nyxrev · 1 year
Tsukuyomi Trilogy
Chapter II: Icarus
A boy who flew too close to the sun
………….————- *Moon Craters Highway radio,
Welcome back. Last time we left off at eugenics and esp tricks. Buckle your seatbelts folks we're about to go downhill. Full throttle ahead with an Eastward turbulence.
“From our surveillance data…” *!!!* **red flag**
…eh? we could't even grasp the battle situation (much less catch any data) on our end though?
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With the sisters held hostage, our moon agent releases Demon level monsters from the floor below. Now, exactly how much he knows about the HA floor plan idk, but the extent to which he is familiar with mechanisms of what we can see should already draw concern, if earlier mention of their “data” did not already perk up our ears.
Unfortunately, though execs felt brief confusion they brush off their uneasy sentiment, and soon forget about it as the agent thanks them for the valuable “specimen” and their focus is drawn to money matters.
The fact they don't immediately feel suspicious, nor try to discreetly ask an outsider about how they acquired such extensive data on what was supposed to be so secretive an operation, even their own people could not get data, and are so gullibly unwary of the outsider with undisclosed data to proceed “trades”, not only exposes how desperate for funds they are, it also exposes their catastrophic lack of critical awareness. Smb boutta get caught for gross negligence, except them execs will prolly get let off easy.
See, the world runs on money most luxurious of which often acquired through nefarious means. Sure, money can buy you comfort and security, but comes with an equally expensive cost. Well, you could buy comfort, but you might soon find out you pay for it… For example, perhaps we are already *quite very* familiar with circumstances of compromised critical security… You see…we can't let you have both at once now, can we…
The agent prepares to make his grand exit, and as he juggles the psychic sisters he declares all smug, “nobody would question the de*th of the witch sisters anytime soon, now would they?”
Excuse me young man I wholly disagree. In fact everyone who knows them would question their de* th more than anyone else's for no one would believe they'd go down so easily to some caged monsters. You should know better by now, what with Tatsumaki as an indispensable pillar of HA, and Fubuki an influential figure.
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Cosmic Mad Hatter and the Oreo Hoops Boy
…A new party emerges from the suited group…and leaves the fray. Eyelashes shouts, enraged, “so You're the bastard…” who dr—gged Fubuki. Outrageous. Traitor. I mean, can you really call him traitor when he'd always been a spy?
It'd do well for Blizzard regulars to stay together get to know each other well so they can discern who (among them & out) is trustworthy.
Furious, they attack n I realized it's the first time I've seen Eyelashes' we.*pon, I always wondered how he'd fight with a pair of eyelash curlers. Not so benign a cosmetic tool now, eh?
But they're no match for psychic retaliation…Oh and doesn't Mad Hatter look like Choze there? Eyes of eugenic superiority complex.
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Fubuki cares about her subordinates and I hope she cares about them as people and not assets, as I'm sure they each can learn and grow strong enough to hold their own, to truly help her grow as a person as well.
At the critical moment, Saitama crashes out of the monster den with his usual punch, shock on every face present, but distraction is fatal for an agent on mission and Tatsumaki seizes an open defence to strike. As expected, she would never let herself be compromised for naught.
“Found it” she reclaims autonomy…and oh how the tables have turned. All while she was bound, she located the p!ll. Smart.
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silent agent panic “the capsule won't react…!?” Of course not, once Tatsumaki has control, you will never be able to reclaim control over it. Behold her power and precision, amateur.
What happens next, we all know. He gets gently poked 3x by 1 lil p!ll n-—-dle.
Excellent now your brilliant plan backfired most disastrously, you*&*your cult is humiliated, and I'm stuck here with you for the next 24hr as you try to rush to a psychic hospital if it even exists.
Why did he turn two shades darker as he teeter-totters two steps away from de*th, oh pois0ned bl*-*d mb. Tbh, at first I thought mb the p!ll was just sleep, and he said it had poison to bluff, but his pitiful state now, doesn't look too well. Hope you not allergic or got antidote for whatever it is
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“Look I'll have you spit out all you know about Tsukuyomi later, you hear me” Now you rly see and feel the terror of tornado, right next to you.
I, too, want to t0rment you gently, for you made the most careless mistakes and lost your prizes.
