#Gen 4 and Gen 5 are my favorite generations could you have guessed
fandom-with-no-hope · 2 years
Idk about y'all guys but I would kill to get another Pokémon Game with Legends style based around Unova tbh
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bulbagarden · 1 year
guess what??? bulbapedia had its 50,000th wiki article created a bit ago, and to celebrate we made a news article celebrating bulbapedia! i'm actually in it, soo... take a look if you'd like!! (this was written by our twitter admin and my overlord wyndoncalling)
Celebrating 50k Bulbapedia articles with our favourite wiki pages!
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As one of the world's largest media franchises, Pokémon is monolithic to say the least. Documenting every facet of this gargantuan IP is a task perhaps only the most dedicated and/or foolhardy would embark on, yet that's exactly what our Bulbapedia team and thousands of selfless contributors have done over eighteen long years! With Pokémon now encompassing nine generations of main series games along with dozens of spin-offs, mobile games, movies, anime and manga series, merchandise and much more, the wiki itself has grown in tandem - we recently hit a whopping 50,000 articles!
To celebrate, we've compiled a list from across the Bulbagarden team of our favourite wiki articles. For our non-wiki team members, these might simply be pages that they enjoy reading and help inform their work in other aspects of the site. For wiki Staff, these could instead be pages that they've sunk many productive hours into. Read on for an eclectic collection of articles detailing some of the most obscure corners of the Pokémon franchise!
Credits to Staff artist Sirius for the awesome header image!
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WyndonCalling (Social Media) - Tall grass
On the one hand, I think it's faintly hilarious that anyone would go into such detail for a mundane and omnipresent mechanic of the main series games; the tall grass that awaits the player on every starting route just feels so self-explanatory in function. On the other hand, I think it speaks volumes about the commitment and mentality of the Bulbapedia team and contributors that no scrap of information is left undocumented - on the tall grass page you'll find the basic details about how it works, but also variations such as tall grass and seaweed, animations of the Cut mechanic, in-battle effects, and more. Who knew that simple grass could be so fascinating in a world with flame-throwing dragons and electric mice?
Runner-up - List of Pokémon by base stats
As the Admin of the Bulbagarden Twitter account, I'm always on the hunt for interesting trivia to share; having the base stats of all Pokémon in one, sortable place makes it so much easier to make fun comparisons between species (did you know that Krabby has more Attack than Eternatus?).
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Maverick Nate - Bulbapedia - Coin (TCG) (and its three subpages: Gens 1-4, Gens 5-6, and Gens 7-8)
This page is what I consider my best accomplishment during my 10 years as Bulbapedia's TCG Leader. There is an incredible amount of research, time, (and personal financial investment) baked into the article, and it always gives me a swell of pride when I update it with fresh images of newly acquired coins. There are over 700 different coins documented here, and I still fondly remember the long-night research sessions I would have with my best friend when we would do things like watch countless YouTube openings to figure out release information, check out endless eBay and Yahoo Auctions listings for never-before-seen coins, hold up physical coins to a spotlight trying to determine the Holofoil pattern. Our other friends would poke fun at us for researching in the field, (which was just our excuse to go shopping for newly released TCG products with new coins or hitting up garage sales and card shops on the off chance they had old ones). All of those years of effort produced what is now considered the definitive list of all coins in existence for coin enthusiasts. Whenever I see people online referencing it and using it for their own collections, I just have to smile, knowing that my favorite article is helping people all around the globe.
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Wowy (Bulbapedia) - Red (Masters)
This page is just an example for all the character pages for Pokémon Masters. As one of the main editors covering Pokémon Masters when the game was first released, I feel very content to see many other editors who have taken the mantle to make Bulbapedia's coverage of the game quite comprehensive! I also enjoy the gallery section at the bottom because there are some sweet artwork pieces that come out of the game / the PMEX Twitter.
Runner Up - Face board
An article that was initially written for fun ended up being moved from the userpage to the main Bulbapedia page. Like the tall grass page, it's a niche page that showcases how much we like to document every minor and obscure detail in the franchise (albeit there is still so much to cover)!
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Lisia (Social Media) (omg HIIII that's me!!!!) (姉ちゃん見て見て、あたしテレビだ。。) - Pokémon world in relation to the real world
This is a very extensive page, and it's very useful for a lot of different things! I use it for worldbuilding for fanfiction and roleplay stuff usually, but it's fun to look at just in general as well! I remember looking at the page first like... years ago, and it blew my mind to see that the Pokémon world was actually based off of real locations! It's something that I'd call a huge resource for anyone who creates Pokémon fanworks, especially written ones!
Runner Up - Lisia (i had to LOL)
Maybe it's a little... self-serving? But I really like this article of my personal namesake; she's my favorite character after all! She's a relatively minor character within the whole of Pokémon so there's not a whole lot of information about her, so I like reading all the stuff there is about her! It makes me happy that people have put work into articles about everyone, because well... in a way I wouldn't be me without it. I should probably contribute to it sometime!
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Orchid (Forums) - Pokémon food
I picked this article because it is astoundingly comprehensive on its topic, and offers a lot of really interesting insight into the Pokémon universe as a whole. From Poffins, to prey, to parasites, to Slowpoke Tails... it's all here! It's amazing how having all this information in one place puts into perspective just how much there is to cover on what, at a glance, might seem like such a simple subject. I find myself coming back here every now and then just out of curiosity (or perhaps to settle a debate about what an Aerodactyl really eats).
Runner-up - Twerp
This page is silly and I love it. I've even shown this one to friends and family who are fellow Pokémon fans, and they've gotten just as much of a kick out of it as I have! But as amusing of a read as it may be, what I love most about this page is the fact that even a short and lighthearted bit of terminology like this is documented thoroughly here, just like anything else would be. All across Bulbapedia, you can find so much care and detail put into the littlest of things, and that does bring a smile to my face
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DapperCody (Multimedia) - Ash Ketchum
Like many people, I grew up watching the Pokémon anime as a youngster. I enjoy Ash's article because it is comprehensive account of the quarter century that he has graced our screens - looking it over is very nostalgic. The history section with photos is fantastic, and I love being able to see all the Pokémon he has ever owned or used and their current status. It also has an extensive trivia section like all my favorite articles do. I've fallen down the anime rabbit hole on Bulbapedia numerous times, and Ash's page is a great place to start.
Runner Up - Ash's Noctowl
See all of the above, but from a different perspective. Pages for individual Pokémon from the anime are fantastic to get a glimpse into all the highlights from their time in the spotlight, and what better example of this than my personal favorite, Noctowl? The move history is really neat, especially the fact that it designates the moves recently used (and the illegal ones when applicable). Did you know Noctowl was the first Shiny Pokémon in the anime?
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bthrussellUK (Bulbapedia) - Pokémon Battle Chess
I really love this article because I think it’s an example of what Bulbapedia is great at; taking obscure Pokémon topics (especially outside of Japan) and saving them from being lost to the sands of time. The original Pokémon Battle Chess website has been taken offline, so without articles like this one, the game would be forgotten. Instead, because it’s here, I decided to find and buy a copy of both Pokémon Battle Chess BW Version and Pokémon Battle Chess and use them to help expand the gameplay section of the article. They're actually pretty fun games! Now I just need a copy of Pokémon Battle Chess W…
Runner Up - Pokémon games
It looks like it's just a really long list... and it is! But for me it's a really great reminder of how massive Pokémon is, how many games have been released in the last 26 years, and how many different platforms Pokémon games have released on. Ever heard of the Advanced Pico Beena or the iQue Player?
Whether they're popular or niche, wide-ranging or obscure, we hope you've enjoyed our short tour of our favourite Bulbapedia articles! Do you have your own? Are you tickled by the trivia on a given page? You can let us know on our forums or Discord server - or even start editing yourself!
The wiki can never have too many contributors, and if your love of Pokémon is as deep as ours we'd be delighted to have you with us for the next 50,000 articles!
(lisia note: thank you for reading!!!!!!!!!! hopefully you enjoyed it!)
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kholran · 13 days
twenty questions for fic writers!
tagged by @lucientelrunya Thank you friend!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
DMBJ right now, but in the past I have written for The Hobbit movies and Les Mis. I've written half a Weilan fic for Guardian but...
4. top five fics by kudos
I Will Go Now to My Pyre (DMBJ, RiSang, 262) And Here My Troubles Begin (The Hobbit, Barduil, 256) When the Stars Align (The Hobbit, Barduil, 220) I Get By (DMBJ, Gen/Liu Sang-centric, 215) Skin Deep (The Hobbit, Barduil, 205)
5. do you respond to comments?
I try to! Sometimes one or two falls through the cracks when I don't have the spoons to respond right away, but I do try and at least acknowledge them even if it's been ages.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably a little ficlet I wrote here on Tumblr and never put on AO3, in which one of the characters is revealed to have been dead the whole time. Usually I'm not about the super depressing endings though, just about everything else at least ends on a hopeful note, if not a resolved one.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think most of my RiSang fics end on a happy note, especially the one-shots and the exchange fics. Love Light, Ordinary World, ADHAU, Wild Fire, Last to Know...I think they're pretty equally happy?
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not really, but I did get one bizarre comment on a fic where the commenter presumed to predict where the plot was going and then comment on how much they didn't like when things like that happened? Except it wasn't a fully published fic yet and the actual ending was...nothing at all like they predicted.
9. do you write smut?
I sure do.
10. craziest crossover?
I don't think I've ever actually written a crossover. Crazies fusion fic was definitely Les Amis Do Titanic (In Every Age).
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. I mostly write rarepair/pool noodle fic in a tiny fandom so...who's really going to take it?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I used to do a lot of forum-based RP, back when invision/tapatalk/proboards forums were all the rage in the early 2000s. In terms of fic I've published on AO3, I haven't. But that's largely due to the fact that I'm the slowest writer known to man, and I'd just end up frustrating any writing partner I had with my slowness ^_^;
14. all time favorite ship?
I think Weilan (Guardian) is the ship I've read the most fic for overall. But it's definitely not my longest-term ship or anything.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Weilan Mermaid AU I started back in like...2020? I fell into the DMBJ pits before I finished it and idk if I'll ever go back to it at this point.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm good at setting scenes and writing things that people can visualize, so that, I guess?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Oh god dialogue. I cannot write a normal conversation to save my life. What even is normal human interaction?
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Nah. I mean I'll use a word here or there, if it's something very commonly understood in the fandom (like calling Wu Erbai "Er-shu" or Zhang Rishan "fuguan" if that's how a character would address them in the show). But in terms of full sentences? I wouldn't be confident enough in my ability to write the language fluently, and even if I could, I'd just have to provide translations anyway. Far easier to say "...'said so-and-so in [language]."
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Like, EVER? I had a generic American Girl doll that I named after a Baywatch character and wrote a story for her when I was like...9? Does that count?
20. favorite fic you've written?
