#GDC Talks
nintendocafe · 19 days
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Watch Nintendo GDC Talks:
Tunes of the Kingdom: Evolving Physics
Sounds for Tears of the Kingdom
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bobacupcake · 10 months
Another shader on my mind if you're still doing them - A Short Hike! It has different pixel size options in-game that first glance look like just a filter thing, but things like powerlines and wind effects seem to display differently in each mode. Thoughts?
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the wholee thing is rendered really small to a texture and increased in size without any filtering!!
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apart from that, everything is toon shaded!! lots of common themes between all of these stylized games mapping their 0 to 1 lighting values to other values to achieve toon shading, here's a short hikes!!
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just imagine it as the left gradient being the "actual light value" and comparing that to the right gradient. thats going to be your mapped value!! easy toon shading
each object also had its own custom values to mess with, just to make sure everything looked juuust right since there were so few pixels to work with
another thing that helped a lot with easy level building & prototyping, (something super important when youre a tiny team like adam. and also just in general) is that all the terrain used something called a triplanar shader
essentially that just means instead of needing to 3d unwrap all your terrain into uvs to put textures on them which takes forever and will leave you not really wanting to make any huge changes or youd have to unwrap things again, triplanar shaders just project the texture onto the material based on its world position, and what direction its facing
here you can see it in action - if the model is facing up, it uses the grass texture, if its facing to the sides, it uses the rock texture. and because this is terrain and it never moves, instead of using uvs you can just tell the texture to be mapped to where it is in the world
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its sort of like the chowder effect, but instead of using screen position to drive the texture, it uses world position. but this let him build up the terrain incredibly quickly
and lastly the post processing!! just a bit of fog, edge detection, and some color adjusting
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here's a little twitter thread on it, and heres a longer gdc talk!!
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
now that we've confirmed the yunmeng boys are weird as hell can we please get more weird jiang yanli content . she looks normal on the outside but she's 100% Yunmeng blood please let her do the most insane shit too. I want Jiang Yanli to scare everyone in Koi Tower by easily outdrinking them and then chasing down her wine with a shot of straight ghost pepper extract . I want Jiang Yanli to play pranks on Jin Zixuan by swimming behind him and pretending to be a water ghost . I want more SILLY AND MISCHIEVOUS YANLI STOP NERFING HER !!!!
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yinyangbuns · 1 year
thinking about how wwx says So Much but also says nothing at all
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legionofpotatoes · 8 months
Just imagine how funny it would be though if the entire reason why Starfield is crippling top of the line CPUs and GPUs is because the food is horribly unoptimized
oh I want it to be true so bad. media coverage and everything. consoles bricked due to todd's silly sandwich mishaps! certified bethesda moment™️
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myxineye · 4 months
game i worked on (try again) was nomiated as finalist for igf's best student game!!! yippee!!!!!
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manasseh · 6 months
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- Fake Grimlock
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tinkkles · 8 months
Why are video games so goddamn hard to make like genuinely something as straightforward as "make an NPC offer a quest when you talk to them" requires like 6 days of rigorous study to understand and a minimum of 3 neurosurgeons present at all times
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aeondeug · 2 years
“I know me personally I think of fighting games as a reality check as opposed to a power fantasy.” “Many games now are based around empowering the player and making them feel like something they’re not, whereas fighting games will very quickly show you what you are and where you sit.”
YEAH YEAH YEAH. THAT’S IT. THAT’S WHAT THEY ARE. It’s also a big part of the appeal. Like getting ego checked sucks and it taking so long to get good sucks but like. The nice thing is that when you do improve it’s you who improved. Not your gear or some random numbers or your teammates. It’s you.
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timetakeswords · 11 months
Duolingo: Our entire learning Model is about learning through failure. No other way to get better!
Also Duolingo: If you even think abou failing the chain we will personally hunt you down and force feed you streak freezes! No failure allowed!!!