Fly next to the Sun too keen and get burnt.
As Tatsumaki, at full threat, makes our poor fool of an agent spill the beans I can't help but recall an uncanny similarity between Apollo and Amai when he got poked by Do-S. Look at him, vessels emerged, almost monstrous.
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Makes you wonder what they did to them, what happened under the kn!fe to get their artificially activated psychic power and how they maintain or strengthen it, right? I wouldn't be surprised if they did contact God on the Moon to get power or try to anyway. Maybe some of them, artificial psychics, are even monsterized for their hunger for power. Just a stray thought but I do wonder.
Now Apollo's mission to the Moon is honourably jeopardized, his failure might get him fired who knows, but Tatsumaki rightly spares no pity nor mercy and not only keeps enemy compromised but gets the job done thorough and through, all the way to the last precautionary step.
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The spy, he manages to slip out of house arrest, but gets no pass and is thrown on the wall most gracefully as he makes meagre attempt to run.
My humour is broken as Garou's hut but I found it funny he just went “Bu-” … if you squint extra hard his knocked out form might even look a lil bit like the shape of ぶッ bahaha
On a serious note, I didn't expect Tsukuyomi to get their prizes or even escape unscathed, but I did wish they proved trickier to defeat, not* bc I want to see Tatsumaki suffer (MA was :'|) but bc I want to see her be decently challenged, not to traumatic extent, but by what challenges her to problem solve and use her smarts as well as but more than brute strength. To see her grow from catalytic challenges or experiences, so she is no longer so stubborn to fend for herself, her sister & co. alone, but can learn to work with and trust others, like we saw with Genos.
Let's stop here for now. Next chapter will be the last. It is short, but I should like to address what will prompt more questions than answers.
…^^^vroom vroom zoomies on highway to hell*
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Pardon my weird amount of text censors. It got flagged or whatever it's called last time n idk what triggers the algorithm so. I had to crop out the first two panels of the scene where he got backfired literally cuz idk if photos also trigger the system. But the first two were most obvious similarity to Amai's broken mask so ifykyk
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bachu-aa · 1 year
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no1monstersimp · 1 year
Something is going on with Gearsper and I had a feeling he'd tie into this arc. He clearly has had psychic mods done to him judging by the scars, but claims the organization not to be real.
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It's kinda funny how the association must've also made his helmet for him much like with Air and his "modifications". He's now acting strangely aswell. McCoys triumphant smile says it all.
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It's only going to get more disturbing I think
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bebe-tatsu · 10 months
you sussy little 🏖️👀
Tell me who made that gear that only reacted when it came in contact with Tatsumaki's power that enabled you to gain power (almost) similar to hers
and why are you so sussy in the latest chaps too. 👀 trying to deflect the blame on Monster Association 👀 I think the rumors are true
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emikomusubi · 2 years
Obsessed with how gearspers attack was SO powerful fubuki momentarily mistook it for her S class rank 2 sister. Insane potential
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weeblmaodotcom · 1 year
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"We have dismissed that claim." - Gearsper , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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chococake18 · 2 years
I made a video with my guesses on the seiyuus for the upcoming One Punch Man S3
I think I’ll get everyone wrong, but oh well, we can always try...
Hope you like it, and feel free to comment your guesses too~
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lin-lizzie · 1 year
Top 10 One Punch Man heroes
by favorites, this might be a bit hard after 5
Lightning Max (obviously)
Lightning Genji
Captain Mizuki
One Shotter
Child Emperor
Watchdog Man
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 months
He saves but he also imperils
Ahhh, reading old chapters is so much fun. I remember Green painstakingly sealing every exit from the Monster Association Gearsper could find, only to find that one monster had gotten out anyway:
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Now, looking back, ahh yes, it was in that same direction that Saitama unplugged a hole and went back into the Monster Association, no?
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Saitama's talent for breaking things for others continues.
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rainee-da · 10 days
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🍀rainee's fandom list — this is the list of fandom i'm a part of & list of characters i'm willing to work with! (bolded means favorite!)