I'm still really proud of Ordinary World. It's not my most popular by any measure, but I put a ton of work into it and I still enjoy re-reading it sometimes. Plus I'm proud of the fact that I churned out nearly 60k words in like a month since it was for an exchange that had a deadline.
Tagging: @merinnan @eirenical @xantissa @alxina @amidalogicdive (if you want to!) and anyone else who may also want to, consider yourself tagged!
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chibishortdeath · 6 months
Fuck it, Simon Belmont, because why not you basically themed your blog after him
You don’t have any specific numbers, so I’m just answering every question >:3c mwahahaha—
1. “Why do you like this character”:
A lot of reasons!!! First off, most of his games are super fun and some of my favorite platformers just in general. I replay CV1, Simon’s Quest, and SCV4 most often cause they’re a real joy to play! I also absolutely LOVE Simon’s story, I’ve considered making comics about it if I could ever get out of recent art block whoops, even though I’ve seen many people say he doesn’t have one (´TωT`). His designs are really cool, he’s got great music in his games, there’s just a lot to love and I’ll explain more in detail in other questions.
2. “Favorite canon thing?”
I really like the concept that he looks up to Christopher as this legendary hero and then ends up considered the same kind of legendary hero by Juste and others after him. It’s pretty ironic, kinda bittersweet, especially after being hated for so long. Castlevania loves its cycles like that. Also just Simon’s Quest in general, I love that game.
3. “Least favorite canon thing?”
Ooo that’s very hard. There’s kinda a lot of things about him that aren’t explained or confirmed, especially personality wise, but I kinda like that in a way cause it leaves room for interpretation and whatnot. Idk hmmm. I’m gonna go with Grimoire of Souls in general. I had some hopes for it, but it ended up being kinda lame. A lot of the characterization was weird and don’t even start me on things like the Cursed Whip theory being in there 💀. So I just choose to ignore it and not consider it canon.
4. “If you could put this character in another media, what would it be?”
I have thought about drawing him as if he was a character in other series for ages lol. I’ve already drawn him as a Pokémon trainer, I’ve thought about drawing Castlevania and Soul Eater crossovers before, and I tried drawing him in the style of Resident Evil 1 but could not get the art style down. Idk put him in Fortnite or something that’d be funny we already got Solid Snake so Konami has been in talks with them I guess X,,,,,,,,,,D
5. “What’s the first song that comes to mind when you think of them?”
Probably either Simon’s Theme (of course lol) or Bloody Tears, but I do wanna mention that I have a YouTube playlist of songs I wanna make Simon animations with eventually (alas animation is HARD).
6. “What’s something you have in common with the character?”
Mostly negative things unfortunately d(;w; ). Like self comparison, doubt in my own abilities, trouble making and keeping friends, etc etc. Although a lot of these are based on assumptions and interpretations, as a lot of him usually is. Simon does have a really similar hair color to me on the NES box art tho so that’s cool.
7. “What’s something the fandom does with this character that you like?”
There’s a lot of really nice art of him!!! Usually portraits, but sometimes there’s other doodles and whatnot too :3. Cool fan redesigns too! I also have seen a lot of neat headcanons, a lot of which I’ve adopted. I also appreciate the Captain N reunion stuff for the most part, it’s pretty wholesome.
8. “What’s something the fandom does with this character that you don’t like?”
I’ve seen a lot of comics, especially around when Smash Bros Ultimate came out, that were really… weird. I think all of them could kinda be boiled down to “old = bad” in the way that the artists probably just found out he was from the 1600s and then decided to make him the Boomer to Richter’s Gen Z for whatever reason (ya know despite Richter being from the 1700s but anyway). Simon would either be the jerk in the situation and/or the butt of the joke. I don’t think that Simon would have any issue with any of the female characters’ outfits let alone start harassing them for it. I saw some comics that made fun of him for not speaking very much in some genuinely disgusting ways too. Like making him not able to read or practically just the generic caveman stereotype. Especially in cases where the artist would depict other silent NES protagonists really nicely after making Simon out to be a complete idiot and asshole. There was also the trend of making him generally be all “oh no witchcraft!!!!!!!!!! What sin!!!!!!! The horror!!!!!!!!” about like anything and everything. I guess a lot of this comes from Smash Bros fans not usually being fans of Castlevania, but I’ve seen it in the Castlevania fandom too just less frequently. There’s also the “Simon has no story” thing oof. I’ve seen people tell people to skip his games or play fan games instead before :(
9. “Could you be roommates with this character?”
Realistically, no, my room is too small for another person :(. If that wasn’t an issue, then yeah probably :).
10. “Could you be best friends with this character?”
11. “Would you date this character?”
No, he’s probably married, generally feels more like a bestie, and I’m aroace lol
12. “What headcanon do you have for this character?”
Too many oh my god. I think he probably makes things. That’s a very vague sentence lol, but think like armor, knives, general woodworking, all his necklaces and headbands and stuff, etc. He generally seems like he keeps to himself and lives mostly alone, so I can see him doing all that by himself. He keeps some bones and teeth of things he hunts most of the time. A lot of people have him as the most super Christian of the family, but I see him as like Christian but really not organized or strict about it, if that makes sense? I’ve seen someone else describe the Belmonts as like “Christopagan” before and yeah I think that fits. Idk why but I have consistently drawn him with his cross necklace in his mouth sometimes. I headcanon him as semiverbal (I think that’s the correct term for it, basically like inbetween speaking and nonspeaking). I like to think he’s like really average height for the 1600s cause he’s about as tall as other townspeople and skeletons and stuff. Which is funny cause that’d make him like 5’5-5’7 ish and that’s kinda short in modern day lol. And I guess that makes his 8bit sprite being used all the time make more sense XD. I have way more, I didn’t even get into Simon’s Quest related ones, but I don’t wanna make this too long aaaaaaaaaaaa
13. “What’s an emoticon that reminds you of the character or you think they’d use a lot?”
Ok this is funny cause I actually do have one for this and it’s got context. It’s the “:3”. So I was watching a bunch of people’s playthroughs one night cause I was bored and ran into a channel with a toooooon of speedruns of maps from Harmony of Despair. Whenever they’d get to a boss battle they’d use the typing feature just to go “hi” with a different cutesy emoticon every time, but when they got to Dracula they specifically went for the “hi :3” and then went “oh no :(“ when Dracula started attacking and now that’s the way I think he’d text I guess.
14. “Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character”
How does one properly explain how much this guy slays in one aesthetic term—
15. “What’s your favorite ship for this character?”
Oooooo, in canon probably like his wife (Selena) and/or the Mysterious Woman (who could be the same character depending on what theories you go by), but outside of that Simon Belmont x Getsu Fuma and I can’t even explain exactly why, but it’s pretty cute.
16. “What’s your least favorite ship for this character?”
Any BelmontXBelmont shipping ugh, it’s unfortunately really common on some places… also the whole Lucas or Pit or whatever other child character thing the smash bros fandom had ugh. I guess I also just don’t see the appeal of shipping any of the Belmonts with Dracula.
17. “What’s a ship you don’t hate but it’s not your favorite?”
I’ve also seen people ship him with Solid Snake, Palutena, or Bayonetta before. Ummm he doesn’t really have a lot of other characters he’s shipped with tbh. Idk I saw someone ship him with one of the priests from Simon’s Quest once.
18. “Relationship in canon you admire?”
Unfortunately he doesn’t really talk to people enough in game to form canon relationships 😔
19. “Relationship in canon you don’t like?”
I don’t even know if I can answer this one for the same reasons as the above 💀💀💀. I guess the townspeople hating the hell out of him, but I don’t hate that cause it’s kinda integral to the plot???? Yeah idk lol
20. “What character is the ideal best friend for this character?”
Simon and Shanoa would get along a lot I think. Sara too. Hmmmm… I think he and Alucard would probably also be good friends. Christopher too for many reasons. Simon just really needs friends my poor dude is out here in Dracula’s Castle and the Romanian countryside after being cursed alone like this poor guy :’(
21. “If you’re a fic writer, what’s your favorite thing to do when writing this character? What’s something you don’t like?”
I have not written much at all, however what small comics I have done I looooove to make sure to sprinkle in whatever symbols he has in the games into it. He has a lot of cool things ranging from like rose thorns to The Hanged Man card and a lot of them end up meaning things like martyrdom and whatnot idk I made a post about it a while ago :3. I also like specifically Simon’s Quest speculation stuff, like what if scenarios for the vague, left open spots of it. If it’s not something super angsty or lore heavy, it’s usually just wholesome character interactions or doodling him being comforted by Christopher or Trevor cause I was sad or something lol. As far as things I don’t like writing uh idk that’s hard, maybe just any kind of filler scenes cause I’m not very good at those oof. Dialogue is hard too 💀💀💀
22. “If you’re a fic reader, what’s something you like/don’t like to see in fics?”
I’ve mentioned a lot of things I don’t like seeing in uh question 8, but things I do like is when people really try to go full horror with him. I’ve seen some Simon’s Quest fics (sadly there’s very few :’3) that really try to get that same feeling of anxiousness and dread the game does and I love that honestly. It’s a really dark story in the series! I also saw one that went psychological horror with it with him kinda losing himself a little at night it’s just ough it’s cool :D! Simon is a horror protagonist! Make him afraid!!!
23. “Favorite picture of this character?”
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Again, too many!!! X3
24. “What other character from another fandom reminds you of them?”
Not from fandoms I am in (yet, hopefully I’ll get into these), but Ragnvaldr from Fear and Hunger I’ve heard is just directly inspired by him and Alfred from Bloodborne also, to me, seems heavily inspired by him. The whole Vilebloods section seems very Castlevania inspired tbh. From other fandoms I’m in, that’s hard to say, there’s not really any I don’t think.
25. “What was your first impression of this character, is it the same as now?”
Well I got into Castlevania through Smash Bros and at first was completely indifferent about him, he was just kinda fun to play as. Then Richter got me to play SotN and actually get into the series more. I had no idea I had SotN on XBOX360 for a long time, but that made it pretty easy to start playing. And now I am absolutely hooked and Simon is my favorite character so uh yeah X3.
26. “Freebie!”
I guess I just say anything? Ok, I am currently half trying to cosplay Simon’s Simon’s Quest design rn! I have like everything but the armor, but I’ll have to wait a while to be able to get materials for it oof. But yeah :). Hopefully that works out. 
