tanaka’s homicidal mania. Then meeting him when he asks to put a tracker on the one guy who is a loose end in her scheme.
5. Rui being so consumed by guilt that she confesses her involvement with Yuki’s disaparence, setting her as the main suspect instead of her.
The only thing agaist her is that Odokawa eventually recognises her, and it’s implied that he wants to tell the police, but with Rui as the prime suspect, all efforts would provably go to prove that she’s the murderer rather that some random girl who “just happened” to be arround in a taxi, on the night of the murder.
126 notes • Posted 2021-07-02 19:59:05 GMT
The Odd Taxi finale really went and said "fuck it, unfurries your characters"
211 notes • Posted 2021-06-28 19:44:16 GMT
Hurrr durr OZZIE’S is not a place for sentimentality and cutesy stuff
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Bitch please
2058 notes • Posted 2021-10-31 21:37:50 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
YOU KNOW WHAT? I was in team “RT have zero connection with Genlock s2″. From now on i will stop believe that GenLock s2 was made full on by different team or that nobody was having any connection with the team, who did season 2. Ether that or nobody in team was like “lets not do anything what did Genlock s2 in term of writing”.
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mass-convergence · 2 years
So apparently Rooster Teeth is uh … being revealed as kind of a shit show to say the very very least.
And I’m just sitting here so very glad I didn’t watch GenLock season 2 because I didn’t have an HBO Max subscription … and then I heard about all the lovely character assassinations (some literal 😒😒😒) that happened in that season.
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