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anime/manga series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Mashle: Magic and Muscle ❥ Abbyss Razor / Abel Walker / Agito Tyrone / Carpaccio Luo-Yang / Cell War / Charles Contini / Delisaster / Domina Blowelive / Doom / Dott Barret / Epidem / Famin / Finn Ames / Galuf Gargaron / Kaldo Gehenna / Kenny Clark / Lance Crown / Lemon Irvine / Lévis Rosequartz / Love Cute / Lovie Rosequartz / Malcolm Curtis / Margarette Macaron / Mash Burnedead / Max Land / Milo Genius / Orter Madl / Rayne Ames / Renatus Revol / Shuen Getsuku / Sophina Biblia / Tsurara Halestone / Wirth Madl One-Punch Man ❥ Amai Mask / Atomic Samurai / Blue Fire / Captain Mizuki / Darkness Blade / Drive Knight / Eyelashes / Feather / Flashy Flash / Fubuki / Garou / Gearsper / Genos / Glasses / Golden Ball / Iaian / King / Lightning Max / Metal Bat / Mumen Rider / Mountain Ape / Needle Star / Okamaitachi / One Shotter / Poison / Saitama / Sekingar / Sneck / Speed-O'-Sound Sonic / Spring Mustachio / Tanktop Master / Tatsumaki / Twin Tail / Zombieman Dr. STONE ❥ Chelsea Childe / Chrome / Francois / Gen Asagiri / Ginro / Homura Momiji / Hyoga / Joel Gar / Kinro / Kohaku / Luna Wright / Minami Hokutozai / Moz / Nikki Hanada / Ryusui Nanami / Sai Nanami / Senku Ishigami / Stanley Snyder / Taiju Oki / Tsukasa Shishio / Ukyo Saionji / Xeno H. Wingfield / Yo Uei / Yuzuhira Ogawa My Hero Academia ❥ Aizawa Shouta / Himiko Toga / Hizashi Yamada / Jin Bubaigawara / Keigo Takami / Mirai Saaki / Mirio Togata / Nejire Hado / Neito Monoma / Rumi Usagiyama / Sako Atsuhiro / Shigaraki Tomura / Shinya Kamihara / Shuichi Iguchi / Tamaki Amajiki / Toshinori Yagi / Touya Todoroki / Tsunagu Hakamada Mob Psycho 100 ❥ Arataka Reigen / Hiroshi Shibata / Ichi Mezato / Katsuya Serizawa / Keiji Mogami / Matsuo / Megumu Koyama / Nozomu Hatori / Ritsu Kageyama / Ryo Shimazaki / Shigeo Kageyama / Sho Suzuki / Tenga Onigawara / Terada / Teruki Hanazawa / Toichiro Suzuki / Tome Kurata / Toshiki Minegishi / Tsubomi Takane / Yusuke Sakurai Osomatsu-san ❥ Choromatsu Matsuno / Ichimatsu Matsuno / Jyushimatsu Matsuno / Karamatsu Matsuno / Nyaa Hashimoto / Osomatsu Matsuno / Todomatsu Matsuno / Totoko Yowai Kakegurui ❥ Ibara Obami / Kaeda Manyuda / Kirari Momobami / Mary Saotome / Midari Ikishima / Miri Yobami / Miyo Inbami / Ririka Momobami / Rin Obami / Ryota Suzui / Sayaka Igarashi / Sumika Warakubami / Terano Totobami / Yumeko Jabami / Yumemi Yumemite / Yuriko Nishinotouin
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manhwa series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Eleceed ❥ Amyeong / Arthur Bryan / Cain Luterain / Chul Young / Dr. Delein / Duke Grane / Elay Pigarun / Gangseok Choi / Giwook Jang / Glant Gesimov / Guestella / Ian Patrick / Inhyuk Goo / Iseul Ju / Jiwoo Seo / Jisuk Yoo / Jiyoung Yoo / Jurion Patrick / Kartein / Kayden Break / Lia Eresby / Miyoung Ko / Muse / Pluton / Roist / Schneider / Seongha Park / Subin Lee / Sucheon Kang / Suman Kang / Vator / Wooin UnOrdinary ❥ Arlo / Blyke / Darren / Isen / John / Kuyo / Leilah / Remi / Rei / Seraphina