Ok yeah that’s pretty dang long wow, but yeah, thanks for the ask!!!! I am happy to rant about Simon anytime :3
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shamera · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @bbcphile 🥰🥰🥰
1. How many works do you have on AO3? site says 21! (I also have 50+ on ff.net from when I was younger, and uhhh idk how many that I shoved into my dreamwidth/livejournal never to see the light of day again.)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 619,848
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently Mysterious Lotus Casebook! (Although I might sneak something for Love and Redemption or Scum Villain.) I am mostly a writer in the Final Fantasy XIII fandom, although I have spent years in Code Geass and Merlin fandoms. Before that, it was Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Harry Potter, and Star Wars.... loads more.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Leave Me Your Starlight, Code Geass fic Nunnally-centric time-travel fix-it
Five Minutes, FFXIII fluff oneshot featuring Noel and Hope
World Enough and Time, Code Geass AU post-apocalyptic rewrite
First (and Second) Impressions, FFXIII modern babysitting AU Noel/Hope
Lost in a Moment (lost in a song), Mysterious Lotus Casebook post-canon fix-it casefic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! I'm, um. I'm really bad at it. In that I will attempt to respond to everyone in the first few days, but then I get distracted doing/writing something else and I am so tunnel-visioned that you won't hear from me until a week later and then I feel bad about taking so long to respond. Also I am very, very bad at responding because while I love love love seeing comments, it's just happy reactions and incoherent noises from me. How do I words to translate my appreciation???
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? ...probably everything I wrote as a kid? I have very different ideas on angst nowadays, but I guess while I was writing it... between Gedächtnisse (FMA fic) and Sound of Silence (HP fic), I guess!
Newer stuff might be between The Other (FFXIII fic) and Test Subjects (FFXIII fic).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I write a lot of fluff pieces nowadays! But overall, probably Something About December (FFXIII fic), since it's a Christmas fic or Family (FFXIII), which was written to give Sazh more support in the third game.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Once, someone pointed out my join date on the website and asked me why I was still writing fanfiction.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have, but generally don't. Even most of my ships are closer to gen than not. I'm closer to the repulsed spectrum of ace, but I do like attempting to write all sorts of things.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Yes! Love them! I've written a good handful-- but the craziest one was when I was... 10? 11? and I wrote Orions'Ka on a notebook and when I typed it up, it was well over 60,000 words. It had absolutely everything I loved back then.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not by a person, no. By website bots, yes.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have had... people ask me if they could translate my fics? My answer is always yes, but I don't recall seeing it anywhere.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I had an entire online journal with my best friend back in middle school.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? ...MXTX ships, maybe? I don't feel particularly strongly about ships most of the time, only about characters, who I will ship around for the fun of it. But for MXTX pairings, that just doesn't feel right. They just belong together.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? ....my old Harry Potter stuff, I'm sorry. Not a fandom I got back into again.
16. What are your writing strengths? I've been told it's characterizations! And descriptions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Everything else. Confidence, I guess. Also energy and interest. And once I overcome those, plot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? ...me, or fics that do that? Because I've seen fics do that, full on paragraphs of dialogue in the original language but descriptions in English, and I don't understand. But if it's just... an important word, a statement, something the fandom would normally understand kept in its original language because there's just no good translation in English for it, then it absolutely works. Some things don't translate well, and fans usually like learning more about their canons. I personally try to keep things mostly in English nowadays, though, but I slip time to time.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Star Wars. I was in the single digits age, and wrote an introspective ficlet on Luke and Leia's feelings about how the original trilogy's ending, sitting together on Endor to watch it all burn.
20. Favorite fic you've written? ...I don't know if I have one. I either tend to be proud or hate what I've written, depending on the day, my mood, wind speeds, and cats. Currently I want to say Lost in a Moment, because I finished that recently and I had so many doubts about it so I'm proud I got through it.
Tagging... omg, anyone who still follows me all the way from FFXIII days and writes, or all the way from the Gundam Wing days gosh.
but also @seventhstrife, @rhystheceo, @teekettle, @adriannasharp @tunnelofdusk 🤭 ya'll suffer through my random selection because I know you guys are writerssss
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ackalice · 9 months
Hiiiiiii how are ya?? :D Been a while, sorry I've been sucked into another fandom lol Anyways I found this and thought: why not ask my fren! :3 Here's an ask thing
1. who's your favorite oc?
2. who was your first oc?
3. how many ocs do you have?
4. have you kept all of your
ocs since the beginning?
5. are any of your ocs based
off of a show/book you like?
if so, who?
6. what is the species of the
majority of your ocs?
7. are any of your ocs an
original species? if so,
what's the species and who?
8. if you can, draw (oc name)!
9. write a few sentences as
(oc name)!
10. are any of your ocs part
of a story? if so, what is it
about and who's in it?
11. do you have any twin ocs?
12. are any of your ocs
13. what is the gender of the
majority of your ocs?
14. make up a new oc right now
based on (concept/show/color/
15. would you ever give up any
of your ocs?
16. who is your oldest oc
17. have you ever roleplayed
as your ocs?
18. how many of your ocs were
adopted from someone else?
19. who is your least favorite
20. which oc do you think has
changed the most since you
made them?
21. who is your newest oc?
22. have you ever cosplayed
your own ocs? if so, who?
23. which oc do you think has
affected you the most as youve
grown with them?
24. have you gotten cosplayers
of your ocs? if so, of whom?
25. do you have any ocs that
you havent drawn/written as/
talked about in a long time?
if so, who?
(Please ignore this if you either don't want to answer or have had this sent to you already)
Hi meelu!! I’ve been alright, just very inactive because of busy busy life stuff- but I saw this pop up and I wanna answer dis cuz I luv u my moot!
1. Favorite oc: my favorite oc out of all of them? Uhhhh good god- I’m gonna say my favorite is my very first oc, C.J., because she was a very big part of my early art journey. And also she was very cringy and I love her for it.
2. First oc: whoops I answered this- it was C.J.! She was a generic fox girl I made when I was a very itty bitty kid.
3. How many ocs: don’t judge me here- from what I counted just now it’s 56. There could be more that I’m forgetting, so it’s pretty iffy. But I do remember that the number got up to 60 at some point.
4. Have you kept all your ocs since the beginning: Despite how many I have, it’ll be a surprise to hear that I have actually retired a bunch. And by a punch I mean probably over 15. This does include C.J. And her band but only because I felt like I wasn’t using her enough and she had done her part for me.
5. Are any of your ocs based on a show or book: HELL YEAH! God, dude there’s a lot. Well- I say a lot but it’s not 56 a lot- anyway-
I made warrior cat ocs, like anyone, but those were retired. I based a series I have, Remnant, off of magic girl shows but it’s too far from any of them to be directly from those media. There’s The Owl House, which was several ocs I never continued using (and I’m sad I never did), there was a Brand New Animal oc I scrapped, and of course there are more that didn’t leave the sketch phase.
I guess you could count fnaf, but that’s a given.
I also had some Helluva Boss ocs that I have sketches for and even started a comic for- but when I say a comic I mean half a page was finished and I lost motivation.
Good lord I just remembered I had a whole mlp next gen. So I made a crap ton of mlp ocs- anyway-
But then you delve into two of my favorite shows and you go down a rabbit hole of history I’m not going into- which is My Hero Academia and Tmnt. I’m saying Tmnt in general because I’ve put my ocs into several shows in the franchise. Tmnt has ocs I’ve mentioned before on this blog and MHA has seven ocs of mine, that’s Jejeru, Kami, Kai, Kianami, Marikaida, and Chinatsu. I’ve fallen out of the fandom but I might use them in future, who knows!
6. What is the species of a majority of your ocs: Okay. So. This question is very hard to explain because I delve into some WACK species genetics with my ocs- Remnant is literally based on splicing genetics. But if we are being honest, most of them either started out or were, at the beginning of their story, human. So I’m gonna go with human. The second place runner is definitely an animal crossed with a human though because those are just fun.
7. Are any of your ocs an original species: Yes, actually! I’ve got several. Not that they have names or official species types or backstories or anything, but they sure are there. I’m gonna describe random characters I’ve put together with no specific species in mind.
Lufoa, an oc I did a ramble on a while ago, is not crossed with any known animal. That’s actually part of her story, but I haven’t worked it in yet. Another I could count is Artemis, but I don’t know exactly what she is- I haven’t explained it yet. There’s also my oc Alice, (NOT A SELF INSERT) who’s some kind of demon. I dunno what kind but she’s also there.
I’m gonna be skipping 8 and 9 because I’m running very low on the creative juice and haven’t drawn or written for fun in a WHILE and just don’t have any motivation for it- I’m so sorry abt it but I’ll answer the rest gladly!
10. Are any of your ocs part of a story: Quite a few of them are, actually! The one’s based on tv shows and books are obviously apart of one, but I’ve got a few I’ve made up on my own. There’s Remnant, the big magical girl-ish show series about teens participating in a high grade school and also accepting genetics testing to be apart of the military (main character is not aware of this second part in the slightest, woOooOoo plot~). I’ve got Midnight Misteps, which is a similar concept but it’s the apocalypse and new species and monsters and cryptdids roam around while our main cast tries to rebuild society again. I have Vivian and Fin, the two characters I don’t have a series name for yet where Viv meets a demon through accidental circumstances but turns out it’s not accidental and she’s been kidnapped by literal Hell but she doesn’t know for a majority of her time down there. And then you’ve got Camila, the rich pink and proper girl who meets secret agent Thomas under the impression he’s just a grouchy guy and then gets roped into a big gang conspiracy in her town and has to avoid these dangers with her new cop buddy all while in heels.
So yeah I’m doing great with work in progress projects
11. Do you have any twin ocs: yes! I’ve got one set, and they’re fnaf ocs, if you can imagine it. I reworked a sister location oc around a few months ago and doubled her into two people! That’s Frankie and Danny, the sweetheart engineers! One of them isn’t a sweetheart, but yadda yadda, plot and story stuff- I’m movin’ on!
12. Are any of your ocs siblings: oh. My. God. Yes. It would be very hard for me to pick them all out and name them, but let’s just say yes. Yes, there are many. I’ve got one set of sextuplets in there somewhere-
13. What is the gender of most of your ocs: Female. It’s so female it’s unfair. I’ve been getting better at this, but I still prefer drawing women over men and I have no idea why?? It’s nothing negative or anything- I just think I started drawing girls and just kept drawing girls and completely missed the boat I had to jump onto to draw guys anatomy correctly. But I’m getting better!
14. Skipped again because creative juices….aughhhhhhh….I’m tired of not having energy to draw ;-;
15. Would you ever give up any of your ocs: Okay I’m gonna assume this is talking about giving up an oc to another person- like an adopt situation- and uh no. I don’t think I would be able to do that just because I have emotional connections to literally all of them. I love them too much to just hand over their birth certificate, y’know?
16. Who is your oldest oc (age wise): oh hah. Okay, so I’m inclined to say C.J., because I ended her story with a cute little story of her growing old with her partner in a little cottage in the countryside- but! I’m gonna give this one to Paula Fidreas, a Remnant oc, because she is quite literally in her 50’s as of the start of the story. In the simplest terms, she’s a PE teacher.
17. Have you ever roleplayed as your ocs: Yes! C.J. Was actually made from a role play! And I think I’ve role played as Camila before, but that memory is a bit fuzzy.