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nintendocafe · 19 days
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Watch Nintendo GDC Talks:
2D and Tomorrow: How the Developers of 'Super Mario Bros. Wonder' Find New Joy in Creating Side-Scrolling Adventures
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neverendingford · 1 year
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
If lesbian Wen Qing hc has million number of fans i am one of them .
if lesbian Wen Qing hc has ten fans i am one of them.
if lesbian Wen Qing hc have only one fan and that is me .
if lesbian Wen Qing hc has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth .
if world against lesbian Wen Qing hc, i am against the world. 
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yinyangbuns · 1 year
cql is interesting bc one second they are saying things that anyone who knows anything about the novels know is yearning af, and then there’s a scene cut and you feel like one of those psychics that touch dried blood splatters in creepy houses and go “something happened here….”
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bobacupcake · 10 months
We got the earth and the sky, but has anyone asked about what you think of Abzu?
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i love abzu!!! another one i have watched the gdc talk for which you can watch here!!
the two big things in abzu are the fish animations and the overall environment lighting - lets start with fish!! there are a lot of them. and when you want to animate a lot of things, your computer will explode. this is specifically when you animate things with bones, how a lot of computer things are animated
luckily one thing that gpus can be really good at is drawing a tonnnn of the same object really fast, using something called instancing. as long as its the same mesh and material, it can be rendered a ton with just a single draw call (like i am talking hundreds of thousands). so lets make 10 thousand fish. unluckily this doesnt work with skeleton animations. luckily you dont need them! especially with fish
even though all the objects need to be the same mesh and material, doesnt mean they cant have different input. not only that but shaders let you modify individual vertexes, so, what if you just take all 10000 fish and wiggle them along an axis, like this
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and give them all slightly different inputs so they arent all doing the exact same animation, maybe by giving them each their own unique number. now you have 10 thousand fish swimming around, wiggling, at almost zero rendering cost
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these are all individual 3d models and all their animations are running in the shader !
the other way they animated fish without giving them bones was through something called blendshapes - these are usually used for stuff like facial animations, where you move vertices around to your desired "shape" (so like maybe your default face is :| but you edit the vertices so your character goes :> etc), and keep track of the difference between each vertex's position and its original position so you can move it whenever you want
that doesnt need any bones so they used this for things like fish going CHOMP and fish making sharp turns
for the actual environment, they experimented with a bunch of things like using actual volumetric lighting, but in the end they found that just using fog worked best!! they did tweak it a bit though - they had a "zone" between where the fog started to get thick and when the fog just ended up being a solid color where they dimmed any lighting - this really helped the background geometry stick out and give that underwater feel (left is without dimming the lights, right is with dimming the lights!! fun to think about how firewatch did something similar but changing the fog color based on depth rather than literally dimming the lighting)
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they also let different volumes have their own fog value, so if there was say a cave off in the distance, it could have less fog than the surrounding area for clarity & also made the fog look a bit more volumetric
and the other huge thing that helped was "portal cards" - not an official term but its what they called them, basically just quads they could stick in any place where they needed to make something "stick out", like a cave, or a hilltop that blended with the background too much. the card sampled the depth of objects behind it, and used that 0 to 1 value to map a color to it. and then the closer youd get to these cards, the more transparent theyd get, until youre right on top of it and you dont need the objects to stick out of the background anymore!! here you can see a Me, but very dark, and then i slide the card over it. the black and white is the camera depth of all objects behind the card, minus the depth of the card. and mapping that to a color makes me stick out way more than i was initially!! then as you swim closer to me, the card fades away, until you pass the card completely
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these portal cards were also used to make the light beams poking out from the surface, theyre just animated a bit!! you can see how the portal cards affect the look of things in this frame breakdown
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and one other thing thats pretty prominent that wasnt touched on in the talk is all the caustics on the ground, those little wobbly light things you see underwater. but those were probably? just added to every shader as a "add this caustics texture on top based on the with the texture mapped to the world x and z position and only if the object is facing up"
like this !
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anyways thats all from me on abzu..!! really pretty game
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toskarin · 7 months
GDC talks are great because half of them are genuinely insightful explorations of things you would never have been able to easily learn otherwise while the other half are someone who talks like an unkind caricature of a hiring manager spending an hour indirectly and torturously exploring the depths of their humiliation fetish
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