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video games series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Stardew Valley (+ Expanded) ❥ Abigail / Alex / Claire / Elliot / Emily / Haley / Harvey / Lance / Leah / Magnus / Maru / Penny / Sam / Sebastian / Shane / Sophia / Victor Baldur's Gate 3 ❥ Astarion / Gale / Halsin / Karlach / Lae'zel / Minthara / Shadowheart / Wyll Kingdom Hearts ❥ Axel / Demyx / Larxene / Lexaeus / Luxord / Marluxia / Naminé / Roxas / Saix / Vexen / Xaldin / Xemnas / Xigbar / Xion / Zexion Hogwarts Legacy ❥ Aesop Sharp / Amit Thakkar / Garreth Weasley / Leander Prewett / Mirabel Garlick / Natsai Onai / Ominis Gaunt / Parry Pippin / Poppy Sweeting / Sebastian Sallow / Victor Rookwood Detroit: Become Human ❥ Connor (RK800) / Daniel / Elijah Kamski / Gavin Reed / Kara / Luther / Markus / Nines (RK900) / North / Ralph / Sixty (RK-800-60) / Simon Watch Dogs Series ❥ Aiden Pearce / Dušan Nemec / Horatio Carlin / Josh Sauchak / Marcus Holloway / Raymond Kenney / Reginald Blenchman (Wrench) / Sitara Dhawan Danganronpa Series ❥ Akane Owari / Byakuya Togami / Celestia Ludenberg / Chiaki Nanami / Chihiro Fujisaki / Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu / Ghundam Tanaka / Gonta Gokuhara / Hajime Hinata / Hiyoko Saionji / Himiko Yumeno / Ibuki Mioda / Kaede Akamatsu / Kaito Momota / Kazuichi Souda / Kirumi Tojo / Kokichi Ouma / Korekiyo Shinguji / Makoto Naegi / Maki Harukawa / Mikan Tsukimi / Miu Iruma / Mondo Owada / Nagito Komaeda / Nekomaru Nidai / Peko Pekoyama / Rantaro Amami / Ryoma Hoshi/ Sakura Ogami / Sayaka Maizono / Shuichi Saihara / Sonia Nevermind / Teruteru Hanamura / Touko Fukawa / Tsumugi Shirogane / Yasuhiro Hagakure Persona Series ❥ Aegis / Akihiro Sanada / Ann Takamaki / Futaba Sakura / Goro Akechi / Hidetoshi Odagiri / Junpei Iori / Ken Amada / Makoto Niijima / Ren Amamiya / Ryoji Mochizuki / Ryuji Sakamoto / Shinjiro Agaraki / Theodore / Yusuke Kitagawa
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nyxrev · 1 year
Tsukuyomi ツクヨミ
alt. 月読、月夜見: Japanese Moon God, implied to be male, not major deity but has some tales, notably when he killed a food goddess at a feast bc he was disgusted by how she created food from her body. His sister-wife Sun Goddess Amaterasu, horrified by his action, was so angry she exiled him from Heaven and refused to look at him again, thus is how day-night separated as Sun & Moon never meet.
With our snotty sleazy God on the Moon, I must wonder if Tsukuyomi, lit. The Moon God Org., is related, as they seem so eager to fetch Psykos, the “Third Eye” who can see the future, who we know from the swirly planetary mental imagery, has had prior contact with God.
Chapter I: Apollo
——*Welcome to Moon Craters Highway Radio for road rage therapy and drive escapades, what a lovely sunny noon out here! All's calm yet why do I smell the musty rot of evil afoot? Whatever could it be?
We hear your engines rumble with excitement, so take a seat on the passenger's side as we go full throttle on a wild ride through the hearth of our roads! —Only at the Hero Association HQ~*
Commentary brought to you by Apollo's poison pill (still stuck in his eye help me out)
Of course, damp stagnant underground spaces, with lack of ventilation n ever loom of darkness, are the perfect ground for unhygienic practices, such as the proliferation of (virulent) microbes…
Why is it always the smiley mask suit man
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Rich. Mysterious. Creepy. What an atmosphere.
He comes to collect samples for experiment on behalf of his assoc., “for research purposes,” he says humbly, but not surprised to see him refer to live human like an object. Mad scientist? No, meticulously evil scientist.
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God I can smell his perfume two lots away and it reeks of evil, ill omen.