18. How many of your ocs were adopted from someone else: None of em’! They’re mah babies, tried and true.
19. Who is your least favorite oc: I don’t count her in my oc count but Adelaide’s adoptive mom is definitely my least favorite. As a character she has a purpose in the story but I would never use her again or draw her in detail. I don’t know, she’s just there for character development at the moment.
20. Which oc has changed the most since you made them: Vivian. Definitely Vivian. Not just because she’s the oldest of I still use, but she’s also went from a brown haired girl with zero personality and a boyfriend to a troubled teenager who is too weird and different to have friends so she seeks out companionship in the land of the dead.
21. Who is your newest oc: I mentioned them earlier and this totally breaks the abruptness of me mentioning them once out of nowhere, but the sextuplets are my newest ocs. Out of all of them, Orion is the newest because I came up with his concept first.
22. Have you ever cosplayed your own ocs: Alas, I’ve never had the determination nor the money nor the confidence to do such a thing, BUT I ALMOST DID. When I was little I almost cosplayed C.J. Because I had no other ideas for a halloween costume. I didn’t end up doing it because I chickened out. Kinda wish I did though..
23. Which oc has effected you the most as you’ve grown with them: I’m gonna give this one to Alice, actually. She’s the basis of my online persona and username, if you couldn’t tell- and she was with me through quarantine. That was a joke, but no really, she consumed my art that last year.
24. Have you gotten cosplayers of your ocs: No, lol- I don’t know near enough people or anyone who would do it. And if anyone did do it, I would be dead upon seeing or hearing it because OH MY GOD?? You thought my art was good enough to put time and money into a COSPLAY?? THANK YOU???? We’re getting married. Put on the ring.
25. Do you have any ocs you haven’t used in a long time: y e a h… I haven’t ever mentioned Pepper here. She’s uh…okay- imagine Entrapta from She-ra but ten times worse and no moral code. Evil scientist. That’s all I have to say here.
I’ve been off tumblr for a while bro thank you for bringing me these! They were so fun <3
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torchickentacos · 1 year
So obviously Advance is your favorite gen in the anime but I’m wondering do you have a personal ranking of the other gens by chance? I’ve been a bit curious as to what you think about the rest of the series.
HELLO ANON this is late, as are all my other responses right now, BUT!!! Here's my ranking, with bias. If I took bias out it would be very different, but this is based on my personal opinions and enjoyment of them rather than me in writer brain analysis mode, though there is overlap. NOTE!!! I ADORE ALL OF THESE, AND ONE BEING AT THE BOTTOM STILL MEANS I LOVE IT WITH MY WHOLE HEART <3333
1.) AG. Frankly, nostalgia is a large part of this because from a neutral standpoint, AG is kinda wack, inconsistent characterization, weird pacing, et cetera, list goes on. But it's so full of LIFE. It's vibrant, it's loud, it's got explosions in most episodes, and it has the Hoenn Coordinators, which for me is a huge point. I think it had really compelling characters in Drew and Harley and May and AG Ash. I wish characterization was more consistent across them, but ultimately it just altched onto my brain and hasn't let go for maybe.... 19 ish years now. Also, AG is just WILD. Divorce episode. Kidnapped by skarmory. In Japanese intro, it makes mystery dungeon red/blue canon. TOSSING PEOPLE OFF OF WATERFALLS. I adore it. It's chock full of batshit insane energy. Choose a random AG episode and you'll be getting whiplash from every scene. it's WILD, and they let Harley say boytoy several times.
2.) Original Series. Similar points as above!!! it's so unapologetically FUN and VIBRANT. It's the most iconic, and has line after line after line I can quote from the heart. Frying pan as a drying pan, my beloved. I think it has arguably the MOST consistent characterizations, and a consistent story and plot rather than feeling all over the place like certain other seasons. It's just FUN.
3.) Diamond and Pearl. I really like DP because it tried something with Ash and Paul that I really liked. Rivals before Ash and Paul were generally friendly, or at least could come together in some situations. May and Drew had their whole thing, Ash and Gary argue but are there for eachother, Ritchie and Morrison existed, I guess, even Harley, who is the most sinister rival up to this point, was only sinister because of his own personality stuff and not any deeper reason. But Paul shook it up. Paul challenged Ash in ways he hasn't been challenged before- it was largely ideological in nature, challenging everything Ash knows and believes in, and i LOVE that. It's a GOOD RIVALRY. I would change many things about paul, he is my IKEA shelf to fix, but I find that one of the most compelling character relationships. AND THIS ISN'T EVEN GETTING INTO HOW MUCH I ADORE DAWN!!!!!!!!!!! Also Brock had the best characterization here, IMO. And, hot take, Conway is SO FUN when he isn't... you know. in creepy conway mode. unfortunately. sigh.
4.) BW. Do I ever watch it? Not particularly. Are Cilan and Iris in it? Yes, therefore, higher spot on the list. Also, good battles, fun gym leaders, fun meowth plot. Nothing super specific to say about it, I just like it!!!
5.) Orange Islands. just good vibes, not much to say. I like it but would consider it my least-watched along with SM, unfortunately. HOWEVER it has Tracey, and for that it goes here because I love Tracey. <3333
6.) XY. I had a DIFFICULT TIME placing XY because it is riddled with issue after issue for me personally. But I think its art style and music and pacing and animation is my favorite of any season. I liken XY to the following: Imagine you have wagyu beef, expensive brioche bread, fresh homegrown tomatoes, and fancy ass cheese. You put them together and somehow end up with a mcdonalds cheeseburger. It has ALL THE PERFECT PIECES and yet when put together it, uh, had issues. But I do really love all the individual pieces and the potential of XY.
7.) Sun moon, but only because I know it less. I do find some of the voice acting rather grating in this season specifically, and from everything my sister has said the entire lusamine arc was, uh ??????????? weird?, and I don't UNDERSTAND some decisions made, but I do know it has a well-deserved cult following who adore it!! I just never quite joined, but I do still love it from a distance.
8.) I am so sorry, but Journeys. I want to love it. I do. I truly do. However, I just... have thoughts. I have not seen as much of journeys, but I do think that it felt incredibly jumbled and all over the place. I love Goh and Chloe, but ultimately in my personal ranking, they don't save Journeys.
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twiststreet · 1 year
Movies in 2022 Summary Post
Top 10 Newly Released in the U.S. Movies - 2022
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Top Gun Maverick
The Worst Person in the World
Avatar 2
The Fabelmans
After Yang
Decision to Leave
Top 5 Old Movies I Saw for the First Time in 2022
The Martin Scorsese short film What’s a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This (1963)
Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974)
Black Christmas (1974) (absolutely *not* the remake)
In the Line of Duty 4 (1989)
Spencer (2021)
Honorary Mention:  Watching all the Twilight sequels finally, and in particular, Breaking Dawn, Part I, which I thought was the most...  memorable of the movies. 
Worst Movie:  Wakanda Forever.  I thought they blew it, in every conceivable way (except they’re continuing to have Winston Duke in those movies, though even then, not enough Duke).
Favorite Performance from Some Guy:  Benny Safdie snatching Claire Denis’s Stars at Noon in the middle away from the stars of that movie.
Favorite Performance from Some Lady:  Setting aside Blanchett and Michelle Yeoh, of course-- Annie Mumolo in Confess, Fletch, taking over that movie entirely in her scene with Jon Hamm.
Favorite Scene: Colin Farrell drinking tea with a robot in After Yang.
Biggest Audience Reaction:  I didn’t see RRR in the theaters, so for me, the biggest reaction I saw was actually the Christian girl scene in The Fabelmans.  People cheered Lynch, but that scene had my audience in its hands. 
Favorite Action Moment:  RRR is RRR, and I'm not denying RRR, but for me... it was the 10 seconds or so of the Crab mech chasing the little kids in Avatar 2.  I don’t know why.  I just... I knew intellectually the kids were safe, but I simultaneously on a visceral level was like “fucking run!  run from the crab robot, kids!  crabs hate humanoids, we all know this!”  That was the moment where I really locked in on “Oh, Cameron’s just the best to ever do action” that I walked away from that movie with... 
Favorite Line of Dialogue:  it’s a pretty basic answer, but I'm just going with “I’m Petra’s father.”  Just the delight you could feel from the ladies in my audience, during that movie... 
Closest I Came to Sobbing: the rock scene in EEAO.  
Furthest I was from Sobbing:  Wakanda Forever. A guy actually died and still, I got nothing out of that movie. They just really blew it every which way... 
Best Surprise:  Ke Huy Quan, in EEAO.    
Worst Surprise:  I liked the movie but if you could’ve seen the fucking look on my face when The Worst Person in the World turned out to be about the romantic failures of a sad Gen-X man who’s interested in comic books no one likes, and old songs no one listens to anymore...  I thought that movie was going to be about a girl or something!  No warning!  No quarter asked, none given...
5 Movies I Didn’t Get Around to in Order of How Much I’m Guessing I’ll Dig Them (I missed more than this, but these were the 5 where I was most like, oh damn...):
Causeway-- Turned this one on to see Brian Tyree Henry go, but had to turn it off due to bad timing...
The Menu
The Eternal Daughter 
Triangle of Sadness
Banshees of Inisherin
My Guess for Oscar for Best Picture:  I think Top Gun Maverick will win, which I have no objection to.  The politics are somewhere on the spectrum between “silly”-to-”very bad”, but having seen it a second time now, it’s... I think what they’ll want to celebrate come Oscar night-- one, financial success when the industry’s starved for it, and two, big Hollywood emotional storytelling that actually connected with people, not just lame dorks or goody-goodies, and three, it’s an example of the primacy of the theatrical experience, when everyone is terrified that’ll go away, and four, it’s a Movie Star movie, in an era when movie stars are ceasing to have meaning (or we’re ceasing to be able to generate them anyways, and over-investing instead in people who aren’t stars like Margot Robbie or the MCU actors).  The only strike it has is that it’s a sequel (plus, it has Don Simpson’s name on it which makes me feel a way).  
Top 5 Movies I want to see in 2023 (Assuming Continuity of Life, Continuity of Civilization, Etc.):
Chris McQuarrie’s Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part I
Greta Gerwig’s Barbie
Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City
M. Night’s Knock at the Cabin
Peter Parker’s Into the Spiderverse 2
Anyways, those are my lists...
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pharawee · 2 years
BL ~ Drama Asks
I was tagged by @gunsatthaphan​. Thank you so much, these questions are super interesting. 💜
1. If you had to watch one drama forever what would it be?
Uhm. Tbh I’m not much of a rewatcher, at least not very often, so this feels like some elaborate method of torture lmao
Maybe The Miracle of Teddy Bear because it’s super long with a lot of different storylines so it won’t be boring (until it kills me dead in the last ep).
