thetina2411 · 1 year
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Jingel Jam 2022 - Day Seven -Fizone after dark w/zoey &Fionn
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yogurtyogitup · 2 years
Doncon is my absolute beloved. I can’t believe they had to bully him into using the skin it’s such an iconic look now
They even had pins...and i didn't get one...
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mcyt-yuri-week · 7 months
i tragically cannot participate due to Life and also Not Knowing How To Draw but please know that for this mcyt yuri week that every single yogscast femslash ship is in my heart. know that i am beaming the concept of nanomadia/fizone/nanozomadia/etc into everyones heads. remember your roots (2013 mcyt yuri) -residenthesitant
keep 2013 mcyt yuri in your hearts for this poor soldier who cannot create the content….
mod ilex: EMILY MY HEART GOES OUT TO YOUUUUUUU i know what the Life ongoings are and i know you're slaybossing it right now you can yuri later
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yogpetshame · 6 months
Fionn and Zoey have broken up (Fionn's last stream, More Truckin'? right near the start, they then talk about it for like 40 minutes) and that's why there's no Fizone stream this year. Lot you can read into what Fionn says about it if you're so inclined, expect to see a bigger announcement in the new year.
You're right about there being a lot you can read into it...
I'll say this- if you had presented me with this news five years ago I wouldn't have had cliches and archetypes to explain what Fionn is talking about, but... nowadays...
after a ten year relationship, Zoey has been living alone
this is somehow something Zoey needs help with and there is some doubt as to how the 31-year-old will get by
Zoey hasn't streamed since October and won't be at Jingle jam at all
the writing was on the wall for their relationship since last winter
they broke up about six months ago and separated their patreons around the same time
Zoey declined to make the breakup announcement until now, Fionn only did it because it would be unavoidable
Fionn says there are things Zoey is "working on" mentally and trying to get into a better place with
Fionn was afraid announcing it would cause the audience to leave but couldn't hold off until after the Jingle Jam because there won't be a Fizone stream. Fionn is afraid of seeming like an accessory, disposable now that Zoey is gone.
Zoey left Fionn to announce the breakup instead of doing it personally. Fionn phrases this as "taking charge" of it.
They are on good terms but Fionn indicates a lot of stress leading up to the breakup.
Fionn's twitter has been conspicuously inactive during the same time span that this has been going on, Zoey's has not
yada yada
Do you get what I mean?
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strifesolution · 2 years
you pitting parvill and fizone against each other is mlm/wlw hostility
who would win: a ship that's an actual LGBT+ couple IRL, or two cishet guys with homoerotic tension
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lalnasuggestions · 9 months
alright lalna- who do you want to win the losers bracket?
Honestly with how things are looking I’m getting laid either way, so…
(But you know, for shits and giggles, I think I would like if FiZone won.)
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shasskor · 11 months
Someone in the FiZone discord drew themselves as the Fionn-puppet and I said “That looks fun!”
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And it was!
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nerenda · 3 years
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a few beautiful creations from zoey's gartic phone stream
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space princess zoeya!
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shepscapades · 4 years
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Everything about this is a disaster.
Except you, fizone. You’re perfect.
(Send in a quick request for a quick doodle!)
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bechkit · 5 years
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It's been a long time since I posted on tumbles,, after its death I havent used it much, especially since I havent drawn fan art in a long time. I decided to redraw a piece I drew in 2014,, i literally used MS Paint for that..
It's amazing to see how my hard work has paid off, I'm really proud of how far I've come, and excited to see what improvement I make in the future.
It was also a dAmn throwback to 12 year old me and my first fandom: The Yogscast. Zoey was my absolute idol for the first half of my teen years, and I am so glad she was, she was a great role model and I wouldnt be me without her awesome sauce : P
Sorry for rambling here, it's not often I write much on my posts but the nostalgia with this one is strong : )
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dreamilyarts · 4 years
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I have no excuses
I made this watching the fizone jingle jam stream last night so here
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foxcantswim · 5 years
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Got my Tony Stark tattoo! (Looks 10000x better in person lol)
“I love you 3000!”
Thank you, RDJ / Tony Stark! Next up is a Yogscast tattoo ;)
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poyopaan · 5 years
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I drew @zoeyp with bonus @fionasaberial and @rythian while my 9am class talked mad shit about some of our terrible professors at our school
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yogpetshame · 6 months
Reading through it I'm not sure abusive is quite the right word to describe Zoey and Fionn's situation. Everyone knows that Zoey has been riddled with what basically amounts to crippling anxiety forever. I get more the impression that Zoey was dependent on Fionn for most of their relationship for her function and that 6 months ago it came to a breaking point where they just couldn't do that anymore. It sounds more like a grown up became fed up and too stressed with having to care for another grown up because she can't function rather out of malice.
Whilst it took 6 months for whatever reason, I am aware that Fionn had made comments about it - saying things like "one of my new partners" for example. I would imagine most in their community either suspected or just outright knew that it had happened long before it was announced by them.
Somewhat ironically however, when I would watch their co streams years ago, I was always under the impression that it was the other way round, Fionn had the tendency to be short fused and yell at Zoey when she messed up something in a game. Maybe that was just their frustration of the situation being released, who knows.
It sounds more like a grown up became fed up and too stressed with having to care for another grown up because she can't function rather out of malice.
Yeah, that's what I mean. I think everyone understands about the importance of compassion regarding mental health but it also sounds like Fionn has been Zoey's emotional donkey for a decade and that's no good either.
I don't see Zoey getting better in the short or long term, and I think it's going to be a good thing for Fionn to cut free of the collapse. I'm betting Fionn was frustrated with Zoey, that was probably apparent when they streamed together, and this is the solution.
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I think everyone idolizes the "depressive partner/nurturing partner" relationship online, but it's fucked, dependent, and unhealthy. Treating Fizone like it was going to be a magical exception for various reasons is probably some sort of ist-bic-ism word but I don't know which.
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strifesolution · 2 years
parvill and fizone on the same bracket... why you pitting two bad bitches against each other
also surprised people seem to be more ""upset"" over this than zoethian vs honeyphos LOL
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