Which brand d'you bet the Moon agents wear? I throw Hugo as an option. Strong and obnoxious
Notice how a mere agent exudes enough latent, passive psychic energy for Fubuki to sense it? And she seems to feel it quite strongly. I expect him to be decently troublesome.
Oops… it would be all for naught if the precious brain gets damaged, now, wouldn't it… because as the rumoured “Third Eye” we heard so much about, the secret to future vision also lies here…he says, as cradles her head gently, coldly, with -out an ounce of affection, only ambition for an excellent sample acquired for nefarious deeds.
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“Would you like to torture her?” “No need,” he replies, brief but courteous enough.
Now I'm not sure what he did to Psykos there, it looks like a psychic gunshot or taser, but clearly all they care about's her brain and what it holds. They may not torture her (doubt they wouldn't), but they would only keep her sane/alive enough to extract momentous pieces for their research.
隅々まで sumizumi made (reduplicative): lit. to the end of every corner, every nook and cranny, all the ins and outs
調べる: to investigate, examine, check, look into
“We'll perform a craniotomy back at the lab to explore every nook and cranny”
No need for torture, they'll do much worse.
His way of speech makes my skeleton want to crawl out of my flesh.
Absolutely Unhinged.
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I can't tell what emotion he has capacity for, but mb he's so surprised his pupils went o_o; or mb even it's his spark of idea expression to bait and catch Fubuki too. He has no eyebrows, must've exchanged them for maximum zappy. N why he look like a Demon Slayer chara except deflated.
Notice how exec went “Oi guards, can't you see our generous Mr. Sponsor is…” at Fubuki group, straight from diplomatic, an almost obsequious customer service voice* to an imperative voice of displeased authority.
*eg. prior scene when exec welcomed him with: お待ち申し上げておりました。どうぞこちらへ。 “We've expected you. Please, this way.” It's hard to explain but they used respectful language for every part there. It's humble deferential speech, expected formality, but the fact they're polite to an outsider w data (next) yet irritated by Fubuki and only scared when Tatsumaki comes… they know their shady deals can't be exposed.
Now as Tatsumaki cracks down the door roof to your crimes, fearsome as a tornado can be, I fell for their act like a diet pill down a beauty's tea.
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“Don't interfere, you outsider!!” And she makes modern art out of our Moon agent.
Fear not, he is sturdy. And smart enough to knock out unneeded eyes of execs and security.
Don't we all love an ambidextrous multitasker?
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“How convenient. I'll make you sisters souvenir too.” An excellent addition, if only you could get your hands on them so easily as you wish.
She yeet him so hard he lost his coat, or he took it off bc he activated Serious Solar Storm. Well, the starry Cosmic Garou shirt looks dapper but better not just toss your coat on the ground at a rival's house if it has your valuables.
His tie has a U crescent idk the specific term for but if I search without scientific names is weird. Prefer scientific detail til I can sort out the lores. Apparently, the moon is related to clairvoyance. Believe what you will but I feel Moon Readers of Tsukuyomi seek out prophecy not to be sought.
Maybe moon phases on their ties correspond to rank and power.He's just a henchman after all. If agents have phases, mb the boss has full moon. Mb also means “power” is completed, but I feel it is dangerous to reach completed power.
When we saw God crawl out of his crusty moon den, the moon was lit on top ◠ an angle difficult & unnatural from earth. If ◡ crescent is humans, opposite you reach God, “ascended” as Fubuki said. Except it's NOT somewhere to ascend. We already saw why not to connect with God.
So break my tangent, let's get back on track.
As his aura crackles with flames, our agent pats off dust and engages Tatsumaki. Heh, not bad… She looks down at him, literally and figuratively, a little lab rat should be no big deal for her, but,
Fubuki comments, “He's strong.” Perhaps not unmanageable, but def stronger than expected.
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Sure enough, he starts off strong.
Fubuki may not be the strongest esper by sheer power output-wise, but she is not imperceptive. Remember when Gearsper's energy output was so strong she almost mistook it for her sister? When she senses power, she really senses it. So I'd trust her judgement of its strength at least.
Oof—the gust, the gales, what sandy breeze on our sails. Guess he can hold his own, for now.
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Let's take a moment to appreciate Murata's flex of artistic muscles before moon agent tires out.