Or maybe Gen Y because lmao lmao at least it’s entertaining 🤡
2. If you could change the ending of a drama which one would it be?
If there won’t be another season of Kinnporsche I’d just want some closure for KimChay. It doesn’t even necessarily have to be a happily ever after, just something more than crying alone in a room that isn’t even Chay’s room (he looked so lonely and trapped 😭) with a future that’s uncertain. And don’t even get me started on Kim.
Also, I need to see Korn lose. 😒
3. Name your favorite drama and tell who your favorite character was.
I can’t choose, I have so many and they change so often. 😭
I have a soft spot for Our Days and Mon is definitely one of my favourite characters. I have so much love for everyone involved in this production in general. 💜💜
Other than that, there’s Teh (ITSAY & IPYTM), Bar (En of Love, Love Mechanics), Toh (SCOY), Ae (Love By Chance), Prakan (Dear Doctor) aaand I want to say Kim (Kinnporsche) but there simply wasn’t enough of him in the show to count as a fave lmao
4. Name a drama you dropped within the first few episodes ~ we all have at least one!
Right now, it’s Check Out. I love Best Vittawin so, so much, but I can’t watch this. I can’t. I’m too weak. I’m sorry, Best, I failed you. 💀
5. Name a popular drama you've never watched and why?
You’re my Sky & Light On Me. Idk the stars just weren’t aligned, I guess. Maybe I’ll pick them up later when my watchlist isn’t as full (yeah, right lmao).
6. Name a drama you regret watching.
Hm. Maybe the second part of Love Area? I had a soft spot for the first half and I love Kaitoon as a character (and his actor too - I hope he’s going to be in another drama eventually) but wtf was that? I didn’t even mind the open/bad ending. Sometimes things just don’t work out and sometimes people are just toxic for each other but... make it make sense, at least! What’s with all of these side characters? Why did you underutilise Jeff Satur? Why did the screenwriters hate Nont so much? And the sound editing and continuity were really rough all of a sudden.
7. Name a drama you thought you’d never watch but did and did you end up liking it?
Uh. Probably 2Moons2. I read about the controversies before I watched the show and I was prepared to hate it but then I didn’t. I actually really liked it (for what it was... I mean, it isn’t a masterpiece or anything lmao).
8. Name a pairing you want to see?
Prom Ratchapat & Mark Siwat. They better deliver on that cameo because now I’m invested!
Also, Mos Panuwat & Bank Mondop because I love their travel vlogs so much. Actual hearteyes, they’re so 💜💜💜
And Perth Nakhun & Nodt Nutthasid because we all need at least one ghostship. 🤡
9. Name a pairing you didn’t think had chemistry?
Thanu & Wayu in Gen Y. What even was that? Like, what was the goal there? Was I too hung up on Thanu/Phai and Pha/Wayu to see it? I feel like if they had just allowed the actors to use their natural chemistry (like it shone through in the funny scenes) everything would have been fine but instead they just stared at each other during their “romantic scenes” and managed to convey not a single emotion that way. AND PHA DIED FOR WHAT? 😤
Also, Best Vittawin and Chahub Marut. They just don’t work for me tbh but it could just be that Check Out is so ?? ???
10. Name a pairing you have seen in another drama that you like?
Uh, as in - a drama I haven’t watched but where I like the pairing? Or a pairing that’s been in several dramas?
Idk I’m confused but I think Jame Kasama & Jet Jetsadakorn are Starhunter’s best acting pair and it’s time they realised that and gave them another show (Big can come too, as a treat). 
I’m tagging: @thii-nii @placetneplacet @nongnao @singharit @liyazaki @smittenskitten @machikeita @florbexter @boun-prem @absolutebl (no pressure, of course 💜) and whoever else wants to do this (pls feel free to tag me, too, I’m super curious!) 
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peccaberry · 7 months
HC: You are the sort who will often pick the starter pokemon that most people make fun of or claim is bad, out of spite. You could, and possibly already have, slain nations with a Chikorita.
D-did people not like Chikorita? I love her 🥺❤️ and yeah I definitely have used her to kick butt! My fav starter picks by generation would be:
Bulbasaur, huge love ❤️
Cyndaquil, my favorite (but I do often pick Chikorita bc I love her line too)
Torchic (spicy chicken nugget my beloved)
Gen 4, 5, and 6 I didn't care for any of the choices and pick whatever.
Popplio because I was a huge Primarina Stan when Sun and Moon first came out. The first two stages I didn't super care for but I enjoy that final one a ton.
Sobble but I stop at evolution stage 2. I don't like where things ended on that one
I don't like any of the scarlet and violet starters
Honestly typing this all out I might be more of a hater than someone who picks hated pokemon out of spite. 😂 I guess most of the recent generations just haven't had starters that interested me.
Out of all starts and evolution stages Quilava is my favorite ❤️
Tumblr media
This is the ideal pokemon to me 🥺
0 notes
minmin-pal · 11 months
im just gonna nab that "dead man's questions" and stick it in between watching part 4 and 5, kinda gives me vibes of like spy secrecy type stuff lol and ngl i was about to search it up automatically but i'm glad i refrained from it now. so the plot follows a character whose passed away? is it some type of flashback or maybe an 'afterlife/ghost' adventure? i don't know which or if either are right so i'm just pulling stuff outta my guessing hat lol
i might just have to accept this inevitable heartbreak either way tbh, just watching characters go on an adventure, have fun, develop and just generally live makes it very hard not to get attached though ig that just comes with the viewing experience. the 'waiting for them to bring the person back' bit is so real though, ngl i always end up forwarding and end up ruining a series for me because "when is this character getting brought back???", to the point i end up not paying attention to the rest of the series lol(/lh) though i'll make sure to not do that when watching jjba :D W series fr
and oh! you've watched naruto? you said the 'original naruto' so i'm gonna go out on a leg and assume you didn't watch Shipudden?(/genq/nf) could I ask what were your thoughts on the story (however far you got into it?) maybe like favorite/disliked characters? parts of the plot you liked and didn't, did you have any critics of the series (both manga and anime, assuming you read the manga too)? (/lh) any opinions on the legendary Sannin? generally, just your thoughts on it i suppose
and oh yeah fair fair, the intro bit i brought up since i kinda tiptoed around it when i was searching up watch guides and didn't want watch anything that might've spoiled anythin lol (may have been too careful for no reason lmao) the intro was just the first clip i saw of the actual 3d bits (i'm in the 'not know' side whether that style/model was consistent with the actual 3d used in the show tho) but wait they animated the powers n stuff to be 3d?? that's actually super cool wha (/gen)
took me a while to understand that 'death 13' was the name of the episode, and ohh it never occurred to me about the 'copyright issues' bit though i guess it's the same reason why people will always use names like '"barbucks" for a shop in their story whose icon looks awfully like Starbucks lol. i usually watch my anime subbed, though which would you suggest for this one? do you usually watch in subbed or dubbed? but eh yeah, might not matter much but still ty for the heads up! (/gen)
no but truee, the foundation parts make the lead up to the big punchy monster powers bit even more satisfying though :( and jonathan, yeah yeah! i've seen very small smidges of him here and there, i briefly consulted the wiki page of his because i wanted to find a clip of his voice without spoilers and omg he sounds so cool! :D i didn't scroll down any further down the wiki though, there weren't any "spoilers ahead!" warnings but i didn't wanna take any chances :')
oh yeah, sxf is actually a pretty good example of a 'polished' anime artstyle similar to other modern animes tbf, the sharp difference when i try to compare the two in my head made me snort a bit ngl (/lh) the style and story (from what i've seen of jjba and sxf so far at least) are so stark in contrast but they're both so good too (/gen)
twt has already shoved in my face that apparently, eren dies for mikasa or something? i'm not in the know of all the details but the shock factor is definitely eh- minimized now i suppose lol, and oh a tier list might be a fun idea if your up for it! how do you manage to keep track of the ones you've read/watched? or is it just a 'welp i'm relying on my memory for this' type thing? (/hj/lh) sxf really carrying both jjba (with no one being safe lol) and aot in terms of fluff, i feel as though i'm jinxing myself and that the ending might not be happy either but i;m crossing my fingers it is lol, and yea dw abt getting off topic, it's fun to read tangents (is that how you use the word)
mangakas favorite drink are the tears of their fans :') (/j) but props to you for managing to get the titan lore, i've seen a lot of people say it just confused the heck out of them and some said they dropped it so i hope you were able to enjoy it :D (both the series and the 'head-ache inducing' lore /hj/lh) 
and yay no problem! i'll admit when i read your description of it, i tried to do the same actions? like laughing but not making any sound, i definitely looked very goofy while doing it but i remembered the term 'croak/croaking' so it was a fruitful endeavor :D (/j/lh) i apologize for the tmi ;')
 "Chainsaw Man is a character-driven story that manages to conclude itself in 97 chapters, and its due to the author focusing on the main characters and its themes," i didn't think it could be explained so simply in word form but that actually does make sense. "All the battle shounen stuff is just being used a medium to tell the actual story, it's not the story itself." just this description alone summarizes it well i'm assuming and now that i think about it, really makes csm stand out tbh. Almost all anime i can name off the top of my head (action/battle genre ofc) really does focus on "different states and nations all preparing to fight one another for [ cue overarching plot point ]." Character development and personal introspection don't tend to be the top priority, well aside from the 'shonen mc moments' such as ya know- tanjiro, izuku, etc.? (/lh) or from what i can gather at least lol
but honestly, i didn't know csm concluded at 97 chapters! the fact the author was able to just- start it, do what he wanted to do and end it as planned (or at least i'm assuming? i haven't seen any articles with the clickbait tagline of "csm creator dislikes/isn't happy about [ ... ]!") it got pretty popular too so that's awesome to hear, and yea true actually, i can see you and other people like denji and the fact that both the "Mineta Minoru is Expelled from U.A. High School/Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru" tags on ao3 collectively have over 5.8k fics says enough lol 
spy was definitely a very wholesome show and it's just so, so nice to watch the family dynamic form and grow<3 dunno why but i liked how they were able to incorporate bits of yor and loid's profession into their parenting styles what with yor helping to cause the iconic damian scene and loid with attempting to sneak in to change anya's grade lol, but oh! what's your thoughts on franky? ngl i kinda love all the goofy stuff he pulls and gets twilight to do lol, but yeah tbh yuri's bit of being secret police and his scenes with anya are some of the only highlights of his char i remember when watching ;; (/lh) obsessive brother still kinda shocks me with how it's pretty prevalent as a trope tbh but also what's your thoughts on bond? also what was your favorite and maybe least liked episode or mayb chapter of sxf? 
it's been a bit since i found the site but i can binge all the chaps now so heads up an ask abt that in a few hours :D (/lh/gen) your so right about that thoo, having characters that could just be irrevocably bad people can be done but managing to make them appealing/getting the readers to feel for them is such a sign of being a good writer, but also yeah managing to cause your readers pain thru them is to be applauded too lol (mangaka's really do enjoy their reader's pain /j/lh) 
how have all the scenes you've shown be so pretty, my brain would assume it's just specific detailed scenes but i have the very sneaking suspicion that the whole manga is styled like this and i'm very much looking forward to it,  even if i covered her facial expression her hair swaying and clothing ripples(is that what u call it) somehow portrays emotion so well, how even? (/lh/pos)
i was confused on who 'nameless white-haired guy' was until i read the next sentence and i just went "ah" lol, and oh kinda sucks he got gassed too much but damn that personality is just yikes lol (from what i've seen of the one scene ofc) and oh there'a dif other guy? in about 30 minutes i'll see this hoodie dude so i'll end up finding out, i know he won't be 'as bad' but i'm looking forward to seeing how bad? uhm, basically looking forward to the chapter, hope that made sense or the sentiment at least got across lol, and yea no worries i'm reading your response at the same time so there might be dead ends/random tangents in mine that i didn't notice so- sorry about that :') 
And ah yea that makes sense, I'd actually be pretty surprised if you were able to remember specific little details but glad to hear you enjoyed it :D the analogy of 'cramming before a test' hit me on a personal level lol (/hj) and oh, was nijimiya the girl mc? she really does seem like a sweetheart and help I never knew she had a younger sister, that's super cool! And yeah! The dude's character development was nice to watch too but alas ofc, tears lol
I remember reading 'Kichikujima (Freak Island)' quite a while ago, I remember it's pretty gorey though I don't know if it qualified as phycological horror? Don't remember too many details so I may be wrong, but oh yeah! I don't know for sure if you were reffering to these types but I kind of made some terms for it lol, idk they're pretty simple labels
Jumpscare Horror - self explanatory, there's a lot of jumpscares and "dun dun dunn" type music/scenes right before the jumpscare.
Gore Horror - I assume this is where kichikujima falls into? Typically, zombie and slasher movies fall into this one lol
Phycological Horror - what you just described :D and ngl ig the name for this one is self explanatory enough lol
I haven't met many people that actually enjoy phycological horror, what's oyasumi punpun if you don't mind me asking? I'm mildly familiar with junji ito's works, i only ever watched vids that dubbed over it tbh but is uzumaki the swirly one? Lackluster description ;; but I'm assuming that's the one, I also heard there was an anime about junji ito's work(s)? Have you seen it? If ya did, what were your thoughts on it? Ohh have you already watched neon genesis? I don't see many people talking about that anymore, what'd you think of it? Seeing your summary of your taste for manga/anime/etc., have you heard of dororo? I only ever watched the anime so I'm not sure whether you'd enjoy it or not, but it's one of the things that come to mind when I think of things that are 'depressing at their core' (/lh)
Figured they'd be under the isekai category tbh, the dif labels just confused me for a bit lol and yeah makes sense it'd depend on the story itself, blue lock is that one popular sports anime recently isn't it? Tbf it's been a hot minute since shield hero gained much media attention as it did before so I don't imagine much talk about it could've been going around lol
Very valid reasoning ngl TT always a genuine whiplash whenever you compare the male and female character designs, the 'probably do not see people of the preferred sex at all' comment both made me cackle and makes a lot of sense lol, the manga started at 1997 and since it's a 'weekly title', technically a chapter comes out every week, I assume that doesn't leave much time for socialization? I dunno but doing this for close to 3 decades, you'd think some actual body diversity or dif styling would be developed as the story progressed but- how did it seriously evolve backwards? This is biologically impossible??(/hj/lh)
I remember a review video I watched citing the author's response as basically saying the target demographic is teen boys anyways? I need to find the video but I'm definitely sure that was the gist of the first bit of his response, it's as if his made unique and customized molds for all of the male characters while using the singular body mold fkr every single one of the female characters ;; the fact he prolly just chooses not to is def a massive let down tbh :')
While scrolling down, my eyes instantly went to the pic so I went "Miles :D!" then woah second pic jumpscared me real bad lol, when you said you had an example in mind I didn't think it'd be such a good example yikes, the longer I look at the artwork the more I understand your point, it's making- a lot of sense, the "you can tell a lot about someone by the way they draw" part is true tbh, this whole bit is just giving me the icks ;;
But ahh, I'll be reading the killer in love manga now :D also very sorry for answering so late, I know it isn't compulsory or anything but really just have my sincerest apologies ;; /gen/pos
And yay alright, I'll try to switch it up sometime for variety lol, minjae, d'you have any that you prefer or prefer not to use?
I watched the outro as it's own clip and I swear the meme was scratching my brain since it seemed so familiar, I'm questioning how'd it even turn into that meme lol, did it take you a while to find out?
(may contain some grammar/spelling errors, srry abt that)
HI!!! :grin: aot spoilers and..... just walls of text under the cut i didnt answer some stuff since there really wasnt anything for me to add of worth-- i read everything though dw
you should read deadmans questions right after thus spoke rohan kishibe (which i forgot to mention is technically a prequel- i shouldve said that.. u watch it after tho cuz its only rlly fun if youve watched rohan throughout part 4 already) i think- (so between 4 and 5 as you said) i cant really... tell you without sorta ruining it so u just have to wait and see. i can say its like.. not the same person he was when she was alive (im messin up their prns on purpose. for extra concealing) and theyre kinda like trying to become happy by doing.. assasinations.. :grin:
my one piece of character death-related advice is to not expect their return in this series. like once theyre dead theyre dead basically would advise to not forward aswell- going backwards fine :grin:
yes ive watched the first naruto it didnt end on a bad note or anything, and i started shippuden and he was suddenly like fucking 16 so i put it on the backburner (for whats been... 4 years now.. i dont think ill get to it ever honestly naruto was fire though. when he would transform into that.. posessed fox form i ALWAYS had to rewind and watch the scene again. idk if its top 3 anime :grimacing: like people say but its not a bad show either (i watched it instead of reading it cuz it was Free) for characters i LOVED naruto. ofc i did hes the mc but like hes such a cool kid honestly. the kinda kid everyones friends with in primary school (apart from in show). the entire main gang was great but naruto and kakashi were my top 2 .. and gaara now that i remember him i liked him more than naruto when i watched it tbh-- he was just so angry and emo and fine ive matured past the age of calling fictional characters attractive but when i was 11 i was in love with him honestly heavily disliked sasuke. which is ironic cuz i hated him for the reason i loved gaara he was so angry and emo all the time-- but he hurt naruto with his edginess (technically gaara did too but i excuse it.) also he was just being a bit of a asshole. like anime rival esque asshole but an asshole nontheless this is getting long so i'll get to the show itself honestly. because its been so long i cant remember what i really disliked the stuff that i can remember are just dumb stuff that all older animes do i guess all the "sexy-jutsu" stuff were kinda off-putting plus jiraiya as a whole. i loved him but damn he was WEIRD i had to google what the sannin were cuz i genuinely forgot-- but i think theyre cool jiraiya is a bit icky, the blonde one (forgot her name) was pretty funny- i liked her dynamic with sakura and orochimaru i think his name was; was so cool. his entire look influenced who i am today i owe it all to him /hj
death 13 is both the episode name and the ability name of the person in that episode and- id wholeheartedly recommend subbed for jjba a LOT of the jokes only work cuz its japanese, aswell as the emotions in scenes personally i dont like dubs since i find that its usually more "colorful" in its original form (for that reason i generally cannot watch korean dubs of animes.. they just throw me off ever-so-slightly
jonathan looks better in the anime than the manga to me, but this is mainly because i dont really like anime characters with muscles as big as. uh.
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the hercules-corona borealis great wall :grin: and in the anime they werent as ginourmous its a REALLY good thing arakis art style did not stay the same for the entire series honestly picturing the later characters drawn the way the first parts were drawn is honestly whiplash-inducing
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you really cant compare the jojo artstyle with sxf (probably because of all the muscles + how "harsh" jojo's shading is, and the personality in both styles)
this is the best thing i could find ^ and honestly it looks cool as hell- the artist is really talented but with the art style i just cant envision it would be as lighthearted as sxf is it carries its own vibe to it
if youve already heard that eren dies it wont pack as hard of a punch (the punch being that THE main character died) but it will still tug on your heartstrings, if you dont know the specifics. i wont say its for mikasa, but more for everyone really eren. is honestly a result of knowing too much thats what i love about aot really.. theres no bad guys other than the big man eating monsters, but even those monsters arent truly bad everyones doing what they have to do, and thats most evident in eren once you sit down and absorb the lore its gutwrenching for remembering what i watched... i honestly have no way of tracking it. theres been a good few times i watched a show, and then realized id finished it already i probably shouldve done that, but theres no point to it now so i just use memory (which honestly shows if a show is good or not-- theres a lot of shows i immediately think of despite having watched them 3 years ago/ ex: death note, erased, jjba, and school live) (and yes thats the correct way to use the way tangents)
thats whats great about csm its not just ur average battle shounen, and its battling is second to its characters whenever i see debates abut goku vs naruto and such its just like the main thing anyone got from the series was the fights (which is fully valid) but like.. there usually isnt much character depth this is usually combatted by making the characters one character trait- something that csm flips over idk what im on about. its 11 pm and i havent slept in 2 days im so sorry if this comes off weirdly written
csm was a really short read and im so happy about that since as you said, fujimoto did what he wanted, finished, and was satisfied with it hes also working on csm part 2- which is not from denjis pov it has a whole different protagonist ive heard, and takes place somewhere else i wont be reading it, since i dont want to start anything i cant finish, but i do push you to once youve finished jojo/killer in love/ other things you feel like reading
it is really nice that yor/loidś work influenced the way they parent (esp with how yor tried to teach anya to defend herself from bullies) franky was a fun character- i liked his disguises he got from loid
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bnd is cute i dont really have anything to say about him.. the whole looking into the future thing is cool though my favorite chapter has to be the one where loid is convinced yor is upset with him so he takes her to a bunch of different places.. but she was just in pain after a mission bad explanation but you get the memo i hope
i wouldnt say ALL scenes are the exact same quality as everything ive been showing, but everything is generally *really* pretty
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^that was a generally regular scene, so thats just how the art is as a default its really beautiful (also that guy with white hair is the arata i mentioned-- he isnt bad in comparison to all the other ¨bad" characters.. hes just sorta a prick)
i honestly,,,.... shouldnt have said hoodie guy isnt as bad hes really bad but morally speaking white hair guy is even worse so he isnt as bad, but he isnt tame either, esp later on all your points are getting across just fine btw :grin:
i havent read kichijuma before, but i searched it up and it honestly looks really cool like really cool it has 24 volumes from what i read though so i dont think ill check it out
of the three you mentioned, i dont like jumpscare horror its just lazy same with gore horror if thats all there is to it i dont really enjoy horror mangas/animes much in general minus a select few, but for games im all for them (chillaś art's stuff is great) people i think don't like psychological horror because its more of a thing that gets to you (?) in contrast to with jumpscares or something, that it hits you and youre scared and thats sorta that you dont really shriek in fear over psychological horror, which is what some people look for in horror (yes uzumaki is the swirly one) oyasumi punpun,... is... about punpun and him traversing life (him and his family are drawn as birds. everyone else is drawn normally. he is human) i would usher you to check it out yourself :thumbsup:
also- i started dororo, but i never finished it i probably should tonight since i cant sleep ill tell you how i feel about it if i get to it (no promises though)
i get the one piece demographic is manga loving teenage boys but i guess its just dissapointing that he just... chooses not to put effort into his female characters
im so sorry :sob: i saw it on twitter afterwards and i immediately remembered what id said before it was the best example ever (and have fun with killer in love tell me all about how you felt about it :pray: )
i dont rlly mind any variation whatever u feel like
last but not least when i heard the outro music it took like 3 seconds for me to realize what it was afterwards my world was just flipped by its head (the typos are fien i made evern mroe) (and sorry this took me a minute i kept responding then drafting it then editing then drafting it again)
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turtlemagnum · 1 year
i get that i'm probably in the minority at this point, but as someone who grew up with pokemon i have Negative Opinions of the later generations, in terms of pokemon design that is. i do think that after a while, they simplified their art style a lot in order to make more easily marketable guys, easier to make plushies and toys of i guess. but i also think that a lot of their designs are just getting Stupid, and they're (understandably) running out of ideas when they're expected to make 50+ guys every generation every few years for 20+ years straight. i genuinely feel like early on, it started off as "woah... what if we made THIS THING that i GENUINELY THINK IS COOL....", and it just happened to get absurdly popular because hey, it was genuinely cool in a lot of cases. meanwhile i think that when pokemon stopped being the passion project of a few goons doing what they loved and became A Massive Multimedia Franchise that has to Appeal To Everyone, i feel like a lot of it lost its charm, y'know? for me, i think designs and the style were really solid up until gen 4, and even with gen 4 i feel like most of the guys were pretty alright, though there's definitely a lot more misses in gen 4 than there were in 3 (which, to be fair, i consider gens 2-3 to have the most insane batting ratio throughout the series, even gen 1 has more stinkers than most dorks like me would generally admit).