“…I may be at a slight disadvantage…” Slight??Pathetic, Tatsumaki ridicules.
Your starry scars look about to burst, heed your limit, man. You'll get dust in your eyes- oh oops, I'll shut it, I'm an ill omen. Bite my tongue Bide my time Baby I'm not even here
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“Poor Guinea Pig”
“Hmph, you needn't belittle me so, you know…” I do wonder if you can still keep on your air of condescension if you know what I'm about to do.
Did she really just call him a “Pitiful Marmot”?
モルモット: transliteration - marmot.
I thought it strange for marmot to mean guinea pig as an experiment animal like an equivalent of lab rat, so I dug round, turns out it's historical language confusion, not much we can do about it now. What's the unfortunate chosen animal of your language(s)?
Tbh, I'd add Pitiful Marmot to my vocabulary, for most affectionate purposes, of course.
It looks like she hit the nail on the head cuz her slight hurt the artificial esper's pride enough to set off the next step of Apollo's mission.
Now y'all done it. He broke the capsule! sleepy…
No! You Fool. Afoollo Why you gotta expose me like that. Why'd you out your strategy?! You had Data yet can't grasp her ability??! Thought you could outsmart and overpower her? Fool. You just jeopardized your precious junior's effort and lost your trump card. Well, I don't know how precious he is to you but you should prolly cherish him a little for he's considerate enough to bail you out of your stupid mistakes and drive you home with a bloody concussion.
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“Natural Espers are a defective species. Perish.”
Brother your logic is defective. If natural espers didn't exist how can artificial ones like you ever exist hah? You even need existent natural ones alive to create your artificial comrades.
I must ask though, what did he mean with they “lack balance and harmony”? Did he mean they rely on psychic power so much they're physically weak??
His face just gets creepier. Then he pulls a stunt and I wonder if Tatsumaki rly had a hard time or just let him get the illusion of victory to locate the pill. —*More on Apollo's Mission next post.
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luridce · 1 year
my dummy headcanons for the yee yee ass haircut man, that I want to get off my chest:
✩ his real name is Ido - created this from his hero name pronunciation "Nīdorusutā".
✩ before joining and getting kicked out of the Blizzard Group, and becoming a professional hero on his own, he definitely was involved in some gang (the delinquent vibes?). Inevitably did a 180 and became a hero... because our man is good deep down inside🖤
✩ maybe worked in security? or like a chauffeur for a gang boss at some point? Anyways, any job he did was cut short because of "disciplinary issues" a.k.a. him not being able to take orders and listen to his superiors if he thinks it's not the right thing.
✩ chews bubblegum when he feels like smoking (wants to quit smoking). Get's lowkey annoyed when working with other heroes who smoke right in front of him (lmao Zombieman pls it's not healthy for you, sweetheart!).
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✩ kept the suit he got from the Blizzard Group. Had to return it after being kicked out, but didn't because he's a little shit lol.
✩ wears safety pins as earrings to show solidarity with those who are marginalized, believes in "all lives are equally valuable". So I think most of his attitude/arguments with others stem from seeing people treated badly (e.g. probably wasn't a fan of newbie-crushing that the Blizzard Group did).
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✩ thinks he's a smartass, but probably barely finished school lol. Maybe has street smarts? A little bit of physics knowledge, because he has to estimate the trajectory of his mace?
✩ idk but I think he has like... a million tattoos under that suit. Overall, he's very into the punk look, looking alternative and having a "no rules" style. Wears a lot of dark clothing, ripped clothing, boots, maybe has a few t-shirts in 'weirder' colors (e.g. hot pink? lol). Likes studded and spiked jewelry, has a few killer leather jackets. But only wears everything casually, tones it down for hero work.
✩ I think that his good guy side stems from either: 1) growing up on the streets and witnessing poor, weaker people being treated badly (maybe similar mindset to Garou, reacting to the injustice of the world, but choosing to be better); 2) not growing up on the streets, having a good support system and family that helped him form his values (maybe a good, but strict mom? a younger sibling he kinda wants to be a role models for?); 3) no big reasoning behind that, just him being a decent human being.
✩ pierced his own ears with safety pins when he was a teen to impress his delinquent friends. Pierced his ears unevenly though lmao.
✩ is a total tsundere about it, but secretly enjoys working in/belonging to a team. I wanna believe that him and the others (Mizuki, One Shotter, Gearsper) form some sort of a friendship after the MA raid, maybe go out for drinks or something. I love them all so much... I just want them to interact again in the manga 🖤
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✩ maybe has some resentment towards the Blizzard Group, but is mainly focused on his own path as a hero. Not the one to badmouth the group or Fubuki behind their backs.
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✩ is a regular in one barber shop and goes like once a week lmao like a lot. Keeping his zig zag haircut looking fresh is his top priority. Probably dyed his hair at some point too. Wishing we got a colored version of him in the manga.
✩ keeps his mace and chain next to his bed when sleeping. Curses a lot (says "damn" and "holy crap" in the manga), will call you a dumbass.
✩ and a super dumb last one: sings while driving. Like he's a decent driver, but a horrible singer (thinks he's good though lmao). Telling him to stop will just make him sing louder. Maybe that's the reason he lost his chauffeuring job lmao.
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no1monstersimp · 2 years
Out of Context OPM Day #159
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the-nysh · 1 year
I think Gearsper is a bit suspicious for saying that Tsukuyomi is just an urban legend considering that his powers also seem to be artificial given the scars on his head (similar to Apollo and the other Tsukuyomi member) and the weird headgear he wears...
Oh yes, that was odd, considering he's likely one of their enhanced esper experiments victims himself (same brain surgery scars underneath the mask) - he had to have known of them. :O Despite all this bullshit he's spouting about rumors and urban legends - that's suspiciously not adding up.
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Unless he's truly in on it (part of their group; covering things up for damage control), or perhaps he was brainwashed to not speak anything ill of their organization, orrrr all his memories are still intact and he's deliberately deflecting/playing ignorant to help Fubuki make her safe escape with Psykos. :O (As an esper/hero helping out his fellow endangered espers.) It could be any of the above.
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findroleplay · 11 months
hi! im 17, looking for 15+ partners wanting to do One Punch Man or The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.!
semi-lit, 1-3 paragraphs (sometimes more, depends), third person past tense (i can attempt to match to whatever though!). happy to do mxm, mxf and fxf! id like to do ccxcc, but im more than willing to do ccxoc if we double :)
characters i can write: Amai Mask, King, Metal Bat (Badd), Fubuki, Okamaitachi, GEARsper Kaidou Shun, Kuboyasu Aren, Saiko Metori, Toritsuka Reita, Aiura Mikoto, Teruhashi Kokomi
feel free to like the post or dm me so we can discuss details ♥
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stolen-ass-name · 1 year
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#encanto tag - 18 posts
#art - 15 posts
#mp100 - 14 posts
#jjba - 14 posts
#lmao - 13 posts
#prev tags - 13 posts
#vbs - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#if your post has a gajillion notes you're not gonna check the nth weird tag you get on that post from someone that only thinks about blorbo
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm gonna start posting about One Punch Man again after so long bc I Miss They, and my first post is
Gearsper is Greek
I claim him now, he's Greek.
1 note - Posted January 23, 2022
Not to vague about someone but if your immediate response to someone doing something that makes you cringe a little is to wish death upon them and their loved one, you should definitely get checked. Y'all are getting too comfortable telling people they should k*ll themselves and it's getting fucking annoying.
2 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
Shout out to trans men for being so beautiful handsome and pretty all the time, and doing all the aesthetic heavy-lifting of the world,,,
3 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
Heaven's Design Team for the fandom thing >:3
Blorbo (favorite character/ character I think about the Most): THIS IS A NEPTUNE ZONE, IF YOU DON'T LIKE NEPTUNE GET OFF MY BLOG, PPL
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See the full post
3 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I literally do not get what problem y'all have with M-spec lesbians, like, it just sounds like weird label discourse all over again. People can, will and should use whatever labels they think best describe them. I don't get y'all's obsession with keeping lesbian as "exclusive" as possible, you cannot fully comprehend other people's experiences and feelings as deeply as they can, ever, and you should trust them to know what label they think is best at any point. You cannot control them, you cannot control anything about them. Go look at yourself in the mirror, talk to an older gay person, touch some grass.
3 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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