i do think that things got Actually Bad in terms of design with gen 5, though. though with that being said, i also feel like gen 5 gets a lot more hate than it deserves, and it's frankly probably the least shit in terms of design of what i'd consider to be Late Gen. i do like emolga, a whole lot. but, i'd say that virtually all of gen 5's guys, with very few exceptions, Fuckign Sucked. same with gen 6, i will say that i like sylveon, but frankly i feel like it'd be harder to fuck up an eveelution than it would to make a good one. i do, however, kinda think that fairy type is lame, at least insofar as how i loved my gardevoir being a pure psychic. but alas, it's not like i'm gonna play a mainline game past gen 4 at this point anyways. again, in gen 6, we see like, one good guy, and a whole bunch of shit. though i will say that the worst of gen 5 is like, Offensively Bad, while the worst of gen 6 is just kinda fucking bland. from then on, though? i genuinely can't think of a single guy from gens 7-9 that actually fucking appeal to me. i did this little thing where you pick your favorite guys from each gen from each type, and it was like... wow, all of these past a certain point Fuckign Suck.
now, i don't think that this is the end of the world, frankly, i feel like it's only natural for a grown ass man to not find kid shit appealing. but, that being said, even when i was An Actual Kid who was growing up on the tail end of gen 4 and the beginning of gen 5, even back then i had negative opinions of whatever the fuck was going on with gen 5, though i didn't really have the language to express it in a meaningful way. and i mean like An Actual kid to say like, i was literally 9. but i also grew up on the older gens before that, though i will admit that gens 1-3 tend to run pretty indistinctly for me in some ways, since i was very young and also the first pokemon game i could call my own was mystery dungeon: red rescue team, which more or less presented the first 3 gens of guys as One Whole Group, which was pretty easy back then and would be significantly harder to pull off with the sheer Dissonance between early gen and late gen shit
now, i'm gonna do some pre-emptive defense of myself to Late Gen Bootlickers and say which early gen guys i genuinely dislike, and say which late gen guys i genuinely like, as a little bit to balance out the bashing that i've done: i think tangela's a bit shit. same with muk/grimer. i think voltorb only really works as a surprise encounter the first time and as a pokemon it's kinda meh. drowzee and hypno are Gross & Grody and should be cut, frankly, though this may just be me as someone whose spent too much damn time on the internet. same with lickitung and mr mime, frankly. unown is stupid. bullshit alphabet ass waste of a dex space. volbeat and illumise are just kinda eh. i don't think if they were never designed, the world would be an appreciably different place.
i like the purrloin line. pidove is cute. scolipede is genuinely kinda cool. i love sandile. minncino is cute. emolga is probably my favorite guy from gen 5 onwards, and frankly is one of my favorite guys out of the whole series. dedenne is kinda cute. i like tepig and litten (but not what they evolve into). the rockruff line is good. mimikyu is genuinely kinda clever and also pretty cute. yamper and boltund (especially boltund) are pretty cute. uhhh, that's all i can really think of
(gen 4 was left out of this entirely because i consider it to be a very transitory kinda deal, if i said every guy i liked and didn't like from gen 4 both of these lists would be at least twice as long as they are, since i think in terms of design, it's probably the most mixed in terms of both good and bad designs, albeit with a decent lean towards good)
now, do i hate pokemon? can't say i do, hate is a strong word, and while strong is the best thing a thing can be, i can't bring myself to feel that strongly about pokemon as it exists. pokemon as it was, though? i genuinely love, even today. i still semi regularly replay the first PMD game, sometimes i choose one of the gens from 1-4 to play through (though i've never gotten that far into gen 4 while i've beaten the first 3, some multiple times). i think what i'm trying to get at here, is that pokemon can be great, but i genuinely feel as though it's gotten appreciably worse in recent years, and i feel as though a pretty significant part of that for me is the character design. i think this might matter a bit more to me than the average person? and i almost certainly have different sensibilities than a fair amount of people. but i genuinely find it hard to enjoy a piece of media if i don't like the character designs, especially if i find the designs stupid. part of why i hate a lot of post warhammer40k fantasy and scifi so unappealing is that i think the character designs are Genuinely Dogshit. pauldrons big enough to work double duty as horse blinders, dipshit thick swords that probably couldn't cut a stick of butter, much less be used in actual combat, that sorta shit. the same goes for me and pokemon, i think. like, wow, that's just a fucking pair of keys. it's a fucking apple. that is literally just a fucking tumbleweed. terrible, though the ones i'm thinking of are just the Particularly Egregious ones, i will say that on a very fundamental level, i find a lot of the "normal" designs deeply unappealing. a lot of them illicit the same response to my brain as looking at an unethically bred animal, like a pug. like damn dude, you should NOT exist, you're a testament to the technological and ecological hubris of mankind.
which isn't to say that if i were Actually There In Real, i wouldn't feel a little different about it. like a pug in real life, i still go to pet it because it's a living being with love in its heart, even if it was bred into a little freak of nature, that's not their fault, y'know? poor little guy, have a treat. i feel like if i met the little bread dog creature i'd be a bit disconcerted, but i'd still be nice to it, y'know? some of them would absolutely be out of fear, though. personally, i'd rather not be chokeslammed by whatever furrybait dude that i'm around, y'know?
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shutupanddeal · 1 year
My top movies of 2022
I saw 95 new releases this year. Heartbreak still feels good in a place like this. The films that moved, excited, provoked, and delighted me the most:
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10. BODIES BODIES BODIES: A Gen Z horror satire starring Pete Davidson on paper sounds tailor-made to annoy me, but instead the uproarious humor here camouflages the year’s most incisive countercultural commentary about victimhood and the internet.
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9. TOP GUN: MAVERICK: Tom Cruise pulls 10 Gs – dayenu. But also: awe, action, aviators, and a reckoning with obsolescence. It made me cry.
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8. CHA CHA REAL SMOOTH: Everybody clap your hands!
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7. DECISION TO LEAVE: Fun, slippery, and finally staggering, this fusion of cat-and-mouse detective thriller, noir, romantic melodrama, and comedy keeps you guessing until it wallops you.
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6. TÁR: The world’s greatest ears and what they choose to hear. Árt, rát. An exquisite, rigorous dissection of genius, power, and their discontents.
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5. FIRE OF LOVE: What comes through most poignantly in this gorgeous volcanologist documentary is the resonance of the human heart with the natural world: both full of mysteries beyond our grasp.
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4. HIT THE ROAD: This Iranian road trip family dramedy thrums with such authenticity as to make other movies seem false. A thing of political courage and cinematic wonder, plus the cutest kid actor in ages.
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3. AFTERSUN: Loose with life but carefully calibrated, Charlotte Wells’ memory piece about a father and a daughter reaching for each other sneaks up with the force of its emotion and its formal innovation.
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2. THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD: The voice of his generation, or at least a voice of a generation: Joachim Trier understands that it’s never too late to find yourself — but that if you take long enough, the costs start to pile up. There are at least two breathtaking sequences here that will stay with me forever.
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1. EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE: An utterly brilliant, hilarious, moving, bonkers mindfuck; a resonant exploration of regret and possibility; a cry against nihilism; an oblique response to post-truth politics and the meaninglessness-making of the pandemic years; and a million other beautiful things: The title already told you.
And assorted other superlatives:
Best leading actress performances:
Cate Blanchett, TÁR
Olivia Colman, EMPIRE OF LIGHT
Danielle Deadwyler, TILL
Margot Robbie, BABYLON
Best leading actor performances:
Brendan Fraser, THE WHALE
Paul Mescal, AFTERSUN
Best supporting actor performances:
Brian Tyree Henry, CAUSEWAY
Mark Rylance, BONES AND ALL
Best supporting actress performances:
Allison Janney, TO LESLIE
Nicole Kidman, THE NORTHMAN
Janelle Monáe, GLASS ONION
Michelle Williams, THE FABELMANS
Best lines:
“Surgery is the new sex.” CRIMES OF THE FUTURE
“You will eat less than you desire and more than you deserve.” THE MENU
“The world of love wants no monsters in it.” BONES AND ALL
“I’m not your buttercup, perv!” AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER
“Secrets aren’t always things we try to hide. There’s just no one to tell them to.” PETITE MAMAN
Best endings:
Best weapons
Flaming motorcycle in RRR
Fingernails in THE WOMAN KING
Nail gun in KIMI
Autocorrect in DEEP WATER
Miscasting couch
Greta Gerwig in WHITE NOISE
Antoni Porowski in SPOILER ALERT
Lil Rel Howery in DEEP WATER
Billy Eichner in BROS
Highest concentration of extraordinarily hot people trying different accents: DEATH ON THE NILE
Most surprising critique of the military-industrial complex: THE SEA BEAST
Funniest mention of Brown: THE MENU
Strangest conception of legal education: TICKET TO PARADISE
Most unhinged moment: Sandra Bullock improvising erotica about the eczema on Channing Tatum’s back in THE LOST CITY
Worst hats: MARRY ME
Best title of a movie I saw: ALL THE BEAUTY AND THE BLOODSHED
Best title of a movie I didn’t see: PURPLE HEARTS
Worst title: SPOILER ALERT
Special commendation for a title that is just my initials: EO
And now, because I’m crazy, here are some maps of where the movies took me this year (excluding films that took place in several/unspecified/imaginary states or countries):
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week in BL
Sept 2021 Wk 5
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Don’t Say No Ep 9 (Line) - It’s my corny af hurt/comfort soap opera that I watch at 1.5x and skip all the sex scenes and Fiat crying, but I like it that way, so there. Yes I am one of those people who only eats the outside of the peanut M&Ms, why do you ask? Episode recaps here. 
Bite Me Ep 5 (Viu & Viki) - sometimes I feel like this show is skipping all the important bits, or having them occur off screen intentionally, like some ancient Greek play. Still, the depth of the feeling understood between the two leads is clearly transferred to us despite that. Are they dating? Sure seems that way. Without anything being actually said about it. It’s oddly magical. I talked a bit about the north/south divide and food as a love language with regards to kao soi in this post. 
7 Project Ep 5 The Breakup Zone (iQiYi & YouTube) - another het installment, so I skipped it. Nash. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Peach of Time Ep 10 fin - A Korean BL (maybe not BL tho) featuring Thai talent that really went beyond a lot of tropes into interesting territory and allegory in a way only Korea does. I hope we get more collabs like this, perhaps happier than this one next time? RECOMMENDED only if you are prepared for The Sad. Because it is quite sad.  
x Friend or Lover (YouTube) Ep 6 - still waiting on the final of this Taiwanese indie series.  
Love is Science? (BL sub plot on Viki) Ep 14 (aired ep 15) - Taiwanese drama finally got subbed yesterday, so those of us who are waiting seem to be on a week’s delay. The BL couple actually has the most interesting story arc and the most unusual character growth. I’m enjoying how unpredictable these two are. Honestly, they could have gotten their own series with this much story - and now I really want that for after the baby comes. I’m a little sad we didn’t get the coming out in the skate park sequence (LOOK I love coming out drama, especially with sporty friends, it’s a THING), but I also get why the writers are doing what they are with these boys. And the actors sure can handle it. Taiwan at it’s finest.  
Love Is the series (YouTube) Ep 5 - continues to be fine for a V-BL but not all that actually good. 
See You After Quarantine? (Viki) Ep 6, 7 - Taiwanese gameboys with Japanese talent stuck in, what more could we ask? AND THEN they gave us some *thirsty boi* action, great kisses, and charmed the pants off... well... everyone. Taiwan, we don’t deserve you. Honestly, you spoil us. Turns out Aaron Lai is the best wingman any gay Japanese man in quarantine could ask for. Everyone should be watching this. It’s utterly charming. 
The Tasty Florida (Viki) Ep 3 & 4 - this Korean BL so fucking cute. Look it’s formless and too short but simultaneously aching and kinda special-sweet. But Korea has got to settle into something a bit longer for their BL for everyone’s sake. It’s time. Light On Me proved it was possible. I’m not asking for much, just 15 min+ of fresh content with at least a 10 ep arc. 
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In Case You Missed It
Someone dropped K-BL movie cut of 2015′s The Lover series onto YouTube. The series was about 4 different couples all living in the same apartment complex, one of the 4 was a BL plot about a sunshine sweetie Japanese tourist who ends up roommates with a hot shy tsundere Korean boy. It’s 1.5 hours, proving Korea and stretch its BL when it wants to. 
Read more about it here. 
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Rumors of OhmFluke to star in new Thai BL Oh! My Sunshine Night. It’s from Newsinfinity Entertainment who announced the casting and showed the couple in workshops. This is this (small) production house’s first BL and they aim to “appeal to to general audiences* with a “broader view of BL that everyone will watch.” Which is code for LOW heat, light gay, soft boys. If this happens I think we can expect this to be Thailand doing Korean-style BL. 
* GENERAL AUDIENCE? Let’s be clear no piece of media will EVER appeal to everyone. Here is the USA “general audience” is code for “families with socially conservative values and children who are still minors” AKA what used to be prime time TV watchers AKA suburbia. 
 The concept is analytically old fashioned and so fractured at this juncture (socially economically spatially politically) that “general audience” is actually impossible to target and it doesn’t really exist. But try telling that to the publicity department. 
We also call this the “Disney live action demo.” (Think Pirates of the Caribbean.) I occasionally refer to them as “the Simpsons.” And they’re about as realistic. All that to say I am VERY suspicious of Oh! My Sunshine Night‘s production house. 
To My Star does seem to be getting a second season, same director, same mains. Korea is much better about executing on its promises than Thailand, but until I see proof of filming or an honest trailer, my favorite boys are staying in the gossip section. I don’t wanna get my hopes up. (Honestly now, how many of you also want an alt reality with these two as a couple but Kim Kang Min playing his long suffering cardiologist intern character from Hospital Playlist? Just me?) 
I reported on Unforgotten Night a while ago. It seems to have been fully cast now, I still think the publicity stills make it look like a joke. But with this line-up I guess it’s even more of an alt answer to KinnPorsche. 
You know that thing that happens in media when suddenly we get multiples of the same style of movie or show at once? It’s now happening with BL. Love triangles. Restaurants. And now mafia. 
Cutie Pie (our arranged marriage Thai BL staring Zee) dropped some wardrobe fitting photo ops. Also... fancy pants sexy suits that fit, so that’s exciting. 
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Starting Soon
My Mate Match from Starhunter should be starting on Line TV next Saturday. Usually, Line has subs relatively quickly and is available internationally. However the fact that the trailer is not subbed and the show is not listed on Line’s site has me nervous. No idea on length of run either. 
Starhunter studio doesn’t have a great track record in general for narrative arcs and this one is not based on a y-novel so could get waffly. This is a roommates love triangle BL about a boy who is looking for one roommate and ends up with two vying for his home and his heart. Stars Jet as the uke lead which I’m pretty happy about as he’s got great comedic timing and is accustomed to BL. He’s opposite two friends/co-actors from Gen Y and other projects, so we know they’re comfortable with each other. They could do great things... if they get a decent script. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International subs accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
This week’s best moment?
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ella, stahp! you locked eyes with a trainer who has challenged you to battle! 3, 4, 8, 9! you can’t escape! >:3
“challenge accepted.” she says in cool ace trainer voice, her eyes firmly focused on the challenger who is unaware of her strength.
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okay goodness… ava you always goes for the hardest and most lengthy questions xDD
3. If you could chose any town to live in from all the regions, which would it be?
you know i’ve have this conversation with milan recently! i chose sootopolis city, closest place to living under the sea! (or if i can i’ll just live inside the team aqua submarine.)
4. Name a favorite Pokemon from each type.
okayyy so call me out if i’m forgetting any types okay?
i’ll try to chose only one pokemon per type. (also not gonna include any eevees as there was already questions about these. gonna try to avoid choosing legendaries too.)
here we goo…
grass! serperior! mega love at the first sight!
water! i have so many favorite water types is hard to choose here, i’ll go with a more underrated fave of mine, gorebyss! she deserves some more love qAq
fire! centiskorch is very cool
ele / eelektross
fly / altaria
norm / jigglypuff
ice / froslass
psy / bruxish
dark / poochyena/mightyena
ghost / hisuian typhlosion
psn / seviper
fight / mienshao
rock / anorith
ground / garchomp
steel / mawile
bug / snom/frosmoth
fairy / primarina
dragon / hydreigon 
okay thats all of them… thats a whole lot of pokemon!!! ///goodness i love pokemon…
8.Name a favorite Pokemon from each of the generations.
goodness ava… xDDD okay here we go again. i guess i’ll try not repeating any mons from the previous questions. now i can run wild with legendaries.
gen 1/kanto / articuno, lapras, mew… so many omg
gen 2/johto / lugia, or suicine
gen 3/hoenn / as you’ll know hoenn is absolute favorite region EVER, so i have a lot of faves, most importantly kyogre💙 also gorebyss, milotic, mightyena (as before mention), sharpedo, tropius, banette, so many omg qAq
gen 4/sinnoh / lumineon is queen🖤
gen 5/unova / reshiram, or zoroark is also very cool. OH and swanna💙
gen 6/kalos / xerneas, ahh aurorus too…
gen 7/alola / tapu fini, nihilego
gen 8/galar / barraskewda, polteageist
gen 9/??? / yes this includes them.  quaxly is my pride and joy.
okay ELLA ended up cheated a lot…
9. Favorite eeveelution? 
espeon or vaporeon! sorry cannot choose between qAq also really love umbreon too…
well that took a long time to write out…probably looks like i’ve gone afk. anw heres your answers if you’re still lurking this site ava.🖤
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Soooooo pokeblr i wanna experiment with something.
Wanna give all of pokemon some positivity, so i wanna try a bit of an experiment:
What's your favorite thing about each generation?
Yes, even ones you possibly don't like. I wanna see love for every generation so every fan of pokemon thats out there feels like they can be included.
I'll start:
Gen 1: If im being honest, i dont like gen 1 for reasons i won't get into now, but it started the franchise i adore so much so i can at least give it that.
Gen 2: Asking me to pick just one thing from this gen, my favorite ever, is like asking me to pick a favorite key on my keyboard. I guess i would go with music, because to this day the only thing to get close to beating this when it comes to favorite soundtrack is legends arceus.
Gen 3: Gave me 2 of my favorite mons in mudkip and jirachi, and also has some neat areas (Shoal Cave and Meteor Cave always interested me to no end).
Gen 4: My first pokemon games, and what got me into the series. Plus, how could i not love the lore of this game? Only one that matches this lore-wise to me is gen 2!
Gen 5: Characters. N is such a facinating character to me, but even outside of him we also have the rival that truly feels like an actual Rival, Hugh! Plus lots of others, like my boy CHARLES-
Gen 6: This gen gets way too much hate and I'll stand by it. Theres so much to love here! I guess I'd probably go with Mega Evos, which should have absolutely gotten more love!
Gen 7: As my 2nd favorite gen, it also has a lot to love for me. However, easily what stands on top for me is regional variants. Without question, the COOLEST THING TO BE ADDED TO MODERN POKEMON. Giving new spins in an entirely different way than megas!
Gen 8: Despite all the hate gen 8 gets, i ADORE the sports themeing. It really makes gyms feel important for once, and gym battles actually feel like a MASSIVE spectacle. Every other gym, e4, and champion battle were closed off, but here, the liveliness of the crowd feels so real!
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